Newspaper Page Text
OHOVII.T.F. DAILY BUTTE RECORD. Volume i. (Cionitle Dailn ‘J'nttt JUtOTII. rUHUMIkU V A I T,Y KXCEPTKU) MV GEO. H. CROSETTE. f~?f“ Omr* Tn R«*eor<l Ruitftincr <*n Myer* Street, Kiu-t m.Ut, between Montgomery ami Uird, Oroullr Tk.r —One Year Per Mail t 1 j J K ' £ix month*, tl" r ' Three month* <h> ° r ltflivtT. il by Carrier, |ier tV.a-k J * Fnr cir-nUDon In the mining «iri. • '■ trirt.H of the rounfv. will contain 111 • I*Hi"' -felieral n ,.w- oflhe w. . It, Interspersed win. ti .tr in cellmwous rein tin-' mailer. tt "ill eont:iin tw‘-mv , i r),t columns rumling mi*»P r, mid will lie ..nn *f 11, .. | :ui'l rln*itJ»‘«t Weekly New-paper- in the 1'u1,111!,,-.1 #■ \. r\ Salurdav Ti rms —?.t per Amhub: six mpnll.s, Hu wuithvSl. ,A ovkrt.skm It NTs. per s.pi ire "I tell lill*rt nr h“s first Insertion. ... - - •- I' Knell »<ih«MiM<>nt iimerlmn.- - * 1 \ lil-. mill. 1 >i<-t i-mi will bn in into In favor ol fr.txn whfi advertise ii> ill** year jj. Business card* in«erted "ii ’•easonableterm*. JOB PRINTING. Wn would solicit llm attention of "" r f’ri<‘i"' s who nrn In wiiii i "I Printing I" lb" fuel ilml wn urn pre pared execute nrv description of work in our ! ill" ill ft style Ilml Ini) to (five siitisfaclioii. \\ n Imvn mlv imuln new and extensive ml.lit |< m 1 * I" our assortment of Job Materials, Hli<i have lueililv lor doing nil kinds :if w< rk at moderate rains and on abort notice. (•rntiiltou* Ailvler. %~gf~ Almost every body want* something—none are SO forllllintn as to tin entirely independent, ill the strict meaning of l hat I. nn—wear" all. in a greater or less degrm dependent on each other. This being an in ilispiitaiile fact, we propose to point out a tniale by w Itit'li inont of your nmy In* (fntlitliMi, viz , It you want any kind of lalnirers. mechanics, or clerks; vnvKHitsK. If you want an oflice, a house, a lot, or alarm; AnVKBTISK. . , If you want to exchange property, or to borrow money; ahvkrtisic. If you want to rent or sell houses, lots, or farms, AIIV KItTISK. If you want Indispose of your hu-ines; aiivkhtsk. If you want to mot rooms or olllces; aovkhtisk. If you want any kind of employment; aovbkiisc. Whatever you want have or to dispose of; APVKBTISK. , Among tln“ manv advertising inediuuis. we may he permllted to recommend to your favorable e.msider -1,1 ion the “OroVIM.K I»XII V I’.l TTK IIKCORU," which is read by many people lto*h at home and abroad. II It suits vou. send in your favors, mid for a lair cir.u tieieuilimi, we will iiitriHliirn you to several ladies and gentlemen. who otherwise, perliaps. would never have heard of you. If the ‘•IUi ord” dmsiml suit xour (hiicy,advertise in some other ait events aovkhtisk ! These suggestions are merely throw i out for your IwuielU. an.l l.eeause we believe it to !>.■ our duly to inform you of everythin!? which is cacula ted to enhance your iniersst, Do you believe the ■above is good a vice. t\ e pause lor a I‘i'pty. ,(i;riils for lll*' Unite Ueronl. TIENUV KEEKER,...-... Ilidw. 11, '1 11, IM \-S IP lYt’E... .I'7 Merchant si San Francisco. A 1.. S mil I* street, Mary-ville. X |l, PI.I’M r.irbeslowii WHITE fc M IT Kit. . ’ Or.