Newspaper Page Text
Miscellany. Government oe the Incas. —Lu- <lor the rule ol the Incus all the land of the empire of Peru was divided into three portions. One wus set apart for the sun, another lor the Inca, and the third was reserved for the peo j>lo. The tribute exacted from the people by the luca, consisted simply of a personal service, which a ems to have been cheerfully rendered. They coltivateii the ground, wove cloth, and maruilac tuied vases or instruments of war for priest princes, and when this allotted portion ot their work was finished, they occupied themselves for the remainder of too week in attending to their own wants and those of their families. As therefore, there were no taxes, and the soil fertile, and the crops abundant, we may believe this exaction was light. Agi i cult ore, 'however, was a science among the Peruvians, for they made use of manures to improve the soil, uiul extensive crops of maize, guinea, co coa, and coltoh were raised upon it. Over the broad aiulrneria, or verdant terraces of Hie And s, innuiueratile flocks of bunas, alapicaa, and vicunas grazed, and ihc wool of these animals was converted by the skill ot the me* lives into tine and comlortablc cloths. Gobi was collected the washings of the rivers, and silver Irom the veins ot* the metal which lay near the sur face of the ground. The Indians in pursuit of the simple wants ot a primi tive. Ido were happy and contented un der the cure of a patera >1 government. They expeiienced the blessing ot do mestic life, and leveled in the amuse ments and holiday s provided tor them by the Incus; while they could not fail to be moved ly the glorious scen ery and the blue sky, which appeared on > very sid ■, to their sen-e <d the .sublime and b autiful. Their lot was indoou edviable, ifw may believe tin ir legendary bis.ory. l’’o: eentu.ies h d th y lived in the enjoym nt and tran quility of a pali i ue laid poU-m, wiien a cruel tunent of invaders poured do'Mi upon their hearts, diagged them away irom their p< aceml oeeupaltons, to die by thousands in dark, subterra lie in mines; desecrated their altars, and took possc-siou ot their palaces and huines. Somethin!* Like Clothes. — Ihe four Hungarian suits to be worn by Piinco Paul K-terluzy, at the corona tion of the Emperor Alexander, are Calculated to have c >st upward- ul a million of do 1 rs. being richly em broidered and g o n -ed with j webs. f ‘Sint A GtTTIN Hi’ SI’AIRS.* —Tile Scientific Jimr.riatn su\ that a mm in Orange enmity, N w Y ak, was found one niglit climbing the overshot wine 1 in :v tubing mill lie was u.-ked what lie was d uug. He sai Iho vvas trying to go up to bed. but so m bow or utiier these stilt- won't hold -till. 1 MISCELLANEOUS. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. , a vkiison* who wish to ppuoii ask tfwl | tru.'-i Fancy Article* or P.-nmn ry. will do \ L wt .(i to mil m ti.o in m; Dim; stork. mi Montgomery. one dour from Dower rlnn, uGuTlo; Orleans Hotel. The following list comprises a portion or the slock on hoiil: Poll it/. Powder* U Hay Hum, «»•« V f Co logins Nitric Aciu* AvrcMiKerry Pectoral, Muriatic Acid, Crowd's Sarsaparilla nndßluo Mono, Yellow Dock. Niunu'ip, Townsend's Sarsaparilla, oil oi l emony Hand's do ' »'• H'" l '' Guy soil's do (idol limes. Mii*mg Lliinmnnt, t hi of t iiminon.j, Nervoni .1 Hone Kinamenl.t M of Origanum. Pain Killer, Oil of Peppermint, Essence of JamacaGinger <1 of Amce. Castor Oil. <»il of Ka vender. MotTatl'* Pill*. 