Newspaper Page Text
-Iliu.'ti.utlM JII Jll.illllli !IJ' illhl .11(1 kl Mil|ttO||li( . 'iiii|(i|.i.miii,i .i| hm.hi'u 'il o( *.l]'.'l..[.l([ |t> 111.11.1(1 nl(| Jiij xJUUIKM |lt.i|.>uip .i t ,(i| 1 1.• |.l l|.l« <r|) .i'll ii(| *|-n”li\ jm Ai;|> 1 •»;,*. ->1(1 • I JlllHfj IIII|J )x.l}(>lli. ■ ‘III lllliil 1 | tj|llll ) .I|lllS " . U4o|.M| | |i:iHl.i).*.i4,| 4ln.| I>IIU ‘iul i 'i 'I llux|j,| .ijiiijj ii ‘iiiiii.iiu|xii| .rmli,| ;n |'i.*| u.iIIMJ. i'i r •|Jlin ) mil.udiifi .n(l |ii i li ■k.u/iIUi, i (o »4.M|ii. ' . inwi /lill|lmilll. ii j.) ...n ljlill .ii;: .i"( *|k •'! U'|HMr (ii \ 1.1> i, i,; ,n| | ‘ \ i • ■ ; f J_ mi * . i -lii.-' • ill i.i.mi n) (i.i||i..i .i.| mu 11.■ A 111• i iM"H . mi 4 “ m ■(I ii |Mi|i |i t,\;iiw.ij Mii\ :i *<i ( Vll (• |'i aii(i i|i(|| .'i(i •“ ‘huuuiiij.iiiw in i|i;i ,m|| hi | ;.111 ‘.i.«uiuiiikij (in i i iillllfj ill|l:j,>uU'. (I IMIIJ.i |i(i, i 1(1 J.I /.11.1.1.'11l « I, MIIIAM \ VO) ;M.\ .!>■ >M.V SI >OK 1«! ‘KAVOSUI - 'i T IP I •(iiiv'rin ii Kiior • ;Hl*-'4**V II" I •N’OS'lllllOK t ’ll S SMIMVI* 'i'i uk !!■> nr a ii munisim 11.4 •«uoij«utniov <nino» inmiouixj •.v>i:v»l /i i An fc ufxi 1 ?!\. 1 m >:nm *.» vifor ‘iAMnisvßM ar»i.\ ikm visv VlAwvshj .10 ‘.vvwiii) 1 J! s:s a v i* Ms:inis;m<i ikm svoimiuov iiiudolki momv *WSI Vtnpjoics V . > ... * . J(l)|P ’I ‘>11)11114 M Mill*! ‘(inja'f apf kuii[f aninniQ) OroviSlr fiiirhaiian i v r.'-Jllli.r nii'i mai ol Itii-i ( Inti lire lieltl on ■ i M 'll i; la ••him l .; nl r,.iii «n I, Ml Ilio I nilotl Si.ill s I) I) II UtKfS, Hoc. Sec'y XL X!xT ;0 XIAIjIiY i' K TII K DEMOC R A C Y ! 1 H. .1 0 7. M'l:: ■ IK, of Pn -aiui'lilii will ml i ■«J ln' I) •ainrr.n;. ul OrovlUc. on Him (Snturdny) Uv •nii'i;. £ , Tii 'ro wm,sr i n ir in town Inst nhht, lint :o' I. lilnr it' l!i *'.*11 I’raie-isc » Uilllotin (mil lieen ■ •• 1 I n- in' r.'. p . i,’ Hi • li tiith oi lai'iieriil How 1, on IHi i 1 i' \ i;.l.ino • I’.immiUcif Inul Mirroim. .i--i) tin* jdl t\>rth- p i-pKi- of resru.ut; him Wo < ji I not Ir.ic • the r imor i<> u n liable source. •«• •’* Daovn 1.1 .employs three Watchmen, o' .100 jit hi 'bill i •o',i, which is raised by v luntary subscription of onr citizens.— They arc cnipowere I to niike arrests of drunks and disorderlies, an 1 otherwise in terfere where broaches of the peace occur. "'TWc take it fur "ranted Tom Cox or •hbhle cannot he elected to Congress, in any event, and it the other FiiJmore nominee is < i llepaliliian proclivities, i.vnd sho ild the Democracy be defeated, the delegation would i’ini. in Cmure-s as Abolitionists —with (■ox. or without Cox ! «•» —. Till. PftKsim-.MI VI. C<VMH HATKS IX K g- v * •n i'ki —Acc. rding to the showing of the Nc iv oi k Hcnthl. tlirre i in Kentucky a in ij irily of five papers and three thousand read ts in favor of lluchantu, over hot It ITem int and Fillmore, iu Missouri, there is a ta .j irity in f tvor of Du kanan ever both (lie other c nidi dates, of rix papers and ten (hiu'.stnd readers letdown Kentucky and M. - mri a- s ito for the National Democracy an ■ the I’niuu. linn Wivih—We have hn 1 very high win is tor the last two days, which has ren dere 1 our watering w igoii of but