Newspaper Page Text
Dui'm 3ktte ißercri a bo: h. eimiTTi, Killlor. tmimill, THIRSUAV, AM.IVI *|, IBWS. VIIIOAAI. DEJIOtUITIC AOJIIAATIOAS, FOU PIIESI DENT, JA3I E S It IT ( 11 ANA N, OF PKNNBYLVANIA, FOU VICE PRESIDENT. joiin c. m«Ec kimuix.i:, OF KENTUCKY. |>K .MOCK.VI'IC NT AT Id ( O.WPATIOY t n nu i'iiiii? of lh»* ( uliforiila Dcmormtlc Stair <' ntr»l Committee, held In the c-lly of Siieramrutn un tin- loth iluy of July IHoii, it wm resolved Hint a I; ni'n,nif*f- Plata Convention lx- culled. to meet In tin- » jty i t Sticnimelilo, on I I I-1 •A V, tin 111 li day nl S 'iiti ri.lier next, for tin* purpose of ii' imiiuiim,' two members oCCoiarrexs, a • 'li-rK of I In- tSupmne < ourl, a Superintendent of I’uMic Instruction, a Stale Prison Director, ami four President ini Klectors. Tin' Slnlr Cenlnd Conui illce waikest that Palnr lay, tin - xt.iii day of August, tin the day selected liy i!u> different counties for lh« election of Delegates to |)i mocmtic Plata Convention. Tha following i» the apportionment of rrpresenta nn: Alameda 7 Snu Di anarlino 3 Amador I< jSanta llnrbarn 3 Italia f'jSim I,olds Obispo .... - Col uni .‘tjsanta i truz 1) Calei eras 13 San I rnyi isco 33 Contra t oslu 3|Sthiii«lans ti Kl Dorado 3l|SmTumeiito 14 Humboldt ~ ’.‘ Solano .... ..... " Klamiill .Siskiyou s I,os Angelos f Slinsla • * •• • H Mont tray • v -- ■ ‘.’ Snlli r 3 Mariposa - - - • . i Sonoinaaiid Man '.iciiio. 7 Marin - - 4 Siorrn 13 Marend ijSnnU Clara - . <> Napa 3 San Joaquin 7 Nevada HjTuolnnuio 13 Phimus fi Trinity 4 I‘lacas 13Tulare 3 San DU go 3, Volo 4 Yuba 13 Ity order: 11. P. WASHINGTON, Chair’n. It. P. Powell, Saaratary. rta" Democratic papers tbrougbout tho State please r'» • Democratic County Convention. The Democratic Klcclorg of Butte county are here !»)' rcipU'tdod to selltl dclcipdes to u County Convcn t4ou. to nssnmhlc at liKOVIIjI.K, on SA I HUDAV, AIICCST •JIM, lor the pnrposo of electing ciuhl delc- Kale* to the State Convention, to a-wmble at Hacra meulo, on the ninth day of September next; and also* lor the purpose ol notninalinu two MeaiheMof Assem bly and one Assessor for lltdle county. The different precmels are entitled u> the tdllowiim representation, i |,o ''asu lieimt one delettate for each precinct, one for every 30 voles, and one for each fraction ot fifteen votes. I’r< omels in which the number of del euates are not merit ioned. are emit it led to a represen tation in accordance with the above basis. itid well, II; Hoik Island. 3; Mountain House, 2; French Creek, *2; Junction M \S. Fork,-2; Fine Knot, 3 : Miisiiuilo Creek, 2; Sky 11l«h, 2; ITiion liar, 1 ; Kairlic.ld liar. 4 Fea vine I; Central House. 2: iloncul ... . , •> i .i. vvioo. n,„.L Mountain Spriinr House I; Scott At v amine 9 Store I; Island Hart’; Forheslown 4 . IliiiKhnni’s liar, 3;i)ro h *wa I; Natchez, ll; Evansville, 2: Hamilton, ; Tur ner's Rauch, 2; Neal's Rancho, 2; Thompson's Hat 2; Morris Ravine; 2; Chico 4; .lennimt’s Rancho, 1; (* lupins’ Rancho, Miinhatlan. 1; Simmons' Store, ‘J; Moore A Ferry's Store. 2; Ni Ison's liar 2; Mesilla Valley, 2; ’•'renchtowu. 1; Butte Mills, 2; Itrotherion’s Store, 1; Forks of Unite, 2 ; lb Blown, 2 ; Kunkle's Rancho, I; full s Ram ho, 2 ; RobinaoiTs Mill, 2; — Virginia Mills, Berry Creek Mill, Berry Creek Bar; M irliu's Rancho, Robinson's Hill, Cheiokeo Ravine. Moorelowr, According lo the basis ol representation, (the Dem oeralle voto of last September,) Orovtlle is entitled to but a delegates. The population liavimr largely in creasod within tbn past year, thn Committee have reason to behove that Orovdle is enlillod to some 14 dole.K'des. as ti e entire vote of the precinct at the late ejection, for Justice of the Fence, was between eight ami nine hundred. The mutter is respectfully refei \jd to Iho Convention. Geo. 11. Ckosktte.’l Senec\ Kweu. 0. W. Hess, ;-Co. Com. C. F. Loti, N. D Plum J Oroville, July 2'J, 185(5. Pali, Hacks.