OCR Interpretation

The Farmington times. [volume] (Farmington, Mo.) 1874-1902, January 11, 1900, Image 4

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86054033/1900-01-11/ed-1/seq-4/

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"An Empty Sack
Czmot Stand Upright."
ShQil'ier ctn nw. tur j. thin blood
nourhh And uuUin the physical syjtem.
For ttrenyth cf wn tnd Guides
there must bt mwt, rich. hH blood.
Hood ' '. " I witmiwkttl at the
sttndtrd rrerK'.rjlm for the blood H
its many rcmju.iie cure
fttorlr Tvld by Trvvrlla Mm I'.-ui
.oat It- of i" - (.1. H l'wr
I'lacra io lr I.
Tt. wrrr Ulkiniluut t.ul tow in.
' I lir m2itcl pw.i I f.rr aYM Hi," Mid
thr man h' Iravfl lor a 4 tnt - hottar, "ia
d'wn in Mftnit IiumI Na), : u ki"
what hi'hfil while I ilMMM ther
i A BUti . t faSlrn through a hole iu
thr mit-walk aijtl tiitiainetl uijutira that it
attltet. m the Imi "I hi nnhi mm lit (.jr. I
thr cil) l.ir Un ijti-. ud I he ittft- Ha iii i
bWorr a jar, wbirh, thr tfcr Mid. h
cxtiiHf-fl d( re-re-M ,t t- iitiar&a. WU
what d )uu hupMtr the did to hifii (
Mniifht in a renin ' ,n t'i t.r u( tin nljr.
hnldinx th.it iiumun. . i n a e banalr i
ht injury aUda't amount tu .luvlluug.'
"Y,' thr i ir mat. a-iitl, "trtat'aa ptelt)
Mean l own. I admit, iut I know of a .r
nr Thia place u in l'nn) Ivann. An ae
quinii.tr. . of in km down their waa injur !
anmr time ago id rrti niu h thr aamr -y
thr man u mentionr.. go. hurt lie fa! I m
a lad id' walk and !nt MM of hia lea-a. IU
urd tin ritr, and didn't g?t anvthioi. I
uever hrard joat wh, l.u. pru.tabljr IwcatMC
thr juroni didn't Ivelir.f hr nrrdrd more lii.m
obr Ire in hti h-tiiiiea-, ??. rig that hr waa
barter and cotildii't honr a i aur or a have
ft man mth hit M-Pl .n.tway. Hut wait, I
haw d t '-one In thr kjibt at which thr rrai
Bieanneaa drvelopro. Itei.( i wr man, he
couldn't afford to buy a rork wg. m hr had
6 frt along with a w x.drn jKig. and one da
whilr hr waa roaring thr rinriia) ktrrt
thia nff in anair way got nrdgrd I'f-twrrn n
roupfr of umng atnnr right in thr midd. ti
tin atrrrt eat trark It tMk thrm ntrl an
hour to $r him looar, and n hat do i ou ui-
itoar hipi'infl t hii IIUmil if thm duln't
gn and onr him trn dollar
and roatf lor
obatrut tmgtr .ffi
I iiii'" IlrraiU
Tfcla 1. ndrnr nf Amrrlrfitia ora1
AmmrMrai Iu nn i -.
Ilak Wrllrr.
A mr nrana ajaj Bja MiaMi lag ihnratnrt
adhem.r to lie truth, hut thm .kV'
tiotifi r mi aiaiiifri that thry lannot be
lairlt at.ittard ol l)tng W itliam Atihcrf ii
Ktigliab author, ha- mrnll uiittrn a book
in which hr givra aaajM iCMtw t i bUi nam
plea of thia trait Hi- vrr ptwpftfy rlaaac it
aa "Auirnran l.um i
"(Hi burd nnr ttf thr Honda atratnioat,
which havt to tir built with rjurrdingi) itght
draught to get ttff thr frniuetjl rhalluwtbf
the river,' he rvlali, "an Kr.- - 1 ..u. ftg
tofttrd thr rapLun with t t.r remark 'I un
derstand, raplam. that ou think i.oUungof
atrwmmg at Toai a inradow whrr tJagft'l
baa a heavy fall of dew UTafl, 1 i
know ii- .: that, trp.ird th- upam. 'but
lt'a tnir wr 'imrtitiir har to ariid I Riau
imm wHk a wataruHf aiM upai aoatti
em tolotirl waa londm trd l the tinnier to
rr Salvuii a Othrlio ' Mr mmi ,! the
prrfnrmamr gravrii. and r. marked .tt tbif
rloar: 'That waa a migliit 904 m0W, and
1 don't a-r but th rooa did a wril g any
of m.' A third ifi'Miiilr that .nj.ii
tnr a ih.it pj thr nuti who, U-iriR innlf!
tmkt a drink. rrilnil 'Nn. , I ilrmnl)
lirnmitfij m ptftfi i-il mitbr Hf Ttf lo
tnui h ilrni. l- ..!-. !.,... it'. i i-irljr in
Ihr aaraiag; boiaH, I'vr )at (Kd-iBf.'''
Cult j4t- CltMWt.
l k i r ii nia -mull aitilal.
A Wi'irmr.ati-n ilrrirnnti ir'ja of a Hi. .1
drlnhia nlpM wl inn In him lo M nur
nn nnc il.i . wbM tW 1 1' ilir boal at thi
najrU lrrl wharf 111 thr 1 it tfw li 1 I I u!
fivr dnllar rt-flwrrn tin ni Krl i rthrirM. th1
frriom rallrd a fah ami rdt-n-l lo It drivel,
tn thr ntv hall and then tn thr nrarrat min-
iatrr. At thr ntv ha'l hr paid K1AD for a
man 11c lirrnar. tahnh Mt II t.. 1 ij II
rman and t" fir tin minntrr At the lat
trr'a hU thr Mm dMiiindrd fl W Tin
nim rqihrd that M did nnt havr it, and
thr d nvrr rnmpriimiai ! nn a dollar. Iravinr
I) rrnt fnr thr miiii.ti r Thr (room. I
aTrr, not dnw I in tng, f.r hr 'i jim d .1 -tn
a nrar jr it OTP and I uedl an rnrrl'i
for a rrnt In tin. k pal the rrmainmir Ti
rit. and aftrr I he MrMMM) liaml. d H t "
ItM miniatrr M" thr nrwlv ttumnl
muplr nt hark la l'hiladrlil ni It 1 ni"l r) .
fntladrtiihia Raconl
Tkr Karaarr "rorral.
A farmrr dnMnl :i ! 1 i i. iidaarr atnrr tt
MnlhaU and a. aakrd l) Uir nianaarr:
M t .iu waat u Ui .1 hli yah t.. rioa
aniund ur fann m, " I ln- tr f baati na .
Can 1 1 w u ,.i . for IH
"I'd nmnir put thr M5 into a DOW," at id
tin farnirr
"Hat think." taid thr nianaarr. "how frol
Bll would lnok ndina amund town on a
"li I don't know," raid thr farmer; "no
mora foolia!,, prrhapa than I would miikini
a bieycit. Kanaia Cur Journal.
A of Tkrlfl.
Phr-ATitr arr MM (ninK to rurr.d thn
llr I'm nnt amna la imI it at all
I'm aning to .avr it till nrat wtntrr and
arr if I can't art thr )amlor of ihr flat to
uar it in tlif ronma I irni.y, IMmit f'rrr
Ili.na-.hor hrinu r l lurk, it it taid."
Did . ,v(r havr nur ifr takr a fanrr
in a cold aar art with ifcamonjU'"-X. 0
TMMa IVmocrat
My Hair
"I kavc tiled roof Hair
Vigor for Ive year and tm
greatly pleated vrtk it. It cer
tainly restore the original color
to gray W. It keeps my bait
toft and (moots. It quickly
cared me of tome kind of humor
of the KiIp. My mother used
yow Htt Vigor fcr tome
twenty yetrt tad liked it very
mack.' Mrs. Helen Kilkenny.
