Newspaper Page Text
Miftccllanf* Encouragement. —Teachers, do you often say words of encourage ment to your scholars ? Such kind and hopeful words are a great deal bettor than long lectures on what they ought to do, or than captious fault-findings on account of delin quencies. You need not ho afraid to >ay to your pupils all together, that they have done well or to tell John or Mary that you arc much pleased with their conduct. Be judicious in this, as you arc bound to be in every tiling else, and you will find it well worth wonders. Head the following from a recent volume of poetry: This is a word—the word of words, To which a charm is lent, That keeps the universe alive, This word— Encouragement ; 'Tis like a main-spring to the world, That with a sovereign sway, Whene’er the ball would cease its course, Impels it on its way. No wisdon like silence. The Naiads arc said to have been the first people who said nay. give you a poke in the eye,” as the thread said to the needle. Weak -minded men are obstinate, those of a robust intellect, firm. It takes a lifetime to loam how to live. NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION^ Kuansmn Pierce, ofN. II President. 1). 11. Atchison, of Mo. V. I*res’t. Protrm, jMHMMHtttMnifcei 4» am ritUUMMatt3P* TUB CABINET Wm L Marcy, ot N. Y. sec’y of state. James Guthrie, ot Ky., seo’y of Treasury. Uoh’t McClelland, ot Mich., sec'y of late r. JakmkC. Dobiiin, of'N. C. sco’y of Navy. Jefferson Davis, of Miss sec'y of War. James Campbell, ot Pa. l*. M. General Caleb Oushino of Mass , Attorney (Jon. STATE GOVERNMENT _ J Neely Johnson. Governor. It. M. Anderson, Lieutenant Governor, fluoii C. Murray. Justice of Supreme Cour Soi.o mon Hkyuknfei.t, nnd Bavin S. Terry, Associates. (J F.O. W. Wn it m .vis, Controller. Henry Bates, state Treasurer W. 8. Wam.ack, Att'y General. John H Brewster, Surveyor General James Allen, State Printer. K. Wilson, P. 8. MoJvenzie, and Pi.ex. Bei.i.. State Prison Directors. JUDICIARY Solomon Heyur.n f k i.t , Chief Justice. Huou (J Murray, Associate Justice. Ckah. 11. Bryan, do do Wm. P. Dainoerfield, JugcOth District. COUNTY OFFICERS Joseph E. N. Lewis, County Judge. P. Freer. Sheriff. Butte County. Chapin, County Auditor. Wm Latitmore, County Treasurer J • Vf. Scott, County Surycyor. H. 8. Maynard, Assessor. J. J. Kunk. Public Attorney. Uandall Hobart, Public Administrator. .u —■■■ in— ■■in r iim— l m—i mi irrr-' DISTRICT COURT Ninth Judicial District, composed of the Counties of Butte. Colusi, and Slnsla The terms of the District court lor Butte County ■commences as follows: On the second Mon days of March ami June, on the fourth Mon day ol August, and on the third Monday of December. COURT OP SESSIONS. §3- A term of the Court of Session* shall be held at the county neat in Butte county on the second Monday of February, May,August, and on the first Monday in De cember of each year, and shall continue from term toterm,unless all the business bo sooner disposed of. COUNTY COURT- The regular terms of the County Court on the first Monday of February, May, and August, and on the fourth Monday in No vember of each year, and shall continue from terra to term, unless all the business of the term bo sooner disposed of. PROBATE COURT §4. The regular terms of the Probate Court shall be held on the fourth Monday in February, and May, third Monday of Au gust,and on the second Monday in Uccenilicr of each year, and shall continue from term to term unless all the business be sooner dis posed of. BOARD OP SUPERVISORS.^ Sec. 4 The regular meetings of the Board of Supervisors shall Is* hell at the county sent of their respective counties, on the first Mondays of May.\ugust,November and Feb ruary, and shall continue from time to time, until all the business before them is dis poned of. The Board shall al«o meet on tht second Monday after each general election, to oaavass election returns. MEDICAL. DU. J. C. YOU NO’S GAUDS. IMPORTANT TO MINERS, TRAVELER*. ETC. TA IIKBK 1* no malady of deeper lin >rlrinco either . inn medical nr moral lidd of view, to which Hie htimnn family l« more liable than that ariring from impure connection*. An a medical man it in the duly of every physician to look nl (linen*** is it effi*cts health and life, anti hi* Hole object nhoiild he to mitigate, n« tar an lie* in hi* power, the bodily suffering. Ilomim nature nl bent in hut fr ill, hII nre liable to misfortune. Of nil ihe ill* that affect man none nre mere terrible than thuac «>f a private nalnre.