Newspaper Page Text
OVnuillc Duiii| 3kttc ißcrcri, ii criiiittii Kdilor firm ilk, Thtmduy, Sppkmhrr I, IHWi. MIIO.WI. DlJlOilt \TIC ftOmVIIHKS. Foil IMIBHDENT. JAMKS 1U C M WAN, OF PHNSHYiA AMA. FOII VICK riIKSIDHNT. ,11)11 \ HKKCKIMimCii:, OF K F.NTI’CK V .* lkinotral- County Aomlnalions. | tin Mr-MIIKK-l OK A-*HK MIII.V ' JAMKS S. liON<», H. J. MOUHISON. ***■ V(»R f A*«K«*OH JOHN 1 1 MIHiAKD. AOK . OHO^KK, T>Tl J. T>. r.ROWN. H ATH' ST \TK COA VKATIOA >i mootin'' of Hit* • ‘nlilorniii iV.noiTiitio Suit.- (ml « iiiniiiilloo, liol.t in tlm oily ..I .<iior.imoi.lo, ull ||„. ini I. itn\ of .Inly KA f wilt roHoUf.l ilml a .rrnlSo Stain l onvot.iion !••• oalloil. to niot't In . . oi SarrHinnnlo. on 1 1 I'.SHA Y. Um tith <lny I ’l n'.h, r iioxt. for llm pnrpi.... ol i.oimm.limr ", v „ , , - of I n < lork of Iho Snpwmo < , nt of iMl'hr liulriiolion. tl Mute I’n'on l»v , or. nml lour rro-itloniinl Flop.lnr l * Ti„. Sim.■ tout ml i I'ltin iltoo “ l,lt 5,,!,1r ; I n •_>;!,! <|ny of ho tlm tiny nolooloil l.\ 1 i .I.if.-.out coiinlirH for Dm olootion ot fit‘loi<ntoa to in! In iuooralio Slain Conventimi. !,o follow tin; is the apportionment of r- pretn-mn on: •tin or . n Aian t inn llnlto .... I . to .. I :i 1.• v orin* i. ulr I*.’ FI lior .ihi . Mnn.lHtlil* .. Kliiin ah ... 1 tw A nt/nlna Moot roy - • Mann - - ■ Morced .. Napa .. . Novuilh . . P'nmiu* ... Sn, f).ei?o Wn v [ mr 4 l’,v ortlt'r: H. I . 11, F. I’owoll, Secretary rfjf Democratic papt O’l'i i lIINCTON, Chair’ll, rs throußlioul the Stale please Orovlllt* IlinTianaii C Ini*. Thu n Kulnr nifftmv* «f tliis» Ciul* un* field on Tfiu.-sday Evening of each week nl the I niUul Halt 3/ I>. I) .* 11 MiUIS, Km.. Sec'J. <♦* At ction.— Joe Dunn, ns will be seen by his advertisement, will attend to the Auc tion sales of Harry Bnrnett of real estate, stock, and personal property. Ho nioy Ik? found on Myers street, one door above the li B. Stable. Inqi - i>t —Justice Jones held an Inquest yesterday on the b> dy of James Cozens, wiio was drowned sometime since near Mc- OonnoTs Ferry, on Feather river. Spanish Town —A beautiful specimen was shown us by the gentleman who drives the stage to that place, lie dug it himself, alter he arrived there night before last. He tells us that Hill Town. Spanish Town, and Chub Gulch, are improving rapidly. Prom thk Plains— An immigrant train arrived yesterday, by way ol Johnson's cut oil They were Cloud & Simpson, from Mis souri. They left their stock at Honey Lake valley. They report the stock to he in good order, the Indians quiet, and grass plenty. Rather Cowardly or the fwo. A great double fisted man hit a poor China man in the mouth and loosed his teeth je>- terday. Afterwards the man went down to Deacon Sheldon’s Subterranean—the China man following him, complaining of such bru tal treatment. The coward raised a chair and manfully knocked him down again The Deacon could uot stand it to see a man —even a Chinaman —so abused, and he grabbed the fellow and marched him off to Judge Jones to bo dealt with according to his deserts. Domestic How.— A little family jar came oft yesterday at the lower end ot town. Ho did not get the particulars of this sweet little muss, but the scqua.l was, that the Old buffer chas'd Ids wife With a big butcher knife, And had she not ran faster than he — There would have bceu a cat-as trophe We, of course, were, as usual, on the side of weak, frail woman. Should I be placed in the executive chair, I shall use my best exertions to cul tivate peace ami friendship with all nati> us, believing this to be our highest policy, as well as our most imperative duty.’’ —James Buehanan t J JPO“Ti»auk« to Garnhatu and Watson for the usual favors, to the way of the latest papers from below. Itivcr Improvement Wc are informed that the C. S. Naviga tion company, have sent a snag boat with all tlie requisite tackle to the upper Sacra mento, for the purpose of removing of ob structions to steamboat navigation. The river at a low stage of water, is some what ditheut an I unsafe for boats t» run un less they arc of very light draught. The Company, however, have boats of sufficient power built to enable them to rnn tolerably icgular to Bed Bluffs, which is the bead of navigation. Three years ago it was thought to be a matter of impossibility to navigate the Sac ramento above Coins ), but now boats of )('•• tons freight capacity make the trip from Sacramento to the Bluffs in :M hours. With a very little outlay of capital, and a good deal of energy and enterpri/e, our freight can he brought to Oroville in the same way ; for every one that has examined Feather river who have had any experience in the navigation of smalt rivers, admits that Feather river is as practicably naviga ble from üba city to this place, as the Sac ramento is. and even more so, from Colusa to Bed Bluffs. We exj eet to hear tSic shrill whistle and hoarse pulling steamboat, and see the black smoke rolling from her smoke stack, before six months —say the next high water. Capital is bound to find its way in the shape of steam transportation to a town of so much present i»njvoi*tance and future pro mise as Oroville. That, is what the towns and cities are placed along side of the rivers for, that they may reap the benefit of the navigation. The depth of water is the least objection, ns it is well known that it is <th deep as the Sacramento above Monrovrllc. Yankee Bugenuity will make a steamboat run over a heavy dew. When we have i lore leisure wc shall speak of this subject as its merits demand. Minim; in ihk Bivkh. —The Cape claim is situated near Stony ICint, and is what is cotnmonlv called a coffer dam. The pros sects are that the boys interested will i**ake a handsome fortune out of it although it is hut small. Mr. Butfum tells us that he happened to he passing the claim yesterday, and saw sev eral pans washed from the bed rock, none of which turned out less than ijo!!. In the Ohio claim which is above, they took out on Saturday last, in one pan. 11C, Several pans of dirt yielded sjdOb each.— The success of the Kiver Claims thi> season is unparalled in the history of gold mining. From one end of the river lluming opera tions to the other, we hear of the richest strikes that wc have known of in this or any other section. Not one claim is thereon the river, whether it be tlurne, coTcr-dam, or wing-dam, that we have heard of, but that is paying from the very first day of getting to work. The countenances of our miners are most pleasing to look at. They are as full of laugh as their blasted skins can hold. Smali. in Dki.ukks and Bkainm.i.Y Lkss. —There is not a single press in Ver mont supporting Fillmore, in Massachu setts there is but a single paper supporting the cause; and yet fieri. Foote, the other evening, toll an Oroville audience, on his honor as a gentleman, ami hoped they would give him credit for candor and sincerity, that he believed Fillmore woulu carry Massa elmsetts! In Ohio, Fillmore has but one single organ left. In Pennsylvania, there arc two papers, with a circulation of 170vh supporting him. Is there a Fillmore man in California who, in tire face of these facts, still asserts that Fillmore has any chance for an election How can men, professing to ho rational, longer contribute to the success ot Fremont, by supporting Fillmore . v Those who arc opposed to the election of Fremont, should look at tlie matter fairly, and then oomo up to “ the help of the Lord” against the wicked.