Newspaper Page Text
OROVIEEE DAILY BUTTE RECORD. VOLUME I (Dnniillt Huh\ Iktft Jltcort. DMU (m:\imvh kxokim kd) by GFO. II CHOSCTTE. ♦♦ f OrrifK 11« ||f*(!or I It illdiii'* nn V. kit hfiwtM* j Monii;om<f v ikMil Bird, olovillr. -4 Victim*—Vfiif IVr Mini ?1‘ * i{} monili*. «lr» y ,|M 'i lirii* niimihi do 5 Ihdi v**ri*d l>y UarrltT, pi*r \W<»k r>(» WKHKIA’ lit; I i*7: UIX’OIU) —- For clri' il ilimi 1•( i► minin'.' nifrii nilurnl illi 'ri •!< n| 1 1 in runny, ».: >1 rout tin Ihr lorn) inn I irmifrnl ),irv< j 1 1In* rk. iiH<*r*iMTsr<l v ili intiir.-.lliiC ml*- coll i n‘on« To idfnj inallrr II will cont ain twenty »<• ilit riiliiififi* ofrrntinii muttff. nn-l will In* ■ iiv «f Jim 1 nnfi iilirnffil Wrrkly Sew-puper -1 in tin* t-' ii , l’ntili*hr«l rviTv Satnr.lnv Ti run —%\ per Ann tin : «ix mfiHlik. Sf; three itmith* .Si. AIIVKKTiIIKMKSTf .per Mtpllire l< It'll D lltft or ll iiiirrliori. ..... h.ich intetmpieht tr»etTlon,. ■ *1 M' ; ~f*~ \ 1 1iti.ruI ilpilni'tloii will hfitnmlc In fuvor of lh‘lll* wild lilt Voft 'lt** lt> I Ilf Vinr JC li II i i Ill'll r; i rill I Ilf Tli'ii on i*f afinillhle lITIHS, Jljjpnt* lor the Unite Record. henry KFi'.rm,... .ni.iw.ii •VilnM \s li'iVCK Merrhnnt ft Sun I rain'i»ro X 1,, sum, I» slri'd. Mnry.i ill.* X I). I’M;M Forlifflown M'HITEit NFT THU. City j K. I M K«(»N ■ Doi'lmvul ;,KVI SMITH Thtimpfon’i Flnt DU imnniKUTON Ilroihfrioii’* sioiv. i \Mi;s TROlTillTilN U v in.l illf .1. SIIIRVVIN Nflion Creek. I’lntini <’o JUDKINS &. CATR Vall.-y M. t’KNl’T. Mffilln Vi.11.-y. Tim •*!{,.rortl’’ run !>»■ promml from any nt tin* ‘above nniiif'l Airenif, wlm iff nl«o miiliori/.eil to r« •<tf ivf ail .tTiiirnif nti anii orilrn fuf -I' .ii ork M’VILIiK AI)VEIM'ISEMENTS. KKW (I Hr AII AND TOBACCO STORE- West siil. 1 I) »Ireet, o|i|Hiidte Ihu the Ilium House M.IK V S V 11.1. K , <ll.. Wm. S'.iarkcy tfc 00. T« ■> IXIMCriTI.I.Y \NNoUNtT, T»TIIK ITIt- L'fc/ Mr mill TUB TUVHK, tin*l Imve eon mainly on hand, imd for sale, ill lie’ luwesi nturftita prices, at W lIOI.KSALK AND UKTAIL, A lariD* nml carofally wlochml stork of ( iic;i:s, of the (’liwicost Itramls Ah vvi'll jih tiuixi' of a rlioji|»t*r nullity ; aNo KVLUV !>»•>!»; \Hl.r, HUAM) Ol I oil\rro, in nmn, wli.ilr\ r may br I’ouinl in any similar« MaDlHlonout in ('.ihlonui. \ 1.. *N : i:\pr.Uirwr in fho I wo 1* I n^Miir<>«l v ill, win'll roiiiHTii'il with si U\l l • 1 11 !•' \\ \t: I > jn: M.IVC, cnaMo '1- to I\i\ '■ r.N VVi\\ sat ISI A< Tii).N lu Hume wlio may iav«»r as with tlmir pat ruoM.'f, I rvHf'NTfjv Tit XDi'.tH Ir,1 r , p#*r •out. loss than tit join otlmr lioiim* in thr Stair, Mayrynvillo July 10, 1-■ t» . jyllMf WALKER. WILSON & Co. IM’.M.I IN' gTATrv k_J uL* juUi A r*. TTI r C\ rr^, rr :^ n A<■\9i \ & n ' > v ) K f <\y -j i tXjl dj i it' Diij «AJ Jl» jj u GOODS, Clotlmiir, Hoofs, Lmlios’ anil i'iiti.u>:UN'S snor.s, iiosu.hv, &c., Writ side I). Ht near stnd >t Marysville. ■» « ” |I,I, KKi;i’ ' i\-'T \NiI.V ON II A N I*, 11 full f V nssornneid. oft.oods ut ilu ir line, mid would respectfully Milled n slime of (mldie pdronaife — I’iirUeulnr intern ion paid loonli ri in mi llie country TIIo.MAS It. W \ I.KJill, ]AMKS L WILSON, JOHN li. MASON, feb 2-I‘J-tt UIDWKLI. AIIVEUTISKMKVfS BIDWELL BOOKSTORE. fSAH R nndersiijned would respectfully Inform the citizens of Itidwell an * vicinity, that ho li is npened u BOOS AND STATIONERY STORE and will keep constantly on Imml mi ussor nieni ol Hooks. Stationery mi l Pitney A rile lea, of tin* finest nil best quality, amt will bo in Hie receiptor the LATEST PUBLICATIONS, AS soon us issued JJtbhs , School Books, Spiritual , .Masonic and Religious I for let, 11/an/c Houles, (in ttffs or single ).\ bvils, Envelopes, Rupee of all hinds FOR TE-MO.V.HK s, GOLD PEA'S, ./.\ I JUKI /•;R S.v Ir O S' TK.XHOLM's FINEST CUTLERY. Which will !»