Newspaper Page Text
min m il ran. um>! it. ciuiim. Editor. OROVILLE, HUXRDiV, JILY 10, 1850. urnofßiTic *omiiio\s. toil PRESIDENT, JAMES BUCHANAN, OK PENKBYLVANIA. FGU VICE PRESIDENT, JOHN C. BUECKiMUDGE, OK KENTUCKY. OKMUC'UATIC STATE tOSVENTIOS t u mietiug of the California Democratic State ( i,filial Committee, held in Hit* city ot Sacramento, on the llilli tiny of July ISiilt, it was resolved Unit a |i iuiurui\c Stale Convention Le calkd. to ineut in the uty of Sacramento, on TUESDAY, ’he Will (Uy of September null, for Hit- purpose of nommatintf iw«> members of Coimromi, a Clerk of the Supremo Court, » Superintendent of Public (induction, it Stole Prison Director, and four Presidential Electors lne Stale Central Cutnn illee nu««t that Satur lay, the -Jd day of A«i«n>t, lie the day selected by ilio different counties lor the election ol Ut legates lo aid Democratic Slate Convention. Iln* following is the apportionment of apresenta on: \ lanifda 'irfau Rwauariiuo 3 Mitador 111.'■until Hiirbaru 3 Unite HSan Louis Obispo . .. « oiusi fej.Suiitn Crus • - IS .-Tin Francisco 0!l < uleveras Contra Costa I I liorndo Humboldt Klamuth 1.0, Angeles Mont rcy • • * - Mariposa • • • • Marin - • • • - Merced Napa Nevada HlTuoluimio Pliinm, 5 Trinity . . 3 Stanislaus 3 illlsacruuienio U' , ViSnluno 4 SlSirUiyou 8 c Shasta ■' • - - S 2'Sullcr "> i.lSniuitnuaiid Mendocino . 7 48lorra 1- 1 Santa Clara • . t> 2 Joumiiu 7 . . 13 . . 4 Placer lltjTuUro S tit Diego - Volo Vuba 13 11) order: 11. K. WASHINGTON, Chaim, It. K. Powell, Secretary. ,•} »•• Democratic papers throughout the Sialo please copy- Ratification Meeting. There will bo a Mass Meeting ia front of the Orleans in Oroville, on Saturday live ning for the purpose of ratifying the nomi nations of Buchanan ami Breckinridge. Judge McCurklc, of Chico, Col. Hatch, and other speakers from Marysville arc expected to be present to address the meeting. 801 l out from the mines, the mountains and the liver, and give the nomination of Old Bu chanan such a reception as w 11 make welkin icaound with the huzzas of strong men. ■\VceUly Butte llrcortl. The weekly edition of the Record will bo issued to-day. It is designed for circulation in the interior and Atlantic States, and will contain the news of tho Week. Those who desire to send papers to the Atlantic world, will had them in wrappers at tho counter, Price, twenty live cents. Bi:mto Bimvni.n.—The rascal mentioned by us on Thursday as having made his es cape, was re-taken by oUlcer I’attcn yester day. While in the ollioe of Justice Jones, waiting for witnesses on the part of prosecu tion, tho officers stepped from tho room a moment to procure some law blanks, when tho rascal seized the dockets, and tore 03 leaves from one and 43 from tho other, tear ing most of the leaves into fragments. It was tho most wanton case of malicious mis chief wo have ever witnessed. lie is the hombre who hallooed so lu.itily lor the Vigil ance Committee to come to his rescue when lie was arrested' In default of SG,UOO bail be was sent up to to stay a Li'icf season with sheriff Freer. limns Signed.— 'The President has signed the Wisconsin, Michigan, Alabama and .Lou isiana Iliilroad bills, appropriating lands for railroads. Tho quantity of binds thus granted will amount to five millions of acres The grants to lowa amounted to over fuiir millions of acres. These bills were passed by a democratic Senate, and approved by a democratic President, and yet the Clack Republicans claim to bo the only party fa vorable to the construction of railroads. IMPROVEMENTS or THE To W.V T WCIV6 buildings are in course of erection at this lima —several arc of brick. Among these are the Court-House and Jail, McWilliams * and Tymeson's Ranking House, McDermott . A Randall's Drug Store, James Dunn's nle- ( gaol Store on the corner of the Plain, Mr. | Morse’s dwelling on Montgomery street, Mr. (lenders' on Huntoon street, and several more of a small class. The sound of the mason's trowel, a clink ing and the banging of the carpenter's ham mer, is heard at all points, giving unmis tukeable evidence of the rapid and perma nent growth of our town. The Petaluma Journal, which