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OROVILLE DAILY BUTTE RECORD. vou mi: i (Drcoille Uailn Butte 3Rcrori. I’UBMSItKI) I>AU.V I'l,'NlMl'' MiIKHKII) IO Gf,o. H CROSETTE. t'/f" < irrirK-tn Il iiMin,' <•’! Mv. r« Sip-cI. ftiilf,hciwiH > ii MoutaCMnary an 1 «*r<*v ill** Tiimk—Mim Y«.ir l’< r Mull ' 1 Six IIIIMIIIIo. <I" * *' Vhfi-i' months. <lo * V ’ Ufllv«re<l t»y i'nrri**r, |wr 'V<"k •*" WKKKIiY ISII m-: IIKCOIID. *♦» I’or eirenlulintl In ttii- minin.' ami n-jrrn iitlsral Hi-*- (m l, ul i in- cun hi v, w: U cimlain I lie l"i‘ 1 1 "' I -mi*-rnl new* nf the w* .-1,.’ i.u.-Mpewed wiili mtare-iia,' nn x-Hliinentl-* ling main r. li '»ill < oni on I'-ii'v ni.Hil eohliniis 111 rending mall- f. ii 11*1 Will li- nil'" I *ll* I lire----1 in i- 1 dn-a 1 1*-i W --cklv New -paper* mI he jsmic. | , nl,|i*ln-il .-w-TV Saturday. l-rni*— S-< |>'T .\uiiiim ; ,ix mini'll-, -*.l, Him- umiiHi- si. \ nvtii ri*x nicsx , per ,i|U;ife •>! U-u lines nr firm insertion. • Kim’li ,iih,e«|'n-nt insertion r \ liln-rnl He lni-1 inn (tin«M- wtin a*l la-rli,** ny Hi** . * <j- Uu«ine,s I’iiril, inserted mi reasnnHlilelerma. JOO PRINTING. .%:< a n . ‘l .VI HI In- minlc in favor of ir In Wi- woilM illicit Hn- liltcniinii nl' "iir fri«»n*l« :iri ■ in wan I -»I -lnl» I'rinl in g In I In- (jl'-l itial w- urn i" tm-icentc ,-v*-r, ilt--.-TipH**n*f( w *,rk m -inrinn in n ulyli- that f.nnmii lint I" mm sudd aclioii. " li nn recently iiiinli- new an-l extem-ive ml-li i"ii. In • nir assortment nl Ini* Mnlnfnil**, ami hai-- I n'iHli lm* .Ininu'all kimUaf w-.rk nl moderate rate, ml-lonshort ami ice. I .rut Mil nn, Ailxlce* ('jr*Alini"l 1-inn Immlv mini* m.iii.-iliinif -mm*' are i**n fnrl mime a, in in* mlir-ly I IIH -pell I**ni, in Hn- -an i iiii-MiniiK of i li'il I* T m we ar*- all in a r•■■** - r nr I“ ,1,-igre* il*-|ieinl*‘iil **n enc*i other. I his I**■ i 11 an In* -dispidnlile i'in-,1, w*- prop-*-*- l-> |>nin( mil a nin-li- t*> ■which iiiinil n- }«nir *1 - -'ir-* ■* imiy n** gvmdietl. \i/ . II ymi want any kind nf laborers. mechanics, nr ■ leil*,; viivkhil'K H' y**ii want an nITIi-c. a Inline, a lot, nr a farm . iin r:it n,K. If ynil waiiMn rxcbimtjr |*Toperly, **r In linrrnw unniii-y ; xnvaca ti,k. If mn want l>* rent nr “Ml (muse,, Ini,, nr larin-*: iIH XK n,«. If y*tn w xnl Indispose of ysoir Ini-Ill*-, ; Al*i KHTSK. If you * mil In renl rooms nr nrtiei-s; U*vi:a 11,1-. It you want any knnl <-f miilnMin-ni ; Minimise. Whatever jnu want luive **r In dispose nl ; AInKUrVSV. Mimin' iln- many ml mediums. wn may be permillist In reemn un-ml In vnnr favoruhlc iamsii|tr (iljnil ii,*- --Us -i it.i.K Hum Hi vtk Uki **ki*. which , matt la many people i-**’l- at h**tnn anil abrna-I It II ,mi-< tiiu. wn-1 m vnnr linat*. unit f**r a lair com pensntinn wn will intmdin-e imi n* several ladies an-1 gentlemen, wlm otherwise, |*erlni|is. wnnlil in-n r ♦will- In-anl nf ynn. Il 111*) - Hiii niin’’ line, lint -ml * mir fan<-),«ilvinli*i- in *** mn* *tlln-r |ni|, all *• innl * linen'll*. - TUe,n sniggeMioim lire merely throw i nut fur mm luuu-fti. ainl iieewine m- I• 11*• vi• it In I*.- mir ilniy to mfnrm ymi nf * i *-ryl hing w l»ii-li is cai-nla (nl In enhance your (nleruHt. l>n ynn lu lievi* the utKive i, good in ice. We pause fnr a reply. •4 .Infills lor lln* Unite Iteronl* (tt'.Mn KIH-’.l’Klt I Hum \s IliiYi'K... .I*7 Merchant ,t. San Francisco. \ I , S tITII, I* slri-el, Marysville, y u. |*|,l M .. .. Ki.rlii-sliiwn WillTK \ SITTKII 'll-, iron t'ily. J K .lAI'KShN • ln-.'lnnnt ;,KVt surf It Tlinmpsnir, Mat f »lt HU'iTlll-.UTiIN ItiMilierlnn's Sinn-. .I\MKS TU'lt liltT'lV WimiHnll" -I. sill It U 1 S .Vi-I*s<*n I'reek. I’lnina, ' '** •MUKINSfc. I'ATK.. . . Alinu ienn Valley M. I*l INi K M* xilla Valley. The -IJcrnr-r ran he |n*tcave<l from any nl the abiiv*- nxmeil Aif*-nl,, w In* ms- al-** million/* 1 In re