Newspaper Page Text
OROVII ,LE DAILY BUTTE RECORD. VOLUME I. Sailn Ixcrarki fDIUIHID DAILY (HI n n ITS I XCEPTCD) BY GEO, CROSETTfc. X ~iK OrFir*—ln Record Unildinc on Myer* Street, Kiwi Hide, between Montgomery and IWrd, Oroville. Yicr^h—fine V»;ar Per Mull 91.1 mi Six month*. do t* ,M| ; Three month* do 5 mi Velivored hy Carrier, jut Wiwk 50 WEEKLY lItJTTK RECORD. For clrenlallon In tin 1 mining and mrrinitiiind dis trict* of the roomy, will contain the local nnd general now* of the wirlt, interspersed with intare*iim( mi*- cellnneou* rcaAinil matter. It will rdntatn I w et.' v «dirht rolnmn* cil reading matter. nnd will henm ■*! tlio large*! mid i heape«i Weekly New *paper« in uv* Hint*. i’ubliihril event Saturday Ti run—-$3 per Annum; *lx mr.nth*. three monlh*.Sl Anv kmn*i *. per square ol leu Hue* of I* l **. (Irnt InMirtion, 3:1 do Kurd • insertion.- - - • 1 fid rar \ liberal deduction will he made in favor of those who advdVttKe h\ llie year At** 11 uni lies* curd* inserted on reasonable lent!*. JOB PRINTING. \Vr* would solicit the attention of out friend* who ifo In wantol .Ir.h Printing to the fuel 'hat we are pre pared to execute every description of work in onr line in « ulylo Ihnt emmoi tail to give salisfiiclioii. Me 'have recently made new and extensive mlililior.s to *onr assortment-of .loti Materials, and liavo facility f <,r doing ill kind* Nl work at moderate rates and out* ort ■notice. <;t nt nitons Advice. |*Jf Almost everybody want* something—none tire •so fortunate as to he entirely independent, in the strict Tmimiliiif of that h nn—we are all. in o grimier or less degree depended;, on each other. This being an lie dispnlaole fact, we propose to point out a mode by ■which most of yr nr desire may lie irralitliai, viz ; II yon want any kind of laborer*, mechanic*, or clerks; vevitnri*K If yon want ntr. clflcc, a house, a lot, or a farm; 'anvicßTtsK. If yon want to exchange property, or to horrow money; aiivkritMc. If yon want to rent or sell houses, tots, or farms; WIIVKKTISK. If yon want to dispose of yonrhnsmes; advv.rtsk. If you want to rent rooms or offices; siivkhtvsk. If you want any kind of employment; ahviirtisk. Whatever you want have or to dispose of; XtIVKHTISK Annma the marry advertising mediums, we may he {leruiilteil to recommend to ymir favorable consider mtinn the “Or vuiMt Daii.v IteiTt Rk<*>ri>.” which H» read Ity many people ho'h at home and abroad If ♦it niiits von. send tn your favors, and for a fair mm IjrtlnsHlloii. we wiWlntrodnce you to several Indies mid gentlemen, who otherwise, perhaps, would never liuve heard of yo*i. If the ’• Itio ork ’ does not soil your fancy,adviWltse in some other paper at all events aIiVKHTIsr. I These suggestions are merely throw i out for your benefit, and because we believe it to he smr duly to inform yon of cn erylhing which is cacnla- Tisl to enhance your laiorsst. Do yon believe the above Is good avice. We pause for a reply. Ageute lor Ibe Untie ttccord. IIF.NRY KKWf KR, Bldwell. tITIOMAS It' •VC8....07 MiTchanlst. San Francisco. A In S link, 1> street, Marysville. N D. PLUM For bestow n. AVIIITKik CiTIVTKR Oregon City. J K. JACKSON • Dogtownl J.KVI SMITH Thompson's Flat Jilt HK.UTII FUTON Urolhertim’s Store. JAMKS TROUHHTON Wvrindotu*. J. SIIIRWIN Kelson Creek, Plumas Co JUDKINS k CATE American Valley M. PENCE Menilla Valley. The ■•Record’’ can be procured from any ol the above named Agents, who are also am homed to re •celve advertisements and orders lor Job Work BfITTR IIKCOKO JOU PBISTISO ESTABLISHMENT o no v 11.1. n. We are now prejmred will a (food assortment of Pit INTI Nil MATERIALS, to execute every de ception of r'Tv’Ti v" * -TV