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MISCELLANEOUS. aaaoa’a aasS'iiaaoa MISS M L DEARBORN. RKSPITTH '1.1.Y Infnrtn tht< rilirem ▼T of Oroville and vicinity . 1 1 1 :<I sin-bus this day Opened thu largest ami l** -l selected stock of DRY AND FANCY GOODS, ever brought to Uil-v market. Having selected m> Mock my self. I feel assured thnt I can sett Cbea|>er thim ever before offered In ilii. place. My slock con sists in part el every description of Dry aw / Fancy Goods, Gaiters unit Stines for f.adirs, Ci«r item nml Shots for Children Embroideries, Silks, Sfr., fit every vlylr am! description. Also, some new M yle ('lt A \ ATS, for (icnls. mid Fine While Shirts. Also, tin assortment of Perfumery and Toilet Articles. My old friends and (lie public srenendly. tire mv'leil five me n call. >l,l, DKAItHORN, fy I t Montu no ry Street, next «!< irin I . S Hotel. llt AN K’S 111 ;ST A TRAN T, I ••Vf 4M I Mil I Itllll CUUNER MUNT<;OMKUY AND M YKR3STREETS OR O VI L L E. FRANK CARRIED fully Million ih*i** lo Ini old Incfids Mini «t,*. ."’y^.agL lll * 1 cili/.ens o| Orovdle generally, Hint ■*“" ■“**be has opened a FI It ST CI.ASS REs- TAI It 'NT in Hie above named llidlding, w Imre he is prepared to furnish (he public with all the edibles and delicacies In tie found in Ibis or the Marysville Mar ket The following are Ids JUTES OF CHARGES: Bonn! per week without Wine. . . . $lO no do do do with Wine, .... j-j mi finitle meals without Wine, .... 7r> do do do with Wine, .... 100 TERMS. CASH Olof'del, July -JS IHfttk Jy2B-lf WONDERFUL. DISCOVERY! IN M AKINII AN K.VWATION S( >MK TIME since, beneath the EMPIRE It* >1 Kl.. in tills town, it was discovered by the u*oile and obsorv tug mind ot IIEACON sII EI.DON, khat (be atmosphere of llml locabiy possessed not only a benltlifiil. lint a remark ably soothing property, wbicb seemed lo ipdet and subdue Hie most violent passions, and to invest every man who frequented Ibe spot, with a wonderlid de ktri-e of self-complacency, and a barmoiiimm and Irciidly dls|iositioii towards the WHOLE WOULD, and the conflicting elemenls of wbicb it is composed. He therefore resolved, witlia benevolence pecnliarily Ais own, lo lake possession of the excavation for the purpose of establishing an Institution, where people ot Al,l< V ARTIES ami opinions could safely and harmoniously congregate for Hie tree discussion oi the exciting topics of Hie day, fearless of the slightest risk of any uiiplensiin' collision. With (Ids view, the DEACON, in connection w ith MR. CKAKiE. lias transforined this location into mi EIiEtJANT ROOM, which they have designated by Vbe name of the SUBTERRANKAN SALOON, Where they solicit visits from the Ruchmum Flubs, Fillmore Oiulis. Fremont Clubs, ami other gentlemen, with or without (Tubs, and from members of Vigilance Committees and and Order Parties, from Sons «>f Temperance and Moderate linbibers of Raspberry Cobblers, and from Hint innumerable Fraternity of the I’ick, Spade, Rocker, i.oug Tom and Sluice, wlio, lifter a day ol toil and labor, would enjoy a.