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- i 18 B r h '-OMb m- m m-m : ! Ji- 8 I B V tS .... R I f:L' EL Its I ML C3 Ifci IM 1(13 I H IU ! 2 .'. i 3d 1 1 t; t' The whole, rt, ok Government ctiNsjSTs w the ,art op being HONKST-r-JeiTersonUis .dtif" m w VOL 5. STROTJDSB ORG. MONROE COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2S, 184i: No. 2STrr in PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY, SCHOCH & SPERIWG -TERMS- Tw0 dollars per annum in advance Two dollar nll Quarter, nan jraiiy u "" iu utiuic t-iiu ui fhe vc-r JTtto dollars' and a'h.ilf. Those who receive their nlVrs'bv a carrier or stage drivers employed by-theproprie-FurV wV.l be charged 37 1-2 cts. per year, extra. o pipers discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except at'the option of the Editors'. rl. ..ri.ra i thie -eeks for one dollar: twentv-nve cents nr every subser-Jent insertion : larger oj 1 ' .-,1 t,int will be made to Tearlv ai will ill" nii. it- : . - larger ones in proportion. advertisers addressed to the Editors must be nost maid IU JOB PRINTING. lavins a general assortment of large elegant plain and ofna- UlLMWl jt -f description of Cards, Circulars, Bill Heads, Notes, Blank Receipts, JUSTICES, LEGAL AND OTHER -BLANKS, PAMPHLETS, &c. Printed with neatness and despatch, on reasonable.terms J -, AT THE OFFICE OF THE : Jeffersouiait Republican. CEBOIRn Au Advcuture of the last War. One .lay during the last war,, opposite to Ports-mouth Harbor and aboui three miles from the s-horc, lay a black, frigaie at anchor, and the continual motion on iiss decks as seen with the aid of a glass from land, betokened thai some event of unusual interest was soon lo occur. Al- 1 T 1 A n nnlnr. VOrtltirOfl till lVM inOUgll II MHIWCU tlU kUluio, injum-u of but liule exptrience in 'naval mailers 10 de cide thai it was English. What could be its object was a mystery. lis wooden walls1 ef leciually concealed from many who watched It anxiously from the shore, and when, during the day it was joined by another vessel or the same class, and a heavy man-of-war, not a little ex citement was created among those who lived Towards Portsmouth the enemy had often cast longing glances, n was me Kry iu new Hamp - I T . . 1 1. . Unn.n shire and the western part of Maine, and pns essinff one oTthe finest harbors in the world, where a navy, without Josing a spar, might ride oui a, it held in their eyes a place of no mean Importance. But the iron teeth that grinned o'n trie forts at ihe mouih of trie riscatuqua naa nmienu been an effectual check upon their courage. Besides several thousand well trained soldiers had been collected there, in anticipation of an attack, and whole companies of -olunteers were daily arriving, from the northern parts of the i Stale, and even from the Green Mountains, panting with a desire for the cohflict. Ports mouth was under martial law. lis rope walk, ii i - i . j .i' p uwiri ifiUWO, uttu -" " " v.tth the bone and muscle. (of New England, all iletermined to defend the .place to-the -..last ex tremity. The shore was walked for miles, tiiahi ami day, by a corps, of entinels, and eve ty ptecauiion taken:to guard against-surprise. A notice of the. approach of" the iWar 6tnps Minn reached the town. Thetfall flag staff that had been placed near the rroathx)f the river, mid was watched from the steeples, was seen o have been inclined towards the sea, which was the signal of danger agreed upon. And when ihe nun went down not knowing how era ineni it might be, the excitement that filled the plare was tremendous. There was mounting in licit ha-jie, atld coursers dashed through the precis like the winds. Erery cart aud car )Nie wat busy in re'ruoring