little ser vice iu keeping down the dust, fiorn the fart that U could not water the country for miles arena 1. The wind rose so high Inst night, (hat it blew down a dwelling occupied by a I rmly. an 1 in its fall its massive walls fell 'ip * 'i a miner’s cabin containing some four or live men, and Bathed it as flat as an old WMinaii’s bonnet, but the most singular part of the story is, that no one was injured, w.ucli is supposed by some to be because t h >sj in ismvc walls were sot stone, but can- Of Kiirlx for Ihr People The voters of California will not fail to remember, that the Know Nothing authori ties of the .Suite have failed to pay tlie in lfre>-t ilue on our Udii Is in New York. That ilthough the .Slate furnished the mono) for that purpi se, it was not u-*ed ns lliC tax foyers intended ; but, sis averted by At lantic pavers. fur tlie purpose of securing the sucess of the Black Republican ticket. That it was staked at a game of Fre monte ’ When the I’erj le ate t.sked to vote for Fre on ut, let them remember that they have been taxed one bundl ed thousand dollars to procure bis nomination ; and when asked to v. to for Fillmore, lot them remember that it was l i hnore men who placed the money where it coul 1 be u-e I for such unholy pur pisi.s Wo doubt nut but that portions of ibis fund were u j cd for the purpose of se eming the pass age of the bill quieting land tiilcs in California, which had it passed, would have secured Calmer, Cook & Co.’s title to the Houllon & Hirron claim, and en ai l'd Fremont to have turned the Miners of Mariposa from their claims. Never be fore was such a stupendous frau I attempted upon the pe< ile of California. And who attempted this grand swindle? The very men who now want the people to sustain them by v ding for Fillmore. The Know Nothings placed the funds of the State ill the hands <f the Him k Republicans, who used it t i forward their political schemes, 10-t the people i ■ nn mlicr the parties to these swindling tra’is icii ms. “; run Fili.mork.”— lt is a fa vorite assertion of tlie Fillmore I’res.s, that California is “ howling for Fillmore.” The Tax layers of California may well howl to know why the Fillmore authorities of State, instead of paying tlie interest due in New- York with the money provided for that pur- I i se. placed it where it could be used to purchase men and presses to -‘shriek for Freedom," and to secure the nomination of Fremont The Washington Evening Star a lys; “ In Wall street it, is currently’ said that the missing ■--HtO.O(ii) went to fix delegations in the Republican Convention fur Fremont, priii ipally from the West, instead of to dis charge lb. honest obligations of the Slate ol California ” The pcojdc of California will “howl for Fillmore” and ‘ Fremont’ with a vengeance, wlicn they understand that they have been (axed one hnndn 1 thousand dollars by the Fillmore authorities of Stale, to aid «lie j*»- lineal gamblers of the nation. Hut, say tlie Washington press, Ibe St ite will immediately provide for tin? ] ayment of this interest. How? Why by paying the interest again! Of course they will, ami according to tlie