Newspaper Page Text
.Miscellany. jA beautiful superstition pre vails among the Seneca tribe o{ Indi. a ns. When an Indian maiden dies, they imprison a young bird until it tries its first power of song, and then loading it with kisses and caresses, they loose its bonds over the "rave, in the belief that it will not fold its wines nor close its eyes until it has flown to the spirit land and delivered its precious burden of affection to the loved and last. It is not unfiC(|uent to see twen ty or thirty birds let loose over one grave. ibert Hall, on one occasion, “being disgusted by the egotism and conceit of n preacher, who, with :i mixture of solf-complacenev and imp t dence, challenged his admiration of a «eruiou, was provoked to say, ‘’Vos, there was one very Cue passage in your discourse, Bird’ “1. nm rejoiced to hear you say so, which was it : ' ‘•Whv, Sir, it was the passage from thr jiuf jut fo the, vest rtf. Ain iTM'I A1.1.V- lII’. VKF.O 1’ Mil. I lie Ftrasburg llailw iy rccontly brought to Paris for exhibition in the Champ- Kly ?ees, about 3,000 fish from the Artifici al Piscicultural Establishment at Hun inireu. They consist ot Salmon from the Danube, trout from the lakes ot Switzerland, and grayling from the Lake Constance. These hist named have been hatched this Spring, the Sal mon and trout arc fourteen months old, and are to inches long. There are two Salmon tlirec years old, one of ■which is nearly nineteen inches long by thirteen inches in circumference. These fish are conveyed in cylindrical reservoirs made of tin, the water being renewed frequently. A drowning boy was recently res cued in Boston, Mass., by a Mr. Le. mon, whereupon a bystander remarked, that the little fellow would have per isbed, had it not been tor Levwn-'.ud. The fellow was promptly arrestud. Unless you would have the evil one for a father-in-law, you should not marry a Indy named Elizabeth, lor the devil is the father of Lire (lies.) Many men of high moral principles, and who would not gamble tor tbe world, still have not refused to take a Bet. An Irish sailor once visited a city where lie said ‘‘they copper-bottomed tbe tops of the bouses with sheet lead ” l ‘•Do you drink walk in America asked a cockney. “Hail, no—we drink Thunder and Lightning," said the Yankee. lr von have a wife named Oordcl hi , vou should never drop any of your old acquaintances, for ho who has the devl never cuts. llktouv of the Great Comet.— The as tronomer M. Babinet, member of the Aca demy of Sciences, and M. Bomme, of Mid dleburg-, lloJliind, liuve been making some investigations in respect to the return of the great comet which appeared in the year 104. ;592, »»8v;, 975, 11111-t and 1556. The result gives the arrival of this rare visitor in Au gust 1858, with au uncertainty of two years, more or less. ISIIHVKLL ADVEIITISEM ENTS BIDWELL BOOKSTORE. f ■’JIIK undersigned would respectfully inform the I citizens of Bidwull and vicinity, that ho his <>lM*nud a BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. anil w ill keep constantly on bund tin assennenl ot Hooks, stationery and Fancy Articles, of the finest and host (pialiiy, and will ho in the receipt or the LATEST PUBLICATIONS. as soon us issued Jliblet, School Bonks, Spiritual , Masonic and Religions Works, Blank Books, j(iu setts or single) .Yuvels. Knoe/opes, Paper of all kinds FOR TE-M OJYAIE S, GOLD PP.YS, ,M r\ Ron PUS &,■ II’OsTP.VHOLM S FINEST CUTLKRY. Which 'vill t>c sold at the lowest rates. Latest At lantic Papers received by every steamer, for sal- H KKEPEIt. Next door to National Hotel. HESS A LARCOHIBS, New Brick Fire I*Hour Stoke in Bid well. fJ'UIE Hutwcrihers would announce to their friends JL and patrons that their prick Eire Proof shore oo the oUi corner, is (tilei with a general iissostmeui «if (Jroeeries, Previsions Fruits, Liquors. Minim; Tools, Air &c , the best ami cheapest ever offered ir towii' One of our ftrm is constantly employed in Stan Francisco in the purchase of co sts: and as we purchase for cash alone, believe that we can sell giw>l‘ cheaper ihan any dealers in this market. Persons desirous to purchase anything in our line, wonht do wall to give us avail, as wo are enabled to supply the «i on as favorable tor ms as the Marysville trade. Usd woll, J uly I did. HESS h LA ROOM B. MEDICAL. DR. J C. YOr NO’S CARDS. IMPORTANT TOMINBB?, TUAVKI.KRS, BTO. r|Alli;Ki; is no malady of deeper importance ember E in ii medical or moral lleht of view .to which Ilia human family is more liable than that ari.ine from impore connection*. K* a medical man it i« ltic duty of every physician to look at iti«ea.e an it effect. hcaltli and life, mill hi. sole object .hould he to mitigate, a. far a* tie. iii til. power, the bodily anfferine. Ilumaii ant are at bent i. but frail, all are