-i hour el agreeable relaxation and social conversation. I IIK DEACON assures Ids friends, that they will treel with * most cordial reception at the SUMTER RAN KAN SALOON, whore the fluids dispensed will be found fully equal in quality, lo those for which the DEACON is. in purl, indebted for Ids enwicidu genu ration, Oroville. July 28, 1856. jy26-tf JLAFAYKTTE RESTAURANT, Montgomery street, opposite the Orleans lintel O K OVULE. THE SUU3CKIIIERS RESPECT fuIIy announce to thuiir friends and ihe & citizens of Oroviile gem-raU), that they •have opened a SI’LKNDU’) RE.'TAC KANT in the above named place, where they are pre pared to furnish the public with all thel notaries and delicacies to be found in the market. Kntcs of Hoard: Heard per week withouti Coding, jrt Oft Hoard per week with Fudging it (10 WM. t; KMU: A.Mlt'll ENI V, naif I’ropriolors. MILLER’S EXCHANGE, Montgomery street- East side- O* ovilLc- HAVINf! BEEN RE-KITTED, isatyun open, and the proprietor lakes lliis method' of informing his old customers and the public general I/v that lie in tends to keep as tine a slock of l.iquors as any liar in the place, in addition to which. Ins Tables are in ex cellent condition, and by courtesy to his patrons, be hopes to merit a liberal share of patronu.e. Oroviile, Aug. 11, [augll-ll] J. W. MILLER. THE CIGAR & TGDACCO STAND Is kept by Mule Curly, who will keep on hand Ha very choicest II ivana Cigars, Tobacco, Fancy Pipes, uud every variety of articles found iu such places. CITY LAUNDRY! SOUTH SIDE OK COURT HOUSE SQUARE. ORO VILLE 1 71011 TUB CON VESH-;N"E OF THE CITIZENS . of Orirville, I have established •» l.auodry on tin south side of Court House square, and I rum a long experience in the bU'im-ss. I am confident of giving SATISF ACTION TO A 1.1 . I shall run a waggon, and will call at the residences for washing ami delivi r Ihe same wi.h promptness. J.KV AN. Oroviile, Aug.- 11th, ISSft. ut.’tf INFOU >1 \TIO\ \VA\ TED 1 OK WILLIAM WHITE former y of While Pigeon, Miehiirmw When Inst heart! Irom. was at Wur* Jarer's Bur, MFork of the American Kiver. Is supposed (o havo left there f«>» ' irovdle, Unite county. Anv iiilolliitenc" cnmvnriaiK his » hemilionis -enl to SAMUEL WHITE, Co low a, wilt he Ui nkfully r.s coivetl. toiL'-.i 3t Watch makor and .kweler. i won.n krj'PE'Tfllly inform the citizens of OroviNe anil viciniiv.lhat I have purchased of Mr. Rosenthal, his \A alehina klng and .lewelry EstuliUlnimit. .»«l Mont gomery-street. ami have located myself permanently in the above business in this place, and hope by strict attention to taismess, !o-merit a reasonable share ol patronage in the above line. 1 will guarantee to iio li'.wh ri» well ns tt can be dun- it lywhere in the Stair. ALL KIN lis OF JEWELRY M M»E TO ORDER. N. B—Particular retention paid To On* ttcpidrin? of Watches. GKO F. SMITH, . OrovUie; August 11. 1F56. nugtl tf BOAKsi AND RESIDENCE » FEW GKNTCKMEN*vrhPfI(NI ft pleasant bonus A with a private family in -wnftiioao-Vottagwai* Oak Street, second door from Montgomery. Oroville, August 16. [augl6-to MIUS. PORT MISCELLANEOUS. J. D. BROWN, M. D. Crnduale nl Ni w York I nlvi-mily, New York Med I cnl Institute. 11, m i >r:iry Crnduirte "I Syracuse M edict.) I'ulliiff. offers ln« |inl<Miinial services to llie inhabi tant* of Oroville and VM-imly. Office. at the Omville Droit Slur**. Montgomery street, one door from the corner of Downer tlreel. Jolt n, I#sh jyll-if CLOTHING! CLOTHING !! TO SUIT EVERYBODY ? fIDIK I’NDEUSICNED Iwgs leave to inform hi* ■ friends. pal roll* nml citizen* of Oroville and ildnlt}’, that he lion n Urge uml well selected slock in I,ood s on hand, coiialitinit of FAS 111 ONA BLK CLOTH!xa, Roots Shops, Hitts Which he Is determined lo sell at TEN PERCENT i'll E APER THAN ANY orMUt KST.\ IH.IHIM I.N f IN’ITUS TOWN, ('all ttini iter ns, uml examine our slock before purchasing elsewhere. A. L*. RKI'C f*. S.