Newspaper Page Text
Mlwelluuy. (InysTAf.s ok Carbos. — The dia mond, on account of its hardness,trans parency, brilliancy and rarity, has al. ■wavs been regarded as ono <>l the most valuable of the precious stones. It has been long known to consist of pure ■carbon in a crystalline state. Chemi cally, it differs hut little from charcoal, black lead or lampblack; it may readi ly he burned in oxygen gas. an I the k -uiting compound n carbonic acid ■precisely what arises from th<‘ com •bustioii of charcoal, la view of these I acts, the production of diamonds in the laboratory has loistr been thought possible; and from a charcoal prepar ed from civstalizcd sugar, Mons. Des oret/i has produced crystals of carbon, having all the property's of the dia .li iii J. Tliis re.-ult was obtained by the long cMitiuu'ol action of the gal. r,anic buttery. The cry-tils are mi croscopic, hut clearly recog nixed as •oetahedr i, some black, others transpa rent. (Jauden, the famous lapid.rv, Toiiii 1 these crystals to cut diamonds an 1 rubi •«, like p nvdered diamonds ."lie nisei ves. It yet remains an achieve ment of die ideal science to produce these crystals <>t a sose sufficient for ornamental purposes. Dress at Nkwcout. —A lady writes .from Newport: “We have to dress ..limit nine times a day here, first, «,,•(} have to put on a dress to dress in. Then we ere ready for breakfast. Al \( r tliat we divs- for the beach, then f,»r the hath, th"ii fbrdinmr, then lor the drive, then for the hall, and tlem for be I. If that isn’t being put through a regular course ot dimity and dia v mends, th n 1 am no judge of such }i :rfjrmances. SiNin.’i,au Invimion. Lieut <«. Walton, of the Dritish N ivy, has pro pared n mixture of sawdust and canut •ehoue, under ihc nam • of kamptulicon, a.s a lining for the interior of war ves ♦ t .|s. The inventor claims that from •its elasticity, it will immediately col lapse when penetrated by u ball, and thus j, r ‘Vent the entraiiee ot water, it also d.tad 'll- concussions, and by it buoyancy will keep a ve-sel all oat though *t should he riddled with shot, and w i 1 prevent loss ot Me caused by splinters. "I'lli; pnriliration ot sea water is one the most important dcsi lerata with science. According to Cardan, it may he ent irel v deprivi d ol its mi scons taste by inliltrati m through powdered char coal. A siphon-shaped vessi 1 is re enmmended, the coal is to occupy the long arm. W*k„Th»! t»»ll<>Nvinjr rcmnrkabln in stance took plac* in St. Francis coun ty, Ark., a short time ago— l, a omt cvrd man stole a one-eyed mnl«*, was ii r res ted by a ono-oyod sh< rift, ami tried before a one-eyed ollic* r. Foil convertin'.! - fibrous materials into artificial hair, a v imidi is n-od, made by dissolving 10-1) pts, bristles in 100 pts. linseed oil varnish. The cloth is immersed in the Ihjui •, and lueii dried at a model to tt mperarnre. mi)W KliF APV El IT ISInMENTS BID WELL BOOKSTORE. rai 1K undersigned smld r,-sj,i»r*trtilly inform Hie I ran sis ut' Ki.lwell and vicinity, that he bis BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. Hii<t win [i emisi inlly mi band an iikk r mi nt nl Hooks, stationery and i ai.ry*,of tin* finest u.l best ijunliii . uuil « ill I." in tin* ree.ipl nr the LATEST PUBLICATIONS. a< soon as issued Jiilles, School Io>o':», Spiritual, Masonic uni/ Religions (I n h «. Hlnnk Hooks, )(in setts orsingle),\o-v(h, Knot top*Paper of nl! kinds' POR TE AfO.V. I!E s, GUI.I) TEA'S, ,l.\ L fIiOOEUs *• H'OSTE.VUOLM'S " FINKS r LFTLEKV. Which will he »"M at On* lowest rate*. At lantic Paper* received !iv every steamer, lar sale it KEKKKdt. Next ilonr to National Hotel HESS & LARCOWIBS New Brick Fire I*m ho - Spore in Bid well. rtf I HI" s p,scribes* would announce to Ihi ir Iriend* m. an 1 patrons that th"ir llrick Eire I’roof Store on the old enrner,is llile 1 with a general assoslinenl v: ti-*. Provisions. Fruits, Liquors, Mining Tools, ,V Ate , ihe best ami cheapest over ollere 1 ir town. Oao of oitr linn is eouaumity employed in San Francisco in lint purchase iif goods; and as we purchase Tor cash atone, believe Hull wecanseil goods cheaper than any Healers in this market. Persons desirous to purchase anything in our line, would do well to give us a call, as we are enabled to supply Itiem on as favor ante terms as the Marysville trade. ILdwcll, July iSsd. HEris V LARGO MB. ME DIG AI DK. .1 0, YOG NO’S GAUDS. IMPORTANT ToMiNKUft, THAVKI.KK."*, ktc. TBAIIPRKI* no ««t deejier impuftHUce either a inn medical or mural Infill «l vie* .to which tlm lima an family is more liable than t*»«I arisiii/ from impure ronnertion*. As a medical mini ft is the duty of every physician to look at disc i*e a* it r-tT. els health and litv*. mid tii» sole object should la- to niiU/ate, a* Inf an lie* in In* powr. the bodily sufTerintr. Hum.lll i.atifTe Ut heal is tint tr ill, nil tire liable to misfortune. 