Newspaper Page Text
(Drouille Duilij ®itte jßcrarb, mu! n. ciuituii Kd 1 lor. OKOVII.I.E, Till KSDAY, Alii ST 28, ISM. 'mom DKTioiKiTic \onivmois. FOR PRESIDENT. JAMKS lire'll AN AN, Ok’ PKNNBVL.VANIA, FOR VICE PRESIDENT, joiin €. hhkckimuix;k, OF KKNTIJCKV. ■■■■■!■ I Regular Drmorratic County toniliiiitions. »h»r mkmmkrs or akmkmhi.y. JAMES S JiONG, H. J. MORRISON. fl.’OR AMMKKIOR, JOHN 11. LILLARD. fOK fU BMC ADMINISTRATOR, A. C. MORSE. —— -*•»■ iOR IOHONICIt, DR. J. J). BROWN. ■ IHCMCMUATIC STATE CO\VKVHO\ * At a moelimr of the California Democralic Stale Cnntral ConiniilUie, hold In the city of Sacramento, on the lilth tiny of .Inly Will, It win renoUetl tlml n Democratic Slat* Convent win tin called. to meet In lint city of Sacramento, on TIIRf*|IAY, tint !»lli tiny of Ho|»lemhe» nnrt, lar the aurpoaeof nontinaHmf two members ofCoiutreas, n Clerk of I In- Supremo Court, n Supertnlwiiletit of Public Instruction, a State Prison Director, ami four Presidential F. lectors Tho Slate tTuilrnl I’oiiiii illoH suifi<esl that Hnliir lay , tin- 23d tiny of Aiitrust, he the day sHected hy Ilia (liltnrtTil counties for Hit) election of Detegnles to ml Democratic Slate Convention. The followlmt la the apportionment of represents* nn; Alameda " San Ilnimarlino 3 Amador, JoHanta Durham .'I Util to e.San Louis Ohmpo .... 2 Coins! .■iisiinta Cm/. II Calaveras Jo San Francisco ... ,JW Colilrn Costa rtfSliiiiinlitUM H KfHnnil* 2kSacramento If lliimlioltll 2 Solano 2 Klamath 3, Siskiyou H ho* Auufloa Moul irey - Mariposa • . Vann - - • Merced .. . Napa .. C Shasta » •• • S « - ‘-’(Sutler . - » (liSoiiotnaiiiul Meu.’/eino . 7 • 4 Siorra 12 1 Simla (Hum - . li ~ 2|San .hmipiin - 7 H I'noltmiiie 13 I’lsmas f> Trinity 4 Placer IT Tulare 2 San /ile«o 2 V4>lt> 4 Yu'm 13 11. V. WASHINGTON, Chair’ll. 11. F. Powell, Secretary. AT Democratic pa|wrs throughout the Stale please «opy Oroville lliirliaiiaii C lub. Tim rrgulur rouellug* of this Club nro held on Tlxiniday Kwuiug of each wevk'Ht llm United Suite*. Dt 1) II AKUIS, Hoc. Sec'y. Thanks. —To 11. 15. Gurnlitim, Esq., fur Marysville Inquirer, and Him Francisco Hun, Herald and True Californian. To the obliging Watson for Marysville ex press, and Haorumcnto and Hun Francisco papers. Ktvr.n Claims. —Tho Arab claim, situa ted just below White Uock, have succeeded in drying their claim, and on Tuesday work ed one 7'vm half the day. The result was forly-eight ounce* of as Sue dust, aa ever camo from Feather River. Tho Junction mining claims situated at the Junction of tho north and middle forks, Unvo also succeeded in getting in, and real ized forty-eight dollars from the first pan of dirt. There are other claims Just ready to com mence mining operations, with every indi cations of abundant success. A Cajlikobma Oho an. —A Mr. John May er of Marysville, is at present engaged in the construction of au organ. It will be completed iu lime lot exhibition in the State Fair, at Han Jose iu October next. Imposinu uco.n Ciu.\ami..n —From the Kcho du Parititjue, »c learn that on Sat urday some villain succeeded iu selling about forty tickets purporting to bo good for passage to China iu a vessel up for that port TUc duped Chinamen went on board ll<c vessel with their baggage, and, as nvjy be presumed, were much surprised to find that the person who represented himself us agent of the vessel was unknown to the cap tain. Kit Cakkin m. John C. Fricmont.