Newspaper Page Text
OROVIT.LE DAILY BUTTE RECORD. VOLUME I. (Dtmillt Hail* Suite HttoA. n\n.v (cu.mmys kxceptko) hv GEO. H CROSETTB. Orru i-In Hword ft'iNdlng on Siraet, T'.wrt «*Je, betwr«u Monljoioary mul lllril, Orovlllo. T—Ona Yeiit Pit Mail *l r ' h'lx inon'hf. do no Ttir„p m i'it'i* do **oo IMUerod »»y CorrW, por W«~ik 50 For pfrn'il'ition tn Hi** mining and agricultural di*- iricm of ilia county, will contain the local no-! gen *ntl itow* ofthe week, luter-mers *d with Interesting ml*- r«*ll iikmiih reading matter. It will contain tweulv • ii/lit columns of reading matter. end w ill he one « f tv, large-i and rhm|*wl tVeetdv Hew-paper* In tin* Published event Paltirday Ti rms—s3 per Annum; six month*. three months.*ll ViivtcnrisieHitsT*. per square ol ten linesorbs*. first Insertion, 5* ! ’ n Pnch subsequent Insertion.* • Ugr \ liliontl deduction will bo made In favor of (hose who advertise by tin* ypftf lUisiness cards Inserted on reasonableterms. We would solicit the attention of our friends who are in want ol Job Printing to thefact that we nr** pre pared to execute every description of work in our lint* in a ulyla tfiat cannot (all to give satisfaction. We have recently made new and extensive additions to onr assort rn**nt of ,loh Materials, and have facility fo p sloinor till kind* of work at motlcrate rates and on short notice. II "ff Almost everybody wants something—none arc so fortunate »s to tie entirely independent, in Ihes'ricl meaning of that U rm— we are all. in a greater or less degree depeinli'iit on each other. This being an in disputable fact, we propose to point out a inode by ss hich most of yo ir desires may tie gratified, viz : It you want any kind of laborers, mechanics, or clerks; vovkutibk If you want an office, n house, a lot, or a farm ; ADVCRTUK. If you waul to exchange property, or to borrow money; snvxßvisit. If you want to rent or sell houses, lots, or farms; Altvr RTISK. |f you waul todisposeof your bustnes; Anwar**. If you waul to rent rooms or offices; auvkrtise. If you want any kind of employment; aiivbh nsy. Whatever you want have or to dispose of: aovkrtisr. Among Hie many advertising mediums, wo may b** permitted to recommend to your favorable consider* sitlon the “Or *vii.i.k hxit.v Berra Raroan.” which is rend by many p *oplo both at home and abroad li It soils vou.eend in your favors, and for a fair com |ien<ntion. we will In trod mm you to several Indies and (rentlemun. who otherwise, perhaps, would never have heard of you. If the “Rkcohd” does not suit your fnnety.advertise In some other all events AitvaHTiSK ! Theso suggest ions are merely throw t out for your henetl. and because we believe it t*> In* our duly to Inform y«u of everything » hich is cacula* in! to enhance your inters*!. l»o you believe the above Is good a vice. We pause for a reply. JO3 PRINTING. (trot nitons Atlvlrr. BUTTE RKCOIUJ JHIi PHI\TIMi ESTABLISHMENT O l( O V I I. I, B. We are now prepared wilt a (rood assortment of PRINTING MATERIALS. If execute every de scription of m-rrvrn r-»* rs , n i •* r- r\ \ *** J ■— *• * ■Tl>" riuiiAi. on the in ist REASON ABLE TERMS, and in a style tint will not Ml to give satisfaction. Mining ami t'other companies desiring CKUTICATKS OF STOCK, Can have them PRINTED ON SHORT NOTICK. Every kind of Job Printing, executed to order such us HOOKS, CIRCULARS, LAW PLANKS, PAMPHLETS*, CARDS, BILLS* OK F.XUH’GE HIM. HEADS, DEEDS, HANK OHRCKS, LAHKI.g NOTES, PROGRAMME*, POSTERS, BILLETS. BILLS UK FARE, t»r any oilier description ol Printing tlial may bo de aired Having bad many year* practical experience in t*ia brunch of the business, we are confident of giv ing en ire satisfaction to alt who may favor u* with their on ref*. Persona wishing work done are respectfully invited t»- give us a call. lirrnts for the Butte Record. UF.NRY KEEKER, Bidwell. 