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MISCELLANEOUS. MISS M. L DEARBORN. «V(ii:i,l) KKH'KCTH'I.I.V Inform the rlllr.n* ▼ V uf Onitlllx iiml Ticliilty, that she hasthisduy opened ()•«• largest mill best Mrirclml iluck of CRY AND FANCY GOODS, e.»-r brought to thin market. Having selected my Mock myself. I feel assured (hull cun sell Cheaper thmi ever before offered In thin place. Mj Block con mb)■ in port of every description of In 1/ anti Fancy Hoods, Hatters and >1 hors for I.a dies, gaiters and Shots fur Children Embroideries, Silks, «Vc-, iif every Style and description. Aleo, some in w style CRA V ATB. for Gents. nml Fine U lute Mdrts. A .so, mi assortment of I’erfnniery and Toilet Articles. My old friends and the pubi e generally. so* in v'ted to give me a call. M. L. DEAR lit)RN, jyll Montgomery Ftreet, next doer to C. t* Hotel. NOTICE frillK undersigned having disposed of his Jewelry B. Establishment to Mr. t'milU, formerly ol Vrelca, would res|iectfnll) request ml person* indebted to inin In come forward mid Belllo their account*. Those Laving deinniidß against him, will please present the siinie for adjustment Persons having articles left with him for repairs nntrei|ii«sled loc.ill for the same within eight days, us they will he sold to pnv charge*. JOSEPH UOtfENTHALL. Orovllle, Pntnrday Aug. ‘1 lead FOR SALE ! f VII IF. EMPIRE HOUSE, situated on the RlulT op- JL ponile the Court Rouse. Is for <-1)10, i heap for cash The house is favorably located for boarding, and has at present nearly one hundred hoarders. 1 am compelled lo sell on account of poor health. At All V J. AItKI.I.. Orovllle. July 31, IMti. aug'J w 2. FR Als K S R ESTA UR ANT, (/tiiteil Stales Hallcllng, CORNER MONTGOMERY AND M VERS STREETS OROVILLE. FRANK CARRIED respect fully am.ounces to Ins old Iriends and the cillEelts of Orovtlle generally, that •lie has opened a FIRST CI.ASS RKB - in the above named building, where he is prepared lo furnish the public Willi all the edible* and delictito «to ho luinid in this or the Marysville Mar ket The following arc his HATES OF CHARGES: Board per week without Wine. . , . $lO 00 do do do with Wine, .... TJ 00 Single meals without tv me, .... 75 do do do with Wine, .... 1 (Id TERMS. CASH OlovlK July-Jd» 1W«. J>2B-lf W 111 T K & NUT T E 11, DKALKRH IV groceries, provisions LIQUORS, &C., &C. FBI I IF. UNDERSIGNED, In calling the attention of the public to their Mlock of Prime Goods, would avid I hemselve* of this opportunity to return thanks for the very generous pnlronge they have received du ring the number of years they have been engaged in business at tins place; and determined to merit a con tinuance of the same in future, offer at Ihe lowest rale* a large and well selected assortment of Groceries and Provisions, Liquors of a superior quality, Prc aerved Frails, Miners’ supplies. Hardware, Crockery and Glassware, Sir., kc. Particular attention paid lo to tilling nml delivering miners’ orders from a dis tance. The highest price jiaid for Gold Dust. u We shall also run a daily Letter and Package Ex ores, between this place and Orovllle. V WHITE k NUTTER, Oregon City, Jaly 1860. JylU-tf WON DEIIFUL. DISCO VERY! IN MAKING AN EXCAVATION SOME TIME since, beneath the EMPIRE HOTEL, in this town, U was discovered by the nciiie and observing mind of DEACON SHELDON, that the atmosphere of that locality possessed not only a healthful, but u remark ably s.sahlng property, which seemed to quiet and subdue the most violent passions, and lo invest every man who frequented the spot, with a wonderful de gree of self-complacency, and a harmonious and fr.