th'e Awomen and , .. ' ,- V - !ti t 'ajutftfee to a stai:on 01 security, anu vuu ouir litrs .huMUshed rtbeir arms 5nd renewed the charges in iheir pieces, an-3; were ready latl1te 'lap of the .drum m. jhetbiast pf ihe bugle, to pring to tneir dejencc The night gathered dark, aitd chijl The heavens looker-watery, andfilled witbclud of. A double watch was jet upon, the at pusis, and the soldiers lay d(ow,nto dream of iheir home or of battling for its safety. N- sooner had nhe-dafiWsa settled the ea, 'han boats just obserable' Hitoiigh the twilight, 'ere seen passinj beiweett'the fi'nemy'u ves els., and evidently" bearing orders from one to 'he mhor maturing their plan. Through the "pened port-holes ilights could'-'be' -teen flying ' nl directions, an there-VaH .rione'wlto save 'hee niovementH who did -nottff el thefateof on'thB, rna&Uatulf on eiltiv; emtiiei nceMs '- T: v&ii .-ft-'ifJ Ifi till i comma.ndinc, ta.vjaw.of Jh Teasels. weTo cpl- '"'ted little comnanies.of sneculaitre waichers. . . . bits Oiiahttlc lul pckAiew.r.od8 frojn Keht.e, e eaut ide of ihe pver. were gathered Jen u iiwbpbwii 1 1 i n i m in or twelve men, noting every motion that was visible, and lisiening to every sound that came from the waters. Is it not possible 10 know what is the ob ject of those waier coffins V said an old gentle man while, lie strained his eyes as the darkness grew deeper. 4 It might be, done,' said a young man whose face had been bronzed by a familiarity with all weathers; 'it Js neatly dark enough. Come, Bill, what say yu? there won't bo so much light as conies from a cat's eye in an hour; shall we take a boat there and slip along side? Bill, as a stout fellow of rhirty was called, could noi permit that a man younger than himself, .should propose a deed he would shrink from executing, and immediately signified his, willingness to join in the. almost reckless enterprise. ( The night was cloudy, the darkness had set lied thick and heavy, ihe waves looked like a black, undulated pall, and as though to increase the awftilness of their condition the British had extinguished their lightssoon afier the advert lurcrs had launched their, boat, and not an ob ject could be traced in the almost palpable black ness, the boat's. length distant. They rowed in silence for some time, and had gone two thirds of ihe disiance before either spoke; 'are J vnn .nrp tins is the rioht course. iSiedi at lenylli said Bill, as they rested on their oars. i Hush, speak lower. No I am not, certain, hut- we cannot be far from them. If but one star would look out it would be better than this eternal gloom. I cannot even see the lights on shore, throught this fog. What a murky night we arc out in ! , , I Gloomv as a graveyard, Hang the British, I had rather meet a legion of ihem by daylight,' whispered Bill, moodily. 4 But hark! there they lay, dead ahead, and get ting ready to mace a port too,' he continued, Us he heard the low gratings of a cable, as it was slowly and cautiously drawn up.' Lightly as the swallow's wing the oars dipped into the brine, silently as iho fin of'a sharkthe boat cut the water, and directed by ihe sound, ere the anchor swung at the tow, ihey glided unseen under ihe very stetn of the large ves1 sel. Here they held fast for several minutes, in breathless anxiety to catch some word which should reveal the desired secret. But ihe hum ming of voices out of which nothing distinct could bo gathered, was mingled with the winds, sighing'throtigh the rigging, -and the dashing of ihe waves against the huge fabric. With thir patience nearly worn out, Ned at length whispered, Bill, .if you can keep your hold; 1 will go aboard and gei a fuil report of these villians1 