Newspaper Page Text
OROVILLE DAILY BUTTE RECORD. VOLUME 1. (Drouillc Uailn sßutte 3Retorb.| rußLi»m:b daily (hundavh kxcepteu) m GEO. H. CROSETTE. -- - - ry- Ornr«—ln Record Building on Myers Street, Last Bide,between Montgomery and Bird, Oroville. - Tn«u—One Year Per Mail Sl’* H* month*. do R on Three months. do a W Pn'.lvered by Carrier, per Week 5° WEEKLY I’.UTTE RECORD. For circulation in the mining mid agricultural dis tricts of the county. sr.ll contain the local and general new* of the week. Interspersed with interesting mis cellaneous rosding matter It will contain twe»<v eight columns of reading muter, and will he one of tlio large.) and cheapen! Weekly Newspaper* in the Hia'e, Published everv Baturday. Ti ruti —$3 per Atintttn : nix month*, 8J; three monthn. 81 A nv per square ol ten lines or tear, first Insertion. - *’" rt Each subsequent. insertion.- - - • 1 .V' £ -|f \ nhnnil delnrtten will bemnde in favor of those who ad vert ire hv th** year. Busin "S.s card* inserted on reasonable tortus, JOB PRINTING. We wnnhl solicit the attention of onr friend* wlio ere in want ol Job Printing to the fact 'hat. we are pre pared to execute every description of work inourliue in a style that cannot tail to give satWacilon. Wo leave recently made new and extensive additions to our assortment of .htt> Materials, and have facility f" 1 ' doing all kind* of work at moderate rates audou short notice. (Gratuitous Atlxlrc. f*s*”Almnst everybody wants someltiing— none are so fortunate an to he entirely independent, in the strict meaning of ttia* b rrn—we are all. in n greater or less degree dependent on each other, Tiiis being en in disputable fact, we propose to point out* mode by which most of your desire? may he graliiled, viz : It you want any kind of laborers, mechanics, or clerks; vdverti«e. If you want au office, a house, a lot, or a farm ; ADVERTISE. If you want to exchange properly, or to borrow money; advertise. If you want to rent or sell houses, lots, or farms: advertise. If you want to dispose of yonrhnsmes; advertse. If you want to rent rooms or offices; advkrtisk. If you want any kind of -mplovment; Whatever you want have or to dispose of: ADVERTISE. Among ihe many advertising mediums, we may he permitted to recommend to your favorable consider, niion the "Ok vii.i.k Dati.v Ri’tte Record,” which is read by many people ho'h at home and abroad If it suits vou. send in your favors, and for a lair com pensation. we will introduce yon h> several ladies and gentlemen, who otherwise, perhaps, would never have heard of yon. If the *• Record” does not suit your fancy,advertise in some other all events advertise! These suggestions are merely throw I out for your benefit, and because we believe it to he our duty to inform you of everything w hich is cacula led to enhance your imersst. Do you believe the ttbovo Is good avice. We pause for a reply. lII’TTE UKKUU) JOU PRMTIXG ESTABLISHMENT O IS O V 1 L L i:. We are now prepared wilt a rood assortment of PRINTING MATERIALS. Wexecute every tie •cription of eiyjti MlliAmy? on the rn ist REASON ABLE TERMS, ami in a style lliut will not Ml to t»ivi» satisfaction. Mining and collier companies desiring CEKTICATK3 OF STOCK, Can have tliem PRINTED ON SHORT NOTICE. Every kind of Job Printing, executed to order *nch a* ROOKS, CIRCULARS, LAW PLANKS, PAMPHLETS. CARDS, HEEDS, BILLS OE KXt’H’OE BANK CHECKS, PROGRAMMES. BILLS OE EARE. BILL HEADS, LABEL*. NOTES. POSTERS, BILLETS