bog hitherto been a Vigilance sympathizer, i« now opposing them, and warn) “the des picable crew now bolding saturnalia at San Francisco, that unless they immediately dis band there will be a row." California Dtkgatloii. We notice with feelings of regret that the California delegation to the National Cun vention, sow proper to disregard the positive and almost unanimous instructions of the Stale Convention from which they received their authority as delegates. The doctrine of instruction ia one that has long been rec ognized by the Democracy, and the extraor dinary conduct of our delegates in violating those instructions, and throwing the vote of California against Duchanan, has not only occasioned much surprise, but will meet with the universal regret and disapprobation of the democracy of the State. Buchanan was the choice of the people of California, and the delegates were instructed to cast the vote of the State for him, aud to use all honorable mvans to secure his nomination. This they failed to do. The State Journal learns by private let ters that the delegation held a caucus and passed a resolution that a majority should cast the vote in the Convention. What right had “the majority” to violate their instruc tions? They were scut there to represent the State, and not to trade otf the wishes of the people to secure their own advancement. If they could not comply with the instruc tions of the convention, they should have declined serving in the capacity of delegates. We hope they may be able to explain the matter in a manner satisfactory to them selves ; but cannot see how they can do so Had their candidate been successful, the delegation would have been all right, and they could have laughed at the instructions of the people. But the man, to oppose whom they violated the positive instructions of the convention, has received the nomination, and hence the necessity for explanation. The excuse given by Col. Inge, that Pennsylvania opposed California’s portion of the platform, is entirely without weight, because the res olution was only opposed by the Pennsylva nia delegation because of its introduction out of order. This Col. must have known Besides the caucus of the delegates, and the resolution adopted by them to permit a ma jority to cast the vote of the delegation, ex hibits a previous design in the delegtiou to go contrary to their instructions. A letter from the Hon. P. C Bust, to the Editor of the State Journal, snys that he, Mr. Dawky, and Mr. Hill of Sonoma, were entrapped by the majority resolution, and that they will issue an address to the democ racy on the subject. Poor fellows! “En trapped” were they? They should never own it, if they really were entrapped, be cause the instructions were given them ft r the purpose of keeping them out of traps, and it appears to us that the instructions should have been more binding than the majority resolution. An acknowledgement that they were “entrapped,” is equal to an admission that they had undertaken a duty which they were not capable of performing. But, pshaw ! All the excuses that can he put forth by the delegation, aud all the ad dresses that they can publish, will not suc ceed in convincing a single intelligent man that the delegation were actuated by a de sire to vote in accordance with their instruc tions. Should they succeed in setting them selves right before people of California, wo shall take great p'casuic in mentioning the fact. From the'Shoulder. A Blight misunderstanding existed be tween two of our town boys, one of whom keeps hia Lair cut, a la Tom Ilyer, and is reputed to be very weighty from the should er. Of course, there was but one genteel manner of settling this controversy ,• and a ring was forthwith made, and the butlers, with their respective friends, and the ad orers of the manly art of self-defence, re paired to bugle alley. The little, stout boy, Hilly, talked into the ring, tossed up bis cap, atniu the most deafening cheers of Lis friends. He stripped well, and showed great muscle. The Other had his hair long, and colored red, and having dieted for some days at the free lynches on codfish, was wanting in plumpness of limb, fullness of chest, and other requirements lor a long and interesting fight. They came up at the signal of their seconds, and the first full and blood was announced for the little, stout man They came to time for the second round—billy was fresh —red-houd out ol wind, claret flowing from his smeller. The Fancy offered two to one on billy. They didn’t want to punish bed head badly—so at the last call, biily took Red head by his long soap-locks, and butted him in the snoot till he fell back against »ho ropes, and bawled like a calf. His mother never sent him to California to take even chances with the hitters. FiLLMonr.