—Preadfui a* It In in the perron who contracts it. frightful a* tire its ravag en upon hi* constitution, ending fret)neatly in deatrnc* ion and a loathsome grave. It become* of ntill greater Importancewlien It I* transmuted to innocent off spring. Such being Ihe how neconaary it be come* that every one having Ihe least mason to b iar thnl they have contracted the disease, should intend p, it at ouch hy consulting some physician, whose rc«je.-cUlbllUy anti education enables him to warrant a .life, speedy, ami permenent cure. In accordance with thin necessity, Dll YolNt; Rads culled upon In slate that, by long study ami extensive practice, lie lias belome perfect master of all those disease* which come under ihe denomination of venereal, and huv* ing paid more attention to that one branch than any oilier physician in the United Slates, he feel* himself better qualified to treat them. Hyphilit in all its forms, such a* ulcers, swelling In the groan*, nicer in the throat, secondary syphilis, cu taneons eruptions, utcerations, ter svnbiliH. sy phihn in children, inercureal syphilitic affections, gon orrhea, gleet, strictures, false pus-ages, inflnmation of the bladder and protrnle glnnos,excorlations, tumors, pustules. Stic., are as familiar to him as the meet com mon tilings of daily observation. The Doctor effect* a cure In recent cases In a few days and Hints no difficulty In curing those of long duration, without submitting the patient to such treat ment as will draw noon him the ahghtesi suspicion or oblige him lo neglect his bminess. whether within <,,,r* or without. The diet nci d not be changed, ex cept in cases of severe inflaniallon. There are in t’ali fornia patient* (amounting tc» over two thousand in lint past year) thnl could furnish proof of tills; but these are maltors thot require Hit nicest eccrosy which lie nl way* preserves. All letters enclosing SID, will be promptly attended to. Office hours from 9A. M to Hl* M. Address • YOllldi, M. O, F.xpo-ss Huildings, corner of Montgomery and Californian strode, oxer Wells ;'ur. go St Co.’s Express Department. VCAUO— FROM DU. YOUNtFS PUIVATR MKDIUAL, Office—To lire afflicted—ln (bis age of progress, whon science is developing itself in surah u manner as to appear almost miraculous, every thlng'in common place Is looked upon w mil worth notice. In view of thin (act. Dr. Young, comer of Mimignmary and California »lraet», ha* conchnleil to Ionv« the beaten truck hitherto pursued hy moat sci entific physicians, (that of wailing for the public to llntl you out alone,) and publish to the world, ns inncn as may be. hi* knowledge of the healing art, to lot those who bu in need of assistance klmw whore tiiey can Iliad relief w ithout fear of being imposed upon. In continuation of this suV'jcci, Dr. Young would sny, that of lire past ten years he has pursued llie Israelitlo of medicine in ono of llie largest cities la the t ailed Hiatus, with the highest success, and that his standing as a physician Is without reproach, having at one lime been’lecturer at the I'nlversity of Penn* sylvaiita on venereal diseases. See. Upon all of these conidernlions. Dr. Young lias con tldence in Introducing himself to the public, know ing that they will sustain well earned merit. The following are a few of lire many testimonials which have appeared in the public journals the last few years: [from the lloslon Medical Journal ] Although we are opposed to the system o| Adverlla- for good and sufficient reasons, still wo deem it hut justice to say that Dr Young Is one of the most Industrious and indefatigable votaries of the medical science In the United chutes. From Profe»sor Jackson. The subscriber Is personally aripminted with Dr. Young, and has seen much of his practice, mid can hear teslimemuy to hisrnerlli ns a practitioner. From the Now York Herald. The eminence of this distinguished gentleman In his profession,and lire very extended opportunities possessed by him for the observation of venereal dis eases. make his services Invaluable to those ulllicted with the above complaints. From the Whig and Advertiser. All afflicted wiili private complaints should consult Dr Young, whose education is not surpassed by any physician In the country. I•> his skill, h mur and in tegrity all may rely with safely, while most of the praci it loners in Ibis city are without honesty or res pectability. their pretentions being grounded in ignor ance and assiimp'lon. om ■„ cornor of Montgomery mid t'alifonda streets, lip stairs, opposite the banking linuse of Wells Fargo & (to. Open from 9 A. M. to S P. M , Sunday in cluded. PRIVATE Medical O'tlce~numlrods of those who have contmelt'd disease are disadpoinltid of n cure by not cnllintt on Dr. Voting at tlr-l. lie will foi led any sum If he fails to cure any