liable to misfortune. Of nil ihe ill. that affect man mme are mere terrible t bun tlm«c of a private nature. —ftreailful a. it is in the person frightful a* are it. rn ur e. upon hi« con.l it tit ion, ending Ire (tienlly in de.lrm> ion mi*l a loa lituune crave, n become, of .nil greater importance thru it i. transmitted to innicent off spring. Such heinc the rr.e hrov neci «.ary it be come* Unit every one h n ine the lea.; rea-on to fear that the) have contracted the di-e - . should allend to it at onco by consulting sonm phy.ician, whose re. and education enable him to warrant a . ifc. “pcedy, and pcnmuieiit cure. In in • with tin. necessity. I 111. V(tl ’N<; feci* called upon to .laic that, tiy lone .tudy and extensive practice. I .- Ini. helonn“ perfect master of all those diseases which come tinder dm denomination of vein real, and hav* jnC (mid more attention to that one braneli than any i.liter pliy.ician in Ihe I‘niied Stale., he tee!. hiiu*< !, better (jualitled to treat tin in. Syphili. in all It. torin*. .uch n* nVers, .wellinc in the croan«. ulcer in tie* throat, secondary -i phih*. cu taneou* eruption., ulccivtion., tertnary *\nliilts. . - philia in children, mercnreal *\ pliilltic affection*. eon orrhea, elect, stricture'. false passage. inllannd m oi llie bladder mid prolrnle eland..eveori ilion«. luirne*. pustule., Vic., are a. familiar to him a. the most com mon thine, of dally oil".n at ion The Ihip'or effect, a cure in recent case, in a few days, and rtnd. no dilllculty in enrine those of lone duration, without .uhmiltine tin’ patient to sin Ii treat ment a. will draw upon him die alighto.i .u*pieioii or oblige him l<* his I»it*■; n-* whether w elon worn or w ithoiil. The diet mu bn changed. ex cept in cases<*,Tsevereintliim dion. There urn in •' di- Ibrnin pMients (amounting lo over two thousand in the punt year) Hint could furnish j»r< m«f of 1 1« i■*; but these am mailers tliot rcnpi're Ilii nicest titfcrosy which bn always preserves All leilers enclosing SlO, will bn promptly attended In. (mice hours from !• A.M.toS 1' M. Address .1. C. VOI'.VtS, M. •>. F.tpress buildings, nornnr of Montgomery mid (laliforniaii streets, over Wells ;'ar go Co.'s i’.xprcss Department, A O.MU)—PROM nil. YOUNH’S PHIVATK MKDIC.VI, Olllci—To the altheled—ln Ibis age of progress, whon science i* develop ng itself in sucnli n iniuninr ns to appear illmosl m mien ions, every thing in common place is looked upon ns not worth notice. In view of this fuel. Hr. Young, eornyr of Montgomery and I‘alifoi ids streets, has concluded lo leave the beaten track hitherto pursued by most sci entific physicians, 01ml of waiting lor the public to Hud you out alone,) and publish to the world ns in mom us may be. his knowledge of the healing art. lo let those who be in need of assistance khow where they can Hind relief without fear of being Imposed upon. In continuation of this subject. Dr. Young would say, tllill of the past ten years he lias pursued the pracliuo of medicine in one of the largest cities In the I niled Slates, with the highest success, and that his standing ns a physician Is without reproach, having at one time been lecturer at the I'niversily of Penn sylvania on venereal diseases, ,V e, t' pon all of these conideralions. Dr. Young has con tldelice in inlrodoring himself to the pnhhe, knowing that they will sustain wi ll earned merit. Thu following are a few of tie many testimonials w hich linve appeared in the public journals the last few years; [Prom the Ilosfon Medical Journal j Although wo aro imposed to the system oi advertis ing, for good and suHbaeiit reasons, still w e deem it hut justice to say thal Dr. Voting D one of the most industrious and indefatigable votaries of the modical science in the I ailed Stales. From Professor Jackson The subscriber is personally acipiaintcd with Dr. Young, and has scon much ot tiis practice, andean hear toslinioney to his merit! as a practitioner. From the New York Herald. The eminence of this distinguished gcnllennn in his profession, and the very extended opportunities possessed by him for the observation of vetien ! <1 is eases, make' los services invaluable to those alllieled with the iihove complaints. From the Whig and \• I■. • rt 1 - r. VII nlllicted w ilh priva • comp!. dll!'should consult Dr, Vo mlf, whose education is le t -urpassed by any physician In the com cry. In his skill, honor and in teg'ritv all mnv rely with safety, while most of the praetilioners in this etiv are wnhont lionesfy or res pectability their pretentions being grounded in ; r n >r unco and nsauuipli'no uflie.e eornorof Montgomery and California -tr els. up stairs, opposite tin* banking li ms*- ol \\ ■ ils 1 argo X f'o i ipett from ti A. M. to s F. M , Holiday in cluded. HJ)HIV \TK Medical < • lic« —Hundreds of those who 3 have coniriii'ii'l ili-t-u-'- nrc dl-adpoinled of a cure hy not calling on Hr. Young »l first He will forfeit liny mini i! lie lads to enri* nnv othat nniy (■I me miller his cure, ne matter how long standing or nltheling. such ns nicer*, tumors, nodes, hnnehes. pimples on the fnc- an I body. pains in the hones and mins, wakefulness, trembling, copp -r colored sores, wasting of the hones, emaciation, loss of .appetite, strength oml flesh, sores in the noso mi l ears, 10-- 01 hair, weak eyes itching humors, X Mane per«ens after being relievod ef all extern il Appearance-_ n| private disease, -oppose thein-elves cored, hot oiler a lew months find they are iron hied wilh various symptoms w hich they never had h.foi-.-. and which they liiid it impossible to relieve. I o ail who are at dieted ill this way. Hr. Young would p rtiisil n H m-c -0111 mend a tri dol hi- skill. 1 in* -y mpo an- woltw hi eh you are troubled are can-id hy taints in the him si. which ms mi r or laier will destroy your health and Imp pinoM, person w ho ha- ev« r had an alhn k of an) private ci an plaint should not fail to consult Hr. •• mg and take a few bottles uf hi- invaluable purify mg medicine, a- they ran re-t assured dial heir Ido • ! i- In a perfectlv |nir.' and healthy condition, and that every trace of disease fs removed from the system. Recent cases cured in srom two In live days without change of diet or hindrance from Inisiness. or no fee. Hit. .1 f ViM ’NtJ . OrtV-e. corner Montgomery and 1 difoniin streets, opposite Weils. Fargo s fn.'s. Oltlco hours from !' A. M.. to s P. M. Mary-nine. .lime loth. V~-W nil. .1 C. V< tl'Sfi—Hi; vu Sin ;— Please -end me some of the medicines yon prescribed in my case. 1 bale a friend here who is troubled In exactly the same way that 1 was. lie has nightly emission*, ringing acise in hi* Itead. weak hack, i ot memory, and is generally debilitated ; he i-di-e mrag d an I has not confidence enough to enaide him to call and see you. I told him how I was and that my tri aids all said 1 was in consumption. I theil atlors np here gave me op and advised me i • g home T o die, hat instead of going home 1 elite 1 upon you. -n t here I am. as well a* any of them, an I likely m live a long lime yet, wi ll -trenth enough to work with the strong est of them. Doctor. I will send every one lo yon tint look- to me a* though he needed a physician It -hall not be mv fan It if any one dies for want of me lira! treatment'. I will do nil I can to keep the ntl'.ieted ,awav from those po-ts of s-anelv yelcnt (iro'essor* amt high sounding titled men. wim. it the taels were known, tint men who let ( their country lor thetr route try's i’nliiis this letter, doctor, if yon wish, mi l I hope some of those that humbugged me. may see tt and sleep had for one night. Truly yours. <JKO. DAVIDSON. EDWARD M. BURROWS. Inteuxation \lHotei.S aloon JACKSON STREET, Between Montjomcrv and KcarnoJ' SAN FRANCISCO- The Brands of Brandies, d lf r tne9 and 5l MEDICAL DR. XIEIMMANNS Private Medical Office. CORN KU MOST'tOM DRY ii JACASON .'TUKK.TS* SAN V IIA NCI SCO. M. lIKIINIM ANN. corner of Kfortify ami I P r icitlc streets. San I riinri'. ■*, Ini- for « namlar ••i j i m the military uxl other kutpitiliol France, devoted hie nudy j>riii |»n 11 y to the treatment ol se - cret d:- ases. anil l benTor.- peso <>. - a thoronuh i s li.Ticiiic in thin particnalar branch 11•• is fDso |*er. H\ familiar with all lh» recently discovered ami 1 1 iirlily important remedies and means for tin- cun* of such di-oases. his scarcely iry In mM horn ttint iii Frame where secret duea-es are i f more tre (jiiHiit occurrence thun ■*!!> w Imre el-e, tha physicians of that ronol ry art* toorr expert in lln*ir cure, iuml nrr roll*:anils mill siicre--iully rinlruvormt< to liml out in vv remedies. more i llleicnl ami '.■•‘a dontp'-ioiis than those fortnorlv used lir. ll* laimaiiii i* therefore, enable I to cure all t lira!' di-ease- W lii pol'l'*'*'. ClTlll 11 *1 \ . Without ll**i'|o mercury. in a vriy rliorl ton *. ami w ithoul -übj-ctiiu hi- patents to the risk ol subsequent injurious f"iiM tjllr ices, I I ronic • Innorrlo'lU Ilverniatorrhea. Flour ADm*. ftoimrai Deb lily fit* resali ■ ;■ - I. * it ■' ,1 mi in llm Inick iiml sides Krnjniommil ill knk I ro.l’in .1 to interior ran-' -. 1.0 -- ot Hair, Klieniiial oil! in tin* Joint-. Nor'irnal -wonts, Si mi uni inul I tin al VI Oak If 'l. Injuries received bv m**veureil treat ment. ,v ■ nfr rnro'l to Hr, li'di'iivoni with tin* alii of reim-die- know o toil to 1 11 in-til. to Iho perl.a ■ saltsfaelteii of hi- clients. |{,mil diseases of tli" ahovi* mini*'! kin.l will In* prompt!'. ami radically rtanoU'd h* tor** tto*x fin set -11., jo Mil* hoily mill 1 .