Newspaper Page Text
Alls<«*llai» y ftfcjr* Among some autographs n cont ly wold in London, win u letter of Lord Byron, containing the following remarkable passage* : In morality I prefer Confusion to the Ten Command* ments, and Socrates to. St. Paul(though ihe two latter agree in their opinion <d marriage ) In religion I favor the Ca tholic emancipation, but do not ac knowledge the Pope, and I have re fused to take the sacrament because I do not think that eating bread and drinking wine from the hand of an earthly vicar will make me an inheri tor of heaven. I hold virtue in gen* oral, or the virtues severally to he on ly in the disposition, each a feeling, not a principle. I believe truth the prime attribute of the Petty, and death an eternal sleep, at least of the body. You have here a brief compendium of of the sentimon** of the wicked < i • orge Lord Byron. This letter sold fur Ll - 7d. Deficikn(■ v ok Laiiou in the Bua v.ii.s —Neowoes, Chinese, and White Men A Xew York correspondent at llio Janeiro, writilng on the 20th of \pr l l, gives a Very interesting account of the efforts now making there in or der to supply the want of laborers pro duced in tlie empire by the abolition of the slave trade in the year IR-)0. Pre vious to that time ;’)•>,000 slaves per formed the ti -I I work, and the price of produce was kept at a pietty steady standard. Since the traffic ceased the native colored population have died off at a ratio of about id per cent., and the cost of slaves has gone nearly 200 per cent* As the tlie proprietors at home end consumers in all parts of the world arc affected, the very dilli eult question of whore an ample sup ply of hands is to come from arises. Some thousan Is ot ('liinose coolies have been imported. They can en dure the climate wdl enough, hut the people are prejudiced against them, and deman i from government a plan for the encouragement of Kuropean mimigrtion. Metai, Pices. &c. — An improve ment in the manufacture of metal pipe and tubes consists in the employment of machinery for lamming the moulds and cores, and a measured quantity ot fiand being pressed into each portion of the plank and h* tween the covering sides of tlie divided core-box, and for forming a core by enveloping a met il rod in a coil of wire upon which the viand is compressed. Tlie gaudy Hill Herald gives the particu lars of *. mast outrageous proceedings on the part of a clergyman. At the funeral of an agoA and respectable citizen of Warren ••minty, on Sunday, the 14th instant, the officiating clergyman, after the close of his ■Mermen, presented a large package ot l!e -fpnhlicin papers, and laying them upon the table, requested the audience each to take a copy as they left the house. These facts are given to tlie Herald by a relative of the •deceased who was present. The first ca’go of'newndN. Carolina wheat was sold at New York on the 21st ult., at sil 70. Three Whig candidates for Governor of Ohio—Messrs, Johnson, Barrere and Vin ton —are out flat footed for “ Buck and Brock.” lUDWKLL AI) VEKTIS E M ENTS BIDWELL BOOKSTORE. undersigned would respectfully inform the M. citizens of itidwell and vicinity, that he hi» ■{•|H*n«tl a BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. and will keep constantly on bund an nssor incut of Hooks. Stationery ami Fancy Articles, of the .nihhuit qiialltv, and will be in the receipt or the LATEST PUBLICATIONS. as soon s* issued /iiblet s’, School Book*, Spiritual . Masonic anil Religious Works, Blank Books, k ,fi« setts or single) Motels, Envelopes, Paper of all k Hills j PORTE M( KS, (iout PEJVS, JU\L JIWOKUS S,- WOSTEMHOLWS KINKS r CUTLKRY. will tie sn|.| at the lowest rate*. Latent At lantic Papers r evived t*v ev.-rv steamer, for sale U EESFEII. Nevl door to National Hotel 11333 A LARSOIHBS. New Uru w Kike Pit oof Stoke in liio- IV ELL.. Tiir. Subscribers would announce to (heir friends and patrons that th-dr Uriels Eire Proof Store on the old corn. r. is lilei with a general as*..simerit i J Groceries, Provision 4. Fruits, l.i>|Uors, Mining Tools, He. he , the l>est and cheapest ever offered I’ town One of oir Arm is constantly employed in Sun Franc'scoiii the purchase of goods; and us we purchase for cash alone, tvtdieve that we ran sell good chcaper than any dealers in this Market. Persons desirous to purchase anything in onr line, would do well to give ns avail, as we are enabled to supply ttom on a* favor mlu tonus as the Marvsville trade, indwell, July iditi. HESS t LAUOOMB. MEDIC AI DR. .1 C. YOUNG’S CARDS. IMPORTANT To MIN Kit!