OCR Interpretation

Oroville daily Butte record. [volume] (Oroville, Butte County, Calif.) 1856-1858, July 25, 1856, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86058106/1856-07-25/ed-1/seq-2/

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nun nim: record.
>!■»: ii. cimiTTii Editor.
I * I « m**rUi«i of ilu* California [Viixicratic Slat**
(Vniml Commute**. held In tin) city uf Sacramrolo,
<m Mi** 10th day of July lha«, It win rtnulvixl that a
iMtlocriiSc Hints Convention In* called. to nirol in
th.* City of Sacramento, on TUESDAY. tho will day of
S**pl«nl*T unit, for th** p<ir|iu*«o of O' 'lttiiiaiinij two
ni.*inb< ra of Uontfrw, a Clark of the Snprumn Court,
a rliiperinlamlanl of I’ublio iiiHlruclkin, a Suit I’riaon
thro*tlor, and four I’ramdcniial KUctura.
Tlx* HtuUj Oulml Comnlllce submit that Hatnr
liy die 23*1 day of AllifiMt, Im (lie day mdaclad by
Dm diffiir**nt count lea fur tko *d*-ciion of Dvfeifairi to
and Democratic Stale Coiirtuitlon.
1 uc following i» tlw apportionmint of reprvmenta
Alameda 7iHnn Iteiinnrlino .... _. 3
Amador In Simla Harbors 3
Hull* Spun Louia Obispo .... 2
Coliml •'ijSanta On* 2
f alereras Li,non Francisco 39
fontru Costa 3jSianial«u* 3
I*' Dorado 21 Sacmnicnto 16
II uni boldt 2, Solano 4
Klmnalh 3 Siskiyou 8
I.'** Ample* .... .... . (liShaslo - , . . .3
Mont ,n*y ■ • *. * . •« • 2|SulU*r 3
Mariposa 6|Sonoiuauaii Mvudoeiuu . 7
Marin ....... iniurra 12
Morojd lisnuto Clara - . 15
Napa 2|Suu Join tain 7
Neruda 14; Tuolumne 13
Pls.;«*r I'i Tulnru 2
San Dingo 2.Y010 4
\ üba 131
Uy order: B. F. WASHINGTON. Chalr’n.
I! K. Dowell. Secretary.
W Democratic papers throughout the Slate please
it stroll yesterday on the hill, and so much
h t I it improved that we hardly recognized
tae place ; and, what is better, almost every
Company arc making big wages We were
into several drifts, and find great improve
ments or. the old mode of mining in Jeep
diggings. Mason &Co., tlrcen & Co., Syl
vie .Si Co , and many others, are employing
a great number of man, and seem to be do
ing business on a very extensive scale, and
vety systematically. It pays them largely.
Mr Abel has built a fine house there—
toe I. upirc Hotel, lie has about 100 board
.1 latlcc'i Court.
IhU is becoming one of the most business
institutions in Town. One, two, three aud
c»iOn (oar trials a day— most of which arc
for assault ami battery.
*la Monday, John Bcriliet was arraigned
for committing au asanu.lt on David i.ovirs,
in the vicinity of White Hock lie was ad
judge! to pay into the treasury 0 f Butte
county, S4O, or take an order on Sheriff
1- recr for Iff days subsistence. He chose the
latter, and received marching orders.
Several trials came off yesterday for As
sault, drawing deadly weapons, &c.
f irst came People vs. Vagary, Lawholm &
Leonard—Drawing dcu<lly weapons. Mo
g iry sent up for 00 days—Leonard aud Law
hom 30 days each.
1 eoplc vs M Holland—for drawing dead
ly weapons. Discharged.
People vs. M. Holland—Assault and - bat
cry. The prisoner decamped.
It will ho seen, by his advertisement, that
D D. Jones has disposed of his interest in
the A'e and Liquor business to Mr. Mar
chclla. The old firm have done a flourishing
business, and have been very popular
T rom what we hear, there is no reason why
the new one should not succeed equally
well Accompanying the notice of dissolu
tion was a bottle of the best Heidsick that
the inmates of this office have had the plea
sure of cracking. Success to the new firm,
N*-w Auction & Commission House.—
We would call attention to the advertise
ment of Messrs. Morse & Bird, in another
lu their advertisement they ’propose to
take sales of Heal Estate, Stocks. Mining
claims, Live Stock, and every description of
personal property,
Oapt. Ralph Bird, one of our eldest citi
zens, will take charge of the out door bu.fi
ness, and from his long acquaintance with
the community of Butte county, has many
A People’s Party.— The Grass Valley
Tie graph (Black Republican) says of the
propose! “ People’s Party."
