Newspaper Page Text
1. JE FF E R S 0 N I A N " RElWLlCAN. A most rare freak-of na- mre i 'he shape of a child having two distinct nrcks and heads, entirely disjointed and .inde pendent of ,eackQiher,-s .farown as'uhe point f contract at the lower vertebrae of the neck. 'J'he exhibition will be opened in a few days.- Y. Republic. SHERIFF'S SALE. Uy virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas of and issued out of the Court f Common Pleas I nf Pike county, ana to me directed, will he ex posed to public sale al the Court House in Mil foid, on Wednesday the 11th day of Dec. next, at 2 o'clock P. M., the following described pro perty, to wit : Three certain tracts, pieces or parcels of land ftiiuate in Westfal! township, Pike county, and State of Pennsylvania, one of them being a cer tain tract of improved land,' containing 59 Acres and 80 Perches, strict measure, wttn a HOUSE and BARK" Procter), hnuiiilrtl bv lands nf III I 'HSBWC I Elijah Roe on the north east, by the rivet Del-f aware on the south east, and south west by Elijah Rose, anil by lands of Crisse Bull, Ro yenkrance C. Bull on the south west, and by Vanawken improved land and lands of Elijah oe 011 the north east. One other being a cer tain piece of Unproved laud containing 37 Acres and 54'Perchcs jliict measure. Bounded by' lauds of John D. Carpenter, Benjamin Vauiiiwageii, Elijah Rose t 1 x 1 it LUSOS NATORiE and Jhe River Delaware,, and the other being be immediately thereafter placed ill llic hands unimproved land, containing of a Justice of the Peace 01 other officer for 266 Acres and 152 Perches 'collection, irict. measure, bounded by lands of B. H. Rose FERDINAND KESTER, Admr. on the south west, by lands fate of Henry Brink! Hamilton tsp., Sept. 19, 1844. ri wmsi, .hilrjah Itosc on the north, and by'latids df Vaiiauketf on' ihemorih east, and by lands ol Elijah Rose-.and Rosenkrance C. Bull, contain ing m ihe whole. r . , 363 ACRES and One Hundred "Twentj-SiX perches strict measure, together with the here ditaments and appurtenances thereunto belong- in p. Seized and taken in execution as the proper ty of Berij C. Vanauken and Elizabeth Van auken, Execulors of Sarah Vanauken, dec d, and will be sold bv trfe for cash. JAMES WATSON, Sheriff. Milford. November 18, 1844 SHKltlFF'S SALK. By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias upon Mortgage, issued out nf the Court ol" Corrimpn Pleas of the county of Pike, to roe directed, will be exposed to public sale, at. the Court House in Milford,'on Wednesday the Wlh day of December next, at 2 o'clock p. the following described prop env, to wit : All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, j parcel oi lanu, situate, lying and being in the township of Del- ' aware, in ihe county oi rtke anu o.ate oi renn-, , r Y 1 -To L i Elijah Smith, Office of Pennsylvania, "ranted to tinmbered on the map and C nmmissioner's ! Bonks of said county of Pike (65) sixty-five, e . a- ! cuiiraming '117 Acres and 24 Perches, whh the usual allowance of six per cent.-for Knarls, &c, togethef with :the hereditaments and appurtenances. Seized ajul taken in execution as the proper 'ivi'ifpscar 'H. Mott, rAdministrator of Henry Gjtjjnan, dec-d. and, will besW by me. - JAMES WATSON, Sheriff. Milford, November 18, 1844. ' Rest Fenner St Co. MANUfACTORERS.OF Umbrellas, Parasols, & Snn Shades, No. 143 Market street, Philadelphia. Invite the attention, of Merchants, Manufactu . rer, &c. &c, to their very Extensive, Elegant, New Stock, prepared with great care, and offered At the Lowest possible Prices for Cash. Tlteuriwipieon wiich Jhw .concern is es eabhshed ito consult the infllual interest of their ciwtomeo-K aud themselves, by manufactu a good arMcie celling h'l the-Lowest Pride fr ali. and il'alizing tliefr owii-jemu-neration, in the aawuiii of sales and quick re turn. Possessing mexhausUble lactlities lor manu r , . i I ... iaciure4ihev are nrenweu " sPPy any exeni, anS respectfully ufAtcilAkf patron age of rnerchants.iinanufaciurer's and .dealers. A Large assortment'-of tte New Style Curtain J rorasols. Pliila..tN4ri 21. 