Newspaper Page Text
OROVILLE DAILY BUTTE RECORD. VOLUME I (ftrouillc Bailn Suite 3Rtrart. , ~ HCMMSIIKD DAILY (M'MiH' "» GEO. II CROSETTE. faf* Mrrwit— In R>>«i<»ril IDilMinir mi My>*r< f»r Iviit "ruvlllf. Tk««4—Dm* Ymr IVr \|;iil 91'* Six month*. <l'» '• • *"" Thru** month*. * Ih'lhorccl liy Cnrri.T. |wr 'Vf.-U *" wkkklv sir i i i: iiKcoiis). Pi if rlr«i'ililion In Hu* mullin' amt a/rh nlli«r:il dis- Incln of Hu- comity, will contain Hi" !<«■ I and nl iiawsollli" wi ek. Ml"rs|i* rs"d wi’li nilar.-iim.' mi*- cellimeoiis rending mutit-r. It will .-nut mi tw.-uty ,',,11111111- ol mailing mn'li r. mi l w ill m! Ilt*i lar/"-i nml choapt'sl W •■••Uly Nowspipors in tin* Hmic. Published "ory Saturday l'i run—•?.» per Amin iu : *ix months, three months. Vi. AnvMlTisKMItXTs. per n't lari'Hi It'll lllia Inr U"*a, first insertion, ..... 1 ' Kuril subsequent insertion.- - ' . 1 jj •jf" \ litnTiil ili' lnriiim w ill In* inii li' In favor oi til ,-,' whn advertise iiy iln' >i'nr dttf m Uu-incss curds in-, TO'd "ii masoiiahleterins. JOB PRINTING, \Ve would solicit Hie alleniion of imr friends whn lire in want oi 'lull Printin'/ In Iln'furl I lot wa* am (,ri* juipiml |m •-v i-t'Ul*' every ill—. ri|tl•• in nl wnrk m our line in A alyl" Unit Ciiniini hill In give Halisfacmm. Wi* liuvh ri'i'i'iilly iiiinli' new nod "\lensii " n Idi i m- I" ,mr lia-nrlmi'iil nl .lull Mat.'rial*, nml tiavr I irilily I "' ■ lihug nil kinds nl wnrk at moderate rates ami nn short linin',.. (o-llt tlllllllH tllvlfl'i fff Almost "verylimly wauls something—linur are mi (np11 111 air m In In* (inlirrly inili'|M'ii l*‘ni. in ill* 1 -in* iintaiiiiig nl llial ti nn—we am all lo u greater or I degree ili'jH'inlrnt nn inirh ntliiT. I'his being an in disputable far I, mi propose tn |injnt mil a mod" by which nn ml nl yourdesim may he gralilied, in - II you want any kind nl lalmriTa. nii'i'lianica, nr clerks; vnvitKTtsk If ymi want an ortli'i'. a house, a Ini, nr a farm l AOVKIi I I*l.'. II >,mi want In exchange property, nr In hnrrnw inonuy ; *i»v kk i isk. If ymi waul In rent nr mil houses, lots, or (arms ; *m kit l ine. If ymi want Indispose nl jimr liiiriini; aovicrtsk I) ymi want Ui rtmt rooms nr ufßces; na lari [- 1 . ](' ymi waul any kiml nf -niplnvment i m\ an i i-r. Whatever ynu want liau- nr In di-poso nf; AIIVKK I'HK. Ann nl/ iln* many Hilverli-in/ mediums. w" may be permittisl In ri'i'iimiin-nil In \oiiP IninraMr consider ,ill,m ||„, •>( lu vn.i it Imi v Hi iii. Kkiukii.-’ which j, in many |n'ii|il" lin f li at linni" anil abroad II il suits von. send in ynnr favors, ami fur a lair cnin |i"ll-nlinll. we will introduce you Inwii'rill I ;nli t Mini gentlemen, whn olherw ise, |n'rlui|»-. winiM ncii r lull" helird Ilf ynu. If 111" *• Ilk, olio” does not -'ll', vniir fancy,advert ise in - niln'r all events AiivKii riiii ! These suggestions urn merely throw i tint fnr ynlir ami because we believe it I" •*«' nur duty tn inform you nf everything w hirti is rnrula tnd In enhance your Inter-sl. Un ><nt helievn tin jihoVM is /nod avict*. It n pans" Inr a reply. I'fitlA lor Iln* Knllp llffonl. lIKVRY KPI’I’KU, Uidwi'll Tll< IM AS ItUYCK 07 Merchant *1 San Pnincisco. A h. S tITII, I* slmi'l. Mnry-vill" N I*. I’ld'M Porheslown AVIIITK ft Ni rri’.U Oregon l ily J K JACKSON ....- Itn/lnivnl I.KVI SMITH Thompson's Plat IHI HUtiriIKUTON Prollierhm's Store. .1 \AIP,S TR<ll'tillToN Wyandotte .1. SMIRWIS Nelson Creek. I’lunnis < n JUDKINS &, CAT I'. \ inirii'in V n 11.