Know N ‘tiling and Abolition presses of the State ate still ‘ howling for Fillmore’ and howling fer Fremont ’* Hkmock vric State Convention. — Whether intended or not, it is nevertheless a gratifying fact, that the Democratic Slate Convention will meet on the anniversary of the admission of California into the Union. Now, when the liclli-h factions of disunion ire rif* in the land, that the Democracy should meet oti that day, and show their de votion to the Union, by presenting National men for Congress, ami tlie expression of union D-.umoci atic sentiment. What more appropriate ilny to place in nomination men who, hy their t ti inn pliant election, will show that U ilifornia is still devotedly attached to the Union. Fire! Fun:! Fire!—We would call the attention of our citizens to the communica tion of Capt Hharky, of the Police, in re ference to carelessness of fire, iliw sugges tions are most timely, and should receive the serious attention of all who h ive the in tcrest of the town at heart We have called attention to this fact several times before We say again, km p a vigilant eye on all I uncos where there is a possibility of nine ~, Tu ring. Our Policemen arc most faith tullv discharging their duties, but all i„ of no Avail, when any citizen fails to guard his own ?.li\ix(.. —' *" tl‘C oj jiosite sideof the riv er they are coa. inenc ‘'ip operations again in the bluff Scvi ral tunnels were starlc I time list winter! u ‘ were abandoned in con sequence of no water A parly have driven in a tunnel some lUUfoer* and arc now sink ing a shaft in it, determine d to find tlie bed reck if such a thing be there. News Depot —Our friend Wi?twn, who has ever been “so faithful, so kind and so true” tons, lias established himself in i? neat well arranged little emporium of news i>nd literature, cn Montgomery street, near K indall & McDerrant’s Drug Store. He is the agent of numerous popular newspapers, which he delivers before they have lime to get cold or the ink to dry on. Give iiim a call. Mpna of ll»«- Time*. From the following extracts. it will hr seen that there are host* of ohl line W bigs, from various portion* of the I n’n>n, who are daily coming over to the f*•»| p >rt of Buch anan un i Breckinridge. IVe couhl fill our paper, Jay after day, with such extracts, i were it twice ns large The Missouri lle publican has the following : We, a portion of the conserva live National Whips ot Lafayette c amiy. have seen with pleasure the communication* of Felix liunton nnd John I'. Hughes, and other ohl Whigs. recoinmetidinp to onr ohl friends of the Whip party, to support Bu chanan and Breckinridge l-r Pre*nb , nl and Vice President In the pre-rat coi iition of our country, when *‘ctiouul lu'srule threat en* the dissolution of our glorious I no n, and the rights <d all the Suites miner the Constitution, wc see no course for I ni al loying, National Ooti«crV:itire Whigs to t ike, but I i vole with the National I'emocruey, and to give that as hearty a support as ever vve gave cur own glorious oil Wlug party, which has been so shamefully deserted by our old associates in politic-'. Job Shelby, Robert N