Newspaper Page Text
OROVOXE DAILY RUTTE RECORD. VOLUME I (Drouillc fflailn Butte ilcrcri. P'.'nLrsHt i> IUILV (OI NDWV HV CEO. H. CBOSETTE. -4H ( i,j In - tti TX«» -»r I !'.•». l'iifi; «•’> Myera Street, lvH«l allllj, IlCl'Vi e I M'lllt '')IT.(V) HU 1 r.'f i, OhoVl lll-, TrKM«—One Vc,.r Pi‘r Mail. sl*> ,l,t Six month*. il t f 1 * M| Three m<>nthx iin 5 i M * D»H vereJ Dy Carrier, (nr tVo •>( w/ir.KLV iTrrrK iikcoud. J’.vr rirmil ilinn in tti** mriin'j ■ n-l illtiral >1 i*** ri■*(!* <<f (In; i-'i iui v. v f l .•tvif.iin tli.-lor-il :mtl •rx-ni-rril •1 •v. iif fhv vr it. i n rr««I with iiili>r.-ilin« mi*- • -it ini'i.<m r.■ 1 (<«• : iwittiv. 1 will four in fiit’iirria of ro nltinr inn ’>* r. mi l will l> ■ <.in- el ,!*<•» mi l rhiMlp'-xt VVI ■'-I y N<- vV-|i.i|M*r- 111 the . r. .1 lie 11 > ■ - |n l‘« nn Bit i-m \it 1111' 11 ; mix mini'll*. -1?; three month* Vl \ n* xn hi r«. |i t »nu ire ol I'-n I in* - or !►*■• li<l ilixoniiin, - 1 H-n-*x - . 150 r ~ ; f“ \ liiirral <I«■ 1•1 >■ ri>> 11 will hemai'e in fnvurni •hone wlmi n-liTii-1 liy tin' >•■ it /; fDi-niie** r:i .■•!* in at r 1 mi neetoimMe term*. JOT PRINTING. IVi 1 wonM attlirii ih“ titieniiiin iit unr friend a who ?;ri* iii vv: 111 1 < t >1(111 I’rin lIIK In tin* I net ‘lni v are pre t,vi-.t 1 1 ► vfcnl" in t-r. r ; |.limi of wm l; lt« «»nr (im* in ft a!vie eannoi lull In ttivii imlii.lartion. tfe Lave reeenllV 111. it 1 • In tv . I!i> 1 eV’enaive 11‘iiii' h'lta tn v,iir ;i-ii>ttin-iii .(i .11 ilt Mir.Tl'iifi. mill ti vn l.i -iliu |n p ■ Iniir/ nil kiml* >r work ut niml.-Mlc ritrn nmt on short t.-»lii n . ’As puis tor Ilif Unite Uetord. I.IiN’RY KPRPKIt I'llnM\s iiiiVi'K. . .07 Merchant *( Sun Prineisrn \ 1,, *J (I i’ll, I> id reel, Mary.villi- N |i p[,l’M .... , Kiirhi-ulnwri M'lliTKfc NPTI KR. . ’. On ui.m Uy. .1 K. JACKSON • Ilotttownf I.RVI SMITH Tim li|isl)li’a on imorni:urov I’rothe'imi'e stum. .1 \M KS TR| KHillToN «’v ti«l<il«i- I. SIHRVVIN ... N 1 Icon ('rack, i’lnni’ia • n .11 OK INS tL C.U'K \niv-i ii-I*l Valley M. PKNCK Mi villa Vnlley. The •Uwtonr can lie procured from nnv of (lie above 11 inn* I \a’* nt*. wlm are al- • anlliiiri/.eil to re einvn ail.erlixeniinitK anil order* to-Joh \\ ork III’TTK lt;;<OKI) .1011 PRIXTIXO ESTABLISHMENT <> it <> v • i, i, i;. NV»» nr»' now |if»*fmiv<l wui n tfomt nnsortment ol rui>i IMI MAIJiUIALS. u execute every de «•'r;|• tion of -.. -s'. ?Tj H ►iV -:|J - A , l T" ’ r ii ■> ’\j ,8«p» Q SI a,T : 15 ,I^o ~n (he id ist RE VSHNA'ILE TERMS, mill in a style th'il will lint I' ll to give satisfaction. Mining and companies desiring EUTI CATES OF STOCK, mil have them PRINTED UN SHORT NOTICE livery kind of Job Printing, executed t.* order Hitch ua hooks cmcm.Aßs, law planks. (• WIPIILP.TS CARI)S, BILLS UK P.XCIFGL HILL lIP.ADS. DEEDS. D\N KI!II K< KS, I \lt Kin NOTES, PROGRAM MRS, POSTERS, lill.ld'. H, HI ..LS OF PARE. .>r any oilier description of Prinli' g thiU may be de- Hired . , Hiving had many years practical experience in lha brunch of llm hu-ineso, we lire cet.lident et git* jug en Ire satisfaction to nil who may luvor ns with their on rer*. Persons wishing work done are respectfully invited e give us n OH It EXPRESS AND STAGE LINES. EVELITS, DAVIS & CO.’S EXPRESS OFFICE IVOtVK’S HPII.DIXG. I» STREET. AVi STpIUB, MARYSVILLE. A DAILY EXPRESS will be dispatched (-otn A our OlHee in Marysville. to Unbbil Creek. Gilt souville. Pnrlie-town, Cninmhn# House, Lexim/lon House, VA’nrrea Mill. I lopkiif'ille, Nelson Creek Poor Mlin'ii AJreeti. Hopkins Creek, Union Valley. Richmond Hill. Stringlown, Enterprise, Wyandotn*. Long Hut. S|eareg An I ley. Seales" Diggings, St. Louis. HidweW's liar, Hanson'die. Pine Grove. Chandler* ville, Spanish Hut, Independence liar, American Valley, LlUtiibell.lown, spmii-h Uiuich. Meadow Val iev, tol y of ’7ii, Jamison Creek. Cumin Creek uroville. Thompson's l lai. Oregon Hnleh Huriiurd's loggings Harrisons Diggings, mid Poverty Hill. Unr TKEASIUE F.XPRE.'S will always be accom panied hy fail hid Messenger#. £ •fT Collections. Orders, &c, attended to with prompt ness and fidelity. 