Newspaper Page Text
Hi seel I any. Uf.I.ATITE IVtnM.ATION AM) AIJES OK (Irk at Cities* —‘The taking of th<- quinquennial census in Paris has be» u terminated, :m<l from this document it appears that the population, includ in'' the Holdieis in barrack*, the sick in hospitals, and the occupants ol pn woiis, exceeds one million two Imn dreii thousand souls within the octroi w ills, or one million ci_»ht hundred thousand within the fortifications. This return still proves the Paris population ],.wm J,y one halt than that of Loudon. ’ New York contains a population about ha.fas numerous as that of Pans; and Paris is about half as large as London. Paris must bo more than two thousand vears o’d, for ‘it is mentioned by (’tie - ar, undei the name of Lutctia, and it w ;s then tin- chief town of the Parish ’ ijondun was founded about two tiiou*- aiid years but it was untnipor ant in size and popul •ti .n up to the ninth ,• ntury, since which its incr> ase Ins been very rapid. New York is only about two build ed years o'd ; conse quently, its increase i* ton fold greater than Paiis, and ihp c times as great as (hut of London. As commerce and civilization have been setting westward ever ‘since the world began.’ and the union of commerce and fishion 1 It Athens for Rome, and after many dis tractions divided the honors between Pans and Amsterdam, with the latter having tin dly to ybdd to London, s<> we exp M ‘‘t they wll In agiin tin tod us at first., mid thev will grace New York, as the melrop dis of the New World, and as they did Athens and llmne. Hut it will take many years of good government to e .ncentr Pe in this city all i he advantages of commerce and fashion tint are m<w enjoy, d by Lon don mid Paris. Wo cannot in ike a Paris without park , n >r a London without c mnncrcial u.d r. Paris pro per has iu r u-e I two hundr-d i lious and since Louis Napol am first assum ed sway. Size «>k the Wk-«t —1 minis would make forty Mich Stales ..s Rhode 1-laud and Minnesota sixty. Missouri is larg er than all New Iv gland. Ohio ir eeeds cither Lelan 1 or Scotand, or Portugal, and equals Rolgium and Swit zcrland together. Missouri is noire than half as large as Italy, and largo than Denmark, Holland, Helgimn und Switzerland. Missouri and Illinois a-e larger than England, Scull md, Ireland and Wales. ' A Smaht Boy . The Abingtnn < Massachusetts,) Standard , tells the following : The llev. Mr. Cjr.« n clergynvm of a neighboring town, being reo ntlv ab sent from bom", on business, bis little son, a youth of i >ur years, calmly fold ed l»is hands on<l ashed the hie sing usually pronounced by hi* lather at their Morning meal. At noon being asked to pronounce the re pit (1 with a grave lace, ‘N I dou t like the look of them ta'ers.’ very corpulent tiavoller was riding through the city of Padua, ai;d fevcral < f tlie inhabitants, noted for their wit, asked him why ha carried hie baggage before him ? He replied. * ’Tis my eU'iom when I go to u town full of thieves ’ iUDWELL ADVERTISEMENTS BIDWELL BOOKSTORE. PftlHE ini’lerxistnM would respectfully infom ihc I. ciiisens of indwell uud vicinily, llmt he bu opened a BOOK AMD STATIONERY STORE. anil will keep conmiinlly mi (mud hii n»*or inent el Ktioks, Stationery unit Fancy Article*, of the (h.csl oil heat quality, and will he in the receipt or the LATEST PUBLICATIONS. «* soon a* l*«ned Bibles, '•ch iol Hon'.-*, Spiritual. Masonic and Religion* IVoikt, Wank Books, (in setts or single ) ,Vovels, Envelope*. Paper of all kinds j PORTE MO.WUES, UOLDPE.VS, ,I.\ /1 ROi; ER sSc IV() <TK VIIOLMS FINEST CUTLERY. Which will he sold 'll the lowest rule*. I,meat At lantic Paper* received l.v every steumer. for B KEKFKII. Next door to National Hole! HE33 A LARCOMOS. Ne\* Bimck Fike I* hoof Stoke in Bid WELL. fftT HR Subscriber* would announce to Ihejr friend. ft an 1 patron* lire ihejr Uriel: Fin* Proof Stun on the old corner. I* Bile 1 with a jteneml a«eo«iinen' of (.roc.eries. Provision*. Fruits, LKpiur*, Minim? Tool*, Sic. &c , the be«l ami chi'HOest ever offered jr town. One of our firm i* con*tHHily employed in thm Pranc.isooln ihe purchase of xi.t and as w. purchase for cash alone, lielieve llial we can *ell vnod chcaper than any dealer* in (hi* market. Person* deatron* to purchase anything ill our line, would do well to give n* a call, as we are enabled to anpplt Ikon on a* faroraolo terms as I tie M irv** .lie trade. Ui4woi! t ltd/ ISM. MESS It LA ROOM It. MEDICAL. DR. J C. YOUNG’S CARDS. IMPORTANT TOMINKII!