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MISCKLLANKOFS. MISS IYI. L DEARBORN. 1 Vol Mi N 'lT.f || I M.\ inff fin the rili/i-n* ▼ ▼ nl Or«»\ ill** unit \ null), I hul *he hn-I hi* day **J I ili»* I.»r/' -I Hint Im*»i ■?••<I • M'k *•! J»KV AM) FANCY ROODS, ever tiruuahf t" fhU «!. 11 ;i\ H -olorhd m\ s'"ek tuy -ill. I I* tt«*ure<l lltft t | mil l| < ti.:i|»«*r tliMii •• v• r it* f <rr n fi-htl m flii- pi »••**. .My -to« k cum m-1* in pari "I e\ery do-< ripiiui,n( Ih 1/ (ifnl I (f/irij (if/in/sy limit m an (I S/nns fur I.ndir*, C \H;(t f* ntnl Shorn fur ('fiifdrni Knlhf nnli ia .v, Silh.s % l if I'Vi‘f) •nil* Mul «(• •of 4 1 >t f* *v i Ai- * • • some ih-w It* f 'll \ t \ f'S. tnr i .• iM-. af jii Fine U hill* S|,trl-. nil ot l’* «I'lfm r\ mul T**il«*t \r:n l*—. M V "It (mi ml* an I lh» • puhl r 11 -r. 1 1 \. an 111 \ * ••• I »»n'lw m«*n i“!‘ ‘ M I. IM-: a!; lions. I> 14 .Mi ti ir> Mfi t-l, In kl ill i r in I . S Hold FRANKS RI'ST \ I I{A NT, I liltiil Slnli'M I! 11l lif ii: CORN Kit \M»M\ IUSSTRKI'.Tr OR O V I L L E. TRANK CARRIED r*-p.f fully aiiitiMim »•- i»i (u*' oh) friend- nu<i v*»hi eih/on-nf OrovdU* if*nerulfy, flint *-*®ho I* i- opened JIKIIIS'I • l.\S> |{ KS* T U U \ M in I In* iilmvt* mimed IMuM jiiL r . \\ l» pti pur* d Itifnrni-h ih.* p'iMu v»»iF nil lln i iliM • leJaraeus I" In* found ih lliiN or the Marys* file lot flii* I* »ll«*\% ini' urr M turns nr rif.innrs: Hoard p* r fift-k ill l ou 1 Winn i)<i ito <ln \s h W ilia, , iihuilh without U hie, , , illi do a nil U in.*, . T.EUMS, CASH Otovilol, .1 ill* I'.’Hi 1,.- i * and Mai STilT** tin RIO IM* I 1 (111 1 O') iV-N-if fjWO.N DKKCI I. DISCO \ I'lt A ! B N M AKINC AN KX.’W \TinV SOML TIM !■’. il w»h ill**! ovi-r» dhy ihe aeuie and oh-ervin'.* mind of M; \( I»N >111.1,l»ON, thii llu» ulmo-ph're of tluil loraliiN pn—i , «m»«*i| not only n In ulJldul. Iml ;i remark ihly properly, which seem* I lo *jniot and xulaluo tin* nm-i vi<*!t*nl pro-mu-. mid to ovory lililll who Ireipienled lh>* spot, willi a i wonderful do vroo nf M'll-fMiupl u onry, ni l a harnumioini and Iron ll> di-pn-iin n i-iwmiK lln* WlhH.I. \ \ *»I *I. I*. find lln* ronlliel hitf oioinonts fit which if I- romp- so I. 110 Ihoroforo re-olved, %% ft 1 1 a benevolence peeulianlv lii* own* t<» lake po--o*-oto of I hi* excavate m for |ln* purpose of jin |fi-iimiion w h»*ro pooplo •of ALL I* XlfflFS aa. I opi h mu- fould - t I«• in and Imruioiiioii-lx i nn_*r«*i* i*. for tin* ft**# 4 m 11n* •opir- nl itir da\ , (oarlo-s of lln* sni;tilos| ridt of any uuploasair rolllsimi U ilh fins \ low. tin* «n: \roN m mnnori ion udli MR. i'll \I •. I; hi- iri»i-|ornu*d tin* location into mi FUUi \.M R'miNJ, vf hicki tti«*> h.u o dosurnKod l>\ lit* iiaiin* of lln >1 IiTFUI! AN FAX SALOON’, W’luto limy Httlinl from Ihf* llurh in ni < lulm, Fillmore i ’mlis Fromoul ‘ ’hilts, and ofln*r l***ihl* nn n, with or witlioul ( lulih, ami from rrmnihor- ot V nnhinoo f.iuniinlloos and I .aw and nrdor I’aTlios Stms »tf 'I omporann* and M* d»Taio hnhilaTs o| RasphtTry i ’ohhlors, and truiu lhal ir.numorahh* fValormij, nl tin* Fit k, Sit.nlo, llockof, I .•nn' Imn and >lnrc**, who, nl(• r a day oi (oil mat lalnrr. woifM an hour ol ai/roo,ndo r« iaxatioti ao*l ♦ocial omvor-alinn. Mil. HI. \cii\ a--ur«*s his friend-, that they will neet with a mo-( eonlial reeeplinH at tin- SI'liTKK* Il VN K\M S\ld M i\ w hero Iho llm I- ih-pen-od w ill ho found fully etpiat in ipi-hly, to lle* w o for w Inch the I)K \i it.N rf. hi part, f"T Ins ohvinhlo refill laliiMi. UroT.lh*. .lulyJH, Voh. Jy‘.M’-tf LAKAVKT I K KKSTAI'K ANT, BfoNtyroiiiery street, oppttsife (lie thieatid Holed OKOVILLE. Til K sriWKIIIKU* UKSl'KlT fulls Miiiniiinn* lo their Iri* inis and lln* ,/eus n| Urovllh* uenor: 1 11 \, ! lift* they ■ua\e opened a SFM’.NhID RF'l Al - It ANT in fho .