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WROVILLE DAILY BUTTE RECORD. VOLUME I (Drouillc Sailn Built llcrorii. ' - . . ■ ✓ . />-/V rs-' J* - » •• ■✓■/•.''/'AA'W l-i; UJ.l'iJ kLW IlMl.t (m:MMV« KXCKI'iKOJ HV CFO. II caOSSTTE. f "7* Orvu•» (iiß»">r l KuM 'i; <>n Mvom Sirni't, Il.iit •i li:. nriwr** i Muui'-iomfify an 1 I’.ird, < >rovillr. Tkum* - ■'inn War ivr Mull sl’> 1,11 '■’ii Diinthi. <l*» r Hit Vtir.'i* mi iii'lm (!n . r > M" J 'f|ivurril tij f’nrri.T. | >«*r UV"k •i'i WnKKLV iTT I'lT: KKI'HRIV -- • Cop Hm In Mi • »»i» ntn.r nu*i t/pm - 1 1 -•. ri I »-!•*• * ii.-t ■* <>( fV* ri'Hi’v, *v:M . on' rio Uo- lor «l mi< 1 »» •vh \v* <k. Icit-i** ih iht i<»«: '«i-- i i>' »• i r; •i* I«i» .r mv'ifr 1 ..ill <<*•i•mil n% **• i: > ijhl «• »lnmn- of r*-* din* »*id «»n»* I ; 1(1. i tlll'l \Vn. klv i'-T- Ml tin* in. Uni li-li* 1 •*\<*rv Sti mliv. I«rm— si» |»vr Atman; *ix month*, month *l \ i»v ►.k i ihk mkn r*. p> r of uni lim*n»r I'***, first i'i“* rfion. - - - - - jj { M i; *fh H'lim-Mjiii'n* ln«*Tlinn,. - • IfW Z';/“ \ I i»• ■•i* 1 1 «li* It ■: i< >n will hi'tnmlc in favor of (ho*»» Imi firl v<*n i<*»» m fh»* y***»r I»n^i;»'*s > * r ir-N on *l**r»n3. JOB PRINTiNO. \Vi» won) 1 •«.licit tic* uii**n;io i ol • »nr fri**n«l •* who ;tPr pi wan! "I .’oil I’mri'i r I 1 I In* It • I ! ii »t w«» nn* in*»•(J to« im .iy ■» T!fi!i m of work iii our lifn* in n hivl** tint niimn l;«il to' lti'♦ • -nti-t u-imn. 'V«- Ituvr n*f , »*nl , y nimln n«*\v mii 1 ♦*\(«*n*iv»* f» Idi* ion* to 4i ir iis-orlimmil o .lot. Mat* rinU, nml 'nv** t ic»lu\ I » r «lonu r »ill km-U ♦! work hi ino'l-rat«* r ami on short imiif . tv>r ihv Kiillc Krronl. IM’AUV KF.F.iKR, THOM \ i;• >v*’K I*7 Merchant *t San Kninri«*<*•» \ 1,. S 111'!, 11 mri-Mt. Mi* v |i I'UM Ki.rlic*l<iwii iviirn; >. m ti u:. . oi"imh niv. .1 r I \cKSn\ ■ pn,mu i ill :,MVI SMITH .. I •* TI It U'l IMlt) 111 IlitT' »N I'l-I.lli. it. ir- ■‘lure, .• \\ii■ - rßiM’imr,i\* \v\ J. SHIKU I\ Ni'Niiii iTi't-k. T'liui i'. <'«> .i I'llK INS k. OATH \ 11 »■ •r 11• •• 11 V..lti-> M. PT.NiT. . ... M - 1 i V Tim ••|{cciiriT’ inn l>" |irni , iir,*il fi'im) imv oilin' ilhivm rvuil' l Aummil-*. wlm ini' iiNm milliori/.i-il I" rn tvivi' ;id•rrlUi'iinnN Mini nr'ifi-'i In" -I"i> W ork m it:; ut.t o,:i> ,iois ruivnvj ESTABLISHMENT o i; <> v i 1.1. \W nr« now )M«*i>arrii win a u«mm| H**ortm«*nt of I* lll \II \U M ATIiUI A LS. u CLXi rtitu •• v« rv *!••- f<n:plinn of •]- .iHPSP |'18ft,11,8,019 mi tin* m >sl REASON Vl’.u: 1 KRAIS, and in n «t\le licit will iinl fill In vr'ive siiHslanlion. Mining ami outlier eornpiinles desiring (’KIITir.VTKS OK STOCK, iMn have Hvun I'UIVIT.D "N SHORT N<n'K’E I’.vfiy kind nl 'lull I’nuling, executed to order finch us HOOKS, riKMtI.ARS, I.UV m.ANKS, I* AM I’ll LETS cards, RIM SoF r\rin;r HIM. 11 BA IKS, IMKI I S, It\NK r.HF.i US, i,viii:i. s . noti;s. i’u< u;u\m mi -. posit, us, imki.kts in,,ix>i' fauk. « >r uny nllicr description ot I’rtnti' K llmt may he de sired. Having Ini'! many years prnrtlcul experience in lh.i branch ofthe business, we are cnr.lldeut ot giv ing mi Ire satisfaction to nil who mil} favor us with vlicir i.r rers. Person* vi oiling work ilono are respeclluhy invited c give in ii call Itrrr" snui ..m ■ iw.i «rw l-r~ir-.