Or any other description of Printing that may be de. aired. Having had many years practical experience in Iha branch of the business, we are confident ol giv ing en ire satisfaction to all who may favor u» with their on rers. , Persons wishing work done are respectfully invited to give u* a cull. twnrmmmm Agents lor tbe Butte Record. HENRY KEEFER Bid well. THOMAS 110YCE....0T Merchant at. San Francisco. A L. S IITH, D street, Marysville. N T>" PLUM rorbealown WHITE & NUTTER Oregon City. J E. JACKSON • Doglownt LEVI SMITH . Thompson’s Flat DR BROTHERTON Brolherton’s Store. JAMBB TROUOIITON Wvnndotle. J BIIIRWIN Nelson Creek. Plumas Co JUDKINS It CATE American Valley M. PENCE Meailla Valley. The "Record” can be procured from any of the above named Agents, » ho are also authorised to re ceive ad vertisements and orders fo r Job Work SPECIAL NOTICES. OROVILLE LODGE, No. 103 F. &- A. M- Sluted Meetings field on Itie first f>uturda,v ol each month, ut 7 j P. M .at Masonic Hall, out Pint Market. Entrance on Myers street. Olllcers—H A Brown. W M , Dtniel Jewe't, s \V; George W. Elliot J IV: IRoaentlid. Treasurer; DO O’Donnel, See’y; J.l Kleine.S D: J Klumper, J. D: A Hoskins,Tyler. Uoethrwn in good standing, are invited to attend. Butte lodge, a. m.— Lodge tneels lit thvir Vl'ill ill Hul ll.‘>n Ihu nml third Saturdays of each month, at 7P. M. Olllcers. Tun's Wki.l.s, W M. J VV Ol mvson, S W, A 1. CiiAMnKß .1 \V. M Kacrra S x'y. OROVILLE DIVISiOM S. OF T. No. 224- Meets evory Sunday Evening at rt o jlo-k, 1 M at Masonic Hall. ,1 II She. herd; W P. BIDWELL LODGE No. 47, |, o. O. F.-Rcc ular meetings he'd every lliursdav evening, at ©’clock at their Hall, Bidweß ItrothrTs in gooi •landing are re-pecfollv invited. Josr pit Block, N Q.\ W U I)RAKK, V O; U I.xTTItHORB, Sec’y FORBESTOWN LODGE, No. £0 F &, A M Meets the Second ' i alnrday of eacti month. H, W. Brown. W M; N D Plumb. 8 W; D McKee, J VV: James Watson Treasurer; John RThomns. Set's; K C ttaakili, 8 D; J Knug. J D; K B Sparks, Tyler. OROVILLE, BUTTE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 0, 1856. LEGAL NOTICES. Urngntt's Sale. BV V HIT IK of authority in me vested ns As signer In tin* matter of <’ A Bancroft v». his Creditors, n Petitioner m Insolvency in the Hnnora l>|p liip County Court of Untie County nml Plat* of I’allfornin, and In pursuance of mi oriim made by «nIJ I'linfi on thetMd day of Jims. A li, 1856, provi* ■litite for ItiP side of tilt! a «ntlstn said Cause. I will. pxp.'S - to public sale at the Court House floor, in ItidwelL on ihn lllh day of August A. I>. IBuC., at 3 o’clock P. M to the I IgheM bidder for cash, the fol- I win.' account of W. 8. Salford, for the sum of fifty dollar*—s.lo l>". Also the following described judgment rendered on tin 2ath day of lanoarv. A. 1) IH’ifi in the District Court Ninth iivttrl-d District in and for llnitofoniiiy, mid P ale of Cnlifornl v, by default, atfnin*! 11. II Me- U itrrt. for the sum of three hundred and eighty wv*ieK -ix . in -linn.ircdths i7(i> dollar*. and in tcr*>ft on mud amount from the 10th day of Angart •\ li. leal, at the rate of two per cent, per month till paid, wher. in C A. Itancrnfl la plain iff. Dated thU 12th day of July, AD 1 oil. P.PRRRH, Pheriff Butte County and Assignee. fiJHKRIPP’S s \T.K.