\ltnve inmiod place, * here I hoy m* pre pared lo lurim h the puhlie vvlih all (ho luxuries and Muhcttck’H lo he found in the market. Kales ol Itoanl : 11,mnI |irr wri'k williout l .mllnif, s(* 00 Itoanl |«t wi'ck v* ill. i i'ik'im) !• 00<aa;u \ a mktiknk\r, n’Hl’ I’roiirii'tors. M11.1.l R’S i:\( lIANHi:, Montgomery street East side- O' ovillc. ' A VINU 111 r.N Kli-IT 1 I'K ll, i-iitrni.i o|i(M(. mid tin* |<r..|.ri«'ti >i* lak.'« Him im-tliod ol iuiormiiiv' hi* old co-loou r* and llir piildii* In* in trniU to krr|» (is It in- a fiork of I lijiior*. a- nov liar in tin* |ilai*i*, in nddllion lo wlio li. Ills I'alili'- urn In *-\- c. lli nt roiidili ni. and 0> rourli***. - lo Id- |»ilr<>HM, In* liojii « lo inoril a liticnd Minin* ol |>iilroua. o. OroviiU*. Ann tl. aiurlMl; .1. W. MU.I,Kit. Tin; chi.m: \ t<»lsacco stand I, kept l»y l.tlllo i‘urly. u lio will kt*cp on hand (In* vnry i*hoii*i**d lliiviliiu Cil' ir«. Tolmi'i'o, I'nticy I’ipn*, amt cu ry varii*!) ol'urticlfM loinid in sttnli plnoi'«. CI TV 1. A I NI) R V i ■MOi« 111 snip, op cor nr iiousk siivahk. OROVILLE. I -Olt THK n*N\ KM INK. ol TIIK iMTI/KNS * of i >ro\iiln, 1 havo .-i.-ildi-lird a l.uuudr> on I hi*. noiilh nidi* of 4 'mirl Hoiimi* -i|imro and Iron, a loin; «*xpt*rii*iic« in iin* Ini-iin—. lam coiilldfiil of yi\ SATISI’ACTION Ti * AM.. I nhnll ran a vvuuifoii.and will fall at lln* n'-idi'iircfl lor wa-liuitf and dnlivi r tin* -aim* wiiU promptiii*m*<. J. UV \N. Oro.ilh*, Anu*. 11th, ISAH al-'lf Watt liniiiknr ami .lewrlri. I I!I'.SI’K.iTTI'I.I.V- INTORM cili/.i n- ol Orovilli* and i ii lino . Ilial I have |nm lin«**d of Mi tifa \\ iiltTiinii klny mill .l«'**i'liy T.-ln*>l-liiin iil, on Mom jfoinnry nlrni't. and h«v»* locali*il pt*. Mniifiilly in lln* nliove Ini-Hio— in Ilu- pl na*. ai d Imp,, hv -irifl allwulion In I*ll-1111*!**=. lo nn*; il a rfa-.uiuiik* ahure ol patroliMifi* in tin) ahova lino. / will nuaxanln■ *u do ll "urk as ti rdl as it can />« done cnyu'hcrr in the Stale. AI.L KINDS Ol JKWr.I.Itt M A la: to OHDI’U. N It —l’artifidar a'.loiition pdd to tin* It.'pairing vf Wniihn.v CKd. K. SMITH. On* villi*, August 11, IF .’il I. anulltf TIIK SOVKKKIHX I*KOI*KK ! OF ALL PARTIES \UK HKUKIIV ril’TloNr.D NOT TO KORfiKT . inthi* heat of poiilicn. that iho HUCO *Tol£ K ol RANDALL & McDERMOTT Hum I moll roinoviHl lolln* now Kin* l*niof Itriok llnild ini; on Moiilifoinory alroot, l\r>l l.ou-o (dinvi* Him tuou's w hom w ill lit) fonnil tins laiKvsi, cliomim sI, and U*-l stock of DriißS MiMliclnes < aiii|titeur. Oils, N.C., Xf 1 ., In Northern California. RKMKMPKU THK PLACE und, lx* turn U> cull I • fore purchaoing ul.-c*w hen*. Oruville. Aiwurl mtg-T-df MISCELLANEOUS. J. D. BROWN. M. D. (innhmtit ol N«*w \ «»rk I *»i\ »*r*n>. N »*\* N *»i k .Mrili i*i*l litut*« ll<Kii>nir> <•riiiiiintf* <•( rn»'• 'l* «Ih-h| i nir r- hi« prof#*»*»M*u«l n*-r\ i«*»*!«> M»»* iiilmLi- I:• 11 1 •«* f < lr« •% iLr silt* IN u lull y. nft|r»*. nil h*< >p>\i Mniif ry riivpt, oiitj du<*r I'roin Hit* r'*rii»T«»i |iowii»*r i»l J..l\ 1 I. I*.'.♦* j\ IMf ( L( UMINM! ( LOTIMNM!! TO SUIT EVERYBODY ! rglllf: l M I U-h.M hi..