i v "IK lithe in ist REASON All I. F. TERMS, and in a style nit will not fall to Hivo satisfaction. Mining and jlher companies desiring CKRTICATKS OF STOCK, an have them PRINTED UN SHORT NOTH K Every kind of Job Printing, executed to order ick us DDKS, CIRCULARS, LAW’ PLANKS, AM PH LETS, CARDS, HILLS OF EXCH’tiE ||,l, heads, dkkds, RANK r.HKCKS, A UK La, NOTES, PROURAM M KM, OSIERS, HILLKT3, HILLS OF FARE, r any other description oi Printing that may be do red. Having had many year* practical experience in i.i branch of the business, we are confident of giv ig en ire satisfaction to all who may lavor us with mir of rers. ~, , ~ Person* wishing work done arereepeclfuliy invited i give us a call. SPECIAL NOTICES.* OROVILLE LODGE. No. 103. F. &. A. M.~ MiiUhl .ileeiiiHTi lield on tl>« first ."Hiiiillny iH t-nchmouth, at 1 J I’. M.. m Mmn.iiic llull.tner I’mu's Market. LnirnlieC mi .MJifß street. OWleers— I) A llrown. W M . Unmet Jewett, S tt; llei.rge tV. Kilim J tV; I Hunenlhal Treasurer; I» <i U’lMmnel, See’y; J I Kleiue. S 1>; J Klnni|>er, J, I): A Ho*kins,Ti ler. Itoellireli 111 itnint sllllllllnil. lire to Blit)ml. Butte lodge, N0.35F.&, a. M.- intwts Hi ti»t*ir Unit in HhUi Hohi itiu 11 •*** tluril Am unlay a ul’ eucii inoiiili, ut 7 I’. M. utlloers. Tun’. tV si, La, W M. .1 t\ l.ii ttvmis, A W, A L CutMßKKt.tisi. .1 tv. II Kmtii S c’y. OROVILLE DIViS.ON S. OF T. NO. 234,- fV.iry Siimliiy hvi-imm nt n u jU> W, I ->i, m Muhoiiic Hull. J ll hitil; I* FORDESTOWN LODGE, no. 10 F fit a m Meet* I lie M-emnl •'allinliiy »t entli mi. ii. w. Unit*u. \V M; Nti I’nliiili. AW; l> McKee. J tt; Juliu s tt iitsnti Treasurer: Jehu K 1 lu» ' a». *ec >; ouatklll. s l>; .1 KrliiK. J l»; K I' Sunrk*. I>len BtDWELL LOJne No. * 7 , I, o. O. F. >ll If meei 1.-- iiel.l every I liurwlay evening, nli o'clock nt their Unit. U. lorell. lr.itli. rs H *k» Bto iiUng are re«i>ct l illy mvite.l. .!••»» r» l-t. »k, > UK W U, t ll; 111. vi ilaouit. fiv'i’ v OROVILLE, BUTTE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, ISofi. LG<iAli NOTICKS. Saif. lI>V VIRTT K of authority in rw vested as As> UP td«n«e in the matter of «' A i’liiniTiift vs. In. Creditors, n Petitioner til Insolvency In iln* Honora- Mr r>n-i oiin'y i of Untie (’minty and State ><( Ciitiioriila, and In pursuance nf an ot'i"i rn-i*i>* •> > said iv»nr on the2'ld day of J in*. A I). 1 Aid, |>rov i dmfc for tin* side of tin 1 asset I. in sate cause. I will, expose to public r«l« Ml tin- CnnM House door. In Itldwel!. on Iln- VUh tiny of An/iut. A. f). ISM., nl :l o'clock I* M. to the Mirliest bidder for rash, the fol lowing account nf VV» H. ftaJßiril, for the Mtim of fifty dollar*—9.'Ml INI. Al*<>,the fnllnulnc described Judgment rendered on the 2-llhday nf hinnarv, I. I) IH.Vi in the Iti.lrici Conn. Ninth Judicial lli-lricl in and for ItmleConniy. nod Stale of California, hy default, offaniM. li. li Me I lan tel. for the «nm of three hundred and etiriily •event vix mir-liundredlh* iftW 7l»t dollars. and in t"re»i on mod nrnonnl (tom the lOlh day of Anirist \ l>. I Hal. at the rule of mo per cent, in r month till paid, wherein C A. Il.ancrnil ts plaitfiff. Haled this IZlhday of July-, A 1) IA-'Mi. P. Utl.Klt 4 S'heriff Untie County and Assignee. SHV.IUFCs SAT.K.