— Mr. Fillmore writes that be “puts.himself in the hands of his friends ” That is what Mr. Weller would call ‘ tying himself into a very small parcel.” Junn Buchanan. The following from the U. 8. Magtxine, was published previous to the return of Mr. Buchanan from England. It will be read with interest by all. Among that galaxy of statesmen who in future times will be regarded as having shed upon the present cpucu a light whose bril liancy will be reflected on the pages of his tory, few have occupied a more prominent position than James Buohutiati, mid there are still fewer, who. without reaching that position which !s the highest object of an American’s ambition, have acquired and re tained so large a share of public confidence. A recognized leader of a grea, political par ty, and at this moment one of its moat pro minent candidates lor the Presidency, Mr. Buchanan yet commands the esteem and the confidence of the whole community to per haps a greater extent than any other public mm in the coon try. To devote a lew pages of the magazine to a brief sketch of the litc of such a man would be the most acceptable service we could render to our readers James Buchanan was born on the 23d day of April. 1791, near Merccnbnrgh, Franklin county. Penn, lie was the son of an indus tious farmer of that county, who had l.ltle to leave his children except a good educa tion. James was his eldest son His colle giate education was received at Dickinson college, where he graduated in 18U'J. He selected law as his profession, and studied in the office ol Jas. Hopkins. Hu soon took a prominent position in the profession, and it was not very long before he was, by com mon consent, ranked at its beak. His polit ical career commenced in the year IBM, when at the nge of twenty-three, he was elected to the Legislature of Pennsylvania, in which body he soon became distinguished for his zealous and eloquent advocacy of the war in which we were then engaged with England, After serving two terms ho re turned to the practice ot Ins profession. In the year 1821, lie was elected to Congress by a large majority from the district composed of the counties of Lancaster, Chester and Delaware. He continued in Congress for ten years, having been elected for five con secutive terms, during which he became con spicuous for his eloquence nnd ability Du ring the session of 1824-6 he espoused the cause of Andrew Jackson, ns a candidate tor the Presidential chair, and was a promi nent actor in the stirring scenes of th it eventful session From this time forward ho continued a devoted and unwavering sup porter of Gen Jackson It was during the 1 first two years of Jackson’s administration that Mr. Buchanan served his last term in the House of Representatives; but. his rela tions of confidence with the President ibd not terminate with, the conclusion of his i term of service in the House ; on the con trary, they continued unditiiinished up to tiie moment, not only of the close of Jack sou’s term of office, but even up to the hoar of bis death. The limited space at our com mand does not permit much more than this brief allusion to Mr. Buchanan's career as a member of the House The journals of congressional proceedings during that time, will suffice to illustrate the important posi tion which lie assumed and maintained. Mr. Buchanan's service in the House ter minated on the -Ith of M a roll, 1839, On the 4th of January, 1832. ho was appointed, by Pro.