-/- I**;ivto li.lTm Li lt irnml- pntmii* ;»i»<l nli/fii* •♦! «♦rnvill** nnd t iriiihy. f 1 1 ;tl In* Lm- iil ii l'** mid v\» It d Mock «»i (»«hhl«* <*fi limid, roic-Minic *»| fas ///o.v i/;/./; clot nr \a, Itootv lints, \r., Will* h If i- <;♦•!* rin 1 11* d •• II iii T I.N n.K r| NT I Ml \ PUR 111 \N ANN mlMl.n k.-immi-iimim IS !f 11 1 1 iW .N i ill nml n*. nnd ••vsinu.t* our -»to» k U*fon* |»iin , L» n* A. I*. II Id- 4 I \\ (. *| It I.>:. M *n( fulfil r. -fi • : next dnnf *«• tin* I *.»•«• | 11• »*•*l, • I L f M i»f •• TliK < lir. VI'HST < I.oTIMMi AMU'I It- MSIIIMi Mul'.i; IN OIIOVILLI’." Oniviil-. Jill) Ml I- ,11. Jy.Mir Oii Li: AN S II OTKL, lYloutgomcry street, south side. Oiovillc , —•, 111 l.h KK—Tiik»* \ L*:i-'in* in in f »r in I» .r Mi* l fr»\» liiiv jmLlnv :i(ml lli** *• if !/•• »!•• «>n»\ ill«* and Hull** (*Mini|y, iL d limy I» *n• • !• ••' <! '.lir * I kmm ii and popular •* <Mi I. I. \\-IL »• I I I,.’' mi l Mia* Mi* v an* now pn*|uir«*d ?•» r-n in* an I ••nn imin Irt iaWin fin* Im -I maniaT. U•• ir.• ! rmnu dfo m ikn ilm • frluuu* Motel ap« r- In? L< will' !■ i fin* visitor. Hint (oiMitnrt HI II all vt Lo Li vof im w dli t: n T | hi!mu’u'n wiili M»»* iiMi'iilioi) audMyli* Known only to 1 IK>T ‘ I - \ M'MM.s. Oxx x* rt* nblo Minll Ik* \silhlhn v«*r> L**M Mi m and 1 In* ('i tv Mark* > fan jdf »r«l- IN INK ll Mi. no liamc i r Imr -liall or ran i \i , < I n*. Tim rlniir»*«l tpiahli*** of la ij'mr* and \\ ini*** ••• rn-d up nrallv and ijmrkly.and *>c-ifnl*m m tun • h'lir nM'* lirn wi* lilt*•rill lln* lie Unit ttio *• mdnnLlaldr 1 'ol. |•r♦*«*ld^•l ,< . I * \ N I i |. KKKI), rur.hKlih K SI UIKKH. Oroville, July 11, jyIMT MAMNOLIA SALOON! \nf (a llmiloon'H Onnillc. rnims cool ami comfoiitmii.k iosort u ha* ln*mi tilted np in Mn* liealeM p(M«ili|n tn-in in r and u nlinn c*y«* m to makimr tin* monl n*- rLrivin* r-i,d»li-Lnn*n! ol (In* kind in town lln* III; \'dy’ KS VV I!S LS. \.r., an* ni tin* n o*t -I .I.L’ I IMIAMiS. dirnrt lr«/m Ma* 1 in |*<»rt« r*; and having Li ( ‘ / if'Us rr I’r 'if, of 11,. /inr, w»* llalter nnr -«*|vm Mini w»* ranimi easily h«* outdone in tin* inode ol sHi imj ii |» tlm Lilt*f*t and iihwh hMhionaltlt* I'anry Im s*-i, h* v\«* 1 1 um ronrio-y and polite ullenfum lo onr paimiM .1 \ M I.S S. Dh 'KKN \ t o ?*ln*et. in*\i door lo I Inn loon*- Km liainre or<#\ ilk*. July 1 -oik j > 11• 11 m:\v okllans s r<u:i:? rspur, I N liKIISM iN Kli Inning |iiiri'(iitNi-<! llm in- U i>l .) |,i'slir<m in Ihf aiinv.' wi ll known ■ ->i: 1 1>1 1 1■ 111 • - 11 1. w ill now krn|i coiiMiinil) on Inuiil n I,A Kl. I. ttlill w oil «olor,lo(l slook ol < 1 rooenes, llai'lwaro, Miners’ Tools, I’rovisions, <?rockery, Wines, lilasting I’owtler, Liijiiors Quicksilver, Ami otlmr arlidtn 100 io rnenlion. N 11. —Caxii pniil I'or I'r ilun* of nil Mini*. Orovillo .Ini) |.Mh I—Mi. \\ N lIAIIT. 'l'o Dr. 11. lit liiliiianii, I'ornor Jnckson mol Montifomory Mrool*, Sun Nrinifinro.— lour Sir; It ii v» illi > ImiMirc t lint w o noli, o tlm nnSonmlril sno co«i wliii Ii Inn ill|omli'*l you in yonr j.eo llco .sinn; your rosiiloin-f in tliii Slnlo, now o\, r . n \rue Tho uroil yon loivcdono mnl tin* .skill yon li norti r oisoilin the rnri'K Unit coino under onr olisirvnlion iiinke It onr duly lo lot il lw known to tin- world nnd more |itirlienlnrly lo llioie now snirerint.' w 1 1 Ii di-en.