SCOTT BRnMfU Aun 0AM U*DDI° 111 rn omjERg pqpr The Whip is Don’t Read the Published “Whip” By If You Are a Young Men “Half Man” Vol. I. No. 22. _CHICAGO, ILL., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1V19_ PRICE FIVE CENTS Chicagoans Escape Clutches of Mob 1 Two Hide in Red Hills of Missouri. Third Reaches Chicago _ -SLhc-----— - Anarchy Rules South. Sheriff Takes No Step To Pro tect Prisoner By Henry Gown, Staff Correspondent. MOJiJOHI.Y, ' ’’ . man skid to Wone of the four who held up and robbed Edward Thomp son, a farmer on the outskirts of Moherly, Thursday night, was lynched in Forest Park here early this morning It is believed, the sheriff knew of the coming of the mob, but made no effort to protect his prisoner and on the presence of the man hunters surrendered, give the keys without contest Three companions cf the man lynched made a daring escape from the clutches of the mob, but \\ re later captured after putting up a game fight and are now held somewhere in Randolph County in custody unknown. One of the four is still at lai re and i said to he on his way to civilization. Man Hunters Rave Like Howling Wolves. The mob formed Randolph County was in a state of anarchy, moh frenzy was sweeping Randolph county like a windstorm. Things were reckless during the day and the night acted as a cloak to lawless ness. Men From Chicago. The men named as assailants of the old farmer, hut their guilt has not yet been established, were from Chicago and gave their names as Hallie Richardson 18, 101 W. 31st St„ Lee Adams 18, £038 Federal St., dames Anderson, 3122 Federal St., Chicago, and Sanford Taylor, E. St. Louis, III. Which one of th four was lynched is not known. Kidnapped in Night Clothes. After the remaining man was cap tured and taken to Macon County, the mob heard of their action and motoreu tncru giul demanded ths ' rhefilT tt ■' irnV'"* H*e-prisoners. The : men nwnke from their sleep only to find the strangulation of the lynchers rope nbout their neck and were taken away from the jail in their ni^tt clothes. Barn Fire Built. A large fire had been Imilt in the public square. The Southerners in tended to make this a Gala day of the week. The town turned out r.nd in one instant a returned soldier (white) said: “We must do this to keep’em in their places” and on the mob surged so the inner of the big square standing room was sold for five dollars a square foot. The peo ple stood there watching and wait ing for the big show to start. M;n Made Dash For Liberty. .The fire could be seen for miles, around and seeing this, the prison-1 ers made a dash for life and liberty and took the nerve of the moh by j clever battling. Hut finally a rope was placed over the head of one of the three and thrown over a near by limb. The mob pulled and the rope broke. The man started running as he fell, there came the. volley of fire. The victim fell dead and there was the shame of it all. An Amer icen lynched on American soil, t |B Americans, for what? That’s it, forj what? A felt the pulse of sentiment I there in regard to the Negro, and from morning till night the byword is ‘he gettin’ too wise’. Others Flee to Safety. While the mob was riddling the j both of the dead man, the others fled | to safety and they hope to make their arrival in God’s County once again. ] Purdue Honors Chinese Students. Faculty and Student Body At tend Funeral UaFayette, Ind., Nov. 18. -Purdu# University's faculty and student body paid tribute today to th- memeory of ("narles Chin Chu, a Chinese student of the university, who died last Tues day. Several hundred students and professsors assembled at the West Side Methodist Church, where the funeral service was held. Addresses were made by several faculty mem bers and a representative from the Chinese Student Society in American Colleges was here from Chicago to tell of the work that Chu had done toward the organisation of this club. The body wms placed in a vault in a local cemetery to await action of the Chinese government, which sent young Chu here to go to college. Seized as Night Burglar. Partner Robbed in Daytime New York, Nov. 20.—John Henry, a young and dapper Negro, was rested in Mount Vernon yesteri cvharged by the police with being the “night burglar" who has been oper ating in Westchester County recently. Several days ago the Mount Vernon police arrested Daniel West, an ex convict, who, they say, is the “day burglar” who worked with Henry. The police assert the pair looted fif ty Westchester homes in alternate day and night burglaries in the last two months. Henry was arrested afUr eight homes in the Chester Hill section of Mount Vernon were robbed Wed nesday night. More than $1,000 in jewelry was stolen from these homes. The police found Henry near the Mt. Vernon Hiph School yesterday, but did not recover the stolen jewelry. Henry pave his address as No. 220 Prince Street, New York. Vincennes Hotel Bought By Popular Business Woman. Finest in The Vincennes Hotel at 30th Street and Vincennes Ave. has been re cently purchased by Miss Barnett, proprietress of the Pullman Restau rant, 31st and State Streets. The business men in this