*, TUAVKLEKK, KTO. r«NMI RK is no inalmly of (Iwpf i inu.ortanee Hither I. in it medical »>r ni'iritl light of view, to which the h'linnn family i* more liable than that arising from impure connections. \* a medical man it it ih<* 'lnly of every physician to look at disease a* it effect* hi alth and tile, and hi* file object should he to militate, at lur lit Ret in hit power, the bodily suffering. Unman ktititre at hett i* hut fr til. nil are liable to misfortune. lif all ihe ill* tinA affect man lt"«e lire mere terrible l bun tho*e of a private nature.— lireadlnl at it it m the pec*on who contract* it. tnghllnl a* are it* rtvag i t upon hi*i"ni-l union. ending freipiently in deetniet iiin ami a I ni'h - nine grave. it beroait-t of -till greater impiirliince when it it transmuted to tin/- cent off tpring. Such Iteltig the er.*« hew nece»tiiry it be come* that every one having the |fii*i re eun to h r that they have contracted Hie disease, tiionM attend toil at once by consulting Home jiby-icia", » lime re*| ectatliilily and education enalilc* turn to warrant a tafe, speedy. and perrneiieiit cure. In iiccord.ince with I hit ivce**ii v. HR Ylll' N< i fecit culled upon to tlnte thiil. by long study and extensive practice, he Ini- l»elome perfect matter of all those disease* wba-ti come tliiderlhu denomination ot venereal, and hav ing paid more niietiti at to that one branch thmi any other phydehm in the rutted State*, he leel.t himself better (jnalilied to treat liicirt. Svphili* in all its form*, each at ulcers, swelling in Ihe groan*, nicer in the throat.second ir> eyphii*. cn lanemi* eruption*. nlccrairon*. lerlnarv •e.jihili*. ay phllis in children. rnercnreHl *\philnic iilferlinn*, gon orrhea. gleet, strictures, false pas-ages. inll on ilion of ihe Id elder and pro! rale gland*. eiroi la I inn*. I u inert, potpili *. Me., ace a* familiar to him as the mo*t com mon thin 1 /* of dally observation. The Doctor effect* a cure in recent case* in a few dav*. and iindt no difficulty in curing i f long dural ion. wit boot submit ting the pa lie nt to such treat ment n* will draw upon him the ulighb-ti -iitjecion or oblige hint to neglect hit hu-ines* s licker w ithin oors tit* wilhont. The diet oei*d not tie changed ex cept in cate* of severe iu'lmnr'ioi). There are in t'afl fornia pa ieiiit nine Hilling to over two ihiuistind in the past yetir) that could f'lMii-h proof of this ; hot I tie*), me matters thol nipt're IhUiicesl eocre*y which he always preserves All letters enclosing $lO, will he promptly intended to. Office hour* from it \.M to H|* M, Atldress J. i'. V H'MI, M. O. K\press Ihiildirig*. corner of Montgomery and ('iilifoniinn streets, over U «H« -Vir go jg Co.'s tlx pres* Department. A r \RD—FROM Dll. YOl'Ntrs PRIV ATK . » MKDR'AI. office--To the afflicted—h. Ibis age of progress, whon science i* develop og in elf in tneab a manner at to appear nlmnsi miraculous, every thing i I enminoo place it lunged upon at not worth notice In view of this fact. Dr. Voting, corner o| Montgomery and California streets, has concluded to leave l In* beaten track hitherto pursued hy must sci entific phvxirian*, (that, of wailing for the public to (hid yon rutt it'cme.i atsi pu’di-h to the world. a* ninen at may he. hi* knowledge ol’the healing art. to let those who be pi need of assistance k how where they can tun’d relief without fear of being imposed upon. In continuation of this subject. Dr. Young would *ny. ttint of the past ten years he has pursued Ihe pr act IHi i (if medicine in ice of l lie largest clues |p (he T'nited Slab's, with the highe-l suiTe**. and that his tbind iig a* a physician It without reproach, having | at one time been lecturer at the l inversity of Penn sylvania on venereal discuses, Vc. Dp,>n all eft here coHiilerntioiis. Dr. Voting has con f, I. •nee in in ban Hieing him*el(To the public, knowing dial they will suttniu well earned merit. Tim following are a few of ihe many testimonials w hich have appeared in the journals the last few year*: [Prom ihe lloslon Medical Journal ] Allhinigh we am imposed to lit-* system of advertis ing. for goo 1 and sttffi.dent reason*, still we dmon it lint justice to »ay Ih it Dr Voting i* one of the most indns'rioiis nntl'indel'aligable veUirie* of the medical Science in the United dtnlos. From I’rnfe'sor Jitck*on The subscriber i* personally nei| tainted with Dr Young, and ha* seen much of his