11| nil ihe ill- Una affect mini non* nr* mere terrible !‘im» those of » private nature. — l>reiidliit a* it I* in the person who contract*it iri/hthrt a* are it* rmn'. e* upon hi*eoiiatiiiitinii, endiiur trei|uenlly in de«lnn> ion nnd a I iiiihsome /rave, K heciMiii** ol still/renter importance when it is irun-mitted to innccent off *|lUl\d. ill'll hem/ the i" s.* how ln**e-s.iry it he mi me* that evrrv one Inn if till* lead re t—*n to tear that they have contracted the di*e»*e, should intend to it at mini In' coiMiillinif smite, physiciae, whore re*|iei-liiltiitity and education tushie* him to warrant rpeeilv, and permeni at enr •. In aecnrdunce with th> necessity. lilt Ynl'Nt; find* railed upon to ■da’e that, liy limit study and extensive [oaetiee. he ha- lieloilie inTlert master n| all I ho*e 1 11 ** * a —t' - whlell ciirnr under the liimiinnnatioii of vein r* ah an I hav in/ paid more attention toiled one branch than any other physician in the f titled Stater, he feel* him-elf b- lter ijnalilied to treat them. .- .plnli'in all it* form-, *neh ti« ulcers. swelling in the kto ana. ill *'*r in the throat, secondary sy phi Hr, ea* t.meon. eruptions. ulcerations. Ittriunry syphilis, sy plots in rhildren, mercuf al -y philllie iitfeeiion*. /on iirrte- u clei i, -If irlnre*. lal-e p is-a/e«. inllainatioii of tie- Idailder and primate glands. excoriations. minor-, pustule*. vie., are a* familiar to him a* tin- ino-l com mol) thin/* of daily observation. Tim Doctor etfeet* a cure in recent caw* in a few d.n*. and Hud* no dill! -nlly in curin'/ iho«e of lon/ duration, wit bout submitting the pat lent to *in hi real ni. n' a-will draw upon linn Ihe iili/lite*i suspicion or oblige him In neglect In * hn-illi >- Whether wll 111 II nor* nr without. I lie diet I not he changed. n eepi in ca»e-of “ever.-inllainalion. There are in Cali fornia pm lent* ianioimiin/ to over two thousand In the past yean that could fni ni-li proof of tin* ; bnl these arc matter* thot reijiltrt; llii nicest tecre-y which lie ill Ways preserves ..It hater* eie iosne/ $lO, w ill In- promptly attended to. i mice hours from 0 \.M to sl* M. Addre-s .1. I’. VdIM:, M. tl. Express iiilililitnf*, corner of Monl/oiiicry nnd (’aliform in streets, user M olls .'’ur /ii x t-'o.'s Express Departmeiit. /t ( \IU»—FROM lilt. VOI NC’S PRIVATE .ft M Klll *' AI. nlflci—To the alllicteil —ln this a/ ■of pro/ri'* - , w Inin science is develop. n/ i's'dt in -lie.di a manlier it* toappear almost niiraitnlmi*.every thin/ in common place is looked upon n* not worth nohee In view of tins fact. Ur. Voun/. corner of Mont/omery and (Ttliloiuiia streets, inis concluded to leave till'beaten track hitherto pursued by most SI enlillc physician*, (that of wailiit/ lor the pnhhc to the! you out uhuie.i ale! publish to the world, ns ilium as may tie. his knowled/" of the healin/ art, 10 let these who lei in need of assistance Kleov where they i-.ui ll:n 1 relief wilhoir. fear of lieiie/iinpo-ed upon. In continuation of this subject, Dr. V oun/ would say. that of (he |iast leu years he has pursue 1 lies pr.'irii'le of medicine in one of the lar/esl cities hi tie* ITided Stales, with lie' lii/hest success. and that Ins standing as a physician 1* wit In ml reproach, having at onetime heeii lecturer at the I Adversity of Penn sylvania on venereal di-eases. ,Vc. I pon all of th se coiiideraiioiis. Dr. Voun/ ha*con tide i ice in intro I mi ii/ himself to the plllillC, know in/ hat they will sustain well earned merit. I'lie follow in/ are a few of tile many testimonial* which have appeared in the public journal* the last few year*; frmi the lloston Medical .Journal Mtho'i/h vve aro on posed to lie syslem oi adverti*- jic/, for coo l and sulliiient reason*, still we deem il hut justice to say that Dr, N oun/is one of tin. most industrious and indefali/iilile votaries ol the medical science ill the (Tilled States. From Professor .laekson The subscriber is personally iiiapiahiled with Dr Voun/. and ha* seen mueh of 1 1 is practice, mid can hear tebtiiuoney to his ineriti ns n pruclitiuner. Prom the New York Herald Till l eminemv of this dislin/uislied gentleman in his profession, mid the very extended opportunities possessed l IV 111 111 for lilt! observation of Venereal dis eases, make his services invaluable to those alilicted with Hie above eoinplainls. Prolll tile Will/ and Advertiser. All aflliiTed w itii private complain:- should consult |ir Vo'inir, whose education i- uoi surpassed hy any phvsiciim iu the enuntry. In hi* skill, honor and m le/rity all inav rely w ith safely , w hile most of the pr.ieiilioiiers in tin* city are without honestv or re*- pi-cnilitli'y. their pretentions hein/ '/rounded in i/imr ance and n-simip'ieti. < mice cornor of Montgomery and < ' ilifoniia -treet*. 