Newspaper Page Text
AUCTION SALES. Hy l». IUSSKLL. & Co. CHAI’.LES Fill KUMAN, Auctioneer. Auction —Great Attraction !! X*. nxisacll tfc Co., POIIMKRLY If), 1 HOST RTKEET, S»l HAMKNIO • ITY rt d VVE LOCATED THEM.'KDPES iii the town jr R of t iroville, «»| > posite i hii (lioli-l. for I In* jiiir|Mi!«‘ (>l Iransiu'iing 11 general Auction and Com inis-inn busines*. in ml iiit branch's. Regular .'ale idijs, every Saturday, und Sunday nfit moon Irmii 1 |ii ii o'clock I’. 'I. ibit-door Suit's In nil |mrts in Die 'l'iiwii or • .'<iiiii:> will In* promptly mii'iidi d l.i at the li.wes ruli's. A i ) nt iiu* salt', tin') also keep constanl- I) tut timid it liti lt.• H.-nrtiiii hi id lirtit't'fii's, Provis ions. (’Hilhtitu. Miners' Toms, ic , wineli 11 it-\ obli gate ilii iiisi iti s to m II id Sat rtiiiu iiln prices, whole sale mitt rt'iidl. Mr. i buries i 'ru-il in :t n. having been in I lit 1 Auction tm*nit's, miii • isiii, will insuru perfect satisfaction lo llm i •miinuii it > a> large, »-l> ABELL €l MONTY, it<*it i c: -iutt*, Am lion, uwiUA MlAi Myers street, tiliove llini WM. 11. A KELL Auctioneer. Salts iillendttl in any jxnl of the Cuunty OmvilN*, Sc*pt, 1 **•%<■». p-VII .MISCKI.I.ANKOI S. 1 HANK’S RESTAURANT, (’lilted Slates liiilltllog, CO UN Ell Md.VIDoMERY AND M V DRS STREETS OROVILLE. * FRANK. CARPISD respect full, auiitmnt't'S loins mil On*ntls mnl • «/• dn t'lluelis nl (irovdle generally, llnil Vtxi/i i nrSa.l,l lias npened a FIRST IDAS.' RE.'- 'i' AfK A N 1 in l lie iiliove mi mod tun Kline, where tie is prepared to l e'ni-li Iho puldic w illi all Hit- edibles and Oedemas lo He loiind in llus nr llm Mar, at die .Mar ket. The following are his 1U ms or CIUItGKS: Hoard per week without IViiw, . . . ?ld 00 tlo do tin wi:h Winn, .... 1- no meals willniill \\ ine, .... 7a do do tlo wilt) W ine, .... 1 tin Having rented the upper story of the new lire proof lirick builtlilig, adjoining too Pulled States, und lil ted up the same for sleeping nparliili'lils, I am pro pared to furnish Die •IN I.ST HI'.IIS In he lonntl in tirui die, at Die following rales: Simile rooms per nigld 00 Single beds. 1 00 d0....d0..,.d0....d0 5d TERMS. CASH Oitivllel, July -if- 1850. jy3B-tf Just Received 1 AT TUK CHEAPEST CLOTHING STORE IN • Irovdle, a large and splendid lot nf (T.l »TII IND Winch I tiller lor sale VERY CHEU* FOR CASH. Mept. la. IWftlt sl-J if FOR SALE! pgsdlK SCUSt’ 1 ’ IUKK otters for sale hi- Store and E Dnods. or bis Dnods alone nr Ins l.ot and Store, situated on Montgomery street near Die Orleans Hotel. Per linns mut farther inlonnuiion, apply in c>. MAUTIN, nOfi-lf mi the premises. mim OFF AT COST! LADIES’ EMPORIUM O 3T* TP SEi II ION! tflt MRS. M. L. NEWELL, INTENDIND Tin Ml AMI E HER IH’SINESS. off rs for sale, A T COST, her large and well selected assortment nf jM11,1.1 N KitV. I.AIDES’ APPAREL, GENTLE >I UN S’ PI UN lsi 11 Ml (DM I OS. FANCY Ii Ii \ (jOOUS, Ju*., wonltl respectfully call the attention of this community to the tact Hint all hough she may mu have hi /niiatiis. a stock at the l.(titirs t.jiftiio , yet PUP. VVII-l. NOT UK UNDERSOLD. Among her block may be found I,miles’ Press Goods, French Dawns, Prudetl Jaconets, Fancy and Plain Swiss Muslins, French Dawns and (llnglnnns. I bibeis, Pe luuies, Ptiplins. Silks, Lmbroi dery. I.nit'll Etlgings and Insert lags, Maainlas, A chnlcelnt ol Millinery— Uibbnns. Daces, Flowers, Bhimles, I lend dresses anil Mourning Foods I .eg In in I Hals for Hoys, Gimp Hals fur Misses—. Flannels of every variety. Iletl Ticking, l.iiien H im hsk ami Crash. Scinch and French Diaper. Embroi dered uinl Draws Cloth Shirts, Marseilles, Uuills, Doug Cloth ami Most(inlo Ni ls. Denis' tbinds—Drawers