section regarded this undertaking as one of the mar velous of the age for awoman. One of the mo3t prominent bankers on the soutli side (white) says: Miss Barnett has set a pace in the com mercial world which if followed by others will mean economic freedom j for the Negro. Most Modern in America. The fact that Miss Barnett hud any connection at all with the hotel is sufficient proof to every Chicagoan that it is a first class proposition. The lobby and reading room of the ! hotel, while not so spacious, are as unique ^exquisite in arrangement as any Vs the loop hostelries. The rooms f anged into I to 5 room suites j lephone sreviee in every room, rniture is composed of bird’s aple and genuine mahogany any particular floor but from to top. Cater To Be»t Dir. Lewis, the manager, gave out a statement to the press saying for years the idea of a first class hotel for first class colored patrons had been nursed by him. And that he would rather see every room vacant or the hotel rotted down than to have it a second class proposition. He said further: We are going to give the best of service and pro tection to the public and we would rather than accept loss. Colored Farmers Grows Sweet Potatoes Weigh ing 13 lbs. Biggest in Special to the Whip. Temple, Tex., Nov. 20.—A sweet potato weighing thirteen pounds raised on his farm south of Temple was exhibited by Louis Deavers, a well known farmer, yesterday, who reports that he has a splendid crop of the tubers, but not all of this same weight and size, but all prize winners. The potato is of the Porto Rican U'-uaklyqiapczdniheorortffaaHst - j variety. Many farmers were un usually successful with potatoes this year, the high prices causing mohe to be planted than usual. Colored Deputes Acquitted. Atty’s Scotty Mollison and Pat. B. O’ponuel Make Able Plea?for Accused - One of the tftaat interesting riot cpscs yet tried bV the state came to a successful conclusion in favor of the defendents, j. Scott Brown and Harris, deputy sljeriffs of Cook Coun ty. The jury wt& out only six hours. They were accused of shooting pro misciovisly intp-";y|#aida of white citi zens during the rceent riot. Judge Crow Unbiased. Despite the vain attempt of the states attorney to huve a conviction by appealing to the prejudice of the coutr, going so far as to say that if they were acquitted, another , riot would follow. Judge Crow insisted that the jury try the case upon its merits. That his instructions carried weight is evidenced by the decision. Scott Brown was fined $1.00 and Har ris was exonorated. Able Legal Talent. In addition to the fairness of the court the defendants owe their free dom to able legal talent they retained. Att’y. Mollinson made it is said one of the most classical and convincing arguments the court has ever wit nessed. Following his address Att’y. James A. Scott, nationally known as an authority on extradition and crim inal procedure succeeded in tearing j down the prosecutor's argument. White Lawyers Not Needed. Pat. 0. Donnel, the fighting cham pion for the cause of the Irish free dom said at a monster mass meeting at the People's Movement Club “the master defence put up by Messrs. Scott and Mollinson in this case, the I airness of most of the Chicago •fudges, the deportment of colored lawyers of the new school led him to the conclusion that colored peo ple did not further nedd the assist ance of white legal talent.” __ Cotton $1.25 a Pound. One Bale Is Sold At This Figu e To Memphis Dealer Pine Bluff, Ark., Nov. 18 — One bale of cotton was sold here yester day by R. A. Downs, cotton buyer to A. Henshaw, Memphis dealer, for $1.25 a pound, the highest price in the State since the Civil War. It was one and one-half inch staple length. Phoenix, Arils., Nov. 18. — Rec ords for cotton prices were declared established when at eight valley gins, a price of 86 cents a pound for long staple cotton went into effect, an ad vance of four cents a pound. The new figure represents $430 a bale. MAN RUN DOWN BY SPEEDING AUTO. Early this morning an unidentified man was run down by a speeding auto. Slightly hurt, the victim was so frightened he didn’t get the num ber of the can. Yancy Mills Facing Gallows —Calls Mother With visions of the gallows before him yesterday, William Yancy Mills, colored, held for the murder of Isa dore Gunski, Jewish tailor, and Tony Brizzolard, fruit dealer, is now wait ing for the day to come which he will call life’s finis. Not long ago Yancy was nothing but a schoolboy, running errands for the neighborhood sur rounding. his-hamc in .