Newspaper Page Text
(Drouillr Juiiij 3ktle Jlcroib, oio: n. crodkttii, Editor. Drotlllf, Friday, October 3, lv>G, SAIIOVU. DEWIIUATIC NOMINATIONS. FOR PRESIDENT, .1 A3l KS lIICII A NAN, OF PKNNrtYI.V AMA FOR VICE PRESIDENT, *;jOIL\ e. BKIX KIMtIDGE, OF KKNTI’CK V. BEiKKRATU STATE TtikET. run pkksiuk vn, i. klrctonr. AlTfirSTlX OLIVER A, I*. DELLA TOKRA, OEO. FRKAXOR. A. C. BRADFORD KOR CONOUKSg, CHARLES E SCOTT of Tuolumne. JOSEPH McKIBBEN of Sierra. KOR CI.KRK OK HI PRKMK t’Ol'RT, CHARLES S, FAIRFAX of Yuba. KOR *ll KKIIINTKMKKNT OK PUD I 1C ISSTRCt TION, ANDREW J. MOULDER,. .ofSun Francisco. Regular Democratic County Nominations. roil MKMUKIIa OK AS sK M 111. V, JAMKS S LONG, 11. MOIU!ISON. UOR JOHN II LILLAKD. FOR |*I'DLIC ADMINUTKATOR, A. C. MOUSE. FOtx . oRoNKR DU J. 1». 1511 OWN. Walking Fiat. Mr. Kennovan, the American Pedestrian, commenced his wearisome task of walking for one hundred consecutive hours, at ten o’clock on yester day, in presence of a large number of cili *cih of Orovillc. We dropped in after he hail been going an hour or two to see how a person would look who intended to travel without cessation until ten o'clock on Mon day Ho goes in to win. and appears confi dent of his ability to perform his self-im posed task. Theatre —Last night, Kotzbue’s beau tiful tragedy of Pizarro was performed to a good house, notwithstanding the attractions which were going on outside, in the form of a Republican meeting. Mr. Brown, ns Kolia, received his usual share of public ap probation, while the acting of Miss Annie Smith, was done up in her usual pleasing style. Altogether, the performance passed off to the entire satisfaction of those present One Asa Uubiuson, was ac on the Llßth ult, for stealing a Colt’s Kevolvcr, valued at jjvlO. lie was tried be fore Justice Wright, of Chico, found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of £2O, and 00 days imprisonment in the county jail. After his arrest he opened his carpet sack, took out a letter and commenced tearing it in pieces. Demanded a receipt when he forked over the £2O. From the signs of the man, Judge Wright thinks he is an old one. lie bad on bis person, a Bowie Knife, with the name of W. W. West, on the silver in the handle. The Republicans of Yuba County lately held n grand mass meeting in the Marysville Theatre ! An appropriate place for them to play their farce! They un doubtedly opened with Greeley Beecher’s Tragedy of Kanzas.nnd closed with Madame Beecher Stowe's beautiful farce entitled “Topsey.” The actors failed to draw, and the management gave up the House after the first night. Lola Montez. —This distinguished lady is now playing at Sacramento. There is a report here, that she is about to visit Oro ville. We are confident that she could com mand large audiences for several nights, were she to come, and we sincerely wish she may do so. P »sl history and recent events, have de clared her to be a woman of extraordinary mental endowments and as such, she can but attract the admirers of genius and mer it the approbation of every lover of the drama. Cardinal Patrizzi and the Ladies.— Rumors are afloat, says a Paris correspon dent, that so far from objecting to the hare necks and arms of the ladies, which caused such scandal in the church, the question having been put to vote, the cardinal had decidedly given as his opinion that “there was no reason why the necks and bosoms, which God bad made, should be concealed In God’s own bouse ” Thanks to Garnham for Marysville Inquirer, True Californian, Sun and Herald. one of the Know-Nothing nominees for Member of Assembly from Butte County, was nomiuhted for his supposed availability, and the other, Mr. Barber, wc suppose for his known unavailability ! This loaves the Know-Nothing party in a position to play the game low down, and by a species of po litical bad faith, doubtless well understood by both nominees, they expect to secure otic Member, and