New Portland. Mb, Jan. 4. '90,
Twenty Years
We do not know of any otter
hair preparation tint hat keen
Bted nt one family for twenty
yeut, do yon 7"
Btrt Ayer't Hair Vigor hat
keen restoring color to gray hair
fat ftfty year., and tt never
ftils to do this work, other.
Yon can rely opon it for
stopping yonr hair trot falling
out, for keeping yow scalp
cirttt and healthy, sad for mak
ing the katr grow rich tad long.
Write the Doctor
gapjaw rn;tn
HMUtal w
virca-, wrlao
atom n.
Dr. i.C Area, LowoH, aVaaa.
stW " r TTrTB TWT.I -aT
rr in hIMa ami far away.
tVhrrr thr aun atska at of day.
Thrrr'a whrrr my thouatita arr nytnar:
Aa 1 aaa. 1 acrm to ar a fan-,
Anil mv liran puraura my ihouahtt apart.
Whllr thr auutrt (low la dlC
Orrr tti. hll and far away
I will taonwaf myarir icaf day
1 will matin the llrd In r.ina
1 will find my awraihran trur to air.
And f. ah (led, win our arrrMlna t.
With a (ladnraa lh.it known noityma
alalllaalli llarman. la nvi rlan l Monthly
Ii iiryricht. tW, by D. Aapfrton a . All
rla-hta rrv-rin:
Thr frllow waa linuml to hr a aourrr of
laatMa) to mr aa lone aa in bad thr pnwtr
In aaak, liut I rould not aril munlrr MtJ
niitriahi Knrtttiutrly, lua patoia waa wrll
inh unittilliaihlr to rara untrainrd to th
diali-ii of thr aoutltrm nrftro. and. if ni) plan
irnrkrd, hi' nould rrv long mrrt hia drarrta
in nnr ot tin llntiah priaoii hulka. Ihr hor
1 1 1 le rriiut.tti'in nt whn h waa now widr
il'rcad 1 haieamat! doulit that hr thoueht
bit wat Sttaalnj t" bit drath whrn I onlrrrd
him up, lor, likr the alavr be had oiuy brrn.
In- rntiiil and nnthrd nt iu Irrt. Iwaama
t r hli life in a nianurr Uitli diajiuatina and
pililul Vrt, for all hi gratiludt at My
protniw lo aparr bim on rondition of htaoi
l m t, I MM that, WOM it in bit Kirr. hr
r. uM h.irr kmfnl mr aa I atood. I had lm
bat llut hr kmn of my hnMrneohl. Iiuna
liur. hiirtne lin-n far kaa ahrrwd lo takr for
tawaWaal mrn nl thr t-barai-trr of tbrrrrw,
be prnhabl) havinit anlunl them with
l-mniuM a of aomr rrady caah. latknl aith
iWMat of prize monry ond thr hiah favor
of Itritmh tbivra I bad n warrant fnrthua
aaBafrtaaa Ml ins tnalr had autldrnly lowtrnl
In. roirr aa he rrfrrrril the trraalirr lar
low, in all likelihood lot the purpiw of eon-n-alina
iron, the man at the whrrf its pra
anjat St hoard thr aebooner.
To the fellow at my frrt, whoap name. 1
row mind mr. waa "Stofa" (prolahl a eaj
rupuon nf flit itop!n'ri. 1 mr.de no prom
inil 'or thr future, only aaiioa I would held
ntjf hand for tin prraeiit, and then nr-il-
'i ! I'M to : l.v in the jih and atavaail,
that the rhantont nnuht la in the wind and
mrrl btf fate aa anon ,ia INHMllile
llnleed. I had i iretril rrr thia to hare
had a alnt ai-oraa niy liowa and atn-tlier one
into me lor tint olwrinar the hint nf theflrat,
an in tton whn Ii bad to far U-en impoaaiMc.
I fanned land afterward found I waa right i
the were nnnpluaaeil at t he ajHtS areman
ahip diaplnyei by the drunken prngrraa of
the I'hnntom It bad baaa thouabl. may
hap, that, aa hut two nun ahnwed on our
dei k, we had n boat BtMaW, and that, in the
natJkttM of a ann,ile tradrr, we were intend
ma to deludo them and lay thrm alniard
With I it t ! i- errnifn -.r. failina in thia, wrrr
tidnptin-t fMiir unenuth inoile of warfart on
Ihr era, aa attMBI t" thetu aa ia the Indian
I li : tu- Lnad t, tin- BaataaaMa rrgular.
It waa with n faaitatl .Am t ahatne that
"hen tin fataall h .l.ar-l. were let go I had
tin- negro lei, I the Stara and hlriira to thr
awnign halyard, plarin the Mac union down
end under the liamtnH hunting of the rnr
my Ihear were hiHatnl to the niainprak,
and Ihua I had art a aign of aurrenderlirforr
urrender waa ealle.1 for. hut aa a part of my
plan it Uratne a hard nre-raatty.
Now the hentlaaila lieing let g,i with a run
tt.'l banuiug loaat orer the haw, the lorraatl
and ttt trartling bkirka giving out a dtaf
cnm( proleat againat ita (M tt aheet. thr
niainMtl lointng in the thundering e'.iorua,
and tht aherl Jtrkuig vmlrnlly hither and
ihithrrwitb tbr kn k of ihr ruddrr, wr wrrr
mflii irntlr hey.md the inn .1 order of thinfa
lo auit ttf purpoar, and my trump eard, in
the ahaie of a dead man lying In theaeup
t-er. Icy elr to t ha rye of anyone who might
hoard ua. Thr Bight waa um-anny enough,
and my maltnet waa tn have thr negro heart
the IkhIv over hoard; but, aa it waa lo nt a
tilrnt nitnraa to tha atory I waa about to
tell, 1 let it ludt. thougb, aa tbc att'url
bowt-d, 'twould havt aarc-d ma a aigiit of
:roull lo hart followed my firat tmpulat
I eonfeaa that my heart beata took on iddt
tional forra and frtquaary aa I atood and
watched the aeboonrr'a nearer approach.
She ranie on to wilbin raay gunahot, and
twung into Ihe wind, all of a llullrr from
atem to tttttV- and than "lay lo" with her
beadaaila full ahark. r mm the aearlrt flag
al her peak to her rkran rutwalrr eheaaa
an object of beauty, though m a light air I
doubt ahe would have tltd hei keel through
ihr brine with greater tpc-ed than would thr
I hantnm, which had l-rrn built for fleet
ncta and rapidity in atayt.
With niy wita by thia time well aloul me.
and my wounde bleeding hut little Int waa
almwn by the faw dropa that now dripped
from my flngora' rndal, I atood by the helm
and look in rvrr drtail of tlir rnrmv. from
the crowd at her davila to Ihr long In m
piece forwanl of the forrmaet, the gun being
trainril point blank al me.
The atrangrr worknl with the ala-rnty of
a man of war, for the evbooncr had barely
lc at her way when I aaw a boal dror from
baf larboard quarter and pull towanl lat,
while another came around her tiow and fol
lowed. Thry were both filled with wrll
armed nam, aa rould lie aren bj the glutei
of uiuaketry , and the way thry came ovel
the whilecaiw thoweal their tmper. It
thowrd temper, too, in thr amarl maaner
tin , Uiardru mr, the bnt Iwwt booking nn
In the main t-bmitiele. the mm elamhenag
out with tcan-rly a about and no nueetiuna,
and in a twinkling I he-held half a aeore of
them on oiy deck, the). I fancy, Wing
mightily aurvnard at having met with no rr
aialanee. The rruia waa now at band, and I played
tny firat card with aotnething of the deatieni
tMl of a ruined gambler striding up to aa
oflirer whom I aaw onvng ait with hare
word in band, I taid:
"Vt (hoar araat court ear in boarding mr,
air. Had you turned ut- an hour aaoae.
'twould hare been to boor- puepoae."
Whi in h-1 art your Whatm'a the cap
tain of liitaakipr' waa the excited rejoinder
Xow there waa eonething about the tone
of hia voice, the way of calling a aebooner a
ehtp, aa wall aa the gel uu of tha Man htm
elf. that, angered aa 1 waa at hia reply, made
me bark a pare and look at him. A quirk
gtanrt akowed me I waa not dealing with a
man bred to the tea, murh teat to the ragu
tar terrier,, for. though I then bad email
knowledge of the unlfnrma of Ihr fin t rah. I
I new that which grarad the latch of tbeoffi
rer before ate waa not of hia atajeaty't nary.