—The campaign will be opened by a foot race at the Arkansas House, Carpenter’s Flat, on Sunday next, for SSO a side. Arkansas Hob is one of the nags entered. The names and pedigrees of the others, we are not posted on. We shall havo a reporter on the ground, that we may he able to lay before out* readers the result of this exciting match. «•* Accident. —A minor, whoso name we did not learn, had the misfortune to smash his finger while at work in a drift yesterday. Amputation was thought to bo absolutely necessary by his physician. ,rif*Tho man who was shot in the arm at the scene of the robbery, was a partner of J uilge Mcrril, who were doing business at a town above, and had just exchanged $l,OOO in ooia for dust, and was on his way to Ma rysville,with*a large amount of money, none of which did the villians succeed in taking, m consequence of the fleetness of his hor>e. V9-Some of the Black Republican organs call Buchanan “ a Buck without a Doe.” - When the gallant old Statesman wants one, he cau corral a Black Repub lican. Blarney. — A Black Republican organ has just ascertained that “ one of Paddy's bulls is worth a dozen of the Durham breed." It wants the Irish to vote for Fremont. Be on hand to night at Troughtou's Ball, at Wyandotte. He has the most spa eious hall in this upper country, and always has given general satisfaction to those who have attended his parties. Itluck I(i |mil>ll<uii Argument*. There is no honesty in the arguments of he Black Republican party. Their writers ire rabid, ami in their wild antics, they pay • s little regard for truth in tneir political reasoning ns the founders of their j arty — he Beechers, the tlcrret Smiths, the Abbey Kellys, and Birneys. The formation of heir party, seems to hare relieved them of all moral restraint, whatever, and they gambol in the realms of fancy, with a de ight that is only experienced by the irre sponsible and thoughtless, or by the hard ened and depraved. Here in California, their course pnrtakes more of the latter than of the former. • Of this character arc the arguments of the Black Republican organ of San Fran cisco, when it asserts that the Democracy have allied themselves “to tho modern idea of slave extension”—and that the organiza tion of the Democratic party “is based solely upon the debasement of labor.” These as sertions, wild ns they are, they throw into tho scale, in opposition to nearly 80 year* of experience in governmental affairs, and ex pect them to weigh down all opposition. They seem to forget that tho people them selves have erected and controlled the gov eminent; and have chosen tho democratic party as the medium through which they have effected their progress in civilization and all that makes a, nation truly great I Tho Black Republican idea of liberty ap pears to be confined to tho relation existing j between master and servant, and their ef forts to ameliorate the condition of the great family of man, are confined exclusively Ito the descendants of Ham. in order to ; accommodate them, wo will confine our at ! tentiwn for a moment to the Black Republi- I can standard of liberty, in order toshow that the policy of the Democratic parly on ths subject of slavery, is