Newspaper Page Text
OROVILLE DAILY BU'ITE RECORD. VOLUME I (DrcuiVU Butte Httort. I’U'rL/BM'GD DAILY (ttf MIMVS >.XiKPIKU) HV GtO, H CfcorETTE. f |T Ofirin!—*n T!“I ll'itldin? n'i Mynr< *Owt, l.a<f, tiilc,liHiwtcii Monli(<»mv y nml Hint. OroMlln. Tkr*»—nno Ynnr I’nr 'lull BIA , * ll h*i x wninlhn, (i<> , r* on Tltr.',. month*. (In .'i It i l>«illvMr«»l by <’nrri<»r, p r 50 wBKKiiV I’.rnT: uuroui) ■<#»' —■ J-’iir firmililion in On* niiiiln'.f mul a.'rii • Oi-- trirt* <»f I In* c.Mini). >• 01 .-ii'iiiin tin* 1... .1 mi l i'f nnrnl it.'Wi hi tin* « (k. iniiTipirx "I witli ini ireiiintf mi*- ri>llnn.M.n< ri’ilif ; in illrr 1 will ronton twnnlv i'.'lri cii|iiihh« ill if ulinif miitiT, mi I will In; iiin* »f ill.* I l f_f i* ■! 1 Mini fill* ipnH V\ l-ilUt N•• A - pup l T* 1 11 thn t»hi!i', I 'it li) i■<in • I nvi<rv Snt nr. tiy !• nil ♦—?.l |*nf Anmltf. . wii iuMillli*. .t • lliri*i* iiniiilln*.*!ll. Atv►. n i i«K Mk s r». p r nipiari-ten lint? or Ini* fly Ml iii«f rtiim, • • - • • -*S’■ 1 KanH n'llisiMpicnt in««'riinii.- • • 1 ft" t v 1 * A lilinr il Of lilflimi will In'inalf In of tlniHn w*ii> julvitliki* lit tin* \i*ar fy lliiKitifii far I* in-i-rii-l on fninmimtil.ilnriii*. JO3 PRINTING, We would solicit tin* allenlmn of our friends who art- in wan l *>l .ti ili Priming f* * Hie l.u-t he wi l tire pre ■ tnred I i fil'd Hr every -rtpl mil nl work in ‘>nr lint* in a style thill ciniiHi! lull lii give sali-laeiion. lmvn recently iiiii'li- ni-w mi l exleiwive add i: ions in <mr hssiirlmenl o' Joli iili'l have Ineilllv l"i* clniii- ill kinds if wui U at mu li rati* rale* ami on ill'ift noli <5 Agnilft lor llic Bulle ltrtor«l« henry kff.frr m-iwoii I'fliai \4 liiiYi'K. ~07 Merchant m Sim I'rnnciseo A 1,. S Ill'll, I* street, Alary.ville »; D iM.r'l ... ... Forhesh.wn AVIIITF, & Nt'TTF.U. . ! Oregon Cily. .V i: I \i Ksi iN • Ifoglow nl J.KVI SMITH Thompson's I I it 111; URoniKRT'iN HnuliirlnnV'turn. .1 \MF.S Till HIGHTi»N Wv-oidotle •I.SIIIRWIN ... Ncl-nn t’n-1-1; I'ltim -< n •II’HKINS &. c.VTK. Aini-ni-iti Valley M. I'KNiT. Mi lilln Viill. y. Ttii! -•Record" i-iiii procured from nnv oltln* abnvn named Agents, wlm m-n al»o iiilllinri/.iil to re ceive advertisements mid nr.lnn fo 1 " Jell Work HI TTJKKCOItI) .»<»!! IMtl VTIVti ESTABLISHMENT o ■: o v i 1.1. k, \W ;ire now j»r#• i•;ti*« i wnf ii I'fitnl assortment <»t ritrNTlNti M ATM! I ALS. u fVfiiti* «vt ry ite ftcriprion of .. .1 / 1 »\ H M j .a spss ... • ■ -j I'mitl a sisso mi tlm in nt Rl-'-ASiiNA'tl.F. IK RMS. and in a style Hint will ant I' 'I in Hive smisfaction. Mining mid f-nltmr companies desiring CEUTICATES OF STOLE, Cun have llinnl PRINTED nS HID »RT NOTICE livery kind of Job Printing, executed to order mi ll ns HOiIKS. CIRCHI.ARS, 1.-UV HI.ANKS. )> A'l I’ll I.KTS CARD*, UII I,s ill-’ I \i lli.l HI 1,1, II KAUS. DEEDS, 1! INK CHECKS. I.M'.l's VM'Es. IMIOIJR\MMKS. posters, mi.i.kts, hl.i.s ok park. <>r any other description ot Print! g linn may be de sired. Having hud ninny yean prnclicnl experience in tha branch id - the hmmess, we are cmifldenl nl giv- Ink en ire satisfaction In all who may favor ns with ihtdr or' ren. Peru ms wishing work dune are respectful i) invited e give us a call. EXPRESS AND STACIE LINES. EVENTS, DAVIS vN CO.’S EXPRESS OFFICE row its m u.dim:, d >tref,t. w» stsidk. MARVSVILLE. A PMI.V EXPRESS will lie dispatched t-oin our Office in Man sville. to U Creek, t.iln eonville. I'nflie-lowii, ('..iumbui House. I.exinglon House, Warren Hill. Hopkinsville, Nelson freek. Voor Man's Creek. Hop-ins Creek, t ini"ii Val e). Richmond Hill Sirlnglown, Enterprise, Wyandotte, j,ona liar, Spring Valley, scales' Digging-. St. I.onis Indwell'* liar, llnnson