—Hy Virtue«if ndecretal order xt issued out ol the District Court, Ninth Judicial District, in and for Unite Comity and Sta'e of Cali fornia, made the 12th day of June A D. 18. WI, tu me directed and delivered, commanding me to make the sum of four hundred and ninety seven fifty one him dredihs dollars Judgment. and interest on said mnonni of judgment at the rale of ten p«r cent, per annum, till paid, ana tne sum i f nihely-eieht sixty one bun dn dihs dollar* co*ls and accrnin costs of said order out of 'tie pr perlv hereinafter described, In sati-fy Ihn aforesaid lodgment. wherein M. Walsh is plain iill', and A. Skinkle defendant, to w it: Commencing on the Plaza in tlie village ol Hidwell. County and stale aforesaid, at the North east corner of I,amp * lllda’s Saloon, mid running in an easterly direction, to the co'ner of the said plaza, sixty feet more or less, thence inn sou'herlv direction to the corner on the street of Messrs Huffman, on which their reservoir i* si (tiled, thence in a westerly direction to the line of I,amp li. 11 Ida’s llakery. add He nce in a southerly di rection to l hi'end ol the space dug out and formerly used a ten pin Alley Including Hie space Mmr be tween Lamp fc lllda's Lot and the Re-ervnir of Messrs Hoffman & Co , together with the Hilliard Pa. loon, situated on said premises, which I will sell at Publ'c Sale at lha ‘.'ourt House door in Mill well, coun ty and Plate aforesaid, on the 4lli day of Any list. A I). IBui>, at 'i o’clock. P M.. to the highest bidder lor cash. Dated this 12th day of .Inly. A. D. IRaft. P l it P.KU. Pheriff Butte County. SHERIFFS SALE BV VIRTI’K OP \ DRCRP.TAL OB DRR, issued out of the Ninth Judicial District Court in and for tho county of Butte, and State of California, to me directed and delivered, commanding me to make the sum of two hundred and forty four dollars and (illy cell's, debt, with legal interest thereon, and the lur llier sum of thirty-one dollars and fl'ty cents costs, together with the costs of said Order accruing out of the properly hereinafter described, to satisfy Ihe afore said judgment. wherein \VM. K SIIKPPP.RD is Plaintiff and JACOBS. MORRIS is the Defendant, to wit: The Metropolitan Theatre,situated in the town of Oruvtlle, county of Butte and State of California, located on the corner of iliinlmni and Bird streets, (routing thirty-nine (till) feet on lluntoon street und eighty HO) feel mi said Bird street, which I will sell iil'pnblic sale, at the Court House door, in Hi.lwef, comity and Slate aforesaid,on the Tt\ EVriKTH DAY of ACOIiST. A. D. lr*s(», Im'wcen the hours prescribed hy law, to the highest bidder, fur cash. P. PRKKR. Sheriff. Butte county. D ded this .vuii day of July, A, l>. IHoil. iytu-w4 NOTICE a g hereby given that I. Mary Bflidley.wife of James Bradley of the count" of Unite, and Hula of Cali fornia <lo hereby declare that 1 intend from and after this dale to carry on business in my own name and on mv own account in raid county of Unite afoaeml I that the nature of raid business is Hunching. Ha -tug Stock and Poultry, I) dry business. Milling an i Hotel keopi iff. nDo buying and selling Liquor* at whole I ' and retail, and that I will bo individually rerpoun in my own name for all debts contracted tiy me on at count of my wild business, and I further declare that the amount of capital invested in mid business does not exceed the -urn office thousand dollars. In witness whereof 1 have hereunto set my hand and sent this lilh duy of July A I>-IS.'iti MAuY BRADLEY. Hate of California, | County of Unite , tin this I Ith day of July A. D. 18. VI. personally appeared before me. a du-tice