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~THE— AFRO-AMERICAN ADVANCE. Published every SBaturday by the ADVANCE PUBLISHING COMPANY Office, 603 Northwestern Bldg. Tel. Main 2460-L-1. « Minneapolls, « - « « -« - . Minnesota. Entered at the Post Office, at Minne apolis, Minn,, as second-class matter, Subseription Rates: One Year - - - - $l.OO Six Months - - - - .60 Three Months - - . - .85 Subseription Always Payable in All vanee, + Bpecinl rates If ordered by the dozen. Orders for current lssue should reach the office by Wadnesday evening, Advertising Rates, | o cmnaar—r Local Reading Notices, 10c per line, each insertion. Religious Notices (not over five lines), free, “Want"” and “To Let” advertisements, 8 cents per line for each Insertion. Dis play, 40 cents per Inch each insertion, Bpecinl rates will be glven for space by the year, Editorial Announcements, To mecure the return of unsolicited manuscript postage should be enclosed, (‘tw\munirntlom must reach the office by Wednesday morning, preceding the Is sue In which they are to n?pnr. All communications, enclosing news matter for publication, must bear the writer's name, not for publication, but as an evidence of good falth, Contributions and items of news con cerning the vrngrnu of the colored race are requested from our readers. We reserve the right to reject any com munleation unsultable for publieation, ~ Bubscribers ordering addresses of their Flp.t changed are requested to give thelr 'ormer ns well as their present address. Address all communications and rgnko all remittances to THE AFRO-AMERI CAN ADVANUE. 608 Northwestern Building, Minneapoiis, Minn. J. €. Rem, Eprron. Mus, Uro, Dvexkerr, Associate Editor. EDITORIAL. BUTTS - FRANKLIN ELOPEMENT. The case of Albert Franklin, who eloped with a respectable white girl, has created quite a sensation. The head lines in all white nrw_matwr.-‘ has a tendency to incite public derision be cause an elevator hoy captured a tal ented and pretty white miss. We can readily note the feeling that exists, The treatment that Lawyer Wheaton and Anderson received at the hands of Chicago officials, on application to in terview their clients, speaks well(?) for boasted Afro-American freedom in the Windy City, The hatred of the negro in the hearts of the degraded element of white people cannot be uprooted. They stand always ready to humiliate the negro. We should never helieve that this clement of white people will ever possess any genuine love for the negro, It wil( pay to watch even those who feign perfection, Mrs, Butte-Franklin deserves commendation for the womanly stand she has taken in firmly refusing to be separated from her colared spouse, WT look only at the principle which involves the unit of the twain, placing no stress upon the sup posed anxiety on the part of either to desire marital relationship, simply be canse of the unique novelty of being united, on aceount of difference of na tionality, This degraded class of whites would Kave no chance to persecute the negro il the so-called learned white editor who pretends to befriend, or dis truth and justice instead of the whims ol sensational “grabbers.” If the white editors who pretend to befriend, or dis charge his manly duty toward the negro, means well, why don't he use his rmver in a form which will entice pub ic toleration of things which are bound to be logical conclusions because of the right and justice of things, instead of wang faming head lines, which he knows will add contempt and derision to the already existing intoleration of the negro. The very motive of these editors fail to denote any love for jus tice and right, yet they claim to be full fledged disciples of truth(?). The dol lars of this country have coerced the truth from the hearts of the