— The San Joaquin lit publican says, one of the arguments used by the lllack Republicans in favor of Fremont is, that he crossed the Kooky Mountains these times, and on one occasion, to avoid starvation, eat horse flesh. If these arc sufficient reasons why a tutu should be elevated to the Presidency, Kit Carson is far ahead of Fremont, and should have received a nomination at the hands of the ('unionists. Kit has crossed the Ilocky Mountains twiaty-tfaree times, has nearly starved to death six times, and once lijred. Cor five weeks on mule Aceh.. Klliiiiorr'a thantei. It is Amusing to witness efforts of the'Fill more men, to convince outsiders, that their Clubs have nothing to Jo with Know Noth ingism. They take particular pains to in form outsiders of this, in order that they need not be accused of upholding the pro scriptive doctrines of that party, and as cor roberative of this position, they point boast ingly to the fact, (hat they have in their Clubs, the Celt, the British, aVid the (Jer man, and, for aught we hnuw, they may have Chinamen. It is well known, that many foreigners were members of the Know Nothing organi zation last year, and tire twerc fact that there arc foreigners in thtfiv 'Clubs, does not free them from the charge of Know Nothingism. Mr. Fillmore v>ns nominated by the Know Nothing party, it i> generally understood, and asserted, by those who ought to know, that Mr. Fillmore, is himself a third degree member of the K. N. order, and that ho is running expressly upon the proscriptive and ultra doctrines of that decaying party.— Should he he elected, it would he claimed as a Know Nothing triumph, the spoils will be shared by those who have traveled over the country, establishing Know Nothing institutions, and the foreigner, who has ai i ed in his elevation, will then find that he has been the dupe of a party, whose very ex istence was conceived in proscription ; whose success was achieved by misrepresentation, aud (hat be bus been contributing to the success of a party, whose avowed doctrine, is to deprive him of the privileges hereto fore extended to the oppressed of all nations. If there are foreigners in the ranks of the Fillmore men, we would ask them to turn to the platform of the convention which nomi nated him, and whose candidate L* is, and they will Had there a plank proscribing for eigners from exercising the privileges guar anteed to him by the laws of the country, and upheld by the Democracy. If they then determine to vote against themselves, let them believe the sophistry put forth by the Know Nothing Fillmore-men. 'The Fillmore men-.are making a desperate struggle. Some arc sanguine enough to be lieve that they cau elect him by the people; but by far the larger number think, they can throw the election into the Ho me ot Representatives, aud that Fillmore will then he elected. Those who believe that the pres ent House of Representatives would elect Mr. Fillmore, should consult the chances, before concluding to hazard tine result In the election of a President, by.the House of Rep resentatives, each state has one vote, given by a majority of the delegation of that state The election would have to