and Undershirts, Cravats, Uandkfrchiels (.loves. Shirts Millinery W ork and .Mmiluu Making executed with neatness and promptitude. utr i >i ate just receivetl in additinu so the aliove stock, a beautiful assortment of Clothing, Hals. Caps, Shirts &c., smlable for Hoys. Thankful for Die liberal patronage ttf my friends, ■ continuation of (he same Irotn them und Die public generally is respectfully solicited. M. D NK.VYF.LIj. Montgomery street, opposite 11 unloon's Exchange. I irovdle U y 111, 185)1. ty ORLEANS HOTEL, Montgomery street, south side- Orovillc* REF.D &, STKIKEII—Take pleasure in in f forming the traveling public, and ;!„• citizens kriil ol Orovdle and Haile connlt, that they have l.taW'iFlhe well known und popular ‘•OItI.EANS MD TKL,” and that they are now prepared to receive and entertain their friends in the besi possible manner. VVe are detenniued to make the l irU uas Hotel a per fect home to the visitor,and to ente.-tuin all who favor usw dhtheir patronage with the attention ami style known only to FIRST CD ASS HOTELS. Ou x* T ftblo shall be spread with the very bi-si this and the City Markets can afford. IN THE lIAU. no house or bar shall or can excel us The choicest qualities of Li quors and Wines served un neatly amt quickly, amt Hcutuhtm urtrm —* nuff cod' when we inform the pub lie that the •• redoubtable Col. S.” presales. DANIEL REED, FREDERICK STRIKER. Orovlllo, Julytvli, J> !■*•>? BEST HAVANA CIGARS »J£) TOHAOCO—VVHODEBALK -AND UP.TAID at Utoch's Cigar and Tobacco Emporium, over ’hoenix-Saloon. PH, WATERMAN. lOXsXNS AND ACCORDEONS. XIAN VtOLIN k UUITAU St HINDS, Bridga nd Rows, at PH. W AT EK.MAX S. CARDS, rRITINO MATERIALS. PORTMONIES and ru. WA«BMAS'S. MISCELLANEOUS. J. D. BROWN, M. D. Graduate of New York I’nivt rs*lty. New York Med I cal Institute. Honorary Graduate of f*yrncu*e Medlca) College. off.-r* hi* professional service* to the Inbabl lanls of • trnville mi'l Vicinity, Office, at lb*- Untie limit shore. Montgomery street, one door from the corner of ((owner si reel. July 14. 1*56 Jyl4-lf MONTE CRISTO HOWLING SALOON! One door above the IT.l T . S. Livery Sltible, Myers street. OROVILLE JOHN SCOTT &JOK DUNN, Proprietors rht n i; above inm i ,im; > a loon has been ■ pul In i oyiI’LLTL iIKPaIK iiinl w« respect fully invite the Ley* in and utioiil lln si-digging* v>ho Ai-I. to play i (jiin i mniie of I I N PIN*-, or take a nice, co I dn,k ol Spirit.*, to give n* a call nf tbe MONTE fills CO. JOHN SOU 11 A. CO. Orovllle, August SMI, 1 Sat), anggh'lf I'OR SALE i-• THOSE Till! Hi: I f.sili MIEY SITCATED f s .ninl elegantly ill led-up ro’lT \• ■ OS, i i.rwi of Jv-Ll- Moinifomery mid Oak slreal*. The situ aiioti ,I- retired, ami a ninnber of large shade tree*. Tln-y * ill be -old for tir-l co*!, a* tin- *nb*cribef is obliged I lo leave • Irovilli* on account of i d-beullb Apply at the Steam Saw Mill. Oroville. Sept li |ssl» G 4. FERHI SON. Will be Ready Next Sunday, AM) I'olt SA I K AT Watsons News Depot. —.— A sru.NMI) VIEW or OROVILLE 3 ON I. ETT KH S lIK ET ! Bn verything is delineated from the a Saw Mill to t binalowii. H Ini* been engraved at considerable expeli*e mid ill tbe best style, Inmi an anibrolype o| one of tbe lie*. arii-l* in (tie Stale, ami the proprietor irn.*i* tliui the lib. nil citizen* ol Oroville w ill repay linn for tbe trouble and expeii-e of showing to tbe world our y oung and Him mg city. A* but a Innileil nntllber ol eople* will be issued, all wain desire tin* line picture will do well to leave llieir name* unit orders immediately at »is W atson’s news depot. For Sale! AS I AM DKSIHOCS OF LEAVING THE place. 