die. Pine Grove. I.’hmiller ville. Spanish Flat, Independence liar, American Valiev. Kli/.ahelliliiwn, sp nii-h Ranch. Meadow V al iev, City of '7li, Jnmisiiii Creek. CananCreek ttroville. Thump-oil's flat. Ore iron (inlch linrimrd’s Diggings Tlarn-o ns'Digging-. ind Poverty Hill. Our TREASCRE EXPRESS will always be accom fanned by failtiTil Messengers t ar ('oiledion-, tinier*, &c, attended to with nromptness and lidelily. * July Hi RVERTB. DAVIS k CO. New Arran^enien—For \ rcka ON AND AFTER JURY 2d ISfttt. the California t on )i <'inu'lh*’* will Ihi4V«* llmir • Murray's WasU-rn House, Murysville. every day nl o'clock, P M.. for Vreki via Hamilton. Neal's Ranch Chico. Tehama, Red lllnfls, l ollonwood. Sinith’s Ranch, Hay’s Ranch, amt McComhi r's Mills cro-s -ing Pitt river nl l.oekhan’s Perry, Crandall 1 * R men. Thomas 1 Fiat. Tucker Town .Innelion House, Hack Rone House, Soda -priniji Yreka Mills Sheep Iloct-. Shasta Ruttes, Sleplien's Ranch and Oldham'-., a- i \ii«r in Vreka on H.e s.-cond day ul ft o'clock, P. M. 11 K 1' V 11 N I X (J . Will leave their office in Yreka at a o'clock every morning, connecting at Marysville with the Compa ny'* couches for Siicraim- ito, » hieh arrive in time for the San Francisco iioau nuking a through Irlp 'roin Yreka to San rrancisco in THRF.R U\ VS. GKO F. THOMAS. General Snp't Cal Stage Co. July IT •>*'« fjy liil in Marysville. ~U. S MAIL LI XE! ON and after Tuesday. March ISih. ISftfi the Cali foniin Stage t'onipany'st’oaches will h ave their Office. Western Home. Marysville, every morning at •in'cl'icti for Sacramenlo. and arrives lu lime for the the San Francisco Fauns. KKTTRMNG—WiII leave their Office. Orleans Ho tel, Sacrumenfo, lor Marysville, at the same hour *iiKo K. THOM AS, buperintendant. March 17lh. 1556 Marysville. BOARD AND RESIDENCE AFKW GKNTI.KMEN will And a pleasant home with a private family in one of those Cottages on Oak street, second door from Montgomery. Orovllle August 16. fmglfrlf] MRJP. PORT. OROVILLE, BUTTE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 185 G. LEGAL NOTICES. siieeift s salt: V VtllTi'K lIK v V KVKI'I TION it of the Vm'h In lieiul Di-Tict Court. in hi h*r itn* .**i in>\ of 11 i* i **, Si tie ol Cm i fond a, bearli tut** tli** 58(!th >lny of August, A D. IH jfl, and lon directed nnd ■ 11v»*r***I, commtndn g me In innl In* «iim <it three li*-*! ami HU > doll tin prior.p. Mi l t<*r miere-t from llm Jil l dav of Juno A 11. I'* ' mi it.** ihr**e hundr ■ I ilnllam prineip il. nl lie* r il<* • *!.r ■ ■ jsi■ r rent. |>* r iiimliili until paid, nml for costs • -nil laved in the Mini uft *n i*lni iln Ur*, an I m erning pn*l«. mil uf tin* property bereinaller .eriheb to sa'ixiy the iiti»r»**»inrt judgment, win rei Joseph K Smith i* I*l liniitrami Jacob S. Vorri-s i I >•-: •' 11 *ltn I. tu vi! ; Tin '11*1(111111111:111 theatre. situ* Iml in * irm ille, in the r.iemtv nml Suite nluresHi I. I i-utfil on lhi* corner ni IlnntiMin anil lliril street 'routing i»iir\ nine Kit* 1 I'm t on llitinmin street, an nighty ("'ll! feel on Bird streiA. A I.SO — all tin n*rinin pie.*t* mi I pa rod nl It ml situated in ro\ il* i»|ihir lown-hip llntlt* futility, ami Suite of I'nlifnt iim ami Me i*ri l n**l mi 'ln* map of tin* Town nl Or* ville a* follows* I <rla nuhnier tme, (1) two, C iln ■•*, iti fntir, 14> five <s> nml 'ix, • ♦»• in Bloek lhi* l\ -i v. ( lii ; 1.1*1;. number i*hi*. )' ) two, (2111 x i* (.» **i\. li seven, 7. ami • ighl, **, in 111*** k eight. **; le*t nnnilmr onn. 1, 1 vx*.•. 2. 1 hn*i*. -I, ton**. 1. five. a. *> 1 v. ' -nu n 7. *in*| 1 ighl, x. in Block nninher ten. in; I.