Newspaper Page Text
MISCELLANEOUS. MISS M L DEARDORN. TK«’))!'I I) I:K.-I’l.* Il l U.V inlinn the citizens ▼ T ol Uroville and vienuty. that she has thiaday opened the largest mill In I sel-n ted stock of DRY AND FANCY (IDOLS, ever brought In thin market. Having seleeted my stock myseif. I le-d M»nir. il thiii I cun sell Cheaper tti.m i vi r l» l. rii iiifered in thi- |>in»-f, My Block con sist* in part nl' every <it-~i-ri|>tlot>of l.rl/ timl Fancy Gomls, Liiith is and Shot s far T.ndir *, Cjiilr/s and Shuts fur Children Entbmidrrie*, Silks, hr., Of every style tied description. \l-o, some new style t 11A \yIH, i ir (lint*. Fine ft 1 >it<■ ~tnrti. Ai*n. mi ii--nrltin n' nt I'l ilitiiii ry ami Toilet Ariicli *, My niil Irietnliun i tin j.iilil i- generally. tin iiv" ed It) stive me n cull. M. 1.. Il K A I! lilt US. J* 11 Ann Igi mi ry Street, n tli ■rle I . H I otel NOTICE rWAH r. ntn’ertdgned having •I» pom il i f hi* wi fry .■ IMiililishtneiit tn Vr «n;ii It, formerly of N n k •. v nnlil respectfully request nil |n-t-i in indebted In him In come forward and ret lln lln-lr aeenunts. 1 h”-e lal ing demands against him. Will pie: e [•'. -elil In' stone li r adjustment. Persons h ivii •• nrtlelex hft will Min for rn|it irs. are rn pie* ted In rill for ttie slime w itbin tight days, as thev will he sold b> pnv charges. ji»si:imi Oroville, Saturday Aug. 3. Ik,Vi. FOR SALE ! I T/II’llti: ll< HVI, sinml. d nil the I'ltlir. i‘|i ■ |m*ite the 1 onrl Hi ill'll, I* Inr *!ile, < lieii|i for '•nsh The house in favorably Inrnled Inr I minting, and has al present near'y ene hundred toiinlers. I nth compelled In tall on licrnnnl nt poor til anil. MAKY .). AH KM.. Oroville. July 111, IMrt. nnu3 w 3. FRANK’S HFSTAFRANT, Cniled Slates Milllillog, CORNER MONTGOMERY AM) MYKUB STREETS OROVILLE. FRANK CARRIED re«jmct flatly iiiiiitiiiiK RS tn ms old mu! •he cilizmi* nl < >rm i|lr wncraliy, tlint has c»|»«- ft«<|iiFll! ST < ’L ASS RFS* PACK \N Tin tin* aimw iiatneß HniMSrilf, w!»«tc hr t* # »r» |»mvi| lo liirni-h |h«* puMic wilh all Ihc imliMi*.- aiul deiicticlrrt to hr hunul iii this or thu .Mar # Vf»\illo Mar Atl. The Ini lowing are his HATES OF CHARGES: l\voM)i:nri \j disco\ i:iiy! SN MAKING AN l!\t AVATION SOME TIMK since In in ’ill h Ihe K.M I' 11l Ii HOTEL, In this town, t wns discovered hy the mute and observing mind nl DEACON HIELDON. Unit the utinns|ihere of that locality possessed mil mil' a healthful, hut a remark nlilj s.inihimr |iroiierlv. which seemed to i|tiiel and siilidne the most violent passions, and to invi-l every ■min who frequented the spot, with a wonderful tie- Strew id' selt'cnmphicency, ami a hiirmniiimi.i and Ireiidly di'pi slljnit Inwards the Wllol.K WOULD, anil the cniilliclimt elements nl which it is cnmpnsed. lie therefore resolved, with a henevnlence peculiarity in* own, in take pns'essinn of the excavation lor ti e purpose ol establishing an Institution, where people nl \M. 1' \it II I'S and opinions could safely and harmoniously congregate tor the freedisenssion in the exciting topics of the day, fearless of the slightest risk of any uupleasan' collision With this view, the 1)1! li'HN. In