Newspaper Page Text
OROYILLE DAILY BUTTE RECORD. VOLUME 1. (Droaillt Jlailii ion tic Jlxcrnvit. H'Bl.hlK.U DAILY (fcUNDAi* fcXCKPTKb) IIV GEO. H. CRCSETTE. f~ff~ Orel.•«—lii Record llniMiiiK on Myer* Pi reel, |:uml ride, between Mmiljfiiimry Hint bird, l dm tile. Tkkvm— 'ini- Year I’er Mail 91 r> ,l " Six months. do s •••) Three niur'M do •> I l * l bulhefMl 1 1) Carrier, p* r Week So WKKKLV l>l rI K UK<’OKI>. For rlreol itlon In tie* minim/ and Ifl/ri.Ailliirai dl*- IrietA of the county, will ronh in the) al nnd j- no .1 oftlm-no ekv" i« m,er» 1 with nt«n-eii.i;; n»i.» ( eilmied i~ re elite/ limit, r. It Win i nn’ in twenty ei >|,i ~llllllolll* of readmit limiter, mnl wid be < •*»«» **t tli„ |„ r n,.., me! cheap. at WeeU!> \.w.paper* bribe M|*nt<l|t|iei| every Sat’ifilav. ’li mi» -*.i |>* r Aniinin - . nix iiioiiilih, *,!; three inoiillw A ir. nM i imcMtt. r», per mpiarv ol leu hue ■ or h lllM 111-.'rtinll, f:.eti »nli-i«|i|ent inaertion,. ■ J ■ )l [jT A liberal de I idem will he made iiffiivur of 111■ ... vsTn ml vert it**- by the year. for ifii’ lipfort!. «j 1|.,\1 \ a )(■ tv, K ...117 Merchant At. Wmi fnineiaco A 1,. P uni, If street, Mary.’ till •> li PI.IM horbenti.wn M ill IT. k NI'TIT.U t'liy. J K. .1 \<JK WI IN ■ U^townl i.K\ I StllTH Thompson - !* rliit lilt mioTHKHTON UroiUuruni'e t-lore. .1 \M K s TltUl ttlll'ijS Wvninlotle J. SIIIKWIN Nelson Creek, I’ln in as to .IIMiK I Nr l fc. t'ATB VmericHti Valley M IMCMi'V: Mesilla \ mlev. The nßeconl” can be procured from any id tie lihnve named Agent*, who are »lw> iitlrtinri»sl to re teivc advertisements and orders fo r Job \» otk, JOB PRINTING. \Ve wottld solicit Him attention of onr friend* who arc in want id lob Printing In the tact that «'■ are pre pared to execute every description of work in onr line in A «t)le that cannot, tail to ttive eat inflict ion. Hu have recently made new and extensive additions to onr assortment of Jnl> Materials. and have hicilily fn r dninu all Kinds of work ut modenAe rules mid on short police. (;rnt ultsm* Atlvlce. AI most everybody wants snmetbinif—none are fio i.irimi il<- as to be entirely independent, in Die strict ~I,'HiiiiiK hi Dial V. nn—wn an- all. in a Rrenter or h-ss iloirriM dependent on each other. This helm* «n in ili.iinuililf fact, w« propose to point out a noalo by vlili li most of vonr desire j may In 1 tfriilirted, viz ; |i you want any kind ol laborers, mechanics, or clinks; VOVCUTISK. II you want an office, a house, a lot, or a turnt, advi:ktii|> , . If you want to exchange properly, or to borrow itionov; ahvkriisk, , If von want to rent or sell houses, lots, or farms. ZIIVKKTISK. K you waul indispose of your busuiea; AnvKarst 11 you waul lo rent rooms or offices; aiiv tunst. II yon want any kind of employment| aiivbh use. Whatever you want have or lo dispose ol; AiiVKkTtaK. , \ miuur tlie many advnrtisliw medlu ns. we may tin permitted to recommend to your favorable consider ation Dm -oa vili.i: Uaii.v Hin t Ut.oan. which |, read by many people bo'b at home and abroad II it suits von. send in your favors, and for a lair com pensation. we will iniroduee you to several ladies and uentleimn, who otherwise, perhaps would never Pave heard of you. If the “Uieeuun” does not suit vonr fancy .advertise in some other all events auvkktisk! These auKßoslions are merely throw i mil for your belie 111. Kiel because wn believe it l« he our duty to inform you of everythint( which is caeula t«d in fiihuure your iuiersit. Do >ou the iiliovc a vice. \\ v phuw for a Tut: Cork Trek America. — About a hogshead of acorns of the Cork oak have been introduced from the south of Europe, and distributed in the Middle and