1 HUM \s BOYCE 97 Merchant at San Francisco. A L. S lITH, . D street, Marysville. N D. PLUM Forbeslown AVIIITK ft NUTTER Oregon Oily. J K JACKSON ;,KVI SMITH Thompson's Flat DU BROTHERTON Urolherton’a Store. .1 \M ES TiItIUGHTON Wyandotte. j, SIHRWIN Nelson Creek. Plunias Co JUDKINS A. CATE American Valley M. PENCE Mesillu Valley. The •Record” can be procured from any of the above named Agent*, who are also authorized to re i eive ad vertisements and orders foe Job VA’ork SPECIAL NOTICES. OROVILLE LODGE, No. 103, F. &, A. M.- Sluted Meetings held on the drat Saturday ol earh month, at 7] P. Mat Masonic Hall, o'er Piatt's Market. Entrance on Myers street. Officers —I) A Brown. \V M . Daniel Jewell. S If; Ceorge AY. Elliot J W; I Rosenthal. Treasurer; I) G O’Donnel, Sec’y; J I Kleine. SD; .1 Klumper, J. Dt A Hoskins, Tyler Boellireu in good standing, are iuviteti to attend. RUTTE LODGE. N0.36F.& A. M.— Lodge ... >■ .. » 1... II .. _ it. un.l D meets tu their Hall in Bidwell, on Uw flfst am i, at 7 P. M. Officers thiol Saturdays of each month Tim’s Wants, AA’ M. I W tin »vio», S W, A L CntwiiKKi.tia. J AT, II Ksurica S “c'y OROVILLE DIVISION S. OF T. No. 224 - t*v »ry Sunday Hveiiluj? ni H ivjkvk, I M at Masonic Hull. J II Bhd|*lwnl; W I*. B lOWELL LODGE No. 47, |, O. O. F. -Reg ular metilings held everv Thursday evening, at i Pclock at their Mull. Bidwell Brothers in goot itaivling are respec’fully invited. Jostrn Block, N 3.; W G Drake, V G; R Lattihore, Sec'y FORBESTOWN LODGE, No.MF6.AM Meets ihe Second Saturday of each month. M. W. Brown. AV M; N D Plumb. 8 W: D McKee, J W; James Watson Trea.urer: John R Thom as. Sec’y; R CttMfcUt.DOiJKlinSiJ&i KB Sparka,Tyler.(J OROVILLE. BUTTE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, SATURDAY, AUGUST LEGAL NOTICES. Assignee's Sale. §»V VTRTVE (It authority In m» rested as As > Ha nee in the matter of C A Bancroft vs. hi* creditors, h Petitioner in Inaolvency in the llonora (i|h the County Court of Kutlo County and Plate of (\difonii i, umliil pur-mane of an oriiei made by .hli| r.,i ft. on llifj'i 1 dny of .Inns, A I*. |>royt ding for the sale of the a Ml<iu said cause, I will ex ,„,s- to public silo at the Court House door. In Ihdwel!. on ihelDhdny of Antrim. A. I>. ISMI, nl .1 OVIO. IC P M lo the 1 iirho-l bidder for cash, the fol lowin'.,' Hcro'inl of W, P. Safford, for the earn ofllfiy ■ lollsrs —AMI no. Also.(ho following described judgment rendered ■ m the •/'■ill dsv of Innnsrv, A. I) Wid. in the Hi-lrici Conn. Ninth Judicial District in nnd for Itiillefoniny. mid Stale of ( alifornia. by default, against U. II Mr ||,lß—l. for the sum of three hundred mid eighty seventy “is one-hiindreillhs iSoPO 7(i| dollars, and in {■•rest on said amount from the Kilh day of Ant; isl \ l». led. at the rale of iwo per cent, ner mouth til! paid, wherein 0. A. Bancroft is plain iff. Dated this 12thday of July, A 1) IMrt P. TURKU. Sheriff Unite County and Assignee. S~ IIKRIfT’S SAI.H.—Tty Virtue of a decretal ordei issued out of the District Court, Ninth Judicial District, in and for Unite County and Stale of Cali, fomin, inad.c Ihe I2lh day of June. A . D IS.Mi, In me directed and delivered, commanding me to make the sum of four hundred and ninety seven fifty one Inin dredihs dollars judgment, and interest on said amount of Judgment at the rule of ten per cent, per annum, lilt paid, ana tne Him of nihety-eighl sixty one him dredths dollars costs and aceruin. costs of said order out of the properly hereinafter described, to satisfy the aforasnld judgment, wherein M. VV alsli is plain HIT. and A. Skiiikle defendant, to wit; Commencing on the Plaza In the village ot llidwell. County and iJtateaforesiid. at tho North east corner of Tamp * 11 Ida’s tsulooii. mid running in an easterly direction, to the cirnur