Newspaper Page Text
OROVILLE DAILY BUTTE RECORD. VOLUME I. (J)roiille Stttf lltrnrt. AVvWW j I'l- inmil >ll DAILY (M-MMV- rVCKPI ED) Bi i GFO. H. CROSETTE. rvrirr —tn J{«rnnl IDiiUliir.' <>m Myr*r« 1 Ka-t Milt-, between Moiitsroinofy wml Hini, < rr.»\ill*-. Tn»m---“ne Yi'iir Per Mail J||' Plx month*. flu , Thre« mrwilh*. »!•» • , Delivered by Unrrier. per W e«K *»* whkkly nrirra hkcoud. j',,r tirmtint lon lr. th. minlntr nnd imi.'ilinml di*- jr|rt« of the poniirv. -will rrm'liin llieloeul mid i„. w * of Hki week,' wiib liilnre»iiiiK ml* reMimenim rendine mniler. It will eonDdn twenty cii-lit column* of ruridllhc mnilcr, mid w ill lie one «i tin* Wr.-i/.'-i mul ibeltpcrl Weekly New. paper- in Hie Hiiuc. PdAiiMied cvWv Rnlnrdny. Tirm*—l* , r Annum; nix iiwinlbu. lhn*e m^'nlli* l A i»v ». itin 1 if >« st* P' r mpmre o| ten liinn or lc*« Brwt Insertion, . 1' Knrh rih*e((nertAvi«iTtloii,- - " 1 ' \ VdiiVAl deduction will bcmmlc in favor of l*oi«i'",yifr l iiVlvcfrim* iiy the yenr ifiaT" BiiMne** cnrd« iimci icil on reiiwonuhleterruß. JOB PRINTING. ‘WV* would solicit the attention of our friend* who ■nrt* in wmil <>l Job Prinlimf to Hie fact that we ore pre pnrml to execute every description of work in outline to n style Hint cannot lull In «lvi> **.Hi-furtii>n. \\ e liave recently made new and exlim-b e ad lb ion* in «mr assortment of .!ol> Materials, mi l have facility for (loiiitr nil klndiof work nt moderate rales and on short liotico. Crnt nitons Ailvki'. r - Almost every body want* sometblnst —noon are fio forinn'tin ii* to In* entirely indepen lent, in the *irirt mesldmf of Hint li nn —w arc all. in a itrenter or les* deftre* dependent on each oilier. I ins bene* nn in dUpoliible fact, we propn»e to point out a mode by wliicti ino*t of roar desire* may lie urnliH*-(l. vi/. : II yon want any kind of lalmrcrs. incclianic*, or clcik*; vnvKHTi-K. II yon want an office, n lion*e, a lot, or a farm . AnvKHii*n. If you want (o cxclmii'*e property, or to borrow •money; *ovv:a visit. If yon want lo rent or sell bouses, loin, or farm*; AIIVKIII I*K. If ion want todi*po*eof your hnnnes ; j ovkhtsk. If you want to rent room* or oftlcee ; iiivkutkk. If you want any kind of emplovni ml ; ahviiktisk. Wli hi ever you want have or to disposu of; advkrtisk. . Am mu' Ihe many advcrlUim* medium*, we may In* •permitted to recommend loymr favorable consider ation the ‘•Da vit.i. k leui.v lli’ttk Hm-omi,” which I* read liy many people liodi at home and abroad II It miit* von. vend in your favor*, and for a fair coin iiell-iilioii. we will introduce you to several ladies and Itentlenien. who olln*rwi«e, nerlinp*. woald never have heard of you. If the *• Utcroiui" doe* not *nil vonr faney,adverli*e in some oilier paper at ml evenls aovkrtwh! Thesn mnrtfestioiis are merely llir.iw i out for your henetlt. and because we believe it to be onrduly to inform you of everythin'* " tiieh i* caciila* ted lo enhance your tulerssl. Do you believe the •üboie i* (food m ice. We pause for a reply.»r«- jkjiw Agents lor the Butte Record* TIRNUY K I'.I'RRU* THOMAS H1*VCK....07 Merciinnt si. San I'rancisco. A I*. H Ill'll, I> street. Marysville N I» IM.UM I'orbeslown AVIIITK fi Nt'TJT.ll Dreiron Cily. £ K JAi-KSON • Doirtownl I.KVI SMITH ThompHoii'* I Tut pH Hilt»I'll KHT I IN Urolherton’* Store. .1 AMKS Tillll'lJllTON VVvnndolie .1 SIIIRWIN XeVstm Creek. I’iunin* ( o JUDKINS it CATB .American Valley M. PKNl'f' MiVilia Valley. Tbo “Ifeconl*’ can be procured from any of the jibove named Auenls, who are nl-o authorised