e nmeclion with Ml!. CIIAICK. has Iransformed this location into mi KI.Kt;\NT ROOM, which they liavc designated by ;be name of the SUH T KIIIIA NF.AN SALOON, Where they solicit visits from the P.iichanan Clubs, Fillmore < iubs. Kremonl < 'hilts, and other ttetitlemcn, with or without flubs, and from members ol Vigilance llnmmillees and and Order Parties, from Sons of Temperance and Moderate Imbibers of Raspberry Cobblers, and from that innumerable Fraternity of the Pick, Spade, Pucker, Tom and Sluice, who. alter a day ol toil and labor, would enjoy art hour ol agreeable ri taxation and social conversation. till-; DKAttiN assures his friends, that they will ireel with a most cordial reception at the SUltrKll- HAN KAN SA MM >N. where t tie tin ids dispen-ed will be found fully eipml in quality, to those for w hich the I)KAI\)N is, in part, indebted for his enviable repu lution. Oroville, July 28, 18, r io. jy-fl-lf LAFAYETIE RESTAURANT, ontgomery street, opposite the Orleans Hotel ORO VILLE. Til K SI'RSrUTRKUa RF.SPEOT fuIIy announce to their friends and the citizens of Oroville generally, that they Jfi*have opei ed a SPI.KMIIH IiKSTAF ANT in the above named place, where they are pre ared to furnish the public with all iho luxuries and elicacies to be found in the market. Katos of Hoard: Board per week without l.oding, S 8 itO Board per week with I.edging,..., !• <lO WM. (i K Ett i. A MICH KN KAI Proprietors. CI T Y I. AU N 811 Y! SOUTH SIDE OF COURT HOUSE SQUARE. OROVILLE 110 U THE CONVENIENCE OF THE ('ITI/KIS * of Oroville, I have established a I.anndry on .he south side of Court House square, and Irom a long experience in the business. I am confident ol giving SATISFACTION TO AM-. I shall run a waggon, and will call at the resiliences for washing and deliver the same with pr.miplness. j. Kl AN. Ornville, Aug. lllh, IM< 11, - ;l MILLER’S EXCHANGE, Montgomery street East side- O'ovillc HAVING BEEN RE-FITTED, is again open, and the proprietor takes this method ol inlortning his old customers and the public generally, that he m tends to keep as tine a slot k of l iquors as any bar in the place, in addition to which, his Film * tire m ex rellent ctmdilion. and by courtesy to Ins patrons, he hopes to merit a liberal share' of patrtma.e. Oroville, Aug, 11, [auglUtl] J. "■ MILI.tR. Til C CIO All & TOBACCO STAND Is kept by Little Curly, who will keep on hand the rerv choicest Havana Cigars, Tobacco, Fancy t ipes, •ud every variety of articles found in sticb places. DISSOLUTION I fIAIIE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing b« ■ tween James H. Brass and John U. Keating, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts vine the late Arm be paid to James H lints*, who alone is authorized to use the name of ine firm in liquidation. All demands against the late Brm ol J X). Keating fc Co , will be pahl JOHN D. KEATING. 