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MISCELLANEOUS. MISS M. L DEARBORN. WOULD KKSPF.CTMJLI'.Y Inform tlw of Ori»villM mxi vicib'Hy, l lint *ln* him ’.rtfc lA> ilih lurgtpl itßl m-Miii ♦»!* DRY AND FANCY GOODS, e-fer brought to ibis market. Having n‘li*l«l my stock in) soil. I lent assured thin I cun sell Cheaper t’Ain ent lrf»re ottered in (hi* place. >1) ..lock con aHui in |ui rt of every description of JJty am! Fancy Eouth, (Jailer* and Shoe* for f.ndic*, am! Shot* for Children Einhroideri* ►, Silk*, 6(c. % Of ••very style and de*rtipti* •- Also, Kune new style I’U.A VA'I S, for Ce<*s. nr 1 Fine U bile Hlirts. Ai*o, mi assortment • f4’*flin(iery amiT"th‘l Articles. My nlil friend.uiidlNe publ c generally. tiro inv'led Wiflue me a call. .M l. I)KARR*>IiN, Moolgi n i ry'f'lriet, next iio< no L. f*. Hold. NOTICE fjp 11 K unilersh'lli'd tinv ini> 1 1 1-|Hiw>-<l of his Jew lr> D Ksliihli-hmewt lo Mr Smith, formerly of Yreka. Would respeelfu'l) request all person* Indebted lo 'mil In conn- forward ami settle Iln-lr areniinl.. I hose lm\lll'/ ileiiianils nuulil.l hull, w ill jileii.e j.n-HI tin* fume for adjustment. I'er-oii. tin\ ini' nrtiele. hfl will) 111 ill lor repni w lire requested to call lor the smnni rfllliill dull I till)., 11. tin ) w lit he miM lo |ai v charges. JOSEPH KOSENtII.U.L. Oroville, Saturday Aug. «. 1c.".0 FOR SALE ! THU IK I'M I*l III! 11l if ’> I). >it mi |«m! <»ii lliu I'lnff. fp* .fi |)o*»n«* thtM niirt Uniinn. i* for rlirnp Inr Thn liihim* i<« (avoraliiy Um'iiuml lor unit liiim til j»i♦■'•♦•ill nonrl\ Inui'iml LtuinU rs. I Lin cniit|M‘li( d to M'li mi iiccnuiil •>t poor l»* uiil», M.\ K V .1. Alt ILL. Oroville. July JSI, 1 iiuisJ wi. FRANK'S REST AURANT, l ull'll Stale* lllllldlnig, CORN KH M< »NTill 'Mi l; V AM) ,M VEILS STKEE I’S OROVILLE. <»_. FRANK CARRIED ni> i ~ lull) aiiiioiinee. iota. oti| trieml. ali'l H" citizens of 1 Irov.lie generally, Ilia' ***** ""■*««»!.■• oja'lie.l a IUISfI I.AS. UR.- T.U li \N I i i Hie allow iiatnC'l Itnlliting, where in* I. jgepnred lo Ihe |>.it>iio wiili all lln* eilihle. uml ouiiuaeii’H lo he loiiim) in ibis or ihe .Marysvillo .Mar ket Tin* follow ms'are In. HA TES OF CH IREKS: Board per wei k wilhoiil Wine. . . . ,®lO (to •lo ho ilo with Wine, .... li hi) Single nieul. w itlioiit Wine, .... 7 a ilo do do with Wine, .... 1 (K) TERMS. CASH Olovilel, July -I liSfili. po.s-tf won or.Jiri L mscovr,m ! «N MAKING \N H.\l ‘ V V.ATION S'MC TIME Q since, lie i leal li the 1.. M I’l UK 11l ITKI., in I hi. (owe, if wa.tli.coVi vd hy die acme and obrervtiig mind of DEACON sIII .1 .DON, that tin* atmosphere ol (bill loculi i y pos-essed not only a liealildnl Iml a remark tilily soothing properly, w hieh sinned to quiet and mihdne the most violent pa.sit in-*, and to invest every man who frequented the spot, willi a wumlerlnl de (iri'ti ol sell-' -'iiiplaeelii'y, and a hnmwniiona and Ireinlly ili.|"'.