thus tie up the county in the important measures upon which the next legislature will be called to act. They expect to he able, by this manocuvering to prevent the voice of Butte County from be ing given in favor of two Democratic U. 8. Senators. They know their niter hopeless ness of electing their Know-Nothing nomi nccs by a fair expression of the voters of Butte County. They know that their polit ical creed, has become‘‘a stench in the nos trils” of the people, and have, therefore, changed their name to ’‘Fillmore men,” ta king care however to nominate a regular Know-Nothing ticket. 'Jhis will enable tin m to approach our foreign voters, and, perhaps, their misrepresentations may in duce a lew to vote their regular, proscript ive Know-Nothing ticket. This they will endeavor to do, and even now boast that they have Irishmen in Ctheir “Fillmore Club.” But this game they do not consider a safe and winning one. They fear total defeat, even after having shed their odious name, for they arc the same snake, only having crawled from their last year’s skin ! Feeling, and knowing that they cannot suc ceed with their entire ticket, they are wil ling to play for half the loaf, and having nominated one available man, whom they desire to cleet, they nominate for their sec ond candidate, an unavailable man whom no one expects to see elected, and then they have their wires set for a rip into the Deni cratic ranks. They arc now prepared to trade off Barber to secure a vote for Lathrop. This was the game practiced upon Mr. Bar ber when he was a candidate before, and in their desperation at the certainty of total defeat which now awaits them, it is believed they w ill do it again. The ticket appears to have been nominated expressly for that pur pose. Wc would caution Democrats against this movement. It would be giving them a mem ber, when by adhering to the straight tick et, the Democracy of the County will make a clean sweep, draw black lines around the "dious and proscriptive doctrines of dark lanternisui, and write over theCayote holes where their council fires once burned bright • ly, expunged from the annuls of Butte County. It is not their best man that they consider “available!” Mr. Barber is (ar superior to Mr. Lathrop, in point of ability, in bis knowledge of the wants of the county, ins acquaintance w.tli the people, and his long residence in the county. Mr. Lathrop ha the advantage of being an old politician and of having represented the States prison county in the Michigan Legislature— has presided at a meeting addressed hy Gov Foote—been closeted with him. and is, there fore “available!” The Know-Nothing Foote party must consider old settlers and per manent residents of Butte County only a* lit subjects to elect roving, hungry, raven ous, demagogues and political tricksters to llicc Omen Sh kkinw the Man. —The Hon Alphcus Felch, late one of the U S. Land Commissioners, resident of San Francisco, has been nominated as the Democratic can didate for Governor of Michigan. On the Olh of August be formally ami pos itively declined the nomination, and on the day following he addressed a telegraphic de spatch to the convention assembled at Bron son Hall, Jackson, confirming that determi nation. Vet the convention, notwithstand ing. conferred the nomination upon him al most by acclamation on the latter duto. The Michigan Argus says : “Even our opponents are forced to con cede the claims of the entire ticket. The Detroit Tribune says the nominations are the best the party could have made— we U'k no better recommendation even from a Democratic paper.” The Argus seems to be very confident of the election of Gov Felch. and from conver sation with some Michiganers in these parts, we think the office will yet find the man. We neglected yesterday to thank Watson of the News Depot, for full files ot Atlantic papers, lie reminded us of our neglect last evening by supplying us with Sacramento and Bay Papers. lie never forgets. Withdrawn.