I knew it by ila ml and garniture, and the
land flavor ul the man lay aiao ia the fart
that he wore a forage cap aad carried a cav
alry aabar inatead of a i-ullaaa. Ilia face, too,
lacked tha true aea Ian, ita fair nimp'raioa
thawing ihr effecu nf unuaual e-apoaure to
i. and wiad What hia rank Might bt I
had no idea, and aperniatiori waa loot m the
oatck retort that naturally near to my tint.
"Whs art you, air, to tumble aboard
His of hia taaeaty'a ia that faaumn" V
aland in need of a Iraaou in marine manner
aa wrll a nariar matter Da ya horaj to
judge of a eraft'a cargo by a aajnint at her
hatch cover, or of a man by tha cut of hat
j-H Think not to devrira youraelf or Me!
I komv niy rtgbla. and aJan know Ihe diffrr
m$a hat wni the cry of a aea bird and a lien
If I bad any doubt aa to the official poei
lion of tha ofarer, it waa act at rout by the
eubdued laugh that name from the groun
about ua. Piqued ley the eoand of mirth
tram tbote lat bad no poorer to pwnrah, hat
tar taraen to an ugly rad, and, lifting hie
aaber aa though to eat mo down, bfabcntrd:
Van loeoeeot dog! I aril! make yea aw eat
tor thia! LavT hob! of bi. aotoe of m
Tie the v Betta uf! Damnation! art yoa all
cowaribiT" he continued, aa there waa a
thuflle ol (era, though no one eworoacbed aw.
1 In m ia Bo telling what might have been
tbr upahot of thn diaputr bad there baaa
no interruption, for the fellow aremed deter
mineil to aae bit aaber on ate. llut, fort a
nately for one of ua, were joinad by an
other iilH-er, whom I afterward found had
come from the terond boat.
"Mold bai i HcamaatU! You are not
handling one of .:- own dragoon! What
ia tlua all about i You fly the aignal of a
prize, ear," he roclinuvd, turning to ne;
"how rumea it you arc alone? Who and
what are you?"
"1 aaa Captain Jack Ixmnsbury, hearing
inatrurtmna from Sn Henry I liuton. aa thai
cvtkatrire might bare found rrr thia bad
he utett a anioolh tongue Thia ia my print
- a Yankee aebooner ladrn with lead for
New Umdnn and taken by nie attigle liand
ed The re lire her akipprr. and all lil one
of her rrew urr oteHnoiril ' And with tin:
I pointed to thr bod) ol my male
I had hardly apokrn wbrn Inn marine
ionic all with thr negro Mtofr Iwtwtxt them
He was trembling lib a tail in the wind,
and hung hw brad at though be had loat
all atrrngih lo lift It. 1 waa looking for a a
BBjaaaanrt on the intunt, hut the offirrr
wavel t he.-ii bach with a motion. There waa
an unapoken lut plainly aliown reanert for
me in ihr demeanor of I be crowd aa it a-iread
away. The two uflicer elond for a moment
in uiidieguieed wonder at tbr rrciUl of m
prowcaa, giving allrruatrgUii'-ra at the body
and myaelf. and then the laal comer, who
waa plainly the one to authority, tpoke.
"You alant aUd that? II) K. (irorge,
rvamniell, yoa rami near getting into a
Meat! 1 prima lead to ahnw ) ou a ore arnm
mage, lull nnt the kind )ou were batching.
11 ua have further warraul of tbeae facta,"
l.e continued to me. "Wbt waa he?" mnt
ing toward lb at upper, "and when did thia
l,apien ! lart ua come by the paper."
"Yonder lellow ia Donald Thorndykr, the
inaater till I overcame htm," I atiawered.
"I ahipprd aa mate If you will golarlow we
can conic by the whole mailer,' 1 replied,
not raring tu extend my yarn w ith tin negro
ailhtn bearing "Or. banter, wr ran take
bat we there find and go aboard before
your captain, war re tbr whole in. tier may
In hoileil down al nnraittiag "
" Twould be a aa-. ing of lime, certainly,"
he anaweml, "but we'll hear Ihe yam while
ihe aebooner le taring ararrhed; of i .Hirer,
you understand the importance of the form "
Aad hr turned lo a aaa rorporal and gave
bim the neceaaary order. "Now, tr, I am
at your errvire." he taid, t routing lire deck
toward the ralun eomianicm. Hraitating
there, hi- teemed lo hang in the wind for an
inatanl, and then air ode over to the loaiy.
"Did you about him!" bcaakcl, aa he lml
ever the proatrale form
"Nay, I rtruck bun," I anajrrred.
"Katth. then," he returned, eittng me up
with a aide glance, "I'd aoooar lake the
. hanee of a bullet than a Idow from that bat
if )ou atrtiek in earnest! Did he wing yrni
at the onevt?"
"Nay, nay, t waa a nigger atrmng to knife
me in the hack. Lett below. Mai hap ye
have a doctor aboard who will fit up a bad
tut "
Through all Ihie I waa conacioua of the eye
of Srauintel! 1'urd on mr. Whrthrr or not be
waa uaucioua of mr. or whether be wat ttdl
l olling under the drraaing I had given him,
there were no meant of telling. I aaw plain
the iraeiitment be made little effort to
conceal, and felt that I had made an rnemy
n ho would bg mighty glad to eroaa aworda
aith mr on the alighteat provocation. He
waa W or .t in yeara. or aliout najj own age.
and waa under me not t wo inebe in alature.
ahlch ia apeak ing well for bun. aa 1 rtood
three inrhr above alt feet, unshod. Ry
wetght and brawn I well overmatched htm
laa I did moat men I, especially in the '.-liter
iiuality of physique; but be made a typical
dragoon officer, and would I a formidable
antagnniat in any field.
I might hope for little merry if ever I fell
into the power of thia man, for merry waa a
I drana to the King, and d d tha rebel.
quality winch, strained or unstrained, he
and hia fellows bad naught to do with. This
1 made sure of on getting into the cabin,
where tn cmiree of conversation it turned
out that he waa a captain in De Kvnrv'e
I la-gum, a body of tory cavalry half
frerUvitrt md half in the regular service
1 hail heard of them, as who has not? lie
Iwtzl New York and I'hdadelphla ami Ihe
country mrrouading loith place they were
a tenor, the malignancy equaling if not
surpassing the rapacity nf Tryon himself.
I itched to get rn fingers on him tbrnand
there, that thrre might ha one Irs blood
sucker olwve ground, but policy In Id me from
committing nn act which probably would
hare at once wrought ruin to my plana and
Ii ft my wxir mother without a eon. I waa,
thrrelorr. hound lo treat htm with civility,
which I did wlicvt a word to him waa nere
oary, but I fancy ar earh knew the oilier
waa but aktpping over the thin are of poltte-
II- ing. ao it were, in the enemy' line I
'ullowed the bent of Hie lieatenaat, and
laughed lotidlv and long over the puzale
men: (aa be tailed it) into which the Plum
ton. had led Ihem. I drank to the king and
demur,! ihe reiorla, told a atory of lielng
a free lam-e under rlattic instructions from
Kir BtWy Clinton, and how I had taken
thr vessel by killing I aputn Ihorndyke and
besting the crew In abort, I put myself
into mj tiuttr'a former place aa nearly as was
ptsstnasai following bis mane manner and
uncouth language, rihlhiting Ihr rough and
eady character beOlting a fellow of hia
breed lie
Hut. layond Kir tleary'a aigualure, never
a line did I show them or tell the ntturt of
mv awdefej and that for lb beat rr.ms. for
! know utile of tbr lajainea aayself. not hav
ing bad Ihe nrqairtanity to More titan scan
the papers I bad taken from the body.
The regular clearance dttrnvrred thr
arbooner to l-e a Yankra trader. Tlotea waa
a Yankee sailor raptured and a Yankee rap
lain dea l, nnd why should thrre he turpi
liana and there were none in the mind of
tha lieutenant; but of hia friend, the dra
goon, who bad rot.ve aboard for a bit of dan
gamut play land had nigh achieved hit
wiahl, I waa not soaure.