— REMEMBER, Montgomery » rent, next iloor In the ( idled Suites Hotel, sign of • THE! lIKAI'KST CLUTHIM} AND FUU NISHIN’tI STOKE IN OKOVILLK.” Oroville. July ‘J4. IHAti. jy-4lf ORLEANS HOTEL, Montgomery street, south side- Oroville /SpS, UK ED A, STUIKKU—Take pleasure in in pfS!:l forming the traveling pnhllc. nml the citizens f .i.l nl Orovilla ami Itmie conntv. that they have | leased the well known and popular “< > KI. KA N S 110-1 1 TEE,” anil that they are now prepared to receive nml entertain their friends In the In st possible manner. We are ilelermineil to make the i trleans Hotel a per Meet home to the visitor. Hint lo entertain all who favor ns wtlli their patronage with the attention anil style ! known only lo FIRST CI.ASS lloTEl.f*. Ou i* *l* nla X o shall he spread with the very liesf this and the City Markets tun afflird. IN Tfi’K rtAIT, no- hoitse or liar shall or can excel ns. The choicest ipialUies of El ipior* uml Wines served up neatly and quickly. and urcumlum ui lrin —*• nntf eed" when we inform the pub lic that the "redoubtable Col. S.” presides. 11 AN I El, KKKD. FREDERICK STRIKER. Oroville, July U, 18515. JyU-tf MAGNOLIA SALOON! Next to iliintooiCs Kxeln»oi;e, Oroville. rHTIMS COOK AND COMFORTABLE RBAORT I lias been tilted u|i in the neatest possible man ner. and with an eye s.ngle lo making the most re cherche establishment of the kind- in town. The UR AN 111 KS. WIN ES. Sic., are of the ir osl SEI.Kt T URANUS, direct If win the lirtmrti m; and having bad KjUnnvt I'rnrticr nt Uyr liar,, wi Matter our selves that we cannot easily be outdone in the mode of setting up the latest and moss fashionable fancy beverages, as well as courtesy nail polite attention to our patrons. JAMES S. DICKEY A CO. Montgomery street, next d*s»r Us lion loom’* Exchange Oroville. July ISSti. jyll-lf i\EVV OK LEANS STOKE! fBTIIE I NDERSICNEft having purchased the in ti (ereslut J l.esbrus in the above well known establishment, w ilt now keep constantly on hand a I.AUCK and Well selected slock ot Groceries, Krovisioas, Hardware, Crockery, Miners’ Tools, Wines, Wasting Powder, Liquors, Quicksilver, And other articles too nuinerogs to mention. N It. —Cash paid for I’r- duce of all kinds. Oroville. July ISlb lss«. VV. N. HART. To IH'. 11. Ueltiluiniin, Corner Jackson and Montgomery streets, San N’rancisco.—Dear Sir:—lt In with yleasune that we notice the niihoiitided sues ce«s which has attended you in your practice since your residence in this Slate, now over seven years,— The ueod you have done and the skill you have exer cised. in the cures that come under our observation, make It our duty to let it be known to the world and more particularly to those now suffering with disease. Most of us were well acipiainled with you whilst you resided at Mormon Island, ai d witnessed there some remarkable cures which you effected on patients whose case* were pronounced ho|ieless by eminent physicians. We have also seen w hat you have done lor some of our friends now residing at Column and IMacerville, wtio idler much pesuasion and induce menu on our part, consented to go and see you, when they had almost despaired of their lives. They did so and returned, and are new living hale and hearty men; and reader, if this notice should reach your eye and you are afflicted, take our advice and 140 to Up JICIN IM ANN, and you will nevi r regret it. Dear Doctor, receive willi our most hearty whiles for your future welfare, the assurance that we believe you to