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Jeffersonian Republican. [volume] (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, November 21, 1844, Image 1

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4 ' , "
The whole art ok Government consists in the .art op being honest. Jefferson. ' -
VOL 5.
No; -27.
TFRMS Two dollars per annum in advance Two dollars
i nuarter, half yearlv and if not paid before the end of
fh rear Two dollars and a half. Those who receive their
bv a carrier or stage drivers employed by the proprie-
SfT will be charged 37 1-2 cts. per year, extra.
So napers discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except
at'the option of the Editors. .....
ir?Ailverlisemenls not exceeding one square (sixteen lines)
iMbe inserted three weeks for one dollar : twenty-live cents
1 1 evcrv subsequent insertion : larger ones in proportion. A
iofral discount will be made to yearly advertisers
Ijy U letters addressed to the Editors must be post paid.
nivinc a general assortment of large elegant plain and orha
mental Type, we are prepared to execute every
Cards, Circulars, um weans, uoics,
Blauii. itcccipis,
Trintcd with neatness and despatch, on reasonable tSrms
Jcffcrsoniau Republican.
yiy ITIotherN Voice.
My Mother's Voice ! My Mother's Voice. !
Oh! that I could hear it now
How would my loveless heart rejoice,
And shadows vanish from my brow,
Long years of struggling and of care
Have left their worldly wearing trace,
Since blessing me, she breathed a prayer
Thai 1 might win Almighty grace.
Strance tones 1 hear where kindness blends,
But mute in all that sacrifice
The accents of Life's early friends,
And childhood's old familiar ties.
Roam where we will, no music yet
Affection ever dreamed so choice,
As that soft strain we ne'er forget
That angel-note a Mother's Voice.
LMy Mother's Voice ! Remembrance dwells
On words of love breathed long ago,
And Mercy's herald, Hope foretells
That still for me its tones shall flow,
Oblivions of past day of pain,
How would my weary heart rejoice
To hear that melody again
My Mother's Voice! My Mother's Voice!
From the New Orleans Picayune.
A Small Tea Partr-
Shaming the connection between Scandal
and Souchong.
'Twas ere. The sun tinged the west with a
golden glow; a light, gossamer reil, which un-
Itlulated iti the breeze, carpetted the earth; the
tanles tree leaves rustled as some feathered
allarit flew from, branch to branch in quest of
his mate, and echoes mellowed down by dis
tance breathed on the air softly and sweetly as
la lorer's wooings. This may be called a rery
poetical prelude to a rery anti-poetical sketch.
Be that as it may it was at the time described
above that Miss Jones, on Sunday evening last,
paid her usual weekly visit to the Misses Jen
kins. Misses Jenkins, to use their own favor
ite phrase, are very peculiar remarkably pe
culiar people, and Miss Jones' by some secret
(sympathy of nature, is just as peculiar as they
are. The Misses Jenkins don't keep a house,
hut they rent apartments and follow the fancy-
lros making business; Miss Jones is in the
jlmiinet line and boards out. The consequence
p, that Ming Jones call- oftener to see the
Mis5s Jenkins than the Misses Jenkins'So to
ee Alias Jones; and the further effect of this
'aie of things is that Miss Jones drinks more
f'i the Misses Jenkins' tea than they do of hers,
This leaves the balance of trad in .favor of the
Misses Jenkins, and as individuals, like nations,
feel a jealousy for their knerec's-when they be-
J?'n to find out thai they.givc more than they
receive, ihey sometime- put a protectire tariff
" their evening beverage by closing the front
d'rs and window shutters, and reporting theru
he through?! he colored Abigail, not af home.'
puch a report was about to be made on Sunday
reninu. But as Rum fiavs.
j .
'The beat laid schemes of-mice and men ,
Gat.g jifi agley
So say we, dooftu the-plans and projects
f women MtsSi Jones was not to be 'not at
'wined' by the servant; so.passingher, and go
lnJ! to the inner room he found both the Misses
j Jenkins ihere at.!eop, of course. She soon ar-
I'lietl to them the reverse pa,es, as a mesmer-
Vm would say, amd woke them up. They
I "-ere so glad to see Mis Jones, and so angry
K'l'h 'bo servant for reporting them not at home,
when they distinctly told her they were always
at home to Miss Jones but never to Miss Fitz
fry ; and they would have been so lonesome,
too, if she had not come, and she was such
good company. After a mutual interchange of
such compliments they adjourned to the front
room, where the buttered toast was on the ta
ble and the tea was undergoing the process of
abstraction. But before we place them behind
their favorite beverage, let us lake a look at
Miss 'Jones, her conjoint hostesses, and their
front room. Miss Jones was but a woman's
age is not to be spoken of; she had a cock-up
nose, something like the lower half of the let
ter S, a wiry sort of face, and a tall, attenuated
form, that was uniform in its want of fullness
from the ankles to the ears. The Misses Jen
kins were a pair of Siamese twins, o far as
mutual resemblance, thoughts and tastes went.
