Newspaper Page Text
(Draillc Jluiin Sonttc jßerorb, mni h cioiKTTif Editor. OrotlUr, Thursday, Stplrmbrr 23, ls»«, vatio.val Diinocßinc tanruTioxs. FOR PRESIDENT, ,1 AM K 8 HU CII A XAN, OK PKNNHYLA AM A -♦> FOR VICE PRESIDENT, JOHN C\ HKECKINKIDGE, OK K K.NTCCK V. DETIOCKATIC STATE TlikET. — roR rpkhidk\ti»i. KLBCTomi, AUP.rSTIN OLIVERA. I (JEO. FREANOR. !* DELLA TORRA, |A. C. BRADFORD. run (oniirkir. CHARLES L SCOTT of Tuolumne. JOSEPH McKIIUiEN of Sierra. roR, ixru or situ it irk cwrt, CHARLES S FAIRFAX of Yuba. roR HI PP.RINTICIIKNT or PUBI.IC INgTRCCTiaX. ANDREW J. MOULDER,, .ofSun Francisco. Regular Democratic County Aomluations. k f OR MKMHKRa OF AMS K M VII.T. JAMES S LONG, 11. J. MORltlsON. won ASSESSOR, JOHN H MLLARI). Ilia .DKDNEK, DTI J l». DROWN. Orovilie lliitliaiian Club. >lio retfiiltir tm-elinifttof this fittb ore I eld on Ttmrsduy Kvrninn of each wet k at ihe United flutes’ 1> I). It AIiRIS. Itcc.Sec y. Accipknt.—A iti ervisor and a Consta blo started froyi h nee a day or two since, fur Spani sh town, to artest somebody op some body else, but froat frequent exertions by the roa I side, to avert serious consequences trom the heat and other outside influences, they became so thoroughly fatigued, that they were.obliged to desist fri in their atdn ous task, overcome by exhaustion —and <cek ofresiiing repose “ neatb the shadowy shade of an umbrageous tree ” They gin up the •arch. To Ol’h I’athows —Several complaints have recently been made to us, by sub-cri bors who have failed to receive their papers regularly. Wo arc really at a loss to ac count for these mistakes, for w© endeavor at all limes, to use the surest means for seini ng the Kkcoku, and are quite sure that the fault is not ims altogether. We send by all convenient mean-, 1 1 ivute ami public, but gouernlly seal either by maid or the Ex presses, and hope that in future, no more mistakes of th« kind may happen. I>K a a lip ads. ] n our nightly perambu lations, we see scores of outside lodgers ly ing around drunk, on the oenehes in front of the various drinking saloons in town. As populous and thriving a village ns outs is, *© arc afraid that we arc sadly behind the* times in virtue and morality, lor since (lie good old days of “ '4S# and bp*ing of 50." we (don't rcaxttdicr seeing, as fearful an amount of carousing and di unkenness as is to he seen night and day in Orovdlo. We are cursed with a terrible array of loafer-, and need a city government to rid us it them. DisTiNtuiisuti) k. N Arkival' —Wo saw (Jov Foote and Mr Dibble, the K. N. can didate for Congress, in town yesterday We understand they are foolhardy euough to undertake an electioneering trip to lied Binds and ShaslM. with the iutention of ma lting proselytes I roar the ranks of the De mocracy. and scaring the “ nigger wo - ship pors.” TJiey had better save their money and gas, for they are working in a hopeless cause. fiiiAMKi UL.- Otic of the "Untune Sports,’ so many of whom now infest our town, go nto a dispute with a miner-, night before last, and taking the advantage of his iue briety. abused hint in a most shameful mu cowardly manner. IVc suppose- it to hav. been the result of a gameofcaids A lc» more outrages of this character, and we feat the conseqneneas to the perpetrators popi» l»r feeling being already strong agains them, and every principle of morality am virtue demanding their aholitiou us uu. sinces. County Skat—Sherifr Fteer called oi us yesterday, and in speaking of our Con' House affairs said that- on Monday next I should remove tbe Uecords and other mm ters appertain ng to the county, ineludtn tbe i risoners, we suppose, and place the ia the new