Southern States for experiment, or to test their adap tation to the climate This tree, in its na tive country, where it is an evergreen, usu ally grows to the height of twenty to thirty feet, hut in England there are specimens which exceed fifty feet in height, with a di ameter of more than three feet. The sub stance familiarly known to us as Cork, is the epidermis, or outer bark, and sometime grows two or three inches thick. Should the experiment succeed, it would be a sub ject of great national importance Hint plan tations should be established in various parts of the country, for the purpose of growing this useful substance, particularly iu the event of a war between this country and Europe, in consequence of which the supply would be cut off.— Scientific Jim. Goon but Useless. — If Cicero bad too little character, Cato had too much. Public virtue is like gold, if it is to be current, it must be alloyed. Cato left the alloy out, and cared little whether his coin circulated or not; all he knew was, that its purity must never be tampered with, and that whoever would not receive it, as he tendered it, must be corrupt or criminal. He was a good or ator, but his oratory was in vain; he was always ready with advice, but it was advice incapable of being put in practice; he was esteemed by all, but witli an esteem that bore no fruit. Inflexibly and almost savage ly austere, lie whs one of those men whom posterity place in their Valhallas. bur whom nations, unless for example's sake, deny admittance to their councils —the most irre proachable of virtuous men, but the most useless.— Lamartine's History of Cusar. Death op a Royal li,legitimate —The London papers notice, with considerable flummery, the death of Lord Adolphus Fitz ciarcnce, son of William the Fourth, by the actress Mrs Jordan. He entered the navy at an early age, and of course, was promoted over many a better man, ami infinitely bet ter sailor. He wis a Hear Admiral, while many who entered the navy before him are now only lieutenants. Ho never saw any service, and when quite young commanded the royal vacht in which George the Fourth made his excursions. Fish. —The finest of salmon and a great variety of smaller fry are taken in Feathea River near the town. They arc sold in market at I2i cents per pound. OROVIELE, BUTTE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1858. i'rnal 3'iotitts. I ) Stir. 3>V VlllTl’K ol authority in me vested no ■ 5 sin nee in the matter of •' A iluiirrnfl v» Ins Creditors. n I’. uiiii>M-r in Insolv.-ney in tin* Ilonorn lii' - the County Court of lintlo i iMini) and H itlf «.| California. ninl in pursuance of un urnri in In sill.l Court on Hie 3 lit (lit) dl .) nit, A il. 1 Sail. pro) I dlDg for 111,- Mill- •I' the n-iiMli in mill e in*»'. 1 will h i the VHth ilny <if July. A l> 1 ''■'ill, »i In o'clock A 'l, prnci oil In mill I. .r oi-h. nil ol lln- ti: i»li<l in trrini oi iln- i-iid jn'iiiniii- r Bancroft in and in I 111- follow .uj null pr.i|ierl). In wit ; All Hill certain I pin 'i' nr (i irci I oil nil «n in I nil in the limn of 11 i• I Well. mill !in-nti'il mi ItliM-k number three ( 3) of (lie map oi .1 id Town oi iii hv- i. llli'il in tin' <'niniiy OhlT'.'s nlll-'i* "f 1 V* ;if. if 1 - n l c 1 <ll y nil I ili*'«*l‘i l-inl fbttowln wtt: I •orn.rmn'dmf nl Hm m.rihw**s| cornier 111 lln- In. b.longuig Ui Joseph Cluckutd nil Ni weolnb Hir.s I. r 111 1 i i tier lln in e linn north elghT) -Sift C*6 I f i*'*l nn said Newcomb Street, ihenee doe nii«l tillv (soi feel lll"l OC tlttii *HXl'll twenty-tour (2-4/ (eel, thence (Ini' *ad I'Vi'iiill I'll, I' 1• ■ 111 ■ n ihn* ■* mill fnr'y-fvi (4 1) I•*••!, llimii'i* ilm* iiit lory-five (47( loot In S( Clmne* street. llmwii (I nn south uu Hi. ( li irtes street elcy-n (I ly feet, t n n 1 t'ni* West nut; Illln 11. il 11.1 I Ht 1 ini 1 foci in (li t | ij uv n| beginning, upon 'Util Ini i- Ml mill il I In* I inn.