Newspaper Page Text
(Drouille Hiiiiq 3ktte ißtrori, •ibw: H croukttr, Editor •H0111.1.E, AOdUAY, MUST dijjom dehockitic dojiivvnods. FOR PRESIDENT, JAMES BUCHANAN,’ OK PEJWBVLVANtA FOR VICE PRESIDENT. JOHN C. BRECKINRIDGE, OK KKXTITOKf. Regular Democratic County dominations. [ron memhekh or ahkembly. JAMES 8. LONG, n. j. mo an ison. VOR ASSESSOR. JOHN 11. LILLARD. Dor coroner, TUI. J. I>. BROWN. DK.MCM KATIf STATE (OWEVTIOX At n mootin',' of tin* California Democratic State Ontrul < 'mamittoo. held in tht* city of Sneram.nlo, on Mm HIM. diiy of July l.H.'ili, it wni revolved tfmt u It •ni.'iTuSic Slate Coliveiilioil he called. to moot in l -• l ity of Sacramento, on TUESDAY. the .oli day o| S- p . ether next, for tin* purpose of iioinfualuKr two in.Miili.TA ofCon!rre«». n ( li rk of tin- Supreme i 'onrt, i* .Siperiuteiideut of I*iil'llo tnstriictlon, a Slate I’rison li.l'tor. and four Presidential Electors Ihr State Central t'oninittee hiil'ip’«i ttint Salnr* - Iho 23d day of Auccast, lie the day selected by It .* ilitTercnt counties for the olectioa of lielegatoH to , > ■! Democratic Slate ('on\oi't|on, i'nu iollownv,' is the apjiortioaiaent of represeiita oi ; More Gold Uiscovkuils.— A Mr. Chau vlu an ex-Shorilfof C alavcras county, has recently returned from the Fast hy way of the Plains. After leaving Fort Laramie Mr. Ghauviu made an important discovery of the existence of gold on the eastern slope of the ilocky Mountains, in the llruleo country. 'I hey were placer diggings, and the discovery was accidental, lie was anxious to learn their extent, but whs prohibited by Gen. Harney, who is about to chastise the Brulecs for their hostile conduct, which would ren der it hazardous to bo found in tireir vicinity. - Mining at Ldno Bah.—This lucky old mining ground never will give out it seems. The Boys arc as busy as bees, and prospects arc just ns favorable as they ..*ere ia-’-B) and 50 for a rich return. The Nebraska claim, in which arc interested Tim Oak Smith. Mr. l’ikc, Smith Gambrel, Bob Patton and Ur. Jenkins, is now ready to haul out the pre cious metal, and one of the company that we know of w ill give his share a “ lively dance.’’ Success to them, say we. * ” Sold. —As our good matured Squire J was standing in front of his oflice last even ing, he saw a lady waving her handkerchief, and beckoning to some one to come over. The boys assured him that he was the favor ite humbre, whereupon the Judge started in haste to wait upon tlic lady, but learned much to his chagrin that she was only call ing her China washmnu. Murder on the highwav,. —The Marys ville Express of -Jd hist, says that us a man was driving a six mule team bound for that city, while seated on his saddle-mule, was sliot dead, and left lying in the road near the Oregon house. The call for a Fremont gathering to night, requests the boys to “Steam up.” We always thought that men would have to be drunk before going for Fremont! It is astonishing to see the amount of gold dust purchased weekly by those gen tlemanly Bankers, McWilliams & Tymcson. Their gentlemanly bearing and fair-dealing lenders them justly popular with the mining inhabitants of this vicinity. 4*. Black Republicans. —The Black Repub licans of Uroville, have issued a call for a meeting, at the American Theatre this eve ning, for the purpose of choosing delegates to the Black Republican State Convention. Li the wooly horse iu Uroville.’- Democratic County Contention. Tbe Democratic County Contention which net in Oroville on Saturday last, was pro. tably one of the most boisterous that has ■rer met in Dutte county. This result was irought about by the fact that Oroville had presented contending delegates to the Con vention. The feelings of bitterness, heart burnings and jealousies, excited by the pro ceedings of the Contention, while determin ing which delegation were entitled to seats, resulted in tho withdrawal of the Orotillc delegation from the Contention. We beliete there were also one or two other outside precincts that withdrew, but not we be lieve