-ndly disposition towards the WHOLE WORLD, and the coiifficllng elements of which it is composed. Ho therefore resolved, with a benevolence peculiarity his own, lo lake |Mmsessimi of the excavation for the purpose of establishing an Institution, where people of ALL PARTIES and opinions could safely and harmoniously congregate lor the free discussion oi the exciting topics of tin* day, fearless of the slightest risk of any unpleasiin collision. With this view, the DEACON. In connection with MU. CRAIGK. bus transformed this location Into an ELEGANT ROOM, which they have designated by Uie name of the SUBTERRANEAN SALOON, Where they solicit visits from the Ihichtinan Clubs, Fillmore flubs Fremont Clnha, and other gentlemen, with or without Clubs, and from members ol Vigilance Committees and Law and Order Parties, from skin* of Temperance and Moderate Imbiber* of Raspberry Cobblers, and from that innumerable Fraternity of the Pick, Spade, Rocker, Long Tom and Sluice, who, after a day of toll and labor, would enjoy an hour of agreeable relaxation and social conversation. THE DEACON assures bis friends that they will ireel with a most cordial reception at the BUHTKR RANKAN SALOON, wiie>e the fluids dispensed will be fonnd fully equal in quality, to those lor which lbs DEACON Is, In part, indebted for bis enviable repu tation. . ™ .» Orovllle, July 28, 1850. J>^ lf _ LAFAYETTE RESTAURANT, Montgomery street, opposite the Oiieana Hotel OROVILLE THE SUUSCKIIIERS RF.SPECT miIv announce to their friends ami the eiiixtnsof orovllle geueraPy, that they l.inve opened u SPLENDID HKSTAU ANT In the above named place, when- they are pit .red to lurnish the public with all the luxuries and klicttcies lo bf fuuiiu in lII# nuirkfl. Kates of Board: Hoard per week wilhoul Loding, 00 Hoard per week with Lodging, ■-••••■ ~ WM.GEER k A MICIIKNEAU, Proprietors. MINERS’SUPPLIES ! New Grocery and PROVISION STORE. JOHN D KEATING, HAS OPENED an extendva and well selected Slock of choice Family Groceries, Provisions and Miners’ tjupplio*, at his New Store on Montgom ery Street, near Harriott's Saw Mill, to which he In vitea the attention of community. He will be ns constant receipt ol additions lo his slock of <>ikhl» of the IKlt*ti mu riuMon*. Ui« faciliilwi L»r being unexcelled by any trader In the country, he Is eoulbleni that his* and Price* will render the utmost sansfaciioii to those who favot him with theo" patronage. The public will pteaw. call and examius Ijt themselves. OroviUc, July 12,1855. MISCELLANEOUS. J. D. BROWN, M. D. Graduate of Now York University, Now Vmk Med I ml Institute Honorary Graduate of r«< use Medics) College. offer* hi* professional servicesto the Inbabi imii* of Oroville ninl vicinity. Office. hi iho Oroville Drug Hlure. Montgomery street, one door from the corner of Downer sirvet. July 14, 1866. Jyll-tf CLOTHING! CLOTHING! TO SUIT EVERYBODY ! riniiK Ji In UNDERSIGNED beg* leave to inform hi* friend*, patrons unit ciiixens of Oroville and vicinity, that lie has n lsrgo and well •elected duck 01 liood* on hand, consisting of FA S 111 QUA ULE CLOT HI XG, Hoot*, Siiors, Hats, &c., Which he Is determined to sell at TEN I’EH CENT CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT l.\ THIS TOWN. Call and see ns, and exionine our stuck before (inn busing elsewhere. A. 11.I 1 . BKIA. I*, (t.— KEMK>IIIf.K, Montgomery * reel, next door to (he United (Kales Motel, sign of THK CHHAI’HST CLOTHING AND FUR NISHING STORE IN OROVILLE.** Oroville. July ‘l4. 