-idem Jackson, Minister to Russia. During the short period he remained in that country, lie negotiated an important commercial treaty with the Emperor Nichtx las, which had balllcJ diplomatic skill for twenty years. At the session of the Legislature succeed ing Lis return from Europe, he was elected a Senator in Congress, and presented his credentials in the l imed States .Senate, on the Bth of December 18.4; where he was continued by the unanimous vote of the De mocratic members of the Legislature, until the 4th of March 1816- In that year he was appointed by President Polk to fill the first place in his cabinet, as Secretary of State. The best authority for the ability and fidel ity with which he discharged the duties of that high position, is to be found in the pub lished records of the country, la the Sen ate he occupied a position us the proudly recognized equal of the most distinguished members of that august body. His natural dignity of deportment, easy and coucilitury manners —bis well-estab lished reputation, unsullied by a blot or u blemish, secured to him not only the entire confidence of the Democratic side, but gave him, with the opposition a strength and in fluence possessed by few illustrious states men, whose brilliant taleuts adorned the Senate of the United States. The Democratic party of the whole country then recognized James Buchanan as one ot its must gal.ant, able and faithful champions. His successful contests in intellectual power with the two greatest of living ora tors, Henry Clay aud Daniel Webster, in the celebrated discussions upon the ’‘Veto power,” the “ McLeod ca-e,” and other im portant questions embracing the vexed one of the Tariff, iti which the Hou. John Davis of Massachusetts, became his most promi nent adversary, conclusively proved that he was deserving of the exalte i opinion, then entertained, of his abilities as a statesman aud of his de'otiwn to the principles of the party to which he belonged. The signal ability with which Mr. Buchan an pcrlor-mod hid high and responsible du ties as Secretary of Si.ate is exhibited on the highest pages of the National Record At the close of Mr. Folk’s presidential term. Mi' Buchanan enjooed his friendship and unlimited confidence, us it existed at the cotunu neemeut— and that confidence and friendship mutually entertain'd, only ter minated at the death of the ex-l resident. On the accsssion of Mr. Fierce to the Fre sidency, Mr. Buchanan was appointed Min ister to England. It is needless to say teat the selection gave general satisfaction. Iho impression derived from hi** past diplomatic career, and especially from his able and brilliant correspondence on the Oregon question, in 1846, that the honor and inter ests of the country would be sale in his handsjhaa been amply justified by the events of hiti niissmn so fur i»s they have been made public These arc of so recent occurrence that they ore familiar to the public, and it is therefore not necessary tor us to recapitu late them. The Ostcnd Conference and the correspondence on the Central American question bear witness, not cnly to Mr. Bu chanan's progressive ideas, but to his skill as a diplomatist and negotiator. At the pres ent moment he stands before tlie country as the most prominent Democratic candidate for the Presidency, and his nomination by the Cincinnati Convention is thought ex tremely probable. Mining on the South Fork ok Fea ther River. —For the in ormatiou below •ve are indebted to the politeness of Gen. Put Harris, tvho has just returned from a pro fessional visit to that locality ; Ftomwbat we can learn, we should say that the string of Stringtown had been pulled in. It's gin out. Hut little is doing in the vicinity of sHringtnwn and Enterprise. On the bank above McCabe’s Creek the miners tire doing finely. Collett &Co are taking out with live tiands from £7OO to £BOO dollars a week About Moortown and Kanaka Peak, the dig ings arc of the best, but water at present is scarce. Political.