-ton city 3. K.. 1 At KHUN Hotriownl i.KVI SMITH Thompson's I l it Tilt BROTH ERTi >N Brother!..n’s Store. .1 \MKS TROf I. fl T. iN' Wvandolle .1. rtIMRWIN Nelson ric k. Minnas i .It'IIK INS &. » ATE Xiiiei ican X ill. y M. I'KSOB Mevilla Valley The -Record" can be procured from ini' oil lie above named Atr. iiis, wbo are also aulbori/.ed to re Celvo advertisements and orders for Job \\ oi k UITTK Itl'U OUl* JOB I*Kl\TlV<i ESTABLISHMENT (I It O V I I. I. 1.. We ate now prepared wilt assortment <d IMUNTINU MATERIALS. Wexecute every de scription of r>. ftytyN trTTstrrTTinr- 7 uiSl *B RPHp 11 SM.VfIJGaSo I, the m .St UKA?n\AIH.E TERMS, and in a style ml will not fall to '-five satisfaction. .Milling and ullior companies desiring CERT I OATHS or STOCK, an have them PRINTED nN PHORT NOTD’K Every kind of Job Printing, executed to order leh us lOKS, CIRiTf.ARS, I-AW RLANKS, ampiii.ets, rtuiM, uii.i.s ok kxcuvk il.l. HEADS. DEEDS, DANK IJIIEi KS, AitEl «. NUTK.S, PRi MJUA'I M ES, DfxTKKS, RII.I.ET.d, RILLS OK PARE, r any other descripti«;i ot Printing that may be de red . , . Having bad many years practical experience in i, branch of the business, wear. 1 conti.lenl el xix ig en IresatUfaeiioii to all who may lavor ns with mir on mra. . , IVouim vvt»rk ilone lift* re«|K*cUiui> invuou i tfivo us a cull. SPECIAL NOTICES. )ROVILLE LOGGE NO. 103, F.&, A. M.— Slated Mein lugs held on the llrsl Saturday ol ch mouth, at 7, P. 'I .«l " Hull ."er Plait s arfcel. Entrance on Myers vieet. i Mhccrs—l > A r.iwn. W M . Daniel Jew. I, - " tbeorge \t . Elhol U; I Kosemli . Tr- .-nr. r; D<• O’P .nmd.-ee y; I Klelue. S I); .1 Klumper, J. D; \ Hoskins, fyler. in tfiHul M.-n.tliiur* lo uMhihi. Mo. 35F.&, A. M.—l. ■ k.iXJtlu alt I I. 11. I 1 lit I. 1.1 .V ■ SI. till i.idxe D meets at their Ha’ll in Hid w. 1L on the ■' r '' in ‘ [bird Saturdays of . n- i ummh. at 7 P. M. l Uneei s. Tim’s Wii.Ls, WM. I W Hhhvhon, > >•, ' i CIIAMDKHI.vIN .1 tV. M Kn i ea S *c*y. DROVILLE DIVIS ON S. OF T. NO. 224.- MtM'lu Sumlnv I v»’i*nn4 ;ts *>l° 1 1 i Moronic Mull .1 II Hu*. luTtl; I^. ■ORBESTOWN LODGE, No. 50 F &, A M . t 1 t.. . . -ait 111, till Ik II Meets the second Saturday of each month. H. r. Drown. W M; N H Plumb. < W ; 1) McKee. J \V: Ikidoa Watson. Treasurer; John U Thomas, sec y; U : itaskill, D; J Krine. JD; K B Sparks, Tyh-r. DIDWELLLODG No. J ular ineelincs held every ’clock at their Hall. Bidwetl. landing are resjiesefully Invited. Ig AV a Drark, V G; R Lattiworr. Sec v OROVII.I.K, IUJTTE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 3yK»i. LEGAL NOTICES. administrators sale 9V Pi u<l ’vNRMK AN 'HUtKU UK TUI. ll' iV oriiiiii. Probate Court. in mill f>T Untie eo'iidy. <H re.-linif it,- wi’m of certain re-d . slat. MwimiHl'«• '•- ~l C.-..1K- l’.< Tll' H I'dcof Hut»•* de ceits. -I I -I. .11 . v|.<— for sale, at P’lWM* n-irH.m. I 111- hiifh-'l bidder. on tin- :*"lh dav of Anail't. A I |h-,i; t,t •’ iiVoCk. I*. M.. in front "t tin- * n-1.-aii- Hotel- In uroville. the followin'; .I.—*-ril..-<l premises. i,, itntti' niuiilv state i.l'i ,ili;oriil», to wit : *, ""‘limn cina on the-onth west boundary of Ranch. (iimw Hr..«l!Vl forty rod- from dm ImnU "t 1 1 itllii r river, nmt rnnnimt dmnec nlona •**unoJa f > >'< « southerly din-cli hundred and ‘ix'V < t„ „ stake; th.-nce inn w.-mrlv direction one hmi ,|r.i| mill .j'*tv (Hint rods; tin in n Horn er.j d.rect i.m one ion iro.i i»n<i -u'l (!«»• .-asl.riv direction hnndr.-I and s.Xlv 1'."; r.wfi t.« Iho pine •. I 1.. L'innll.-r. The above , 1.-r-r* »«•<! pr 0...,. .... lieimf Ih" “ii.iio upon which Hie *'i ir “' .'irllon I i v... I mi I <!ni'H—> I ion. dimm,' '.iver,. 1 Venn In I’ nii.l at ihn limo ot his d , ’ Tfiu ternii of rule mad- known at the lone n( snio |. |iu(SAT!T. Public Administrator, Amrnrt Pth IK'.i'i. |anc'>w4) Itnilo connlv.^ INSOLVENCY NOTICE ST ATI-: UK ('A 1.l f. 