^alestina—Ttfx. But the scene has shifted. Now Yancy is in the county jail. He has committed murder. Like all other wayyard boys that travel the path of least resistance and wanted the world but would not put up an honest effort to obtain his share, he sought the wrong path, the path that led to the gallows, and now he calls to the only friend in the world, his mother, for assistance, to help him now. Coroner’s Jury Finds Him Guilty Mills yesterday was formally charged with the double murder after a coroner's jury had heard evi dence, and was found guilty beyond doubt. The Evidence Ganski and Brizzolard were both beaten to death with an iron pipe some weeks ago ,each in his own place of business near Wells and Van Buren Sts. Testimony yesterday was that Mills’ hat was found under Ganski's body and that Mills was seen wearing Ganski’s velour hat and overcoat soon after the murder. Mills was a porter at 838 S. State St. He disappeared soon after the murders. He went to Annapolis, Baltimore, New York and Philadelphia, where he was arrested trying t osteal a yom an’s pocketbook. Capt. Morgan Col lins said he was identifed thru his finger prints. Colored Slayer To Be Executed Anniston, Ala., November 20. — (Special.)—Preparations are being made for the xecution on December 5 of Edgar Caldwell, the negro ex soldier who was convicted of the murder of Conductor Cecil Linton on an Oxford Lake car in December of last year. Caldwell’s ease has been through every possible legal phase, efforts to save him from the gallows through appeal to the su-! preme court after a strong fight in the local court had failed to prevent1 conviction. Only clemency by the governor can now prevent his execu tion. The ease became a noted one through the interevention of Presi ! dent Wilson, in a letter to Governor ; Kilby, when there appeared to be a I question if the state court or the army should handle him. Threaten ing letters to Judge H. D. Merrill, who sentenced Caldwell, also fea tuered the case. Sheriff Parker does not expect any interference now' and bids for the scaffold have been asked and plans mode for enclosing the jail yard with a high board fence. Condemned Colored Men Must Die, Says Arkansas Governor. Ignores Trotters Demand Monroe Trotter, President of the Equal Rights League, has just re ceived a telegram from Governor Brough of Arkansas, stating that all pleas for clemency or intervention on behalf of the eleven condemned mar tyrs convicted as the result of their proposed connection in the Phillips County tt.ce riots, is useless. The Governor stated that he had person ally visited the scene of disturbance and was convinced as to the guilt of the men. It is alleged, ridiculously alleged, that the Negroes had organ ized to “massacre the whites,” upon the assumption, assured'with all the’ &m>mz£lasz through the program that is shocking in its disregard for the least intima tion of justice. Information collected by the N. A. C. P. shows conclusively that Negroes there are being rail roaded to death and prison in whole-1 sale fashion; that they have been in Phillips and adjacent counties merci lessly exploited under a ruthless sys tem of peonage; that these practices reminiscent of the dark ages have been winked at and even encouraged by the authorities; that, in shor Arkansas has seized the pretext fic titious organization of Negroes to commit wholesale and legalized mur der. Tta,H». Mata. PI.. the verdict for the entire been returned within seven minutes after the jury had retired to make their mock deliberation. Atlanta Police Intimidated Colored Vendetta Colored Confidence Men Warn De tectives To Keep Ayay Fform The Black Section. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 21).—As a result of unwarranted actions on the part of city Detectives Whitney and Pow ers against so-called colored ‘Con’ men and ‘flim flammer,’ whatever that means,—these two officers have received black hand notes warning them to turn their attention else where than upon the colored section in their search for a band of crimin als who hove been robbing discharged soldiers. The aw detectives hadj ust finished grilling some fifteen men when they received their latest com munications, threatening assasination if they persisted in their wholesale arrest. The colored organization is known to be powerful and their threats are expected to have imme diate effect. Colored People To Take Own Census New York, Nov. 19.—After hours of debate and pressure on the part of the various colored Welfare Or ganizations, Hon. Arthur D. Dore, U. nounced that in all districts where S. Supervisor of Census, has an eolored people dyell in majority col ored census takers would be used. Southerners Object. As soon as the southern members of Congress and cabinet learned of the decision of the Census Depart ment it is said they pledged to use every legitimate weapon possible to defeat the aim or Mr. Dore. MAN BUYS TURKEY WEIGHING IOC POUNDS. Hollandale, Miss., Nov. 17.—Silas Green purchased from Edward Jones a turkey weighing exactly 100 lbs. It is said to be the largest gobbler n the world. VERY LATEST BULLETINS ” J. Gray Lucas intends to sue the Whip? Why not sue the Tribune, Mr. Lucas? £d. Wright’s popularity for Ward Committcman is the same as Jack Johnson’s for president. M rs. Barnett’s New Hotel is a credit to Chicago. Mr. Lenard, the gentleman who was taken from a southern train and horsewhipped a short time ago in Mississippi is in Chicago and plans to go in business. A State Bank will be organized among the South Siders before January 1. The forecast points to a very dry season. Who is going to the legislature? It is rumored that Ed. Morris will run for Congress against Madden. * 0