- Dispi rKH Titlk —ln the District Court last Saturday, a decision was rendered in volving a question of title to lands on which this city is located, that is of more vital importance to Individuals And to our town — its future prosperity —than would seem to attach to it at the first glance. It is certainly of no little moment to all who intend to settle and improve permanent ly here, that the question of title to the ground on which they make such improve ments should be put to rest, that they may know beyond all doubt or cavil who o'wns the land. The title of this suit, we believe, was Irn I). Bitd vs. Dtunison and others, for the recovery of certain lots of ground which the plaintiff alleges was taken forcible possession of and held by defendants. The deciaiou of the Court was given in favor of tLc plaintiff, with costs and damages. We unie-rstaa-1 that an appeal to the Su preme Ccurt has been taken. A SrnliailliiK Hurl)'. NVd Hamilton gave ji fine seFennde on Monday hint, attended l»y his associate mu sicians, and followed by three distinguished gentlemen from IHdwelTs liar, who all were seen at about 1- o’clock to issue from the Lodge of the Independent Order ot Good Fellows, known by the name of the Subter ranean, where they left the Deacon in a- 1 happy a (tame of mind as could be elpectc I at that witching hour. As they proceeded along the streets, entrancing the natives with such a** concord of sweet pounds as is not often heard outside of a Chinese concert, or a Digger funeral, and drawing many a night cap to the windows by the power their melody, they discovered t l ' their dis may .that one of their party. ,I rentes, was missing. A long search was immedi ately instituted, and after a fruitless wa-te of much precious time, a low moan was heard and a voice faintly exclaiming, " igihmts, fie merciful•■ Take me off, —“ I m dry, ,S:c. Approaching the place from whence these exclamations proceeded, the unfortu nate gentleman was discovered bent ahiu st double, over sv lady's clothes line I f\hat were his feelings or his fears at this time, it is impossible to conjecture. Had he exer been guilty of a crime or even of an indis cretion. which, xve may safely aver, he had not. he minht have supposed himself in the hands of the Vigilance Committee, and suf fering the fate of Cora. Hut the most rea sonable interpretation of his incoherences, was that having heen slightly saturate! with the liquids flowing from the Deacon’s bar, he had hung himself upon the line t<> dry, and now considered himself in a proj er oondition to receive the operation of the smoothing iron. ft wa* now found advisable by ihe party, to bent an immediate retreat for the Sub terranean, where, after refreshing their ex hausted power*, a beautiful song, “ The T.ady with the Class lives,” was sung by the Doc tor, amidst thunders of rapturous applause, which concluded the ceremonies of the morn ing. Tin: Fiu.mork Deform Party.— The great Know Nothing Fillmore Deform Party, are making huge endeavors to increase their numbers by (lie formation of Clubs through out the State. They came into the exist ence as a Deform party, and before our citi zens permit themselves to he oeccived by their professions, they should remember that they (the Fillmore party.) who are making strenuous efforts to carry the estate, hove failed to pm/ the interest due on our bonds in A'etr lor/.