-> n »i imi i:\pkess andstaiik links. KVKUTS, DAVIS & CO.’S EXPRESS OFFICE now irs ntMi.mvn. n 'Trkf.t. \v> stsidk. IYIAHYSVSLLT3. A l> VII.V KXPKKSS will If dispatched 1-urn our Office iu Marysville. |.i Rabbit Creek. • • it> fctivillf. Forhe-town, C- minims House, Keximpon Uuiisc, Warren Hill. Ilojik insvilli*. Nets mi * reek Poor Mnil's t reck. Mop ins Civck, Onien A alley. Richmond Hill. S'riugtovv n. Kuurpri«e. Wvamlotm. Kong liar, Spruill Valley. Scales - Diggings, St. Kums indwell’* liar, Hanson illc. Pine Hnne. Chandler vide, Spanish Flat. lnde.pi iiil. nci* Mar. American Valley, ahelhto an, sp iiuHi Italic!). Meailow Val let , (.'it tof *7ll, I imis iu i 'reck, l iman 11 reek Oroylllc. Tlmmpsoii's I- |:il. Or-"-im Mulch Itc.rnanl s Micuiiias Harrisons Digging*, mul Poverty Hill. i Uir TKI'ASCUK I'.Xl’l! K.SSWiII always be acooill pailiei! In lailh'iil Messenger* I ollectjoiis. t inters, Ac., promptnessami fidelity July U> allemlcil to willi KVKUTS. DAVIS X HO. IsVw A min go men—Tor \ reka ON \\l) AKI'K.U JlIiY 2d I silt, the California St wife Con.pany’s roaches will leave llmir office. Alurray's Western House, Marysville, every day al • o'clock. I’ M„ for Yreka. via Hamilton. Nctii's Ranch riiico, Tehama, Iteil Ulutls, I'oltonvv nod. Smith's Uiinch. Hay’s Uancli. ami McOomher'* Mills cross -1m; I'iii river m I.ockhart's Ferry. Crandall's Ranch. Thonm*' Flat. Tucker Town. .liincliou House, Hack Hone House. Soili Springs. Yreka Mills Sheep Mock. Shasta Unites. Stephen's Ranch ami < ililliinn's, ir i viiur in Yreka on till) second May at 5 o'clock, P. Ji. 11K T U UMNO. Will leave their office in Vrcka at 5 o’clock every morning, connecting at Marysville with the Compa ny's coache* lor Sacramento, which arrive in time for the San Francisco Iwials iiakke; a throun'o Ifip. roin Yreka to San r rancisco iu I HUPK U \ \ S. <• KO I'. THOMAS. Heuerul Sup'i Cal Since Co. July If ' s - >« fjy KVt in Marysville. U . 8. MAI L If IN K ! ON and after Tuesday. March ISih. ISart the Cali lornia Siaso Company'sl'onchiv* will h nve rheir Office. Western House, Marysville, every morntn; al Co'clocit for Sacramiittih and arrives in time fur Hie the San Fraaciseo Faints. KF.TKRNINH—WiII leave their office. Orleens'llo tel, Suorainenlo. lor Marysville, al the same hour •*()K0 K. THOMAS, Suporiulendaiil. March 17lh. ISM Mary's ille. OROVILLE LODGE, No. 69. r. .0. of (t. F. meets every Monday eve ■ .dim in the Masonic Hail Rrother* in good slandimr are respectfirly invited to attend. THOMAS COLEMAN, N. O. J M. CLiaa, Secretary. OUOVILLE, ISUTTE COUNTY, CAUFORMA, FRIDA\, SKIM'LMRKR LKCIAL NOTICKS. u sheriffs salt: v vrnri'K or w kvkcitiov h-mmi ■ml of the Ninth I a Hii‘ l Court. m an l .r the fomiiv af tli'ii*. Si iln o'* t 'll if- trnia. hearln. Uih 2*»!h duv af Vm/iK'. A I* HVI. mill lit in* ihri'i-i- t nml 1.1 vnri' t, r mi'll m li' ' im* la milk* lb-' nn at iPr.-e li indr-d nml ltdy daTirs prior.p" mill fur Inti Ti-t fra*n t!i«* dnr of.lunn \ H. l'.> ■ ■li iti- tlir-f lam fx. 1 dollars priority d a' tin* r ill* a ttirii. |k'" e*u>. p.-f iiinlitli until p*i n, nml (nr fail** a m . ■ *ix* . Id | til* ill 111 af I *l| I Sim fill til I***, nil’l Ilf ft« ant af till* peril In n UiiaMer il *.i. t. launliol) the afon*s»lii judgment, whereii •(• -i*ph I' Sniilli n I*laiiitilTnml -I>»»'■ *• • S "arr;, i l)i fciiilatit. I i*•it : Tii • A( Haiti Theatre. illaa led it| * Irovdle. in tin* ft up i* v till 1 1 11 ill* n(' ifPHiiil, 1 • (••Ml .1 on till* raiui*r •■: limit and l*if I *'' : ' , d‘ Irantiiiif ttiir’* nin*■ (It'.ii fi'i I ti’i lliiiiia'in street, and irf’itv i*-(ti (i i mi Itif l l "tri* 1. \I-S(— *di l( ,:i1 Mint 1 -Tin* iiliavc null'll lien la postponed till I la . ; ),ii .',l ill iiiitimt. nt lUe same liatir mill place aiinvi* im imim il. r. riiiiru 'in-rdf iiuiu* < a |’,y M A Ml I, Al 1. 111. IN' llfp'tlv. It i|h 1 1 1 1 ■ a ■.’