Newspaper Page Text
OROVILLE DAILY BUTTE RECORD. VOLUME 1. cDrouille Dailn -Butte jPvcrorti. PUBUMIKI) DAILY (SUNDAYS KXCKPTEd) BY GEO. U CROSETTE. ——- f Orrirs —ln Record Rnildlnsr on Myers H'r»et, East »iJe, between Montgomery tutd Bird, Oruvilie Tkkmi*—Dno Year IVr Mail $l r > W *l* month*. do H Three months do 5 W iMlvored by Carrier, per Week SO WEEKLY HUTTK RECORD. Fi»r circulation in the mining and agrienltuml di«. iricM of the rnnn'y. will contain thelocal anil general n-ws ofthe week, iitfartparafil w"ti infsre«f(ng mis cellaneous reading matter. It will contain twenty eight columns of reading matter, and will lie one *»f the large*) and cheapest Weekly Newspaper* in the Hta'e. Published rnrv Saturday, Trrmt—s3 per Annum ; fix months, three month*. HI AnvKRTiaCMBNT*. per square <>( ten line-t or less. Brat insertion, ...... $3 fib Kaeh subsequent Insertion.- - - - 1 fib rsr a liberal dm I* teflon will he made In favor of those who nilvertise In lip* year. Uusiues* cards in ser'ed mi reasonable terms. JOS PRINTING. We wonM solicit the attention of onr friends who are in wantot .loh Printing to the fact 'hat we are pre pared to execute every description of work in mtrline to a style that cannot tail to give satisfaction. We have recently made new and extensive additions to onr assortment of .loh Material#, and have facility for doing all kind* of work at moderate rates and on short settee. MT Almost everybody wants something—none arc so fortunate as to be entirely Independent, In (he strict meaning of Unit h nn—we are all. in a greater or less degree dependent on each other. This being nn in disputable fact, we promise to point out a mode by which most of year desire' may he gratified, via S It yon want any kind of laborers, mechanics, or clerks; tiivkiitisk, If you want an office, a house, a lot, or a farm : ADVCRTISK. If you want to exchange properly, or to borrow money; advcrtisc. If you want to rent or sell homes, lots, or farms; ADVERTISE. If you want hi dispose of your hnstnes; adverts*. If you want to rent rooms or offices; aovektisk. If you want any kind of ’niplovment; anvaaTisK. Whatever you want have or to dispose of; AtIVKKTISir. Among the many advertising mediums, we may he permitted to recommend to vo ir favorable consider ation the “On viu.k Dxli.v llotth Rttronn,” which is read by many people both at homo and abroad If it suds von. send in your favors, and for a fair com pensation. we will introduce you to several ladies and cenUofiion. who otherwise, perhaps, would never have heard of you. If the *• llkcord” does not suit your fancy,advertise in aoineother puper.atall events Anvitansi; I Thesa suggestions are merely throw i out for your benefit, and because we believe It V* he onr duly to inform you of everything which iscncula l*d to enhanci* your Imevsst. Po you believe the above i*good avlce. We pause for a imply. <«rntnitons Advice. KUTTE UKCOKU JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT O R O V 1 T. Is K. Wo nrr> now prepared wilf a Rood assortment of PRINTING MATERIALS. tc execute every de scription of ioil I'Ui % ‘ j w " on the m >st REASON ABLE. TERMS, and in a style that will not I d to Rive autislatcluin. Mining and ooiher companies desiring CELITICATKS OF STOCK, Tan have them PRINT EH ON SHORT NOTICE. Every kind of Job Printing, executed to order ench as HOOKS, CIRCULARS, LAW BLANKS. PAMPHLETS, CARDS, BILLS OF EXCH’tiE KILL HEADS, DEEDS, BANK