'I! N l-\, f.imi'j .11 Unite— Co,iii,y l our 1 nt Chambers. In Uni mutter ol • llofMalb r. peliliottor in Insolvency Ills tfwl ii.'iri, in pnr iniiic. of a a order m ade in de* t .endv Court ill mi I for Mill < "Uiny t>> llm I'on -I I- > I „i. Cm.iiiU .I'll.--- -it I'll noli. r« oil 111-' Is* I, 'l' l ' ■ XiiLoirl \. I» IKVi. N’.niei- is hereby liv. ii to creditor* of tin* nii.l petitioner in 1 n-.. 1 v.-n.-y- .1 lloffsiaiter. to nppenr li.-for.- tlie lion ->os. I,.wi-. Connlv -lii'lif.-. on Hie lint .Inv ot tin- >"v. ii.-r term of the said County Court, to wot ;Un tt Iw.-nty.fourth .Inv .f Novemlier, I>. 1' •», nl i 1..«• k M.. n. 11i.1w.-11, to‘how cause. il «n> In. he. why Hie i.rnver of -aid petitioner should not mil lie he <1 ischnnred from Ida d.-bts us insolvent il.-htor. Wiln.-‘i tic hand ntnl the scat of raid Gonnlv I, S fours. nl, this, tin- Hi.l,iv of un-o'-' '• H ' is.’,,l:,t lli.lwell MILKS (111 \PIN, Clerk.. n .v ,4vv n> M . 11. IURRAntI Deply INSOLVENCY NOTICE. Sr ATM U 1 v 1.1 1 ■HIx i A, 1 "im v o| P-n'le Connlv Court ,il .'lcnii'ier-. in the mailer of A, Ihin. roft, mi Ins -Iv.-nl .lehlor vs. lie Creditor-. In pursimne.- of mi or-t.-r made in the Couiily I "in t n nii.l for-siiiil Conntv **y the Hon -los. K. N. le'vvt , 'oimlv -luilvfo in 1 'limnlicrs on Ihn ISlh tiny oi Anirn t \. H |H-C. Volte., is In-r.-hy eiv. n to the ere.lit..r- ot lie Siti.l Insolvent, C. A Ituncrnfl to he nml iipp.ur iff.ire the lion. J. I'-. N Lewis*, Connlv-In.lL'e <c nml thinnly in Chnnili. rs. nt lli.lwell. on Momliiv. I .. Is, ,|nv of S.-pt., A. li IS.VI, mnl mnhe print of leeoiinls mill delliiirnls mfnlnst siti.l insolvent s e-tiilr ir they will ho biirrml from receiviini a iliviileno rom the s-iine. . . ~ ~ Witness my han.l nml the »eil of suit I ( onniv ~S. Cnnr'. nlflvetl this, lie* istli ilay of Ampul, A T>. IH.'iti, :il liiilvrell. Mll.r.S i IIAl 1 IN. Clerk. 52-Vlw Itv M.II Ikkua. ii rtepnty Hi. N. n- In *n* hr (in SHERIFF S SALE |»V VIRTCK "K A DK.'UKTAI. UItPKII, I IS .ml of the \mill Judicial District t onrl in nml r (ho conntv ot Unite, and Stale of California, !<• me reeled and delivered, eonimmnlimr me to make the of two hundred nml forty four doilnr* nml lißv ms. dele,'wait leitul Interest thereon, and tin- tnr er sum of Hiirly-ono dollnrs and IlHy cents eosis. _-,.|1i,-r will) the costs of snwl Hnl.n- nrerninif. .ml ol .- property her.-i nnt ter d.-scr Hied, to satislv the a 1., re id j. i. i_•llv.■ i. t. wherein WH. R. ■-Ill'-I I l-Mt is and JACUH S. MOUTHS is tin- Defend ml, u it: Tim Metropolitan Thonlre.sitnate.t lit the tow n ' Uroville, conntv of tlnlle and Mate >d . alifornin. eat.-il on the corner of ll.mloon and Hir I streets, mi in.- il.trlv nine di'J, feet on llnntoon street and -lev isi,, r.-.-t on sal 1 Itird street, which I will sell imhlic ealo at the Court door, in 11i• I w.• H. nml V and St a!.- aforesaid, on theIXV I .N 111.111 DAN VI t;i ST A. D I-.MI, la-tween the hours prescribed , law, to ll.c 1.L1.e-l l.idd.-r lor ca-h. P. ITir.Klt. Sheriff. Unite comity. Dated, this Ifeihdav of. Inlv. \. D. IS.ili. iv " « I CON STABLE S SsAj-cJ jy virtue of ne Kxecnlion issued out of .Instire S Kiln It's Court, and to mo directed, on Ihn first v of Ail-Pist, A, D. IS.'ni. c nnmnndiic,' me to make ’■ sum of .me hundred and ei-ddy hundredths liars jnda in. and twenty eiifht dollars costs ac in.r costs of -aid Ur.l--r.ont ol tin- properly herein -r < Icscr. I a 1 1, to - iHsiy the atdre-dd .Tmlirm.-nl. n-r.-ln K C- Dennison is plaintiff and Charles ~,i„.v : ,nd U 1!. .lohii«. n tir.