to ro Celvo ad •erliseinenl* and orders fo* Jrtb'Wofk IU TTE BECOIUI JOII I*KIVTI\« ESTABLISHMENT o U <> V I L L H, Wo nro row p»i pared will a good assortment i>! PKINTIXU MATBUIAIiS. U execute every de scription id' VrV |VI m iSli Si" pMIW! ’iW ’ 1 ,8«PSB D ft #.,>**-MS onlhe m •«! REASON Altl.E TERMS, and in a style Altai will not fdl to Hive satisfaction. Mining and mother com panics CKIITICATKS OF STOCK, •Cun have them PRINTED <>N SHORT NOTICE Every kind of Job Printing, executed to order such us ROOKS I'IRtTt.ARS, (.AW lU.ANKS. PAM I’ll LETS, CARDS, IJIM.S OK EXCHOE HIM. HEADS, DEEOB, RANK CHECKS, notes! pill k;r am m ks, PUBTKKS, BILMETS. llli.i.S OK FARE. Air liny other description ol Printing Hint may be de *' r, |lnvln« bud many years practical experience In iha branch of the hnsinens. we are confident <d icv ing en Ire •allsfadlou to all who may favor ns with ih |Vr"nis wishing work done are respectniliy invited c Kivo iw ii call. SPECIAL NOTICES. OROVILLE LCOGE.NO. 103. F.&, A. M.- K y„Ud Meelimfs held on the flr.d Saturday ot ■achmonib. at 7J I*. M •' llniUw.-r I’tatl ► Vl irkct F.utninm on \c*rs slrret. om» <-n* \ u r ,iwn W M . Daniel Jewe’l, s \V; Oeorge \V . Kill" .1 VV; )'Koeenlhal. Treasurer, D *1 > I I KUdne. S I);.I Klumper. J. D: A Hes"nn«. 1 j ler [brethren in good standing. are invited to attend. BUTTE LODGE, No. A M. im*ets at tiieir I).all in Hist—-11, the ■third Saturdays of each momh, at -I . ' ' ln ‘ * r . I Til o’a Will I.*. WM..IIV Cl »v-S «» A ' ChambicHlM'. ■> " Kkkkkh > 'ey . roviLLG DIVISION s. OF T. No. - I sti.,.;-, ' >ry Sunday Evening at_B o Jlo-k, Masonic Hall.’ J U Shepherd; 224,- l> M W I* ■ nRRrCTO'A/N LODGE, No. 50F&A M RwiirhT vecond . .f hml h. H f „ r ,;,; n W M; N n ptninb. 9 WT l> McKee, J W: li mes ttV - tre-nrer .I din Rlno - ai. >ec y; 1! <ft •' Krin.-. JD: .» <’ c ;r)W r ' I ' OD9SNO.4J, 'r, 0 -V“ ,: 'G dir nv~ a;-* -'<l evert Ihor-1.0 • c -4at h-ir •I dl. Rc'w-ll , n-dters in ding are re-pee folly invit.-t. m-u Ul..i k. N W O Dm.a, VG; R Lattimobk. sec v ‘OUOVILLE, BUTTE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, MONDAY, AUGUST 2", 1850. LEGAL NOTICES. » Assignee'* Salr. V VIRTFK of authority in in<* ve«tml «k A»* „ „ in the matter of •' A RancroH v*. »*•« (’rielilor*, a Petitioner in Insolvency in tin* llonora i,l,. th-<’minlv • ' of Hutto Co'tnlv ami Stnt- of California. nmi in pnrM'iame of ho onioi mn«fe hy .mil I'onri on lh**2"-l <lnv of June. A l». 18 proyi ,|ihLf f,,p the .1 iln of (hi* asset!*in mM cans.*, 1 will to public sale at tin* Court llonee <h-or. in HMw<*l!. on iho lllh <lny of \ntriul. A. I>. 1 *■'••• •' oVloclt P M to the »i-rh-.l hi.l.h-r for cash, tin* fol low imr m-. oimi of \V. SC f*nlT.)ni. for the sum of BA) do’lntw- «'i ( l "" Also.thn following describe! jndifment render-. I on tin* 2'ilh ilny of Innnnrr, A. It 1 *•'«<». in ’I" - I»i-t r "*t Court. Nmi It Judicial I ti-trift In nn.l for Hnttei oiintv. ■nnl S'aie of California, I»y default. mrninst It. II Me- D.nvH r,,p tin* puiii of three hundred ami eitrhty ii*vi'ii|< .lx one-humlrodlbM '*■*" '« 1 <loTi«r». ami in* ti.f*! on miu.l ninonnl from the It'll' 'la) "F A nit "Jj \ ft. 1 Hoi. at tin* ruin of iwn (>i*r i*nnl. per month till paid wherein C A. Bancroft la plan' - iff. In.toil this Utli<l»y of July, A D p K , { Sheriff Hutto Ootmty unil Assitrnee. k-tll rIMKr-5 S V I.R.—ltv Virtue Of n docrolnl order i.minrt out oi thn Iti'trft front, Ninth Jmlicnil iii.trim in nn.l for Hutto t’oiinly nn.l f»tMt.* "I < nil* '. r'ihl’ ma.h’ th.