Newspaper Page Text
J3BFFERS0NIAN REPUBLICAN. RE! MISCELXAiEOUS. In the New Orleans Picayune of the 24th "iilt. w e find the following cclcstiul effusion, Vhose aching Melancholy cannot be surpassed : A WERRY SERIOUS REFLECTION. I'se.just a bin a thinkin, Jim, That is, as how as if' That ere celestial nation, Jim, Should keep up this ere iriiff; I says 1'se bin a thinkin, Jim, Vot a hawful time there'll be Ven the uniwarsal vimen sex. Can't invite themselves to Tea ! Yen the green and black's all drunk, Jim, And the hison, ' old" and ' young ;' Ven the 'gunpowder's' gone off, Jim, 'Imperial and soushong V Yen the kittles sing no more, Jim, And the tea pots is put by, Viththe chaitey cups, and the silver spoons, And Vhe dtiier Crockery .' Vot vill them ladies do, Jim, Vot like their dish of chat, I'm -worry much afraid, Jim, They all am dished for that. 1 ihink's on it with pain, Jim, And the vimen folks look blue, For they can't chat over coffee, Jim, An' don't know vot they'll do. Segars is Werry pood, Jim, And quids is inspiration, , And toddies werry muchp romotc'a Tons powers of conwersation. I don't know how as if, Jim, . They rriighn't take to pipes ; . .t ' Tnwite folks to ' a whiff,' ' Cards, cocktails, quids-andfewipes ! I hoften pities vimin, Jini, They 'as so much to wex The werry nat'ral sweetness Of their seduciv1 sex! -Jt's a worry hawful time, Jim, .fAs every von must see, Yen mortals try to stop our grog, And celestials stop our tea ! Straws. Farming in Vermont. Gov. Hill states in Ms Visiter,' that Ezra Meech who resided on the shore of Lake Champlain above Burlington, nnrl Willlnm Tim's nf W-n-i,!. 1.1 Claremont, on Connecticut River, are the two largest farmers in the State of Vermont. The first gentlemen has from five to eight hundred seres 01 wneat in a season : and the latter Ins Hundreds of imported cattle, and his many hun dred sheep on one of ihe most beautiful alluvial tracts upon thefertlie valley of the Connecticut. Judge Meech made his wealth it is said exclu sively by farming. He commenced with the first settlement in Vermont, and used, while clearing his lands for a crop, to go ahead, by hunting furs up the Union and Otto rivcrS, in seasons when he could not conveniently work on his lands. William Jarvis is a native of Boston, he resi ded several years in Lisbon as consul, and while there, introduced the merino sheep into this country,thc exportation of which was prohibited by Spain and Portugal. Some time after his return, he purchased the estates now composing his ample domain ; and for the last twenty years had steadily pursued the ocenpation of a far mer. Near the latter, on the New Hampshire side of the river, resides his kinsman, Dr. Leonard Jarvis, one of the most extensive farmers of that State. He has for several years been en gaged in the wool growing, and at a single sale has taken as much money for fine wool of his own clip as would purchase the price of one of the largest farms in the State. Cattle. The form of animals attracted the attention of an eminent surgeon, Henry Cline, of London. The following is the substance of the doctrine he lays down. That the external form is only the indication of the internal struc ture ; that the lungs of animals is the first ob ject to be attended to, for on their size and soundness the health and strength of an animal principal!- depend that the external indication of the size of the lungs, are the form and size of ihe chest, and its breadth in particular; that the head should be small, as by this the birth is facilitated ; as it affords other advantages in feeding, &,c . and it generally indicates that the animal is of a good breed ; that the length of the neck should be in'proportion to the'sizeof theani- mai, mat n may collect us looa witn ease; and that the muscles and tendons should be large, by which an animal is enabled to travel with greater facility. It was foniCrly the practice to estimate the value of animals by the size ot their bones. A large bone was considered to he a great merit ; a fine boned animal always implied great size. It is known now that this document was carried 100 far. The strength of i the animardues not depend on the bones, but on the muscles ; and when the bones are dis proportionally large, -it indicates in Cline's o pinion, tin imperfection in the organs of nutri tion. Blakewell strongly insists on the advan tage of small bones, and the celebrated John Hunter declared, that small bones were always 'attended with corpulence in all the various sub jects he had an opportunity of examining. A small bone, however, being heavier and more substantial, requires as much nourishment as a hollow one with a large circumference. Eloquence. The following is an extract iw rum n rniM'P h rlnlif nvn.t Ywr i moKn.