1 offer my bouse, lot ami furniture f..r *,de at a very ioW price, lor cash. Tbe house is as w. II lueated lor a business stand us any in town, and handsomely furnished For terms, apply to MAUY DON AN ANT, Montgomery street, near the Empire Hotel. 11, ISSO. TRY PARKER & O’CONNOR’S CELEBRATED KUPBEIK Y and oilier S Y II I PS, *k W r Alt It IN IK II to conlain llli degrees of gravity, TV and of I dll Haver, kiwi, their WORM WOOD ( iII,DI AL, now so innch in reiplesl, lo bo bad at llieir Factory. Myers Street, Oroville. sdn-lm NEW FANCY GOO^S ISS M. I. DEAItr.OHN, \V’( if I,USA VTO HER friends and the pul.lie generally, that by calling ai Hie LADIES’ EXCHANGE, they can he shown a beaillilul assort men of tbe I.ideal Ftyles of Ladies’ French Hals, of must exquisite beauty and linisb. Also, a lot ol Choice Perfumery and Tot let Articles, all of w hich have just been received direct from Hie Importers angglHf MONTGOMERY LATHS T Ami Barber Shop* [THIS esialilislinieiit will herealter bu conducted by Hu- linn of HALL, JACKSON & 11 LACK SON, who w ill be pi, a*nl lo wail upon all who may favor I hem with their puPomige, in a sly.e of an -lie taste and skill uiisiirpa-sed in HH* town. The t’nthing apartments an most comlorluhly tilted up, and cold. Hot and Shower Until* furnished at a moment's no tice of pure watvr from the works. MSSM.L DEARBORN. WKTOULU HK.-PEGTH LEV inlorin the citizens \ W ol Oroville and vicinity, that she has this day opened ihu large-land lies! selected stuck of DRY AND FANCY GOODS, evei brought to 11ns market. Having selected my -tuck myself, I feel as-aired Ilia! I can sell Cheaper than ever before offered in Ibi- place. My stock con sists in part of every description of Dry and tune if tioods, iiuitt rx and Shoe* for Ladies, gaiters end Shmsfor Children Embroideries, Silks, \e., Of every style and description. Also, some new style CU \ VATri, for Gents. and Fine M bile Hurls. Also, au assort mein of Perfumery and Toilet Article*. My old friend* and the pnbl c generally', are inv'led to give me n call. M. L. DMAUIIOUN, jyl-l Montgomery Ffreel. next deer lo I. H Hotel. MILLER’S EXCHANGE, Montgomery street East side- O'ovillc* H H WING lIKKN KE-KIITKH. is again open, and H «( the proprietor takes ibis method ol inlorming hi* old customers and the public gem rally, that be in tends to seep as tine a slock id I .iipmrs a* any liar ill the place, in addition to wbi. h. bis fables are in ex cellent condilion. and hy c«Mtrtesy la hi* pa irons, ha hope* to merit a litie.-ul share ot palnma e. Oroville, Aug 11, [angll-H] J. \V. MiI.LEU. THE CIGAR dtTOBACCO STAND I* kept by Lillie Guriy , who will keen on band lha very choicest II vana Cigars, Tobacco, Fancy Pipes, and every variety ol articles found in such places. Blank Books. A FRESH SG PPI.Y, and flr*t rule assortment o ik. tuil suit Ual) lUotin! Ihtuks, Just receive ex “Noting America,” PASS BOOKS. SHEEP AND TUCK MEMO RAN DC .MS. MONTHLY AND WEEK LY TIME BOOKS. RECEIPT BOOKS. SHIPPING AND STOREHOUSE, AND CASH COPYING PRESS BOOKS, School Writing Books, Miniature Blanks NOTES DBAFTS- BILLS LADING Ac Ac Noisy Carrier’s Book and Stationery Co., Nos. 64 and (i 6 Long Wharf, n2Ttn3 and 97 Battery street. CANDLES AND MATCHES, at Bloch’*. PH. WATERMAN, MISCELLANEOUS. OHOVILLE PROGRESSING m\ BOOTMOE STORE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! IN TIIK BRICK STi (RIC. N I.XT D< >OH VV KS TTO to the United Blalvs House, Montgomery sire* I. The i*ul*criber if now opening and oif.