buildings, the the Superuiso having ye-terday declared Oroville to I M'Cou 1/ seat *f Butts. KnowVoililng Argument*. The Know Nothing party were conceived in darkness ami aclieived their triumphs in duplicity. The ruling passion now exh bits itself strongly in the hour of their political extremity. They hid the light of their principles un ler a bushel, and raised the cry “for men.” Their professions caught the car of the people, and they were suc cessful Their men proved no better than those who had gone before them, and were without the distinguishing features of cor reel principles for a rule and guide to theii conduct. This party, in order to keep theii heads above water, are obliged to resort to various arguments. They first organize un der grips and signs, and obligations, and compel their candidates to be members ol the third degree, and the novelty of the arrangement, carries them through one campaign. A change of tactics became nec essary in opening the present contest. The people had become tired of political oaths, and disgusted with wigwams. The impres siou must be created that there is no more secret meetings—the wigwams must be converted into club rooms—and everybody in favor of the Union must be invite I in. ItistheKi-Vi party no more They are Fillmore men. In some localities they are Fillmore and Donnelson men, and they call upon old line whigs to come up to the sup port of a man who has always opposed their party, and waged wer upon whig champions and heroes, and all because he has merely become a third degree member of the Know- Nothing order, lias Donnclson done (Might else to entitle him to the support of old line whigs? He proclaims from the s ump that he is still a Democrat, and yet old line whigs are asked to elevate him to tlie second high est office in the gift of a free people. Per haps they would do it if there was not a better way to save the Union. He has op posed old line whigs all his life, docs not re cant, does not join the whigs. but becomes a Kiiow-Noiliing, and old line whigs arc called upon to support him and elevate him to tin luad of the nation. If old line whigs ever received a greater insult, as Gov. Foote says, we ‘’don't know it.” The wigwams arc all turned into club rooms, and men from every nation and clime, an ! of every creed are invited to join them. It is their boast that they have Catholics in their clubs, while they have an anti -Catholic plunk in their platform. Al though in their arguments to increase theii party strength, their professions are broa i enough to include all who can cast a vote, they were very careful in their convention. 10 nominate none but third degree members of the K. N order. Old Line whigs should remember that Mr Fillmore was nominated by the Know-Nothing party —that in be coming a member of that party, he ub igated biiusell to confer appointments upon none (nit members of the dark lantd n o'der What a beautiful ticket for old line whigs t support! Fillmore, who has proved recrc ant to them, after enj •ying their bounty ah Ins life, and D muelson, whose only act that entities him to their support, was the fact that he joined the Know Nothings! Our foreign born citizens should remem ber that Mr Fillmore has sworn "that when elected or appointed to tiny official station conferring upon him the power to do so, he will remove nil foreigners. aliens, or Ho man Catholics from office vi place, ami that he will m no case appoint such to any ojficc or place in his gi t " We tire pet led ly willing that every one sh ml I support Mr Fillmore who desires to do so; but want to see men vote undoistandingly and not be caught by the toils ol the politician and demagogue. A.n Infamous K.mow Nothing Lie.