Newspaper Page Text
(1K11V11.1.1-: DAILY BUTTE RECORD. VOLUME I. (Drooille Hflilij Butte 3RcrovTt. ft'BtilSHCl* DAII.r (*t)NIUY» KJTCKHTKD) BY GEO. H. CROSETTE. Orrie*— fn R >cord lluildinc on Myers S'reet. I ~i«t side, between Montgomery and tllrtl, ttrovilc —On<. Year Per Mail Sl’ r l> Six month*. do i 4 1111 Three month* do 5 oo Delivered by Carrier, per Week s'j WSKKTiV P.UTTB RKC’ORT) I'or cirim! Uiou In the mining and agricultural dis tricts of I ln< county, will contain tin- !!!>• I general n-wsofihe w-ek. Inter.ntTHiil with Interesting mi*- C-d 111 Her ill x raiding matter It will emit . ill twenty eii lit rolnrnnx of rending matter. mid wilt he one «i tlin largest and cheapest Won'tly New.paper* In On* Hia’n. Published everv Ttrinx—s3 per Anntint i *ltf months, ®!; three inonilix SI Anv vnr xr.xtnt*. per sipiiiro "I ten line’' or lex*, flfxt insertion, • • - • • . $1 t Knelt xnlixefjnetit insertion,- - • • 150 nr \ liberal del action will bn made Infavorof tbnxe who advertixe bv the year. Business card* inserted on reasonable terms, JOT PRINTING. Wr* would xoliclMlte a’lenlioti of ottr friends who are in want o| loh Printing to the fact 1 hat we are nre on rial to execute every description of work inonrliae in a atvle that cannot tail to (jive »ati«fheiion. IVr have recently made new anti extensive add It lonx to oar assortment of .loti Materials, and have facility for doing all kind* of work at moderate rate# and on short notice. (•rat nitons Advice. J *5?" Almost everyhridy wattle something—none are So fortunate ax (o lie entirely independent, in the strim tnexniiiK of that t* no—we are all, in a ere iter or lexx d'Hfree dependent on each other. This being an in xli mutable fact, we propone to point out n mode by which moxt. of your desire • may be grallth-d, vi/.; It you wa"t any kind of laborers, mechanics, or cleikx; vnvisnTi‘ie. If yon want an office, a house, a lot, or a farm ; AHVEHTI“ K. If you want to exchange properly, or to borrow money; aiivek rut*. If you want to rent or sell houses, lots, or farms; *I1VI«TI«K. If you want to dispose of your buxtnoa; ahvv.rtxic. If you want to rent rooms or offices; *iivkhtixi:. If you want any kind of mployiiient; xiivokiisc. Whatever you want have <ir to dispoau of; AIIVC.R TISK. Among the many advertising mediums, wo may he ! penuiUed to recommend to your favorable consider ation the “Oil vii.l.k Daii.v Ur in; Uki nan.” which ix read by many people boMi at home and abroad ll II suits rou. send in your favors, and for a fair com pensation. we will introduce you hi several ladies and gentlemen, who otherwise, perhaps, would never have heard of you. If the *• llm.-okii” does not suit your fancy, ad yen ise in some other puper.ii! all events i aiivkh i isc! Tlioxo suggestions are merely throw I j out for your benefit, and because wo believe If, t ■ be I our duty to inform you of every thing w Inch is cacul i- I led to enhance vour in! west. Do you believe the above is good avice. We pause for a reply. UVTTB UUCOKU JiPM PHIVTIVO ESTABLISHMENT QUO VI I, L E. We nr*> now prepared will n good assortment of PtllNTlN'tl 11ATICUIAliS. Uexecute every de scription of - x ' s s-r*\ f v UN'" r TN r'flV' •*'r TV T'"" /*m 1 f 'r' \Vu \ ViiD ‘‘ ffO f'i\ TL* .JOBS I'-rifIJIBASBo on tin* in >Mt KKASON AII I.l' I KUMS, mid In a style that will nni l it in give satisfaction. Mining uml collier cnin|)linii!S desiring CKIITICATIvS OF STOCK, fan hum PHIXTFD ON JHIORT NOTK’K. Kvery kind of Job