—Tty Virtue of a decretal ordei lamed out o' the lit-lficl Court, Ninth Judicial lii.tncuih mid for Untie County and Stntr of Cali fornia, in*d< the 12th day of June. A I) IKVMs me i directed and delivered, commanding me to make thv .inn of four hundred and ninety seven fifty one him t dredlhsilldhirs Judgment, and interest on said nmoiini of jndsmt'til at the rate of ten per cent, per annum, till paid, alia Inn nun of nlhi .y-tdttht aixiy one him dredths dollars cost, and accruin'.: costs of said order I out of »hh (ir iperly hereinafter described, to satisfy ! the aforjea'd Judgment. wherein M. Walsh is plain litf. and A. Shlnkle defendant, to wil: Cominein lnr on the Plan In the village <il llidwell. County and Slate aforesaid, al the North east corner of I,amp & 11 Ida's Saloon mid rulin', nr in an easterly direction, to the Co-lter .ifliicsaid plan, sixty feel more or less, '■ thence in 11 southerly direction to the corner on the ; street of Messrs Hoffman. 011 w hich their reservoir Is situated, thence in a westerly direction to the line nf 1 1,1111)11 It 11 ida's Itakery.add thence in a southerly di | rectum tolheend ot the space dnff out and formerly - used 11 Urn pin Alley including the space (linu be tween I,amp !k 11 Ida's tail and the lleservolr of Messrs Hoffman & Co , together with the Hilliard Sa. I loon, shuiiled on said premises, which I will sell at public Sale at tha *!onrt House door in Itldwnll,coun ty and Sinta aforesaid, on the 4lh day of August, A li. 1H >«, at 2 o'clock I* M.. to the highest bidder for cash. Haled this 12th day of July, A l». IH.ifl. fP. I'll UKU. Sheriff Unite County. SHERIFF S SALE HV VIRTIIK OK A DK« RKTAL ORDBB, issued out of the Nmlli Judicial District Court Li ft, nl (or ilit* comity of liiilir, and Stain ot (California, In inn directed uml delivered. commanding mo in make inn Main of two li aad nit and forty four dull am and (Illy (•.■nits debu'wilh legal Interest Un man, and tin. tnr (her mini of thirty-ana dollars ami fl'ly cents coals. n,oat tier with Ilia costs of wild Order accruing out of Ilia properly liarainaUardescribed, lasatisfy the afore said judgment. wherein IVM. K SIIKIF KI'.U is Plaintiff and JACOB S. MOKKIS Is the Defendant, to wit: The, Metropolitan Theatre, situated in the lawn of Oroville, county of Untie and State of Calilornia. located oil the corner of llunloon and Bird streets, (renting Ihlrty-nine trill) feet on 11 unloon street and eiifhly (SO) feet on said Bird street, which I will sell at public sale, at the Court House door, in BidweM, count v mid Stale aforesaid, on the T\\ F.N Ilf. 11l HA' of AIJUIIST. A. I» 185t>, l»et ween the hours prescribed ty law, to the highest ladder, for cash. I*. PURER. Sheriff. Butte county. Via led. this Hath day of July, A. I>. IHfttl. Jy3o-w4 NOTICE. ___ IS hereby given that I. Mary Bradley.wife of James Brad let id’ the count* of Butte, and Stale of Cali fornia. do hereby declare that I intend from and alter this date to carry on business in my own name and on my own account in said county ol Butte aloiiesaid that tin. nature of said business is Ranching. Rii'slng Stock and Poultry, Dairy business. Mining and Hotel keepi ig. also l.nylug and selling Manors at wholesale and retail, and that I will lie Individually responsible in my own name for all debts contracted by me nn ac count of my said business, and I further declare that the amount of capital invested in said business does not exc.ssl the sum of live thousand dollars. lit witness whereof 1 have hereunto set my hand and seal this 17th day of July A D. ISMi MARY BRADLL> , Slate of Cali font la, J County of Butte > on this nth thivof July A. D ISMt. personally appeared before me. a Justice of the Peace in and f, r die county aforesaid, the above named Mary Bradley known to me to lie the person described in and who signed the foregoing declaration, who acknowledged to me that she signed the same freely and voluntarily, and for the uses anil purposes there in mentioned. JOHN JONLH, J. P jylsl-jw Butte Co Cal. INSOLVENCY NOTICE. ST \TK OK CAM Ft MIMA, t County