he one of our most talented and experienced physicians in the shale. I'uKiitkick llaiivmakn, 1 (jirop'r Miners’ Hotel ) JaIOB WINKLKM ANN, (p r Dreenwood Brewery, John Ukohuk, Akulst Haiink, WII.IMANN, CliAli Li * t*is s. T., i Propr’s of the 1 T. II nzli. ) t.'roix Federate, Placer ville. Jkan liriiii.Kß, S A. 11. Wai.kkh, Kli Dorado Slide. H. Zkoickk, (tins of K. Poppe Sr C 0.,) Oroville. •lostcii (iuvia, Auburn. Ohaklks Kastkcu. Spanish Dry Diggings. T. IIKNMNUKK, tprop’r of bridge.) Condemned Bur. C. Woi.i.ks, Sacramento, It. Finninukk, do C>. Rknai'o, do ■ I'act. Hind, Michigan B>iffs. (’act. F. S. Mi wiusiv M< rmon Island. Hknry Trikl. iU ymhliciii House, 1 .lackson. This testimonial wss not solicited by Dr Heini- VHreonwood Valley, | Ooloma. MINERS' SUPPLIES r New Grocery and PROVISION STORE JOHN D. KEATING, ■ IT .VS OPKNK.Una ajiaiiove and wall B BL' SI *k of choice (iroaar'a*, Provisions amt Min«r» r Sii(i|ili»*is at Ins Now Siora » Monlipjii.-’ ary Strati, naitr VJnrriotlV S; w Mill. I<> «Mali lia in viias the Mlaiition of voiiiiimikmv Ha will bo in constant-rural t<l ol inUl:»ioi*i io his Monk ol <,(hhU ol Ilia tnlasl . 'li» Irtcoitia- lor (iiirahnsini; (vm« iniaxoail.-ti by . y . Inwlar in lb«- annul rv, ha is i-oniVlant |hut his HuutHiilal Pr;ca« will ruintar lha nlniosl surmhielion lo Uh>s»-w ho ftivoi him with thair palronaifO. Tlitrpnhlic will p|a is- ••ail •laxiuiina for them «lva* < iwm *• Jnlv 12. It* S. E- S COOPZQ s XT XI <3- 12 OFFUK— .VI lha Kvt, uoirv. Mission ah• . s i* 1 ' no ir “Kinwian H übs, S» ' 1 K ” ' VII Surgical Operations i lU.b. I imt ihem»*lv«s m lha 'UHH », on • S.uunlays iii t % v’olock. . >l. - Ls'y «unl Kucirtc Oo*sl. ifasai.ol,. a vtalvl .to utlend lha Inlirinitry • n ( imi grer it opjiori Jiie lor Hit wf RI. D. O 2NT • * .a IriHr i I’ lirti ‘an*- ■ rs and i lha i *'y in whan- •tWlT Bl SIN ESS CARDS. , HUTKIt. » C. 11l Kl tSOA«tl£ WINTER & BURLINGAME Office—ln McGrath's Building, 1» street, bitwi-en Second umt t hird, up* ItKjsitr the Ilium lloti*e. MARYSVILLE Wk also have openeu an oltiee in the I' S Hloek. Onivtll**, Butte Co., where one of us nmy nt nil timet be fullin'. JAMES GREEN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. fjT < an t>e fninnl at '•Orleans Hotel,” when no Professionally engaged, jy Iwltl* A. C, MORSE. I* D. BIRD. MORSE & BIRD AUCTION & COMMISSION M RIP "HANTS Particular attention paid to the Sale-* of, EsT.ITF. STOCKS. MIMSU LICK STO( K ;I \l> FA'EHY CL i 'S OK Personal Property, Orovu.i.e, Butte County, Cal. A C MORSE Attorney a Onmihi.lok at A: Comveyanckii, for tier Myers mid Montgomery SI reels. H. BARNETT, Cheap Harry ) I. ICE NSEI) AUCTJ 0 N EER, MOXraOMK.U t sthkkt, OHOI U.LF., Attends persuiiully, to Sul- » of Real Estate. Ktiriii turo mid Mock. jyl4-if J T - ELLIOTT JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Ollice. on Hint street, between Myers and lluniuon. OUnriLLK, BUTTE CUi KTi July 14. IS.iO. jyl4-lf J Y. JONES. CONSTABLE AM) COLLECTOR OK NOTES AM) ACCOUNTS. Also —W ill s,.