-n k now 11 n« lln Nnl llitli'l. ils linl •: 1 »i. m in sixty (i» 1' 1 iin Ili nl front* on Newcomb •'i)i i i, I.) twenty-'.inr till) lectin w idth, mtd a wing mi tin* north *,on end twenty-six (3b) If• l liy Iwnnlv iinir i 3 I; feel. an.l on llic south oast end a we g 1« "11 • i) four 1 ill) lent lit thin y 1 3(i) feet, all of wliich I*l*o dories l.ikli. Ingelli.-r wi:!i all (in.l singular ilm ■ tetm-.ces thiTriinli) he longing or in anywise apper taining. Also, nil lliat certain (n'li'.nnr p.-reeled Inn*l .iln iieil in Block Innr, 1 i) l'*l iiinuUtr one, t-l 1 boitn led us follows, In wit; Commencin ' at 1 In* imrlli **atl corner ol the alio) rnnnliu* from Nowcunhslrcet lost Charles street, rnniiintf llioncu due south on N'l'Wi-nmli Mrcel K*vi nly live (oil fiicl, Ihonee tine east one hundred ami 1 hree i UfD loot in Ht. Charles Stroui. llit'net* ilim norlli on St Charles street seventy live (7a. loot, Hionoo (tin* west alnilK tin* aforesaid alloy 0110 hundroi! mnt three (Ilia 1 feet to the place oi (a ginning Al.n. all tlial certain piece or pare-l nl laail situated nn I 11 ion Hired in blm k one fit It it II imlior fourteen. < 14) I>onndc*d as pillows. to wit: 1 oinineneiiig at tie* northeast itknor of lot thirteen, (111) runtiinif tlionce (lin* weal on L'ltinn elreel twen ty live (A») feet, tlience due sonlli (only (7<»i feel, I lie nco 'I ui* oaul Iwl *i 1 1) -tl\ 1 * i ..*il fcol thence ddo north M-venty [7O, to tin* place of bezinninir. inert tier with tin* 11 irn, twenty lice{k-ij by Unity | loj I'eul in nine, nil tinted on aaitl lot. and iippurlenancoa llieronnlo lie lonttiiik. Aleo. tins lollow ink personal properly to wit ‘J Stand Tables A l Coveti •J Flat Irons 311 Diiiina; Koorn Chairs (! Casliirs t* Salt Slaiidtt fib l)i 11 ini; Kooin Tumblers 7 Pitchers tH liinink Room Plates 11 < ’ Pilchers 7 Snifar Howls 4i. Knives and Forks OS Table Spoons 57 Tea tlo a j Tea Cups and Saucers fill Soup Plates ti Howls Is Votfetable Dishes j Meat do 11 Tureens I-JO inshes Ui Pie Puns iW) l ake Dishes 1 Cooking Stove & Furni turn. 1 Chiding Dish and Furni ture 1 Coffee Cm I Ten do U Kitchen & Dining Room Tallies 1 Rar room Stove ISriUle Damps J Cast Iron Safe •i Hells 13 liar Room chairs 1 Watering Pol 1 Cal Syrup 2 do Vinegar 13 Paper Window Curtains t- Damask do It) Hei|*tesds 4 Lounges I Desk li Decanters ‘3 Hiller Hollies 10 Wine (Hasses 1 Sugar Howl 1 Fra ti Punch Cups 1.7 Hot's Wines &. Syrups 1 ,1 Cats, (tin 4 do Hrainly ! a Hollies liingi r 3 Hexes < 'undies 7 Cals. Pickles 7 do Damp Oil It) Hi' CoO'* o 1 Inkstand I Ruler s Purus Oitrds Mi Dimlik* Sheets ••‘h/Sjraw Ticks is unils -“ii Pairs HDiikt ls 13 Stand I’aldes &. Covers 4 Sou;le licdkleiuls .".I 1 ol do IS Feather Pillows k. Cases 15 Wool de do •3 Wash Kettles '.hi Single Sheets Id Single Ticks 1 Wash Howl 4k Pitcher d l ux Wash Howls d Mn 1 1 rnsse* ri Long Towels (i Table Cloths '5 Cords wood more or less lii Hooking Classes 1 lll.ick Mulu Also, the following Notes, to wit: 1 Note against M S Oxley for ? 02 00 do (to do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do ds do do do do do do do do do do 117 U 0 John ft James McDaniel 33.7 00 A T l ichesoll Jr 34 bo JClMdrelh HI Oh Peter Jarvis *>4 00 Daniel Recde 33 00 F S Page 41) (Hi F.lwnnl Mercury S; P Jarvis ....111 3a Clwuies Harvey and John Handy 35 00 John Russ . 17 M Denny........* 130 30 Charles Kawsoe...... 