0,1 01 * uheb*,. Me \1 bister's Ointment, « hive Oil, Hollawuy’* Pill*. Neat a root Oil, Wright's luitiau Vegetable"* Marrow, l»i IRho V\ at»*r, Thomnnon’a Fye Water, Poker’s Hitlers, Thorn’s Extract Cod l.iver Oil, Jane’s F.xpectorant, Capsules, Opodeldoc, Flea Powder, Apple and Fever Pills, Cholagngne, Shoulder Bract's, TAlsses, Sii'peu* iry Bandage*, Adhesive IMasler, Castile ' .lip Wine Hitters. Stoughton’s Hitlers, Hartshorn, Accidie Acid. Peruvian Hark, to >d a, t 'ream of Tactic. Homeopathic Medicines, Glue, Sponges, (Vw. do co irw. Old Port Wine, for mmli cal purposes. iwsnie * aii. on | —.... . Old brown Winsor Soap,f)l I cherry Wine, for meu- Poiun.les, lluir Oils, Hot • 0* Porks, Vial do Hal Soda, Hulphar, Alrn, WH He of Potash, Woroh-ne, l,s d r un, Par lUofic, Gelsamin, ical p iris'se*. Old Urandy, fur purposes, Armicn Flowers, IdniHifie*' Knot, Sarsaparilla Hoot, n d*.o'i of Wild PI edical Horry Ale' led. «'■ per cent Cam phene, pure. lodine of Potassium, Henbane Seed, OiHsinou Sedda, fee., t I.RKO HE#. Together with all the usual arde'es kept in ORt", ST’•HE-', which wi I he sold at reuaiuable prices I Ihose w!,o in»y favor us with a call. Physicians’ pr wcrlptiniM neural, ly compounded • t 111 i i mea«r day or night AI.HK IT 0. ».\V, Apothecary. Orovate, Augusl 1 UWC nag t-my MEDICAL. Dll. J C. YOUNG’S CARDS. IMPOUTANT Tit MIN'HHS, TUAVKLKUr*, KTC. rWT II I'-It Kl* no of deeper importance either A in :i medical or in<>rul light of view, to wiilcli the human family is more liable than ihnl anriii; Crum impure connections, a medical man it i« I lie duly of every physician to balk al disc #e as it effect, heitllh mid lile, mid hi. •ole object .lio'iM he to mitigate, ae tar a. lie. in hi. (lower, the bodily suffering. Human nature at best t. hut Cr 01. all are liable in mi«Corliine. I >1 all ihe ill. |l ..! affect man none are mere terrible I*lllll thoic of a private na’iire.—lireadlnl a* it i. in the (.er'ori (rightful a. are It. ravag e. it (am hi. c institution, ending treijiiently in destruc* ion and a lon h.onie grave, il become, of.till greater importance w hen it i. Iran.mated to innccetd off. spring. bin’ll being the ct -e how iteae-Miry it be. come, that every one Having the lea.t re a-"ii to (ear that they have umb’.icled the disease, should altend to it al once by con.lilting -o ne physician, wbo.e respect nihility and ediicatioii enable, him to w arrant a. de speedy. and |ienneiient cure. In aeeordanee with thi. necessity. lilt Vid'Nli feel, called upon to .late that, by loin; study and extensive |iracuce. be ha., heloine perfect master of all those disease, which come under the dcnomimition of venereal, and b iv. lint paid more nlienti n to that one branch than any other physician in the I Tilted Stale, lie feel, himself belter (jualilled in treat them. Svphili. in all its form., such a. nicer., sWeill 115 in Ihe groans, nicer in ihe throat.secondary sy phi is, cu taneous eruption., ulceration., lerloary s> pbilis, sy fili 11 in in children, mercnreal .yphllllie affections, gon orrhea, gleet, strictures, I ilse pas-ages, intlamalion of the Id elder and pro!rale stands, excoibillons, tumors, poslnles, vtc.. are a. familiar to him as the most com mon thing. of daily ohserv mion Tim lloctor effects a cure in recent cases In a few days and Hod. no difficulty in earing *lio.. ■ of lung (biralion, without submitting the patient to .in b treat inciil as will draw upon him Ihe alightci .u.pictoti or oblige him to neglect hi. hit-iie*.. whetta-r within ours or without. Tlic diet need not be chanced ex cept in eases of severe inllamation. There .are in Cali fornia pa'ienls imiiounnn; to ovci two thousand in Ihe past year) lluit could furnish proof of this ; but liie# 1 are mailer, ting reipdre till mcest eecresy which he always