|| Personal Properly on Commission. Own k, witli .1, T. K.llnrti, Esq., Bird struct, Omville. July H, IH.'iO, JyH-tf DR J S SHEPHERD. HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, OFFICE—I. VS ( HHUHO. July 17,>. jyl7 tf JUUN HII.BIIN, WM. 11. RISf.KLL, A, \V 1N AN' J k JOHN WILSON &.CO. VTt'MSNKYM AMiCOI SHKI.I.dUS AT LAW, Ist Uoor 1)1, Merchant til. near Montgomery. J G LAWTON Jr ATT’V & COUNSELLOR AT LAW ANU COM MISSION* R KOR MASSAI II IS KITS J, K. ISLAND. He' Office corner of Myers and Montgomery Streets, No. I niteil Stales Block, upstairs. r tu, <ii.Ki.Ks u. in uuAiui SMITH & HUBBARD. Attorneys &. Counsellors at Law. UIIAXLES G. 111 - llllAlU)—Notary Public. t ef" Office, cornerol Montgomery 4. Downer streets. MIN ARD H FARLEY Attorney &. Counsellor at Law, notary Public, rkai. kstack auknt and ion vuvani kr, Oroville, llutte County, Cal. Will I’hactick in all tiik Cotrts os this Statu. A M ZABRISKIEe ATT’Y & COUNSELLOR AT LAW Ohovh.i.k. Hvttk Uocntv. California. BARKER & EWER. Attorneys & Counsellors at Law. Omi k—Corner of Montgomery uml Downer streets J. B. WARDEN, M. D. A Graduate*_of .Uff.irson Medical College, Pliila delpliiu. lias located lor the praeUcuof his Profession, at llenshuw’e Kanctlu. tlillte County* Augosfcl'.C 18od.» augll-2m* CHAKLKS r. LOTT* W. 11. 9KATON LOTT & SEXTON, AT T O 11 N K Y S A T L. A W, in dwell, Cal. THOMAS WELLS. AT T O U N E Y AT L AAY „ lIIDWKLL, 111 TI E COUNTY. Special attention given to the searrl.Hitr «f <«nty Records, investigation of Titles, itc., and to the draw ing of Meeds ami all instruments lor record. Office in the Court llouae. siB-l5 W S SAFFORIX JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, dIDWELL, HC ITK, COUNTY. Office—in Harris Sl Hurl's Law < dUne, ou the hill. All kinds of writing promptly and correatly attend ed to. Xtf J. W SCOTT, COUNTY SU RV KY< »K K)K lUJTTE COUNTY AND CIVIL ENGINEER. OROVIELK, 111/n'K OulM V CALIFORNIA. Persons ilesirimj his services will please leave their orders al Ihe i'(flee of Me-srs. Harris Jc Burt. 1411' RAIL ROAD HOUSE HOTEL AM RESTAURANT, EC ISO PE AN PLAN. No. 4-Cenvmerciul msl 67 Olay streets. Sun FranciMO. HA LEV & THOMPSON, PwrriMM DR J RN OWEN ■ ■ .‘.A settled (lermuiienily in Oruville, -arMi-res- I 1 pecOlllly tidiVrs-his pnUesskoaal services lo the eiliseMsd the place and its vicinity. Urmi—Be iween the Orleans uuvl 'lh- Hotel lo i ranee. JOHN PARRY, MANUFACTURER OF BRICK CONTRACTOR & JiUILDER. I WOULD ANNOUNCE lo lb. citizens of Oroville and vicinity .that 1 in prepared to uieterluke Jobs (n the above Hue, u> any exu-tt'. As I tin manufac turing Bjick extensively mid u*i. n piacucsu Mason, I irusi I urn able to rainier sausfartMM os regardsterms auu dispatch, JyW-tf. MISCELLANEOUS. LADIES’ EMPOHITM O F FAS II I O KT t MRS. M. L. NEWELL, ? JAVINt; .11 ST RKt'F.IVED direct from the Ini- U I jiortcrs. m 1 irge and wi ll -el. cted assortment <>f MILLINERS, I, A 111 Ks*' AITARKL. (iLNTLF. MESS' FURNISHING GOOD!*. FANCY 1> It \ GOODS, Ac.. wuult respectfully call the attention of till, community U> tin- Aid Ibnt although she may not have sn immrrtjff n Horlt i». i Kjrku ajp , Vet SHE VVIU, NoT UK I NDEItsoL«>. A in* •!> if her block may In- found lonites' I Unod>i French Lawns, l*rii*ll Jaconets, J-'nlit-v mul I'kon '« i.«t Muslin*. French Lawn* anil Gieghams. 1 Io)«t», De laines, I’opHic., Sffks. Embroi dery, Liners Edgings ami Inserting*, Mantillas, A ch<l<>t i*l Millinery—-U*4»lhiiis, Lares, Flowers, Blondes, (lend dresses ami Mourning Imuhls Leghorn Hals lor llujii, Gimp H ills It if Misses— Flannels nf *■'! r y variety. Red Inking, LiJU n Dam ask mul < rii'h Scmch ami French Diaper. I'.inlinn iliti-i) ami (truss cloth Shirts, Marseille*, (pi ill*, Long ( loth mul >l l >•»<jnHii Ni ls (■puls' Goods—Drawers mul f'ridersliirts. Cravats, Handkerchief, Gloves, Linen Sliirn Millinery Work mul Mmitaii .Making executed with neatness mul |iniin|iiitiule. «A*l