CHECKS, LAIIELg NOTES. PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, BILLETS, BILLS OE PARE. Or any oilier description o( Printe g llial may be de aired. Having had many years practical experience in tha branch of the business, we are conlldenl of giv ing cn ire satisfaction to ail who may favor us with their or rers. Person* wishing work done are respectfully invited te give us a cull. Agoita tor the Unite Record. HENRY KEEFER Bldwell. THo.M AS 80YCE....07 Merchant at. San Francisco. A h. 8 UTH, D street, Marysville. N D. PLUM Forbestown. WHITE* NITTTER. . Oregon City J K. JACKSON Doglownl LEVI SMITH Thompson’s Flat Hit BROTHKRTON BriMliertonV Store. JAMES TROUGIITON Wyandotte. J. SH IRWIN Nelson Creek. Plumas Co JUDKINS & CATE American Valley M. PENCK Manilla Valley. The ••Record” can he procured from any otlhe above named Agents, who are also authorized to re ceive advertisements and orders in" Job Work SPECIAL* NOTICES. OROVILLE LODGE. No. 103. F. & A. M- Mnted Meetings lietd on dm Hint Saturday «>i each mouth, :U 7i P. M .at Masonic Ilatl.o* er Piatt’s Market Enlnuire on Myers aireet. t UHeers —D A Brown. W M . Daniel Jewell, S VV; George VV. Elliot J W; I Rosenthal. Treasurer; D G O’Donnel, So'-'y: J I Kleine, SD;J Klmnper, J. Dt A Hoskins.Tyler. Hoethron in good standing, are invited to attend. Butte n0.33f.& a. m.—lo*'** meets at their Hall in Hid Well, on the tlf«l and third Saturdays of eaoh month, at 7P. M. < tfllcers. Tho’s tVii.i.K, W M. .1 W <«ii.avails, 8 VV, A I. CnswncHLsis. J VV. M Kegrtca S -e'y. OROVILLE DIVISION S. OF T. No. 224,- Snmltv Rvhmiik m H u jlo-k* * M at Masonic Hall, j H £l*o henl; WV. B (DWELL LODGE No. 47, |, O. O. F.-Kee* nlur meetings held every I'hurwhiv evening, at . o’clock at their Hall. Bel well. Brother* in go<v •minding are respectfully invilisl. Jos» pn Block, N G.; W G Dam*, Vt!;K I.sttiwosb. Sec’y Forbestown lodge, no. ;of&.a m Meets ihe Second Saturday of each month. M. W. Brown. W M; N D Plumb. S VV; l> McKee. 4 VV; James Wataon, Treasurer; John R Thomas. Sec’y; R D GaatUhj 8 D; J Kriog, J D; K D Spark*, Tyler, g OROVII.EE, BUTTE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, AUGUST T, ISoG. LEGAL NOTICES. Assignee's Sale. BY VIRTI K of iiiuhurity in mn vested ns As signee in Iho mutter of C A Bnneroft vs. hi* Creditors, it Vellßom-f in Insolvency in the Honora hie the County tkjurt of Butte County and .Stale of California, ami in pursuance of an eniot made by said Conn on the -si day of June, A I). 1856. provt dim? for the into < f the assottsln raid cause. I will, expose to public sale at the Court House door, in Iti'lwel!, on tho lull day ol \ngu-t. A. I’- 1 s VI, lit .1 o'clock p. M. to the I itfhesi hWtdi r for cash, the fol lowing account of W. ,S. Salford, for the aunt of fifty dollars—t'iO lilt. Also.the following described judgment rendered on the 'i'nh day <>f • notary, A. It 1H56. in the Di-lrict Court, Ninth Judh ial District in and for Untie Cotnuv, mid Slate of California, hy default, ntrainH 1C II Mc- Daniel. for the sum of three hundred and eighty seventy six one-hundredths t7(*i dollars, and in terest on -aid nmonnl from the It'll day of Anir >1 \ l>. IH i), at tho rate of two per cent, ner tuoulli till paid, wherein C A. Ranerotl Is plain'iff. Dated this 12lhdttVof July, A D IWH. P. FUF-F.R. BUeriff Butte County and Assignee. SltKTttFfS S \ Ml.