Printing, executed lo order simb nv noiiKs. ciki'flars, law blanks, l-A MPH LETS <' AI! US, KILLS OP I.VIFHL 111 Li. II KAILS. I»Ki:i»S, HANK OMKi'KS, I.AHKI s , NUTKS, PKOtJR \ 'I MKs, I’< iSTKHS, KILI.KTd, HILLS OF FARE. »»r any other description of I’rlnlliig that may be tie- Hired. Having had many yearn practical experience in tiia branch of the leisinenii, we are confident of giv ing on ire satisfaction lo all who limy favor ns with their on rers. I’omnm wishing work done are respectfuliy invited te give ns a e.all> r- ,w i CIM ran. "MB limits for Ih? Btille Reford. HENRY KEEFF.H, HidwiH. THOMAS iPtVCK. ..117 Merchant st. San Francisco, \ L. S ItTH, I) street, Marysville. N n. I‘I.UM Eorhestown. AVIIITK & NUTTER Oretron Oily. J k .1 AOKson • Dnglownl I. SMITH Thompson's lilt HROTHFRTON Brotherton’s Store. .1A MKS Tlt* IIUJHTON VVvninlolle, J. SHIRWIN Nelson Orrek. Plumas <’o JUDKINS U CATE Amerieiui Valley M. PKNI'R M<'*lllii Valley. The ••Heeoril” eon he procured from any of the above named Acenls, who are also niilhori/.ed lo re ceive advertisements mid orders fo 1- Job Work W- oMM stsnAii a Ifabi SPKCIAL NOTICKS. OROVILLE LODGE. No. 103. F. £l A. M.- Slated Heelings held on the first Saturday ol each month, at Ti P. M .at Masonic Hall. o> er Piatt’s Market, F.nlrance on Myers si reel. Officers—D A Krow ii. \V M Daniel Jewel, S\\ ; lieorge U . Elliot J W; I Uosenih I Treasurer, I* «i tt'Donnel, Se. ’y. J 1 Ktrine S It; .1 Klnmper. J. D: A Hoskins,Tyler. Hoelhren in good standing. are invited to ulteml. Butte lodge, n0.35f.&, a. M.-Lodg* meets at i heir H ill in HidwelLon the first and third S.i'nrd iy» of each month, at 7 K. M. * * Ulcers. Tun’s Weli.s, VV M I W lilt hyson, S W, A L' 'V. 'I Kniru S - c’y. OROVILLE DIVIS ON S. OF T. NO. »*.“ MtMMnrv ry StnuUy Kvfnmac :»t H u jlo-k, I m At Maaouic Hull. .1 II liordt M I* BIDWELL LODGE no. 47, 1, 0. O. F.-H-c; u! »r i>» In-11l **verv I hurnuuv evt'iiuii;. nt • o’cliH-k ill -;r Mill. lU.lWll Urolh. rn in a«o kt.itidiirt in* pi***’ fully tfivili*r|, PH lILot k, N (|;\V J Dkakk;, V C; U LaTTTMOK K* *Wy FOROESTOWM LODGE, no. to F St A M Meets ih * second iiliirda) of each month It. IV, Pro vn. W M; V l> P.ninh. S IV: I) McKee. J V\ ; James Watson. Trr ■•nrer; John UThomas. Sec y; U C Osskili, SU|J Knng. JD; LU Sparks, T) !vr, OUOVII.LK, BUTTE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 13511. LEGAL NOTICES. S.ilc. Iff • A VIHTI'K (it aullmrii* in me ve*>d ns V*- ■ • »i ll .■ in lie' limiter of c A Bancri.f' vi. hi* r ■ I (nr*, a Iviiiini'er in Insolvency in iln - Honor.i the I'miiitv Court of Untie County mid H'ale ot ilifornin. no.I in p ir-iaii'e of an or li i made In ii. 1 Conri on the J id dav of Jans, A D provi lie** for (In 1 sol.* of the molt* |ii ivl'l ri'iH'. I W'll "Xpo«e to p 11 1 1 lii • “nle at I lie I’onrl I Itiii-*- door, in "I Iwe’V on ite* 11th iliy of Vii'/asl A. It. I'. al 3 o'clock I’ M, to lie* I i 'he.i MM-r tor cash, lie- I - t .n in / iiceonni of \V. S. Salford, tor i:»um of Ilf y •In'l irs—«'»n nn, Ai«n. iin* following described judament render, d on the ”Vh day of funiarv, \. DI" indie Hi I rid i ‘miri. \ m'li I n I I li-1 rid in and for Itil'le ( ’. cini v. ■mil '••file of California. liv dcfinlt. m inrl (!. II Mc- Daniel. for the mini of thro** hundred and id diiy seventy >ix o'ludmndredlhs B"sn 7f.i doliar*. and in ten -t on mud nmount f n ni tip' Huh dm I V'i'»a«t \ f). IBM. at the rule of iwo per cmd. ner mon'.li till paid, v herein i.' \. II incrolt is pi .In ilf. Dated this 1-llulayof July, A I) Dili i*. freer. Sdier.tT little County and \e-urn«r< KIU FF’B SAM’..