ceivt- adnt li,*-m*-iils ataA nrih-r, l<*r Jnh \\ nrk III'TTK 1(K( (lUI> .JOIt I’KI VIT %(• ESTABLISHMENT o uni 11, i, i;. Wvj nri* iv‘.v prrpimMl will a /"ml fiiMort(ii<‘nt <»l ntIMTMi M A I'KU I AI.S. to execute every ill • T'plt’Ml of ' ' fi a^a J Afi-. K 7 1 tin- ui et UCASUV tltt.K TKRMS.ainI in a sly li- I will lint tail in uive satisiactinn. Mining aiiH her cnmpinii' S -ivim; OKRTICATKS OF STOCK, i h ue (b,-ra nilnrun "V snoKT N«iTitr: ’.very kind nl’ Jnh I’niitii*-;, executed lo order h !H IKS, nurl I.AUS, I.AW HI.ANKS, MI’III.KTP, I'AKHS, 8t1.1.S Hi' KX' IMiL l. 1, IIKAHS. IM-'.KI »S, HANK UIIKOKS, i \ori:s, I'Koiiii\mmi;s, SI KItA, lill.Ll.fS, Hli.I.S t)K l-’AKK. m, other descnptinu ot I'rtuilng that may he tie •d. ‘ t-iviuar hud many year, practical experience in , liranch nl tin- bn«iiiei*s, ware cnnllHenl nl «i'- *-ii ire snUM'actinii in all w In* may luior us with ir **ri rer,. ’erwni, , r hiin; work done are respecltnhy mvltial cue us a c«H. SPKCIAI* NOT’ICKS. OROVILLE LODGE. No. 103. F. St A. M,- At« * li«* I a I oil lll** SNItUI (l*i> •ach tnniith, at 71 I- M al Masonic Hull .nn-r I'nill’, llarkel L'sk lllee na 'h,-rs siii-et. I Ullcem I 1 A !r,*\v u W M Daniel Jeweit, S VV;<h'nrue \Y. Mlm! I U ; I ILeenihal, I'e.a-ur* r; D'i O’llniilu-I, See y; i I Kleine. S |i; J Kluinper, J. D; \ Ih-skins* IyU r. lirelhreli 111 K*V* H 1 staildmit, are 111 v ited t*i ilUeinl. Butte lodge, NO.3SF.&, A - , M ’Z*;' , !. , 1 I fa metis* aM li**ir 11 iJI in l>i*l a t 11, on llio )nr«l S iMir-l in*• •*t 'ir i iiumthx at 7 I*. M. • Mllcers*, fiUKk \\ h.h’, \V M. I W S \\, A I 'UMHkiKI kI S .1 W . I I l\ K. i: M*- K > T ). DROVILLE DIVISION S. OF T. No. 224.- \|,*t « v i\ s^iiii*l:i > Kvfiniii; «'U u jlirk. I .1 Masonic Hull. .1 li >ln*. henl; NV I'. FCRBESTOWN LODGE, no. MFScA m AlceU Hi- Second .'jilurdiiy nl each nmnlh. 11. w. Itrnirn. tv II; N D I'Unnli. S U ; D .McKee, J W; Jiitni-s \Vai»*m. ITeusurer: J*-hn U Thnu.ii,. sec'y; I* A’ t.iiskill, S D; -I Kniu'- J 0; K H Spark,. Tyler. BIDWELL LODGE No. *7, I, O. O. F.—«•’«’ nlar meetuiif* In-hl every I hursday evening, at - o’clock ut llw-ir Hull. Uidwell. Hmiher, in k'ntit •landing are rerpei-ifully invilerl. Jo,tcii BLOCK, N ag W 0 JAasair, V 0; K LxiTiMOax.Sec.’rJ OKOVII.I.K, IH'TTR COUNTY, CAI.IFOKMA, THURSDAY, SIU’TKMUER I, I *3*. lAX'mWs NOTICKS. sheriffs SALE ■»V VI It I • i; OK AN FAl’.'T lIOS IS-1 Kl» IS out ..I th •V,hl I :• d ■ KotiH, • 1.. r ilih .*» lot v .>l It i t**. St "I California, I tearing tlntn the «ilh (lav . i Ampisl, A D IS.irt. mi l to me ,I,reeled mi l «t»*livi-p.-l. comm mi 11. / in.* to make He* sum <>t three b tndred hi.l rt n dollar* pnnc.pah :u l. l I’i.p Innr.'-t from lli** '< 11'* v .‘t .1 hum I*• I "a l *’* oil I In* three I .101 l .r* principal hi »!»•■ de <u 111 r.• |..-r r.M.I, |n r inol.ili util ‘ |and hir "I -nil taxed, in Hi.* of I II • ?l", .Im nr-, mi I i.c «t< i■.■ lT f.t-1- out of llu' properly 1..-r. •imi 1 1 • r de •i-ri*ii-'l. I>. salis.v it..* -uul ) 1 ul v-fu■ m. wln-r»*»ii .1..-.i.i. I Smith f* I’l.iiiuiir it ii« i •l»”i. S M.irri*. is It.-f.Mi I.* t. I*. x« it : To* M tr...» .*!• in I l..*nlr-. -itna t,*,• hi t Irovdie, in Hu- t v mi-1 .'l:.t>' Ilf.iresni t. lo ir .1 lon tin* corner of 11 .ml*«>n m"l Bird »l reel**. Ir-.rilinit tbir'x iiiti*- '■ li‘> I"u Hut. -...1 “tr.-.-t. and . .-tli f**.*l on Hit*l -ir*-I. \ i.' ( t t'** Unit i.ri.iiu mil 1 in lot 1n.*.1 -Mil it.-'l iu f I tj.liir Township lln'ie . unity, mol State ot ' -Hl*-r -iiiii. mi.l ili-. rjiu-l on the map "I ihoTovxn.d ' >ro ot* mi'»nnr <*!»♦*, *l' iwo, •’-» i*. *. it ll. l -i\, *t. in Itlo.-U ■ ■ 1 1it-r oi.i*, it i two, >-. IIv»* i-ii io|ii. ■*. iii lll<« I* . it.'lit. *: I*"'- .o. i(ir**.*. :t. loll'-, 4. Ilv.*, Six, 'l, . in lllock iiiirnl.. r ten. in; l."t *.