ho determined by the prest 11. of R., the political complex ion of which, is as follows: roll FREMONT. Mm «p, New Vorh, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Vermont, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Ohio, Rhode Island, Indiana, Connecticut, Michigan* Wisconsin. roil FILLMOUK. Delaware, Maryland,. Kentucky, TIED. Tennessee — 5-Democrats and 5 Americans, Texas —I Democrat and 1 American, lowa —1 Democrat and 1 Republican. TIKI) AT FRtSENT. The delegations of the following named States are also lied, hut there is a vacancy in hot hi to be tilted this fall. They are; Missouri —3 Democrats and <5 Americans, Illinois— Democrats and Uepublicaus equal. Foil BUCHANAN. Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, California, Louisiana,.. South Carolina, Virginia.. From the above it will be seen that there arc ten slates, the vote of which will be cast for Mr Buchanan; three slates that will cast their votes for Mr. Fillmore;, thirteen for Fremont; three tied, and two the char acter ot whose votes will be determined at the next election. It is not. possible by any combination of circumstances, tor Mr. Fillmore to receive over lour votes lit the present house of Rep resentatives, aud it is altogether improba ble, that the ten .-wittes voting for Mr. Bu chanan, could go over and vote l«>r Fillmore. The weaker party would have to jyiu the stronger, or the election Would go by, de fault in the House, and be transferred to the Senate, in.which body there is a large Democratic majority Those wb<> ate apposed to the election ol Fremont, should remember, that they are giving him alt the chances, by throwing tbe election into the House. Fremont now has thirteen votes in that body—and there are vacancies to be Ibled this fall, which tm»y give him titteen vote*. Sixteen votes only, are uetded to elect a President by the House. We ask the Fd more merv, who bel esc that the election of Fremont would bo detrimen tal to tbe best interests of tbe Union, to ex amine tbe question candid ly.uud then say it (hey are willing to persist in a course which could do Fillmore no good, and may result in the election pf Fremont ? lU.rrßucApm — When the Republicans • f • OroTiUe organized their Club, they resolve^ | to publish their proceedings in the Butt* ■ Record, and fur that reason we made no re | port of their wool-gathering efurts—prefer ring that they should report their own pro ceedings ; and then we would take the liberty to comment ns we thougftrproper. Believing that they have the worst cause of any po litical party that ever attempted organiza tion, we were dcsirojj- that they should ! make a fair start, then we would speak of them as we thought their professions and | positions deserve. Why don t they hand jin their proceedings? We do not desire to I publish them after they are a week old, and after they have njipeared in their organ i It would be too lag a bore upon our renders Wc desire suofa matter while it will pass for I news, otheissise its publication wii; he de clined, except os-advertisements. Go is Bald llkad An accumulation of | Baldhcadjj such us was never seen in these ! parts Iwfore, was exhibited at a dinner given ! at Frank’s Restaurant dreen«, ' Ripleys, Cadys, Legates and others, who had i been so unfortunate