In my turn at questioning I found Ilia' the
enemy wa tbr Sprite, aa America a rapture,
refitted and renamed, one of Ihe last of
Howe's Beet a i lonshttry had surmised),
bearing two paotengers lirsidr bar usual com
olrmrut of men. and bound for New York
to meet lienrral t 'hnton. then on hay over
bind trip from Philadelphia to thai m .
Now we had lieen titling below I. r uparaH
of an hour, drinking my rum and trakiua
game ol the rehcli on bind and era (though
once, when I spoke of John Paul .Inart, I
aaw waa on dangcroua ground, and belayed
nay tongue, curaing the liquor for having
loosed it I, when the rum i union way waa
darkeiieil by a marine, who, jtrehing a an
lute, said, with a erarr-ef y ontroHed grin
"Wi- luve another rnSaaaer, air."
"Another!" exclaimed thr lientenatit,
starting up and giving me a stem tno'e.
'What a the meaning of this, Iaianabury?
Are you dealing fairly "
I waa aa tni'ui bald aa be. and bad ne an
war to make, but bafcre any confusion be
man uMiiiieat the marine uum qioke.
" Tie the dead man come to life, air. We
ware flushing bim an' the dark, an' 'twas the
water a fetched him, air.''
" :id I an 'tis no w-.re." sunt the afftcrr
with a laaah. "I fvarrd I smiUed a trick
Yoa Aroeriaan-born are the itevil and all al
playing deep gnMta. and, faith! far a aarond
1 thought you astjbl hare ooaxaetl aaa. Let
as to lis deck.''
1 had redden maou tn turn my ourae from
the lieMea, fac had K aet htm m nu I deabt
tie I would have fallen backward Like t
dr mug man, I had visinus rotating tbioogb
my mind w.th a rapidity that nxakea dearrip
tion impossible My very ntrrngth gave eut
for tbr moment, but thrre waa enough Irft
la get me lo my feel aud lotlow the othrre
to tbe dei-k.
I have farad death einee, and well nigh
shaken bands wilb it, but never did the
Knowledge of ita nearness affect mc a. ,'id
the words of the marine, aud 'twould Ula
mors iban money te make ma go thrush
a like thirty aeconds. or the time it took Me
to get from the cabin.
Imavtbury had been moved, and lay on
hie losek on lb deck with bit bead retting
on the edge nf the helm grating He tree
soaking from the sousing that had brought
him tn life, hut I sent up a mental think
pving on the diaa-ovary that it had not aha
l-mughl bun lo reason The wile sign of vi
tality Uy in the fact that be breathed. There
waa r, hoarse snd hollow tone at each brave
f bra brood cheat, whsrh I knew to be due
lo bis broken bead; and though I Ml him lo
lay a deadly rnrmi and a rhamel bouoe for
morals there was a pity in it to are Ihr ab
ject hclpu-senesa of ibe once powerful figure
aa it sprawled on Ibe hot, white plank tig
ftcammell atooied for the man's indae,
peering closely tnlo his fare the while, and
then fot a moment the e hole load of anxiety
came back on me aa be straightened up and
"I have seen thia fellow before, though I
fail io place- htm at Thorndykr. lie looka
like tbr chap alio roraped from the relsrla
after apikiag the guns near White Plains
llut that waa before wr look New York.
Why Ihr d I raa't 1 remember name ?"
Here again was might dangerous ground,
for Kcanimeli was right, though I knew notb
ing of it then nor untU the war waa over.
The spiking of the gun waa an old story,
hut it had loren long agone. and I wat only
a wan- of the bald lart. However. 1 felt that
be had alrurk a arenl, which if followed up
land I lanrted him Ihe man for ill might,
nay, wnuid, tic likely to drive m to bay
It was well, then, that at that Moment
a reca!l gun sounded from Ihe off lying
schooner It aeetaed lo wake the lieutenant
to the fact that time bad gone and that the
mm waa well toward its artltng Without
more edo a guard waa left on the vessel until
a report rould be made In the captain of the
Kprile, and nilh Ibe other I went along,
that I might again tell my tale and gel my
knife-thruat into proper drsauuiig
Darkness waa well settled on the tea.
though there still hung a faint, hot glow
in the west when I had tiniatttd in) business
(Mi the Kprtle.
Ilimng tbr baleful rye of Srammcll, there
bad lrn nothing lo mar ihr proceedings in
making a report in harmony aith my atory.
'lb.- dtagianiis aiirtne and tlndy gaawwunt
a trill, disconcerting, and tbe knowledge of
the captured black i who had been conveyed
to the Sprite), coupled with the eelus' that
laounahury might return te hia senses and
apt ing a mine bmcatb mc, served to keep
my nerve at a tcnaiou which became well
nigh unbearable.
There had Ixen a number in Ihe elegant
abin, but ot them I wot eot, save that moat
of theni got hoi with liquor. Kor a sight of it
had been taken, even the captain having his
judgment cross. , I and hia jidlity mrrraaed
h) constant i course to tbe loittle
And her let mc say that, tn my poor
opinion, both ike length snd cruelly of the
nar were brlpc.1 more than a httlc l.y this
never ending taking aboard of "lhit h com
age," Had it made men laattle in proportion
to their boasting, 'twould lure scried some
projier end, but 1 never found that I could
hghi Issuer with eyes and a-its tarried with
liquor, and. in fact, though 1 preach not,
never louihcd it when in trouble save aa on
this occasion to keep up apprarii
And even on this ocraaiori had aid thc
npper hond of what I drank, and noticed
that Ki.itnmell wits nursing himself a well,
but, ssidr from vc two, 'twas a noisy crowd
that tumbled lo the dick to ire nu back to
the rhantont
1 bad made myself mighty pnpu'nr duiuie
my sh-.r'. stay alx.aiil A lisngr of lienh.
I ad loin ofletnl no, bnt 1 h.vl a nail nolinn
of leaving my nun irolt aith ita hidden
'argo. though 1 put it on the ground nl fur
letting prize money d I descried htt, A
crew of five men were given me tr-htch
would makr a ttn.ill claim for salvage in fa
vor i f the Kpritri, and now. with tbc dor
tor. who was to give a hand In IMiiislHtry.
I Blood by the tide while In; ing a small
uogcr on the race to New York.
I had little heart in the laugh fid l.itt
handtluUi- to the rest, and waa about put
tanj fesa on the thtf hr to pasa to the
toval that waaawing.ng high and low on the
running seas, when rty i llelitmn ivaacnuglil
b the Mtt uf a girl who least tkiough the
ornun:-,o and sIikkJ urtlir.gly ratnt
rgatnsl the black liackgrnund ol tlic night
'1 In- bright lamplight from the cabin lloodcd
rnd I t night out every detail of ber features
It wat I ut tbe face and bust I aaw, ibeoeii
door i utting off the lower part of hrrligure,
Imt 'twas the fair of an angel, and lor an in
slant I torgot to morr, looking al bei aa I
auuld at a beautiful pirlure.
And a picture ahe nude aa ahe atood there
turned toward ua High breeding al .e. , 1 m
tbe delicate contour of chin and cheek, dark
tyre and clearly rut straight iioat. but twat
the small mouth with it line red lips kail
open ut though m inquiry thai held mc by
us sweetness, hile Ihe mass of auburn hair,
drrssrd high, aa waa the fashion of the limes,
pave a touch of perfection at In i muutc
The vision for 'twas more akin to a
vision than rralily lasted but a breath, fot
Mcaiuuiell thrust his form brtwut us, nrd
made lipid aleH toward tbe roniianiuo
way, while I, with a h ind wave to the o.hert,
j- in.- i the doctor in the boat.