— Some lying Know-Nothing !»• >u:hJ has start eil n report that the Detroit (Michig >») F*ee li ul Joel «red in. Itt 'fol t illiuore. Wo have not lately seen a c py of the paper in question. hut us the free r**s othce tvas the one iu woicli we learned our profession, iiid is endeared ti us by many fond recol lections and associations, we shall take the liberty to protect the reputation of our old trieud and favorite, and pronounce tho re port au infamous falsehood, unit the nut hoi it it a lying Know-Nothing, Abolition •Skunk ! This report has been g .tten itp loi tie purpose of influencing Michigan men i» mpport the K. N. nominees. We assiin hem that it is a most false and villainous tbel upon that consistent and faithful Dorn crutic paper. The same falsifying crc» eported previous to the election last fall nut Gen Cass had joined the.r ranks ! Wise. —The (Jfobe , published in San P-rnn dsco, has come lu the oouclu&ioa •* that it people knew as much as some othe -eople, there would not be so many ignorau. oiks in the world "—lnquirer. Theodore says, that reminds him of whai ■is Aunt used, to say : *• Some folks oiler: .a different as well a» enybodj." 'I lie .Mine* Giving Out. Old Croakers. as long ago as 1850, began to express seriuus apprehensions that the mines were about failing, and that Califor nia, with nothing substantial or reliable to depend on for a source of wealth, or even a sure subsistence, would, in the course of a very few years, resolve into ns bad, if not a worse state than before Uncle Bain had taken her to himself, and found her trea sures. How ridiculous such ideas bow seem o those who will but take the matter into •criuus consideration, awl examine the many evidences that prove these apprehen sions to he groundless Hot a merely superlcial glance at the magnitude of the placers, ia Butte County lor instance, will give oue a striking proof of the fallacy of s»ch notions Such ground is is being worked by the Illinoi s iii this vi cinity. and which is making our town of such vast importance, is almost cxhaastless. extending for miles in length and breadth, up and down the river on both aides -and ■ his is, so to say, hut a mere- drop in the bucket—a mere iota of the gold bearing soil of even Ikitte County—uml throughout the Stale, from the extreme Southern to the most distant Northern mines, there is hardly a hill that does nut contain gold,and ai 11 pay (or working. The true source of all the gold—the quartz rock, which is j>i-st beginning to be wui ked, is everlasting ; and will, probably, in course of time, supercede every uthei species oS mining in point of reliability and importance Figures tell the tale better than words and the reports of tlx* amount of treasure shipped by the various steamers, show how the mines are failing. Here is one instance: On Salmd'iy last, the steamer Sonora sailed with !>f2.084.75ii'55, and the Siena Nevada with &155 7.t)3 <10; making an ng g 1 egate of S‘3.‘il>l).s2t> 111, a.s a semi monthly shipment ot treasure! This does not look much like fizzling out—it it does, let ns fix zle. So long as men will work industi ious 1\ in the Calimrnia hills, there is very little; danger of a tar lore in-the crop I ncorpor a a ion. —Should aur town he in corporate 1 ? The probability is that such will not be the case until after the mectimr of the next Legislature. There seems to be .