* Pith .lay of .Inn-, A H. Wdl, •« ™* .lic.-i, ,1 ami delivered. coniman.limr in.* to inn to* the .„,„;.f f mr nlnetv w. on llfty on.* hum ilpmlHivdollar* j ulmntMM*niul <»n of i nlL’in. iit nt ill- rato "f t-n per .-nt. p-r annum* till, ,r, hi. an:, tin* nun of iiibny-euM'l wlxty on.* Inn lir-ililn. dollar* .*.wt< nn.l nrernlnd coy's of Mind oi.l-r on, of »!..* ~r.i,.«*rlv h-r-inaft-r «l»;- . *•* "<y Iho .i T. 11* . si. I* 1 |ii*l , .finenl. w heroin M. Ual-h iw phiin ti(T m l A. Afciukle defendant. to w;t: C.mnnenclnp I.ii ll',. I’hrv.a in tin* vlllatro Of Hi.lw.-il. Conn' Statei,fore-aid. «t iho N-rlh Viwr corner of l.ainp A. MI'I-i'm Saloon. nn.l running in an ens.otly .llrortlon l„ tin* nr of Ihe -ah! plaza. Mtty f* -I more or I---. th.'ii— in n K.-itli-rlv direction inhe corner on the I Messrs. lloirman. on which th-ir reservoir I* I, them- in a westerly direction to tin* line -f l.ainp Jc 11l l.i'- link. rv. add lh-neo in a —min rl> di r.*,*ti..,i lotl'.-.Ti.l "I tho-paco .li.ifont am formH> ~H.*.| I t-n pin Ail-V inrhi linn th- spncr I'inifl.o | iv ,,.n 1,11111(1 V fli.ln'e hot nn.l Ihn H‘ , ;'* r . v '' ir Iliifl’iian fc |,f >, toaolll.T with Hi tar. 1* a* Inon, I'M preinUee. wl.ich lwi K- at Piihl..* Sal*, ai lha •■our- lloiinul.Hir m tv ami <»n lVi»* 1tl» ilnynf Ann . A I', is. V.. aiOoVl...;k P M.. to the hi«hMl buhlerfor 'initial this 1-th <lav of July, A. P. I^f*.’ 1 I*, rHKI'.U. Hh-rilf Hutto Conntv. SHERIFF S SALE »5V VIIUTK til’ A UK. KI'.TAI, I>HPKH. N-no<l 15 out oi Ho* Ninth .linli'-iiil Pi-tri-t t <n,rt in nn.l foMi.o ,•<)«.nly of 1t,111.*, ami S.ato „t C il.lornm. to no I ami ih livor-ih c<iiiiininnlin« mo h> m.iki In saniol two hiin.lro.l ami forty tVmr .lollara aml fl My .1 ■U.'wilh loual ini.real thoroon. ami the (nr th.*r sum of thirlv-oiic ih.lh.r- an-l Huy coiilh .osle. I!: ,:.,.,, will. Ill,* «,«*. or -mn nm-r am-riniih'. O It ol Iho pm,.oi l) h-r-ini.lti.r J-eerih-iJ, t*\?*| |'j-*|?(.**' n f PMiM B ffi \COH-h! Vim* i"l.e P-f-nilanl. ' ,''p..H.anTh, , :.,r.•.r.lnal.. ( lin.ho,, | W. , ir oil o r.iiinlv of lo ami l-liito ol Cahfnr.i.a. 1n.*1110.1 on tin* rurimr of llnntoon amt Itir.l »li—'i*. r.iiilinu' Ihirtv-llino (iW, font m. Twilit L,v (HU) fool oneiii.l liira street, vvhli*}. I * 1 uVi'hlio -ah*, at tin* Court nou-o-h-r n l ' W.'h mv t „„| Stilt.* af.*ro«mil,»n tin* 1 «FA 11 11 1 l'A ' »f vf'<• I >l' 'f* l'‘."iii. hotwooii tho h.nir» proscnlM’.l l’v l ,w ' y .lho hlirh.-l t.i.hl-r. for.-a-h. u>, ‘ * ,* kUV’.KH Shontt. Hutto county. HaVal. this iV'il- tiny of 'nly, A. U* IHSC. jy3(l-w4 NOTICE n - horehvvivn that I. Mary llr.-nlloy.wifo of James I |ira.l).*' of Hit* count* "I Unite, nmi Mat*' f.irnia iierehv .loclarn that I intenii Innn an I .liter •hi, ,1 u-to carrv on Im-iiioea in my own mini-am ;.r* v own ui i'o'unl in eai.l county of H.i.le nl ; ;n-iml ,|u* nalur- of eahl hn-im-sw m Kancliiiur. '" -mif 'tm-U amt Poultry, Hairy tm-m-a. Minim; ami Hotel I ,■, 111 nr ttl-o hnximr an.leollinit l.iipi-ra at w Imh-a o •uni mil'll anil that I w ill Im* imtivi,|,.al v r-e,.o.iKihh* , IU own n un- fur all tlrhls coiiirncle.l hy in-on ac . «„i „f mv Mai 1 luiMim mm. ami 1 further -leHare lhal the aiiiount of capital inv-Ml.-l ,n Maul m.-u.-mm ,10-m oxc-.l th- oiiil of flve thotixaml .lollnr-. * In wiln,-mm whereof 1 havohoreatnU.M-i my h.iml ami mul this !*•»' U«y J, ‘'> a U \ uR VI,I,KV. Statoof California, ) c nUVhiK iVth' ih.y of .Tilly A. D IWB. P-rM.mallv i »..f,tiu* fi lh<* I **•*• i* «in*l ririho coniov iif-roMalil. Iho ahovn iihiiij-I Mary ■ ri< Hoy known to me h- be the ~er-.