us to shed their hur on i the top of the head, trhar the har ought to vegitate, were congregated together, to eat. 1 laugh and grow fat. It was understood-that all things and eve ry body were- to ba ruled out except the pecl-houds. When they were well seated round the festive board, their beads tkoue like a pewter dollar. A largo deputation from our (ttty Drug Stores waited upon them, with an »-yc single to improvement of their personal appear ance, and tendered thorn each iv bottle of Jones's Coral Hair Restorative. The com pany with one voks>cryed ‘‘put tlieai out.” U. States Branch Mist,— From a Cir cular received last night by McWilliams & Tyrneson, Bunkers, wc learn that tha Mint, at San Francisco, has been obliged to sus pend its operations, in eonscqpeuee of the scarcity of chemicals wherewith to work. Nvw Drum bruit k. — Our enterprising young, friends, Uundull & MclXermot, have removed to tbcir new fire proof brick Store on Montgomery street, and have opened out with an entire new stock of l)tugs and Medi cines, Camphene and Oil. together with a general and beautiful assortment of toilet perfumery, and a variety of good* too no merous to name. Theirs is one of the must elegant aiul complete Stores ot the kind that has evor been built in the mines, and is in ornament to Orovilfo. See their advcrtiac ment. ~*r —Our energetic townsman, Jacot Morris, Esq., the proprietor of the Theatre, -, s putting this Temple of the Mttses in complete repair, preparatory to its being opened i»y Mr. Edwin Booth and company, when this community may expect amuse ments of a much higher order than has been offered thorn since Oroville has boeu a town. *o* The air ica-L.Com ean v —We are told that a travelling Show Company passed through our Town yesterday, composed, of the cele brated D. V. Gates, Madame Cranice—a Danseuse---a lit tie Boy, and a little Poodle Dug. They concluded not to stop and play an engagement to crowded and delighted houses. District Corin' —This body i 3 now in session at Bid well, Judge Uaingerfe.hl pre siding, and thither have wandered the legal fraternity of,the county. The Court will j probably remain in session for twi wccl^t. <•» — - V'ik<;tjh!a Pi. at. —J S. D , writing from this place, says they will give Buchanan a majority of from 300 to 500 votes. John knows what lie is talking about, when speak ing of the gallant Democracy of Virginia Flat. Centhau.Uosk. —We were favored yes terday with a . polite invitation to attend a party at the Central •loose to-night. This house is kept by our old friend John Lowry, formerly of the Orleans ville. John Lowry is universally popular, always gets up tine Cotillion Parties, and has a faculty of sending his patrons away perfect ly satisfied. Auction Sax.k or Householo Flrni rum;,—J. W, Dunp, the popular auctioneer, will offer tot sale this morning, at !<• o’clock, ut the residence of A.C. Morse, a lot of splendid. Household Furniture, consisting of Bedsteads, Tiihies, Chairs, Sofas, Mirrors, .Stands, ko. io. House kkeepers ia want of any tiling in. the lurihlure line, will dy well to visit the rale. JtiS'John Da via ‘uui Dig George btjvc taken the contract of washing the UuchMSß claim i u Virginia Flat This chum was formerly owned by Major Swifier and Mr. Lathrop, and is one of lh/“ richest,claims on, the Flat. t*' The weather for the past few days, ha< been delightfully cool, for the season of the year. It is quite probable that we may leave no more hot weather this season. The mornings and evenings are glorious lor pol iticians. Tkiiama County.