- nl lio n. ' diana Legislature, on a bill to encourageihe kil ling of 'wolves, which in sublimity has seldom jmbeen surpassed 'MrSneaker : The wolf is the most fero cious animals that prowls ii our western prai ries or runs at large in the forests of Indiana. He creeps from his lurking place at the hour of midnight, when all nature is locked in the silent embraces of Morpheus ; and ere the por tals of the east are unbarred, or bright Phoebus rises in all his golden majesty, whole litters of pigs are destroyed." He subiuils himself lobe scentlTro' a micros, cope ivljo stiflcrs himself to ho in a passion. A Bird Story.- A correspondent of the Exeter (N. H) News-Letter,, under date of Brentwood, Feb. 1, re lates the following story of a 4 strange bird:' The first of the winter, there wa ob served at a barn vard m tins town, about a flock of sheep, a black bird. about the size of a martin. Since)tjiat time this bird has been s'eeu daily in company with the sheep, flying abont and lighting on their backsaand often standing on them while jthey walk aboutthe yard and into theirpen seem ing to say " le'tus swe'alSsernal friend ship." Although theboys have more than once pelted MisszBird pretty se verely withsnow'-balls, for presuming upon amalgamation so bold and unna tural, she beafe it like a philosopher, and is not in the least discouraged in her " work of love',, iconsolihg herself perhaps, with the saying that "the course or true love never doth run smooth." A probable reason of this intimacy is that when the birds went to the South, she by some means,was left behind, and rather than live all a- lone and have no one to talk to these long evenings, took it into her head to scrape acqaintance with animals so dissimilar. Caution. Serious injury some- i i. r - . nmes results irom msects creeping into the ear, and there are many per sons affected with excruciating pains m the ear troni this . cause, who are unable lo account for the cause of their torture and generally attribute it to cold. An instance of this occur red a short time since. A lady who had lain down for an hour or so, woke up with a distressing sensation in one of her ears. A physician was called in, who poured a quantity of sweet oil into tiie ear, when a small red spider vacated Ms lodging, probably not admiring so fat a birth, and was taken out. The distressing symptom were immediately relie ved.-B alt. Sun. Laughable Anecdote. La Fay ette made me laugh with a story which he said the English officers had told him of General Knyphausen, who commanded the Hessian mercenaries in 1776. This officer, a rigid martin et, knew nothing of the sea, and not much more of geography. On the voyage betw een England and A merica he was in ship of Lord Howe, where he passed some of the transports. At length Knyphausen could contam himself no longer, but, marching stiffly up to the admiral one day, he commen ced My lord,l know it is the dutv of a soldier to besubmisive at sea: but, being entrusted with the care of the troops of his SereneHighness, my mas ter, I feel it my duty just to enquire if it be not possible that, during some of of the dark riights we have lately had we may have sailed past America?" Bad is the Best. Mr. Horace Smith, while lecturing the other night at the Sussex Institution, Brighton, took occasion to point outthe necessity of being content with one's lot illus trating the remark with the following bon mot : " A friend of mine," he said " a remarkably cool and philosophic person, was lately traveling to London at a moment when he was laboring under a very severe cough which was extremely distressing to himself, and also proved a great annoyance to his fellow-passengers, till at last an old gentleman ensconced in the corner observed.with much displeasure, Sir, that's a very bad cough you've got.' 