They were low of stature, with faces that plain
ly bespoke an erascible temper. The room in
which they had assembled might be, and wo
believe was, some fifteen feet by twelve in di
ameter. The walls were ornamented with col
ored plates of the fashions, cut from the month
ly magazines. A sofa; from which the Curled
hair was protruding, had its place opposite the
grate; a ricketty arm chair undulated near the
fender; a small table, which contained the tea
equipage, stood near lhe centre, and some half
dozen ordinary chairs--verv ordinary ones-
filled up the intermediate space round the room.
Miss Jenkins, the elder, didthe honors of the
table. Before pouring out the tea, she mdulged
in a dissertation on the injurious effects which
strong narcotics have on the nervous system, and
to prove that she practised what she preached
that her practice was in consonance with her
theory she proceeded to pour out the bever
age, which looked as it streamed from the pot,
and as it proved to be, a most neutral concoc
tion, which, if analyzed, would be found to con
tain one part of tea and ninety nine parts of boil
ing water; The toast was but lightly buttered,
but that the fair hostess accounted for by say
ing there was no Goshen in the market, and
who could use anything else; and if the brown
sugar was too soft, it was accounted by the
rain's being too hard in Cuba. They com
menced operations, however, and other themes
than the strength of thti tea or the rancid taste
nf ibf hotter priornssp'rl their attention. It 18
strange, but yet a fact, and one for which phi
losophers have never accounted, that drinking
tea begets a desire to talk of one's neighbors.
The trio of ladies in question, not being of course
exempt from the general influences that oper
ate on our nature, were suddenly innoculated
with the cacoelhes loquendi. Miss Jones had
seen the Misses Riptons return from church,
and such frights of bonnets as they wore. She
noticed for the first time that'Maria squints most
ruefully, and that Martha turns in her toes when
she walks, like a shoemaker. Miss Jenkins,
the elder never liked to epeak of people behind
their backs; she had an utter aversion to the
practice, and believed that was the reaon she
hated Miss Smith, who had such an awful habit
of speaking of people in their absence She
could not avoid saying to Miss Jones in confi
dence, however, that there were some scanda
lous stories afloat about Maria Riptnn; and one
of them was that &he was seen going down to
the. lake late one evening with Ditik Fitzwell,
the tailor and another that she takes in in
her lemonade. She herself did not believe a
word of these slanders, and would enjoin Miss
Jones not to repeat them, except in a confiden
tial manner, and to a particular friend.
,Mjs Jones pledged herself never to open
her ij7ts on the subject unless it was as a se
cret. It seemed almost incredible, and still she
was incUned to believe it; some young women
do such si rangR things now-a-days. There
was Miss fi.tr: well, didn't she borrow Miss
Meldon's dress 10 go to the ball last week, and
actually had the assurance Jto send it home
without washing it I
Did you ever!' said lue two MUs Jenkins
in concert, . and Miss Jones echoed 'never!' and
o thev went on, commencing with Miss R;p-
jon.-and gointj through the whole circle of their
acquaintance, whose peculiarities any peccaun
loes.Ojey. directed and bisected canvassed
and ciiifcised--lilj after tlm miniature alembic
on the table refused ty disgorge any more of its
liquid beverage,
When they had got through with their tea
and tired of their talk, Miss Jones rose to leave.
The Misses Jenkins bid her an affectionate
oood night, and asked her if she would not
soon come again, yet the door had not been
well closed on her when they mutually wished
never to see her face again. She had such a
nasty habit of speaking of people behind theinji
backs, a practice of which, they thanked good
ness, they were never guilty.
It is queer how we thus censure others for
conduct which very often forms the ruling pas
sion of our own character, but as 'that astute
philosopher, Sam Slick, says, we suppose 'it's
human natur.'
The Siaasiiese Twins.
We extract from the letter of a correspondent
of the South Carolina Spartan" the following
account of Chang and Eng, and their families :
''You maybe aware that some few years
since, the Siamese Twins, Chang and Eng,
retired from the public jjaze, and settled down
in this county (Wilkes) as farmers. You will
also recollect, that during last year it was pub
lished in some of the newspapers that they had
married two sisters. This notice was treated
as a hoax by some of the journals, and 1 in
cline to think that public opihion settled that
the twins were still living in single blessedness.
To my surprise I find that the supposed hoax
is a literal fact ; and that these dislinguished
characters are married men ! Mrs. C. and Mrs.
E. are well known to several of my personal
acquaintances, and are said to be very amiable
and industrious. Each of the ladies has pre
sented her particular a lord" with an heir, in the
person ofa fine, fat, bouncing daughter!