— Kv Virtue of ad-cri lalordei joi.led out m the Di-ire-t Court, Nin'h -I 'do i ll District, in and for Unite County ami -'.lie of Cali fornia, made the IJ’li day of •)ntie A D. I J *t*'. Mi on* direct d Mild delivered, commaudimr me In make the .uni of four hundred and ninety woven titty one linn di-edtli* do|« judgmen:. and iiilcresl on said ainonnt of judgment hi the rate of ten per cent, per annum, till paid, im i tim mm of nihetv-eight six'Y one Inin dredth* doll irr cihl- mnl iirernin rosin of said order out of'he tir dieriy hereinafter do-crbied, to s-uj-ty the if p.isaiil jiidirnient, wherein 'I. VVnNh is plain litf and V. Skinkle defendant, to wit: Comae in lim on the Plum in Ihe village ol Hidwell. Ciinnlv and Stale aforesaid, al Hu* North cast corner of I.amp A tllda'M Saiooii. nnd rniinlmf in mi eastnrlv direction Pi I tie corner of I hr «aid pi m i, sixty feel more or lew*. I hence in n Hoirherlv direction lo the corner on the street of Me-s-a Hoffman, on which their re ervoir i« mluiiled. ihrnce In a westerly direction lo the line f Damp V Mi la’s Bakery, add lie nee in a mm herly di rer' ion to tlie end ot tin* space dug out and lump My used a ten pin Alley inedn line the spec 1' im* be tween Dump A- 11 Ida’s I,ot and the Ite-ervoir ol Messrs Hoffman ii Co., totrelh. r with the Hi li ml Sa il ill. situ dial on said premises, vvtiicli I will sell id Public Sale at Ilia ‘’onrt Hhiimi door in llldwell,coiin , i dfurtrsiiid, on Ihe 4th day til A ii'gusf, A It 185-V al i o’clock I* M.. to the highest bidder lor ca-h. • Dated title I'Jtli day of .Inly, A D. Did. P Cl! KER. Sheriff Untie CoinitV. SII3 I2irP'S SALE ray VIRTUE «»K \ DF.cRKTVI. ORDER, issued fc out of ih" Ninth Judicial D.strict Court iu mid ~r dpi county nf Unite, and spile of C difnrnlii. to me 11 reel eil and delivered, commanding me In make the mi of iwo hundred and forty four dollar* nnd fifty en s. debt, wilh legid interest thnnam. and Mm Inr lo r until of ihirly-oue dollars and II ly cents corns, iigetlier wilh the costs of said Order accndiuf tint of he proper'ydicrcinader described, to sal I -I v Ihoalnre nid jo t nil id wherein WM. I' HII EFF FED is •luiidiir and I \<’i Ml S. MOKUM is the Defendant, o wit: The Metropolitan 1 hualre, situated in the lown if Oroville, County ol Rutin hikl State of California, a ideil on the corner ol llimlmm and bird *1 reels. nmliiMf lliirtv-nine CiUifeet on lluidoon street and ■i g 1 1 1 v HU) It I't on said bird sfr.-et whi'di I will si II I'public silo, at the Could Moii-e do .r. m Id I « el', mnl; and Amie aforesaid, on Ihe I'U MN fl M I’M DM U Vli'.l' Hl’. A. D. Ir* .Ms, between Ihe hours preset I bed ,y law, to the hi He si bidder, for cash. I*. Kill’,Fit Sheriff, bane county. D led this ri’Mh d'v of July, D. infill. iy tn-w 4 NOTICE S hereby trivial that I. Mary Bradley.wifu of James Urudtey of the count” of butte, mid 'tuts of Call •Ilia do hereby declare Mud I intend from and idler i« date lo carry on business in my own namu and my own account iu said county of bu'le afoaesai I at Mu nature of said business is It mehinir. It a Mug „ck and I’oultry. Dairy business. Mining and Hub I epi 'ir. al-o buy iug and seilimr l.iipiors at wholesale d retail, and that 1 will bo individually responsible my own n ime lor all ds his conirai'led by mu ou ac mil of my said biudiu-rs. mnl I furlln r declare I hat e amount'of capital invested in said business does it exceed llie -urn of five thousand dollars. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my h ind al seal this I7lh day ol July A l>. D,h MAHV BRADLEY. ale of California, I County of Hutto j lin this Hill day of July A. D. dRSfi, personally ipeured before me, a Ju-liee of the I’eaeo in mid r Mm count V aforesaid. Hie above mimed Mary riulley. known lo mu to be ihe person described '.,nd wlio siirned llie foreuoiiuf declaration, who knowh'daed lo me that she sltfned the same freely ,d voluntarily,uud for the u-es and purposes there meinioned. JOHN JON Eh, J. I‘. jvir! 3v Untie Co ( ah INSOLVENCY WOTiCE. County i onrt — Al Cluimbees Drake, uu luisolvenl ATK OK CAM t'l Ml NI A, ( CoTNTV or lICTTK. ( n tho matter of Janus 11 blur. % pi’RfM’ANCR of an order made in {he County Conn by llie Hon. Joseph E. »N. l ewis. Count) 1 1, *e. at Cham hers, on the 3li|h day of June, A. D NJolieo is hereby uiveu m lb" oreduors of llie ■ I pi lilumer .n Insolvency, Janu s ||. Drake, in lip ir beiore llie Ihm J E N. I.ewis. County Judire ihe third day of the A maiPt term of the Count) „rt,\. D. I Hath to wit: on Ihe (it li day of AiUfast odnt; at llldwell, to show cause II miy there be. iv the prayer of “iii'l should not be ifriin 1* mid an ot' hisostate lie made, and he discharged Irom bis debts ns mi Insolvent Debtor Witness my band and the seal of s .id County S. Court affixed, tins, 3( Hi day ol June, A D 10-fi, Bid w 0.1. MI ES CI.APIN, County Clerk. | w By M. M. Dvkkwi-ii,Deputy A NOTICE EE PERSONS lioldliiu or claim’niK Mens, under the ul "An \ct lor sn iriof{ hieus p Mi i liumc- and Olliers, approved April -7 Mi, Isa.i ”ot Ihe prop, rty known im Horace br.-w- ei’s owelling 1,,,ii-,., -ituuled near Ihe bluff, on Montgomery street, in ihe town of Oroville. county of llulin and stale o California. Hio same Iming the residence u -aid Brewster and family, are hereby non Hod to Im am appear in tho District Court of said County uu I Hluh on .Monday, Hi' - Mlih day of and exhtbi then and Micro the proofs of their said l.i> us. Jylllwd CALKINS Ai SI’EI.MAN, COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE, / ItiOWKl.l., July IHih. ISaij. j rOTICR U hereby givne, that all person* holdin I Butte County Warrants payable Imut ibo gem fund, re Mitered beiw*a*n February Dub, leAfl, am igit 14th. iSod, that tho mime Will tm redeem, ptescotailou. at my ofilce. Ami notice is funh r ill that fisifl and after thn dale, said warrants I c ase lu bear iulcrvst, WILLIAM I. vrTIMDRE. Troa-ur« ruJ Butte Couu’.y. ■» hereby given that the undersigned » id apply to (lie It,, ird is Sup-Tvi-ors lor Butte i 'utility iu be Stale of California, at their next se-'- •ioii to be held al bid wed. u* - ltd county, f-r a lie. 'lie* I, r ill nil- IV .cross The m.t-iie Fork It i'lt I,'"/, at Ihe J uncimn of the North Ferk of said river. JuucH ISuii. sYLVLSTtU P. CIAVAUI. LEGAL NOTICES. DISSOLUTION- rri-PtRTNEH-Hni’ heretofore exiting fe -0 ) ween It row nit Ilnur. i«H»ls <I * v <1 »*■<! t>« mutual consent M. I*. Hunt will pa\ all >!* Ms -c tid ing against I In* firm and U authorized to mIU-ct alldebt*due said firm. I’e* N, II » HUNT. U n. If. will cen*iimo the business nl tin- IMNK p \ i-11 unit will be hnpny to his old frici, •- mnd • Ik* tiubiic ipmcrully. Tr ee reduced to -nil the time* JI H. HUNT Drovllle, July 83, jV-W-tf NOTICE raviC f*TOCKHOLIH’,RS of the South Feather y U'liter Company nre hereby notified. that lh" Trustee* of «nld Company have ifl nn aso-s-ment f (wcnlv dollars upon tru ll share of s ock held I" Ih> mi, mid tl it Hi" “ uno i- pnvnldw nl ilm- < 'onipHiu '« '■in rb '.">ll "II r »<.r.