1 •wvtiia, August 18, IPSB. augl»-U i MISCELLANEOUS. J. D. BROWN, M. D. Graduate i>l New Vork I’niversily, New Vork Modi crd lusiituie. Honorary Graduwte of Syracuse Medic; j College. off' r- hi* professional service*to ihe inhabi tants of UroviKe mid vicinity. (ifllce. nt the (iroville Dr ig t* ofc. Montgomery street, one door from Hie corner of Downer street, July 11, IkSrt jyll-lf CLOTHING I CLOTHING H TO SUIT EVERYBODY ! !’N I - NKD b«irs lwiv»* to inform hi ll Irn-fiiU. nn«t rili/ftm *»f <Tn\il|»* am! vicinity, thn? !» »« u Unro hii»J well wlectcil iUx'k oi Cmnh <>t» hum!, consoling! of fas may a ut.e clot in xc. Moots, Shoes, Mats, \c t , Which h** i* determined to “>!l at TI N H'li (TVT (in;M’K.U til \\ AN V OTHER K- I'A lll.l'll 'll \ I IN THIS TOWN ( all and see us. mid examine onr stock I .lore pur basing els. w here. A. I“. It EM I’. * —lt KMEdIII,it, Montgomery a reel, next d <>r to the I'nited Slates Hotel, sf ten of “ TIIK I'HK M’KST CLOTH IMI AND FUR NISH] Mi STOLE IN OKOVILLE.” Oroville. July -J. is.-.ti. Jy‘-’4tf ORPHANS HOTEL, Montgomery street, south side- Oroville KEEP Jt ssTIUKER—Take pleasure in in ti foment! (he traveling public, nnd ilie cili/.ins L:JL"I or..villa and Unite conntv, that lla > h vt* lea-i >i Hiwell known and popular '■ <H! I,M ANS Ho -IEE,” mid lied iliev are mnv prepared to receive and entertain their friends in the hi t possible manner. We are determined to make the iirleans Hot. 1 a per (eel home to the visitor, and to entertain all who favor Ms willi their patronage with the attention and style known only to FIRST ( I ASS IIoTKhH. 09 XX X* TeXl3 X O shall he spreed with the very best this and Hie City Markets i in atford. IN THE HAIL no house or bar shall or can excel ns. The choicest ipiahlies of Li quors and Udues served up neatly and quickly, mid ■ • run,lam m u m —‘ mi if red" when we inform the pub lic that the ••redoubtable Col. S.” presides. HAN I I’d, REED, FREDERIC K STRIKER. Oroville, July 14,1856. jy U if MAGNOLIA SALOON! Next to 11 mi toon’s Mvelnmge, Oroville. rfniHS COOL AMI COMFORTABI.K REPORT ■ lias been tilled up in the neatest possible man ner, and with an eye s.ngle to making the most re cherche establishment of the kind in town The It It.A \ 1)1 US. WIN lIS. yyc , are of the irost SULK' I lIIt .ANUS, direct Irwin the Importers; and having had LVh J’rart/re at Ihr liar , we Hatter our s. lv. s that we cannot easily be outdone in the mode of selving up the latest and moss fashionable fancy beverages, as well us courtesy and polite attention to onr patrons JAMILS S. IMe'KKV Jr Co. .Montgomery street, next d‘»or to I lull loon’s Exchange Oroville, July lead. jyll-tf NEW ORLEANS STORE! rjJAIli: INPERSIGNED having purchased the in* Js. terest of J hesbros in the above well known establishment, will now keep constantly on hand a LAUGH and well relucted stock of Oroecrics, Provisions, 1 hinlwarc, Crockery, Miners’ Tools, Win's, Blasting Rowtler, Litjiiurs, Quicksilver, Ami other articles 100 numemss to mention. N. It.— Cash paid for I'r dace of all kinds. Oroville. July lath I sob. VV.N. HART. To J>r. 11. Hi liiiainim. Corner Jackson and Montgomery street*, San Nrancisco.