Hie aurgron. a tall, raw boned Irishman
tfflii leil with a strong after-dinner h e
lough and a desire to talk, settled back in
the stern sheeta. and voluntaril) fell intoun
explanation of a lady la ing on hoard the
"An')r know not Mrs lladely.Kir Ilenrv'i
light o'-love? Tis a shame thai king a otfl
cer lar made to dance attendance to that
iik. Her ward teems at lr n' diflrrent r'ay,
though. A bonny lass she ia. an' a lonely
one. h.ivii g no great love for her guarduij,
aa 'tis plain to see, an' few to turn a word
with, raving Krammel!. Did ye mark the
way In- bd to her whrn she lifted o'er the
basest t Ti in my mind he's trnhzz o' ihr
deck her foot lights on, tn1 he hangs ahoul
her like a brooding hen. 'Twos a sorry move
Sir Henri made hen be lit on bun for a
guard o' honor lo Mr lladely and I Icrlrude
King Had for bun, I nn an, sinew '1st plain
he's slru.-L between wind and water by the
Is, though, tn my ntnd. shr'U have little
te do with tit like a' him after eeltui; .' t
Krum thia and other rambling talk I galh
etad thai thr Sprite was iaLinj Iwn ladies
from lhiladrlphia to New York ladle Mrb
r favor with Uen. (liuton - and that one of
them, Mr. Ila.lrly, waa tbe famons beauts
it whom the dmightj knht bad g.ecn b.
lorart without the honora'olr accuiui4nimeat
of baa band and name. Hit- notoriety bad
even tpr.ad heyrmd Ibe British lir.es. and
much ot the iqiportunc inactivity of ih-eur-my
was e-.iIaioed as du- tn the fasriua'.toa
of his misl. ess and the inability of thster. i.
laander lo withdraw from her uilluaocc and
lake tbe field
I to aa ccomaiirn.I
Twt taltla.
ttcnrmaiiy take two forms: our putt
(It object on Ihe ahotfldet, tbr other nn
tbr heart, ft i Ihe timvlnce or enralir
alone to act tbe host ua did the aiiliaa
of Turkey rrreatiy. when be ps-'ireil
taio tnr nanu or the kan.erlu of lrr
many haudiul of eliuioone.'i. the amull.
eat of w hich was wort b over tr.'OO: Lat
a kindlier tnd more tmltable example
waa once art by the $ rand father ot the
kaiser. Jntt 10 years nffo Kaiser U ,1
llntn I. visited linden-lladrn and aiiolknl
Incognito throng I. ihr aksnpt or ihr
city. Two penaantt fii m the nriglilaur
Ing lltaek foreat. evidently a y oung man
and hi sweetheart, rlntfally rj rd aonir
Utile object, ilnkHy naked II price,
and on bearing It, almost trarfnlly
turnd aw ay. The grand and kind oktt
knltrr had noted It nil. Tbe peeatnel
pair had jutt reached tbe exit from tbe
eneluaure, when one of (he prupic of ihe
shop came np to them nnd placed a
iiarhet in their hand, with tbe sverdt
uhbTpeieai low: "Fly the. r.ili of the
k altrr." Yanth't vnopaniioi.
ttrn.s name Tlllrts at ihe tall Wall
Vt kite Thele Welajhhora last
ttleh ant I'rosnrrous.
One serious leak on a great many
farms ia thr buying of marbiurry and
then leavlnr it ripened In nil kinds of
neat lot I bavi in uuUel a farmer who
bas a self-binder, corn planter, sulky
plow, walking pioa, two cultivators,
two lop liugjgira and two wagons, am!
hr li nsrt thrm standing nut In nil kinds
of weuihrr. I consider this a srrluus
leah ui.d there ate many farmers who
da thr same thing. Another Irak on
iiiaut farms Is a lack of proper shelter
for atork. I hnovt men who let their
niilih row., stand out in all kiuda of
wrathir .mil then feed JO per nam. earn
to Maim them up. Another leah i
Ibe trrj pniuiint line of feeding young
sloth a ration that will simply main
tain thrm during the winter. Man;
timr we see ralirs and rolls thai are
not ten pounds heavier In thr sprint:
than they wrrr at the beginning of
winter, and practically all thr Irril they
rontumrt! during Ihr v inter was lost.
I once askre! a farmer who follows
thia plan bou tenth hr thought hia
calve had galnrd during the winter.
He rcpllrd thai Ihev bad not gained
anything rxcvpl agv but they were
fle monlba older. I fall lo ace whrrr
the It limn tin' calf that will weigh
M pounds ha any advantage over the
trim months calf of Ihe sunir aright.
To frail five months without at.i gain
la u sellout leak and or.r that it loo
coiiinion with man) farnurt Another
Irnk that it tu common Ibat It It the
rule ratbrr tknn the exception la Ihe
wanting of nianurr. All manure ni n e
on ihr farm should br tprrncl on tbe
fleldt, rsprrlally on Ibe poor spots. SUM
toother Irak la to in to farm too much
land, anil consequently grow more
weeds Ihnn com. I know i-.nV mnn
vein, jjrew leaa limit M buihels of enrr
H-r acre this year op account of under
taking loo much; thr needs took tbe
corn. Tbr tame man hat Id arret of
rough lam! that bas a good blurgrasa
4, He is going tn brrak II tip fot
corn in Ihi spring, and Hint will br a
serious Iruk on bis fttrni. for he bat
more land under plow now I ban be ran
attend lo, nnd he will only grow more
o ck!s ai.d lose Ihe to acres nf grass be
sides Then another leak is kiriing
any kind of aliu-k afler thry hair f r.'
ibrlr prime nnd I., lo go iloieii. -C.
L. Ilartliiinn. ii. I'inlrle Karinrr.
Mfiva- ttt m ' r ,i. Mi nn-
Itf Uhlrh Ita Vlfuflln If.
Tralrtl Kalt.
Tht- - tiiinntion of rrimiton rlmn
ami npn nlifii tbr acrti ia cnrnwinitive
I? part rflrii iMVta ihih-.i In In flf
alrfft. Tlir aa-ni i'i ti,r..irat,a rapiill..
Willi Rajc, Thi'iv (. how r.r r. a aimpir
quality teat w.thin thr rrnrh of aaj
b-.iver. as awowii in u In i i-it i.iii grtni
Inntor risWatralrd In n tn-uiur of Um
i cpHrlitiritt of ngrlculliin-.
A ph-rr of no 1st ll.i nil is t t as I upon
a p.nl", nnd n i-i-rtnln niiinln i i f tleala
ore cour.ted out anil -in' IgpoU 'I I tlan
ltd. a secoud fold of srhhrh is plarce'
J oirr Ibctn. Thin II other aaata ; In
I lielrii mrr Ihr wbn'e. Tbr snils -
rrnmVnd and ruunted ns fast us tin y
e'f rtntt.tilr. Local crintton . tayveff Will
spiout wi to l0 pet cent, of kha seed
within three days. (Ir.ciiinct: Kui met .
nkrat I sroilos In Nrheaska.
.. Nebraska pupcr tells i f n lu.'it. o b
-ooghi n farm thru , upon -i l-ieti thru
nnt n morlguge of ; He- old not
u.akr much money the first jiai. but be
sown n acrra of wheat the next year.
It was a poor .tear for wheat aim the
aland waa so ;hioi that he thought be
wouhi imt buriest It He riiiiruct! to
hia old home, um S ft tb lurm am
tin- mortgage io n, lit ii out as the.
plt-.iMi!. The wjirut ri)Miiiil. fell tu thr
trim in! um! K.-nled il well. I bi rr was
u fine crop, ai d as some our was aim
hough to ttfttt uliolll it to him. hr
unit li.mk. sstrvewted l mul sold it fut
enough lo pay the mortgage unl all hit
oilier tletjtt. "if ut firat you i.on't sne
ered, try, try iignin."
Kehnastlnx I arsa l.oll.
If you keep on taking from the aoil
without n turning to it, li is only n
gjWtallog of timr whrn Jfttttff fields will
hrttiiiir sierib- nnd Wbrthleaa, Ptstui
ltig, feeding Hie slink it nil llistrilrlllilir
Ihr niiiniire and rotation of crops must
be resorted tu. or tbr time will mint
when yon can produce oro wonb hnr
rrating only after ruelly expenditure
fin conimi n-ltil fertillxers with which
a srtiiii-iaile rei oiislrmt the liiltneaa
yon bs.li- wuatrd. Karuicra' ItevicW.