*oirv* chronic Ip I>r. I lend tminn’- ow n partly bur ' '-salable ri'iin 'tin-.. hr f fi*inirnntiii fartli* r possra-i— a -arc remedy fill.) li-lril. uml which ran hr rrlioil h r tin* rnr** of Ijilia'inith'iit Fever. (‘hill ami I * ver. Ir\t*r uml A-oir. il-oa means to remove. in a frw days lor (•vrr. a ha*l lirralli. with ml tin* lea-1 injury to tin* Stomach. In tin |ni hoi numerous remedies an* otV'Tr'l i v* rvn here for all itncjdnahl.* di-.*iises. Inti i:i most of thecas— tin* ante n*rs .arc -o- ally die* aPlmi ii ti*< I iliiit tin* v look with jn-iiiiahlc mistrust oil alt inlvcrtisainenls of tin- kiml. Dr. I[cininianii - n innlii-uml mil In* recommended hy pnrtiinsr charla tanism for limy rrcnmtnninl ilioinwlvi shy llnnr ,*l frets. ns has lirrii soon ami experienced hy minnmus P aiii■ 11 1 s who, fortunately fur themselves, hnvo used ihna. for Uni information and satisfaction ol tin* ofmii deceived public, the statement will siilllce I Inn Dr. Ilcininiaini has In his possesrhm over two hum drrd testimonial* from patiunls cnrnl hy him. hi'«idi*s many other ndialilo persons which In* is ready to rx (liliil wlii'ii rri|inn*d. while cominoii decency lorhids him to publish them in the newspaper*. persons applying to hr lleiniiiitinn rltall not he ohlitteil to pay in advance the tall price ol the. cure, as he is willing to submit, his shill ami his remedies lirs*. to be tested. i Hie llilnit ttie Doctor iiivariubty requires from all his patients, that is a fiiilliful tun) strict rimforiiium*,i* with all his directions and preemptions, otherwise he cannot and will not warrant a cure. \Vrill 1*11 consultations w ill be irivell without clnirtre and communications answered whether containing a fee or not. promply, pnncla.illy and with strict secre cy, mi applymir, postnip* paid,in the Knjclisti, trench or Uernian to Dr. M. lIKINIM \N.V, Corner of Kearney and I’neilic streets, San Francisco. To show te the satisfaction of all that hr lleini inatjii is a thonniltly odnenti'd, prnelteal and experi eneed physician mid snii.*i on. tin* fnllnwinK from his iinnn runs testiuioiiials, iirn siilnuitted to the pnhlic. Names are snnpre-sed. hut, the authors are ala ay time ready fo proclaim their Irnili uml antheiitiialy before the world. 11RK K n uiion, Feb.ll. Ik.'ti. Donr Dor,tors—l have known you since l**lo am yon bavb niven so many proofs of your liilenb amt experience, that you have entirely won ronthleiv e. Alt In met) yen r. »ide at at a ureal distance IVe in an you IviioY' that I have several lime sent von p inetils Which other doctojs have uiven upas inennit' le, and you have always received them unit saved not only iheir limbs hut also their lives. 1 w ilt only i uenlioii here Hu* case of Mr. f , from Auburn, who is indebted to you for the preservation ol his n linn, w hieb other doctors wanted to amputate, ate 1 that of yjr, of t olotna. who althom.di oj. ~1, ~p ; ,s hopeless hy two diM'tors. wits eurml by you in Iwo weeks time. .\s to wtial you have done lor my land' 1.. - ; 11i •,. ji to say, I w ill in ver le* nhhi to repay yo .. Accept dear Doctor, these f**w lines as n proof ol Ihe liieli e-leein I have ofAmir tiileiit.. us n iiuui. ami believe me lobe your const, ml friend, F I!. Proprietor of Die Miner's Hold, To Dr. Ileinintanii. 'ait Franci-e >. (Jreenwomi. February ’.llh, I'.'iti. OJOIS s.qrKtjjn'i «-'n MOl-'-q ‘»9WIS S»1-<VU3 rut ongs J'.ijiiiiioj (mu Jim B'VjBJ, pjwmni ‘BV»U •t»rq tiqui JiiniuiiJOCld" 1-H'J 'M |>im 13tl!qr.) I” fpliU) 11 \ ”01¥ ‘•J»1(!>0)1 ‘MN«X ’’l*"* 3 M,,| HIM -J‘ I (I M-g io •>; "i 'P' *! ■"( m xjj, to (Ikiiii.jiwv .tjui'i >•' I i' >| in'»<n»l» *■»!•*» ' M.uai .>|ip iin-r.u im pn« g )i ■'• '( M '* M.*» • lil UDjJI'M H Ml ni-tHI-IIl) J" tPf.ll ihi) 111 t|JnM Jli ,|.U 't ' I ' " ii pujjn wi.jviji.! mii io.' :■ i <||ii,i:•>••'i'"tl il’i.!• in.)!i:-i>ru»i xnor •dOHS J.2NISVO m » .rr— l - ' \i pun I* ,i.'.',U| ‘i| luigj. . ,-y •.t.llMiOB I nil: |i i «)>. - mutuum || Mil Hi iWiii'l U l “' J 1 m I i-'Ui 1111 a\ A, .j i"; pi- in (111. ill in:*- iu iuoj.ti.tgi Hunt' I mi • |iii»! in i.H»ti|,| |hsi■ P ,|r p»»«»ii."l ■\.l ' llliljllt Jll 'l»lHl|ll|.l|.t'll'lil Ill'll 111 lliHlllllllJ II (Wlllitl.l ftll|Abl| /(Hillf *(l( in( q.ilin.l llli.l l-UII ‘•••"••’A AUI UI it J Hill'll.llll.||| J(l IlMi'UJt Mill |Wllls!t.J.i|il(ll HIU •pim l )»| Xji.iijijoj ‘opiaunM.itis •'i jubj.i ims *iMitmiiii|n|| 'if] o,i, •3 [ ‘a | iij i Wiling • uimina «iqi hi »nvKiißti|il |infinirtj*»il*i» ptiti I" -IIMJHI (HiUI Jlin jn .llln ■«( n( 111 V .iA.i||'H( | l'"|l -I •I -i,AI .'lll (Hit: ‘ .IJ.'.Mji till Mill). J.tlll MAI.I.AItJI •l.l'it)M\.l 111..-.UII <lll .I t'll I i>:l|l (liqi ill' l ' nj \|.U(I -it i -I il in) ‘.mi jn .imhl-!P lloA "| .i"l:J11tlA [HI Aim Jn .11) 111 ..) J i.'ll ) (I *J"|.HI(| il ‘(| lioA o| il*n I J I'l-U | l(.DI( tt .lj|| 'HI I(( tt .1 ■ • 11i• ‘(MAI:- MlAt (1.H1.'11.n Hill (O pii.iiMil'null Xlli utl-mAt A'• • I il'l* I l ' l ’ *"’■< Mil " AM- 111 111,HA I *JHinMIk 1.1.1 -g 111 HillOA ~11 H|HI.»