-e Most ol ns were well iiei|uninled w nh son w lnlrt ton rest lei I in Mormon 1- In ml. nnd w ilnessed I Imre some remnrkHlde nires winch ton elleeled on |inl|en!i vs liose e.i-e. w ere rronoimeed lio|iele-s liy eminent [ li)*ielnie*. \\ i* 11 I»e Hl>o seen w lull ton |jn \e done lor some of onr friends now re-mlnur nl t’olonu mid I’lnrerville, who idler nint h |n 'iin«ion nml imlnee rm nls on onr jv■ irl, eon-smiled lo un nnd -o you, w hen they hud nhiiost ih .|mired of Itieir lu es l he> did so itini ret une'd. mnt tire new In iiur hale nnd heart) men; and r. if tin's notice should reach yonr ese and yon are idllleteil, ink*' nnr ads ice and mi to Dr II KIN - IM ANN, and >imi will never reirret il. Dear Dm-t'ir. n reive ss uhoiir most heart) w illies fur smir lid are welfare the iissuraiiee Dial we heh'se yon to lie one of onr most talented mid ex.t,‘.-ni lea d i’i inma. |ih)s|i lans In (he Slate, I' is llai'VMasn, 1 i (iroji’r Miners’ Hotel ) j Jai on VViski kmann. j (•reenworail VnlLj (j>'r lirei nwnoil llrewery, | JoHJ« IiK'IKIiJC, Akui'si llsiim:, J JosKl'll WII.IMANN. / < 'll SI 1,1 H ( 11SS. S T. Itfci. s/.. I I’nipr's of the 1 T. It s/.i i. t i nnx Kederaln, ’ I'lacerville. .Ik an Iti ell I KK, ) A. 11. U ai kku, Kl Dorado Slide. »l. /.KiileKK, (firm ol K, I*. |i|ie Co .) Orovilli Jokki'm ID avici., Anhiirn. i haKLKS Kami n i l. S|ninis|i Dry DiKninifs. T. (prop'r of bridge,; t'nndeniiied liar. e, VVuli.ku. Sacramento, li. I'INNIMIKK, do t;, Kknai p, do ( APT. Dimi, Miehiu'an ItlnlTs, t'apt. K. S. Mi Mormon Island II Kpitv Tri kI,. (Kepnhliemi House,) Jackson. lies teatillionial was not solicited hy Dr Meini ninnn. am*- 7 .in IVIINERS 5 SUPPLIES ! New Grocery and •pfiOVJSiOW ST 0 «E. JOHN l». KKAIINU, nys OPKN KD nil extensive and well Selected Min kel choice Knmiiy Hio*erii‘s, Pros j-ions aud Miners* Supplies, lit his New Store oil Monlifoni ery Street, near Karri' l''s Saw, Mill, to which lie in vites the nllelilioii ol rommunily lie will he in eons',nil n -el(.1 ol additions hi Ins slock of Hoods ol the lain*! inn .••siions. 'lw facilities Inr pnrehasiinf lieint: unexcelled hy s > trader in the ronnlry. he i« cixilliletil (hat his Hoods and Prices will render the utmost sarislaelnui lo those who favot him wllh their putmuak’e. The public w ill pleas*- call nod examine for them elves i >rovdie July JJ. IS.'ti. E- S COOPER IVI D SURGEON, OK KICK—At the Kye, Kar, and Ortbopiedla Intlr lliary. Mission street, between Second and Third near -Knrsian llnlba," S\N KKANCISCO. All Snraical Opemtnxis KKKK lo imtittiiU presenf in( themwlves at tin* l i isi(S,on Wednesdays and S nnrdays, »t UX o clock. I* M. Medical men of the tdy and Kaclflc Coast, tonerally. are reapec(fully In vletd to an* ml tb< Intirinary on Clinical «ia>a, when ever it may be opportune fur tbemucivee. aagCHf JtLSINESS CAULS. "• M. iiaiihi*. J»mfc.k m hi ht. HARRIS fit BURT- Attorneys f\t Lnw, 01f0V11.1.1.K. 11l ‘ITK col Ml c \|, * H mck •livut. • i !»*, nh«*w uTirn. J , WI %rK R , I* I . Itt KI t \ .4 M K WINTER fit BURLINGAME nilirr. In MHirntli's Hml.linff, I> »>•-«». ,it .'. i ..M.I anil 111ir< 1 .*<>t ’ > *V |.osilp 1 In* 11 imi 11. MARYSVILLE WiMiUn liuvi* i.j.*■ ii* i; IUM fliri- in tin. j, It|<>< k. < »r. >\ I Hi-. Hull" In .wln n nil.. 1.1 ii- limy ut a || tl 1..i.11.l JAMESGREEN FIIYSICI AN AM* si kceon. CsT I lII' I.- found ut ‘llrliniiis llnlil," win ii no priif.—ionnlly « iiu,'-itr<,l. ji iimlu- J T ELLIOTT .1 Ist in; of tin: peace, ‘iflici., on Hint irrcl, Mjwmnl 11 h nti k.ii. nitni'ii. /./•;, hi nt: i oi a n .loir 11. j> 1 I If J Y. JONES. CONSTA KI.E AM* COLLECT* )il <Il V»l i:s ,\ N|l Alt 111 N 1 h. M-ii \\ ill », || |*<-r«imill I’fiijn-iiy on riiinmio-ifin, null i:. willi • I I Klimt), l>i|,, Itir.l Kirncl, iir imlli*. •Kill 11, I “.'ill, | X J lit DR J S SHEPHERD. HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, »nU K i.) \( }u.i an. July 17. |f ill i\l7-tf JOHN HI I.HIIN, \\ M. 11 Ul STKI.I., A.