have jusl received in Hiltlitiim so Ihe above stock, n beautiful assortment of Clothing, Hals. (Tips, Whirls Ate., amiable lor Hoys. Thankful lor the liberal patronage of my friends, w cmrtlmHilion of tin-same Irnni lliein and the politic generally is resjiecMMlly solicited. M. I, M'UT.Mi, Moirii|i>w\er« street, opposite Huutoon's Exchange. Oroville. May 111, Iraii. jy -J2 kalll kakeuy, cornu; MVI'.US & nnui STS.,OROVILLE. B WOl 1,1) SAV TO MV I RIKNDri and Ihe puldic, . Him having become sole proprietor of the above establish inenl. I am ready to serve them Willi the best and freshest HUE AD, PIES, CAKES. At short notice and on the most reasonable terms. SODA, SUGAR & IiUTTKII CRACKERS Coiislni.tly on hand. My Waggon will deliver every tiling in my line at the residence of niv customers. CHARLES Cl IK2I fIV. Oroville, July 22, 18oG* jy22-tf b. iwr a utim, Opposite Ihe ophir Drug Store, Montgomery street, OROVILLE 8v f.r.l'H ( () NST.\NTI,Y OX HAND, lected stock of a well *e- Groceries, Provisions, Hoots, Shoes, Clothing, Liquors, Mining Tools, &c., &.e,, Which he offers at the lowest rales Ft >ll CASH, t foods deliveredF KEE OF IdUUIiK. Oroville. Jsrty 14, 1800. jyH-lf IVHWEBS* STORE! BETWEEN MONTGOMERY fc ItIItD STREETS, Opposite the Itutle Record I’rinling Office. J. M. CLAKK Aw ItKC)., f flakes this method of tendering their thunks to the ■ citizens and miners of Oroville, for their past liberal patronage, and respectfully solicits a continu ance of Ihe same. The patronage e'll ended to us we shall endeavor to merit by keeping on hand u well selected Stock of Hoods at the lowest market rales, suell US run visions, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, ROOTS. shoes, CLUTTJLN’G and other articles too numerous to mention. N. H,—We have on hand the besl <piulily 01 1 Railed Hay. which will be sold in lots to anil. Oroville, July gg, Irati. U. S. Livery Stable. Myers Street-Near Montgomery. ffl'l KEEP FACE WITH THU TIMES, and rapid -1 growth of onr town, we have, ol late, and will from time to time, make extensive additions to onr slock and otherwise improve onr establishment, to meet w nil entire sutistuclion the increasing demands of Ihe age. Slock taken on l.ivery on the most reasonable Terms. If desired, we w ill buy, sell or exchange stock—in short transact all business api ertaining In a first class lately Stable I lie linest buggies, hacks and Saddle Horses. Inrnished at a moment's notice. Thankful for past favors, we hope lo merit a con thinance of the same IIRnW.Na HUFFMAN Dated Oroville, July 10, Igjff. jylndll. o* o' \\\e \V \ e AND LIQUOR VAULT, Myers street, above Montgomery. , THE UNDERSIGNED HAH INSTORE fa j. 1 and lor side. Ihe following stock of implore, wliudi lie w ill sell, hnving no rent or city SBHE n.xes lo pay, at sates lower than he bought ul eiiherSacntineiiUior Marysville ; and 'would call the attention of retailers lo examine his >n>iJv be lore purchasing elscw here. TJtH. IRs, ( JjiSJ!. gj hi.rrets Mnnonijjj'wla V\ hivky, g.’i Imrri ls Domesiic Brandy. 