Court— ‘ Ciitsty or Hi ttic. < At Cliambe-s In the matter of Jnines II Drake, an Insolvent Debtor I , . . ~ , IN I’lTliSC ANCK of an order mnde In the ( oiinly Court by the lion. Joseph K. N. Lewis. County Judge. at Chmnliers. on (be Jtlth day ol June, A. D. IS,,i,—Notice is hereby given to Ibo oredilors of tin said petitioner .n Insolvency, James H. Drake, to ap. ■tenr la-lore the IIou.J.E.N. 1-ewU, Vownly Judge on the third day of the Augaust term of the County Court, A I). ISjfi, to wit: On the 81 h day of August ensuing ul lildwell, to vhow cause if any there In-, w bv the prayer ol said petitioner should not be gran ted. and an asMunni.ini of bis estate be made, and he be discharged Iroin bis debts as an Insolvent Debtor. Witness ni> band and ibe seal of said ( omit) In S. CounuttlxeU, ibis, '.luth day of June, A D Ibib, ul Uidwell. _ . Ml -E8 CLAIMS, County ( b-rk r>4w ~ a Hy M. II- I»*nRA( li.Deputy, notice I \j J ( J PKUSONS holding or claiming under lbe provisions ol -An Act for securing Mens of 1 . ... A„r tWij.' on |||T- ll|W» loivot-- .... ' r Mechanics and others, approved April -.ih, the property known ns Horace llrewster s itw.lliug holts.- situated near Ibe Bluff, on Montgomery street in the town of OrovilTe. county of Untie and slate ol California, the same being the present residence o said llrewster and family are hereby nolitled to be and appear in tin- l»isirn-l Court nl on id < ouniy -u-I . .lit . im .Monday, the tiMb day of August, D*s«. and exhibit Mil ill'tliunT, mi • - is then and there the proofs of their said Lans. CALKINS & Sl’hl-MAN. |y 111 wtt COUNTV TRF.ASFRF.K'S OFFICE, > lIIOWKI.L, July IMlh. IS.ili. \ is hereby givne, that all persons holding Unite County Warrants payable from Ibe gem rat fund, reuisl-red between February D lh, |s.,o, and Mav Ith. 1 KMi, that the same will t«- redeemed ptes.-i.lation. at my office. And notice is birth, r given, thill fn-ITI amt niter this date,said warrants Will ce ise to bear interest WILLI AM I. XTTI'D >UE. Trvii-nr* r of llu'tu Ooun*y» NOTICE s hereby given that the undersigned VVI.I apply to tin- Hoard of Suje-rvisors for Unite a* ■a..l . 1 . .... .1 .. ..I I li.or i.oyl hl-N. iuinly. In ili.- 'iale of California, at their next ses , id r.l lU»!we,| in said county, for »liceiii-s . ■ ibe uiidibe Cork Leather K' ,-n r, I. N Wtli FMflt Of said fiv. r. J. .11 ... SAVAGE LEGAL NOTICES. ADMINISTRATORS SALE IN tMtll-C\NCK OF AN ORDER OKTHK HON <>rah|e Probatel«'urt. in and f< r Unite county, di r.Tlimr the sa'e of rertnln real estan belonging to (tit* e«|ale »»( iti'ic t‘ I’. Carllon liilc of Unlit* C'Minly, de reased 1 «|ill expose tor .ale. hi public aurlioii, to the highest Milder, oil th« :i"th liny of AngUsl. A || IKV>. lit 'J o'clock. I*. M.. in front of the Orl"im« Hotel. In i trot ill**, the followinif de« ribed premise*. silua'e In Untie county Suite i.l California, to wit: Commeu- Hint on Hie smith west boundary of Tallinn)'. Hunch, mow Oroville) forty rods Imm the hunk of Feather ncvf. nod running thence along said lamiidary Inn southerly direction one hundred nnd .ixiy (IfiOi rods to n "Kike ; Ihence ill H westerly direction one hun dred nnd sixty (1B0) rmle; thence In a northerly direct ion one hut tred nnd misty (Idd) rod.