— lt is reported that the Uepublicans will withdraw Tom Cox from the Congressional race, and put up, Rev. M. C. Briggs, of Marysville, or A. A. Sargent of Nevada Tom fights—the ethers preach. The lan lie* In a Nut Shell. A national whig of Alabama, U W. Walk er, in responding to an invitation to attend and address a Democratic mass meeting., states the issues in the pending contest with a degree of conciseness and clearness that we have rarely seen. Here is an extract from his letter : “Believing that the Democratic party is the on/// national party now in existance. md that upon its success in the present con test depends the preservation of the tights of the South, if not, indeed, the very rxis tn"re of the government itself, 1 leal it my duty to forgo all old prejudices, forget for mer differences, and give rny earnest support to the nominees ol the Cincinnati Conven tion. It 1 were asked to name the fundamental principles w hich lie at the basis of our gov ••nimenl. and on which our free institutions have been built, us a house upon lis (onndu ions. 1 shouhi answer, the njuahty of the Stale* which compose the I'a ion. anil the i i/uulily of the citizens who constitute the tales. The first of these pi ineip rs is dt* nied and assailed by the black republicans; the second, if not openly controverted, is at least insidiously attacked by the know ooihiiigs. The errors tit these parties, then, (if the terms tic not too mild.) are errors of fundamental and vital principles, menacing m the one instance, the civil privileges and the religious liberty of the private citizen ; and in ihe other, the sovereign rights of'he States and the existance of the Union. The Democratic party atone , of nil the organiza tions now in the field, maintains and deten Is both of these essential principles, and thus, in my humble judgment, entitles itself to the cordial support and co-operation of all national men, at every section and party. Very respectfully, Your obT serv’t, It W. WALKER.” Louisiana for Buchanan.— Duncan F Kenner, one of the Fillmore Electors in Louisiana, has come out for Buchanan He docs not think it a proper time for national men to be divided amongst themselves. So will go every one who loves America. Sandwich I-land Coffee — A specimen of Coflee raised in the Sandwich 1-dan Is, f rom trees introduced there about four year s since, is now exhibited in San Francisco. It is represented to be very superior. Musical. — The People’s party in San Francisco, composed of twenty-one persons, is styled the Piano party —because they have nominated shaips and flats ! to tic executed on a single string ! Cigar Stork. —John S. Bowman has opened a New Cigar and Tobacco Store, in the lire proof brick block on Montgomery Street, one door from Myers. Bead his ad vertisement and give him a call. Two Mkn Shot -We learn that two men were shot at a gambling house in Spanish Town on Wednesday night. Bepi rt says that one of them died within an hour niter being shot, and that the other cannot sui vive. We did not learn the names. NKW ADVKRTKSEMKNTS DR W WOODWARD, MKCUAMI AI. AND Surfioon ID onti« t. (HlicH i ppoMiie the l.tnpirt* lloiel on Mom* KoimT> si reel, <>r« vile. jST J 3 '\7V C X O A, XI TOBACCO STORE FIRE |’l>*(illbl)iM., MOM’tiOMKKV ST,. n.NK UiHilt FROM MVKUS sT. Sj (HIN S. now M.\N would r S!«|M-ct 1 illly inform the •J» citizens of iKm ille Mid (tit le Coniily generally, I nut Ur is how <>| 'fin lit; tin- hurst and Must extensive 'lock ol Cigars aud t obacco to be toiiud tills side ot SacruiK iilo winch will hr sold ul Marysville and >ucr.niu iilo prices. \I,S t —l*iu) inu Cards, Pipes, Matches, cigiirilos. Snuff. Ac., Ac., at V\ holesale and Retail, Ciulahi-uk Cum, outl OROVILLE STORE Wholesale and Retail I rSJMIK undersigned having returned from San «j I raui i-co and removed to ibn l ire Proof Prick Block, Montgomery, two doors from Myers street, l U asbini(loii Block.) would respectfully call tin at tention ol llie inhabitants of I Iroville and vicinity, to ibe fact of Ins bin nu llie largest Stock and the host assortment of i.oods to he found Ibis side of sacrament*. My (ioods were all iinrcliased tor rush at lie very lowest figure that money could buy th.'in lor, and it:-l sell lor Ca.