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Jeffersonian Republican. [volume] (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, November 21, 1844, Image 2

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Thursday, November 21, 1844.
Never, even in ihe days of His palmiest glo
ry, did the character and principles of Henry
Clay, display themselves to the same advantage,
ihauhey do. now, in this his. hour of defeat.
The services of Henry Clay, achjm every page
of his country's history for the last thiriy-five
years ; and cast a halo around his character,
which now, more than ever, excite the admira
tion and love of his many friends. The princi
ples of Henry Clay, never were so universally
acknowledged to be just and good as they are
now. In order lo defeat ihe man, his princi
ples were passed by undiscussed by our oppo
nents, and a torrent of abuse and falsehood, un
equalled in any former political contest, poured
upon his devoted head. The supremacy of his
principles were tacitly acknowledged, by men
who knew that those of James K. Polk were
exactly the revexse. , The Tariff the Ameri
can System Protection to Domestic Industry,
of which system, he was the undisputed father,
were unattacked by the loco focos in Pennsyl
vania and the confiding people were led to be
lieve that they were belter friends of the S3rs
tem than Henry Clay and the Whig party. By
such means, our opponents have gained their
....... d..i .u. ..l . i !- r
THE LAW OF NEWSPAPERS. win mo tuaracier auu principles ui
1. Subscribers who do not ghe express no- j Henry Clay, have suffered nothing, by the re
Jice to the contrary, are considered as wishing : suit. Henry Clay is just the same noble spirit
to continue their subscriptions.
2. If subscribers order the discontinuance of
their papers, i he publishers may continue to
.send them till all arrearages arc paid.
3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take
their papers from the officers io which they are
directed, they are held responsible till ihey
have settled their bill, and ordered their papers
4. If subscribers remove to other places with
out informing the publishers, and their paper is
sent to the former direction, they are held re
sponsible' 5. The courts have decided that refusing to
lake a newspapor or periodical from the office,
or removing and leaving it uncalled for, is "pri
una facie" evidence of intentional fraud.
Terms, $2,00 :n advance: $2.25, naif yearly; and $2,50 if not
paid befoicthc end of the vcar.
ff?" V- B. Palmer, Esq., at his Real Estate
and Coal Office, No. 59 Pine stree't, below Third,
two squares S. the Merchants' Exchange, Phila.,
and No. 160 Nassau street, (Tribune buildings,)
Jtf. Y.,is authorised to receive subscriptions and
advertisements for the Jcffersonian Republican,
and give receipts for the same. Merchants, Me
chanics, and tradesmen generally, may extend
their business by availing themselves of the op
portunities for advertising in country papers which
iiis agency affords.
To all Concerned.
We would call the attention of some of our
subscribers, and especially certain Post Mas
ters, to ihe following reasonable, and well set
lied rules of Law in relation to'publishers, to
-thepairons of newspapers.
IQ3 No paper was issued from this Office
.last week.
The Result.
The great political struggle in which we
have been engaged for months past, has result
ed In the election of Jas. K. Polk to the Pres
idential Chair. New York has cast her thirty
six Electoral votes for him; and, as we predict
ed in our last, settled the grand question. Jas.
K. Polk is President elect of the United States;
;and Henry Ci.at, the great statesman, patriot,
-and friend of America and American interests,
is' defeated. Of the means which were resort-'
ed to. to bring about this result, we will speak
.hereafter and in such terms as they deserve.
For the present, we will content ourselves by
stating, that Henry Clay, is beaten by James
TC Polk; but not, tec are proud to say, hy the
votes oj Native American citizens. The victo
ry of our opponents, is not an American tri
umph. In order to secure it, sixteen thousand
foreigners were naturalized in the City and
State of Nw York, during the past year, and
Nearly half as many in Philadelphia and other
;parts of Pennsylvania. Had it not been for this
large increase of the foreign vote, James K.