qualified, and total corruption of all that is noble and pure will inevitably be the fate of those who worship the dollar, rather than speak in defense of the right, It s hecominq more apparent each day that money is the god of American peo ple. So long us u“mr editors are J::id to speak in defense of a people who are struggling for just and merited rec ognition, um-hnpc of reconciliation will remain in darkness. In the white press lies the power, the moulder of public sentiment! Get the press right and pt:’judh'e against the negro will abate, and not before, unless through intinate acquaintance, which has no bearing upon common justice, and indispensable duli‘uf men, Let the white editors of this country abolish such head lines as “"negro wfl? be lynched or burned at the stake if caught” “black negro clopes with a pretty white girl, detained by the police, ete.” . Then public senti ment will change WHAT SAY US AT HOME? Are we progressing? Rehold we at home im‘u]rmall\ censure others and we stand still. We progress not ma terially nor intellectually. A population of nearly 3000 Afro- Americans and not one of our own citizens in the great University of Minnesota. Several high schools, and not over a hali dozen Afro Americans in attendance. i by chance Bishop Lee's danghter and Mr. Renia. min Steward were not pupils of the U, of M. (with a daily attruXunrr of 3000 advanced students) the Afro-Americans of this city would be a total blank in the minds of the faculty of higher educa tion. Should we not feel ashamed of our gross negligence to take advantage of so great an opportunity> When recognition of survival of the fittest takes place (which must soon come) we will he “grumbling” away in the rear of intellectual attamnmments. Our south ern brother, whom we claim is not ad vanced, will display his superior learn ing to our shame. Why stubbornly maintain a “bold front” with nothing back of it? . We only deceive ourselyves) Why not note our incompetency and at tempt to become competent by fitting ourselves for the great battle of brains which is now beginning to indentify men as men. Let vs not claim what we are not, for the test will soon find us out. As to our materisl condition we should not wait for the “other fellow,” but mc who have money should en ter some kgol basiness, even on » small ne:.l‘e. white m?‘uku;i‘s M not we. we business oi&n':’on of our own we would not find time to say what we ought to do—but what I am trying to do. We must learn to appreciate and encourage the man who trys to do and comemptib? ignore the man who talks against and abuses those who attemg: to do, Let the “wind bag” among us exiled from memory, Let him find his place among others of his kind, There are no places in‘progress for such a man, And he is only an impediment to those who desire to better their ma terial condition. The actual product is the only proof of our discipleship of material progress. We cannot be con vinced that the “wind bag” is equal to the producer, Let us detest him for ever, . DOTS AND DASHES EDUCATIONAL - Edinburgh students broke up a peace meeting. = = Oberiin college has received gift of §50,- 000 for gymnasium. The donor of $lOO,OOO for *‘Hall of Fame™ {5 Minz Helen Gould, "fl—;:k;;'-";t"(;fi-l'c;.o Woman'# club ad vocated teaching boys art of moklnq. = Dr. Harper denles that Chicago universi ty Ils a “begging’ institution and says big gifts have been unsolicited. DEATH'S HARVEST — Rev. Willlam . Bell, aged 73, dropped dead at Lidncoln, Neb. Remains of 6 soldiers who died in Cuba were burled at Arlington. Two men were killed at New York by Iron pipe which fell from a six-story bulld ing. Dr. John Friederich, publisher of Amerl can Swiss Gazette, of New York, is dead, aged b 6, Boardman Bhaw, father of