*i r v>n toward, the WHOLE WllUld). niul III" coiill" I ini' elemcnl. of which itc<nnp"*ed. He llierelore resolved, w ith a lienevolence peculiarity hi. ow n, to take possession of Ihe exeavalioii lur the jiur|)o.o of eMahlislniiK an Inslilulioii, w here people Art AM. I*AIITIKS and opinion, oonld safely and comireKale lor the leiMMliseiission in the e.veilhiii l"pu;« of the day, feuiies. of the .lightest risk of any inipleiisan' collision With Him v lew, (he DKAKoN. ill connection w ith Mil, I’ll A H • K, has Iraik.lorint-d this local ion into an KI.KUAN I UOU.M, which they have hy (lie name of the SUJiT ERR AN FAN SAL( )ON, ■Where they solicit visits from fits Buchanan flubs, Fillmore l 'mhs, Fremont f’lnhs, and oilier Kenllemeii, •with or w ithout Clnhs, and from member, ol Vivtilunce fininiiilth'es and and Order I’nrlier, from Son. of Temperance ami Moderate Imhiher. of Haspherry (kibbler., and from lhal iniinineruhle Friiternily of the lick, Spade, Rocker, laiiik Tew* and Sluice, who, after u day of toil and labor, wonkl enjoy na hour of Ugreeahle relaxation and social con vernal ion. HIK DIkACON assure, hi. Ii snnls, that they will ireetwith » most cordial reception at the Sl dTUR HAN KAN £\I.OON, where the Auids dispensed will Ini fsniid fully eipnd in ipialily, to those lor w hich the DKAOUN is. in part, indebted lorhis enviable repu tation. orvville, July2B, 18.70. jy26.|f LAFA YK l i'E R ESTA UR AN T, Montgomery street, opposite fi*o Orieaus Hotel OKOVILLE. thk sl:rBcrii!i;i{s! kkspkct fully unimuiice to their friends and the K i<s*^7* c ’ Jl; i iti/.ens of uroville uenerally. Unit they ««^-s**®»ha V e opened a SIM.KMMI) I!F.sTAI’- ll AM’ in the above named place, wliere they are {vre pared to lurnisli Ihe public with all Ihe luxuries an delicacies to he found in Ihe market. |{a(i*s ol' Hoard: Hoard per week without I ."ding, $8 (>0 Hoard per week with Kodging !l 00 WM.HFKU is A MItTIKNKAU, aoif Proprietors, MILLER'S EXCHANGE Montgomery street* East side* O^ovillo HAVIN'*; UK UN KlvFin'Kl). is again open, am Ihe proprietor (tikes this nmltiml ofinlormimi his old customers amt the public generally, dial he in tends to keep a. tine a stock of Liquors as any liar il the place, hi addition to which, his Tables are in ex cellent condition, and by courtesy to his patrons, he hopes to merit a liberal share of natronave. Oroviilo, Aug. li, [augll-llj J. W. MILLER, THE CKJAII & TOBACCO STAND 1» kept by Liltkr Curly, who will keep on hand tin very choicest Havana Cigars, Tobacco, Fancy Pipes, oud every variety of articles found in such places. CITY LAUNDRY! SOUTH SIDE OF COURT HOU3K SQUARE. OKOVILLE FOHTIIK CONVKNIKN-’K OF THK CITT/KNS of Oroville, I have estahlishml a Laundry on the south side of Court House square, and from a long experience in Ihe business, I am confident of giving SATISFACTION T<* ALL. 1 shall rim tv wangon, and will call ut the residences for washing and deliver the same wkh promptness. J. RYAN. Oroville, Aug. lllh, 1878. arftf DISSOLUTION i THE CO-PARTN ERSIIIP heretofore existing tween James 11. Urns, and John D. Keating, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts ode the late Arm must be paid to James 11 Brass, who alone is authorized to use the name of the firm in liquidation. All demand* against the late firm of A. D. Keating x. Co , will be pnid by James 11. Brass. JAMES 11. BRASS, JOHN 1), KEATING. #tctUl«, Avgust 16, 1878. augltS-tf- MISCELLANEOUS. J. D. BROWN, M. D. fimlMlt of New Vork I iiiverxiiy. New York Vedi ml Institute. Honorary Hradmrte of S)mi use Medirnj College. offers his pnifmjoniil Mtrticratii the Inhabi tant* of Oroville and Vicinity. office at the Oroville Unix Store, Montgomery street, one door from tlie corner of Itowm-r street. July 14, Ht.'ift. Jylldf CLOTHING! CLOTHING?! TO SUIT EVERYBODY! fllllK I tnKRSifrNF.f» betr* leHve to inform his 0 friend)*. (.Hlnm uml citizen* of Oroville nnd vicinity, thill he Ini* n larae nnd well selected slock o| Hoods on hiinil,«oiiri'linif of fas in ox ain a: clot in xc, Hoof*, Ilatt. &f'., Whirh he I* determined lo sell at TEN PER t’FVT till \ I’EK 111 \\ ANY f )T(t I’.ll KSTA li 1.1.