A People's Party would have to be in favor
of, and against all soils of contradictory
principles. It would ba an incongruous
moss which would necessarily fall to pieces.
Express Notice. — McWilliams & Tymc
son sen! an Express daily to Thompsons
Plat aud B. dwell.
Mr. C. F. Johnson, Esq , of ths Pacific
Telegraphic Co , is in town for the purpose ol
procuring subscription for the erection of s
telegraph between this point and Marys-
Tillc. We publish in this morning's paper,
the "Articles of association for the forma
tion of the Oro Telegraph Company,” in or
der that all may understand the manner in
which such enterprises are accomplished.
There are undoubtedly, chances to invest
capital at a greater per cent., by taking
greater risks, as the general average of tel
egraphic stock in California, pays from 1 i
to 3 per cent, per month, although there
ure some companies in the State which real
ize a much greater per cent. We learn
from a stockholder that the Sub Jose and
San Francisco Telegraph Company pajs as
high as 15 per cent per month. Would
the stock in the "Oro Telegraph Company”
pay that amount, it would be profitable, re
garded as a simple investment, without tak
ing iuto consideration its utility to our bu
siness men, or the increased value that every
improvement of this kind gives to property
in the place. If it shall cost us SB,OOO or
SIO,OOO, and enhances the value of property
that amount, it will in reality, cost us noth
ing. and we shall be the recipients of the
beuefite it confers, and of the per cent, it
pays, whatever it may be. It is for our cit
izens to consider the matter fairly, and de
termine whether they will have a Telegraph
line to Orovillo Our own opinion is that
1 stock in this company will prove as profita-
I ble as any in the State, and we base this
| opinion upon the admitted fact that Oroville
1 is the best mining town in the State, and is
i not exceeded in business importance by
more than three places.
There will be a meeting this (Friday)
evening, at the room of Justice Jones, for
the purpose of taking the subject into con
sideration, and those who arc favorable to
i the enterprise are requested to be in attend
ance. We believe that money invested in
internal improvements of this nature, will
be as profitable to property holders as that
sent below to purchase goods. Let us start
the ball in motion to-morrow night, and
Dkcep it moving” until we are not only fa
vored with the trembling vibrations of the
Telegraph, but shall hear in our streets the
| shrill whistle ot the "Iron horse.” as he
] speeds away over our fertile plains, and the
j cradle of the miner shall be rocked by the
| waves created by the paddle wheel of the
{steamer. Wc have the mines sufficiently
I rich to effect this, and a well directed energy
! and perseverance will accomplish it. Come
out to-night.
jPir It was announced by a telegraphic
despatch.to the California Express, that a
rumor was prevalent in Sau Francisco on
Wednesday to the cSect that, the U. States
authorities would demand the release of
Judge Terry. The reporter was unable to
find authority for the rumor. Were it a
Martin Kostza, confined in their "bastile,”
who had only declared his intention to be
come uu American citizen, instead of a
free born American citizen aud a supreme
Judge, we doubt not but a samraous from
the U. S. Ship of war, John Adams, would
have long since released him from his illegal
persecutors. Pei haps our reverence for the
instilutious of our country, and. our belief
in the wisdom of our forefathers, is too
great, but we frankly confess, and trust
those who differ with us will give us credit
for sincerity, that we cannot see hew the
commander of au Ameriean vessel of war,
can see the constitution of his country which
he has sworn to support, violated, and a
free-born American citizen deprived of the
rights guaranteed him by that coaatitution,
still strut the qna/rter deck of his vessel,,
aud wait for an earthquake, or its own
wickedness to sink San Francisco. When
the Army and Navy can sit supinely by and
see constitution of the United States tram
pled upon and violated by an armed niobi
then has the army and navy, indeed, "Lost
the breed of noble bloods.”
The Very Latest, What cannon was
that asked a gentleman who was within
hearing of one of the ratification guns, a
few days since. Bu-cannon, of course, was
the very natural response. Very good, soys
No. 1, has the true ring to it.
A Dense Population in an Unpopular
Place —There are fourteen persons now in
the Bidwell Jail on various charges. This
warm weather must place them in the melt
ing mood.
Our old fricud, J udge Myers, is mining
extensively and with good prospects. He
was one of the first to prospect thoroughly
the flat, and who also organized the cele
brated Live Oak Company. He has built a
very neat little Cottage on the Bluff, and
is surrounded by all the comforts of a sub
stantial home.
Oro Telegraph Co.
Artieltt of Anoeiation for the formation oj
the “Oro Telegraph Company."