case that may come under his care, no mailer how hour standing or iifllicling, such as nicer*, tumor*, nodes, bunches. pl ml ,les on ihe face and body, pains in the hones and joins. wakefulness, trembling. copper colored sores, wasting of the hones, einaeintion, loss of appeliie, strength ond flesh, sores in the nose and ear-, loss of hair, wenlt eyes, delimit humors, & Many persons ader helm? rellevod ef all extern il nppearanceH of private disease, suppose Ihem-elvi s fined, h a after a few months (hid they are troubled with various symptoms which they never had before, and which they And it Impoesihte lo relieve. to all who are af dieted in this way. Dr Vonnsr would p irttcularly '<;■ oininend a trial of blsskill. The symptoms with wh'eli yon are Ironhled are caused by taints In the blood, which sooner or later will destroy , our health and h up iiiness. No person who has evt r had an attack of any private complaint should not fall to consult Hr. Young and take a few hollies of his Invaluable purifying medicine, as they can rest assured that their blood is In a perfectly pure and healthy condition, and Unit every trace of disease fs removed from ill- system. Itecenl cases cured in srom two to five day* without change of diet or hindrance from business, os no lee. UK. .I f VoUXH, Office, corner Montgomery and California street", opposite Weils. Fargo ft Co.'V (MBco hours from !' A. M.,U>BP. M. Mncysuille, June 10th. TRfi. r >. nu. J. C. TOUHO—!***« Nta:— Please send me somo of the medicines you prescribed in my cast*. I have a friend hero who Is troubled inexactly the same way that I was. He has nightly emissions, runtimeacise in his head, weak Ixick. I •»* of memory, nsl Is generally debilitated ; he is discouraged anil has not confidence enough to enable tmu lo call and sec yon. I told him how I was and that my friends all said I was in consumption, and thed-closs up here «nvo me up and advised me to go homo lodio, bin instead of coin- home I called upon you, and here I am ns well as any of them, met likely 10 live a tone Iliac vet, wild strenth euontrh to work with ihestrong est of them. Doctor. I wilt send every one lo yon that | (M ,ks lo me as though he needed a physician II shall not be my fault If anv one dies for want of medical treatment. I will do all I can l" keep the afflicted away from those po-ls of society, yelcpl proes-or. and high sounding titled men who. if the facts were known, are men who left their country for their coun try’s Pnhlis this letter, doctor. If you wish, and I hope some of those that humbugged me, may it and steep bad f t one night Trulv vour». i*M>. IDSON. EDWARD IV!. BURROWS. I N TEHN AT IO NALHO T E LS A LOO N JACKSON STUCK?, Between Montgomery and Kearney- SAN FRANCISCO- Best Tkeßrandt of Brandies, Wines and Seg’. . MEDICAL. DB. lIEINIWANNS Private Medical Office. CORNER MONTGOMERY k JACASON STREETS* SAX FRANCISCO. nit. M. II FIINIMAXV, mrm-r of Kearney un i I’ntifle street*. Hun FrtndDco, ha* lor » n-.itn l»«*r of year*, m t h«* military und other hospitals of France, di'viititl hi* study principally to the lr«*s»• in*nl •>( !*,<- crel diseases, and therefore po*ie**es n lhorout;h ex perience In tin* partiennlar bratirh H.* is also p. r fe lly familiar with all the recently discovered uial hlßhty important remedies Mid ino.-iu- for tin* cure of such discuses. It I* scarcely necessary lo ml.I lu re that in Finn, e where wcrrl di-et-e- arc iif more Ire queiit occurrence I him *n» where cl«r, ih» physician* of thul country me mere exp. rt in their cure, and constantly umt successfully ••inh aTofiinf to rtial out now rein* lie*, mure efficient aluf lor* dunfojou* ttian lines- luruu rly used |tr lielnim inn 1* therefore, enabled In cure all these diseases with perfect certainly, without mercury, in u very chert time, and »ilhout «ul.j -rliiw til* patient* to the risk ol subsequent iiyintou* conso quence*. I hronie Cnnorrhca, Ryrrmatorrhca, I’lour Albus, fionera! I'ehility the resnliof misconduct. pollution*, ,|ain 111 the liack mid side* Kriipllonsol all k lida, produced hv interior cause*. Lotsid Hair Ithenmai. inn In the Joint*. Nocnrnnl sweat*. Seminal mi l I'rin ill weakness, injuries rece iv ed hy treat ment. See. Air, are cured hy Hr, Heihlmnnn «Ith the niit of remedies known hut to him.iell. lo the jierfect satlsfai-tieii of hi* client*. K. cent disease* of the shove named kind will he promptly rind radically removed la-lorn lie y cm -el tie in the body and become chronic, hy Hr. Helot tnunn's own pnrlfyinjf vegetable remn 'io*. Hr lleinlinnnn further (Ki«ses*e» u *iirn remedy fol,y tested, und which can he relied upon, lor the cure of Intermittent Fever, t hill end IVvi-r, fever und Ague, nl-o it mean* to rt move, in n lew day* for ever. n bnd hrealh, without the (east injury lo tin* stonmrh. In the pdcsent days nnmeron* remedies ure offered everywhere for till I niacin able diseases, lint in mod of the case* the sufferer* urn mi sadly dis appoinled thul they look with Ju*n(t d.le mistrust on all advertisements of ltd* kind. Dr lb inlmmin’s re ni.