Newspaper Page Text
OROYILLE DAILY BUTTE RECORD. VOI.HMK I. (Dmiullt Daili) Unite Uetorl). D A 11* V (nl'Nlmyh KVM'I’Mi) hy GEO. IT OROBETTB. C } r fulvr*l Huildlfuf on My»»m Kit* I »ldo, hrlwooti Moulin*>tiic*r> an.l Uinl, Hrovilk*. T«wm« -One V» iir l'i»r Mali sjr> ih» months. do h on Thivo month* do , r » on A>olivnr**d hy (tarrtor, jmt Wnnk . .. , ,»o wekklv hi ri !•: ii!«;( <>nd. For <Tn-»ihlioii In the ininUo/ mot n'/rh n!'«»r d dl* trUV y of llm inn ml). will» mil! n (l»«< l< >• 1 1 mid s/aimml li«*w* of llw \\ rU, i.. .| with lntnr«*nli,i ' mi*- i »*lliin«‘" , H ro idin/ unitor. I? -nil r. nt ■ n ivo nt*. (*li/hi column* of rending ttiiill r. ■ril • ■ 111 .• • • Iho Miid iT)i’u|»t -I Ni*\ -pupor* ill the H ih*. riihhuhcd v» r> H d'lrd iy* Inin- j r’, *i\ moot Ip*, >•, i; m m moo! h« *1 Ai" Kit l -. i» fc. x i tt. |M*r t «** of U n 1111 «* or h"*« flr U insertion, ••«... $ i imi H: ti *nh*»*(jnoiif - - I f »n £ >' r “ A IHn rif i|m- I * i**i ion w ill ho mud'' infnv..rof lh who ndvi-rt i*>m i»y i)»• - \#*ur /; 4~ i iliinriM rind* in rh*d o»i o nonuMi*leriiii. JOLJ PRINTING. W would l!i.' I nnr friends who are in want of lob I‘ilniia.f in the Inti (Iml wo aro ore pared In oAernUi every i|> n iplimi ol work ■ n <nir li .11 a «ly It dial r.innol lull to no wj»l inliit' I • 01. VV luiVH roomily nimbi inn. .m l oxlomnM' lohlooni, to nir HH.oritiioiil nl Jolt Mfooial'*, mid have I * iiiu lot* dolin' ill kinds Id work in modi rain rubs and on slmrl autlk.. 4 . ini lilt ■•lit \(l ) lit. c ~r- Mmo-I o von inl. l v wants winiolldnr nun-* nro <n 1 1irt11h iti* it In I. ■ niiilrol' pen loin. in tin- nr: ;n on hi dk n| Unit U rm- Vv omo nil. in i «r ili-r or !■■■ - <11■ ;rot .h'ln'lliloitl on until nllnT, I hit tiom/ an no li.pnlaOlo mi l, WH |trn|iiit|. to point mil It Hindu by Wlm li llmtl ol \o ir desire* in iv lit .niHiloil, v u. ; ll mi want an) kit‘l of Inliortrn, lin I'liiiiiii‘t, nr dork«; viivkiitimk ll you winit an <i lll tn, Ik home, n Ini, or a farm ; oivKiri i«k, ll mu want In pvrlnuufo propurly, or In liorrnw moiiuy ; ain r a 11 mk. If imi want to rnlil or toll houses, lota, or farms ; Al' . I. It I It I. . If jon waul to dispose of your I m-111<- ; A in hits K. If m.ii want hi rent rooms ir offices; aiivkii ihk. If you want any konl ol •• in|ito>mi*ll l ; *in nn 11- WllHUlVl'l* you want haw nr In dispose of; Ain v. u 11 tic, A i m not Iho many mlvialltjn r iintliiimt, we may he periiutiod In rm oniiin olln y > >,ir I i vnr.'ddo lain ■ha itillll dill “I 111 VIII.K IIAII . 11l I I I I; • I lilt II," wllll'll it mail hy ninny people tin'll at homo ami nbio.l If ll suits miii send In ynnr fivers, ami lor n lair dim ran mil! 11 m. wo will inlrndnro y■ m to -.a or: 1 ladles and y'ltiillonion. wlm otherwise, perhaps. would novor havo hoard ol ymi. ll dm '• id.< min" ilm-t not soil your lit liny,ad Mrlim in snino ol her papera I all o void s AliVKniiti ! I hose snififos inn* nro merely throw i o il h>r yonr honolll, mid Imoanse wn bolnvo It lube «nr (Inly to Inform yon ofAn ory ihmy whioh i« rani la ird In ••.ohmioo ynnr lnlor- i. |)n ynn holiuvo lim aljuvo la good a' 101'. VV n p i iso lor a ro|.ly, rtV' ~r t «■», ttti AlfCllt* A til lk« Hull* MlTln J. ii r.