-, and that it is much more disastrous than the former failure, because it is yet unpaid, and likely to remain un paid, until tiic people arc again taxed to meet the liability, “ Outte County will give Fillmore five "hundred majority.”— Sue. Jim rim,i. Men who expect to lie believed shout 1 not put forth such false assertions. It neither adds to their morality or political honesty Here, in Orovillc, the Dev Dr. looker has succeeded in getting np a Fillmore < lab; elsewhere in the county there arc not enough to form a < 'lub that we have heard of. It would he nearer the truth to say that Fillmore would not receive five hundred votes in Butte county. 7 ~l',ven the s. tit of the met has caught the idea iusepavi. le from the present rol licking intimacy between religion and re publicanism—politics and the pulpit. In a song ironically extolling the virtues of Fre mont and Dayton, onestan/a is as follows. It. needs no comment; llitc come* t • re*‘ley. w iih a brotaer Of H riiihiu sable line. Wonder if it is I'red lii>uirln«»'.') Amt Herr's Urol her Iteectier iim>. XVith a rifle on bis shoulder, l.dllng sinners wlio'ro <1 op raved. If lae; only «o for Fremont, they jierhaps ’.my yet be anled ! The L:ttlk Boy has Gowk. —" c cannot remember when our heart has been touched with such sorrow, ns on reaming the death of< little A>\., yesterday morning It was so unexpected that we involuntarily exclaim ed, "it cannot be'” We bad been playing, and uamlleing the sweet boy on our knee, but a few days before, and even now, the music of his ringing, joyous laugh, lingers in our ear, like the strain of some distant vesper, or the remeaihrnncs of angels whis pers in our dreams. He was so innocent; so confiding, so happy) and a* the bright twin kle of his keen black eye—the clutter of ra ven, curly locks; playing loosely over his pure white brow: we could nut but contem plate o:*r own happy, boyhood days. The little fellow had climbed upon the st ml. erected for the Speakers, who have lately been hero, and accidentally fell off, striking the ground with bis head, and fracturing the skull. He was \ years of age, and the son of Mr. and Mrs. \\jUgau, of this place Nor so. — The Siicrmnento .hnerican in timates that the Democracy of lluttearedi vi'litl. We cniition the dmtviran npaih»t rc-itcrating the inis»tnteim*ut. Ihc /rotille delegation drew out of tlie convention: hut there is in t n man amongst them, hut will checifully mi port the in mimes. There i* no ilivision in Unite. Doit t lay that flat tering urcthn to \t tir whked souls. We will j ay titty dollars ahead tor every demo crat in I’.utic who refuses to support the | nominees of the llutte cftmty democratic | convention, if the American will give us one dollar n hea l lor every last years Know Nothing who mij p< rts them and old llmk. livery hody, says the Madisi n (W.s) Argu-, goes for Jhu'hanan in W :scottsin l)ctm crats old W higs. rej Miting Free Soilers: inany Know Nothings me daily t ] enly h aving the order, an 1 announcing their adherence to Old 11 tick and the Democratic party. W ,s --cousin is good for ah'iit t 0 maj >rl;y. | A Hi.ack II inf \ n on Fhkmoxt. — Ohaties Hemond, a and a prominet t block republican, (says the Detroit free Dress.) thus wrote to one of the delegates to the Philadelphia convention previous to nominations being made hy that body: "(’ol Fremont should he « bleed at the 1 bead of the ticket. * * * We, at the west 1 dc.