-y M. PP.Nt'K .M"»illa Vnllny. Th" ••Uncnrd’’ ran In* prnrurnd fmm unv nllli" jitmvn natni'd A/"iils, udm ar" alsn inillmri/."d In rn crivtt udvi'rlistmii'nls and nnliTs fnr .lnt> Work IH'TTK ItKCOUO .11)11 IMtIVMVtJ ESTABLISHMENT o it o v i 1.1. r.. AVn arn now iirt'pnrfd w ill a /nnd aasnrtninnt nl HKINTINU MAT Kit! VI.S. Uext-citlM rvtry dn «rriplion of u a b a ,a b ] Md tli" in nirlttEAlfOlt'' AIII.Ju I'KliMtf. ytul in u sty 1" GUat will not >I'MII to i{ivi* salislurlinn. Mnj.ii/ and «olLur cniupumna tli'smt*/ C Kit TIC AT KK OF STOCK, fan havt) them PUINTKO ON SHORT NOTIOH P.very kind of .101 l I’rtAikUiCt ejmculrd to ordor mirta as ROOKS, CIRrri.ARS, I'AMPIILKTS. CARDS, IUI.I. HKAIIS, lIKP.IIS, t.AIIKI.*. NOTKS, I’USTKKg, IIII.I.KTS, I.A'W lIT.ANKS. BILLS "P P.XCIPtJK 11 ANK GHLCKS, PROGR AM M KS, 111.,LS OP PARK. Or any other drsrriplhm of Printing that may ho do sired. Having ha<l many years practical experience in tha branch of the Inminess, we are cnnlldent ot giv ing on Ire satisfaction to all who may favor us with their on rers. Parsons wishing wnrk done are rospectfUhy Invited e give us a call. SPECIAL NOTICES. OHOVILLE LODGE. No. 103. F. Si A. M.- Slated Meet in;;* held vti llio rilKi Saturday oi each mouth, at 7J I*. M .nl Mtimmic hull over J’iatl'* Market Kntrunce on Myerj < HHeer*- !• \ IVown 'V M Haniil .1 «•%»«•• t, s W;(;*»orjso tV. F.llinl i tV; I Kmwnthal TreaMirer; 1* (• < I’Donnel. Sot ’y: J I Kleine. ci 0; J KliinijuT. .1. |l. A lloakin*. Tyler, ilrethren in good atandiiiv, are invited to attaint, Butte lodge, n0.3-5f.&, a. m. —Lodge meet* at their Hall In llitl aii I!, on iho ftf*l anil third Saturday* of each inoitih, at 7 I’. M. < Utlivr*. Tito’*, \V M, .1 W till mvh'in, S \V, A I. <’”»Mn«ai.*iM j W, M Kikrkit S r'v. OfIOVtLLE DIVISION S. OF T. No. 224.- 'lyutr.d> ory Sund n Lveidng at S o’jlo~k, I’ M, at Matjvtuc liaJl- J H Nu- ijionl; tv I*. CWttifOWN LODGE. NO. 50F&.A M r m< «*» t-li'‘ S«»:i,nid Saturday of fault (doiiTli. H. W. Hw»w«. V M N U rtiinib, S tV; It >U Kff. i VV; Jaai'* tVataon iffrawin r; John 11 Thoinii#, S.k,-‘y-j It C I .art i It. S U; i Knuit. .1 l>; K I'. Miarks. Tyler. BIDWELL LODGE No. 47, j, Q. O. F.-H ular niffiiiik* hold every I'huraday evening, at 7 ,«’dock at their Hall. itulwell llrother* in rooti plandins are respectfully invitfd. Jo*ten I! Like, N W U Dkakk, V if - fi. La vTiitoKi. Sec’v ouovii.u:, itrm; county, California, Saturday, skitkmuer iswi. LKCJAL NOTICKS. sheriff s SALE Y VIUTI’K UK KAKCt ’ I'l'iN i It ..ftli.' Ninth Indicia) Hi iri. l Court. in mi'l (~r ;h- .»f II ill**. St tin nf I'inlnruia. bearing ,Ini.- ilih div of \nznst. A ■' 1 UU'I I" 1 '"' lir—led mi l <li iiviTi-l, cnnm nidii in- I" r»isih«- -mo 111 ll,n-.- !| indr-d and tillv .101 l *r“ |,ni,r.|ml. m,.| fur ini-n-t from ’I.- £.ld dai of June ' >'• .. i th- thr-e hundred dollars pnnciltil a' 'he I • hr.• • |„ r —mi. (n r m,4,1h until »>•••*» -nit taxed in the sum of t-n '•SUD tie* -mine 1 1 111 111- |.r.i( hereinafter d •itllnhl. In •hiklv I hi* iilnrt—uni j“.£Mi-m. vMi.nin .hi-. |,h I' Sumli Plaintiff and Jacob S Morn- i« Iti fin,lnnt. in wit: Th<* Metropolitan I h-atr-. mina 1.. ||, I Ino lilts. 111 tin* mnnlv nnd .'lni** ill*>n— uI. In- C :,i,.,| il,.- corner of llniiliiim anil Hir l -ln-*i-. frontinet third nine ill!" fed mi llnntnon -in - . mi.l eizhlv .“Hi f«*fl mi llinl afreet. \I >'i— "H * ,!l * curtain pie— mi I par—l of Itiiul nil,ml,-I in ( no'll* , i iiihir I'nwnxliin Unite enmity, and Sin ''alitor. mu. unit described "il iht* map of lb- Town ni < in nil- ii- follows • Uil* mi'inii r mi-. _< * * * I hr—, ( i fniir, 1 li li'-. <'>t nod six. '* 1,1 11 n-k thin n «ix. i:. ; I.ntii number mi-, ill i»". i'.’i liv- i.n -ix I. s-v-n. 7. and eizlil, in Hlm.k i-iulil, M 1,, lx mill,.T mi- 1. two. J. Ilirm*. A. 4.11'-. ;• -i Jo". 