—By Virtue of n deerelal onlti issued out of the District Court, Ninth Judicial District, in and for Unite County and Stale of Cali fornia, made the PJIIt day of June. A It. is .Id, Ist me directed and delivered, commanding me to make the sum of four hundred and ninety seven fifty one hnn dredlhs dollars judgment. mid interest on said amount of judgment at the rate of b n per cent, fa r annum, till paid, nia die mm of nlhetv-eight mx-.v one him drcdihs dollars costs and necrain ■ cos’s of said order out of the pr >|>erl y hereinafter deserilied, to sad.-fy I lie aforesaid judgment. wherein M. Walsh is plain tiir, and A. Sklnkle def-mimt;, to wd; Commencing on the Plaza in the village ol Bidwell, County timl Stale aforesaid, nt the Nortli east corner of Damp At Hide's Saloon. nnd running in an easterly «!ireclion ; to the cd*tier of die said pia/.a, sixty lent more or less, thence in n southerly direction to the comer on the street of Messrs Hoffman, on which their reservoir is situated, thence in a westerly direction lo the line of Damp Si llidn’s Bakery, mid Hence in a sou In rly di rection to the end ot the space dug out and formerly used n ten pin Alley inchl Hug lh" space D iter be tween I,snip S:. 11 ilia’s Dot mid the Ue-ervoir tif Messrs Hoffman & Co., together with Hie Itilliard Sh loon, sit listed on-aid premises, which I will sell at Public Sale at tlia Court Honat door in Bidwell,coun ty mid BtaU* aforesaid, on the 4th day of August, A I. 1856. at 2 o’clock I* M.. to the highest bidder for ca>h. Dated this 12th day of .Inly, A. D. 18'd. I* Fit F.F.U. Sheriff Butte County. SHERIFF S SALE «V VIRTUE OF A DEt UKTAI. OIIDEII, issued out of the Ninth Judicial District Court in and for the county of Unite, and Stale of California, lo me directed and delivered, commanding me to make the sum of Iwo hundred and forty four dollars and fifty ren's. debt, with legal interest thereon, and the Inr liter sum of thirty-one dollars and lily cents costs, together with the co-is of said Order accruing, out of the property hereinafter described, to sal i-fv the afore said judgment. wherein \VM. K 811EFF FED is Plaintiff and JACOB S. MORRIS is the Defendant, to wit; The Metropolitan Theatre, situated in the town of OrovUle. county of Butm and Statu of California, located on the corner of llnntoou and Bird streets, fronting thirty-nine (TO feet on lluuUion street and eighty Hit) feet on said Bird street, which I will sell at |it tilde the Court House door, in Bidwell, county and Hi,ate aforesaid,on the TH EN fll'.lll DU of AUOCST. A. D. Itiart. Del ween the hours prescribed by law, lo the highest bidder, for cash. P. FHBF.It. Sheriff Unite county, ft-ited this Tub day of -lills-, D. IS.Vi. iv tn-W 4 NOTICE B S hereby given that I. Mary Bradley.wife of James Brudlev of the oonnC'ol Unite, nod Mats of Cali fornia tin ’hereby declare that I intend from and alter this date lo carry on business in my own nemo and oa tnv own account in said county of Butte aloaesai I that the nalnrc ofsaid business I* Ranching. Having Stock and Poultry. Doty business. Mining and Hotel keepi <g. al-o bllvillg and se.llng l.itjnors at whole-ale and relail and Hint I will lie tndividnnllv responsible in tnv own n ime for all d-*hls contracted by me on ac count of my sttid business. nnd I further declare that the amount Of capital invested in said business does not exceed the -urn ol live thousand dollars. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal ibis lilh day ol July A D.DJ6Ji. M \u\ li ICAUIi L i . Slate of California, ) Countv of Butte 1 ... On this IT lit dnv of .Inly A. T). IRTC. personally appeared before me. a .lu-tice of Hie Peace in nnd f, r the county aforesaid, the above, named Mary Bradley, known to me to tie the person described in and who signed the foregoing declaration, who acknowledged to me that she signed the same freely am | voluntarily,and for the n-e* tin t purpose- there in inetiilotted. JOHN JONK>,JP. jylrt :tw n ’""‘ ( ” ‘ INSOLVENCY NOTICE. STITK OF CAM Ft tUNIA, / County vHurt—- ■ Cotn rv OK BrtTK. ( At Chambe-s. In tho matter of James U Drake, an insolvcnl Debtor. . ~ IX IM’USITANCK of an order made inthu County Court by the Don- Joseph K. N. lew is. County Judge, at Chaniheis. on the doth day of June. \. It ytt'iti Notice is hereby given to the oredt ors of Hie said petitioner ot Insolvency, Jittiti s 11. Drake, leap, pear Inhere tlie lion IF. N. C- wis. County Judge on Hie thirdtlttv oflhe Augan.-t t.-r.n of the » onnly i 'onri, A D. IH.ui. to wii : Hit ihttßlhdtiy "f '"gits' ensiling at Bidwell, to show ran—if nny liter.- he, v> hv lh« prayer of sttid petitioner should md be gran ed and an iisrigiiin.ini ol his estate he made, and he be discharged from his debts us nit Insolvent Debtor Witness my Imnd and the seal of s tid <’ont|l) 1,, s. Court affixed, this, '.Wilt day of Juno, A I) UMi, at llidwcd. KS (T.API V, County Clerk. By M 11. [Utnsr ii. Deputy. notice AM. PERSONS holding or cl tinging Lionn. tin hr the provisions of "An Act for securing I.fens of Mechanics and otliers, approved April *7 Hi. IS.>.>.' on the prop rty known as Horace Brewsters dwelling hou-e situated m-ar Hie Bluff, on Montgomery street, in the town of < trovtlle, comity of Butte and stale of California, tho same, being the present residence of sat.l Brews-, r and family, are hereby muitled to be and Htmear in Hie District Court of said County an t Stale oil Mondav, lh.' M'llb day of \ngit-t, 1866. and exhibit and I'll ere the proofs of their naW Mens ivl9 w 3 C.VI.KINS S. SPtI.MAN. COUNTY TREASURBII’S «M-TICR, ( Bidvvxi.l, July iHih. 18.*H. S ’OTTCK is hereby givne, that all pr-rsons holding Ball ■ t onivtv V\ arratiH pnyabie from the gene nnd re.isl. red between Fehruary 1«lh. I-Ad. and ch UHt 1856, that the same will he redeemed itesenta ion at my office. Ami notice Is further a» ihu fro IB and after this date, said warrants 10 ‘“'"wir.UAM I. ATTIMOB R. Treasurer of BuUe County. OTICC I* hereby given 'hat the undenugnevl will apply til the Boi<nl of Supervisors for Butte itv in the Stale of California, at their next ses. to he held at Bidwell m until county, fee a denes a a ferry across the middle Fork Fenther It—t, e Junction of the North Fork of said river, u, 14 BVl.VfcJi.-tli V. SAV AGI- LEGAL NOTICES. ' DISSOLUTION Tnr. heretofore existing hcs twi’mi Brown & Hunt. i* this day <*•■»••• Ired (>v mutual consent. IF. It. Hunt will p»y all debt* stand- Iriit against the Ann ami is authorized to collect nil debts duo laid linn. C. J, BKti’.vx, 11. B HI NT. H R. 11. will continue the bminess nl lh« HANK F.XCIt WfiP. nn'l will he happy 10 see hi* old friend* and the public generally. Price feduoi din *nit the times ill. ii. HUNT. Omville, July 22, 1556 J»24-lf NOTICE: fnyiir. Jn’GCKffnLDF.US of the Sonlh Feather H If liter Company ere hereby notified. Ilmt the Trustees of said Company have levied mi assessment of twenty dollars upon each share of Week held bv Hi an. mid that the same 1“ payable nt the Company's ofli e, Fcflisslown. on r before the 2’lh day of Au gust, A. IV le .fi by order of the Hoard, J WAHUEN MASON, Secretary. July 19. 