* 1 irtiuher one. I,two, 2.1 *e, A. heir. 4, live, a, *ix 1 .even, 7. ami i*i**li|. S. ii Itinek number eh\er>. 11 I ol*i mu*. I. liv 11, *_’. tin ♦. > tom*. 4, live. .1 *i\. * . xeveil, 7an I eiitht a in Bk * I: number!w.-Ive, 12.1 .ol number one I. iwm, J. hive.:!, four. 4 live .V six. b -1-vi‘ii. 7, nml night, h, m |||<>i*U number Iwenlv. 2h I .nla iinniltei* one, I two. 2. three, o. font’. 4 llv". ■hx. ti. s.-veu, ami eight. S in lllm-k number twenty one, 21 ; I.nix number nn**, 1 Iwu J, line**, 1, k i**. I (In*, ft, six. seven, 7. (in*l eight. I*, in I'.Kiek v.nmbe t weal \ 1 ■o. 22; I .nix nninher one, 1, two. 2,1 ll’ve, .1 four. 4, Hi**. .7 *i x, ti, xe yen, ,stll ■ I ei.;hl, S in 11 nmk number twenty-lire.*, *.'3: all of w'lleh I will .-kim.-. to public sale, to lh»* iii*rli**-t bkltler foreash. nl the * Ti* *ll x I Intel, in He* T"Wn of 1 Tnv i lb*, mi Sat nr* lav, lb* Ji 1111 ilav uf September, A. I). IS.**!, between ll'.e hours prescribed bv law . I* > REE. Sheriff IMiMe Cminly. Ity M. A 'tel. M'tJll 1.1 N. In Jintv. I)Veil, this 27 i1l il iv of August. a. I>. ir.iti uiig*2T td No net '—The above sale ix berebv postponed till Tne«il *y. lie* i* th inxiiinl. at Ihe same Inmr ami place above ineritineil. P. 1'ltKI'l! eherilf Untie 10. By M ,\ M. I.Al’llll I.IN 1 )e|eilv. Dated lliix 2l lb day of September, leal!. *2*l t I SHERIFFS SALE rnV vibti’e •»l•' AM i M't i TioN is«ril> mil o' the Niiuh .Inilieml lh-lri* I Kuurl. in anil for the oi'iiih of BuPe. and 'latent I'alifornin. bear lug ii itr \nginl I'.tlli. A H is li. ami 10 he iljivete 1 met ileliverol commanding me to male* the smi nl three I,llll*l 1 iliirty'five three one Imniln 111 dob tur, itrlit. with local Inlereat on the time, ami lie* tntil nl twenty three s,*Muil\-live 0111-Iriniln (I h do I,art ei.tit i i* «ni!. with nerrning e**sis of s*dd judgment mil nl* ih** proper* liwreiii.d'n r detcnhed. t«» **i»t i-fv lie*: * fun* t aid judgment. wherein John Ware mid ffur ,y Uoivnsnre I'iiiiniillt. and John Mel. ellimd vi'o. Iti (1 n liinix, to wit : A eerlaln M inili'2 (Maim, silnaled on Hal l Hdl tear lie* town of Orovibe, cniii'y and Stale a'iue'.aid ; tai l (Maim it ninety live ii-el frontimr on lie* Hhlff. nml evl n lintf lan k e.'ili feet ' l'i> il" shore hoxet iniw ii)i 11 the el ini Alt.i 110" of small tlnmr leaditur from tin* re'erruir to lhi claim 'No nil ul l‘i. * r *,'bt. title ami iii 1 r* si iif the iifor* .-aid delrndanlt ■lutin Mrl.elhmd Ko in and to a t’aliin titnafi-d ii|*on xai.l Klann, level hi r with all the appnru*n«nia*t hrlm.g. Ing in 1 In* idieve. the above property to he solii on Thnr'd.iy the ISlh dly of Si pteinb* r A I' Is id. a* Mii’clnek I’M ,id 'lt** National lintel listed this Jtlth uf August. A l> I "‘all I’. ITII’.KU Sheriff Unite Co. tty V. A. Mi I.MTiHMx. Itepn'y. n'.’liti* 1 Tin 1 above 'ale it (lo lpeneti till the "S'li dav o' Si*pi. A I* 1 S.'iti. the sale to lake place at llm "hnvi* I,u lk'ii* d I*, un*l at the Inmr of *l » slum* state d p pm r.u. S( .ptstt Sh* riff Unt'e Comity. CONSTiIELE S SALE P7>s' v 11:111. up an KXKcirntiN uv hi ll John Joliet, a Justice id'Hie IV:e*e in and fm 1 >).|iii Township, ll'rt’e rnim'y and Stale oft f«li' min In me directed and delivered. euminnlidillU ■ b* 1 „ak 1* tin* -inn of sixty one dollar.' and eutld • lon* renl' i«t!’ Sti and te-ini ih II rt and siMv live mae i7,ti i) C"'l id duirt, and ac ruing e if nl writ of ll.xi mil joe wh*re n II 1! Myers i- lalliliff and M. M I'arlei it llefi lidant I have tei/,i* ( | 11 d levied llpn ‘dl tin* rigid, Vi 1 1. * and inn-rest ol Ibe said M ff. I* ai ley, in and to llm' eer am piece or parcel o' land, siinalei 111 (ire ville Ophir Township Unite emiii'v. and Slat, of Cah'oriiia, and m.xTilied in I lie map o'The Town, uf (hmide. at I olt number one (li and Iwociib IlmcU i iiirbvn, 1 14». said lot« front on n«k s* reel, mar ’fmi guinery. Alt *. one small Irani** Im IdIHC e,.,..,1 i;ii 1 g iwo ruoit s. sitnaleil mi said lols. wbu b t will expose 10 public sale, at the I'tilled Stales Hotel, in the I' iwn o| itroville, on the :<(*lh day ol Se|ilem* her. A. H IS'vH. »l 10 o’clock, A. M.. to llm liiiihcsl bidder tor cash. K. PATTON. Constable. •*1 Oiir Township. Dated, this Sept. t>th. A. D. iKVi. shut INSOLVENCY NOTICE. CJTATK. <•*' C V I.IKnKN lA. Comi'v of llntte— Comity Court at ( liinimers. In the mntl r • I c A. Ilimeroll, an In- dveiil debtor ", lit- Creditors 111 pnr-nance ul an order made in the County Court in m,,| lor sdd County ‘*v the Don Jux.)*; N. I.ewis. i‘otmiy Judge til < liainbers mi the JSHi day ol Mlgil-t A. H ISM! Nut lee is hereby Biv« n to the creditor- of the said Insolvent. C. A Ihinerotl In he and ' ppear hefure the lion. J. P. N l.ewi-. Colinl) ainlee of said Homily in Chamber-, at Hldweli on Mimd *y.lhe 1,-t dav of Sept.. A. li I-ill. and make proof of iheh itceuimlt mid demands ,vf iiii-l said in-olvi ie'« e-l.ale or they will be barred from receiving a dividend from Ihe same Witness tnv band and Ihe seal of said I onnty 1..5. Conr'. iiftlxed this, the l«h day of August, A. D. IBOC. ul bill wa 11. M11.K3 CHAPIN. Clerk r 2Mw Pv M.H livKKAin Deputy. INSOLVENCY NOTICE* S~ T\TK ol*' CAbIiMiKMA, v ,unity ol Biittr— Civtiniv Conr* id Chambers In 1 lie matter ol J. Hoff-hilter. petitioner ia Insolvency vs His Cred itor*. I n pursuance ol an order made in ihe County Court in and lor said Count) 1 by the Mon Jos. K. N l.ewi-. County Judge id t humb, rs on the it li iiay ul \ngnst A. M IH.Vi, Solice i- lieref>y given lo lie* creditors uf Ihe said petitioner in lii'olveney .1 Huffsliuler. lo appear belord Ihe Hun Jos. K. N bewix. County Judge, on the tlr-t dav til the Novein uer term of the said Comity Ci.uri.lowi>: < m lie iwenlv-ionrlh day )l N..vemln‘r, A. I>. D *•., at U oVlock A. M.. n. liitlwell. lo -Imw cnu*e. if any flier, la*, why the prayer of said pelilioner should not b. granted, and he be discharged Irom his debts as an insolvent debtor. Witness m> hand and the seal of stud <.onnty L S. (fours, affixed this, the Iti day of Angusi. A. D lk:>e,at IHdwell. MIbKS CHAPIN, clerk a‘2s4w By M. 11. Daßrabh Uep’ty DISSOLUTION rjIHK. CO-PARTS KRAI HP heretofore existing be ■ tween James 11. Brass and John li Keating. 1 this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts dm the late firm muM t*e paid to James H Bras-, *h< Hone is authorized to use Ihe name of the firm ii* iiiuidation. All demands against the late firm 01 J D. Keating &Co , will be paid by James 11. Brass. JAMKB II BR ASS. JOHN D. KEATING. OrovHls, August 16, 1866. augl6-if LEGAL NOTICES. \otirr of Ippliralion for Pardon. TATE OF I'AUKIIIIMA, Cm ntv or ItrTTK i ‘ ’ Ihr }l'<nm r nhl' ./ K. .V. Ltiri*. PrrtiJi*? Jwlgf of Ihr Court of Srtuhin* in unit for Hulls I oln tt, milt .1 J. KKinf, /h.«(n t Itlurntli of taiil Coun'v : %fnTlrp I- M FREUY CIVE.N THAT AN Al* plication will lit l made to Hi* Excellency. J. teeiy Johnson, (Inventor of the Stott* of California, •j the pard-mof Henry I.i j>m <n now it prisoner I" he Stale’s I’ri«f>n. who ««< convicted in the t'onrt of e-ions. of the crime of assault with intent to porn nit rap*. In said county of Untie, and on the ItVh lav of August, eighteen hundred and ftfiy-six, I’biu ••nteiiceJ lo two years imprisonment in the Stale's I'll AV ATFK MA N. AVe do herebv acknowledge service of the forego ng notice, lit Itidweii, litis third day of