-<. •*<<■ O'ltj day of .\ll <j,j*t, \ |i I - '"! Hv order of the Hoard, .1 WAR KEN MASON, Secretary. July 10. I 85«. jv2l-w4 Dissolution of ro-iiiiitiierspip. rBIUR i'O'P VUTNI'IISMIP herleofore i«tinar in 8 th" Town of Oroville. under the firm mid style nt I). II .hues k <V» , in »fir* Alt* mid I.hptor hud ,„.m j, (111 4 liv di-solved i<y mu'ual consent. Said busbies* w II here-ider !"• cond'ich <1 under the name and firm of LIGHT it MARCH ELL'S. I>. I) JnVEB If. light. Oroville. July 21. iW«. jv2 r .-lin MISCELLANEOUS. HOWARD MEDICAL INSTITUTE. US rfacrmvnto iu*xl to fb<* Pnritli* Nf in S S. Co. o office over Wines >v Co.’* Hxpresa Office. SAN FRANCISCO. ROOMS. Nt diiF.KS 1,8 AND 3. rCVIIS INSTITI’TION is founded for the cum of U Syphilitic and Scrofulous complaints, and ail ■ilTi'ctiinit of jlie Genital Organs of whatever nature. Instituted for the express pur|i<iso of ir< n'ing private <i, ,I olios ul the instance of many meilical gentlemen who h ivt! seen wiili pain llie Impositions practiced heret< lore upon those who hire hem the victims of l\ing advertisement- those connected with it are lo pursue to a certain extent this means of introducing it to public notice. Those applying for advice will find constantly in attendance medhfil ability of undisputed skill in this class of complaint*, mil iii bo dealt with in the most hoiior ihle and straight-!' trwnril manner, for the purpose of securing privacy to the tnost Iclicaie. s coral apart meats am so arranged that pli ed nts will he brought In contact with none, but the Utlico Physician Hi <<m* apple ing to this Tnstilute will the charges re isoipihle. in’ul the treatment sup trior Dailies and gentlemen who desire lo broom a pilients without calling at the rooms of the Institute, can be attended ut thoir residences. Cotniuunlculion from all partsof the enmt-y will he ntiendrd lo with promptness, mid medicines sent if desired, by enclosing a fee of t n dollars. No i-llorls will he spared to make the Howard Medi cal Institute what it purports lo he, a pliihiutlirophic liisiituie. t'ousultullon in English, French, Spanish and German. t mice hours from 0 A. M.. till til’. At. Address, Howard Medical Institute, lid Sacramento street, San I nine sco. (mice Physician, DR. R McCAFFREY. .NOll SALE by the Base or Package in (jiiuitities to suit. I, ing bill paper. Legal cop Letter Paper. Ink Hrontl bill paper. Fools cap. Note paper, Pen •ils, Blank B inks, \\ afors, &c 6lh. Noisy Karri era Book & Stationary Lo. d? Battery, &. C 4 X 00 Long Wharf. San Fran •isco. C P. KIMBALL, Pres. NSW ADMINISTRATION: Central House Hotel! 11 miles from Marysville, on the Ophir, Hid well liar and i'cullier riicr Ronds. JOHN LOWUV, Proprietor tv -1 TAKF. I’I.I'ASURE in informingmy friend i and the I rin ding eommiiiiily. lien I nin now |i_ ready t<i rocei> e unci nccoinmodule them. The Hail will be furnished with ehoice I.Minors, my T.A» 111 f. supplied with die varieties of tho season, mv HKDS clean and comfortable, and my HAHNS w ith good >lllll- and feed 'or horses. In fact every exertion will be used on ini part to obtain and secure the pub lie favor—and no public house In California shall ex ceed me in courtesy and attention lo every one (hut may visit me. J. L., Pro’lr. liliHe County. July 10, 18.16. Jylti-tf