4 July 10 EVERTS. DAVIS k CO. Now Arningomcn—For \ reku ON AND AFTER JPLV 2d ISM. the California Stage Con p tny’s Conches will leave their office. Murray's IVastern House, Marysville, every diiv ul o’clock, P At., for Vreka via llamillon, Neai's Uam-h Chico. ’ Tehama. Fed lllnfls. Cottonwood. Smith's Ranch, lliiy’a Ranch. and McComlmr's Mills cross ing Pin river at Lockhart's Perry, CrnmlnH’s Rancn. Tlioina#’ Pud. Tucker Town. .Imiclkm House, Huek Hone House. Soda Springs Vr.-kil Mills Sheep Rock>. Shasta Kultes, Stephen's Ranch and Oldhiint’s, iv i Viiur in Vreka on the second day at .A o'clock, F. k. 11 ETVII N IN G . Wit! leavr their office in Vreka at 5 o’clock every niorniiig, connecting at Marysville with tho (.ompa ny's coaches for Sacraine'ito, which arrive in time for (lie San Prune.mat boat? nuking a throng.t trip rom Yrekato San trnncisco in THREE DVA S. t.KO P. THOM AS. General Sup't Cal Stage Co. July If f,|V HU m Marysville. U . S. M AIL LINE! ON snd after Tuesilny. March ISlh. IfCi6. Hie Cali fornia Stage Company's Coaches will •< ave their AMtloe. \Ve*U-rn Mouse, Marysville, every inorniii'.' at fi li'ckiff ftir Sacramento, mid arrives in lime lor llie the San Francisco Koala, HKTPRMN't— Will leave the r Office. Orlerns Ho lei, Sacramento. tor Marysville, at lhe#an»e hour •gEd K. TlloM AS, Supuriuleiidant. March 17lh. HatS Marysville. BOARD AND RESIDENCE A FEW GKNTLEMF.N will (fad a pleasant home with a private family in one of those Collages on Uakalreel. second d’>or from Montgomery. Orovill* Aupwsl li fcugltlf] MIL?. PORT. OROVILLE, BUTTE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, ISoii. LEGAL NOTICES. sheriffs sale JV VIHTI'E nr AN RXR'M TI"N IPsCUD \) mu nf tli ' N in'll Hl*lricl Court, in am (i.r the ci I'l’v of It him. Si iui >if California. U.*sirln i!i ■ Jii h div nf \'iin*i, A IV l'» in ilimn*- I itii'l d-liv-red, -.unman Ip -r in- to mak :t„. .11111 of three h cidr-l mil fifty .tollnr. mi I fir lii'.-n-d from tie* iid dav of .Inim A I'. 1K76 on i|,i> ilir. e limn'r«_- I iloll ir* prlm-in I a' the rd- o M.r. ■ (.• r i- ‘MI. jut mu'.tN until fro'l, and for eorir o ...I, •;ix- -i In It* mini of I ill (Slili ilu in’ - ., nii'l tic r .n« cu t-, It'll of 111 • | in>|.»>rt y hi r-ina't‘T d .. -I', i i sa'j.'y tin* iiniri-«aid Jmiginsutt, w hiTrii IoM-itli F. Sin,Mi i- IMriin'iff«ml Jacob S Morris t* 11. i. n |;tlit. to Vil ; Til- M-li-iii.'illimi Theatre. «mn Ii .l in i >r.n i 1 It 1 , tn lb- countv ami .'date silor-eaid. l.< i- .toil <tu t U-- rormr O' Hunt '"'l bird '' f—'- 1 . ir*inllnit i'ill i iiiin* C-' f-' ton lliin'i'on rrre.'. ami ... -li'v .-'ll. fret on 1.H.l rtf-' t. .\ I.• —• nil lloit .-...'Min r <u 01 I parcel nf landttlliiated tb < rm. 11., iipl,; r I .my n*l-i [i Hurl i.. 11 1 it y, in hi Hla'eof * {. >r inn. an. l de*cii>. >1 on 1 1»»* map ot tin. I..wu *.| 1 ’'‘* r.* follow • I ot* iiiininir mv-. '!> 111. |i. |>Mir. (At flu*. i-ii ivii»l mx. <• in Itl.'i U 1 1 1 if l« mv. ; I,.it* nuud.-r •in. i' i I"". - hxe (■' six. 6 seven. 7. nn I.• i•_*1 1 1, s. in HI .i t*-i itii. *■: led* number on- !. In «ev-ii 7, mill -i 'ln. a linli-rone 1,1 wo. a.