Polk could not have carried either-New York
J)r Pennsylvania. As it is, therefore, his elec
tion is a triumph of the foreign, over the Native
American vote. Henry Clay has not been de
feated by American born citizens ! Let it be
very whew known, that he has received a
large majority of the votes of the countrymen
of. Washington.
he ever was, and towers a full head and shoul
ders above any other man in the land. His
principles, although ihey may be crushed to
earth, are just as pure and wholesome as they
were, when they afforded protection and labor
to the countrymen of Washington, against the
workshops of Europe. Henry Clay is defeated
but his defeat, by such means as were used,
is more honorable to him, than is triumph to his
more fortunate competitor. He lives in the his
tory of his country, and in the hearts of his
countrymen. He has already acquired fame
enough pnd to have been even President of
the United States, could have added nothing to
his fame or greatness. The loss therefore is
nothing to himself but great to his country.
Daniel Ryan, a resident of Dingman town
ship, Pike county, aged about 56 years, Com
mitted suicide on Thursday the 14th instant, by
shooting himself with a rifle. From the nosi-
lion in which he was found, he must have been
standing when he committed the fatal act, firing
the gun by touching the trigger with the great
toe of the. left fool. The bail entered his left
side between the first and second ribs, passed
through his heart and coming out on the right
side of the neck back of the ear, breaking the
neck bone in its passage. He had been ad
dicted lo habits of intemperance for many years,
and subject to delirium tremens, and appeared.
wild for several days before he committed the
rash act.
A Newspaper Wonder.
. We have received the "Mammoth Pictorial
Double Brother Jonathan," published for Christ
mas and New Years by Wilson & Co., New
York. Nearly one hundred beautiful and ap
propriate Engravings embellish its immense pa-
C!", uiiu aiiugciuci ii ib two piciucoi dim v-iicajj-
bi holiday present of the season, the price be
ing but 12 1-2 cents per copy. Postmasters
(re allowed by law to remit money to the pub
JUhera, for this great pictorial newspaper, free
f postage; and one dollar will pay for ten co
Tke Papular Tote.
' It is now pretty clearly ascertained that Jas
K. Polk, although he is elected President of ihe
'United States, has not received a majority of
Uie, popular vole. He is the first President,
ever elected by ihe peopl, who has failed to
dob. Birney, the Abolition candidate, has re
ceived probably fifty thousand votes.
Clay vs."JacksH and Pelk.
' In the Hermitage District, Tennessee, Me
home of Gen. Jackson, the vote at the recent
election stood, Clay 116, Polk 50 last.year it
stood Whig 63, Loco 58. This result 6peaks
Mrongly in favor of Mr. Clay, and ihe estima
tion in w'hich Gen. Jackson and his friend J, K.
Polk, are held, where -they aro the best knowj
Tiual Result.
I he returns received, insiifv lis in' Ktntiiicr
,-vf : ' J J v -o
that MrIayAas received 105 of the 275 Elec-'
tbral voles iMriPblk receiving the remaining
170 ; 32 inore'than are necessary to ensure his
election to the Presidency.
The Old "Bay State has gallantly sustained
her:honor arid dignity by the result of the late
election.1 Although New York had just proved
recreant, and it was rendered morally certain
that Mr. Clay could not be elected her noble
sons buckled on their armour, and came victo
riously out of the contest with a majority of
Fourteen 'Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty,
for the grdat Western Statesman ! God bless
her. ' '
Returns have been received from all ihe coun
ties but four, in Tennessee, which seem to m
dicale that the Slate has gone for Mr. Clay by
a small majority. Tennessee is the home of
James K. Polk, and if this news should be re
alized by the full returns, ii will show a new
feature in the history of Presidential elections.
He will be ihe first President ever elected who
could not carry his own Slate. In that event
we may witt much propriety continue to ex
claim. "Who is James K.Polk?" Next week
will tell us all.
i . Kentucky.
Mr. Clay's.roajority in 53 counties is 11,526.
North Carolina.
Returns are in from all the counties in North
Carolina bat onej and so far ihe Whig majority
is 3,987. Hydef; the county to hear from,
usually gives fronY200 to 300 majority for ihe
Returns over about one third of the Slate
show a Whig!gain over the last election. The
majority for the Clay ticket will be at least
4000 over bpth tho other tickets, and 12000
over the locofoco licket.
'From the N. Y. Tribune
Our defeat in ftfeVv York.