1844 ly. BRICK. ;250,00Q Brick, jifst burnt, are offered fr-ale he subscriber, among which may be found ay 1 ; v ; :i6D:000"Hara. Brick. ; X-. u ; 75.000 Soft and Salirmrpdo. - IU.000 Jam .do. v . . . I ,5,O0Q Square flearth do: . 1 'fflfktysoYpVbV in in exchange. . ,''''? ' '' - i en in exchane - a C. WDeWITT. Milford. Nov. 21, 1844 BLA'NK BE ED S For sa)e this Sio?, NEW TAILORING E S T A B LIS HME NT. The subscriber would respectfully infornvthe citizens of Siroudsbttrg, and the public general ly, thai ho has commenced tho Tailoring Business at his residence in Jacksonville, one door above Robert, Boys'.store, where he is fully prepared and determined to execute all articles in his line of business, with neatness and despatch. The public may rest assured of being as well suited as to prices and good fits, as they can bo in any other establishment in Stroudsburg, or in any City, as he has done business in the first shops in New York and a number of other Ci ties, and has a thorough knowledge of all the various styles and changes of fashion. EMANUEL PECK. N. B. Cutting done at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms, and warrant ed 10 fit if made up properly. He will also give directions for making, up if required., lie therefore flatters himself that by strict attention to his business he wilf receive a share of pub lic patronage October 17, 1844. ".) NOTICE Is hereby given to all persons indebted to the estate of Peter Kester, late of Hamilton town ship, deceased, either by note, hook account or otherwise, that the subscriber will attend to the. settlement of the same at the residence of the late Peter Kester, from the 4lh to the 9ih of November next? and lhat unless said accounts are settled and paid by that time, the same will 'JCo Country Merchants; u In store, Foreign and American. Broad Cloths anil, Cassimeres, of the various descriptions adap ted to the approaching season, among which are twilled anil fisured Cloths and Cassimeres for Sack and Over coats. A Iso. new style and plain SatLvetts and Cloakings, together with an assortment of Pad dings, .Silesias, Canvass, Serges, Hollands, Twist, Sewing Silk, Bindings and other trim mings used by Tailors. Also, Black Satins, Plaid; Figured and Plain Silk Velvets, Woolen Velvets, and other new style of Vestings. Our assortment is extensive and terms rea sonable. LIPPINCOTT & PARRY, Dealers in Cloths, Cassimeres, &c.5 No. 57, North Second street, Philadelphia. 9th mo. 2d, 1844. 2m. NOTICE, Estate of Margaret Tltomasj Dcc'd. Letters of Administration on tho estate of Margaret Thomas, late of Smi'hfield towiiship, Monroe countv, having been granted to the sub ! ,-ltH(tf nll nHrshns havinw claim: nr j ftSln, ,n nrnsnni th W 4 " L.1IIUIIU O Uliill.n w- I" whhnut'delav, and all persons indebted iare requested to make immediate payment lnriM t nrrr r. i ' V.1 t' 1 ' "7 Administrators JAlMCa CbLLi, Jf. J Experiment Mills, Sept. 5, 1S44. Gt. LOOK AT THIS i The undersigned, not being prepared to car ry Wool from the houses of his frietuls takes this method of informing the public generally, hat he will CARD all Wool brought to his machines, for TWO cents per pound and it will be done with neatness and despatch. N. B. Wool and Cloth will be taken in al R. S. Staples & Co.'s store, Stroudsburg, and re turned to the same place. JOHN P. QUICK, At Kelleraville. Hamilton tsp., July 2, 1844. WOOL CARDING, Weaving, Spinning, Fulling and Dressing ot CLOTH. The Subscribervthahl;ful for past favors, re spectfully informs his friends and the public generally that he still continues at the former stand of Mr. John Keller, near Kelletsville, and that he has now commenced and is ready to carry on the above business in all its various branches As he has new Fulling Stocks, OllHHiing IViacnineo anu iiuuiuuiui aiu, unuiuauu ivi icjiauing iiiniii. by doing good work and strict attention m ru - : , iJfi hnnes j0 merit a continuance I'" ' 1 oi me ' ..mj .vnmnn.,.. Spinnii?? will be done from JO to 15 cents per pouml. mo wijiu wiii uc spin iiiue.