1 859. jv2l-w4 Dissolution of C’o-|»arti»c‘rspi|i. .| j’ i Tup\RTNKftB H ll* hertsofore existing In 0 the Town of Orovdle. under the firm and style ol i). 1). .1011-' k Co. in the Ale and I.lipmr hu*i „e«.,, ), thrday dissolved hy mntnal consent. Said business will te reafter be conducted under llio name and lirr.i of LIGHT & MAKCIIELL*C I». 1) 4H\ks, 11. Ll(< ! IT. Crnville, July 21, I MB. ,fV‘.VVIm MISCELLANEOUS. HOWARD medical institute. 118 Sacramento street, next to the Pacific Mail S S. Co.'s Office over Wines tc Co.’s Express Ullice. SAN FRANCISCO. RCGMB NUMBERS 1,2 AND 1. TXIIIS INSTITUTION is founded for the enre of Syphilitic and Scrofulous complaints, mid nil affections nV ihe Cenilaffirtrims of whatever nature. Instituted for the express purpose or lr n'liver pci»ale maladies at the instance of many medic d gentlemen who have seen with pain the impunlion* practiced hereti tore upon those who have been Ihe violins of lying advertisements those connected with it an-to pursue to a certain extern this means of introducing it to public notice. Those applying for advice will And constantly in attendance medii-HI ability of undi-pulcd skid in ibis class of complaints, and id bo dealt wldi in Hie most honorable and straight forward manner. For the purpose of securing privacy to the most delicate, s vend apartments are so arranged that pit tai nt* will he brought in contact with none, but the Olilce Physician. These applying to this Institute Will the charges reasonable, and Ihe treatment sup irfc.r Dailies and gentlemen who desire to heconi, patients without calling at the rooms of the Institute,cun be attended at their residences. Communication from all parte of Ihe country will he abended to with promptness, and medicine* eeat if desired, by enclosing a fee of P n dollars No etforls will he spared to make life Howard Medi cal Institute what it purports to lie, a i.hiluuiUnphic Institute. Consultation In English, French, Spanish and German. <Hlice bon"* from 0 A. M.. till 0 P.M. Address, Howard Medical Institute, lid Sacramento street, San Franc sco. Office Physician, DR. R MrCAPFRBV. 17UHI SALE by tho Cuso or Package in . quantities to suit. Long hill paper. Legal cop Letter Paper. Ink Broad bill paper. Fools cap, Note paper, Pen eils, Blank Books. Wafers. &c &c. Noisy Farriers Book k Stationary Co. 87 Battery, & 04 & 00 Long Wharf. Sin Fran cisco. C- P. KIMBALL, Pres. NEW ADMINISTRATION: Central House Hotel! 14 miles from Mary-rille, on ihe Ophir, Bidwell bar and Feather river Roads. JOHN LOWRY. Proprietor /W, 1 TAKEFI.EASUBH in informingmy friends fcjjjjl and the traveling community, that I am now v : -|L ready to receive and accommodate them. The It Alt will be furnished with choice Liquors. my TA BLE supplied with Ihe varieties of tho season, my BEDS clean and comfortable, and my lIARNI with goml stalls and feed lor horses. In faoleverv exertion will he used on my part to obtain and secure the puli lic favor—find no public house in California shall ex ceed me in courtesy and attention in every one that may visit me. J. L , Pro’tr. liiitte County, July 10, IduC. jylb-lf EXPRESS AND STAGE LINES. EVERTS, HANTS & OO.'o EXPRESS OFFICE ROM E’S BUILDING. D STREET, WEST SIDE, MARYSVILLE. \ DAILY