!.I I -I'll - |n 111 it |t: | 111.1 l 11 A .il 11 l\ UIJH A HI 'I'!" illlllJI"! .iin).H| .Ml'(Hi illnt ii I Ji.iJISI! | n- *. (iimi'l lt"llijnj\ IV. I (HI) | It IA l|.l|l|.« U< II 111 Itlll.U ill) 1 .)•> I’ll" ""A’ .1" |'i" "I I vui jn.) '(jilili'K •. *jll 'in'l.'"" i i J •( .I*■ ii! >|.'".i| / hi • ||i I i; <i( |>.Hj>i in ni.iii )i(‘|i tin .»in! int mu nl | >. • I mi aa ii,j «*-| j(| in tuning i'i|l Jin** luiiuiii.) jri|;ii >i « ( tlllnn .)|l|VIHl(lltIIl 11 Jl:l| At 111 AtIHIJ) »•■ • A ■ w " ,, l I k-.ij|l|lll 111 .nil S(llllll'ill . 1(1111| HUtl Jll “U1(.1.>( H (mil ‘.MU HM||| i(Utt 11 "A innu.nil.ij *Atl.ft|li 1—:J0||"’(I Al'i'd •p«..| 11j - [ Xjhiiihc ‘iijiiqliy •n.'-imiiu.i ims •) u in in ill|."'| | Mil o,!. •|iliijimikii([ jii)ni.i 1 1 oj 11 •j) * -1111 1 MI ,1l(J ll( JlHHig n(> IIOA pH" IHM.'lk<l|'l ii |).ik.ino.( (i.i \ i .jil .hi i| I." \ '.null J J i" I" 11 1,1 rt.iiiq.’l" . it IJ.A II Jn .mi (•. Oil. i Il" I (ill 11 lUilUllll.'Jl Jim' J'p III! .Hill.I j 11.111111(11 A‘( t lip U( I!"! 'HI 11 ■ I.ll' tl 0-1 1 1 * MIIIII -11« - \ 1 1 • i JJ li I inn (1.1. V I (-IHI.I I I 111 H | It a’h I 111 II I' In ‘H'l- <(V •||ii jo i r. i ■ t. j 11 111. ii u ■ i.i i>.n| .n|i in .'Jn Hll < (HinV.tiimi (ii mjiiil i|ii iikmi iiha no ipi.i n( .mu'.i ogw ii • ll(J At) l].l 111 ill .1 IJll M’.t\ (( “ l(. ‘ H 111 nil) . I 111 1.1. *J 11' 11! (nil (i||)o.) ■ iAt Hl( tt • I.UI.IIJ."1 V•» (Hill I' ('.'.'J"' J" m !•' Ktljil ll In i A* 111 l-n| ,».ti:l( •piir(«| 111 HU Ji ►( V I! 1 '' 1 ini t Atl'i kpllt'lJJ J.ll| (O JllOi 1(11 ("in I | 1.1(1 J.'.l “-M '(..1)111 I)il .w >t ||—:JO|.ni|| p.Hli.i. )t;| i(.)li(v pun Jli.itl -A(A •|J..| ‘l|lll( .tiJilllllJ' ‘I'HIDpI.) •iiJii.iiißj | HUS ‘u»hiuijii(‘*H “.I. •\( M ' * ! ..llin< <|HJI iniiiiiiu | Mil.) nilt|i no.< p.'pii.’nii Mill !(.'!'(" k-.'.i inis .iiiiiDi ,H(i *.ijii 1 11.| t>i)l Jnj iin.A riugM.w •touai.iK .11 it.< Ol (Hill -11(1 |l> I|)IU1 01(101 Allli.l) (Hill (IJI'A'JII.I • nun.).mil) Ain: in (1!* IH|M I'llll ‘i-J.igiH .<'( 'lll lI.'A(J) .t|.i).i('liiit i. ii.i.ii| (H i, X.igi J.ipu M|Hi!( pun o.l!I l’-ttun .■ .t 1; i( tin < l)]i H( At ll) i Annul (O AtHlltt ( '|illli( •i| lIIIIUJOIV 111 p. (lit*' J 1 IMI|.Vt ApO'l 'J 'A.) um.lj pJI'.Hj I >i, i: < > 11 1 11 . V 0,1.1- .1 tig ( ,ni(tt no (1.1)11111.. I 1-1 uni. i -I ■1:1.1.1(1-111,1 *l'tllill)',]1l. ) ll( 1)1! " l-HSI J.'-'.l 1 11’". 1 ! ~."I*I ;-.)■( .ii(( rill in ),< ,i;i(| A i (. W ■ • i( .iji:(.).ip 1 nog. At I •' A -1 (( *,l'(.il( il) l(J1lin!|,l .ttllll'l | ..-ml.!))!- ( •.t(l.’i( Ii ‘HI'"J, Jll tjlii.l.t 111 | Al|( ( It J (.1-AIII till!." I (l.llil 1 l.'t 11A 1" ''HI All 11 MEDICAL. DR- L. J. CZAPKAY S DR. I, .1.1 ZAPKAV, HATH IN TilK Ml Nt: A ri-m Hevolidloanrv War. t'hlcf Physician to •hr i.tih regiment «t Honvtsl*. Chief Surgeon U* the Military lh»*pi'.Mof Pestn. Hungary. mid late lectu rer ini’ Diwus.- 'if Vriimry organs. and diseases of women and children. T.. IUKMin ran. —Hr. L J r**pkay ha* opened hi. institute tor ’hr cure of nil form* of private dl* «. , ll( h n« syphilis, gonorrhea. nocturnal emi*.* <ll hi- and all lhe’coii*ei|nen«T t»f self-abuse I" Hie fir-t «.f gonorrheal disease* ho guarantee* a rum in a faw days, without inconvenience In tho patient, , r hindrance to hi. business \\ hott a patient, by neglec', or improper treatment, ha* developed tho -Toiid.rv symptoms of i-vhilii* such a* hnboe*. or •> i oful <a "h , .0 on thegroin*. or ulcer* in thr Mtroat mid uo-o. which if not checked. destroy thr colt part, and i-ut- ’ tho hour, to mortilv, separate and i oiiio aw"iv, leaving tho *iiff> for an object hideous to hohold; or w lion *plotch«r«nd p mpk* break out upiui tho-kin. • r wloui ho ha< painful -welling* Upon ill,. i„,,r vv hon It'.-* constitution i* injnroil a* to lujun to iho Night, resllensm—. confusion ol Mens, • li-r.k>* i ll- society. and feeling of weariness of lito; with th ■ nervous s\ <loln mi excileaMe that slight i, i r s' .rtto tho p diotil. m.ik tur hi* • tot ono” mi-ruble. for tlio atiovo maladies ilio Koch r w ill ini iv uitoo a euro or a*k no coni’leu-aiion. Ho can t„. oon-nhod roo of charge, hi d invito* all to call. i< it will cost, thorn nothing, a id may ho much to their advant ige. It. |„ .1 i/apkay i* daily receiving applicatkrsi from every part of it’d* f>liUe and from (iregori mnl \V a-liiiigbiu T rrilortes, for trottiiront ol - every form „f ,||«. *••. and there I* not one who will eotuo tor ward and oxpro-* di-salisfucli'in; on the contrary. tho Hr. i* in ih il> roooipl if letters, expressive of gniil ludi on'. thankfulness, aonto ol w hich arc published below by permission. A'. Aitvsvti.i.r. .Dine :t, J Sun. Dr h. .1. f’/apkay, f>mi