the policy not only of justice, but of freedom; is the only policy by which slavery has been abolished in this country, and the only policy by which its abolition can bo reasonably expected here after. To do this it is only necessary for the public to remember that slavery formerly existed in the N. England and the northern States, and notwithstanding the Democracy have hud almost uninterrupted control of the country, it has been abolished in all those States. Docs tins look .as though the mission of tho Democratic party was to de base labor ? 7T. Ferguson of Sacramento, bns announced bis intention of supporting the Democratic nominees, anil the Union thinks as an honorable man, ho should resign his trust into the hands of the people who elect ed him. Last summer, when the present President of the K. N. council held a posi tion to which ho had been elevated by the Democracy, after bo had joined the K. N.s, the Union was nut at all exorcised about him. lie was duly mentioned in tin honorable manner. In calling the position of Mr. Fer guson a dishonorable one, the Union hits some of its K N, friends a hard rap over tho knuckles. Cannot the Union contrive ■ to give Ferguson fits, without accusing its 1 friends of being dishonorable. “ The 18th of August is no national boli- j day, no honored anniversary of some inigh- | ty court; and yet it concerns San Francisco , so nearly, that thousands participate in the j ceremonies, who troiilJ not turn a corner to j witness a Fourth of July celebration." Ml 'rue Californian. For once, this Mob organ is right. No doubt but that thousands participated in i the ceremonies of the 18th, whocarc nothing about the 4th of July, and still loss of the act the day commemorates. For a Mob or gan, conceived in treason and cradled in re bellion to the American Government, it is an ajpropriala sentiment. Go it, Caxton. If you cannot make a John Bull, you may possibly become a Fee Geo Mermaid. JT : &' That Mob organ, the San Francisco Bulletin, speaks of the 18th of August, (the day on which the Vigilance Committee made a public display,) as“ The Day wc celebrate,’ and says, “ To-day wc celebrate our decla ration of Independence.” The Bulletin we believe is edited by an Englishman, and John Bull always has had some constitu tional objections to commemorating the 4th of July. Commander Bout well in run Cr.un Room —The Young Men’s Democratic Club of San Francisco, has presented Commander Boutwcll with a magnificent watch, ns a tes timony of their regard for bis courtesy to wards Judge Terry. On Saturday evening the Commander visited the Club under the escort of a committee, and was received with all the honors. Letters from the Commander, acknowledging the receipt of the valuable present and of an honorary membership, to which he had been elected, appear in the San Francisco papers. They do honor to Commander Ikmtwcll’s bead and heart. Jiivllcr Klllott’s com I. Silas Tate was arraigned for threatening the life of Win. Compton. Ho was held to bail in the sum of SoOO for his go >d behavior in future. Before entering into his bonds, he give the court his accuser and constable Bob Patton, leg-bail for security. He sallied forth to hunt new diggings. George Heaps, for slapping a greaser’s mug—plead guilty, and was lined the costs of prosecution ;*being >1 2. Theatrical. —Mr. Wright’s benefit was. considering that we have been literally worn out by amusements, very well attend ed. The play went off finely. Mr and Mrs Hamilton were magnificent in everything they undertook—so wore all