EXPRESS AND STAGE LINES. EVERTS, DAVIS cS: CO.’S EXPRESS OFFICE now ra building. i> >tkfft. west side, MAR VSVILLB. A DAILY KXI’RESS will lie dispatched f v om our Otll -c in Marysville, to Rabbit Creek. <iih souville. Forbe-lown, t’oiumhus iloii>e, hexhiglor House, Warren Hill. Hopkin>ville. Nelson <'r<ek Poor Man’s Creek. Ilopkina Ciss-k, (»ul"l» Val ey lln liiuond Hill. Blrlngtown, Enterprise, W.vindirfto Long Ihir, Spring V oh y. Scales' Diggings St, Louis Hi.lweli’s Har, llililsoiivdle. Fine Grove. C hind lev vide, Spanish Flat, lude|»endenc« Ear, Amerim Valley, Eli/.ahelhlown, Sp <iii>h Ranch. .Meadow Vat h-y, ('iiy of *IB, Jamison Crts k.CananCrv' k. Oroville I hompsen's I hit. Oregon Gulch ll.iruard’s Diggings Uarris*'n>*Diggings, and IN.verly Hill. i i. lr |ut \-I UK KXI’RKSS will iilwaya bo accoiu pauled by fulihl'ul tliMvpgun. £gT C'oliectHMis, I Irders, A,o, ttilehdtd lo W ith nroinpinew and fidcldy. _ ' j u |y io KVERTS. DAVIS 4c CO. Now Arrangemcn—For \ I'ckn ON AND AFTER J ,? LY 2d ISM. Hie California .Stage i'on.i my'* Coaches will leave their ortlce Murrai's W.>-l ■'!! House, Marysville, every day nl 8 o'clock, I* M.. for Vr. k i via Hamilton, Neai'a Uaii'-h, Chico. ’ Teh ona. Red I’.lurt*. Coltoowool. Smith’s Ranch. Hay’s Ranch, and McOomlier’* Mills. oro>s luu pin river ut LockhanV Ferry, Crandall’* Ranch, Thomas’ Fiat flicker Town Junction House. Hack Hone House. 8 -la Springs Yo ka Mills Sheep Hock, ShH—tii Unites, SleplituV Ranch and • Mdtiam’s, arri ving ii 4 Vnk i on the second day at ."i o’clock, V. M. 11 E TITII N IN O. trill leavr th"ir office in Yreka at 5 o’clock every morning, «s»nneotliitf nl Marysville with the Comp i „v'- co idles forS ic-amcnto, which arrive in time for tho -■.in ITmii- sco bo-iu n iking a through trip from Yrokato "Lm Fr.iifl*co In T HIKE D\AS. CK.) F.TfiOUAfi i. uerul Siph c ii Stag" Co. July 16, IsLni. UJ »- w Waty.vUiß. M'VILLE ADVERTISEMENTS. MEW GIG All AND TOBACCO.STORE- West rido 1) Greet opposite the the Uauu House jk-j u i s r 11. r. /.. cm.. Wm. SUarltcy cfc Co. f»D Ff!pT( Tl 1'1.1.1 \N - UN F. T * THE Pt wNL l.l<‘ and THE Tl! \ 1 <’lint tin > hate r • ■>• Mtmiily on hamJ, a:.ii tor Kile, at iho lowfM iuliLi. prices, ul WHOLESALE AND DETAIL, A large mid carefully selected vn.k il Clears, of flit* Choicest Hraiifls, A* well a* tlxt*e i»f a cheaper i-nallly . iilwi !‘A I RV DESIRABLE HU ANO nF TOISAn *, mil in short, whatevr may be found lit any similar estaUDliuient in (,’ ililoriiia,* A l,< iN*I EXPERIENCE in (he hu*irx-■*. wfeel assn rod will, when connected w:! Ii si 1! Al* * 11 I I ’ lit* WARD DEALING, enable us to give ENTIRE MAT IMFACriU.N to those who may fat or its with their pat ronage. !! TRAD Kits supplied 15 per coni. les* limn at any oilier house in the Stale, Mayryaville July 10, jyld-tf ie DRUGS! DRUGS! PEonaMScPncsDunv Umpire Hlorh , Marysville. AVK Received tier Clipper Ship.“B M. Ilishop’ a lartfi* unit will invoice of DRUGS, MEDICINES and PER FIRMER Y Which they offer for Sale at the Lowest Market Ptices, ml to which they incite attention, Tartaric Acid, Bicarbonate of Soda, Straight & Toper Corks, Dros seil Hops Dressed Say', Oil of’ Sarsaparilla, Ex- Lomon and Van li t, tr icts of Strawberry, And a variety of article* suited to the Mountain Trade, are now in Store, and will a rive hy quarter I) ■diipinenl* from New York and I’hiln P Inhi i. PKG RAM St PRUSHimV, Apothecaries J, Hrug.ti*la. Umpire Ulocn, M’vjlle WALKER, WILSON & Co. DEALEUS IN STAPLE Al® FANCY DAY GOODS, Clotliinjr, Hoots, Ladies’ and ( IULUUENS SHOES, MOSIKuV, <NC , West side ». st near 2n:l si Uarjsvllfe. *mrILL KKKP CONSTANTLY ON (LAND, a full V V asjomnent of Goods in their line, and would re * peel Only m>l tel t a vhart 1 «<f ju.:»!)o fwm.twegj —. Parlienlar nlieniioit paid to order* from the country. THOMAS It, WALK Ell. JAMES C. WILSON, JOHN 11. MASON, feb 2-I‘2-tt Stoves ! Stoves ! STOMBS it BRO. Denier. 