1866. Jy’.Mtf ORLEANS HOTEL, Montgomery street, south side. Oroville s. It BED 4i STRIKER—Take pleasure in in - nj{ forming the traveling public, and the citizens ol urovnlu and Hull* comity, that they have Ihiimhi the well known and pupulnr ‘•ORLEANS HO TEL,” and Unit they are now prepared to receive and entertain their friends in the be*l possible manner. We are determined to make the Orleans Hotel u per fect home to I lie visitor, and to entertain all who favor ns wilh their palronngu with the attention and style known only to MUST CLASS HOTELS. Our Table shall tie spread with the very best this and the City Markets can afford. IN THE HAIL no house or bar shall or can excel us. The chotcesl qualities of Li quors and M ines served up neatly unit quickly,and arcutuium artrm —*■ miff cod’ when wu Inform the pub lic thul the •• redoubtable Col. S.” preside*. DANIEL HE EH, FREDERICK STRIKER. Oroville, July 14, IHSO. JyU-tf MAGNOLIA SALOON! Next to lluntooit’a Exchange, Oroville. FBIIIIS COOL AND COMFORTABLE RESORT JL has been lilted up in the neatest possible man ner, and with an eye angle to making the most re cherche establishment of the kind in town. The BRANDIES. WINKS, Lc , are of the trust SELECT BRANDS, direct Irelii the Importers; ami having hud Kjth I‘rue I ice at the liar , we Haller our selves Hint wo cannut easily be outdone in the mode of solving up the latest and muss liislitunuble fancy beveraip-s, us well us cuurtesy end polite attention to our patrons. JAMES S. DICKF.V k CO. Montgomery street, next door to Uunluou’s Exchange Oroville. July IS’Si. jyll-lf A RARE CHANCE I £s AN OPPORTUNITY SELDOM met with, for any one wishing to make a profitable in vestment. As I am compelled lo change my business. I olfer lor sale my iiilerenl, being one hull of lhal valuable properly, the IJ. S. LIVERY SUABLE, together witli three full lols of ground on which the Stable ami Corral are located. The prop erly is free from encumbrances, the Stuck and equip ments of the Stable are in perfect order, and is uuw dutug a splendid business. Enquire of WM. P MoFf .MAN, UU the premises. Oroville, July l&ih, IH6O. jyln-tf NEVV ORLEANS STORE! THE UNDF.UHIGNED having purchased the in-, lerest of J Lesbros In the above well known establishment, wilt now keep constantly on baud a LARCH ui.d well selected stuck uf Groceries, Hardware, Miners’ Tools, Blasting Powder, Quicksilver, And other articles tuo nninerose to mention. N. B.— Cash paid for Pr duce of all kinds. Oroville. July 10th I*6o. Provisions, Crockery, Wines, Liquors, vv N. HART. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. S PERSONS WHO WISH TO PURCHASE Drugs. Fancy Articles, or Perfumery, will do well to call at the OROVILLE DIM Hi STOKE, on Montgomery, one door from Downer street, near .he Orleans Hotel. The following list comprise* a porliuli or the stuck on hand : Sedlkti Powders, Quinine, Bay Hum, Oil of Vitrol, Cologne, Nilrlc Acid, AyreV Cherry Pectoral, Muriatic Acid, Crowd's Sarsaparilla and Blue Slone, Yellow Dock, Nutmegs, Townsend's Sarsaparilla, OH of Lemon, Hand’s do Oil of Rose, liny soli’s do Oil of Cloves, Mustang Llnument, OH of Cinamoo, Nerve at il Bone Llnument,OH of Origanum, Pain killer, OH of Peppermint, Essence of JamacaGluger,OH of Anlce, Castor Oil, OH of Lavender, Molfatl’s Pdls. Oil rf Cubehs, Me A Master's Ointment, Oliva OH, Hollaway’s Pills, Neat’* Fool OH, Wright’s Indian VegelableOx Marrow, Pills, Rose Water, Thompson’* Kye Water, Boker’s Bitters, Thorn’* Extract, Wine Billers, ...... Stoughton’s Bitters, Hartshorn, Acceltc Acid. Peruvian Bark, Soda, ('ream of Tartar, HumeupaUilc Medicines, (Hue, Sponges, One, do coarse, Old Port Wine, for medi cal purposes. Soap,Old Cherry Wine, for i leal purposes. Old Brandy, for purposes, Armica Flowers, Liquorice Hoot, Sarsaparilla Root, Balaam of Wild Cherry, Alcohol, 96 per cent Cawpheue, pure. lodine of Potassium, Henbane Seed, Cardamon Sedds. Sec., Sic. Cod Liver Oil, Jane’s Expectorant, Cufisulcr, Opodeldoc, Flea Powder, Ague and Fever Pills, Cholagogue, Bboulder Braces, Trusses, Fuspensary Bandage*, Adhesive Plaster, Castile Soap, Old brown Wli Pomade*, Hair Oils, Bottle Corks, Vial do Sat Hods, Sulphur, Alum, Nil.ate of Potash, Morpltene, Laudanum, ParngoriC, Celsamm, Together with all the usual articles kept Li DRUG STOHF.s, which will be sold at reasonable prices to