in sufficient numbers to ronder the dis affection general. The immediate cause of the withdrawal of the delegation was tho fact that the Conven tion did not allow thorn the representation to which they deemed 1 themselves justly entitled, and also believed that the Conven tion had been induced to allow them less representation than they claimed, simply from the fact that Oroville had presented two delegations, and not because the Con vention did not believe them justly entitled to the number claimed. The division in Oroville was deeply regretted, and it should have been the duty of the Convention to heal and harmonize the breach instead of pursuing a course that could oiny spread the disaffection. Tho Convention determined the matter apparently more in a spirit of repreraand than conciliation, and a desire to sec the Democracy present a united and boll front to the despicable isms which now compose the opposition, and which arc stri ving for the ascendency over the Union. The Convention appeared to exhibit a desire to cut down the Oroville represention simply because two sets of delegates were present ed, and it was upon this presumption that the delegation which .vas admitted and cut down, withdrew'. Wo arc not disposed to defend the with drawal of the delegation. It was wrong—it was contrary to our ideas of the duly of the delegation towards those who had elected them; and it was only when a majority of the seven delegates allowed by the Conven tion had determined to leave the precinct unrepresented, and we were satisfied that such a course would lessen the breach then existing in the ranks of the Orovillc Democ racy, that wo yielded obedience to the wishes of the delegation, and reluctantly retired. The delegation were acting upon old Jack sonian doctrine; .‘ask nothing but what is right, and submit to nothing wrong.” They believed they were right, and acted accord ingly. We recognize the Convention as the true and legitimate action of the Democratic par ty of the county, and as such we nail its nominees to the mast-head, and shall battle with a zeal and earnestness for their election and we ask the Democracy of Orovillc to for get past differences and heart-burnings, and with a generosity and magnanimity that seemed foreign to the Oouvention, tender the nominees a support that shall overwhelm all opposition. The Democracy of Orovillc owe it to themselves to pursue this course, and we trust they may determine to do so. The candidates presented by the Conven tion for members of Assembly, are men against whom there is no objection to urge. They arc old residents of the county, who have been long and favorably known to a lar-'e portion of the inhabitants of the coun- P I ty. Their homes and interests are here in the county, and . hould they be elected, we doubt not they will return at the close of the session, give an account of theij steward ship. and receive the reward of their merits. They are both practical men, of sound Demo cratic faith, correct business habi:s and un bending integrity j The entire ticket wc believe is a good one —one upon which the Democracy of Orovillc can unite, and by the aid of other outside precibcts in the county, give it such support as will place it far bt'youd the power of those who sympathise with the proscriptive doctrines of Know or the still more fatal tendencies of llepuhlicanism. — Wiiat soy the Democracy of Orovillc? Let us give the ticket a support that will entitle us to thirty-fii'A delegate# in the next Con vention, instead of thirteen. This is the course we have kid down for ourselves. Our columno-we open to those of the Democracy who may differ with us. What ths,v could do. —A delegate from that populous pyccinct, Virginia Wat, gut somewhat excited ia the. Convention yes terday, when he was toil that they were not entitled to his proved number of votes. The Mnjj informed the Convention thvt al though but few votes were polled at the last election La hie ward, they sent over 400 to help Orovillc out, and they would show them a Democratic