1 } in Store*, and Mmnfnrf.urer* of Tin, Copper, find Sheet Iron Wine, K Street , between Second mid. Pinza, M. IK ys VtLUL, ('.IL., KKKP (l< INST ANTLY nS II AM), a large 11-ortnienl of Air Tight, an I Pren intn Hook ing Slows, together Wi’h every vorn-i v of I ni ... IMI il Sle et Iron Ware* belonging to die trele. Trader*, Minor* and Farmer*,arerespectfully luvb ed to «ive n* a call. N. It. M.l, kind* of Popper wmk made to order, ‘nnip* mid Water Ram* reputed mid .el up—Soda ■'<•<1111111II* made mol repaired Particular mieiiiion mid lo Job Work and ni t<l rooting. Term* Gush. Mary avilie. March M. Had. S. fc 11, A CARD FROM THE WESTERN HOUSE rBTUF. UNDEKsiGNF.iI wl-he* lo inform Ihotrav* P eling public and llio cini n* <d Mart *vilh‘. Ih at alter Ihi* day all tnpiiK** connected with the Mon I ih piirlne nl will oil by the U*e of TICK KTP, a* follow*: MK.JM.S 9 lit.lSG 50 cl*, 7a cl* , and ?1 M 11. Y ROf IMS •‘il e 0 per day i ticket for lin v Rolinl. hy the week, will he fill, able in advance Ticket fur liiy Hoard, with Lodging, by the •k. will he $l3, SIV and *lB, in cording to selec i of mom. ho Proprietor hope* lhe«« Reduction* will he imrly appreciated hy tin* Pntdic. The style ol ine>* a* heldro. The addition of a good Hath i>e. Shaving Saloon, with the advantage of the •o of the California stage Company, with every ar convenience for the traveler, will. I think, in • to lie* public, all tin- needliil comfort* of a home ■onni'clUui with the above. I he proprietor deeina il olntelv nere-'ary to Male distinctly that ho cannot, ir,lt not nor sn*i.(. not. to any one. male or te le. give the t' •jrhleil lie thnrlfl rrnlit, hi.* i* not peruomils il t* general I have been ier impo*ed upon lately, and I *vi*h to protect the ireaU of my crodinu-s. im well a* my own. R. 9. MURRAY. larysvllle. July Id. Had. Wool, Hides and Tallow u ’ANTBIV —For wliich the highest market price J‘,iSF.PIf F SMITH wiil bo paid. Apply to Corner of 4tli nntl K streets, lliile Yard, eastern entrance on Fourth street near the buckeye Mil!. Marysville. WEST BRANCH LIME Cc BAKER ii SATTERFIELD [aye APi'Miyrrn j ark/, sau’in. Acemfo the Sale of their Lint* They are pr.' n *h any quantity of iho very tx-*! quality of oiin tuililiiic an I pttrjro**-*. Mr Swwinl* at*- at for the sale ef iloUoaald’* Lime, nca—At Uuuloou’i Utcbwnge UroviUe. jU'J .M i'C-fMany. Most of the miseries ol hie pax some out*.) proceed from our >t aying from the* path wine!i h ail' to control. As to tin* cause <»f stsaying fimu tl.i' path, the write'l - du-’o hut p:i t( U'l tee 'how. It is only tlu* usual jmnhiii i 1 1 ojt* ther <'l ortU'e* ain I e'ih e - t, .-< •i> *« \ alent in the world. “ I hem shall ■ ;ui(l “Thou shall not <le», ' i' eu <*•« * (I pin, but is trotting well nigh ex ploded now. Le iit go. In thk I)tki* ilusoM or H i. Ockan.