those who may favor im sub a calL Physicians’ prescriptions acurately componi.ded at all times of day or nighl. AI.BKo T O. DAV, Apothecary. Oroville, August 'i. 1866. attgj my NO Tic SJ— Euipßry meat can be uad fur ami in b,-r of exjiert workmen on wire, during the present summer in erecting a wire Bridge at Buiwell lu uua cusmtv. Enquire at Hus office, or of MURps-VY, Marysville, lOIIBST PRIOR paid for County Scrip, at the Star* of JOSEPH GLUCK All F, DuivcU. BUSINESS CARDS. A. c, m<’R»k. •• b. bird. MORSE & BIRD AUCTION & COMMISSION MERCHANTS Particular attention paid lo Uw Bale* of RE. 11 EST.ITE STOCKS , MINING CLAIMS, LICE STOCK. AM) EFEkV CL iSS OF Personal Property, Oroville, Butte County, Cal. A C. MORSE ATTORSBY M CoUHtBLLOB AT LaW & CONVBYARCBK, Corner Myers and Monlgomery Hi reel*. J G LAWTON. Jr ATT’Y & COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND CONMIonOURR Kill MAMArHtfIITTI A H. INLAND. Kg' Office corner of My era ami Montgomery Street*, No. j, United fctoies Block, upstair*. K M AMI I'll, CH.KI.KS U. UIBBAHU SMITH & HUBBARD, Attorney* &, Counsellors at Law, CHATLKSU. HUBBARD—Notary Public. Zy office, comer of Montgomery it Downer street*. MI A ARD H TABLET. Attorney Hl Counsellor at Law, NOTARY PUBLIC, REAL BITATB AOKNT AND CUN vbv ANCNR. OroviUe, Hutto County. Cal. Will Pkactkb in all Tim UoTßra os this Static. A M ZABEISEIE, ATT’Y & COUNSELLOR AT LAW Obovillb. Huttb County. California. BARKER & EWER. Attorneys & Counsellors at Law. O.mcb—Corner of Montgomery and Downer streets uuiiahhim, jambs m BURT HARRIS & BURT, AT T ORN Jfi YBAT L A W, OKOVILLE, HUTTE COUNTY, CAL. Office, 51 yera street, west Bide, abevo Modlgomery JAMES GREEN. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. tTfT Can be found at ‘-Orleans Hotel,” when no Professionally engaged Jy IpUlf' DR T McGUIRE. OrricK—At theOphir Drug Store, Montgomery si Obovillb, Buttb County, Cal. c IIARLBS r. LOTT, W, T. SBITOH LOTT & SEXTON. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, bidwell, Cal. THOMAS WELLS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HOWELL, BUTTB COUNTY. Ppeeinl attention given to tbe seareliing of County Records, invosiiguiion of lilies, itc , and lo tbu draw ing <>i Deeds ami alt instruments tor record. Office lit tbu Court llouue. ilB-4j W S SAPPOHD. - JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, UIDWELL, BUTTE COUNTY, Office—in Harris & Hurl’s Law Office, on the hill. All kinds of writing promptly and correcily attend ed to. Hif J W SCOTT, COUNTY SUIIV EYOII FOR HUTTE COUNTY AND CIVIL ENGINEER. OROVILLK, BUTTE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. Persons desiring his services will please leave their orders at tbe office of Me.srs. Harris it Hart. Ulf J. W. WINTBR, D. C. BURLINOAMB WINTER & BURLINGAME. Office—ln McHratli’s Hnilding, I) street, between Second and Third, o|>|tosilr the lluun House, MARYSVILLE. We also have opened an office in the U. 8 Block, Orovltle, Hutle Co., where one of us may at all limes be found. RAIL ROAD HOUSE HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, EUROPEAN PLAN, No. 4 Commercial uml f>7 Clay slreeis. Bun Francisco. lIALEV It THOMPHUN, Proprietors. DR J R N OWEN. HAS settled permanently in Orovllle, and res peellully oilers ins prolesaionul services to tbu citizens ol the place and its viciuily. OrriCß—Be tween the Orleans and be Hotel de Franco. H. BARNETT, (Cheap Barry) LICENSED AUCTIONEER, MONTGOMERY STREET, ORUVILI.E. Attends personally, to Sales of Real Estate Furni ture and block. jyl4-tf J T ELLIOTT. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Office, on Bird street, between Myers and Huutoon, OROYILLE , BUTTE COUNTY. July 14, IHo6. jy!4 If J- Y. JONES. CONSTABLE AND COLLECTOR of notes and accounts. Also—Will sell Personal Properly on Commission. OrriiK, withJ.T. Ellioti, Esq., Bird struct, Uruville. July 14, l»a«, Jyl4-lf DR- J S SHEPHERD. HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, OFFICE —LYS C HB URO. July 17, 18a*. jy!7lf JOUN YFII.iUM, WM.B.RVBBBLL, A. WIRARTS JOHN WILSON &CO. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Ist 11. or 91. Merchant Si. near Montgomery. MIGUELS & AYSES. HOUSE, SIGN & DECORATIVE P AINTEHSI Monlgomery street, two doors above ihehm pire Hole! OROYILLE, CAL. Particular atteulion paid to ORNAMENTAL •AIMING. MISCELLANEOUS. LADIES’ EMPORIUM OFF A. s xz ion: MRS. M. L. NEWELL, HAVING JUST RECEIVED direckfrom the Ira |M>rl«m. a large and well selected assortment of MILLINERY. I. A DIES’ APPAREL. GENTLE MENS’ FURNISHING GOODS. FANCY DRY GOODS, ike.. would respectfully call (he attention of tills community to tin' fact that although she may not have so imamise a tivrk in the l.aihrs' Kx*-Ka s/r, yet SHB WILL NOT HE UNDERSOLD. Among her block may be found Ladles’ Dress Goods, French Lawns, I’nnled Jaconets, Fancy and Plain Swiss Muslins, French Lawns and Ginghams, Thitieis, De laines, Poplins, Silks, Embroi dery, Linen Edgings and Inserting!, Mantillas, A choice lot of Millinery—Ribbons, Laces, Flower*, Rlondes, Head dresses and Mourning Goods Leghorn Hal* for Hoys, Gimp Hals for Misses Flannels of avenr variety, Bed Ticking, Linen Dam ask and Crash. Scotch and French Diaper Embroi dered ami Grass Cloth Shirts, Marseilles, Uuilts, Long Cloth and Mosquito Nets. Gents’ Gotids— Drawers end Undershirts, Cravats, Handkerchiefs Gloves, Linen Shirts Millinery Work and Minium Making executed with nentness and promptitude. gjr I have just received in addition so the nliove slock, a beautiful assortment of Clothing, Hals, Caps, Shirts Ac., suitable) for Boys. Thankful for the liberal patronage of my friends, a continuation of the same from them and the public generally, is rusiieclfully solicited M L NEWELL. Montgomery street, opposite Humoon’s Exchange. Oroville, May l(i, Ibati, jy EAGLE BAKERY, CORNER MYERS & BIRD STB., OROVILLE. t WOULD SAY To MY FRIENDS and the public, Ihnl having become sole proprietor of the above establishment, I uni ready to serve them with thu best and freshest BIIEAD, PIES, CAKES. &C., At short notice and on the most reasonable terms. SODA, SUGAR & RUTTER CRACKERS Constantly on hand. My Waggon will deliver every thing in my line at the residence of mv customers. CHARLES CHERRY. Oroville, July 22, IS6G- jy22-tf LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, CALL AT MR. HENDEE’S ROOMS. WHERE YOU CAN EXAMINE SPECIMENS of his work in Photography, Amhrolypo and Daglterrenn Art. He hits ami lite rof beautiful views of different portions of the Town, taken in this new and beautiful style, on paper called Photographs. Corner of Myers and Montgomery streets, Oroville. jy'JSHf JVC -A. TIN, Opposite the Opbir Drug Store, Montgomery street, OROVILLE Keeps Constantly on hand, a well se lected stock of Groceries, Bools, Clothing, Mining Tools, Which he offers at Ihu lowest BIT Goods delivered FREE OF CHARGE. Oroville. July 14, lurid. Jyl4 tf Provisions, Shoes, Liquors, &.C., &c., rales FOR CASH. MINERS’ STORE BETWEEN MONTGOMERY <t BIRD STREETS*, Opposite Um Butte Record Printing Office. J. M. CLARK & RUO., Takes lhl« method of tendering their thanks to the citizens nml miners of Orovllle, for their past liberal patronage, and respectfully solicits a continu ance of the same. The patronage extended to us we shall endeavor to merit by keeping on hand n well selected Stock of Uooilb at the lowest market rates, such os PROVISIONS. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS. SHOES, CLOTHING and other articles too numerous lo mention. N. U.