September. D. I-jO. THOM \S VVF.I.LS, Acting District Attorney in said ctmse. jits K. N. I.KAVIS. County Judge, Bud Pre-idmtf lildtre of the Court of Se-swn*. A i nttr The foregoing is n trite copy of the ongi nui Notice, now on Hie in my o tire. . AA jiness my hand and Seal, title I September 4th, A f) is Sc sKU,. I MILKS CHAPIN. Clerk. PM well, September Ah TSW. rtt-.tot NOTICE A |,I, PERSONS holtlinif Slock in the South Fen .a tier AA liter Co , who liave filled to pay their assessment*. nre hereh” nn'itieii that nnle-s said nr retraces are paid in full w ilhin Iht rly days from the date hereof, such shares of Stoek. or mi many nl them us will lie necessary to satisfy -aid in-rear ices an I accruing cost, will lie sold al auction to Hie high- I -t bidder, at tbs* Cagle Hotel. Korlirslown. oil AA'ed lie-day, 1-1 day of October next, nl It o'clock A. M . in the manner prescribed by Statute, liy Order ol the Trustees. J. AVARUFN MASON. e ec y. I’orbeistown. Am?.'Jit. lui!t»ul FETIRY '•C’ ITI'T. is hereby given that tin* undersigned .M » ill it|• (il\ to Hie Hoard of Supervisors in and fur Unite Coiintv.ui tiieir next regular niee’ing. for it License to rim a Ferry or llndge ncrosr Hie Middle Fork of Ce-HhiT IlioT. » few rods Illtove the junelloll of the North fork of said ru*r >V I.TESTER I’. SAV ACE Hidweil’s Par, Unite Co »Hlt NOTICE Omi k Fkaiiiku \ tipum AVatkr ('o . ) Selemhef 1. ISill. y VniVIOFNI' OCTAVO 1)01,1, MIS AM) FIFTY’ Cents per share. Inis heeit tins day declared, nvalde I ttie olfl ce of the C. nipnny . sliw-gl .lAS N. Ml' Knot'll, Secretary. NOTICE ! r HA 11F. ‘’O.p \ij TX I’. It SHIP exi-ling heretofore un 2 ,j,.r the tide of I. 11. Smith &. Co. isihis day di-sol\ed tiy inn'M I consent. Uin C. Pavue having purchased 'lie. entire inlere t of .1. I). Smith. ti pi. c. P.n no will cbme Hie tinsiny*' ol the con eern, to wtenn oiit'Wtllpting debts must he paid, and lehl» eweracted for the Itenefll of the slime must la* presented for payment. AVM. c. P.AYN**’. .1 AMKS 11. SMITH. Oroville. Sept. HI, 18.10. *lO wl* COIINTV TIIKAsrUFU’S OFFICE,) ItunvKM., .Inly iStli. 18.tli, A i tTTCF is hereby givne. that nit persons holding HiiMe County Warrants payable from I lie gene :C fund, rev isp red bet w ecu I'»• lirimrv H lh. IS.afi. and May f!!s, isli, that Hie same will tie redeemed an pleseiilaiion. in my olliee, And noliee is further iven. ihnt frofll and after this date, said warrants -vill cease to beat inter**'. AVI I,LI A M I.ATTIMOItF. Treasurer ol Unite County NOTICE 'BA 'IF I’H-I’ AitTN FK-IHP heretofore existing he ll tween Hrown .v Hoff nan. is tins day dissolved iy iniit>iti/ con-ent AII persons having claims against Ac firm are requested to present lliem lor payment, nd those mill hleii, are politely requested lo citll iin neiliately and sellle their net onni', or they wall be placed ui the bauds of un officer for collection I). A HIMAVN. VV. I*. HOFFMAN. Oroville, August 3d, 18.j(5. nugho if NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION r«A 111. CO-1* MM N KllstliP btieeioioreexisting be -9 Iwo 1-11 the undersigned- was dissolved by inn, mol consenl on the Sth ol September, Is.ft! The partnersliip business will lie sellled by It. It. tlliveu i t. o„ at Ohurlev’s tt It. I!I F.VIN, I). F. HOC.) H *. Charley’s Hunch. Bept I - ?. fß'rt «’■’’m MISCELLANEOUS. WHITE & NUTTER, HEALERS IN GROCERIES PROVISIONS LIQUORS, &.C., &.C. raAIIC, ITNDFKSICN'KI), in cal'ing Ilia attention of H tiie piddle lo their stock of Prime <b»»ds, would aval I licniselve* of Ibis oitporluuily lo return thanks lor the very generous pal rouge they have received du ring the iniuilier of ysrs Hiey have la