Early in the campaign, when it seemed lo
us impossible that the Van Buren men of this
Stale could be rallied to the unanimous and
hearty support ofJaines K. Polk, in view of
the circumstances of his nomination when it
seemed to us impossible that avowed and stren
uous anti-Texas and Protective Tariff men
should be brought to .support an avowed Annex
ationist and notorious Free Trader, we estima
ted that Mr. Clay would carry New York by
20,000. At a later period, when we found that
Uhe parly drill was stronger than we had deem
ed it, we estimated the majority for Mr. Clay
at 10,000, and this we believed ho would most
assuredly get, down to the State Election in
Pennsylvania, the course of the Natives and
Whigs, and the defeat of Markle. These
things made against tlx, yet we still believed
and slated to friends, in reply to private letters
of inquiry, that we must triumph in New York.
Yet we are beaten but how?
1. By the throwing away of some 15,000
votes nine-tenths of them Whig on all ques
tions of National Policy on the Birney licket.
We did believe that at least half these would
finally vole so as to prevent the Annexation of
Texas. Yet the false representations of Bir
ney, Leavitt & Co. thai Chy was as much fur
Annexation as Polk, and more likely to effect it,
See. etc. have carried all these votes obliquely
in favor of Annexation, War,, and eternal Sla
very. 2. The Naturalized Citbens have alt been
carried for Polk by appeals to their Religious
and old-world feelings and prejudices. They
have been told that they would be deprived of
iheir Political Rights and reduced lo vassalage
in the event of Mr. Clay's election, and this,
with still more monstrous bugbears, has driven
from us those who were formerly with us. In
one little town in Tioga Co. nineteen voters of
Irish birth and Catholic faith who had voted
Whig for years turned against us only the day
before Elecijon. In every county there were
some such. In Buffalo alone, there have been
fourteen hundred naturalized since 1840. Of
this class we have in other limes had one-fourth
Who is James K. Polk ?
Who is James K. Polk?" Let his neigh
bours answer the question. Henry Clay's ma
joriiy, in Columbia, Tennessee, Polk's place of
residence, is One Hundred and Nine.
Toting on borrowed Papers.
The following shows ihe way Locofoco votes
were multiplied at the October Election in Bal
timore. " We have the fact from a collector of rents,
who had occasion lo make frequent calls upon
the widow of a deceased foreigner, occupying
a smallieneraent under his charge, and receivo
his rent in small installments. A day or two
after the late election, he made her a call, and
was surprised to find her fully prepared and
honestly willing to pay up all arrearages. Upon
inquiring how she became possessed of the am
ple means she replied with a complacent
smile, perfectly unconscious, no doubt, of the
impropriety of the act, that she 'had loaned the
paper of her dear old man peace to his ashesfor
a dollar each time, to seventeen persons, and by
that means was able to pay her rent.'
" Here it will be seen that ihe naturalization
papers of one were used by seventeen! and this
way a naturalized citizen may often neutralize
the votes of a dozen others! Every American
citizen, whether uaiivo or naiuralized, has a
right to vole once; but the native has no paper
to lend, he cannot vote by proxy a dozen times,
as others may and do." Christian Watchman.
The editor of the Pennsylvanian, yesterday
in an article relative to the carriage lor which
JVIr. Palersoti contracted, a few months since,
to be delivered to Henry Clay, at Wheeling, in
December next, should he be elected, asks :
"Will Mr. Paterson turn that carriage over
to Jimmy Folk He will nil it juu as well as
Henry Clay. Ii was made for a President a
President oujjjjt io have it."
Jimmy Polk canum fill " that carriage." Ii
was made for a President not for a tool of a
corrupt clique; for a man not for a mere image;
for a Whig not for a Tory ! Forum.
Polk's maioritv in the eleven counties heard
from is 278. The New Orleans Bulletin ofjor onQ' with us; now they went in solid
the 9th instani says
" We have received reports of majorities from
various voting precincts in the counties of Mis
sissippi, bordering on the river, which indicate
a very fair -Whig vole but several citizens
from that Slate give iheir opinion that Polk will
receive a clear majority of the votes.
v . i
Polk's majority in Virginia is about 7000.