of the said plaza, sixty feel more or less, l hence inn southerly direction lo the corner on the, sired of Messrs. Hoffman, on which their reservoir is situated, thence in n westerly direction to Ihe line of I,amp & it klii’s Itakery,add thence ina southerly di rection to Ihe end ot the space dug out and formerly used n ten pin Aiiev including the space D ing be tween I,amp k 11 Ida’s l-ot and Ihe Reservoir of Messrs Hoffman & Co., together with the Itilliurd Sa 11m>ii, pUumUhl on ►aid premises, which I will jmml ut Pnhhc Hhlc ul Ihn r ?ourt llom«(1oor In Bblwoll, conn ty and Suite aforesaid, on the 4ih day of August, A lV is. Vi. ut * o’clock P M.. to the highest bidder for cash. Dated this 12th day of July, A D. p l it KKU. Sheriff Unite County. SHERIFFS SALE HV VIRTUE ok A DECRETAL ORDER, issued mil of 1 1: (i Ninth Judicial District Court in and for ibi‘ county of Unite. and Mute of California. to me directed mid delivered, commandim? nie to make the mi in of two hundred mid forty four dollars ami filly cell's, debt, with legal interest thereon, and the lor tlier sum of thirty-one dollars and ft ty cents costs, together with the rosts of said fftder accruing out of the properly hereinafter described, to satisfy the afore said judgment, wherein IVM. I*s• SHEKK'EED is IMuiniiff und JACOB H. MORRIS is the Defendant, to wit: The Metropolitan Theatre, situated in the town of Oroville, county of Butte nnd flat* of Cublornia. located on the corner of 11 untoon and Bird streets, (routing thirtv-nine (38) feet on llunioon street and eighty .HD) feet on said Bird street, which I will sell at public sale, at the Court House door, in Itidweli. countv and State aforesaid,on IheTVV K.N flf, 111 I>A \ of AI'OUST. A. D. IBW,'between the hours prescribed by law, to the highest bidder, for cash. p, CHEER. Sheriff. Butte county. Dated, this #iih dev of July. A. D. IH.Vi. iv to-w 4 NOTICE aS hereby given that I, Mary Bradley, wife of James llradlev of the count* of Butte, and Mato of Unit tom in do hereby declare fhnH intend from und alter this dale to carry on business In my own name and on my own account in said county of Butte afouesaid that the nature of said husineeb is Ranching, Ruling Stock and Poultry, Dairy business. Mining and Hotel keepi >g. aWo Inlying and selling Liquors at wholesale and retail, and that I will he individually responsible in my own name for all debts contracted by me on ac count of my said business, and I further declare that lh»* amount of capital invested In said buidneM does not exceed the sum of ftve thousand dollars. In witness whereof 1 have hereunto set my hand „„J ...1 iiii.nib I.J State of California, | County of Butte i (in this I'lh dav of July A. T). 18 .fi. personally appeared before me, o Justice of the Peace in and f>r the coattty aforesaid, the above named Mary Bradley, known to me to be the person described in and who signed the foregoing declaration, who acknowledged to me that she signed the same freely and voluntarily,and for the uses and purposes there in mentioned. JOHN JONEH, J. P. jylrt Sw Butte Co f si. INSOLVENCY NOTICE. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, I County Court— ■ Cotntv or Burnt. $ At Chambers In the waiter ol Janus* 11 Drake, an luiolvenl 1 1)1 \'pURSU ANCE of an order made In the County OourlbylheHt.u. Joseph K. N. Lewis. County Judge, at Chambers, on Hie :«Uh .lay of June, A. D jHnij Notice is hereby given to the oreditors of Un said petitioner in Insolvency. James H. Drake,le ap near before the Him J.E.N. Lewis, County Judge on the third day of the Augaust term of the < oimiy Court, A D. IHatJ, to wit: On the 6lh day of August ensuing at Bldwell, U. show cause if any there be. whv the prayer of said petitioner should not he gran ted’ and an assignmanlof his estate be made, and he be discharged Irom his debts a* an Insolvent Debtor Wane** my hand and the seal of said Count) 8. Court affixed, this, 30lh day of June, A U lbj6, at BldWlil. M ,. KSr ., iA p|sj < County Clerk. 