Francisco Sir. 1 have n*,..1 ibo lii.t of your niodicino. and do not think I -hall Hood ant niorn,(M 1 fool vory wolf except that I have not entirely got my slrengtli yot. hut *oon \» it I with tin- appolllo I have. It i* just lliroo wook*. >"U may n 0011001, since I cnllod aty(«ir in«tiiute, w ilh mv con*titntioii. u* I thought, entirely hrok *n, and novor tfii Mitt lit von would ho able pi onro mo perteel ly, but thought you might bo ahlo to do something to oa<o tho pain in my hack and lioad and *lroiiglhon me linih*. whfcli wore so weal* that they would almo-t give wav uiidor mo whon I walk'd, and t" *1 rvngihen my nerve* so that I would not got excited awl irom hie at every little thing. Now that you ki»>w what I expected, yon mav judge of my * a 11st act mi iat my Cmnplole recovery irom those symptom* and the ro moval of those splnle.hott and -oro* from my skin and inicer* iron mv throut; mid the entire stoppage of (hose omissions which you said w ere principally the cause of mv sickness. I cun hardly 101 l yon which i* the greatest, my joy or my surprise, for except not having fully goi my strength, 1 feel a* well us any man can tool. I’.mlowU I send you twenty dollars over your charge, and think myself clieaply cured It yon .liink iinylMNly will he beneiilled, yon may put this letter in the newspapers. Titos llxviuc'. Porrtxnd, Oregon, May Hi, istl.v Dr. C/.apkay—Hear Sir:— Your medicine lias been Inkoii according In directions. I fuel a little weak Not; 111 ovorv Ollier way I am almost entirely recover* mid think in a -herl time f shall !»• as well a* ev ur. f.very bodv that knows me is wondering wI ml niliite such a change, for some friends thought I liisi eou*imiplioii, and otliers I was going < ra/.y \\ ell, I don" know Imt they wore both right, in I toll a good ib id both ways, and thought if I didn't die mmui I would like to' 1 am not troubled any more with emissions, mid the pall) in my mad and Inn k, and Hie weak m my limbs have left me, and so 1,,:* ibeili/./.iue-s, linmlily, and Hie wish always p t be atone' 1 am not nlniid’lo go in compa y now, and aiu mu so ■ ; t l lv <acris! ms I used to be, w lieu any little tloug would set me trembling. I have been at work Mils week which IS the fir-t I have done for six nusilli*. mid the thought of it don’t discourage no like il u<ed l". Indeed. I l«*'l Ilk another man, and it is all owing l" your medicine uiui advice. Vmi may publi-li ibis if \on want to. Yours-Vc, di is Ken IE \‘rn. PAi ivouvrii, May l.i 1- ■'<. p>,, ar cir—Sm li is the tlimiklilliiess I feel lor the eservaliou of mv beiillh ol liolli bo ly and mind. ,| I believe of my lifts, that I hope I will not lie ■ on b ie l intro- ive in tendering my ihatikliil uehiinw t- p.r restoring me to heallli, and making mv a lioou worth preserving, when il bad l>i* "io>'a irllien toiv great for me to bear. A u'liin as I was to re licit bad undermined my constitution and dev e1„.,1 „.,1 a trail* of nervous syinplonts. such as nervon< I,,(ay. beadache. distressing tmiidity. sellslislrnst. //i'cs-. love of snlilinle. loss of iiienmrv and M int re*iilitlion liesides a loss ol strength and energy, m l, made my waking moments wretched and my , p nniefreslii.'g and was fast bringing me to Hie iv, ten. thunks to vonr skill, I mu restored to limlili gor. and energy Hoping to guide others w here they a v tlnd relief, yon have my permission to make this ,1,11,. I.CONXKI* VV*ITt. I'.i Hr. f. 4.l’zapkay, Sun Francisesi. « p*” spenii itorrhea. or local weakness, nervous de b,r. 1,,w spirits. I i<-ilude. weakness of th*'limbs I na-'k. jiidi-po<itiiui and incapability lor labor mid id. dullness of apprehension, loss i»( memory, aver -tv, hu e of Solitude, timidity, * If-di-ti ust. //I'll -S. headache Involuntary discharges pains n .*.I■ le, affections of llte eyes, pimples on the face, xual ntid other infirmities In man, are cured with l id l.y the justly celebrated physician and surgeon .1 i / oikuv. His metiiod of coring diseases is new. Ilk l '« Il to*. mid hence tile great success. \|| 11- illations. V.v letter or olnerwise free Address, .1 i v ipk iy. M lb. San Kritncisco, t'ld'iforim* T" Till'. I.VIIIKS OK f.M.HOUMA. I>r. I. -I i /:i|>Kuy. late imho Hungarian Ituvold ti<> War, < hn-t to tli»- -"Hi llotfiwonl of H. \ I-. f’hiil SuiV'miii to Ihi* Military Il'wpiUl o( fV-tli, Hun-'ary. an I Inin l.i cturer on 4' nrl i,;,r> ,n 4 .mil ill«< i*h n; women Mini children, in. viii-t lilt! litiftitioti of Uni sick !iml alHiclod I it. il ino ul |,| -r .no of ilk- virion* form- of <li<i a»n< 01 H„. liraiii. 0111,'' Im in, * omarh. li\er. wmnli. hlaod. an I ,‘l li-.