13 la John X. Hall 130 90 Frederick Wall., HI 83 John Turney 133 50 •Pascal Taylor 41 7n >1 II Presby <•> << U l.atham I" 00 •Phineas Davis 0J 13 Sv IJ Hingham 43 Oil John Munrta) 74 38 C Latham 32 50 Charles Dupe 10 7a flex. McCuppin 38 00 Juan Honoss Id 37 1* 0 Hyman 0 75 HP Watkins 20 50 John RooS 47 00 Also, the following Book Acceunts, to wit: An account against John Keyes for $ 24 00 13 UO 84 00 100 00 7 00 13 00 104 25 40 Ml it no 117 35 5 (,'O 10 50 li 50 8 (Mi 8 50 10 00 3o no 38 75 (I no 34 75 5 50 13 5i i 15 35 5 00 17 50 I'J (HI 4 75 36 00 .7 00 4 50 16 05 34 (Hi 30 50 7 00 13 i)5 5 00 135 lit) 5 0*) 7.7 70 58 aO 10 5o 3c 00 iroul SiotirfS. o The s ile will be li< Id al the National tlolcl, above described. Dated this ‘JBth day of June A. I). IH.VI. AI ho, llic following account of \V. S. Salford, for tin-sum of flfiy dollar*—Ssll HO. Alho. llio following described Judgment rendered on tlio - 'lb day of laiiiiary, A. I) 1866 in the Di»lrici Conn, Ninth Judicial District in mid for Unite Couni v, am) Slain of California, by default, against If. 11. Mr li.irncl. for (In- sum of three hundred mid eighty -<• vfuty -ix oiir-liuiidntllli- (#383 <t>> dollars. and in lere«l on kind nmoinil Irom the loth day of Augi«t \ It. 1851, in iho rale of IWO |w-r cont. fu r nioinh (ill jMlcl, wherein C. A. Ilnnmifl is plain Ilf, which I will expose to public sidi- nl tin- Court House door, in llidwi-l!. on lint 11th da) of August. A. I>. 1666, at 3 o'clock I* M,to tlm highest biddor for cash. Dated lliis Kill day ol July, A 1> 1856 I’. FREER. Plicriff Butte Count) and Assignee. Shcriil** Sale*. ■» V VIKTI E OF an KXF.tTTION ISSUED Hi hy John Jones,*ft Justice of the Peace, in and tor O|ilor Township. Butte County, and State ol Cali fornia. to nut dlri-fli-d mid delivered, comm mditut inn 1 to make tin-(nnii of thirty ■four—'>34 IMt—dollars Judg inenl. and seventeen tiiiny five one-hundredths— >l7 lift—dollars costs of unit, and accruing costa of an id win of execution, wherein tile ku I nniieling Coin puny in I'luinliir, and R A. Ilrodrich 1* defi-iidinil I have a bed and levied Upon all tin- right, title and interest of Uni at ore an id Defendant, in and to all tlml Certain price or parcel of hind aiomted near t Iherokee Flat, in i iregou Township. Butin County, and State of 'California, and claimed for mining purposes, and known as the Eureka Tunnelling Coiiipiniy'aChiitn-, ani l defendant’s inlerwit being one eighteenth part of Haul claim, w hich 1 will expose to public aide id the Orleans Hotel in the Town of Orovllle, county and Stale aforesaid, on the 2sib da; of July.A. I>. IKiO, helweeli the lioai'H prescribed by law, tj tlio highest bidder for cash. Dated Una July Mh, A. D 1856. P. rdf I d IK, Sheriff P.nlle Conntv, II) M. A Mel-AbUIIUN, Deputy. Shir'ill's Sale. ||V VIRTI KOF AN EXECUTION ISSUED uM by-J. .1 oiu.-*ik..lo-liw- uAUmw l-'-a.xa in iiioi for i iphir Township. Butte I fount) - , and State of California, lo me directed and delivered, wherein I am com manded to make the sum of aim hundred undone seventy live one hundredths 18101 7.1) dollar* judg ment, mid four twenty-live one hundredths J 4 —-| dollars coals of anil out of the property oi Jacobs. Morris, ihe defendant in said execution, and accruing cost* of said writ, wherein N. Carrol Is plaintiff Therefore in pursuance ol said writ. I nave seis ed and levied upon all I lie right. Idle and interest of Ihe said Jacob s. Morris in and lo tin- follow dig properly, to w it; All that certain price and parcel nl land siluiu led in Oroville, npbir Township. Bull* County and Stale of California, and described on Hie map ol tln fown of < irovilh-as foliovve: Lots number one. 1] two. 12) three, [3] four. 4 Uve, ft. and six,a. in liloek thirty-six, oil: Lois number one, I, two 2, liv e. ft, six, d, seven. 