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VOL. 1. NO. 44. JOSEPH C. REID, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF THE AFRO-AMERICAN ADVANCE, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN, JTANMES X, COURTIS, —LAWYER 603 Northwestern Bidg., Minneapolis. Cor. 4th St. and Hennepin Av. GEO. W. NELSON, ‘ DRUGGIST, Perfumes of All Kinds, The Best. Your Patronage Solicited. MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA. 941 Central Ave, N. K. S ?oomomomomm 999909090000 000090000000900000 NELSON STERLING, 3 350 Years' Experience in z Kalsomining, House and Carpet Cleaning. i SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Leave orders ot ofice ot Atoys NELSON STERLING, 915 Tth Av., Minneapolis ¢ VOOOOOOOO 0000000000600000900000000000000 MRA 5. B, WATEON,| MR L. A. JOHNSON, 2 The gentlemnn:f' and obliging Porter Fashionable Dressmaker. at R. De Leo’s Harber Shop, 200 Wash- Cutting, Fitting and Muking ()l\:crha ington Av. South, is Specialty. New York and Paris Fash- Shoe iu‘:‘: Always on Hand. A'W‘ys Ready to Dress Your $ in a thoroughly artistic manner, that Parlors, 628 Fourteenth Av. South, is sure to win. ). . BOONE, Pres. N. JOSEPH LLOYD, smy ; SPEND A PLEASANT EVENING AT THE NOIUTII STAINR SOCITIAL CLUB BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES. Rooms, Second Floor, 202 Hennepin Avenue. PEOPLE'S MINNESOTA FUEL €0 | Richelieu Restaurant, R. H. W. DAVIS, Prop. 311 Everett Street (North), PORTLAND, - OREGON. Wood ano Coal H. PERRY, Manager Lowwe s el Quantity. vrc - | WIORIS at all Hours, Night or Day 300 Second St. 5. Minneapolis. | The Very Best Coffee a Specialty. REV. W. A. BRUCE, GFORMERLY OF MINNEAPOL PITTSFIELD, ILL. MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL, MINN, SATURDAY, DEC. 23. 1899. DR. R. S. BROWN, Physician and Surgeon. OfMce: 405-6 Reeve Bidg., 408 Nicollet Av., Telephone 2734-J-5. Office Hours: 9:30 to 12:30; 2:00 to 4:00 p. m.; 5:80 to 7T:00 p. m, Sundays: 9:30 to 11:008 12:50 to 2:30. Residencc, 2839 Portland Ave. Tele phone 317-L-South. MRS. L. STOKES, Manicuring and Treatment for the Scalp. Ladies' Halr Dressing and Shampooing. "MR STRA!GHTENING ...A SPECIALTY. 420 Central Ave. MINNEAPOLIS, " MINNESOTA. CHRISTMAS EDITION. ADVERTISE IN THE ADVANCE. We especially call the attention of the white merchants of the Twin Citics to the fact that our business and professional colored men and women use THE ADVANCE as an at!fl'l'l‘tisillg medium to reach the plll)li(‘. TRE ADVAN& 15 the nnly colored organ recognized in general by the Twin City Afro-Ameri cans. The “ads” on this page, composed entively of cards of colored business enterprises, as well as pro fessional, bespeaks the progress of our colored citi zens. These people, as well as Afro-Americans inpri vate life, spend hundreds of dollars among white merchants, and Tue Apvaxce, who echoes the senti ment of our people, asks only of the white merchants to recognize this paper as » medium through which to reach colored people, a 8 you recognize the Swed ish, German and other white papers published for specific benefit of its nationality. To the white mer chants of the T'win Cities: We need your support as much as you need the A!m American’s patronage in your business. No merchant who is fair and impar tial ought to hesitate toadvertise in Tug Apvance, a paper which represents g,‘ll) Afro-Americans, A COLORED VIOLINIST. MISS GERTRUDE PALMER Truly the end of the century bring eth forth