-..-. hy the subscriber, wnicn must oc u huc k tielore carding. uruing m m; uuuu , rf cets ner nound. - Wool will i fleece and manufactured in- in ninth. Satinet. &c. at the following prices, W ' J " V viz Cloth at 62 1-2'cenfs per yard, Satinets from 40 to 45 " Womens wear from 45 to 50 2 Elaiiketing at 37 1-2 i T .L ...... i.. 'rtrnnnrlinn ( rMVooV will be picked and greased at,l 1-2 ceiiis' prpaulid, if re quired'r Wool and' Chjilf' will be- received at the establishment, and will he taken in and returned at the fallowing pla ces, viz: Richard S. Staples & Co's. Store, Stroudshurgh. JOHN P. QUICK. Hamilton, Monroe co., April 29, 1844. TO COUNTRY 'ME&CHANl. The Subscribers respectfully incite 'fountfy Merchants who are about to nurchase 'l?a)i" and Winter Supplies, to an examinatigpaf-iheir. red spective Stocks, believing that their, several as sortments are as complete as have ever Wen'of fered in the Philadelphia Market. -r With Stocks of Goods in their several Depart ments of the choicest kinds determination to sell on terms which cannot fail to prove patijac tory and a disposition to please old and new cus tomers, will, we hope, be a sufficient' inducement to purchasers to call at our, respective! establish ments. - Silks and Fancy Crooils. W. & R. P. Remington, &) Market street. Ashhurt & Remington, .50 Buck & Potter, 110 Yard & Gillmore, 109 tl Domestic and Foreign Dry (oqds. t Reynolds, McFarland & Co. 105 Market street. Burnett, Withers & Co. 120 Scott & Baker, - 1.50 Wise, Pusev & Wise, 151 ' " Hardy & Hackers,' 4(?'N; Second st. Importers of Gloths, CaSstfneres; vestings, cjc. William H. Love, " 147 Market street. Lambert Duy, 108 - ' " ' Hardware and Cutlery. Michael V. Baker, ' 215 Market street., Kdward S. Handv & Co. J8 " " Tmnni'iftrs and 7;Ianuiacturers of Saddlery Hardware. Horn & Kneass, 215i' Market street. Boots, Shoes. Bonnets, Caps. Leg horn and Palm Hats, 6jc. W. E. & J. G. Whelm,, 158 Market street. Levick,Jenkins.&Co. 150 " M Conrad & Co. GO " fIanufaclurers arid Dealers 4'rt Drugs, ! Medicines, Paints, Oils, &c.: 'rhomas P James, Potts, Linn. & Harris, Robinson, Collins & C(i Edward Cole, Thompson, Pancoast & Co SRyirarketsVfe'et. 2ia-i-24S, k. 87 ,s ' u 51 l 40 - " HatSi Caps, Furs and Trimmings. L Kenton, - 17G. Market street John Sauerbier it Brother, G-,' j'. ,!' Books and Stationary. Griff & Elliott. . 9. N. Fourth st. Hogan & Thompson; 30 do do Importers of British andT renchFan- Gy arid Staple stationary. L I Cohen & Co 27 S; Fourth sti Henry Cohen; 3 do, do Importers of Hosiery,. Gloyes, Trim mings and-rancy broods. Setlev & Seveninjr: SS'NrThird st: Parker & LelitbSn, " - 3- -tio uo Combs, Brushes Buooins, cjc. Thomas Cooper, 3 Is Ifont st Importer of Toys, Fancy-and' Staple Goods.-. , A F Ott Monrose, iC South Fourth Street Manufacturer of Patent Lard Lamps. fci Ellis S Archer, 32 N Second street. Manufacturer of Patent Floor and Furniture Oil Cloths. Isaac Macauley, Jr. 6 N Fifth s'trecV'' I'm Manufacturers and Importers of'-.Pa per Hangings I Howell & Brothers, 80 & 142 Chesniit' street August 22, 1R44. r.m. Time! Time 1 1 :Xim.e ! ! V: Clock and Watch Makca STROUDSBURG, PA. ' Has just returned from the ciiV with a new assortment of Goods in"hisuline, and of fers them a Utile lower than can be had elsewhere, for cash. Having adopted ihe cash svstcm, and by turn ing goods and woik into cash, he can put them very low. Particular attention paid to repairing clocks watches, music boxes, jewelry," &ci CLOCKS. Brass eight day Clocks for , .....