engaged In Itn-iness as tins place ■ and deiermined lo merit a cop. Hlinance of tin* same ill future, oil. r at llte lowest rales u large and well selected sssort ment of Hr iceries and ITovi-ioiw. Liquors ol a superior qua it >. Pre serveil Frail*. Miners’ Diipplies, Hardware. Crock, ry nnd (ila-swiire Ac.. Ac i’ irtn-iilar It ieniiun paid lo lo tilling and deiiverilitf miners orders Itotn a dis tance The htgilest price paid ter Hold Him We shall lil-o rim a daily U-ln-r and Huekage Ex press, between tins place and i iniviUe. ' AVIIITF NLTTFR, Oregon City, Jaly IHjO, jylutf CLOTHING! CLOTHING !! TO SUIT EVERYBODY ! '’■AIIF ITNIiKUSIONKI) beg* leave to inform his I friends patrons and citlrens of Oroville and icinily. Hi .1 helm* a large and well selected stock >i i.immls on haixl. Consisting of FAS 111 OS 1 1fLE CLOT 111 NG, Hoots, Slices, Hats, &c., A’hich he is determined to sell at TKN PERCENT (II APERTIIAN ANA oT’ti.R ESTABLISH MFN f S rills TOWN Call and sec us, and examine our lock Ilefore purchasing cl*, where A. Lb KEls. p. g KKMFdIiEK. Montgomery * reel, next iiHtr to the United Stlale* Hotel, sign of • THE fUKAPEST CLOTHING AND FUR NISHING STORE IN OROVILLE.” Oroville. Jaly K ISoi. U-Cf MisnaLANEor**. NEW ADMINISTRATION: Central House Hotel! 14 miles from Alarysvtlle. <>n the Ophir. I! id well Ear mill Feather ruer Loads. JOHN LOWKY. 1 ’roprioior K2* I TAKE I’l.l' ASI - 1: Kin informing mj I nmi the (raveling eomniniiily I hat I am imw «i ready to re vive and .iccommol ithem. The KAII wilt he fur'iNlnd w ith • UoU'e I. ipt.irs. inv I \- 111,1' supplied with I lie varieties of mv It II »S clean mnl comfortable, and my 11 til N> wi: 1 1 good stalls uml fi eil <tir hor-es. In f.ieleven ever! ion w ill he used mi my part In obtain mnl secure the ptlb lie r.ivnr—mnl im publie hiiil'M* in California xhsill ex ceed me in courtesy and allenlioli In every mie thul limy visit me. J, L ■ I’ro'tr. Itui'e County July 16, Ifl’iO lylb-ll Wool. Hides and Tallow ANTED—Fur which the highest market price will be paid. Apply to JnSITII F SMITH. Corner of 4th ami E streets. HiilcVr.rd, eastern entrance on Fourth street near the Uuckeye Mill. Marysville, I <>ll SALK hy tlie Case or Package in quantities to suit. Long hill paper. Legal cop Letter Paper. Ink Proud hill paper. Fools cap, Note paper, Pen eils, Plank Hooks, Wafors, .See vNe. Noisy Carriers Hook & Stationary Co. 87 Pattery At tJ4 \ tki Long Wharf. Snn Fran cisco. U' P. KIMPALL. Pus LIME! LIME i rjAin; r\nr,i<sii;M',n <n nut sale. AT (loir 1.1 M K KILN"*. on (he West Itranch of Feather river, a-I inlid ariicle of 1.1 MK. All orders tell vviih .1 V. IP I Mi, HinitO'ii's Exchange, Oro ville. will be promptly niloinltd to Mill IKK, Mi U \NELS .V C<» August W, ifo6 iiugW-if HOWARD MEDICAL INSTITU TE IS Sacramento si rent, next to the I’ncilic Mail 8 S. Co.'s i mice ova r Wines A Co.'s I'.xpn -'J Uflke. SAN FKANCISC’O IK 'OMS NC M 15 FRS 1,2 AND 3. ’JAMIS IS'-TITI ’THIN is founded lor the cure ol syphyblic and Scrofulous roinplninis, and all 11.-elhms oi ihe Centinl < inputs of whatever imture. lislililled lor the express purpose of lr. icing pnv ale otladies at Ihe in-lance of many medical gentlemen ,1m h ive seen w ith pain the impo-ti sprite: iced ereK lore upon those who have hein the victims n| Mutt advertisements I hose conic'rtod with n nr -to of ie to u eerlaiu exienl this means ol introducing pnbbc lioliei* 'fho-e npplvinis for advice will fiml constantly <« medietil aliiiity of undisputed -kill ill ibis la-s of complaints, and iil be dealt widim the lost honorable and straight forward minim r. tortile purpose of secnrimt privacy to the most elien'e. s-vend