of the Peace in and f.r the county aforesaid, the above named Mary Bradley, known to me to be the person described in and who signed the foregoing declaration, who acknowledffed to me that she signed the same freely and voluntarily, and for the uses and purposes there in mentioned. JOHN JON Kf*, J- P. jylri Jv Butte Co Cal. INSOLVENCY NOTICE. ST \TK OK CALIFi IitNIA, ) County Court— Cotntv or Burra. i At Chambers. In the matter of James II Drake, an Insolvent Debtor. ■ K PURSUANCE of an order made In the County 1 I I I\CM .A.vt rj Ol ini » ••• ” m Court by the Moll. Joseph K. N. Lewis. County Judge. at chambers, on the :40th day of June, A. D lisy,—Notice is hereby given to tho creditors of the said petitioner .n Insolvency, James H. Drake,to ap pear beiore the Hon.J.E. N. Lewis, County Judge on i lie third day ofthe Augaun term of the « ounly • ourr, A. D. IB.V!, to wit; On the 61 h day of August ensuing at Bldwell, to show cause if any there iw, wliv the pr.iyer of said petitioner should not lie gran ted" and an assign mant of his estate be made, and he be discharged Irom Ids debts as an Insolvent Debtor. Witness mj hand and the seal of said Comity L. S, Court affixed, ttiis, ‘doth day of June, A D IbOli, at Bldwell. MU-ES CLAPIN, Oonntv Clerk. 3;pj w By M. 11. Darrach. Deputy NOTICE 4 I.L PERSONS holding or claiming Liens, under the provisions ot \n Act for securing Liens of J TK 111 l ' 'o’" ' ■ ••• - - • o _ Mechanics and other*, approved April 'JTih. 1800. on ihe prop* rly known ns Horace Brewster’s dwelling Imiise spnaled near the Bluff, on Montgomery street, m the town of Uroville. county of Butte and state ot California- the same being the present residence ol {> r „, V,.r -,n,| family are tier, -by notified to be and appear in the District t'ourt of said County mid Stale, nil Monday, the 20th day of August. ISSO. and exhibit then and there the proofs of their said Liens, jylfi wd CALKINS it SPKLMAN. COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE, I Bidwki.L, July ISth. 1806. \ WTOTICE is hereto givne, that all persons holding iil Butte County Warrant* payable from the geni al fund, registered between February 18th, Isso. anil March Ulb. 1 S,,ri, that the same will be redeemed ei pp si iita ion. at my office. And notice is further pveu Hut In fil and alter this date, said warrants iiU ™ U>U r \VU.LHM LATTIMORE. Treasurer ol Butte County# s hereby given that Ibe undersigned % will apply Pply to the »■> i-.| of Supervisors tor Butte mntv in iiv Hate of California, at their next sex. ,n to be held at Bidwell in said county, for » licene* n „, a ferry across the middle Fork Feather R--r, the .1 unction of the North Fork of said river. June 14 ISO*. P. SAVAUI. LEGAL NOTICES. DISSOLUTION nnur CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing be tween Brown St limit. is this day dissolved t>v mutual consent. 11. B. Hunt will pay nil debt* stand ins? against the (Inn and is authorized to collect ail'd ebu duo said lirtn. BWf"N, II 1! HUNT. II R. 11. will continue the hnslnew at the RANK KXnt \N(!R. and will happy to see hi- old friends ,ind the public generally. Price reduced to suit the tinier l» U. HUNT. OrovUle, J-ily 23, 1850 J>24-lf NOTICE TUP, STOCKHOLDERS of the Ponlh Feather Water Company are hereby notified, that the Trustee* of said Company have levied an a—e-sment of twenty dollars upon each share of r'ork held by tie in. and that Ihe same is payable at the Company’s ofii