-ll MKN f I \ THIS TtUVN t 'till Hiel see ns and examine oilr Slock liefore purchasin'/ elm-win re A. I*. HKIS r. S. —RKM K d ItKlt, Mont'.’itraerr /reel. next door to tin* ITdled Hi ate* Hotel, sign iif •■* tll ki• 11k \r \:<i ci-( >riiiM7 a ni* r i:r- MSIIIXi} STORK IN UKUTILLE.” Oroville. July “4. 186(1.. jy-llf ORLEANS HOTEL, Montgomery street, south side. Oroville .r . RF.F.O k HTRIKF.R—Take pleasure in In , ■' formnia the traveling I'tihlir. and :he citizens I ol iiroville mid Unite count!. lint they bare h - i-i iT'ho well know n mid popular *• I till. I’.A NS lit >• Ti;l.," mid Him they tire now prepared to receive a.ul elilertiiiii their friends In the bed possible manner. We are determined lo make the i irlenns Hotel n |e-r -feel home lo the vi-ttor, and In entertain all who favor us wilh their patronage with the intention und style known only to MUST CLASS IbtTKI.H, Oii a* ‘Tftblo shall be spread with the very lies) this and tin-City Markets can alford. IN Till-'. IIAK. no house or bur •bailor can exeel ns The ehmeesl i|Haliliesof l.i ipiors and Wines served tip neatly and ijiiieklV. and • c ni'luri iii trm —• naif rod” when we inform the pub lic that inn •• redoubtable < 01. s.” presides. H Will, RKKO. IT! HDLIHCK HTKIKFR. Oroville, .Inly 14, IS.'ill. j>l4-tf MAGNOLIA SALOON! \r \( (o IlmifoonVs iiroville. refills cool ami gomeoiitaulk report U tin* lx*i‘i i litUl np in I In* iif.ili'l pox*iti|i* limn* iut, «4ii<l \n 11 1» mii ry« lo id ikinir !h*; mn*l re clhtclh* f-lnUiHliiTirtil 4*l' l f» 4 * lx m l ia town. 'I In* UK A \ HIES. \V I N ES. \r,. art* of tin; irosl >ELE< I HR\M)S, 4lirt; t frem tl.n lint> *rl« r**; an I haunt' Inn! i'.il'A vt lOinli'f of /G- /»«r, wv llalliT our* -rlvi N Mint w 4; 4 , :mn«*l 4*si-ilv In* outdono in Mn* iihmli* ot pt up Ihf l.iit >t mill ii)4 ••*4 Ciij' fancy l>4 \'t >, a 4 wi ll n< nmrf«**y n.*il | *•»1 11 »• athMituni t*» Hiir |t i:f4»us .i \MES S. 1 >I« KKV <’M .Mowiifoinrry aln*4*t. in*\l 4 1 -m >r l(* 11 ull loon's Oro\il!t*. Julv ivll-If NEW ORLEANS STORE! ffJA II I'. IN HERHIGN KH having purchased the In terest of 4 Lesbros in this above well known esiablislnmoiL w 111 now keep constantly on bund a I.AKI.K and well selected Afe-d; of (2«rocei’iofi, Provisions, Hardware, Crockery, Miners’ Tools, Wines, Rlustiog Powder, Li<|tiors, Quicksilver, And other arlinles too nnineross to mention. N It. —Cask paid for Hr- dnceof all kinds. Oroville, .inly 15th 1860. W.N. HART, To Dr. 11. ll« liiliuniui. Corner Jackson and Montgomery slns-ls, Hun Nrancisco.