35 <w By M 11. Darkxch. Deputy. notice A LI, PERSONS holding or claiming Liens, under ll.e provision* of “An Act for securing Liens of Mechanics and olhera, ap|>roved April -J7th. 185.•». on ihe property known a* Horace. Brewster a nwll'uc house, situated near the Bluff, on Montgomery street, in the town of Oroville, county ot Bmto mid slate oi California. the same being the present res,deuce o staid Brewster and family, are hereby notified to be and appear in the District Court of said County end Stale, on Monday, the Vlath day of August, 1 Sod. and exhibit COUNTY TREASURER’S OFFICE, ) Hiowili-, July IS.h. \Sj6. I '’V r oTtCF. is hereby givne, that all persons holding Butte < ounty Warrants payable from the gene r il fund, registered between February l«Ui, and Mav 7ili. 1856, that the samo will be redeemed on ptesentalion. at my office. And notice is further Uiven that from and alter thit dale, said warrants will ceaee to bear iu.«r^.. M iAM l^ tti>joke Treasurer of Butte County# %’OTICE s hereby given that'the uuilersigncd 3 will ;ipply to the Bo ml of Supervisor* for Butte • ounty in‘he Slate <«f California, at their next ses sion to be held at B,dwell, in said county, fcjr a lioeue* to run a ferry serosa the middle fork feolher K r, at the Junction of ts* vVill* June 14 i£j*. jtVLVWrJtttPt BAVAOI LEGAL NOTICES. DISSOLUTION HHIfE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing be* i. Itrown &, Hunt. i* this day <ti—..l r. tl In mutual consent. H. It. Hunt will pay nil debts slsnd hi* mini list the Ann and is •ulhnriii-1 m .'oll.-ct nil debu due Mil 1 Cnn. <' J - S ’ If p. 11. W ,II contiimp the hn*ine#« nt the lUNK F.Xt'll IVOR. nmt will In; happy to see his old friends mid tlie public Kcncrally. Price rwhicedl to *uit the times i" "• m V; , Oruville, July 23, IRKS J>S4-lf NOTICE: THR PTOCKHf U.lll'.US of the Ponlh Feather Water t’ompanv are hereby notlfleil, that the Trustees of said Compauy have levied nil as-essmenl of twenty dollars upon each share of sock held In Ih-ni. mid that the same Is payable at the Company's ..'ll e Forbesiown, on ■ r before the 2 th day ol An nual A 1» IrtVi. (ty order of the Hoard, WAT.KEN MASUN, Secretary. July 19, 185 G. jv2l-w4 Dissolution of Co-part not spip. ,|S|,K CO-PARTNERSHIP herleofore exisline in I the Town of Orville, under the firm find siyle of o I) Jones & Co. in the Ale nnd Liquor bind mss is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Said business will hereafter lie conducted under the name and firm of LIGHT 4: MAUCiIELI/*. jtqyjjj.q 11. LIGHT. Croville. July 23, 1M&. t v ‘ 2Vlm MISCELLANEOUS. HOWARD MEDICAL INSTITUTE. 118 Sacramento street, next to the Pacific Mail S S. Co.'s Office over Wines & Co.’s Express Office. SAN FRANCISCO. ROOM 3. NUMBERS 1,2 AND 3. THIS INSTITUTION is founded for the cure of Syphilitic Hint Scrofulous complaints, aml ah affect ions of iho Genital Organs of whatever nature Instituted for the express purpose of tr.-n'imr private maladies at the instance of many medical gentlemen who have seen with pain the impositions practiced heretofore upon those who have been the victims of lying advertisements, those connected with it are to pursue to a certain extent lid* means of introducing it to public notice • Those applying for advice wilt find constantly in attendance medlcfll ability of undisputed skill in thi class of complaints, and id he dealt wi hin the most honorable and straight-forward mannet. For the purpose of seen mis? privacy to the most delicate, several apartments are so arranged that pa taints will he brought in contact with none, but the Office Physician. . Those applying to this Institute