e. Forbeslown, on • r before the 35th day of Au gust,A. D ISVI. Rv order of the Hoard, J. WAUIIEN MASON, Secretary, July 19, 186®. jy2l-w4 Dissolution of Co-partnenpftp* ritHU CO-PARTNERSHIP herteofore existing in ■ the Town of Oroville, under the firm and style ot l>. D. Jones & Co, in the Ale and Liquor busi ness is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Paid business will hereafter he conducted under the name and linn of LIGHT k MAKCULLLS. I). I) J* EtSs H. LIGHT. Oroville, Jnlv 2X 185fi. jv2s-lm — mmm^m aa M wmmmmmmmmm MISCELLANEOUS. HOWARD MEDICAL INSTITUTE HP Sacramento street, next to the Pacific Mail S. S. Cu.'a office over Wines te Co.’s Express Office. SAN FRANCISCO. ROOMS. NUMBERS 1,8 AND rjJTHIS INSTITUTION is founded for the cur* of B Syphylilic and Scrofiloua eomplainlr, and all affections of ihe Genital O.'gans of wliaU-ver nature. Instituted for the express purpose of Irea'imr private maladies at the instance of many medical gentlemen who have seen with pain the impositions practiced heretofore upon those who have been the victims of lying advertisements, those connected with it are to pursue in a certain extent this means of introducing it to public notice. Those applying for advice will find constantly in attendance medieffi ability of undisputed skill in this class of complaints, and ■ ill he dealt w ith in the most honorable and straight forward manner. For the purpose of securing privacy to the most delicate, several apartments are so arranged that pa tai ms will he brought in contact with none, but the Office Physician. fhose applying to this Institute will the charges reasonable, ami Ihe treatment supsrior Ladies and gentlemen who desire to becom * patients without calling at the rooms of the Institute, can be attended al their residences. Communication from all parts of the country will he attended to wiili promptness, and medicines sent if desired, hv enclosing a fee of ten dollars. No efforts will be spared to make the Howard Medi cal Institute wiiul it purports to be, a philaatbropbic Institute. . , Consultation in English, French, Spanish and German. .. ... Office hours from 9 A. M.. till OP. M. Address, Howard Medical Institute, 118 Sacramento street, San Franc : sco. .. office Physician. DR. U, MrCAFFREY. (.TOR SALE Ly the Base or Package in quantities to suit. Long bill paper. Legal cop Letter Paper. Ink Broad bill paper. Foots cap. Note paper. Pen oils. Blank Books, Wnforn, &c &c. Noisy Farriers Book & Stationary Co. 87 Battery, & 04 & 00 Lonsr Wharf. San Fran cisco. C P. KIMBALL. Pres. NEW ADMINISTRATION! Central House Hotel! U miles from Marysville. on the Ophir, Hidwell Uar nml Feather river Komis. JOHN LOWRY, Proprietor JKsyc, I TAKE PLEASURE in in (on nine my friend* .‘.s;jjT and the traveling commmdly. Hnu I am now rein I v t< • rucfi'c and accommodate Ifiein. The HA it will tie fund-died with choice I. (pairs. my TA lll.l'supplied with the varieties ortho season inv RE 1)8 clean and comfortable. and my H AHNS with [food stalls and feed no hor-es. In fact everv exert ion will he used on my part to obtain and secure the pub lie favor—and no public house in Oalifornia shall ex ceed me in courtesy and attention In every one that may visit me. J- b , Pro tr. liulie County. July IG, 18.