A In l))t wf Old.
"1 cut! undoubtedly c-li grj -ot. my dear
fellow," aaid the lawyer, "but It will
require a rtiiiilderable aoui of mouey
lo perfrcl you' elrfenae."
"I bare only a email uitioiiu'. w II h me."
replied Ibe scion of I wealthy fnniliy,
w bo had wnmlcicl mvuy fnun home and
llic a!h of Integrity, "hut my fntber
w ill honor my draft for any sum within
"Thm. ' relumed tbc disciple gs) Poke,
Littleton ct al.. promptly, "draw nnd da
feud youtaelf." X. T. World.
Mlrctlon or Delaware's l.evrrKor
Dclnwnte- n.-.v elevl its governor on
tbc day of tin- presidential election, grid
be serve fo'ir year. A strong tuou
uient ia ou fool in tbc elate ta change
the date of tbe election ao that it shall
oscur between the national con let It. aa
wed lo I the caae before thr death of
Oor. Mnrvll lansrd a special elect! in,
v hich wta for a full term.t'liicago
Onlr satte Platre rr lllm.
lluobfc -I think it waaueleuisrelahama
Hint they put old ltihhina in a lunatic
asylum almply becnuaa ha went dntt
over Unotch dialect eloriea,
Tlobla t)h. the dialect h trainee waa
bearable, but. say, wbrn he took up the
bsuri!sr, tbe iieighbora eomplnloed to
the 1-narrl nf Itr.tllb. X. Y. Truth.
""VsT s
Prrhapa Thry llo.fhnlth "What'a
Ihta 'trangb of thr aea' we read about T"
loo, "Ob I gueaa that la what tha
ttrran greyhouueaa drink out ol." Chr
mgo New a.
A Public Ceremonial. "Whnt'a the
meaning of I lie big crowd around the
tbanty up thrre?" "Doolry 'a goat la
hatln' hia whlahrra trlmmeal." -Cbrvtj-laud
An Inferenesr Jonrw "My doctor
til vises me to ride a wheel un hour n
iuy." Wheeler (tsnrti niplurrnaljr)-
t inly nn hour n day ! He mutt ha) n
homoeopath." Puck .
Rbe- "Don't you think tbnt you are
t little In love with youraelfr Ilr
Tbat'a because- I think e murh of you.
I am naturally fond of mo thing that
you are fond of ." floaton Tranacript.
A man hna Im-cii foiiml In Kaat
rrlendhlp. Me., who baa kept a dlnry
once IhTfi and ha nerer mbsawdnday.
Hon tbc friends and acquaintance of
that mnn muat bate bim! floaton
-Hee-ret of the Art. flhluner "What
makra Gat piiflluglnn ao aiievraafulaaa
-onicrmatloiialisIT" Mabel "He' ao
laclturn gdie the other lota of chance
o talh." PbiUilelpbla North Amerl
tti Friend (leaving the office with the
brokrrl- "I aay. ohl man. yon didn't
lock your aafe." Uroker "Xo. I never
lo. It coat tea), and 1 don't want btir
flara to spoil It for the little I've got In
A Nest Telet Tkmt lie Is W iseklaa aw
To an honest man It would apiear
that the flvld uf bunko bad been p.-etly
urn woiJ.nl out; but every little while
BsstM ingenious and crooked grnlleman
contrive a new method of making oth- ;
rr prison pay for hi Ingenuity. Just I
at preaent the attest railway men ar
looking; for the dcvlaer and operator
if a very slick game uf which tbe carl
-ondiutors are made victims. The
requisite for thia game Is elx dollars'
la live-dollar bill and a utie-dolkar),and
lis working does not rerjoire great
nrrvr. us Ihr buukurr, If eougbl, e-an
tlwaya declare that it waa a mistake,
and to prove Ihe contrary with legal cer
tainty would br almost impossible.
The crook gela on thr car and trndera
Ihe tu. t.,; a fitr-dollar bill. Xow,
no ronduclor wants to give np all bit
.-bunge and leave hlnitrlf short, aud
no conductor w ill takr a Are-dollar bill
if thrre la any way of getting out of
Kb Therefore he looka at Ibe crook 't
bill ami aayt:
"la that Ihr tmallett you'ie trot "
"1 think It ia." says Ihe crook. "Wait
a minute and I'll tee."
Crumpling the bill up In bis hand
thr game Is usually ployed with erlsji
new bills, as Ihey crumple- .i.sjie.l.
iloualy hr goes through ins ovVrta
In lea roll of change. .Vol wanting to
find any, he doesn't And an).
"Borry, but thnt'a all Pat got," he
aay a.
Thereupon the conductor, with In
WMrd wrath, trirrs tbr crumpled bill,
jama it into his pocket nnd gives change
Not tbe original crumpled bill, how -rter,
for during the search for change
he gj contrivrd lo substitute a new
nne-ilollnr bill, equally crumpled, for
the Ave dollars, nnd the conductor In
nine onset out of ten doesn't think lo
tin roll anil examine the bill whuh be
has just seen to lie flie dollar. : the
ganl of the dny 'i work iie discovers thnt
he is flee dollars out. Should br dis
cern Ihe substitute. Ihe crook aimplj
'Why . thnt'a queer! I thought It was
t Its) thai I had all tbc lime."
And what can the iiltictor dot
V. Y Hun.
Ilarvri sklilmore : mt lies,
Has) I ader an Old llebt.
Hariri Skn'niorr. of Noulh Haven. I,
I., la ati obi mini. Kor lit", icurs he has
had the tho.tght of n debt hatigingnver
him. The ilclit was one of : w hich he
contracted with Ihe father of J II. anil
J II. Prrkms, of illvcrhrad, w ho it long
airier dead
During ul! three .,r. yean Mr Shid
nmre baa tot felt able lo pay Ihe debt,
and cierv year that went by rolled
up the Interest on Ihr money, llut aa
tbe yean went on the debt, although
long ago outlawed for collection,
weighed heavily on thr honeat old man.
The oilier day he collected together
Ihe savings of aome yean, anil, going
to Kin rlirnil. he offered It) cancel hit
Indebtedness In uiy iiigr the $2H to Ihe
ton of hit obi creditor. He frankly
stileel Hint be wat not In a position to
pay the interest.
Although he knew that II waa beyond
hit means, be would doubt less hair
been riiiinfuundeil hod he figured It up
md foand that ot compoune) .nteretl
foi the 86 years which the debt had run
It had by this timr amountrd lc tomr
thing over trUKt
Hut Mr. Prrklns did not ask for thr
liitrreet. In fact, he was attnniehrd al
Ihr offer of the Slit). At Ural br did not
want to take it. but Ihe old man in
alaleel upon it.
When tbe money wet paid and a re
ceipt In full given the old man walked
proudly out of Ihe slorr. fllleel with tbe
satisfaction of having at laat canceled
an honest debt, even though It had brrn
long ngo forgotten by other. X. Y
still Power wa a Meaas of Wlwnlaa
According to theoaopby, aaid Dt. A.
W. Curyti. tbe hunwn will waa a dcftiille
fon-e. and when slmngly moved by
deaire it nu able tn areoniplish rlal
bh rraiilt. although no apparent action
had been taken. The eiralrrw of men
nerr conslantly tiffecliug their out
'rani rircumatancca. and ercu If, aa
in the - use of a man wishing for wealth,
i.o itnnierllate result la seen, the ulti
mate effect w ill lie thai lu another earth
life he nould he born amlel wealthy eur
rounitlnga. It ulwnya baptened, how
ecr. thul wbrn the roveteet isuon was
obtnlncel some i nv. ch-onu and un
hmkeej-for clrcutiislnnre a ii -onipanlrd
It nnd an thr wise mnn avoid denniltt
wiahea aliout hi f lit urr. recaqniielng bl i
iriieafaiice of w bit Is realty liewt for him.
nml patiently at ting the deatlnv
meted out to bim by the Just Inw
tleorge M tiller, of Hrl-tol. npport a
large Inalltutlnn for orphans hr prayer
Thr ecnrrnble foiiirdrr relate hi wlh
for a definite sum of money to meet a
prrsaiut; engagement. Thought were
thing, and once tfee idea, sltsonglv vl
tntixetl by hia will, paaaed out Into the
ether. It teiatesl about nntll nttractrel
to tlir cnuirciiial anil of the In. in. of
mine wenlthr phllanthmplat, who,
atnick fiy the thought." srnda lug
etieck for thw required amount.
f Hair Raatortar la a Parfect
The Man truss- Mala Waa l-rott est
tt Till a War her Did It Ig
tar HI as.