\M\A.M» JOHN WILSON >v ( I). A TP'll N K HAMi i ( TN>' I: I. |,i ins \r m Ist 11. nr HI. Mi'P'linnl St. lit .r Mi .ul l'i .iiicr \ J G LAWTON Jr ATT’V N COUNSEL L()K AT LAW ami i hi mission* it mu m.-sAi n i - k i ts it n. isi.anh. it*)- itill* - '. iriK-r ul Micrs ami Mon: ,nnn r\ HtrvflN No. A. I nilrd Mm. * 111. ,k. m (i xinj rn. v hi. • il l;I.K s n in mi \KII SMITH A HUBBARD. A i roiiM.v s (\m NfK.i.i ii«s at Law, I II \TI.I.S li. UKItliA Id) Notary I’nl.lii-. L V*" * •Uli' 1 ', con.or of .MontgomiTy \ I low hit si rinds. Mir. ARD H FARLEY A I roKM Y N ( ut n>l-;i.i.iiu AT Law, NOTARY , ItKAli K- T A I !■: AIH N | AMI • n V \ 11 YAM KK. < Hutto < inillly. Oil I. Will I’ka« in »; in ml i iik (oi ki *oi thiu sia i k. A M 2ABRISKIE. ATT’V & ( < >1 NSELL( >ll AT LAW IlnmillK r.l ITK I'm ST \ CaI.IKOKMA. BARKER fit EWER Attukakvs fi: Cmj.NM.Lkou.s a r Law. dim v. Corner of Moiili'iiiniiy mill Downer streets J. B. WARDEN, M. D. A t .rad i.doMd >li ll.irgoii Mrdical < Lhila dHjdiiii. Iris located lor tin praclic»* <»1 ins I’r.ilcpMoii, at llrmliaw *** Kniu ho. Unite t'ouiry. Auuu*t HI, is.'.tl. i 11 A Kl.lkS t . 1.0 I 1 . U. T sh \I ON LOTT fit SEXTON ATT OK N E V S AT L A W, 111 1»W 1.1. K, OAK. THOMAS WELLS A T TDK N !•: V AT LAW, mow ki.k, r.i tti: <;iu;.n rv, Sjii‘i‘iul nil.tiiion uimu to i in. scnrcliiiiLr of rminty I: nl\ int i->iii;;iiion oi I uli «. fti- , nii lin iin- tiniM inn oi m-< (is mill nil iii-lriiiiM-iils lor rnconl i mid' in Urn • miri lloinic. ris-i'i W S SAFFORD. ,11 STICK OF Tin: FLACK, 111 I >\VI'.I, 1., 'HTTK nil M \ , < Iffld—in llnrri- & Hurl's l.nw (>ni ot\ on tfu* hill. All kimlH oi « riling |ir«mi|»lly nml rurroctlj nllonil "(I to. III! J W SCOTT. COL NTVSFIA KVOK Full 1H TIKCOI'NTV AND CIVIL ENGINEER. URitVII.I.K. lU TTi: 01 M NTV. CAI.IKdIIXM. l*'.r<on»il'firing Ills Kfrvii'i * w ill iilons" li-iiv" itieir onliTit nl lli" oHWt- of MH.xrr. Harris it Hurl. 14U RAIL ROAD HOUSE HOTEL AM KKSTAI'KANT, Kl HoPKaN PLAN, No. 4 Omiincrcinl nml *.7 l iny slrocln. Him I'niMrimm. lIAI.KV it THOMPSON, Profrii'lora. DR J R N OWEN. AS *<rtil» d |>t*rniaiit'iiily in Orovillo, nnd n*N };• i llillly ' ■!!: r s ti. ■» ti»-rv it i « to I ho ritl/oii* nt tl»»* place mid its virimiy. "tm it -Hr t Wfi'ii the I mid l»• • llotiddi* Friinri*. I*IIOI,MX SALOON! i'NDlca Waikkmas’s Cui*r Htokic. Montiiomkry »i'KKC > . t»RO*U.L>.. rniMP. St’HsrlilHKUS 11 \ \ i; HKIIIMK Sol, Pro m i.rt'T. rf oi tliia iiikl un-d<T"rmiimcl not to In- ouliloii" in fnrn.shunt n jlner of n-sorl wortliy the pnironag" of tli" < triivjll# [iwWic. Tin. Im*»i of WINES, J.UjIOKS AND CDJAKS Will Ik- I'Miml 111 nil limer. to w tiu ti th"y nvlU- tln-ir fri. nils m |.nrink". HOUI.ME v V\ A.l.LKK (>rovilla, August 19. U-ili. nugtV U For Sale. TUP PROPERTY known as lh" AMERICAN THEATRE BUILDING sitnn;..i .... ■MynlgoniiTy sin-'T. iii-ur Un- I nil*-.! Matos Hi tel, 33 inH front by l*'«0 fwt «l""p. Tb" inqinoements nrr a Krairt" HnlUlmg, two high. T» rms litwral For particular a, cpuuu« of A 0 i HIi.K Ac 00., Uro villts* or of STKW'AKT V CO.. augHJtT Miyyatillc. MISt'KLLANKOIS. KADIKS’ KMLOUHM op r a. s ix ion: MRS. M, L. NEWELL, fj 1 niMI .11 .