$10 .00 . Do one " do $0 " lo 7 00 Wood do do 3,0.0i6 4 00 Warranted good .time ;kepper!tJof l ,year,.-if they should not perform well no charge will be j WATCHES. ' . . Patent Lever, Lepine, ImijjIisu anu rrench Watches, lor sale very low according to quality. SPECTACLES. v.r. A good assoriment always on .-hand to suit any age Sliver, tjieel, and common Specks, ;al,d Goggles lor weak eye -"Violins from $1 50-. to, n$3 6Q Flute,! from.. 1 .00 to 2 50 Accordions, Violin and Violinc.eito strings, best qualify. Fine pen knives, razors, scissorsrafeor strops; shaving brushes, soaps, thimbles eyer-point pencils, hair and. tooth brushes, hair nil,. smel ling bottles, pocket books, pfarlfb tit tons, spec tacle casesi, fine gold linger rings'1 ana brendl pins, common do., toilet boxe!ra"ud i")' To i gi'ther with a good assortment df 1 tio li lift s ul I for cash no credit given. ' 'ftr-sH: Old gold and silver taken in exchange for any of the abovo articles. . . : August 22, 1S14, 7 PRICES CjlRREpr -r Corrected fiperyWedncsdqy morning: ARTICLES. Stroutls- Easton. iiPhila-- burg..- 3 50 .00 G2 25 50 ; ,50 .'OObt 2b 40' 25 Wheat Flour, per barreT Rye. do. do. do. 4 50 3 25 87 70 21 48 ?4 00 tioci'' '2-87 90 04i 25 47 4 00 3 00 50 ; 33 1M7 12. ' io 3 00 4 50 4 25 10 00 8 00 Wheat, per bushel Rye, do. do. Sole Leather per pound Corn per bushel Buckwheat, per bushel Clover Seed perbuihel. Timothy Seed perb'ush. t-2 50 uarjey v do. 40 30 T30 :t14 11 4 00 5 ro 4 00 12 00 10 00 30 Oats do. . O I '.I A". L lu.v uccu uu. ;i?2a Huttenpr pound E.'gs,pe.r tlozeri 7 12 '10 rlastenper ton Hickory wood, ner coru "2 "25 -2 00 ,!5 00 12 50 Oak, do. do. Mackerel, No. 1 - 1J6. do 2 Potatoes, per bushel 40 1 IS A, IV K IV'OT'E' LIST. cqrrected .weekly for thii J'ttltrSoiiian Republibtin. The notes of those banks on whii.i nudtations are omitted and a daslif substituted, are not purchased by the brokers PcntStfylvataia. CvlVst Branch bank Philadelphia bnti , par Pittsburg Ban of North America, do WayiiehbUrR Farmers' t Mechanics' do Hiowiiesvillb Western bank do Erie bank Southwark ban do Ilcrks county bank Kensington ban do Tovvanfia do Bauk of Nortltern Liberties do Belief Notes Mechanics' Bank do; Cointtiercnu" Bank " New York: do Bank ofPenn Township do; CITY DAXKS do'Amenca, b tnk of 'par do American Exchange do '22 Bank of Commerce do lu Bank of the btatcof N Y do par Butchers' and Drover' Uo par Chemical do ManufdrtureriA Mech'ns Moyain'cnshig bank United Stntos bank Cirard do Pennsylvania bank " Bank of Geririatitown Bank of Montgomery co. Bank of Delaware county Bank'of Chester county Doylestown bank Farmer?' bank df Bucks Easton lank Farmers' bank of Reading Lebanon bank llarrisburg bank Middfctowu bank do City do Commercial do Clinton do Del. and Hudson canil co. n:ir Uo Dry "Dock 1 do.Fulton bank of New York par 1 Greenwich do Uo 1 Lafayette J Leather Manufacturers' j 'Manhattan company Uo do do l'o do do do 'do 2 2 Fanners' bank Lancaster IiMechanici Banking Asso. Lancaster bunk I Merchants' bank Lancaster countv bank Northampton bank Columbia Bridge Carlisle bank Northumberland bank Miners bank of Potlsrilfe l'Merchant' ' SMechanics & Traders' I. Merchants' Exchange 2'National bank par New York, Bank of 2'NeA -York Banking 'co. York bank Chambersburjr bank l'N. V. St'e. St'k Security b. par l'N'otth Kiver do lTh0:nix tio 3'Seventh Ward do Gettysburg bank w yoming dp Honesdalc db Bank of Lewistown Tenth Ward 10 par do 50 Tradesmen's . Bank of Susquehanna ecv Union B. of N Y Washinston Lum: bank at Yarrieii no sale AND tJLOTH DRESSING-. The subscribers are now ready for the re ception of Wool and Cloth at their Mill, at Btishkill, where work will he done with tieat ness and despatch. No pains will be spared. Their prices are as