Gov. Bhaw, of Towa, died at his home at Morrisville, Vt., aged 8, George W. Drake, famous mountaln de tective, and a man named Ford shot dead near Torrent, Ky, by Willlam Bt. John. PEOPLE IN PUBLIC EYE - Duke of Albany will vislt the kalser, Gen, Cronje may be sent to 8t Helena, The queen will visit Ireland next month, Olga Nethersole has asked for a Jjury trinl, Barah Bernhardt has cut her hair short to act a manculine part. J. B Culver offers to erect a memorial to Nancy Hanks Lincoln at Bpencer, Ind Ex-President Harrison's friends resent Instnuation his Porto Rican interview was & bid for renomination, FOREIGN e Smallpox Is spreading in Parls, Rising in'western Cape Colony spreading. France will “close door” In Kwang Chow, Paris papers conslder war with England as probable, Thousands of Porto Ricans reported on verge of starvation. Germany may exchange Schleswig for Dandsh West Indies, London is eating Ameriean asparagus, oranges and prunes, Plague increases at Calcutta, 411 deaths occurring last week, Floods In department of Maquagua, Peru, caused Io;: of §300,000, INTERESTING INFORMATION (o Exports examining books of Tammany ofMetals, Chicago's mayor says he will not prohibit “Bapho.”’ Palmist arrested In New York under witcheraft law of 1700, Big Irrigntion canal In Big Horn basin, Wyoming, 1s to be bullt, Hlinols democratie state convention will be held at Springfield June 26 Porto Rican free st may be extended to Include breadstuffs and menat, Gen. Wheeler says but one-sixth per cent. of Filipinos nre under arms, One battallon of every reglment on fors elgn service will be kept at home. Michigan Central likely to absorb Flint & Pere Marquette ratlroad system. Chicugo packers shipped 700,000 pounds of speclally prepared ham and bacon to army e Phillppines. Btate banks In all sections of country are preparing to take out charters under na tHonal system as soon as currency bill becomen law. SOCIAL DEMOCRACY DEMANDS Heduetion In hours of labor, All useful Inventions to be free to all, Adoption of initlative and referendum. Public ownership of mines, and 01l and gas wells, Equal eivil and political rights for men and women. Abalition of war as far as United States Is concerned. Labor legislation to be made national Ine ntead of local Public ownership of rallroads, telograph and telephone, Public ownership of all industries cons trolled by monopolies and trusts. Bystem of publie works and Improves ments for employment of unemployed, National insurance of working people aAgainst accldents, lack of employment and want in old age. Reviston of our antlquated federa! cons stitution to allow complete control by peos ple irrespective of sex. A Cocking Main, Zanesville, O, Mareh 9. Possibly the greatest cocking main ever known In Ohio occurred here. Sportsmen ol the whole state were present. Twen ty-five thousand dollars changed hands, most of which was lost by Zanesville people, as the home birds were worsted, Ne police interference wis attempted, Forty Nuildings Burned, Lead, 8. D, March 9. - Fire de stroyed 40 buildings and entailed @ loss of $3500,000, THE MARKETS. Graln, Provislons, Kite, Chicago, March 8 FLOUR-IDul but steady, WHEAT - Higher. May, @5GOB%¢: July, [ v CORN-Btronger. Cash quoted at M@ MHie: May sold at Ml@she, and BYe; July at swl%. and W', Beptember at NG e, and e OATS-Steady. May, -23%G2%e: July, Rhaiddge. BARLEY - Market rather dull. Screens Ings, NMGUe, common Barley, feed or exe port trade, Me. Low grade malting, %9 3% wood, STEMe, and cholee, 39p0e. MESS PORK-Offerings moderate and demand rather active. Prices quotable at BT Ygr 10 Ty for n,ulnr. and B E2Em AN for old; SIO6OIOTB for May, and $10.60%6 WG for July. : LARD-Demand only lght and offerings rather small. Prices quotable at $8.77%4 653 for regular; $6.72%60.