— The Hun, J. W. McCorkle is expected here to-day or to morrow, and may be prevailed upon to fire his gun off for the nomiuets, Buchanan and llreckearidge. He is among the most effective political speak ers in the state. More Lucky Minus —Sanborn & Co., just below Chinatown, are making their eternal fortunes. When they have water plenty they take oat about a pound a day, or £2ll>, with six hands. We should say that was rather rich. Esc ai-kd fhun Custody. —The man who broke the Buggy for Pitt Huffman, and was held in durance, broke from a deputy consta ble, and perceedcd on his journey faster than the deputy could possibly proceed on foot. Wo need a lock-up. ~G- Mr Watson is entitled to our most sincere thanks lor bis promptness in favors to this dike during the past week. From his hand we have received papers- at the earliest moment from the Bay and cities on the river, as well as Atlantic papers, maga zines, &c., SiO. From one of our County officers, wc learn that our old friend, Supervisor Fence, on the occasion of tho late visit op Lee & Marshall's circus to Messilla Valiev, justewoiit rurriu’ and tarrin’ through the bresh. iodSf* Davis Rogers, of the Opposition Stage Company, came in several lengths ahead, and gave us the Marysville papers. He is an accommodating gentleman, and very last in Iced. Our thanks arc also due to Mr. 0. Neal, c>( the C. S. Company, for the Sacramento Auk r. can. Connecticut Democracy —T.. 0 Demo crats of Connecticut are by no means dis couraged by their partial defeat iu that State. The Hartford Times says : “ The combination of the Fusionists was complete. Negro and Know Nothing em braced, and then marched to the polls with locked arms. Their issue was shamelessly sectional, and together they made w ar upon their fellow citizens of the Southern section of the Union, so far as they could in an elec tion of this kind. Single bunded, the demo crats opposed them upon national ground, and most gloriously have they dashed into confusion and alarm the double and twisted factions of negro worshippers. Gallantly have they conducted themselves in the can vass, and they come out of the contest pith cheerfulness and full of confidence. Baron Humboldt and the Table Mo vers.—The Boston Post publishes a letter from Baron Humboldt that satisfactorily disposes of the report that that distinguish e I man had become a convert to the spirit rapping humbug. The subject of‘he letter is embodied in the following extract. “ 1 have a holy horror of pine wood spir itualism and psychological mysticism. You increase my horror by the ghost of that ephemeric being of reason, which is to re ceive intelligence from the thoughts of those persons who surround the table. You know that Geoffrey Saint Hilaire pretends to hove swet the oxyde of thought while in Egypt, and you. my dear friend, will s uy that my incredulity is the simple consequence of my laziness. I submit willingly to this re proach, for 1 urn convinced that the friend ship you always extended to me wilt not be diminished, it I can be Instrumental in lead ing you out of the obscure paths of error. 1 rely on your forgiveness.’’ Stabbed bv an Illinois Lady.— The Buffalo Express states that Mrs. Mi nar, whose husband is in Illinois is stopping at present with her brother, Mr. Neff, near Buffalo. Mrs Neff and her daughter Emily were engaged iu some household work, when high words passed between them and Mrs Minar, after which the latter drew a knife and slabbed her neice in the abdomen, and it is feared fatally Mrs. M. was arrested, Had this occurred between two men in Kan sas. our Abolition brethren in Chicago and Buffalo would have held nn indignation meet ing to denounce the ruffianism.—- [Chicago Times. From Oregon. Wa bat* bcwu kindly favored with the perusal of » letter from Adjutant Andrew J. Kane to his father, who is a resident of this place. The Utter is dated nt Portland, July Oth, iu which he says: •* I have just ar rived from the L) dies and Fort Walla Wal la, from which place we formed the escort to an Express. Wc were tired ul by two canoe loads ol Indians, but we being wc I mounted and armed, soon pul them to tiight, “ Tite present campaign I believe is near ly at n dote, a) the Tenitorial Volunteers’ ! time of enlist nun t has nearly expired.