*. ihr H, four. 4. llvc, m\ ti, i,*lil. in lliock inmil. r clot on* II ; l.ri't*. ; heir, I, liv>*. > -'x.'. in lliock number twelve. I'i. I*"l -•j. tin*.*. .'!, four. 4 liu* •».-tv. , HI I;).*rk i.mill., r Iwenlx ■•••: two. itiroo. o four. • hve. *■». ■igltU s in lliock i>uiiil»*r twenty *. 1 two. Il.n*.*, it. four. t. mi.l eight, s, in lliock i.ninber 1...1- on.*, I, two. o. I hr.*.*. .1 ti. -i-voii. T, in..l oiiflil. *. i'i Block *.’:); 1.11 of xx I.i. I. I w .it highest for cu-li. hi 11"* I'owii of < trovill**, on itunlitv. llllMT, \. It. Hi,'X .*'*ll I lie I XV . 1’ ’ UKK. Slerilf null.* i' 11l I\T. \ Mi l* Xf'Cll 1.1 N. I*. | v. I Into.l. Ilii-t •j;iti .1 ly of \n;n-t, A. !'• uUk'JT.I'l SHERIFF S SALS i)V VtllTl'K <•!’ AN KAI iTrillN' ISaI |;|i jj on. ~i mo Mi.til .) u> lirin I Hi-iriot Court. in mi I ,r Hi.* <-.hinlv of H ut. . mi.l -tmoof .•nlilorii.r.- bear ,if .lalo \u ; i«l Ill'll, \ H*lNMi. Hint to ho directed ...I ilolivor.'.l commandin'; i.i" to milk.* llu* -uni ol m o iiuu.lro I aiol iturl>-llvt* thro.* on.- hiiu.lroili d*>l •r, <1.1.1. w Ml. iuloro-l on He* miu-. hi, 1 I th- -urn f lw<-ntv liir.v seventy-live ono .1 li dollars ,-t-, f u.r. with iic.rniie; costs ol -..i.i judgment, nl of ill.* properly hereinafter described. fo- .i.-ly r o.;ii.l j. i* 1-*..> •■ i.t. wlioroiu .l*ili.i U nr** m.*l llur* , I i,„v.i- m o I'.minill-- mi.l .loltn M<• I.*■ 11i»i.. 1. I i*-n*n.l to»i* ; A<■ rl,»1 11 Minim* ''' iim. -Uu ilo.l on :„|.| Hill noi.r 11..' town ol 1 *r<>vili>*. 'titiix tin.'- Mm.* I'oro-iinl ; - M*l t'liiiiii i- iiinoix -tlx.* 1.-ol IroMlii.'-'on 10 ItlulT. mi.l oxi -nUimf lut.-l* - >'ll* *'' M-" -mh,-.- ~X o - n*.w ,i|. hi Hi.* cl.iii.i A l-o I I tin ol -mull Hum.* •mlimt from llio rc-crvoir to lit* cluim AJ-<| nil ..I , * riul.l 1 iil** i.iiil in', r.-l of Urn i.for. -m.l 'lolou.lm.t ,l,n Mi*l,*-ll:init in mnl io ti t'altin -H.mlr.l upon -m.l I;,, 111 toiroilior XX Mil nil Itio tippurtonmi.o- I ..-loin*. nu* , i|„. 11I.0V0. Tim ahovo proporl) Io 1.0 soft on l„n-.lux tin* ISH. .luyol S|.lott.l..r Al» l-u.HI oVIo.-k I*. M, at ll"' National llolfl. IHm till o| AiUfUSI, A D l'*»4». r. siieriflf luuto r.. |t,|tf. '!.’oitmx. l i.-p.ity. ti'l.l*! AOTVIiNISTRATOR S SALE ' N ITU' r \Nt'|, I »K A N < >1! Itl'-l! til' Til K ll< IN'- I oniiitii rroimii. I'onrt. in mol f.-r Mnim county, ili ..■Hi,. 11,,. sn'o of lopixtin ro .1 o-i ... li.'lonu'M.'-' to in.* ~ ~,* „f (j.-or-oi I’. < irll. n Into of Unit.* ciltitx. <10.,,■..*.1 .,,■..*.1 1 -In.ll ox|».m* for Halo. -.1 pnhlic miflioii, I.i i,* lii -In I In. 1.1. r, on lim It. Mil ,la> "I V.tftl-I. A If o ( iV!nck. I’* M.. in front "I tin*< *rl* mi- I 10101. I < irnx ill.-, t li« lollox* ill*,' 11.-Til.. <1 lir. nii.-o-. Mtnmo , linllo I .iiinlx Mato < I < Mill.nn;to « it : n.mmolt no,' on tin* - mill xx. -l Imtlli.lm x of Tullimn - Umicli. 11 *xv 11 r* * x 1 11 >*) fort y ro.l- Irom tin* lunik ol l.allor nor. nn.l rni.iiim* ilmneo t.loiitf -ui.l I in a „itl„ rlv Imii.lro.l mol nxty . 1 , a-lako • Hi,•nrc inn xv.-t.rly tllroclmn one linn* r.'ilmol ixlx , mill*: Hi*' in n n„rll.erl> ilir.-cl mo* l..i*i iroil mol -.Xtx I-." 1 ro.l-: lli. iic*' it| an ix li<iin 1 ro* 1 mot -txlx * I'.U . r.wl- to nla.-o of liooinliinsf. Tim nlmvo «I>—< riho.l |>r. nii I- l,.*l„o Hi*' -an.*' whirl, the -m.l <*oorjo P rlinn lixo.t Hit.) Claim.'.l ilurino-ov. ral ear- Io f*.re, mol at tin I,is* tleren-o. The term-of -ale ma.lo known althe nine ol -ale' It IIOI! \UT. I’nMic Atlmim-trnior, An«n-Mtl 1. I'•>'*. anir'i-xvl Bnlle comity. declaratory NOTICE 1 T, IS lII'.IM.IIN i *lVl-'.V —That I. iTitl.nrlne m « ~I.n- wile of l.oxvi-I'olin. of the county ol Suite aiol Slate of l alifornui. Io hereby .leclnrr. that into,Hi, from aiol aft. r thin .late, (..carry on let- - „ ,„v ow n nano, nn.l on my own lice,unit, in mh.l i.nn'v of Untie, that in turn ol -mil l.n-iiie-- i- k.