-v -ii, 7. on I -lifflil. I.oi* our. 1. two. s-xvn. 7siii ■ i. i _ 1 11 x n mnlipr on- I. I w... I .ot* lino, 1. t wo, '2. Ilir--. •> t'.nr, I .i. .... Mix. « M-\-n, nii'l eight. “ 111 Block number tvromv mu', *2l ; I.of* nmoli-r on* 1 . 1 two 2. tl"--, '. t‘ .l r - A. live. .7, iix. *fv-n, 7. Mil l -mill, K in U'ork number lAi nu fm •2'.’: I* ii'iintnT oiil*. 1. two. 2, thr-e, .» four, 4, live. A. six. r-v-n.', and l ight. *Hi H "-k in,nil.-r iwpiiti ill nil "f Wd-h I will exoo-m 1., public * ihi- hiirh—t bidder for carls. aiih- Heais* llolpl. in lint I own -I ’ truil■ I• ■» on Salurdax. ||... *2Ol ll llil\ ot September, A. 11. 1 ■">, liotw —II ll liours prescribed by Inw. I* It KK. Sb-ritf Hnttp Conitlv. Hi 1,1 V Mel. \ I til 11. IN. beputv. Datoil, llii* 271 h slay of Align*!. I. IV IdM mtg'Ji til No l’irK—TtiP liliovi rail* j* hereby (-rlfion-il till Pile*, lay. tin- tli iurlsint. nt 'll- * 'in- ”' r and phice iliovi- meulimd. I*. I'H Fi ll '■h-rilT Hutl- to. Ity M A '!< I.AllillUN Depute. Dated this'JMh .lay of S* -plemOer, I *.76. t.J i l'l SHERIFF S SALE pay Vlin I;I• ill' \N fXK'I THIN ISAIM’.I) 65 mil til- Ninth Judicial Di-lri- t Court in anil r..r itm .-oaniv of Hullo, ami Slain of California. lie ir. mjr Halo AmrtM Kith. A l> 1H (1. nml io ho ilincled mot il. UviToil eonibiandimf me to noik • tin - r nn 11 , r . -- humln* I mnl ilnri>-llvo ilir no hiuntniii I ,rt .lota. XX nil loti .11nl-port on tho riiuo. .ni l Iho rum .if uv-nix llirtm »» vonU-tin* om-h milri il h il" l irr mi* -f «ui». with ii-i r-inil r •«)> of raid jml*ini ni. mil of tho |>ro|i. )H hsrolmifn r liorcnh-d. lorsm-fx 111., j ft.r. rm.l whor-ln Jolm 'A aro and Msir ix liownraro f.ainlilTr.nnd John M-I.olland v <’o. l>o li ndanr*. to wii : Ac Ti ll" M iniior < Haint. rilnatod on H,,|.i Kill no,ir tin< tow nol Orox’dio. P.niti'y and >lnto O'.nut; rail Claim ir niin-tv -llyo f— t front ins on 111. ttlntl and oxl n linif liark Sail foi l \ l-.i Ho rlllico l„, x . r now II Iho -I nil Aim I Min of r.null llnm loadi'U Irons tin* r-»o. r-ir t>» Ih. rlaim Al*o all o' llm r tihl, lii It* mil m • r «t of iho alor—aid dofoiidanlr John Mpltollnmi V t'o in and h) a ritnal-il H|.oi mi,) Cluiiii, loijothi r wilh all Iho u|i(nirlonnni*i*r lioloinr ii. . i,, it,- alinxo. I lio ah..v« prop, rty to 1.0 roln on riinr-d IV iho 1 Hil» d.y of t»optpmtior A I) Is »#!. :i' I ••Vloc|i •’ M, at 'ho N allot ml lloU-l Ualo.l tLi 2(Uh of AmfWt. A U Is.ati. I*. l- lir.F.T!, Slienff HnltP Co. Hv If A. MrT.xt'Titlsi*. I»»*p't'jr. sojlild Tls.t siliovo rsslo i* |io Hioiio.l (ill Iho 2SHI dstv o fS,.pi. \ |i, Iho ruin to laUo pltuf id tin* silinvo im lion.'d pliu'tt, null id tins hixir ol dav sdKivo rliito si M .p!S u PhoritT Hnttp County. CONSTABLES SALE b|V VIHTI’K t'I'AN KNl'.fl THtN HA ■ S I..his Joint*. siJnr i:o ofiho IVmro in and lm i tpliir T..wmd"|i. Hut’- ianii'y and sihlp ol s alilornia to mo diroolod and dolixor-d. la.mniandmir mo I. situK*. Iho mm of «ixty one dollar* mid on'lity-fom cont-i (.fti’Hit and ro- . ixd. II nr Mild MXIx llvo c-tsl ,7 ii.ii oorlol cmirt, iii|<l sic ruini{ corl ol writ of Kxi osilion win-milt 11 1! Mjvr i* lainliff andM.H Karl-x i* 11-fond.inl 1 havo n-i/.-d aul loviotl U|.m all tlit- right, title nml inlorost of tin- raid M. 11. I arlo). m nud t«* tlini <vri»in <•:, ail in Ur-xill-. Uphir Township Ihitio omili'x. nml Sim. ofCiillforiiia, ami s. *-rthoil in tin- map ot iho Town -I fnmjllo, I.olr nnliih. r ono (liiiml Ixvo cO In H.m-k I nirtovii. (14). said lots Ir. Ais*.. on- nnajl Iraiiu. Innld. il .■la.n.iim-K ixxo rooms, sitmilid on rni'l lots, wlii.-h I xx ill -sp.irt-to P' 1 1 *1 ir- salt-, at iho 1 iil’.od Stall's HoHS. in iho Town of Orovllio. on llit.