Preamble —Wkeroas, Chas.*F. Johnson
and George Senf, both of Mary.-ville, Cali
fornia, being desirous to organixe a Com
pany under the general law tor incorporat
ing Telegraph Companies in California for
the construction of a line of magnetic Tele
graph from Marysville to Oroville, and Ar
ticles of Association being requisite to carry
the same into effect, the following has been
agreed on by the said Johnson and Senf.und
all other parties whose names may be sub
scribed hereto as stockholders, viz ;
Article I.—The Company shall be known
by the name of the “ Oro Telegraph Com
pany.” The capital stock of the Company
shall bo thousand dollars, with power
to increase the same by a vote of two-thirds
of the stockholders; and the stock shall be
divided into shares of one hundred dollar*
each, and represented by certificates ol
Article II. —The certificates of stock
shall bo issued by the Board of Directors,
signed by the Secretary and countersigned
by the President of the Company, in the
form following :
“Oro Telegraph Company.” It is hereby
certified that is entitled to one
share of stock of one hundred dollars in the
Oro Telegraph Company. This stock is
transferable only on the books of the Com
pany by an assignment in writing and a
surrender of this certificate to the President
of the Company, and the holder of this cer
tificate, by the acceptance thereof, shall be
come a party the existing articles of associ
ation of the Company, and shall be bound
thereby as if an original subscriber thereto;
and shall be entitled to all the privileges,
and subject to all the obligations of an orig
inal proprietor of said stock. This stork is
subject to no assessments. In testimony
whereof the Company have caused this cer
tificate to be signed by the Secretary, and
countersigned by the President, at
on this day ol A. D 180-
Article III.—No officer, agent, or mem
ber of the Company shall have power to in
incur any debt or pecuniary obligation lor,
or iu the name of the Company.
Article IV—Twenty-five per cent of all
the subscriptions to the slock shall be
! paid or made payable to the Directors, im
mediately upon the organization of theCom
i pany by the election of its officers, and the
residue shall be paid to the Directors when
called for by public tut ice at least ten days
i before the time payment, and She call shall
be by installments of not more than twenty
live dollars on each share, and at intervals
such as the progies* of the work may de
mand. The certificates of stock shall be is
sued to each subscriber whenever the full
amounts of his subscription shall have been
paid, and nut sooner; and they shall be
transferrable by written transfer accompa
nying the certificate, and surrender of the
original to the President. Lf any subscriber
shall fail to make payment of a»y install
! meats for the period of fifteen days after
such time for payment shall have expired,
he shall forfeit his stock and all prior pay
ments made thereon; but in no case shall
any subscriber be released from these obli
gations provided the contractors pc affirm
their work as per contract.
Article V.—Each share of stock shall
entitle the holder to vote, in person or by
proxy on all matters of business or election
of officers.
Article Vl.— As soon as the amount of
stock necessary for the construction of the
said Line shall have been subscribed for by
bona tide and responsible subscribers, the
said Johnson and Seuf shall notify a meet
ing of the subscribers, both by public adver
tisement in the newspapers and a notice
transmitted to each stockholder at least one
week before the time appointed for such
meeting to be holden at Uroville or Marys
ville as the said Johnson and Sent - may se
lect. At savh meeting a President shall he
i chosen, who shall be ex-officio Director, and
also a board of Directors consisting of live
persons, three of whom shall have power to
transact aay business, also a Secretary and
Treasurer; the whole to be elected by the
votes of the holders of a majority of the
stock of said Company represented at such
meeting, in person or by proxy; said offi
cers to continue in office one year.
[ Article Vll.—Each officer and agent of
the Company shall be subject to removal
from, his office by a vote of two-thirds of the
Board ot Directors, who shall in such case,
or iu case of »hc death or resignation of any
officer of the Company, have power to fill the
vacancy by a re-election until the next an
aual meeting of the stockholders,
Article Vll.’—No person shall be eligible
to office unless he shall be a stockholder.
Article IX.—lt shall be the duty of the
Board of Directors to call special meetings
of the stockholders whenever emergencies
may require it They shall use all proper
\ means to urge forward the work to the com
pletion of the line, to see that no failure on
the part of the Company is to ob
struct or retard the progress of the work in
the hands of the contractors; and upon the
| completion of the line, to inspect the same,
and upon finding it to comply with the con
tract, to accept it in behalf of the Company,
and pay over to the eontractors the balance
of the installments ilue on said contract.