EXPRF.S* will he dispatched Com our Office in Marysville. U> Rabbit Creek. (Hie -onville. Forbcstown, Voiumbu-. House, Lexington House, Warren Hill. Hopkiq-ville, Nelson Creek. Po<t Man’s Creek. Hopkins Creek, Onion Valley. Richmond Hill, Hirfngtnwn, Enterprise, Wyandotte. Bar, Spring Valley. Scales’ Diguing*, St, Louis. Bid will’s bur, llansou'die. Fine Grove, (.’handler* vide. Spanish Flat, Independence liar, American Valley, Elisabethtown, Spani-h Ranch. Meadow Val ley, (iuy of .1 unison t'reck. Oanan Creek iiroville, Thompson’s Hat. Oreuon Gulch Bnrnunl’s Diggings. Ilarrlsons'piachigs, and (’overly Hill. (*ur Till A'URE TAl'llli-S will always be accom panied hv fatlhlnl Messengers C Collection*. Orders, &c, attended to with promptness and fidelity, j„ly 10. EVERTS. DAVIS U CO. New Arrangemcii—For \ rcka ON AND AFTER JULY 2d the California Stage Con p tny’a Coaches will leave their office Murray’s Western House, Marysville, every day at 2 o'clock, F M. for Yreka via Hamilton. Neal’s Rauch. A'l > i >*•>. Tehama. Bed Bluffs, Cottonwood. Smith's Ranch. Hay’s Ranch, mvl McComher’s Mill*, cross ing Fill river at las kh in’s Ferry. Crandall’s Ranch. Thom-s’ Fiat Tucker Town, .function House. Hack bone Hons**, god* Springs Yrcku Mills .Sheep Bock, Bhas)a buttes. Sb-phea'a Ranch ami < (Idhiiin’*, nrri viur in Yrcka on the second day at a o clock, P. M. R E T U R N T ING. Will leave their office in Vrcka at ft o’clock every morning, connecting at Marysville with the Coin pa nv’s coaches f.>r Sacrarne-ilo. which arrive in lime f..r the «nn Francisco ho it) wakings through trip frog, YrekaloS.-.n i-nnclsco In T <KEK DAYS GIXV F. THOMAS, C* m-rid Sup’tCsl Stage Co. jyaif >iiii IJy IGI a-Mary tube. NEVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW C IGA 11 AND TOBACCO STORE. Writ Mite P »treet, opposite the th<> Maun llot«e AM It YS V ILL F. . CAL. Will, siiarlicy tfc 00., a>K!=prrrm,i,v announcb T‘> thk im n. a UC mid Tin: TIUUK, that they luivi* cm slantly on hand, and Tor sale, ill toe lowest market prices. »i WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, \ large end can fully selected slock of Cigars of tlie Choicest Brands, As wall ns those of a cheaper enality ; also !,\ fKV 111! \ N M or TOBACCO, and in short, whutevr may bn found inmiy similar establishment in* California. A I,Off! KXPRrJEN'rK in tl«* business, wo fool assnrod will, wlion coiinoclcil w j tti BTR A Kill IKt 'll VV Altl» UK VLINC, on able us to give KXTIHKSAT ISFAi TiON to iliobc wlio may favor ns w iib their pat foliage. fifCOUNTUV TRAUKRS supplied 15 percent, less ihnu at any other house in the Slide, Mayrysville July 10, le.t).. jylO-tf DRUGS!DRUGS! PEGHAM &. PRESBURY- Kuipire Uloc/t, Aluryseille. ■ H AVK Received per Clipper Ship. “A 9. I'ishop' ■ I n Itiris.* and well selected invoice of DRUGS, MEDICINES and PER FIRMER Y - Which thov off p f.»r B*lu at th« Lowest Market P»i«*c*s, kiul to which they inell« nUuoiioit, Tartaric Acid, Bicarbonate of Soda, Straight & Toper Co'ks, Dres sed Hops Pressed Sayo, Oil of Sarsaparilla, Ex* Lemon ami Van li t, tracts of Strawberry, And a variety of articles suited to the Mountain Tifido. are now in Store, and will a rive by qnurterl) shipments from New York and Philadelphia. PKIiUAM At I*UK«IH’UV, Apothecaries i Druggists. Rmplre Dlocq. M'ville WALKER, WILSON &. Co. DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FAHCY DPT GOODS, Clothing, Boots, Ladies’ and CHILDREN'S