11 p stairs, opposite the 1 1 ink tn/ house ot Weils I ar/o VTo Open from A. .M. to SP. M , Sunday in cluded. P|{ IV VTP. Medical t mice llundreils of those who have conlraeled disease are disadpointed of a cure by not callin'/ on Dr. Venn 'at lir-t Me will forieit any -nm if lie fails hi cure anv tint mav ceiio* under his care, m* matter inov lon/ stun.iin/ or alllictin/. such ns ulcer*, tumors, nodes, hunches, pimples on the l'ae“ and body, pains in the In me* and loins, wakefulness, tremliliil-'. copper colored sores wastin'/ Ilf the hones, emaeinlion, loss of appetite, slreii/th olid Mesh, sure* in the nose and ear-, 10-s m hair, weak eyes ilchin/ humor*, V Many per*en* after lain/ rclievod if all extern il appearances nl firivatii disease, supimse Iheni.-elves cured hat after a few month* Mil l they are trouble I with various symptom* which tin y never h id hefoi'e, and w inch they Mod il impossilile to relieve, i'o all w Ini are af flicted In tin- way. Ur Voun/ would pirticul irlj rec .o,l,lll'll I atrial of hi* skill. Ihe symptom* wit Ii which kou arc troubled are caused by minis in the lilood, which sooner or later will destroy y our healt h and lci|c pi ness. N i person wiio 1 1 a-I* V' r had an attack ot any priva'e ciunplaiiil slteiild not tail locoti-iiil Dr. \ o in/ and taken few bottle* of hi* invaluable purifynt/ medicine, a* they can re-l assured that their liioo I is In a perfectly pure an 1 healthy eomhtien, nnd that every trace of disease Is removed front tin' system. f>,’.edit cases cured ill worn two to live days without chaii/e of diet or liiudnitice from business, er no fee. DU .1 I', VDIINU (MMce. corner Mont/emcry and T ilii'ornia sird'ls. epposite Weils, Par/o .v Co.’s. Dllice hours Iromf A M., to 8 P.M. Miirysniille, .lime KUh. I~TA. nU. .1 C. VOPNC—Dr. vit !*ik :—Plea-e send mo some of tlie medicine* you prescribed in my case. 1 have a friend here who i* troubled in exactly the sime way that I was. lie has ni/lilly emission*, riu/in / acise iii his head, weak hack, I as* ot memory, and is /diet-.illy delimitated ;he i* discoura/cd mi l has not confidence cn m/h to t-imhlc him to call and see you. I 'old iiilll IioVV 1 Was ali i *H* tl.d, !s all said 1 was in consumption, and tlied 'ctor* up here /ave me up and advised me to home lo die, hut instead ol /oiie/ home I called upon you, an i here I am. a* welt a* any of them, and likely lo live n lon/ lime yet, witfi stren!heiioiii;h to work with lliestrid/- of iheirt. Doctor. I will *e ml every one to you that look* to tiie as ihouf/h lie needed a physician It shall i,hi! In'my ladt if any one dies for want of medical •_rentmeiii. I will do nl! I can to keep the idllicted itvvai troin those pests of -oe'ety’, yclept professor* and hi/h soiiudln/ tilled men. who. if tie- facts were known, arc men w ho left their country for their coun try’s tr»i*l. Puhli* this letter, doctor, if you wish, and 1 hope some of those that huinbu//ed me, may see it and sleep had for Ole’ ni/hl. Truly yours, <JEO, DAVIDSON. n«.MI EDWARD M. BURROWS, IXTKUNATIOX Vl.l lOTKI.S U.OON JACKSON STHKKT, Between Montgomery and Kearney SAN FRANCISCO" I Bett.Theßraruls of Brandies, Wines and .MEDICAL. DR. lIEINIMANNS Private Medical Office. t'nUSKU Mi »M r<i< >M I'.KV \ JACASON .t TRKKT.-t- SAN KKANVLSCO. nU. \f. vi i.ilM M \N N. mnit-r <*t K«*:ini«*y and Pacific fiirt-ris. f r iiM i'ru, fias I• »r a iiiiiiilm r nl yvnr* m in lh«* mililnrv and oilier h«»-piial- “I f ntnr* Lis »Hul> In the ir»* iim» hi nl !*<•- rn*t il unit Uirfclnrc p«a Ihnroiitfh nx j** rmnen in this pmin nulur crunch lU* is p»*r* t«*i 11\ i.mnlmr wilh all lln*»il> discovert*! and hl.dilv imp .riant rciinitics find iiicnas t*»r tin* cur** of Ml, |, 'ili..i|.n, In-mriv 11.-o try In add ln-r.- that in I’ran-uln*iv stvrcl ilisca-#*** an* ..I nn>r«* fro* (pu-nt occurrence limn >ti) win r«* ih * i»L> •irian* of that nmniry urn iiiop* » X}»»n in ihnircurn. and an* . • *11«t;111T l> an t surr.-sstullv I" find out lo w r»*!in*di*nmn* cltlcicnt and less daiiL r .*jnus liian lh*»s • inrim rly ns.-d l»r. VI. iitiin inn is ifinrnforn, nmildnd to enrn all (Ln«n d Willi jHTlncl <■>. widionl fimmirv, in a * - v #-horl Hum, and w illmui -nLj -nlnm' his paiinnl-. to thn n.-k nl Bun-cipmnl injmions <jnnin:«s, i 1 1r ■in- Gonorrhea, Rvennalorrliea. Flour Abuts, <m.-rul Hebtlilv Ilif result <•( misconduct. |>*•!I'll hik, .|:im 111 I hi. back lint sides, Kruj.t nil k.nds. produced b\ interior chum-*, l-os-ot llmr. Ktieuniat -1,111 in Hi.- joint*. Ncicunial sweats, .'cniinal Hint I mi ni wimUii>—■*. 1 11)■ irii• -» received *• V mercurial treat* \ - V.' are cured hy Hr. 11 .•■ I» i m-tii n v» i; li the iii.l <.f r. iiif.ln-knw n t.ut in himself, to the period -a isfanln n nl iii w clinnls. K..c-i,t diseases of ih** above named kin.l will I." I .r. .in [it I v mil null.'illy removed 1 « i* Tf Uey cm set il.j iii ih** i.mly mu! in-. 11111.* chronic. I«> Hr. il. ini in,inn'.