—H’e have on hand the best quality of Railed Hay, which will be sold in lots lo suit. Oroville, July 211, IHSB. U. S. Livery Stable. Myers Street—Near Montgomery. TO KEEP PACE WITH TUB TIMES, and-apid growth of our town, we have, ul late, and will from time lo time, make extensive additions to our stock and otherwise improve our establishment, to meet with entire satisfaction the increasing demands of the age. Slock taken on l.ivery on the most reasonable Terms. If desired, wo will buy, sell or exchange stock—in short. transact all bust ness ap. ertainiog lo a first class l.ivery Stable Ibe llnesl Ituggies, hacks and Saddle Horses. Inrnished at a moment’s notice. Thankful for (Mist favors, we hope to merit a eon tlnuance of tin- same BROWN i. IIUEKMAN. Dated Oruville, July 10, 1858. jylOdlf. o*° A\c iVV \V holesatg AND W.- ">o LIQUOR VAULT, Myers street, above Montgomery. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS INSTORE and fur sale, die following slock of Liquors, which he will sell, having no rent or city u.xt-8 lo |siy, at rules lower Ilian cull be bought at either Sacramento or Marysville ; and would call liie alieniion oi retailers iu examine hsa slock by lore purchasing elsewhere. TKUMSy CASH. Sfj barrels Uouoognbela VV kinky, 25 barrels Domestic Brandy, 2 bairels U. D. li. Co., do 4 barrels lionetle Brainy, 4 pipes Holland Gin, a barrels Port Wine, 4 barrels Duff Gordon Sherry. Together with SO cases Claret. Curacao. Eau de vie llantzick, 20 cases U-slie's H tiers, 12 cases Haul Saalcrne. 8 cases Exlrml Absinthe. 12 ruses Steiulsrger Cabinet, Scutch Whiskey Impeiial Ale in cases, 12 cases Ginger Wine, Raspberry, Mrawberry, I.cmoti Syrup, 10 cases Champagne Cider, Brandy Peaches, Scotch. English and American Ales, of dif ferent brands, Ac., 4tc. THOMAS BIbSET. Oruville, July 15, 18i6. Jyls-lf JOHN PARRY, MANUFACTURER OP BRICE CONTRACTOR & BUILDER. 1 WOULD ANNOUNCE to Ihe < iliiens of Oroville a.ut vicinity, that lem prepared to undertake Jobs In the above line, lo any extent. As 1 am manufac turing IDick extensively and am a practical Mason, I trust I am able lu render satisfaction »s regards terms and dispatch- JyU-tf (DtouilU Ddlq Unlit Sltrnti:. Harry Illustration.— ln one of the comic prints, (says the £an Francisco Her aid.) there is an illustration representing the Presidential candidates as a minstrel troupe, engaged each in a separate song.— The Republican candidate, in the height of his extraordinary feelings of delight, jumps from the stool on which he has been setting, but comes down upon it again with such force that its legs are broken; yet he re bounds, so that when ho next attempts to be seated he must inevitably squat open the floor. This is a happy interpretation of that boisterous creed which old abolitionism be got, and which anarchy in Kansaa has reared to a restless and reckless stripling The new party nervously jumps from any acknowledgment of ultra-abolition princi ples, but in its bounding it breaks the rot* ten legs of its platform, and should it obtain the power sought, it will squat flat upon ultra anti-slavery doctrines, and sprawl it self out toward the destruction of the Union which the patriot of all sections would cling to forever. There never was a party which possessed the ability to jump about, twist itself into all shapes, turn itself inside out and make such incoherent noises, and manufacture such needless turmoil as this new combina tion which assumes to be strong enough to •‘knock down anddragout" the old and well tried Democracy. Every little fellow, never before noticed by any party ; every thin featured abolition malcontent; every foun dered politician, in contempt, for question able deportment, in other parties ar* swing ing their bands and wildly shouting tor something they think may put them in some official feed store. They are hungry* Be. fore they get through they will probably be too exhausted to enjoy anticipated honors, and then how the country will mourn over the loss of all that effort, and energy, and wasted patriotism! The Indian Treatment or a Murder* er.