SHOES, HOSIERY, kC , West aide ». st near 2nd at Marysville. Hf [I,(, KKKP CONSTANTLY ON' II \N r O. ft full assortment of <Jood» in their line, mid would respectfully solicit a share of public nalromige— Particular attention paid loordi r-< troni the co i country. THOMAS li. WALK.EK.J JAMES C. WII,SON, JOHN K. MASON. feb 2-12-tt Stoves! Stoves! STOMRS & PRO. Dealers in Stores, and Manufacturers Tin , Copper, and Sheet Iron * Ware, lu Street, between Second and Plaza, MAUYSVILEL, CAL., KRKP CONSTANTI,Y ON HAND, a large assortment of Air Tight, an I Premium Cook ing Stove*, together with every voriety of Tin _ _ and Sheet Iron Wares belonging tothe trade. Traders, Minors ami Runners, ure respectfully iuvi. *«l to give ns a cull, N. It. AM, kinds of Copper work made to order, ’maps and Water llano repaired and set up—9udu fountains made und repaired Particular altenlion laid to Jot) Work and metal rooting. Terms Cash. Marysvilie.March 8. 1856. S. 4i It. Ac A n FROM IMS WESTERN HOUSE r MNIIK PNnKIISICNKD wi»hes to inform thetrav- M eliutt pnlilic and the citizens of Marysville, that ifier this day all business connected with the Hotel lepurtinent will be curried on by the use of TiCK BTB, h» follows: MKfil.S 5 " r > I.OUCINH .AO cts ,71 ct« . and $1 FAMILY ROOMS SI 50 per day. A ticket for Day Board, by the week, will be #lO, vayable in advance. A Ticket for Day Hoard, with Lodging, by the veek. will be #ltl, i 15, and $lB, according to selec ion of room. The proprietor hopes these Reductions will he ireperly appreciated by the Public. The style ot nisi ness as before. The addition of a (rood Hath louse. Shaving Saloon, with the advantage of the ifttce of the California Stage' Company, with every tlher convenience for the traveler, will. I think, in ure to the public, nil the needful comforts of a home H connection with the above, the proprietor deem* it ihsolntelv necessary to state distinctly lhal he einuiot, .cut'' not. nor SHAU, not. to any one. tnal* or fe nule. give the nr i korlul rrriUt. Tills is not personal: it is general I have been Hitler imposed upon lately, and f wish to protect the n.ercsts of my creditors, as well as my ow a. R. 9, MURRAY. Marysville. July 16. 1856. Wool, Hides and Tallow mmrANTKD —For which the highest 'market price wW will be paid. Applyto JiiSFPH P SMITH. Corner of 4th f.nJ E streets. Hide Yard, eastern entrance on Fourth street near the lii’.ckeyc ?*lill, Marysville, "If WEST BRANCH LIME Co BAKER & SATTEREIRI.B aVE APPOINTED J UfF.7, 9 WVIN. Agent for m. the Sale of their Lime Thev are prepawd to iith sny quantity of the very best quality of um* Building An 1 other purpose*. Mr Sawie i« al* •nt for the sale of McDonald's I.ime eric*—At liuolooo'* Rxchsuge, Un>«r»ll*. ylUf Miscellany. 1 Matrimonial Romance. —AV i• « Recorder smith was presiding ii» ti •* (,’uuit of Sessions on I hursday .ju' •* very beautiful girl, agcd about sou i. ieeii v*ais, wa« brought fV« m tbc p-. son a lid placed b< Ton.* him <n a el.a • uf \agraiiey, preferred by b< r » parents. When ins honor impured , into tbc matter be found that ti • ‘ i young lady bad been committed b\ j her father and mother in order. <i j possible, to prevent her from uia.ry ! ing a man they did not approve of. The Recorder, thinking that the course of 4rue love, if it did not, should, at all hazards, ‘run smooth.' was about to discharge her, when he was informed that even at that mo ment a gentleman from Wisconsin was in waiting, in au antcioom, in order to run off with her and marry her in that Slate, when liberated. — Ills honor did not wish to send her adrift in the world under such cir cumstances, but called up the man, and said if he was sincere in Ids pro fessions he might marry her here, and then take her West. The lover joy fully consented, and Recorder Smith thereupon descended from the bench and performed the ceremony, —N.