business.' The latter was about to reply when ihey heard hurried motions on the deck, a large, boat was li down, and a do zen men, all of whom, by the faint light of a lantern, ihey discovered to be armed, pushed off towards ihe shore ihat lies south of the Pis- cataqua. Scarcely had they gone,, w hen Ned, with the assistance of a rope ihat dragged into; the water, climbed to the deck. The watch was grouped beside a j;un carriage, and Ned, as confidently as though he had been one of the crew, walked by. and reaching the hatch way, descended lo the lower deck. Here he found himself among several hundred men,, a part of whom were in their hammocks, but 'til ers, although it was as dark as a dungeon,,ap peared to be arranging their clothes and pre paring for some desperale enterprise. Almost lost in confusion, he stood motionless' at "the bottom f ihe steps, but he had been.ihere but u moment,, when hearing some one ap .prpaclung, he Ftepped aside hastily, and not knowing" wltere he, might be, held oui ins hands jo gnpe the way.. As chance-wotjldhave il, he went direcilv towardu the head of a sailor wl.0 was trying to catch .an hour's .sleep before bis nig'bt's work should commence. ,lsred quick ening .his pace .as the step came nearer,, sud denly plutigejd his fi!iger8iH).tiieocksif.the sleeper, and wiih such force .'.hai.his had re ceived no inconsiderable wrench. The old, tar- leaped to hisJeet iu a twinkling, and Ned darted' off like' chicken chased -by. a"lta'wkv'leaviug t t . t t be-angry aiur daring me w note snips compa ny to' ttyto'take Jtia scalp off.-.' He sOji)ii learned'that u -was thontention to mukrt an aitemot lo etter.t anentrance- a. uie harbor i.hafinghi, and' ther boat he had seen leave the ship, was gone to exatriirie ilrachains which had been thrpwn across the matu cliau- I . . 1 nn,l i V rn.!4f iKIu. " I' f tUrtrrt PKt 1 1 r . t nil IICI, aim tl pwaaiuit, acici iiicui a ma tvuo an he could learn. It was enough, and he felt there was urgent necessity of giving ihstani warning of the danger. But when he reached the hatchway, he found the passage entirely closed by two old veterans, half intoxicated, who had settled themselves to have a quiet lime at lauding Old England and cursinj; the Yankees. Ned stood 'by, entirely invisible, but necessarily hearing every word! It was near ly an hour that he stood vaiting for them to rise, and listening- to their outbreaks of passion concerning the Americans. Their men are rto bolder than our women, and their guns are no heller than tin horns,' said one gruffly. ' No Jack,' Isaid the oiher, arid do you know thai once on a time, about twenty of our gals on the coast of Cornwall, dressed like sailors, put otTin a gnrt boat, atld look a Yankee seventy-four other arms than old v words? Ned, boiling with rage could not hear such slander, and regardless of the consequences roared out, 'ihat's a d d lie, you old dog.' Both sailors shocked as though ihe magazine had exploded, plunged toward him. and awakened lo a sense of his situation by his own voice, Ned sprang out of their reach, and aa soon as the uproar had in some degree sub- rsirlnti. made his wav on decK. liui nero an inovnorfpil prnYit nr,'rlirrnil. The boat which , , , . . 4ti-.' again climbed on board, had observed ihem fas had left just before he came on hoard had just; , , , , . ., ten the prisoner, and waited a lit time to spring rninrrinri ;iwl tin prmr wlinn hft stpnnetl on I 1 ' " , . . , i-r- ' deck, were in iho net of lifting up a prisoner. t , ... , , , ,- i , j Determined if possible, to know who he might; . ' ,. ... . , , - .I i I be, he elbowed his wav with admirable cool-, , , , . , . , C .1. I ness and succeeded in taking the arm offine: ttti -i r i - ' prisoner. While nonce of their success was i 1 , , , r i r i - - i paa.