„. .le-.-rh.e.l „ Win. Miirne.l the foii -um; ., Who •u-kmiw leililial to me that Mho Kisrneil the mh lie In. I) Si SiS.ii!r, ■»<,XteT?. in mchllolH'U' ...... . z’., i*»i ohiioiied. 18 ilw Hutto Co Cal. II ST ATI I'dTM V <>K III’TTK. lii Hie matter of James « v'.HMim' VNfK of an order mn.le Inthorn.mly INSOLVENCY NOTICE. k ok «*»knia. > At riiambees Drake, mi insolvent l.f till '"""L n'.v nHe Viii*l term «*f He* « D;Kk lVil.:nn the Ml. day nf gliiiSiiii Wmiesa my hnml •'•»•» *»•« J ‘"l ,T 1,, <j, fonri affixed, this, -Will tiny <>• •>■ All ,N> "- at ltidwe.l. ns n.APIN', County t'lerk. :t - 4(V t k ‘ Uy M 11. IURRAf n.l>e|>tity. notice A II PKR'ONS " r claiming I.iens, under A lprovisions ol -At. U•« ( ' ,r s '^oll«nu> ami »l'i ,rov '''' .V' n ' “ • Vi W.* ! li.i • the l.rom rty known «s 1 1 none !..>■« -i. . - *.*<•••., I ml. ... nr 1..- muff, on in the town of Urm ille. coiiniy of Untie ,oel m.m .. I iiliforiiin 'lilt! sine la-in* the reside..! oii.l V.rew- er .ml futility. are hereby m.tifle.l In be •.ml ipi.e ir m the Hmlriel foitrl ot snnl > nmi'y ' 1 ' \I .„il;iv. the M il. itny of Amp.-t, 15.,0. and exhibit U " srlA.M AN. CUljvrY TllßAsl’llKU's* nI'KICE. t ItIUWBLb, July l?th. ISet.. y VOTIPK h herebv icivne, Hint all perm.*hnldin* A Unite f.e.niy W nrrai.u imyi'-ie iron. .he *ene .l fuml, roalsterad between I ebrnary *■ ■*'' f : ‘ M, v Tih IWI. Ill'll the Slime Will I" r««l>. I.ll*l m |itiwilt;* inn Umy mllio And nnlnm .-Inrl .T ~ven. fro til .uni after this dale, said w.irr. nits * UI l, ‘ bWiri ““ V,VM I. ATTIM. IKK, Treasurer nf Untie Ouuuiy. ,r»,p , h retiv the under .n.eil W| ;*l •is I tie tin ,rt of-iipervi-nrsfor Unite 'onnty in-Vst.ieof .•..hfomi;., t .heir ... xt h-h-M i.l lU.lvve.l, is. s «id poiihty,f* ,r |< |‘i.e* I '*• I-V ' either IP-nr, Vth Jon.-io„ of the N-rthKerknf stud river Juitt* 11 IV.ii. fVI.VWTM! r >A\ AUfc, LEGAL NOTICES. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE By Pl Op AN OIUIKU OP TUP. HON i.rnMn Probate Court. In and f* r Unite.cmmty, «li riM-linii tin- Kile of certuin real eslab belonging to Hie .-latf of (Jeorgv I’. Carlton Into of Unite county. do ro:i*od. I shatt evpose for sale. nt public iiwlkm, til the highest bidder. on the Hoth day of Augnst, A H IH.vt at '2 oV'ock. I*. M.. In front »>f the Orleans Hotel, in Orovilie. Hie following described premises. silmve i n Hutto county. Stale of California, to wit: Common dnu' on tlio south-west boundary of Tathatn'* Ranch. !n „w t tr.ivillo) forty "si" Irotn the bank of Ponthor river, nnd running ihonro along said boundary Inn southerly direction one hundred and sixty (160)rods to a Make ; thence In a westerly direction one hun dred and (ixty (ton) rods; thenc-Inn northerly direct i,,l,ollo hundred and sixlv tltiO) rods; thence in an easterly direction one hundred and sixty (10H) rods to the place of beginning. Th<> above tle*crili»*i premi ses being Iho same upon which Hie said Ceorge P Carlton lived and claimed possession. during several years before, and at the lime of ids deceie-e. The terms of ac.lo made known at the time of sale It. MoBAUT, Public Administrator, August Olli IPod. [aug'>w4l Unite county. DECLARATORY NOTICE mjTiTICP. IS HEREBY til VP.N—That I, Catharine M poim, wife of Pewis Cohn, of the eonniy of llntlf and State rtf < ’ttlifonba, do hereby declare, that I intend, from and after this date, to carry on busine-s in my own name ami on my own account, in said i,n oT Unite, that in turn of said business is keep ini' a'wholesale and retail Cigar and also gentle men's Kinm isliing t.oods, and that I will be individu ally responsible in my own name, for all debts con tracted by menu account of my said business, amt I further declare, that the amount of capital invested in said business, does not exceed the sum of live llinnsnnd dollars. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, tills the 1 llh day of August, A. 1> 1H36. CATIIAUINK COHN, I stu. (STATE OF C A I.TEORNIA, if g I’lirvrv or ttiTTK. S ON THIS, the 11th day of August, A. T». 1 Bolt, per sonally appeared before me. a .luslice of the Peace 1 i and for the county aforesaid, the above limn ■d Catharine M Cohn, proven to me to be the person I escribed in and executed the foregoing instrument, n hi, acknowledged to me that sin- executed the same, r.eelv and voluntarily, and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned .IoIIN J< )N PS. Justice of the Peace, Matte county. Cal. Orovilie, August 11, IH’»i‘>. autrll-lf CONSTABLES SALE ■j) y virtue of no P.xecution issued out of Justice 85 Elliott's Court. and to me directed, on the first lav of August, A. i>. I Hill commanding me to make be sum of one hundred and eighty one hundredths |„liars Judgment, mid twenty eight dollars costs ac ruing costs of said Older,oat ot the properly herein fler described, to satisfy Hie aforesaid Judgment, therein P P. Dennison is plaintilf and Charles looney and W. It. Johnson are defendants, to wit:— ine bouse nnd lot situated in the town of Centerville, a*nr Dry t Teek. on I lie opposite side of the road I nun Ir. Weir’s dwelling. The said house has four rooms a it. and is IS by 2d fee’—also I bedstead. 1 small larb'r stove nnd one small stand—which I w ill sell at te court room door of J.T. Klliott’s ollic" on Mini tree!. Orovilie. Butte County, slate cf CalPornla, on lio 6ih day of ftnptember. A. O IS.yrt, at 3 o clock P p. to the highest bidder for cash. Dated this Mill duv of August, A. I». ISM>. J, V JON PH, nis Conslablc of t'phir township. )issolutioii Co-pai’tiiernplp. SHIP CO'PARTNPKHIIIP berteofore existing in Hie Town of < iroville, under the firm and style D |, .tines Jv Co. in the Ale nnd Liquor bitsi ■ss, is this lay dissolved by mutual consent. Said ~p„ ss will hereafter tie conducted under the name JosKgt ip lkjmt. Orovilie. July ‘23, IR.'id, jyi.Vlm FERRY NOTICE OTICR is hereby given that the undersigned vviil apply to Hie Hoard of Supervisors in mid Unite County,at their next regular meeting, fora eii-e to run’ a Perry across the iHv r River, a few rods above the nii Pork of said river, SYLVESTER P. SAVAGE. tidweir.s Mar, Rutte Co. Middle Pork of junction of Hie aim MISCELLANEOUS. lOWARD MEDICAL INSTITUTE. . Sacramento str****t. next to the Pacific Mail S S. Co.’s t dllce over Wines .V Co.’s Express office. SAN FRANCISCO. ROOMS, NTMHERS 1, 2 AND 3. MIIIS INSTITI’TION is founded for Hie cure ot L Syphilitic and Scrofulous complaints, trial-nil eclions o’f iho Cetiilal Organs of whatever nature, -tinned lor Hie express purpose of treating private (ladies at the instance of many medical gentlemen io have seen w ith pain the Imposition* practiced reti lore oprut those who have been the victims ot og tidier 11 sc UP "I is. those connected .with it ar<-to r-ete to a certain extent Ibis means of introducing to public notice. .... rim-e applying for advice will Hud constantly in eildance inedietil ability of undisputed skill in Ibis iks of complaints, and -iil be dealt within the ist honorable and straight-forward manner, For the purpose of securing privacy to Hie most heat... several apartments are so arranged that pa et!