7. mi I -izbt, h. in lllnck numb— ten. m: f*"W ii ii in I M-r <iii— I, l wo, *. thr-,*, .1. fimr. 4. Il\, , lV -imi.T.iiii.l -iklit. S. in 11 nick iniiiili - r -1-v-n. 1 ; HIM*. 1. two,'••.*. ibree. :t lo ir. I, tlv-. -IX. 7 an*l m-l.i s in block tmmh-r Iw. lvo. l-’. 1 I. two. I, br-e, !l. four. 1 live - v-n, 7. and-izlil. s. 11l 111-Il k number tweiiiv. .(•; 1.. .•roi.i*. I two. thr-. tl. I -o'. 1 hv**. ... -ix. H- i-n.mi,l eight, e. in Hhi-k number twenty .ni-. o| ; 1,,-- ii.inih-r mi-. 1 I* ll -. stir--, I.l* ir. i. !|.... -ix. v-n. 7. mi l eizhl. k, in l»l«ck i.mnh-r I u-nii two l.ols number one, 1. two. thr--. f four. I lii-. ',. »i\. I'*, -v-n. 7. hint oitfht, in II i" K „„,„1.-r t»i*„ly-llir—. V 3; nil <>f whi-li 1 will-xt..— t.* I. ,1 1 1. c ini—, to lit— liiifli—l bidder lor-n-h. fit lint i irl-aii- lintel. in tin, Town of i >ro\ ill-, on Saturday, ih- -ml, 1 1;• x nl S-pt-ml»-r, A. It. is.i'i, belts eou Hi hours prescribed by law. I* x’KKK, Sheriff Pull- Counts. Itv M. A Me I.MHiIIMN. I'epnlv. Hated, ihi- -fill day ofAuifiut. A. I>. injrt auz-7-td SHERIFF S SALE mv vnni'i’. itK \n KXKfi ito:*j is»t r.ij IS not ni ih- Ninth Itistri**! t'mirl. in mid h. Hi- rnoiilx of Hull-, mid Mule of I'lilifornm. l-ar in* ,|a I • • \ i-iil-l UUh. A. n.IHCi. mid to h„ ilir-rl- 1 nid d-liv-r-.l mo lo miiko tin- sum nt j hf „- I mid llnrty-llv- thr— mi- hundr-th dol lar- ,1,0.1. m oh i..t-r-“t on 111., Sion*, iiiitl th- sum m-nii Hir-w hm»dr-d;h dollars ~r -ui'. wish iii'i ruinic coni* ol “aid judum-ui, o il nf ih- nriui-rtv h-r-iiml'i-r de—rihod. tn“iili-ty ,l„ , tor-Hii-l j'ldiSin-iil, who-'in John I mv l ,,, l '' l J n Ilii\v ll —mo I'iinnliir*. nod John M-l -llnml. II- • i-l -mil. in wilt A c-rtiilu .Minims riaiin. -iMal-d mi i, :l m Kill i<—nr lliotown ol iimvili-,rouniy ini.! Mm .1,,.,-- i.o • -a-l I'liiiui is nltiolj tlv<* t—l Irmitinir on ih- I'.liilf. mid -xl-ndiuK liiirk Soil f—l \l-o:;o “Ini— l„,-,.. now upon Iho rlniin Also 1 H|o ol small llum- I- uliiui liiun lln* r ---miir lo Ho claim A“o all <• I), . riot,l ml- mid int-r-st nl 111- nhirosald d-t-ndant .1.,h,i Mel- H ind in and lo n fnltin silnatod upon sm.l , tnir-lh-r w it It all Hi*' nppiirl-iiitn—s hol»ni{imr 1., ,h- i.Uo,-. properly to ho wdn n„ Thur-dax 11.0 IP'li diiynf S-pl-nih-r. A. It IS *h at ;< nVlnrk |». M, wt 1!««' Ntilionnl I lot* *1 Min, ~i AiitfUHl, A 1). 1 • 1,111 \\ rur.r.u, siioritrßmto r«. |ti»U. A. Mi l.xi oiiMN, O-pniy. nJnid administrators SALE ’ SN ITIHAM'K (IF AN i Milt Kit OITIIK lION* ora j,l„ prohuto Court, in »li<l I* «* Bhllf county, m -11„ -a!- nf eortiilll real -spilt Itoloiilliiitf In the -l;,t-of t;-nru * I’, farltmi hit- of Unit- enuntv. <l.- e. a“-d I shall -Npnso for snl-. at ptlhlir amiinii, lo Hi- hi di-sl hid,lor, on thn doth day ol AntSU'l. A. *. 1* vt at •> o’c'ock I’. M.. in front m Ih- url-ans I lot-!. , mix ill-, l ho Inllowiiui d-s-nlt-d pr-nns-s. silnam in Hutto -mintv Slat- of * aillforiila, to XX II t • omtn-n - i,i-_r on th- sontli w—l hoiindiiry ol I mlmui s Kimch. in,,w i trovilloi forty rials Innn llio lunik ot 1--ath-r nxcr. and running tli-nco nlnim said hnun. ary in a “outli-rlv dir—lion on- hnndr-d and sixty , lorn rods lo a sink- : Ih-nco ina xx -sl-rly dir-, lion ouo hon ,lr-,l and sixlv (Hill) rials; lln*n-- in a northerly dir— t i,,n on- humr-d and -ixly 0*i«) rods; I hour o in oasiorlv dir—lion on- hundrod and sixix , H.i>; rods lo the iiliico of lt-i*iiininif. The above il—rih-d pr-nii s-s hoing llu* sumo upon which the said i.