apartments are so i*t invett Iba! pa ,l i,t-will be brought in contact with none, but the (Ih e Physician. I liiise iipph"niK lo lids Insptite *. ill lb - chantes ••smi'dile. and the Irealineiil sup Tier l.adic-and eiitleinen who desire to hreOni • p (limits willnmt illine at ihe rooms of the Inslitme, can be attended ■ their n-idenn s Communication from all purls of the country will e abended to with promptness, and dicincs sent ,1,-ip-d, hy curios'nu a lee of I n dollars No eir<*rts will Is* spared lo make ilie Ilowar I Medi il In-tilnte what it purports to he, a plolanlhr <|ddc ISllllPl*. . ... . Consultation in English, French, Spanish and i mice hod's from 0 A. M.. till '■* I*. M. Address, ..ward Medical Inslilnte, US Sucraineillo street, an Crane seo i mice Physician, Hit. K MrCAFMtI.V Dltl'GS AND MI.HK INKS. PERSONS WHO WISH To PERCHABK /? Drills. Fancy Articles or I*, rfnmery. will do Swell lo cull at the 111 ITK HItCH STOKE, ft mi Miiiilgiuni TV. one door from How. r street, “hel ir mins Hotel. The follow ing list cumprn-cs art ion or Ihe stock on leoid : litr. Powders, M linim*. , Knin, <>d "I Vilrol, ,(0,,e. Nitric A ad. a’s Cherry Pectoral, v urn. tic Acid, w.d’s Sarsaparilla an llthn Stone, ’ellow Hock. N Him gs, viiseml’sSursa|mrillii, <6l of l.einon, id's do Oil of Riee, y.oil's do Oil Ilf loves, siaie.' Linmnen'. oil ol Cinimon.J rv-m d Hone Linnmenl.l "I of < 'rigamnii. n Killer, nil of Peppermint, .mice o| JamacaCinger.< <il of \nice. .tor oil. Oil of Lavender, ff di's |> IN. Oil • f cube bib* vllasiet's (liniment, < dive < hi. rasin'. Pills. Neal's Font Oil, i; In's lin'ian Vegetable'ix Marrow, i; i. Rose Water. Hoke's Hillers, Wine Hillers. m.sim's Fye Waler, n’s Extract. Liver < Ml, 's Expectorant, llpl's, ief h iC. PoWder. ■ and Fever Pills, in.' 11-ne, ■ Hit V Unices, FtnnghtiHi's Hillers, Hartshorn, •celie Arid. Peruvian Hark, i kin. ( ream of Tart ir. ifiatldc Medicines, Ilium Cine eiisnr.V Bandages, •sive Plaster, ap Sponges, fine. do co:ir*e, Old Port Wine, for imali cal pnr|io i s. ' illli » I r>wii Winsor Soap,Old Chi rrv Wine formed ■ leal purposes. Oils. • Corks, do min, mr. Old e of Potash, lielio, nnm, i.ric, min, brandy, for medical purposes. Annica Flowers. I.jipiorlee Hoot, Sarsaparilla It mil, H ds on of Wild cherry Aleohol. Of. per cent Cnmphene pure. lodine of Pot issium, Henhalie Seed. irdiinmn Bedds. A., - ..A LF. ECHF.B. ■ther with all Ihe usual articles kept in ORI «. |.;s. w |,ich wi I la- sold at reasonable prices t who tip y favor ns with a call, ician-' pr» sen pi imis acnrutely compounded i t es of dav or ingtil ‘ ai.BE T O. HAY, Apothecary. Mile, August 2. 1850. uug2 my E S COOPER n D I XJ II Cr 33 o IST . FFICE At the Eve, Ear, and Orlhopiedie Intlr m.irv. Mission street, between Second and Third •“Russian Baths," BAN FRANCIMJO. I Surgical Operations h REE to patients present hemselves at the Clisu s, on Wevlnesday* and -days, at 2* o'clock. P M. Medical men of the »nd Pacific Coast (renerallv. are respectfully m to attend the Infirmary on Clinical daya, when il may be opportune for Ibetnaeivea. auglH-tf iwcrllaiM. A Kit i; I’ouiu M. Jo\t: —We have private authentic advice s, savs an *\- change, ot a t ntnUsin*! In* indicative mi-take, of wide h Fremont via*, the victim. In NwV< ik city. Inst *;, the IVe c soil candidate \\i til on b»»id of the steamship *( trziba’ to say *adh *’ to some California-bound friends ,\ gennthmau who was with In motif said to Fodre \ ij I, the .N icaragt.un minister, who was <>ti board ‘‘Allow me to introduce your excel lency to the next l*i osideilt of tie I i;ited States,” (making a motion lo waids Fiemou, but nut calling him by name.) The Padre stepped forward, raised his hat and s lid, — “I am very happy to see you Mr. Ibichanan !” A 11kr. The Paducah JJi'imcntt say s ; "We are authorised by a gentleman of Paducah, who has the cash, t > say lliai ho will let five thousand dollars that Kentucky wi 1 go for P» ichanan and lb eehenridgo, for President and Vice Pre-ident. in November next.’’ M’VILLE ADVERTISEMENTS. XKW (' I(xA 11 AND TOBACCO STORE Wwl side It ilreet, opposite ilii* the 11 aim House .»/./ A’ i sr//,/ /;. f ../ Wm. Slinrltcy d? Co.. n» rsprrTKmv \nmhm i: ta tup n it !.l■ iiu-i Till! TU\I»K, that llie) have eon sternly on hand, ami for Mile, at the to went market price w, at WHOLESALE AND DETAIL, A large ami carefully selected stock of Ciu'iiis *>i tin* ChoHrsl lira mis, A* w.-llie- It o« ■ n| a ci.e'per < ■ 11:1111 y . «No I• \ Ia i A DK-M I!\BI.I'. BRAMtitl' I • It\i i'it, ami in short, wlmtevr may lie found in any simitar eslanh-hnient in California. A I. »N iJ KXPI'.I! IKNCC, in (ho lin-inca*. wo fed assurod wilt, wlnn connected well SIR \ 1 1 • II TKt Ml \V \li I» l)K \ l,l\ti. enable us In give KN T( I! K SAT- I SPA* Tl(t.\ In thus.- w Ini may favor ns w ith [heir pat ronage. r error NTH V Tit A OMRs supplied Taper cent, less than at any other house in the Stale, Mayrysvilte Inly |ti. is. ti. jyllJ-tf l)lv( («S ! IMM <iS f PEGRA'I A. PItESBUHV Empire lih>c .Mm i/seille. AVI; Ilm-mved per upper ship. Bid. up S 3 DREGS, MEDICINES and PER EUMEUY Which they off -r Sale at the Lowest Mark Psices, .nl to which they nieile attention, Tartaric Aei'l, liiearlmnatc of Soda, Susitobt &1’ p'*p (Jo'ks, Pres sed Hops Press i| vSiii", Oil oi Sar-apm ilia, Ex- Rcnon and \ an II t, (r cfs nf •Strawlici i ') Amt a variety of animus suited to toe Mountain Trade, are now in Store, ami will a rive In ipiarterly shipments frooi V h Vm-k and 1 * 1 11 li -1 i. 1 11 a \M v IMIKSHI ItV. Apothecaries X Drng.dsls. lanptre Blnct). M’ville WALKER. WILSON &. Co. Itr.AI.KISS I\ STAPLE Am FANCY DRY GOODS, Clotliinir, Roots, Ladies’ and ( HILUREN S BIIOEB, HOSIERY, &0., West side It. si near 2nd st Marysville. mmrn.l, KKKP « uN-I ANTI.V ON 11 A V It. a full wT assortment. of Hoods m their line, ami would respectfully solicit a »hvre of pntilic patronage— Particular attention pan! loonier* from the country thomas i 5. walker, JAMES t. WILSON, .JOHN 15* MA>ON, feb 2-12-tt a c a n. FROM TMK WESTERN HOUSE fB) || K rx UKUSIHN TO wishes to inform the imv- B i ling enhlic ami the citizen* nl Marysville, that after ttil- dnv all business cotinerte<l wilh the Molnt <!• pnrtim nt w ill h« carried on hv the u.e irf Til K in s. as follows: MK/IS % 75 l.itlKilN'i 60 ctß, 7A ct« . nmt $1 FAMILY ROOMS ,Sl .Mi per day. A ticket for Itav Board, by the week, w ilt be till, payable In f I van re A Ticket for liny Board, with Lodgiwr. by the week, will 1 “ SI3, *l5, and SIS, according to sele«- lon of room The pr* prietor hoj«es thc-e Reductions will he preperly apprecialed by the Pot.lic Ihe style of business as before. Ike luldunn of a i"««l Pali* House, Shaving Saloon, with the advantage of the office of the California Slag*. Company, w«h every other convenience foe the traveler, will. I think, in sure to Ihepoiv'.ir. alt the uwedlal torVorUof a borne In connexion w ith the above.the proprietor deerna it nbsolntaiv necessary mi slate distinctly that he cannot, he icill uot nor *ll*l.l. noi. to any one. male or fw nmil, ([tvethe ih/fklft ur tkorlt-il cttdit. Thin w not personal: It i* general. I have brew rather imposed upon lately, and I wish to protect the tn.ereau of my creditor*, a* well as my own. 8.8 MLKUAY Maryivllla, July 16,1636. NCMItKII (Vi