'irue buy replied the other, 'but it is tha best I've grot.' " N evv Mode of Travelling. A ) farmer of the old school, residing; in the neighborhood of "Wallingford, having hnri firr.nfsimi rr vieif f ho motmnn he nn retui-n was asked by some of his friends in the market-room if he had not experienced much difficulty in find ing his way about London, his reply was, "JN ae, d zee! 1 cud hae two zrxpen ny rides in a blunderbuss!" Poor Livings. A clergyman who found it impossible to provide for his family, with his very slender income, wrote to his friend, "Dear Frank, I must part with my living to save my life.5' The multitude -judge almost constant ly ivrong on all subjects that lie in the least out of the common way. lhey follow one another like a flock ofsheep, and not only p:o wrong themselves, but make those who are wiser ashamed to go right. And yet it is not prudent to be singular "in matters'of inferior conse quence. Burgh1 s Human Nature. Vanity and Pride. Swift beau tifully exemplified the distinction be tween pride and vanity : the vain man s being is in "the opinion of others ; the proud man cares not a button what others think or him. ISwirt thus discri minates:"! am too proud to be vain." No woman hates a man for being in love with her but many a woman hates a man for being a friend toiler. OF THE JelSersoiaiasa Republican, A new Weekly Paper, to be published at Strouds burg, Monroe County, Pa., and Milford, Pike County, Pa., simultaneously. The whole art of Government consists in the art of being honest. Jefferson. THE JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN in principle, will be all its title purports the firm and unwavering advocate of the principles and doctrines of the democratic party, delineated by the illustrious 'Jkfferson : the right of the peo ple to think, to speak, and to act, independent ly, on all subjects, holding themselves respon sible to no power for the free exercise of this right, but their God, their Country, and her Laws, which they themselves have created. A free and untrammelcd Press, conducted in a spirit worthy of our institutions, is a public bles sing, a safeguard to the Constitution under which we Jive, and it should be cherished and support ed by every true republican. Such, then, it is designed to make the paper now estab lished, and as such, the publisher calls up the enlightened citizens of Monroe and Pik to has arrived when the Press should take a bold and faarless stand against the evidently increas ing moral and political degeneracy of the day, and endeavor, by a fair, candid, and honorable course, to remove those barriers whioh section al prejudices, party spirit, and party animosity have reared to mar the social relations of men without accomplishing any paramount good. THE JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN will not seek to lead or follow any faction, or to advocak; and support the schemes of any par ticular set of men. It will speak independent ly on all State and National Questions, award inn to each that support which its merits may demand, never hesitating, however, to condemn such measures, as in the opinion of the editor is ustly warranted, holding as a first principle : " The greatest good lo the greatest number? Believing that the great principles of democ racy are disregarded by the present Chief Ma gistrate of the Nation, Martin Van Burex, the JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN, will decidedly, but honorably oppose his re-election to the high and responsible station which he now holds. It will firmly oppose the " Independent Trea sury" Scheme, and all other schemes having for their object tbe concentration in the hands" of one man, and that man the President of the Nation, all power over the public moneys, a power, which, when combined with that vest ed in him by the Constitution as Commander- in-Chief of the American forces, Military and Naval, together with an enormous official pa tronage, would render him more powerful than the Executive of the British Nation, and in short make our Government, dc facto an Elec tive Monarchy. It will ever maintain that the welfare of our Country and the preservation of her Republican Institutions should