-rs lor sale. Hie greatest variety amt llie best quality <>l BOOTS AND SHOES to be found uortli ol suitable for all oc cupation, age and sex. Having been six years engaged in this business in California, and eonnee.ed wUh an Importing House, the snbscriiier ll.liters him wh Unit he can and will, sell goods ol good uualily as cheap a- any other house in Hie country A prime lot of the celebrated *. ing Hoots, the hist Hoot in me Stale for Miners and Laborers, i.ents' ime Hoots, (holers, Ties, and Ladles’, Mi«»es ant ( In hi ren's bailers. Haskins, 'lies and Mippers in great variety. in Mils by the Case as town* they can be bought below, with the addition ol ireighl- The I teal employed for man ufacturing and repairing to order; September lUih, Is.’iO. T CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! TO SUIT EVERYBODY ! rBIHK UNHKRSICNI'.Ii begs leave to inform his B friends, patrons and eiliwiis of itroville and vieinlty. that he has a large and well selected Block m (Pauls on hand, consisting of i\ i .s in osa nl /; clo mi at;, — Hoots, Shoes, lints, &r., Whicli lie is determined to sell hi TI N PER CENT cm \pkkthan asv iiriii:u establish menr IN THIS TOWN Call and see ns, and examine onr stuck before purchasing elsewhere A. I*. REIS. p. >l. HKMI’ d HER, .Montgomery s reel, next door In the t’niteil Slap s Hotel, sign ol “ HIE HIKAI’KST CLOTHING AND FUR NISHING STOLL IN UIIOVILLK.” Oroviile. July -L ISah, (y«4tf Watchmaker and Jeweler. 1 uni l.l> RESPECTFULLY INFORM tf /Alhe citizens of Oroviile and vicinity, that I have Ci£>HS jnirchased of Mr Ro«i»n!tml, Ins Wnlclmin- UliiH nod Jcnelry Uslntilslnneiil, on .Mont gomery street, and have located iny-ell permanently in llie above business in ibis place, and hope by strict attention to business, to me it a reasonable share ol patronage in the above line. I will guarantee to <lo Work ns well as it cun he ilonr anywhere in the Slate. all KINhS OF JEWELRY MADE TO OUDF.IL N It —Particular intention paid to the Repairing of Watches. tiKO. K. SMITH Oroviile, August 11, 1856 uugll tf LAFAYETTE KESTAURANT, Montgomery street, opposite the Orleans Hotel OKOVILLE. TIIK SUHSCRIHKRS RESPECT ftIIIy tinnoimce to their friends and die Fjr eiy ciii/ensot iiroville generally, llntl they "leave opened a SPLENDID HEST.VU- R \.\T io llie above named place, where they are pre pared lo luriiisli the puldic with all the luxuries and delicacies to lie found in ihe market. |{ si les ot Hoard: Hoard |ier week without Loiling, §8 00 Hoard per week with Lodging nfitf !t (II) U M.LICKR x A MIC 11 KM K \C, Proprietor*. LIME! LIME! rgnilE UNIIKU.-ICNKD OFFER Foil SALE. AT B their LI.MK KILNS. on the West Hraneli ol Feather river, a slandid article of I.IMK. All orders tell willi J. V. Hu All, 11 imlooii's Kxcliange, Orw ville, will be promptly ailended to MOORE, Alt DANELB it CO. August AJ9, 18.16. uug.'lO-tf FOR SALE! * THATN 1C Vl’ FR \MIC M ILDING uml Lot. ritual, d on Montgomery street, next to Rilcbre (lareiw’s new brick building. Said 10l has a froiucge of feel, and runs back HU leet lo Miners’ Alley. The building ;s now rented lor STn per month. For terms and further information, impure of .1. O LAWTON, Jr., No. 5. I nited Slate* Hlock. For Sale. OVK op Til 1C MOST PLEASANT AND DlCSl ruble House Lots in Oroviile, situated on Lin coln sireet. between Hird an.i Robinson sireels,direei ly opposite the Court House, being 66 feet on Lincoln sired, and running back EFJ |. el For terms and further particulars, apply to .1 (. I.AWTON, Jr. sls-tf Nc 5, United Stales Rlock. Merchants Hotel, FI 11 S T S Tli E E T , Near the Steamboat Lauding, MARYSVILLE ■* TIIK 81 HSCRIHKR HAVING LEAPED •{...1 the Merchants lb.mi for a term of yeu.-s. will A**, give las personal idl. nlion to keeping a Fikst ( lass Hotki., and solicits a share of puldic patron age. Hur, billiards and bulbing Rooms in llie House. ■|tf U. M. I,VANS. VALLEY EXCHANGE! Formcriy Known as Joe Riilroiu's Raudi, MESILLA VALLEY JOHN HAVIS E C. MFRKITiIKVY. beg leave lo inform their friends and llie pnldie .