• sold it Iho lowest rales. I attest At lantic Pupor. ri-coivod hv ovory steamer, for sale • I Kl’KPKtl. Next door to Nnlioiitll Hotel E S COOPER . M D SURGEON, OF KICK— \t the Kye, f ar, and Orth opted ie lufir nrir>. Miss on street, between Second and Third near B lins | im Hath*," S \x PUANCIStai. AH Survictl < iperntions I UP.K to patients present lint themselves at the O ink s, on Wednesdays mid Saturdays, at •Jtj oVloeli, 1* 'l. Medleal men of the City and Pacific Coast, generally, are resjtec'fully iu vield to attend the Infirmary on Clinical days, when ever it may In- opportune for Ihe m selves, mails-if SALK by the Case or Package in quantities to suit. Long bill paper. Legal cop Letter I’aper, Ink Broad bill paper. Fools cap, Note paper. Pen oils, Blank Books. Wafers, Ac &c. Noisy Carriers Book & Stationary Co. 87 Battery fit G 4 & GO Lone W harf. 5 1 in Fnn cisco. C- P KIMBALL. Pres. OROViLLt LODGE, So. 59. I ( »f O. p. meets every V oiwUy evc- Jfs mi in ibe Maronic Had. Bmlhers in good standing are respectfully Invited o attend THOM Ad COLEMAN, N. G. J. M Class, Secretary. OROVILI.E, BUTTE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3,185 G. IU'SINKSS CARDS. r- f. m. ri‘nT HARRIS & BURT. Attorneys At Xjaw, uKiJVII.U.K, 111 m: IHII XTY. t’AI. Mmt* Mrort. w »•*!!* bit*, hHovm Moli!tfcnm*ry I» I . 11l IU hUAMK •. w. win riciv, -- WINTER & CURLING AMS. mil. .-—ln MeUraili'-' Itiiildinp. I) '' ri ' •" •■'•■' "i"! Mint 1 hint* oje m) Yy~f c \ i.M-ii. iin. ii iiwi iiiHi'c, 11 ~ r MARYSVILLE We aim have nnenei; nn ultlce in tin- I ’ > I; 1«» i-k Imville, lluUu I'll , where "lie "I us may lit nil timer lie fiillllil. JAIVILSGRELN PHYSICIAN AM) SIT.GKOX, ■y |).. fmiiiil at ‘Orleans lintel,” when no IVuferMouiklly eni£ iitiil, jy 10*111* J T • ELLIOTT. .irSTK'K OK 'illK I’HACK, (iftiie. on Hint street, between Myers mul llnnlooti. onnrn.i.K, ucttk cocsty Jnlv It IS,«. jyM lf J Y. JONES. CONST A 1 Ha K AND COLLECTOR OK N i )'i lIS A NI» Af( ill NTS. Aim Will r.-ll IVrmnnl Property nil rommisrton limit, with >1 T. Kllioti, Kwj., Hint struct, otnville. July 14, is.’itl, J.vUTf JOHN WII.SON, W M. 11. RItHKKI.I., A, WISANTS JOHN WILSON & CO. A TT‘'IIN KVS AN Ii tt M'NSKI.U IKS AT I,AW. Ist (1.-nr'll, Mercliiiut Si near Montgomery. J G LAWTON Jr ATT’Y & COILVSELLOII AT LAW A Nil <OM MISSION ER mil *! ASNAI 11l SETT* & It. I* I. AND. ft/- (MHcf cornor of Myers mid Montgomery tUrcvts. N II. I uiled Mutes llliH'k, ii|i stairs. , t M tiMH UI, fIUKI.KK (I IIIBBAUI). SMITH &. lIUBDAKD, Attornkvh cc ('ocnski.i.ohs at I/A\v, CII ATI.I.S (i. 11l llHAKO—Notary Public. OlUce. corner of Monluoiiiery & 1 lowuer streets MI sAM II PAULEY. AtTOUNKV t 111 N'M.I.uR AT L.\\V, NOTARY I*l'i KKA I* K>T A I K AOKNT AND i ON VKVAM kh. Orovilliv Mil I It' < y. <- ‘I Wti.i. I'k iuk in all i ftik i Virit i- or m*s Static. A M ZADRS3IiS-, ATT’Y &t't)i NS ML Lull AT LAW OIIOVU.I.E I! I-TTK I'm NTV CA I. IK II R NIA. BABSE-t & EWEIL KtTORM'.VS iv ( 'll NS!- t.I.ORS AT Lwv Ot Kiri:— Corner of M«rr turnery mid Downer streets J. B. WARDEN, M. D. • A Cr.ul i it" nt J. IT-i>"ii Medieal t olliLf. IMiila de!|ihin. Mas 1< k*ii «"l lor I lie (iraclM f Mi- Profession at lleiishaw’s Kniudio T.nltu County. Aiutu-i i:i, is.ii. a«KU-2m* l lIAKI.ES r. Lul l . T. SKXTON LOTT & SEXTON. ATT 0 U N i: V S A T J. \ W, 0.M.. THOMAS WELLS. ATTORNEY VT LAW, out) vi 1.1. k, un-rv. cointv. Ppwial nttfill inn given to Ilf searehing of (Anility ,nlinvestigation of I i'le*. .Ve . mid to Iho draw inir ol Heeds mnl nil In-iniiueKls lor record. Ote in llm Court llomm s 18-45 J. W SCOTT. COUNTY SUKVKVOU Kill! UUTTK COUNTY AND CIVIL ENGINEER. OROVII.I.K. (It ITK COUNTY. CAUFOI NI >n« desiring lii* s. rvhvs will please !