—Hear Sir:—lt in with yleasnre Hint wo notice the unbounded sne ers, which lias attended yon in your practice since your residence in ttiri state, now over seven years The ueoil you have-done ami the skill yon have exer cise! 1 in the cures that come under our observation, make It onr duty to let it be l-Jimwn to the world and more particularly to those now enlferiiiif wilh'disease. Most of us were well aeipiainled witli you whilst yon resided at Mormon Island, ami w itnessed there some remarkable cures which you ellecled on patients whose cases were pronounced hopeless b? rfninent physieians. We have also soen what yon have done for Mme of our friends now residing at Cohana und ITarerxille, who after me.efi pesunsion und induce iiieiica *m onr p irt, consenlw'ito tfoand s>-e yon, when they had almost despaired <• their lives. and returned, und areliev, llwinif hale and hearty men; and reader, if this nonce should reach your eye mid you are alllicted. lake onr ad . ice and uo lo Hr H KIN. IM ANN, amt you will never regret it. Hem- Hoclor. receive with sear most liearly wiihes for your future welfare tin in surance that w e believe you to be one of onr most : lletded und experienced physicians in the State. Fkkiikrk k Hauvwasn. 1 (prop’r Miness’ Hotel.) ( ,1 vi oh VATnki kwann, VaHry, <p r (ireenwisid ILewery, | John iikokok, J 3 kvut S'r lUiisk, J Joscrit Wii.iman!*, 'column. < uvula* l.lss, V T. Illi;a/., ) I’ropr's of the 1 T. II n/li, ji Croix Fevh-rnle, * I'lacerv illr. Jkan IterHl.KH, S A. H. Walkkk, F.l Horado Slide. (1. /koickk, (linn of I’.. Hoppe .V C 0.,) Oroville. Juskcii Oi.avkl, Auburn. Charles Kasiki.i.i Spanish Dry Hixxinifs. T. Hznnimmcr, (prop’r of bridge.; Condemned Far. Wot.i. kb. Sacramento, It. Fcsninoek, do (!. Rknai b, do Cirr. Hixd, .Michivrmi Illnlfs. ('act. F. S. McMFonn. Mi-rnmn Island Hknkv Trukl, (Itepabllcirn House.! Jackson. This lealinionial was not solicited by Hr lleinl maim. amf-7"m MINERS’ SUPPLIES I New Grocery and PROVISION STORE. JOHN L>. KEATING, ■"fAS OPF.NKI) an extensive and well selected II Stock of choice Family tiroceriee, Hrovistons and Miners’Supplies, at his New Store on Ab n 1 Rom - eryStreet, near tJarr' dt’s Saw Mill, to whit *i be in vito* the attention of community. He will be in constant receipt ol ad lit ions to Ids slock ol (Lmdsot the latest inu.rjUlon*. Mis facilities lor jmtwhaivinx beiin; unexcelled by bit} trailer in the connlry. hi is confidentjlmt his I.oimls and Prices will render the utmost sarislaction to those who favot him with their patron age. The public will plea«e call and examine for tliein elves. Oroville. July 13,1566. E- S COOPER. M D SURGEON, OFFICE —At the Eye, Ear, and Orthoptudie Infir mary, Mission street, between Second and Tliird near “Russian llaths," HAN FRANCIHOO. All Surgical Operations FKKIPIo patients present ing themselves at the Climics, on Wedneedays and Saturdays, at 8* o’clock, P. M. Medical men of the Oily and Pacific Coast, generally, are respectfully in vU-td lo attend the Infirmary on'Cllnical days, whea ever U «a*y opportune for their.selvte. augtb-tf BUSINESS CARDS. J. W. « » C. MWIMI WINTER & BURLINGAME’ Office—ln McOratb's Ituildiiu;, I) street, between Heermd ami Third, op posite tlie Ilium House. MARYSVILLE We aim, have opened an office in the U. t lllock. Oroville, llulte Co., where one of us limy at all limes lie timin'. A. c, MOIIKi *• D» BIHD. MORSE & BIRD AUCTION & COMMISSION MERCHANTS Particular attention paid to the Hales of UF. 11. STOCKS. MIX ISO CLMMS, LICK sT(J( K. ,1\l) KVFsHY Cl. ISS UK Personal Property, Oroviclk, 15liit; Cuixiv, Cal. A C. MORSE Attorney \ Ciu nsi i.I iiu at 1 -a\s Si CoxvrvANClcn, i'ortier .Myers and Montgomery Hireels, 11. BARNETT. Cheap Harry ) LICENSED AUCTIONEER, MOKTUOMKH V STUKKT, nliul U.1.F.. Atlein'e personally, to tales ul Ileal lastale Fund turu and Mock. jyH-tt J T ELLIO TT JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Office, on llird street, between Myers and llutiloon. Ollinn./.K, UVTTK CO UK TI July ]». jyn tf J Y. JONES. CONSTABLE AND COLLECTOR "K XtiTKS AM) AUDI XTS. A No —\\ ill sell Personal Vroperty on i 'ointni<<don. Oukk. with.l T. l-aiiot( r Kstp, Jtird struct, • 'rovillc. July 14. Je.V;, jyU-tf DR J S SHE P HERD. HOMEOPATHIC PI IYSICIAN, urncr.