- own purifying vegetable remedies. Hr 11. iiiiiiiiiiin tnrlh.T | n -urn remedy fill.) tested, anil »Il nil cun In* relied 'ifion. lor ilh* curt! of I ntcniillti'iil IV v cr. chill mul lever. I ever aii.l Ague. il- iii me in* 4 l.» reunite, in u lew tint w I*»r ev.r. a butt breath, wille.iilt the leie-l injury In the stomach. In ilie pde-ent day« numerous nmeilie. are otr reil even where lor all imaginable diseases, hut in ino«l of iliecases the sutlerer* lire *o sadly dis !i|i|ioinleil tlmt they ItMik with justni.ihle mistrust on nil adverbs aments ol tins kind. Dr 11 «-i 11 i iii.iuir- re' Illeities in eil 111. 1 he recoilllliell.le.i by pulllttlg cbarlli llilll-M for they themselves l.y their el feel'. li' has lieeil seen iilet ex|ieneiieeil hy nilliieiills patients who lorlUlllllely lor llieluselve-, tillV<- Used them. For the inf..rimitit>n mil sidt*faein.ii of the iit lei deceived public, the Statement wilt sulliee I lull I lr. I lemimaiiii Ims in tils po-sesrioii over two hint lire..) testimonial* front patients cured hy him, besides mum other reliable persons which he is ready In ex when rei|iiireil, while eniiniloii decency him In publish I In-in in the neuspapi rs. persons applying to hr lleinimnim shall not lie obliged to pay m mli nice the lull price ol the cure, as In- is w illin'.' to submit ills shill and his remedies llrs; tii he lesti d. i die tlie Doctor invariably requires from all his patients, Ihul is a lailhlulmill strict coiiluriiiiiiiee unh all h;s directions and precriplions, olherw k he cannot and w ill not warrant a cure. Written consultations will lie t'lven without ehar'.'e and communications i.nsw iTcd w hiUher conlaihinir a 1.-e or not promply, piniclually and w ill) strict scere cv. *ui a|.| .1 v iic.', po* ia ye (*.uid, in I lie l.iiylisti, F relic li or tier man l.iinyuayes, to Hr. M. 11111 NI MAN N, Corner ol' Kearney and I’acillc streets, Sun Francisco. To allow In the satisfaction ef all that Hr lleini in inn is a ihori.uyiy educated, practical and experi ence I ii and sinyeon. Ilie h llov. iicy iVoin his numerous lesinuoihals, tiro sulnmlied to tin- public Values are situpressed. hit the mi hoc. ate at any time ready to proclaim their truth and muheiilicily be turn the w odd. 11 UK K SWOOP VaI.I.KV, Fell. 11, 1 Sell I).»nr Ooctor:— 1 liave known you since l-dn and you have yiveii so nmny (ironls ot your talents and experience, licit volt have entirely won eoiilideni'e. \ i honuh yon r. -i te at at a (Trent distance from me you know that 1 have several lime nent yon patients "w liich oiln r doctojs liave (tiviui up as incurable, and yon have alwms received lliem aid saved not only limbs hut aHo their liies I will only m.uii urn here the case of Mr I 1 . front .Auburn, who is indebted I" you for the preservation ot ins riyhl arm. w Inch other doctors w anted to amputate, and that ol ofi'olomi. win iillliouyti eiveil upas hopeless hy two doctors was cured hv you in two Weeks time. As to wind you have doll.' for my fatnis ly. s ilMco il to say. I w dl never lie ahlo to repay you. Accept dear lloclor. these few lines as a proof of tlie hiirh esteem I have of your talents us ;t medical man. uml lielievo me le he your c utstanl Irietid F 11. Proprietor ofthe Miner's Hold To Hr. Ileiiiiinaiin. San Francisco (ireeitwood. Fehruary Illli, IS.Vi. Havin'.' sty died medicine myself at tin- 1 Adversity of Tuvin, n Italy, I suppose I know enmi'.'li to lie he. licved when 1 declare herdiy llial you are the ties! (ihvsician I ever met wit ii in Calilifnia. Tins decla ration is I'emided on w hat 1 liave seen y ..a do aid hear I from every body when I resjd ‘d at Mormon is land. I know of many persons to w hom you liave suveil life and limbs after they hud heeu 'omplelely ifiven up l iy others, and who wall at any time come f award ami testily to the truth of this, and to your science. Wishimryon for the future, (he same su • c.-s w loch lias attended you thus fur. I remain truly yours, C. K. To Hr. fletminump San Fniiicisco. Folotna, .lanrrry tOtli, ISufi. Mv hear and Much Ksteetned lloclor : -it i* with much rcL'ret tint I I and nil your other friends saw you 111111 Mormon Island. Me have hist in yon a physi cian ol irreat talent and experience w howecould not appreciate t' o much. It was proven i-notidi hy the numerous who came to call on you from all parts of the mines, and you are in the best ri'inenihr 'lice of all. Myself, (riven tip hy whom I considered our best phy sicians. prepared myself to die; hy chance I came mi di r y our treatment and you ha' .• cured inn of a tfrai e sickness in a short time. Vou have proved yourself a physician and you do honor to the name. (I. i'ropnuior Restaurant. To hr. Heinimann, .'llll Francisco. Auburn. January H.ati. Ih-ar Doctor:—l always remember you with pleas lire, and h feeling of '.'ralitmle pronipls me to address you these lines. Von know in w hat a deploaahle state I was after coming out ef the liands of Hr 1.., who wanted to amputate mv right arm. m shed hy a fall ing Iroek in order to save ray life. Happily for me, I heard of you. and of I tie reputation w hieh yon had nl .Mormon Island; so I asked for your advice lietore parting with my arm. At the recommendation of seine friends o l ' yours in Greenwood, I went to stay with you. and in a few weeks my arm, instead of h.