• ave t u‘ir orders at the office <«f Me-srs. Harris It Burl. »4ll* KAIL ROAD HOUSE HOTEL AM REST AI'KANT, EUROPEAN I’l AN. No. 4 Commercial mid '* day streets. San I’raaclseo H A LEY ts THOMPSON, Proprietors. M ISCELIiANKOUS. HOWARD RIEDICAL INSTlTUTE tiiicrain. nlo street, next l<> tin* I‘ncillc Mail S S. Co.’s < dike ov« r Wines V Co.’s Express Ofllce. SAN UKANUISCO RCOMS. NUMBERS I,‘d AND fHAIIISt INSTITUTION is founded tor the ctlTe ol II jiyphvlilic »nd scrofulous complaints, mid nil affections id ihe Genital Organs of whatever nature In*tituted lor the express* purpose of in mini.' pro me maladies at the Instanceof many medical ueiillemeii Who have seen with I vain Ihe impositions heretnlore n|ion I how who have l.e. n the viclinis ■>) U ini; advertisements those connected with it are to pursue to a certain extent this means of introdiicma it hi public iMHtce. . . .. . applying for mlvice will find In attendance medictil ability of undisputed skit, in this class of complaints, ami id 1* dealt wi nin Un most honorable and straight-forward innam*’. Kor the pnrfiose of securing privacy to the most delicate, s vend opartnonfs are so arranged that pa me nl- will he hroiutht ill contact with none, bul the Ofllce Physician. . . Those applvlnif to this Institute will the charges reasotedde, ami the treatment superior l.iu! gentlemen who desire l,i become patients without calling at the tixmn vif the Institute, can he attended at their resiliences Communication from all parts of the ctnmUy will lie Btiendrv) in with promptness. and nnsliciacs sent if de*ir**d. by enelosin* a fee of ten dollars No efforts will tie spared to make the Howard Medi cal Insliiate what it purports to las a pfiilanlhriphic Institute. Consultation In English. Trench, t^tmulsh and German. OOk-e hours fror 9 A. M.. till 9V. M. Address, Howard Medical Institute, 118 Sacramento street, San Francisco Offlca Physician, DB. B. McCAfFREY LEGAL NOTICES. SHERIFFS SALE VIUTL’K «»K AN B\Kt:rTloN IHSHKH Ul mu of the .Vinth Judicial District fotirt. In and or the county of It Ml*'. Stale of I'ai.forma, ln'.trlis«f title the 2*ith day of Vliuriot, A 1». ami to me I i reeled nmt delivered, commanding me In make he sum of three hundred him! fifty dollars md fur I merest frnin the ‘JIM day of .tune A I'. 1 in the three hundred dollars |iriitciji:il. lit tlm rale ul lire; pc- cent, per iiinhlh until paid, and for costs of mi. ’axed in Ihe sum of tell iSIUt dollars. Hill lie eridnu eo-ts. nut of the property hereinafter de« eribed, to satisfy the aforesaid judgment, wherein (oseph I'. Smith is riulntiiraiid Jacob S. Morns i* Defendant, In wit: The Metropolitan I'lientre. situa ted in < trox illu, in the coimly and Slate aforesaid, lo cated on iiie corner of tlinitoon ami Idrd streets, trontinif thirty nine (dOi feet on lltintoon street, and eighty il l feet on Itird street. Al.r*tl — all that iterliiin piece and parcel of land situated in Crovilli, ilpldr lownship. Unite county, and Suite of t’ dilor in i. and described on the map ot the Fownot t tro v die. as follows’ I -ots niihmcr one, (li two, i'l > thn e, (di tour, f 4) five, (5) and six, -<»> in block lldr tv six, (hit•; l.nfs ntimher one, )t i two, flit llv♦* tat seven, 7, and eight, H, in block eichl, K; Hols IMimher one 1. two, -J. three, il, loll'-. 4. live, a, MX, li. seven T. and eight, K. in Itlock number ten. in; le ts number one. I,two, three, il. four. 4, five, a, six u, seven, 7, and eight. H, In Itlock number eleven, II ; lads one, 1, two, J. Ihree, a four, 4, live, a -ix. *\ seven. 7mid eight H in block number twelve. 18, Hots number one. I, two, 8, ttree, 11, four-4 five 7. six, h, seven. 7. mnl eight, K, in block nmiiher twenty. 81); I.ols number one. f, two. li. three, 3. four. 4 live, .7, six, ti. seven, and eight, S, in block number twenty one, 81 ; I.ols ntimher one, 1 two three, 11. fear. 4, live, a, six. seven, 7, and eight, s, in block number twenty two, 88; lads nninher one, 1, two, 8, three, I». four, 4, tlv•*, 7. six, it, seven, 7, and eight, K. in block number twenty-three, 83; allot which I will exnose to public sah-. tollut highest liidilef lor cash, at tic- Orleans Hotel in the Town of t troville, on Saturday, tin- »Ulli day of Sepleinher, A. 1). D%Vi, between the hours prescribed It) law. I’. '-TtKK. Sheriff Unite County, by M. A Mel. AI H 1,1 N. In putv. Haled, Ibis 87’th day of August, It. IK.'Ui migB7 id NOTH r—The above stile is hereby postponed lilt Tuesday, the itiuh Instant, at the same hour ami place above niclilineil. V. I-TIKKK. sln-rilf butte t o by M AMi I, At 'till I.IN Deputy. Haled this Bdth day ofS>'picinb.