-die* need not tie recommended l.y pulllin-/ clmrla innisni. for they recommend Ihemseli. *hy their el f, Cl* u* hu* heeil seen and experienced hy nomeoii* patient* who, fortminlely for themselves, have ti-.-d them. For the infi.rniatton mid sutlsfm tion of the often deceived public, the stnteineid w ill suffice thul Hr. Ilcitiimnnn ha* in hi* possesrion over two hun dred testimonial* from patients cured hy him. he-ide* mnny other reliable person*, which he i* reedy lo ox hihit when required, wlrtle common decency lorhi 1* him to publl-h (hern in Ihe newspapers. persons applying td Dr. Heinlriiami shall not ho obliged hi pay in advance the lull price of the cure, ns he i< willing lo submit his shill und his remedies tlr*i to hr- test! d. Oho thin" the Doctor Invariably requires Ouni all his patients. Hint is n faithful and strict conformance w ith all his directions and preemptions, other*net he cannot mid will not warrant it cure. \\ niton consultation* will he Riven without charge and r-unmunicidions answered whether containing a fee or not. promply, puncUmlly and with stri. I se. re cy, on applying, postage paid,in tie- f which, I rein li m (lermua l.uiw iugos, to Hr. M. HFINIM ANN, Corner of Kearney and Pm-ilie streets, San Francisco. To «hnw tc the satisfaction of all that Hr lleinl mum Is u thorongly eduniled, prnellcnl and expt ro t-need physician and siiißi-ojt the following fnnu. hi* nuiin-rnns testimonial*, aro submitted to lie- public y,-nines tin* stipprossrsl, but lie- mithur* :ir.• at any time ready to proclaim their truth und authenticity before the world. (•rxknwoon Yai.i.W, fi b. 11. IS.'fi. Dear Doctor 5 I have known you since I*-H) and you have Riven so many proofs of jour lalenl* and experience. Hu it yon lutvo entirely won coiilldcuce A I-Inniah yon r< aide id at n (treat rtl-lalien frUin me you know that 1 have sovetnl time w nt you pat.w-Ws which other docnijg have given up as IneuniMe. ami you have always received tiu-m and saved not only their limbs hoi nl»o,Uieir live*. I will oaly im-mion hero Urn ease of Ms. D from Auluiru. who is indebted to you fur the preservation ol hi* r. lit unit which other doctors wanted lo itinpiltßle, and of \jr. ti— ofOoloma, who although given upas hopeleis by two doctor* was cured hy you in two week* tune A* to what you have done fur my fluids ly, suffice it to say, I will never he ahio lo repay you. Accept dear Doctor, these few line* as a proof ol die Ilk'll e*ieem I have ol your Intent* us it medical man. and bilkrvc me lobe your coiuUitit frieml. f 11. Proprietor oftlu* Miner's Hotel To Dr. Ilcinltjiami, Sun Francisco. (ireeuwiHwk, February !lth, IWdi. I Having slydied medicine myself atlh» I’ni\ of I Tuvin, ii Italy, I »«|i(hwh I know enough lo he he i ||evtjd wlu'ii 1 declare hereby Hint ion are iln* lu st 1 |iliyt»U'km I ever mot with in < *alilu*nln. Till* deela- I ration is feiuulcd on what I have seen you ilonu.l j heard friuii everybody whmi I rerid ai nl Mormon is. I |,i, l know of many perrons to whom v-ni huvu s|ivo<l life nml limbs after they 'mil been completely iiivni ii|i by other*. ami who will nt nnv time eomu foiwant mul testily to tin; Irulh. of Ihj,-. and no your i scisncu, Wishing you for lh« fultire, iho same aim which h;i*UUiimtml you thus laf. 1 rowum truly 1 yours, VI. K. : To U». llotniaaua, Fan Francisco. OuJoiiiu, Jmirrry 10lh, ISnil. My D«i»an<H'fuch Esteemed Doctor : It i« with much regret thul I iiiui nil your other* saw you ,|ti,t Mormon Island. Wn have hut m younphysl of L'PiMl Intent mul experience, who we could not appreciate 11 w.i* proven enon/h hy the numerous who cunt; to cull on you from nil part* of iiic mines, mul you am in tin- hc*t n niouihranci' of nil. Mv-i'll, given uphy whom I considered our host phy • ici.ui* prepared myself to die; hy chance 1 came nu ll r lour r iitmeul tout yon ha-e cured mo of n grave -u l<in ** is »■ short tune. You Have proved yourself u phy *icsiu unit you do lum'T to the name. O. I’roprKlor Fredch Restaurant. To I)». Hviuir.uaiws Shu Francisco, Auburn, January 12th. l p so. |>,>ir Doctor?