-defendants, to wit : laiitse and lot sit Haled in the town of Centerv die. ar I irv < 'reek on t lit- opposite side of the road Iron, •. W eir's .lw.-ilinL r . 'I he said house has four rooms it. and is is by M feet —also I hedslead. 1 small tier stove and one small -land—which 1 will -a-il at - room door of J. T. Klliott’s nfflee on llird e.-t. Uroville, Unite Co only, stale ef CalPonda on Jill, day of S.-pUinla r. A. D ISid, at II o'clock 1’ . to the 1 1 lull. St hiildi r for cash. Dal.-d Ihiul-tlhditv of At.fiitst. N. D. 1 . , .1. V -luM'S. „15 Constnhle of uphir township. DECLARATORY NOTICE run C. I-* lI'.KK.IIV ».l\KM—That I. Catharine N '1 Cohn, wile ot I - wis Cohn, of the county ol ~,||( | stat-- of Cali'ornia. -to hcrehy d. flare, dial iiteli.l, from and all-r this date, l<> carry on Im-im-- lnv own name and on my own account, in stud in'v <>f Untie, that in mrn of said hnsmess is k.--p -. Id retail Clftar Store, and also ire,itle -„’s Knrmshne-'Ho. ds, and that I will he tndiv i ln- V responsible in mv own name, tor all ■lehls eon eu-d hv me on account of my said hnsmess. mi I I ■tlier declare. that Hie amo mt .;t capital invert.-., said hn«iiu"S, does not exceed I he* »nni ol live lit Vest ii n o'n v' vv he re. if. I have hereunto set nn hand ds, al. Hie the llth Ivy of Mnfist, A. U l‘e,,. ( ATM VUTNK COHN, i sv.vt . | 3TATK OF t'A 1.11' 1 MINI A, > CoI NTY OV 111 TU'. I >N Til I-S lh«' lllh dav of Antfnst. A. .* ■ >•’, per •oually appealed before me. a Jurtk the i and lor the county aforesaid, the nhove nain- Ca'harine MC. hn. proven to no- to la-the person In the foreiroin,' instrument, . . n> me that she executed lie- same •elv and volni.timly, and lor ll.e Us, s at.d pnrpo-. - i-r. in mentioned ;' n , j,,-i|ee of the Peace Unite county. ( at. i V r,. v j'le, \-iL-n-t It. IMP. augll-tf V - , if NT Y TUK-AsCUKitN OKKI3B. { Uiuvvki I-, July l-'th. S kTOTICF. i- hereto Livin', dial all persons holdim,' • II nn. i onniv >* ofraut* pay ibi« the -- uc- ITmid. r.-ci-P red leiw.eii lel.rnary D-lh, ,v 7lh Is. Mi. dial the same will he redeetned i pteseiitaiion. at my office. Nml notice U turlher that from and - n “' after this dale, said warrants ceHK ) tobKur.u.cre... | i iAM . “ Trvi.snrer of Unite Cviun.J. ferry NOTICE r-c OTICK Is hereby Stven that the tinderswiv. <1 will applv 10 the Hoar 1 of Supervisors tu Old Unite C.niniy- at their next revfnlar in. e'in-', t >n ... • .. t' err v ncr.vs? the Middle K.-ra of thcr River, a few rvals ahovo the junction ..t the th p. SAVAGE, idwclt'* Bar, Bulte Co. * lUt LEGAL NOTICES. SHERIFF S SALE BV VIUTI'K OK AN f N f.CTTioN mil of Itu- Ninth Judicial Di-triel Conn. in nml for the county of Untie. nml state of Caliionn.v, bear 1 in/ iinii’ August Pith, \. U. is'ffi. ami to to directed mi'l delivered commanding m« to make the ■*mn oi Itiroo iminln-1 and tbiriy-Hve three mu* InnidnTh dot ' Inn ,li 1.1. vv ill) legal interest on tin* time. :nnl tin- sum lif tweitlv-lhri a seventy-llvo oiie-humlri d h dollar* cost-v of slid, w ,lb acrrtiing riwl« ol -.nil judgnn ni. mil of Hie properly hereinafter described. to -at i«f> lli,. L fore>aid judgment, wherein John V\ ar-- and liar iv If m il-* are Piainiiffs, nml John Mela-Hand, Defend „,it. tovvli; A certain Minim; Claim, situated on IP,Id Hi Im ar Hietown ot tirov die,c,„tuty ami Stale 1 aforesaid ; said Claim is ninety live feet fronting on lie llluff. and extending b.t.,k -./-tloef. /M.