7. and eight, fl. in Hlrfck elght. B—bids nuin her one. I, two. 2, three,3. lour, 4. live. 5, six, b, seven 7,Bnd eight,S, in Block nnmber ten, 10— l.ois one, I, two,'2, three,3. four 4. fire, ft, six, 0. seven. 7. and 8. eight, in Block eleven, 11 1-ots one. 1, two. 2. three, ( 3. four, 4. live, ft, six. 6, seven. 7 and eight, 8, in Mock twelve, 12: l-ots one, 1 two. 2, three, 3. four 4. live 6. six d, seven 7. mid eight k, in Block twenty 2b;— Lota one i. two 2. three 3,four 4, live, 6, six d, aeven 7, and eight i“. in Block nuinlier twenty-one 21;—Lola I one I. two 2, three 3. four 4, five 5, six 6, seven 7 and eight 8, in Block number twenty-two 32,—L01a one t, tw 02, three 3, four 4, five ft, six fi. seven 7. and eight H, in Block twenty-three 23—which I will expose to public sale id Ihe Orleans Hotel in the Town of Oro ville, on the 2Hth Day of July, A. D. 1866, between the lionrs prescribed by law lo Iho highest bidder, for cosh. Dated, tills July fith, A. I). 1866. I*. FREER. Sberilf Butte County. By M. A. McLAUGHLIN, Deputy. COUNTY TREASURKH’6 OFFICE, I ItIoWKL-L, July Ifllh, 1866. ) U hereby pivno, Dial all persons holding lal Butte County Warrants payable from the gene ral fund, regisu-red between February 16lh, left*!, and March 141 b. 1856, that the same will be redeemed on plesentHiion. nt my office. And notice is further given, that froffi and after this date, said warrants will ceatc lo boar interest WILLIAM LATTIMOBR, Treasurer of Butte County. WHITE & NUTTER, DEALERS IN GROCERIES PROVISIONS, LIQUORS, &.C., &.C. rBAHF. UNDERSIGNED, in calling tha attention of JL the public lo their Block of Prune Goods, wouM aval themselves of (Ins op|>ortunity to return thanks for the very generous palronge they have received du ring the nnmtier of years they have biswi engaged in business al this place ; and determined I-/ mi nt a cot,- linuante of the same in future, off. r al the lowest rales a large and well selected assortment ofGriceries and Provision*, Liquors of a superior quality, Pre served Fruits. Miners’sunpll-s, Hardware, Crockery and Glassware Ike.. Jkc. P irticular attention paid to lo filling and delivering miners’ order* Bom a dis tance. The highest price paid for Gold Dust, We tJmll also run it daily and Package Ex press, belweeu tins place and < tr-ivilie, K WHITE & NUTTER, Oregon City, Jaly 1866. JyTJ-lf AMBROTYPES! A WONDERFUL & EXQUISITELY Uoautiftil Picture! l\i KE S OS GL.2 S S, h\l U SVH/*- J S S IXG sISV DsIGVEHUEOTYPE. « ■ jj lIENDEE- b»* just opened rooms on th»- ITB eurmrui Montgomery and Myers street*, over the Bank Exchange, where he w ill take pleasure in wailing on all who may favor him with a call. Both Ambrolvpes and Dagueraeotvpes will be executed in the best style, and warranted to give perfect satis faction « EVERYBODY, call and »e« the picturvi. OrvvUic, July 1&, 1e66. jy 10 if Tfgul Jilotircs. NOTICE ES hereby given ill at I Mary Hradley.wlfe of J otic Bradley of tin* count* of llullr. mul f »' •* of fall forma <U» hereby declare that 1 intend from mi l aIU r this date to curry on Imsuies* in my own n nu* nml on m\ nun arnmnl in xiikl comity of Butte nfoaesui I tlint the nature of i> ud Im-he sc In Ranching. Ka -mg Slock nml Poultry. Dory business. Mining ami Hotel Ur* pi g, Hai Inn mu nail selling Liijilun at whole-al' :n«l ret nil. ami Unit I will tic in 1 viduahv ren|eni»ihli in t. iv ow n n nu • for n't <|ci Us con met oil t*\ inn on nr count ol my - i I bus in- 1 I flirt in r 1 1 • .1 re tli t( the iiinonnl ot c«i|itt;ii iiiM , * l