-b, and I.ash only. Ibin doing away with the list ol deadhead* which everyone must havu ilia! does a credit business. I tun pre pared in oiler inducements to customers «ncb as no oilier House in < iroville will offer .My Stock consists of (ill Or LIU i.S in ml itsvunelies; t'ruvisions of the best ipiaiHy; I.hpairs and Syrups ot the choicest lira in Is, ii'i.Ol KI.K\ of the lateat styles, and lIAKIIU AUK in all its h am lies. In add turn to this, customers can havo their good* delivered by n.y Express V\ agon al ’.heir own door, Iree of charge. J F. KESfSINtI, olllf STILL LATER KEWS! Ahrad ot (Ur Tel c s r a p I,! JUST RKUEIVK.I) AM) FOR SALE al Friedman & Co's Auction and Commission Store opposite the Orleans Hotel: lOu mils. Caifkpbhno, by the gallon or link 20 tins Kanch BuUer—ln lbs In a tin: 20 do do 20 lbs in a tin; ill firkins new Stales Uniter; 13 bids new Mackerel; 5 drums Cat Fish; 23 tils pale Philadelphia Soap; 10 h*s Castile Soap; 200 hags Table Salt, 200 doz Woolen Socks; And a lot of other goods too numerous to mention, which will be sold at private sale and al Auction hy Saturday <lh and Sunday olb of October. sale pos itively without rooerve—commence at 2 o’clock P. M 03 21 CHAS. FRILDMAN, Auctioneer. The Detroit (Michigan) Frrr Puss contains tin address signed by eixty-ninc whig* ot that city, announcing their inten tion 'O support Buchanan & Hreekenridge, and calling upon the whigs of Michigan to do the same. Thanks—Jerry Sullivan has rent us an other bundle of Atlantic and European pa pers for which he has our thanks. Jerry has the largest literary establishment uu the Pacific const. A# offers lim profe.-iunnl ser vices to litis coin in a nil}. Inn inn tnul much and long experience in Hie Ire.iiimnt of the various di-eu.-es incident to litis climate, lie le'pt * *o uive talisfactimi Special alien lien given to ' INI. K.\ I. 11l Sl ■; Asf.s, till M' MATIskM. A.C., w toeh lie cun cure »lllimit the use of mercury or less of nine. Onim, front room, No 17, I’niied s>lnies Hotel, upstairs. oel-tf —— <♦» rti" NOTH’F.— lieiieou sheliloii having taken the liar at llie ilrleiius hotel, invites his friends ami lie’ public to give him a call. Sept ‘JO A Secret wot tit Knowing. Wc notice that Dr. Brown at the Hutto Drug Store, is constantly receiving and sell* ing, large tpiant nies ot choice Di ngs \ Med icines. and the secret ot Ins success is, that he buys low for rtj.v/i, thendore lie is able to sell cheap, and we will guarantee to the public that every article bought there is pure and genuine See advertisement. s 3 Ni:\V ADVKRTISKMKNIS. PROBATE NOTICE A 1,1. permui* liiiviiivc claim* im. mi*( iin* t• -t:»!♦• nf J\L Tbuiim* ii. Ib.weti d« cc.i*< d« litii* ot butte county, ur»* lierebv no'died .o |*r« m*iil llifin, willi proper voucher*, to tin* lllider-itf lit d w iliin ti n iiionilis I rum ibis dule, or 11 1** \v% ill in* Inn-* * r barred kanhall ihui/.ut, Public Administrator of Unite t**» Hid Well* Oct. 2d. IK6H. oii-:iw PROBATE NOTICE A 1.1, persons lioidnitf claims the estate of 1 m •lames I* (lumbers deceased, lull* of Unite conn* ly, ur«* berpb* notified to present tiiein Willi proper voucher* to (lie d hiiliid ten moiilbs Iruiu itiis dale, or they w ill be lore ter burred K. iioiiakt. Public AdiiiniiMiMlii Unite To, Hidwoll, Oct. 2'!, IKitl. 01-:tw PROBATE NOTICE 4 1.1, persons h >ldiug claims ngn'iist the estiil” of iJk. Victor buudiere, deceased, lam of Itiitt.- county, am hereby iioiilltil to present them unit proper vouchers lo ihe undersigned, «iihin ten months Irotn this dale, or bu forever burred. R lICH.