2 barrels <>. D. Co.. (Jo 4 barrels llotielle Rr:ui ly\ 4 pipes Holland (,in, 3 barrels PofT Wine. 4 barrels Hull Cordon Sherry. Together wiib 5(1 cases claret. Curacao. Eau de vie Duntzicta, go cases leslte's I! tiers. |g coats Haul Saulerne. ti cases F.ylrail Absinihu. M east s Stem be ger Cabinef, Scotch l\ Inskey Imperial Ale in cases, H c.;:-. s (Huger Wine, Raspberry, Strawberry, Lemon Syrup. In rases Chmiinagae Cider, ilrutidy IVucties. Scon in Euglisb and American Ales, of dift ferent brands, Ac., Ac. IIIUMAB UISSKT. Oroville, July 10, jyi 3*Xi itj. Dr. J. •I. Inm w/—The gentleman wLo-e name forms lh*cap(toii of Dus noliee is onuwl tire lew tnudt rn physicians whose application to hie pro I ess too and devotion tu lh« afflicted, render *w«n alike mi ornameni In Mae (Hie and a beneffi (o tie otte r A IDi’oiaruiii by birlh.he •ought witii Kine-ir.h to place his country among the nations ol earth, beyond the oppressor’s rule. I lint litr sons might rejoice in the practice ol those precepts-« inch are alike our glory and our pride 111 his ■it rl« so to do, bo has reaped Ihe reward of he ffcctual resistance lo o| pre'*!! uaoid •a home and a country know him no more " Apart, howeievlr on bus laiuis op to our coiMndomtion as u patriot, ihe losUwonudsKif character ami rapacity winch lie brings entitle him lo public coiiddeiice, to tta- axel isiou of lhu*e»lio jaiSsesa ueiltier lire wne or the other. As a g -nth man his character is untar nished ; as a physician. Ins skill na.-oirp .- u ; mul to those whose imprudence has hot ujhti Ibem the taints of disease, we can conseientiou-dy commend him with the aworance that in him tli--y will Ond a friend whom to know is great gain. Ihe Br.’s office is No. .1 and 4 Armory Hall, conierof Sacmmento and ,M'jktgiiiiu.‘ry. nrer-ia. bau Francisco. all-SOb (DtouilU Xlailti Unite jßcrnrii. rO“ St me vears ago the New i ork Ihr e/dsaid li e public was an ass. That journal now, c veu with James Uuchaoan, the na tion'!* greatest statesman, iu the field, zeal ously sup ports John C. Fremont, and believes that the people will elect Uifu President of the United States. So the Herald .«till slick' to its oM opinion. r®"<)ne thousand pounds of wafers* art used by the United States House of Repre sentatives in a single session. J A lit'MOß —The Siskiyou Chronic/' of Thursday, August -Ist, says : \Ve hear it rumored that the band of hos tile Indians wlm are still at large in the vi cinity of Alttiotise and Illino's rivers, have recently killed seven white men. We have no continuation of tke revolt, but these In dians have been robbing and stealing fre quently of late in that region, and then ir good grounds for believing it true. This hand now includes nil the Indians at large in the Rogue ri>cr country. C am ai.tiks. —The Sonora Herald of Sa turday, August —3d. says : During the week which will close this evening, six persons have met with violent deaths in this county. Two from shooting, two accidentally killed, one suicide, one—a female—stabbed. In addition, we have hau one robbery, one or two shooting matches besides a sprinkling of trilling assault and battery cases. .InvKNTi in.s ok .)i nil's Cesar Fre mont. —The wi iters of fiction have discover ed a splendid field in the subject ot Fremont's achievements in California ; and it would aj pear that tlie fame of the illustrious “ path finder’’ is destined to fake precedence of that of the redoubtable “ l>avy Crocket” on the page of romance. Some enterprising imita tor of Messrs. Turner & Fisher, the wild cat almanac manufacturers, may one day col late the Fremont fables and make an eternal fortune by publishing them with graphic illustrations of the Hero's remarkable escape from seventeen tribes of the I’ocowattaris, Indians, by swimming the Ulnc Snakce ri ver on a raft of buffalo chips, and subse quently disguising himself in the skin of a gilzzly bar, Julius Ccesar Fremont