•*•[•- .... vx holer ale aiol rolinl *'nfar Store, aiol also if. nl!.- n*n’- Knnii-hiint Koo.l-, mol that I xvill ho imln oln llv re-pon-ihlo in my own nnmo, tor all ■loi.i- eon in** *»m ncnuml ol •“> 11 * l*'i**iii»‘«'. ini I I nrih. r il**clare, that the nmonnl of capital invent.*., n -ai.l 1..i-ii.o**h not exi t o«l the sum ol nve liousaiid ilnllars*. . * | In whon*<»l, I lihvi* h«*rc*unlo9**t my iuiikl ml -cal, Un» the I lib May of Autfust, A. l>. l H *"'. CATIIAKINK (JOHN, TATI' OF CAM FtMIN lA, ( Coi nrv or tit ttk. * .... ... kN THIS, the lllh .1 *,f Km-'ilst. A. !> T“ •’ l"'r r -..nullx nppi'iiritl before me. n Jinlk ' «»>** ice in mid h>r the county ti*.*r* tin* at.oxe n mi* i atharine M C*ilni. pr**xen to me Io h. the person ,-ril.i-l Ml and executed Hi.* forexmiiii' ni, , noknow I edited to me thin -In* executed He* same. *h mid voluntarily, and lor the uses and purpose nin nii-ntioned 'j',' . justice of the Police, Untie coiiniy. t at iroville, Anipwt 11, ISjt*. istiifl l-tt LNOTICE 1 1.1. rr.USON- liol linif Sl‘* k ill the s.i'itli Fell. i th. r Water Co., who leive 1 ailed to pny Ih. ir o—tnenl-, are herel.v nolillod that mile-- - .id ar nitres tire paid in full within thirty days 11..* e hereof, -uch shares of S:...*k, or manx * I mn-wiil he necessary to sntiafy -aid urrearaifes I accruin'.; cost, will lie sold at miction to tin- hnrh -1.1.1, r. at the C c;le Hotel. Forhe-lown. *>n dli.-.lav, 1-t day of t>clol*er next. nt 11 o’clock A. in ihe manner prescribed by Slntilie. lx itnler of Itu Trustees. . .1. U AItIILN MASON. '*cy. ’orbeslown. Ann. J’.T I•'.»**. u-'-hT FERRY NOTICE "OTICK is .hereby ifiren jthnt the nndersi;n*'d will applx to li e Hoard ol Supervisors in and Unite County, at their next regular fora Vi... to rim a Kerry across llu* Mobile fork of t ,er Hivor. a tew imds iilk.vo the junction of, the Hi Fork ofsmd river. I.VUSTF.II P.SAVAGF, IdweiFs'Bar, Ibitte Co. "IMt BOARD AND RESIDENCE ! FKAV CK.NTLKMBS will Itu l a pleasant home with a private family in one of those Collatjes on street, second door from Montgomery, oville, August 10. [aiigl6-lfj {MRS. PORT. LEGAL NOTICES. CONSTABLES SALE ■|V virtu** of’at* i;x****'iti*»n "'ll "f Hi'd.-e K'li<>ti*« Court. mi I I*lllll* itiriTii'*!. 4 ** lih Jlr-t .Ini ..t \m.* ml. \ It. l-v* «* *m. infi lifu' mi- !<• m-iKi :l„'. .mi ~f one lom dr-I mi l i-'-'lnv oiii- Inindr-ddis tolbir* jiiili/im-nu nml twenty ei.'bl ‘I" 1 r - " r ,-nmi/ ,•*..*■.. of said Or I.t.oui "I tin* »ir. *j.-nv her* in n t.-r described, in • iU«'v dm aforwm 1 I ‘ t.lhti-lii i: K, Dennison m •*! and ' h;**.--- hll • I U* 11. -li»liii*«if» ar** •" «|i : * tin* lom**- an*l lul *ilHaled in tlii- luwii *il’ * '• -ut.-rv ill.-, n.-ltr lln I'ivi-k on Hie opposite sji|e of lb** ro id Imm \|r. Weir's dwelling. The said hmi«e hus four moms 11l I'. Hil l I* is In •■* I 111-*! 1 ••»•*!-.t.-T'l, I 'Oil'll (uirli'r «lovo nml mu* small *1 in I which I till sod 111 On* rmirt rimiii door *»f .t. I'. K.lboll * "111 -*- mi llir*l 'I r i*i-i, (if**v ill*-. II hi I*- * ‘ll iinly * .Inin Cf < ‘ ili •*r *n 1 mi die 111 il iv of September A. It l'V>. lit 3 o’clock I’ M.. to ili.* hiirti*-**! Mil Hr 1 t Dilc-d Ihm Util day "I At.iju.-t. '. It. I J | *. .1. V. H t\ l.<. (Wnstubh? of ttpliir tow nshlp. INSOLVENCY NOTICE. cirtTH 11 CVUKiIUNIA. CoiUl'V of Unde — Cniiiiv I’oiirl hi i' li mu iii*r.. In Hi*- lit nil * -t* "I C \, Hum roll, mi In' dv.-nl di*lilor Hi' rr.*. 111.. r«. In |>iir*ii nii- ■ mi onli-r ininln In Ih** County Court in mi 1 for n u* - mllllV *>y Ihl- Ill'll . K. N. •u 1. I'.niii’v .link'll at Chambers. I’ll Hu- l - di ilnv "I' 'ni{ii-l \. |i I'Mi. \iiin-i- i' In ri-hy kivi 11 In the i-ri-dilor'ol Hi". sml I it'd! v.-til. C.A Ham-roll, t" be uni n |»i n-n r hW..r.