• tli liny af S>'pliMll'i<*r, If <*- • I*l S SALE E,*iV Vlll IT r. 11 1*’ \N IX KCt TldN ISC Tit '‘J lint 111 till* Ninili Jmlifial l'i-lf|.T I aiin in nml nr thi* i ifiiiU al HiiUf iiiul SMilfal i nlilariiin. In* ir. ~_r ,i■.*.. \'i - i«t i*i|li, ,\. it. is li. mnl 'a '■*• directed nnl ili'ti\i r* il l amm iifli'i : nn* la m ik** tin* *an al hr.'.' limnin' I nnl 1 1 1 irl>-flvi* llircn nip* hnndrelh dal in debt. \\. Il 1 1 nil 1 inter *1 oil tin* sion*. an I tin* -mil *f twenty tiin f leveali-nve iiiit -li’iiulr* (l li da lari •i «ji nf mi', wall iif(rnini: f*>st' o!' -ml judgment, ml af Ilia prop rty hereinafter desnaPed lasaii-ly In*; I* iVi —md ji id tilt I* ’ll I. " In* re in -h dill W are and 11 nr y I mwin nil Pillin'lTi.itml .'aim Mr Li Hand X: fa. I»e -.’■iidinip*, law it ; Ai* Tl.tlii Minim;l laim. si Pi ted an Itnld Hill near the town ot llrnvilie, fniinly and Ship* Parc-aid ; -aid Claim i.i ninety five feel Irani im: an In* lilnir. and I'Xl li n k '.ill fi*>*t. .M-nt'.o iltlirn iiixi*i naw up-hi Iln* fl inn Also I l"a at Hinall ll'iint* i*mliin; Irani lln* rt-ertair la tin. claim Al-" all n( Ilf rilflil. Ill'll anil in I r si af Iln* alar, -aid il e*e ml it til s I,Mill Me I,l'll,aid .**. fa in mnl la n I'nldn lilnatfd upon ■aid Clann. (egeiher wish all lint appurtenanceshelmnt nir la I lie nlitivt*. Tin* afiavt* property to hi* nolo an rininday the |cih day of September. A D IHati. at t ~'rlafk PM ,at Hi - \alianal UoUd Dated till' ilillt af August. A D ts.V, P. PICK Kit, Slieritf Butte Co. ||v M. A. Mi-I.AfnilMS. Deputy. a’.'litd Th.» ahavi* in if* ii po-lpfiird till Iln* CHth dm a 1 Sept. \ D IrTiti, tin* salt* to Into* place al tin* ah"Vf iiu'lioni'd plai t;, and al iln* hour al day altavc Hluti* d 1* I lIIT.IL n,.pts tt Slna itr Unlit* County. CONSTABLES SALE 'IBV VtllM’l. t'T \N IM'.f llit iN IS'I I'.o BV .lada .lanes. a.liiiiict* af tin* I’atin* in mnl Im i iphir r..wiiHliip. Iliil'f enmity and Stal, aft 'a Miami,a la pin diri fifd and i 1 pyaml. eumtninuling nif la make ilia anti at H-xtv ann ilollaTs and eighty lam fiili«-** U• HD and Hfaii ilall irs and >i\ly liv nt ,7.ii . I (■• at C.aiirt, and nr-rnlml fai l<d « ret lai i n'.inn. wlni, n M I! My fit* i- Ininidl and .M. II l arli y ii I'* ffliilnnt I Inivn wi/.isl a d lax if.l npat all tlii* riulit, HI If und ini'Tfsl al ll.f raid M ••. I m lay. in and I■ ■ llini cit him piiaa* ar Ia 1 i mil, sit nap -f in nri * illf. i »phir Tawnsldp Hnlif f ninly. and SliiP a|* Ciipiarida, and Si'i'TiPf d i n I In* in ap •'i i In* las i •if fpia ti|f a I atn niimPir ana ill and IworJiin ! niriffii. iU i. Mod lali I unit an Oak ht'fl, i,i r **i'lltil. ■ nif r\ . \I H aaiii* -inall I* nn*' Pn 1 ! *. ran; iia.l ,* Isu r**aii H. silnalfd (ill H:ii*l lain, \* tin'll I *\ id i*-;pa-i* In p'tPlif -all*, .at ilie CniP-d Slalfi Mat'd. tilt* T NX Ii Hi I Inn ill!', ail 111.* : fill day af Siplfllf I r. A. 11 18'ifi, til in o'clock, A. M.. ta tin* Idk'hi Hl Piddfriar c..»li. K, 1,. p \TTON Consluhlf • ipliir Tawn-liip. Paled, this Sept, r.tli, A. I’. P*S6. i*Bld INSOLVENCY NOTICE. (■ \ f ii fvl.ll >KM\. i a Mlli'v af Unite— fa.mi* Caiirt al fliam'i(*r**. In the nialP'r al \. It a iif roll, no Uih ill fU Idf IiUT *r. 11l- Cr*■ <lil ■ r** niriiniliff nl niadf in tin* fonnly fanrl md for said Cannly **y the Man .Im.l*. N. I.e»i«, Inly -I til * "tianiPcr - an iln l 1 Si p day al l iiiin-t li | -.Mi, Nal if* e- In n I y ci\. n la t tie era Htar- af mid Insolvent. C. A lliiurrafi ta he und i ppear ip. iP,. Man..l. K. S la win. family -India al I Cannly in Chanil.