-iug amputated was saved, together with my life which I consider I owe to you. Dear Doctor, ii I ever can In; ol any advantage to you dispose of me, for it is en tirely to year skill Ilia! I owe my present existence, ih ~ i vc. tie r fore, my siccere respect, tn: ! tlie -issi!- raev'e that I believe yon to tie one ef our most talent ed and experienced ptivsiciaus in this country. Vours truly, I C. To Dr. Ileiminuun, r>an Francisco. Sacramento, February Ist, is. - ,it. The nhdersigned has known Hr lleiniinnim far many years, and can vouch lor Ins Justly having earned a reputation as a conscientious, prudent, ex perienced and skilful i'hysifian and Hurgeou. and would therefore roccmmeiid to all people P> rely with most implicit confidence in Dr. Ileiniiimaii's skill and science. _ VV. Tltird street, between J and K CABINET SHOP. .Tons' mii.iiiamiT. UroUI.D Respectfully inform the citizens or rtid wed and vicinity, that he is prepajed to do all kinds of work in his line of business in a workman like manner, wiili despatch and on reasonable term* laving always on hand a large assortment oi <lry in ibcr he is ready to make to order. Doors, window, Tables, Rockers, tc. All kinds oi Cabinet work, and in fact anything appertaining to his busi ness. billiard Tables set and repaired Shop no CVarlcsritreel, below Uess St Larcomb’s Brick Store MKDICWL. DR L. J. CZAPKAYS nit. i, j.c/\i*k vy, i.xrr. in thi; htnoa nhi Hevolat j-mary War. Chief Physician t i lie itilli recim. ut ot 11 •>ii\ «m I Chief Sarce,»n I** lit** Military 11 • j• 11.« I of |V«h. Mumtary. ami 1.%• L**cln* r,*r mi Di-ease« of I riiiary organs, and diseases of w -men an I i*lll l r* n. Tn ria iihii ri- ii, —l>r I. I IVipkaT ha* opened In. nis-ilu'e lur !In- cure uf all form" uf pm -it* dt" i a. >. .'a h a. -vptuhs. u -mirrliea. m-.anrmd emu* Mud" am! all till* * onse'tuencc of "-Tf*iih t"e In 11 1• • lir-t -'ait**. i it _*mii>rrlll-11l dis-u-e. he itunraule,-" a r ire ill a few »'(limit iiicmivi-iiji'iiri’ tn tin- palieni, er li a train ■ l-i In* Mii-iil-*." U 1..-n a|> .iii-iit, I v neithel. ->r improper treatment, hii* »l«*vnl<i|m*«J the secondary **vin|'t"iii" mi .vhilis. "ueh a* tiiitiiH*.. or I- ail 1 1 -wvlilnt" "ii ill- ifroin*. m* nicer- in I hi* Him at an,| jll, w Inch. >1 ii* .l checked, de-iroy ill-* .-»ti parts and eau-e tin* hones to 111--r:itv. separate ami come away. l-*:u im; It--* “nil* r- rmi oi'j—t )■ in l-rliolii; or win a «|T i* !n— an ! |- tuple" break --ill iit>ou tin- -kin, or wlirn la- lot. |- lintul -i- lliiL.* i|(H-a 111.- I.- a-*-, or ii li-’ii I"" i*oli"litulii*li i" injure,l "-a" to (i r- 1 1 ; -1 n •; • I l"i -1 I—l l 111 |-l 101 l or nlln-l* c>-i.«l H -It Infill ili-i-a-i-, iti-' |i -i ioj iriiarnii!i*r-> a i nn- or n-k< I . ii-iHii-ii tn Uln-uiii iii-in, chronic or aenle*. in 1 1\ "i-nli*ri. --r liiarrti-i-a. In* Ini" "an* an I - ft-■• *•aa I re r 11-* 1 1 1 -* •. I -*r tin* In* alnn-nt of tin* coil" cpienci*" -- f -elHihn*e. -in di a- norlliriial I mi —ions, n-*rv-■iisni .'l till! it!-I i IO * a - 1 :11 *ll • * j»ai ii" in t !i** hark and tiaiti., wit )i tmii.rai weaklli I-'." --I a|i|»*liii*. I I memory. t|l| try |o lilt- .Util. n-11-*.-lli*"". COlllllsi Ml "I lit-al". it l-i i k-* t--r «o.*n*l% ani toi'liiii; of n. inn-*" of lit-*; w ill till' li-ri'il" > - 1 1 • 111 -o evileahle Ilia! "11-Jltl noi"i-" "In.rk or j-tarla* tin* patient iiiakiim hi. - \ ~iuv itii-i ralili*. I --r tin- iilhim- mala ln*« tin- liocmr »ill liinir.iniii- a «.*llr<• or a.k iniiaiiii|n-in>a ion. lit* can 111* 1**il ri -* of i*ti:• rtf-*, lilnl mv lt-*.« nil lo call, a- II will C""t I til-ill liollium, amt may tic in an to 11 1- ir all anl-me. Hr. 1,. .1 i 7. i|-k av I" ilitily read v im; implication" from ev, * r v |-arl m Hii. Stan- am! from iin t-m an- 1 \\ 'auliiiiL'loii I. rnloi nI- r lroaiin. nl ol every form ol disease. mil there i* m-t onn wlio will Cl nun lor want am! i-\[in -, ili-.ali.laction; on tin- contrary, llin Dr. is in it 1 1 > ri c. ■ll >i if letters i*K|inwi»o nl urali mile an.', lli uikfiilne.., some of w inch arc |itihli.lii*il hcloW l.y jiermi.-.-ioii. >1 AKt SVII.I.K, Jun-I it, IS.T.T. Tir 1,. .1, C/.apkny, Sun T'raiici<coSir. I Inn ti"cil lln- la.l nl your iin*iticint- inn! tin in-I tlnnk I "hall nccl liar 111. re, a. I I-* * * I very well . \i*e|-l Ilia) I Inn- not entirely tint, my sireiulh tel 1-nI .unit will w ilh the :i |-[ -el lie I htne, ll i- just three week", y-ni may recollect, .ince I enlleil at oar in.iitale, w itti my eonstlliition. a" I thomjht, • nlin-ly lar-’k m, ami never ilimulil yon woul I In- ahh- I • cure m-- perlecl h, I-a I i lion J. hi yon miudil t-e nl-le lo d-> "om.