*, thence in nn easterly direction one hundred nnd sixty (Ifitii rods to the phice id beginning. The nhove descrilied premi •c being the mime upon which the wild i.eorge p (' irl'on lived and ciiiimed |Hw«e«sion. during several year. InTore, and at the time of his decease. The terms of sale made known at the lime of sale 11. MhIIAUT. Public Administrator. August nth I Soil. fang>w4] Untie county, DECLARATORY NOTICE HVTOTirK IS IM'.RF.UY HIVKN—That I. Catharine IN M , Cohn, wile of Lewis Cohn, of tho county of Untie and Stale of California, do hereby declare, ihal I intend, from and after this date, to carry on limine., in inv own name nnd on my own nccounl- in .aid coindy of Unite, that in turn of said bun)nets is k'-ep iny a whole.ale nml retail Cigar Store, and also gentle men'. Furnishing Hoods, and that I will he individu ally responsible in my own name, for all debts con tracted by me on account of my said business, and I further declare, that the amount of capital invested in said business, does not exceed the sum of live thousand dollars In testimony whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this the llth day of August, A. l>.;. CATIIAUINK COHN, j sk.*i.. | BTATK OF CALIFORNIA, » gg County or Butt*. J ON THIS, the llth day of August, A. I). IfWU, per sonally appeared before me. a Justice of the Peace in nnd for the county aforesaid, the above nam ed Catharine M Cohn, proven lo me to he tin* person described ie, and executed the foregoing instrument, who acknowledged to me that she executed the same, f.-eely and voluntarily, and for the uses and purpose* therein mentioned. JtillN JONKA. Justice of the Peace, Unite county. Cal. Oroville, August 11. I»'»i nuot i-tf DISSOLUTION Till'. CO-PA RTNEIUHIP heretofore existing be* Iweim Brown it Until. ii» lliis day dissolved liy tniilunl consent. 11. It. 11 mil will pay nil debts sinnil liiif nßnlnsl the Arm and Is injllmriw-d to rolled nil debts dun said Unit. < : -J- H It«»W N, II It HUNT. II It. 11. will continue the business at the HANK EXCHANGE. mill will lie happy In see his ohli lends ninl ihe public Renerally. Price reduced to sultlhe limes . n,.HUNT. • •rovlllH, July 23, isr,« __ NOTICE fBAIII'. STOCKHOLDERS of Ihe South Feather I Water Company urn hereby notified, that Ihe Trustees of said Company have levied an assessment of twenty dollars upon each share of s’oek held by them, and that the same is payable at the Company'll oil) ■•e, Forbeslown, on ■ r before the Kith day of An- Bust, A. I> IHAfI. Ily order of the Hoard, .1 WARREN MASON, Secretary, July 19. IHoli. jv'Jl• w 4 Dissolution or Co-partnerspip. rMAIIf. (X)»P A KTN K H Sllll’ herleofore exlsllnu in I the Town of Oroville, under the Ann and style ol I). 1). Jones h. (>i, in the Ale and Liquor busi ness, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Haul business will hereafter be conducted under the name and Arm of LIGHT k MAUCIIKLLS, I). I) JONES, 11. LIGHT. Oroville. July CT, ISSO. jr^-lm FERRY NOTICE NvfOTH.’E is hereby Riven that the undersigned irl will apply to the Hoard of Supervisors in mid lor Unite County,at their next regular in fora License to run n Ferry across the Middle Fork of Feather Kiver, a few rods above the junction of the North Fork of said river. SYLVESTER P. SAVAGE. Hid well’s Par. Butte Co. alllt MISCELLANEOUS. HOWARD MEDICAL INSTITUTE 11H Sacramento street, next to the PaciAc Mail S S. Co.’s Office over Wines & Co.’s Express Office. SAN FRANCISCO. UCOMS, NUMBERS 1, 2 AND 3, rjTllls INSTITI TI<»N I* founded for Hie cure gyphylillc and Scrofulous coin pin ill I ft, and a I affections <>f ihe (Jenilitl Organs of whatever nature Inslilnltsl for Din express purpose of treating prltali mulmlies at Ihe inslanceof ninny medical genllenn i who have seen with pain Ihe iinposilhms practice! heretofore upon those who have been the victimso lying adveriiscineiils. those connected with it are to pnrs’ie to a certain extent this means of introducing it to public notice. Those applying for advice will find constantly in attendance inediclll ability of undisputed skill in this class