well up in their respective parts. Mr, Mortimer is the best in his line of characters that has yet visited us. Mr. Connor, Wright, Collins. Myers, &c., we have no space to speak of. but the audience were well—highly pleased. The charming little Misses Franklin had a benefit last night, and had we known that tiny such affair was coming off, wo should with the greatest of pleasure, called the at tention of our citizens to the fact, ns it would have been but an act of justice to those modest and deserving young Indies. Their engagement here has been from a combination of circumstances most embar rassing, pecuniarily as well as otherwise. From their unobtrusive and lady-like de portment since they came here, they have* made hosts of friends. We understand it is their intention to return to their parents in Sacramento. Another Wake! —There is a house on the hill, above the National Hotel, kept by a woman, and probably makes more noise, and originates more rows and riots, and general neighborhood disturbances* than any small institution in these parts. A few nights since, after several quarts of the rrature had been absorbed, a free fight came off, in which all played a hand, the lady had the deal. After each one had re ceived his regular share of pummelling ut the hands of his particular friends, they all took a drink and retired. They had scarce ly got out of sight of the house, when a cry of “ murder” was heard to proceed from the aforesaid woman. They rushed to the scene, and were very coolly told that it was nothing to the neighborhood if her leige lord *■ *■ * n I Hut. L the sweet slumbers ot the night! j£o~Tlie Marysville Imjvirer of yester day complains that the State Journal has copied an article from that paper without Riving credit, and thinks if an article is worth copying, it is worth crediting. We think so too, and arc sorry to see that sever al papers arc e pying largely from the In i/uiier without the necessary credit. The Philadelphia .Monthly Jtninhow, of July IT, copies three editorial articles from the In <luircr of August 19, without giving the proper credit. Wo trmt the hnjuirrr will he able to awaken its cotemporaries to the enormity of the < Hence of plagarisio, and compel them to give credit to their extracts. <•» Nkw Engine fou Eureka. No. 1, of M aii y>vix.i,k. The Marysville Express says a letter has been received from J. H Humphrey, now in the Atlantic States,which contains the gratifying intelligence that the new (ire engine for the Eurekas of that city, will be shipped some time in October. The engine will have 10 inch cylinders, 7 J inch stroke, 22 feet brakes, with spiral springs under the brakes. All the iron work is to polished in the highest style. When finished it will probably be the most magnificent engine in the State, and will cost $4,000. He has also ordered a hose carriage for the Eureka Hose Co., at a cost of $OOO. The engine and hose carriage arc purchased by the private funds of the Companies’. A more gentlemanly set of men, or more effi cient fire company than the Eureka, cannot be found in any department in the Union. As we have many personal fi lends among them, we cannot but rejoice at the good for tune of the company “ Still Harpin’ on my Darter.”