majority this fall, that would .knock them all askew.. DMo*cratic Cnnty C«nv«ntion The Democratic County Contention met pursuant to call, at Orovillc, August 123 d, 1806, and was called t« order by Geo. H Crosette as Chairman of tho Democratic County Committee. On motion of C. F. L6tt, Thomas Well? was chosen temporary chairman and John Mallon temporary see’y. On motion of C. F. Lott, the chairman was authorized to appoint a cour.iwttce of five on credentials. The chairman-appointed the following per sons as such committee: C. Fj Lott, John H. Lillard, Ur. J. It. Wraith, M. Robinson, T.A. Turner. On motion. H. U. Jbnnings, the commit tee on credentials were instructed to report permanent officers for the Convention. Car ried. It was moved and seconded that a commit tee of three, he appointed hy the chairman on Resolutions. Carried The chairman appointed- the following persons ns such committee; G. W. Dennett, C. W. Italtimore, 11. U. Jennings On motion, the Convention adjourned to 2 o’clock. AFTERNOON SESSION. At 2 o’clock I*. M., the Convention assem bled pursuant to adjournment ■ The Committee on credentials an 1 perma nent officers, reported the following as per manent officers of the convention; Tho«. Wells, Prcs’t; J. B. Smith, and Win. Dudley Voie Pres’ts, and 11. U. Jennings, and W. W. Tinker, Secy's. [By some omission, we have not been fur nished with the list of delegates.] The committor on resolutions, made tho following report; which was adopted: Whereas, wa-see a political party, pre senting candidates for the Presidency and Vice Presidency, selected for the first time from the free statcsalone, with tho avowed purpose of electing them hy the suffrages of | one part of the Union alone, and thus tend -1 ing to bring about a dissolution of the Union. Therefore, he it Resolved. That wedepricatc in the strong est manner possible, any and all attempts of any and every sectional party, to dict ate to any member of the American Confedcnv* cy, known as a free and independent State. Resolved. That the Democracy of Rnttc County, cordially approve and endorse tla* democratic platform, as it emnatcl from the National Convention at Cincinnati, be lieving that it embodies the true principles of Ifcpublicnnism—and that every truefricn 1 of the perpetuity of this Union.can and .-hold unite upon this platform, here all patri ots can join, fraternally to guard the I ninn from violence, anarchy, disruption, and dis grace. Resolved. That at no period in tho liisto ry of oar country, have the friends of its true intercats, had more to stimulate their efforts to secure the triumph ot Democratic principles. At no time Inure the Democracy had a more glorious causa-to sustain. Never ' since the formation of this glorious Union, was the confederacy so threatened with dan ger. Never was it so incumbent upon true patriots to come together in defence of the priceless heritage of republican institutions. Resolved, That having, entire confidence in the ability, integrity and experience of James liu hanan, and John 0. Brcckenridge, candidates of the Democratic party for Pres ident and Vice President, and believing that they will do equal and exact justice to every section of the Union, we give them our un divided support, and pledge ourselves to use all fair and honorable means to secure their election. Resolved , That our members of Assembly be instructed at the next session of the leg islature, to use all honorable endeavors to secure the election to the U. 3. fSeuala of true national Democrats. Resolved, That in the Butte Record, we recognize a sound and uncompromising Democratic journals and we recommend the democratic party to lend it material aid and support. Resolved, That we- pledge ourselves, one and all to cordially support the nominees of this convention. 11. U. JiCNM.NG*. G. W. Pi nn Ki r, t’. W. 15.VI.T1MC RK. j On motion* Orovillc was declared to l»e entitled to 7 votes, whereupon a portion ot the Orovillc delegates withdrew Irem the Convention. On motion, the Convention proceeded to ballot (nr two candidates for members o I Assembly, with the following result: 11, J. Morrison, received 3d votes.