will the charges reasonable, niid the treatment supirior Ladies and gentlemen who desire In become patients without £jilliiigr hi roomH of the Institute** c«in bo altcudcd m their residences. Communicution from nil parts of the country will lie attended to with promptness, and medicines sent If desired, by enclosing a fee of ten dollars No efforts will tie spared to make the Howard Medi cal Institute what it purports to he, a philnuthrophic Institute. _ , . . . Consultation in English, French, Spanish nnd tlffice ban'' from 9 A. M.. till OP. M. Address, Howard Medical Institute, 118 Sacramento street, S 7!mreThy C "ician. DR- U. MrCAFITIEY H 74011 SALE by the <’ase or Package quantities to suit. Long lull paper. *<egal cop Letter Paper. Ink Broad bill paper. Fools cup. Note paper. Pen oils. Blank Kooks, Wafors, &c &c. Noisy Carriers Book k Stationary Co. 87 Battery, & C 4 & 6G Long Wharf. San Fran ci S co €• P. KIMBALL, Pres. NEW ADMINISTRATION: Central House Hotel! 14 miles from Marysville, on the Opliir, Ridwsll Bar nml Feather river Roads. JOHN LOW 11Y, Proprietor. tl TAKK PLEASURE in informing my friends mid the traveling community, that I am now ready to receive and accommodate them. The BAR will he furnished with choice Liquors, my TA BLE supplied with the varieties of tho season, ra* BEDS clean and comfortable, nml my BARNS with good stalls and feed lor horses, lu fact everv exertion will ho used on my part to obtain and secure the pub lic favor-—and no public house in 0 difornia shall ex ceed me In courtesy and attention to every one that mav wish me. "•» P | ’° Y' liul'e County. July 18, 1856. jy l **' l ' EXPRESS AND STAGE LINES. EVERTS, DAVIS & i u.'S EXPRESS OFFICE ROWE’S BUILDING. D STREET, WEST SIDE, MARYSVILLE. A DAILY EXPRESS will be dispatched from our Office iu Marysville, to Rabbit Creek. Gib sonville. Forbestown, Columbus Mouse, Lexington House, Warren Mill. Hopkinsville, Nelson Creek. Pieir Man’s Creek. Hopkins Creek, Onion \ alley. Richmond Mill. Stringlown, Enterprise, Wyandotte. I .one Bar, taring Valley. Scales' Diggings t>j. Louts. BidwelPs Bar, Munsonville, Pine Grove, (.handler ville, Spanish Flat, Independence Bar. American Valley, Elizabethtown, Spani-h Ranch, Meadow Val ley, City of ’7l*. Jamison Creek. Canan Creek. Mrovllle. Thompson’s Elat, Oregon Gulch Barnard's Diggings, llarrisims*Diggiutr*, and Poverty Mill. Our TREASURE EXPRESS will always be accom panied bv faithful Messengers. S~iT Collections. Orders, Jtc, attended to with promptness and fidelity. RVERTg ])AVIR * co . New Arrftngemen—For \ rcka ON AND AFTER JULY 2d 1856. the California Stage Company's Coaches will leave their office Murray’s Western Mouse, Marysville, every day at 2 o'clock P M- for Yreka. via Hamilton, Neai s Ranch. I'hict* Tehama, Red BlutJs. Cottonwood. Smith’s Ranch. Hay’s Ranch, and McOoraber's Mills, cross, ing Hitt river at Lockhart's Ferry. Crandall a Ranch, rhoinas’ Fiat. Tucker Town. Junction House. Back Hone House. Soda Springs Yreka Mills. Sheep Rock. Stephen's Ranch ana OKI ham s am riu.’ in Yreka on the second day at 3 o'clock, P. M. returning. Will leave their office in Yreka at 5 o’clock every nomine, connecting «» Marysville with the (Vmpa iv’s coaches f «rSacramento, which arrive in lime for he San Francisco boat! askings through Uip from Ifreka to San Francisco in THREE DAYfI GK ) r. THOMAS General Sup t Col Rings Co. July Xf, Ur 141 MvysvUls. M ’ VII. L U ADV EUTIS EM E NTS. N i: \V CIG A R AN n TOBACCO STORE WMt 1) rtreet, opposite t lit* the 11 nun (louse m . ju ys nr. i. r: , fv( Wm. E»lxnr3s-cy tfc Co., Rkhp ivn n.i.v anvin'E td tiik rrn- Ml' and THE T'tvDE. lln' they have run <tnnily on hand, find lor **;•!»