wonders: what next is the universal query? Gertrude Palmer was born in July, 1882, at Logansport, Indiana. Her par ents removed to Chicago for the mus ical advantages to be obtained there; her mother was a natural singer; her father a critic of all matters pertaining to art. He it is that has guided his daughter's musical education to its pres ent lug'c of development. She is a fine public performer, having a mag netic personality that completely wins RICHARD MANN * The above portraits represent 'weo promising and progressive youny business men of Minneapolis. They dre the proprietors of the Advanee Cafe, one of the finest equipped equa! rights restaurants in the Northwest ~loeated on Washington avenue, one of the principal business streets, and the chaneces to do an immense business offers great inducements to the suceess of the proprictors. The Advence Cafe was established by J. € Reid. ” The name derivative to The Afro-American Advance, strietly in keeping with raee enterprise. Mes«rie Mann snd Koger extend to the publle, regardiess of race, eolor or er od. an invitation to visit and patron ize their place of business. - THE ADVANGE CAFE Restaum &axrggmlync‘ht Counter an audience before she has played a note. How on earth a girl so small can draw such a tone from her violin is an enigma to be solved only by an artist; it 15 magnetic, and secms to sway the audience in a strange manner, Psychic Lo"“ of wonders, strength is p{ainly It. She was concert master of the Chicago High School Orchestra. of 8o bers, for three seasons. Gabriel Ellzcnhcr er, director. She is a pupil of James Jg)lmnon. Chicago, with whom she studied six years. fhr repertoria represents Wieniawski, Vieuxtemps, u’:ndehohn. Lipinski, De Beriot, ete. JAMES KOGER MRS, GEORGE DUCKETT, ASSOCIATE EDITOR THE AFRO AMERICAN ADVANCE, ST. PAUL, MINN. ; | Lows Picture Gallery 480 wuusn’a ST., i S$T. PAUL, . . MINN-T DR. THOS. S. COOK. DR. J. E, PORTER. OFFICE HOURS! OFFICE HOURS! WTOIRA M 2TOAP M TTONP M. PTOIOA M ITONP M 4TOTP N, TELEPRONE 290 AND NIOHTS 12TH AND ROBERT STS., ST. PAUL, OVER DRUG STORE. J. B. JOHNSON, [Mrs. M. A. Hopson Germania Shoe Shining DRESSMAKING Parlor. PARLORS Fifth and Wabasha, St. Paul, Minn. | 304 East 7th St, St, Paul, Mina, —————————————re SR RS SR Eiroo’onnoonoooooounu 9000000000000 0000000000 ® OMce Telephone 14084, Residenee Telephone Dale 410-8, E VAL DO TURNER, M. D,, : PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. eT b B Remadrick k. Jie. 35 Nhorburn Ave ST. PAUL, MINN. :_“ononouuuququou €OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO4 Godfrey Eating House. _MRS. W.F. HALL, 'Furnished Rooms 502 ST. PETER ST. | TABLE BOARD IF DESIRED, ' Prices Reasonable, | 240 Enst Ne h Nt ST.PAUL, - « +. MINN, ‘ 7 _“'"""‘?"“ s' P“" !Ll! e | STy K :u.oz.;'r'::a -~“HAI MPORIUM - J. ©. a—mt Tty S 'All kh‘:h n‘li' H:hr Goods, hfl'lur’:"‘halm. ote, TONSORIAL | fihitdneds "o, Soimpig - . t ted. 3 " PARLORS ln;:m';u;." Me, l‘l.:w:qu Hair {m': and Mtraightenor, L ! BT 8L Petor o, Bet, Ath and Bih Nts, 168 E. 3d St. ST. PAUL, MINN. | BT. PAUL, - -+ MINN. REY. JOSEPH CLINTON ANDERSON, PASTOR OF BT, JAMES A M. E CHURCH, ST. PAUL, MINN, PRICE FIVE CENTS. . . . Ladies” Bathing Parlors. MRS, H. C. COVINUTON, 21 East Fifth St - St Paul, | Turkish, Russian, \»;afl»'. Sulpbwr, | Shower, Hot and Cold Baths .. . . | Mair Shampooing and Face Mas ! sage a Speciaity. ! = e st et E Tel. 17788, tiJordan & Martin, ; TAILORS % 513 Robert St, St, Paul, Minn,