—Lvsi nuuuo. Julv IT, IH.m; jylTtf MIGUELS A AYRES. HOUSE, SIGN & DECORATIVE x • jTs. x rr tz xx je» : M'hii gomery street,two doors above thel.m pire Hotel (111 oVN, I. !{, C A 1,. t ~>"\urlii-uiar attention paid to OItNAM I'NTAI# Hlt.N PAI.NTIMJ. Jyl.vtf JOHN WILSON, W M, 11. KI'SI'KI.L, A.WINANT* JOHN WILSON & CO. A TTi’UM'.VS ANIM i'l NSI.I.M'KS AT LAW, Ist lleor HI, Merelian' si, near Montgomery. J Gr LAWTON. Jr ATT’Y & COUNSELLOR AT LAW AMI I OM MISSION K It Hill MA-SAI :»1 SKTTSX It. ISLAND, lia' office corner of .Myers and Munlgonvory streets, N0..',, I tilled Flutes lllock, up stars. * Til, eII.RLKS O. 11l ÜB.VUU SMITH &. HUBBARD. Attorneys is: Counsellors at Law. ('ll ATI.K3 (i. 11L’ lilt A lll>—Notary Public. £ office, eorner of .Montgomery A: Downer street?. IYIIi.ARD II FARLEY ATTORNEY iL C OUNSELLOU AT IjAW, NOTARY I*l BMC, UKAL KSTA 1 K AUKNT AMI lON* vbvam u. (»ro( ille. Unite County. Oal. Will I’ractu k in all tub Cotkt« oj mis Static. A M ZABRISKIE ATT’V & COUNSELLOR AT LAW OhOVILI K. H I TT It Col MTV. CALIFORNIA. BARKER & EWER. Attorneys &, Counsellors at Law. Orru k—Corner of Montgomery and Downer streets e ii iiakkis. jamas m arm HARRIS & BURT ATTOIiNKYS AT LAW, OKU Vll. LE, BUTTK CODNT V, CA I, OflJc<s Hrvet, wvst side, nbi‘vu Modlc^onuTy BR T McGUIRE, Offii t —At Itie ophir Drug Store, .Montgomery st Onovn.i.t:. Iti tt e Cm nt v. Cal. J. B. WARCEN 3 M. D. A Urialuidu" of Jefferson Mcdicnl College, Miiln ilel|i)iia. has loculeil for the practice of bis Profession, at lleiishaw's Rmicho, Hutto County. August LI, IS-'O. nugll-2in* i iiaßlks r. Lott. w. t. skaton LOTT & SEXTON. ATTORNEY 8 A T L A W, m dwell, Cal. THOMAS WELLS. ATTORNEY AT IjAW, iiiDwr.i.i., hi trn county. Special attention given to the searehing of County Records, investigat e* of Titles, &c , and to Cueitraw ing of Deeds ami ad M'lruiiienU for record Office in the Court-llouae. skS-43 W S SAFFORD. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, HI D W 1.1. L, UUTTE ( oI'NIV, Office—in Harris k Hurt’s Law Office, cu the hill. All kinds of writing promptly and correctly attend ed to. 14if J. W SCOTT, COUNTY SUIIV EV( Ml FUK UI’TTE COUNTY AW) CIVIL EWHINEER. OROVILLK, BUTTE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA. Persons desiring his services will please leave their orders at tlio office ot Messrs. Harris .v Hurl. 14if RAIL ROAD BOUSE HOTEL AN 1. R EST AUK ANT, EUROPEAN I*l-AN, No. 4 Commercial and ST Clay streets. Pan Rnaafeeo. HALEY Ji TIH i.Ml’sii iN, PreyrieUiwn DR-JRNOWEN. HAS settled permanently in Oroville, an 4 res pectfully offers hi* professional service* to the citizens of the place and it* vicinity.