*0 tie opposition to the movement on thepait oi some of our mining population, but we icel confident that any regulation that, may be made by a town government woo d, in no .vise result to the inconv uience of miners in their operations, as such a course would la certainly of a nmst suicidal nature to the imeresis of the town. The numerous haunts ■ f vice that have recently sprn.ig up here— the gambling hells and the houses of prosti ntion—con d be blotted out of es stone. — In fid. the size of ihe town, both as tegaids lerritory and population, demands a town government ‘ Campaign Ukmochat." —This is the dtleofan excellent campaign paper pub liihcil in New York. The uuinher before contains an excellent woodcut, repre-eniing OKI Pjick” under lull headway for the vVhite House, with the 4 woolly horse" un ler ais feet, whilst Fillmore, who has been nigh up in the air By the magnificent antlers d “ Oi l Burk," is endeavoring to open n laik lantern, and exclaims —“This dark lantern's of no use at all. I can't even see Old Buck, though his horns have given me an awful dig. My eyes' what a fall I shall have! Ah! ak! the Pope! the blasted for eigners! ! i in done lor !!!" Our Srii a.mboat.—As soiii as high water will permit, say by lha middle of Novtmbcr, wo confidently expect to see Oroville become by far the most important mining town in California, lor with the fact once establish,-*! that Feather river is navigable to this point, as it nmat assuredly will be.—-we become not only the great depot for the North Feather mines, but a permanent and flourishing city, with a population whose wants-in llemaeb ves will make this in a commercial point of view a place of pre-eminent importance To those in the cities below who scoff at these i leus, we merely say “ come and etc " Kalr Seed —We happened in at McWil liams Tymeso Banking ib u-e yesfer- Iny, and Jemimy ! the spondulicks we saw laying round loose! Probably more than we should make editnrialixii g in the next ■ix bundled years. We don t wis i the above ianted firm any ill fortune, but we do wish hey couldnlt eat anything until they divided with us. But 44 if wishes were horses,” kc. Fun Ahead. —On the oig ith of October text. John Davis is to give a ball at bis place u Messilla Valley, the “Valley Exchange,” ormerly know os- 4 * lialcotnb's Bauch.” From the preparations that we know he is naking, there is no doubt, ih:u in the lan guage of “deems Hambriclfc,” there will be 44 too much fun there for one tuna." .Till.lnn Monday, the the Ohio claim yielded $4,500. and from appearances, they ex|cct the yield to increase as they work along. At the Hough and Heady claim they took out S3IOO the same day. and the prospects still continue good. They have recently found a very rich deposit, which seems tube growing inker the more they woik if. {•d.fKJO was taken out of the Jones claim on Tuesd iy, unit about the same amount on Wednesday. The M.iatczurwji Co. succeded yesterday in rcathing the bid-rock in the vent»e of their claim, and struck dirt of extraordinary tichu-oss. It was expected that the day’s yield wetild exceld rrl<* (Hatn % Kji.riLii. —An individual who was dis posed to be insulting and noisy to the incon venience and chngiin of the* peaceable tin ants of ibe Orleans Hotel,was obliged* to ac cept of an invitation to leave, *<rom Mr. McLaughlin, i unffhient deputy sheriff. and in rather » hasty manner vuuioostd the cumpuoda. Gram* llaubxci’k am> Tsai.i.. — Proba bly Butte county ha- never seen us magnifi cent an affair of the kind as is to come <(1 to-morrow, at Pence’s Hunch, for the pur pose of raising funds for building a school house in the district in which Mr. Peia # lives' Theobjict lor which- the entertain ment is ts* he giveix, to say nothing of the tun that is sure io be seen, is sufficient in ducement lor all, dancers and everybody else, toga. We will guai untec the best kind of tieminent, and the most generous hospi tality to all, from tho bauds of u>ir old and j friend Pen* e. OROVILLE LODGE, N‘> Mb I I, hi d. I . meets eveiy o outlay eve „ * .11iii in the Ma-oIIIC ll«*l llfullii r- in '■ -da wV -' iui| siandiint a e n-rjH*cirui|y Invited lu abend MIMMAtf UuU-MA.V, .V. • . J M l I.AKK, Secelnrv \it~ NOTH'!’,— Heaeoii Sheldon having laSen the Oar at the (irleinm hot I. invites ins friends ami Ibe public to give hiii< » ■ 1 tvpl .