It is said that Chang and Eng, with their
wives and children, contemplate making a tour
through this country in a year or two. The
twins enjoy excellent health are very lively,
talkative, and apparently happy ; and will doubt
less prove more interesting and attractive in
their second tour than they did in their first
over the civilized world. Having families to
provide fdr, as prudeht husbands and fathers,
they may think their bachelor fortune is insuf
ficient for all the little Changs and Engs of
which they. now have the promise.'1
General Putiians.
During the war iti Canada, between the
French and English, when General Amherst
was marching across the country to Canada,
the armv coming to one of the lakes which
they were obliged to pass, found the French
had an armed vessel of 12 guns upon it. The
General was in great distress; his boats were
no match for her, and she alone was capable of
sicking his whole army, in the situation in
which it was placed. Gen. Putnam came to
him and said, " General, that ship must bo ta
ken " "Ah," said Amherst, "I would give lhe
world if she was taken." " 1 will take her,"
says Putnam. Amherst smiled, and asked how?
" Give mo some wedges, a beetle, and a few
men of my own choice." Amherst cquld not
perceivd how an armed vessel was to be taken
by a few men, and a beetle and wedges. How
ever, he granted Putnam's request. When
night came, Putnam, with his materials and
men, stole quietly in a boat under the vessel's
stern, and in an instant drove in the wedges be
hind the rudder, in th cavity between the rud
der and the ship, and left her. In the morning
lho sails were seen fluttering about, she was
adrift in the middle of the lake, and being pres
ently blown ashore, she was easily taken."
ILock Ja.iV from-Beer Drinking
It is, perhaps, not generally known, that a
confirmed beer drinker is more liable tocked
jaw, than any other person. The noxious in
gredients often perhaps we would say univer
sally ue'd in the manufacture of tins article,
render it peculiarly inappropriate to be taken
imo the system. An English paper, some time
since, slated that "medical men in the metrop
olis' are familiar with the fact, that confirmed
beer drinkers can scarcely scratch their fingers
without risk of their lives. A copious London
beer drinker is all one vital part.' He wears
his heart upon his sleeve, bare to a. death wound,
even from a rusty nail pr I lie claw of a, cat.
The worst patients brought into the metropoli
tan hospitals, aro those apparent! line models
nf heal h and Mrmgth, the' beer drinkers.
Mode off Electing the President and
Vice President of the United "slates.
There are doubtless many readers, who are
not familiar with the manner in which the Pres
ident aild. Vice President of the United States
are elected. For the especial information of
all such, we make public the following state
ment, which conveys at a glance the whole mo
dus operandi of this iilieresting process.
Each State elects, after the manner prescribed
by its legislature, a number of electors equal
to its representation in the two houses of Con
gress. As, for illustration, Pennsylvania has
24 representatives and 2 senators in Congress,
and is entitled to 2G electoral votes. No per
son holding an office under the United States
is eligible as one of the electors. The method
of their appointment is not prescribed by the
constitution, but the system adopted throughout
the United States is to choose them by general
ticket, except in South Carolina, where they
are chosen by the Legislature. An act of Con
gress requires that they shall he appointed with
in 34 days of the first, Wednesday in Decern-
ber bf every fbunh year succeeding the last
Presidential election.
The number of electors in 1840 was 29-1.
Under the present apportionment they have
been reduced to 275.
The electors for the several States are to
meet on the first Wednesday in Defember; at
places designated in their respective States by
the Legislature, and proceed to ballot on sepa
rate tickets'for President and Vice President.
One at least of the persons voted for must be a
resident ofa State other than that in which the
electors reside. The electors are required to
make and sign three certificates each State
stating the number of votes for President and
Vice President. Each.certificate is to be sealed
and endorsed that it contains the vote of such a
State for President and Vice President, and
annexed to it a certified list of the electors of
the State. All are to be addressed to the Pres
ident of the. Senate.
One bf these certificates is to he carried to
its destination by a person' appointed by the.
electors, or a majority of them, in writing, for
which he is to be allowed 25 cents a mile fur
his expenses going and returning, and is bound
to deliver his charge at the seat of government
on the first Wednesday in January next ensu
ing. The second of these certificates is de
spatched forthwith by mail, and the third de
posited with the district judge of thd district
where the electors assemble. In case of the
failure to receive other certificates by the first
Wednesday in January, it is the duty of the
United States Secretary of the State to send a
special messenger for the one left in the cbsto
dy of the judge, as above mentioned.
On the first Wednesday of February Con
gress proceeds to ascertain the result of the
election. Tellers are previously appointed, one
by the Senate, two by the House. At the hour
specified for the purpose, the Senate repair to
the Hall of the House, their clerk bearing the
certificates received from the several electoral
colleges of the states. The President of the
Senate takes the chair, and after announcing
the purpose of tho joint meeting, proceeds to
break the seals of the envelopes, commencing
with Maine and proceeding in geographical or
der, handing over each to the teller without
The superscription and contents of such are
read by one of the tellers. The tellers then
count the votes, and make duplicate lists there
of, which are handed to the presiding officer,
who announces the result and declares the per
sons, if any, who have received the majority
of all. the votes given bytlthe electors, to be cho
sen President and Vice President of tho States.