-r, Irtjti. sBu id , r .TIn- above is ht-reiiy postponed lilt Sulurday, the llllt day ol i>c ota-r. \. H lhali, ul the tun- hour .md place above specilled. !’• f, (Sheriff butte < anility. by M. Mi I. xt oni.tN, Deputy. Dated, this the 3l)lh day of September. A H. IK Mi. sfffttd HI *ll Xjl aiitqoj,)‘SMVlir* <ril!M ■||* tt i"ll I" U'.'rtl <1 V *J-'iJUM) ()•>>■ |o Vt p qnr -•'it -pu [-)'(] •Oj,| )*,«- JO |IMH .H )t |>Utt piIVII (ill •jjuo.i Cm in *tn i n moii 4.ip -40 IKlliruO .11111'* XltoD 011.11 «rulo>MJoJ 01)11-'ll v 10410.) |o j.ii Jo \;i •|»3JOI| .1l«p .*t|l 11104) **>P (!4»IJ Jo 'Ollli' ‘oipAiJo )I> iiftoj (HD ill p 'il-i)qiol .imlml u *pjo.i.i}| .1 llljl <| I ((.'lll 111 (>.»lJWl,f|lnt JC| .I*lll- .11)1 IKI|I I*ll v J.lp -HI -II D I[||« (linuojllo.i 11l k lJilo.> pin* lopros J.ipilli •4.quo ip oii«-i • Aiuiio.i .'ini'l Ji*l pirn ill uni' i omq i j,( .U( ijo *fio|.j .I'D ini]l (xj.ipjo J ' 1)10111 *! n pu v •p.u .poo.iii ii-i.ig I'lllinn *..|ii v .i( i jniiMoi pins ni|i in p|;ii{ »i) '<ii;h| i| \ *j-m|•n.*»cl JO <11(1 I) 1.1110).XlllOMl pill- 01)1 io||.* pill! UIIUJ *14110,1 po.s JO »UI*II 01)1 piqi poi.ipjo 4oi)iJiij oi i! po v < ,11110.1 onn;i jo pno (pmo.i oip mi ( j« ncm .on in H. pi "H HIIJ JO —Olll-101 o|| IJIIKIIII.'I pill! Op .(I) 1111(1 (01*1 .1 1 11 p 1 11 1*) iIUMO ' HU H.IO-I AJ.I Ills )0)UI|l ’J| pjll • up (q |>.ij.i.*i .0 Hot( pui) .0)1 U 1 *ojp AO0( MM •io.i.i oji -pjo.njj .o)| puu o..)ii i SO) 0.M011.U qilMloo)‘VpiM*. i llllllJ ooj pilll -I M.uio I O|III|OJ,| 01)1 |ll HlO|,l .0)1 11:■ |) p.i.U.) ip pill! p. lOtpnfpi! 'pooopoo 040].>401)1 ‘hi || •HjUlipillll) <lOOO.l -1! XltlllOO .'1)1 "1 poj.lpll.ll noon Hill) II Ml I ppi iii >0)1 p| 101| J).n4q .ijiili pi in Hiioiiioiiimo.l h pup pun *l4llO, I HI l| | JO .11140) .11)1 |l|OI) <l| .l.lllo! I (I II HI o||l AOJ| I ||| II IIII) .0)1 imp Jl-ii in.iilili! 11 jinn *.(1111111)11.1 4.0)J0 JO ..111 lIIO4J -p4O0O)( -II ll.I.O) (| l|l'« "1 poll 14110.1 -11)1 1" -nu n .up jiii|P|oi| 4") .»ini• 111.■*‘11• • a-ioi) )•• n von .op m nuiplini) on hi o4.ii|i pup !*.III4H0(||||I401)14111 n puv •poo \A jo (|.*411110 p q.1t1.l i-110.l >llllOl| 41-11)I JO Ill's -IM.I <i| ‘.up <q iiiiil.lH4)soi. in o|i|ii|) -1 .our- oi|i iiii|i pm ‘-( Jo.i <;| pin- 4o) <4oj|soi|..p |o o.ii'i'l n-M .'jus ■ oil 0.111 ‘||o,V»p j| 111 IIMO) .0)1 111 lli.O) O *oi| o A 'l') «|'4o . ojj .op i| .i ll \\ iii pun p|.o) iio.'i) si i) ) ino i pin- «i|l i| .ii| m in -ii.i|p'tni| |ooso,ii| oi|i jni)i mo .' | pi - <m in mu i dilii Joi||4UJ II pnn ■ I).. > I O >'!< (UIVMII i ■ | ono;) o uj| *.. i ios (juno i Xt) : mi ■ I 1 <ll |,l\* lIV (10)1101.1 1 III! jo O.II|IT.' 4l||| II! V V| I) \ ‘J.)i|l||o|i|o< JO <l:p l|l llioj (ill •« I I'O s ol|l 4 'll poll oi"i I O ' .' in) I I" I*: < 1111 111 ) .oil ..() in O') I AO.I( unpiop XI- <ll)I )>IIH po.ip'llH) H;s'»o pur-limp opo <| 1 I. .pi '— JO ,<up 1)1.1110) .<IIIOM) .0)1 no ‘i'll' • <lllllO i p. •- ,1. • j pin! ‘-.10-1 *,l i<1 1.-4 jo p4noj| oip lion 1 (I'llio 1 ,1)111)1 4IIJ pill) 111 , .10. . ; , 1 • ’ '* K Ill'll >rj!*l|l;- <lll ", JTMIJ O'l'lll II • <l*p -lip ,\\|i \ 1411",) .')ll')04 ( | ( .*llllll |o <lllllO,l I *VI VU'» lII'. I 111 ’ll Vl •aiiiiio.) .i)tnj) JB! .•")-: •}) .i ,) •1(0-1 V. J—")*>).*! ) ‘o.IIIIO S.JP4 ll)-' 'll" -*r.«i!i| ■ ■X | I'M*! Mlppllip S.4*l.lo\| (411 >|| .1" IH-’4l 111 -pp -...1 >ju nii*i-i (mu ,<lllllO, i “no i\)*|j) ,p< n von oiii u; .*.» l*• o*( ; i o | .(*!>) J 1*11100) 0411 -nilipiMl'l .0(1 l)p « 4.0)1.^ ■o) MllO4 ■ i j i oi poi|- io iinipiiiii) limn- ii ‘“-pi ; ip'pi 14"!- oil" pun ‘looj ,(;.ioj (<) ipiott) p.<v|ii r.nui) roil ) > 1 1111 1 fill'll 04110)) -.40110,1,-0111 I'l* -ll lIAMIII't <l4ooll*o pill. *. 4"1- .*» 1)1).* 01)1 pull |Ol"|| -VP .10,140.1 -1110*1 11 0.1 A\ I*l>, ** 111 IJ40J11 II; I .<(11111*. I -141 111 1 ||.> W pill I" It.u ■! .0(1 111 1*1.141-1 4.0*1 \\ II" p 'l'lllll- HlllplpOl '"ll "I (Ol' 111 '.OJO|II| p'liß oil!) *II|M4 - ini.piioj.ii) pom mi oA"i|ii .11)1,1" jll'AM'l ,(li )>.*'. 