- UtlMi day "I Soptom l,rr. A. Il l«Mi, ul 10 o’clock, A. >l.. to (ho hight-el bidder ior cu»h. If. 1,. PATTON. ( onrluhlo. tiphir Xowurhip. Hated, Ihi* Sept. CHi. A. P, ISSO. INSOLVENCY NOTICE. HT.ATK O ’ CaI.IKOHNIA. Conn'y of Vnitle— County Court al Cliasn'.'-ir. In tho mntt-r ot C A. Ham-roll, an Ins ilvniit d.d.lor xr. Hi* (V. dil-rs. In pur*nam-o of an ooler made in the Comity Court in mill for »aid Comity **v tho Hon Jos. I’.. N. la xvi*. County JiKluw "I CUamla-rs .-n Ho- istliday ol Amaisi \. |i |H.i(i. Not ii o is h-r-tiy given to tin- creditors of iho raid InsolvelH, C. A Ha'icroft lo ho and appear hfl'nre ihe lion. J. K. N I - xvir. County Jinleo of raid Hountv in Chamlior*. at Hidxvoll.on Monday, the Irl dax of Sept., A. H is.i6.nnd make proof of then accounts and demands mtainM raid inrolvelp’r o-tale or th.-y will be barred from receiving u dividend from the same. VVilnerr my hand and tin- real o. raid < ounty 1..5. Cour*. ufllxed lids, iho ISlii day of August, A. Ll. Idali, ul Uldwell. MII.KS CHAPIN, Ch-rk n 2Mw HyM.ll llxßuxni Deputy. INSOLVENCY NOTICE • T\TK OK CAM KiIKN lA, County of HutlP— I IN, only Conr' at Chiunhers. In l lux mailer ot J. lloffMalter. petitioner in lurolv-ncy v* His Cred irr. In ol mi order niadi- in the l onrtlx mrt in and l"r rani t'ouiily l*y ih** Hon Jos, K.N wi-, Counly Judge al ( hamb-rn on ibe .!l h nay of ni«i«l. A. I) M.Vi, Notice is hereby given to the ■ollorrof the raid petitioner in lurolxeiicy. .1 (j. iff.iatler. to appear before the Hon Jor. K. N wjr, County Judin*, on the flirt dnv ot the Novem rlerm of the rani C-uiisy Cour'.town: onlhe -nlx lourlh day if November, A. D. 18-76, al In l.s-k A. 'I., si, llklwell, lorhow cause. If any liier w lsv the prayer of raid petitioner risould not tie tiiu-d nml h- bedischurg-d iroiu his debts us tin wtlvent deb'or. \l ilne«s m* hand and the rent of raid (.ountx S (Niurr. aftixi'-d this, the I'd day of August, A. D ’ 18.76, al Hldwt 11. MII.KS CM APIN. Clerk. By M 11. lUrkaiiu Dep ty DISSOLUTION* AMR fO*P\K f N MUSI lIP heretofore rxi*ting be tween ttoner 11. Htar* and John D. Keating, i day ilWrolvetl hy intUUMI Consent. All debts dm late Arm not .t t*e paid to James II liras*. «h< e ir awlhoritte-l to n*«fb*x name of ihe firm it Illation. All demands liffainsl Ibe late firm o' I Keating Jt Co . will be pmdby .lam-r 11. llr,L-». JIMKHII HR ASH, JOHN U. KEATINtJ. roviU*. August 16, 1&6. »ugl6-if LEGAL NOTICES. h' ii. !\otk« «»f IppUcatiun for Pardon. ; TATE OK CALIFORNIA, <3^ Coi**TT ok llrvr* S r„ Ihr H iM'iW.' J F. A*. L*irli>. Pi n*i.lint J' uf tkr. ( onrl ••I in "iui fur „ ,„I J J Kitin', n;<tiirt .VtnrvUf of rtlel : IS MF.RF.BY GIVF.N THAT AN U’ V W pbeililotl will bo made bl Hi- E\' '’> • Vceh John- n, Governor of Ihe Slot** of Calif rim. ■ij the pardon of Henry Lipin m. me** a pn-mv r iu („■ suuoV I’ri-on. who was no vie: ■ 1 m Ho* l o ir! o| ~,s i ,,n-. of Iho ( rime of assault with bilon' to coin nil rape. .n said county ol Hollo, Jonl oil ! !*•* I:,, ~| August, oisrhtoon hundred and fi’l\ “ix. I-Sbi •m,loured to two years impris mment in tbo staio's On-on, " \TKIIMAN. Wo >1 i horobv acknowledge -ervin* of 'ln' forego ii,ir mil ice, ;il Hidwoli, this third 'toy of '■ ..vino, r. I». Is j»i. Tlln\H< WELLS, Ac'iior District Albgiiry ill •ni l cause. .1 IS K. N. LEWIS, L’onnw -I ■ l.'o, mol Pre-i Ini'/ Judge of llio Court of Attut 'I'M foregoing is a true copy of the origi iiul Nolico, now on fil" in my o 'So *. \\ linos* my h ind and Seal, this I I September fib, A l> skxi. I MILKS CUM’IN', j ' j Clerk. llidwell, September 4tl) 1 **9o. f'iTu