-nru-I Carlinn pv-d and claiinod po-s—sum diinnif soxerul xoars 1,-for-, and nl Ho* limt* nl his docoiiso. Tholormsnf sal- mad- known nl ih- timo of sale* Il 111 111 \KT, Public Ailininisirnlor, Auumsi flth i«s36. [«ug»»w*l UulUt county. declaratory notice TOTIi'K IS II *7 It lull V (iIVKN —Thai I. iTitbailim M Colin, wife of l.owis Cohn, of llu* county ~J Untie and Stale of California, do hereby declare, llmt -ml, from nnd iift-r .bisdal-.toca.ry.ui i,. mv own mime m.d on my own iiccmmt. in sanl coun'v nf Unite, Unit in torn •'! -aid l.usin--- i- k--p -i„y a whnl-“.d- nnd retail Ctear Mnr*. nod also K-i.ll- linn,ls. and that I will b- tm titdn allv rosin.iisil.l- in my own name, for till 1-hls t.nn lra-i,d I.v mo on a,•count nf mv said Imsm.-s-. and further declare, that llio umniiut of '•iipitnl w -a-l,o-s, dm** not exceed the sum ol llio In<—Uihoiix Whereof. 1 have h-r-unlns- my hand Mlh day of Auypist, A. It^CMd. 'CATIIAUISK COHN, J sxal. | BTATF. OK CAIAPfiRHIA., > (’iM’NTV Ul Hi' M l *!. OS ON THIS, th- 11th day of Anznsl, A. T> lo.>n. pef sonally app-ar-l hofor- MU* oft n; P-aco i i and for Ih- enmity,* •»' "i, n mi . ,1 caiharin- M Cohn, pmv-n In nioixi lie the P-rsoa ,l-“-rih-d in and -xecnl-d the fnr-irown; iii-lrum-iu, »h 1 ii-kii„wl-dK-il In me that she-.wul-d Ih- sam f.a-lv and volm.tarily, and for Hie masti nnd porpos-s therein menlimusl J"'IN . Juki ice of the Pence, Unite comity. Cat. Oroville, Anznsl 11. !«>«■ nuzll-tf INO TICE 1 1,1. PKIISONS hnldinif Slock in the Sxirth fea ther Water Co., who have failed In pay their -snients. are hereh” notified that nnU*ss »a»,l ar are p«d in full within llddf d*,- lme> Ih hereof \\ ol Stork, or mini > «•! i as w iil lw neeessary to satisfy sfcd arrear .Z-s n—rninz coal* *IH Iw «»dd at ntnawtl m 11.0 Inzi. hidd-r. at the Katie Hotel, Korbr-lnwn, nil ti—day. l“t day nf October next at 11 o clock A. n the manner prescribed by Stabile. Order of the Trustees. , .1, WAUBEN MASON. a ecy. ,rbestown, Auz. 'J9, 185«. ii-.’Pid FERRY NOTICE OTICE is hereby ziven that the undersign-d will apply to the Hoard of Supervisors In nnd lulle County, at their next reeular in—'me. for a ii«<» t«» run a Kerry ncroM the ri»rk ot ht r Uiv« r. ft utn»ve Ihi* junction of llu* ‘“''■'liiVßlß P.BAVAOE. dwell’s’liar, Untie Co. BOARD AND RESIDENCE 1 FKW tIKNTLKMEN will Bad a pleasant home with a private family in one-f those Cottages on street, second door from Mnntzomcry. ■uvilla, August 16. [augl6-lfj |MKS. PORT. LEGAL NOTICES. CONSTABLES SALE ■ P V virtue nf an K*«rcntS«»i* i««ued nut of Justice ■ v r.llioli’s Court, and to me *1 1. mi th«* tlr-i it iv of August. A I*. IS‘>o. Commanding m« In make itit* «iim nf one hundred uti l eighly mif hundredths ! dollars judgment, in'l twenty eight dollars costs uc 'Ti init costs of said Order, nut 111 the pnijierly herein* niter dcscnliel, In salis'V the aforesaid Judg'ilenl, wherein I' K. Dennison it plaintiff and Charles 'l'nn. van t W H. Johnson are defendants, to »ii : One lenioi unit lot slot tied In the town nf 1 'enlerville. near Hry Creek on the opposite side of the rnurt Irnm Mr Weir's dwelling. The Said house hint four rooms in it, and is IS by'ill feet—also I bedstead, 1 small imrl'r vinvi and one smalls' md which I will well nt Hie cnnrt rniiin doorof J.T. Klliotl’s nltire tin ltir*l i .(reel, ilrnville. Untie County. state rf Ciili'orina mi 1t,,. ;,||| I lay of September. A. II Is.'ib, at 3 o'clock I* M .. to the 'highest hithler fur cash. Dated this 14lh dav of August. H l«i«. 