1411-0411 -.11,01) .11)1 IIOOAMOI) l). HI ■il \ • jo Xnp iii'.r* **'ll ll" i||4.*ppii| l-oi|h 1) 01)1 OI npis '•»ili|li,l in Okoilx.l ||l «i piltinoiln (.oiA.i| .(Ain) I ‘iniipn.*|.*i| *"|l -i ()4iiM")| <.*.»)• pun [in in* |,| -i 11 1 1*:i.>i j• i iplo-op ii|o4oi| v ■ ,14 *\ pii » ii" jnn -|.4.1,11: -iso.* 01)1 1)11 1)11 ** 40l)|0fl..) *,lll- |" “ 1-110 "4II|(op m- pnn *).) >p -in *> (;i)J )> m hiii))")* ouin (nio.i*) pun p ,4|,mo| .mo jo mu- ot)i .0)11111 in .mi 4ini(inmiliii<i,i •po.ioA||np )"in pin. 1141(1 mu o) l njli4o|i|n.( J" -*in|>s I. in jiii,j| jo (inno i -*li* )-j*i «.•.(, I) • \xl■)!| 4*l )>ii*i iii ‘0.111.1,) *.l|| JO o.lil-H (*'p4"|PN S Ml *|4UO,> -o.ljl -l)fUJO)llo pons.( iioi|i.,io\o tin JO ;j I I ;i I \ ,\ 4, B mvs jjiasiis NOTICE A 1,1, PI'RSOVs hohtiiiu -Mock in Ihe Smith Ki n . % tin r U «!«t i 0., who hive ('lilt'd in pay llicir i——im—i in' I its, iii'i' hrn hv no ill* il that IIIIii“- sill nr r*-armo- ure paid in lull wiihm thirty day- f.tnn the il:,U‘ In-rt-nf, such shares oi .-lock, nr so many * I a*, «Hi In lima—>ary In -a' sty said ai*rl * 11 r , * - Ili | 11,-i-nillllf cmU. * 111 lit’ Si ’ld at auction In the I.IK'I* -I Md*u-r. at the Knjele Hotel, Kurlie stnwn, mi . mlt,i -day, I>l day til lU tn' it next at II o'clock A. M , in inn niaiiiiiT prescribed by Matule. Hv orderol ihoTra-tm-. 3 J. U \KRKN MASON, a««’y. Fnrheitossi. Any. ’• ‘n-*9til notice fIIHEOO-P AKTNEK nil’ heretofore existinst he iwm-a k lind nan. I- his day tllssolvid hv mutual r -a-fill All pfr»ni»ha\iii« Haim-air niisi ilif firm are rmj nested In pr-senl them for payiiu-ul. md those Midi bleu. or. politely requested to cab tni medlately st ill- their account-, of iltey will be placed in Uie bauds of an officer for rt’. P. HUKKMAN. Oroville, Aug tut 3#, augdo-tf LEGAL NOTICES. STATK <>K t'AI.IKORMA, I (•oimt) of Unite. ) r<mrt of Si«t*l(in«. i\V the* il i) u M(i|<ciiriiu! In in) »:(ii»r.iUn>iit it* [ir.iUdllUJ .l ilt.,' 11l tile I nUrlol SeppjnllP Ml II I for llmu* l '.miii y Hi i* tli" tin ml nf Sit|ierM«ira iii. Mill! fur HililJ •'(111 III), lint lIH 111. I Wild) I nil rill dll) Ilf repteuiher. Ali inic tii. iiii hi 1 ulit 1 1 1 1 it- lr*-■ t .'I 'ld ) pi \. (leel.ire ltrio ilie 0» he Ilm ■ nun ) ?-ei#i ol Ituile • niiiit) I nun mill ill’ll r the »m.| Iwi-nly l.uirth dm nl S( |iti- nlicr. A 1< I'.di iii pnri-u hi I'(ifnn \cl entitled All Aft In ("miiiKi mil !i\ I lie ( nit'll) S •il nf 111 In Comity. tit>tiro vi (I Mmeh I th. l“.V’i, nidi il further ii|i|ii nriud in tn\ “ iii'liiclinii 'hat tin* | ir> «i nl huild ini’* in wliich tin- Id I (nun li - Inin In li, iinil in wliinli ilm have been kept u the in n d Kill well, urn nn-ale an a place n| iln|Hi«ilnr) it mul,.. inul itinl Ilm Millie Ip linliln in ilc-irue:um hv Urn. li) rniip >ii nl llmir being inualr'icled i iilircl) (if wood. \nd II fnrtticr n|i(i«*.trl■ iK. Unit Ilivr*' I- un 1 1 (11 Id 11 >Cf in Ilm In* li nl' lliil w. 11. p*i|il;il>l«- (nr holding the lerma nf thi* Courl, mid In p ilely keep lla Utc nr.ip irnni lire nr nllmr calamity, mill il ii| peering that ilm low il nfA imvilln 1* n Hi place to linlil Ilm lerin* nflliu i nnrt, mil 1 1 in t u cniiiiii dioiia mul milt* In ink hudilHg in paid low ii has been tendered Hie County up county ii>l l l( lililTM. Il i« llicrnlnrn. ordered. adjudged mul decreed. tli.i’ the I’lark nf thn ('nun of Snppioui*. iii mul fur Iliitin Comity, forlw till remove hip nlticn mill Ilm Kecnlds Ihnrcnl. In I Irnvuln. in ilm building peieeted I>V Ilm paid llniird of Supen ipnrs na (’ninii y Ilnildin-r-, mi l lluil he in mid Inin*.id the I u-iuc" nf lii* mml iltlee Hi Ilm Inw ii of < trnvilln, up Ilm ( iiilulv t*eat of llulin Comity. And it is furllmr ordered, ltint tin* terms of paid Court, from and after I hi* Mild tweiilvfourlh dm of September. A |i Is.’irt lm held ul lliu mud town nf Urovilln until otherwise nrdnred. And it ip further nrdeied. tlnit the Clerk nl the said Court of Sep-ioim. m mid Inr Unite Cniinl). i'sue mi order under the real ol stud Court, in conformity w ith thin order. And lluil (lieannul lie published in thr Daily Itulte Record, a paper puldl-hed Ml the town ol drovlllo, tor th(i spcce nt fnrly duy s from the dale herenl. II) order of ( nurl. At leal the Inregniiig li true Copy ol the nritlin il or der now on tile in aidd court. Wilne.a in) luitiil i nd the acal of auid Court ft. S ] ol Sessions nllixi d, thin Ilm twenty Inurlti duy ol September. A l> tCili. nl Kulwell, '! I I.RS i II AIM M, Clerk id Court of Sessiona. Ry M.M. Darracii, De|iuty. ol tot ST A 1 II '>!