\UT, Public .Adminis;r.ilor Hutto ( minty. SHERIFF SALE r 5» v virtue 01 nu exe. hi ion issued out of i tic District )> Conn, Multi •liiitli'iul District. in and fur Unite comity, ilutcil itic .• lit iliiy of August, A. I). le.'ili. to me ilirci ml unit ilclivcrnl, commanding me to make die »nm cl live ninl forty three liny three one hundredths dollars del.l, mnl Hot Mini of twenty nine sixty live one hundredths i jli'.l.h.'i) dol lars costs nl unit lout nccnilng costs ol Mini writ, wherein VV. 11. I inley mnl .I.l'. Mny.e. lire plaiiilitf«, mnl rhi-plieo Mewl anil Win. A. IliUrelh. defendant-, therefore in pursuance ol said writ, I IniVeseized and levied vi|iit all of the right, ti le anil inn rest i f said defendants in and to nil Una orlnin (nice or parcel ol land nnd appurtenances thereunto helongn.g or in any vv i-e appertaining, >it mill'd mnl described ns lot lows to wit: all I tint certain piece or parcel ol land sifnaleil in I.v nclihnrgh, Ophir township. Uulle < 'iiinity, nnd Male ol California, located outlwwest *idc ot die Plaza, in the said tow n of |,y nchhnrg. containing - I lent front and rear mindin' east Hid h el more or less, together with the h nit.ling and up purteiianres ttierelo h.-longing. or in anywise uppers I aiming, w hich I w ill expose lor sale at Hie nliove tin. scribed premises to Ihe highest Indili r lor cash tm Iridrytlie gllli day ol Ucloher, A. 1). is.’.ti, at d o'clock I’. M.ol said day I’. I'll KF,R, o3tf Hherilf Unite County. Dated this 3rd day of Ortotier, A. D If li. pioneer mm sioki: ! 2NJ IO Yankee Notions Depot. MYKItS STREET, THREE IMKHiP FROM MUNT- Lu.MKU\. NKVV BRICK BLOCK, OROVILLE. ™ 11 Kit !i CAN UK Dill AIM D all sorts of useful ▼ t and tiruailievlal articles* not In he found in any other stare in the county, consisting ol the largest mill Ia si selected stock of Hardware, Ciifpenteis’ Tools#, (Janleu jjeeos, linoks, Stationery, iJui.d ers’ Materials, Wo den ware, Patent Medieinss nud Pocket Cutlery, EI'EH OFFEHVD toH \II.L i.V THIS TO W.\ A LSO Prime Che wing Tobacco and fieri ulna Havana Cirars, Aaney A. - ides, I'crl'iuncry. Looking Musses, \\ lilt Paper. Children’s Toys, Revolvers, point*, oils, T ip« tit in*. Putty. Cam phene. K»in[> *MI Camdes, Quick silver Musical instruments, A 1-MO Lamp Chimneys, Maim Paper, Witling Paper, Kinves a id Forks, Combs and brushes. Brass Ihnis and Chisels, Faucets mid Kites, Marker's and linages. I,tidies' Riding (Hoses, ,'lme Knives. Caud.esticks j Claying Cards, Screw Dnvejs. l.iiiiiii-l’- Kales, iTup Ih r- rs and Runlets, hocks. Hooks Staples, (Punches, Paper Cotters, Hammers and Compasses, Hills and 1 lanes. Andirons Dorse Krnshes. Pumps Spoke-sdmves, Sailor's Palms. Deg ColCjaaud t haute, Coif, e .Mills. Meat Hook*, W ash Hoards, Hein h Screws,.'a- h Toon Clothes Pins. Fancy Bus- I-isk lUxiks. lied Cords, kits w Wrenches, i.un Caps. Clumping Trays VV lops and Canes. Cue-tiles and \V»x. '< tut laatheas, Lents Driving Moves. ALSO A Complete assortment of 1 oilel Articles, Candle* of every description. Dried Fruit* Passerved and Lreeii. .Nuts ol all kinds The Alhiulio and European Papers at.d Magazines, on the arrival of the steamers. These goods have been selected with lire greatest care, purchased cheap, and will he furnistied to our customers either at wholesale or retail, as low as by any o'her store in the Mines. | jr Persons desirous ot obtaining any article from Sau Francisco, cun do so at a small per cent, advance upon the Qrslcuslby leaving their orders at thissiore. Wh. C. PAYNE N. B —All outMmndiog debts due the Ann of J. IP Smith i Co . must be paid to the undersigned or bis agent. J J. Lokw.ud, as ( is authorized to use the name of the hrm in liquidation, oci-if V\ il. C. PAYNE. HANK KltS. lIF.NUY KF.F.I F.K S h lit A IV lj.U £SJ O I?" X O 23 m Corner of Miner street nml tie IMszn, DIDWELL. Cal cold j) r s r jioi'cirr At tJsr Uiif];c*sf lint