Article X—lt shall be the duty of the
I President of the Company to preside at all
: meetings ol the stockholders. The Secretary
■ shall keep and preserve the records of the
proceedings of the stockholders at all tluir
meetings, and the same shall he open at all
times to the inspection of the stockholders.
The Treasurer shall alien required give a
i bond to the Directors for the faithful dis
charge of his duties, and shall keep an ac
| count of all his receipts and disbursements
Article XI —The said Johnson and Senf
; hereby promise and agree with the other
subscribers hereto, to construct and erect a
j Line of Telegraph from Marysville to Oro
j ville as provided in the preamble of these
, articles of association, according to the fol
lowing specifications, vis: The line shall
be constructed with one iron wire of the l>e*t
buulity, of the usual site, properly insulated
and secured by supporters of the requisite
heighth and strength. There shall be the
requisite registers, magnets, batteries and
other necessary apparatus for the two place
mentioned in the preamble of these articles
of Association Said Line to be Completed
as aforesaid within four months after the
payment of the first installment on the stock
as provided by article 4, unless prevented by
any default on the part of the Com puny, or
by unavoidable accidents or obstruction oc
curring to the constructors, for the sum of
$12,0(10, to be paid to the said Johnson and
Senf in cash, in four equal installments at
intervals ns nearly equal ns practicable;
the first installment to be paid within thirty
days after the commencement of the work,
and the last upon the completion thereof,
and the said Johnsi n and Senf in consider
ation of the premises and of one dollar to
oach of them paid, the receipt whereof is
hereby acknowledged, do hereby further
promise and agree with each of the suoscri
bers hereto, that as soon as the said Line of
Telegraph and instruments shall he made,
constructed and paid for us aforesaid, the
Line and all the instruments and apparatus
shall be owned by and be the property of
the said “ tV* Telegraph Company.” In
consideration of the foregoing, and of indi
vidual benefit and advantage, we whose
names are hereto subscribed, make and con
firm the above articles of association and
agreement, and agree, each for himself, to
conform to and execute the same, and the
contracts and undertakings (herein set forth,
and we do further agree to take the number
of shares of stock of suid Company set oppo
site names. C. F. JOHNSON,
Theatrical —The first appearance of
the Dramatic Company on WcdncsJuy night,
under the management of Mr. W. Hamilton,
was most cncourngiag fur new candidates
fur the patron-age of the Oroville Theatre
goers. The House was well filled, and never
before have we seen so great a number of
the bcaaty and fashion as honored the Thea
tre with their presence on Wednesday night.
'To enter into a nice criticism of this or any
other Theatricu>Company, would be ventur
ing outside of soundings, as wo cannot possi
bly afford to style ourselves Theatrical
The play of the “ Golden Farmer” passed
off to the satisfaction of all, as was evinced
by tho tremenduous applause of the audi
ence. Mr and Mrs. Hamilton were decided
ly the favorites, and performed their parts
to the letter; so did the Miss Franklunds
They appear new on the stage, but seem to
possess the elements necessary to reach a
high position in the profession. They pos
sess modesty combined with beauty, grace
and elegance. Mrs. Hamilton sings finely.
Tho “ Old Dutch Gentleman” was sung by
Mr. Colli»s with great good taste uud effect,
notwithstanding ke received n slight rebuke
from the lessee, Mr. Connor.
The “ Jtrish Tutor” was well played, and
excited a deal of merriment. The song
“ Widow McChree,” by Mr. Hamilton, was
most elegant—’twas all over Irish.
On the whole, it was a very creditable
performance, and gave general satisfaction.
The Orchestra was composed of Oroville
musician?, and was, to our thinking, the
best that ever performed in the Metropo
New Arrangement. —Ourestccmed and
very popular young friend, Harry Hunt, has
become the sole proprieSor of the Dank ex
change. He is respected by all, and will
not fail to receive Lis share of public pa
those who have subscribed for the
erection of our County Building, we would
say, look out for the Collector on Saturday.
Orleans Hotel, July 'j.'til, 1850.
JM Covington, Cherokee; K F Johnson, Oregon;
Jno Proctor, Charley’* Rnnche; J I) I'm-n, Dry town;
Jno Walker, Auburn: Kdward A Kuael ami lady,
Marysville; Da* id 1 Donfta»r do; A J Snyder do; W II
Hamilton and lady, Sac.wtaealo; di«s Annie Frank-
Iln do; Mia* Jennie Franklin (k>; V P Martin do; It S
Mortimer do; Mrs Post and child do; Mias Poet do;
Eli Strom; do; Mr Water* do; < > (J Goodrich,' Iticlwell,
C A Ilancrti't do; Jno If Thompson do; Sidney K U me
North Fork; Stephen Strickland, do.