* Hi - H0n..1. I-!. N l.i-wi', I'onnlv .Ill'll*'*- «H mml 1 otiinlv in Chamber*, nt Hidw-011. mi Monday tin* lo .in *.l Sept.. \. H l-i'n mil mll lif oof of Hi'-ir nml demands mfititi'l 'Hi I insolvent’' nr 111 V Will Im- barred I'rn-il rocoivn,' u diviili-nd from the same. . , , . ~ , Winn-" tnv hand nnd tin- seal n! said 1 minty l, ji. Court. affixed tin'. Ilm ItHh day of Ampul, A. I). IfjO, ill Hidwell. .Mlt.l'.M (• 11AI ■ IV. Clerk. „o-,| W ityM.ll Hvkiim 11 Hi-|mly. INSOLVENCY NOTICE* *•1- ATI - , OK t\l,ll oIIMA, 1 i uni 1 y "t Unit.- I'minly (’our nl t'liuinlnT'. In lln- niutl.-r **l .1. C. Ilott'liillnr. |irini"in*r in Insolvency vs Hi' <’ r- l inn-'. I n |til r'liiinr.■ "I nn iinkr mmli* in lln- Comity Court in mid lor'unl County l>y lln* Hon .I**-. K. I i'. Comity Jii.lir*- nt • 'luunli. rs on tin* Huh *iuy "I \ 1 ,_r 11 't H I'.Mi. Notion i< In-n-liy civi-n to Ih.- ( -r.*intor« of tin- slid |n-litioni-r in Insolvency. .1 <l. llotV'i.-i-ti-r. to ii|i|ii-.-ir In-rori* lln- lion, .Im. K. N. I,*-wi'. County .In kn-. on tin-Hrst ilnv 01 tin- Novom n**r liTtn "i i !n- sod ('.unity Court, to w it: tin tin hv. iitv-lmirth d.iv >f Novi-riilmr, A. 1». I'M', nt lo "■.lh-k M .in Hid will. 10 -li"W i-nil'i- n nny limn- In-, why (In* praver of 'ml petitioner 'limit I li"l be granted mid In- In? discharged Iron* Ids debts us 1111 Witni 'H 1)1% Inn'! Jin<! tin* *«*jm **!’ jgih! • miity I, H, Cmii-S affixed ltd', tin- lUduyof V"-ru-i \. It I'.'iii ul llidwtll * 111.1 « 11 \i’lN,< l*-rk._ (, 0,4 w Ity M 11. ItAURAKH l».-|l’ty DISSOLUTION 3 ini’. CO-I’M! 1 \ CK'llll* li-r.-i"’"r.* i-xi'lin? In' iw-i-. 11 .l.inn-' 11. Hr.i" mid I.*siii H. K*-.ilinif. i' i> div ili->olvi*d liy inutniil i-mi'i-i.t. All di-lil' d'n *■ lute linn in'll In- |hi id to .) nn*-' 'I IliM", wlm nn- i' iiiiltiori/.'-d I*l it'** tin* limn** "t ll"* Hint in I iid 1;ion. All domnnds u.-mn-t tin? Into firm "t It. K'-hUiim .V Co ,vv ill In- I'iiid tiv *ltiui. * Km-'. .1 AMI.S II 111! X'S, JOHN H KIiATINH. Orovill--. Ailifust Hi. I Mutt.,, niiL'lil d cot ntv Tiir.AsruKU’s nmei-:, / f 11111 vv M i., .Inly Ifitli. I s Mi. i T. k li.-r.-l.y L'ivm-. till |n r'.«ii' Imlilinir Until- Ci.mlv VViirrunl. |i;iv sitm- Irmn I In- v.'i in il fund, rfiii'ti-n-d In tw. • ti I ' liriiury IHlli. I'Mi. nnd luv 7th. |'.Mi, Hint till- 'iiin" will 111- r.-d.-. lin-il n iiii-iM-ntniion. nl my "rtli-.-. And n"li'’ r i'lnriln-r i>. n liiut Iri'lll mid ntl.-r tliis ilnli 1 , Hniil w.irrnnl' dll cu-ns? lo boar ii»li-r.--*t U 11,1,1 AM I.ATTIMt HI I'. Tri-ii'iin-r of Hullo Coiiniy i.. 1 1.1 ~ I'iMimiv srvr>«:.; v. l EXPRESS AM) ST ACE LINES. EVKKTS, I> A VIS & CO.’S EXPRESS OFFICE IK n\ I.'.' Ill'll.HlMi. It .'TUI.CT, Wt STHIHK. MARYSVILLE. VIiMI.V K.M’ltr.Sß will l»- «!i'i*nti-li«*d f ont our iiltl'-i- in Mnry-villi-. lo Unlibil I'r'-ok, t.ib '"iivdli-. l-'orbi-'town, Coiumbil' Hoil'o, llotiso, Wiirri-u Hill. Hii|.|>in'v 1 1 H-, N'-I'on Cn-ok 1*,,0r Ainu's Crook. Hopkins Crook, 11111011 Nulioy. Ilii-li 111.>11'I Hill. Sirindlovvn. K.iib 1 pri«o. Wymidoito. 1 Hur, SpruiK Vull.-v. 'rub-' - I In?,'ini.'-. Si. i.mii' llidwoll’' Hur, llmi'oiiv illo. I’m*- tJrovo. C Imndlor villo, Spuni'b I lm. Indopontloncp Uar, Ann-rii.m Valley, l-di/ulioiliiow 11, >puiii-li llmich, Moutlow \ ul- I,*v, 1(1y of - 7ii, .Imn I'mi 1 rook. Cuiuni Co ok - < irovill*-, Thompson’' I lul, Or.-ifin Hnli-li Hnniurd s Hikkinus Hurri'"ii'’lin:'.’iiivr'. mid I’ovortv Hill. llnr 1 UI ASI UK K.\I’UK.'S will nlwuv' bonccom pmiiod by I nil 111 til Mossi-iup-rs. C gf" Collocljoiis, Orders, .Vo,, iittendod lo vvilb prompt ih'm ami IliU lily July up KVMRTj*. DAVIS M CO. NVw Arrau^ciiUMi— Tor \ rcka ON ANH AKTKIS .11 I.V ‘Jd I'Mi. Ihe Cnlifornia Stinfo Cornpuny *' t 'ouchos w iII lonvo llioir ollU-o, Mumiy's W.ixb-rn Hmi*o, Marysville, every iluy ul -J oVI'M-li. I’ At.. I"r Vrekn viu llmnillon, Ni-ni’s Uum-lj 1 bii-o. T'liuniu, Hod Hlnlt'. Coiloiiwood Miiilb’s ({,111,11. Huy's Hum b. and Mi-Cuinln-r’s 'II II' i io-s -11 vr Hilt riv’i-r ul l.oi kliurCs l orrv. <‘rundali's li im-ii. IT,"mu'" lint. I'm-ki-r Town. .ImnTion HoiitM-. Hmk Itoiio llonso, j!i"lu .'prm«' Vrokn Mill' >1" op Hoi k. .'liU'ln Dulles, f'li-pben’s Uttncli mid t ildbiini’s, nrrt v my in Vrokn on the sei-ond duy tt! •> o clock, I . M, li !