practice, and can hear teslimnr.ey to hi* meriti as a practitioner. From the New York Herald. The eminence of (hi* distinguished gentleman in his profession, and the very extended opnorlnnilies possessed hy him for the observation of vein-real di— i ease*, make Ms service* invaluable to those afflicted with the above complaint*. From the Whig and Vlverli* r. AH afflicted with private complaint*should copsnll |)c Vuuag. whose education is imt -nrpa*sed by any physiciiinin lint connirv. luhtsskil. honor and in legrilv all may rely with safety, while most of Hie practitioners in thi* fitv sen without hmi-<tv or res peeltibili'y their pretentions being grounded in ignor ance and assumption. < tffi -e coruor of Montgomery and (TdiCornia streets, up stairs, opposite Ihe bulking house of Well* Fargo tv ('o Open from 9 A. M. to 8 I*. M , Stimlay in cluded- PRI V \TF, Medical < Vllce —Hundreds of those who have contracted disease are di*adpoinlod of a cure hy not calling on Dr. Young at tir*l He will forfeit onv sum if he fall* to cure anv cas" that may cone under hi* care tie matter how long standing or afflicting, such a* ulcer*. Inino**. node*, bundle*, pimple* on Die far" and body, pain* in the hone* and ioin*. w«fcefulue*s. trembling, copp-r colored sore*, wading of lh» bone* emaciation. |o«* of appetite, strength otid flesh, sores in the nose and ear*, lo** in hair, weak eye* itching humor*. .V Many per*eti* a'ter being relieved ef all extern d appearance* ol prlville disease, suppose theitwdve* emed. li'tt after a few month* tint they tire troubled with various symptom* which they never had before, nod which Hiey Had It impossible lo relieve, lo all who are af flicted in this way. Dr Voting would j> rlieulorlv >ec ommend a tri d of his *l,lll. The symp'oin* with whu-h von are troubled are ean*ed hy taint* in Ihe blood, which sooner or later will destroy our health and hap pine-s. Nc person who has ever had an attack of any private comphiint *hnt|til not fail to consult Dr, Young and lake a few bottle* of Ih* invaluable purifying medicine, a* they can red assured 'h-d heir blood is In ti perfectly pure and healthy conditien, and that every trace of <ll*e**e fs removed faun Hie system. Recent ca«e* cured In srom two to five day* without change of diet or hindrance from Intsine**. or no fee. DR .1 i’ YOIfNIJ. Office, corner Montgomery and t’alifornin street*, opposite Weils, Fargo 4i Do.'* office hours from !> \ M.. to 8 I*. M. Mnrvsnille, June Irtth. IMS DR. J. O. Yftl'Sff—Dttvn Mn:—Plen«e send rue some of the medicines you prewrhml in my ease. 1 have a friend here who i* troubled in exactly the same way Hi tt I was. tie let* nightly emission*, ringing acid' in hi* head, weak buck, I ■«* of memory, out Is genendtv iteldlUnteß . he I* di*r<iiinig"d an I bn* not confidence enough b> enable him local! and yon. I told hint how 1 was and that rn\ friend* all said I wus in sumption, and the d ctor*itn here gave me up and advised me to g > home to die, hill instead of going hum" I called upon yon. and here I am. a* well a* anv of them, mid likely to live a long lime yet, wild «lr*mlh enough to work with Hie strong est of them. Doctor I will wn 1 every one lo you that look* lo me a* though he needed a physician It shall not tie my fault if auv one die* for want of medical treatment. 1 will do all I can t" keen Ihe afflicted iwny from those pe-t* of society yclent pro'essof* and high sonmling tilled men who. if the fact* were known, are men whot<*fl llu-lr connirv for their coun try’s go**l, Pobiis this leder. doctor. If von wish, mid I hope some of those that hnmbtigged me, may see it and si«*ep bad for one nigiit. Truly your*. <IKO. DAVIDSON. ————■ii ii iiwiwmimiMia,■ ii■'if , EDWARD M. BURROWS, INTE Hlf ATI ON ALi lOT E I-.S A LOO N JACKSON STREET, Between Montgomery and RcarneY SAN FRANCISCO- Bett The Brandt of Brandiet, IVmet and Begt, ». MEDICAL DR. HEINIIMANNS Private Medical Office. CORNER MONTV.nMEUV &. JAt’AIHKN MIKIiKTS SAN FRANCISCO. M. II WIN IM ANN. corner of Kearney ««»■! mP Pacific(streets. Sun Ft imcH'", lias ba* a number of years. in ih*‘ militaiy undwthcr hospital* of 1 rionv devoted liig flinty principally In Urn ireamietit nl Se. crel iliseases, miil themlore possesses l» thorough ex perience in this parlicnular branch. Ib- i« ulso per fectly familiar with nil «he r.-.