4. Y .KINKS. u |3 Constable of t tphir township. INSOLVENCY NOTICE. ft T ATI-: '• ' t' Vl.lKi MINI A, Conn 1 )' of Unite— ijoint tv t'onrl at Clminiiers. In the matter o| \ iiuieroll. an Ins ilvont detitnr vs. His Creditors. In pur-nance of an order m ule in the County Court in and for s li'l t'oijnty ,i y the Hon Jos. K. V Lewis, i nnn' v Judge at chambers, on the IHtli day of August \. H l-'.ii. Notire |S hereby KIM II to tlie creditors of Hie said Insolvent. C. A llancrotl. to he and atipear t„.i,, r ,, i|„. Hon. .I. M. N lewis. County Judge of . ; n,l (jininiv in Chambers, nl llidwell. on Monday , tin' j.o ,|| r* * * 11 1., II I •‘art, and make proof nf their are.. Mills and demands against said insolvent's edate nr they w ill he hatred from receiving a dividend from tin! same. Witness my hand and the seal id said t oimty 1..5. Court, affixed this, the Isth day of August, A. D.IHSC, at llidwell. .MILKS CHAPIN, clerk. aiVlw ByM.ll, litKnAi it Deputy. INSOLVENCY NOTICE ST ATM iiK CALI KORN lA, County ol liulir— Comity Conr' at Chambers, In the matter id .1. lletrslalter. petitioner in Insolvency vs His Cred itors. In pursuance of an onler made in the County Court in and lor said County hy the Hon, Jos. K. N | Lew I*. i utility Judge at Chambers on (lie lltili nay of . August. I* 1 Notice is hereby given to the (•renders of the said petitioner in Insolvency..l tJ. Hotlsialter, to appetir before the Hon Jos. K. N. Lewis. County Judge, on the tint dav ol the Novein- I tier term of the said County Court, to wit; lln the twenly-loiirlli dav if NovemlMT. A. D. 1' Ml, at In ~'clock A. M.. 11l iiidwell, to show cause, it any there he, why the prayer of said petitioner should not lie granted. and he’he discharged Irom his debts us an iiisnlvent detdi>r. Witness no liiitid and the seal of said fJonnty (, s fours, affixed this, tin* 111 day of August, A. l>. 1 s.’ili, at bidwull. Mll. MS i’ll MM.N, Clerk „0,-,t w Ry M . 11. 1 1 irk aan Dep’ty DISSOLUTION* r gA Hl’. CfhPAIl I N MIL-MI ll* heretofore existing be 0 tween lames 11. brass and John l>. Keating, is tins day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due the hue tlrm mu tbe paid in, James H brass, who atone is authorize I to u*e the name ot the than in liipddation. All demands against the late linn of .1 1). Keating VCo , w ill be paid by James 11 . Crass. JAMBS 11 itl! \SS, JOHN If KM ATI Nil. Oroville, August Id, 1H.',(5. uugb’elf CO UN XV T’M’.ASb’UddtS oKk’ICK, t * * biDWKt.I., July 1-th. ISoll. S is hereby givne, that all persons holding Iw bulU* i minty Warrants payable from the gene ral fund, registered between February Kith. lead, and May “111. 1 Sdd, that the same will be redeemed on pteseniaiion, nt my otllce. And notice is liirlher given, that frolll and after this date, said warrants will cease to bear interest WILLIAM LATTIMOItM. Treasurer of butte County EXPRESS AND STAGE LINES. EVERTS, DAVIS & CO.’S express office i uowJi’t? nrii.DiNu. d >trkkt, wk.stkidk, MARYSVILLE. a DAILY F.Xd’KMSS will lie dispatched Dora ,4 onr OllVe jn .Marysville, to balitnl Creek. Rib sonville., Coiuinbns House, Lexington I House, Warren Hill. HepUlllsville, Nelson Creek I Poor Man's i reek, Hopkins Creek, Onion Valley. i I Hill. Klringtown, K.nterprise, Wyandotte. Long bar, Spring Valley . Scales’ Diggings, St. Louis, i bid well’s bar, Hansonvillc, bine Creve. I. handler ( vibe. Spanish I hit., Independence bar, American [ Valley, Lli/ahcdhlown, Spanish bunch. Meadow Val ley, City ol ’7b, Jamison (keek. CaimnCrwek. tiroyille, Thompson's Flat. Oregon tiiilch bnrnard’* Diggings Harrisons Diggings, and Po.erly Hill. our Tltl.A.