*, Hi ih** lowi*nt inurkt* WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, \ largs and i*.in fully eoltcird slock of Cigars, of tin* Choicest Brands, At \v#*ll ut tho«o if a cheaper rutility : also M KRV DKSIKAHI.K HU AM> nE TOI! AIU'O, and in abort, wlmtevr m:iy be found in uny siiiiilur wtuUitlunt'iii in Cali Torn in. A I.ONT. EXPERIENCE in tlie hmdneaa. *c fed insured will, when connected with STIt A 1(1111 !■ • Ht W Alii) D KALIN 11, enable na to «ive KNTIHK SAI - TION to those who may favor us with their put ronnsre. CVCOrXTKV TRADERS supplied 15 per cent, less than at any other house in the Stale, Mayrysvllle July 16. IHffi., JvDVtf DRUGS! DRUGS! PDGRAM&PnESBDRY Kmiire lilock , jMuryuville. HAVE Received per Clipper Ship, ‘‘S S. Uishop’ it large and well selected invoice of DRUGS, MEDICINES and PER FUMEUY - Which they offer for Pale at the Lowest Market Psices, and to which they incite attention, Turtaric Acid, Ricarbonate of Soda, Straight & Tipor Corks, Pres sed Hops Pressed Sajro, Oil of Sarsaparilla, Ex- Luiuon and Vanilla, tr leUdMLStrawberry, And a varielv of nr™4 w L sllil "‘ l l " 11,8 Mountain I’nule, are now in Store, am! w ill a rive hy quarterly diinments TtWnnul I’hiladelphla. iPUt.HAMk I’UKSIIUBV, Empire Woo WALKER, WILSON &. Co. DEALERS IN - STAPLE AT.TD FANCY DRY GOODS, Clothing. Hoots, l.iulies’ ami UHLUUEN'd SHOES, HOSltilV, .SiC , West shlc I). near 2u»l st Marysville. mmriEE KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND, n full ?» assortment of (lends in their line, and would respectfully solicit u shall* of pulilic patronage, — Partiwuhir uiieminu paid looril, r* irom the country, THOM AS 11. W A LKEU.J JAMES C WILSON, JOHN R. MASON. fob 2-lMt Stoves 3 Stoves! STOMIiS & imo. Dealers in Stoves, and Manufacturers of Tin , Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware, E Street, between Second and Pinza , MARYS Vi LEL , CAL., KEKI’ CONSTANTLY ON HAND, n largo a<aortmenl of Air Tight, mi I Pren ium Cook ing Stoves, together with every voriety of I'm nnJ sheet Iron U tires belonging tnthe trade. Traders, Minor* and Farmers, are respectfully invi ted to give us n cull. N. It. ALL kinds of Copper work made to order. Pumps ami Water Ranis repaired and set, up—Soda Fountains made sod repaired. Particular attention paid to Job Work and metal roofing. Terms Cash. Marysville, March H, S. It It. ii. C A. n D FROM THE WESTERN HOUSE UNDEHSKiNKfI wishes to inform thetrav- I. cling pnlilic and the citizens of Marysville, that after thtA day all business connected with the Motel department will be curried on by the use of TICK ETS, ns follows: MF./.LS * LOUCINC ,50 cla ,71 els . and 81 FAMILY ROOMS $1 50 per day. A ticket for Day Hoard, by the week, will be 810, payable in advance. A Ticket for Day Hoard, with Lodging, by the week, will be Bid, >l5, and $lB, according to selec tion of room. The Proprietor hopes these Reductions will be properly appreciated by the Public. The style ol business as lie lore. 1 lit* addition of u good Math Mouse, Shaving Saloon, with the advantage of the office of the California £u«go Company, with every other convenience for tlie traveler, w ill, I think, in sure to Hie public, all the need till comforts of a home. In connection with the above, the proprietor deems it absolutely necessary to stale distinctly that he cannot, he will not. nor shall not- to any one. male or le* male, give the »r shnrtfst errdit. This is not personal: it is general I have been rather imposed upon lately, and I wish to protect the interests of my creditors, as well a» my own. R. S. MURRAY. Marysville, July 16.1858. Wool, Hides and Tallow WANTED— For which the highes*. market price will be paid. Apply to JOSEPH F. SMITH. Corner of 4th uml E streets. Hide Yard, eastern entrance on Fourth street near the Ilackeyc Mill, Marysville, WEST BRANCH LIME Co BAKER & SATTERFIELD HAVE APPOINTED JABEZ SAWING, Agent for the Sulo of their Lime They are prepared to urnish any quantity of the very best quality of i.lme or Building an 1 other pnrj>ose«. Mr Sawiniialeo Agent for tt.o aara of McDonald’* Lime. Orrtca—At Uaalooa’* Exchange, OeovUle. yUlf Sn nsiiM ss.