NOTICE A 1,1, PERSONS hold ini; stock in the Snnth IVa /*Bi rh*T U'itlor i’o., who have % ,il**<l to pay their a-o - -suv nits. net* hcroh” no' ill* tl tloil unh**- * o 1 nr :, r ,. paid in f ill within thirty days from llio ti*,roof, -noli shares ol Stock, or mi ninny ol thoio m* w ill bo iioi*o*s:iry I**■ i• i**f y -ai I anvil* ice, an l aocrniin; cost. will iio .old at Anclion to the lot'll* -.1 bidder. »l iho Carlo Hotel, Fn-h—town. on n . di o-day, 1-1 day of October next, m 11 o'clock A. M . in the in toner proscribed by Statute. 1W order of tin* Tru-leos, •I. W VIIUEN M ASON s«'y, Forbestown. .luij, -11 IHjti. a*Jthd FEGHY * NOTICE is horehv riven that iho undersigned il will applv in the Hoard of in and for Rnilo Coiintv. hi their next regular mee'mg. fora I,icon*** m run a Lorry or Bridge amiss llio Middle Pork of Feather River, H low rods above iho |niiclion of iho North fork of said rivr'r SVLVLSIPR P. SAV \GE. liidwoil’s Par, Butte Co. Milt NOTICE Orrti it Fkatiucb River k dritu M *tkk Co , Solomher 1, IS.MI. *> \ dividend <»ftivo doia.xrb andfiftv Coots por share, bus boon llris day declared, liable .t llio 011 l eo of iho (’orn|illliv. *r(! W -il J VS N. MUKII ICII, Sec rotary. \OTl( i: ! rgr lIP, <*( I P ARTS I.KSIIIP oxi*tine horeb.fnro no 8 dor Iho lii'e of I. 11. Siullb k Co. i-I i- day di-snlvi dhy mnln il consotil.. Win C Piiyt.o bavina iinreharod 'bo oiiliro inion*. t of C II Sm 'h, 11*11,. ('.Paine will ch's>* the tniMoo-s of iho con ** m. In whom oiit*4andina debts iniisl ho pil’d, and 1011,- cMitraoled for Iho befiofit of tin* sanv* mu*t be nrosenleil for puyinont. IVM. c. PAN N'C, JAMES 11. SMITH. OroviTle. Foftl. in. I«5«. - slbv. 1* . COUNTV TRKASI ’l!Ell'S oFI-TCK, j lltiivvKi.t,, July ISlh, 1 mji >TfCF. |s horeln aivno, that all persons holdina [K Unite County Warrant* pnyabie from iho aono a' fund, roe is, • rod holwoon I'ehrnary b ill, IcSfi. ami May Tl!• IS.'H. that the same will ho rodoennd in iitosoiitaiion. ni m> nffleo. And notice i> further oven, tlint In>lll and after this date, said warrants will cure to bcai micros', WILLIAM I.ATTIMOIIK, Treasurer ol Unite County NOTICE VRTIIK CO.p VP.TNI’.R'IIIP heretofore ovMina be fl iwoiti Itrown ai Hoff iian. is ibis <la> dissolved ay mania/ con-eiit Ml persi i* biivimi claims a" ilt;«t lie firm arc roßKcstoil lo present lliem for payment, nd ilmse inti. liieil. are politely requested lo call iin mediately and soillo Ihoir ac oinil*, or they will bv iiltteod in the hands of an ollicer for collection. li. A BllolVS. W P. HOFFMAN. Oroville, Auqusl 3U, ISjd. uugtlO it NOTICE or DISSOLUTION rgAiH'. CO-p aUT.NKRSIIIP bhotUoforooxi-iinß be- U iween iho undersigned, was dissolved b.. mu. Innl conm ni on tbo Hlb ol Soptomber. L-..ii The partiiorsbip business will bo settled bv_B.ll. Bliven A. Co., at Charley’s B B. BI.KVIN, I>. P. UUtJf R-*. Charley’s lliiacb, Sept Pd. IB '*i 8, ‘ 1m) MISCELLANEOUS. Will T E &. NU T T EII, dealers in GROCERIES, PROVISIONS LIQUORS, &C., &C. rDA UK UNHEKiMCA KU, in cubing llm atlonlion of I iho public to ilioir stuck of Prime Coods, would aval t heinselVes of Ibis op|Mirtiuilly to relnru tlninks lor the lory geuerims palronge lln*y bav* 1 roceiied du ring llie nuniber oV > srs they have tieen engaged in liii'inoss in tin* plnoe' and determined bi merit a I j, malice of Iho same in future, olf r at the low est rales n hnirn and well -oiecfd sssnrtmont ol Mr series and Provisions. Liquors of a superior quiillly. I ro servisl pfoiif. Minors' supiiii'". Hardware. Crockery a,,,! l.lasswaro Ac., kc. P irue.ular allonlion paid lo in tilling and delivering miner*’ onler* ihun a dis limco. The highe»l price paid for Mold Dirnt. \\’i» •'■Jill run a Juily and t acKiiore press, between tins place nWE SITTER. Oregon City, July IWO. j> l#*lf CLOTHING! CLOTHING !! TO SUIT EVERYBODY ! TMIE UNDERSIGN EH begs leave to inform his friends, patron* and citizen* of Oroville and vicinity, that be has a large and well selected stock n Goods on hand, coiisislmg of rA SHIOX a RLE CLOTHING , mints, SJiocs, Hats, bich he is determined to sell *1 TEN I' CENT It. \PKR THAN AN V (>T*iKR KSTABI.ISHMf.N f THIS TOWN Call and see ns. and examine our ck before purchasing elsewhere. AD. REIS P, ji —HKMEdIiER. Montgomery s reel, next or in "the UniUsl State* Hotel, sign of • THK CLOTHING AND FUR NISHING STORE IN OROVILLE.” OroTUte, July S 4, IM*. ij’-Mlf MISCELLANEOUS. NEW ADMINISTRATION Central House Hotel 1 It miles from Muyville. on lit • < hir, Hidwell Ih.r imil Feallt. r river Ronds. JOHN LOW 11V. IVr.prie'or f It \KV PLEASI’ItR if. infi.r-nin-mv friends :111■ J . '.he travehng itTiinll«*iiy. Hi u I tin hcj ! trii ls i.t r< ~ ive mid accommodate llirm. Tim It \l; .nil 1..- i'ir ii-li.- l will, elmice I.- |«ms. im T\• WI.E s'ip|dm«j ft.ill ll .' i r i >•» hi llm i i-• n. II:v' f .«-:ui mid cniifin.iMr. Mid •iy It AI!N* * Hh good *iall* mid filed for Lei-es. In l.i i ifvi rv exertion will Imi used mi m> pari I" obtain a Hi I id*- lin favor—mid no jmilil i> In mi in Oulifornit «lihll <x ct .(I ir.t* in ootrtifr) and uUentieil in rvvrv oi»c I but imiy visit me. J. I. t Pro lr. llut'e County July I'v (y Wool, I-Xidcs and Tallow ikd—Por which the highest market price ▼ T Wlil he paid. Apply to JOSEPH r SMITH. Corner of 41 Ii mil Ksttrets- Hi 1c Yf.vJ, eastern entrmec on Fourth street nenr the Buckeye Mill. .Marysville, .SALK liy iliu tkisc or Package in ipi unities to suit. I.onjr hill paper. Lr-il cop Letter Paper. Ink Ur. n I hill p iper. Foots c-ip. Note ] aper. Pen oils, CUnk Books, Wntors, vStc \e. Noisy I'uniers Book \ Stationary Co. K 7 Battery &t)l \ t»(5 Long Wharf. San Fran eisco. C P KIMBALL. Pres LIME! LIME! r|VIK UN I Mills I IX Kt • OFFER FOR SALK, AT U their LI Mi; KILNS. ,»n llm West Ihanch of l-Vallier river, s .-t aidid article of 1.1 '1 K All orders lett srli .1 V. HO\ii, llinim ui’s Exchange, Ont \ ii it*, will heproinpilv intended to 'l' »i)KE, .Mi D \NELS A. f V August 50, ia.’i,B ■ f HOWARD MEDICAL INSTITU JTE UH Sacramento street. next to the Pacific Mail S S. Co.’B ' Ifllce over Wines & Co.’s Expret* OflK»*. SAN FBANCISCO. rooms M MItKUS 1,2 AND 5. fBMMiS IN -TUT T»oS is founded for the cure ol S sy|ih\lnic mid scrofulous complaints. and nil udei'liotis id dm Hdnllut Organ* of w It,l ever nature, llistililled for the express purpose of In a'in it (> it ale maladies at the instance of many medical genileiim.i tv till have seen willi).am llm iiiipCsill'in* practiced hereU'fore upon those who hive Let 11 the victims o| lv injj advertisements tinea* connected wPh it are hi ii ir-*ie to k eeriaim xieill tins means of introducin'!; it to lull die notice. Those applying for mTvlee will find eon«lanlly in atiendnnce inediclil ahiiiiy of uudispuied shih m iiii ,* »tf complaints and nl lie dealt «Vli in tin* ■ nos il, moral. le and strnifcliM rvv o*l in a mar. For llm purpose of seeming privacy to llm most li'liciiie. s vend apiirinn nls am so arranged Hind pa f•,i ~t« will he brought in coniacl with none, lull the Ullice Physician. ria se appl.'lliK to fills fnstilnte will Hie rhsraes re>son .Lie. and ».hc Ireillineut sup Tier l.adii - and gentlemen who desire to h. , om • p.lients wnhmil . 