-l UK K.XI’I'KSS will always be uccom ininied by faithful Messengers i 2 gf" Collect ions. Orders, 4vc., aUeadeil to with promptness and liilelity. _ i 1 p; KVKBTB. JMVIH 6. CO. New Arningemew—For \ reka ON AND AFTKK JULY ‘M Ikab Hie California •Stage Com pany’s Coaches wi II leave their office. Murray’s Western House, Marysville, every day id'J o’clock, P M.. for Vreka. via llumiilon, Neal’s Uauch Chico, ’ Tehatna, bed blulls. Colloriwood, Smith’s Uanoti. Hay’s Ranch, and McComber’s .Mills, cross i„g Pin river at Lockhart** Kerry, Crandall’s Ranch. Thomas’ Knit. Tucker Town. Junction House, buck bone House. Soda Springs. Vreka Mills. Sheep Hoc*', Shasta buttes, Stephen’s Ranch and Oldham’s, a’ i via*' in Vreka on the second day at 5 o cluck, P. Si. 11 E T U 11 N I N G . Will leave their office in Vreka at 5 o’clock every morning, connecting at Marysville with the Corn pa in’, coaches for Sacramento, which arrive in time lor die San Francisco boats nuking a throng.i trip, rom Vreka to Han r rancisco in THKKK DA\S. t.KO K THOMAS*. Oelierul SupT Cal Stage to, July if. ’, fjy Itil ai Marysville. U . S. MAIL LIN E ! vN and after Tuesday. March ISth. 1866. llv» Cali f fornia Singe Company’s Coaches will have their ce. Western House, Marysville, every morning at cbs*!| for Sacramento, and arrives in lime for the Sun l rancisco Boats. . „ KTKKNI NO— Will leave their Office. Orleans Ho Sacramento, lor Marvsville, al the same hour fi;i;n K. THOMAS, Superiulendanl, larch l“lb. 1556- Marysville. fIOR SALE hy the «'use or Package in quantities to suit. Long bill paper. Legal cop Letter Paper. Ink Brouil bill paper, Fools cap. Note paper. Peo oils. Blank Books, Wafers. &c &c. Ne;, B y Cart iers Book & Stationary Lo. 87 Battery &G 4 &G 6 Long Wharf. S'm Fran cisco • C’ P* KIMBALL, Pres. M’MLLE Al)\ ERTISEMENTS. NEW CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE Wfsl 1* Krv«*t I hi* Ok* Ilium lluiiv M.l UYS Y I 1.1. K, (\i L. Wm. Slinrltey ct? Co., FJ» KSprtTITI.I.V tNMM'NVK T » THE I’ll; ■ LIU and Til K TRAIIK. lh»l they have coo nf itilly on hiuiii, ami l«»r al lh»* inurt* prict*!», al WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, A lnr.fe and cun fully selected stuck of ('ik'iirs, oi tl»«* Choicest Iliamls. As well us mo«e of a cheaper eufilily ; also EVERN DESIK Vlll.i; BRA Nll OK T< »lt M VO, and in short, wlinievr may be found in any similar establishment in Catifomin. A I,ONI! EXPERIENCE. in the business, we feel assnrod will. w hen connected with STI! \IGIITHH! U \KI» DEALING, enable ns to «|vc I NTIHE HAT I SKA t THIN lo those w ho may tin or ns w illi their pul ronntre, C (TCoiiNTIIY Tit \I I KKS supplied 13 per cent, less thini at any other house in the Slate, Muyrysville .Inly 16, IH. ii. Jyltetf DRUGS ! DRUGS! PEGRAM & PRESBURY' Kmj'irr Block, Jit at ysville. U K lit Ceived per Clipper Shi(i. ‘-S S. Ilishop’ a larife and well selected invoice of’ 1)111 OS, MEDICINES ami PER. FUME lIY Which th<*y ofl»*r for Sah* ul th»* I«ow«**t Markrl Psicci, a ini to winch they nailc utloiitioik, Tartaric Acdl, Ricarlionate of Soda, Straight it Tiijkt Coiks, I’rcs sptl Hops Pressed Sam*, Oil of Sarsaparilla, Kx- Leinon and V anilla, tracts of Strawberry, And a variety of articles suited "to the Mountain Trade, nre now in Store, and will arrive liy quarterly .slnpinelits from V-w Vork and Philadelphia. PEGRAM.N I*ls KSISI ’K V, Apolliecaries V Driiir-Msls, l.mpire llloct). M’ville* WALKER. WILSON &. Co. DKALHKS IN STAPLE AHDFAHCY DRY GOODS, Clotliinir, Roots, Ladies’and (-lIILUUKNNS SHOES, HOSltilV, \C , U, sl side l». at near -Mnl si Nai ystille. m9t, r ll.l. KEEP CONSTANTLY ON lIANH, u full V V assortment iif lioikls iii their line, mid would respect fully solicit a share of public imlronaae — Particular mieiiiioa paid in orders iroin the country . THOMAS It. WALKER, JAMES C. WILSON. JOHN U. MASON. fch IM2-tt A C A IT 2D FROM THE WESTERN HOUSE ray UK UNDERSIGNED wishes lo inform the truv | eliaif pnlilic and the citizens of Marysv ille, that alter this day nil business cotiliecled with the Hole! department w ill ho curried