— ln a row among some Indians who wore intoxicated, at Chili Camp, Calaveras county, on Wednesday July 30th, one man was killed. The murderer fled and took refuge under a store kept by Mr. Mills.— As it was dark, the Indians placed a guard to prevent his escape during the night, and in the morning, ns the Calaveras Chroniclr states, the Chief sent two Indians under the house to brng him out. They soon return ed, saying he was armed and used his knife with the fury of a demon. They were then told to go in and kill him. The order was obeyed at once, and the man, apparently dead, was brought out, rolled up in a blank et and taken home. Some slight signs were seen afterwards, when, at a signal from the Chief, a dozen knives pierced the body and was repeated till the corpse was literally hacked to pieces. The body was soon aftei - wards burnt, according to the custon of Ca’- ifurnin Indians, amid the dismal howling and wailing of his female relatives. Christening. —The twins of Snm’l Mart, in San Francisco, were yesterday baptised Buchanan and Brcckenridge HOTEL ARBIAVLS Orleans Hotel, Aug. flth, IHM, I) \V C Taylor Column. J K Mearliam Hutte Creek. J A Crave* J A Craves San Francisco, Jno M’Knglan den dry Creek. J M Covington Cherokee. I) M Smith. Sucker Pint, Chaa II Kieo Marysville. T It Walker Bullcsylvania James C Wilson do, S Sunbdrn do, A C Simpson Forbealown. Tu Ur. 11. Hclnlmatm, Corner Jackson and Montgomery MrteU, Han Nrancisco —Dear Sir:—lt is with ylaatnre thut wo notice the unbounded sue cn«» which Inis attended you in your practice since your residence in this Stale, now over seven years The geod you have done and the skill you bare exer cised In the cures Ihst come under our observation make It our duly to let it be known to the world unit more particularly to those now suffering with disease Most of us were well ncfiuuin'ed with you whilst you rest.led at Mormon Island, and witnessed there some remarkable cures which you ellecled on patients whose cases were pronounced hopeless by eminent phytiehns. We have also seen what yon have done h>r some of our friends now residing at Coloma and Phicervilte, who after mueh p<-suasion and induce ments on our p irt. consented to iro and see you, when they had almost despaired of their li*os. They did aw and returned, and are new living hale and hearty men: and read r. if this notice should reach your eye and you are afflicted, take our advice and go to Dr IIKIN- I.Vt ANN, and you will never regret it. Dear Doctor, receive with onr most hearty wiihra for your future welfare the assurance that wo believe you to lie one of our most talented and experienced physicians in the Stale. Fbsokrick Hasvwahh, A (prop’r Miners’ Hotel ) | Jo on V\ ass, Valley ip'r Greenwood Brewery, Jons Uaosoa, Aaui'sr Haiisk, Josxrti Wilimanm, Coloma Chau Lsa Gias. T. Hklaz, > Propr’s of the i T. n N7.ii, \ Croix Federale, > PlacervlDe. Jkas IlitnitH, » A. 11. Walk as, El Dorado Wide. 0. Zroickk, (ftrra of R. Poppo & C 0.,) Orovllle. Justen Glavku Auburn. CiiAKLr* Spanish Pry Digging*. T Passisoaa. (prop’r of bridge,) Condemned Bar. O., Sacramento, R. PiSMSoaa, do G. Rksaiio, do C*pt. Illsn, Michigan Hhiflk, C»pt. F. 8. Mnaroso, Mormon Island Flasav Ttuau (Republican House.) Jackson. This testimonial was not solicited by Or Ileiid iDiinn. ang 77m NOTICE' PERSONS WHO HAVE SUBSCRIBED lowsrl* prospecting the Dividing Ridge between ('hero kee and I try Creek, rre requested in meet at the American Theatre, in Orovillv, on Saturday, Align, t Uth, nl 4 o’clock. P. d.. for the purpose of orgMnixing the Company, and tee transaction of other important business W 0. TOTVIAN, JAMBU BAKU KANT. OroviUe, August 4, 1866. augttd