- -inly discovered and highly important remedies and no *- ,r >l"* »*«ir** nl -ti, li diseases, Il is scarcely iiere-sary In add 1 1 ere I(iitl in Fran.a- wh-re secret illiiwi - * 1 nl# nl more fre ((iiiilil occurrence limn *ny where else. t** phy-n-hoi* i.f thill riwintn' sre 111111*1* **X|n rl in iheircive. and are <*i ni>tniit I v msi sin --fully t-ndi-nvering In find mil ih-w remedies. morn elllcicnl amt I« — dangi-jons limn thus.* lormetly used Pr IlcinilMmu it therefore. enabled In our.* all lln—i* disease* uilli itrrlcri curl illily. wilhoui using mercury, in mvi -l-orl lime. ami without •ni>j -'uu hm |in lip ill *to lln* ol s lib *i‘i fli* ill I IiJ 1 11 n i'is ('HI l-e -fjMrfur*, t linniii* Gonorrhea, F.yerma'orrhe a. Flour Albns. (Jill,|.rill Immliu (tie resali nl Iniscnnluel. pnlllllinns, ,|atn in llm I link and sides. I*, rnj>i i • iniil all kinds. |d*.n|i|mil liv inl.-ri'ir ras*ea. Does of II nr. 11l it- H lu ii, i(„. Jniiiis. Nncunial mv i-ai*. Semin.d ami I mi ni wo ikiie" Injuries received *•> Iti. r In-il inmil. fee nr are cnn* I by Hr, Ili-.liiiiimni with ttic aid of remedies known lull to himself, (n 111 • perfect sullsfaclien nl his clients. liei-eiil diseases nl Hie above nailieil Kind will lie prmnpiK tin 1 radically ►e-f.ire they em se| tie iii lln* nmlv ami ts-eeine chronic. l,y |ir. Heim id.imi’s own pnrifiintf icgelahle rein. Mes, lir lleiniii.t.iin fa.*.lii*r |»s«.s«is a sure remedy fnl.v lesleil. Mill! wiiieli can In- n bed ■ipnii. fur Hie earn nf .ever, I hill and l ever, l ecet mm Aline, iil-n a 111, a:is111 remove, in a few days for es nr. a bin I breath, wjih ml Hie least injury in Hie ulnriiaeli. In Hie pileseiil .lay- limn neis r -11 ■<-. 1 1. - me 1117*. rail evt rvwhere for a! 1 , --iiOsinahlc disivisi -, lull in tiinst nl Hie cartes lho salt. * (.re mi sadly dis appointed that Ihey look willi ja-dSaMe niislrnst mi all adverlisainetils o' this kind. Dr lleiliinianii s res in.'dies need not ht* recommended I#y pntliing charla tanism lor iln-v rce iiinnend themselves hy their ef fects. as has been seen and experienced by nilllieniis patients who fnrlnnaieiy for Ihems.-lve-, have n*ed them. For the ini'nil liimi and sati-bu-i hm nf'Hie itflnn deceived public, the stnP-lin-nl w ill s dli e Hint Dr. Ileiniinanii has in his possesiSioi over iwn hun dred testimonials from p ideals cured by him. besides many other reliah'e [.erxins which he is ready in ex hihil when reipiired. while cmauian decency Inrliiils him In publish ihein in lie* newsp ip. rs. Persons applyililj In Dr lleinimiinii shall not lie obliged m pay in inlvan’elhe lull price nf the. cure, as In* is willing to submit Ins shill and Ins remedies 11l s; in he lest- it Olio thing the Doctor invariahlv requires from all his palien's, dial is n faithful and strict conformance with id! h's direct inns and prvcripliinis, otherwise he cannot and will not warrant a cure. Whiten consultations w ill lie given without charge and communications answered whether containing a fee or mil prnniplv. p'Oicinally mid with s'rii*t secre cy, mi apply ing, postage paid, In the Knglish, French or German Languages, in Dr. M. II KIN I M ANN, Corner of Kearney and Pacific streets. >*an I ranci-e,'i. To show le the salisfactlon nf all that Dr lleini maun is a thnrnnglv educated, practical and experi enced physician nlidsaigenn I lie follow ing from his mnner.eis testimonials, are rtnhmitied to the public Names are suppressed, h it the authors are at any lime ready hi proclaim their truth and authenticity before the world. Gnmeswoon Vam.kv, Keh. 11. IS.'iti Daar Doctor:--! have known yon since Din and von have given so many proofs o' your talents and experience, that yon have eniirch won confidence Ahhnngh vnnr siile at nl » great 01-lnnce IVOrn me yon know (hat I have several lone sent you patients whieli oilier .lociojs have given up as incuralde, and yon have always received them and saved not only 1 heir llmbs lint also 1 heir lives. I will only mentnni here the case of Mr li .from Anhtirn. who i indebted to yon for the preservation o bis right arm. w hich other doctors wauled io amputate, and that ol VI ,i; of Column who although given upas hopeless by two doc'ors was cured hy you in two weeks time As lo what yon have done for my farms ly. snrtlce ii to say. I will never In* afilo lo repay you, Accept, dear |)'o'*lor. these few lines as a proof ol Hie high (‘-teem I have of'your talents as a medical man. and believe me le be vonr constant Iriend, K 11. Proprietor of the Miner's lloiel To l)r. Ileiuimami. San Pranci-co