-■T generally, tiial tliey lime leased Ihe Ralcmn Iwincn. sililuled on Dry ''reek, alMiul eleven mile* from Oroviile, on Ihe ro.vd to Freiiclitown and lintle Creek. Connected with Ihe house is uFINtC BAR, which will alw ;iy h be. found well lllled The proprietors would also state that they have out-of the best Race Trucks m the Northern country. September isiti. s'.’J-ii OH A.3NT3D OPINING BALL! ie VALI.KV EXCHANGE. Me*i|l« Valley, for merly known as Hulcoin’s Ranch. It \VIS & MKIRITHKVV, would re- f.j, apet-lflllly linoimce dial they will give a GRAND OPENING BALL t * sit the Valley Exchange. ilesilla V alley, VVKD.N ESI)AY EVENING, OCT. Blh. 1856. No pains or expense will be spared lo render this Ihe luostt magmticeul affair of the kind ever given in Butte county. *'--‘-'d Saloon Dopfti’tmcnt ! riVIIIC BAR ROOM ol the U. S. lloUd will be kepi JL open day and night, where may tie found the choicest slock of Wines. Liquors, and Cigars in Oro v sir Lunch will be served al all uours with every delicacy that can be provided, aepluU r J. BKOL LETTE It Ck». MISCELLANEOUS. MolKi oVoftDIOR, I IOWIID PARKKR9 SCLHuoMf »t.. Sun Ft antis tc . | Otvnllr, PARKER &. O’CONNOR, Importers, Dealers, AND RETAILERS, Xxx Ijiquors, Winos, KMiUSH AI.K 4c t’OUTKK. — ■ BI'.H I.KAVK TO BT.VTK, THAT TIIF.V HAVE tl® opened (I Store in Myers street. <*r • vilK* lor tin- ?*:i!• ot the above article-, in their IT UK AND I N\ IH hTKKATKD SI UK. Ttn-ir slock will bear i!••• ('!,<'SK-T Si'RITINV. The TK AIH*. m«• therefore r* pfi - ! •u 11 y reipiested to call mill I*x:iininn n in-lure purchasing elsewhere Oroville, Sept, 8, ISnli, si* if D\ I’irs I) AIL \ EXPRESS! From Orovillo toSjmuisliUnvn AND FRENCHTOWN T AUK undersigned w ill run h Daily Kx press be tween < imville, Spalii-blown Mini I rein blow n AII leiiefs mill packages entrusted In bin cure w ill be ilelivereil with promptnessand •.e-|mlcti. Agent*, iVM.C PA YNK. oroville, Dll U A I.Dll' »N Spamsbtown. aeplO-lm* O* o'* V \\e ' vMe «te lr . —A M D ‘n, LIQUOR VAULT, a y' \ * ■ Myers mreel, übove Montgomery. I'llK IMil.ll'UlMai II tS IN STORK ami lor sale, I In- loliow ntg slock i>l l.ii|ili irs, wlncli lie w ill sell. bnv mg lie rein nr Clly tuxes U> pay, al rub s lower ltiu.ii cun be bn nan I in ell anieiilnur Mary svilie ; anil wmild call (be aUenllnli nl retailers In examine bis snick be lure purchasing elst where. 7>. C.iS Jl. 45 barrels Moinnigaliela VA link), 45 barrels Domesiic It rum I>. 4 barrels u. U. X Co., ilu 4 barrels ilnnelte lirun iy, 4 pipes 11 ollimit Din, it barrels Port Wine, 4 barrels Duff Hordon Sherry. Together wilh fill cases Claret. Curacao, lam tie vie Danl/.ick, 4U cases la-slie’s It tiers, 14cases limit Suulerue, li cases l.xlrail Absinthe 14 cases Slembi-rger I übllief, Scotch U blssey Impelial Ale in crises, 14 cases (linger W me. Raspberry, Mruw berry, mun Syrup, In cases i buinpugne (Her, It runny IVucbes, Scotch, l.nglish mid .American An-s ,>t dil ferent brands, \c, kc. TTIUMAS Itlr.-KT. Urnville, July la, Iriffi, jyla-ll JS . MiL HTIIV, Opposite tho Oplnr Drug Store. Montgomery street, OROVILLE K kkps Constantly on hand, » well »o lecleii slock of Ci-uCtries, Provisions, Louis, Shoes, Clothing, Liijuors, Mining Tools, &c., &c., Which he offers al Ihu lowest rales poll CASH. £ j.s'l, ni ills ilelivereil I- It MU UP till A ill* |-j. Urnville. July 14, In 00. jylTlf MINERS’ STORE > uetaakkn monthomkiiv ihud siuekts, opposite the llulU) Kec nil Priming office. J. M. CL AUK & JJKO., rjST.