11 i ntr al Hie rooms of lie* liisiilule, can Le attended ir Hmir residences ..... Communication from ail parts of the comit-V will lie atiended in witti promptness, and medicines seal if desired, liy enclos ntr n fee of t. n doll irs No elTnrls will he spared lo in ike llm Howard Medi •al lii'litule wtial it purports to he, a phdanthrophic Insliupe. . _ . . , Consultation in English, Irernh, Sfamsli and 'Vi'llha-’honrs from 0 A. M,. till 0 P.M. Address. Howard Medical Institute, 118 Sacramento street. I mice Physician, DIKII M< CAf FH I V DRUGS AND MKI)KIM:s. PKR» 'NB WHO WISH TO Pi; KOI I ASK I nary Articles, or P.-rfuin ry. will do wi ll to call at the lIHTTK IHtHU sldliK ,„i Montgomery. one door from How. r street, nearlie * irleans Motel. Tim l.dluwing list comprised i portion or the stock on hand ; s.'dlit* I'owderu, U itniiM*. lI,IV It nra, "Rol Vitrol. i uir—ne. Nitric Acid. \vreV tih.rij Pectoral, Muriatic Acid, Crow .I's Sarsaparilla and Blue Stone, Vellow Dock. Nnluiegs, Tow use i id’s Sarsa par ilia. Oil of lemon, S.nil’s do "it «f K'»e, fiuysoil's do Oil of Clove*. Mustafar Llfiamcn', lid «>f I'oiamon.^ Nerveni d Hone Liuament,Oil of Origanum. Pain Killer. "il of Peppermint, Kssenteot JamacaGiugcr.Oil •>( Anice. Ca>tor Oil. Oil "f Lavender. Moff,ill’s I’ ll*. <"1 ef •’lltiebe^ Me AHasler’s Ointment, olive OH, Hol'awny’* Pills, Neat s l oot Oil, Wright’s Indian VegetoLle' 'x .Marrow, lloi**? v\ liter, I’hiimnsoiiN Fye Water, Uitti*r^ Thorn’s Kxtract. Wine Humrs. Liver < til. lie’s Expectorant, p*ii les, indeldor. rta Powder, pie and Fever Pills, idatoirite, otiUler tlraces, nsses, speiuary Itandagrs, Ihesive Plaster, stile S..ap. St.uiglnon’s I Utters, Hartshorn, Accel ic Acid. Peruvian Hark. Foda. Cream of Tartar, il.iineopnirnc Medicines, Cine, Sponges, fine. iliv cuar»e. Old Port Wlile, for medi cal purpo es, hn.wa W’insor Soap,Old cherry Wine formtrd mailt ir Od«. Hie Corks, nl do I Soda, Ijihnr, um, i .ate of Potash, irplieue, d in n in, ragnriC, lUaniiu, leal purpose* Old lirandy, ff.r medical purpose*. Annicn Flowers, I,i.(liorice Root, SaTwnpiinlla Boot, Raisa in of W ild t’h *rrj Aicidiol. o'; per cent Oim|diene. pure, lislineof Pulisslum, Henluine Need. Cardinniju Sedds. k-c.-h I, EEC II ES. 'og'Uhef with all the usual a rlide* kept I.t DULL • UF.'v w hich wi I l>e sold i.t reasonable prices t .se who limy favor us with a call. ’hysicmna' prescriptions acuraiely compounded t times of day or nutht ALBK I f f>. DAY, Apothecary. Iroville, August 2. iiugJ iny E S COOPER IH D s TJ n o- E o 3M , FFli’E—At the Eye, Ear. and OrlhopKvlie Indr marv. Mi-*ioii street. tmt«.-en SeOnud sndThird r “Russiuu Hath*." SAN ERAXi’ISi '<». dl Survicid Operation* F REE to patients pre*ent theviselves at He* Climc*, on Wednewlay s and unlays, at ‘.’X o’clock. P. M. Medical men of the f amt Pacific Coast evmerally. *re respectfully in- Id lo attend the Infirmary on Clinical days, when >r II may be opportune for themselves, auglb-lf Ui><‘4>UuM) / 1\ wm», A wrrtor Iroui I'«•('«• 1.;» t ’ tlio Uor].‘ kui>\ mu!or <Lit.'‘ "I dlliV MU fi tilt SltK’e till* MU’k • in, r of Pawienee, it isilM Oit imd tlmt more dim fi»t -lhr» b Sta’f men mil ovi t» i y pro-slavery nu n have In ♦ kil cl. E» ').« 1 ti ler t *• o tery rppropi i > ■ cup [■ i ’l.nvi'V f.nhor Tost,’ a A. w i Iv paper itii ut i'.e.s iliat a s'v'l; i - iii-; party the *• llj ci* ai'u r hnvii»„* played heioio a house m arly an hour, were p ilitoly informed hy a watchman that ‘Nobudv liyul there !’ A Gtti' v r T \t i.o u’s* Si i'll*. —Tn Pari* one M. <i"iMl it, employ* sixty seven sewing tn eliim «, kept in imdSon hy a ; t mi e«ie He of nun* horse power, mul " Inch sewed all the oyercOHts fur the Crimean army. IP ‘-'ides die machine* one thousand w<>mi n and yirh tire cotu St.llltly I tinned in sewinji. ?