•: TER N I N G . Will leave their office in A nkn ul .7 o'clock every morning, eonnectinif ft Marysville vvith the t ornpu* com lies forSacrame-tlo. which nrrlve in time lor it,,. y„n ITuici'co limit.* nukiiu; a Hinnnrli trip 'roin Vreku in .'an rrmici*"’in I’IKI.K I>AA?-. i.K't K. THOMAS •*' li'-ral Sup'l Cnl s'luge Co, July if., 1) Hi' ai Marysville. E . S. M A II- I* IN E ! ON and nft.-r Tm-'day. 'lurch 1-lh, I'Mi. the c:,|i f,,ri,iu m,i;i- i onipuny's l oach.-' will I* uvo lln ir 11 til>'♦*, W o'l.-rn 11 mi'e, Xlury sv 1110, Iv* ry 111* non at lio‘cl<**?t| lor .'lo-rami nn*, mid urnvos in time lor the die Shn Krmu-i'.-o Kmii'. Ul.n ill leave their Oflico Orleans Ho t,.| t Sucrjinii-nlti. lor Mary sv ill*-, ul lln? sum,* hour Pi 4 ik 1, y. ntilM AS isuperiuleiidunt. March ITlh, IW Marysville. ■ SALK >*y the t’ase or Package in ■; quantities to suit. Imnn lull paper. Lopal cop Letter Paper. Ink Broad bilTpapcr, Fools cap, Note paper. Pen cils. Blank Books, Wafors, &c. &c. Noisy Carriers Book i Stationary Co. 87 Battery &64&trti Long VN’ harf, San Fran cisco. C- P. KIMBALL, Pres. M'VILLK ADVKUTISEMENTS. NEW CK.IAK AND TOBACCO STORE \V. ; M 1» flfeet I>}"l».■ -H»■ tins the Ill'll* Ilouw M .11: \sr 11 i r.. rit.. Wm. SliarKcy Co.. nt ! - <pntiti.i.v wniii'N'": T» the ri r- RSk IK mill 111 K T'lVliE, lliil Huy h.iv suunly on, anil for sale, m the lowe-t mark* jirii-i —. tit WHOLESALE AND DETAIL, \ liir.’i' mul cart fully selected sl*« k • I' of llii’ CiioiccS IJianiN. V- well as iini“i* of a cheaper I'iialily . also EVERY Dl >IU \lt I. IHU \Mi nr roll \< i - ' >. anil 111 short, whatevr limy In* found ill(tlty similarestablishment 111 < iiljloriija. A 1,1 1 Xi; EXPERIENCE, ill thi* I>n«in«—-. ft*. I assured « 111. w In'll mil necled with Sill \|i 111 ll* n|; WAi; li in. \ I.IM*. enable ii** i*i yivi- ENTIRE SAT ISl*'A< 1 11 'N tu those \s Ini may favor us vs ith tlioir pat rm i,tin*. [ V TKADKUS supplied la per cent, less |loin at any nlhor house in the Stale, Mayry-ville July 10. Is.d. jy 10-1 f DIUCS! DRUGS! rZGaAM&PRESDURY* Km/iirr Hindi, .Uni ipi'i/le. I n \\ r. Received per Clipper ship, “S. S llishnp’ H H a large ainl well selected invoice ol 1)1(1 (JS, M EDICT N ES ami PER EUMKKV Winch they offer lor Sale at the Lowest Murlscl Psices, anil to « hicli they inoilo ulteuli n, Tartaric Acid, IJicai Inmate of Soda, Straight Taper Corks, Dres sed 11 ups Dressed Sage, Oil of Sarsaparilla, Ex- Lomon and \ anilla, tracts of Strawberry, Anil a variety of articles suited "to tin* Mountain I r nli*. an* now in Store, ami will arrive hy i|nurtcrly shipments from N**w \ *rU ami l , liilo*l«*l(>l<i i. PECK AM V PRKSIM i;v. Apothecaries V lirug-’ists, Empire IHoc'j M’> ille' WALKER, WILSON & Co. nc.n.iais in try-i a T'PI r fM A TiTr”'^ 1 T' r ” Va > s-'; m; s \ i \ rt V y ? ? O U Xvw OsJyXji ib vL'*J * wJu HNj *J %» X GOODS, (Mol liinur, l»oo(s, Ladies iind cnn.uuKN S snoi:s, nosii.jiv, \< , Rrsl side l». si near *iinl >1 Hary*\il!e, U|r|l.l, K 1.1 I' <■' INST VNTI.Y oN II \ Mi, a I "11 VT assortment i>lLoud- m Ha ir line, mnl vvouM re»[«fc'lnlly •ulicil a share of public l** - I’arlienlar iiMenlion pmil luonl r- irmn llu* country TIIo.MAS It. WALK KK, JAMKS ( . WILSON, JOHN U. MASON. lei. 1M Ml A c a n i) KRi'M THE WESTERN HOUSE TSIII I' I’NI • K K S 11; N 111 vvi-lies to inform the Irav • 3 ding 1111 1 >I to mill tin* lili/.on- of Marysville, Ilml albT ltd-day all hil-incss coiiina'leii vvilh I h*• Hi• I• • I department w ill he carried nil hy the n»e of Til l\ KT S, as fn Hows! MIA. IS ••••_ •? J; l.nln.lNi; ~r i o els,, 7 > eIK , mnl >1 lAM I I.V ROOMS SI . f >n per ilny A ticket tor liny Hoaril. hy the week, will la* tjlil, payahle in mlvnnee. A Ticket for May Hoard. with I.mllfinc, hy tin* week, will he % HI, ami ■Jl', uccortliliif to m lee *|nll n! ronfll. llu* |*r« priftor hopr* ID il.irlions will In* pr«*p»*rly iipprccmleil hy tie* I’nhlic. lie* style ol hiisines’s a.