-o ~0 niuirti Moxe« now upon the claim Also !IHn of-mall It tine lea.l in/ir,nn the re-er»oir to the claim AI«o nil o| Hi., ri-'hl. title anil inti rest ol the afnre-a.d 1 .1 e ll < l> l ll l John Mel.e||,mil in nml to n «‘nl»in ailtmte.l nimii - el • In ll n together wrh nil the appurtenance- belonging to the ntiove. The above property to he sold on Thnrsd.iv the I~ib ilnyof September. A. If II o'clock 11.I 1 . M. at the National Hotel. Dated this /Otl l of August. \ l> I'eii. I*. I lIKKU, Sheriff Hutto Co I?v if. A. 'I, T,\rmi'tN. Hepnty. ifJfftd DISSOLUTION rBN llr. CO'T MITN KR-MIIP herelitfore existing be S tween.lame. 11. Hrass nml John I). Keating, is thi- '1 ,y di-solved hy mutual consent. All debts line the hue Him inn I lie pniil to James II Urn—, who alone ia nnthori/.e I lit use Hie name of the linn in lioni laiioti. All demands against the late Hrm of .1 I). Keating -N Co , will he pniil hy James 11. line's. .1 \mi:s ii in; \>s, JOHN D. KEATING, rtroville, August Iff. IPSff. anglff-lf AIISCELLANEOI S. HOWARD MEDICAL INSTITUTE IIS Sacramento street, next to the Vnciflc Mails S. Co. s Office over Wines A; Co.’s Express Office. SAN' FRANCISCO. ROOMS. Ni MHEKS 1,8 AND 3. ramilS INSTTTT IT ON is founded for the cure ot H Syphylilic »ml Scrofulous complaints, nml nil iiffertions el tin- Genital Organs of whatever rialnre. In-lilnte<l for the express purpose of treating private nmhulies at the instance of ninny meilicnl gentlemen w ho have seen with pain the impositions practiced herelitfore upon those who have been the victims of lying advertisements. Ihose connected with it are U> pur-ne lo n certain extent this mentis of introducing U to public notice. Tints,- apply ini; for ml vice will find constantly in attendance midi,til ability of undisputed skill in this class of complaints, nml -lil lie dealt with ia the most honorable ami slKiiigliHonvard manner, p,,r the purpose of securing privacy to the most ileliente, several apartments nre so arranged it,til pa lai- tils will he brought iii contact with none, but the i tfflee Physician. Those applying to Ibis Instilule will the charges reasonable, and the treatment s,i|s;rior. l.ndies mid gent lenten who desire to become patients without ,-alling ni tin- rooms of tin- Institute,can be attended at their residences. Con,m,intention trom nil partsof the country will be alt,-t,del to with promptness, and medicines sent if ch-sh-i-d, by enclosing n fee of tm dollars. No efforts will be spared to make the Howard Medi cai Institute what it purports to be, a pliilantlirophlc Institute. Consultation in English, Trench,‘ Spanish ami German. t tfflee hones from A. M.. J -J. M. Address, Howard Medical Institute, 11* Sacramento street, San l‘ , rnnc«»<co. Ollice PR. R. Mr*'A I I’ltl.V NEW ADMINISTRATION Central House Hotel! U miles from Marysville, on Hie Ophir, Hidvvell liar mid f’etilher river 11,,a,15. JOHN LOWRY. V ropriotor. ( | taKK I’I.EA.-TUT. in inf ,nningmy friends ; ami (he traveling community, that I inn now V ready to receiv »■ and arc out mo, late tin-in. 11,,' ItAIl wili be f,irnis|ie,l with t I,nice hi,mors, my TA lil.T. supplied with the varieties of tho -easoli. my 111-; lis clean nml com tort able, nml my l» \KNs with /o,„l stalls and feed lor l„,r-es. In fm-leverv exertion w ill 1,,, used ,m tnv part to obtain and secure the pub lie favor—and no public house in California shall > x | mi- in courtesy and attention to every one thul may visit me. J- b , Pro lr. liutte County July 10, IB.TO |ylu-tt EXPRESS AND STAGE LINES. EVERTS, DAVIS (M).’SI express office IP »\\ E’s« IHTMHNG. l> 'TKT.T.T, W i ST t'IDK, M AK VS VILLE. A ft MI, A - T.M‘lll.B* w ill In- di-palebed f-om \ M,,r (tfflee in Mary s\ ille. to Uabbil Creek. <bl>- sonvilie porb, •slowit, Columbus llou-e, Lexington Mouse, Warren Hill. Hopkinsville, Nelson Creek, Poor Man's Creek. Hopkins Creek, Onion valley, Kiebltiond Hill Stringtown, Enterprise, Wy atidolle, I .nag Spring Valley, settles’ Digging-, St. l-om-, lUdwi ll's liar, Ibmsonvdle, Pine *<rove. t. b it,diet - v in, . spani-b Tint. Independence liar, American Vad.'