Smith,,l M Keith, Dan. A. Witch, Uauiillos Barnet, B A Mac lean, Jos F. Smith, J. C. Boyle, (). Ander son, Johu F Pigoit. Curti* G Mallnce, I) Rolf, Robert 15 Smith, W. W. Higgins, M. Slaughter. Ohio —A late democratic meeting in To ledo, Ohio, was addressed by 11. L. Mosincr. formerly the editor of the old line W big pa per, the Toledo Jifatfe. This makes the third Whig editor in (>hio that has declareal for Buchanan within a lew days Tenmssuk—The Nashville Futon pre dicts that Tennessee will give the democrat ic candidate, in November, a nmj o ily of not less than ten t!»• -n«.-iud votes. In Western Tennessee, Uoloih-I Verger, late old line Whig can lidate lor Congress in the Memphis district, i.s out for Buchanan, and will take the stump in his behalf Kkmi cr y.—ln Marysville, Ky., the fol lowing old line Whig lawyers have declared their intention to vote lor Buchanan and Breckinridge;—Thomas V. Payne, John D. Taylor, Tbaddeus C Camj bell. John L. Scott, Thomas B Stevenson, (icorpo W. Lo nion, Sijuire Turner, Copt. W. L. Simms, Francis K. Troutman and Maj Benjamin Trapnall. North Cauoi.ina. —The lialclgh Stand ard says: Such men us John Kerr, Paul (j. Cameron, Waller L. Steele, J. 11. Logan, Rawly Galloway, Horace L. Rohards, J. C. Whitson, and George Greet!, are substan tially with us iu this contest with sectional ism lor Ihe preservation of tlie Union, and their influence will lie felt in August and November. Such men, soaring above party, and looking to the good of the country, an 1 we honor I hem for it ” Mil iniiAN —A late number of the Detroit Fur Press contains a long and able com munication from S C (Viiiiiherrv, K-ij , a distinguished old-line Whig, of Michigan, announcing the reasons that will induce him lo vote for liuchanan and Breckinridge. When such old line Whigs as Coffin berry come up to the support of the Democratic nominees, there is no longer any doubt how the contest will go in Michigan. We had the pleasure of making one campaign in Michi gan against a fusion of the Whigs nnd Abo litionists in IS-Pd, and although those pat ties, when united, had a large m jorit/ over the Democracy, the Democratic candidate for Governor was elected by an overwhelming majority. The old line National Whigs re pudiated the fuGon then, us they do Repub licanism now, and sustained the D mocratic nominee. Among thoiu was S. C. b*rry, K“<j. As the election resulted then ( so will it result, now. Michigan will be re deemed from the thraldom el Know Nothing Abolitionism! Visits.— We were honored the other liny with a vi»it I' three beautiful, bewitching and promising young Misses.— Politically, they stood two to one against our institution, but wc argue i the pint with them, and advi-ed tlmu to turti from tlie error of thei* ways, which they promised they would do; at least they would not sit straddle of the fence as some do, hut go the straight ticket lor their man, at the coming election. They said they had just dropped in to see what kind of stock we made the Record out of. Wo showed them, and they went away, satisfied that the press is a pow erful engine. Amador Count*. — The democracy of