*, TKAVKI.KHH, KTO. r|A lll’.KK is mi malady (if ilwiKir importance pilher B in n ini‘ili< al nr moral Inr lit <ii view, to which the human family n> more liable than that aririii/ from impure connecliomi, A. a medical man It i« the duty of every j*hj (.iciitn | !o4ook at disease as it effect* health and life, and Ida : sole object should lie to mHi.eite. n. tar a. lie. in hi* I power, the bodilv sufferin'/. Human f.alum at beat is •nil fr ill, all are liable to misfortune. <lf all ihe ill. that affect man none are mere terrible I than those, of a private nature. —Oread(ul a. it i. in tlie person who contract* it. friithtfnl a* are its ravair e. upon hi.constitution, endinif frci|iiently in destruc* ion and a I mdisome trrave. it becomes ol .till trrealer im|iort«nce when it is transmitted to innocent off* .printf. Sm h tieinir the ccse Imw necessary it be come. Unit every onehavim/ the least mason to fear that thej have contracted the disease, should attend to it at once hy con.idtilii/ some physician, whose re.pectalhilily and education enables him to warrant n safe, speedy, and pertnenent cure. In accordance I with this necessity, UK V'ul'.VH feels called upon to ' state that, by l-M) / study and extensive practice, he lias belome perfect nias’er of all those disease, which come under (tie deiioinilintion of venereal, and hat s in/ paid more attention to that one branch than any other physician in the I'niu-d Stales, lie feels himself better({iialifled to treat them. Siplilll- iii all its forms such a.nicer*, swelling In the /roans, nicer in the ihroat, secondary syphilis, cu taneous eruptions, ulcerations, lerluary syphilis, sy philis in children, mercnreal sypbitltic affections. (/on orrhea. irleel, strictures, false pns-n/es, inlliiination of j tin- bladder and protrate irlunds excoriations, tumors, | postal os. v tc„ are ns familiar to him as the most com mon (hint's of daily nbservation. j The I to, effects n cure In recent cases in a few days, and (bids no difficulty in curinl/ liiose of loin/ ! ■•iir.iti<mi, »It bout subminin/ the patient to am h treat- I imuit as will draw 111 >i• 11 Inin the nli/hnsi suspicion *or obti/e tiim to ne/lert i*is tiusiness, whetlier within | oors nr without. Hie diet need not he eban/ed. ex | eept in cases of severe iutlamulion. There are in Caff. I t'omia padi-uls (amountin'/ to over two tbousand in tlie past vearl that could furnish proof of this; bit 'he«e are mailers ilmt require tin nicest eecrosy which lie alwav s prenerv e Ml leper- em $lO, will lie promptly attended ( to, iiffice hours from It A. M to sl* M. Address .1, i'. Ail Nil, M. t>. I.\press llulldin/s, corner of Monti/umerv and 1 aiil'ornian streets, over \\ ell. ,'’ar /o ,v Co.'s lixpress department. \r\lU)— IT.oM III!. YfH’NH'A PIMVATK MKIHI AH Office -I'u the afflicted—ln this a/e of proyress, whon science is develop n/ itself ill -iic.ili a manner a. to appear nlinosl miraculous, every thin/ iu common place is looked upon as not worth notice In v iew of tins fact. Dr. Vimm/. corner of Mon'/oiiierv mid t'alitornia streets, lias concluded to leave the lie (leu track hitherto pursued by most sci entific, physicians, (that of wailini/ for Ihe public to find vou out alone, ) and publish to tin* world, as mucu as may be. bis know lodi/e of the healin/ art, in let those who lie in need of assistance kbow where they can Hind relief without tear of bein/imposed upon In continuation of Ibis subject. Dr. Voun/ would say, that of the past leu years he ha. pursued the pnictiue of niedll'ilie iu one ol the lar/e-l cities iu the Ceiled States, with the bi/ln-i success, and that Ins siainlm/ ns a physician Is without reproach, bavin/ at one lime hi lecturer at the Cniversity of Penn sylvania on venereal diseases. \e, I poll all of these conider,alions. Dr. Vonnc liascon ffdenre in intro,lueiii/ hiinseli to (lie public, kltowin/ that they will sustain well earned merit. The followin/ are a few of the many testimonials which have appeared in the public journals the last low years: from tlii* Itoslon Medical lournal ] Althoil/h we aro opposed lo lim system of adverbs in/, for /imi-d uu I sufficient reasons, still we deem it lint jiHii-' lo say that Dr Voun/is one of the most indiis'rioiis and indelab/able votaries of the medical science in the I’liited rttate.