\ii y k r.i *i*bu, iii‘iwi... 11(0)1 \S IK iVi K Hi Merchant I*l San Kriinriseo. A 1.. H Ulll, 1) street, Marysville. S' |t*' |*|,l M I'orhoHhiwn, AVIIITB .V Nl' IM'Bll nr- -on Cny. .1 K dAcKHdN • Ito inw nl ;,k) i SMITH .. Thonij k 1 hit lilt itiOMH Kit 14 »N Urol hi nmi'H Sion*. .1 \ \ll’.s l id II IMI IdN \\ i aiidntlo .1 SlllltW IN Nelson I’rcok, < n jilllKlNrt «t UAIT. \monnni Valley M. PK.NiTI "'-villa \ alloy. Tho ■•Uncord" ran l»n (irurnrial from any olihe iibovo imnioil Aifenls, wbo are also andmrui d to ro c ivo advurllsenmnis and orders tor .lolj Work HUTTK Hint 41111 > ,I4»I! IMUNTtMJ ESTABLISHMENT ouo> i \a l n. Wo nn* mnv prepared wilt ft (food assortment ol riMNTIXtJ M.U I.IU.MoS, Ifloxrrnto i vory dm rlptlou of n i i ?PHi> iflUB r it vj u * j V B, B n tho in ml IIBABON MM.I". TKUMS, nml in nulyl" lint will not tail I" Ifivo (lallsfuclioh. Mining nml olhor coni|iftnloH dosirlmf CKRTIC.V Tl’aS ok stock, 'an Ini vo Omni I* 111 VIT’.U "N SIK HIT'NOTICK l-vt ry kiuti of *>«»U l , r»uuu«» i*xocuUml lo ill'll IU ODKt4 Ciurn Alls, I.AW lU.INKS, ■ xMi-iiurrs, cmihs, Dtu.s -w bn; ii ,'.*>* 111,1. lIBADS. I»KKI»S, , n,\i 1 urj ’ .(., I NUTBS. I 111 II.UAM M I-. , aid I KllS, l!ll.I,I IS, 111i.1.S 418 I’AUB. »r any olhnr iloscrii.llon ol Printing that nmy bo do- I lay In if had ninny yoara prartlral i*x(mrionro in ha branrli oftho huidnoiw, wo nro rmdldonl <d uiv mr on lro«atU;nrtion lo all who may favor nn with IN'raouM wiihlnjj work tlom» are renpocUufiy Itivluul :> give a call. SPECIAL NOTK’KS. >UOVILLF. LOnGI’.NO. 10T F.&, A. M.- J Smiod Mi oimir« held nn Iho tlno i-aiiinla.v ol ch month, nl Ti I’. M Masonic Hal l °m r I'mita ukot Knlraiiro on Myers snoot. (ittln«*r»—-d \ rruvn U M lianiol Jowoit, r* M*, tionrgo \t .Ml ml \V; I lloaontlml. Tn*n«nn*r; d'■ • i lmnnol, >or. y: I Kloiiui. S 1>: .1 Klnm|ior, J. I»: A 11,,skins l >li r, lothron 111 (fooil stnndinif, nr»» liivllod In nlliMiu. UTTF LODGE, No. ? ' F.&, A. M. -Bodifa nmols at llmir Hall in ltlilw. dm rd Sahirdavs of rarh m.mlli, in . 1 . M. < miror , n’sWM.l.s', W M. .1 w hii HV-m, s U, A I. AMIKHI.AII4. J W, II Kmcnca > r )’• OVILLE DIVISION S. OF T. NO. 224.- Mim Ih 4 v«»ry Huial'iV Kvenliitf at H o *»a> k, I *» tonic Hall. .1 H s»lio(.lionl; IV I* DRBESTOWN LODGE, No. » F &• A M Muds tho m rond :-atnrda\ ol onrh inon.h. llrown, W M; N 0 IMnmh. S W; l» Mr Ud*. .1 V\ ; i*h Wataon. Tri‘UMirrr; J«»lm U I homit*. >»‘C )« *llll, s D; J Krtmr.J »>; K B i»p«t>i Tyto*. ► (DWELL LODGE No. *T, I, O. O. FK*af ► ill tr mootnofs hold every I hur-day • ' emm.- at i lick m ihelr Hall. UldwAJl. Ilndhor* In «»«•< nidlnif art* resfH'rlfnlly Invlh'd. Jmi.PM Hl.ocE," : w U Ikuun, V U .li L*atu»orb. S‘ <- v OUOVII.I.K. HUTTK COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, Till RSDAV, .MUJUST tjl, ItC.C.. Li:(iAL NOTICKS. .IwlSfliee’s Sale. T Jt V Vlll'l’l I‘i hi tiiilhiirity m me vested a* A»- klWMeeill 111 - matter 111 •' A UnilCrofl V*. Ill* i n*tiU .*. a I'l-illtniKT m Insolvency in tlm llonorii lil" tin* i ‘imiil v < niirt nl 11 ii lin ('i)iinty tin I Suite of i■«lHi • r 111-1 , ami in jllir mi ii'-i- of mi or-iei ni «i4*; liy said i nil- «■ *1 id i|uy of June, A If Is.'ei, prov i ilinc l,„- Die -nl,* i.f ||«.• insed* 111 said c ni*e. I will i>v l l. *■ In public *n|ii ill dm Court Hou*e ilnor. in hiil wi■!', iin ilie 11 111 ilny nl \ 11 :r 11 *.1 \. li. I * ii.. nl I o'clock I* M, to the hnfliesl li|i|i|i-r for cash, Iln* l*d : s\ i•:-t nc.-'.iiel of \V, H. t“nlhird, for the slllll of fitly dollar*—% -n IK*. \l-ii lie• followlntf described Jtnlifment rendered mi tin- ii)i ilht of I. Oman. A. D !■ Li in lie- In-lru t Court. No' Ii .In-le id District In ninl (or Unite County, nil I **l:tli* nf ''(iliiUrnln. liy deflmll, uuaiust I!. II Mr li ne- I, for Hu- “inn of |h|.-e hundred unit il'.lily - ■ vi* ll lv• “i\ mu -H mi In-lili* if en “ill dollar*. nml In - r. *1 on mini nnimiiil from lie- loth day of Amt i*l i. 1 1. 1 r.'il, in lit.• rale of iwo |ii■ r ci-nl. (nr mouth tilt pall, wher-iuC \. ttaiierotl Is pfitn'ilf Dub d loin l.:h day ol July, A D D i*. nir.KR. .‘"’lii-riir Unite < 'oiinh anil Assiittme. f.Mli;ltll-T A SAl.ll liy \ irlni- of n i|. i n-lil or.ler t ...ii,-.I mil ,i■ I’m DHrict t'mirl, Ninlli Judicial hi'irii f, In and h r iin'i. ('minly it ml Male ol call • .