Amador county, hud one id' the largest and most enthusiastic meetings ever Ik Id in that county, on the 2nd id' September. Last year the Know Nothings carried Amndoi by three hundred majority. Now the national mind ed Union loving men of Amador demand that their county be sot down as gotd tor five hundred majority lor Buchanan and BreckcurdgC. hood —make way for Ama dor ! Labor Havkij —A resident of Union Grove, Illinois, writes the following; One of my neighbors dug n well last fall, on ele vated ground. Alter going down 27 feet, fie came to a brush of willows : he dug lour feet more, nnd then struck the top ol another well which was stoned with cut stone, laid in cenr./mt. nnd in which there was a beauti ful supply of wafer! The 9tb J udicial District Court. Hon Win* P, Daingerfield presiding, adjourned yester day at noon. Thank* —Mr McWiHinm-, Agent if W F &Co., lias our thanks t■ *r innumerable favors extended to this (foe dining lie week. We congratulate W. F \ Co ,on having the services ot such men at ibis im portant point They do all thi Bxpn s-inp in these pai ts. lll’TC H I MCs t ALIIOH Ml V MA i IU\I Wf have received the Sej ten b.-r i cud - r < I tin* California wink. It i J w«il ; 1 1 witb in teresting matter, mi 1 will 1 • i with in lcrest by all. Single copy. < '-m». f pt“ Yesterday mo the 1 I -t I'o-tr" oj; windy day that we have f --r mf n iutla . jKiiis. Awmigs wire L>b wn ii. i iij j *■<! Hum clue to i hi -ring- A it «it li •*. i <• v I "i,. We not ire l! nl Or. I!'- v. n lit lie <*'■< v.lle Drug Scere, i- < • njdntilly r <•< \ • • i■'-i 1 - jug. large quantities ol < ;:■ iD Med icines. met tlie secret o! I l ' v *'•' ■ t l| iit lie Imys lew ftn rmh, theieh ;' iei-a 1 le t> Hell cheap, ntnl we wall j.' ' I" tl e public that every nrtiele !<• '' Micro is pure and genuine See a ivei i, •< u < nt. s*< T«<» “ fiiiri l* viii'h Ivix j It is plain to he seen in the if' ru- m"Ut i' l " , 'e. Doctor Hrown HI VS I 'MI ' \‘li. and m M■' one below. li.iit Ciivriky 1 r. (' Liquors neil Cigrr- "I ■' M tN ‘ iI ' * I'UH'Ks.iu I’»•* I i e-ITool In ' . x ■ "" r l 1 1! nut,ill A M- I lei limit'll I r " ' : r ■ '•< 11 » reel. See mlverlis. tne t In'o ' I M<>% < LI !1. The Regular Meetings "I lie f iHimin I I'i.-ti (iU<) will Id' lie'll on e'en I r "ell Ire':;, evenings, lit ill i 4 I.t It llt'ilM in lie I , llo'ch I‘. N HI '. S'lrelnM. m:\v adv-.a is. MET ROF S OLIT AN THE AT RE THE WOUI.It UliV •" N I I' The Backus Miustels ! j -on v wo mchts o.\ l v: <•* Friday nnd Saturday Mi (• • !t and ( Mi. S#> f oyu S m.KUUA I I‘"l l l ; ■■ retnn ■■! B from Australia, will give I" cent pertiwmilltees ill lln* Mi I - j 11 • ! '• '' ' 11 Friday m«l Sul unlay l.vunn . •"'I 1 ' ! *' r .eli nn.l ADMISSION, '’v I!. ,I. r \i; ! I H. BARNETT. Cheap *laiiy > LC K N S JO 1> A I’CTIMN 1. .. .. , MOSTOOMFJH -'THU ■ I II 1./:. Attends personally, to Sul'» "I leal 1,-late 1 nrni- Inre and Stock. .1 . W . fc> I AA • Gonoral Anctionoor; Id authorized to sell 111 An.l . n mil I. ice use Sales at ten. le-1 to in at I ( 1 the . \. Orri' K. Myers street, one poor Slates Livery Stnlil.' H 1 11 K O R SALK £\ those three MiHKMu.s -in \ti n ■.rnml ehtsantly li'.ird n|> < '< »‘l T \o 1 o( m iMoniisueerv and <* ■ W -;*e-l-. lie- situation is reUrml, noil » ivintlier el hirin' -In de lie. .. I hey will he sold lor lir.