—Pear Sir: —lt is with y Leisure that we notice the unbounded sue ce«s widt h has attend, d you in your practice since your residence in ibis Stale, now ow r seven years flic you have done and the skill you have exer cised in the cures that come under our observation make It our duly to lei it be known to the world and more particularly to those now suffering with disease. M< si of Its Were Well Jlf.fll!!i 11 1f.I with you whilst you resided at Mormon Island, and w linosso.l thee*; some remarkable cures which you effected on palieus whose cases were pronounced hopeless by eminent physicians. We have also seen w hat you have done for some of our friends now residing at Column and Plncerville, who after much neauasion and induce ments on our p o i, consented lo go and see you, w hen they had almost despaired of their lives. 1 m y .ml so and ret, irned.and are in w living imleand hearty in n; and r.-.ul r. if this notice should reach your eye and you are aflliclMtl, lake our advice and go lo Hr il MIN IM ANN, and yon will never regret it. Pear Poctor, receive with our most hearty white* for your future welfare, the assurance that we believe you to he one of our most talented and experienced pliyai ians in the Hate. f'RKOKUu K Hauymann, (prop’r Miners’ Hotel.) Jai oil WINKUCN ANN, fp r Greenwood brewery, John Gkorok, Akuost llaiisk. JOSKFII WIMMANM, I ('tunl,is Gtss. I Greenwood Valley. Co’oma. T. Hki.v/., ) Propr’s of the ) T. It N/.t.i, s Croix Federnle, ’■ Plaeervillc, .Iran Hi i hi.tea, ) A. 11. VVai.kkh. El Dorado Slide. (I. /hoick K. (linn oi K. I‘oppe k C 0.,) Oroville. JosKCii Glavki, Auburn. Charles Kasiki.u. Spanish Dry Piggiogß. T Hkhsinokk. tprop’r of bridge,) Condemned Bur. 0. Sacramento, R. Finninokr, do G. Rknai d, do ( act. Pin Michigan Bluffs. Cart. F. S. Mimcoiio. Mormon Island, II) nRy Trcici., ( House,) Jackson. 'I his tesiitu mini was not solicited by Dr lleini mann. ang-T’Jin MINERS’ SUPPLIES ! New Grocery and ■PBOVISIOM STORE. JOHN I>. K EATING, HAS OPENED an exleasiv* and well seeded " Stock of choice Enmity Groceries Prorlaions ami Miners’ Supplies. at his N» >» Sion- on Montgoin erv Street, near (iur-rimC* Shw Mill, to which he in xlmi tin- attention of cmnruinity. He will he in constant receipt ot addition;* to las MO-'k of titvuds ot the latest !m«.rations. Mi* facilities lor pi.rchnsintr beim;ti excelled l» .f, trader in Hie country, he is confident iliat his (iood* and Prices wifi .-smlerthe ntnioM saristactioii !o those who favor him with their imtrontan- The public « .11 please cull nod examine or them elves Oroville July 12, IK O. E S COOPER M D jUnGE O N , | ppicß—At the Kye, Ear. and Ofthopedie Inftr- , ■ F m;Vrv, M i-eion tree!/between Second and Third Jnr ‘•Russian BaihV SAN I KANCISCO. All '•uruical Operothnia EBKt topatien» present ing themselves »i the Ci mir«, on VVedm*d«)i and , Mnnlr*. at Sttf o’clock, P. M. Medical men of the . OUv and Pacific Coast- Kenerally, are respectfully in- | yield to a o ud the In.irmar, on(iTtotad d *)*- eter U may be opportune for IbenifcJTea. angle AX BUSINESS CARDS. J. W. WHITER, D. C. Hl'KltXiAVk: WINTER & BURLINGAME , 'Cl'. ■'v niMce— In Mcilruth’s Hulling. I) «(r. i-l, between S cond Bud, up. the Maun limine, 1 X MARYSVILLE We also tinvc* operii e. an uttlco in the L', S Block. Oruvilli*. P.uUe Co , where one of us may at all times be fi.uui!. A. C, J. D. Hi HD. MORSE & BIRD