Greenwood. I'ehriniry ’.llh, IH.’ifi, Iln\ ing stvdied medicine myself al the I uiversiD of Tax in, n Daly, I snppo-e I know entingli lo In- In*, lieved when I declare lierehv that mu are the best phy-idati I ever met with in < ‘alifo-nia. I'his dccl i* ration isteimdi d on what 1 have seen yon do and hear 1 from everybody when I resid 'd al Mormon Is. land. I know of many persons lo whom you have saved life and limbs after they 'n d been completely given ii|i by others, and who will al any lime come forward ami tes'ily lo the Irnlh ol tin-, and to your sci ince. Wishing von lor Hie future. Hie same sue ce-s which has allcuded you thus lar. I remain truly yours, C* K. To Dr. Ilolnimann, Pan Francisco, Colorna. Jani rry 1 Olh, IS.afi. My Dear and Much K-tecmed Ibjctor:—lt i* with much regret Ihnl I ntid all your other friands saw yon ipiit Mormon Island. M e have lost in yon a physi cian of great talent and experience w ho we could not appreciate ton much. It was proven enough try the numerous who came to call on you troin alt parts o| the mines, and yon are in the best remembrance of all. Mv«elf, given up by whom I con-idered our best phy. • iciims prepared mys»*|i to die; by chance I c one un lb r your lri*atmenl arid yon Inr .* cured fa grave sickness in n short, lime. Yon have proved yourself a physician and yon do honor lo r e name. G. Proprietor Frcdcb Ileslaurant. To I»r. Heiuimaim, S.m Francisco. Auburn, January 1 -lh Dear Doctor; —I always rr *nembt*r yon with ideas lire, mid a feeling of gratitude prompts me to address yon these lines Von know In what a depheiable state I was after coming out ef the bauds of Dr 1... who wanted to amputate m\ right arm. tn shed by a fill ing Iroek.iu order to save my life. Happily for me. I heard of yon. and of the reputation which yon leal al Mormon Island ; so I asked for xour advice before parting with my arm. Al the recommendation of s.-me triends o'* yours in Greenwood. I went to stay with you and in it few weeks my arm. instead of being amputated was saved, together with my life which I consider I owe lo yon. Dear Doctor, il I over can la* of any advantage In you dispose of me, for H is en tirely lo yenr skill that 1 owe my present existence Receive, therefore, my sincere respect, and the assn rai'ce that I believe yon to be one of our most talent ed and experienced pbvsicialia In Ibis country. truly, I C. To Dr. Ileiniinuim, San Francisco. Sacramento, February Ist, 1856, The uhdersigned lias known l>r lleiiii'naim fir many years, and can vouch for his jiistl/ having earned a repii'alion as a conscientious, prudent, ex perienced and skilful Physician and Surgeon, and would therefore poectnrneiid lo all r«eop'e lo relv with m i“t implici. oontldence in Hr. Ilviiiiiiinun’s skill and science. F. W. Th lrrl street, between J and K SHOP. JOHN* DOLBERCn. «iroi!Ul Respcclfullv inform the cilixens or ftul V ▼ well and vicinity, that he is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line of business in a workman like manner, wbh despatch and on reasonable terms, laving always on hand a large assortment oi dry In .her he is ready lo make lo orler. fbvors. window, Tables. Rockers. Ac. All kiwis oi fiahinet work, and in fact anything appertaining to his bind nesa. Hilliard Tables set and repaired. Shop no OarlM treet, below Uaaa It Igw comb's Brick Store MEDICAL. DR- L. J. CZAPKAY S lIXR. r, J.ry. \PKAV, I. XTK IN THK 111 NCA. ■ KhvoJlit notary War. Oilrl’ l*l)y*n inn t*» ;h<* gmh rhiiinent of Mmovinl*, f'hii*! ?ur :nm lo tin* Military Ho*|»iial of fV*’lu lluugTy. nih! laU* I »*cui r**r ini !**••**«•* of In nary organa. ami of w »im*n mat i , liiMr»*n, T«» thk afi Lif TKPi —f>r T« J O.ipkat M* InMittiii* f«tr Ih»* cimv of ail form* of pnviimlu ra*»**, Miirh a" pyi»lnli*« (foiiorrhon. imt’lurtid < iim» Hon*. and ttHfhi* **oii*»*<f»asiu*o« of ** H’-;ih , :i*i* In ih» fir*! «»f kf> »n’»rrt»i* il lu „»u .r i*i»«•«•** run* m a !>?v «lay*», u»tl»out in •ouvuhu , im , o to Hu* |> in* ir, i r liiiKlniiK'o to ti*-* Dm-ii*'" 4 W !i n ;* pu. lit, l»x nosrl**c*a or in*atMi«*nt, ha* ilpvolopfd ilu* f*p«'oinHr> *x n»|ilom* of *\hih* t»«m*li a* hnhot***. or p Mini *vvrlilng* on tho ifroin**, or ulr»*r* in 11« r and no***, whn h if not chocked* ilr*iroy Hi- m*i‘i part* aval ni'M Dm* Imiihs lo mortify. M jnr.rr and com* 1 away, ivinvc tin* snir»*r**r an ohjirl Ind* i«* • or w!n*n *pl ifcln ■* and p in pin* Invak out upon therein. or whxi In* ha* painful *'.volling* upon iho horn *, or when hi* nm.