- hetore. The aihlilioll of a irooil Hath House. Shavini; Saloon, with the mlvantmre ol tin* Ollice of tin* ( alllornia SUn{i* t'oMipany, w ith « very oilier convenience for the traveler, will, 1 think, in* «nre to Ihe pnhtu*. all tin* nee.llnl coniforls ol a hmiie I n niiineclioii Willi tin* all*ive, the projiri. tor ileenn- it .■iloolnlelv neces«ary to slate ili-liiictly that la* cniinoi. In* will not. nor snvi.i* lint, to any , inalo or le* nia!e, give lll** tUahle*! nr shin Ini cmUt, Thi- I- not personal; it is ir neriil. I have been ra’lier impo-eil upon lately, ami I '.visit to protect the in.crests of my creililors, as well ie* my own. U. a. MIIUUY Marysville, July 10. ISSO. MISCELLANEOUS. WHITE vN NUTTER, 1) K Al. KR s I N crocerie:* provisions LIQUORS, &.C., <SIC. rHA 11 r. TV I il’lt s’ It INK, 11. iii crill i uir Ih.t alien) ion of a the pithlic le their -lock ol Prime lomhls. woiiM aval I In-iiiselvi s of tin- <i(i|K>rl unity to return ihanks tor tin* verv irenerolis palronue Un y have received d'l rini! the inimher ol y *ar- they have heeii engaced in business at thi- place mnl iJetermineil to im nl a con. tinnaiicu of the sain -in future, oil, r at the lowest rail- a large mnl well -ejected ol Hr s i ne aml Provisions, l.iijnora nf a-upernr *pneilv. Pn rved I ruil*. Miners’se.piilie-, Hardware. Crocki ry anil i .las-wan* 4,c.. kc particular altenlion pan! 'o to filliiuT -out dellveying miners' order- irom a din* t.nife. The highest price paid fort.old I lust We shall also run a daily Letter and Package Ex* orc-s, between Hus place and 1 >r nl'e, 1 WHITE x NLITER, Oregon City, Jaly 1P56. jv I'.* tf "NEW ADMINISTRATION Central House Hotel! U miles from Mary-ville. on the Ophir, Rid well Ear and f eather river Hoads. JOHN LOWRY. Proprietor. J.** I take PLEASURE in Inlorming my friend* , and the traveling community, that I »rn now f j, ready to receive and aci ominmlaU* them. The Rvit wili lie furnished wiith i lioicc l.iipiors. rnv IV -111.E supplied with the varieties of tho seaxm. ni' 11KI>S clean and c<»mft»rtabl*s an«l iny I* \UN> w,t ‘ l gis-l stall* and feed lor hor-es. In fact everv exertion will t«. used on my part to obtain and secure the pub lie favor —and no public, house in California shall ex reed me in courtesy ami attention to every one that mav visit me. *• *> ' » r ‘* V’,, liutte County, July 16, IiVIJJ jylt>-ll [i iM MI NIC VT» !>.] Mr. Kuitor : —Why is it that are allowed i'j enly, unit in Jr tin net* if the law, to carry on their mTirhuis I*u^in ti this town? Wl.v is it that there tins recent ly t een sucli an inundation of tin in hire i l l t!i it in >l l)< liti<• ii tip those houses wmoa nave teen in oper a lion In in the i > uiuioin ' - mclit of the huildiug of i nr tiim, aid of tho-e tint have recently been established, there are. at tills mount:i. no less than thr> t ■<r f 'ir i f the«e 'lens of rohhers, now in course of |*r«• j>;i r:iti*<n? Is it that our pc - p'f 1 , he in a] . .