**r-, at llidvvell an Mand iy Ihf Mdv of Sept,, D A-'n*.. and itl ikf prnaf nf llndl ninili and ip in and s a*-' on-i said inralx* n f-laP* ll„.v will Im birred from receivin',' a dividend n (tie mono. \V il in 'h** inv hand and the seal al *ml I minty . Court. Hflixml lids, ibn isib ctuy of A. I). IS-Si, al lid well. MILKS CHAPIN. Clerk rvypv Pv M. II DxKfAril Deputy. INSOLVENCY NOTICE ST ATK <>K CAI.IHIIIXII, County ai nulls— family four* at (■hampers In Die mailer at 4. C, llaffsii'tier. pi iili.mer in Insolveiiry vs Mis Cred imrs. In pnrsnnnce af an a*xh r nnule in the County Court in and tar said Comity by the Mon 4as. K N Lcwl#, Caiinlv 4mice at Chanib. rs an iln* b nay ol AuK'isL A. D I San. Notice is lierepy uiven la the creditors of the Sind (s titiaiier in Insolvency. J C Moffsiatter. ta appear tn'lare the Man 4a«. K. N In wii. Canntv Judue. tm the Itrst din at the Nnvem oer term af the wild C> nmy I'l.iin. to wit: •'n tin twenty lonrlh dav >f November. A. D. I*.*, «*. 1' o*flack A. M„ a. ilidwell, to show cause, il any then, he, why the prayer af said petitioner sbanld not In o r imp'd and he l*c discharged from iiis dehls as un insolvent debtor. . ... Witness m; bund and the «enl af said (•niiniy L, S I'ouw. affixed this. I tie IWday of Anidist. A I> 1 s.'ili, at Hid Well MILKS CM \PIN. Clerk. By XI 11. Dakkabh Dept) DISSOLUTION fBIME CO-PAHTN KItSMIP heretofore cxisllns he ■ iween lames M, Brass and John ft. Kealii.U- t this day «lis*olved hy mutual cotuent. AM dehls ,!• the tale firm mu »ho paid »o •» ’'■* Il Hwrj. ■ Heme ia anthar.xad to -i*e *h nmi« of the f-tn n Iqtiidirion. All demands nciiiiisl tlic I.' lirm «>i 1 D. Kealinc & Co , w ill be paid hv James M. Brass. 4 XMKS It BR ydS. JOHN U. KKATtNO. Orerillt. Auffu.l 16, 1056. LEGAL NOTICES. \otire of Ipplkallon for l*«rd«n, r \rr. nr c ai.ifoiima, > I'lll STY OF ItITTK I Co ll,r IJ*n*rahlf .1 F. .V. f/oi*. Fn-s/rf-a?' J» »■■ of tUr r,ftr' of Srsfiiori/t in and for Itnl'r ( m t/. ./ ./. V/f/n*', IH'lrirt . lH»rm-n of ' r "• V-iiTIOK Is HI’.KF.HV GIVKN THAT AN \l* ?! plication will )>•• rn i'li' h> Hu Fx.-elCncy, J. v’eelyJohnuon, -nor of Hut St «"• of » nlHornm. .jUm pardon of Henry Lipmm. now a prisoner m |„. Slate's Prison. "ho w".* <•<•!' \ n - '• 1 m Hie 1 onrl "| ... thecrim assault with Intent to corn „ii ripe. In Haul county ..l Unit*-, and on the Hi l. I,v | \u?usi, ei?l.i. .n li nulr.-il nu t fifty--tx. ■ 1 ...*mi.*♦*.l pi two years imprisonment in Hi.- - I " M v i It MAN t\ c il'i hershv nek nowservice ol tl“* h.r. ... n- n..i. ItlUen, this tt.rr.l .lay nf S* P'ember. V. I). . rt! >MAf W». Vo '• Hislri.-I M’orn.'V in -*’H I cm-e .1 H K. V i.KWIS County .1 >d?e. Mid Pro i lit. ' .111• 1 ■ « 1 of Hu 1 Court of A t im r Hie foregoing m. mi nnln .lien, now on filo In my oHe •• .. \\ iifi."*' 4 my h ohl and Seal, till 1 September -till, A H 1“ hl. | MII.KS CHAPIN. ( lerk. Pi iv,i'll. Seplemlier 4th IS!Hi. I ‘ li ' ;,i| ’onrl. ■ copy of lie' onki- NO TICE A 1.1. PKft HON' holding •ftoek in Ilu- S s . nilfi I .-a , i ||;, Wal.-T i'o., who have f.ile.l to pay their h . ( .,„ n ,.,in, lire hereh- no-ill. .1 that mile- said ar . t .aru?es are pakl in full wiibin Hiirb; day-from Hie l-.te hereof, s.ieh shares ol ' lock. or so many *.I ,1,,.,,, will he nm-.w—ary P. ♦.■» <«fv aid nrre-iritfos |, | ~,...r , n !i ? cost. »in he sold at nnelion !<• ihe high- Phliter. "I ttm I . . I( ‘ lintel. Fur best own, on w • Inc-diiv. Ist d»v of Ocloher neM. at I I o'clock A. M , in t pe In,'inner prescribed by Slat life. 11\ i inter of tin- Trustees. 