|s will be broiiglil in contact with none, but Hie W Physician. . ... . rinse appliiiig to this Institute will the charges .suitable, and the Irealiueiit sup Tier. I.adies and ullemeii who desire to broom•? patients without ling at the rooms of the Inslilute.oui be attended their residences. . ... I’ommnnicatioti from all parts of the country will attended to with promptness, nnd medicines sent iV-ir-d. bv enclosing a fee of b n doll >rs So elforls will be spared In m ike the Howard It,.Unite what it purports to be, a piiiUnthrophic ■onsultutlon iu English, French, Spanish and Vnb "hours from 9 A. M- Mil 9P.M. Address. ,ward Medical Institute, U« Sacramento street. ",nice‘'rby"ician, DR. U MrCAFFREY NEW ADMINISTRATION' Central House Hotel' 14 miles from Micy-ville. on the <’phir, Bulwell Bar and leather river Hoads. )UN LOWRY. Proprietor. I T VKK IM.r \~l’l!K in informing my friends md the traveling community that I am mm ~.,,1V p, re,-Cl- eanl ia commodate them. Tile ill 1,’., with « hoic- L.uuors. my 1 V „,l| .' II li Hi of Iho so I*oll. my n Viable, and my BARN 8 wltfc 11. nud te.-.f .o- Intrstsfc f« r' even- exertion i—d an ,u pur- t " oMaiu and secure the puh r —an Ino public b . ise in '-aluormu »lfd •* .j„ „ r ,;.i an 1 attention '•> every ■*e that ,i me. J L ’ Pr !’ \ T ; .. , .unity July 15, I^C NEVILLE AI) V E U'l'lS EM E NTS. NEW CIO All AND TOBACCO STORE. Weft side I> it reel, oppmiilr the tl»»* llnun House .w .mysrn.i.r., cal. Win. Shnvlioy t<s Co., n 9 FSPTt TITM.V ANNtH'NCK T'TIIK rill- Mi • and Tfl F TU\I)I.. that th- v have o n stnntly on harX, nnd Mr sale, al 11»«* lowest market price?, at WHOLESALE AND DETAIL, V lartre nml cur* fully st'lnd«l stock of ( iKars, of tin* Choicest llrautls. As well n• those of a cheaper ennllly : also KVKRY DKSIRAHI.K. HR AND OF T«HAC('O, nml in short. whalevT may be found in any similar establishment in California. A I.OSU KXPKUW.Xcr. In Ihv bu«ines«, we feel s*snn«l wHI. when eonneeteil with Sfl! MtJUTFOII TV A I!0 DKAHTNC. enable nsic trl.e KNTIUK SAT ISFACTION to lliote wht- may favor n- with their pat mini re. JjTTt W:\TITY TIt.VBKRS supplied leper cent, less than at any other house in the Stale, .MnvrysvTMe .Inly id. lrt;.h . jy 1 letf DRUGS! DRUGS! PEGRAIVI & PRESBURY- At/i/urc Hindi, Alary svi! / e. n’AVF Received per Clipper Ship, “S. rf. Rishop’ a lari'!; ami well selected invoice of DRUGS, MEDICINES and PER. EUMERY Which they offer far Pale at the l.owost Market Prices, and to which tiny in die attention, Tartaric Acid, Ricarhnnato of Soda, Straight &. Taper Corks, Pres ftod Hops Pressed Sago, Oil of Sarsaparilla, Kx- Lctnon and Vanilla, Ptriicts of Strawberry, And a virriolv of articles suited to the Monnleiu Trade, are now in Store, and will a rive by ipiurterly shipments from New Vork and Philad.dphia. I’KI.ItAM V PIIKSIirUY, Apothecaries .V Druifimts. Fmpire M v III#* WALKER, WILSON & Co, DEALERS IN STAPLE AHD FATiCT DHT GOODS, Clot hill", Hoots, Ladies’ and CHILDREN'S SHOES, HOBIERV, &C., West side !>. sf near 2nd st llurjnille. fr*nl,l, KKP.P CONSTANTLY ON HAND, n full VV assortment of flood* in their line, nml would respectfully solicit a share of public patrnmnfe Particular atleinion paid to orders In.m the country., THOMAS 15. WALK Ell, ]AMES C. WILSON, JOHN R. MASON, fob 2-1--It J\. C A n 33 FROM THE WESTERN HOUSE r|A II I. I’NTIK Krt|fi \ FI) wishes to inf inn the |ra\ - H eli-itr pnhlic and the citizens of Marysville, that after this-lay all business connected with Ihe Hotel department will be carried on by the use of Tit K FTP, as folio we: •: S . 