-T UK* T.IVKU direct Imm the lin I ■ p*»rl»»r*. a t•»r«r»* amt %%«-!! I»*d ju»*M»rlii>t*nt u MIUdMUS I.VUlty MT\i;i:i.. I.KM'l.f \IKNS* lIUN I >ll INK I \ N \ \*li\ L< m MH, &,(*.. v*mi!• I n «|h • • Tull> fall tin* : !* iilumi <» llu** rnivvitpiiiii > u* lh«* I net that **fn imi) no l»‘i\f *n i mni» hon *!>>< * <i« ih lo I.d>U* « h. it h i }•* -111 WILL .Nni I K I NDKK>oU». Alii'ilv; |»«t l*hM-k n»;iv Im* loiimt L atins* Dr**>i U**»» D, 1 r**m*h l.ivsii*, IVildtd •Januici!', Lam*) mat I’laih > w i-- M‘i-lm*. i rrm h L*wm* ami Ri:i. litim*. I lnt»« i-, l»e -l<i>la*m, Poplllu*. .'•ilk'*. Knvhrnl* d*r\. Kim n I mid In*** » t in,Muiililla*, \ rtmii r* lot m M iHin* r\ Kib!*mi*. I .ao-s KLw t*rs* L.l.'inl* -, Head dr* -m - ikhd Mnuriili.J Komi* In-jlinni Hat* mr i»o\ •, <• i iii |» 11;, l-inr MD-i**— i latinri* of «vi-y va r. »iv. Led I . -knij, Lium Inn, ii'k !iinl 'r:i*h rro'i-tiuml I rviicli Dia| •r. Kml.r*»i dm-. I an*l «.r I— • |.,ih Shu ts, Mur,-, ill* •*. ijmiiw. K< i., < In, It |i 11« 1 Mtmpllln N. - I.fMts* ihaul.— a ll* l f ml*T>lml-, (’rival!*, II a ini k* T. lints Llovi 1 iii'ii MiirH .Mnluicrv \N **rk and Miiiitau .Making ♦ .vented will iicnliii >■* mil j.r.uii|»liiii.lf. ltd*\ lia%j'M received in ml litimi *,» fin* nK»»\i -‘•irk, a hnauiil 'lan at ni LiiMhmir, Hals ( i; *», Shirts Air . siuliihlf lor L *\>. 11 in n k t'u I |.*r ihf lil* putrmiaici* o| m\ (neii*U, a mill i n nation «*l I lie •ai»n* I mm (limn amt itn* puldi.* L'» n**rail\ i- tinllv M K NKWnhh. Moiiiifnmory >lr* .! opposite lluniomr* Kxilimar**. * »rovilli*. \|i y li». l- .i, |\ jo i: \(; u*: i; a k i:u v, \i vr.iis \ muii sis. ouoviu.k. l.i tu it. mv ikii;\ i is in,.i th.‘ i-iii.ii.- Ih.d lm\ ing become -«i,!«■ proprietor m the almvi lili-Innflit. I uni rt I. ly to serve lhem will, llu* In n .iffl lre>heal IiKKAH, I’IKS, (’AKMS k(’., \l short not in? ami on tin* n»«*s* r*.iMon:il>i<* term* soda, sro Ait \ < uaokki:s I'oiistiiMlv on ham). M> W ’a* ron will <)nli\< r evor) ;lnnj in in} In.*■ al tin-m-i L’m ** ol mv « n-h*nh i-. on \i:u:s ciiKiUiV. Oroville, .Inly 15.,.',- j>-- If & . IVi A n T I Ni" , Oppo-nu tin* <>|*hir Dnn; M**m, Montjonn-rv ORO VILLE Mlnnt i; r.i i’s . (, ns i \m n.v l.'l l. .1 SIO.-U 111 (IN II \ N !>, a well »f. < 11’ ot*erics, Provisions, 1 »' ml >, Siloes, Cloiliino, Liijinns, Mining 'Pools, \< . &c., Which In* oir.-rs ~i 1 1 1 ] 11 vs •■ st rain* I** »K • \S|| C& ‘ ommN «1« !; vm*M| lis KK l»!’’ (. 11A Kt. I . < >r«»\ iI!«• ,Jnl> 14, I - jvl I tf UKUVKI .N .Mi ~N 1.,. »,M 1.1! V |tlKl> S,l;i;i,lS i|,j>iwilr the lliilif Kic .nl I'riiniiu; < Ulirc. a. n.< i.Aiik x into., T H Sal. in Oils 111.'11,1 MI 111 H-ml.T.nsr llnlr I lianl.- til Ilf C l ill/ffK anil liini"r.i 1. 1 I )rn\illf, Inr llu ir li.M-rul | .atr.* 11 :i'_t •*, unit iv'ji-a >•. 1 n* ll h ctintint.. Illlff fl Ilf Miff. Tlf |.aln>liai{f t Mfinlril In f. uliall fiiilfiviir in in. rf I>y ki'fpiiaf mi li.iml awi ll m-lfi-lfil Hloi k nf (jiniiiiiul llu- lnwr-t market rales, such as IT.OVISin.VS. (ill<K’i:i:iKS, 11A I; I *\\ a HE, not»rs. SI I (IKS, CLOTHLN(J n ami oilier arlieles 100 n In nieiiiii.u, N I 1 \\ e have mi hand ll.e In st •(' lit 1 1 1 j, nl Hailed 11 a) .»v hull w ill he snld ill has in sol I f. iville, .1 idv I s.’