i , il In Miiil business lines mil cxci'Ml the mini« I live llion«.c:il dollars. In wit in ns whereof I ha \ c licriioa i mi my hand nnfl Seal thi< l*ili dtiv of July A i>. V< *•» MAlli IiU.ADL.RY. Stuleof California, t County of Hutto i • n this lilli liny of July A. 0 18''% personally appeared before me. ti .Tu-tlce o f the t'oiuT in nml fir the county tifji'Sull. thn uliove named .Mary liradley. know II to me to In* till) per- 111 (Irm-riln I tti and wlio Mirninl lint for-gei ig declaration. who acknowledged to uio lhut 'lie signed Hm same lively and voluntarily, and fur lilt 1 n-i * and purpose ■ there in tni-utioM'U JOHN Ju.M s. J. I’. Jyle-Rw Hullo Co Cal. NOTICE \LL PERSONS holding or claiming Liens, tinder . the provisions ol •■An Act for securing l.l**n« of Mi chmucK mid others, approved Apnl *Vlh, is.i.i,” on the properly known as lloruco Brewster's dwelling house. situated near the lllnlf.'on Moiilvroinory Mmol, in lh« town ol Oroullo. county of litiln- mid-Into of California the same being the present residence of said Brewster mid family, lire hereby inililioii lo be nml appear til llto district Court of said County ami Stale, on Monday, the ‘Jotli day of August, 186ri, anti exhibit then mid there the p'oolss.f their said ideils. jylli wli CAi.KINS & SI’EhMAN. -zfk. C A XI D f ROM THE WESTERN HOUSE rBIll L UN I>KIISH;N El) wishes to inform lint Iruv- H cling public mid the citizens of .Marysville, that niter tills day nil business counseled w ith the llotul department will ho carried on by the u.e of TICK K’I s, u« follows; Mi;/, LS 8 75 |.()|m;INC 60 cts , •'m is , and SI FAMILY ROOMS 31 60 per day, A ticket for Hnv Hoard, by the week, w ill he SHI. j pay able in mil mice. A ticket lor Oay Board, with Lodging. by tin week, w ill be *i:i, >l5, and §lB, according to mice lion of room • Ttie Proprietor lio|ies these H"ducllon» will lie properly appreciated by the Public. Ihe style ol business ns before. The addition of a (ruifi Hnlh House. Shaving Saloon, with the ud-.mitnge of the i utilise of the C.ilifot nia stage Company, with every other convenience for the traveler, vll, I think, in sure to the public, till the needtnl comforts ol a home in connection w ith the above, the proprietor deems it absolutely tieeossnry to shite distinctly that lie cantnil, he uiV not. uor siiai.l not. to nny one. male or fe male. give the t'lghletl i >r ilmrtttt ririilt. Tlifs is itol personal: It is general. I have been rather imposed upon lately, and I •’■ is!i to protect the in.crests of my creditors, an well ns my own. U. 3. Ml URAV, Mar; ■-=vilts, fluty HV I' everts, DAVIS & co?s EXPRESS OFFICE row p.'s itni.nivo. d ,-trkht. wkst side. MARYSVILLE. A DAILY KXPRKS3 will he dispatched from our Oltlre in Marysville, to Knhhil Creek. Hih sonvllle. 1 orhesiowii L Coiiiiitbns llon-c, Lexington liouse, U linen Hill. Iloiikm-ville, Nelson Creek. Poor Man’s Creek, Hopkins Creek, Onion Valley, itielmiond Hill. Slriiiiilown, Enterprise, Wyandotle, |.ung liar, spring Valley . Scales’ Diggings, Si. Louis indwell’s Har, 11 turnon v I lie, Pino Drove, Chandler- Mile, Spanish Flat, Independence Har, American Valley. Elizabethtown, Spanish Ranch, Meadow Val iev, City of 'ill, Jamison • ’reek, Camin Creek. < iroyillu, Thompson’s Flat. Oregon Httlch Harnnrd's 1 liggings. Hurrisons’Digging", and Poverty Hill. Our I Ul'.ASl KL EXPRESS will always he accom panied by failhlnl Messengers. | jf- Collections. Orders, k.c , attended to with promptness and gyERTS, DAVIS & CO. NEW ADMINISTRATION! Central House Hotel! Unities from Marysville, oa the Ophir, Bidwell Bar and Feather river Roads. JOHN LOWftY, Proprietor. 