3 .1, VV MHU’.N M ASON 'i- y. F. rheslown. An?. «U. IS.VI. •• - ,: -1 FERRY iNOTICE tk' iTlt’F. is hereby given Hist the limit rvie-d i\ will apply lo Ihe Hour.] ol Snpervi-x r* ill nn l 1.. r (tulle r..iiiilv. nt their n\i regular in lie. f..-;i l.ic n-e I" run a Perry i<r Hridge Heroes ihe Middle F.,rk oi I’.eilher Itlv. r. a few rods uhove the jnnclioll of the North I'ork of said riv* r. sVI.VFSri’.II P. HAN \GL. P.idwell’s Par, Unite Co “Hit NOTICE Orm i; Feather Uivkk v i'i-hiu v V atka Co.. ) r K IH.'ili. i A mVIDI.MtiM’TtVO IKH.l.tllS \NI» 111 T V <>nia per Share, hint been this (lay declared, a. hie ul the oIU ce o< (he Company. ■ rtiw .-•! .I ts N. Ml UII.MMI. Secretary. NOTICE ! rrjl lIP, i <VP \ ItTX CHS 1 1 IP existing herelofore mi li d'-r Ihe title of I. 11. Smith A. Co. Isihis day do-...lied l.v mtllit d cohs. nl. t\ in C. Pay no havimf purchased lie* elltiri- inlere -t of -I. II Smith. Win. C.P.iv in-will C'lese Ihe of the con .•era. lo win.nt ont«laiiTlii>if debts masi he paid, anil dehts cwitr.'teled for the heliefll of ihe same iiiiisl be pr.'s.'iited lor payment. IN M. i -.PAY Nl., 1 J.tSlwV SMITH. OroviJle. Sent. 10, 15.'.0, altiwl* coFNTV TKCASI’ItP.K’S OFFICK, / P.invvti.i., .Inly ISih. IS.ili. y m-'OTICP. is hereby ?ivne, lhal all imtsi.iis holdin? .Nl Ihslle Comity ttarraiiK pay at.le from ili.-srene a fund, reu!‘lere.l hetween I’ehriinry P lb. Is ... and May 7ih 1' li, lhal the smile Will he redeemed on |it• -enladon. al my olllce. And nolici- is Inrtli. r Ttven. lhal 1V..11l and after this dale, said warrants will c ase lo bear interest. t\ lI,MAM I. NTTIMOIIK. Treasurer ol Untie Coiiniy NOTICE SJIAIIF, <l l P \UT\ Fitsll IP heretofore existimr be ■ ivi...ui llrovvn \ Hot) nan. i- ibis dav dissolved ,y m n .mi cin-enl \II persons havin'? d inn« a?..n:-l he drill nr.* r.'ipu sled to pr-*seiit them lor pay iilenl. ad those in.h bled, an p .lilely re.piesh'd Pi call nn nic.lialely ainl sellle Ih. ir act o.iiu , or lh“V will he pill.a din ilie hands of an ollic. r h>r .. dieclinii 11. A PK'iU N. W P. llltKl M W. Ormille, An?n»t :io. is.vr,, «u?.;o if T NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION mil. (■( l-P y|[TN lih.'eu.lore evi.liiitc •>•'- iweenihe mi.l•• r-sj t'li.-.l wm~ bj inn. tiinl eonsi'iil on the sih ol Sepienihur. •'■ati ’lhe partnership Imsiiuss will be setlled l.v 11. It, llliven V I lh. 111 llhal'tev s II 11. 11l lAIN, D. P. Kin.l K'. Charley'u llanch. Sept P.\ Ib IV. sli-lm MISCELLANEOUS. WHITE vV NUTTER, DKUKRs IN GROCERIES PROVISIONS LIQUORS, &.C., &.C. fBA II li UN HF.IISPiN Fl», in cabin? tho alien: ion of ill llm public In llreir slock ol Prune i.oods, would aval 1 tin. -elves of Ibis opportunity lo return I hanks lor Ihe verv ?eii.*roiis palron?e they have received *lu rn.'o lln* Humber of y * they have hecu i'll?; ?.*d in business in litis place • and delennined to nu ril a coi.. 11uuuiiCH of Hie sain.- m luitire, otter al the lowest rales a hir?e and well srieepsl ol t.r series and Provi-ious. oi a superior <)ihiin>. Pre s.rved Fruits. Miners' stippiies, I lard w are. Crock ry nisi (.Ins-ware Ac., jvc P irtienhir U'lenlion paid to to ttlim? and ileliveniut miners' order* iroui u dis tance The 111,-In si price paid h r Hold Dust. Ue »I.all also run u<lady l-eher and Packa?e F.x nresx. be I vv ten lb is place and * lr..v il.e. 1 WIIITK k NCTTFR, Oregon City, July Idad. jyltttf CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! TO SUIT EVERYBODY! '■IHK I'NPKKSIGNLI) begs leave lo inform his H iriei.d* pnlrous and citizens "I tlmville nnd icinity. Hint he has aixr?