be the first and only senti ments of our hearts in the choice of our public servants : that honesty, fidelity, and capability, are the only true tests of merit ; that all men are created equal, and, theroiore, should alike enjoy the privileges conferred on them by the Constitution without being subject to proscrip tion, or coerced bv the influence of party. The columns" of the JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN will ever be open to the free discussion of all political questions, believing as we do, that there is no liberty where both sides may not be heard, and where one portion of freemen are denied the privilege of declar ing their sentiments through the medium of the Press, because they differ from the majority. The JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN will ever take a lively interest in the affairs of Monroe and Pike, and of the Senatorial and Congressional Districts with which they are w connected. The Farmer, the Merchant, the Mechanic, and the Laborer, will each find a friend in the columns of the JEFFERSONIAN KEPUB L1CAN. Due care will be taken to furnish its readers with the latest Foreign and Domestic News, and such Miscellaneous reading as will be both intcrcstirm and instructive. In short it is designed to make the paper worthy of an ex tensive patronage, both from the strictly moral tone which it will ever possess, and the efforts of the editor to make it a good and useful Family Newspaper. The JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN will be printed on a super-royal sheet of good oualitv. and with good type. Terms $2 in advance ; $2,25 at the end of six months, and. $2,50 if not paid before the ex piration of the year. No subscription taken for a less term than six months. RICHARD NUGENT. LADIES' COMPANION. iVcto Volume commenced ioih the. May Number. JL HE Ladies' Companion, established in May, 1ft3Jri nnntiln r nnrl liinrlilir pctnnmofl mnrrn'rinn tf'i nnpml f.ttfirntnr nnH thf? "FJno Arte- oi,nr, with gorgeous and costly engravings on steel, and the Quarterly fashions; and also with Fashiona- ble and nonular Music, arranged for thn Pinnn. Forte, and Guitar. Since the Dublication of the number for INTm-pm. bcr, the demand for the Ladies' Companion has been unprecedented and beyond the most sanguine anticipations. At the commencement of the vol- ume an additional number of copies were printed, which was considered at the time adequate to sa- tisfy all the orders which might be received, and leave a considerable number on hand for subse- qucnt calls. The publisher is more than "ratified in stating that the whole of an edition of six thou- sand, five hundred copies, was completely exnatis- ted before the issuing of the third number of the be done by first rate workmen, he confidently as volume; and, consequently, he was compelled to suresthe public that his endeavors to render gen- ' - -I tfS r .... ., , . 1 Mi .i li repnur a seconu eniuon 01 two tnousana copies, urai sausidwiun wm not no unrewaroeo. making the circulation of the Ladies' Companion He respectfully invites the public to call and ex eight thousand five hundred, at the termination of amine his stock before purchasina elsewhere. the tenth volume. In consequence of this great anu unparalleled increase ot new subscribers, he has determined to commence the new volume for .the ensuing year with thirteen thousand : hoping that he will thus bo enabled to supply all the de mands for the Ladies' Companion, as well as those disappointed in commencing with the tenth vol ume. The proprietor feels grateful for that en couragement which has been so lavishly bestowed upon his magazine, and at the same time he begs to assure the readers of the Ladies' Companion, that it is determined resolution to meet it with a corresponding liberality to merit its continuance. The work appears in beautiful new type, printed on me nnest paper ; smoothly pressed, and neatly stitched in a handsome cover. The Ladies' Companion contains a larger quan tity of reading than any other magazine issued in in this country, and its subscription price is only .1. 1 n - - . uU1,u!o u juui, tvuuu iuu Kit:tu. cumumaiion rt . .oiuTi- .T "ba-j i " "? 