cross ing the Kocky Mountains on a streak of greased ehdned lightning would compose a very attractive frontis-piecc. — ISlobc. Uai.loon Ascension. —About 11 o'clock yesterday, the daring air traveller, Prof Wilson, started on an upward journey, from the bull pen on A street, and went “ kiting" until somt thing broke, when •• all of a sud den,” as the boy said when his dad fell in the soap tubvthe huge air monster (the bal loon, we mean,) came down about three blocks from its starting place, after ascend ing about half a mile. The Professor look ed rather dark after emerging from the folds of his ballobn, which exploded as it reached th® earth, completely disguising him with soot. There was a large crowd on the ground and housetops to witness the ascension. —.Marysville Kxpress, i-Ai* At the celebration of the 4th of July in liinghampton, the Hon, Daniel S Dick son, the President of the Day, introduce' the following toast; “The Women of the Revolution-—Mothers of men and patriots The Women of to-day—Hoop! hoop! hoop 1 liter rah r The man who offered that toast, should have been staved in. Cotton Soap. —A new article of soap, made from the cotton seed, has been manu fictured at New Orleans. It is purely veg etuble, and has the same properties ns castiio soap; the color is dark, for the reason that it is made of the dirtiest portion of the seed It is sold at six cents per pound. DRUGS' AND MEDICINES. .. I'RHAINM WHO WISH To PI RCMAHI: S'l Drugs. Fancy Arlielws, or Perfumery, will «!•> f well to call ill the UKuVil.l.l DUI G SluKl. h on Montgomery, one door from Downer street, near he < irleans Hotel. T 1 1•• following list comprises a |)ortion or the stuck on ho mi ; Sedlitz Powders, Quinine, liny I! inn, < til of Vilroi, Cologne, Nitric Acid, Ay re’s Gherry Pectoral, Muriatic Acid, Crow.d’s Sarsaparilla undlllne Stone, . Vellow Dock. Nutmegs, Townsend’s HarsapiyrUla, Oil of Demon, Sand’s do Oil of lime, Guy spit's do Oil of Cloven. Muslim 1 , l.itmmeiii, Oil of Common, Nerv eni d Hone Linament,fMl of < irignmiin, Pam Killer, Oil of Peppermint, Essence, diuinaca Ginger,Oil of A nice. Casio* u»k oil of Davender, Motlirtl’s Pills. fid cf Cuheb», 4 | Me AtkaeO r’* Ointment, Olive I id, lloliaivay's Pdls, Neat's Fool Oil,a Wright's imlhi n Vegetnbleftx Marrow, Pills, Thompson's Pye Water, Thorn's Fxlracl, i '<►.! f.iver l Ml, Jane’s expectorant, tt* panics. Opodeldoc, Plea Powder, Ague mid Fever Pills, . Cholnuogne. Shoulder 11 races, Trusses, Sus|>en.'ary llandal'es. Adhesive Plaster, Castile S.,wp, Rose Water, Hoke 'a Hillers, U me Hitters. Stoughton's Ditters, llartshnni, Acoelic Acid. Peruvian Hark, Soda. i seam of Tartar. Homeopathic Medicine* < : i nei, Spu’iges, fine. do course. Old Pirst Wine, for tcmli il purpno s. ■■ ii 1 ’w|M "i pui |m 'a, Old brown Winner Soap,Old Cherry Wine, formed Pomades. Hair tills. Home Cwrk*, Via> do Sul Soda, Sulphur, Alma, . Mi>ale of Potash, Mirptiene, I.v d <r inn, Paruganc, Gel-.,min. ictil purposes, Old brandy, for medics!' purposes, Afinon Flower J; Lxpiorlce Hoot, fbirsiipnnlla Iliad, Halsuin of Wild Chersj-,, Alcohol, t>."< per cent ♦ amphene. pure. lodine of P<Aassium, iH iilnine S' -hI. Garde mas *» Ida. fcc., kt - Tug •tiler with nH ’hw usual .ugirie* kept iu URDU Slu'U.s, wlnch wHI be so*.l at reasonable prices Ur those who may l/ivor ns w Ub a «tdO Pbystciaua’ paesmjwiona acurutcly compounded ww ail times of day or night. ALBERT d), 'DAY* Apothecary*. Orwvilie,. August si,-JkSC.