"The roemlstrt of the but two ooagr rates
will recall tht smooth shaven viaagt of
former Speaker Heed," said an old attache
uf the locus io a Times reporter lb other
da) "And she cider member will likewise
remember that Reed at ane lias wore a
Msattscke of a few ttraggliag hairs, ao often
twin on the upper bp of eittttael) tWihv
men How Mr Heed parted wilh hit hirtuie
apology can best he told by a certain barber
in tht Hiouseof representatives abotllaadsd
to thai gentleman want.
"Dae day the big man fiom Maine settled
himsell in the barbrr't chair aad requested
a ahavi . When Ihe alteration aa i-cmtiirted
Mr Heed etrsighlrned himself and atkrd:
'Have fan any of that old fashioned waisd
io a a i niustacnet wiiar
"The barber hnallerl among hit pott and
iart aad produced a r reach prepatattoa in
vogue a quartrr of a ceatury ago. and then
proceeded ta wax the end of lite Mtine
ttatetman'a frw wireline hair.
"Whrn tbe nun ol aaapahot sentence
roe and contemplated himself in the glass
he turned tn the astonished barber tnd taid
'fut thn blanked blank mustache off, for
you have made mt look Iik a confounded
catfish '
"Since then Mr Heed has not worn aay
covering beneath bit nua." Wsshmgloa
First Young Attorney "Yow seem to be
very murh tiarhrd to Mita fi.n.d. atch'"
Second Young Attorney "Well, she owns
.HW scree of land That't sufficient ground
for in attachment, isn't it?" Otu Klate
lHfc MAKlvl. fS.
New Tork. Jaa. a,
TAT I'l.kV Naltv tUeers J I tu eft i M
i i rTI'liN-attsldltng 7sU ta
t l.tll II- -W inter Wheat . in tj lit
WIIKAT- Nu. t Red tt W
v cirlN -No. 1 V aM
OATsV-Ko 1 V ttv
rotuc-Kcw ttt nt ft sj w ;t
at iaii io
cejnrroN-iMiiuig iwt
iikkv kin oHewr in
Cows and Heifer. I M
t it
7 i
t at
1 M
tALMCat iH-r Hall i tt
lliKtrl ratr i,- e'h.M-. ...
Ulir.r.l'--eaii i.. oaaJoa.... ttt
I IaiI K- Patents inawi... Its
Uiner clruUca I is
i 'ttt
Milt: AT-No : K-.I Winter
.'tiKN-Nu. I
ATa-ftO. t W
ItVtt No. S W
H.itlAUt.t-l.luta IM V
' M
it linn- . ... a ss
w II
HAY--Clear T
Ul TTKIi t,
HAl'uN '
loi'.ein i-ii-.-.
ii iiiK--muii.
1 1 nan riiMt
llirwl it m
C ATT Us Native Ulcers ..
main, Kalr to choice
MIIKKP fair l" I'lmi.-e
flAll'P.- Winter l-aleuta.
BUrtng iMIellls
Will. AT No i Spring
No. I Hasi
nun. St -
i B
: m
t M
t 11 M
na-snas i in.
CATTLK-Nallve Steer .... ttt
. . .
V tut
Ileal i, ' -i ' li'
VlllKAI Nn .' Il-.l
iia-IH No 1 White
C(lllN-.No V
rs-a.w i 1 1 1 . r, a .s s
KIA-VM High tirade It I It
i -intra -No t M a
(MTn Waat em Mk
HAV-Chol.e MM I! M
rutin. ri.iii'U'o aoewi .... i ej iu ,M
l At 'UN Bliort lilt. Hliles .'sal
ItrlTuK- Ml'ldiina IStl
WIIKAT No I Hed 71 S
( UN -no. a swajW
I.Alt; No 3 Mixed JiStJ
Pi ,i.i New Mra Ul V, tl II
I s
HACuN - I" r Itllis
CUTTUN M--.iuiiii- -
m I
We ntsd roar aaslttance In nasuai.lag ts lite waetal the tlstl.ATI.
I sear aeadSKast . ami y.m need nut assstUutot lu secare relict
ttnmiftl SW ANSsON.s 5 IlKOP.s
AOCasBBTriV Ol I DDF Mi CT As surely sa the Aaacrics a Neev ksa cow
IV sW Iwl C U I SsT Ss r I. sW Iwl C ouerret anil will r.aaipier all that llll li
U. as will "I DtoPS - nalallingle eiirsauer all tsstasts like Bhswatatiisa. Selalua, Nsaratrat,
Catarrh ml all kinds. AMIIVta. Dysptpala. leaxkaca.- -lerrs.oes Ssee. itiaaat.
Ihai I nr?iil Itata
mw tn M.ltrrttrwtrtl ttmr "S OKI Ilia." I rw-a.l-1 ! lr? in.!wr I .1 j muti-ie- Uite- Ma
rawii Uk 1 ,' 11 Tr Iriri' wrw.t :nl h.trr 1. ' hi'i !iglU."l of ttlrni.f liitt I it-- Ihr tt! SjaM tat
llftp 11 h i4 nT lifa Tina ulmm It pMitt ttm I ta: twi Itvll , t- atun m rcrt'ir.iri'',4
Itag, "-it ' ' A IlKOlf" rtr llewrttre i.f X KVH A leOl A. I. H WITH
oar "ft
g,.i.f-it. Trt" rt dtttj- tst),wu r nit
all t .1. taif it will id nt- ?f i - 1 baa.
.. aea lev saw la.it Imm I i-ihi k . I tl ,. nHt HI
tttw.l fimr.lirie.ii hlnrt.e r m-1 ir.na fui I. II M M
tahir-b aata aaa (tliaw whafiaabu''1 ' M
rntttitt.n-rtP li ! "I MR
arM l: twatll rr Mtt. ump a
t a.id it u-ait 1 atrwut. t.tutmaitt.eT-r.iMi, ltaa lwitlir J vUm mWl
nu iim) . iiiia iTH unr, iu. imu mi ut.. m . rn aoo, ttu
Factory Loaded Shotgun Shells.
" LfcADER " loaded with Smokeless powder and " New
Rival' loaded with Black powder. Superior to all
other brands for
Winchester Shells are for
havinc them when vou buv
thXXTXMUXOTSm or Acre)
r rhtelrv aHBMFltyttltttr'al
ilitltaaariil tn W'titni
I rtnavefot. Ilrr- l-r.t
felt? r rrle1 N lllar
Wbrat. arhlfb brlnaa Iba
Mbrl i-nm la nar
tn t-r iaw wwriu i
t rani- i
I an fat
ifftwcHl t-t mark lttcajt
itflbsirflaraln niMitrMh
mita1a'B ialat Hh! frr InlowatMj, ai
mm ft frr Wtm In Wc-tt-rn rtta.U. Wf1
m -.',!.,. i.n."-: of l-iefit'trU'ttt ,oust r
i .. auasvtt) ttaat
..(n.at a- 1'Mtn.KT. Mut.of iaa-
mr wmmm 1
mm in nrtaii i ir., Aurt-.tugge,
Is. Octtlierenaliir aersswsaSalitaaas. M
Vis sure
f TTIIHuit ItvrllaRplaa
initMttnl wlllnivillatl
'i-ellUa M III
I'.ssT-t it attativba
iaatf. amy a
-a at aataa,
italllf. !
rtrt IV -ita.-cal fa
a acn
MMaMtataa ,-if ittiaa fti
( i o- t.r M.n.
ML Haalh nwonitnm tat of tha
ajaaajaL r a. i ami mi
isa- aVoatiag leallnssd.
deiat Mt laeaaisr rv'essr
a-i l-rnkKi 1 sou tsotsa. 'r.
sflts B, ntsvewa A- ...