— The Democracy of this new county, held n meeting on the 17th inst , at which Col. K. C. I’mker presided, to ratify the nomination of an»f llreckcnridge. Tiie meeting was addressed by Judge Harrison, Mi. Lewis, and others. Among the resolutions adopted in support of the Cincinnati nominations was the fol lowing: Ht.solrnf, That we hail with delight the nomination of .lames lluchanan as onr ran didate for the Presidency: the devoted frit nd and supporter of Andrew Jaeilso a; tlie proud representative ol the American people at the Court of St. James, and the exponent of the great principles of Stales’ rights and self-government. | Joseph McWilliams, Esq , the gentleman ly agent of Wells, Fargo \ Co , handed ns an enormous roll of the very latest papers from Sun Francisco anil Sacramento.— Thank you. llka\ y.—The California Stage Company’s Couch, came in last evening with a Coach lull of passengers, nod tom teen on the out* aid a. The sprinkling of the lloyal Tad polo rs, in consequence of its extreme length—not because it is uninteresting—laid over for a day or two. Coiitril ufers will - please bear in mind, tl.nt our space is but small, and that rommuniciUiou* must necessarily la sts short as possible. Thk Cai.ikoknia Ncimmi —It is said that there are several varieties of the above growth, and that one is of it superior quality for the table. This we learn Iroiu thu f.ol ca no Lttlgrr. 1 lai ui ami Mmm It )ou wi-»!i n fine arcade, nt a fair price, go the Orotille lima Htoa , on 'Hwai ginnery street, near llie Orleans Holt 1. ungiii! » ril.LTlOmi I XIOX (’LI It. The RegnturiMeelings of the I-Tllmore (Tiltui <lul> will he lift'd oo every Tuesday and Friday evenings, at the CLL’U ROOM, in the (X. ft. Hotel, an utl K. C. AVKKft, Secular). FURNITURE AT AUCTK )X J.. \V. 1)1 XX, Auctioneer.. A handsome lot of .NEW, AND ELEGANT FUItNITCUE, W ill lie Sold ill Auction, ONTIICRSDAV MHRNISIt;, AT lOOVbtlt'K A M At rwiduncuof\A. MOUHK. nnu27 J W. DI’NN, Auelionoer tjik s()Vi:iu:mlx i*koi*lk!; of all parties A HR lIKKRIIY t'AIITUINKH NOT TO FORtJF.T A in the heat ol' politics. that the I lit CO ft Til It K ol RANDALL & McDERKOTT Has been turnover! to the new t ire I’ronl llriek Build ina. mi Moi*lt;nnu-ry street, first l ouse above Hun loon's where will he found the laraesl, cheanest, and best stock of Drugs, llvilicines, (aiii|Mivne, Oils, Ac., At'., In Noithem California KK.MI'.MIIKR TIIK IM.ACR. and bn sure in cull before pnrclia.-ma elsewhere. Orovllle. Ananst '.‘7, ISatt anir.’i'-lf PHOENIX SALOON! I'NIltK W AIIUSM * s’s ClllAK . J nillK. MoNTUOM AMCV smi:r, Hjtovo J.i . f|THF. ftntlSH RIIIKRf* lIA VI - ’. lIKt’OMF. Sole Pro ■ prletorsot this Saloon,am! uo determinad not to he onlilone in liirnishiiia a place of resort worthy the patronage of the Orovllle public. The heat of WINKS, LigUOKS AND CI'JAKS Will he found wail limes, to vTlidi rtiry invite their .Ait lids lo partake. IPIRIIM I*. v \VAI.bKR- Uroville, Ananst 151. IBSW. unglSl-tl SHERIFF S SALE Hv vurixi; of an tio?» wsukd oiil ol tin' Vinlb