-iiiuimn i* injured *o um i<» |irodi*po««> in <*oii*mnpiion or olho «*.»! *iiiuli*» ia ilimuim*. ilu* In,m*toj tfiiMi .iiM »a run* or rok* noiaon. i • ii*ml mn lo I%lu*'iniali.*m, chrome. or acute; in 10 iheir n<lxantatro. |)r. L. .1 iV.ipknv »* daflv n cm,\ing ap ditinliona froniev»-r> part of Hu* Stale and from On gi n and \Va«hin?tfin Territories h r troatvneni of every form of «liM*n*e. tid fh»Toi* not ono who will Mint* for xx an I and cvpro-* d|‘*aP!*faclioii; on tho eoiitrary, tin* Itr. i* in d"il> r«*r**i|»i «f iHier*. i\pn**MXMof era . 1 1 1d*• an'' Hvnikfulne**, *oint* of winch are published below by permi* M M’.X <MM K, llino *h I S.W Dr L. 4. r/.apkny, San Krattei-eo: — Sir. 11mm* u*«l the la.*t o| your medicine, and do imt Ihink I shall ne«*d anv mere, a» I leel very well ,\cepi lied I hav** not entirely go’ my sirenuMh >ol Inn -111111 will with the apfietiie I have. It JaM three xx. -ok*. von 111 ix recoil* ct. slnn? I railed at our iuniiinte. vxd » my eonstiiniton a* I thought, entirelv hr *k *n, and never thought yon wo dd In* aide I » cure me perfect ly. hut thought you ntiiflit he aide to do KouiMihing lo m:i*m the pain in my hack and head and «*:ren ‘then me limbs xvhleh, were *0 weak that Ihex would a 1 1110*1 give way und»*r me when I walk d and t » *irep; hen my nerves so that I would not g«*t » x« Ued met (rein hie at every little thmif Now dial yon know xxhal I I‘xpeettHl, you max jml ire oh m\ * ilidaciion al my complete recox erv Ir an tlios#* symptoms and die re moval of 1 ho** spl*»lclies and -ore* Irom mv • kin and the nicer* tr in my Ihroal; snd the entire *n*o;eure **i th se emis*ioi|s which you said were principally Ihe r 1 use of my sick nr--. I ran hardly tell you xs I icti i* the irrealcsi. toy joy or tax sni>ri*e, lor c\c pi not h.avimr fully mot my strength* I h * I a* wa ll a* any man can feel. Enclosed I send yon twenty doll ir* over your cha 14«*, and think niyvlfch -aply cmed If you .(link auxhodv xxill tie benefited, you mix put this lellor in the newspapers*. Tuu« llwpkn. poK i land. Oregon, May I n DhV Dr f’zupknv—Dear Sir Your noMlicioe ha* h»*»e* taken according 10 direction* I feel a h th- weak \.*i; in every oilier way I am almosi entirely reeo\t*r ri. and Ihink in h short tune Ish ill lie as vxell as t \ ,e\ Kverybodv that knows me i* wondering xvhai in ide siicii a cliai g**. for -nine friend* Ihoutfht I In I consumption, and other* th u I xva* L'oing cr.i/y Well, I don’know hut. 1 1n y were 1.0 h richi. as I fell 11 good deal both ways, tm l thought d I didn't die soon 1 would like to I am not trmrded any nnr* xx ill) emission*, and the pain in my nead and ha« k and the weakne-s in my limhs have lefi m*\ and -o lias the iliz/.ines*. mnidny. and fho wldi nlw ays lo I. alone: I am not atraidlogoiu coinpa > now. and am not ho easily sacred a* 1 used to he. xx hep n»x h fh* thing would set me trenihiinif. I have oeen at work this week, whicli i* the tlr-t 1 Inxc done for six months, and the thought of it d .n't di*r*uinige me like it u*ed to Indeed. ! feel lik another man, and ri is all owing to your medicine and advice Volt may publish lids if vim want to. Yours kc,' Joskpii R»tii. Sa< r vmknto. May IS. IH.Vi. Pour Sir—Such is lltu lluiiikl'ulut'ss | tir| (nr the iircs. rv.itiou of m\ health of liolh h««lv tm>l niiixt, ami I hclicvc of my life, ih.-il I hope I will mil lisraii. shl. rial inlru-ive In ti-mh-iic.' my Ihmivfiil tickmiwl tulifiimnls for restnriuL' me In hnnllh. tool (nakmir m\ |,f,T boon worth wln-n It ha.l Imcome a hurlheii too if rent for me l>> hear. Victim as I was to vice that lout umlernatneil my consliluiinn ami ilevel peil a Inin of nervous symptoms, such a« nervnn« (ielillity. hea.laclie. distri s-imt mnidily. sell illvriisi. dizziness, lovo-of solitinlo. loss of memory and w ant of resolution, besides a loss of slrem.'lb ami eneriry, winch made mv wufcing moments wri’h'lmd and my sleep unrelVe'ltimr ami was fas' hriinpnu mo h* Ihe t-rave, but, thanks to von' skill. 1 am restored to In a Ith vigor, and energy llopinu to iruitle others where they may llnd relief, you hare my permission t<> make this public. I.*t«MAH» Waitk To Or. I. J.' 