-lhue,' to na-n the |in 111 mmy hack mol head mol "I n■ i 11 . •■ 11 me lonli", which wen* -o weak ilial they would almost cue w av itnilnr inn w hen I walk 'd, and to sirentthen my ti. rve" ... Ili.u 1 wunlil not itet - xeiled and tr- ni hh- lit every liiiln Itnmr Now Unit you know what I exuected", you may judtte of my salisliiclion a! my complete recovery Irom tho.e sv mph-iii" ami the tv mm a! of i ho.e .|il.itch.*, ami -ore" IV.-in my "kin an.l If..* nicer" ir in my throat; .ml the entire .lo|ijiie„'.* of th.."e emissions which yon .ai.l were principally '.ln* eau-e ol my sieki I call hardly tell yon w hii Ii i" the urean-I. my joy or my *"iirj ri-i*, 1.-r eve. pt not hu me ln i» C“i my .trencih, I led a" well a« any man can leel. r.mio.eil I "i-tnl yon iwetily .lollat" over vonr chare.*, ami think my.-il ehea|.ly cure.l ll yon .hink will he heiietilleil. yon nny (ail this lettor in tie* i,. w-|.a|» a*., Tn... H wiik**. 1 -.. a i i vmi • )reenn. May I V, Im. . |lr i'/tiikay —Dear Sir ; meilicine ha" l.eeri taken aeeonllm; to tlinaiioii" 1 led a little w ak m*(; in everv other way I mil allllo"l entirely r. coyei i* l, an.) Hiink ma . 1». >i*l time I .hall lie n* well n." .v -ar. T' that know" me i" wnnnleriniT w hat I ( Ia. I. * -in ll a< 1 1 I.C . 1.. r -nine friell.l" thnllUhl I hi..l eoii-' 111111 lion, aid nlher.lhil I "ill Colne era/y \t 1 ,!,.|T know hut they were I mill r chi. a- I tell a ic.o'.l ileal liolh way., amt Ihoncht if I dhln’l .In s,„in 1 w..n1.1 hUe t. l . lam not tr.iiihle.l any m.n*.* w .111 . mu-imi-, ami lie* j.ain in my neail ami hack, aid the w.-iikm-" in my limb" have left me, Hint .o ha- lli.* .li/./.me-". i imi in..'. inn I Urn w i-h a I way . to 1. ■ alum : I am not alrai.t to t>n in Coiti|ia y now, nn.l am no! ... ea-lly ..i.Tci a. I USeil to he. when any lull.* thine V..mill .’el me irenihlintf. 1 have men at Work thi. week, .(iu'li i- 1 In- Hr.t 1 have ilone for .i\ „i>-nlli.. aid in. Unmchl of it iTniT vll-c.mrace tm* I,kt> i( n-.'.l to In.tee. l. I feel likanollier man, nn.l f\ i- ah i,wine hi yo-ir meilicine uml ailvice. You may t -11 1 1 D - 1 1 (In" if yon want 10. Your. Jvc," .l'ioi-n ft win- rvmknTo, May IT I"VT. Dear Sir Snell i" the ihimklnllie". I fed for the |ir..". rv ation of tnv le allli of liolh bmly ami mind, and I I , ;i.• vi• of my lit.* Unit I hope 1 will not he eon -Id. red intri.ue in teialermc mv a. km w h ." h r re.torinc tnelo healllt, and makinc my 111,, a boon worth |.iv*a rvinc. when it had l.ncoine a burtbeii too treat for me lo hear. \ Iclim a. I vv a- lo vice Unit had undermined mv eon-ill ill ion and dev el* o|,. il a train of nervmi" "vni|.lom«. .in ti a. nervoti" d..|,iltl v. Ilea lacln*, dl-lr. ".inc untidily. .eh-di.ini-l. di//in.'"". love of -olilnde, lo"" of memory and waul oI re"olnlion. he.ide" a hi«< of .IrencUl and cm rcy, which made mv waking moinenl" wretched and my -1,.,.,, nnrelre-hiec and vv a" la.l brincmc me In lie* eravimi, thank- to -kill. 1 am r.-lore.l to health vicor.'aml etiercy li..|.inc to Chilli* other, where limy in a v llml relief, you Imre my (lerim—ion to make tin. public. I.Kovvitn VVaiik. 'To Dr. I. .1. i 7a|- ■ ay. San Tram i-eo. • .perm tiiirrli.*a. or local vv eakiin"", iiervo-i. di hilnv, low* -pinl", la--ilmte. wenklie." oflhelimb. ami ’llin k. in li-|* -iiion and incapability lor labor ami -l d llin.'.. "I api rdiensioli, lo«" of memory. aver -imi'to .oei. lv, love of Soliunle. limidi'y, .. 11-di-irn-t. di/./ine-., h.'a liidii* liuohinlarv ili-cliarce" pain, in lli,. j i t,-, atlrelioii" of ihe . y t*., pimple" on Ihe la. e, -exaiil nnd olh'T inlirmiii- . in man. are f ired with* out (all he the jn.lly eelehraled phy-ician un i "iirceon I, j ( / ipkiiy. Hi. method of cnriiic di"ea.e" i. m*vv, i unknown to > and hence tin* ureal -ucc--. All coli.iiltatioii", l.y h 11-T or otn. rwi.e free. A.ldre-s 1,. J i'/ ipUay, 'i D., San Tranci"co, Culiforni-i* To TUT, I.VDIKS »»T f Al-IKOKMA. ji r _ |, ,| i /apkiiy. late inthe Ilimcari ih Ifevold tionnry War, Chi-I I'hy.ici.nt to tin* Jnth I!. ;.mm ..| llonved.. Child Snrceon lo lie- .Military l|o-pi!ul ol p. -lh, llnncary, and late Lecturer on di-ea-e- of nn narv oncali" (i’ll- 1 dl-ea--*- of women and children. Ill v ji... the all. ntion .■! the -lek alnl allliel**.! feinal.*", lahorinc under any of the variotw form, of di.ea.e-* ol lie* brain, lime., heart, "foinach. liver, womb, blood, kidney", amt all di.eit"e" peculiar lo their sex. Ibn Doctor i" elf .*!i«ic re core" than nay other riiy.i inthe Sian* of •'alifornia. la*t no ftil-e delicacy proven- you, hut apply immediately, and .live y.air .. iv. - from painful .iitT. rinc" him! pieniatnre death Ul married I.idle- vv lio-e delicate health or other cir cuiiulnnc**" do not all vv n> have an increa.e in Ilnur lamd..