-, From Professor .lackson The subscrilier is personally acquainted with Dr Voun/, and has seen mueli of his practice, andean bear lestimoney to hisrneriti as a practitioner, from tin* New Vork Herald, The eminence of this distin/nished /entleman in Ids profession, and the very extended opportunities possessed by Inin for the olisi-rvalion of venereal dis eases, make bis services inv ilaable to those afflicted with the above complaints. from the Win/and Viverliser, All afflicted with private eiimplailils“honld consult Dr Voun/, whose education is not surpassed by any physician in the country. In his skill, honor and in le/rity all may rely with safely, while most of Ihe practitioner, in till-, city are without lioin.stv or res (e'ctabili v their preientions tiein/ /rounded in i/uor mice and assuinpiion. (tffice cornnr of Mont/omery and California streets, np -lairs, opposite the tmnkin/ house ol V\ •■ll. 1- ar/o VCo Open from <J A. M. lo 8 P. M, Sunday in cluded. PRIVATE Medical Olka—Hundreds o( those who have contracted disease are ili^a<l|m>iof a corn hy not calling on I»r. Young al lir-t He will forfeit any mini if tin fail* to cure auv case that may (■i mo under his cart-. ne matter how long Miamlimr or alfliciiug. mndi as ulcers. tumors, nodus, hunches, pimples on the fac" and body, pains in the hones and ioins, wiikefnlness. trembling, copper rolored sores, wasting ef the hones, emaeiation, loss of appetite, strength end flesh, sores in the now and ear-*, loss 01 hair, weak eyes itching liuniors. & Many persons after being relievo-1 ef all extern il appearances o( private disease, suppose themselves runs), lint after a few months tin I they are troubled with various symptoms which they never had before, and which they tied il impossible to relieve. I'o all who are af flicted in lies wav. Hr Young would p irtieularly rec- Oinmend a tri d of his.kill. The symptoms with which you are iron hied are caused hy taints in the hlood, which soonerer later will destroy your health and hap piness. Ne person who lias ev» r had an attack ol any private complaint should not fail to consult Hr. \ oung and tak.-a few hollies of his invaluable pnrifyiie,' medicine, a- they can rest assured that their hiood is in a perfectly pun* and healthy condilien. and that every trace ef disease Is removed from the system. Recent ca«es cured in sroin two to five days without change of diet or londrance from business, or no fee. DU .1, C VfUINtJ. Office, corner Montgomery and California streets, opposite Weils, Fargo Co.’s. Office hours from !• A. M., to 8 I*. M. Mnrysuille, June 10th. 1853. DU. .1 C. VOUNfJ Dkvr Sir;— Please send me some of the medicines you prescribed in my case. I have a friend hero who is troubled in exactly the same way that 1 was. Mi* has nightly emissions, ringing acise in ins head, weak hack, loss of memory, and is generally debilitated ; lie is discouraged ami has not confidence enough to enable him to call and see you. 1 told him how I was. mid that mv friends all said I was in consumption, and tliedoctora up here gave me up and advised mi* to g > home to die, but instead ol going home I called upon you, and here I am. ns well as any of them, »nd likely io live a long lime yet, wi’ti strenth enough to work with the strong est of them. Doctor. I will send every one toyou that |,Hik-* to me as though he needed a physician It shall not lie my fault if any one dies for want of m-slical treatment. I will do alii can to keep the afflicted away from those pest* of society, yelept professors ~ ->d high sounding titled men. who, if the facts were ku.-iwn, arn men who left their country for their coun try's good, i’ubiis lids letter, doctor, if you w ish, and I hope some of those that humbugged me, may see it and sleep had for one night Truly yours. UEO, DAVIDSON. EDWARD M. BURROWS, INTERN ATIOX VIJ lOTE|#S4M>ON JACKSON STREET, Between Montgomery and TLstafueY SAIT rR4NCISSO -eßrands of Brandies,a*d Sex'* »• MEDICAL. DR. HEINIMANN S Private Medical Office. C«»RNER M«»STiI»MKRY it JACABDN BTRKETB - FRANCISCO. DU. M. lir.flMM \XN. corner of Kearney and Puri Hr streets. Sin Frnnci-co, ha** lor ri ri'iinbcr of years, io the military and other hospitals of t mn<v devoted hti '■luily principally to the treatment ot l*e end diseases, mnl therefore possews a thorough ex perience in llio particnalar branch Hi* linl«i (H'T* fecity Inin liar wnh nil the recently discovered mid highly Imp-•riitiii remedies and mean* for the rum of such diseases. It 1« scarcely Meet—Sir) In h<M here llml ill I'rnnre where s**cret diseases are ot more In*- <l■ ■*■ iit orrnrri nre limn any w lirre else, lh.» pli)-icians of ilint country are more expert in their cure. mi l are constantly mnl successfully endeavoring In llml out new remedies. more ellicicnl and li—* daugcjous than those formerly used 1 »r. Ileininimin is therefore, enableii in cure all these diseases with perl.T! rrrlainty. withmil using mercury, in a veiy short lime, anil w ilhniil subjecting hi* |*;i’ tents to the risk nl subsequent injimows cohm 1 - qnences, < ’limine Iloniirrlien, Ryennninrrliea, Flour Alien, (inneril Debility the result of miseoiidnct. pollutions, ,|ani in the back ruol side* Krnplioinof all kinds, produced by interior causes, Loss ol' ism in the Joints. Noruniiil sweats, seminal an 1 I Fin al weakness. Injuries receiveti hy mercuriul ireal* meiil. \ c ftc are rureit by llr. lii'ihituaiiu wiih the aid nf