—We have fairly driven the Know Nothings into acknowledging that Donelson is on their ticket for Vice. They have put forth twelve bills, calling a Grand Rally of the “ Friends of Fillmore and Donelson.” Heretofore they have duly called upon .he “friends of Fill more.” The Omni Rally of the Ki Vi’s is to concentrate at OroviUe on the COth in»t , and will be addressed by the Hon. “ Hang him-with-a-grnpe-vine” J. Foote. The old gentleman is still on his way to the U 8. Senate. Thus far he has found it a “ hard road to travel,* and we do not believe the track has improved since last fall, Butte county will render him no assistance La his pilgrimage! We arc informed by deputy sheriff Ja.k Kinimel, that the excitement in the vicinity where the late robberies were committed, is most intense,. The dc*ire of the populace in that neighborhood to capture and bring to justice those thieving scoundrels that infest our highways is so great, that all sorts of means will be resorted to, to accomplish this end. Mr. Kimmel started from Hidwell af ter the arrest of the robbers of Fuller near the Columbus House, to bring them to Bid well, in order that they might identify the accused. Me found the man Fuller at Oro Leva, who started immediately for Bidwcll, where the trial will be had at once. In passing the Abbott House, which is on the same roa 1 as the Columbus House. Mr. Kimmel says that the people had gathered in largo numbers to inquire into the late depredations that had been committed in their midst. It scorns that another robbery and attempt at mot - .p.,-, had been committed at Thompson’s Bunch. A man who had stej ped there or was there, was missing in the morning. Ilis horse was found lying dead, the saddle bags were near the spot, and were rill d ot their contents. Two men were arrested on sus picion, one of whom w as a son ot Mr. Ihomp si.n, the owner of the Hunch. Ihe greatest excitement was manifest <>u all sides. Should the guilty parties be found, and it fastened upon them to the satisfaction ot all. the probability is from appearances. Hint hemp will be introduced to rid the commu nity of this band of robbers and assas-in-, without consuming the time of our Courts ot J usticc. -v- Flection ok Deem. ate-. — At a meeting of the Democratic Electors of Oroville, held at the United States, on Wednesday Evc ning, August 20, the following persoi s were delegates to the Democratic County Convention : 1). A Brown, Geo. If. ('rosette. Dr J. Kane, Col. G. W. Stanton, J. G. Lawton, Jr William Coffee, M. A McLaughlin. James Chapman, John Sullivan, II I*. Myers*, K Stryker, 3. W. Styles, and J. V. Hong. There 170 votes cast, and the greatest en thusiasm prevailed. Tho meeting adjourned with three times three for our candidates and the Democracy. J.G LAWTON, Prcs’t. C. O, Hubbard, Secretary. KiprcMM Favors* ells, Fargo, & Co., have our thanks fur papers delivered at iui early hour yes terday. We arc indebted to 11. I*. Garnhatn '"op the -\lu,rVBvil'“ Tnnuirer, S. 1 * Herald, Sun, and True Californian. jfi.fT" Mr, J. 11. Watson furnished us with the Marysville Kxprrss, Sacramento Union, S. F. Chronicle, Bulletin, end Alta, for which he has our thanks. ■*. Ma. Mum.ov, one of the persons shipped out of the Stale, died on the passage. lie stated that while in the hinds of the Vigilance Committee, ho was several times paraded on the roof of their building for . execution. . AUCTION SALES. HEAL ESTATE AT AUCTION! ,1. W. I)C\.