.y, I .llzntx'lhlown, spi.llisb Ualicb. M endow Val iev tnv ol '7l>, -lamtson < reek. Cumin Creek, or,- v ille, Thompson's ITal. Oregon Guleh UarnariTs Diggings Harri«oiis Pig/itigs, ami Poverty Hill. o,u TKEASTUE EX I’ll ESS* will always be accom panied by faithful -Messengers. - polleelnms. Orders. &c., attended to with pntmptnes.nmi HdelUy. y VERTS , IVVIS x Ni''' ArraiiijuuuMi—l-or \ r(‘k:i A \N HAT I Ell J IT.V J.l Ikatl. tin- ( alilornia X. y sf-l-'e t (m.paliv’s Coaeln - W ill lea', their olllee M tirniv’s Waslent House. Marysville, .very day id v oVlock I* 'I.. !«»r Vri'kii \ia Ilamtiloi:. N»-ai »*•*!»• Ij Chico.’Tehama. Ked I’.lnlN. ( oltonw.Msl stinll, - Uaueli. Ilnv’s Hunch, and .MeCottil.-rs Mill- ero ,„/ Cut river ul bet khan’s !erry.< r-e.-talls L iner.- Thomas' Tint. Tucker Town. JumTt.m House, batk (tone House. Sod , S| ring- \ rek.i Mills -b, - p -ha-la Unites, S*l< phen’s Haiieb and t’ldbaiti am V iiu'm \ reka oil the second day at o clock, I. M. RET E U N I N <1 . Will leav, their office in Vreka at a o'clock every morning, cling at Marysv die with (he t otopa nv’s coaches for Sacraiiu-ilo, which am',-in um< > r Z*A; - p r Vn*Uaio San rninci‘f‘» R» * J,l, \ 1 , , * (if,t T. THOMAS ti, neral Sap t » at. *'«»•’• «• July V f iY 1 ( '1 : *l Marysville. r . s. MAIL LIN E : and af- r Tuesday. March 1-th. IS.W. the Pali- B ,-MrmiSt s Coaches will U ave their me- \Vi—tern'll Mary-ville. every morning at i>'cli« - 't for Sacramento, ami arrives in lime for the KITITNI NO "id leave th»ir Office. Orleans Ho T Sucramenfn, for 'lary-v tile, at the «:,me hour OEH F. THo.M'r*. super utendnnt. March 17lh. 1956 J MarysviU*. M’VILLE ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW Cl GA U AND TOBACCO STORE West fiu. 1 I) flreet oppo-de tin* 111'* U mu I!> ">!-•■ MJ avsr i r i. r.. (.11.. XTiTm. Slmrlic Co., !>TT<Trn.l,V XW'ilv T. T'TMI’ PER. U *4. |,|i unit 111 H TRADE. Hi it t ».< v bav >u ■tantly mi hand, an 1 lor sale, at ih" low.-nt hook. prices, nt wholesale and retail, \ l.’irirc* nnd can ft illy *l* ■ *« *♦ I (f Ciniirs, nr I Sic ( 'iiiicct Hi ami t- wHI n> ihnse of a cheaper ouallfjr ' a!m> kvkkv dlsirahll hiianu uu r*>i;\* »’<)* and wlmlfvr may b»‘ found In any similar f>*lfiMi>liincnl in i *nl i Torn in. A K\pr.nir\c i: in tin* -***, w»* H*« I .•v*< iro«! v\ ill. wh«*ri roiiiHTtrd with Sll5 M<• 111 MMI U Mil) l)K \!,1M1,« n«M* usto L r ive UN II HK SAT ISTAiTIMN lotlnnv vMiufn.i} fa*.or u> wdhlluir |»at* I .-rvoi MK V TK ADKPS «uj»idi.-d l«i per cci.t. Jr** than at any other Ihhih«* m the Stale, Mavrvsville July 1 1 ». IHStJ . Jyli'Hf DRUGS! DRUGS! PEGKAIVI &.PRESBURY Km fit re Block , .Mm tfscille. « WAVE Received per Clipper SMij*,‘*S S Rishc.p ■ Ha and well sr|«*r.u*«| invoice of DRUGS, MEDICINES and PER. FUMERY Which Ihev ofT-r f..r Pale nt the Imwedl Market Prices,nnd to which they ineile attention, Tartaric Acid, Bicarbonate of Soda, Straight &. Taper Corkss Pres sed Hops Pressed Sage, Oil of Sarsaparilla, Kx- Lemon and Vanilla, Ptracts of Strawberry, nfl ft variety of articles suited to the Mountain ‘iide, tire now in Plot***, mid w ilt n rive b\ ipiartcrly lipmeuts from New \ orV nnd Pliiliidetidiia. PF.t tItA M At riIKSIII'HV, Apothecaries & Drmjgisls. Empire Riot >, M’> ille WALKER. WILSON & Co. DE A LICKS IN STAPLE AM) FANCY DRY GOODS, Clothing, Hoots, Ladies and Cl 111.DUON S SHOPS, IIOSIKiIV, side l>. st near 2nd st fl;try>\ll!e. ti'mctu,!, KKKP CONSTANTLY ON lIA VO, n full VT assortment of Hoods in their line, nml would respectfully solicit a share of public patronage.