-l cost, a lie -r.t - ■ h. ris i lilllfed In leave (In iVilKt on inns inn' ol Ml I" ih h, Aiiiilv at the Steam Saw Mill. Orovillr. Sept .1 IHati. O I I UMI '<• N FO It IN) AT. I NO. U-i I.) lO feel. -OH i"l on the main road leaditit; l l ota orov lile in I• > t"■ 1 1 i|; burgh, nowu as the Oen'ral ! ur. A good 1“ cation for Hoard.-I'. Itenl S’-‘-»p r nmn'li In'piire ol I lie swloenlier. at the \- e'en Ii" el, Iy it ‘ i ljnr. r , or Dr 4. Katie, Orm Die. s e w n» r AMt'i:i, MITTS. SAX FIIANCI'SCO \MI(!U:SAIJ: LIQUOR AND CIGAR ST ORE. J BROWN' 1, r 1 1" ! (:■ "• l| " 'l'titik Kx j* eliaiiK*'." ihi.k i le, ti.o-l fitin. !\ an non li es to the citizens i I i Toviille and I 1 . < oiilil). that he Is now prepared to supply them wnh the choicest of WINES BRANDIES C T GAKR. And in fact, everything in eonin in n vvilii his line of husiness, on tin- most reason.ibln l nm, FOR SALS A choice selection ef I’.riindie", Win.. Ac., In hol lies, lor family and private me. A’l I V\ I’liD I■> P, S—ConnliV .Merebittil . nd’li; ' ■ nrcri.licited In give him a call la for.- p’ni I. in. .1 where Store, in the l ire I r<>< I 1 rii k, n.-\i I. tlnntoun'a Exchange. •’ J. itll'i\', N. Agent. Itrovtlle, August .'lb. is.'sh aug.’AMf MONTE CRISTO BOW 1,1 NO S A LOON ! One door above the U. S. lav- ry Siat.le. Myers street, OROVILLL —— JOHN SCOTT /e CO., I’n [dittors. s#* riJAITE A novE now I im: I- M.OON has UF.I'N I put iii IOMI'I.ETI'. it I I'AIU ai.d v/e n-p*el fully invite the I oys in mat i>• •••'it th* ->■ igginu-who wish to play n tpiiet vmne ol Tl N l’l.\>, or taken nice. c.M I iln.h ot l.* tc, v.■ i - a . ; II at the MONTE Clll.-TO. JOHN SCI. IT A. co. Oroville. August -<s Is. - 1. Ikiigja-lf BEST HAVANA CIGARS A Nl> ToMACCO— WHOM ; L AND RETAIL. 7m at ItlochV < igur an I I n | . ruin., < w r the I’hoelii* Stih.on. I’ll. tVATEIt.MAN VIOLINS AND ACCCRDEOKS, I \U si LINOS, Itridp and Hows, at I'D. U A'IEUMAM’S. CARDS, H TAMAN VIDEIN A UTI M: si It! NOS, laid •• • « 7RITINO MATERIALS, rnRTMONLCS and w € hnivet, at Itloch's. I'M. WATER MAN’?. TANDLBri AND MATCHES, at It’och’s. 1 11. WATERMAN. JUNK KKS. McWII.I.IAMS \ TYMK.M'N, 3ANK B R S , MAY I l!Hlx Id lI,HIM ■ Mil 's I I! 'll VlCtt.M- I i \ A'h Mil.- fl'iH’r O XL O sJ’ T Xj Ij X£3 . COLD DUSTGCUGHT At tl.r kli*T,c t ITaOs, Clt ocslc r» r.f : ■ : ox m\i. \ iii i H.H r in. i ;i •> AXIi SAX 11. ' X, I - i • i SIGHT * r. A rT s r»»r « h Ji ’ ' « I• t ' ; . A•‘ * H v ? I‘ I I* * * l’l J"“ 111 l \ I I »• • . I • *M v M‘. .1 lit 11. I*■ * . 1 . ' C. II At M \ , ( 1 I U . I I. I .oAV. MAC’V, LOW av CO., ■p A *hT T-7 ’P c; Ju? JL\*. Jut! .La. .l.ji .v.l tJ t oi.m i; 111■ ii. \y, .< x i ii.i ::;i n, iVI A U Y S V I z ■ z. 1 COM. IMS T I*»• lII* ii AS ! !) AT THE Hie RATES o|: I i >I;W \l; 10 !> 1 1 iTI i '1 IN I MM. I 1 IN \l.| , ciico't >-i ■■ liN MlllllMlV 'l'll.'