‘6. jylti-tf ntw sanriMa tmtmm wajawag— EXPRESS AND STAGE T INT'S. EVERTS, iMVirt « u. o EXPRESS OFFICE HOWE’S Hill 1.1)1 NO. I) .'TRKET. WEST SIDE, MARYSVILLE. VPAII.Y EXPRESS will he dispatched Pom our OBI"e in Marysville, to Rabbit Creek. Gih «,,nvil|e E.irhe-town, Ooiumbim House, Lexington I loose. Warren Mill. Hopkinsville. Nelson Creek. Poor Man’s Cd-k. Hopkins Creek, Onion Valley. Rahm-md Hill Slringlown, Enterprise, Wyandotte. I,one Har. Spring Valley. Scales' Digging-, St. Louis, indwell's Har, Hansonville. Pine Grove. Chandler ville, Spanish Elat, Independence Har. American Valley, Elijpihelhlown, Spaiti-h Ranch. Meadow Val iev. City of ’Tti. •! unison Creek, CanunCreek. Oroville. Thompson's Flat. Oregon Gulch Harnard’a Diggings. llarrison-.'nigvfhiKs, and Poverty Hill. (hir TREASURE EXPRESS will always be accom pan led by failhuil Messengers. £ *T Colled ions. Orders, &C., attended to with promptness and udelity. _ 1 July 10. EVERTS. DAVIS i. CO. New Arrangemen—For Yreka ON AND AFTER JIM.V 2d I8V». Iho California Slide Con.p oiy’s Coat dies wid leave th.-ir oltlee Murray’s Western House, Marysville, every d iv at ocl >ek P M. for Yreka via Hamilton. Neal's Ranch Chico. ' T'-li ima. Rial Kluff*. Cottonwood Smith’. R, M , t h. Hay’s Rauch, and McComh.r’s Mills. ero-s -|n» pm river at Lockhart's Ferry. Crandall's Ranch Thomas’ Fiat Tucker Town. Junction House, Hack |t„ne Hons.- go I a Springs Vreka Mills Sheep Rock. ShaMa Unites, Stephen’s Ranch and Oldham's, urn via*' in Yreka on the second day at 5 o clock, P. M. KETUR N I N 0. ATill leave their office in Yreka at 5 o’clock every morning, connecting at Marysville with the Comp a iiv’s coaches for-Sacramento, which arrive in nme. tor the San Francisco hootr nnking a through trip from Yreka to San Francisco in THREE DAA S_ f;EO F THOMAS. General Sup t Cal. Stage Co. July 16,1 «j«. ,Uy »«] •* “•*•***•• M’VILI-K ADVERTISEMENTS. ni: \v and TOBACCO STORE West tUlo I) ftreet, opposite the the Ilium House MJiRYSVULF., (.11.. Wm. Slinrltcy «&? Co., RKSpnTITM.V ANV'H N«'K T‘> Til” FI R -1,10 and TIIK TUADH, that they lu»\.* r*>n stnnlly on baud, ami lor sale, at the lowest nutisi. prices, at WHOLESALE AXI) RETAIL, A large ami carefully selected stock of Cigars, of llie Choicest Brands, As well ns those of a clio'tper rimtitr; also KV F,R\ DESIU AUI.K lIUA N l> Of ThRACCO, and in short, whalevr may be found in any similar establishment in California.* A I,i)NO KXPF.IIIKNCK in the hu*tne«s. we fe.l nssurod will, w hen connected with STH A Mil I I* oil- WARD DFAI-INO, enable us to give KNTII!K SAT ISFACTION to those who may favor us with their pat run nee, C F"OOCNTUY TU ADF.US supnlled 16 per cent, less than at any other house in the Slate, Mayrysvillo July 16. IH.'.S,. jylo-lf DRUGS!DRUGS! PEGRAM&PnESBURY Umpire Block , .Marysville. n AVE Received iter Clipper Ship. “8 S. Bishop' ii large anil well selected invoice of DRUGS, MEDICINES and PER FUMERY • Which they offer for Sale at the Lowest Market Pui(M*9, iiful u> which they incite attention, Tartaric Acid, Bicarbonate of Soda, Straight & Toper Corks, Pres sed Hops Prcssfd Sajrt*, Oil of Sarsaparilla, Kx- Lcmon and Van 11a, tr icts of Strawberry, And n variety of articles united to the Mountain Trade, lire now in Store, and will n rive hy quarter!) shipments from New York and I’hllad ‘lnhia. 