follow.: For Wod carding-, 4 cents per pound; piling 2 cents per lb.. CLOTH DRESSING-. Men's Wear. Cts. 3G 31 4J1 526 20 20 20 20 Indigo Blue, ' Invisible Greeii, '" Bottle GreBii; Olive, Black, Snuff Brown-, All shades of Bnnvrt; per Vard ,i. ft VUi All shades of Snuff, All other dark colors 4 Urabj , .? Fulling shearing & Pressing ' Fulling and Pressing, ' Fulling aud Napping, ' Women's Wear. 10 7 8 t... Indigo Blue. Madder Red, ' Green, J Black and Brown, . Other dark colors . Olive, Scouring and Pressing IC 18 20 15 124 Uh 14 ii Scouring and napping for blankets, per yd. 8 COLORING YARN. Indigo Blue, pr. lb. 25c Madder Red, " 25c Black, per lb. Green, " 12c. 18c D1MOCK cy STIFF. Bushkill, May 30, 1844. INDIAN QUEEN HOTEL, Sffotidsburgli, Fa. Has fitted up a commodious and elegant Ho? tel on Elizabeth street, nearly opposite the more of G. II. Miller fc Co., and directly op posite the residence of Daniel Stroud, Esq. He has every convenience for entertaining strangers and travellers. Persons from the ci ties, and others who wish to take a pleasant jaunt in tho country will be accommodated in the most sattslactory manner at ins house. THE TABLE will he supplied with the boat productions af forded by the market. ' HIS ROOMS AND BEDS : are such, as will, he hopes, prove satisfactory to all reasonable customers. - THE BAR is, and will continue to be, furnished with a choice assortment, of Liquor. , ; THE STABLING is new and extensive and surpassed hy none in tho couuiy for comfort apd convenience. With these advantage backed by. some ex perience in the, business and a determination to keep a good public .house, he confidently ex-? pects a fair portion of public patronage. Jj Permanent boarders will find a quiet homo and be satisfactorily accommodated at moderate prices. Stioudsborg, Sept. 28, 1843, j., j TAPPA'Tv1"- DENNETT; No. 1 l l asfi'liic. iuu aueei,.t)nsmni,propose w puuiiMi. wiUMscn ow LIFE OP WASHIIVGTOWv BY JARED SPARKS. Each number to contain between 'forty and fifty pa gesand be, embellished with the foUoingJin,r. ' Steel and Cupmiale, Enirravings, mz: 1 Portrait of W ashingum at 40, by I'eale. t-, 2 do (Mrs Washington at 26,. by NVulTastomif. 3 View of Mount 'Vernon. tJ'v T- 4 Battle ofllraddock's defeat. ' ' 5 Head Quarters at Camt)rid: v v lilW'1 6 Plan, of Uoston aud environs. j 7 Head Quarters at Morristo'wri. 8 Head Quarters at NeWburji I' )t Ot'.I d Plan of Farms al Mount Vernon. ik.t H-Jff 10 Battle of iJrandyvvtne. p.j, 11 Portrait of Wnshingtoiji by Siwar,tft:filJ(,tiBfl!t 12 Kncainpmctit at Valley Forge. - -r3 Battle, of Qermantowni 14 Fac Similie of Washington's hand-Nvritnur The Portntits were c'opie'd Irom tltti orfcinal paihtincs. The plans, sketches, and other engra- Lvings, hare hern 'compiled from tht dgvi. ings, as well r.ngush and prcnch as American. Special aid xvns derived fronl a series' 'K'Ma"ftti script drawings in the possession of Gen., Lai Kavt-, ette, which are-executed with scientific accuracy jand beauty. . ,tW M j j The well known ability Df thn authtir. the abtin l sdant means which he possessed viz: more tha i 'two hundred Folio Volumes of Original inrfliu-' scripls, purchased by Congress, ten vear re searches in the public ohices in London,' Parfai VVashingtoiii and all the States which lorineduh4 . confederacy during the Revolution, as well as tint j access he has gained to Valuable private papers.i. different parts uf the' countrv-bave brought ihi his hands a mass of materials, original and impor tant in their character, which we trust will' bo found to have contributed essential aid In eiiablinV U ' him to execute with more "accuracy and complete- nPt:u rim in luivrwiuo o nl tlini tr Ithi'P riu.iflPli. ao saieu in some octree lor me lime ami - laoor mev . . . . . . i .... i . : - have cost. Its publication lias not only invedvejd-. extended and laborious