IndU-nti UlMrk'! Foorl. in and lor the (.'iMinly of Unite, Stale ol (mdoroin, bearlnif fluid He - .liilijfluy i>l Angii-d, A 1). ISSti, anil in mu directed mnl dclivend, coininmidii'K mu to niaku \liu kihii ol Hir e hundred mnl Lilly dollar* pnnclpu 1 , mnl lor 1 unreal from Urn -3d iluy ol June ,\. |i. Irijli, on ilii* lliruu liiiudrufl dollura principal. nt tin- rati* ol ■ tin * | .it out. per mulilli uolil |mn i, unit lor con in or am; ttxial in the Mini of tun Old) dollura, unit 111- crnina co-la. out ol Ibo property hirvinuler ill > mtllm iI, to salirly th« uforeaanl jiulxnieiii, wherein Join jili. F. rind li in I‘lauuiffund .luffib H Morria in Ilefondnnt. In v it: Tin- Mi ln■ | it•!11nn I tin ilri , stum Iril in • >ro> il l-, in llic county mid Slide nloreaald, In c ted on the conn r of lliintnon unit Hint alree a IronliiiK lliirij-iiinu (S'.i) fui l on Hunloou ntn i t, mid eiipity (rid) li m. mi llinl atre l« At.SO— ill Unit rerunn piece and parrel of land nilinili-d in (, rovillc, Ojilnr lownohip. finite couidy, nnd Slate of I’ .iifi.r nif, mn! deacrioed on Unr map ol tliu Town of Oro \il If ii a ifillowa ; l.ola nnboier one, ill two, (2) three, (i<i lour, (4) live, <s> und aix, 'hi Vn Block Itnr ty six. t di,; l.ola number mm, )!> twm, C.*) live (.1) aix. b, HCMIII, 7. mill Cl|,'lllt s, lit lllock ff/lil, K; l.ola number one 1, I w it, % llirla 1 , it, lour, 4, Hve, a, aix, *>, aeven 7, mnl eiirht, 8, in lllorlt on In be* ten. Ill; l.ola nniniMTone. I, two, 2, three. 3, four. 4, Aw, ft, aix rt, aeven, 7. mnl eliflit, s. in Block number eleven. II ;. lad* one. 1,1 wo, Ibrei*, It lour, 4, Hve, ft, aix. it, aeTiTi. 7 nnd e Rht 8 in 1110 k nncnhi r twelve-12,laila iiiimber one I. two, 2, lime, 3, four, 4 Hve. ft, aix, U, aeven. 7. and eight, 8, In Itlock number twenlv. 20; l.ola number one, 1. two, 2. three, 3. four. 4 litre, 5, ai\.f» ae*no, and eight, Hin lllock number twenty* one, 21 » Uita number one. 1 two 2, three, 3, fi ur. 4, live. .'l, aix. aeven, 7. and einlil, 8, in Block nniuber twenty two. l.o|a iimnbi r one, I, two, 2, three, 3. four, i, baa'. 5. »■«, d, aeven, 7, mnl eight, 8. in Block Humber Iwentf-vhiee, V 3; all »il which I will expoae to public mile, .v d>e i)ikie at bolder for caah. nt the . rleuna Motel, uj ilie 'i'n*n of 1 iruville, on Saturday, llie Ooth day ol September, A. I). Ifijb, between the ho ua praacrlbeil ot law, P. ’ KKK. Sheriff Bulla County, by M. A McJ.AI/GHUN, Ueputv. Dated, llua 27 ih day of A. I). UtiO, im^-ld BANKERS. Me WILLIAMS vV TYMESOXJ BANKERS , NKW HKIi'K IiriI.IHNC—COKNFU MONTIiuM KKV AM) MYKIM SIKKKTS. n. o v i Xj e . GOLD DUST BOUGHT At the Highest Rates. Choc 1l m nt X* ai- ! UN MAUYBVIM.K. HACRAMF.KTO CITV AK9 HAN I ha.m imh SIGHT DRAFTS For Hnln, on nil llm l*riiHst)>Hl Atlantic e - ti#•••. [ ff IiKIiiSITH received ."i ocin 1 im4 mYriiWn l , July H, ISud. jy 1 iMf C. n mu v, C. J. I,IIW, y k. i.ow, MACY, I.OW J» CO., BANKERS, CO UN Kit oF |*|. \Z \. AM) 111011 HTItICKT, MARYSVILLE (J OL L I> Vs T IT IT II AS KI) AT THE HIGHEST RATES. on FoKU A III! 1. 1) 111 Till. MINT FOK COIN At; Kr O7n o o Is. wat X* ar , ON OAUKI.