-irc his nomination, lie will lie accept able to nil your constituents " A Sm id worth Konvv lii£. Wc notice Hint i»r Itrnwu at t !.p Oroville Drug Store, is constantly receivin'; aim sell ing, largo i*|iiantitics of choice iM ugs .s: Mel icilies, ami Iho secret of his success is, thivt ice buys low cflsA, therclorc ho is able tc< sell cheap, an'l we w ill guarantee to tlie public that every article bought there is pure ami genuine. Sco advertisement. s ; > riLi.-Moiii: i mo.v cm ». The Ueunlnr Meetings of toe I'lllmoie t nioii C lull will lie l.e’d on ever/ Tm—day unci I riilny evenings, at the Cl.I 1! LOOM. in the I’. S. Hotel. niiL'-"J I', t*. .V.HLS, Secretary. Ol ED* lathi* city, on the ad instant, Aujuvma:, only son of Alexandre Vieslrieaa and Hose I‘eltier. horn at San, November loth, NEW A DVKR I’ISK.MKN I’S. 11. YfARNETT, Cheap Harry • > LC K N S K 1> A«C T lON K K 11 , wnXTOOMHHV sntKF.T, 11.1. K. Attend- K-rsoimllv, to Sale# of Keai Labile. t nrni lure and Stock. .f. W I \N , Ocnornl Auctioneer; I- nnilniri/ed to sell at .Micron under the aliove I,iron— Side- attended In in all purls of the city. Oiiti i, Mm rs street, one poor above the I need Stall s Livery Stable s 4 lf I'on SALE I-* tiiosk Till:l'H Hi'sinaisi.n sin vrni Cf. ...'and .degaiiil; lined- upei »TT MU ', i ■ rner ol jyjju Mme ; unerv’and « n.t sir-.!-. The situation is retired, anil a innnbef-ol birr** shade trees. I he\ w ill he sold I »r lifst cost, as the -nb-enlier is obliged lo leave I Imville ell aee in •! ol illdieullh. Apply at the Steam saw Mill. < imville. Seiit 11.!. c .1. n:i:r.rsoN. FOK KENT. A |iril,lilN<;. J"b> :in feel, silnati don ttie man road h ading 1 roin < b.i\ ilh In I.> neb ins n; 11, Mown as the ( Vniral liar. Ac tin eat ion for Hoarders. Iteni ®.*a per month. Inquire ol the siili-mlii r. al the Western llmel, Lynchburg, or lir. Kane, Ornvilie. s 2r i* SA'in i, MITTS. SAN KKANCfSCO \VMOLE»SATJS LIQUOR AND CIGAR STORE- J BROWN inrincrly of *l‘nnk I i j # t 1 1• 111 u• i »r«.\ ill--, •».«1 r» Mu nlulU joinonii ret- to lhe nl i/»*n* of \ »rm nlh* mhl iluite count j, tlmt ho in IUIW pit -pared lo supply them v* itll I*ltJ choicest brand- of WINES Ell ANDIES CIGARS And in furl, everythin'* in ronnertion with his line of hu.-iio>>on the no m r» usoimble terms. TOR SALE A choice selection f»! Hrandn s, V\ inres.\c.. in hol lies, lor I:iin l lv iii.‘l jirivafr u-e, \'l l.- U I'liH'K.v I*. S — i 'olllllrv Ah rv’lot I** aiul l i ad*TS are tinted l«» ifive him a rail before purchasnm el-e\\ her**. More, in Ihe lire rruol I’nr <. next to lluiitOOn's Kxrhangc. <’ 5.miuVVN, Orovilli, August ho. augdO-lf MONTE CRISTO HOWLING SALOON! One door above the I', s. I ivery Stable, Myers street, OEOVILIE JOHN SCOTT X t’O., I'roprietors. -<•*- raTin: ahovk howling saloon has hF’.T.n pm in < oMI'LLT K dKI'AIK and we respect fully Hivile the Hoy. oi and about these diguinus w Ini » u-l. lu | la) a quiet Liona ol I f N I’lN-', or lake n nice, iin I tin.k o! r-pi.-iUn In give ns a call al Hie >IoNTK t'KL'IO. JOHN m'oTI V <;o. Oroville. Annas', ifi. 1 - No. anggO-tf j BEST HAVANA CIGARS A NO TOKAO'O—WIiOLKS \LK ANH KLTAIL, al Uhifh*» Cigur and Tolno ro Kinjori'itii, over • the I’hoeniv Saloon. I*ll. \V.V!f*KM.\N VIOLINS AND ACCORDEONS. B T.M.IAX VIOLIN ix GVITAU M KINGS, Hridgfj . and Hows, al PIL WATFKMA.SV. CARDS, MAIKKIALS. POETMON3CS and ▼ T Knives, al Hloch's. n. 7 I*ll. \VATURMAN’S* AND MATLIIKS, at illnch I *. I'll. WAILHMAN, BANK KUS. McW lI,MAMS .v TVMKSON, B A "kk. 13 SS , MAY HHICK ItrII.DING rui'Ml! Mi Mum, f liV AMI M\ Hl' IHI| |> ono viiiLE, GOLD DUC.T SOUGHT At the R.