reineilies known Iml to himself, to Iho perfect antisfactien nl his clients. Iti rent diseases nl the ahnve named kind will lie |irnm|iliy an t rnilirnlly reunited lielnre liny cm «et tie in the omlv and become ciironir. hy i*r. Heini mann's own purify ing tegelahle remedies. Hr lleininiami further a sure remedy fnl.y tested, and which can lie relied n[mii. lor the cure of liileniiiltent IVter, Chill and lever. I'i’Ver and A- r ue. al-n a means to r' , inove, in a lew days tor ever, a had hreath, witlvml tin* least injury in the atnmarh. In lh" pileaent days numerous remedies are ntfered everywhere fur all imaginable diseases, hnl in most of die esses the sufferers are so sadly dis appointed that they Innk with jn-Hllalde ini«lrasl nil all advertisements nl ltd. kind. Dr lleinim,inn's re niediesneed imt he leenniMieiiiled hy pnttiillg Charla tanism. for they reenniniend llieinselt t s In their el feels. as lias lieen seen and experienced hy nmnenns patients who fortunately Inr iliemselvi*', have used them. For the informaliim and salisfaeiion of Ihe often deceived public, the statement wail s iltlce that llr. tleiiiim.inn tins in his pnssesr hii over iwn hun dred testimonials from patimils cnre*l hy liim. besides many other reliable persons, which he is ready to ex hihit when required, while common decency lorhids him In publi-h them in the newspapers. Persons applying to Hr lleininiann shall not be obliged to pay in ad>an;-e the lull price nl the cure, as he is willing to snlmnt his shill and his remedies lirst to lie Irsp d. i die thing the Doctor invariably requires from all his paiicnls, that is a faithful and -Iricl conformance w ith all Ins dircclions and preemptions, otherwise lie caniint and will not warrant a cure. Written consultations w ill he nmm w ithout charge and coininiinications answered whether containing •. lee or iiiit. pmiiqilv. punctually and w ith slrict secre cy, on apply ing. postage paid, in the l-'reltch oriicrmau Languages, In Dr. M. lIKIMM ANN, Corner of Kearney and Pacitic, sir -els, .'"III I'linci'Cll. To show te Hie satisfaction of ad that Dr Ih ini matin is a thoron-dy educated, practical and experi enced |ihvsiei'in and sin -eim. tint foil o w init fnmi his iinnieroas tesiimonial«, are snlnnitiei| to ihe public Names are suppressed, lint the iinllmrs are al any time ready to proclaim their trull, and aultionlicily before the World. linn knwooii Val, Fell. 11. IS.Ki Daar Doctor: —I have known you since l-lq and you have given so many proofs of your hdenls and experience, that yon have enli' ely won confidence. Although yon i-.-i In at at a great instance frOm me you know that I have several liine sent yon patients which other dociiijs hat e ip yen up as incurable, and you have always received tl'iiqii and saved not only I heir limlis toil also iheir lives. I w ill only meniinn here the case nf Mr i' .from Auburn, who is indebted to yon for Ihe preservation ol Ins right arm, which other doctors wanted I n amputate, and that of \| . t; ofCelnma. who although given upas hopeless hy two doctors was cured hy yon in two weeks lime As to what, y-m have done for my faints ly, snfllce it to say, I will never he nhlo to repay yon. Accept dear lioctor, Ih -se few lines as a proof of the liitrli e> i ein I hiive ol your talents as a medical man. and believe me le he your constant Iriend, F 11. Per prielor of Ihe Miner's llolel. To Dr. Heininiatio ~ San Francisco. Cri'onwood, h'ehniary llth. 185(1, Having stydied mi dicino myself at the I'aiversiit; of Tavia. u Italy, I suppose I know emsigh to he lie. liered when I dec! ire hereby that t»st are the best physician I ever with in Calitivuin. This decla ration is 11-undid on what 1 have seen yon do and hear.l from every. >ody when I res id lat Mormon Is. land. I know of many persons to whom you have •aveit life mid limbs alter they tia.l tieeii completely given up hy o'hers, and who will al any lime come forward ami tesiily lolhe truth of Ibis, and to your science. VV (suing you for Iho fotorv. the same sue cess which has attended yon thus lor. I remain truly yours, O. K. To Dr, Heinimann, San Francisoos foloma, .lanrrry 10th, IS.'ifi. My Dear and 'lnch Estoomtsl Doctor:—lt i» with much rearet that I and all your other trials Is snw yon quit Mormon Island, We have lost in yon a physi cian of (treat talent and exjs'rience. who we could not appreciate too much, ll was proven enou.'h hy the nnmenins who came to cull on you from all |«rls of the mines, and yon are in the hunt remembrance of nil. Myself, niveii up hy whom I considered our best phy sicians. prepared myself to die; hy chance I came on der your trealinnnt and you hu'e cured me of a i*ruve sickness in a short lime. Yon have proved yourself a physician and you do honor