tin by the use of TICK ETS, ns follows: MEALS S To l.dlK.ISt! .50 etc, 7S els., ami £1 FAMILY ROOMS $1 To per tiny A ticket for I >ll v Hoard, by the week, will be tjilll payable in r Ivance. A Ticket for Day Hoard, with l.oduintr, by the week, will I v 5 Id, f 10. and sls, at cording tote lec tion of room The Proprietor hopes these Reductions will be preperly appreciuietl by Uie Public. Tlie style o( hnsiiiess as helore. Tlte aihiiti«ui tif a tmod Hath House, Shaving Saloon, with the udvantmre of the idllce of the California Sljop- Company, with every other convenience for the traveler, w ill. I think, in sure to the public, nil the needlul conifortsof a home In connection willi the nbove.the proprietor deems it absolutely necessary to state distinctly that he cannot, lie inll not. nor sham. not. lo any one, male or fe male. L'ive the ghnhtest nr shortcut credit. This is not personal: it is tfeiieral. I have been rather imposed upon lately, and I w ish to protect the interests of my creditor*, as well as my own. K. S. MU KRAY Marysville, July 16. Had MISCELLANEOUS. VV 111 T E & NUT T K 11, DEALERS IS GROCERIES PROVISIONS LIQUORS, &.C., &C. rllK UNHF.USIGNK.D, ill cullinu the attention of the public 111 their slock of Prime Goods, would ai t bnnselves of thi* opjiorliinity to n turn tiianks rtlie very ueiieroti* palrouite they have received dtt m the number of y -ar- they have been engaged in isotoss at ilits place ■ and determined to merit a co*... iwauce of the same iu future, offer at Hie lowest les a I ante and well .elected •ssoriment ol (Ir.-i nes id Provisions. Liquors of a superior qualit y, pr»- rved Fruits, Miners’ supplies. Hardware, <;reck>ry d Glassware Ac.. Ac Particular altcntp u. paid lii filling and delivering miners’ orders trout a «iks ikv*. The highest price paid for Gold I mst We shall also run a daily Letter an i Package Ex ess, between this place and < irovill-.. regon City, July IRM. WHITE A NUTTER jy lil-tf "NEW ADMINISTRATION Central Ho use Hotel! Untiles from >lnry»Tilh h on the Ophir, Bidwuil Bar and reat'.mr river Ronds. JOHN LOWRY, Proprietor. I TAKE PLEASURE in inhsmiing my friends and the, tr,v, huv eontmiinily. that 1 am now read) to receive ami acromiiiiaJate then. Tin w ill be ;uriu-!ie«l w ith i boiee Liquors, my TA supplied with the varieties of Iho season, my s clean fowl coiiifortHblo, and my H AKNS will, stalls and feed lor h»us<es. In fuel ever » exerlion .e usd on my part to obtain ami sj-enre Ihe pub ivor—and no public house in California shall ex me in courtesy and attention to every one thui visit me. J- E.» Pro tr, H» County Jolf 18, lyttrU Nt’Mlll'.lt -tS. Miti'clliiiu. Halting* anti Brick« i»rc worth tIMHi per hundred. an 1 i ire laid m the wall by contract, in Orovilb* I »t SI~ per thousand. Lime is sol 1 it s!,«'(> per hundred > Lumber is selling ut trom s4d to $"•» pec j thousand left according to quality. Hay is worth s4ti per ton. Barley from i to ;5 j cts Neat cattle 1-cents on foot Bet f r atails at 1') t ■< U • cents. Pol kIS coals Mutton lib cents. 15 icon, (t’al) 30 cents. Imported, -7 cts. Pork, lIS cents. Hams, cents. Flour, per hundred. $3,50 Freight. from Marysville. sllO per ton Mu hanks waisks —Blacksmith's per month, from SIOO to $l5O. Brick masons. -FJS. Carpenters, sls to $ I per Jay. Laborers from SSO to $75 per month. Misiais.