of complaints, and - id tie dealt whh in the most hoiroruble and straighldorwnrd manner, Korthe purpose of securing privacy to tlie most delicate, several apartments are so arranged Hint pa- Inputs will be brought in contact with none, but the Office Physician. ... , . Those applying to this Institute will the charges reasonable, and the treat meiil sup trior l.iulies and gentlemen who desire to become patients without culling itl Irooms of Iht* ln*liluU*, can ihj hUoiuuu m ilwir # , ... Communication from all parts of Ihe country will lie attended to with promptness, and medicines sent if desired, hv enclosing a fee of tell dollars. No efforts w ill bo spared to make Ihe Howard Medi cal Institute what it purports to he, a philantlirophic Institute. . Consultation In I'ngliah, French, Spanish and ° Offic«"ho«'s from 0 A. M.. fill f» P. M. Address. Howard Medical Institute, lid Sacramento street. San Francisco. .... 11 nice physician, DR. R. MrCAFFKEY. NEW ADMINISTRATION: Central House Hotel! 14 miles from Marysville, on the Ophir, Uldwoll Bar and Feather river Roads. JOHN LOWRY, Proprietor. 1 XAKK PI.KAPURK in informing my friends 1 and the traveling community that I »m now L ;:P ready to receive and accommodate them. The liTTt will lie furnished with . tmice l.npiors. my TA III.K supplied with ihe varieties of tho season, my HFI)' clean mid comfortable, and my BARNS wiih good stalls ami feed tor horses. In fact everv exertion will be used on mv part to obtain and sir,ore the pub He favor—and no public house in California shall ex ceed me in courtesy and attention to every one that may visit me. , L Butte County, July 1®» M’VILLE AI)V KKTISEM EN FS. NEW CIO All AND TOBACCO STORE. \Vi-l ride It tlreel oppo.ite the 111* 1 Maun Ilotiwi Mji k vs i 11. 1.1:. c. 11.. Wm. SlinrlLry dt? Co., ■ 9 Fsprcrm.i v awh’vi; t>tum rrn. Uf and TIIC TK.AMK, lln I ttev tin*.- con r»t:imJy mi hand, ami l >r rale, at the lower! market pricer, at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, A law and carefully relucted rtock of Cigar*, of the Clioimt l{iiiiiils A* wi ll n« ihom> of a cheaper emililv ; also KVKUV DKSIR Mil.F, It It AN I» Ml’ T 1 >lt At VO, mid in short, whalevr may be found In tiny similar ertuldishment in California. A I.t»NC KXPI’UIKNrn in the hu*lne««. we fool nssiirod will, when connected with HTK A 111 lITKt Ut- WARD DKAI.INC. enable ns to itive KNTIRKSAT ISFAt’TION to those who may favor in with their pat rnnnse. TRAOKRS siipidied 15 per cent, less than nl any other house in the Stale, Mayryaville July Id, IH.'C.. jylMf DRUGS! DRUGS! PEGRAM&PRESBURY Empire Block, Marysville. HAVK Received per Clipper Ship, “S S. llishop’ a larKe amt well selected invoice of DRUGS, MEDICINES and PER FUMERY Which they offer fir Sale at the l.owe*t Market Prices, and to which they incite attention, Tartaric Acitl, Uiearbonato of Soda, Straight &, Taper Corks. Pres sed Hops Pressed S:'g >, Oil of Sarsaparilla, Ex- o Lemon arnl V r nn 11a, tracts of Strawberry, And n variety of ankle* nulled lo Hie Mountain Trade, are now in Store, mid will a rive by quarterly rliipinent* front New York and Philadelphia. Pf.tili AM V Pltl’Slil KV, • Apotheenrier k Itruiprlslr, Empire ftloct(. M'ville WALKER, WILSON & Co. DKALKUS IN STAPLE AND SANCT DRY GOODS, Clothing, Hoots, Ladies’ and CIIII.DKKN S SHOES. HOSIKiIV, ,tC , West side I). st near 2nd st Marysville. KEEP CONSTANTLY t»N ll,\N f», it full ▼ ▼ assortment of (foods hi their line, mill would respectfully solicit n share of public palronuje Particular attention paid to orders from the country.j THOMAS 15. WALKKH.j JAMES L. WILSON,* JOHN 11. MASON. fch 2-M-M A C A H. 33 MhlM THE WESTERN