.ii. U. S. Livery Stable. Myers Street IMcar r#lontjomcry f |1«» KI IVL \< HU II 11 Till. lIMI.V and »apid I LTowth *d our loss n, wo has«, nl lair, and w ill from tmif to iiin< (| inaki? nxtnnoivo additions to otir f'l' k :.n.l ollicrwnf miprovr our ♦•-lahlohmojit, to nirri \s i;h (*n tin* satis I art ion tin* llu’ia.miij demands ot 1 In* litfn. • s !ork i oil I.iviTV nil tin* most rci'-onat'lo Terms. It desired. VS f Will hus, -ell or fXehanuf -loek —i!» short tian-iiel all lnisiin*-s api crtainini; u» a llr-i el:,--; l.isi'i) »<iah|n I In* llin*sl lliiL r k f i*lnn ks ttnd Saddle Itor«es. Ho ni'lo d al a iiniiin nt*- nolle* . Ih. iditni I**r past lasors, we hope to nn*ril a eon tin*.nin e o| tln-hann* \ UOITM Dated OrovilU*,•)nly 10, |v.V». jylodti. .-•A\e o <v \\ holt *sa/ ( , AND LIQUOR VAULT, .Mvers street, ahnve Mmiljrninery. IllK I NDI K'l'lM li II \S IN STUI and Inf sale, (he h.llnvv inii slneU nl i,jijn.. S « linh If w ill sell. 1 1 nvin n jf. rent me CMS In I i\ , :.l I i . s Inner thill e.. [ i hnnuld at eiitierSacrami ain nr Marysville; and wm call Ihe alien I Inn ■.l r. ladia -In examine lii~ slock la - Inin jnircliusim' elsewhere. 'J'hlt.Vs, t .tsl/ i!.i harnds V\ lo.kv. “a Inirrels In. llll > te Hi andv. ‘2 harn 1* I>. I>..V ( 0.. do 4 barrels llnneile Hnui ly, 4 |ii|i. s Holland, d harreU Ptiri tyiue. 4 harr* 1< Ihilf.oirdoii sherry. Tnnellier w ilh •Ml ns* I larnl I'm, i a... Kan de Me (limUick, ‘.M cases l.njthe’s It th i s. Iciasi - ij»ut Haulinue. ti ease* Kxtrad Alnm’h*-, I*4 east ' Sleinh. ,T!i r I’tth net, Scnitdi 'V hxsi.ej iiaitrml 'l*' incases, 14 eases (iitiL'er Wine, K.'( l. i*>. Mrawh. rry. T.'inou Sy rn(i. In ■ i'>*s l'lian;|.turne I 'ii'er, Ihandy iVaelf- soiidi. Knu' 'h and American Ah - , ol ilil li real liramJ-, \e.. ,Vi:. IIIoMAS UliSr*KT. (Irmille, .Inly l.i. l-h'G. j) l.i If 11’,. . Itr. J. I. < 7ve »j.—The gentleman whose name fonirs Ihe caption of this notice is one of the lew modern physieiaus wh. se application to l.i- pro 1 ess Inn and devotion to llm allhcted, render him alike nn.ormimenl to the one and a hem 111 to Hie other A Hungarian by hirlb.he snmthi w ith Kossuth hi place hat country aiming the nations nl earth, ta vniid the oppressor - rule, last tier sole might rejoice in the practice ot those precepts whu h are alike our glory anil our pride In his efforts so to do. he ha* reaped the reward ofdnellcclnal resistance to nppres*ii ■‘a home and a country know him no more ” Apart, h >wever. from his claims upon our cmisuierntlon us a |«itrk»t, the UislimoidaU ol character and capacity vv Imcli he brings entitle him to public cmilijenco, to the exclusion of tliose who po*-ess neither the one «r theojicr. As a g.iuhmaii Ins tlairucler U mitar nehed: ns a physician, his skill unsurpassed; and Vo those whose imprudence has h-M ii|hiii thwn the taints of dissMjun we can cmiscientiou-ly c»iam< nd him with the assurance that in loin Huy will (tad a friend whom U> know is great gain. The Dr ** olHce is No. Sand 4 Armory lldl. corner of Sacni'agntu amj «roei. f itai Francisco. a J 4- .iff'. oNrinuHc0 N rinuHc Hail 11 Inilte IxcrorL ,Ji kick's I'nim, —As severe ft case id peddling without ’icetise came under tl»o immediate observation ot our Coiistubl<• Jones the other day, ns has been mnr in v right smart. A gentleman that had in former day* hern a vender of wares and tnerehan li/c i:> (lie Howry land, and as he recognized ii" re venue laws save those <1 the t'liinose liui| ire he struck out on hi' an ival In re in his ■ i iinc of business without over consulting the district attorney Kline, or any body else, in regard to license, as made and jr■ >vi• I• •■ 1 by our statutes, lie was taken J u.-scs'inii «.