« and well seleeieil slock n Goods on hand, coiisisimg of pas m ox. i r> t. i: clormxo, Boots, Siioes, Hats Vhich lie Is di t. nninevl lo seli at TLN PF.U CKNT 111. A PLK l«l AN ANY OT O K KHTA P.LL'H M LN f v Tlll'T-OtN Call and see u*. and exam me our lock before purtliusin? elunwhere. A. L>. UKL-* !■. k-KiAlii'lHKH. Montuomery s reel, next -.sirt-v ifte i'idled Himes Hotel, sign of - THE CII ’aFEST CU/IHING AND FoR- NiaHINU HTOufc IN UUOVUJLE.” Oroville. July IW«. D^itf Misn:u,ANi:urs. NEW ADMINISTRATION Central House Hotel 11 mile* from Mttrv-Tille. on ihe • (phis. Pidw'll I!t itil-1 I eutlier rm r Ho. ds. .JOHN LOWUV. P't.j»ri' or I ITV *\ r IM.KASr II V. ill ini' ,r, nin j no. Ii • niid lh«* tr:iv»-roirun nil\ I li:i» 1 un n* j i>oyi V l*» r«v*iv «• a 11« t lit roitiio'i • iU* t Ilf f’ \k will w uli « fi<*, • l j f.r-j, imv I N* Itl.i: oijtplitd w ill lh** VMriHlr- of !li * *• • ■ ■' in ns rlfun c*i«nU(irt:itftt«*, af*• 1 in > I* \K >' w» . Ifm»«| -4iain 1111*1 r**«■<l L»r In>r*«•'. In I u*t fwrv i**i» wnl hn iimnl oti my |i**ri t*» *>• mi urn I wfirn tlw I *«• •»- lie fjivnr—nii'l t»«* pul'll- in Oaliloruut *h ill * x nrd me m court* «y an I iittiMition lo» v* r\ on** thiil kl iv v iMI wi". J. L•» IV*' ir. liiitiu County July !•% If 4 V» IV k»*t( Wool, Hides and Tallow CJ M\ ri:l>—l'or which (he In.-hest market price wul be imiJ. Apply In .nisi pit r smith. Corner <•!’ 4th ami I', streets. lIMe Vtvrd, ranlem on trump mi Fourth street near the llnekeve Mill. Marysville, >KII S\I.K I'V the l';ec or Tuckujvp in ii nnantitles to suit. I,mi » lull (. iper. Leyal cop I.otter Taper. Ink ISroa I hill p i|»er. T ails nip, Note paper, Tmi oils, Kl ink I (oaks, V. atm*. \e ike. Noisy Taniers Hook .V Stationary < n. s 7 1» itteiy \HI \ ijii Long M linrf. Sun Trim cisco. C' T. K I MHAJ.L. Tics LIME! LIME! riNHK t'N lIKUSI'.N Kf> iil’l r.ll 1 nil S\I,K. \T & their I.IM K KII.NS uj ilir V>. rhl 1 ... liter river, a ..l aclid nilieie ttf 1,1 >1 K \II onl* r* i,-it vinh .1 V.IP i Mi, 11 into ,iTs Kxi hanwe, «iro Mile. Will lie 1 1 Col II |il is alliaiileil I ■ < \l« ii mi;, an H AS’ KI.S k (a » Aiitfii*! I - ... nmr '-U-ir HOWARD MEDICAL lAJSTITO ?£■ 11- Sacramento street, next lo tin 1 Paeilic Mail S S. Cit.h 1 mice over Wines}. Co. - - I'.xprei-n t mice. SAX FltAN' JH" U( OMS M Mill.US 1. AMI U’. fJRAIIIS 1 N - 1 JT'I 111 IN I* Toll mini h>r li.e rare < a Syphytilic, met in •talons compl-nnis, amt all alleel ions of ihe (■■ iklal Drimii- id w Index er until re 1 1,-1 naif.l lnr the express purpose ..f Ir. ainu pm ale maladies at lII.* instance of many medicid k’enl haneii who h ive seen with pain Hie impositions practiced hereh lore upon those Willi haw he. n 1 1 a* X lei ini - , a l>ini' advertisements those wall n ar. n* imr-ae to n ceriuin eueiil tins means ol iiilrodneint; U 1., public notice Those applx Milt lor ail vice will And constantly in atlenilance nietli 111 abiiily ol nmli-palrii -kill in lliis class of complaints, ami lil He dealt welt in the most honorable ami snout'll! forward inmuier. Korthe purpose *»t staairinif privacy lo Ihe most delicate, s vend aparinienls are so arramted Mint pa in ul* w ill he hrounhl m contact with none, hut Ihe Office Physician. pii, sc applvtmt to this Institute w ill the charges re siai .l 'v. in si Uie tiuHMm ill sup Tier ladies mid ifemleineii who desire lo heco n • patients Hhull C*«i 11111 U ul 11 »'l 111 1 ’ I IIM CJIII ih* 5ltU'l»«lf»l if theirresidencer. Coininnnieiilion from all parts of Hie count,y will he uitemhwl in with prom pi ness, an 1 medicines sent if desired, hv enclos.nif a tee ol n n dollars No t if.iris will he spared n. make ihe Howard Medi eal In-lilnte what il purports to be, a plnlanthr 'phic I listilit it*. ... , Con-nliauou in I rench, hpiunsli mul i dliee holms from fl A. M.. till OP.M. Address. Hnw.rd Medical Inslllnui, He .'acramenlo street. '"pliys'icimi, UK- 15 MerAl l ItTV I Mlici \)\{\ (;s AND MKDK IMkS. „ PKUSONA WHO ’/Urn.