to the name. (~ Proprietor Fredcli Restaurant. To Dr. Heinimann, San Francisco. Auburn, January D.’th Dear Doctor:—f always rs member you with pleas ore, and ■< hading of irralilude prompts mo to address you these lines You know in what a deploaahle slate I was alter commit nut ef Ihe hands of l(r 1... who wanted to amputate my right arm. m shed t>y a fall ing (rock, in order to save my life. Ilapiiily for me. I heard of you and of the reputation which you had at Mormon Island; so I askisl for \our advice Indore purling wiiti my arm. At Ihe recommendation of seme friends o*' yours io Greenwood. I went to stay with you, and io a few weeks my arm. instead of being amputated was saved, together with my life w hich I consider I owe to yon. Dear Doctor, if I ever can he of any advantage to you dispose of mo, for it is en tirely to year skill that I owe my present existence. Receive, therefore, my sincere respect, and the assu rance that I believe vou to Is* one of our most talent ed and experienced physicians in this country. Yours truly, I C. To Dr. Heinimann, San Francisco. Sacramento, February Ist, 1850, Tho uhdersigned has known Dr Heinimann fjr many years, and cun vouch for his justly having earned a reputation as a conscientious, prudent, ex perienced and skilful Physician and Surgeon, and would therefore rocemmend to ad pisiple to rely with most implici, confidence in Dr. lleinitnaan's skill and se'enoe. 0. VV. Third street, between J and K CABINET SHOP. JOHN DO LH HUGH. WOULD Respectfully inform the citizens or rlid : well and vicinity, that lie is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line of business in a workman like manner, with despatch and on reasonable terms • av-inif always on linnd a large assortment ol dry lu .her he is ready to make to order. Doors, window Aidh, Tallies, Rockers, fcc. All kinds oi Cabinet wiuitv, and in fact anything appertaining to his busi ness. IkHiard Tables set and repaired Bhop no fcr.tej, below Hess i. Larcutnb's Brick Btore MEDICAL. DR* L. J.CZAPKAY S DILL J. •'/ M’K A\. LATB IN TMK MI'NUA rUn Kevidulionary Wnr. t’biei Physician to the *Joih revrimenl <•( Motived*. tffhief Sunimn In the Military Hospital of I’estb, llumfiify. and lilt- l.eciu r<T mi' Disease* of I'riuary organs, ami diseases of wiwn and children. To rut tni.K TKiv—Dr 1* •' O.npkay ha* ojamed hia insliiute for Ihe cure <>r nil form* ofprivate ilia eases, such ns syphilis, ir otorrhea. noenirnul rims sinus mnl all the eoiis,-,piencet m selt-ahnse. In tin* first slaifes I*f nonorrheal disease* lit* uiiHfnuiri't u riiri* ill !i few it,l)*, without inconvenience 111 tin* patient, i-r Itimlritix'i* to Ills business \\ hen a |m!ii*iili lit nevdeci. nr improper treatment, ha* ili*vt*ln|>**tl tin* second *r> symptom* nl syhilis. sneh n« iniinh's, or puinfiil swelllm.'* on tin* tfniin*. nr ulcer* in llir throat mi,l nose, which if mil checked, destroy the soil purls Mini cause the limn s in mortify, separate and roim* away, le.ivimf tin* sufferer an object hide ,i*» in la-hold; nr wlirn spl itrliKs uinl p duple* break mil n|sin tin* skin, nr w li'*ii In- tins painful -Welllnc* ii|hiii llir Ilnurs, nr wilt'll Ins rmistiiiiiinn is injured >n ns In prnlispnsi* In !*■ ■ lisnfn| itiim nr ntlin Colistltulio'in disease, tin* lloclni uuaratilec* it cure nr inks nnrn'il. l„*iisiition. In Khenrniilism, chronic nr nrnlr; in ilt aniirri, nr OinrrlniM. hr lias salt* mi l i fficlual re medies. for lln* troalmi'llt of the runs ipienres of srli-nlii|si', such as tiiM'lnrnnl emissions. nm inisin-ssi t■ in ill it y headache. pains in tin* Innk amt limbs, with UrlliTili Wi* ikllr-s. loss n|* a|i)s-llU*, Inss 111 memory, illlllrv in 11. 1* -i_*iil. restlessness. contusion o| ii'ms, dislike fur society ami h-elinif nf wrarmr-’s nl lilt*; Willi llir (irrinns sy slrin Mi excileahle I lint sliu’til nmsrs shock or »larlli* lln* patient. makinif his e\i„l rn«*i> miserable. for iht* ulinvi* mala lies Ihr Doctor w ill irunraiilet* a curi* nr n»k nn f«mip**nm»iii»n. Hi* can he consulted riat nf charip*, ami invilrsnll in r ill. as it will riisl lliein nothing. unit may In* inneli In tlirir ailvnnlaui*. hr. 1.. •! fzipkay is daily receiving np, lii*alinns from every part of lid* Stale amt from I •regon and IVasliintrlnii territories, hr irnalmnil nf rvrry form nf divnse. miil llirrr is not, min wlm will conn* lor ward and expre-s dissabsiiiction; on it.r contrary, Itn* Hr. is in daily receipt , i (otters, expressive nf grati tude and thankfulness, some id which an pnhlishrd hclnw hy permission. \! *lll SVIM-K, .1 unit 'I, 1 K.VI. fir L. ,1. Dzapkay, San I*’raiu*ist*n;—Sir. I have used Ihr last nf your inrilifiiie, and dn not think I shall need any nmre. as I feel very well .xi-epl that I have nut entirely got