-.kes ibis mellioil nl lenitering llieir ibankslo (be JL citizens ami miie-rs of Oroville, lor Ibeir past linerul |>atron:ige. ami respectfully solicits a com inil lilice 111 Ibe same. Ibe patronage extended In ns we sbnll enileavor to mem by keeping on band a well selected Stuck of Uoous ul the lowest market rub'*, shell as PROVISIONS, groceries, HARDWARE, ROOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING/} and oilier articles too niimennis (o inemmn. N H. tie have on band I tie best ipiallly ol Hailed Hay, w hub w ill be sold in lots lo sun. Oroville, July 44, IKui. KAGLIi HAKliltV, COllNull MYKUS 4: Itllll) STS., OKOVILLK. DAVt ICIiD SA V T* l Al V PKI UN US and the public. Him having becunie sole prupnelor ot the above establishment. I mu.ready to serve them with the best and freshest HiILAD, PIKS, CAKES. &C., Al short notice and on the most reasonable terms. SODA, SUGAR & RUTTER CRACKERS I’linsuii.ily on baud. My Waggon will deliver every llnng in my line al the residence ol my customers, CHARLES CHERRY. Oroville, July UJ, Hv>o- jyliJ-tf U. S. Livery Stable. Myers Street-Near Montgomery rgjTu KPKI* PACK AA IHI TTIK TIMKS. and upid J. growth of our town, we have, ol tale, and will from time to lime, make extensive aiidnioiis to imr slock and ul tier wise improve our eslabiinhuielit, lo meet with entire satisfaction the me reusing demands ol the ago. Mock taken on l.ivery on the most reasonable Terms. I| desired, we will buy, sell or exchange slock—in short irunsttet all business up ertaining lo a lirsl class l.ivery Malde I lie tinesl llllggies, backs and Saddle llotses. liirin-lied al a miniu m's notice. Thankful (or past favors, we bone to mini a eon linnance ol the same nlloW'NX UOITMAP Dated Orovili'i, July 10, 1850. jyibdll. Dr. J. b. ( jxi-k at. —The gentleman whose name forms the caption of this notice is one ol the lew modern physicians whose application to Ids pro tension and devotion lo the afflicted, rendi r him mike an ornament to the one and a bein til to the other. A Hungarian by sought with Kossuth to place bis country among the nations of earth, beyond the oppressor’s rule, that her sons might rejoice in the practice, of tho«o pri cvpls w hlch are alike our glory and our pride iu bis efforts so to do, be has reaped the reward ofim Secuinl resistance to opprewsb n.aial 'a home and a couuiry know him no more ” Apart, however, from his claims upon our consideration as a patriot, the testim mini* of character and capacity which he firings enlitle him to public confidence, to the exclusion of those who possess, neither Ihe one or Ihe other. As a gentleman his character is untar nished ; ns a physician. his skill UDsnr|aisaed ; »nd to ibosn whose imprudence has left upon them the taints of disease, we can conscientiously commend him with the assurance that in him they will oml a friend whom lo know is great gain. The Dr’s office la Hu. 3 and 4 Armory Hall, corner of Sacramento nod Montgomery mreels. Ban Fraiwiaco. al-KSaa (fctonille Dai); JJntte jßttori. Ock Town.—lll the history of California, perhaps no town in the State, has sprung into distance ami gained ns large a popu lation, as Urovillc has, within so brief a pe riod. With all the natural advantages, and the vast extent and inexhaustible richness of our mines, she has attracted the attention of capitalists from below, and Oroville now stands, with scarcely a years growth, deci dedly at tiic head of any mining town in Caliloruia Wc can count us many as live or six splendid lire-proot brick buildings al ready completed, with many more in tho prospective. Those that arc finished are oc cupied by splendid slocks of fine goods, of every description, and our friends ol tho North