1 TAKE 1* LEAST’RE in Informing my friends and the trirvelitn? community, ihai 1 sin now rrmly <<» receive and iu:c#»minoJjtl« lliein. The |t \K *iti he iMrnished with choice Luiuors. my IA II I, E supplied with the varieties of Iho season, my BEDS clean and comfortable, 'ami tny H AHNS with good stalls and feed lor horses. Li fuel every exertion w ill he used on my part lo oblnln and secure the pub lie favor —and no public house in Cahlornta shall ex ceed me ia courtesy aad allculieu lo every one that may visit me. •*- L, Rro’ tr ; Hulte County. July 16, 1H56. jylb-lf EVERTS. DAVIS & CO EXCHANGE & EXPRESS OFFICE Corner Newcomb St. and Plaza, Bidwell. ■« mTE send t daily Express lo all parts of California ▼ T mid the Pacilic coast generally and lo the Atlantic Slates, Oregon and Europe by every steamer. I .otters and packages forwarded through us will be delivered through onr messengers to parties to whom they are addressed. Cold Dust or Coin forwarded wit h (he most perfect safely and utmost dispatch lo anv tow n in the 3tate, and to the Ananitc Flutes.and w ill have it insured to parties wishing it, <»old Du-l forwarded to the Mint for coinage, and returns made at the lowest rates. We will also advance cash on shipments to the mitt tf desired by parties r-ight Drafts on the Atlantic Slates, on Wells. Fargo A. Co. Drexel SulHert Church, and Luc itk Turner At Co . procured. Having a large flje proof Safe in onr offlee, we will receive special deposits, charging one half per cent per month. Sight checks on M. Ilruin agini, Marysville at par. Colleciions made and funds remiiied. atlcwesl Fates. The hlgh"st price paid for Hold Hast. HENRY KEEFER, Agent. £l. IVE ARTIN, Oppt>site the Ophir Drug Store, Montgomery street, OROVILLE ■ " Constantly on hand, a well »©- U. tecled slock of Groceries, Provisions, Bools, Shoes, Clothing, Liquors, Mining Tools, &c.« &c., Which he olTers nt th« lowest rates F<'U CASH delivered FREE OF CHARGE. OrovUle ; July n, is iU. 'l‘tarJ Mnfirtn. I SIU’KIKK'f 5 S \ 1.K..—11> Vlrtm*nf :id-rr.' is<m.! nnt«* rtu* lM'iru‘l Cnnrt, Ninth .1 idui I Uinpic liida’s li.ikt i),n'lil ilu-nco innum lieriy ui riTlldli Inthi'Clld 111 lln* spite*. dug Kilt UUil fm n.orly lift'd it i.-n (mu iltt) iticlu Hug liiu Iving b< - , lui cii I.h iji ). llidit'a 1.0 l and tin* Uc-vrvuir i f Vt>««rn lliiifinnii a. Cm ~ 11>k< ilti r w illi tint Billiard S.i- Ilttill. sitlldi'd nil Mild Jilt Hi I b*’ tV lilt'll I\> ill S*'li lit I'll).he Suit 1 mi lint Conn Hdiki)door in lUtlweil, coun ty and Slate afnr. -md. on the 4ili tiny of Auitiifi, V It Is.Vi.ul I' M.. to the high, st bidder tor car h. Dated this Pith diiy of .Inly, \ I). IS.’irt. r 111I.MU. Shnrill Butte County. INSOLVENCY NOTICE. STATU Of l vUI'oitNIA. I County I onrl (Vi Nrv nr Hi n r. A At (:ha.iila"« In ilin nutter ot Juntos II Drukt*, no Insolvent Debtor. t \ IM’ltSI ANt'K of mi order made inthe County . Conn h> iho Hon. ,1 off(ih K. N. lewis. t’oimiy Judge nt t Ini in luts. on tlio noth day ol .lime, A. I>. IS,Vi—Notice is berohy given In tin* oreditnrs of the said Jietitloiirr in Inrol vilify. Juni.-f 11. brake, Iti op. pear lielore tbe lion J.K.N. I.ewis, County Judin' on iho third day ol tin- Angnust term of I lie County Court, A 11. ISoG. to wit :On the lilh duy of Angic-l ensuing ul lltdwell, to show cnirse if uny then tie, why the praj( r of raid ju'lilwmer tdionlil not lie itrini ted. mid an avian of his estate tie isiide, and tie he discharged Ironi his delits us an Insolvent liehtor. Uilness m> hand und the seal of said County 1,. S Court affixed, this, 3otli day of June, A D Ipjti, ut llldwell. MU.KS f'I,APIN', County Clerk Sulw lly M. 11. Darkai