0J J. ? " n "Z'L!STrtff5t PW by Mr-A- t. T. i Jl.r , 1 and are emrraved at a heavv exnnnse hv mio nfth best arstists in America, e'xpressly for the maga- zine. The designs arc selected with a view ofln- icresung me general reader, and enhancing the ya ue 01 tne won;, lor its superior pictoral embel- "a'7'" ; " V F .ul"lulur1aun- ces thatthfi Laches' Cnmnnnion is thn nnlvmnfra. zine published, in which new and elerrant sinftl .mors mentioned, a corjrc.ct plate of the Quarterly Fash- ions for Ladies, will appear in the June, Septem- ber, December, and March numbers, independent oi tne usual emoeilislunent. it is the determma- tion of the proprietor, that these fashion plates shall appear in a style hitherto unknown. It lite rary character will undergo no change, as it will l r .i . . remain under the charge of the same Editors as heretofore. , .Articles from the pens of the most distinguished writers, will appear in the forthcom ing numbers, among which may be enumerated the following: Airs. Holland, Lmma C Embury, j-iVOia il. oigoumey, Frances o. Usgood, l!llnt rinrnlinn flrnn Snhn Smltli AtVc Trnvrinir ton,' Ann S. Stevens, Miss Hannah F. Gould, Ma- ry Ann Browne, Charlotte Cu'shman, Mary Emily Jackson, Henry W. Herbert, author of 'Cromwell,' tt fnnhnm o.,tVi- Ti.,.t 'Cant. IOldd ' &c. Professor H W Lonrrfellow. nniin,nnM.v AUHVm 1? ti f"if;r atii Tnim at i ii i. Tt : - mi. Moiion v n T!,v,r-o a At n.nmn p dJ bert Hamilton, Isaac C Prav, Wm Comstock, Hi- ram B P6nnis, Rev J II Clinch, James Brooks, Albert 'ike, Jj A Uurivage, Henry r Harrington, tno-flthnr with several others, with whom nfiontin- tions are nounced. 5 " 7 0" pending They will hereafter be an- ! Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, ms, I"2 yn, ) William. W. Snuwdc Editors. Henry F. Harrington The Musical Department of the Ladies' Compa' nion has ever commanded a large share of atten- tion and has been looked upon with no little in- terest-by its readers, and more especially the La- dies, whom the publisher is anxious to please. It will continue to be a subject of more than usual care to him, and to the Professor under whose su pervision it is placed, to make that portion of the magazine deserving of the countenance of every lover 01 music. Tac Work in General. Of every department an equally careful supervision will be strictly exer cised by the Lttitors, and all appropriate expendi lures win uc nuerauy uesioweu, as 11 is tiie ue- fll l. 1M 1 ? . I 1 sioti nf thn Tinhlishni- with thn nm mlus nnntrihn tors and the advice of his friends to make the Ln- n -" 1 -1 - - dies Companion distinguished for the beauty and accuracy ot its typography, the variety and high tono ot it? literary articles, the quality and value ui iu uiuwc, aim iu uiiuquai spienuur 01 us piu- or;u umuuuwms, anu mu .lucuracy u q uir- terly fashions. 1 fie proprietor pledges himself to use all honorable means to maintain the supenon- fir wlnnll thn TAina Pomnininn lino rtltoirn l''or five vears hn has stnnrlilv mirsimd n rrnrsA nf imnrnvement. and he flatters himself that his nre. sent facilities are such as to give the work eminent advantages over ali other publications liYmn tho frrnrrmncr it will tie nnrfnivofl ttmt rt.o Ladies' Companion embraces every department within the range of Uclles-Lettrcs and the Fine Arts : and no exertions or expense will be deemed too great to render the work equal to any other extant. The flattering and general testimonials of nearly every contemporary journal in the United btates, and in fact, many on the other side of the Atlantic, have strongly asserted the undeniable claims of the Ladies' Companion to the support of the public generally, lhero is no work that gives its readers such a great return tor their money. Terms Three Dollars a year in advance, or Four juouars aurihg tne year. io subscription received lor less than a year. Letters must be post paid, otherwise' the postage is uouuetea, anu ciouu given omy ior ine balance. Address WM. SNUWDEN, 109 Fulton street, New York. NOTICE. Ti HE Sheriff, Commissioners and County Trea surer, will attend at Stroudsburg, on Saturday ot every week, and may be seen .t their respective offices between the hours of 10 o'clock, a. m. and 3 o'clock, p. m. on said days. February 21, 1840. plates appear regularly. Those accompanying ' I unscnoer respccuuuy liuorms me