% for old: § Nty G 492 for May, and 8. 948 for July SHORT RIB BIDES Offerings rather Hmited and demand very Guiet. Prices Quotable at B.IMMEG for cash, according 10 welght, SOWH6W for May, and §5% A for July. POTATOES Market strong. Prices bete ter. Burbanks, 33Mde; Rurals, O] Kings, 37842, mixed, Sge. EGGS- Market castor. Loss off. cases returned, at mark, fresh eggs, I%e. held fresh eggs. quotably, S#loe; strictly fresh, At mark, new cases included, gquotable at e BUTTER--Continues firm, Creameries, exXtra, Nye per pound; firsts, 22T e onds, IBN dairies, 18g2uc; imitation creameries, 18 1% LIVE POULTRY - Fiem. Turkeys, 16%0: chickens, 394 ducks, Mithee per pound; gvese, RLEGAN per dosen. New York, March & BUTTER-Firm. June creamery, 154 [ee . western do., 2048 % | factory, ITHN. CHEESE-Firm. Fancy large white, 13 $13% . fancy large colored, 13F15 e fancy small white, 13@13¢; fancy small cole ored, ¢, cholce grades, 13§15, . EGOS--Weak and lower. Western, at mark, WNGLe; southern. «t mark, Y Live Stoek. Chicago. March & HOGE-- Market active with prices steady to u shade higher. Bales ranged at 810 G 475 for Plgs. WISGARY for Hght: 373 G 485 for rough packing: S4TSg4 for mixed, and HEGLO for heavy packing and shipping lots. . MINOR NEWS ITEMS. Great DBritain’s naval estimates amount to £ 30,000,000, Mormons are said to control politics in Utah, ldaho and Montana. Buffalo Bill says 30,000 Mormons from Salt Lake will found a city in Wy oming. Steamer Prairie, with American ex hib:ts for the Paris exposition, has ar rized at Havre. The superintendent of Indian edu cation suggests that attendance be made compulsory. Sir William Van Horne and the Bank of Montreal are planning to buy ugp the Cuban railroads. The government of New Zealand pro vides work for all applicants at the rate of two dollars a day. 1t costs $4,400,000 a year to maintain the 24 royal palaces of Emperor Wil lianm throughout the German empire. Dr. W, D. McKim, of New York, favors killing of confirmed criminals, idiots and imbeciles to improve so ciety, At a meeting of the De Beers com pany Cecil Rhodes sald annual proffts of diamond mines in Kimberley are $10,000,000. Public sentiment in England insists upon absolute supremacy of Great Britian in the Boer states after the war's end, A private cablegram from Port of Spain, Venezuela, says the British con sul at Bolivar, named Lyons, has been assassinated, The newly-elected senator from. Cal ifornia, Mr. Bard, is an enthusiastie gardener, and has produced two new varieties of roses. The steel steamer Orlando M. Poe for the Rockefeller fleet was launched at the Globe yards in Cleveland, O, It is 400 feet long and will carry 9,000 ton= or iron ore net, Gen. A. D. Shaw, national con'mnnd er of the G. A, R., announces himself as a candidate for congress to succeed the late Charles A. Chickering from the Twenty-fourth congressional dis triet of New York. J. G. Schurman, recently of the Phil ippine commission, says the plan of the government for the Filipinos recom mended to the president and accepted by him was substantially that devised by Pedro A. Paterno, formerly Agui naldo's prime minister, THE FEMININE OBSERVER. ~ The latest society fad is to give trimmed hats as cotillon favors, What a lot of trouble we could avold if we only learned not to wWOorry. The average young man of the day thinks himself about 50 years ahead of the times. Many really worldly women cannot overcome their nervousness at the ar rival of a telegram. A woman is quick to believe a mar. cares for her, but a man never seems to be quite convinced that a woman loves him until she wearies him with her affection, A woman can write the most exact ing essay in an awfully cramped po sition and with a perfect terror of a pen; o