-Oc*. Oli o cks n t IT* ni- ! on >\ ii i i; MiinMi Nii: (n\ \\f, HA N I I; \N i' I> ( I> SIGHT DRAFTS For Sale, on nil tin prim i| nl A'iniilic* Clio*. C >”■ DFF' 'MTS n iTin 1 1. Hj (Tin| i,1,,| i *., m •I 111 > 14. I ~ j\ 1 4 ; | C. II SI.M Y, C 4, ’■ ,\\ , p. I . I.IIV’, MU V, LOW ,v « (I„ BAMKEHs . oi ri.A/A N 1 >ritM r, MARYSVILLE (JOMi DfST N’IM'IIAS ]•: [) AT THE HIGHEST RATES OR JOKWAKM ’» ro Till’-. MIN I KM! I clVutFr Chocli .s «i t IT* n i-, ON OAUKI.'I f iJuRGAN fill I/. ,V HAI.HTii.V. SAN FRANCISCO We *re prepared .rs draw sfSll'l I \i’ll ANC Lmi M >SI!S, ( lIA II 1.1- Multi. AN \(i •„ N |.\V \ «»UK. \.«». on tin 1 nihtT iifiiirijml ril < Mi«* M;-r\»v 11 •« Aiuniiil I, Is/.'i. aul-t! MARYSVILLE ASSAY ! I 11 AKllls, MAIK’IIAM* .V CO., M fin i m u Ihi 1 oinii viil Viruiul Kind, M.m is ni. /,/•;. Mao 1(1,' r STRLIT, SV i It AMIN ?f V Will enniiime ; i cnr*r on I »• .iiim:h >« of A! client;. HctiiiiiiL' \ \^>>.'uiiitC go].l) a xi) o n/: s OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. MV piuimihn tin* cnrivrln*■-* «•! «»ur Af-oivsninl Mini onrM'lNf'?* tn j*ny im\ ililfon nros that nui\ nr!•*«• with ini' i»l Hu* I Ml. Vis. KMuriis iiuuU-,n li.Mii M \ lo IV • I * In-UTS, IN BARS OR COIN jj-’S-ni.' koivk a < o.’s * . <% i C/ + i w> -ik? PIONEER CIRCUS* JOSEPH A. HOWE ...JOHN SMITH,. rtornirinn rßllllS olrLTinl lal > h 1 11 t mi--a I «•: 1 nil o'(n H I hat ha \»* %vf a |»j ••art <1 in 11 *• Sia!•* > i:<• v\ < n It.- second in;- tlirnuuh tin- niinf atli j.rrJorin in OROV I L L E Sinnlav. ScptnulH’r 7 th* Alterations have heel) efli i ti d 111 Ilia- yi ln inl roll* ol niiiiiM 'uglily, i-i .n|>ri ‘ii ;ui i*ntiri hNi w Koilliin nl Scenes and Ails -out ml)mir iinnnu; ll.i in : THE DdPJiEE VEIH.'H : PIGSTAE PYRA MIDS; I !. j UNO HAH <».N T H 1! I. E I|('HS ES; OL,'HE PEIJOJI : 'nP.OLEAX SW VINB ; 1)1 PEU A'l E EAI'HEIES; Villi Ihr Diiiirlntr lloi-c \IU,MS. Tin* nhmo I-. n Jim | ~f 1 1 1 N, w Loin |u «Inch nnr kiinl I'iilrons will hi* inutml. A ini h ln;u wo numu the celebrnti il VT/.ZAP.U IH GLEP., rmm New \nrk, Mr l{, Willie, as leader of the Hand, oiircn|i will h« brim full. ADMISSION —Dress Circle 8- I’it Ihe internal nrraniti utenls and aeuoininodalior. which tins ( nmpinn hate, lor the enmlori ot Iniin lies ate superior lo all others. till AS. <•. ,’KI.Ii. A stent. BLANK BOOKS. \ I RUSH SI PI’l.Y, and (lr-t rate ie* , i.rl , nent o / u/l vul lint Ilouml Ill’ll; /twi/.y. Just receive i \ ‘W outiit A inerien,” PASS HOOKS. SHEEP AND Tl < K MEMO KAN DIMS. MONTH EV AND WEEK LY TIME 'itm iKS. KEt'EIPT BOOKS. SHIPPINfi AND STOHEHOOE. AND CASH (miPV’M; J'HESS BOOKS, Srhiio/ Willing JU.'Ls, Jtiiiiuhrn lilanl.s NOTES DRAFTS- BILLS LADING 6t,c No.*y Carrier j Itnolt an, Stntinuejry Co., Nt*. G 4 and (iti l.onir W harf. aJ, in.) .!,nl '.Li Itattery street NEW FANCY GOODS! i-s M. 1, I»K Mtr.KKN. \V< >; I.DS AVTn II Kit friend- ;nnl the pnMie tin riill>, that Lv caliiliL' in (he I.AIHI.V I Xc’ll A,\<iK. tnev can he shown a heaiililul asHorlirn n of the I utiml Style* of I.ailies’ f r**neh Hut*, nl ino-t exipii-iti* heautv and Ilni*t>. •U-D. a lot of Choice l i rfiimery and Toilet Articles. : Mnf w.lnch hair just been receiuxl direct frotn the Importers, nuif.'lMf LIME! LIME! FMAIIK M» K.s|(,NEl> OKH.R pOH HALF their I.!ilK KILNS, on lie* West Franc feather river, h .s'.sndid arlicle of HJJ K All or hit with J. V. UDAG, llaiitoi.n's KsciitUitre, \ die. w ill he promptlv attended lo . imi MOORE, Mi DANELB ICO Au?u«l 29, ISM. aug3()