\, Auctioneer. ‘ ON SATURDAY, At i.I’ST did sit 2o’clock, E. M.. av ui. is i<; s o I.l>. f|ViAT VAI.IMII.f. REM, ESI'ATE known U sin the “FRENCH r.OAItIMV. Il"l l.ot on which the mime sliiimlo. sil«aled on Moiiß'otn cry street. opposite the Mner.s’ Raker) The above doe died properly i- one of the h"*t Business Stands in the ial)> mid oil. rs superior os ducemenls to those desirous of pun h fisc., Aug. -1. J. VV. IK N e Aue i, neer REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION! J. VV, DUNN, Auctioneer. t| ( —- SAIUIIDAY AUGUST lldd,at 2o th ck.P. M raxtii; m ii.niNa and lot know n as hie a AMI.KUAN It Als Kit V. Ml in on Mon cry -street. opposite Use I means Hot I, will be s i, t public auction, on Fnturday, Ausn.t ilel, at s o'clock I’. M., Unless previously d'sposttd of at private mile. August lit, ISaG. J. VV. HL'N.N, Auctioneer. For Sale I aN CONSEQUENCE (>F ONE OE TilS PART . n.-r. to the Alhialic Stan-s, onc-hnlf of the M Ai.Nol.l A SAI.I •< >N will be sold cheap for ctisis. No rent to pay for fourteen months. Apply to augdo if J. tf. HICKEY &. CO. NEW FANCY COOKS’ 19 ISS M. E DEAR HORN, wot l.tis \ V To 11 El aV/3 friend, and Hie public (Ten* rally, that hy ealiiia at tin; E\ IH ES’ EXrtEV.MiiE, they can Ite-ltowni beattlilul ii«sortmeri of the | uleai Stylos of Ladies French lint., of ino.-i eujuisito beauty aml finish Also. a lot of Choice Perfumery and Toilet Article, all of which have just been received direct from <ln Importers. migdOdf PHOENIX SALOON! Undue Watchuan’si ('kick Ptore. Moktoomkbv STREET, UaOVII.Lr. r*IUE SUBSCRIBER HAS BECOME SOLE PRO- M. prtetor of this Saloon, and is determiuad not tc he outdone in fumlshUi.’ a p luce of r. sort worthy the pal mange of the Oroville public. The bent of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Will be found ai ail times, to which he invite* bU friend, to partake. ABRAHAM MIELEP. . Oroville, Auguat 19. augU-tl BANK BUS. MtWILLIAMS vN TVMESON, BANKERS, nkw lutii’K nni him; dhintu m> nthhm* I.KV AM) M \ i.HS .-1 lUI T ono vixjliH. GOLD DUST BOUGHT At the Highest Rates. Clioc Is. fti n t X* nr ! iON MAUVHVIM.K SAiIMMIA l ) I'ITY AX3 HA X I UAS) l.'t I) SIGHT DRAFTS For Hale, "ii nil ll " l*iin* ■|* 1 Mlimiir < ) i« >*. £ ,-/• |i| |*OHITH received. Special mill olherwis ■lulv 1 I. j> 1 » I C. II SUCY) C I. I.IIW, I’ F. LOW. MACY, I.OW & CO., JLJ A N K E R S . euliN r;it oi’ rii \/. \ m» tin hi ; ; r:; m •’, MARYSVILLE GOLL DUST I'l Hi' II A SKI) AT THE HIGHEST RATES. or f nmvAitnKi) ro nn; mint h>k coin aci,» O Xv O C* 3v. H /\ r ON liAKlll.'iiV Mi ■UL AN. ill! I/. .V R M.M'OX’ SAK FRANCISCO W*e iim |n ■ i ■;»r<-i 1 I" ilmw .*■ I). M I I \i 11 \N'-t * m 1 M OHItH. ('ll AKM M) Hid AN .Y" , N f.W \ OltK \|so. "Ii lltii oilier ]>r i li*'i |> 1 1 l'..M"l'll ) ill" Manill", A uuuiil I, 1 - «ut ir MARYSVILLE ASSAY orfr'Bt'K!! HAKIIIS, MAIU.TI AND N CO., K tln i mur Hi" corner ot Srcmiil «lm ( M.IIiYSI'ILU Al,fS()—lo7 ■! HrKI’.KT, H ACK VMFNTD. Will continue to carry on Ilia business of .Melt inn, iV. A slaving CULP AA T I) onus OF KVKIIY DKHHUHTIoN, \V« guarantee 111" correctness (if our A-says, and Mini ourselves I" pay any differences that may arise with any of the 11.I 1 . H." MINTS, Returns mad" in Inin: six lo twelve linnrs, IN BARS OR COIN HrKl im kns ok Ui mitz Assavkii ami VaI.I KH. TKUMS FOU AHHAVINH; lh(£ sane) as iu Hun Francisco. 11. II \ Ii lIIH, l>. MAR) II \ND. C. 1,. FA 111 l IN).T( »■; jyUS-my NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GRAND R ADD! AT TIIUI OIITDVs KXI’IIANH F., \V V A NDOTTF, Thinsilay Id veiling, August Jl, IHAO, A (IRANI) HAM. will li" given at TRIH'HIf d m TON’H tX' H \NOK. in Wyandotte, mi Hi" eve- rnn I’.i’av v l iii -|' <i-i. An excellent Hand of Music ha* been engaged (or Hi" <« canton, and every I'xcrlimi will he niadu to render this one ol He) llin si Hall* of Hie season. (oninilllii "t lux Mat lon, f, )! I,ini ni.N, ) )na ill". 1.. Smuv, do .1, M. Kkxsk, Howell’s, .1 . Snow, M \undottc, \. Tin I ( im.