■' CAUI-I »UMA, I County nr Untie. (i County Court. ASvJ’mW iliin iiiiy it it 11] •• arimt to my saitslactinn «*» i.’i Judge of Ihe County Court, in mnt lor Uuhe » onnH, tlmt the Hoard >1 Supervisor# in imil lor said Comity did. on the Jltli day of September, A. I) one Ihoasmnl trie 111 hundred mil fifty six. denpire l irm ille (o Ijh llm Cninil; W.. 1 ol Unite Conn'y from Mint tiller I tie 1-1111 I w nil v - mart hil :iy ol Srpli inner / , 1 1. Ir.di, in ptiroialici* ol mi m l emitieil An Act In change unit lix tlie County '. tit of Unite i minty, :i|»|*r< >v. -f v.iin li I til It Is;, ; in it it lunlier n j»j ,ci. rI m r lo my »nli-fnelio|i tlmt the present buildings i i whigh Hie'iml Conn tins lieen held. and in whicit the lleeords 1 1 n\• ■ le en Kept in tile town of lliilwell. are nil' fe lIS II pt:n fill' po-ilory tor shul lt< corits. nn»l tlmt Hie siiine is Itii’ile to tie Irncli- II tiy lire. by re.isi.n of Ilieir Uec g o n. sirncleil i nliro of woo,l. Ami it fnrtner appearing I hill I here 1“ no led Ming ill the limn el Iti.lM •II ano able lor bolding the linns of t bis Court. Mini to - 1 ly Keep its from lire or other c damn y, mid il appearing I hat Ibe tow nol tine tin* is n lit pl.i. - to 1 1 0..1 the terni* ol this I otirl. mol Hint a safe unit coin modioli lirn'K Iniihlmg in saiil n un has been ten . ereii tin- ...imi'y to counly Innl.lnnr«. Il I, ll.erelore order,*d, aitjl.dg 0 11111 l lh ITi ill I till* he I 'lei All lie ly I ■' if 1 for life i.iiniy, 11.11 hu e h ren m e los i fflee anil til • lleeords there i, to i 'r.■> ilh'. in the bn luilig selec eil by the anl ■ Mtiiri iol S. i per\ i sor- ti aCt 11 1 i, y 1* oht iii. uni I ha Ihe ill! amt t an-ml ibe hn-im-s of h j--mil ..(11 ... it lie town of i IrnMlle. ns the County ~eal of limv i o ill,\. \ml il IS fnrlher ordered, licit the ti nils of .tml i ban. from timl nf< rlhe smdtweiity l.imlb iltiy ot Seplenihi r. \ il 1 - h. h*' ie M at lie.' siml tovvnol r. x tile Inti II o'hi rw ise or len I \nil il is fnt'it..-r onlrre I that tin* i h-rk of Ihe i (tic u Conn in ai 1 1 nr I elite County, is- ne nn mil' i ,ial r’lhe seal 01-alii Conn, in eeinorinily with Ibis order. \nd that lb* 1 same be publish cl 111 Ihe Daily llnlle It'laini. a paper pnhhsheil in the Intvii o' nroville, lor the spin'., ol loi n days lo in fl.e clti'e In nml lly nnler ol lln I'onrl Vit**sl ihe lon going a true copy nl the original nr tier now on (tie in my <lie e U j'm-s nil band and lliesmil ol said Court I l„ S ] afliv .1 this tin :M,li Hay ol S pleniher. A. 1). 1 s.nj, tit Indwell. Mll.f.S CIIA PIN, I has oi County Court. Py M 11. Darrai n, Depniy. si All'. "I c V lII’ lUNI A, I Colllilv ot It. tie li N i NT!I II Hit I \l. lIU*TR'CI corIIT. it is dal il npp* mug to my -int-lael i"ll, as Jn.lae 111 H e Nin'h .Imlieml i jstricl i lino in 1-el lor Unite Conn >. that Ilf Unanl id Supervisors in and 'nr -a" I Conniy, die. on tin- iweuly-fourth day o| Sepleinh. r. \ |I ' lie ItioilAand eight him in 1 Mini li.ty -ix, ih i* are inmville to la* Ibe Cmmly se I id Unite Cmmi \ trout and ;.f er die said fweiily-lonrtli ilnv id Septeinlier \. D In pnr.-n ne eid nAi l i nii'led \n \cl In Change ami IK the ' oiimy S. at . I |iiu,l,. County approved March imh Is li. and il fur i|n*r aiij leariii’-f *o inv sa'isi.n*tion that On* present buildings in wh et tie saiil has been held, and in übn h llm' huir tn*. n kepi in tin* town id lUdwell, ar Ull'idi* aa a pi ice id depository f r--id Records, and Unit the smile 1“ liable tn desiriielion by tj,e 1,, re son id their helm.