WaaMaaiae. I.f Ki .'sus-a
i Wraesc tssa : tlassaae f .,'
tasxnjamrsit n saMlattaanva.
DROPSY 5". .!f"!i JS
' ie.M.t.vtBlaatt-1 ia ttaia UMhtwHit
rraa far M. umtwin wtx. w d a iitMt, .
lb i!. h
raiiaaTee" "kl " A A
.aaisiour ir ni - w sji-
, ti t, .aai
- - .ml
liatofiJistatTRtlat .
1 Ms?
W offer On Hundred Italian llsWsstl
far any caae of Catarrh thai rann-jl be cum!
br ssnB'i CalarrhCore,
F. J t henry Ot", Prop, Taledo, O.
We, the aadcrsigMd, hare known K J.
Cheney for the last 15 yrart, and believe bus
aeriectly honorable in all ousmett trtasae
Ussni and tiaanctally able to carry ntlttr -obligations
made I their Urn.
west x iruax. v nunaaaie urvigg it", i
lede,. 0.
i W aid lag. Ktnnan A Mama. Wbolenttt
! Ianggisla, Toledo, O
Hall't Catarrh t ur ia taken internal!,
acting directly upon the blood and aocent
syirfaits of the aytten. Price Tie. per hot
tie. Bold hy all Drasjjttta. Tettimotviast
Hall s FaMily Ptlta art tha heat.
Iftnoi isaaied.
! Firil Wde- Htv yoaaii) ulea what yeoxr
hiitband a ibroaie it?
! rieex.nd Wife -tWi. nioat anywhere beta tea
two and three o'clock in the morning. -8o
ll)H S ' .III.,
e-loeteta. Waat I a. diss mB4 (ralral A l art Ma
The fariiilies of the Looisvilse A Nash
. villa Railroad for handling tourists aad
tnveltr dettined for all iMuata in Kl-inda,
Cuba, Porto Him, Central Assertra. or far
Naaaau, are unsurpassed Iluuble daily
lines of aleeping ran are ran I" n t inetn
nsti, Utsuavrilkr, Chsrago and HI. I-stafst
through .lirkaoaville to interior Klearetn
, points, and to Miami, Tarniu. nd New
' Itrieanv the portt tt emharkatn.n for the
countries cp in a sa. roe loinen. etc . write
(lev II Homer. D P A , SI laomt. Me.
A Tttgk tabtrel.
"Yet, Ibe fir berned out thr rottly g
tore of the saloon It must have been
tasoldenng away for boors before n aaa die
covered." "On fire fur hours, eh?"
"Yea "
'Wonder If it cooked the br tender?"
Qeveiarsw PUtn Dealer.
renin Dab) inTbr Mich Chair
i t rated ma in the rocker dram (I ia goad lee
the whole lamily. 1 1 n the Inng rtssarid aab
tituti for coffee. Never upsets tht aervea
or injure the dignstioa. Made frutn par
grain it m a food in itself. Has the cat la
and appearance of the beat coffee al 1 Ihe
price it it a genuine and sctentitlr article
and ut coats l,i stay Is make for health
aad airciigth Ask your grocer for drain O.
Old Hurlilsie Hollo, frlli' What are
yoa doing htr'" Itasetic 'IValy court in',
tir. I'se e-uertiu' Msrj " (Md Hurliboy
"Nonstnte: What do you want a lantern
for? Do you think I used one when 1 waa
a young roan?" Ilustic "Nn. air; I ftoa't
think at rrr did, pidgin' by I' mosses'.",
laondun Fun.
Tl.. tVest Pee.-rT.tlon lie Ckllla
and lever I a botilo of Ganva'a Tatrai aea
Cans Toir. lilt timpty true and qninlaela
n laaUile form N n cure eoisT rriio sar.
Recruiting Officer- "If the command
Fire! what wnulej vou do'"
Wool.) lor (soger
Hon for the hcae."
7 Cutw t'ssM la Owe
Taka LaxaUeo Ilromo Oulalae Tabtatr All
dnisHjiivari-luudninnavlf tl fall U cure stag.
T!i! veracity of fkrures oftcr deta-ndi utsia
Ihe honrrty oi the ttatislicun Chicage
usj.y .-sew.
Hale's Honey uf Horehound and Tar rt
ttrvca wii.M.pin cniatn
Pike s Toothache Iropa Cure in onei
R -me men show gtotd judgment hy ahow.
ing a lark of self coiilidence Chicago Duly
We have not Isrcn without Piso'e I are ay
Ponsumption for 20 rean. Utxic Kerrel,
Cemp Ha Harrisburg, Pa . May t. TH.
WI Miltlv thai
- yeatrssll sag
Heart Weafcsorss. I salhsche. ttracsw. crrep.ac Numl.ae.. I'-rasxhltls.
Uvtr east KMaey I ran tales, etc , etc.. ot any -liseaoe for which we rec
otnmen.t 11 ' ' I UtWP" It the eatate aad th-deae. ' 5 I1K1 ilS" 1. ar
ferity hsrnatess. It dsrs a.. I contain tse.lu-y late of tstola a or Ojstale In sag
Inrea. The Child can oar it a well as the Adult.
Head carefally what Mr. I R Hmith. ol Kt IK-rs-t- Hprlngs, Mo, writs
us tinder dale of Not. 17, ItVA Stan
Vl.rt.. ncecf C.ra.r. Ot. NEURALGIA
urt'Wr tlatr of I IA4h. !al'
IdnrMit ln Viw i..ripfwa bnv witTNlrflu' I Ifc-nh J- tir "B DHIIlH"
urttMiatr i I ttn vOi'tlM Mmmmv ttiih NKI RAI iM iwl llMittwM fe
it. in t mn fiar a i wi r ... n .. n ti n
Ih-rulct H:.i ng(t Mn JI.
UROPei" raH M aa.ni1ori tb tlih H laal taMtjlh arat
irl l ratrtplra tt trr 1 tafforinc at lit- tlBttt a lib BnMtnM
or. rtanrt ttrUrttj nf. . Iba a- .f U t f tr 11 llwlltj
tut all OVttrmi tKrll wtton inf. : " I ruitt i4t
lioillollli f isf U .tlKil.'. afft 11 C ftftl t'MlN 1
Tl-Mi" la iw n'liff ua' . : 1 c .tr".. OKO
vut. n i;u- in t aitiaii ;t... im- i
'IU al I ! rrl w trl'l tn1 tia Mrtlltj, fmmf
bn - ; iitretot lurniw iij i nt anmm
sale y all dealers. Insist upon
and vou will Ct t the best.
Wtj Mjbkli ! I in ; rv ia ii
ftaw e st-.ra-cr. .j ,) h ttnaa aiaw
I .'hi lil's tiaf I -ret Ilt-tTl. kt
l fa, iwr-t Lw'Taii stcawbirtii
1-auri.wt tint a ei L9m. taa
aVf-atrlarrrr Halttau
I Mi-nUaat I . ar fliaaaa Ml
ett-lb tt.. fW 14 seeMt U
M kfi w t n 9i a . tt will
um trm. aaaaiabtwr wtifa a
rat i vatti; tairiaa; Ml aataaa)
tatlfl t mlH MUAt rifm
ttan ttrtstrift tlhicntttit-r a I4s
tt-.rjgw aaMj tRitttr-rtvttti-'-i Jt, aatf
ayraai win j t aaaatv.
aBeaaattf m -.-. - - rkl -
NM a. attJPtm aUwtauiiMrfW, wtis
bk Alien on nm rarta
a i i-n ! i .' ith run Mini
mot'Lii mtr iniix n.viNo
ALI.fl H-riTt'TaW K IMITATHmtt
o - ,,,.1 In , h r will,
tfUtUtttt' Irfjtltb IttttCt Of tM
hsrtort e.st !. ittfaa.
esesr ik. U. aU war tssstW
Kaxatsasat a UHaX, tUssos, r
wntx xvM,a.a to aBtetrrt
j rw" 1 'rt!-' .
. ami aa
! A. at, K.- 17B

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