man, on the other hand, must have the most felicitous environment to be able to even receipt a bill—Phil ndelphia Times. The privilege of erecting bootblack ing stands in the large downtown of fice buildings of New York is valuable, and even the right to go from office to office with a bootblacking box is as sessed in some of these buildings. PATRONIZE . .. WTI. JENKINS, ROOMS ! RENT FIRST CLASS. We Guarantee Superb Service, Prices moderate. Tel, 2787-IL-8 Main. No. 9 Second St. No, Minneapolis, J. GARNER. W. H. WELLER. The Elite Buffet 3030 STATE ST., Ligtona ™ Chicago. MRS. J. B. WATSON, Fashionable Dressmaker. Cutting, Fitting and Making Over a Specialty, New York and Paris Fash ions Always on Hand. Parlors, 628 Fourteenth Av, South. DR. R. S. BROWN, Physiclan and Surgeon. OMce: 405-0 Reove Nidg., 408 Nicollet Av, Telephone 2734-0-8. Office Hours: 9:30 to 12:30; 9:00 to 4:00 Peomg 580 to T:00 p. m. Sundays: 9:30 to 11:00; 12:50 to 2:30. s Residence, 2839 Portland Ave. Tele phone 817-L-South, % MR. L. A. JOHNSON, The gentlemanly and obliging Porter at R, De Leos Harber Shop, 200 Wash ington Av. South, is Always Ready to Dress Your Shoes ina lhumugm‘\r artistic manner, that is sure to win, JAMES X, COURTIS, —LAWYER— -603 Northwestern Bidg., Minneapolis. Cor, 4th St and Hennepin Av. Telephone, Main 2460-1-1, MRS. W. F. HALL, Furnished Rooms TABLE BOARD IF DESIRED. Prices Reasonable. Be e ™ St Paul. Mina. & Throat c.m!'. one of the r-( Romfections or Vooalists, uhite Speakors, eto. Send 19 ctn, o LANR HFG. 00, Uttawa, Unnada, (o sam nie box. DROPSY - s Quick relied and cures worsh canen tor of testimoniels and I.‘.g Wreatment Free e B M GAGAE S BONS, Jiinsta, FHEE B}‘Qfllfl!u ON !‘-l“l('l. - x F“Q “’. ‘A fiu- ol THE ADVANGE CAFE Restaurant and Lunch Counter SOCIETY DIRECTORY. Officers and Standing Committees of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge A. F. and A, M. of Minnesota and gufludlcuon: "urund Master—John 1. Neal, Minneapo . Deputy Grand Master—-Wade H. Hamp ton, West Buperior, Grand Senior Warden—~H, B. Howard, Bt. Paul, P(}r‘and Junior Warden—J. C. Garner, Bt, aul, Grand Tremmrcr-bnni‘ Roy, Bt. Paul. Grand Becretary—Willlam R. Morris, Hlnnonf)olll. Gr"am Lecturer—-G. W. Duy (7)), Minne apolis. Deputy Grand Becretury—oO, D. Howard 8 9 Pl = = Grand Chaplain—lsaac Crawford (), ulnne?olil‘ Grand Benior Deagon—John Martin (1), Bt. Paul, = e = = Grand Junior Deacon—R. ©e Leo (D, Mlnno;l?olu. Grand Senlor Steward—J. H. Dillingham €2), Bt, Paul. drand Junior Steward—-Wm. Btevens (3), 8t Faul. - Grand '{{ler—'l‘. Bush (3), Bt. Paul, Grand Marshall—C, H. McDonald (5) Duluth. Grand Pursulvant-G. W. Duckett (4), Bt. Paul, _ Grand Sword-Bearer—J. Adams (1), 8t Paul e Grand Btandard-Bearer—(. J. Charles ton (2), Bt. Paul, Grand Register—J. G. Sterett (6), Min nonrnlln. District Depu(“ Grand Master—First District-James Woodfork (1), Bt. Paul, District Do;s:u;{ Grand Master—Becond District-E., H. Hamilton (6) lflnne-¥ou-. District Deputy Grand Master—Third District—J. K. Polk 3), Duluth. MINNEAPOLIS. G. U, 0. 0, 0. F. St. Anthony Lodge, No, 2877. Meets the first and third Wednesday In each month for the ‘ransaction of busi ness, Ist avenue N. and Wu-hlnflon. A. H. MYRICK, N. G. JAMES A. SBCOTT, P. 8. P. O. Box 2. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS, Nat, Tarner l.odfif. No. 2, K. of I, Meets the second and fourth Thursdays in each month., Hrothers In good stand- Ing welcome. At Labor Temple, Fourth and Elghth avenue south, T. B, PARKER, C. C. RALPH WATBON, K. R, and 8, Pride of Minnesotn Lodge, No. 1, K. of P, Meets the first and third Thursdays in each month, All brothers in good stand ing welcome. At Plummer Post Hall, First avenue north and Washington, JAMES ROBERTS, C. C. W. C. JEFFREY, K. R. and 8. J. K. Hilyard Lodge. Meets first "Tuesday in each month at Windom Block, Becond avenue South and Washington. Masons In good standing WSy weheome - - - = e TILEARD. W, M JASPER GIBES, Bcc., Guaranty Loan Restaurant. Anchor Lodge, No. 7, A. F.and A. M. Meects the first and second Monda‘r in each month at Windom Block, Becond av enue Bouth and Washington, Masons in good standing welcome, 3. A. BODTT. W A A. B. LEE, 2101 Aldrich avenue South. ST. PAUL. ODD FELLOWS, Mars Lodge, No. 2202, Meets second and fourth Wednesdays In each month at Odd Fellows' Hall, 3% Wabasha street, h‘l‘. R. HICKMANN, P. 8, 422 Bt. An thony, F. D PARKER, W. G, 39 Edmund SBt Household of Ruth, No. 853, G, U. 0. of O, F. Meets first and third Mnmlg{ in each month for business, second Monday for instruction, at Odd Fellows' llnlr_ 25 Wabasha. MRS SARAH C, KIRTLEY, M.N.G. MRS, IDA JACKSON, W. R, 34 SBum mit place, MOST WORSHIPFUL GRAND LODGE OF MINNESOTA, A, F. and A. M, J. L. NEALI, Grand Master, WM. R, MORRIS, Grand Secretary. 817 Guaranty Loan Bldg, Minneapolis, ST. PETER CLAVER'S SODALITY, Meets the first and third Mundu}'u of each month, W, J, Gardner, Pres,, J, 8. Har ris. Sec.; A, Davia, Treas, Ploneer Lodge, No. 1, A. F. and A. M, Meets the first Monday In each month at Masanie Hall, southwest corner Fifth and Robert streets. Master Masons in good standing always welcome, 8. H. HADLEY, W. M. W. A. HILYARD, Sec., 124 Atwater. Minnesotn Lodge, No. 2, A, ¥, and Meets on the first and third Tuesday in each month at Masonle Hall, southwest corner of Fifth and Robert streets. Mas. ter Masons in good standing always wel. come. H. B. HOWARD, W, M. J. 8. STRONG, Sec., 12th and Robert st, WM. STEVENS, No. 3, A. F. & A M Meets second and fourth Monday in each month at Masonic Hall, southwest cor corner Fifth and Robert streets. -Master Masons in foml sundlnfiulwny- welcome, WM. JOHNSON W. M, 2 S D. E. BEASLEY, Sec, Ryan Hotel Perfeot Ashler Lodge, No. 4, A, P, A M, Meets the second and fourth Tuesday in each month at Masonic Hall, southwest corner Fifth and Robert street, Master Masons in good amndlni’nlwuys welcome, B. K. DURANT, W. . J. H. SHERWOOD, Bec. 461 Carroll. ~ Bethel Chapter, No. 25, R, A. M. Meets the first and third Thursday in each menth at Masonic Hall, southwest corner of Fifth and Robert streets, Roy al Arch llugna in good standing always welcome, SRRCRER: | T R AR Ry DANIEL _ROY, H, P W. T. GASSAWAY, Bec.. State Capltol CHURCH DIRECTORY. MINNEAPOLIS. ST. PETER A, M. E,. CHUROIL, Rev. W. S Hrooks, Pastor. Cor. 224 st 9th ave. South Sunday services: Preaching, 11:3 a. m,; lllmdn?;) School, 3:0 p. m.; evening services, 00 p. m, General prayer meet ing, Thursday vnnh_:’. 500 p.m. Way man Home Circle, Tuesday evening at different residences, Parsonage, 2066 Ninth avenue South. BETHESDA BAPTIST CHUROW. Between Eleventh and Twelfth avenues, Sunday wservices: Preaching, 11:0 a m.. Sunday School, 12:3 p. m. . Christian Endeavor, 7330 r. m.; evening services SNO pom: Wed n-gqy onullg general rruyer meeting, 8 gm, rsonage, 1M Eighth street South ST, THOMAS MISSION, Rev, John J. Faude, in Charge. 615 Sixth avenue South. Sunday service: 40 p. m.; SBunday School, 3% p m. ST. JAMES A, M. E. CHUROCHN, Rev. J. W, King, Pastor. Between First avenue and Second street Southeast. near Exposition Bidg. Sunday services: Preaching at 11:00 a, m.. Bund-& School, 30 p. m., evening services, § pm. QGeneral :ny" meet - ing Thurula{ evening. Weekly meetings of the Debating Club, ST. PAUL. ST. JAMES A M. E. CHURCH, Rev. J. C. Anderson, Paztor. Cor. Fuller and Jay streets. Sunday services: ¥ a m.: T 3 p m Wednesday prayer meeting, S 8 p. m. ST. PETER CLAVER'S, Father Printon, ("Mflraninufim and Au:vn'r’- -wnm" = W Ay services: Asn J s m. mhn:.lx:fl a. m. gv'nln‘ service a?? o'clock, PILGRIM BAPTISY CHURCH. Rev. D 5 Ormer, Paator, Cor. 13th gnd Cedar. Sunday services: Prurhla‘ at 118 a m., and 118 p. m Sunday School at 12:% oclock. Wedneaday evening general wyfl' Mu% . PHILLE EPFISCOPAL MIsSION. 