■ruin, mail iln- I-.DI I ili;y of Jilin 1 . AD. |i*.'-f., In uni itiri-i-li-<l anil il.-livi-n-.1. i ommiindimt mi- in inak" tin* mintof four linn Iri -I mul ninety sevei^llfl y one him lire hi.*.!. i ,i ■: iin m. nml in I ere*i mi mi hi n mount if jii.l.oiii-iil m i n- rule of ten p-r cent. per iluu.iiii, lilt (mill, iiiia ini* *iiin - I nilnay-i i-.'lit duly on-- linn ilreihli* .lollar* col* in -I in-cruiliu cn,a, of i-anl onli r i, lit nf 'll ' jir-iii -rly In renuift- r i|e*i-rilieil. In •rt 1 1- f_y 11... aim-..* ml j iel'.- an- it, » In-rein 'I. Wnl-li 1* |il lin ami A. .'kin' le defendant, to Wilt Onilllieln Ullf no ilm 11.1/.i 111 111.- v illie/n nl Ill.Uell, only .-mil Slate afn-e*:ii.|, al Iln- North 4*lll* r corner nf I.amp At lliilu'* .Saloon, nml niniiint! ill nn easterly <lire. :mn. In I lie cn'ln-r of I In* *aid pln/.H, »l*ty feel more or h-“. I hence 11) n itonllierlv it ireclioli to Hie corner on Ilm • ire. i ni M.-**r* lloilinan. on wlilcli tln-ir re er'nir i* “itUllteil, tli “nee 111 n \v.--li-rly ilireclioll lo the line n| i am [i \ j I llnkery.ielil (hence in ii Ainu lit-rl y di* rei-ilini lo ihe i-ml ..I I lie space iluir out nml form rly )t*ei| it lei) pm \il.-v nil-ill lint,' lie- spaee Ivtinthe (ween 1,101. p vII Ida's I 1)1 mill tile Ite-erv.iir nl 'le -r* 11. tin . n i", |i-/etli.-r with llio Hilli’inl Sn. !. on. ■ ilnale lon -aiil pn ic.i ■ which I will -i ll ut Public Sale 111 Ilm ’mn I I loil'O deer 111 Mil w ill, in- IV mill Mule Ilfiire*anl, on lie- till iln* ot Aill/H»t, A |i, 18. Vi, nl -J o'clock I* M., In the highest bidder lor City) I. initial Ihia 121 It 1 1 iv of July. A I'. iv'rt, sr, ntlil'.tl. Sheriff Untie • tauntv. snnrnrr s sale )*;>V Vllill I 111’ A ur.i UI.I'Ab tIIiDHR, Iss I a* out of tin- Ninth .1 ml mini District t’oiirt in Hint nr tie -. nf rente, nml Slain ol Ciilifernia, lo me 1 1 reelI nml ileliv.-ie.l, e-uniiinlnliiiU me In make Un sum ol two handled mi I fori; four ilollnr* nml lifty eeiil .h-lii.lwilli lei;iit interest thereon, mul the Inr lln-r Mini of Iblrly-oim ilollnr* mul li'l) ••eiil* cosls, 1,1-,'ellier » i h the i*ii*i“ ol said Order nceiiiiiuf. nut of lie- prop, i ly herein liter ih- i-ialieil. losaliafv the afore - ,aidll ii I 111*-1 it win-rein W 'I. I. Slll'.l I 1.1.1 i i* I' III! Il 1 1 IT mill .lAtl'Mt S. MultlilS is llie Defeinliinl, In wit: The Metropolitan Theatre,«ilua|ed in dm town nf Oroville, county of Itnlfe mul Stnle ol California Incaleil nn the c-irm-r nf Millilonn apd llir-1 slreels, I routing thirty nine (TO) feet tut lluiiloou slrei i nn I ..-MV . r-oi feel unsaid lliril Hlreel, whieh 1 will “i ll tl pn hllc “ a le. ai the Court I louse ih ■■ .r, in !' i,i m ell, -. i,rv ne-1 t- 1 a-’, r -nil, on Ihe 'K \ 111 I'll I> A ' IN . > 0 law, lo the hohesi lihhler fm eii-h. 1 p,l Sherlll lluttu J Piled, llii* Tilth day of July, A. D. IH-Vl. jyTO w 4 NOTICE < her. hy .1. n Ihiil I v try llrndh-ylwlfe ol James |ll , v ol the cnillllV ol Hut le, mid Still.i of ' di n, , , d re 'tmt I Intend from and diet , dale to e-m v nn liilsinesa in my own name and „, v own account in said comity of Unit- ufoa. -ml ,1, die nature ol said Ini'iin-s* i* It inchtmr. liu'-in« ,<-k mid Poultry, Dairy lei“ine *. Minim,' and lloh-l ~.,l ~). al-o Imyinu and selling l.i<iuor* at wlmh-a e ,1 ret dl and dim 1 will lie mdividunllv re-ponsllile „„ nwu name t,.r all dvl.ts ■ o.itraeled hv m i„,t of 111 v “aid Inmllie.