— Particular attention paid to orders irom the country.{ THOMAS Is. W.\LKKll,| ]AMHS t. WILSON, JOHN K. M ASON, fch 2-1 Mt A C A XI. D FROM THE WESTERN HOUSE I, 111; |’ \ pi,USlt; \ I . It wMn-s to infortn Ihe trav eling public and I lie cititten- "I AI; ir> >v ille. I toil or this'lay all bu-inc-s connected w ith the Hot.-I narlinent will ho carried on by the u»e ol JdK ‘S, ns follows: ■iti .P * ■ ■ * ‘ ..‘io cts., i • els . and -si , MH.V ROOMS SI jo per day. \ ticket for Day Hoard, by the week, will lie SHI, vaide in advance. \ ticket for Hay Roan), with bodging, by the ■ok. w ill be §Rt, tsl.'i. and s , actording to selec n of room. ... ... I’ll,. Proprietor hopes these Reduction* will lie rperly appreciated lit the Public I lie style ol Miie.-s as before. The addition of a good Rath mse, Shavian Saloon, w ith the ad vantage ol tile ice i'f the t'l.lifnrnia Mage Company, with every lior convenience for the traveler, will. I think, lu re to the public, all the necdlul comforts of a home connecliun with the above, the proprietor deems it subtlety necessary to state distinctly that lie cannot, , U .,u not. nor sii\ 1.1. not, to any one, undo or le nt,.. give the s'lt'htut irr s/wrltfl trnht. This is not personal: it is general. 1 have been lo r imposed upon lately, and I w ish to protect the .erests of mv creditors, as well a- my own. H. S, MLRRAV. Marysville, July I'V Hull. Wool. Hides and Tallow IVf IXTKU—For Which the highest market j.nce » r SMITH Corner of It It and I’, streets. Hole Yard, eastern entrtinco on Fourth -eel near the Buckeye Mill. Marysville, - r " v rfTslf ri ’** m\rnmmmam^ MISCELL A NEC) I S. WHIT K & Nl TTKlly DKALKRS IN PROVISIONS &c. G ROCERIES LIQUORS, &.C., If. I SDF.RSIfJNKn. in callimr the attention of Itie puhlic to their -lock ol Prime Hoods, would hfinsebes irt this op|H>rt unity to return ituuiks • \i rv ireneroiis putronae lie \ have rec. ivi*d du i,e number of y‘*nr* they loite oeeti rtiiiiiitei in -- :it tin- place ‘ and det’eriniiusl to merit a coi.- li-e of the satno in future. <•«• r at the lowest 1 I arm* anti well -ejected sssortment ol t.r » • nes ('revisions. Impairs ol a -opt rior 'juaiily, Pr»- t Fruits. Miners’ »m j.iies. Hardware, Crock, ry Ins-ware Ac. \c P.irficular attention paid to mtt and deliverimf miners’ order- Irom a dm- The highest price paid for Hold Dust • shall also run a daily Letter and Package Ex between this place ami Orovtlle. WHITE v SETTER, gon City, Jaly IK’iO, jy 19-tf SALK by the Case or I’ackuge in quantities to suit.’ IDK bill paper. Legal cop Letter Taper. Ink road bill paper, Foolscap, Note paper. Ten Is, Blank Books. Wafers, ic He. Noisy vrriers Book & Stationary Co. Battery &04 & M Long Wharf. San Fran i BCO . C’ P. KIMBALL, Pres. 1 >| isciliitny. Every ono must admit, ''ln* bn- y 1 .jr, i!i he I) is a stnmg share *'t ' , o; t son. Only observe him as lie-its i !»y \our side an<l wistfully watches ! * •(Hess trail'll of piece after piece, bit Tier bit, at the fork is conveying ft li ra te morsels to vonr mouth. I tier*! is >i* ither hope nor despair exhibited