- Ornca—Be tween the Urleau# and the Uotel de i ranee. MISCELLANEOUS. LADIES’ EMPORIUM 0 r FAS II ION! MRS. M, L. NEWELL, f WAVING JITST RECEIVED dlrvm from (he Im -1 1 porter*, it large ami well selected* anon merit of MILLINERY. I.A 1)1 E»’ APPAREL. GENTLE \IKNS’ FFKNIFHING GOODS. I'ANCV it K S’ 4 «;• >« »l»r», Ac., would respecfully mil the attention of Dll'* community to the fuel that although she limy nut have mi iMnnor t »« ihr l.atUn' KwdutHgt, yet SHE Wild. NoT UK UNDERSOLD. Among her block may be found Ladles’ lires# Goods, French Fawns. Printed Jaconet#, Fancy and Plain Swiss Muslin#, French Law us and Gingham#, Thibet#, De laine., Poplin#. Silks. Embroi dery, Linen Edgings and Insert mgs. .Mamdies, A choice lot of Millinery—Uihbou*. Lnre», plnwers. Illomles. Head dresses ami .MourmnF Grants Leghorn Hals for Itoys. Gimp Mi«se# Flannel# of eve r y variety, lltal licking, Limn Dam ask and Crash, Seidell and French Ilia) er. Lmhr>u dered and Grass • ‘loth .''ldris, .Marseille#, Quilt#, hods’ I loth and Mosiplilo Ni ls Gents’ Go.nls-Drawers and I’nderahirts, Cravats, Handkerchief* Glotes, Linen Shin,* Millinery Murk and Mnutuu Making executed with neatness and promptitude. If*)* I have just received in addition so tin* above slock, a beautiful assortment of Clothing, Hals, i aps, Shirts Ate., suitable for Itoys. Thankful lor the liberal patronage of my friends, n continual ion of the same f, out t hem and the public generally, is respectfully solicited. M I, NEWELL. .Montgomery■street, opposite Hunloon's Exchange. • iroville. .May Hi, lead. jy gg EALLi: i» A KER Y, CORNER MYERS X BIRD STS., OUuVILLM. a Wlirl.n FA V T< > MV FRIENDS and the public, a Dial having become-ule proprietor ol the above establishment. 1 am ready to serve them w ith the bent and lre«hest lillLAI), PIKS, CAKKS, &P., At short imiieo and on the most reasonable terms. SODA, SL'l! All & IUTTLII CRACK HI 18 Uniijflai.lly on liatut. My n ill deliver «*vi*ry in m> line at ll»o ivshlimuv ol in\ niAtoim r!i. Cl 1 All MIS CHERRY. Oroville, July L’_'. ISoii* Jyliii tf LADIES AN I) GENTLEMEN CALL AT MU. HLNDEHS LOOMS, II EUR VOU <’\N EXAMINE SPECIMEN w of Ids work in Photography, \mhroiy pe an Daguerreaii Art Ile has a iin ah. rof lieieiliful »jew of dilf. rent portions of the Town. tnKni in Itu* ne and beautiful style, on paper called Photographs. Corner of .Myers and Montgomery streets, Orotille. jy-"- 1 If 1 rovisions. js» . i\x ./*. xi. *z* x ikt , Opposite ttio (Jpldr 1 dug Store, .Montgomery street, OKO VILLE. KEEPS < () NSI AMT,V ON HAND, a well se . looted slo. lv of (iroccrios, Moots, Clothing, Mining Tools, ice., Which he offers at thw lowest rates Foil r \SH. £ loods delivered FREE OF GIIAUGK. Mroville, July 14, is 50. jyl4-tf Shoes, Liquor; MINERS* STOBEI BETWEEN MONTGOMERY & mill) ST UK RTS, Opposite the IJutio Record Printing oilice. .1. M. CLARK & ItKC)., TMNakes this method of tendering Ilnur I hunks to the -B. citizens w<i inne r* of Oroville, for their past literal patronage, and respectfully solicits a continu ance of the same. The patronage extended to us we shall endeavor to merit by keeping on hand a well selected Stock of Goods at the lowest market rsuoi sucli as PROVISIONS. CHOC HI! ILS, HARDWARE, 1>0( ITS, SHOES, CLOTHING and oilier articles 100 numerous to uiention. N • H. —\\ e have on hand the best ipmlily ol Bailed Hay. which will he sold in lots to suit. Oroville, July gg. IHaii. XJ. S. JLivery Stable. Myers Street-Near Montgomery. ff? V > KKEI* i’.M'K WITH Till: TIM KS. and rapid u growth of our town, wo