*. and I Inrde r declare hat . an,omit ol cnpilid invaded in said In.siness doe* I exceed the *lllll of live lhoU*lllld dollar*. In wilnes* whereof I him- hereunto *el my hand d seal this Dili day of July DU:V. itnof ('nlir<»rnl»s ) I*« 111 lit vof ItUltiV \ .. do ihi* I7lh dav of July A. D. IS Vi. personally peared heforn me. a .limtlco of die I’ein e lIIi and r die comity nl-.n-s 11. the ahove named Man it*lluv I h. mn I" 'm ""i |"'r*"ii dc*crd.ed and lined die I,.regain,' dedarnlioil, who knowh-dited lo me that she -ii'in-d Ilm same freely .1 voluntarily, and for the ice* and purpose* there mentioned. J"iin Ju lylh itw Hutto t O ( 111. INSOLVENCY NOTICE. TK in i vldl OIiNIA, ( County Court line:. i At fhmill.ers , dm mailer of James II Drake, an Insolvent , \S’CK of an order made Inthei minty Court to dm lion. Jo*«-|.li K. N. l -wi*. Cmmly u ,. at <h oi on the iltltli day ol June, \. > i Notice la In-relo Kiveii to Ilm oredltor* ol the im lit ion* r In Insolvency, Janie* 11. Drake,Map r 1., loi. lon .I.K.N. I.ewu, ''minty .Indue he third day ol the Aliment term ol the ' ’unly rt \ 11. ISail, lo wit : I 'n the nth day ol August linn at indwell, to show cause It any du re la-, do- l i iyer of said pctlliom-r should not ho u'ran „lid mi nsi-iunniml ol his osl.lle he made, and he lU,• burned troin Ids del.ts as an Insolvent DeMor. Witnc -s my hand and Ilm sent of said < ■ >"niv twtulllxed, this, TOlh day ol June, A D ISah, k MIt.KS n.AI’IN, t’oituly Dh-rlc Hy M 11. DißKicu.Deputy NOTICE I I I T’K.RsiiNs holdinn or claimlntf I.len*. under i dm provisions ol “An Act for swmritiK I leu* ol chuuics and others, approved April .M i, I*-' • • "'• prop-rly know nas Ilm aee lln wsler s d w-Hue, is*-. siltlH ed near 'ih, Hlutr, on >!;.i.'t?**m-ry street In-town of Oroville. county of Unit" and stale o iC<<rr ll a tlie same heiutf the present residence o I n ri .« ,ter and family, are hereby notified lo tmiiml ,e , r in Urn District Court ..I said County and Male M n-lav the ‘ialti dav of Xil'-Ulsl. Is.,rt. and exhibit iimnl,hero the COUNTY TKr.ASt'ttl-'.K’S < HTTCK, J Umwat.L, July Dflh. X B i, hereby itivne, that all |.erson* holdinvf e Coiinly Warrant* pavnlim from the uu-ne ,. .i“ter«d between l ehruary Dilti, l-.m. and l“ ,n, that Ilm same will be rrdeemed laden, at my ..ffleo. And nolle*- I* furlln-r it frettl and alter this date, »aid warrants «,bo.iriuteresl. i uAM , mIMOKK Treason r ot Itutta Coun-y, 1« hereby (liven l* ,K *- " I, ‘ UUlb rsitflle-l ill apply te 2 ;« liereliy Hivell -UHI lie- .ill". I V to the Hoard of Snperv Isors for Untie in tlM< Stale of California, at H'elr next se*. |„ id at llidwell. m <»W coiuitv, for a liccnes lerrv acros* the middle Fork Feather Ui«*r, (inci'i.,ii of the North Fork of said river. MIS* »VLVKBI*»P.BAVAar, LEGAL NOTICES. ADMINISTRATOR S SALE Sn n u>r\srf:oF an ohi»ku ortiik iion • ■rahli* I’rohale Hon»l. in ami f• r I’ ulf«• roinily, di« r» < fiiur ill'* of certain real f:tf# I»*• I**n l in j|,r i-laN* of <l»*nrvfv V. Carll'H lat-of 11 ill imiiiil v, • I -hdl h»r *ale, hi public an.tion, i»» t»••• I hiddrr. on Iho lioili ilny of Al, \ |», l-“V». at J oVku k I*. M.. in Troii ol Ihi*«irl«*aiH Vf< f• *). in * >n»> :i|**, dm follow in / ilrnoriood prmiis* •*. hi Hull.* roinity t«f t HlifornlH, lo wil: ‘ •noinn * • iilt on Hu* «ontti Wr-l boundar of Xhthani'n Kan. h. i now <ir.,villi*» forty rods from Iho Imnk of I .*a:ln r riMT. and ranninif thenco Mon r **ni»l l»« »uvi<l;«ry inn ►ouilm ilv direction on.* htin lr< I and **xiy i him rods to a il\o ; (lioiico in a w**i«lrr. direction oih* linn* • In*. I nti*) mix I y (Hifii ph!