* constructed entlr ly nl wish).' And it fur her appearing- that den* is no biiiidniL' In tin* town of lliilwell mutable mr bolding the term* of ibis court, and lo -afely keep ns Itecords I fom (ire nr oilier calamity . and it dppe that tin town ol Or villi* is a fit place In boh I llm term - of Ibis Court, and licit a cominodi ns me! sale brick build im,’in said town bus been tendered On* county as co iiny i>Mi tin ir«. 1' is then-hr'- nr h-rnl. mllmlifi-fl unci drcni-d. that Oil' ( Iff nl tin- N>111• J'Hiuiiil Im-lnct 1 <mri in anil Cm liuiid (-minty »or liwilti n ninvf lit.« i-lli' i-m il tin* lli-tnnl iluti ni. In (Inn Hi 1 , in tl'n Imi i lil ■ ntr si-li-cii-d 'i\ lln- nanl Hoard nf “iiiu-rvia -r* n» c'niliily Hull limp. Hint In-iln ninl Imiiwu-l thi- Inisim si of ho--mid ollli-*, ul the- town of (h-i vil!i-, n-lln-Cimmc -Vul of llnlt*< ('• iiutty. \icl il I- fnrlln-r ordi-ri d. that the if-rmn of d iiit (’imrt. Irn.ii and utv-r ilm mud iwi-iny. I-siir/ti iluv nf M ptrinhi-r. A. I>. I'-■*C. In ln*ld nl lln -aid town o’ Or-ivillo. nnlii othi-rvrim* ord- n-d And it i» fiirlln-r nrdiTi-d. Ihut (In- Cli-rli nf (In- Did trii-i Cnurl in ml tor Huili- Ciinnly. i»«m- nn order, nndi-r the- teal of raid < unrt. in i-ottfiirinily with this ordi-r. And llml (In- mum In- |nilili«hril i- tiip [in y It-ilti lit CURD, a |vi pi-r )hil il -ln-d in Hi*- 'inn m nn-ville, f r lln-»pnn-i lf• «r:> «! •>*» non tin- ?1 h In-re--I (liven nmii r my hand, tli'» '.Jlih d«> nf A. I>. Ir.jfi. \VM i‘. DAIN I IM II'U). fti-Tii-t Jude*. s'lM'ti Nlnili .Imllcinl I) •irji-i, Cal. NOTICE I g ny-TT I’.isY 01\ ►X. all whom i! msv jUCi-rn II «l !h*-nmlrr-isiiod willm-Vi ni-r .. inn ’ - In* c urd nl siiji* rv ; *i’fs i f 'I n 11 nid) ui Hutii-. nl the n filter ni'-rl lif f sill l.oun*. I t In- hold U! < >nivill« in mud n nolv ■ • ' ntm ■ n lln- fin*" Vo- dav in N -v»*im i*i-r next. I--r u ln-*-nw innOrl' *h ■m; kit) a 1 i-rry n-n»« CtHli-r r ter, In point km.wn i*‘l<nl pi Ranch'ra.’’ nn • riling over ki-*- mile nhove Me* Oonni'ir* Fi rry in smi 1 inuly ■i' mm OnivilV m-|)| 2ii,ld'll I*. Y. 11*1 K. lUrrik tlt CRT, Ally - * for Applicant. •tto-lX LEGAL NOTICES. toiler of .Ijr'tllraiion for Pardon. ST AIT OK C’oltMA, I <n . t HI'S TV OK MI’TTK S ' TV ihr ll'iUixnl' 1 ' ./ f. .V /.r<ri>. f‘rr» 'i ‘*g J» I•* ■ #,» '■' "t Smtinn* in not for 11 , ,t ' ('u flint ./ ,/. K 1 in'*, /Us-'.of 'Vrese ft .rt ill I'f i, ii . 'CK'ilhi: l< HKIIKItV 4:1 \I A THAT AN M’ ial (1 1 !. :. 1 1 <• n will lif Ml ilf to 111- I'Affll. ■>, I. Neely .I.*liii -■ *i.. (Joorimr of llif M ilo ol < illtortna. fuj the ii i-d mof Hear* I ip u >ll. now a pri- at- r to ;lif Slide's IVi-on. « 1,.■ was t'oiiv icled in the < onri "I St '“loiim, ot i* ** i 111 1 1 w ill) Intolit In too i ion i a nr, n said toonli ol Unite, mill on llio ■ I. *I ' i of \ Io_' |sl. if 'O' 'III 1 : 1 ,. ‘r. • I mill llfty six. 1 1 "fit i sentenced to two years imprisonment in tin' Soil' "« I’n-oii. ill W \ll i;.MAS. We ilo herehv neknowledare service of llio loreco iliK nolifo, ill Kidweli, tins lloiil tinv of September* A. D. Isod. TTIoMAS WKLI.S, Act ins District Attorney in said cause. JiM li. N, I.KVVIS, County ini'! I’ro'i'linii .Indtre of tin* Court of Session*. A iiim Tin - fiin-uointf i« n (run copy of itic «»riyti nnl Notice, now on lio- in nn o tiro. U ilness my hand find Seal, this September Till, A D IH.irt. MILKS CHAIMS. Clerk. Member Alb lAiifi sti-.snt OFFICE OK I I!K HOARD OK SU PERVISORS, IN’ AM) KOlt RI’TTK COUNTV AUGUST TERM, A. I) IssfiG. Miowtctx. Ainnist l.’Uli, ISAO. In the Mit/rr nf the Division of (tphir Township into School Districts. T S oliliSUl 1> MV TilK BHAKlt—That Oplilr Township ho mill lioroliy is divided into School 1 n.wlrlcls us full ws to wit: IUSTHRT NO 1. Commencin'.; ul t Mirer M nrrny’s lionse. on the hank of Kent her n*er. Hi nee up u Itnvine or Slouch, to Dry Creek, thence up Dry * reek. lukiiic ihe nchl liiuiil fork ef raid Creek until the line strikes the lino of itidwell Township msmirr no. Connitencimt Ml Oliver M array’s homo, on the hank of Ki iitlier river thence rnniiiiiu in it sir aitriit line hy. mid im in lini? the I‘rnine House, until it strikes the VVvandoiie Township line, thence down the line tif District No. 1. In Ihe place of heifinnillk. DISTIiICT NO. 8. Shall embrace all Ihe remainder of ftphir Town slop mil in* - hided in either of ihe llrsl twn districts. Attest: a true copy. M I ITS t 'll ATI N. < 'lf rk of 110 ird of Supervisors. My M 11. IVirrach, Dfpoiy. mu. Midwell, Se OFFH'F. OF r.