—l always remember yon with pleas ure, mid a feeling of graißit'h' prompt* me to address you' these lines Voukmiw in what a di'phmalde stale I was alter coming out ef the hand* of Dr F., who wauled to amputa'e mv right arm. m shed hy a fill ing IrocU. iu order to save my life. Happily for me, I heard of yon. and of (be reputation which you had at iloruiou Island; so I asked for lour advice tietore parting with my am. At the recommendation of «. me friends of yours In Greenwood. I went to stay with you. m»l Ilia few week* my arm. instead Of heiug amputated via*saved, together with my life which I consider I owe to yon. I Hsur Doctor, if lon r t ail l«i of any udvunliuie to vein dispose of me. for it I* eu iirely to you* skid that I owe my present existence Itoreive, therefore, my siecoru respect, and the a»«g. raece that I hetleve you to la* one of our most talent ed and experienced physicians in this country. Yoi»rs truly, 1 C. Jo Dr. Ilcinimanu, San Francisco. Sacramento, Fehrunry Ist, 1850. The uhdersigned has known Dr fleinltnsnn fir many years, and can vouch for Id* justly having earned a reputation a* a conscientious, prudent. CV perleticed and skilful Physician and Furgeon, and would therefore recommend to a'l lieop'e to o Iv with most implied co nth If lice In Or. lleiniumaiiV skill and science. , C. IV. Thin! street, b'liveer J and K. U . S. MAIL LI NE ! ON and after Tuesday. March IHth. l a 'd the fnll fonda Slaci '’map mi’* ' 'oaches wdl h av,* ftieD OITIce, Western House. Marysville, every meritin'' at ilii’clocx for >ncranjen o, and arrive* in lime for the ihe t*an f’mncfsro K.«nl». RF.THRNINt;—WiII leave thc'rOUW Or'cms Ho tel, bacromcnf*. for Marysville, at the sum * hour. OKO F. THOMAS, buperiD'endsru. March 17U», Marysville. MEDICAL. DR- L. J. CZAPKAY S DR. 1., J.C7,\PKAV, I. UK IS TIIK lIUSOA n.n Kevolninmury War. tltdef l*li%»!<• i-■»» In tli*- iuh r raiment til Motived*. t'hief Snraooii U* the Military ll.wpnalof P«mn. 11 diiK ry *nd l*te l.rclti n r on’ Diwumi of Urinary organa. «ud disease* of w -men and chi'dre*. T*» thi *rrurTirn.—Dr I. J f’/npkar ha* opened hi* InslllU'n for tin- cure of all form* of private dl* etue*, »uch a* .yphdi*. a norrlica. nocturnal emi* •lima and all the *on*e<ptence- of •* lf-al>n»r In the flrsi amg'-a of ami irrheal di*en*r* he cneratceemcnro in n few day*. without inconvenience to Ihr pallet.l, rr hniiirnnru lo Ma l.indn**** U hen n palii-n'. In niolifi, or linprofMT treatment, ha* developed the n-i-oiiilary •vmptom* of *vhili* an. h a- hull.w*. or p ilnfnl .welllnc* on Ihe an.'ii*. or nicer* In the throat and now, which. If not chocked. de*lr >v Ih.a vofl pnrla and canse 110- hone* to mortify. separate nnd come awny. Imvina tin* »n(? rer an object In Io nia to Indiol.l; or when apt nrhca nnd p inple* hn*ak out ii(«>n tlnj akin or win n hi- hn« painful -w«-l 11 n m the lionna. or w hen Ida conMHnli. n la injured *0 nn to In f*in*irr.piinn or otht-i co* ainniiomt diwave, the IKiclo.i inmrnntee* a enro n-ka no'-om, polianiion In, chronic or acute: in IlytU'Ulnp'. or liiarrlnei. ho hn» ante «n I elfeiinil re uiedle*. I'or Ihe Ironltm-nl of llo* coa* <pnnn-i*< of *elf-nlm*e, imrh n* nocltirmd emi*»i >na, net voii*ne-d (itnitlilv headache. piilli* in the h;n k and 11 inS . with treiierai vveakne**. loma of np|»iite, I* l -* ol memory injury lo Hi - »iithl, nKile*Mn ra rimfitaion of a'. a*, di-hki* for coeirly. nnd fcclituf of wnarine** of lift*; With tin* nerVOUN ayairin *0 pxejlealde lie.l aliuhl nojai* ■ •luikk or atr.rtln fhn patient niaklfm hi* exi.n etu-e mi*eriihie. lor 110- fthove inaladie* lln In«-(or w ill sunrnn'oe a cun* or n*>k no llo run In- rolianlteil rc*! of charge, mid invite* nil lo mil. nail will coal them nothing. and may he much to their udvaidaße. Hr. 1.. .1 (’xapkiiy la dnlly receivim* tin,,Mention* fro-o evert pari of Mil* Stan* nn I from 1 ircijmi nnd \Vn*lilneton Territories, f*.r troalmmit of e\.-ry form ofdiaeiitM*. 1 nil therein not otic who will romo lor ward mid expo*-* di«Mal'*litct m; on the contrary, the Dr ia in dally receipt *f h-llera. expre**ive of i ra.j tnde and IhniiUfulne**, svane cf which are pnUh.fu-d below by periui*»lon. Mattvavii l», .lime it, IR.V>. Dr I*. .1. rtapkny, Pnn T’rniici-ro; ‘‘ir. I have lived the Inal of your loeiticine. an 1 d > not think I *hall need ant tm re. a* I h-. I v. rv wed . ' I I th t I have not entirely C<>’tny tilrenolb yet. Imt non will with tho appal He I have. 11l- Just three week*. yon mi\ recollect. ainee I railed at anr inaHliile, wilh iny’winMllullon ft* I Ihoiiaiht. entirely hr ■!; -n. mil never thought you would ho aide t > cure mi* pen. et- Iv. mil. tlionuht yon nillfhi he nhle to do aeiiieihinir lo ea-e the pain in my hark nnd head and viremrthen me linih-*, wlifch were an wa-ak tin