*; Ilnur hi ti r.orihurlv direct* inti ntio fi i• i*lr»*<l nini sixt) < 1 1 '> rods; thence in an o*i si or I y ilirr«M mu mic li 11 n< 1 r«*«| r»nt sixty • 11 *4i > rods to lh»* place of In*/inning. Tim ftl-ove de»cnlH*d preini ••os Immu/ tin* mmmio upon whirl llm sun! t«4*orire I* Carlton livni nnd eluiinel pos* *slon. dnrln sovoral VH.'i'i In hire, mid at lie* limo of his ilocoii*o. Tin* l« nits of m*;i*t• math* Known at ilm tint** of salt) H. lIUISAIM', Public Administrator, An»riist h?h i-'ati. |Hiitr>w4l Hutto county. NOTICE i; IS II I’.lil.llY (. IV|- N —Th it I, I'l llmrllie I*l M i'olui, wife of I/twin Cohn, oi the county of Bui to am! >’ iio of i difornia, do hereby declare, {hat I hi fend, from run I all. r l his dfllis to curry on bnsim*** in mv own immo and on my own account, .n -aid ronn' v of Hullo, t lifit in turn of said businis* im k• *•*)»- iio* a wholo lo and rotull 4'lgiirh f 4)ro, ami also vrenlle hn,n*s f nrm -hn»/ < hauls, and lllid 1 will In* indi\ hill ally p iii my own li.iltto, for all debts con* trio » d hv jii«* on ncroiiiil of my lUild bnsines*, and I furl i 1 »• ihvlant, lhal tho amount of capital invested in rai l I ',•!••♦ -*s, dors (lot excis'd Ihr sum of ffvu thousand dollars Ini- i in* mi \ whereof, I have hereunto S4*f mv hand and Mil, tins (ho II lit day of An ust, A. |i I Had, r vtiiakini: coiin, j *kai.’ | HTATI! nr ( M.II'OKNIA, ; g I'.n MV OK Hi I IK. I 1" * N I HIS, iln* lHh iU<y of Animat, A. I>. prr -i-nai'v app. and I rion* no*. a Jnslic* oi (In* !’« ico in And lot* ibo eonnly aforeralil, (ho uhovr mini* • d • alii irtia* M. < olm. proven lo no* to hr H r f»rrson dr ’•*» ihi d In, and o\i *en loi I (ho fnreifoini/ iio*tnifii4*nr, who nek now lrd/rd io on* I hat nho exo4 iitrd (ho samo. I.n l\ and volnniaril) t and lor 11»• * ns, s and pnrposi s tllrrritl lII' Ml lied .h>||\ J(l\|,>. .In-iiro of iho Peace, Untie connu. Hal Ofovllle, Aminst 11, |h,i». rn ii f DISSOLUTION rnrii; c < I* \ in s I : u^i 111* »i<- .•xt-rim*- 1..*- ■ Iwrcn ilrnWll >V nil'll, ii* lliii. liny lil-~.>ITI lav mil llll l r.iir-1 ni, 11. 11. limit w ill pi»y nil ilri.N «ininl in - n ■ iin ' Ilm firm nml is uullinrl/nt . rollout nil (Inbis illlo said Una. .1. lIU'IW .S, II I! 11l NT. II It. 11. will r .ntinim iho butlarss nt Ilm H\ \K i;.\ril \N<! 1., nml will Im« lmp|iy U> *<•« his ni. | i mails mil Ilm public. i?,;ik rally. I‘nco mlucnl in sail ilm limes (11. IS. 11l N I Ornvllle, .tllly*n, IKMI jy.ltf NOTICE’ r M 111: ST«K?KII« »'.lts of (lin Snulli fcnllmr w Uan r r.impany are Imrcb/ iiollll. il, it. pdm l i lisle, s m mill Ciinipaiiy have lerlml mi iism •nn.'iit n twenty ilollars upon .rich shvu n| s’, ek held by He in, ami :ual Km salmi is pm.d.mai ilmi ten,>.»>•» - I y»”irt. Iff •*..! Sv 1 •"> ■ * " WAKIiKN .MASON, Secretary. July 19. 1860. jyia-w 1 )iss<tliMion oi* 00-pjiHm-r-pi |>. 8, Hi; rit-l’ All TN KKSMII* herlcnfore exisliatf m Ilm Town "I ' »rov die, under dm firm nml style I I). 1). .lei IS \ Co, in die Ale mid l.iijimr tm-j |s {|ns -lay dissolved by mutual eeii-enl Said ..sil.ess will hereafter he reminded under die name ml linu el I .li *ll I N. M A 1,. li. It .IiINKS, ‘ii. I.lo*l r. Creville, July un, IRSrt. j.V.V'ni FERRY NOTICE fVjnTK'i; is hereby niven Hint dm iliiderriltned >1 w ill apply 111 die Heard el f Up. rvisers ill and a- Unite I'eiitil) , Ilf Heir li vl relfillnr I '.ill.', fern ,| ( mu ii i" rim a Furry aenmr tin- MUldln Fork of enllmr lliv. r, a lew rmld above the juiidion ef dm iiirili Fork of said river. svi.vK.sTiai i*. SAVAia;. Hid well'd liar, Unite ''n •*>• It ~.MV .1. V MISCKLLANKOHS. HOWARD MEDICAL INSTITUTE !],-< Sacramento xtri'. l. next to the I'acillc Mail.S S. 1 11. a I iftlci) over Wines.V. Co.’s Express SAX FIIANCISCO. IK'it MS, NI MUKKS 1, « AN UT. lS'll II ll ( >N is loui.ile.l l«»r llm I'uri'nl ■ Sviilivllll*' amt Sfrul'iil'ttiH complaint* 111.. .. I 111 I . .I. . I .Ml mill nil utlitllihim •il ilif lii iiiliil * inruns of whatever nature. lii"tuul*'il I>ir ilm I'xjiri ss (mi piiif treatin',,' |invnii) 11, a hi Dll' I nat uiii'it of mini) mi'll mill Kontlenmn Who hull--.'HI until |iiiin till' impositions praciteeit Imreiniore ii|um those who have Imi'ii llm victim* ol hunt mlverllsciimnls those conimclfil will. it mii- to purree tn u cerium iiMi'til Ibis ilitmus til inlroilucii.g it to public notice ... I t,!,-., niiplyl nvr fur aiKlco will fln.l constantly in iilli'iiilitiii'i' 11l ability nf nn.lispuleil "l.ill in ibis . I ..f 'toutplaint*, ami *ol •>" ‘••■all with in iHn iin,-t li.iiiuriibli' ami r-lnibtbl'f.irwi.r.l mnnn.a, I ni-111,, (,ur| n>!