'y.apkay, San Francisco. r Spermatorrhea, or local weakness, nervous de bility, low “pints. |as-iliKle. weakness oftheliinh« tt nd bark, imlispositiim and incapability lor I a nor and “Italy. dullness of apprehension, 10-sol memory, aver “ion to society, love of Solitude, timidity, s 11-di-trusl. dizziness, headache Involuntary di-churues pao.s in lit" tide, affections of the eyes, pimples on the face, sexual and other infirmities in man. are cured with out fad by the justly celebrated physician and sartreon I, .1 •’/ ipkay. His method ol cilrina diseases is new. (Unknown to others.l and hence the ureal snree-s. All coasnitalions. bv letter nr otm rwimt free Address 1.. J. Vidpkay, >1 I*.. San Francim o, t’uliforrn i TO Till’- I, A DIES OK ('/»Id KOUNI A. Dr. I, .1 t'/apkav. Into inlh« llunirariini Revolu tionary War. Chief Physician lo llte Jnlb Ketr.inenl ol Monveils, Chief rtnnfeon to the Military llioptlalol (>,.“(h. Hungary, and lute l-ecturer on diseases of uri nary ortfaiis Mini di-esses o! women and children, in vites the attention of the sick and aOlicled females. I diorimt under any of the various form- of disease- m the hrain. Dtutfs. heart, stomach, liver Womb. 1)1 sh! kidneys, an I all diseases peculiar to their sex. I lie Doctor is effecting more cure* tiiau any other I'hysi cian in the State of California I .el no false delicacy prevent you. but apply immediately, and save your selves front paintul sntferines and pieinat it re death Ml married ladies » bo-e delicate health or other cir cumstances do not allow to b tve an increase m their families, should Call at Hr. I. -I • Z ipkay’s Medical In slitnte. Armory II ill. Corner - i .-H-r onettlo and Mont gomery streets', and they will ive every possible relief ami help. The Doctors offices are so nrriinved that he can he consulted without llie (e tr of tilolesln In-n. If di-ir- d. Dr will vl-il Ihe ladles at their re-tdenses All consultations by letter or otherwise fn-e. Address to |tr 1., J Czapkay,Medical llisiilule. Armory Hall, corner Sacramento and Moiilifotimry stns-ts. S. F. SYPHILIS AND nONORRIKEA -Dr. L J Cznpkay would ask especial ailentio lo sypitilitic and tfonorrhienl diseases In Ihe first slmfes ol either of these complaints he guarantees a (terlerl and edec nml cun* in a lew days, without hindrance to business or the slightest inconvenience. The Doctors method of treatin'/ them combines all Ihe latest improvements by the medical faculty, with discoveries made by him self. more effective than anything yet known, which secures the patient from Ih- possibility of secondary symptoms and r» moves tlie disease in the shortest pos siblelime Secondary syphilis which ap|e-ars in con ■sapience of the alMofoliim of the poison int-> Ihe sys tem, and prisluces llnlas-«, I hieratiolis in lh(- ttir-'SI mill nos--. » h ch destroy the soft pads, and cause Hie bones to mr.rttfr. srpartt" and come away di-tlcnnne ihe patient horribly Nodes or painful swellings mi the lames, splotches upon the skin, ca-es of which the I*octors see dully in his office stel which are the result of improfter tr.-utnient .M«o, ulcers, sores and pirn pies. snd injuries to the constitution, which, after a long period of suffering destroy life. It will also be re membered that these disorders are hereditary ,paa»in( MEDICAL. from parent to rhiM, ami enmillntf «ifM»n th«* offspring n niiMiNl rumMituikm Koribe cum of till ilkn) form i» of the Ihtcfor* uuhpmui. es i curt* or u»k* no Tin* lh»rlof can hr cnnnutlrd l»% !♦••- f#*r or other*i-M* free of ch«r*p*. tint! invite* nil who i n* utile Ual to call upon him, when* he will irive them such s:*tl f-'Cliofi n* fhev cmII ohi«l*» no u I;* re »•!*•»• ill* mom»» «re N*». 1 nn< I *,* Armor y 11 nil. rnrti# rof Sir rum-nto nml Voiitffoti)er% * Vr «N*f* Krmn n.*o tiii; r.urviKST nismvKisv oftmi: AD) ! -Dreat Hit to Mniiklml ? Infioreul hut Do. 1-4 f ri l lll l p I ?«*< I h ue i:* »*\er »•; •• • ha\e r r» ivinl, as they vim I t♦ ■ Hlfiiition o| tin* luntiit* < I Limit v. It wii-t in pnr-iil o' ;h'-4 l.rimcK o| tin* n*. leal m*D euee Ihil l>r. 1.1.iV :k»iv »nrtuu*ii#*lv rimlr tin* «lis oirkiurc. In ri*" •* where I'r<*i.•»»ln* ilrnrn is n-nl fm u curative, I>r I. .1. (V i| kav will furnish gratis R |»re* rip’inn for Li-* ltloo,| |*nnfi* r. All rominiiiiirniion<4 from tin* counfpv. a*Mr#*sseil ito Dr I. .I.i /npkny. S hi I rntirio • * w ill he #*lnnl\ •on! roiiiMci Drills n'temled to, nml tin* mne«l h h with tin* irreMent cue nml M-crcrv. immediatel \ «lih i» nr lo 1 1, l»y Kxprom or o In r conveyance t«»I heir tie**- (iimlion. £ */.