The Senate then withdraw, lheir chief clerk
bearing with him the votes of the electors, and
ono of the lists made by the tellers, to deposile
in the archieves of the body. The president
elect is then waited upon by a joint committee
of the two houses, and the Vice President elect
by the PreidlMit of 'the Senate, and notified of
their election.
In case' that no person receives a majority
of the electoral votes for President, the House
of Representatives immediately proceeded to
the t hoice by ballot, from the persons (not ex
ceeding three), who have received the, highest
numbej of votes, The vote jn euch case s
made by states, each state, being allowed brie
vole only, a majority of the Representative nf
said state present deciding1 'for whom thai'voti;
shall be cast. A quorum for the choice o Pres
ident consists of a member or members frouv
two thirds of the states, and a majority oY alt;
the slates is necessary for a choice. If a.?
President is not chosen by the -4ih of Marvin
the duties devolve'upon the Vice Pre-idetsf nf
tile Senate, Or Speaker bf'tlfe House nf RWjajre
sentatives, as is provided in the case of viican
cy by death,- resignation; tc.
In the case Of a failure to electa Vice Pres
ident, ihe choice is made by the Senate from
the two highest on the list of candidates. "Two
thirds of the whole number of Senators is :t
quorum for the purpose and majority of 'the
whole number is necessary for a choice. .
The President elect is inaugurated on the jlilt
of March, the oath of office being adniiiiisiereU1
to him by the ChieT Justice of ihe U.'StaTeSt
To the Vice President lhe oath is adniiniMeredL
by a president pro tempore of the Scuair clioaoiu
fur the occasion
Coffee. . i ,i .
Tile Coffee is an evergreen shrub, rising tfr
twenty feet in height. The fruit is a round
fleshy berry, and great care is taken to conduct
little rills of water in small channels to .;tfio
roots of the trees. The berry grown in Arabt.u
is smaller than that of the East and West lii
dies, but its flavor is much finer, because itt
Arabia "the soil is rocky, dry, and hot. Th&
trees are watered by artificial means, and there
fore the proper quantity of moisture oHly is im
bibed by them. The roasting of coffee should
be carefully watched and superintended by.au
intelligent person. The moment the- berry
crackles, and becomes crisp enough to pulver
ise, it is sufficiently roasted. Once taken off
the roaster, it should be placed in several thick
lolds of flannel, to undergo the process,of cool
ing. This preserves the essential oil in tho
coffee, and prevents the aroma from-escaping.
When the coffee is cool, place it in an air tight
canister. Sufficient for the day should be tin
coffee thereof. In other words, never roast if
you can avoid it, more than for a single-. iBay's
consumption certainly not more than for twjv
or three days. Grind or pound your coffee not
more than a quarter of an hour before ymi wauL
to make the infusion.
v ;
From Noah's Messenger.
When lovely woman tilts her saucer.
And finds too late that tea will, stain,
What art will heal, the sad disaster!
What wash will make it white airain.
The only way that stain to cover.
To hide the spot from every eye,
To cheat her father, mother, lover, -And
blind their vision,, is to dye:
Yale College. The new catalogue shows,
that the College proper numbers, 396, and, tho-
professional department, 147 ; total 543.
Up to Snuff. The following dialogue took
plape in this town between an old lady, a dis
ciple of Miller, and a friend who called upon
her, lhe morning after the world came to an end
on the 22d ult. " Well, marm, I'm surprised to
see you. How happens it you did'nt go up
last night?" " Well, I did start, but marcyon
us, jorgot my snuff box!" Bulletin.
Good Day's Work.
A few weeks since, Mr. J. M'KhightoflKis
borough, accepted of a proposition from a far
mer in Springfield township, who had'acWc'o
potato patch, that, for six. dollars, he might'liavc
as many potatoes as he could raise in one day.
He wentto work, commencing ai stmt rbe.x-and
when night closed, he had raised one hundred
and sixty-five bushels leaving the farmer, but
a small remnant to supply him until potatoes.
comes again. Mercer Luminary.
A Discovery.
The Louisville Journal Jjita'jes that Mr. 'It.
Downey, now living iti JJg,wU AIbany,has ob
tained a patent for a machine, to aid in tanning
leather, by which ho ca-ji manufacture, thea ru
de in half the time it has heretofore taken, and
save Qrte half of tho bark, lift u9es'viio,steain
or chemical agert, but simply deprive.thfjihjde
of a, sort, of raticus, and introducQSrihe, bark It-
mr Vy means of his machiuoi

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