-•■ .'1 securing privacy to llm most ,I,'ll, ill.' -,'V, nil lijnirtiiifirt-a art' a., arranged Ibat pa i,ii' iii —vi ,ill,„ brought la contact with umit-, but tlm Ofllcn Physician. ..... , 11i.a.,' ipplving to tills I nut mill' will the charges rt'H-iiiiubl, , mi,l suivrior. Imili.'s tu.,l gi'iiil, ini'ii übo .I. air.' In become patients without culling at tin rooms of llm Inslilule, can bo atlcnilcl at their resiliences . , ... t>,■» from all parts of tlm country will t„. „t,.'i„1..l to with promptness, and meilniims scut if i),' iri'il, bv •• iii'li*i*ii.K a I*'*' «( *• 11 'lolljirs N,, ;i,.it's will Im s|siriit to ii.i.k.illm M.'tli ,'ui in-tiluii* u hut ,t purports to be, a plulaniliroplilc 1 ‘‘rV.’i.-imiill. >t» It. Knglish, French” Ppunish ami (, n'm'"bo..r, from '•> A. M.. till !• IV M. A-Mr. Ilou'ai'.l Medical Institute, ll« Sacruumulo street. ■ irtli'f Physician, UK. U Mil U-l i:l.\ NEW ADMINISTRATION Central House Hotel nib's from Marysville, on the Ophir, llblwi'll liar ami Feather river Ktmils. JOHN LOWRY. Proprietor. .. .. •. a a a i i.< IMI L* In i■■ I, >Slll iII a 111 I' frii jy) j t \KK I I.KAHURK in informing my frlend- I nn.t 11.0 trav, 'ling community Unit I mi now i ready to m civil ami sr. oinme.luv them. The i; u ili Im furnished u .tl. . hole* Liquors, my T\- K supplied with tlm varieties of tho **««.„. my tv clean ami comfortable, anil my HAKN> utib at stalls ami i.-r horses. It. fact every exertion I bit used on rny part to obtain an,l secure the pule fßv,, r —ami no public bonne in California shall ex a me ... courtesy ami atumllc* V evenrime that JulV 1 County, July j NEVILLE .VDVEIITISE.NM'.NTS. NEW (’HI All AND TOBACCO STORE \V.-i m|.- i> itrnet opposite tlio ibe lluun 11 M.J A'lsj'//, /, K , ( VU. Wm. fEJlanrltcy tl? Co., f) ft I>TP TT 1'1.1.V SNNM NiT. TO TUP ITU. - \ I. *' iMi 1 Tin: TU \l>l liiiit llei lime eon *!■ n.:> <i>) linul, ui .l i lor s;tie, ul the lnwe*l inniki : ITH ■ ■. Hi WHOLESALE AND DETAIL, \ lar-t» nml <■ in fully • ! if Cigars, <>t tli<‘ lli’am’s. \s well its iimfi of n ebenper eiinlilv ; ftho KVI.I;\ DP SI It AII 1.1" lilt \NI •tif Ti ill \» vii, ninl in kin ul, « bnlei r I’ i: i > bi‘ f. i mill in nny similar eslitblinliuieiit in ( ilifnrniii. \ 1,0 NO 11 XlM'ltl I’.NT T, in Ibe business, w e IV■.■ I i.-lirml Hill, will'll Hill'll' i| Willi Sill Al< I I I IT lII' \V Mill I* 11A LINT», I'li'iM.' ilk til i'll-' I1VI11! M SAT IS PAi IT‘ IN In ilni-i' w tin may Invnr ns with Ibeir |ml rnnnirn. " ■/•■ (’(II NTHV Tit Aprils k’ llll >ll "iI I.V per emit, less limn .il ; 111 > nOnr linn-i' in (In - Stub', .Mayryijvill** July Id. . Jyl'Vtf DRUGS! DRUGS] PEGU AM ft PKESDURY l.'tupirr Work, ,M n ifnviHe Rn AN I I; •<Tn • 1 1 I. r 111 iI■I 1 -I ■ 1 111 >. **S H lllsliop' R u n i.'irn ■mil w• 11 I- rli T in\iiii'ii nl DIM CS, MEDICINES and PEE IT M ELY Which lh»*y i If-T f.r >nl«* Ml lh«* l.owrttt Muriel iNirrrt, and lo which *.ln \ lultiMifloii, Tartaric Acid, Uicarbonatc of Soda, Strni jrlit &. 