y wimld alniovl i*i\e way under me when I walk'd, nnd f alremfllicn my nerve* to that I would not ff*-t excited and irem hie 111 every little Ihimt Now lhat you know wind I expected, you tnav jndtre of my viili»faelioii ul my complele recovery fnafi iho«e aympfoma and the re inoval of I hone nplolehen mid «nre< from my vkiri and iho nJeer“ train titv Ihroal; end 'he entire vloppnze of lie me einimmion'* which yon maid were principally lie rail vt of mv nick new. f ran hardly tell you wlni-h i< the t'reniemt. my Joy or mv miirprh*-, (or <>xn-pt not havnuf fully irol 10y mrenulh. I feel am well a« any man can feel. llMclo*ed I w-nd yon twenty dollar* over your rhnrire. nndlhrtik mvmelf cheaply cured If von think ntn body wdl he bemotit. il, yen may pul this h-tlnr iw Ike newvpin.ern Tttnv lUrt.r*. PotiiuvMi Oeeenn. 'lav I.'*. Idfia. f/apVae Dear Sir; —Your medicine lia« hi-en taken nccordilllf to direction* I leel II lillle weak v.-l; in even other wav I am almovt elttlreh rerovt r wd, an.l think In 11 mlujil tune I -hall he n- Well a* ev >r. Km rvhodv Hint know* me i>< wondennir what mode Mieh 11 cktinae. for •omo friend* thoiißM I had (•on»mnpli<ai. nnd other* that I wa* coney crazy.— Wed, I do*' know Iml they were holli riylit. a* I felt a irood de i> both way*, an*l Ilniilßhl if 1 didn't die | woitldhketo I ntn not irnunhwt any more with etui**ltinv, and the pain in mv nead and ha. k. and the weaknr-* in my limb* have let' me, and *0 ha* Ihediy/.ine-*, limidiiy. and the w i-li 111 wav* lo h. alone; I inn not nlraid to ifo in eotnpa y now. inn 1 am not »n envjly vnered a* I used to l«‘. w hen any li t', th 11 iff w ould wt me Ireinlnintt. I h ive i«*on at wori thi* wt*ek which I* the lir*l I have done for *1 month*, nnd the fhnnylit of ii don't dircotinitn* nn like it n« il hi. Indeed. I 1. el Ilk miolln r man, and n j* all owlntf In J-onr medicine ttltd itdvlcc You tm.v publfh tin* if you waul p*. Yours &c, JogKrii Hath. PACUVMINTO, May la IHft.l. TV'iir Sir t*uch is the thankfulness I feel for lie preservation of m\ lical'h of both body mid limi t ;in ,| I believe of my lift' I at I limn- I w 1 1 1 not he cm • I |,mil .siirnslve in tendo-in* mv Ihnn' flilncknmi iMli'iuctilN li r reslorintf tuelu bvnllii. and finikin* in' 111,. ;l 1)1)1)11 \inrlli preservin'/. when ll Innl ■ hurl hHi l" « areal for mo I * hear. Virlim ns I wits in vim llnil li 'I my constiluiion and devel ll 1r • ill of nervous symptoms "111 h ncrmur Imultii he. distressing timidity. sell distrust. .I iz / 1 in is*. In vo of solitude lies of memory » n*l wnitt nf resolution. hr-sidcs a lo«» of strenslh unit enon/y, w iii. ii miuln my wakleg moments wretched mid my unmfir-iiii'k and wa* ft** hrtuk'iuc w hi the irmvn. bill. thanks In yeti' sit ill, t mu is-loredlii hi rifth vigor." and energy. I (oping to ifnid- mber* where tin y innv fiml relief, you bum my |ierini'siini In mike this public. lit os sum VV*itk. To Or. I<. .1. Ozapkay, Sun Francisco. ffiT Spermatorrhea. or local weukiMts#, nervou* < le l,il,ly | l)w •pin!**. lassitude. weakness of the limbs mill hack, indisposition mid iuc [nihility tor lain.r mid study - dullness of tippP 'limitiii'ii. |||"** of memory, aver M (,„, t.i society, loro of Solintdn. tlnil*lit.v, s If’di'lruHt. iliz/.i'ie-s, Headache. Invohini ry disctmrges pains in It),, i idc, nffi-rtinim of lh»* eyes, pimples on the face, sexmil mid oilier Infirmities in man. are cured with out fail by the justly celebrated phr-lcimi ami surgeon I. .1 Ir. tpliliy. Ill* method Ilf c.nrinv diseases is new. (unknown to others.* mid hence the areut success. All consultations, |, v letter or otherwise free Address („ J. C/.apkay. U. D.« San t'ruiicisco, ('uiiforiiia. TO THE I.ADIES OK OaUKOBMA. J*r. I. J Czspknv. lute In thn Hungarian Usvolii titm try War. Chief I’hysichin In the 2mli lieginieiit of lluiiveds. Chief Surgeon to the Mdilary Hospital of IVUi. Hungary. mid late lecturer on diseases of nn nS ry organs mid diseases of women mil children, in - vils.s the uilention of the sick mid alllichd female*, laboring under any of the yarn ns forui- of diseases of the brain, lungs. heart, aiotnach. liver, womb. blood, kidneys, mid all diseases peenliar to llteir sex. I lie Doctor is effecting more cures Ihmi any other I’liysi ciaii ill the Sltlto of California Irf'l no false delicacy prevent you, but apply immediately, mid *av« your selves from painful suffering-and pn-m dure death All married ladles whose delicate healiti nr other cir cnnis'uncts do not allow to h ive an ilirreaso in their families, should call at Dr. I-. J C/. ipk >y‘» Medical In siitnle. Armory Hall, corner and Mora gomery Streets, ami they will rer ive every (aissiUe leli.