can no longer have an excuse for go ing to the lower cities for their goods,every thing can be had here upon thtfmost liber al terms. We have two fine and substantial Banking Houses here, both located in lire proot buildings, where our miners can de posit their dust,and receive its equivalent in hard cash. Wc have a population, whose interests nrc mostly identified here, and who have the right kind of spirit, wherewith to make a town, that will be both a credit to themselves and the State. We want a Railroad and Telegraph, and it seems strange to us, that some one has not taken the matter in hand, and put up a line of Telegraph between here and Marys ville. The expense of building it, would be but trifling, compared with the benefits that would be derived from such an institution. It would certainly pay a handsome per cent on the money invested. When it would be extended on further North, connecting at Vreka with the Oregon line,already,complc ted, we would know at a moments notice, air that is transpiring in that flourishing re gion. Who will make the start. Something for Southern K. N.’s.— The following, from a leading northern know nothing journal, will be interesting to southern members of the order: The Albany Register, a leading know nothing paper, gays that “everywhere, ex cept in New York, these two titles (know uothingism and black republicanism) are indissolubly joined together in a holy wed lock.’’ The Register further says : “If Fremont is elected tho country will owe t/it .Inuncan party a debt of gratitude; for it is not doing injustice to other noble advocates of free soil to say that tlie Amer ican organization in the Hast and UcH is the backbone of tho Republican party ” Southern Know Nothings will no doubt be delighted to learn that Black Republican ism ; and that the Know-Nothing organiza tion “is the backbone of the Republican party.’ There is a political tract in circulation in the Eastern States, in which the author says . “I live in New York, next door to Co,. Fremont. 1 know him well He invariably attends church on Sundays—Bishop Hughes’ church in the forenoon, tnd a Puseyite church in the afternoon. Two Sundays ago he an I Bishop Hogues were coining homo from church, arm in arm, and they were so drunk that they reeled against my door yard fence and knocked down three lengths. Night Watch.—We have reason to con gratulate ourselves upon the efficiency of our night police. A more attentive set of men would he hard to find. In passing the vicinity .of the Orleans Hotel, one can hail onr friend Capt. Sharkey at any hour of the night. Thieves don’t have much chance with such vigilance. call attention to the advertise ment Dr. W Wood ward, mecanical and sur gcon Dentist, to be found in another column. The Dr has the refutation of doing busi ness up business in his line in a satisfactory manner. Large Mail.— The Town Talk says that the mail brought by the Sonora on her last trip, notwithstanding flu New Orleans con nection was made, was the largest ever re ceived at the Post Cilice at one time—num bering three hundred and fifty four bags. % (3f“ It is now ascertained wiiuout doubt, that El win Forrest, the greatest living ac tor, is about to visit California. He will be welcomed by hosts of friends. SguMrs. Partington soys the only wav to prevent steamboat explosions ii to make the engineers ‘bile their water on shore.’ In her opinion, ‘all the busting is done by cooking the steam on board.’ Wool, Hides and Tallow W r AXTEO—For which the kurhesl market prlca will he paid. Apply to JOSEPH P. SMITH, Corner of 4th and E streets. Hide Yard, eastern entrance on Fourto ■treet u«ar the Buckeye Mill, Marysville,