'l'upcr (’oiks, Dics s- 11 1 lops I'rcHsi'd Succ, ()il of Sarsaparilla, Ex- Lemon and Vanilla, tracts of Strawberrv, Amt n vnriiTy nf iirilclns suited In llm Monnliiln Trull*, lire now in Store, nml ni l n rive I*v i|ii.irU'(T) »bi|iinelils In nil New Vork mnl I *li 11 u-Ii ■! (Oi i :i. I’M* at AM ,V I’ll I'.Hlll' UV, Afinlhernrii'n ,V linm-TH, Umpire 111 , M'ville WALKER, WILSON Co. DKAI.I-KS IN’ Aymtta"JPT ET-T JL »> -j io.j Uj tXm\iw SLj u/ iX-S Ji It Jj GOODS, Clolhinir, I.ndit’s’suul nr n A rVT TA V a, oh kJ | u cO J sLua i s ( lIIUDKKVS SIIOKS, HOSII-.iiV, , \t>si hi«M* It. si m-ar 2nd'< *lar>'\ilic. f * r ll,li KKIT 1 • ,v ~ 1 0.T1.V ON It i \ |i. n •'ill re-'ilfellniiv "tn'C n Ti.ire rtT pun ,' |I u 11.1. I-" - I'allli iimi 111 1,1 111 pml r- lie! Country | TIP INI AS i! U A !,K I:K, ) \ Mi;S < WILSON,’ John 11. MASON, feb 2-12-tt yx. o a. rt D hium thi; WESTERN HOUSE f Bit lIT 1 NPK USP N lIP w Pliei* to liifnriii tin truv (J i MiPhc nml (In' I'ili/' n* nl Slarim ille, lint nfUT till* *ltvy nil lee i,n - - cnniierled witli the IlnhT il. puiliil'Til Hill III! I'urnt'il mi by llienn'i'l TT( K- H'l S, its I'nlliiwn: mi ill s ... 1,1 ijH.lSi; f.O ITS., , M l-. , nml >fl I AMII.V UOOMS... . >1 ell per <l«). ler I lev lliinrd. 11l t lII' Wei li, Hill In' SIPN |ili)nlite in mil nllfe. \ lii'kel ler 11 .'y Un week, Hill 111 ?l t. -1 lit »n ot room TTie I’m pri jireperly ii|i| r lm«iin'si in Unlike, Slim l nlllee ~f II" ' nl her (Till' I sure In lie- i In i iinm rin nliMilnleli lie u'UI me mull', triii r rids is n - rutln r iiiip" i inturesls nl in; M iry -i ill", ( I hup l,nd..i inr, liy thii i .'nntliiK. •'* snler . ..Tens will lie I lie si lie nl i ■ Until e|.n;e nl Hie .nil i ierv i. iliink, in :t Inline eema It . ', ■ r le- I ilT'll • I lilt! , . -V. Wool. Hi ; ow ANTKII 1 ■ , will bn puid. pno Corner • • Km * * *’ ls - Hide cjisii-tii f i «»• in I' urtli street neur the M il# 'I •rv^vine. , m*. t/*» i f » ■* MISCKIXANKOI S. Will Til & MITTKK HKAI.KUS IN GROCERIES provisions liquors, &.C., &.C. I NUI'-UHI*INKP, in <*ullllit-' tit-* attention i l B 1 1,',. pul.lie to I heir »t"ck »i It.iii.-U.hhln .. ...M .Hill thcno-elwi lit Hill opportunity to return ll.iuikH ~r Hr- ip•n.irxilH jmln>n««- liny I' l '"' ' «-‘l *' u ' ni." tin- number of )e»r* they have been cniMife.l 111 to.'iu. -H 111 II.IH plueu . mill determined to morn a <•> iiniiiiiu-u of tin- Him.-in future, 011.-r nl Urn lo«. .l r,,!,.* „ lururo m.«l well selected wworimelit oM.r » . n. . ,m,I Provision*. Mijiiorn of a mperior .|i.uit>. in , r., .l I'rn.lH, Mim-n’ Huppll'-. .lardw..r. . < r... K-> ami i;lH*i»wsri-, \.v X..- Particular niu*«ui..i» paid • il11 11 ik? ....'I deliverimf ininera' order* lr«*n» '»•!- lam- The pru- pmd lor ‘""'<l W'n kIihII i»lw> run a daily I-••tu r and I ucknge I.x urr-s, between tliin tdaeo and 1 ’rovill.-. If 11 IT I.’ t Oregon City, July WHITE X NI TTKU, JyllMf SAi.K by the Base or Package ii. Quantities to suit. Long bill paper. Legal cop Letter Paper. Ink Uroml bill paper. Fools cap, Note paper.» en ■ilH, Blank Hooks, Wafers. kc- &c. Noisy Carriers Hook Stationary C«. ,7 Battery, & '>l & »W Long W harf. San r ran :isco. 3 '0- I*. KIMBALL, Pres. i n isccll.ifiv. Tin; ('vi ii hum a T ARM Hi, in an nouncing its entiance info it' su'd vohune, gives utterance t • the nod r added patriotic an I truly (' Vlilormao sftition nfs. lo referring to tin 1 ku I of mdi I Ik* pen'll, should led to ollie . tin- c(lifr>r w riles: Outs is i-inpliiitl *V tin* ‘ v..