is. «*«- ( lucks !)inn it mi .tinik «S> t (••» ,m.i hv ' r 11. l i:. <c>* Hills of’ Kst'lianpf on ali the K otern Cities, New V.irk 'I l.i'tiK Mu. ItnMmi, I .11l ii lllili. I Mini. fin I. drlpliui I■ • ni-»I lit-. K> -, Mull. KXniA.NCi; on liOMHIN. I)!!ACTS I'AVAIII.I’, IN M«»ntn*Ml % <’ W r IT. F. llt 1111 it < 11». <*. V\ I r.iiir* rtl, W. T«'H'i»in, i ’ N\ I < i'toil, (' \\ . M. i lilliii rtirin < U < 1 r \V . ianetal and Special lir|to>lf» llcfeiiet!. It ill wt a 11, f••j •! ••in! »• r •’», Mt\\ lI.LIAMS .V TYMMSON, BAIVK B H S , MAX’ ISlih'K II 11.1.1 N(i —I'OIIXI U MiNTCO.M IKY AM) >1 X I KS s'l la I T' OROVII GOLD DUST BOUGHT At the Highest Kates. Cli c c Is. w Si. t Li. *n i’ 5 ON ,M A KXnXT 1.1.1. HAdf \MI NTO (lit AND SAN IK A Nils, i' SIGHT DRAFTS Fur Side, mi nil i lit* I'micipal \I It i.lie dies. C lil'.l'osits received. special and ml.i rwiso. Jtil) 14, I MO. jy 1 lot 0. U MAI Y, C I. LuW, n. If. LOW. MALY, LOW CO., BANKERS, C'liNKlt OF I*I.A/ ANj, mi.|| ni UKI.T, MARYSVILLE GOLD l> UBT IT HO II ASED AT THE HIGHEST RATES, OK FOKXVAKUF.iI To T ill. MIN I’ H»K COINAGE, Clioc Is. ft. at I’ /ax*, ON GAUKISoN. MoIU.AN. I Kl .V RALSTON, SAN FRANCISCO We nre prepared to draw HlillV I. \i lIANCF. on MKeSKrt. ( lIAKLKS .MoIiOAN « CO., NLVV VoKK Alsu, no the other principal Easier o Chin. Maryville, A uka.■ 4, le.Vi. mil-lf MARYSVILLE ASSAY OFfr'lC'K !! 11AHU1S, MAUCUANi) ('()., 1C tlmljiiui' llu coi in r uf Srcuiul afreet, AUHYSVIU.E. ALSO—It 7 J MUF.IT, F \CI! AMLNTO, Will niliUnuu In carry on I lie hasilii•»« of Mf'llinc, Itfliniiiv \ Assaying GOLD AA D ODDS of KV ICIIV HKSI'KH’TKIN. IVc guarantee the correctness of our Assay*, and hind olirseives to pay any ddlereai'es llihl liiiiy aris** with any of ilit I F. MINTS. Returns madein fruiu six to tw< Ive hours, IN OARS OR COIN PpKIIMKN* o» Ijl AH I /. Assayed AMI VUI’CD. TKIIMS Full AStfAVISh : the same us in Fuu Francisco. Jyas-my 11. lIAKItIf lh MAlt* HAM). L. 1 Alt HIM. TUN. ' 'r'. . IT ’ I BWUin.l) UKMM.I I H I.LV iiiform the public of uro\ ill,- nml vioiniiy, lliul I will ■ |>en, in u lew days, with Hie largest uml beat selected stock of UKV GOODS AND CLOTHING, ever brought rtilo this in in ket which I will sell ji. si as low us our Inni'c in Sun Ir mi i.-co. II FIMHN. New I ire |,rtn I (trick Flock, Moutgoiin ry street Uroville. Fepi. ilu, ffefi. SYli-lf Cheap John’s Numimitions 1 BUOHAN AN, FILLMORE AND FREMONT, rK A 11K ONLY 'IIIKII. ( AMUHAIIS IN THE U 11.1,1. Fo is ‘-CI3EAP JOHN ”on Wyens 'Heel, t lie only one in Uroville, »lio sells CluUiillj£ uml Furnishing •■"ixls TWENTV PER CENT. CHEAPER Thun riny uihrr Hon* in Ihi* Town, Ill.MlJliG* liive him u cull. Ki iiR llu,’ Hiifi), Cheap John’s Clothing Depot, Myers street, below ti c Haily Uulte Record Office. Feplemlter SV, Isfitt, *29- 1/ SIGNS. SIGHS! Plain, Gold and Ornamented, Executed in u superior style, at low rales, W. II Haydon. ALSO— House Painting, GrNiiiintr. Gilding. Pa per (lunging, ic, done well and • heap. Shop on Myers street, opposite United F’ules Livery hut» hie. *ep-f4 DECLARATORY NOTICE mjTiTH K is hereby given that I Kllen Carpenter, Tw wile of ixtngerlleid Ceirpe’Uer, of tlie County of butte and Mate ol California, tin hereby declare that I intend troni and alter tins dale, to carry on businesv in ny own name mid on my nwa account, in said county of Halle, uud that said business is farming, raising, haying and selling ol Fits-g <.l all kinds; und that 1 wills be individoally responsible in ray own name lor all debts coul/acU d by me. on account of my said business, and 1 furiher declare that the amount uf capital invested by me in said busmens does not exceed the sum of five thousand dollars In testimony wbt reot I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this, the 2d day of October. A. I). lh&6. LLF.N CAHFKNTKR f Seal I Sworn to and subscribed before me this, the 8d day of Uctoler, A. I). load. J.TKLLIOTT, i uai tee of the i’caca.