- wish to pi kchasi; l am v Xrlicles or P. rlnm. rv w II do r well to rail’at the 111 II I IHH ■ Mnlll-, L on iMoiuuomery. one diwr Imm llowar street. he lir etuis Hotel. I'h 101 l IW in.' lislcompn a lam or He' slock on lemd : Itz I’oWvleis, U nnilie. limn. "‘I "I Vitroi. Nitric Acid, r’stihctr. Pectoral, Vnmalic Xcid, a aTs Sarsaparilla andllhie Stone, Nnllllei's, nd id l.einoll,’ I ljl of lto*e, I 111 of • loves. (in of i 'hiainon.l 'llovv Il'R'k nseiid’s s>iirs-iparil! fs d'i -oil's do luliL' I,in,imen'. . nt •! Ibo s' lanament.od of i irntamiin. K*Hr-r. 1 ''l ol Peppermint, neeof .lainacatiinger.'hi "I \nn e. Oil ut l.aveiider, ,11 - s PAN. thlil - nbetis^ Paster's ointment, mivc <hl, away'* Pill*. Neal's I 00l Oil, .'in'* Indian Vesietahh" hx Marrow , a Hose v\ liter. ip son's I ye V\ als-r, n's Kxlracl. Liver • hi, s I'.xpectoranl, Poke 's Hitters, Wine Hillers. Slontjhlon's Hitters, Hatlrvlimil, Aim Ur \ciil. Powder, and fever Pills, ico.nie, Idi-r Hractuk es, in-ary llamlaa-es, sive Plasler, > SirJlp Peruvian .Soda Hark, nn of Tart ir. ipaihic Medicines, On Hone l. Ini Spenv'es. fine do coarse, (Pd Port Wine, fur medi cal piirpocs. •own VVinsor Soap,Old flierry Wine, foe tiled i 1....1 ............ dr Oils, forks, do xla, • of Potash, lene, mini, i no, nin, icnl imrposrrs Old itrandy, for medical', Armica flowers. Hnpiorice Itool. Siir-apanlla IS.sol, Halsain of Wild fherry Alcohol, Uu per cent ( umpheiie. pure. lodine ol Potassium, Henbane Seed. ( ardiunon Sedds. ko.. ii KKFfIIKS. thcr with all Ihe usual articles kept in DM >. which wi I sold al r> as<Hi»ble prices* who mn) favor us with a call, ic la us* prescriptions acuraUdy compounded at es of day or mahl rille. Ah* AI.HKoT O. DAY, Apothecary. rnsi ‘2. I Wifi. lIU K- *i my M D E S COOPER XJ n GEO N * FFH’E—At the Kye, Kur, and »»rthop*edie Inlir rrlt r,—At me, r.ui, marx. Mission street. betwe. n r.ecorid aiid I hud “Hiirsian Baihs,” P l* n -y|iin nAiiif, *- • * Mirrieal (iperatione ‘ KKK to patients preeent- at ihe Cuxics.on Wednesdayrtand Jays. a. 1* o'clock. I* M. Medical men of ihe nd Pacific fon**. Kencrally, are r.-spectfullv in to attend the Infirmary *>n flinical days, when t may be opportune for iheitiaelvea. wuglb-U >1 iM’fllan v. ‘Thank* !’ miillcn 1 Mir Ikk-Iw* <v friend. ‘n<» more vrrvion in llctmi', thcv c-n't f in, ituir hooj» me v* tnn.til, tin \ w ll Invc t i £T'» t!ii' ‘htiKiH |-,.;l I!’ .\rup- offbr-e <‘l'llit li.lUi * i IH i\« r evowl »}i rout: 1 1 die n:tru»'t j;ate S mctlimjf in t’-it. r ‘Sunnv, dmTt your fntlier «i*!i to siibsenbe 1.. r :i perio.lic il ‘No, sir, h«* tiiki s one already.' ‘Wlnt i< it ;1 ‘Webster's Mmnnnc. He jn.t bi* name down I. l st w.-« k.’ Whni\ i. it wo ma. v llt ink of wo mans rudit to vote and loui'dato, there can lie no ddp itino h< r to 'bare' arms, and the (n< Iticr, lbo b< 11» r and nioio irresistible 1 Ins is the riirbt descended from Nlotli r K*o. I'm ren S i an> A mv.—According to the coninmnicatimi of the S cf't n-y ot \\’ ir, the S an liii_ r army ol tiio I nit e l s, in rej; nieiits, numb rs over 1; J,»)i m t men, of win mi ia -re than 1 J,i Kb • an- enlaced in |ootcc itlir the frontiers against the deju dalior.s of hostile In dians. kww v <amwm rt-r-t..