43 Rice street, bet “AM and Univer ¥. Sunday services: Morning prayer, Lit- nng and Sermon, 11:00 a. m.: Sunday % 00l and ,fizndren’s Vea&cn 3:00 p. m.; ennon!( a Sermon, §: . m.; Wed nesday Evening Prayer and Y.e«:ture. £:00 Eor Friday: Cholr Rehearsal and rotherhood of Bt. Andrew, 5:00 p. m. All are cordially invited. Beats free, NOTlCE.—Change+ and corrections will be made upon notitying the office. If we have neflected to place a notice of any soclety In the above directory it is be cause we do not know of it or have not seen its officers. Send name of any Lodge, place and time of meeting, name of officers and it will be inserted. OLSON EARL, .UNDERTAKER.. Funeral Director and Embalmer. Open Day and Nl:g:.eedi%nlilfm-tlon Guar -1503 8. Franklin Ave. - Minneapolis. PATRONIZE THE BEST! The Fuller Laundry Co. Free Delivery to All Parts of the City and Lake Minnetonka. Our Motto: First-class Work and Moderate Prices Telephone 2700-J-5.4 S. P. EGGAN, PHOTOGRAPHER. Crayon, Pastel and Water Colors a Speclalty. 251-253 Cedar Avenue, MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA. E s UF FIflWEH Plants and Cut Flowers. We sulp Funeral Flowers on telegraphie or mail orders any time, day or night. Budding or House Plants In their sesson. Cut Flowers. fresh and fragrant. Seeds that are good and honest, at five cents per packet. Our catalogue is FREE, send for it. MENDENHALL, _[FLORIST, 413 Nicollet Av., Minneapolis, Minn. KLAFFKE'S WHITE SEAL FLOUR. 119 Central Ave., Minneapolis. WONDERFUL R‘ISCOVERY aeop T N e O W N T TAKEN FROM LIFE: BEFORE AND AFTER TREATMENT. " OZONIZED 0X MARROW THE ORIGINAL—COPYRIGHTED, This wonderful halr pomade s the only safe preparation in the world that makes kinky hair stralght as shown above. It nourishes the lvn!‘), prevents the hair from hlllnr out and makes It 'm-. Sold over ?0 years and used by thousands, Varranted harmless. Testimonials free on re quest. 1t was the first rrcpm.uon ever sold for -u-trhknlvm klnki halr. Beware of imitations. Get the Original Ozonized Ox Marvow, ssthe genuine never falls to keep the hulr?fllubla and beautiful. A tofiet nemuny for ladies and gentlemen, Klegantly ’nvfumal. The great ad vantage of this wonderful pomade s that by its use you can straighten (zmr own hair at home, Owing to {ts superior and Insting quality it is the most economical. It is not possible for anybody to produce a preparation mvul to it. Full direc tions with ever L‘:m-. Only & cents. Sold by dealers or u-n‘ us $1.40 Postst or Ll‘l»rn- Money Order for s bottles, express paid. Write your name and ress plalnly to OZONIZED OX MARROW Co., 76 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Hl. Magic Seeds A wonderful Nerve Remedy, that hasno saperior and is guaranteed to cure all such ner vous discases as Nervous Prostra tion, Weak Mem ory, Lack of Confi dence, Wakeful ness, Headache, - Nervousness, Lost Manhood, and all - drains and loss of T Teamep——oower I senere Trade Mark Registered, :)i{vc 0,':,1 s of either sex, caused by Oversxertion, Youthful Errors, Excessive use of Tobacco, Opium, or Stimulants, which lead to Infirmity, Consump tion, and Insanity. Magic Seeds restore the nerve and vigor of youth, Easily carried in the vest pocket, Sent prepaid in plain box by mail to any address, for $1 00, six boxes for $:.00, with a written guarantee to cure of mooey refunded. Write for free circular, MACIC MEDICINE CO., MANSFIELD, OHIO, VICTORI NEg WASHING GOMPOUND THEGREATESTBLESSINGTO WOMANKIND NO BOILING, NO RUBBING OF CLOTHES REQUIRED. PREVENTE SHNAINKAGE OF WOOLINS, S¢. a Package—Twe Week's Washing. BARBEAU & CALLAMNAN, sout manuraarenens, CHICAGO U. 8. A, I I USIC e & & o Minneapolis School of Music. 