rny ulreimlll yet. but si««;, w ill with the appelt*r I have. It is just three weeks, you mav recollect, since I called at * nnr inslitirtr, w ith inv cnnsfiinli.»n as I ihoitght, entirely hri-kmi, and never tllnic hi ynn would he aide I i care Me perhaT ly. hat I In 1 ynn might he able lo do sis n lhini; to ease the pain m’my hack and head andslr*.iicltieii me linilis, which wi re sn Weak dial they would almnsl give w,iy under me when 1 walk'd, and siivuglheii iny m-rves sn that I wnnld lint (fi t exeilnd and trem lile i.l e very litl le 1111111;. Now that yoo kin* w.hlll I e ,peeled, ynn may judge nf inv at my l'< •11 < 11 1 1* I e rrcmrry trnin llinse s\ 1 1) i' lis and' .he rr inoval ni itinse sphih hes and >nres I ■ m my -km and the ulcers Ir an my throat; sad tin eniirt CnppaL'e nl tln<sr emissions which you said v-n » principally tin* cause nf inv sickness. I can hardly tell win w Inch i« the urrales’l, my joy nr my surprise, Inr except not having fully uni my stremtrh, I Irel n.» well as any mail can leel. I.nclnsed I tend you twumly dollars nv tT ymir chartfi*. and think aiysrll cheaply cured If you think anybody will hs beneiiiitd, yen may pul this leltor in the newspapers. Tims llxvin v. I’on 1 i.\M». Oregon, May 15, ISO 6. Dr, f/.apkav Dear Sir: — Vnur mediciiie has liettn taken according in directions 1 fuel a little weak vei; In every oilier way I Mia almost entirely nrover* ;*d,'and think in n short lu.*« I shall i>e ns well as ev ,ir. Kvervhndv thill knows me is wnndei'inK w lull made sncii a champ*, Inr si sue friends lUnnitht I had simiplinn, and mhers <hnl I was jniiif cra/.y.- W i 11, 1 dun’ know hill liny were hnlh.tixlil, lIS I lell 11 ifnisl deal hnth ways, awl llini|«l;.j ui I didn’t die soon I would like In. I mu not j.'njded any mure with emissions, and tin* pam in my nead and hack, and the weakness in iw.y limhs have left me, and so has I In* dizziness, < 1 111 id el y. and the w ish always to lie alone: I am not iilraid to ifn in cninpa y now. end am not so easih sacci’il ms I used fn lie. w hen llny 1 1 lie thinf would set me tnunlniin;. I have Im*«ii at W 1 rk this week, which is lihe (W-i I have done for six months, and the thnnifhl of <9 viitt’l discmiraue me like it used In Indeed. I feel Hit SMuitlnT Ilian, and ft is all owim; in ynnr medicine met ;.»lx ice Vnu 1111 y pulilish this if you to Yours Sic, dosKPit Katii. Sachwikstis May 15. IH5i. Dear Sir—Such lathe thankfulness I feel fur II e preservation of sll \ health nl hnlh body and in id, and I believe nf my life, that I hope I w illiail he 11 n sidered inirusive in lenderinc mi thauklid ackm vvl eilKiiienls for nmlorinf me to kaatlfh, and making my life a Imim worth plfesi rviiic, when il had liecome a Imrtlien too un at lor me lo tear. Victim as I was to vice that hud undermined my constitution and devel oped n train of nervous syniploins such as nervoiis deiniiiy. heudache, dbiircssintf llinidily.sell-disinist. dizziness, love nf snhlilde, loss nf ineim ry and waul nf resolution, besides a loss of slrenulli and enenry, which made my waking moments wretched and my sleep uiircfrevhinu and was fast linnifiiif me to the crux**, hnl, thanks in unir skill, 1 am restored pi health vn;nr.'and energy HopniKtn ituide others where they may Ibid rebel, you bare my permission In make this public. bmiNAßii U *nx. To Dr. L .1. Ottapkny, San Primciscn. f spermahirrliea. nr local weakness, nervous de hiluy, low spirits, lassitude, weakness ofi he limbs and back, indisposliion and incuiiabilily lor labor ant simly. dullness of Us*sof memory, aver siou*ti 1 society, hive nl Sntituile. timidity, selfslislrust. dizziness, headach** Invnlnnlary discharges pains in the Vide, affeel V Uis of the eyes, pimples on tin* face, sexual and othe r infirmities in man, are cured with mil fail hy theywsily celehraled physician and snrireon I, .1 ( r.apkay. His method curias diseases is new. (unknown In others,) and hence the ureal success. All (■niisnllations, tiv letter orotnerwiso free. Address 1,. J. Czapkay, M D., Sau i rancisen, California- TtiTilK LADIKS OP CALU’OKNIA. Dr. I. J. C/a|ikay. late inthe IDtiuvnusau Uevolu tinnary War. Chief i’hysician lo the *Joth Kei>imeiii of llonveds. Chief Snrucon In the Military Hospital of Pesth, lluncary, and late Lecturer on diseases of nri narv organs and diseases of women and children, in vites the attention of the sick and afflicted females, labnrintf under any of the various forms of diseases 01 the bruin, bmifs, heart, sinuiach. liver, womb, blond, kidneys, and all diseases peculiar lo their se*. The Doctor is effect inn more cures than any other Physi cian inthe Stale of California. Let no false delicacy prevent you, but apply immediately, and save your selves from painful siitTcrini;s and pi emature death All married ladies whose delicate health nr other cir cumstances do not allow in have an increase in tln-ir families, should call at Dr. L. .1 Czapkay’s Medical In stitute, Armory Hall, corner SacraiiH-iitu and Mont gomery streets, and they will receive every possible relief and help The Doctors offices are so arranged that he can he nonsuited without the ipaf of molesla lion. If desired. Dr. C. will visit the ladies at tin t resnlenses All cnnsnllaiions hy letter nr otherwis*' free. Address lo Dr 1.. J. Czapkay, Medical Institute, Armory Hall, corner Sacramuutu and MoiilKou>«ry »trc*t*ls, H. F» SYPHILIS AND GONORRIKEA.