So far as heard from Polk's majority is 52
being 36 more than the locofoco majority in the
same parishes last year, when the locos had
121 majority in the Stale.
: Illinois.
Hancock county, in which the Mormons re
side has giver Pojk a majority of 700.
Adams county about 100 maj.
St. Clair do. do. 900 '
TheiSt. LoufojRepublican. gives ihe follow
ing returna'jr, i Clay.
St. Louh(,' , 360'
Warren,' ' 23
Montgomery, 125
In these counties, in 1S40, Harrison's major
iiy was 717. j- The Whig loss is in St. Louis.
Delaware. Clay's majority in Delaware
is 212. .
Maryland.--Whig majority 3308.
Rhode Island. "Clay's majority 2475.v
Michigan, has gone for Polk by about 3000.
New Hampshire, dnto'by 9320
Maine, ditto by about 6000.
New York, ditto by 4500.
Georgia, ditto by about 2000V
Omoi Wing by 8000.
New Jersey, ditto by 900.
CoNNECTipuT, ditto by 3353.
Indiana has cast her vote for Polk by about
J. Q. Adams.
lnejNew xorK J rioune, oi the 13tu insl.,
says : We rejoice that John Quijicy Adams,
that "old man eloquent," has been elected to
Congress from the Eighth District, by an over
whelming vole., This j one of the most pleas
ing incidents connected with this election
and ihe fttct speaks well for the citizens of Nor
folk county. ;'ln Roxbury, the vote was as fol
lows A dam ,1059 Wright 5S7 sca. 18.
- i f t: ? v "
T h an k i vi n H i s Excellency Daniel
Haines, Governor of New Jersey, has appoint
ed Thtusdaythe I2ih day of December next,
as a day of public Thanksgiving and Praise,
column against us, cutting down the majority in
Erie county from Three Thousand to Eighteen
Hundred. Monroe and Niagara counties ex
hibit similar results ; so do Albany and Cayuga.
Our Whig strongholds where ihero are few
Adopted Citizens have not fallen off, except un
der the influence of Abolition. Bui not merely
is the Naturalized Vote against us, but it is
many thousands stronger than it would have
been but for the Philadelphia Riots and ihe
Catholic dread of Nativiatn. All our Courts
that could Naturalize were crowded with ap
plicants for citizenship for weeks before elec
tion, and voters were turned out at. some of
them with astonishing celerity. We hear that
some of the judges have been employed for
days since tho election in signing the affidavits,
&c, which they appear on ihe record as hav
ing executed before the Election.
3. But even this would not have availed to
defeat us but for nn overwhelming Illegal ,Votc,
beyond any precedent. Thousands of Irish
men employed on the Canada Public Works
came over here id help their brethren in the
contest, as they understood it, for Foreigner's
rights, and did help ihem most effectually.
The Alien (unnaturalized) population of our
own and oiher Cities gave a large vote, gener
ally offering at least one ballot each, and many
of them more than ono. From ihe siatemonts
of those who know, but who could make public
what they know only at the hazard of iheir
lives, we infer thai not less than Three Thous
and votes for Polk wero cast in our City alone
by men who were not citizens of ihe United
Slates. Right gladly would wo risk our life
on this, that a thorough sifting of tho Polls, so
as to throw out every illegal vote cast in the
State, would give its Thirty-six Elector's Volo
to Clay and Frelmghuyaen. But ihis cannot
be had, and a South Carolina dynasty is by the
foulest deception and most atrocious fraud, fas
tened upon ihe American People for four years
to come. Bitterly will this bo rued by many
who cannot yet allow themselves to get sqber
for joy ai the consummation.
Orie,man,-who had given orders to buy twenty,
five thousand barrels of flour" in otlr city, ha
countermanded ihet order. A general depres
sion pervades our business circles. N.Y.Tri
" We have heard of several conditional con
tracts for work to a very large amount, which
since the ceriainty of Polk's election, have beeu'
cancelled. We have heard also of the actual
or intended discharge of several hundred hand
in various manufacturing establishments. Most
of ihem no doubt voted to bring about the vetv
calamity which falls first upon themselves.--There
is a genera sense of insecurity anil alarm
among business men, and the consequence that
none of them will increase their responaibihues.