- A. S. Ilivrt, “ ‘-'5 “ .)as. IS. Lang, “ 32 “ 15 B. Blivet), “ 23 “ Messrs. Morrison & Long, having reached majority of all (he v< tes cast, were de- - dared the unanimous choice ot the Conven tion. On motion, the convention then proceeded to ballot for a candidate lor Assessor, which resulted ns follows ; John II Lillurd received 33 voles, Jam! Jame-Hitchens II Mr. Lilian! was declared the unanimous nominee of the convention 1 w Assessor. For Public Administrator, A. C. Morse was unanimously nominated Dr. J D. Crown was unanimously aomi nated for Coroner. The following delegates were elected to represent Rutte county, in the State Con vention: P II Harris, C. Wheeler, Thus. Wells, John Mallon, T. A Turner, Geo. 11. Crosette. Peter Freer, J E N Lewis. The convention then adjourned sine die. TUGS. WELLS, Prcs’t. It. W Jennigb, > W. W. 'Linker, Secy's ) Act ipents —-Our worthy Assessor. Mr. Maynard, met witi) an accident day before yesterday, in which he seriously injured his arm. A surgeon was called, and after dress ing the wound the patient was much easier, sufficiently so to enable Irliu la bvabout. Disgraceful Procccdlii|{». The presentation on Saturday evening, displayed a spirit which is a stain and dis grace upon Oroville. There is always more or less allowance -13 be made for the extrav agance of political' excitement, but it cer tainly is strange that m f n —men who nspire to stations of honor and profit, can so far forget themselves —their own dignity mid standing, ami self respect, and engage in such a scene as was enacted in OrovitH* on Saturday night last. The person to whom the Presentation was made, may have rc ! mained in the Convention under llthfelicf that he was honestly discharging his duty to those who electC'l him. Others thought differently, and acted differently. All may hnve been actuated by honorable motives. Isut the affair of Saturday night could only have been cauceivcd by those whose natural instincts outrage decency am’ disgrace hu- I inanity. If. we nave occurrences in our i midst which wc wish to condemn, in the 1 name of decency—in the naioof humanity —in justice to ourselves, let us censure like reasoning, thinking beings. TVe envy not the oratorical powers of those who n quire such a source of inspiration, or who could so far lot get the respect due to themselves as to present and re.-j ond upo i the occasion Their proceedings may stamp ridicule upon the one intended, but if it stamp not the perpetrators with indclliblc pusillanimity, thou vve have studied the science of cause and effect to very little purjKjse. In Heav en’s name, lei us avoid such excesses —and be culm, temperate, prudent, discreet, A Garik ok Bii.i.iahds, —A couple of gen tlemen from up country, win Nad come to town us delegates to the lute Convention, and not thinking to secure thcim-elvos beds, were unfortunately unable to secure even a cot, wherou to rest their “weary heads," after the late hour at which the convention ad journed. After cogitating for some time, what to do to wear away the ‘life long night,’ one of them proposed that they should go into the United States, and play Billiards until morning. They b >t!i commenced ] lay ing and drinking innumerable glasses of soda-wator, lemonade and other temperance beverages, too numerous to mention. In the mean-time, everybody had retired to 1 their beds, and tbc town, for once was wrapt 1 in gloom; no sound being heard, save tao I sonorous breathing of the “verdant,” who had been loft behind the bar to attend to the wants of the unfortunate gents; the click of the Billiard-balls, ami occasionally the deep mouthed baying of the watch dog, faraway o’er the hills. At length, to the great joy of our friends, the mornings light began to) climb the eastern hills, when “tho unfortu- ; nates” stepped up to the bar to settle, think- ( ing they had run up an immense bill, and | calling lor the ‘score,’ the individ-vH behind | the bur, after rubbing his eyes if) gei him-! self awake, said, “he thought two dollars would bo about right.” They punglcd the dinero, and observed that, ns it was cheap they had a :»ind to play the “ballance of the day out.” Sky-ga br —Professor Wilson th« great aroenaut, was in town a day or two since, and proposed to start Heavenward in a few days, by way of the clouds and skies, in one of his immense air llalocns. Wo presume the outside pressure of politics must have frightened the Professor away, in censc qucucc of great quantities of gass walking about on two legs, generated by an obsorb tiou of certain liquors. Drco axn*Mieni( inks. —If you wish a fine article, at a fair price, go the Oroville Drag Store, on Mont gomery street, near the Orleans llott I. bug'*.! FiLDIOKK r> JO\ CM !J. The Heailar Meeting* of toe Kill more Inion dull will lie he’ll on every Tue-day nail Cratoy evenings, at ".tie CUT! K'lO.M. in the It. s. Ibid, uug’JJ I'. 0. A Vlt l iS, Secretary. -» .aa«%rr«irn»:t»ui»i' m »i« 11 i ■■■— INSOLVENCY NOTICE ST \TI. ill’ CALIKOKNIA, County of IT He— County (.'our' at l Immhers. lathe mutter of J. G. Holfslaller, petitioner in Insolvency vs His Crwd itors. In pursuance of an onter made in the t'nnaiy Court in and fur said County h_. (he Hon Jus. K. N Lewi*, County Judge at Chamber* on the .thh any of August. A. D i'-Cili, Notice is hereby given to the cr-oilor* of the said petitioner in 'n-wilveiiev .1 t IliiflsUitler, to mipelir hefor • Ccv Hon. Jos’K, N I.ewts. County Judge, on the t.rsi dav * the Noveir.- oerterrnsif the said County Court, to w it: (in the twenty-lourth day jf NuVer.iNrr, A. 1). IW. at lo o'clock A. M., at llidwiili, to show cense, if nay there tie, why the punter ef said v-ntii on r sdionld util he granted, mid he he discharritd Ir.nn his debts us vu insolvent debtor. Witness in; hand and the seal of said County L S. Cours. affix, d this, the It) day of August. A. I>. IsSti, ul llidwell MILKS Cl I \ I*l N, Clerk., »2Mw By M 11. Dakkabij Uep'ly* SI. Ml, ll CAl.ll’HltNlA, Cuuii'y of Itntle— County Court at Chamber*. In the matter of C. A. [iancroti, mi Insolvent dehtor vs. His Creditors, lu pursuance of an order made in the County Court iu and for said County *>y the Hon. Jos. K. N. Lewis, County Jialgo at Chandlers on tlie Itdh day of August \. D I-', i. Notice is hereby siv n to the i reditors of the said Insolvent, C. A. liaucrofl. to lm and appear before the lion. J. K. N Lew is. County Judge of said County in Chambers, at Hid well, on Monday, the Ist day of fepl., A. D 1 s,"h'i. and make [.roof of thetr accounts and demands against said insolvent's estate or they will lie barred trout receiving a dividend from tin- same. Witness my hand and tha realo! said County L.S. Court, affixed tins, the leth day of August, A. 11. IsiKi, at llidwell. MILKS CHAPIN, Clerk aiolv liy M. li. Uakaacu, Deputy, BANKERS'. MoVVILLIAMS & TYMESUN,. BANKB RS , NEW'K IHTI.HIMi-( OUXFU MiiNTUU.M* KItV AN It MVKHS BTKKKTS no vilijE. GOLD DUST BOUGHT At the Highest Ratss. Olxoo lx n at X* /xx*! ON MAUY.-VILLK. .-A(K\MFNIO (TTY AND* WN Fit AXfTStSI S I&1 T DRAFT! For Salt', on all tho I’rlnc>)>ml Allaaiie flics. £ '<f T'Fl’i t.-lTr* received. Special anil oiheiwise, jyH-tf J lIIV 11.>. C. II JItCY, C. 1.. LOW, V "i LOW, MACY, LOW & CO, BANKERS, cokndu of i i. \/a. aNh iiioii s. UKst, MARYSVILLE. (1 01. Ii D-U 8 T IM AT THE HIGHEST RATES, 1»U ! Oku AI! UK 1 1 n I 111 I: MINT M'K coIN.M-3<i- CJ lxoo lx is a t IT* /xx*, oN i.akiii.- I >n. >i« *i«t; \N im.r/, \ i: \L.-ro. M SAN FRANCISCO We arc 11 r.-(nil'll to dr:; w MOII r 1 \ 11 AM. I. i.'i M F..-SKS. (TIA it LL > .Ml iKiIAN CO., NIW \ i 'KK. Aimi. on the oilier |i. lump'd E.iMern Cnio Mnrysv ille, Augmd I, VV.S. iiilMf MARYSVILLE ASSAY OFF it K !! HARRIS, MARCHAND A CO.. K Ninel iii Mir ISie curiii rul -iaaonal strait .v uuvsrji.u ALSO—I>: J MKI.M, HACK A MEMO. Will eoiiiinne to carry on the business of )!cl(iiu, Relliiiai; N, A^avii!? HOLD A A D OUJI S OF L\ I’ltV MFMdITTTtiX. Wr Eoinninti'i* ihi* foiri eliif"-< i I I'lii Mill Biml tmiM iv»*•* l*» |*‘; v tit) «litln • ' licit him) ; r -«» vs i! 1 1 ;ij, \ i»i 1 1 1 * * S. MINTS liclnrii> mmlr .n Iroiu six In I\\ • i V»* iinlir*, IN BARS on COIN r'l'Ki on, n> m ijt'AKi /. ;Us»vi:ii ami V .u.i i n. VS FOU AS.