<> \RI* OF Sl I’KR VISOIJS IN VN I > FOR RI II I: (M)ITN I V, .vrorST 1 KKM, A. I>. Is,h>. An. Mint HI, l-CO. . In the runthr of the Division of fiulfr County into Su/u i I'isor /nsft irt*. ST j v (11; 11 1,:; |llll \ iif iimir IHi it (ruin in id nf'rr _ I 1 1 l!•' I•< r<-< >1 I lit- b •Mllilnrii- Mill IHIIIIti- Is td' •hi- -up- r\l-- rl> rn '■ I n 11 lit*•* Count} vliall !>«' as tiiilow s, lo w i '■ DISTUICT NO. 1 Shall Im- coinll im •i oi i. iiini r .i - it i- I‘i'U M-lii)iH of (Jro, V% yand-'lle. Hid w f‘l nd \n-unlaiii Hjir-n.:. di<ti:i< r no. i 2 Sh di In- rofilti do a. I i llu- tnWII-ldps ~f Hamilton, l.nrika : o-l • i| liir. I)I>TUK 1' NO :! SI ini I I'l* ruin oi -- •1 id n■lin - 1 irnrr (hr 1 1 iW n-l -ip- of (in- on in d t\i n ii- w i t.n u A lies); n true copy. 'HI 1 ~ (II M * IN. rli rk of I'n.iol • | Siij rm-nrs. I’li'' II I >»R I* *- n. I’■v il \ t'Jb.k-dV iJ -i VIC*U %JiiTl' ll i- Im-. l.i .i n ((oil lln- iiiii|«-i>-lin -I . N will apply In (In- Hn -r-1 n( Sii|n-r\ i-ors in oi l lor ilnlli- Cmmiy. HI iln-ir mxl rami .r no mu', fur ii l.ici ni.,- in run a I-• • rr > :ml lindiii- arro-.- tin- Middle f ork of Vil In rl!jv . r. a lew nils uhovi lln ( inetinlt nl tin- Non Ii loi k nl i*!ml nvi r - V I.V Hr- 1 KU I*. fCA V Act’, Hidwi 11. Auk ii. I*. ii. i lll " 1 if Oil NTV Tl. HA.*I 1:1‘I: - 1 H I lv,K. I Hum t i., July I- li. 1 H.iti. \ mrnTK'K i- InTi-hy tin o . tlial nil |n r-nii« holding ,Al lliilh- <• >• 1111>* |hi>: im- Irmn iln• im in - ml fund, n-Li-'- n d Ini wei-.i I eiirnary !• 111. IK n. and \l v “111 IS .li. that lln- *lllll- will In- redei med mi ptesentiilinn. nl inj nlllcn. And linljin I* furl her -rm n (hat (milt and iifti-r tins dale, said warrants will cease lo lit-ur inn ii AVI I, 1,1 AM I.ATTIMnItF, Treasurer oi Hidle Homey, NOTICE NOTK’I’ is hereby given, Hint the undi-miciipfl W ill apply In H.i- 1- n nd of mipi rvisnrs. in and f--r Unlit- ( niiiiiv. at ii* November Term, A. I' IKVI, nr aw *llOll t-i r-'al -r a* n|j|> ll4‘lit iou Will bn Innrd, turn Itii-lfji-nud lurry l.iciuse nern-s Sn-ilh I lather lini-r, hi nr nt-Hr il-jiinrlinn wnh the North Fork ol Ki-iiiln r Kivor. In liidwi II town-hip In salt! county. September do leoo IIOKKHTT. VAN NOUbr.N. n-'w ,10 -1,1-11 F, N.I.F.VA 18. CLUTXON t BAIIF. CO-1* Alt I N KK-illl* lierelnlnre rxirtin? be Q iwi-.-n lain- - li. I'.ras* and J- im 11. Ki ituiK- i* tin- d u di-soU ed In in nl na I consent. AII - • bis due (hi* Imiv Urn mu. I h-- paid In James H Prs-s. wI in limn- ih iiutiuirizt-d In ;-t-Hit* Halin' of lln- Him In iijiiid -’ mu. A I demands i Hie hie llrm <if J It. K'-uliliK iCo . will Hi ( aid by .lainet- 11. brass, J \ M CS 11, Hit Am*. JOHN U KfcAVIMI. Oroville, AiiKUSt 10, IPOfl. aiiKlb-tf NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION fBA 111 '(i-l- \ IiTN I'. Its* I lII* (In e'nfnrn exi-ling be- I tween ihe mid'r-urned. W: » di-Knlvi-d h) HIM* Innl cnii*enl tmtheHllml Sepleinbtir. le.'ili Tlie p«rlner*lii|i Itn-ii e»t will In- m-Hletl bv It. N It liven Id'n, at Charley's H •!- bid A IN, i>. r. k«m;i it-*. <Tmrlev'« Itnnch. Pepi II lAifi. rIJ-Im the sovi:hkk;> people s OF ALL PARTIES 4 PK lIKKKHV CAl'TloM H \* >T T< > F< HtCF.T in'll- li.-hI ofpniit .-.Hal the DKl’c. HTo lib iK RANDALL & WcDEBIWOTT Hus been removed (till new lire Prut if brick I’nild • imf on -lontK 'm-rv nlr**i. lirtt I nu»e nlaive llurw io-ui’s wln-r will Ins I Ind the imifeni, cheapest, iw HiPfji l)f DriiKS Mofllrlne*, rnmittifn*, is In Voitbtfn a |{KMF.'** I KU I\\\ PI,ACF and Ih> Pur* f«» chII »*• f i urch Augtial ‘^7 NUMBER 71.