-CU UBluw, lieu iiiuuu iiiipunuunj tu i,ina- per a word of encouragement in ihe prior 'fel low's ear, and when the order was given that ' . , , t t- "m i . i i he should be conducted to the cabin, Ned stole aft and dropped into ihe boat. i he pr.soner lounu mo caoin .urnisueu in an , elegant and even Mimpinous style. Sofas, book ; .... . . t -..-Vlfi C3se, aiul, tables of .the cosiliest Wood, rested j on a carpet .hat trod like velvet. Mirrors of ( enormous dimensions, renecteu uio occupant, , ul lllll teiI2n. "i every s ue;. ti. tain ; inni" ..... ,. .j i o above a 'rack that' looked .like a dazzling pyra mid, so rich were the polished sword blades and jewelled' hilts, ihe sifter scabbards, the varnished pisiots, the fieel sabres and ihe guns, touched wiih ihe highest finish that skill could give ihom. Flower vase., filled wiih beautiful exotics were fastened to a stand, diffusing an aproeablc odor ihrou'gh the cabin An old man!. with snow while hair and thoughtful brow, sat ' in an antique chair of carved oak, and fash - ionrd after such r. . , , i a luxuiiotis paiiem that one; might have lounged his life out in i, anil never grow weary. A girl, .lie daughter of .he old man. witn sucn a sweet countenance as can belong only ii a pure niind, and with lips as Iomplitig as her own fose-buds, was re'ading when he entered The prisoner was brought before, the hard-featured veteran, and tlie offi cers arranged theqiselves about, at iespectful distances. Young map,', said the old commander, wiih a severe frown and penetrating Idok, remem ber it is ihe truth uf what .you shall , say, on '--. !; i.' ' . . i which your. l;fe depends . any attempt at de- ceniion. In my .presence, win cause you to bb hutig irnmediaielyat tlie yardrarin.. ' Who are you ? , J '.'",l',':lii ' i' . . J- .. i ,'t':' -. ,K 4(A. Boldier.of theArnep'can.jAriijy ,VJ j watj.duijriwero, yput performing on .shore? , M 4 - , ,,.,, s.i. ;,i ' ,'iniatiof,fnitncLOj.atch.,for jheti approach ,of the Briitsh.' ,, , ri1 if iUt . ' Bridle yourtinAdlence,young man;-:y.ou, did, not perform your duly so well ihat boast of your occupation.' 4 Ask-your liervaitt which vwas-lh hardest, his heaorhtygu'ips'iock.' .I cotild noi dissolve the'niglii hut I swepisatiray-' thd: cobwebs )tha clouded before7 thti jsiars beforehis dycs.'j ' "''Sir,' Wifid ihe reYeian; iti a voiceJhoarse'vlih anger w'liicWe strove to conceal! ' Mvhat' is 'he ffornVassemHled this 'night' in Portsrho'ulhll .Recoiled that I shall krtow ; before nidrhihg.'and if yon decetVenie you shall die at day break.7ts ''rhis morning it'wasvprotlainiL'd ihai'tf ntiin be'rid thiriHli'oliVahd, ahd tliey lih!ve'five? hun dred camions' ih fowrf, ready to blow ydur4)d htiSka ouVdf tlW wner, like Cockle etielL, If you are so fortunate as to floal, .after the funs have the sifting of you. The old. commander clenched his ;fist, his face grew while as his ctavat, and he would, have ordered the fearless soldier lo instant pun ishment for his boldreply, had not his 'daugh ter, who had stolen lo his side, pressed his arm aud breaking into lears, whispered mercy. An angel's tears will melt iron, or at all events an iron soul, and his countenance lost its Mern ness as hegently put her aside, aud directed that the soldier should be secured and guarded i , , - on the deck for the night. . As ho left the cabin, ihe girl unseen h.V her father, threw her arms about the soldier's shoul ders',; and he, touched by. such uuloukedrfor kindness, rnarniured.a fervent-blessing on -her young, heart. , v The night grew d'atker as fhe minutes glided by. The rmslt wras so dense that; it w:as impos sible lo distinguish even. the outline -of an. ob ject six feet distant; and it seemed ihat the clouds. rested. on thu;waves andi.euvelopcd.lhti ship. The hands and feel of the prisoner were then ironed, and he wa lashed "by a rope to a 'gun carriage. The watch that was sei tover hiiii walked the length of ihe deck, momently pas sing and repassing-, thus rendering escape by his united efforts impossible. Ned having and rescue him ; and it was when the seniinel ;. - , , , passed htm to go to the bow, that he glided' to ! . 