—Dr. L. J. Czapkay would ask especial attention to syphilitic ami ipmorr’ineal diseases. In the Hr«t siaip-s of eitlier of iliese ciMii(d.nuts he ifuanmlees a perfect and eff.s-, pial cure in a few days, without hindrance to business or the inconvenience. The Doctors method of t real nm ihein combines all the latest improvements by the medical faculty, with discoveries made by him self. more effective than anything yet known, which secures the patient from the possibility of secondary symptoms anil removes Ibe disease in tin* shortest p-es slide* time Secondary syphilis which appears in con sequence of Ihe absorption of the poison into the sys tem. and pnxlnc**s I1uIh»-s, I h in the throat and nose, wh ch destroy the «.n prirts. an 1 cause the (tones to mortify, separate and come away dlsil ;iinm< the patient horribly N-sles or palnf il «welllinr« on the bone^isplotches upon 'he skin, c -es of which the Doctors see daily in his office ant which sir: the r**solt of improper treatment. Also, ulcers, sor.-s and pim ples, and injuries to the constitution, which, after a lona period of sniterina destr > life It will also h*- re membered that these disorder* are hereditary, MEDIC'AI fr>>m parent to child, tin*l entailing npen ihe u ruined cietMiliilion Fort hi- cure uf.dl these I. run of disease. the Koctor, iMnrani.e, .1 cure or n-k« n.i coni|n-n«MiHin The I'oetor can lie consulted u> ter or otherwise free of chnr-je, nml in \ ties all »In. M re afflicted In cull ll|wm him. where lie »ill give them «nrh Khti-ftrlin't hs ibev run obtain mi « (-.» re . i„- llis rooms an N" I nml • \rmory 11.-dl, enrm r. f Sac* mnentn mill Montgomery streets Sun k rHlieicfii ■1 Hi: iiUKAiKST IHSCOVKKV i'F Tin: MiK !—iJri'iil I*• Mankind ’ Innocent hut |'o •♦•ni! -I»r. I, J. t'/ t|>kn\N I’rophyint'iinim, ( >vif Ip*. nilfH'iiiu' V.r#*nM ii •nr- |»rt*v* nin i\»* mrniii*>t i» »»• r rhoal mid philitic di«ea*»#■*. rind an nn*mrpa**rd r» in ♦*dy (or all tin* Vfiii'hiil. •‘Culillnia, ctnufenoii* nni| rune# r#»n« nUvr* hrtid #li*M*har.:r* I'rmn the iml'Mi i, Minnie and npiMhrn. and all cnianeon* eruption* o*| di*«*a*«*v For *al** af Dr 1..-I I'lapknyV# ofthv. \r. mnry Hull, rorimr of Sacramento and M< »r«!trt ts ’‘irrt t*, San A* imiocalafion i*» a fiilivt* mraitiM *nml) p#»\,-m i* pr I. 4«'*ip*n> •* IVt»p‘d!ucticmn a prcv. nlati%e aKa|n*t -fphiTUic u*m i tlon#»rrh#*al #li*e««e*. Maniil#*'** in i (.<«*■ ft« it po***v«.« ,4 tin* power nf rhnmirallv «|#*«troy unr .V *y j hi’i. *• \ ro**, and Her#hy *avnnr f h«Mi«atxN of tniinxde*n n*h ♦•«■* from I• 1 n it inti'Ct**#! la thr nio-t foa’V***m# of all.’ di*»*i-« •*. I.rt no youni’man w ln» appri 4mlv* ln*:»l I.* without Dr. t znpkay** Drophdactiimm If f* in wry niN>nnn*nl package-and v% IJ> hr f.Miitd mnvrfii ctilNo o*--. h- 1 nir ti*#*#! h 9 a ««in|i. 7hap.A*ea*## ,an h« • prevented hy thr n*r ol i»n*j*« r ?u r « <•<»* ,v# w»• || ai v r**tah|jsh#'d fact a* that !In V cil lhr v nir#*d fit'll r thru e*liiMedim#nt* Th#* principle which 1* now iinn#r~ *ally rrcoini/rd. *.-#•* navi vet) »*\#*n h#*lofr ;hr dm * «.( •lenner. tin* ilwwvrn r o| thr va< cmnfioo in 17'dh. and it* mnltit'lnd hclirflf * #*\»*r ninci lim *• rm i \ rd, a* lin y drsrr>*ii Ihr atlrnt inn 01. t!»»* Miatii'al Icciiliy, It ire |»tir*nil of thin hruiii of t v«* nirdic ii *r|. •'tier (hut fJT. 1.. .1.1 * /a I' 1 ! t\ i".inn »t»dy mail#* tin* th* cmvr\ ni" hi- I’n'|dtil:i< ! ictnn. whu li d»t fhr (tff*\m inm •*( -*v jihilit ic. ifonrr.’ntal. cm a nr* n* • r -lainU nnnvallrd h\ any a*4Hiu in tin* I*llll.- ni'M'i’,*»»**u. Ihr *•;?>• d t.f ’ln- a ,' 1 fit nAt*r miMmii k inmirt.tnlr and n nnnrr« in# - po***ihiltf\ a ••nnlrrn** lion «i 1 h*ra*r If, fi«»w • • •r.thr di -#m*** ha * Imi tract t*l, it !•» ii** fill m lKnit,xih/int; in,* mn»*. nnn* -# cr« - tit'llw hlcli, hy ah-ncp ,1 11, |»M"ln r ihr ht»md ct n-**- # I lit it*r* known a* *#MM*inlary •yphili* 11 lci*h..n ad min i-lcn tl liy thr Dn»f.r ii* inmiy thoii*and rn-» - till#l In* In* y«‘l (o dhif rhr in w Inch iMia* 1 nlrd to mih«*rrvr lh«* pnrpti-r* tor which ;♦ wadnmn*t» r cd. Dric#*, #.», Ind dnvcfjofiM arc aflMchrtl luracli (•ackauf#*. In ctw* *vht■!