. N 1 I 1 V . I *II >X 3A N ri: a i : c \■i r o \Vi* | »r* | nrnl in • i -v % ’i I' ! I \i' It \ \ | Ml • si;.", uiai;i i- Vi ■).' • s i vi u , i A! hi IN* • *ll vr j •.! i * }ij 1 ,s!» n» * I »t* .V r\*\ ll'*-, An < • ’ I, 3" ; '1 t| MARYSVILLE WVWKII 11 AII II IS, M All'll A N ' I A <■(!., I*. slml mil) 111 < i * . m *»> * t« out I >» tit» f. .1/.//. ) s nr/, i:. ALSO, It ;.)-1 i. 1 :, . A'* I \ !<>. V'' ill rni • itiiif !<• « ir> • n ! • I i i - i ! Rc*«i) i - otic (, ft l D :,v i> <> /1 /; .s OF JAFFA I i‘ 1 Mi ll' N. \‘i »• ;i. r i : « tl*«* i v ! lIXI liir-t '♦ -In I IV till.'-I* |! t * 11.; I II :■ : I ui*liii k \ i I i I ? M. x : . I f i•i. s 111 ii •1 * * ii. I r m m\ |n 1 w ■ I vt* in da u s or: < cn n- Km iiitw of Iji »i iv • ■ .\ t i - a• i V*li i 11 TEKMS i (»U A" - . . n r I'ram isco. ' I xI. ll.*, I'. M I,' 11 ' Ml, i !.. 1 .MllilM.Ti i\. j'- u -nt} ncswir t • . * ' • - r* kowe«: cm ro.'H f =- o / / .>•» j "* ’ '** * ,wrv , . .. J! • PIONEEK CIRCUS! JOSEPH A. l:ou j; JOHN SMITH, I'HOI'Ii 11 ■J iill.'-. rWAIIIS (.l.vnnl I -Uil.l Ll inl i I M'l! I.f nil Oil Ir» u Hull Inn ■■ in r 1.1 j t f i il in Hu- Xln'i' i« i i.u «■ n il.i lu'i'ciid Iriji lliriuu I. lln mini will j t rliTin in OnOVILiB Siiii«lm\. J-<*|»l* ■»»!.<■ a* Kli, A IllTMlinli** I 5. 50 f < • ll •n* • *il hil l' JLT* I.' Mil n-!.* (iT aiIMIH II; til 1.-, « ‘ I''l I Ml « • I'M Iv >* W l.nlllllo nl mtiioh ii ml At I- tin I \ »i) iu • l' llnin : Till: Id iM!I-1 IT,IM II : <Tl\ MAI, IT Ii A MIDS; 1 IA IN'. HAH ON llllil.E HOPS ES; Ol.Oi'.t; IT.IK 11 ; ’IVCOI.EAN SN\ AINS ; 01 i’l K A i E J- VJiOl.liS; Uitii llir llj’.r.t in' H"M' AilOMs, The «*«>'■«• 1h n | ml of tin Ni \ I;nln to w lnrli our kind I 'llri'in. " ill In- Irminl, Aiil» In n wo n n■■ i In 1 cvlibruii tl VVJ/Z A HI) MCI,EIi. From Ni 1 * Fork, Mr II U il'i-, in In ill r i.f it Hit ml, our el'll will l,t‘ Lrun lull. AOMISSION—I)ri>" I'mTi'SU |*jt k 1 Tin* interim) nrr.T.m ini nlii M;,l n, *■. nin,i»l itn- - i " Inch till* < nm|imi> Inn r. In ll ■ d.nnnrt «.l I mi lius me sujierior m nil oiL'-r , i ll AS. • I'l 1,1. Am nl. BLANK BOOKS. A Fill, SI I .'I ITI V . i.'.il lir-l ndi ii-*nrt*ni nl if /nil mn/ //.'■/ I I I/ n i /*. , y, Jnsl ri ivnn x nnm; A m ri n," PASS P.OOKS, Slim* AM' TO K MEMO KANOI.MS. MON 111 I,V AM' WEEK EV TIME HOOKS, HE'TIPT HOOKS. SIIIITINC AM' smi;!.!!"( si;. AND cash COPVINC PH ESS HOOKS. School H ii/inf' ll"i 7,.v,. Miniature Ji/un/>f. NOTES DRAFTS DILLS LADING &.c t z Noli*' CarnerV lx i k .ml In tinmry < • ~ Noe. 04 innl Mi l.i.inr Wharf, nDTmT nnT '■<> l.ntli rj etreiT NFAV FANCY CUUDSI miISHM. I. Ill: At. L'*!;x. V, ll I InWlnllC. Irieinlti in l I • I l- n r ,)> , Ilia’ In • hint' til tin- I. thl I s' I • ■ 'X- i . . Ik.wii hninlilnl ueformien i<! tin I i.t i*, r li. 11 French Hat-, ol n, t i- , .i-m I • imij aml Ctiisl Aim. n lot of lln n * I'm hum r> in il Tmlet Arllfli-e all of which have jnxl Lm n nn I'm! direct In in H ■ Imporicr* autc.’U-lf LIME I LIME ! rntm; cmh iMtiXi i» ofi i.u m>k pale, at Si their 1.1'.F 1.11 XS on the \t ev. lirim h i( Feather tivi r, ail nidid innleofLl '1 K All ordert h*ll with .1 \. 1 1 1 1 A <■, 11 ti till i n'e l.xehunge, (tree \il!e will he j.ronip'lv nth nded to MOUKL, «< UANtI.B ft CO August VT*, l(?f'6 hugCO-tf