have, ol late, uiul will (rout time to time, make extensive additions to our atockand otherwise improve our e-tahli-liuient, to meet w ith entire sale-faction Iho increasing demands of the age. Stock taken on Livery on th ■ most re-asontilih Titho. If desired. wo w ill Iniy. sell or "•adi.iiu.o slock—in short. transact all business apt wtuinii ■; ti a lir-t claws I,ivory Stable. I lie flnt-l liuugies, hack and Saddle Horses. Inrnished at a moment's notice 1 hanktol for pant favors, we hone to merit a cou tinuance nfthesame HHOWSk Hui'KM AN. Haled Orovllle, July 10, Is.Vi, jylOdlf. o* o N •\\\C \V hole sulq AND ll //J L> LIQUOR VAULT, .Myers street, above Montgomery. Tin; rNDi'.K-KJNiU) has ivstori and lor sale, the fo||«wite.' slsek of Liquors, which ln< will sell, having ho rent or city taxes to pay. al rales lower than can In bought al oil her Sacramento or M artsy die; and would call the attention ol retailers to examine los slock be lore purchasing els. win re. TKK.M >, C.IS U. barrels Monong diela t\ ln-ky, . il.'r barrels Donnslic liramiy. 2 barrels I>. ,v To., do 4 barrels ln-t«eiie Ilian ly, 4 pipes ll>tlhwel Liu, d barrels Wine. 4 barrels Uutrnordon Sherry. Together with .Vi cases < laret. ttiiriicao. Kan de vie J'anUtck, ill) cases l.e-tle'slt Hers. I2cases lIalU Saulerun. ti cases Kxlmil Absinthe. 12 eases SteinlM-rger I’abinel, Scotch U hiskey Imperial Ale in cases, 12 cases Linger Wine, Raspberry, Slrawlierry, Lemon Syrup, la cases Champagne Cider, lirandy IVnches. Scotch, Kiuflish and American Ales, ol dif ferent brands, \c.. Ac. THOMAS UISSKT. Oroville, .Inly 15, ISf6. jyl.Vtf JOHN PARRY, MANUFACTURER OF BRICE CONTRACTOR & RUILDER. 1 WOULD ANNOUNCE to the citizens of Uroville and vicinity, liial 1 eru-prepared to undertake Jobs in the above line, to any extent. As I am manufac turing it .lick extensively and am a practical Mason, I trust I sir able to rcnAti satisfaction asregard*terms uud despatch. jjilt-tf (Drnuillc Hailt; Vnlft Tutori. Harmonious. —With the unusutd number of people that were in town cfl Saturday nt the Convention, and the gr<*at quantities of spirits that was consumed, it is a rcmStrkablo fact, that the town was quiet and orderly as usual; no fighting or wrangling, with one srttglo exception, and that wo are happy to Icaru came off'betwetn two Black Republi cans. Skranade —May the disciples of Or pheus who discourses such eloquent music at our window on Sunday evening, ueet with naught but sunshine and smiles on their pilgrimage through this mundane sphere. Their soothing notes last evening, were a great relief to the political excitement of the day. Like the son of Apollo and Callio py, they confer happiness upon others : but unlike him, wo trust they will not be torn in pieces fer disliking the ladies. Another. —A man, whose name we could not loam, had his foot horribly crushed, bj the wheel of a dirt car passing over it while he was attempting to puss over the truck. Why Don't They Ante? —Wo clip tho following from the Louisville Courier, an influential old line Whig paper ; The £I,OOO bet, offered in the Courier a few days since, that Kentucky would vote for Uuchanan and Brivkenridge in November next, has not yet been taken. Wo now have still further imluceii.t nts to offer. We wu’ ! pay sf,o in gold to tlie person who will I accept the proposition and put up the mo ney, or llio same amount to any <no who will bring such a customer to this office Here's a glorious chance lor sanguine K. N.'s to invest. OaEiiUN.