1 PKcjttAM-k. pitr.snnKV, Apothecaries & Druggists. Empire Bloc*. M’ville WALKER, WILSON &Co. DKALEUS IN STAPLE APTD FAHCY DPJ GOODS, Clothing, Roots, Ladies’ and CHILDREN'S SHOES, HOSIERY, kC , West side l». st near 2ntl st Uarysvlllc. m WTII.I. KEEP CON-T\STI.Y ON MAN f*, u full ▼ ▼ assortment of (Jo. dr in their line, mid w ould respectfully -olhnt u »U. r • of public patronage Particular munition paid to orders from the country. THOMAS IE WALKER, JAMES 0. WILSON. JOHN 11. MASON, feb 2-12-tt Stoves ! Stoves! STOMPS & PRO. Dealers in Stoves, and Manufacturers of Tin , Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware, E Street, between & Second and Plaza, MAR VS VJLEL . VA L. , KEEP CONSTANTLY »*N HAND, n large assortment of Air Tight. and Premium Cook ing Stoves, together with every voriely of Tin mid Sheet Iron Ware* belonging to the trade. Trader*, Miner* and Farmers, are respectfully invi ted to give us a call. N. It. ALL kinds of Copper work made to order. Pump* and Water Itnins repaired and set up—Soda Fountains made end repaired. Particular allenlion paid to Job Work and metal roofing. Terms Cush, Marysville. March 8. lS5t5. S. It 11. Xk. O -A. m. X> FROM THE WESTERN HOUSE f|T lIE UNDERSBJNED wishes to inform thetrav- H eling public and the citizens of Marysville, that dier this day all business connected with the Motel department will be carried on by the use of TICK ETS, as follows: MK/LS * ’ r * I,DOMINO 50 els., ct* , and $1 FAMILY ROOMS SI 50 per day. A ticket for Day Board, by the week, will be SID, payable in advance. A Ticket for Day Board, with Lodging, by the week, will he $l3, *l5, and SIS, according to selec tion ofroom. . Tile Proprietor hopes these Reduction* will be properly appreciated by the Public, lire style ot business a* before. The addition of a good Hath House, Shaving Saloon, with the advantage of the oltlce of the California Stage Company, with every other convenience for the traveler, will. I think, in sure to the imbhe. nil the needl'd comforts of a home in connect I m wiih tiie above, the proprietor deems it absolutely ncee»«ary to state distinctly that he cannot, li v u .l 1 not. nor sBAbl, mH. to any one. male or fe male, give the t'a'/tlft nr shmitsl credit. Tliis is not personal: it Is general I have heen rather imposed nnon lately, anil i wish to protect the in.crests of my creditors, as well a* my ow n. R. 8. MURRAY. Marysville, July ifi. ISsfi. Wool. Hides and Tallow WANTED— F"r which the highest market price will be paid. Apply to JOSEPH P. SMITH. Corner of 4tii and E streets. Hide Yard, eastern entrance on Fourth street near the Buckeye Mill, Marysville, WEST BRANCH LIME Co BAKER ft SATTERFIELD IJAVS APPOINTED .I ABE/, SA WIN, Agent for 1 I the Sale of their Lime They are prep****! !<■ urnish aov quantity of the very tw«t quality of i,lm» or Building an I other purpose*. Mr Sawin 1* al»o \g-nt for the sale of Mol kuvikPs Lime. Orric* —At lluutoou'* iUckaugo. Urovill*. yM’J Miscellany. The Case Summed up uy a H» Man.—There was impressive • m pactness, and sn«l truthfullness m tl • Menominee Chief Gristly Hear > «• tical judgment upon the stone pi •mm in the rotunda of the capito! :it \\ a-i ington. Turning to the eastern d". wav, over which there is a reprcM i tat ion of the landing of the Pilgrim*, he said : “ login give whit man corn,' * to 1. e not th to the n p ■■ sentation ug Pi mi's treaty —’* ii«. • Ingin give um landsand to the west, where Pocohontas is seen sa\ ing the life ol Capt. Smith, “there Ingin save um life,'’ and lastly, t the south, where the pioneer, Daniel I loon, plunges his knife into the breast of the red man, while hi.s foot, rests upon the hotly of anothcr-“and tno re white man kill Ingen. ’ No one ever did, ever can. or