** Dh. .1 L. i / \pk aY The irriillerniin whose n inn* form*, tin* caption of this no|ir«*. is one of the *’ew in klitii |»h>'irimi* who**#* apphr.alh n fo hi** pro fusion mnl «I *•v * •' ion to lit • idUcled. remh*r him alike in ormonen’ to I* e one nml a lefielh lo i|.r oilier A Mum/ariim hy hirih. In* sought with K« H«uth to place hlftrouutn among the nations nflln* earth 1»# v#*ml 1 1 1< * nppre««»or%» rule that In*r *•* i»* iniirVit rejoice in •In* practice of those preeepN whir’i me alike our •/1• •r\ ntnl our pride. In hi- so to ih», lie tins reaped tin* reward of Ineffectual ypsiid: nee to oppre*- • ioii. nml **fi home and n country know him m» more/ 9 \ part how »v« r. fr* mu 1 •** claim* llfion our consider* •ifloil a« *i imtriof, the testimonials of character »»m| •• •paritt whiih in* hHncr* entitle him to puhl c ronH*. •(••lice, to tin* #*\el ision ol tin **#• who posses* neither •he om* or the other As a gentleman his character i* uiifaniDhed: as a |»li\!»is -kill ut»surmn*-«-«l ; • nil to tints,. w|iii«i> iuipni ! i re has left upon theiu h»* t:ont- o' «?i-• •:i •. we r**t* roii-nenlii u-l\ ri jiiim mi ' in will) the n-siiriifn*e/hat ill him lhe\ wiillintl a ii** n • I whom io know' is »jr.*i»| eaiu. The Dr.'s office ; s \o. !l i!»*t| I Annorv Hall r« rm r of Sarraineuto •uni AlonlLfotin r\ streets. Sail I »ann-* o. VK THAT •H’i-TKK It MM), 1! MAH f ■■ ■ -- ' k PIS vW i ■ - ; i A r T> n DR. PAREIRA’S GRAT ITALIAN UM.MMDV For the c rt iin and spoo«l\ cure of dus p,.p(>s of u private nature, ii" uiatter h<>w lonu Ktandiujr. wiiln ut any in jurious fflFkct to tin* system or any change ol di'-t. It lias never it cannot fail to cure. 'HUM* Inviiliinble S|x«itic fir-l inlrmtiirfd uit<» M I’ilU RIIIIK* hi IV yi*ari» Hjll.-f IMMIII l>»« ltllU! mi well kniiwii n- u vrnaiii cur.' ’ ilnit in vvrry invvu inn] i‘ity imloiny mi ilm I'niiUiiml. lint in Urmil llrilmn, tin* ilminini'l for il wn* m vrr. nt. it- incril- «n n.liinnilirnr, ttint in I.*—- tlinn one ymir irmn il- iiilrtulnrlinn it i■: t<t -ii|i|»liilitfil nil nlliff rmin-lim*. 'I In* .'mlinil i*'>n*iilt > nl i!>•* (intici|iut riiii - ni' l'.nin|ii* wi re < , miip«*lli , il ii* iirknowltHlKi* ii- wiimlfrlnl m -Ii r> mer iiiwn-i*. I’rn (■rinttir- nf min i* iin-ln-ine, jvnlmi- nl ii- -»nv. vainly nmli*i.vnr**il in .iny it- nnwiinl iirn”r«“- l.ikcirni-- liefnrn lln* limwer. llnir t-lf nl- fi*ll in I In- crnmi'l unit like Urn nn (hi* (iriiinr-. -Wi*i*|ilnH nil In-Inn* il. il- on wnnl innrrli lioeiinn* triumnlmni It -li-mI Inrili upon It-own incril- : a fii-pcrminr pnjilic -n», I rind ami w. rc i*niivin<*.<*<l nf il-innyicul virtue-. 'I In* inn—in* tort mu* acijnircil tiy Or I’ariirn Inin lln* -ale nf ii .Inriii*,' ilic -ix veins tic jm pun *I it. alnm* Imn* »iin<*»- tn it- mirncnlniiK merit-. At lln* ilcccaw nl tin* llnrt Kit* pccijai whm la*()in*iilh<»il in lii« -nn. whnlnui Inlciy ntriKlnccil the ictiM-iy ii in the I’niK-l Sinn*.. Tho ■niinlicr nf t rc- n ha* n'rcinly niarir arc a-tnni.hia/ rimn-iinil* tiikl Ivlin nf thuuaalMJit cun l»**ur Ic-liniony to it- cfllcacy. .Ail who n*-* it It will cure with n-:if«*ly.-fj<w*d and certainly no olher nn ni«*inc hn- ever |.n— c—cd. Ki -nrl to nn ijiiack Sn-lrimt-. I •« a remedy Unit ha* heen tried h.rtin* |*--l liny year* and wuo never kimwntn fail. Thi* Oreui llemedy i* *nrranh*il purely vi*k»*UiWi*. Hewnre nf Onimlerfeil-. The exlen-ivn Mile nf lln* wnnderfill ineihcinn hit- nireiuiy i;;*n—-il mino r |ier-nn-. to palm nlf n |- ii’ the nii-ii-|M-lin)f. a -|*u* rmn- coio|mhiihl, chwaly re* cm ii) inai he nri-iiial. lie iMirticnlar to bay none wiihon) the written -iirnatnr** nf ,A I'arelnu V’. Il on the nniMile wrap|N>r of each hniite. All olher* are counterfeit, and their com - IMinmler- will ta* pilin-hi-l with lln; uimor.t riger ol* the law t’n *e. Throe ilollnr- per laillle For Mile hy D. Ilab- C***k. *nle A|(enl Inr Olllllnmin. Oreltnli an'J IheSnlni wieh 1-lnnil-. In wboin all order- ninel be addreeied. A Utierul disc 'lint made tn wholawde dea’ *r*. j>, ll\ i’im'K. Wholesale l»ni|<i?isl. 77 1». ii»-lreet. San Francisco. F.i-t of Aifeiii* Ihmntth nl the Stale. Itice ‘ fflia ii. Cii. Itrugirial. M-ry-ville: 11. K Siarkwealher. ( ity l iniL r Sinre Hlocklon : W. II llnim r. Snimru ; ttenj ■‘hnnleff. Sha-ia; Cldld Ik Wnr-hen. Hacerville Justin Ciitem Jr, Harrmento City t 0. K. AN . • arr, Onwnieville ; lir. John lairk. Nevada ; Ur. VA H. Uutiief, Yreka, l»r J It Winaton, ho* Ainteh**; Thomas NVliuley, Han Diego; Deo L. Story, ForiU, * 0. T. BI.ANKB-K.TCiy deacrpilkm of.'Hushw’s B 1 ski foi sale alhis^uOcc.