•: by the Magistrate's order, and his stock in trade confiscated to the treasury of l.utt* county, in default » f payment at which Judge K! t ti'sessed upon him. Nonet in iin >lll.l > Fa.mi I. v— If ther is i (Italics \l, Slilf' in ( a iforuia hc'i ie the gentleman hy that name who is employ ed in the Hiilh lin iinl office, we woul 1 'ay to him that several letters have been rccci' ed of late at this oflice limn a sister, ou t dated at Watertown, N. V.,July, IsVi. - They have been opened by mistake, tmt luivr been sent back to the I*. <>., at San K r unci'- cu, to which place they were directed Si \ vruii I’t \m i: net 11 1 in\\ \ \ —Wc have just read the exceedingly interest ing and important letter ot Senator Pearce, of .Maryland, (>n the pre-id. ntial .(ne'Tiojr Mr. IVane is an old line whig and a grr . admirer <d Mr. Fillmore, hut he does nr’ leel llmi he would td.'charging his dm . it liic pjc'eiit eii'is, hy Iclli.wiiig Ins per 'oml inclinations in giving him his support I(.> believes tha * t 1 edil. a t ..1 Fre limn t i > the all-iinportaiif object to be accomplished and to elicet that lie is coii'lr,ained to giv." hi' support lu Mr lluchanaii. The letti ris w riileu with gi cat ch at ties can lor. and force, and will < mm.and uni versal attention lie cannot lorget that i il’inore “is 11 1 < candidate < ■! the | arty which ha' pro'ci ilie i w ings who were not mend ■a - tl | the (Inlet ot the party which boasted, that it had r ; - Mi on the loins ~( the whig amt democrat i parlies, and which has \ renounced tin; both corrnj.t. nEWAno: ,• \ ' ' i 1 ln* Hi ,\, inun |»r\ Ci.ri I 4\\ .•2^—»i-»*\liic and lil i i h, tun Aim in l»or>*"s (or !i« r-** and man ,> liulil I».iy or tun col middlem/-*. The n»ar«* hid n >(*ani-li brand on li. I'll lip, -l»aj •! a hor-t -1 n»«*. I In- had no \j-. hie hraod. W’lhm m r will r* turn I)>• * -ai annual-* • L r i \ i ill - »rn ;ai nat I Irit x\ i! I It*, aIh•I h* ir n rox » rx. %v > ivreix »• 1 1 a* ahiv < • r xx 11 ■l. 111 .N K V I'll I I,' ,-* Hrx Cn** k. near orm life. A iilj . .”.0 auj.'li-lvx Hock Spring Claim. i; mi: i mu ksd. v i.h. w u,\ h.i, r; i » * - ",•* ii in in . riii',' <hir i 1. 1 mi. Inca ili n u M ini I ' tillnr river. mljniiiinir the \ nuin( \inm . i In Mil, as »<■ ildei.d Wnrklll,' il nuoelvc-, aasnnli : circnint'liiiices wIII jn rind. T. U I 11.1.1t5. .1 \MI - inm NS, .1. A. IK VIM li, I 11l 'S. I INNI V, M VI 111' I . iMi N VMI; r. M|i II > Kl, • i.N 11A I II IN 11 V DOWNS Orovilli', Ant’. ;;n, in.mi, aiiLctdlin T ivoxicn I X 111 . ii ‘ I* AliIN I 11 -111 K lien ’■ li >ri' r\ s! 1 1 u; p, um . ii llrnwn a. lliilliiiiui. i> : Inn day di.-olvi . Hy in Hi ■>;,/ i-'in-i ni All personx hav imp claims attaii Mu'linn are r' i|iii'■tml In prcseiil them Inr payinen’ ;in-t Ilii'M* null bled, tin (mlili l) n i|in i-lril In call in tin «tml, I) nml sellle lln ir m-< unm-, i.r limy will l, j>■ tt ml in lint hands nl an nllici r for i nll' i lioii, D, A Mill IW N, W IN Hul l MAN C >ri \ i 11.*, Aiik'nst 3d, augtMMl nut <;s \m> \ii:i)K im:s . I'KIISnNS WHO WISH |o PMHTIAs. f JI Din - lam y Vila It- nr IN rlnini ry will ■ \f< Wi ll In call ill Itm KlliiX 1 1.1. r. Dill I'iMiilll m, M 'li'u' im ry. nun il'inr limn linmii r Min in .i lm i rnmi- IlnlH. ’l ln tnilnwiiii; listcuinpn—. a ji<irll'ni nr llin -Ira k (Hi hand : Tok'cther with all lh»* nanal article* kept id.DRI * SToHKS, winch will be kiM nt reasonable price- Ih.Mw who may favor d# with a call. I'hyincittii'i' prescription* inirately compounded *■ all limes of Mu) or rmrhi Al.liK.ltr O. DAY, Apothecary. 'iroviUe, A i#u-l 2. 136* au^'l-nty