-essi-.J of ti more tolerant -| - a ih *e ol other towns and cities thn - ■ nt the state, an 1 eoiiimisserating the m; fortunes of this persecuted fraternity, who have hcen proscribed in other places, have mercifully determined to tolerate, if not ! ) encourage their hellish practices in th.s town: Is it that the-e scoundrels, driven from San Francisco, and other portions > 1 the country, and seeing the quiet indiffer «nee of our citizens on the suhjeet, have he come emhol iened to establish their hen l i|tiartcrs among us It is quite time that we were i sense of the importance of this subject, that we should awaken to the danger that im pends over us, and that the officers of the law should ho urged to the performance < I their duty in suppressing these sinks of in iquity. AN ;I1 the people sleep, will the authorities mi it until the evil becomes t'O insutlerahlo to he home, and until these scoun Ircis, cn.- boldcncd by success and by flic long sutler in,» of honest men, shall attempt to ri i« rough shod over us, and by their outrages, p'-ov ke the organizing of a \ igilanee *< oin mitfee to suppress them. Let the honest, the industrious miners, who have so l*ug an 1 so often been tubbed of their hard earu -1 trca-ures hy tlicurtsof these idle knaves, ■ike up tins question, and say wlieilier they -hall or shall n t ho driven from among us; r whether having escaped merited punisti noiit, an 1 lied from justice, they sh ill fml ti our town their only city of refuge On K Wllo K NOWH. 0m Sr iu iv rLi -s —The population of lli Vo, SC hnq■i eis set down at -10.1 .i.IM» C’W». Du Monday last, says \ idcano l.nlgn, \h Ki n a ill Lo fliow got into a fight, w..ei» Kin struck t'lmw a blow over the head i shovel, of such severity as required that the < ensus < n the following day should bo liininishcd to the extent id one subject. (iooo livon.ii i ti I’m t ii.— l he New Herald calls Fremont “ tb« y"ing lo r e of the Ib'ckv Mountains ’ Fremontmig -l te turn the compliment by calling la nm I too old ass of the Herald office,’ dhc nam" would he equally susgestive.-f’<»/"/>"<A r '» I lemon nt. 'l’,, K CIiAM —lt Lillies every error -covers every iL leot— extinguish'- 1 \o ry re.-a ntment. I'tom its pcuelul Los iini spring none hut fond regrets and (cinler recolL efions. Who can 1 "Ic down upon tlie grave of all enemy, and not Lel a I limit that he should have warred with tin* poor handl'd oi tailli that lies mouldering Led ore him r MISCKU.ANEOI S. Wool, Hides and Tallow « m * \\TFh I’nr th«* 1 1 »;fht*s*l murk**! I r ‘° W wuiim- M i-iv;;;^ ;r>!|r SM|TII Corner of Ith j»ii*l 1. stioet-. Tli le Vkt<*. eastern entrance on Fourth street near the lluckeye Mill, Mnryavill J, HOWARD MEDICAL INSTITUTE. n-* i>t■ • Mr.-'. »..-xt 1., tl.- l l’.o-111.- M .'I ' S. l\ , (Iflicr owr U on-* < o, * l.xfirfp* rtk. . SAN I’KANCISCO. Itf'iiMS, M MURID* 1* - AND 3. ra .iiic ivstiti n«>N I* founds. l lor the 'i.ftt T : " ■ <•. *•. ■ ~1 it,.. CfliilKl nrUHIH of w1.a1.-lrr lo;' lire. lii-linil.'.l lor 111- . Xl.r.'io purpo I If. I*' 1 ' •* l ‘’ , , nl tl,- iii-1»nw..l many h.-i.l ' . 1,;,M M l'l. With l-l'ill >h- i'"f”I" ' h. lor,. u(.on Home who have be.... hevi. M„i: ii.h.Tl 1h0... l Oiiliict. .1 with " h. 1., i‘ c* ruin MO*trt U.i- memo* ot niir.i.l.iei«K art will flml constantly 111 11l ability ~i .uni .-»• it* <» -h , . in Ho'* ~1 >n.(ilniut-. Hfi.l - 111 hr . ..lilt wdii in the li.mi.nilili' .not simii.'lii forward maun,t. K,.r it..- ol wcunim privacy t - he most ,|,l„ „|... m m nil apartment* *r> no »rran,'.d Hut pa „t« will I.- Or.sight m contact willi noil* , hut the 0,1 Hi'-'"pi'uh'i'-' to tl.i- lii.lituli 1 will the ohiirif-s r( .MM. 1 „.h1.1 mi. I it..- I real in-lit -'ipror l.ndie« and V* ho il-Mn- to '■ 'O.llO* '.f W "ll<HI. I'iilliiii; lit lb- rooms of tin- lii-lilute, can b<- uUiiidiat . million fr m all part* of the country will lx. iiiii iiiled to wilti promptne**, and medicine* sent, if di-ir-d. hv enclmoiilf a fee of t. n dollar* \,,. (T.-rls ** ill spared to make the Howard Medi- Institute what it purport* to l*e, a phdautL/opnio ln English, French, Hpaaieh ami °uSve.bnur* from 9A. M.. till 9P.M. Address, ~Whel Medical rimlilule, U* PacrwnmUi street. San PrancKCo Office Physician, DR. R MtCAFFEEYI M'MISKIt U\.