-a-i 4 p‘cilliur to their 4i-x. I In- Ooitor l< . :f . in, in in- can a tlmn nny rkhor I’hysi in Hi,, -c oi a novum. I.ot no false dollaaay prevent ■a.i. i- ■ |. j>i > iMiiili'iliiilfly. mi'l -ate your ,„lv 4 tv’it iul niT r. i ninl (n •■intliirn ili-alli \ l l inai i ii-1 ... - >:i a-ii-alf tn alih or olhi-r' ir i'!ini,*nni* * 1 !»••• it ,v ■i li ivo no tiwm.-i*! 1 in ili.-ir II .. .1 i / i;-k y‘- Mtnli ml In Klin,.,i . , . !i . 'i'll r -.n r mii'iiio mi I Mont aon ary •' aal ill y » ill foC-IVo every piHSihle ~.|j I, , 1 1- • l» . ■ irmlti -in ir •40 arran.'od ifini In . ,‘i 11- i i without thn IVir inoiosia- I tot, II il ir in r. will Vi-ilt lh'‘ I idles at Mn* r r .• > i |<• ii - - All !■ ■ ..''ilia: i"in tiy letter or otherwise ■ .... 1, ir i.. .1, i/ i>. Ma lie ai liHiiin'H, \mi ,i , ' n r S.i r.onrnlo min .fliMilgomery streets, S. P, .Sv’l’li I.l’ AN'L) <’t(»N T (Ul!{lltK \—L)r. 1.. J Oniik i will I’-' ' |» anal .iiin iuoii (n yphtiitic unit -'on.., I, •• ill-. 1- Ji Hi • llrsl s a'a- ol uitli. r , 111--, i'i i . Ihe Ituar ill •-It|1“I U Ct ami ufl w inn, cun' io i i ii w ~n mi Ini Ir on •' lo •> Wn ai or tin- n a_'il 'a, i no.nn • I'no (>oc a 4 lllol.iio 1 il irun in !i a a hi niiOf ill 111 • I Umil nn,.r 'Vein mis tiv Ilia fit" I .-at i -cat), w oti ,li4aovt , f‘i>*4 iii.nia I,) linn* -all. ninro <il • -11 a loan any linn-'yet an ia n. w mail -. anro- Hie p.timi from in.- (to-nhuiu of «nndary 4»oi(. oinin-n m o us Uu* 1 1 1 4 i -a-e io l In- 4 a *rr i-I p on SvMio.alary syphias wtiiah app ir-in -.,,111 i-a of I In- iilmof non ot iho|i ■» m inn Hi «.*• Io n. ami pr • Inca* d moe-. I I arjitoii- in ifn- llir ‘At ati 1 u i-a, wti all (lo4lroy tlio “oil |i ilf -. ill I a .n*o I In- I, ~n,-4 a, ini.r’if’i. sep tnl- ami co in- aw iy listlturu*--' th,- (i itiaiit horribly N -des i> linf.i: iwolllnars on fill- Unit-*. *}a niches npon tli** skill, . a-o< of which the Domor* - • daily in Ins- office nil I which nn- tin- n-ull of improper treatment. ulcer*, • ,r •* find Dim plns, ami injiirlo* to the constitution, which, after a Joaif period of Huflering destroy lifo. It will also he re main bered liiai these disorders are hercdiigr), pausing MEDICAL. I 1 from parent to child, and enlailint: upon the off.nrim a ruimil constitution. For Ihe cure of all those h>nm of disease. the (lector# guarantees a C’ire of "*k* no compensation Ttu> I Motor can "suited hy loi ter nr otherwise free of chaw. an. I invite* all « ho i.rv afflicti-d to call upon him, whore ho will dive them such satisfaction «s thov can obtain no vvticro of— 111. room* arc No. I ami'-* Armory Hall, corner. >f Sac r iinonto jiim) Montgomery street*. ss„„ Kr»nrl<m Till: CHFATKST MSI’OVFHV OF THK yt;K —Croat lllewlngto Mankiml!— Innon-nt t.n’ P— tool; -hr. I, J. tv .Jiltin'. I'rophylneticmo. ,-S»lf f>is- Infeclin,' AgenM a sure preventative against goner rtno ii and syphilitic disease* and an unsurpassed nm ,.,lv fur nil tho x -nerial. scrofulous g-ingreiisms ami can.a nm. Ill)-, r. tioiiil discharges from Iho vacina, uterus an-! urethra. and all cnmneous eruptions and an For - ~t hr I■ l ' • pkay’s ..m.- '. - tnorv Hal', corner of Sncrinnetrlo Mini Montgomery «ire. t«, San Francisco. \s iiiia.CMliiiion is a prexeii* tniive n gainst .mall (mix, so i. hr I- J.* /.upknx * Prophilncl Icnm a proven tali re against *x plulilK'id ntl'l gonorrheal diwases. 11 irmle.. ill it.' ff, il in-— .«.* Ilio power of chemically ilo*troj UK tho syphilitic vi rus. mi. l tli.-relo .ariiiir thousand* ofxoiiiig debauch, e. . from being inf.ate.l hy the most h.tUh«ome ol all Iliw.-H.r-W, 11.. xonng man xvlm appreciate heald) i„. „Im.'U |>r. riapkny** Pr phil ittcrnn, it t- to ~ r\ cohvenieiit piM-ioi-. • and will tie found com eni oni’fo ii* 1 . In-iin.' n-."l a. a —ap. That.!.- ■■ s * c.n h" pn-v.nled I.T fhe ll of proper agents, i* ns xvell nil ("lahli.ln .1 lin t n. that they can* nflor their i-tat !i-fiiiionl. The principle which i. now unitor - illy rccovrn /.ml. wn« received oven 111 fore n« ■ f J. nn. r, tlie di.eon r. rol the vm c'lietion in l"'Si, .and 11. in iltipln.l henef' * over rimr hnx« r. Ceivml. ns lliey il. -erxed. Il— at ten lion of the medical f.ieul’y. It was in pursuit ol lliiw ol the medical -ri en.-e that |ir. 1.. J. t'/npkay fortilimlelx tho ih e.iverx ..I t.i. I’rtipt.i ncliciini. w Inch, for tlin preveii ,ll ai. .1 -x fdiitiiic. emiorrliofil. canceron. and cut an.- n* di—refer. stands unrivalled In any agent hi the Vino* macopnea. The etfect of Ihm HU'-nl after coilion i. immedintf- and n nnnr. Ifie possibility of a coiilriic li,„) ~( dixonse If. In ox <• tor, Iho disease ha. hooll coll Iniiied, ii .« ii.ofnl in mnlrtili/lng tho |...i.<nioii« —cro trmi.. which, hy absorption. produce H o horrid cotise ipi.-nse# knoxvn n. secondary syphilis Il tin. heen a.lmmi-lore.l by the 1 fooler ii> nianx thousand rn—.. and tie has Jot to ff»r>t the first in which ii Inis failed In snh—rvo tho purpose for xxliich it xvn* administer od. (Vice, ?