“0 A Seen . ........ »..ovvln«. We notice lliat L»r Bn,wti ut ilic Butte Drug Si or i , is eonsl unify re reiving mnl sell ing, large f|Uiin l itics nl choice Drugs & Med ieinps, anil ilie secret ol liis success is, that he bays low for cash, thei elm o !■* is able to -ell chea}>, and we will ginininteo to I lie public that every article bought there is pure and genuine* See advei tisemt at. to •*►--- • Tviu “S<m ii Is \ua li Icons* ji• It >* plina lo ho w a in the min rli.-i no nl above, .hat Honor llrnwn HKVS K'Ht ‘ As||. and in tin* one below, that I uiKlir Httovvs SKI.IS I’oU CASH, l.iipion and I igafsol all Mails, A I i.iiiV ('KICKS in lbe I ne-l'roof Kin d nir, in xl door to Kami. ill kMi Heiinoll's I'rug Slo.o, .Molilgotn iy •ini ii isoo ail»eni«i moot In-iow. s'i riLL3ioui: i mo\ rial it. The Itegutar Molding* of li.e MUiuore I nlon t I oh, will he be d tin every Tin* day and KriUuv evenings, at thu CT.I 1! KOO.M, in I lie If. S. Hotel. uug-J'J K. C. A V I! I S. Secelprv. NKW AIA KK'l ISKMKN IS. METROPOLITAN THEATRE*. Orovillo. «•> MANAGER J- » FOTTI R Piuplic lire ri K|>i imill) di/jrnied that ■ eslaldlahuii lit » ill lor iUh regular m umiu ON HIIDAY EVENING. H'.IT. *Jt»IH. wi ll a Filial, iiml KI FIC'I F.NT l OM FAN Vof I .add h. mi I (leiillemeii of luiknoWieUgod latent and ro-picta bilily. r jf"For particular# see further advertisements. (<i jll -t r ABELL & MONTY, 11.-al IMalc, Am-tioii, Myem el reel, above Bml. WM. 11 ABELL Auctioneer. Safes af if tid'd in any part of l.\e County Orovillt*, S« |»l. 25. >2o*ll FOR SALE! 11l vTNL W I ItA'IK.M U.IiIMJ and l.ot. Xillllit dt it .Molllkoiner) alfee 1 , Ue*l tn Itilchle L 1 ! 1 y(I .low*. new liru k liidlilniK. Said liu has i> lit iiKU'.ttl'fl, mill rii ll. i'iu:k Iri l Hi iliiurs’ Alii ). I'li.' liuil.liiiif i- now rutiled lor f;u per luoiill . 1 or terms ami ionlicr nilorinaiion, impure of J i{. I.AM TON, Jr.. No. 5. United Male* l.ieck. SIGNS, SIGNS! Plain, Gold and Griminoiited, fcaecnled inti .Ulterior style, nt low rail. W. H, Haydon. A I.SO—I Inline Paining. Cruliiiiur. <• ildine. Ps ppr IliiliKlliK itc. dune «• II aid (heap. Shop mi Myers street, opporiie United Scutes l.nerv Hia tie. M'p*t MONTGOMERY BATHS Aj»U Hai lu'i- Shop. TBlfllS e*|.iili«lwiM;iit will hereafter bo conducted Ji. toy Ih« irrin.of MALI*. JACKSON, & BLACKSON, who will he ph-ased lo wail upoo all who may favor Il.em with their ppl-itjoige. in- a siy.ti of article insio ami skill lUiMirpa-w*l in ihi.« town. The llalhina anartmen's are most comfortably fitted up, and cold. Hot ami Shower Kaiha furni.ijed a(-s n.rirnitl tin of pur* wider from lb* city works. HANK KKS. McWILLIAMS & TYMKSUN, B AN KB R S , MCW lllilt’K m il HINC—» t'KNI K M«'N7I.“.V IUV aM» Ml Kit!* Mill IT.* ono viijljE. GOLD DUST FOUGHT At the Highest Rales. Choc li m at rAr J ON MAU\ STUFF. Wi'VIM'D » 11 Y AN? SAN ITJANt l>ni SIGHT DRAFTS For Hnl**, on nil iln- I'rii-njMl C»r |• |:|*< iSfTS reiflTi-d. .