—* i There is however but little prospects of any i permanent pence being concluded with the ' treacherous savages, us they arc constantly : coiiMiiitting depredations ujon tlic unpro tected inhabitants. ‘•The Indians have ngnin made their ap pearance ou i’uget Sound, but so fur ha\e» made no warTke demonstra ions." In cluing ins letter he says—“Uemem , ber me to my mother, and say to her that ! should another campaign open, I shall pr< - 1 bably withdraw, as it is a most hazardous ' life, and glory is obtained at a great sacra ! lice ; and the remuneration allowed us by i government, docs nut cover our current ex 1 peases." “ llkitbi.ican’’ !Sav laws’ —The following I expressions ol •• republican” sentiment can not be placed before the people too often : “The Union is not worth supporting iu connection with the South.”--[N. V. Tribune. “ The Constitution is a reproach and a league with Tophcl.”— [Garrison. ••bhaipc’s r.tlcs aic better than biblcs. — [Henry Ward Peecher. “ Let tlic Union elide.—N. I*. Punks. The authors of these sayings are all bril liant stars in the Clack Republican firma ment, and of course rellcct the views of the faction to which they are attached. i-JiU The Huu. Win. A. Uichurdsun has no ceptcd the democratic nomination for Uot eruor of Illinois. County Juuou. —Tue ioili District Court has decided that the act requiring County Judges to reside at the County Seat is unconstitutional. jjaCT’CmcK & Co. were prompt in scrying us with the papers from below. Thank; — To Jabe Sawin, the accommo dating agent of the C. S, Co., for a Marys ville paper. >lmuocmcntG, METROPOLITAN THEATRE ! rspnr: akisk imiinvn opi:n K El) t»N BAII Rl).\V EVENING, I'Jth iusinul with t!it* following talented any : MRU. U. II HAMII.TON, MISS JENNY EKANKLAM), >ll - ANNIE M. ERANKLAND, MESSRS. U . H. HAMILTON, J. It. CONNKR, WRIiIIT, COM.INS, Assisted by m •v< r.i’ tfi-titloiir n nmetuers ofOrovlH^ AT ■ V H AX R r E MOXJ S E ? A HALL will bo given on THURSDAY V- -]/} JURY tilth, at JOHN ONVKTT’S, 1*1! AHi IK IKjUSK The Hall attached to this house is spacious and airy, mid 1 can say to my Mend* and the public, thin neither care or expense shall he spared to make tint enli rtainmeiit agreeable and wor hy their presence. The VERY REST MUSIC will be engaged for Hot occasion. Jjistd The Public is Invited. NOTICE A IX PERSONS holding or claiming Lions, und« r I m the provisions of “An /Vet for securing Liens of Mechanics and others, approved April 271 h, 1&55.” on the properly known as iioince lire water’* dwelling house, situated near the Bluff, on Montgomery street, in the town of Oroville. comity of Iliitle and stale ol California, tin) sumo being the present residence <-i said lirewsn r and family, are hurt by notified to be and appear in the District Court of said County and Male, on Monday, the ti lth day of August, ISVi, and exlab i then and there the proofs of Ihoir said Mens. |y!9 w 3 CALKINS b 81'ELM AN. AMBROTYPES ! A WONDERFUL & EXQUISITELY Elofmtiful riulxiro; TAhihi .V O N GI. A A .S, h'.l It sVIt 1‘ A SS ISG ANY DAGUERREOTYPE. lin lIETs DEE- lias just opened rooms on tie* iva earner Ol Montgomery and Myers streets, over the Rank Exchange, where be will lake pleasure in waiting on all who may favor him w ith a call. Both Ami-rolype* and Uagueineotypes will bo executed n, tl.o beat style, and warranted to give perfect satis faction. EVERYBODY, call and see the pictures. Oroville, July lu, IHjd, jjT9lf WII 1 T B & NU T T 8 11 , DEALERS Iff GEOCEEIBS, I’BOVISIOKS LIQUORS, &.C., &C. EBAHE LNDEBSIGNEU, in calling tha attention of M- the public Uj their slock of Prime Hoods, would a\ai themselves of this opportunity to return thanks for tiie very generous pal rouge they have received du ring the number of years th y have been c-ngng,-d in bnstners at this place ; nnd d.-o rmim-d to merit a con dnuiuire of the same iu future, offer at the lowest ra's- a large and well selected eesortment of Groceries and Provisions, Mqnors of a superior quality, p»*. served fruits, Miners’ sopplVs, Hardware, Crockery and Glassware be.. tr Particular attention paid tv to (thing and delivering miners’ orders from a dis tance. The hifhi-st price paid f-r Gold Dust. \Ve shall also run a daily letter and Package Ex, press, between this place and ' irovllle. WHITE U NI'TTER, Oregon City, July IBi6. jy 19 tX