-o.N. MoIMJAN. I'TIKTZ, a UAI.HTON, SAN FRANCISCO We nro |.ri'|uiri‘il to ilrnw HIOIIT I\< 11A NT •F. on* MI.hHKH. 111 AIII.I - MnlttiAN A CO, NKW VOKK, Alxo on Hu- oilier 11111 iii |in I lUmlerii Cilie. Marysville, Annual 4, lii.Vi. aut-lf IVIARYS VILLE ASSAY omen ! ! lIAKUIS, MAUCIIAM) tV CO., K «trri'l | iirni' (hr winirr nf S«««»»nl »lr*il, MJU V.SU'ILLE. A [.<o—l(l7 J HIIKIT, HAOKAM UNTO. Will l'olltilllll , to curry on tin* ai-lm »s of >1 ell ini;, Itcliiii n£ N AHNayiai; (iOJ.I) AA' I) onus OF KVF.KY DKHOKII’TION. H o nunriintee tin* correct urn ol our Awtiyu. mi'll liiiul ( to |iuy nny ilitfcrmcim I hut limy nriwr vuili uny ol 1 In* I' H." Ml NTH. Kelnrun mmlciii front MX 111 I *»•!**• lllllllK, IN DARS OR COIN Hl'Xl IMtKI Ot Ul AMI I Alltvtll AMI VaI.I'KO. TFKMS Foil AHHYVI.NO ihe Minin an in Hull Francisco. 11. UAKKIH, I*. MAKCIIAM), y. h. F.VKKINUTUN. jy.’H-mj) Ni;\v AJ>\ K!t IdSKMKNTS. MONTE CRISTO BOWLIKU SALOON! Olio door above the I!. S. I.ivory Stable, Myersstreet,. OROVILLE - --*•» JOHN SCOTT & CO., Proprietors. rail! j-: amove iiuwi.inu saloon has hf.EN. I (Hit in COMPLETE itEPAllt. mill »c respecl lillly invite Hit* Hoys in and iilimii these digging* who wild, to j>luy ti ijim l game of TKN PINs, or liikt - a nice, rm I drill, id Spirit*, to give u* a call at thu Mo.NTI': CKJSTO. JOHN SCOTT Jc CO. Oroville, August ‘.’ll, IS.iti. anggti'lf BEST HAVANA CIGARS \N I * TOIIACCO—WHOLESALE ANU lILTAIL, id HtocbV Cigar and Tobacco Emporium, over llm I'liim-iiix Mdooc. I’ll. WATCHMAN. VIOLINS AND ACCORDEONS. ITALIAN Vl'iLIN U I.IITAU SIUIMIs, bridges and 'Vms, ul TIL WATEIIMAN’H. CARDS, m» r UITIM; M VTEHI A LS, PORT MONIES and ▼ ▼ Knives, lit HloclT*. nJ7 I*ll. VVA fERMAN’t*. CIANULKd ANU MATCHES, at Uloch'*. J PH.. WATCHMAN. For Sale. f|Nlir. PROPERTY known noli.- AMERICAN ■ THEATRE BUILDING Minuted on i Monlgoinei) direct, near im- • niien .'tides Hotel, d.’t feel limit h> Hi*' feel deep. The liiiprnvenielil* are a triune building, two stories high. Terms I i lie nil for pnrln'imrs, einp<ca ul A.<V i HICK fc. CO., Uro ville, or of STEWART A CO., uuK'-O-tiw • Marysville. For Sale ! BN CON'HKQI'KNCf Of ONK ot THE pAKT n«rs going to the Atlantic Stabs, one-half of llio MAO No 1,1 A SAl.i M>N will he sold i'lies|i for cash. No rent to pay lot foilrleen months, Auply to aug-A>ll J. S. UICKI.V k CO. 3VE IKTEns J T|AHE BUCHANAN CLAIMS "N VIIt- I lONIA t LAI wot l»e let mi contract by Iho foot. Contractors are reipteMed to call on Mr I.all,- • the Pioneer .store, or 11. I*. >weetser, on Uto Claims ‘r'VLT'.T.'ER I.ATIIKOI’ Orovillis August g.A, 1*1(1. uugatl-'U MOW I’ANCV GOODS! W ■ ISS M. I. UK A Kill *it N W'OCLUdAVTO HER ’ .▼ ■ friend* and the public rem-rilly, that by calling at Ibel* A Ul I'-S 10 II t Ml, (~ Kiev an be 'liOW I) a benulilllt asSiHVni a of the I ulesl Styles of I,allies' French Hats, ol mod < opHstle lennly and finish, A No. a Ini of Choice IVrmmery uml Toilet Articles, all of which have just been received dins:l from thu Ini porters auggo-if BLANK BOOKS. A FRESH >1 I I’l.V, and llr«i rale assortment of . - m tall mil IhtlJ Hnviiil link Jnd receive ex “Young America,” PASS P.OORH, SHEEP AND /JTUK MEMO KANDUMH, MONTHLY AM) WEEt- LV TIM K DOOKfG it ET’EIPT BOOKS. HUPPING AND STOREHOUSE, . AND CASH COPYING PRESS BOOKS,. School Writing hoc!-*. JIT ~ i‘i. clflankt,. NOTES DRAFTS BILL** LADING St c- Ac Noisy Carrier’s b.ok ami H h hoe ry Co., Nos. M and Tai i eng Wharf, a27m3 and U 7 battery street.