-.-hoiild fall at Dr. L.. 1. C’Kii|>kay‘" .Medical In* stitnte, Arim.ry Hall, corner Sacramento mi 1 Monl- H . sin I-. and th**y will receive every powaihle r li. l an I help Ihe D.wlor. ollii e. ar-* .o arrmeed l(,at he can In con "idled with- c.l! the fietr of tnolema* tion. D .le-ir d. Dr. c. w ilt Ihe leiie. aHheir r.-nlen-*" All eoii.nllalioii" by letter im* olh**rv*i«e 1r,.,*. Avldre"" to Dr L. .1 Czapkay, Medical Di-atnie, \rmorv Hall, corner Sacramento and Monlcon-ery -ir-' i", S. F. SV I’ll ILLS AND GONDII HIKE A.—Dr. 1,. J C/.apkav wonl-1 a-k e-p- cial attention to .ypbilitic and coiiorrlnßul di.«ea"e". In lb-*Hr*t "lace, ofeith-r --I ih-*!M* complaint. In* cu iralilee.a p-*i I-cl and elT,*e la d cart* in a few* day", without hindrance lo bn-hn*"* or lln* mconvonience. The Doctor, method of trealinc llieni combine" all the latest impr-tv I*llo*lll. In the m-*.|icni faculty, with di-covem- inadi; by tnm -, lf. more effective than any tbinir yet known, which - cure, the patient from the |ios*ibilily of teeondary .ymptoms and remove* tbedisi-nse in the dhorte.t p.,s sitjle time. Secondary syphilis which appears in con* -enueiice of the alls-trillion ol ih-- poison into the «ys l-m. and pr.-laces Hulas*", I l.***ration. in the thr-ial and b'mv, wh-ch destroy the soft parts, and cause tin horn*. to mortify, separate and come away disfleurintr the patient horribly V«les or painfulswelliinfsim the honed,splotches^upon the .kin, ca-es of winch the [>,iciorssee daily tn hisofllc-* and which are the result of improper treatment. Al.o, ulcers, sores and pim ples, and Injuries to the constitution, which after a limit tieriod of suffering destroy life It will also fa* re membered that these disorders are hereditary, passing MEDICAL. fnmi |>:»r* til !•» rhdd, Mini ♦ nunlin.' U|mhi th»* :i mined on •«!ituiion K»»r Hit* c• i*♦* «»! .ill Ih***** f« nii« ol • I»■•••:**••. thr INhT'T* ipiarani. ♦s a cure of n-k-n«» « om|wii«H'|oM The lk*eh*r cm* he f»m«»• If l hy let irr i»r cilhtwn fnr of, ami invife* :. 11 w h*» j«iv :i IIIi fed to rail upon ti irvi« win re In* Will tfive them •m l) *uti*f'si I io*| i* lhe\ 0 *ll ol tain no \x ft IV else —• 111-* nn.nis jiff No, I an l *•* Armory Ha l. c tin r * I Suc r inn ill* • ami Mm .'niiirri •’rtrix S ill I rnilt i-<'h i in; (inn < n>r disc.»vera oftiik Alii !—< I mat Hl« to Mankind ! liinm’efif l*nl IN*- tfiil! l»r. I. .1.0. pka\ 's I’rophv laclicum, .>♦ If lM mfeef nc.' n «nr»* prew iiiaine Mif u.i*d fcf*»m r r|».»• rl l aml -v phiijhc di senses amt an unsuri »Mss»*d r* • t» ■* ••dy for j| jin l *• in nal. a»n»lo m.r» non-n* «l cnnct mus ilhvr* fa*!ld di-chiirtfes from Hie \ tvTTi », •Hern* ami nr» (hra an I all nil inrmn * ruplions an I d»-« «•*•*. For -nln af I»r 1..-I » /npkity% nitir *. \r m*»r\ Iliil!, corner «»( >.n 'aim iiio and M* ml mum tv* *Te«-|*», San I’ratn I'ro. As n»m*cui itnm is m prexeiT f »hxe a.r iin*i small m |»r I. .1 • /upk.ix s PropHlaclicum a preveiilatm* uiTdnsi *\ phdilical ami di-«• »•>» '. IliirmU »*• tin* |n *w if of » ||. 1 1 11 •*;• 11 \ li -I *o\ uif l fa- - \ fill ill! U* \i rn-, ami then U\ nc ihoujiauds *1 Munii* deba'ich > from h«mj infect* .1 J . ;I.< in i-l l ~ 1 > Ji-«*nn of af? dise-i-»s. I. t i... voiin.'man who appreciate* to aNr he wit hoTit hr. i‘y.«fik'\ '* i** ■ i iti * H Is tu verv c*on vnient packam s timf "ill he f mint mn vein .•nl*to ii*'#-, 1> m,' ii-ml .is a ‘".if, I d is* ran In* pr- n nl.-.| I* v tin- |-Oir] *» t nls. is a* well in esi.ihSfshed 1-in a** ilia! tin v mm he cun *| after their esiahli-hUM in. Tin* principle which i* imw univrr* ' til\ rri'.".'ii o •!. *i' r»v# iv* I **nn n#*ior»* tin* *ln>- .*i .1# iiiht. iln* * 1 i*r«»v#-r« r *•! tin* va* * 'n:ilioi» m I arnl i:«» rnnllipln <1 InTirlila « \. r hav* r.m\n.l. a* lh# \ il»-‘**rt r<l. tin* alfiiitioii *•! I In* mndical f;n*n ijy, l! 1.1 pl»r-'iit *»l I ti: - h Hi.- 111#< 1 1 . 11 -ri «*ina* that f»r. 1,. .!.(’/ ipkav lorl»inat# l\ in:nh* tin* ilt ron iv of In- rropl.iiinMirimi v\ 1 n li. f. r tin* firt snn .ion of -\ |(l:i!itir. L r #»in*rrfn*al. «*anr<ToiTaml <Mifan»M*u^ ♦ li-or-ih r •fumlii iitin\allial t»\ ai»> .*■ _fi* ll l in tin* I’ha-- mai'op#m ;». 1 In* «*fT# ♦■ I «>f Hit after I’oiimn ih imnn'tiinfe ami r#*nio\» - m»* p*»'*ihihl> *»l a roiitrae- Imil of' #1 i-»-a**o If. hiiWcViT. ih-- *l l *•>*a**«• ha** Im*» ii »n IraeftMl, i» t l’ul in in uiraii/ifiir tin* poimiinni' --i *t*»- liofT. "hu h. hy ah'urp i«.n. pro*ln< ** lln* horrid eon-# - *pifii-n' known as ># **on larv syphih"* Ii li-t ln*ei» mlfninishTe*! hy fin* l»orl#*r ininanv thousand ami In h n \# f to fin.l i' »• fir** in whi. li n ha- f ill-d J** suliu rvr lln* pnrpo-** |«»r w hu h il \v,n .'idniiiii-i. r ♦•#l. Hrrrv, >;». l ull *lirerii**n.H an* afnn lu*l loem lf p.ickiii,'r. ih *■ a■**■ •- wln*r»* IVophilaeiirum i** n**»*d in* c enralite. It. I, .1. .t| k,«v \f ill lunnHi man* a | rv !