HOUSE 111; I’MiKKSKiM l> wi-lo s i (• no the Irav ■ elintf public mill the cif/-'ie 1 oysville, |lint lifter this day nil businr-s conn. w.lh the Motel ■lepiirliii. til wdl be curried on by b ii.mii Tit K i;i S. n» follows: Ml /I S * *•'» l.i MIMIN'; . r.o els, cm , iiiml SI FAMILY U'tMMS Si .Ml per day. A ticket lor Itav hoard, bj tin week, will be $1(1, pay utile in advance. A Ticket for Hay Hoard, with l.ndirltur, by the week, will he «t:t, >l.i. and sis, a. „ording to selec tion of room The Proprietor hoju‘s Ihe-e Iti-duclions will be properly appreciated by the Public. I lie style ol business us before. The addition of a itond Hath House, Shaving Saloon, with ttie advanlaife ol the office of the M.difotuni Mage Company, with every oilier convenienec for Ibe traveler, will, I think. In sure to the public, all Ibe needful comforts o| a home. In connection w iili the above,the proprietor deems it absolutely nccc-'ary to stale distinctly that he cannot, lie will not. nor stui.l. not. to any one. male nr le male, (jive 111 shgh:f*l nr shin esl rirtht, Hus is tint personal: it is general I have been caitier impose . upon lately, and I w ish to protect the in.crest* ol my creditors, as well us my own. U. rf. MURRAY. Marysville, July 111. IHafi.J Wool, Hides and Tallow WAN I LD—l or which the highest market price will bo paid. Apply to JOSEPH F. HMITH. Corner of 4th ttnd £ streets. Hide Yard, eastern entrance on Fourth street near the Buckeye Mill. Marysville, MISCELLANEOUS. WHITE & NUTTER, DEALER* IN groceries provisions LIQUORS, &C., &.C. UNDEKtMdNKU, in calling thn attention of | i(„. public to their slock of I’runo lohmU, would •imh l lk«*nireiv**« of this op|K>rtimliy to rt llnniks or the very generous pat rouge I hey have received tin rui( / tl.o number of years ihey have Oeen engi-god in i.uxinees hi this place , and determined U. merit 11 col,- imlMlico of the mini.-in future, otter at the lowest rai«« a large and well selected raaorMnenl ol «.r k. rn-x ,„d!*, Liquor* ol » superior quality, I*re- Mrv.-d I rmlx. Miner*’ supplier, Hardware, tr.x k. r> out <• la**warn Ac. Ae Particular intention paid lo u , nil,l,a mid delivering miners’orders Iroinudne tancf. The highest price paid for (.'old l)nst_ U c shall ul-xo run a daily Letter and 1 uckago Ex press, between Ihldp.ace KITTF^ Oregon City, July IPMI. ■ AUU BALK the <’asc or Package in r quantities to suit. (.one (ill) piper. Lepnl cop Letter I nper. Ink Uroiol bill paper, Fools cap. Note paper, I eu oils, Blank Hooks, Wafers, &c &c. Noit*.\ Carriers liook & Stationary Co. *7 Battery, & 04 & 00 Long W harf, San Frac cigco • C- I’. KIMBALL, Pres. Mi>C'f‘llanv* Freni Hie fiatctli • T ll it i K Pf.k«ons Poiso>tn in * Sr i <;icai. < )i»r:it *TioM--! t h mir duty t<> record mu- of thi* nin<l »»;nl, :tn<l at the Maim* time singular oeeurn in- - th it has ever come within the sphere of i nr iiliM i'i iti 'li. which h.i- all i nay r* sn ted iii tlit‘ •!<’ * 1 •• of two of tin* par ties ronco' Him]) nml lilt illy mjuied oiii.* ..ther that li s ht> - is despaired 01. I'tie ein iuii'taiit’os are these J Dr. .John Potter, residing at Pratt-hurg, Steuben Co., brother of Dr. Hazard Potter of tins vilhig**, well known an one of the most skilful surgeons in this State, was call' d upon to dross n man’s arm which had been mutilated in the cog-wheels of some machinery. lie made every effort to save the arm from amputation, and in this, at the sacrifice of his own lif*, lie has probably suc ece.ded. The am: h iving maturated, tie called on It’S brother, Hazard Pot ter, of this ullage, to assist in opening it. During the operation he by some accident cut himself slightly, and al