—V*by is it t ; > f •* wealthy are so much more given tu selfishness tlian those in tl.i- mineV walks < i life*f It’any one is ds| o-* d t I (lo!il t that they are so, let him < a.! to mind how often ho has pi< mne to his own mind nil the good ho v onl 1 do in the world wore he only riei , and the universally certain rebuff* lie was met with when he has venture'! jto speak his dreams aloud • “It yo ’ were to become rich your heart would ! be hardened, and you would do just as other rich people do ” There miri be some solid foundation for so wide spread a sentiment as this. And every agent of a benevolent society knows well that it is not irom tlie more wealthy ot Ids lelluw-inen that lie draws his ch’uf revenue. This brings us once more to our starting-point: • “11/iy is xt that the rich are more close and selfish than the poor ?” It is that, in proportion as one grows “rich and increased in goods,’* he, instead of opening more and more w idely his heart, and more earnestly desiring the prosperity ot others as his own increases, draws in his thoughts and affections, to attend to his own wants and whims, and be coming engrossed in that all-import ant business, the first thing he knows kind feelings and spmpathetie emotions, all the affectionate and hi*- yearnings of Ids heart, have become wrapped, and wound, and twisted with unutterable strength about one poor, mean, pitiful, and un grateful object, and that object is self. —Affuslo Mo- rc. Hewitt, in his work on “Ancient Armor,” speaks of a swo d named Memung, tiiat was furled by \VcU and, arid used by bim in a trial «>t skill with another celebrated weapon maker, named Ami lias. Weland, says Hewitt, “first made a sword w ill l which lie cut a thread of wool lying on the water. lint not contented with this, be re-forged the blade which then cut through a whole ball of Heating wool. Still dissati>lied, ho a train passed it through the fire, and at length produced so keen a weapon that it divided a whole bun dle of wool floating in water. Ami lias, on his part lorged a suit of ar mor so much to his own sastslaction, that, sitting down on a stool he bade Weland try his weapon upon him. Wcland obeyed, and there being no apparent effect, asked Amilias it he felt any particular sensation. Amilias said he felt as though cold water had passed through his biwels, Weland then bade him shike himself, thi doing so, the ellcct was apparent he fell dead in two pieces. “The most solemn of birds” say l4 an ancient proverb, u is an owl; the most solemn of fishes an - oyster; the most solemn of beasts an ass the mos solemn of men, an ass a’so. BIDWEIX ADVERTISEMENTS BIDWELL BOOKSTORE. lIE undersigned would respectfully inform the JL citizens of Hi dwell uud vicinity, that he li is opened a BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. .111.1 will keep consuiiuly on band •"» Rssor men, oi Kooks, Stationery an.) f ancy Article*, of the ni.e-t ami L*;ai quality. amt will do iu lh« receipt or Urn LATEST PUBLICATIONS. as soon us tuned Dibits, School Books, Spiritud, Masonic and Religious Works, Blaro . B/oks, (in srtls or single) Aovtit, Paptr, of all kin ds POR TE-MOA'A IE S, GOLD PEA'S, A A L ROGERS Sf WOSTEA'UOUtS finest cutlery. Which will be soi l at the lowest rates. Latei-t At lanllc Paper- received i>v every steamer, for vale H KEEPER Next door to National Hotel. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT or i n.»ice l.iqu ir*. always on hand, at wholesale nr retail, at ll*e fire proof Islore ofJ i'l.Pil OM' “ SCMMKK CLOtillSU— of every vumty—Juai re. fittiud.iixl lor by JJiCPiI eLUCKAVf, Bid wail | M MIiKK - I