research on the part, ,of . the editor, but great pecuniary responsibilities oti uiu uaii m iiiu iniuusiii.Trt. I'lie price raflixbd to this work is less, "when th exertion is-considered, than that of anv "other pub lication in Europe or America. Ttfo investment and expenditures connected With Uhs' undertaking are much greater than-ustwlly-attemiedUnh pub lications, and it will be apparent that the publish- ers must rely oh ran extensive sale for'tUeiri remu neration. - --- The engravings alone are thought- by many in be worth the cost of 4the whole wtirk. To noil s' ubscribers tlie price will be enhanced., - Many testimonials of unqualified .approbation, migh be added, by gentlemen who have examined the work, but the publishers conceive it to be un necessary. Letters- have been received from ma ny distinguished persons concurring in the opin ion that the work is, in every respect, richly de- serving of public patronage. Among the many who have given the work-tha-' aid of their subscription and influence, are ihe fol i lowing gentlemen, vie: Hons. John Q Adam3.. Martin Van Buren, Jacob Burnett of Ohio, Josialt Quinev, John Pickering Francis Wayland, D. D.. Rev Moses Stewart, Robert G Shaw, esq., Henry 4 Lee, esq., Right Rev Bishop Browneil, Isaac C Bates, Horace F.verett of Vt , S Longfellow of Maine. J Sewell Jones of N C. John Sergeant or Pa., Levi Loncolh, S'Van Rensalaer of N Y., Wm L Marcy, W Pope of Kentucky, L W Taze well of Va., "Daniel Webster, Abbot Lawrence-,. Joseph Story, Edward Everett, Charles Jacksonv. Lemuel Shaw, Samuel T Armstrong, W 11 Cal houn, John C. Warren, 1 D , James Jackson, M! D., Gov John Davis, Chapman Johnson of Va i tfj Active and trustworthy men can find ein- 20 i ployment in procuring subscribers for the above- 2U work. uon, jn, lourteeu.monthlv 'number; at-tliel 'price of twenW-five ci?rif&. e'rich. number, the IE? Letters addressed to the Publishers, post paid, with applications for agencies, orders, will meet with prompt attention. (L Postmasters and others who obtain, sub scriptions, 'and become responsibIe,,forfivecopies shall receive a sixth copy gratis, or for ten. sub;, scribers, two copies, and the same rate for more-. They will please let the publishers know how-many copies are subscribed for, and how they shall be forwarded ' ' i'1- fjC5" Publishers of Newspapers who will insert the above six weeks and forward to Tappan & Dennett ohe numoer of their paper, shall receiv a copy of the work for so doing. .. WHO DOUBTS , Let th era call and, satisfy themselves - That they can get higher prices for all kinds of produce, and buy Lumber cheaper, at Mil ford than in any other market in this section of country. The subscribers have on hand, and-1 for sale at their yard in Milford 50,000 Yeet AVhite Pine Boards.SO to $11 00 ' 50,000 40,000 20,000 20,000 3,000 20,000 120,000 Hemlock " Oopjio 7 00 Pine Siding, 6 00 to 12 51) Sap Yellow Pino " 800 to ,90' Heart " " "1 1 00 to 12 00 . Panel boards, Ceiling Lath, . . Pine Shingles, 4 50 to S'OO ' ,i ALSO About . . ; 110,000 feet White and Yellow Pine .Boards at Shoholy Fall's Mills, forjsa'le at prices to stiTi the times. Call 'and satisfy yourselves. " C. W. DkWITT & .BROTHER. Milford, Dec. 14, 1843., . t EXECUTORS' WOTICEa Notice is hereby given lhat all person Ixj-"' debted to the estate of Benjamin F. Holberh. late of Lac ka waxen township; Pike'county,'de ceased, are hereby requested to make payment immediately lo the subscribers, to whom letiesr teslamentajy havo bee.n issued ; atid'albpersons having demands against the said estate, are! re quested to produce them immediately, duly .au thenticated for settlement. .B.N'JAM.IN H. ROSE. .) v.k ALBERT J. HOLBERT, 5 5l0?" Lacka waxen fsp., pjril 6 1844, , . 6t. . t fk'A AAA Hard, Salcaon'an'S Soft llrtckv XV,JJV for.salQ.WliY;.; ; , . DeWIT & THRAtJu Milford, Dec, 141943,