—The news is not important The recent battles I etween the Oregon an 1 Washington volunteers an 1 the Indian were severe. Sixty Indians killci, and r largo number wounded. Mr. (iiiriiliain lias our thanks fey Marysville In<|uirer, S. F. Sun. Herald uud True Culitorniau. /'■“Mr. Watson delivered us the Mary vile papers, Sacramento 'Tiion, and Sai Francisco papers yesterday, for which he will please accept our thanks. dWT“WeIIs, Fargo .S: Co.’s Express, for pa pers and other favors, lias our thanks. I’oou Living.— A good nietliodist minister tit the west who lived on ;t very small salary, was greatly troubled to got bis quarterly instalment. Jlc called on Ins steward ft number of times, but had each time been put off wjth sonic excuse- Ills wants at length becoming urgent, ho went t. his stewart and told him that ho must have hU money, as his family were sain, feting for the necessaries of life. “Money!” replied the stewart. ‘•run pleach for money! I thought you preached for the good of souls !” ‘•Souls!” replied the minister. “1 can’t eat souls ; and if I could, it would take a thousand such us yours to make a decent meal.” gmmr wrai'jw - r m mimw—a—n— • DRUGS AND MEDICINES. T A & .. persons who wish to piuciiam <O/I’ni.* I-ancy Article*. or IVrlnno rv, will <1 well to call Hi the (IUnVU.I.E J.RI G SI OKI __ or, Montgomery, one door from Dowioratrei Hear'.lie Orlenn* Mold, 't in following list Comprise ; • n portion or itui stock on band: Sedlit/. Powder*, Quinine, Day Klim, Oil of Vitrol, Cologne, Nitric Acid, AyreV. Cherry Pectorals Muriatic Acid,’i Sarsaparilla an ! Hint) Stone, Yellow lioek, Nutmeg*, Town-a-ud’a S;ir*apurilla, Oil of l.emon, S-nd’.i -l'» Oil of Koi-e, Gnyrott’a do Oil of Clove*, Mustang l.innuioM, Oil of < inaiuon | Nervoi d lione I.inamont.i >il of Origanum.) I’aiii Killer, Oil of Peppermint, K«*eneeoi JiimacuGinger.Oil of Anicc. < iistor nil. on «f I,nvender, .Molf.itlV Pols,* dliief CuhebaA Me Allieder'* Ointment, Olive Oil, Mol lawny’* Pill-. NeaPa Foot Oil, Wright’.* IliOiun Vegetable*!* Marrow, Pill*, Hose W ater, Thompson’* Eye Water, ItokniV Itito rs. Wine Biller*, sunighhm’a Bitter*, Hart-horn, Accelic Acid. Peruvian Hark Soda, < ream of Tartar) lloiimopattiic Medicine* Glue, Sponge*. One. tin <*mr*e. Old Port Wine, for mtnji cal pirpo-e*. Thorn’* Extract, t o l l.iver < nl. Jane’* Exjieclorunt, Gapsnler, O pi Meld* e. Flea Powder, Ague nod Fiver P:He, Cholngogue, Shoulder Brace*,. Tru«*e*. Sn~iiMti‘«ry linn lagt <*, Adhe*ivr Plus; r, Camde Snap, Old brown \Via»or Pomade*. Hair Oil*, Bottle Corks, VUU do Sal Soda, Siilplmr, Alum, N it rate of Polath, Morphcne, I.nmliinnni, Paragoric, Getatinin, Soap,* )ld ( .piTy VV ine, for med U ni ;Mirpose«, Old Brandy, for medico, |ilf !»>“<■ I», Arurica Flowers, 1 .|ii'iru>i Root, Snrvoparilio Root, Kiilmuii of Wild Cherry, Alcohol, 9' j«r cent t noiphene. pure. lodine of Potassium, ItelltilllM* S.•••<!, Cardamon Sudd*. tc,Ar Together with nil the usual article* kept i„ out STORES, Much will he Hold at reasonable price* t those who may favor tin with a call. Physicians’ pre*cri[>iion* scurately compounded ;. all times of day or night Ai.UKKF O. DAY, Orovilie, August 2, Ihiti.