ever will love an habitual fretter, tauli finder, or scolder. Husbands, wives, children, relatives or domestics, have no affection for the peevish, fret lid, fault-finders. Few tears are shed over the graves of such. —Persons cl high moral principles may tolerate them, may bear with thorn. Many a man has boon driven to the tavern and to dissipation by a peevish wile. Many a wife has been made misera ble by a peevish husband. A Good education is abetter sale guard for liberty than a standing army or severe laws. BIDVVELL ADVERTISEMENTS BIDWELL BOOKSTORE. fWIIIE undersigned would respectfully inform (he B citizens ol llidwell and vicinity, that lie In* opened u iSOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. mid will keep constantly on bund »n iisaor.meni «.l lb inks. Stationery and Fancy Articles, of the lli.e-t unit best quality, and will be in the receipt or the LATEST PUBLICATIONS, as soon us issued Hibles, Sch"<)l Hooks, Spiritual, Masonic and Helif'iouit Work*, iitnnk Hooky, (in holts or single) Aovcls, Envelopes, Paper of all kinds pan tem(kva 1 e s , GOLD PEA'S, Jl.yr not;EPS 8f IVOSTE.VIWJ.iI s FINEST CUTLERY. Which will be sold at the lowest rates, l.ste-t At lantic Paper* received by every steamer, for wale ii KEEFER. Next door to National Hotel CABINET SHOP. JOHN IIOEBEItGH. nrOTTI.I) Respectfully inform the citizens <>r • well und vicinity, that he is prepajed to do all kinds of work in his lino id business in a workman like inuuner, wnli despatch und on reasonable term- Having always on band a large iwsor’.nwnt oi dry lit .tier, be I. ready to make to order. Doors, window Sash. Tables, Rockers, Arc. All kinds ol Cabinet work, and in fact anything appertaining to his bu-i -ness. Hilliard Tables set an. l repaired Shop on Charles Street, below I ess i. Lurcuinh’s Brick rttore HESS &. LARCOMB S New Brick Fire Proof Stoke in Bid well. ray nr. Subscribers would announce to tlieir friends 1 and patrons that their brick Fire Proof Store on iho old corner. i- fillet with a general assortment of Groceries, Provisions. Fruits, Liipmrs, Minim/ Pool*, hie. icc , the best und cheapest ever offered u town One of our (Irrn is constantly employed it, San Francisco in the purchase of goods: and as w purchase for cash alone, believe that we cun sell goirl chcuperthan any dealers in this market. Person desirous to purchase anything In our lino, would do well logive us ncall, us we are enabled to supply them on as laroranle terms as ttie Marysville trad. Ridwell, July lead, HESS' Si LARCOMH. LOOK AT THIS. JOSEPH GLUCKAIIF, At his Fire-proof Store, one door above the National Hotel, Bidwell, | s NOW REt’El VINt, the largest and he«t selec’ed 1. n-sorlinent of mejchandlieever brought to tfii* market. Always on hand, a complete assortment .1 Clothing, Groceries, Cools and Shoes. Hat*. Liquors. Crockery, Glass Ware. India Rubbers, Carpeting. Havana Cigais, Ladies' Ibus and Uotinets. SLoes, Gaiters, Fancy nnd Staple Dry Goods, Hosiery . Silks nnd Satins, &o , &c. MIXERS’ Tools of every description always on hand and ft* sale at the p.we*t prices. Highest pr. • i, H id for Hold Oust. County Scrip bought end sold. March S, 1-36. JOSEPH ULUCKAI F v*L’MMEiI CLOTHING — of every variety—Just r. O oeived.sud for rale by J SEPH OLI CKALF, Cidweli. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT oi i h> ce .jqi-rs, always on hand, a. ■* »- ftnil. at the ft re proof glut* ofJOiKPH GLUCKAUF.In Bidwell. NUMBER 21.