AUCTION & COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Particular attention paid to the Sales of HE*if. r.sT.rii: stocks. mi\l\g ci.mms, LICK iTO< A'. jJ.VD El'EKl’ CL CVS UK Personal I’ropnly, Orovili.k, Buttk fuiMv, Cal. A C.MCRSE Attorney .v Cm nski.lor a r I,aw .V Convbyarckr, Corner Myers ami Montgomery Streets. J G LAWTON- Jr ATT’Y Sc COUNSKLLI )U AT LAW AM> 1 OM MISSIONS K roll NliKil Hfsfc IT* k K. II.ISII. <i o - ultice corner of Myers and Montgomery Streets, No. i, lulled Slates It lock, upstairs. KM SMITH, ITI.Kt.KB O. Hl eIIAKII SMITH & HUBBARD, Attorney# ic Coi nsklloks at Law. Cll ATI-KS t,l. 111:11 BA lll)—Notary Public. (mice. of Montgomery .V Downer streets MIA ARD U FARLEY ATTORNEY COUNSELLOR AT IjAW, NOTARY Pi BUCt, RE At. ESTATE AGENT AND ( ON vhvani kr, Oruville, Uuite County, Cal. Wax PRAI Til KIN AIT. TIIE CoTRT« l)i THIS STATE. A M ZABRI3KIE. ATT’Y &COI NBLLLOU AT LAW Orovili.k. Bittk Coi vrv. California. BARKER &. EWER. Attorneys & Counsellors at Law. OrneE —Corner of Montgomery and Downer streets PH Harris. James m ui rt HARRIS &, BURT AT TORN KY S A T LA W, OHOVII.EE, m m: COUNTV, CAE Ofiler*, Myers street, west side, above Modlgotnery DR T McGUIRE, Orru k—MllieUplur Drug Store. .Montgomery st Orovili.k, Bi tte Colntv. Cal. J. B. WARDEN, M D. A .lelf.irson Medical College, Phila delphia. lias lotaled lor the practice of his Profession, at llenshaw ’s Rancho. Butte County. August IT, 18.N0. nugll-2m* CHARLES r. LOTT. W. T. SEXTON LOTT A SEXTON, ATTOiIN K Y S AT LA W, BI DWELL, Cal. THOMAS WELLS ATTORNEY AT LAW, BIDWEEE, BUTTE COUNTY. Special attention qiven In tho searching of County Record-, invi -luuuiiiu unities, &c . and to the draw ini' ef 1> i lls and nil in-tninieiits lor record. Office in tho Court llonno. »IS-4'i W S SAP FORD. JUSTICE or THE PEACE, I’.imvnu,, it cm: cocntv, Office—in 11iiin.- &. Hurl's Law < dtiee, on tho hill. AH kinds id' writing promptly and correctly intend ed to. i-itf J W SCOTT COUNTY BUKV KY( )U FUli BUTTE COUNTY AND CIVIL ENGINEER, oroville, in, California. Persons de-irimt his «ervica s will please leave their orders m the office of Messrs, I (arris .v Hurl 14tf RAIL ROAD HOUSE HOTEL AN IIESTALTIAXT, EUROPEAN PLAN, No. 4 Commercial mid S 7 4/ Iny alnnHa. Pan Francisco. lIALKY & THOMPSON, Proprietors. DR J K N OWEN. B lAS Bellied perinnnenily in Oroville, mid res- B B peellnlly offers his prolessionid services to Ihe citizens of Ihe placu and its vicinity. Ulrica—Be twcen Hie Orleans and ihe Hotel do France. 11. BARNETT, Cheap Harry ) LICENSED AUCTIONEER, MOS TOO MK H V STUFET, OKOFI/.LF.. Attends personally, to Fide* of Real Estate, Furni ture and Slock. jyl4-tf J, T ELLIOTT' JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Office, on Bird street, between Myers and llimtuon, OROVILLE, BUTTE COVXTV. July 14. IH6O. jy!4lf J Y. JONE S' CONSTARLE AND COLLECTOR OF NOTES AM) ACCOUNTS. Also—AN ill sell Personal Properly on Commission. Oiru k. w dti A. T. Elliot), I.mi., Bud struct, * 'roville. July 14, ld.i6, jy 14-tf DR J S SHEPHERD. • HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, OFFICE -AI M ILBLH3. July 17. Ibid. Jyl7-tf