puu- othbr monthly periodicals, are generally first worn X lie, that he is prepared to execute all kinds ot out in annuals. In addition to the ensravines Plain & Ornamental Paiiitiusr, Wholesale aud Retail CABINET WARE, rflHE subscriber respectfully informs the citt- JL zens fcf Stroudsburg and the public ecnerall y. that he has taken the shop recently occupied by James Palmer, on Elizabeth street, nearly opwsito the Stroudsburtf House, m this Borough, when he intends carrying on the Cabinet Making buai- ness in all its various branches. He shall keep constantly on hand or mako to or- "er all kinds pi lourniture : Sideboards Bureaus, Sofas, CenJre- tables, Breakfast and IMiiiMgabies, "Wash Stands, Bedsteads, &C. Ac. together with every other article usually kept at such establishments ; all of which he will sell at the Easton prices. As his materials will be of the best qualitv, and all articles manufactured at his establishment will Chairs, Settees, &c. will be kept constantly on nanu ana lor saie. CHARLES CAREY. 15, 1840. Stroudsburg. Jan. TIW WAKE MANUFACTORY. D W. BUTZ begslcave respectfully to in- jorm tne inhabitants ot Sirouusourg, ana vici nity,that he continues to manufacture every description ef TIN WARE, at his establish ment, On Elizabeth street, and where a gener- al suod v is constant v kept on hand. I hose wishing to purchase good articles, and at rea- sonable prices, will do well to call and examine his assortment before purchasing elsewhere. STOVE PlrJi ot all sizes to ' suit pur- chasers' always on hand cheap for cash. Stroudsburg. Jan. 15, 1 810. i . CrlazisiCT, &C. nt lus shnn n'earlv onnosite the store of William Eastburn, where all orders in his line will be thank- fnllv tpcm-oA and nunctuallv attended to. J I " JAMES PALMER. Stroudsburjj, Jan. 15, 1839. KEW GOODS. TIIE Subscriber, in addition to his Fall sup ply has just received a full and complete aa ortmentof GOODS admirably adapted to the sea son, consisting of lry Goods, Groceries, Crockery. Hard and Hollow Ware, STEEL, NAILS, and IS AIL RODS, in fact a complete assortmept of all kinds of goods usually koPl n a cou.mry stor?' a11 of which he is disposed to sell at moderate prices. ?. ;Grainand Country produce, White and I yellow pine boards will'be taken in exchange : al so. oaK 101St. &C. &C. ILLIAM LAb 111 URN? Stroudsburg, Jan. 15th, 1840 ISSOIiUTION. ,? mHE Copartnership heietofore 'existing bo ' I . .1. j :i . i: .1 .1 X. tween the subscribers trading under the firm of Stokes & Brown, is this day dissolved by. mutUr al consent. The business of the late firm will b settled by Stogdell Stokes, who is duly authorised to settle the same. STOGDELL STOEES. J.A.BROWN. All persons indebted to the firm of Stokes nmn,r n-;,,,!, nnoetnrl t mf.iro.ontt'u ment o;,or before the first day of March net,-and those havi claims inst (he firm presenah"em f settlement tor settlement. s . STOGDELL STOKE Sj Stroudsburg, Jan: 1st. 1840. ) JOHN H. MELICK, clock & watcioiaksr; k informs the inhabi tants 6'f Monroe and adjoining Counties, that he is readv at all times' to discharge his duties to all who may favor him with their custom. 1 . r . . . , il ending anu Lngrav;n'g neatly executed. Clocks, Watches, and Music Uoxes repaired and warranted JJJAlvays on hand, and for sale, a variety 0f Clocks, Watches, and Jewclrv Stroudshurg Jan. 5 1 gll0 "J0PTi, 1 i XXVS.lZi. I A JL3JLL persons indebted to the Estafo of JOHN STAItBIRD, late of Stroud township, Monroo county, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment : and those haying demands against tho sai.d Estate, are desired to present them in proper urutr lur semumuiu. HANNAH STARBIRD. January 31, 1810. Ot Executrix. Sawyer Wanted, nn attend a saw mill on Broadhead's creek. JL A sober steady sawyer can have employment for the ensuing four or five months, and liberal wage's will be given. A man with a family would be preferred. For particulars apply at the storo of STOGDELL STOKES. February, i j 1S40. TIMOTHY SEED, For sale by tho subscriber, WM. EASTBURN. Stroudsburg, Feb. 14, 1840. KIRKHAM'S GRAMMARS? A FEW copies of furkham's Grammar may; bo had cheap at this Office. r C?. tS1- l t irir oiruuu&uurg, reu, lo'lu. Job Work of all kinds noatly exer cuted atthe of the " JefFersoniaiL Re publican." .