6 j. ' the prisoner wuh a thrusiwith r. kniie sever- eU U1U CUIUS lllill OUUIIU lilUI IU VLUU, UIIU .. .. . , , . 111UI1" Ulill III 1113 ildin us IllUUHII I1U H CIC till . te , . infant, hastened to the stern and swung into ihe boat. As for life they plied their oars, but iKey had scarcely left, the , ship, when they heard ihe alarm given upon the decks, . w 1 - . l- Calls for lights and shoutsihai the prio,ner .had es- caned-, followed. Lantern? ilew through the l.' c. w C()Iirusi(,n The bold feow8 . . . , ' . f , . .h:it deen jiirk. uess,,that. impossible fortithe British ii - d ahh h vilhin a ialnl fc fc wereJnabo l0 re5lrain.lhuir joy,,but . , , r , . . , . ., .villi ihni rr' nat phnrar fir 7P.S Amer ican soldiers,-esU'don their oars and . gave three hearty cheers. Scarcely had the , last hurrah left iheirjipsj than. a stream of fire shot out. from, the ship, and rtrhe. deep bortni of ihe canntMiawakened them,to their folly. Though , ball whistle by, very, near. im rI'l. hnai(ivin?M shrill call " ... . ...... . t to quarters rose on iue mg"1! '" ouu" , vn..r. MorT nn nlt:ii-k VprV moment. TUSUeU lO. : , r , , , : " , aeienu tnc ucchs. . . ... Hr - : ' . ' ' ahl,rB saf0iVfc nd Mnnel q hia;shaclies was reaUy hig Th? njghl ' passed heavily and in,, suspense, and nhc sun rose from its bed looking cold as art icicle. The sea was blue but caltfi, and jsvery ship was gone, and not a speck doited it from the shore to the horizon. The Britfsh had given over airattempts on Portsmouth,' but 'whether; restrained by the crafty story oT tho Sentinel, or (he valiant cheering of the men in1 the boat, will perhaps ever be pbint in dispute. ' TjtEl.EAaTii As BotLINO jtETTLE.-rrrrrlt is proved that .water, if found JQOU.feet deep. In; the earthii would-be sufficienily heaied 10 servo for supplying ..warm baihsr wasb;ng,qpDking, and various domestic uses; . In .P.aris,:t.hey, ar really endeavoring to bore for ii at that depth; ;fd' kitchen consuniptibn." '''- ha -1. 0, Yes." The , t. . of O .Yes." so familiar, frequeniers of courisjusuc.c l.Ljs derivdrotjihgjpren.qh wprd.lQyc, meaning iij and wasusiused in Engjaijd ui warn spectators, iiif coyrj to be silenidindhear the proceedings5, but,. birice that lithe, tui&.uied'ifo'r other law purposes, -, A Foundling.' roe couniy, N, Y, -tilu Si'uari, ti?, Parma, Mon found a basket at his door on ihe .eveuiiigoflhe15ih insia"'0n opening! rtne s'bdsket'a i'fiife littfe'ba!by',?abdtnvaix days old, ii fouiid in :'n, tiigctller' wfihieii dollar hill' was and1 a' piece of paperon which Vaa written, Mora will beenwlien' this is"e;Htrittted.j' We' .rilop,e"rflr Mr1.' Sidart's sake 'Ifiat tho "notQ referred to the blTi; and nt, ?4?br8 A Pay" the? Printer, ; '. s ' ' ;.; ! Parody ihii Declaration of aude pendence. ' The, Salisbury (N. C.) Waichnian tellsth' story of a-tarern keeper, who, having growif rich, grew very careless, offiiiideithM" lawyers, by whorn his, house, had for year,beeti!