„k g man 1 * j• >ll •n 1 1 ” \\ e vvoul'l mi* ■*' • ind defend :i rmi‘(* tlint > 1 1 • >• 11 < 1 ehvrte tin vv n. I»iner mnn. V* e vvoiiM luive ti o vv nrking m.m in i':‘! oi Ifv in on; - I ■ ' i I* 1 1-1 t oil, in our i !li ’os of In " and 11 ust —die farin'r, ilm nuvh the maufaeturer, the nu reliant. We would have men identified with our country alone, fill our offices; men who hrve homes, wives, ehildri n, bro thers sistrs, houses, lands, farms, workshops, men who have something to work for, to legislate lor, to rule for, somethin;' to live for, beside more po litical preferment and the spoile of of fioe. Wo would have nun in office, not politicians , merely. We proscribe no man for his religi ous, political or section! feelings. AV o would have him enjoy these freely, hut we would have him or them who occu py office men of enlarged and liberal views, who can act at atl times for “the preate t good of the greatest pos sible number,” men who shall act for the roilnlrii nit for jiirti/. Sneh men California now nevsls She is in h r greatest eNltvmitv, and her only I 1 po now rests w ith the working men of our State, to them all eyes are turned* ()ur cities and villages m w ith men seeking office, they will not labor, they never labor, they are drones in the great hive of human industry, and are consuming that store el food that should be preserv'd for the coming winter, f.ucl now is the time to ek , rrouf. ihc tiro in v and save the food for our lit tle OIIIS. A Pi’iisoN apply ng to tie* Probate ddilmifi nrvi 1 nfps. ihd dteig*- him conic in, when the strangei in quires; “floes the Judge ‘d Kepronates live hero ?” . “1 aln the Judge of Probate, sir, ans wo rel the •) ndge. “Ah, all tin* sioie, 1 suppose, ’ said the str-'iigcr; my father latelv died detested, and left a number of hithcr less scorpion, of which 1 am cliief. \s j) is, 1 being tin* oldest infidel, th business naturally devolves on me, and if you will give me a letter of comb-ins nation 1 wi 1 seo that you are hand somely sacrificed.” K XI’II lASS AM) STA(JK LINK'S. KVKHTS, DAVIS & <’o.*S express office KOWKrfIU II.IHNH l» TKI.KT, U KFf MARYSVILLE. ■ll IK. r.Xl'ur.Sf* will !"• from our Hfllci. In Miirj-iill* .In U tM'ii *'r< •I. '»Hi ,|i.. Knrlf«iiiwii, (’ohm.tin* Moure, hevinulon re, Uurr./i Hill. Nrl-.m .r..k, Piinr Mnii'r i n'fU, N,,ll ‘‘. v ’ UicliniinHl Hill. Wrimflown, I oler|iri-e, U y.iliiloUe, l.onu Hitr, t-prinK Vi.ll. > filler’ I'.inr ua-. H|. 1 tli.Ui-ll'M liar, IlmiM'iivill.s I’me '*r«>v>- <■lmniller- Mil. , .-nmii-li KliU, lii.liTW'i n*- 1 ' rl ‘ nn \ nil. ~’lhtiiwn. !-|MiMi Itmicli. MchiJow ' »' 1,.. i in ..I , 7(i..l:ilin*< n • reek, I'niuili < rw. k MrovllU, ■Ui’,,11,,1,,,,-- Hut, Hulrli Itimiunl'H lUKKiuim. 11 Hrni*. .■>■•' liiKk'iitk'*, »ii»‘* I t > Hill, niir ||{ I \ UK K\l*ltl-H will IiIWHJ* 111- accon imnii il hy faithful Mi • k r' I'l.iin'iiiiii*. onl.-ns kr., ntuvmieo to nun kvkiits, it a via a CO. iScu ArrunirnncMi—Tor roku AND Vl '..V 2.1 I '■ lh« I'liilforntii Qf .. i.i 1- (o'- 1 ..... hr» willleave tbelr ofHce, M.irniv*» VViirli in H< u-e, M»ry«v.tlc, 1 r Y. ul - k I’ M.. I' r V r.'Uu via Idimltnn. Xi "i 1 I'liii*" Ti li iiim, H. fl nhitlH, roUon«i«Kl. hniltha .. . I’, (••,«.. I. mnl Mrl ihiilmt k Mill*. rro»i' I‘tii nn r ul l in kI. ri V f erry. rrHirtal'-r Kni.clj, I nit 1... k.r I..WH JuiirltoU 11, "in* *, I. ii< K 11,,i„. |i<min* p.rla .'i.rinar Vreka Mill*. Ho'ep l..ick, ■i. i liiiu.n, rhepheti'a Whiicli ami < iMliiiiii iirn. iiijin\r. kn mi Hu •■••••• »»i'l itny “t •' ll clock, I. «. KKTUUN 1N <> . n«f ifc.-ir offlco in Yr* kn nt fi o’clock every . ..iiiieriinv ai Marymille With (he Compa . , |,,f riin riimrnlo. w hi.h arrive In linn* |.>r ~■ .'l*<*.i boat# iiMkiiiK n tliroiinh trip Irom t niiici-c. in THU KB DAVH. 1 110 M Air 1 Heneral Sup’M’al Hl.i«f Co. (jy 101 at Mnry>ville. I i. 1 •lull It' s. MAIL LINK? ON an-l after Tm -alay. M»rrh IWh. I*s*. the r«H -< r.inir-myN*‘»hilit - will linv** r , V. H-. Marysville. every mnniln* nt • ti.-mmi ulo, iimt arrive* in lime lor U<* ...M.m-i, be ' hi BKTI el. Sa.-r- Mar Ilm r tlfllee Vlrlei Hi IJO r\ «vtlle, »l the -nnie hour, 'iir.t tH, 'iip«rln''.n<lanl. MarytvUle. NIMIU.Iv Ul.