lowed so oo of the virus from the arm of his patient to mingle with the blood. This in a few daya so poisoned his entire system that no earthly power could save him. He died on hriday last- While attending his funeral, his brother Hazard, who had a slight scratch on his hand at flic time of per forming the operation, and who had a'so become poisoned by the viiua, felt an itching about his fingers, which proved to he the workings of the poi son, and although attend'd by all the physic ians in Geneva his life is des paired of. Another man who assisted in dressing the arm was poisoned, hut we have not been informed of his situ ation at the time of writing P. S. Since writing tin; above, we have been informed that the man who helped to dress the arm is dead. Almost as 15ai> as California. — Articles of provisions in some of the extreme Western State are almost up to ’49 prices in California. A cor respondent writing to a Chicago paper from Superior city, says : “Wo are in a state of painful suspense, for we have reached, in regard to provisions, almost California prices, and upprehens -ions are entertained that there may he not a little suffering before relief c.m ho obtained. Floor, is sllO per barrel ; beans, $ r > per bushel; eggs, 7‘>c per dozen, and even at these pric es 1 cannot he ohtainec ; our warehouse es are exhausted. Fashion is the race of the rich to get away from tlie poor, who follow as fast as they can. EXPRESS AM) STACIE LINES. EVERTS, DAVIS & CO.’S EXPRESS OFFICE HOWE'S Ill'll,DlNG. I) STREET, WEST SIDE. MARYSVILLE. APAII.Y EACH ESS w ill be dispatched from our office In Marysville, to Rapbit Creek. Glb sonville. Eorbeslown, Columbus House, Lexington House, Warren Hill, Hopkinsville, Nelson Creek, [W Miiu'ii Creek, Hopkins Creek, Onion Valley, Riclimoml Hill. Sirlngtown, Enterprise, Wyandotte, lamg liar. Spring Valle), scales’ lugging-, Si. i.ouls, indwell's Hur, llunaouville, I’ine Grove, Chandler vid,. Spnnisli Elat, Intlepeinlence liar, American Valiev, l.lizabelhlown, Spaiii-h Hnncti, Meadow Val ley CUV ol ’7O, Jamison Creek. Canan Creek. Orovllle, Thomp-on's Elat. Oregon liulcli llaniurd’s Diggings. Harrisons Pigging*, and I’overly Hill. Our TUEAsCRE EXPRESS will always he accom panied by fuilhlul Messengers t jT” Colli eliun*. Orders, lie., attended to wllh promp-mssmid I)AV18 t CO. Nc*w Arrangemen—For Yreka ON AND AKTKIt JEI.V 2d I 85«. the California •singe Con puny’sCoaches will leave llieir office. Murray's W astern Hon. , Marysville, every day at 2 o'clock E M. for Vn k i via Hamilton. Neal a Uanch, Chico ’ Teliaina, hid lllnfls. Coilol.wood. smith's ItHiKh. Hay’s llancb. and McComh. r's Mills, crow*, leg |>jii river at l.mfcharl’s Eerr>, Crandall’s Ranch, End Tucker Town Junction Ilmiße, back House S'"'- .springs Vrckii Mill* Sbe*-pHock, >l l as I a buttes, Meplien'a Itancli and oiilliinn s, arri ving in Ynku on the second day at .'i o’clock, V . M. II ETUII N IN (J. Will leavt lheir office in Yn-ka at ft o’clock every roiiig. connecting at Marysville with the Comp*- ay’s coaches forSacnniieMlo, which arrive in lime for ,p„ v HI , in, 1.0. n, m king » through trip from V reka to Sbii Enmclsco in THREE PA\H. CEO E THOMAS to neral Sup’l Cal Stage Co. July If Ijy lb) a. Marysville. S. MAIL LINE! ON and after Tuesday. March ISih. is fi 'be 1 aJ( fornin Stage ' omp ny’s* osebes will !• nve their .nice W e-l. rn House, 8 ; r)sville. ev< i) morning at ,a for “in ramen'o, and arrives in lime lor the he Pan Francisco Eoats. . _ 1.1,11 |.M,\i. Vi o. .dive the r office Or ewni H* • 1 Sacroinenfo.for Marysville, at iheo me hour. HEO F. THOM As, fcupemitendanl, March 17th, lv.o MuryiviU*. MMIiKK :w.