■*!* ri|Hi * * 11 lor his ldo-d rnnfbr. \ll roiinn mi. at loit Inin Hu* eoimirv, adilr* 5 ly fo Mr I, .1. « /apka\,>iii KraiiCmm "ill f*e •*!n«*fl> and I'oiifidi' l#», and tin* roiin dn-■ vNith fin* t!r* , ale , d rare ami st-rrery, imnndial. I \ «li-- I - n**ln *l,hyll v | re--*«»r i*tlnT <a»n\ e.> ;niee l<» Ilnur des tination. •!. 1.. < /tku Tin* iill*-man "In*'** name forum Ih** rapih.n ol thisnofi*'* is on** of Hit I#*" modern ph\-n lam* v>lh»-«• :ipf*ln ali* rr f** fiis pr*»- f’es-dmi ami *l* \**»n*n t*> Ih* dfh* i»*d. render him .'ilm** an (*rna>Men! in f 1 #* *'in* and a I#**im fi» n* lln* other \ 11 iiiikrnri'n h\ hirtli. In* -naudit u ith l\*msi/fh to pla*»* hh eounfrv jimonu r lln* n dioim of the ••arih. he\on f fin* oppressor's rule iha( ln-r ■»* ns tuicrltf r**j**ic»* in (In* praefir** <»l 11 * • »-t * pre#*epis vvhirli ar* alikn our IT I# r\ and inir pride. 11l In* • Hoffs •* * to d*, he his r**ape*l tin* r. vxar«l of un lTermal n’-i'lance to oppr»*s sion. ami **a home arid n country know (inn no more.*’ \ par! li**" av• i, from Ids rlaims ii).oii .air eon-id* r aliou a- a pairmt. lln* I*->1 ifft n*:d- of ehafa**ler mid cap'ieily " hu h m- tuam'- 4 * nf.ile him fo public conf!«- delire, fo lln- exel'l'ioii **l tho-*- who - neilln r lln* om* of Ha* ofln-** \- a -j.-nf'email (ds eharaeh-r iuntarui-ln-d :as a |.hy-i i > ll. In* kill uu-mpa"* *l; ami fo those w In** iiDimi 1.-ne#- ha- I* If upon lln-in lln I.lints of di- a-» . wcriii romiin li ) hill vx *t * * Hi.- :i**'iraii.'.' /hal in him Ih• ■ y "illflml a friend whom lokmov is i/r.-a? jjraifi. lln hr/s oltlco is No. :t ami ( \nm.r\ (fall rorner **f >in ranu*u(T amt *ml ifoin* ‘i'\ -in*!-. San Francisco. VKtii \t <i ri’i:i: i:i:\ i> i:i- \i> K : I - f - i fer i Zi. ■■ DR.. PAREIRA’S UK AT ITAhIW KKMKDV I'or tlie c-f-rtaln iuml >poi 'lv ciut- <» l 'h.-- iMhts kl'h j.vivato u.i'mi-, iii> mutter 1111 w Innu >t• • n Ii"lT, willimit miV m* i-tlk.-t to tii-- systt-m <>r i'"/ t-liiin»#i* of diet. 11 li i- never failed, it cannot fail to curt . lin tlimlili- >|ftii’-. Mr-t*! into 9 |*imiM)ii* lilt > om- -in.-.- 'oim I nut*- rn -■-•* Uii'.wn -i* V' nurn i-iiri' ‘ lluil in i vitv tmi u nml city i,.,i.iin> on tin- i .ml.iii-iii. lo.t in i.o iii Itritn»ii, lho .liiiiiiiii'l for ii win* ,0 irr.-ni, ii* im rii'so ii'ioiihilju/. Mini iii lo" ihmi your ir .in it' intriHliirlioh it I, a |,|, :,|,I, || nil Ollioi rrlin-ilii-'. Tin- .>!it'ul I'.u ully ~l ih.. |init.'i(oil i.iliivi of I. ooi.i- s.-n- >-• mi| 11> .I ic uck no a Icilu'i it' w< iumlitj n'rr (limw. I’m lirM-tiii*** oltu-r iiKolieiiM-. uf IH sway vainly 111 ii li-;. vll rt-< Ito H.ny it, oiivoinl |.rot'n--n irrars 1 iion ii i- tin" mowiT. lin-ir i-U irt* toll in . In- lironml mol liko tiro on Iho jiriiripy, -w. >-| i n-' all lioloro it, its mi wanl niari-li Irinriniltani It Mnml forih upon it« own im-rils ; a -I’ | h|.li»,- *tuv. tri.-l mnl ot ils virtues. I’tii* m.wivu 1 ui-iinir.-il In I>r. I'aroiri Imm tin-»ulo of n dtirili- 'I"- 'ix \ ho pn par. il il. aiono horo vv itno-s to it' niirai nloii' inorit'. \t lln- iloci-hm* of lln- ll.jrl I t,o popipo wa' I i 1-a lli I** Ito hi*, -on, who ha' Ii- -ly'll lln- n-.iioilv into tin- I niloil Htalo-. Tim inmihiT ol curt-' ii ii o alroa ly iinnlo art- finii.'aini' an* 1 ti-ns ol Ihon-.iii'l-i can hoar ti.oummiy toil- olHoapy. All who ii'o it It w ill cun- w iih a nafoty,«p«-*T ami • no iil ln-r nn-ihoino ha- ever por'ojeioil. Ko-ori lo nolpmvk N olriini'. I-c a r.-im-.l y that ha, in-ell me.l tor tin- pint filly years ami was never , known to tail. Tin- i. rout llemoilj i* warra.itcl purely vetfeliihl -.1 Hew are ol t oijiu- ri.-il-. ITe- ■sh n»i. 'a!.- of Una wmiiteflul In;- alreuil* i-nil*ial »iaiio |h r'oti , r pi r-nii'. to palm ol! ap-oi He- aa- i-p.-.-lin/. a spa rlmi- i-oiiipoiin.l, el *-• Iv r.-- -iihlinj lie 1 ori-.-tnal. Ho parlietilar lo hoy wnhout Ih.- written -ipnalnro of \ 1-areira. M, Il on lln- on.-nl wrapper ol oapli (bottle. \ l l other* are c.iiinierfeli, amt ilieir com* iioomh-r;* will be poni'hi'l wall Ue- tumor*t of the law pr( -o. Three ih-llur- p*-r horlo for -ale hy 11. Ilah -1 i-. K-k, iMile Alien! |..r < Oilil. Till i. < ir.-iinn all 1 lhe,' i ini| wj.-h I-laml'. to » hoin all oril.-r« m ill he !«hlre?'eiJ. \ liberal itn*c 'tint ilia-te to wlmU - ale il.-al-T*. 11. Ii V ISi'tX'K. Wholesale Dnift'-'isii 7T I lav is street, .--,iii Francisco. hi,l of Asrent, throash -it the -■ .te. Kid- ..Win i’o. nr.itfvfivl. Marysville : 11. K- .--'arkwealhef, i ity : I Iran Store Stoektmi i Vi. II Hriun r, Sohora : Uonj : Shnnleff. Shatla ; I hIM k Wor-hen I’lap. rville Justin . ■ ales. Jr Saprini-iito . by; 11. I-- V\ . # nrr. Dowaieville : I»r. John I.ark Nevada; I»r. W. H. .J at lief, Vreka, l»r J 11 SVinslon, l.o» Angeles; ! IToamts Willey’, ciau Dmao; Geo L. Story. I'orllit, i "- 1 - BLANKS— F.vejy deserpitionof.'Sustica’tß! ska fcgjsalo aihii,o£Bce.