«, do I)R. WILI.SON, IlillWell. Wyaiidoll", August 6, (1 Tiiommos, Marysville, .Innn )i A I IS, do .1. F. Tau k. Harden Ranch, Mil 'l'll 'MAS. I lonriil City, Mk. \V a i son, I'orhcshevn, IK i: How i; s, linin' I l 011. IH.TO. augfeid BOARD AND RESIDENCE A FT.U HII NTI.F MKN w ill llnd a I'leasanl homo i U with a private laiiitiy innneil ilm-e ) ullages on Oak si net, second doer from Vlonlgomi ry . (iroville, August Hi. (aiigllilll A IKS. PORT, JAMES GREEN. PHYSICIAN AND M KIiLOX. I~jT Can Im found ill "OrlMiii# lloh I,’’ when no i’rofessiunully engaged. jy lodlt* Watchmaker anti Jeweler. I world) KEHPK) I'l 1M.1.Y INFORM r Y.-J I he citizens "T Orn vilie and vicimiy. that I hnvo Os--"S. purchased of 'lr, llosimlhal. Ins \\ .ilaTintu kliij- mid .!( xxeliy Kaliilil.liiik nt, on Mont, goinery sired, and have Ideated my sell permanently oi 1 1 c aho .(* business ill lids [dace, and hope by strict ai(. i.iiilll to business, to merit it reasonable share of pain n life in Hie above lino. I will "unranter to do H'or/r as nu ll ns it mi hr i/orir an ‘/where in the Slnte. \* !. KIM'S OF JKVVEI.RY MADE TO OK OKU. I I’arlicnlar altontiotl paid to the Hupairitif hms. GKO. K. SMITH. 1 v l ' . .iipiist 11. Ihofi. augll tf CCN3TABLES SALE B’iS . > of e Fxccntion issued on lof Jnslico l.i.i. ii'- Court, and lo me dirccled, on the llrsl day "f \n riet, A. I), is.jti, cuiinnaiidinK me lo mako Hie «am of mic hundred anil cuhly one hundredths ilo.lurs iidi'iin nl, and i wunty cixhl dollars costs ac cr I!,' css .| in I Order,oul ol the properly herein al > r (lesiTiltcl, lo SiUisly the aforesaid .Imlirinciil, wherein F. I. Dennison is plaintiff mid f’harles Mimin y and \V H. Johnsmiarcih l 'lllllllll*, to wit:— one house am I lot situated in tin town of (Vntcrv die, near Dry ) reek, on Ifi" opposite side of Ihe road Irom Mr. Weir’s dwi'llimr. The said ho s« has four room# in it, and is IH by Hi fee:—also 1 bedstead, I small parler stove ai d us small .1 md —which I w ill -('11 at lie court risen door of J.T, I'.llh.ll’s olfle*. 011 Hird street, Oroville, Hullo I'o nnly. stale f Cali onna on the Sih day of Hi pu-mber A. H IV/fj, at II o’clock I M.. lo the highest oiddi r for cash. Dated this 14lh dav ol August, A. I). IHS6. .1. Y JuNKH, a 15 Constable of 1 )phlr township. U*. Hr. J. f. C/.XKKAT. —The genliemiin whose iiHine form# the caption of tins nolice is one of Hie few modern physicians whose appliiudion lo his pro fession and devotion to the Bllla tei). n-n h r him alike an ornament to the one and a henellt to the other A Uungiiriun by birth.he sought with Kossuth to place tiis country among the nations cl eanh, beyond the oppressor's rule, that her soi ■ in,get rejoice in the practice of Ihoso pn cepts w liii n are alike our glory and our pride In In- •If rl- so n, Ho, he lias reaped Hie reward of in Hi ' 'ml r<—i- niei to o| presSii n.und •‘a home and a country know him no more " Afisr', however, from Ids e ■ 'in'- upi • 1 r nsidcrution as a patriot, the teelimoi 11 Is ■ t < 1 nu Ii r and ci partly which he hrildO "milk - him I'(|H|l If confidence, to the exclusion of those who |st--. . e itticr the one or the other. A* a genthman Id* i h - icier is untar nislifsl: as a physician, hi* -till ntxnrp i*s* d ; amt lo thosa whose Imprudence has left up 11 them lh« udnls of disease, we can ooasi'trn’ on-ly commend him with the assurance Unit in 1 nn Hey wdl find * friend whom lo know is great gain. TI c fir ’► olfc# is So. Sand 4 Armorv Hall, conn rof rtacrament"and Montgomery Hreeis, San Francisco. alKai