—ln 1853 twenty five mil lions of dollars were sunk in thcoee'an. In 1855, which was free from storms, tli<‘ losses upon the ocean were fifteen millions of elollars, making an agver age of twenty millions of dollars for the two years. wit of the seventeenth cen tury observed that when the canimns of King Charles began to go oft, the authority of cannons was overthrown. It was first mitre and then nitre, that governed the world—St. Peter and Salt petre. Pi :opli: who think there’s some thing in a name, remark that the greatest Knglish philosopher w as Pa eon, one of the finest Scotch poets, Hogg, and one of tire pleasantest es sayists Lamb. “What,” said a lady, “do yon think of Platonic love ?” “Madam.* said the gentleman, “it is like all oth er tonics —very exciting.” IHDWELL ADVERTISEMENTS BiDWELL BOOKSTORE. rsvilf’. undersigned would respectfully Inform the M (Huii'liit nl liidwell au<* vicinity, that he his i petted a BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. mi.l will keep consliinlly on Imml tin lies' r.inent ol thinks, Slalioni ry mill Fancy Articles, of tin* finest ami host ipiitllly, ti’nd »(ft ho In thn m-i i|it or the LATEST PUBLICATIONS. ns soon us Issued Hiblrs, School Hooks, Spiritual, Masonic and Urligioun M <n f> ». Blank Books, (in silts or single) .Voct/s, Envi 10/n s. Paper of all kinds POlt TIPMOAHIHS, CO Li) PK.VS, JI.VH ROCEUS if IVOSTK.VJIULM'S FINIS I' CUTLERV. Which will ho s hi it the lowest rates. Latest At lantic I’aper- rece tod hy every sloaim r. for sale it KF.FFF.It N'-xl door to National Hotel CABINET SHOP. JOHN DOLHKKGH. Respectfully inform the cili/ons or rtid- TV well mid vicinity, thin he is prepiued to do nil kind* of work in Ins him ol business in a workman like iintiiner, wi.b h mid on reasonable terms :i..,vlnu always on hand it large assortment oi dry hi .her. he is ready lo make to order, Doors, window, tallies, (tuckers. «sc. All kinds oi i ahinol work, and in fact anything appertaining to Id* hn-i -ness Hilliard Tub m set no I rejiaired Hiop on Charles Si reel, below I ess 4, Larcouih’s Brick Store HESS U LARCOWD 3 New Biulk Fike Fkoof Stoke in Bid well. rn A 111: Subscribers would announce to their friends u a nd patrons thin their llrick Lire Proof Store on llm old corner, is tide I with a general assosimt ni o| (iroceries, Provisions. !■ riots, Liquor-, Minna? tools, ice 4cc , the bet and cheapest ever offered lu town One of our linn is constantly ein ployed Id San Francisco ill Ihe purchase of goals: ami as w.- purchase for cash alone, believe thill w. can sell goods cheaper than an* dealers in lids market. 1 ersous desirous to purchase anything in onr line, would do we I to give ns mail, ns we are enabled to supply them on its favor mlo terms ns the Maryswlla trade. llidwtdl, July Irk Vi. lIL.-SS: I.AKF’OMII. LOOK AT THIS. JOSEPH (JLUCKAUF, ,\t his Fire-proof Store, ono .lot above the National Hotel, liidwell* IS NOW RELFIVINC the tiniest and best selected L assortment of mejctiandiie ever brought to tin. market. A iways on hand. * complain assortment ol i’lathin';. (Iroceries, Beals mid Shoes, Huts, Liquors, Crockery. Glass Ware. India iiubbers. Carpeting Havana Cigars, Ladies’ Hats mid Bonnets, Shoes. Gaiters, Paney and Staple Dry Goods, Hosiery. Silks nud S.iuns, .Ve , kc. MINERS’ 1 site of every description nlwsys on mud met for sub* «l the lowest pneos. Highest price m id lor (told Dust. County serin bought un I sold. March k, Hjd, OSEPH 1.1,1 (KAt F »t’MMEH CLOTHING—of every variety—lustre cttvod.und lor snln by j sr.pii f;i,r< k aff. ndwep. A GET"E TAL ASSORTMENT m I h CS ,epi r<. ..Iwav . on h lid, SI whole-rlo i' ret ill. at the (Ire pnwif htors ol JutiP.f ULUcEAUF,m Bidw 11. NIMHKU 20