JOHN WU.SON, W M. 11. Rt SI ZLI., A. AISiSTS JOHN WILSON & CO. Attorneys and counsellor* at law. Ist floor 91, Merchant St. ni ar Monltrotnery MIGUELS & AYRES. HOUSE, SIGN & DECORATIVE PAI3VTEHS! Roatguiuery street, two doors above tho Km pi re Hotel OROVILLE, CAL. •'■JT'Aarticwiar a teution paid to ORNAMENTAL SION PAINTING. iIW-lf MISCELLANEOUS. LADIES’ EMPOIUIM OF P A. S II I O 3M MRS. M, L. NEWELL, AVIN’G Jf'ST RECEIVED direct from the Im porters, a 1 1 rife and wi ll selected assortment i>( Ml 1.1.1 XEI! Y. I. VIHK.S' APPAREL, GENTLE MUN S’ FI UN ISHIM! GOODS. FANCY II K V GOODS, Sic., would respectfully call tin; attention of llii. community to tin 1 fuel that although she may not hitmi n ’Nick at Ihr Ln >.«’ Kxt hani", \ft sHK WILL NOT HE FNDERsoI.D. Auiom; her block may he found Ladle,-’ Dr. ■-» Umrli, Freneh Lawns. Printed Jawme is, Fain y and Plain Swiss Muslin., French Law ii- ajnl Ginghams, Thila-ts, De laines. Poplin., s-.iks, Embroi dery, I.min Edging. andj 1 n-t-ninv*. Mhiillllhs, A chi lice lot uf Milaiu ry—Ribbons, I .(vees, Flowers, Blondes, ilriid dres'f* anil Mourning (limit. Leghorn Hal. for Boy., Gimp 11 ala fir Mi-.-. Flannel, of i vt'y variety, lied Inking, Linen Dam a-k and Crash. Si-iiMi mul French llni| i-r. Embroi dered and Gras. Cloth Shirt.., Marseilles, (Tuilts, Long ( 111! Ii and Mo-iptlio \e!.. Gents' Goods-—Drawers an! Fiidendurt., Cravuts, Hntidkr rchiet- Glows, 1, nen Shir'. Millinery Work and Mantua Making executed with Ileal in-., and promt litiide. fl*)"I have just received In addition so the above .'nek, aheiiulifnl assortment of Clothing, Huts.» up.. Shirt. I vc , suitable for Ituys. 1 hankful tor the liberal patronage of nvy friends, a cimtinuiiiion of the.same frmn them and Hie public generally, is respectfully solicited. M b, NKWRU,. Montgomery street. opposite lluntoon’s E.vtlmngtv. (•roville. May 111, l-.jit, jv gj EAGLE BAKERY, CORNER MYERS ft lIIRD STS., OROVILLE, g'VOFLU S \V TO MV FUI FMiS and the public, that haviinf hecimie sole proprietor of the nlwive esl.iblishinenl. 1 am ready to serve them with the best and freshest IiIIEAD, PIES, CAKES. &C., At short notice and on the most reasonable li nns. SODA, SUGAR & It UTTER CRACKERS Constantly on hand. My Waggon will deliver every thing in my tine at tin- ri-snti-uce of my customers. <’ll ARLES CHERRY. Oroville, July 22, 180(3- jy22-tf LADIES A3VD OEN TL EIVIE N, CALL AT MIL lIK.\DLL'S ROOMS, ’*%niKltK MU i’ \N EXAMINE SPECIMENS wy o! hi. work in I'lioloifrapliy, Amhrotype and Ilaguerri an Art He ha. ami nln rof beau till’d view. t ditlerent portion. of tin- Town, taken In ltd. new and beautiful si vie. on paper called Photograph., Corner of Myers and Montgomery streets, i froville. jy-",i if Provisions, Shoes, Liquors, fiiC., Si 0, . 3VE j'V. IT T X TNT , Opposite the Ophir Drug Store. Montgomery street OROVILLE eiIPs constantly on hand, a well se lecled slock of Groceries, Poofs, Clothing, Alining Tools, Which he olf.-r. at thv lowest rates FOR CASH. £ g/”(JiM)d. deliveredFUEE OF CHARGE. Oroville. July 14, 18 00. jyl4-tf MINERS’ STOLE i BETWEEN MONTGOMERY V HIED STREETS, roppusile the Hutto Record Printing otltce. .1. 