#»• I*r*i|diilacinnim 1- 11-1 d i»h h nir«ti%»% hr. I. -A (VapUJiv will tjrali* a j.r#- -cnptiMfi tor hi* Dio.Ml Diiriri* r All roinnitiiomnoitH 1 *»m thr (tumiln* addrc**#tl ly I*. I >r. I .I i Sin I ranci-co w ill hr -tric'ly ifid roi»fl#l#*iitnilly aMt ndrtJ p», and tin* r> nn dn * with lilt* L , r»*M(v*l ctnv and *r imc v, immrdialcl \ dis patch# #f, hy K»iiit‘*.i nr olli«*r # *>n vry am*#* to tin ir dr?*- linatioii .l. I#. < / m*ka Y —Th»* L r ri/th*man wlmhm* nani#' fomih lh#* cmpllon #d tin** untie#* i* on#* nf Ih t lew nindrrn phv**ti ian* w lm-r apphcalii 11 t<. hi* pr#»- lr*-ion and ilivnt.oll in tin* alMicird. rrndrr him alik** in ornament to >* »* one and a hrin iff to tin* t tin r y Ihintr irian hy h»rti». In* with K«*ti«tith !*• pltir#* fils country ninonc thr of’the #•:♦ rt h hry«»n<| thr mlr ilmt h#*r *f nx miirhl rejoice in di#» jiracti*’** ol tho*»* prrc»*pi * which are alike out ■_rl< r\ and #»nr f *rln hi- »ffnrN ***• ft* d», In* tia* reapial lie* reward of imdlrrtnal r#-i-lance to npprr-- -l*»n. nml fc *n home and a # onntry know him no mor#*.' 7 Apart ho\v.»\» r, from hi* Haitrin np*»n ntir coin#iil#T fitinn a** « patriot, the (t siini"iii .N of <*h»racf* r ami capacity which tir hrniLf*#. imlitl#* Ino I<» puldn 1 coiill* «!» nc«*. to the ♦•xclo*ii»n of lh* wfin po-*e** tit‘illn• r the ope or the otfn*r \* a lt# idleman hi* character h niitarrn*hed ; a* a phy-ician. In-* -kill nn*>nrpa9*ei| t and to tho*#e wfio*#** imprudence hn* hd f 11 fm hi ( Ii« *hi 'ln* taint** of di.«#*a-« • w»* ran i*»m ■••ienlioii-h com in# ml him with fin* a--*irancr /hat in him they will Had a tVirml whom to know i* irrraf irain. Tie* Itr.'* ortlco i** No. !l and I Armor? IfnM corner of Sacraineiito •oid 'lonttfomery **tr#*#‘t-, San I Vam i-co. VK THAT SITKEII ItK \ D KK.\!> if V rVn * * DR. PAREiRA’S GUAT ITALIAN I’.K.MIMIV’I For the certain and spot dy cure of dis nases of a private nature, no matter how long standing, without any in jurious cffkct to the system or any change ol diet. It has never it cannot fail to cure. *|IIIIS Invaluable Specific. first introduced into I I’i-a mime till\ yearn since. soon liecmne no weij known as a ‘certain' cure.’ Unit in every town and city not oin) on the * onlinenl. lint in Ureal Britain, the demand for it was an jfreat, il* merits no n»ionndin«, ttnit in less than one yoar irom it* introduction ii had supplanted all other remedies. The Vtedical Faculty ol the principal cities of F.urope were compelled tc acknowledge it* wonderful inaalery over disease. I’m prielors of other medicine, jealous of its away, vainly nmletivored to stay it* onward progress I.ike irrass before the mower, their ell irl* fell 10 tlie ground ami like (Ire on the prairie*. sweeping all before it, jin on w ard march became triumidiaut It stood forth upon ittown menu: » discerninu pn|dic «aw. tried anti were convinc'd of its matrn al urine*. The massive lorliine acvtiiired by lir. I'ar. ini from lhe*«leofii duriiitrUie six year* he prepared it. alone bore wliners U, It* rninu.ulon* ineril*. At the decease of the poet the reejpe was bequeathed to hi* «on. who ha* lately Introduced the remedy into the I’niied State., Tin* number of care* it ha* already made are ashni-dilni{ Thousands and tens of thousands can liettr testimony toil* e lllcaty. All who use if It will cure with a safety,spend and cert.ainly no other medicine bn* ever posw s*ed. Resort to no t|um k Nostrums, l'«e n remedy that ha- 1 been tril for the past titty years and was never known to fail. Thi* Ureal Remedy is warranted purely vegetable.! Beware of Counterfeits. The extensive sale of this wonderful medicine ha* already caused some person ■ r persons. to palm off u|*>n the unsus|»eclinif, a spu riou* compound, closely resemhlimr tie - original, He particular to buy none without the written sivnatnro of A I‘areiru, M. I* on the outside w rapper of each t),,tUe. All others are coua.v.ifelt, and ttu-ir com poumlers will be punished with the ulinorst ritjor ol the law pri'e. Three dollars per tsittle For sale by P. Ral*- cock, sole Aip-nl for Ualiforni i. Opnron an 1 the Hand wieh Islands, to whom all order, musl be addressed. A liberal vlisc uni mode to wholuaale dealer*. I). lIAIP'OI’K, Wholesale Druggist, 77 Davis street, Him Francisco. T,l*t of Agents through ut the Stale. Rice fifflin St. IV*. lirntprisi Marysville; R. K Starkweather, City Prior Store Stockton: W. H. Bruner, Sonora; Iteny Shunleff, Shasta; child Sc Wor»hen. Placerville Justin tone*, Jr. Sacrmenlo City ; It. K. W. Uurr, Pownleville ; Itr. John Nevada ; Dr. W. 11. Untlief, Vreka, Pr, J It Winst ,n, Los Autreles; Thomas Whaley. San Diego; tie*. L. .Story. Portia t •). T. BLANKS— Rvejy dejreutlon of'Sustiw’l Bl xkf foj sale aihis od'ce.