2, I.niiClNi: 50ct»., - > cts . and SI FAMILY ROOMS*., 50 [e r day. A ticket for Day Hoard, hy the week, w ill be S!<S payable in advance. . , , . \ Ticket for Date Hoard, with I/ideimj, by the week, will be *i:t, $l5, and Sis, according to selec tion Of room. ... .. Ttio Proprietor hopes these Reductions will be preiierly appreciiited by the Public. Ihe stylo ol business ns before. The addition of a L'ood Hntli House, sßiavinjf Saloon, with the adviinlaife of the office (if the California Mine* Company, with every other cunviMiinice for the inivfl«*r» hiII. I iliink, in* sure to the public, all the needtol comforts of a home. In connection with the alMve.the proprietor deems n nhsolmely necessarv to slate distinctly that he cannot, I leu-ill not nor siiai.i. not, to any one, male or te male, ijive the »hghU*l nr shortest credit. I his is not |kt**oiuil: it is I Ivivo nven rather imposed ii|M.n lately, mid 1 wish to protect the in.crests of my creditors, as well us my own. Marysville, July 18. I*so. Wool, Hides and Tallow m j VKD—For which ih<* highest market price, W'w.iib«,mui. Api'iy;;;, Kpil p SMITII Corner of 4th me I B streets., eastern entrance on Fourth street near the Buckeye Mill, Marysville, « —rgrii if wriiinitiiHir.wg»- , * I|IMWIII111 iirnMii * -*m MISCELLANEOUS. WHITE & NUTTER, DEALER* IN GROCERIES provisions LIQUORS, &.C., &C. r «m; cv nKtI.«I<:NF.I», in cnlling tbaiPM.tion of I ihi* nut.tic to Ite'ir woekwl <’nn»f (•«mde, would * • . . ..i .... ii , i. . ii en t li’ili L' s uvui t lien selves H this opportunity p. r.U.irii tl.aiik lor tl'o very geiii-roiis jmlrouaie it.ev have received du ring the number of J-'.Ts they have been *-nr tf d ill hm-iiie-nol this plane; mid determined tmit-nl a iin.iauce of the w.nv in future. ..ff-r at tie; towi n'.- a law nail well selected nw.rtmei.l of <-r «cen.- Hint I’ruviMoii-. I.iuiiors ol n superior <|imlin, Ire -erv. d l Miners'supplies, Ilardwa-;. '-rock' r> ae.d \e.. ,Ve I* irticulnr a'lent on paid I. to flllim; and delivering mii.eiV order* in maUi tan> e Tie* in,'hem price paid lor bo d l»u*t \W shall nlwi run it diiily F**i , r !,!M * I nck.i/n I * prci.s, between, this place Oregon Cilv, July IP*B I.• f f SAL li by the Cm* or Packag* ir B quantities to pui>. .mil hill paper. Legal cop LelUr I aper. h tior' 11.’ 1 paper. Fon’« cap. Nde paper, !en ils. Blank B >oks, Wafer*. &c &c. Noiaj arricra 80 1 k \ Siaii.u.ary < o. 7 Battery &C 4& 00 Long'*hart San !i at iaco. 3 C- B. KIMBALL, Pres. 3liscclla«»v. Tmk Panama ('main. Ali giving a description < f tin* city of Mex ico, a* it was found by Cort<*«, states that “there wore rows of silversmith*, nho hold jewels olid chains of rxtraur* dinary fashions.” Concerning tin-* passage. F.whank, in his celebrated work on the Mechanic Arts, ns known to ill» undents, has ilie follow itg curi ous information t I hese chains, which wove worn ronnd'flie neck, were doubt less similar to lit.ise known as I'nvmn i chain t; which certainly are rare speci mens of workmanship. r I hey may sometimes be met with at our jewelers who buy them for the purity of the ./old. It is said that the mode of mak ing them has never been discovered and that the secret is still preserved among the Indians of Panama. We have ex amined one which came from Catling**- na, the length of which, had it been cut, was eight feet two inches ; its sec tion, which was