•‘pr.rinl rind <il* rw irn. July 14. iV.», jyl4-if c. ii Mai i. c i. i "". »• *• to-*. MAfV, LOW Sc < (>, BANKERS, ldx.tek or im.A'la. a>u moil htklkt,- TfIAR rSTJUE goi.l nr st it urn ask d AT THE HIGHEST RATES. UR H Kll MiHMi To TllK M INF M»U COIN AO F, Chocks nt rnr. n.N CAKItISoV >l< 1 1(0 AN. 11l I I /.. X ItAl.fTuN. SAN FRANCISCO VV« an* |.r>|.uroil lo linin' r* M•• 1 1 I\i MAN* Con \| | I!S. • lIAIiI.F.S MOIMIA.N X. I’O, NI.W YOBK A l»o on tin* ollirr [irinrlfi il Fnntrrii l it if. MiftyNtillr, Auumil 4, lAfc.'i. n'.ft it MARYSVILLE ASSAY omn] ! ! 11A UUIS, 54 AUCHAN D (’(I.. K itnrl t iiinr tlt«- tiinn inf S»«ontl utrrrl, AUltys VILI.K ALSO—IO7 j -TliF.M'. S \I i: \MI NTo. W ill fiiiitiniif t<» <*nrr> on llif Imimih nx of .Melting licfiniiiK AssauMg (; ol i> AA’ i) oi: i: .s’ OF KVI'.IIV DKSCIIII’TIOPV. Wp guuraiili'*- ilu-«•••» nc* nr *■* «>f <*ar nnl Shift oiiM iU's !•• |»M) ; 111\ I*?* lhal may nfPO vilift nIIv «*l S.* KHkirns iMUili* in from mx lo l\v- Ivy v »«un«*, IN* BARS OR COIN Srw.l in KNH UK til AH 17. Am-AV tl> AMI \ A I 1 C 3 IKK Ms FUR AS.-AIINU; il.o nntm* an in I ruiici.-'jo. 11. HALIMS, H. m.m;< iianh. C. L. CARRINGTON. Jy'.’S-iny CONTRACTORS f f|jVl A 1.1. nit AN \ I'll it Alt K I.ITTIM. In-n vy B Jnii.' ill; (Ji IN TU\i Ts, I vi •mi lil sny Unit I inn |>ri-| >:»ri*il lo mill* M ke mill i VI ruin fill li jn’il* 111* •■ nt tllivf. Hi I rlu HIT nr I trill n V, Mn li promptness Ul'd iliMiincii. l inii.irt !■ r iiir ui Vifijim i M«t oiiitihn* . m.e Jnll.N HANTS, r-epteinlier 15th, Ikf.O. sistf Saloon JDcimr<3iient ! ! >. li. *»• w ill In* ki |»l t■ lomid itio iLnra in ( r.** imi: i;\ii .1 iiu* l ♦)j• 1 • 11;• y :tinl nulii. win r»- i»s Cl' i*t M -11 ck "I W 'll. * l.l(jU''f-, Itlt'i v ill. . i .11 nr 11 vs ill Im* 'M'rvci :il <tll mouth wii 11 »vi ry tie lit f »rv I tail cuii be UCM id. .!, H J HKOifMTTK & CO Just Received 1 \T TUI, i HK.MT.ST • I.i i’ll 11N 1 • STOUT. IN i rnviili*,it luru'i' mill splendid (o' of i LOTH INO Minch t oiler tor null' VI.UV »: 11 K tT FOR C -At*l|. Ml'l I'.’. Ik.TI ■'•.'■lf For Sale. ONE OF THE MOST I’l.i; \» \ NT ANT) I'FSI, ruble llmise I mu in iirnvillc, s liniled nn I.iit mln si irr' In i« ecu |lirri innl •>"! Inson streets, direct ly nppo-le the I inirt llimw. liciuii bn led oil Lincoln street, mid rn. ini L'''in k Illjirct lor terms ami lunl cr jiarli. ular-*. ii)<|ily to .) <: I, \U T IN, .Tr . ■l5 If Nc 5. I rili (I .'lutes lllnck. Merchants Hotel, fi n .s t s rii i: /•: t , .Near Hie Steamboat Landing., MARYSVILLE -A TDK MliSC.ilHMt II a VINO I F.AkFO the Merit urn* Hole, lor •• li rni nf Jem*. M ill Hive his personal alien ion t< kei punt a i irst i i. ann IniTM,. hinl solicits u ttl.itre ill public. (lirn II nee. Par, Uillinrds ana liuilm.g li. •ms In the House. «Iv! o. M. fcVANH. 100 TV!oii Wanted I a A P d k M'N WAN IT II in Ml rk nn ti e French ll® 9 iwii Chdiil Stilling t‘oil'pint)’h biicb. Apply* <MI Hit* A. i AlbiO, Npl. 1«>, 1H *G. [«llw2] HiijM rinieiKicot* M . (IVM'R, SdUsrM r /.. X.t* Frvvcinco KDWAKP Til KKf, UrtJc iHr . PARKER & OCONNOR, Importers, Dealers, AND RETAILERS In Ijiciiiora, Wines,, ENGLISH A Mi & POUTER. ■ jit; I.KWF. TO M UIIIATTHF.V mavr I 9 o|ieneit a Mote in Myers street, urovillf, (or tie stile nt ihe above i rlic «•, in their I’ll It K AN 1 > I N ADLT.TKIt ATM' M.lTi . ’I slock Mill bean the (T.OSK.-T SCRUTINY, fhe I K UIK ale therelore re-|s .1 tiilljf requested U> .-ill. mill examine |i lieiorti purchasing elsewhere. Ofovilie. kept. k, Ik ii sS if mi DAILY EXPRESS! From Orovillc (uSjTinislitown AND FRENCHTOWN. fItHE undersicnedwiil ran a Daily Express bo -1 tween (iioville. bpanislilown mu) Frem blown, All letters anil packages elil rusted lo his cure will ha delivered with promptness and i'e»|inlc|i. Agent*, WM.C P.AVNK.OravlIla, DU WaLDUuN, dpamahlowa. seplS-lm* CIA.SLT.Kd A3U MATCHKf, at Bloch’s. / ru. WAIKUMAX.3