\ , Post. |f the age of women was know n bv their teeth, they would not dis play them. Religion is the best armor, but the worst cloak. Bill WELL ADVERTISEMENTS BIDWELL BOOKSTORE. fjn HE undersigned would respectfully Inform the EL citizens ol 11 idwell uni vicinity, that lie hi* i .jieued u COOK AND STATIONERY STORE. and will keep cnnstanlly oh hio'id tin D*»or incur of Kooks, Stationery mid fancy Article*, of the liner I and best quality, and will be in lire receipt or the LATEST PUBLICATIONS. as soon a* Issued Bibles , School Boobs, Spiritual, Masonic and Religious IVutkt, Blank Boohs, (in setts or single) A'uocls, Envelopes, Paper of oil kinds ES, GOLD PEA'S, ./.AX ROGERS he H OSTEXIJOI.M S FINEST CIITLEUY. Which will he sold at the lowest rates. Latent At lantic Paper- received by every steamer, for sale u KEIPKK. Next door to National Hotel CAB, NET SH° p . JOHN UOLBKKGIB . WOUId) Respectfully inform the citizen* or - well mid vicinity, Unit he is [vrepaacd lodu nil kinds of work in his line of hushe s* in u workman like manner, with despatch mid mi reasonable terms. Having always on hand a large assortment oi dry In .her, lie I* ready to make to order. Umrs. window, Tables, Rockers, <Lc. All kinds oi Cabinet work, and in fuel anything appertaining to hm busi ness Hilliard Tables sol ami repaired Shop on Charles Street, below 1 ess X; Rarcomh's Brick Btorn HESS & LARCOMO S New Brick Fire Proof JStohk in Bid* WELL. THE Subscribers would announce to their friend* and patrons that their Krick Fire Proof Store on the old corner, is (hied with a general nsaosUnsul of Groceries, Provisions. Fruits, Liquor-, Mining Tools, &c See , the be«l and cheajujst ever offered in town. One of our linn is constantly employed in Sun Francisco In the purchase <>f goods; and ns w<> purchase foreash alone, tie-lie* e that we can sell good* cheaper than any dealers , n ihis market. Persons desirous to purchase unyt'.uug in our line, would do we I toqire ns avail, us we are enabled to supply them on as favorv.ole leans us the Marysville trade. Kldwell. July 1656. lIF.-'sfc LAHOOMK. LOOK AT THIS. JOSEPH GLUCKAUF, At his Fire-proof Store, one door aiMve the National Hotel, Hniwell, IS NOW RECEIVING iheUrgant and b»-»t aelected assortment of inejchandlze ever brought to lhl» market. A (ways on hand, a c<mipUtle asaortmoal of Clothing, Orocerirs. Boots/nd Shoes, U»U, Liquors, Crockery, Glass Ware, India Rubbers, Carpeting. Havana Cigars, Ladies’ Hats and Bonnets. Shoes, Gaiters, Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Hosiery. Silks and Satins. Ac., &c. MINER?’ Tool*of every description always i» hand and for sale at the lowest price-. Might** pen*, paid for Gobi l»u»t. County -crip bought ttttd m»!(L Murch 8, iHjli, JOSEPH ULI/CKaCF. RUMMER CLOTHING— of every variet/—Just re- O ceivt.-d.aud lor sale t.y J iBKI*IIGU r CKAUP. Bldwo I; A GFNERAL ASSORTMENT oi » I nice I.uji'.r-, al-viuon bond, at who iralOii" retail, at tue lire proof Store of JOSEPH It id well. NUMI3KR *>i.