-f ,i.»l help. The Doctor* ofll os are “n arranged lhat he can in* cnii*ulbsl wllbont lie* fe .r ..f m.'Uslu lion. H desired. Dr. C. will visit the Mies niiheir residen*ea All consultation* by letter or otherwise free. Address to Dr 1,.4 t'wipkuy. Medical Institute, \rm<>ry Mall, corner Sacramento and Montgoim ry *lre«'is, S. P, AND OONORfUKKA — Dr.L 4 Or.apkity would ask <*sp cial attention to *vphili'lc and ciMiorrttieal disea-es In the tlrst siage* of either of ihose romptalnt* ho guarantees a |wrfis-l snd efTcc tua) cure |,\ a few days, without hindrance to business or the slightest Inconvenience. The Doctors method of iron'mi.’ ib- ni combine* nil the latest improvement* liv the medical faculty, wilh discoveries made by h'm •elf. more i BI -tive than anything vet known, which h, . n scs the p'dient from the porsihllinr of leomidary svnyp'oms ami removes the disease in IheelMirfesl prs *i hie time Secondary syphilis whleh appears in con soi|Heitce of Hie of the poison into the ms ienV and pesluc-* 11«hi***, UU-eriiiotv. in the thr -at and n<*'. wh oh destroy the soft pmt*. and mine the holes to mortltv. sonar ite nnd crane aw-iy ilie patient horri'dy Nmle# or painful swellimr* on the time*, splotches upon the skin, enws of which the I», see dallv in hisolllco an I which nre the r*~ ill of im[>r'(.or tr. annent Al-o. ulcers. *on- and pim ple*. and Injuries to thcc*«ii«tHirtlon. which, nfler n lon* pori »lofs.i!h*rtnr destroy life It»i'l nlno ro tncUbcredlhaUhcM Uuordcr* are bcrmliurj, paming MEDICAL. from pnrrnt to rhiH. nrnl rnlutlin'.' cjvm lh«* off.prlng ■ rtitnwl ron*it!imi>n KoMln* cun* of nil ito*»r> form* of Ih*» Horfnw f iiiimmc** n mr* or im com|w*n«» | i* n Tlo* l»ocior cmi hr imik iIIhI hy |rl l.-r or olhrrwiw* of I'linrlft*, nmi ln» ilo* nil Who im Mill■ tort to nil ii| on him. whrro hr will eirr Itiom •iich «htl fel on rnt thev rin ohlnin no w lnmil» Hi« room*uiv N>> 1 "ini ’i \r norv Hull, rofio rof l>nc rmiwnio nmi Monleomt'rv nirrnU, **nn Vrnn« i#ro TIIR GREATEST IHSfoVEUV OF THE Ah K • — 4 ;r**i%t f<!*>«»uitf I" Mankind!—lnnocen? hnf Pi». •• nl I hr. I. J. \ i pkny'* I’ropht’nrliriiin, l> *• nf* cling Air* rr.? »* run- pretenmtive mruiii*! p *m r rttet**4l and phi hoc tli-ran•* ami m iin*nf(*;»*%«•*l r»m »*dv f.*r nil ii»t» venerinl. •i»*ofiiln?ui. g ingri*i*ouf» nn«| C’Hicerou* n'c* r*» l.i*ii*l di%’hnr*ce* from the v :*in« % menu nmt nrethr? i»n*l nil c»ilai?«#»?i* eruption# am| di*e:n*«*«. for mile at Dr 1.. •! t>,npka\’.** niflre. Ar *ry If;»(!• corner o' >#crniii*iCo ami Montgomery •tre* I-*, Sun KrHti«d*ro A« hnn>cnla'ion ».*•»» preven- InlUe lUPimiM -In I pot, #o i* hr I. .1 <Vapknv'p IVn|»* Dncimim n fe’vwno t ve ago"*#! *vphili|icnl and if*»n« di*eii**e<« f li*rinl* **s in if«elf, if po***e#j*t * d*»» rt»i chenvcaDv de droving fht* ryphdillc vi rii-*. mi.| rh*T. K\ '* of wninsr dehnnep e*»# from being inserted hy the tiinul of nil di*»e:»M# Lei IM* Tonntf map who appreciate# hcnl l> In* without hr. i /.ifiguvNi rVophlhuttcnni. Il t*» tn vt rv u»MV'inri)l park .geaand v% 1 11 he found rorivm it**-. being n*e I I** ;i nn p. That ran I o prey nted l*\ tin* u«i* of proper ripenl.**, i* lit* well an e<t.d»lh*hed fuel t)n Mia* lhe\ ran •*«• cured after Ihnir f*'* t»I*1 is 1 1111 *t •r. Tin? principle which i< now nniver* •* l)\ r / I. w rooMvr.l pvrii ht'fort* ih«* «lnyn *>f .fciinnr. Ihf* il"*- oyof> r of (In* var inm.tlon in ]TPG, nmt |H nmllinliiMl li. n*■ft?’* t*%vr ainri* Invn rnrisviul, an Ihoy d#*M*rviM| tin? nto nijon of ihn nnalural fncii’ty. It w i- in |ifir«'iit «*f thn* hr ir «d. of fin? mtvl rni ♦*nri? tfiai hr. I .. .!.<*» pUnv L*Hiinnh ly m?ni#? tlio fhn* rovnrv ol hi- Pro|4i* ?»• "ni whit h, for Ihn pr*n n- Hon of h\ pliititl*.'. i»ooo-r)i**?t|. r l ciUanf?oufi di-< r-ih r. KlAiuh «i r\\ alh*r| hy MtY in lin* |*ha.- nmropi.rri. Thi* rff r f of I|im i?p**iil nftpr coition in iiiiinodinf* nmi r.*nn»V'** tin* of a contrac* lion of lf. howi'V-r ih • lm« ht’pn con ir *rO tl, Si i*» n«* fn! in nonfftilixhiir th** • oi?»onoiiH•rcro ii *ii**, hv ah«t»ppln w. proilnco fi t* lion M con.-e* fjii* n«»*i kaown i»•* <A* t*ofn|.trv Il ln*9 hern ii»liolni>*lprnd l»\ tin* |)<»cli»r i»• inmv tlnno nnl ca-r** # am! In* h*h v<*t to that il o ftr- 1 In which ii hnw f:«iI n» mtli»*ofV(* lh(? pnrjiorM* hr w I h’h it wax mlinlniAti r • ••I. rrftv, lull fltivcMnn* nr«* ntifirlnMl In inn |> p-»*k■ i/o. In « wln n 1 l*rof»hilii* uciini n«#*il nr? a rnn'iin, hr l< .1. I Vapkav \r 1 11 furnish gratis a pre scription (T>r hi** fhoml l*< rdl r. \ l l rotninnniriilionii l> *m the coniifrv. n*Mrn?*«ivl ly !