-Ordinary workmen above groun 1 s:} per day. Brifters, $4; Chinamen, $ J,ll->. The water works ot Mr. tiarrott, (we re fer to the one that he supplies the town with) are in perfect order, and squirt like a char in. Business of all kinds is in a flourishing condition. Amuskmen rs. “At present there is no regular theatrical company performing at the Metropolitan in this place. Oroville boasts of two Theatres, but no church. The morals of the town arc rather good considering this tact. There are about sixty places where ardent spirits arc retailed {Some of the brands, will beat Sharp’s rifle, or any other instru ment of death that has yet been invented. There are six Billiard Saloons. They have in ihe aggregate 11 tables. There arc lour houses where rondu is played. Four places where lunixjuenittr is played. There arc three Faro banks in town, and four monte games. Those houses arc as a general thing, kept in a very manner , a little muss occurs occasionally. But little ei iminal business has been trans acted the past week in our. Justice court. The subject ol incorporating the town of Oroville, is freely discussed, and will no doubt be accomplished in the next three or lour mouths. The land titles that have caused so much trouble and litigation iu our town, are about to be settled. Capt Bird, who hug been in possession ot the IbO acres on which a portion of our city is located, will proba bly be again put in possession ot disputed grounds that have been settled or squatted upon. There arc forty-six children attending school in this town, and about 175 running about tbe streets; ragged and saucy, that ought to be in better business There are three lumber yards; one saw mill and three buck yards iu tins town There has, tip to two mouths ago. been no houses of ill-fame in this town. There are now but Ktvcu or eight. There arc ‘Jli lawyers, and 18 physicians in tins town. We have a Dagurrc'.n gallery where beau tiful pictures aie taken. W’e have three meal markets, and another in course of erection; till doing a good busi ness. 'iherc has been two deaths in this vicinity the week past. MISCELLANEOUS. Wool, Hides and Tallow nf ANTED — For whicn ibe highest market price will be paid. 10 dUSKPIi f SMITH Corner of Jib ami E Htrc ets. Hide Yard, '. astern entrance on Fourth street near ttir Ituckeye Mill, Marysville, UOW/iBO WEDICAL INSTITUTE Hr) f'Hcr.un. ulo Hired, next to tie Pacific Mini H S Co.'s c»BWe »v, r Wines x Oo.’s Express Uffice SAN FRANCISCO. HCOMS. M Milt;US J,« AUD 1 raVIHS INSTI'Ct TU'N Is •w.shhlto' the cum of 1 gyukyUiic ana ‘■irnlulous complaints, and all nfleclioaiol Ihw Oenilal Organs ul whatever nature. Intituled for the express purpose »( lr atimr penal malade--* at ihe instance of man) medical gentlemen who have well with pain the impositions pnic.iced hereli loro upon those who have been the violins ol Ivins advertisements those connected with it are t„ u* a cvftnm aitaiib c*l iuiroducaifc 11 tti nublie utuu*r Thi-v li* ..tlen.lauce i.ieih. til ability of skill m Hsi* (liiM of complaints. Hinl • I•! he dealt wi’hui l*« most goiiowble ami slmighi-h.rwnrd mauner. Ki.rlbe purpose of secunns privacy to the most ilelicnle, s< ven.l aparlmniU so- so arranged unit ps mi- nis will be brought iu contact with none, but Urn Office Physician, ... . , I applying to this lodvlute sill the charge* reHsonnble, ami the treatment tup r,. r l-auies si.U soul lemen who desire to heroine patients without railing at the r on., of ihe In-lilute, can be attended nl n-sidi'iiffH. Common nation from all pan* of the country will lie intended to with promptness, and medicines sent if desired, bv enclosing a lie of l« n dollars No efforts will be spared to make the Howard Mediw ral Institute wbal it purports to be, a philußlhrophie Institute. „ , . _ . , . . . ConsnUsliou in french, Spanish an! 3 WBtl* iKcum from 9 A. M„ till 9P. M. Add raws, Howard Medical Institute, 11« t'acramento street, •an Francisco. Office Physician, DR. K McCAFFBEX,