Lessee* Missus. C»s.\hh & Mvtir
Stacie Manaoer, W. li Hamilton'
Leader or Orchestra W, P. Makiiis'
Sucsrss of the Company !
First night lu rs ct tho Splendid Nautical Drama in
Two Act*, entitled the
Overture Orchestra
SONG Miss Franklin.
To Conclude with the side splitting Farce of the
Quoou's Own,
ADMlSSlON—Parquette, St On | Gallery, 50 ct».
Door* open at o'clock, performance to com
mence at a o'clock.
Express Favoiis —Mr Watson very kiud
ly .furnished us with Sacramento Union, Saa
Francisco Alta, Chronicle, Globe and Sun.
Mr. Harris, of the C. S Co . pave us tho
latest Marysville papers. He always re
members us.
For the benefit of our readers we shall
hereafter publish a list of the arrivals :»t
our principal Hotels.
McWilliams & tymeson,
At the Highest Rates.
Chocks /v t I? nr !
For ShI»» on all (ho Principal Allmilic Plica,
t Y IlKl’iiSlTj received. Special and otherwise.
July 14, 1850. jyUlf
C. B MACY, C. L. LOW, P. y , LOW.
Chocks at r*ar,
on UKKison. Morgan, fkktz, a Ralston,
We are prepared lo draw MOOT EXCHANGE on
Alan, on the oilier principal Eastern Citio.
Marysville, Aaifnat 4, 1865, aul-if
rgMIE FNL RESIGN El) begs leave to inform bis
JL friends, patrons ami citizens of Onoille and
vicinity, that be lias a large and well selected stock
in Goods on hand, consisting of
Boots, Shoes, Hats,
Which he is determined lo sell at TEN PER CENT
till’, \ PUR THAN AN V OTHER ESI Altl. IS lIM EN l‘
IX THIS TOWN Call ami ace ns, and examine imr
.'t »ck before purchasing elsewhere. A. D. KEIS.
P. S.— KKM E d HER, Montgomery a reel, next
door lo the Lulled Slates Hotel, sign of
OruviMe. Judy - J4. 185(1. j>J4tf
Dissolution of Co-jiartucrspiiJ.
rOTHE CO-PARTNERSHIP herleofore ex inline in
JL the Town ol t >ruulle, under Ihe linn and stylo
ol I>. I>. Jones & Co , in the Ale and Liquor busi
ness, is (ha* day dissolved by unit mil consent. Said
business will hereafter lie eomlucted under tho name
ami linn ol LIGHT i, MARCIIKLLH.
1). I) JONES,
11. LIGHT.
Croville, July -’I, I8.»0i jyJ.Vlm
J. D. BROWN, M. D.
Graduate of New York-University, New York Medi
cal Institute. Honorary Graduate «( Syracuse Medical
College, olfers bis professional services to the inbabi
tunls of Uno-villa and vicinity. «at the Uroville
Drug Store, Montgomery street, one door from the
orner of Downer street.
July 14, 1850. jy 14-if
W ICON K a DAT, July 23, ISSO.
FLOUII per cwt $8 00
9 0;J
9 00
do S. U. do
Corn Meal,
California Macon, per lb
Hums, Jo 25
Cork do 20*23
Moans do 10*20
Coffoe, green d 0.... 18*20
do ground,... .do 25 a 3.1
Teas do 50 a 75
Candles, do.
Crush’d Sugar do.
I’ulv. do do,
Orleans do do.
China do do.
Potatoes, do.
Onions, do.
Cabbage, do
Split Peas do.
Carl. Rice, do 15 a 18
China do do 10 a 12£
Muller do CO* 88
Lard, do 25*30
Cheese, do
Barley, do
Wheat do
45 a G 5
18 a 20
10 a I2i
Blasting Powder, per keg $lO 00
Hope, Manilla, per lb
Polar Oil, per gal ...
Cam phene do
Whiskey do
Brandy, American, per ga11...... 1
Oturd Brandy per ga11... •
8um..........d0. ......
Gin do.
Sherry Wi5e...d0.......
Port do ....d0.......
Brandy Peaches, per doz.
£2 50 to 4 00
2 25
50 to 2 50
00 to 5 00
2 00 to 4 00
$l2 00 to 15 00
Syrups $6 50 to 10 00
Leashes Bitters $ll 00
Boker’s do $8 00 to 14 00
Hock Wine $5 50 to 9 00
Lumber per M ft........ $4O 00 to 0 00
Brick per M $8 00 to 10 00
Hay per ton $4O 00

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