Retrenchment is the order of the day.
The rich manage very well. The poor are the
tr . 1 ..It?. . C
v ... inn rri t w iit n r n mm 1 1 l.
nilliCICIB. 1C1 1410 nnu liriu It H13 lUCIf A
. p Mil. J T" II t ft
interest iq vote tor roiK-ano. juauas: m
shaqel oh misery!"
Phijad. North American
n 'reference to- his subject the Baltimore
Patriot of Tuesday aftentoon says :
Loss of Labor to Mechanies.-W e are informed
upon unquestionable authority, that thfee mer
chants m;his.city had contemplated building.nr
having btlt, each a ship apiece in case of the
election of Henry Clay, to .the Presidency.
Since, however, it rhas.been rendered certain
lhat Polk is elected, they have abandoned tin
idea, fearing that the policy which will beipm
sued by Him and his partywould so paralvM
business and ceramerceraa- to render ihe enter
prize coutmplaled by them unprofitable. Tnu
have th mec'Saaics- a:wl. laborers of Fells Pojii-,
in this on instance, been deprijea the oppji
tunity of obtaining, employ and sharing irt.tlir
distribution of at least sixty thtumantl dnll-.rj.
We are well assured lhat the gentlemen wm
purposed buiWing.these vessels, would Irave Fil
tered into-contracts for having ihem built imm:
diately after had been announced that Henry
Clay had been chosen io preside orer this na
tion as its Chief Magistrate.
"Whether times will be any worse nrnnt
remains to be experienced. One thing hower-
er, is certain, that such men as those men'imi
ed above,- who to a great extent composed tfce
Whig party, have already lost confidence, asl
will, we have no doubt, withhold their nieanv
From this course we fear very much many wii1
have cause to Tegret that, they voted for James
K.Folk. ... ... , . . .
Tho Result of the Result
Now lhat it is all but certain lhat Polk is
chosen President, we begin lo hear somo of
the consequences thereof:
" A heavy block of houses, which was to be
built in our city, has been countermanded. So
of several new factories in this Slate and else
where. One largo establishment has already
contracted its business bo ns to dispense with
140 hands, and is preparing io contract still
farther. Agricultural produce has generally de
clined in price in our markei since the defeat
of Mr. Clay was rendered raorajly cortain.-r-
Adams 2609
Alleghany, 8083
Armstrong, 1453
Beaver 292
Bedford 3147
Berks 4000
Bradford 3235
Bucks 4862
Butler .2217
Cambria 096
Carbon 531
Centre , I860
Chester . . 6070-
Clarion 814
Clearfield 5-54
Clinton 788
Columbia 1738
Crawford 2636
Cumberland - 3092''
Dauphin 3285
Delaware 2090
Elk 101
Erie 3621
Fayette . 2804
Franklin 3901
Greene 1418
Huntingdon 4086
Indiana 2200
Jefferson 591
Juniata 1089
Lancaster 10295
Lebanon 2636
Lehigh 2553
Luzerno -2699
Lycoming 2012
Mercer 2840
Mifflin 1518
Monroe 414
Montgomery 4491
Northampton 2776
Northumberland 1547,
Perry 1370
Philad. City 9317
Philad. County 13972
Piko 151
Potter 2
Schuylkill 2571
Somerset 2660
Susquehanna 1802
Tioga 1 169
Union 2788
Venango 066
Washinnton 3873
Warren 899
Wayne 899
Westmoreland 2673
Wyoming ' 814
York 4237
k ,5550
' 3334
: - 3155
" 2401
. .,2226
maj. 129
, 1035
' 873
? 3901
J609fi ,j67245 156114 m
Th WarrgH I?lHvior
ia T'
In Iks case a.f CaTternv-icaedbf jbI
ihe argument for a-suspension of judgme'!
concluded or Frkfey, at Trenton, N. J ,c'
susnensioa a ranted until February. L'ie 1
oner U laiernain. iriahe cqsiody of: tb.e Sb
of Mercer county.

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