hexagonal, did not ex ceed ono*twentictli of in inch in diam eter. It was formed of one or more fine wires, which seemed to have been woven or interlaced like the platting of a whip handle. When a single thread was examined by a microscope, it was found to he composed of several small er wires, which separate, were scarce ly perceptible to our unaided vi-i n. the weight of the chain was eleven pennyweights, and it appeared to bo as flexible as a piece of twine, certainly far more so than any chain formed of links. No end of a wire could ho de tected, and not a particle of solder was used. _ A Man- llcv. Mr Stiggius said, ‘‘l am a charitable man, i.nd think every one entitled to his opinion, and never cherish malice against my foes, not even against Mr. Mulberry, who has indirectly called me a sinner ; but still, it the Ford lias a thunderbolt to spare, I think it would be well bestowed on dear brother Mul berry's lie id ” Coi, km aN, the dramatist, was asked if lie knew Theodore Hook. “Vos,” replied the wit, “Hook and Kyc arc oil associates.” Why arc the ladi s of the present day like the lilies of the scriptures ? Hecanse they “toil not, neither do they spin ; vet Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of them.” Nkw York.—The amount of real and person il property taxable in New York City this year is s’)7 1 ,589,200. ‘t.|, more than thirty millions greater than in 1 Sos. EXPRESS AM) STAGE LINES. EVERTS, DAVIS & CO.’S express office HOW K’S HI'II-DIStJ. I) .-TRKCT, VVHfIWUi:. MARVSVILLE. \I>MI.Y KXI’KKSS will he d.sfadched f'otn uur iitlhe in Marysville, >'• R'lht.n < ivt-k. *••••- wiuvillc Korhe-town, (‘oiumhu* Iloilo, l.exlm/tm, ll.nw, Warren Mill. Ilt.|.fc»n-vill.-, Nelson t reek. Poor Mini’s Creek, Hopkins Creek, Richmond 11.11 l,i.ti-rpriv n VV viiuiliUlc. lam* Uur. Spruit* Valley. Male- Dw*.n*-, m. IS 1(1 well's liar, llunsoavdle, him Drove. «.h in H< r viHe, iMcmUii lim. Indopeudencn ~ la. r ; A .' ,l " r --T Valiev, l.ii/.ihethtown, -pani-li Rail h.>• J" 1 ; lev. > iiv nl '7tt, Januseii hre.-k, i .man • rvek u. im.l. . 1 h.imp’-oiiV I lilt. Oreimu M-ileh llaniard * 1 i«'»k*. Iliiirisoii* »»ml MiH. (Inr iIIKA.-l Uh K.XI'KK.'iS will always beaccmn nniiied by faillilul Mcs-en*. r- ... ... 1 g roll.dion-, <irdir», fcc, intended to wtlfc promptness and lidtlily July Hi KVKUT3. DAVIS & CO. Sew AiTiin^ctncn— I’or \rckti Os \ND Ab'l'KU Ji t.V ad IH.X. Hie Cahfi.rm . v tu «,. .im pany’a I ..aches will leave He If ollloe Murray .Ist. 11l Mou.-e, Marysville, in r> .lay at J a - i. M ...rVreka via Hamilton, Neal »U Ui li Hh c«.’, Red ItlntN. . ost.-nWoml .'".ill. a It mil. Hay s Ranch, and McComh.r a .Mile» en.s*- lot river at la-khan’- I errv.' r ludall slt .lien, n* V Hal Tn. ker 10w... .luwlioo Hack. , House. Sod. -|.r.n«- Vrek.i Mm*,. .-«ck. ah I .;'. - -, n. K - . liar in V r. k a on the m ennd day *‘t •> « I . M. R li T li 11 N 1 N ' i Will lenvr I heir oBWo in Yr. h * at . o’clock every - eoiineciiinr Mary-, die will, the » ompn : . r -...mi11. 1t... .. Inca arrive m 1 1 mo lor a,-an inn .-co . 0.. ..akin* a U.roair.. In,, -.a , rvknlo San > r »d 1* JO r. 1) A » • «,t il* I’IIOM A.** «.♦ n« ral S »|» Mal U < »». auly if. (i> HH Marysville. r . S. MA IE EI N E ... > % alHl nl ifT lll'* EiN - > If I. no . *ttm ; •• • ,i.V. '• c-h r.l 1 inUre. « ~r.> v ... I ,•,,• ■ f r iicram* mo. and ••• r ■ • -.ii.r inci-c.> i , 1 fi.MS'-- V. i d ca-e die r !! i’ m.i ntaie.iM. • r m ry-v ille, id ! ■ ».«. ..1. I 1 . n.uyl v.', slip n- e II Mi ch rth, i^c*; ry v i !<■* MMUKU