31. CLXiIK .Si, UKO., rfilaki-i l hi. in el hod of tendering their l hanks to the " cili/en. and miner, of Oroville, for their past liberal patronage, an 1 re.pi-clfiilly solicit, a coniinu unc- -it tin* same. 'Hie patronage extended to us we .f d! endeavor to merit try keeping on hand a well ie t d Stock of Goods at Hie lowest market rate., such u.-» PROVISION’S. G KOCH If IKS, HARDWARE, ROOTS, shoes, CLOTHING ' and other article, too numerous to mention. N IF—U e have ml liainl the best (pialily of Bailed Hay, w Inch wilt I »,• .i,|i| in lot. to suit. Oroville, July -Jg, ]Bi',ti. IT. S. Livery Stable. Myers Street PJcar IVloiitgoracry. SAG K I IT rgn Ji. gr-vHi from lime - stock and meet vv !i »f I In* a: Slink Term., It stock -i a tlr-il cl -> and Sail Thankful ■ tinuam- ot il.i 1 »uled Or< Mr ’■ " I 'I Till-; TIMES, and rapid "■ have, ot late, and w ill i ■ ve additions to our ir e-luh!i-hnient, to m-reii.-lng demands let most reasonable . m it or exchange - toe erlnining to ' ilnggli •*, liuck. lomeiil’s notice. i merit a con . IIGFF MAN. jyludlf. o'* ,\\Vc V. 11 olvsuia A N I) LIQUOR. VAULT, Myers street, above Moiiiunnnry'. IHE I :NDF,R''ICNED IUS IN STORF. ami h r Male, tlie lidiowina ?loe k of Liquors, which hu will »rll. buying no rent or city taxes to pay, at rati -s lower than can be bought in tmlierroicruineiiioor .Marysville ; uml would call the attention ot retailer? to examine his slock be fore purchasing elsi w here. TI-'.UMs, C.JS !£. ■J.i barrels Monongiihela " hlvky, -5 barrels Domestic brandy. 2 barrels O. I*. A; Co- do 4 harta ls I'.otielle Slr-.u Iy. 4 pipes Holland (.hi, a barrels Port Wine. 4 barrels Duff Cordon Cherry. Together w ith 50 c.i»i - Clare!. Cun can, Kau de vie liunlztvk, *.’o cases I.eslte -1! Hers. Id cases Haul Saulerne. ti cures l .'tra t .Absinthe. I Id r;i»i s Stein be. ver Fabmef, Scotch M 1 isKey Ini’s-ital Alo in cases. Id cu:*es 4 linger Wine, Hasplierry. Strawberry, Lemon Syrup, In < asea i him.pagne Cider, brandy benches. srMih, Finnish and American Ah'*, ■it ( |||. fereul brands, Ac.. Ac. T HUM AS Ll.-SKT. Oroulle, July 15, 18ft>. jylau JOHN PARRY, MANUFACTURES OF BRICK CONTRACTOR & BUILDER. 1 WOULD ANNOUNCE to Ihe citizens of « troville and vicinity, that 1 em prewired lo undertake Juba in the above line, to any extent. As I atn manufac turing Batch extensively ami ain a practical Masou, 1 rust I am able to render satisfaction a« regards terms b 4 dispatch jyl4-tf (Drouillc Sail? finite iilcrorh A»»i Krnric»o» thkElack Hem iucan* —To claim to be a Repiblican party —amt then to coll a t . nvenlion to nominate a can- J'nlate for the Presidency, representing only It! States out of 31, which compose the lit public! To claim to be nn nntislaveiy party, nn 1 then to select a slaveholder fc r the Ptcsi dency. f> To claim to be a party in favor of free limn, in favor of the blacks—and then pro pose to enslave the whites who emigrate to Kansas! To endorse Sumner’s abuse of South Caro lina and of South Carolina men—and the: select one from that State to be their stand nrd-bcarer! To a! use the Administrate n of Preside!!' Pierce, and to characterize the measures of the Democratic party ns absolutely wicked and even internal—and not to propose 1 1> repeal of a single enactment ot which they complain '.