<» ■ rjr-s • M'VILLI-: A 1 >\ KKTISK.MKNTS. N i: W fid All AN 1» TOBACCO STORE. \\V-l siil,' ll -Ti-i-t opposite Hie the llmiu lions** M. / i sn i. in, < i r.. ~\7i7'z2.x. SlinvlA..7y ci? 00., I'.SP 1( ill hI. V ANMH'Ni l. T » Till’, ITII. I< mill Tin; Titlin' Unit till) li!i\i> COM iiinil) ini baud, mi'l I t sale, til Hie lowi'sl marl.*, j.rif.-s, a ( WJIOKKSALK AND UK TAIL, \ luri;- mill <*:ir«o >ll> s *1 storU of < uj {!i«* Choicest l{rntnb, ; \i wll ns I ho. <■! . t'lie 1 1 ter o tin I ity ab. il.\l. It I ur.'iit ua.i; im on or i’o, mi in short, w Im'i i r may Is- lomul 111 any similar eslal lirlun.uil in CaKAoniii. A I. 'VC KM’KKIKN’iT. In the business. wo f*-*-l as-uroil h ill. w lon conum-Ji 'l wti h I It \lll ij I I- * 'lt WARD I>KA I,INC, ns |o nive KNTIItK SAI I SI-'A' TON to those who may favor >is w ilhlhelr pa!- romixu e jr'l'(ir\Tl!V TI! M»KUS supplied la |n r rent, less than a! ~n otln r house in the Slate, May flille l ily hi. Is. ti . jvKHf DRUGS ! DRUGS! PEGHAr/I & PHESBURY- Enijnrr liliif/f , .Min 3 W AVI', Itei -iveil per Clipper Ship. “S S Hishop B H a Inri'e ml I well a-to ll tin otce of Dlil (is, M KDICIN’Ks an.l IM-LR FLIMKKV U’hicli they < ff-r for Sale ill the l.owest Market IVjces, .ltd to which they in ile utlenlloii, Tai lane Acid, Uicarbonuto oj‘ Soda, ♦Siiinfill Ji T per Cmks, Uies- K-d Hops fa- d Saj;'-, I>ll oi Sar-ajiai ilia, Kv L'-iimii aiu IV an lUt, Ir c-ts of Strawberry, XiyW a varii iy «»l ariiru s hmit. I ♦ » ilu* M«mnla»n I r nil*, nrc iimvv in S|«»rf, iiii'i u ill .*» nvu l»y ((iiarUTl) -dIMMIHMIt * t r«i ill N*'W Vllfk Milt! URII i' I'l |ttl 111. IMd.I:AM a PKI.SIU UV, A i>«irif'* N liuplrr # . WALKER. WILSON & Co. i»i:.\u;us in 9T APT V A*?nS?ATSPY TOY GOODS, CMnlliinil, Moots, Liolirs* and ( HII.UUKN s allots, HOtslhUV, &C., lied side ik st near iml st ?larystiiie« n r 11.1. I\ f.I.C '"V - I'A NTI.V ON ll A NO, ll f«H u,., f 111,.,,' ~ 1, ;■ I their line, mid »»#W respect lolly -> licit a share nf public pal rnnnre I’urlieular .ilenaoii pan! toorih r- 'rotn thuc'iunlry ITKIMA-s 11. WALK UK, JAM US C. WILSON, .JOHN Jl. MASON. fch 2-12-tt J\. CARD FROM THE WESTERN HOUSE fBAH K I'M>K.ItSIC MU w i»h<w in inform the trav- I ell-K I Ill'lic mid the citizens of Marysville. Ih»l „p,, r tin- dny all business connecl«“*l with Ihe tlot*) deparlin* nl will be carried cm t>v Ihc u*e of IiCK- K*l i 4 * r*»Uow»: M V P. I & * 1,( me INC OO cts. 7 Acts, and 11 kxmii.y ROOM* *1 ( M ' r (,! i>- A ticket for l*ay Hoard, by the week, will be Sid, payable iu » Ivaiice . ... \ Ticket for l>»v Hoard, with Kodtrtne. by tho week, w ill I «13, fda. and US aixordil.K to w ires lion of room. _ . . The Proprietor hopes th*H«* RediiclK'b* will »*■ nr.asrly appreciated by tlie Ihibhc. The style ©I business as hef.uv. The addition of a uood Hall* ]l.mis** slmv ; Saloon, with the advanliufe ot the office ilf the C.liforniu staao Company, willi ever* other convenience for the traveler, will. I think, in sure to -liepublic, alllhe needful convfortaof a borne In connection with the above,the proprietor deem* h, Hies'lulel necessary to state distinctly that he cannot, be huU uui. uur tax* '• not. ui any one. male or he male, i?ive the thghtat or thnrltsl credit. This is not personal: it t»if. oeral I hare rather impose I upon lately, awl J w»ah Ui protect lit. in.ere*is of my creditor*, as will •» my own. E.B. MI’RRAI MarysTilU-, July I*. 1856, NTMIUTv r.'