-, rilled, that, during one crowded es.ion -of ifi court, they-wiili one ac'coVd forsook hmV, ' leaV?' ing behind them the following parody Declaration of- lndttpe!tde'dcej'-''i "When, in the cbursertlf human evptiiSfit becomes necessary fur's hHlfhimsryX halPfeflJ' imposedion set of men, to dissolve ihe bxtuWnf landlord and boarder a descent respect for life opinion of mankind requires ihat theyioiihl1"5 5 declare the- causes which have impelled them to the separation i r ru uuiu uiese uuuis ui uu seit-eviuent, inai all men, are created with stomachs, and ihey are endowed by their Creator with certain-tua'ienar. ble rights, among-which'tfre, that-uo tnah'shotild b'e""coriipulIed 10 Starve, 'out of riiere",ci')nirhaio 10 a landlord, and that every man has a'nghjjot fill his Siomaqh aud. wet his., whi&ile. wuhPthe. best that's going. . nty Tho history of ihe present landlord' of jtbq White Lio'h is a history of repeated inults, e' actions aud injuries, all having in direct, object the establishment of absolute tyranny orer.ou'r stomachs and throats. To prove this, Iet'factH" bo submitted to a candid world. v ,-,, "k He has rejuscd, o keep any thing Jodrird but bald-taced whiskey. He has refused lo set upon his. table 1 fordm ner any thing but turnip auup, wiih a little tough: beef .and aourcrotiK which are not wholesome aud necessary for the public good. f , He has re.lused to let his only servant, Jblinki. eyed Joe, put more than six grains uf coffee to one gallon of watert He has turned loose a multitude of ' mosq'ui 'ios 10 assail us in peaceful hours of thehiigliE' and eat out our substance. He has kept up, in our beds and btidstea'dsy standing armies of merciless'1 savages,' wlids'e rule of warfare is undistinguished destruction. He has excited domestic insurrection among; us by, taking, bitters before breakfast.iaiid' ma king his wife and servant do the same Jjeforif dinner, whereby there i often 4hp?verydeuc; 10 pay. i - ' 'i 8rii He has waged cruel war against nature 'ker selfjtby feeding our horses with broom-strawt and carrying'them off to drink where su ineTH fused to Swallow. ; - - He has protected, one-eyed Joenhs hts rili- lainnyi in ihe robbery of our jugs, by pretending 10 give him a mock trial; after sharing witii hTn., the spoil. . . Y&' He has cut bfivour trade wiih foreign -pbrlVV and brought in his own bald-faced whiskejv when we had sent him to buy better HqubV'aljJ broad; and with a perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, he has beenknown in drink our foreign spirits, and fill up' our bV--tlea with his own dire-potions. a3r Heihas; imposed axes upon ?us to an-enor-mousiarhouiitagainitTour consent, and without any rulobtitshis own.aibiirar will and pleas'- ure. ,c ui '.-.. AilandlnrdiVwhoseicharacter is thus5 marked by erer.y. ctr.whichfmay. defilesauyrahvanda' master, is unfit to" keep a boarding house Tor Cherokee Inuians, ' Nor have we been wapnng in our attention o Mrs. fi'. aiid' MrsSally, We have appealed to their native jusiice and magnanimity, we have con urcd them to alter a stato of things, which J ... . :4d OAK wqpl4 inevitably interrupt our conneciion and correspondence They, too. have beep deaf to the voice of justice; we are, therelore.1con- sirained 10 hohl all ihNe dfiKe, parlies alike in imical to our well being, and regardless of our 'Wtf iber?fr8reakejthiiaplejiiR'decl3iatilin uf oiiri final aeparatjoH jVuBij, ours landlord.tand cast our$defian):ejtin Insjjf tk.!,6.. e f " p n ... .u.u ex cf41jfi, Ihe Other Wavv A iittlo, ragged urchin hadjjbeqpif ejitby V(nfchnic.tri etillBcka'srhiill JiillvwhiAhJiad becojpe.iduefx Hehegantin'thu ."Ustjalwrayi b,yhcc.praipg iinwe..andJinbr ; itBr tuna'e,,at,Jepgih the gesesiauXpatiunu hung, exhausted, he said to him, 'Ymi noed'mrdurv me lie so sharply, Pm notgoing;'i run away at isenn-don't ttfitff'oPtf? tSfrSh 1 A preset laH VrJchinsf Wk head; 'ii,yasusrl,ftd lD ft J ' - t I