>'• Tito I*o, ii /’out tlut l»ran <ly acf licafin-s ,:o ioc* *llnil<■ nH» J (nr KitM: t-'S, '.‘ollllllll ti externally until (lie I.air is well »tarti l, and afterward* t■iko *i in jreniTuus quantities in t email}, to c/inr/t the routs ! MTILLE Al)\ KUTISEMKNTS. NEW CUIAK AM) TOBACCO STORE West aide O street, opposite the the Ilium House M.i avs r r r.r.K, c>i /,. "Wni. Sliai'lxcy dJ Co., Q P I spam "I 1.1. V \NN'ICM KTI THK IM'I 1 Hr l.ff and THU Tl< \l>K. ili;at they have emu finally on li.uul, auil tor mlc, ul the lowest much* , prices, lit wholesale and retail, A lanpt and carefully selected stock of ('ik’ars, of (he ( iKiit i st Itrands As well ns tHo*<- cV n cheaper •nnlllv : fllso KVKKV Dl>llt Mll.f; IIUAMI •>r rmitCt'O, and in slmr Avh ilevr tuny he found in any siiiiil..r( , «! iidi-linieiil in t'iilHV.niin. a i.on'i; i:\pi;i; ikntk in tin* hnsim-**, wo fe. i n«<nrod will, wte n connected with SIR VIOUTKnIi- U \i:i> DKAI.ISi:, enable n-In «lve IM 11! KSA I ISl’Ai T lON io those who any favor ns w it li their put" rumue. r V ti! AOKRS supplied toper ceil, less thtin at any ollnff house in the Suite, Mnjrjsville .Inly In. It - .U . jylti-tf DJUKJS ! |)!{l T LS! pegiiaivi &. presburt Umpire Utoek, Mm i/svillr. i a AVK R»t prr II l:i r '-T<* itml Wi ll lllvoice of DIU (iS, MEDICINES and FEU. FUMERY Which they off r f..r Sale at Ihe Lowest Mart,.-. I’nces, ml to which they incite attention, Tartaric Acid, Ricarhouati; of Stria, 'Sitaiolit T p 'rC'i ks, Prcs fcorl Hops Pres* d Saojo, Oil o! Sarsipat ilia, Ex- Lonvin **nd \ n I’* tracts of Strawberry, \ml n varimy ol o imi.i ,e IPo'infnlii Trade, Hre now In Store, and will a rive hy ijanrlerly -lupine'i', fmm .S’, w Vork and Philadelphia. AM V niKSIIi nV, Apothecaries \ Dnntii'ls, Umpire Uioctp M'ville WALKER. WILSON & Co. DUALKItS IN 9TAPTO A?mPATOT TOT GOODS, Clotliirur, Roots, Radios’ and UULUitKN SSIIOKS. HOSlliiiY, &.C.7" Uet-t ‘■ldo l>. st war stud ?t l»larjsvll!e. Urn. Is KKBP «*>N~TAN IT.Y nN II Wl», a fail ns-orlßtent of Hoods mi th"ir line, and would respectfully solicit a » of putilic patronage— Purliealar attention paid loordi f. from the country THOMAS U. WAI.KEH, TAMB? K WILSON, JOHN It. MASON. fch a. a A n d KROM THK WESTERN HOUSE fBAII P HNDKHSirjN P;I» wi«he* to Inform the trav -1 elinc public and the cilixeim ot Maryrville, that afier tin- d.r, nil I) :>ilie«« coOOei led with (he Motel departin'm will be carried on hy the n.e of TICK ETS. ns follows; MK/.1.S S ’■> l.npclN'r; 60 cts, 71 eta , and $' KAMII.Y ROOM** ♦! 60 per day. A ucket for Hay Board, hi thu we*k, will be $lO, payable In f Ivntice A liehel for Hay Hoard, with Lodging, hy tie week. Will I‘r $l3, >l5, and 914, arcordinK lo aelec ion of room The Proprietor hopes ihe«e Itiil.ictions will be preperlv appreciated hy the Public. Ihe style v business a* helore. The addition of a (food Ball. Ill,U»e. Shavimf H«|i«ni, with It.e ud rant litre «f tin office of the California Slaste ( ompni.y, with ever, other convenience fi r the traveler, wilt. I think, ir.- rnre Pi thepiitrhc. all she needlnl comforUof a horn, la conneclluu with the nltove. the proprietor deem* I’, absolutely necessary lo s*ate dislinelly thal he cannot, he will not nor siisi.i. not. to any one. male or I*- mule, tl’fh’t*! nr ihnrtnl credit. This its not personal; it is iteiieral. I have beet, rather imposed upon lately, am) I wiah to protect the inlerewU of my creditor*, u« well t* my own. H. H MI KRi Y Maryivtile, July IG, IS6G. M \fI!F.U rtrj.