•’>. Full ilirooiion. nro tillnchod toeach pack, life. In case, xx here I’rophilncliciim j. n*ed ns a enmtivo. Dr. I. .1. t'/npkay xx 111 furnish gratia n pro “xt ipiii hi for hi. Illood I’nrifWr. All communication, from tho country, a.hires—d v to Dr. I. .1. < /npkny.San Francisco w ill he strictly n.l confliloiiliirlfy attended to, and the rcmeilios dtti tho L-roiitrsi oaro nn.l .ocrocy, immo.liatclx *lis laicht .1, hy Kxfrfos.. or oth.-r convi-ynncw to thoir ifos i n at inn. fir Da. .1. 1.. F zxi'Kay— Tho ifeiiltoinan »ho*o inline forms tho capil.m of this notice, is one of t h.» text r».i.l.tii physicians whose iippliciittoii to his pm fe.sion and dexolloll to the alllicled. render Idin liliko an ornament to t'a* one and a henefll to the other A llmitniriim hy hirth. he <om;ht xxill. Kossuth to place his country ainomr the nations oftho onrlh, beyond tin* oppr."s..r's rule. Ihat her sens miiflit rejoice in llie pn.rrice of ilnrve proeepts which are alike our itlorvand our prill).. In hfs . If.>rf. so to do. he has reaped tho reward of iiielfectnal rosisfinio. to j.ppr."- si)>n. and ‘m lions- and a country know him no more. ’ Apart hoxv.ivef, from his claims upon our consider ation ii. a pairwit. Hie lestini ninls of charactiT and capacity which no hrintfs. onlillo him In puhlic colitis donco, to the exclusion of those who possess neither tho one or til.-other. As a irenllommi his cliiiruolof is untarnished: ns a phxsicinn, his -.kill unsurpassed ant) to tho»i- whose itnprudonia* left upon them the taints .<1 disease, xve can coitsoieiilionsly comm. ial him with the n-s.iriiico dial in him they xvill find n friend x*h..,*u to know i. ureal inin. The Dr.’s ofitco is \.i, :t and -I Annorv Hall conuT of Sacramento anil Montgomery streets. Ban Francisco VKTIIATSITFKK lIIvVI>, HEAIK 1 L un* zrr a DR. PAREIRA’S (Jit AT ITAI.IAX KKMI'.DV For tho certain ami spc ily euro of Jis nuses of a private nature, m* matter how loin* standing, without any in* jurious eft ket to the system or any chtiiifTC* of diet. It has never failed it cannot fail t<> cure. T BIIII-* Invaluable r-p* l.le. first introduced m(i» ■ l’i-:i some Ml'ty years since, s*«•• »n became so We|j known ns n 'certain cure,’ (lint in <•** ry town mill city not omy on tin* • 'onllnenl, lint in •;r.I llritnin, llio ,|,.imiiul for ji wns ho great. its merit* so astounding, that in less ilion one your imm its hitrodnction it Inul st||i|ilante,l nil other remedies. Tin- 'ledlent I'; enlly of ihe principal elites of Kiirope were compelled 1C acknowledge j| H wonderlul mnsli ry over disease. I’m prieto,-s Hi''other m dicine, i ■nlon- oi its sway. vainly node .vonsl to at»v it* onward progress I.ike grips before the mower, tin ir etr rts fell eillie .round uiul like lire on the urine-, sweeping nil I" hue it. ns on iiaril mnreh became Irinmnli mil. list 1 torlh npull its own merits : n iliseernintf pnpbc -aw, tried mid were convinced «*f ns me/ie«l iII lues The innsslvo tortnne nr,|nir»sl t,\ Or i'.ire r i troin the stile irt it during I tie SIX yenrs lie pn (Hired it. nlone Imre w itne ■ s lo it- inirnenlons merits. At tie decease ot Itn* Duel the recipe was lie<| ir ilhisi to to- st.n. who inis lately in rod need the lemedy into tlie Tidied Slate*. The number of c res n lias a re idy made are astonishing ITm I' liidsnnd ivusof thousand-scan hear testimony lo its elltcncv. All who n-e it It wdl cure w it's a s ihl>. speed and certainty no other nit dicine has i ver possessed, |li-m>ri lonolfisek Nostrums. Tso a remedy 11ml lia< b.-on tried hr the pid tiny years and was never known to l id. This (.rent Uernedy is warranted purely vegetable, (lew ire Ot I'.ein eneit*. l ie- extensile »nln of this wonderful inedirie h S already caused some |ier»oii r persons, to palm otT upon Itm nos i sporting, a spu rious e- hiiiminnd. cl narticular to h \ n id' A Casejr i. V.. I* hollle. All otli rs n iii'idirs will In- p i tile law Pn Throe d it r IV S'U, sole ' _ t I wirh Mood t i It • \ literal dl- 'o o i IVII >' • l,is| Ot A Jen's 1 ■'o |*r if ust A 1 iHratf f*t ri ■S(I irU df. Hi ista ; Just n i■ ,tes Jr r- I *oWliiovd|e ■>' laliief. Vresa, '•>' Thomas .Vludoy >e, U T. tin* ori/inal. Ho n* vvilho e the wril'eu signature mi I In* outside w ipper of each eounierfep. mi 1 their com -h I with tie- utm >r*t rigor ot •r h ciln Tor sale hy D. H«T ira . ir on hi 1 the Mmol It or i**s m isi tie addressed. ,e i wlnllns de d -alwnt. I*. IVtl* M'K, I !»• i.'.fs,. 77 I ill is street. s.iu Tmnciscc. ih'* Stair*. It ice 1 >nhn l>. K S ark weather, t'ily t ttr on r. oiiora; Hen] • r-lurfi Tlaeervdle * . ; I*, li. IV. t>rr, r Ni-v ala ; l*r. W. 11. is m, i, is Angeles I • • . < leo 1.. « <iry. Portia, t B I, A N KH —Evejy de-erpition of'Sustica’* Bl nki foj sale athisrifllce *