-A VI.NC ; the -Mine as in r-..ix Francisco. 11. MAI.ISIS, ii. Mail m \xm. C. 1,. FAKIIINi.TON, jyvlH-my «k .x NEW \I)V E U TIS EME N T S.. For Sale rinni; pku”Ki:ty kiionni-iii. AMERICAN B THEATRE DOiLDIIVCr on ■Moiltgoineay sin el, near Uie I nneil .-Odes 111 II I, .’, ti ll I run I lit 1 1 >0 feel ileejn I I.e iinprovelneiils lire u I i.line I;iitl«tili|/. two stories Ini'll. Terms liberal Cor particulars, enapiuo of A f t H iciv At, t'o , airo ville, or of ST F. WA UT .V CO.. augtti-jvv* Mary.ville. BOARD AND RESIDENCE A FLU I. IVI LK.M I N will lin>l a ph-asaiil homu (villi u pn v ale lainily in one . I 111 I 'ullages oil • Oak mnet. m eoinl door from Monigoimry. Orndlle, August Hi. TiugMitli Mil. - *. I’UllT. JAMESGREEN IMIYSICIAN AM) SI KGEON. nr (Tin be foiunl at “Orleans 11 old,” when no Professionally engaged. jy lodlf - Watcliniiiker ami .lewder. 1 VVOIT.It KKM’KCTFLT J.V INFO KM ♦’'-Jibe cuuens of Orovillo and vicinity, that I have vl (■ purchased of Mr Itosnnthal, Ins WnlaTiiaua”; itml Jcwi'liy Jislaltlsliiiicnl, on Mont* Komi ry sired, and have located inysadl pi rinanenlly in the abo w business in this place. and lm|ie hy strict utlunlion to hnsiness. to merit a reasonable sh are of (min liaise in the above line. I will guarantee la >!o Work as null as it can he dune anywhere in the Stale. ALL KlMlrt OF JKWLLIIV MA UK TO OKDKK. X, 11—(’articular attention paid to the Repairing of Watches. (if.' t. L. S.M I 111. ttrovilie, August 11, IKifl. uuglltf For Sale I ■ X ('<>XIAfI'LXCF. of OXK OF TMF. PART. ■ hits truing to the Atlanlic Stales, onedialf of tho M.M.XOLIA JiM.oai.N will I.e sold cheap for clish. No rent to pay lor fourteen mouths. Apply to angtio tf .L H. HICK I, V tc CO, IMIOLMX SALOON ! DKX W AT'. XM A s’s CIOAR .-‘To HE. .Mo.NTIiOMERV iIIOKI , Oiaov 11.1. l . [TIIK .-I TIM 'll It Fit II As HF.i (iMF. .«or.F, Pill )- L prielor of this .-alol l), and is deleriiiiinid not to outdone in fnrnishiii'i a place of resort worthy the milage of the (iroville public. The best of INKS, KUjruKS AND CIGARS A 111 be found' at all limes, to which lie invites his ■nils to parin';*. ItuLUMK 4t WAI.DKK- Troville, August 10. 1850. augUl-tf NEW FANCY LOOMS! 3S I, UFA It lioux, \V<IFI.DSA YTO lIKK friends and the public generally, that hy cubing at the L MMFS’ FXCH.VMiE, they can be shown a las■ .t 1111 1 11 1 assort men of the Latest Myles of Ladies’ French lints, of ino.-l evijuisile beauty and tlnish. A No, a lot of Choice Perfumery and Toilet Articles, all of which hav« Just been received direct from the Importers augg(J-ir tt . Mr. J. L, Otsm. — fho gentleman whose name forms tho caption of Ibis notice is one of the few modern physicians v hose application lo his pro fcs'diiii and devotion to the indicted, render him aliko an ornament to the one a: du beie lit to the i tin r A Hungarian by Hriu.boi- >MghVwiili Kos-ulb io place bis country among Hie Miltons id earth, heygid tho aippre-sor's rule, that her son mil'lit rejoice in the practice of those precepts which are alike a*ur glory and our pride In In- efforts so to do, he has reaped the reward of ineffectual resislancn to oj pressicng.nd •*.i home and aconmry know him no more ” Apart, however, from Ins claims upon our consideration as a patriot, the testimonials of character h:m! capacity which he brings entitle him to public confidence, to • PXC j !r<tan u j' vhose tW pajiieoHl neitker the one or the other. As a geutlemun hi* character is untar nished: as a physician, his skill unsurpassed; *ml to thou** whose imprudence has left upo* fctm the taints of disease, we cun conscientiously commend him with the assurance that in him they will Hud a friend whom lo know is great gain. The Dr ’a office la No. 3 and 4 Armory Hall, cornerof Sacramento and ■ Montgomery tlrrcii, San Francisco. aH-^tu