408 Nicollet Ave., 3d Floor. Special Reduced Terms During May, June, July and August. Piano, Organ, Violin, Elocution, Vocal, Chorys Singing, Theory. Thorough, Practical, Progressive Methods of Instruction for Beginners : as well as Advanced Pupils. LESSONS GIVEN DAY AND EVENING. ANDREAS ROHNE, Musical Director. WILL J. PARRY, Manager and Secretary, ST VTN =S 5350 004 ® D.H. BOONE, Pres. N. JOSEPH LLOYD, Sec'y. : § SPEND A PLEASANT EVENING AT THE s NORTE STAR SOCIAIL: CL.UEB 3 BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES. ® Rooms, Second Floor, 202 Hennepin Avenue. S :onommoo“o————__—__m. e DR. THOS. S. COOK. OFFICE HOURS: OFFICE HOURS: 10TO12A. M. 2TO4P. M 7TOSP. M. STOOA M ITO3P M. 6TOTP. M., TELEPHONE 386. AND NIGHTS. 12TH AND ROBERT STS., S Office Telephone 1498-4, Residence Telephone Dale 410-5. : . VAL DO TURNER, M. D, s PHYSIC!IAN AND SURGEON. 3 Ofice, = £ 7tn Bt.. Kenarick Bix. Rea 33 Shorourn ave. 1. PAUL, MINN. § 25 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. TELEPHONE 766. n JAS. AMOR v CO., j Practical Undertakers and Embalmers. 122 Washington Ave, South, Minneapolis, Minn. All our goods are firsi-class. and the prices we guarantee will defy competition. * * ose :.'.......................... 0.'...‘.......‘.....0..: $ SMOKE THE SIGHT DRAFT 5-CENT CIGAR. } ¢ W.S. CONRAD, Distributor, : * 400 FISST AVENUE SOUTH. ? @ COX & HARRIS, - - - AGENTS. § :0.........'...............‘...........0...‘.......0: J. E. STEWART, Skc'y. HENRY MOSLEY, Pres e—— TS — FURNISHED ROOMS With the Most Modern Conveniences. BARBER SHOP AND RESTAURANT Where Meals are Served at All Hours. 126 Hennepin Ave. Minneapolis, Minn. Smoke “SUN CURED” &t S o “BUCKINGHATT” &, S " “PRITIE MESS" g 0 CHEW «“PEACH AND HONEY” ™SV i STRICTLY UNION LABEL TOBACCOS. MANUFACTURED BY J. J. BAGLEY & CO., DETROIT, MICH. PIPE FREE FOR '"'SUN CURED'' LABELS. e The FOX $2.00 RAZOR is the best that experience and gkill can proe R“(’“/ duce. FREE TRIAL AT YOUR HOME. For 25¢ we will send 4 03 FU f.".'T'lL' Razor to your Express Agent, with instructions to allow youtotake it home . totry. Or,if yousend full amount with your crder, we send Razor prejpai, 4 guaranteeing satisfaction or money back, and a FOX STYPTIC PEN # CIL. FREE. State whether wide or narrow blade, square or round ponk —— Every Razor honed, stropped and set ready for use, o P oocs Fox CurLERrY Co, Mfrs, 48 Center St., New York City. , had Address for the West : 928 Main St., Dubuque, JTowa, - ¢ “*The Fox Cutlery is perfectly reliable.’ Editor.” PO T e—— - - s e e / Che Climax Display Table FOR DISPLAYING GOODS TO BEST ADVANTAGE Any desired angle is quickly obtained by tuming a thumbscrew, Will pay for l supmmemeees. fisolf i thistw dave YWaleable o 48208 nm 80 - . 2 ... WP a 1 Hrtistic Monuments Cost No More thaa Plaia Oncs ia White Bronze Marble fs entirely out “‘&mlh:uxng: mossgrown, discolored, requires constant ex pense and care, and to Mother Earth. Besides it is very expensive. ts strictly . Tteannct @ White Bronze b ricy sreslasting. Itcarnc 3 Mossgrowth is an fmpossibility. It is move artistic than an: & slone. Thea why Bot investizate it #lt has been adopte! & "'M“Wpflfltnm(&‘”m& :-: of delighted customers in all parts of the country. it has been on the market over twenty san establishe! @ B e w.hnm-muammn Writea: @ ence for free designs and information. hp-yo-udfrwz obiigations. We deal direct and deiiver everywhere. . Monumental Bronze Co., $ 360 Howard Avenue, Brumamu.: DR. J. E. PORTER. 'T. PAUL, OVER DRUG STORE PHOTOGRAPHER Finest Work. Prices Right. MINNEAPOLIS, 427-420 Nicollet Ave. Over Yerxsa's.