•* hr. I .1. i‘7Mpkay,S» n I’rnnclfCf? w ill h** utrictly ami conOdontiHllN fi*l*ml* «l t«»« nrnl I) tvinodh-n wfih th** i/c*• t*?<• r«r nnr,« mihS f»*-cr*»cy« Irnnu thnlH ( *li*- i* iirht (1, hy or other conveyance lo their dcs linaiion tlThw. d f.. i /apicay—The pentlmnun wh» «*n nn*nn f*»piin* tin? r:ipili»n *»l thi* nnfi. c. u one of vV?<# few rnfalern r>hv**i? Ihmp who**** nnplienfit n i** hi* pro fn**-i--n •nI < 1 ♦ *v.*« 1 *»11 fti ihr i?ni?e(ed. n*ml**r him alikn >?n f»rnn*n. a’ lo I* e one mid ?? hem*fh t« the nihrr A flniumriHU hv hirth lie ■«»ntrhl w?lh |CoN«nlh hu plnr*# h>»* • oiitiirv iiinontf the HMl|o«n* »»4 lh»? enrlh heyotut fin* opprenor’* r»i!e li» r h* iw miffht rejoice in ihe priM*ifce of tfniMo prerepiM which lire alike onr ph rv Mini finr f»ri h*. In !?»•* *.» to <fn, he hnn fenpcfl the rewnpd of Im ff cmnl re*Ulnm*p |*» opprer* hIo?k nrnl *•.*! home runt n contitr% know him no more.'* A part hiiW.iv* r, from hi** clain n upon o?ir coiiaSiJ* r iiMoii :c* n palnet, the fe«Hm i»i N of rhprnefcr wm! r ipneitv w hlrh hrintP 4 eniitlp him |o pn!»l?c confix «h*ne»* In the excStiHion of Ih* who po***e-p !n*i»her th* 1 one or the other A** n L r » i n*lernnn hip character i>* nnlnniirhi’ l: up a plu>i«-h r», hi-wkid nnpippn«<e*i * nrnl to fhor** hli**p** Impfiid*" «*« I ;i« !*»ft upon tlx m fin* tnintp <»f ili***';?**#'. w** enn con Hefilloiinly commend Into with the a-rnrnne** fhaj in him they will ffml t% friend wlnm to k now i*i i/n-ht in in. d in* hr/polTtro i** No, !l nrnl 4 Arnn*rv hull c* riwr ?»f Sucrnin* n:<> nnd Moml'miwcv «i-(r'*, s-in l ,, raneip« , »». yTir \ T s’rmM) i» i,mh i> r \ |>r —, m a’suv.T—l t:; r '-•■r n ■ #■> > * .i- DR. PAREIRA’S GItAT ITALIAN IIEMEDY, For the certain and speedy cure of dis cm.-cs of a private naiuro, no matter how Ion" standing, without any in jurious effkct to the system or ary change of diet. It lias never failed, it cannot fail to cure. r«pins invaluable Specifle. first introduced Inin 8 pi-s miiiic (illy years since. noon became no we.’| known nw a Vertnin cur.-,’ Oml in every town «mt city notinny on Ihe I i-mlinenl, Inil in Ureal Itrlluai, (tin ,1,0111111(1 for 11 was ho ifriotl. Us merils an asioniidiiiß. rhHl in Mb- (lion oik* yoar iron It* iiitrodiutiaii u had supplanted all other niinedie*. The nlnllrnl I amity of iho principal cities of Furope were compelled t’c acknowledge Its wonderful mimicry over omemo;. Pro prieio/s of other mmllcine, Jealous of lih sway. t niuly nmlei.voted lo ulay il« onward progress lake grass iiHore ihe mower. Ihelr e(T in- fell to ihe ground and like tire ou Ihe prairie*, sweeptnu all hetore if. it* on want march became Irinmnh inr. It -final forth upon it- ow ii nieritH : a discerning puplic -aw. tried and w, re convinced of Us maincal virtues. The inassiw lorlnne acquired by l>r Tundra Iroui the sale ol it during Ihwsix tears he prepared il. alone bore witness, to (I* riifrar'ihiti- nn-ril-. At Ihe decease of Ihe ifoct. (lie i-'i'j|ie was be«piealhed to hi- son, who h it, lately at rod ll ml ||i*. lenn-ily Into Ihe I'nited Stain.. Tim •iiunlmr of c-res ll has already made are astonishing. I'lioii-iinds and lens of thousands cuu bear leslnnony to Its efficacy. All wlio u-e It It will cure, with a safety,speed and certainly no other medicine has ever pose* m d. K,-sori In an Quack No«irnms, Use a remedy that ha- iv en tried for the past Any year* and was never known to fait Thl« t.'resi Remedy I* warranted purely vegetable llewnre of Oonnlerfeils. The extensive sale of this wonderful im-dwane has already cailM-d some person r palm off upon the nus i-pecting, a -ptj. rion- compound, chieely re-einhllmr the oriirinitl. He (uirlii-nhit to hoy none without the wnlien signature <d \ I’aieir-u V. If On Ihe onlaidn wrapper of each Ipatlc. All others are counterfeit, mid their com pounders will be pitmahed with the uunorst riper of lb" law I’ri -e. Throe dollar- per bottle For -ale by T). flnh- C -ck. -ole Ap nt lor (inlifornln. Or-gonnod the Hand wirh 1-land-, lo wh-ui» all orders must lie addressed. ,\ lib ml disc uut made to Wholesale dealers 11. HAIHMCK. Wholi-s ik* Druggist, 77 llavis street, Han Francisco, T.isl of Agents ihronah. 'll the Stele. I!tee 1 iiflin 4-, (10. lint" dst M-rysville ; K K H'arkweaiher. City drip Hl.. re Him kloll ; VY.II (trailer. Sonor I; Hint J h'irileff. Hha»ia; Child & Wor»hen. Tlmvrvdle ; lasli n (Files. Jr S icroienlo (il v ; If. R. VV.' arr, Itiiwnieville ; Iff. John !.ark Nevada ; Ifr. W 11. 'lnlllef, Vreka, Hr .1. II Winston, I-OS Antp-les; rtiom.ts •>. KtulMego; U«o 1.. Story Portland, f. T. ... - -- 81, ANKH —FTvwjv deserpiuou of Su»l w‘» liiuaks fuj sale sUim v*re.