—Ho* ton Mu 111 ciu> w.—We find the following eentirmnt in a speech of Mr iliichnnan, do live red in the House of Representatives in 1822. How perfectly Ims it been illustrated by bis subsequent public career. “ It' 1 know myself, 1 am a politician neither of th Hast nor of the West, of the North nor tlo South. 1 therefore shall forever avoid any expressions, the direct tendency of wide! must be t" create sectional jealousies, sec tional divisions, and at length disunion, f ha’ worst of all p dit'. ml calamities." Missing Passengers.- — i’ho New Void. Herald publish, a a list of the names an ages of the D . passengers, who sailed fron Liverpool on the 17th of Fcbauary last bn New York, in the clipper ship Driver, wh have never been heard of since, and wh • probably encountered the ice then in th ojean, and either foundered or were broken to pieces. They were nearly all in youth oi the prime of life. There were, besides, sev cn infants, and a crew of six olliccrs and 2. men. A melancholy record. A Hi ho. — One of the “ returned” “Ohi' cage Freemen,” upon his arrival in this city took the cars for Kane county. As he passed through Elgin, a grand pow wow was had over his martyrdom. He explained why h did not fight the Missourians, and then wen to his own house, and by the way of show ing how lie could fight, hrula/lt/ heat hi' oini trife. His first act upon Ids return b confirmation strong, that in the presence ot men lie was an arrant coward.— Chi. Time > Prophecy Fi i,filled—The Lonisvil . Journal of June 7th, speaking of the nond nation of Mr. Buchanan, says : “ It has been reserved for the degenernt and motley party which now impudent!.’ assumes to call itself Democratic, to sedec for the temple the stone which had been s often rejected by the master builders.” If the Journal will turn to the 12th chap ter of Mark, and the 10th verse, ho will I’m . it tints written : “And have ye not read tins scripture The stone which the builders rejected is he come the head of the corner.”— C/arhsviiii Jeffersonian. " Cf There is a Mormon settlement at Bi Meadows, on the Humboldt, above the Sink “The vote of Yolo will be given for Millai Fillmore —('or. Sue. American, Don't the writer mean the vote of you-lii <•> — Bromikcy. — It is said the Indians and oi inh ihi touts of the country, predict an carl tall, long winter, with great quantities o’ snow and rain. In New i ork they call Fremont “Mr Fremont*." DRUGS AND MEDICINES , f PERSONS WHO WISH TO PPUCMAF i I>ruc». Fancy Article*. nr P< rliimt ry will <: well lo cull at the iiRiiVU.I.E DRIGSTuRi ./’Vc on Moniitoir.ery, one door from Down, r sirei near.he < )rli uns Hol'd. Tin 1 following Pstcouipnav. n portion or Hie stock on hand: Tog ih.t waH all the usual article* kept in DR! ST' >HI.'. which will he *okt at reasonable prices ; thou- wlw> neiy favor u* with a call. Physad uib - poncnpi ions acurately compounded all times of day or night Al.liKltr O. DAY, Apothecary. Orovilie, August 2, lifjtt. augj mj