in is c unt* nance; he knows those piee< s iro not for him. There is an expie-- , -on t f impatience ale ut the eve, as he '••aijs \ iou h atm\ s, which >cetn> ■ 1 ■ '• •Mintdy fellow, what! not one bit i c 'me. : ” (Mdy cut a slice from the ex terior of the j tint a piece that he knows von will not eat, and watch the change ami eagerness of his expression ; ho knows ae \t ell as you do that it is in tended tor him, he has reason* d up* n it. Tin; butcher's shops (says the au thor of ‘‘England in the time of Slink spearc,”) astonish us by iheir prices: A fat ox, this; a fat wether, :> I*l ; and the same price for a fat calf; a fat iamb, 12d ; three pounds of beef, a p my, Everywhere the same chcap iiC'S. Milk from a farm in the minor* ies the three ale pints, I.IJ. in sum mer, and 2.Jd. in winter. Wine, 100, is very cheap, and within the reach of any pour man, though not so much so as in Henry \ IH.’s lime, when by statute, (lascon wine was sold at Ss. the gallon, and the cheapest at id. a pint, and 4d. the bottle. Malmsey and sack at ti-u the gallon. (It should be borne ii* mind I hat, in the time of Hen ry V 111, a penny was to a shil ling cf the present time.) Isi'rmnijs Di kin*; the Kiur.x or VVi r< ncuAi r in Kxfit.iM'. — Haring the witchcraft time the English, (says Chambers’ Journal,) burned ahonl 30, OUO women, generally poor and retired feiu il< s v.ho liad no man to defend them. The \ icliins wore hound hand and foot and thrown mio de*-p water. If thy tl mted that was evidence of a guilty magical power, and they were taken out and burned at the slake, while the rigidly righteous sang ps alms. It the accus 'd sank and Were drowned that was evidence that they were m noeent, and it, was a pity they were drowned. Had the same power the vitalhy now it had in the day s of « itch craft, wouldii,t there he a stringing up el Spiritualists r An interesting phenomenon has tak en place at the /u.(logical Card u- »*t Antwerp. 'fho line boa constrictor there has laid some eggs, the opera tion took place between two and six o’clock in the afternoon. The reptile laid eight eggs of a cream color, of an oblong shape, n little larger than tur keys’ eggs, and they were all drawn up by it on the sand with a symmetry that could not have been sui passed by the human band. A Numidian stork lias also laid several eggs, which she is hatching. 1 his tact is likewise ol very rare occurrence. 15v a loose registry kept in the sev en provinces of tho Punjiuh; from Issl to ISo 1, it appears that the num ber of children earned off by wild beasts amounts to l,s»i|, classified as follows: I,lofi by wolves, Til by bears, and 124 by leopards and clietahs. During the same period, UlB Wolves, <jo leopards, and 14 bears w* re destroy ed- The Judicial Commissioner ex presses his conviction that the above lolnins do not represent the actual ex tent of the evil. Or duty, Carlylo says: niinwho gropes painfully in darkness <*r uncer tain light, and prays vehemently that the dawn may ripen into day, b*y this I other precept well to heart, which to* |me was of valuable service: Do tho duty which lies m arcs thee, which thou 1 1 Inewest1 newest to be a duly, thy second duly will already have become clearer. The Phoenician alphabet, invented by Cadmus, had originally only fifteen* letters, but the English lias twenty-six, the Spanish twenty-seven, the Arabic twenty-eight, the Persian thirty-two, the Turkish thirty-three, the Kussiao forty-one, the Sanscrit Shy, ant l fbo Chinese two hundred and fourteen.^ M MI’.KR K).