h,Deputy. CABINET SHOP. JOHN DOLHKRGH. Mroriil) ResjieftfiiUy inform the citireii* nr fn(. ▼ ▼ well and \ iclnily, that he is preputial to do nil kinds of work in Ids line of business in n workman like manner, wiih despatch mid on reasinmhle terms. Having always on hand a large nsaor'meut oi dry lilinlier. he is ready to make to order. Coots window Sash, Tables, Hoijkers, &.C. All kinds ol Ciildnet work, mid m fuel iinvlhing appertaining to his hn-i -ness, billiard Tables set mol rejnih-ed Shop on Charles Street, below 1 ess X 1 aircoinb’s Urtck Sloro ■VOTrrjC -I tnjil lytnenl inn be iim) for a ninn- It In r td expert w orkmen on w ire, during the (iresent summer in eVecting a wire Bridge nt llldwell in lids iomitV; Kuijnif.' a! this off! v. i*r of JAMBS A Ml UK AV. Marysville mjOTICE Is hereby given that the mifhrsigned xw will ajijdy iulhe Hoard of Supervisors for Untie Comity, in it. State of California, iti their next “«■». sioii to lie held ul Itidweil. in said eonnly, for a lie*--in s to run n ferry aeritss the middle Cork IValher River al the Junclion of the North Pork of said ri'er. .limn 14, IS-iti. s VI.VIjSTKI! P. SAVACC.. fl/ERRY NOTICE N >tice is hereby Riven, U 5 trial i will ajijily to llie him. Iloifrd of Siiju rvi-o s al their next regular meeting for a Iviviise to run a Kerry across Hie Soulh fork of said River, about a quarter of a mile above the Juni'fhvn. CIIAKt'RS UK OWN. Rldwell, June 11,18,V5, jlSul.tJ NOTICE! BS lIKHFBY (SIVKN to the Stockholders of the Old Monte/.nina Minim' Conitmny, that there »vill be a meeting of the StoiJkholders of said Company, at their office in Hid will. Itutle county, on Saturday, the 1-th day of July. IHafl, for the jnirposu ol eleciing officers of said Coinjimiy fer the present vear. UldWell, June It). ISiti. J. M. HI KI . See'y. STRAYED ON (ill ABOUT May il.Mh, one cluy-linnk horse, eight or ten years old, black inline and tail, brand on the left neek letlera TO. Abo. one blin k horse Mule, brand unknown. A liberal reward will Ire paid for the return for the return of said animals to the subscriber at Mel well. (>KO. \V. JIKSS, June Ul, IKSfi. j*'‘Jl-fl VALUABLE PUOPEHTV FOR SALE. IliESluE to aril the Vermont Mill, aitua’ ted 16 miles from Ridwell’slanding not Brown’s Ferry, Sacramento River, and I . miles from Chico (Bidwells Ranch). Themii is new, well built and finely arranged. ' ti » nearest mill preferty to the finest lundfci Butte. Colusi and Tehama Counties, term, of payment easy, viz- one fourth to one ha!i Cash. Balance nt Lumber delivered .it the River, (I*s miles distant) or at a point I wil* designate below, I ofter to sell the 'p’ew and valuable property at a bargain, lie vmg bought it to save a large debt, and am entirely unacquainted with the Lumber and milliYig business; Any one wish ing a good investment and profitable employ ment for a few men and teams, will do well to examine it. For Value of location kc. , reference i*» mndr to Major John Bidwell and K K. Dodge, Chico Pest Office. Butte Co also to C. (i. Lin coln, Oroville. office of the North Californian. My address, Monroeville, Colusi County, my 24-tf-*-29 0. P. SWIFT. f SALE by the Case or Package in quantities to suit. Long bill paper. Legal cop Letter Paper. Ink Broad bill paper. Fools cap. Note paper. Pen oils. Blank Books, Wafors, kc kc. Noisy Carriers Book Stationary Co. 87 Battery, & (54 k *5O Long Wharf. San Frau cisco. C P. KIMBALL, Pros. JOIIS WILSOS, WK.II. Il’M lU, A. WINA.N-ra JOHN WILSON & CO. A TTfRNKVH ANI»COfN.<KI,I,ORP AT LAW. J I*l floor 91, Mtrchani Ht. near Montgomery. U|f;TTKST PRICK pr-id for Cotin'v Scrip, at 'he Store of JOS UP II GLUKAUP. Bidwill Xr.MHKU 10.