preserves. All letters enclosing fit), will he promptly sttended to. office hour* from U \.M to sl* M. Address • Vul Nt;, M. O. Kxpress linilding. corner of Monlifotnery and Californian streets, over Wells ''ur -1(0 3v Co.'s KxpreSS Department. \cmui— rmiM mi. vocncs pimvatk MKDICAIi office—To the afflicted—ln this age of progress. whim science is develop tic t'.Tf in .ncah a manner as loappear almost miraculous,every thin'; la common place i. looked upon ns not worth notice In view of this fact Itr. Yoiiuk, corner of Montgomery and California streets, lias concluded to leave the beaten track hitherto pursued by most «ci eiitiilc physicians, (lluit of waiting for the public m Hud von oat alone,) and publish to the world, a* inuc'i as in iv he hi. knowledge of ihe healin; art, 10 l"l those who be ill need of as-i.lance kltow where (le v can flilld relief without fear of being imposed upon. m !-■ ml innrxt ii in of this subject. Hr. Voting would -ay, that of the past tell years he hns pursued Ihe praclbin of medicine in one of the largest cilie. In the I tiiicd States, with the highest success, nod that bis .landm; ns a physician Is without reproach, bavin; at one lime been’ lecturer at Ihe University of Peim -11 titita i'ii venereal di.e.isc-, ,Vc. I poll nl! ol ibese coiiidi'riilioiis. Hr. Young ha. c m lldeiice in introducing Inm-elfto the public, knowing licit lb a wall .ii»laiu well e trued merit. Thu following arc a few of ihe many testimonials which have appeared in tin* public Journals the last few years: from the boston Medical .bntmal ] Although we aro otiposed to the s’-tern et adver!i“- imr. for inm I and «uflV , i"iii reasons, sbll « • deem It bm jn-'ic" In .ay 111 il Hr Vo uiy i* ami of the most in ln.’ia iu. and imh I'.iT; iblc votaru a of the me heal science ill tl*o I Hill'd Slate,.. from Profe-sor Jackson' The subscriber i. jiersonallv aci('iaiiitcd with Hr Voting. and has much of his practice, andean bear tcslliuoney to bis meriti a. 11 practitioner, from the New Vork Horn'd The eminence of tlii. distinguish"'! gentleman In In. profession, mill the very extended opporlllllilt". p,i.-r.-ed 11 v him for ihe idiserv alion ol venereal di* ea.'. in In* his services invaluable to those alllicled with the above complaints. from the Win; and \ Iverti* r. All afflicted with private coniphiiul.should consull Hr Vo tin;, whose I'dncalio’i i» not -uri'M-*ed by any pliv-b ian in tbo country. In bis-kill, lector and in- I'.crilv all may d ly witli safety. %\ bil" most of the practitioners in lid. city are vviibout hoii'-.M or res peclabili'v tin ir prctcnlions belli; grout. led in ignor ant’" and n.sutnp’ion, 1 till *e cnrnnr ef Motil;nmery and I ’allfornn street*, up -lair.. opt'O.iti* tile banking li at.e ol It ell. 1 nrg" VCo lipiinfrotti 9 V. M. In 8 I'. M , Sunday in cluded- fX-jHI V \TK Medical < > ,; c"-Mundi-ds "f those who Vi h iv" contracted disease tire di*a Ipolnted of a cure by not cabin; on Mr. Voting at ffr-l lie will tor elt any sum if he fail, to cure inn ca. that may mil under his care lie matter how Ion; stand n; or Hllliclin;. such as nicer*, tutno's. "odes. Ininctn-. pimple, on the face and body, pains in the hones and i.'ios. w’akeruine-s. Iremtilin; copper colored so-.- wa..tiii; ef the hones, emaciation, loss of appetite. slreii;th oinl flesh, -ore* in the nos" and ear-, los. ot hair, weak eves Itching humor.. !t Main persert" a'ter being ridievisl ef all extern d appearance o( private Tilsease, supjsise Ihem.elv. cited b taper a few month, find they nre troubled with various symptom, which they never had before, and which i bev li in lit impossible In relieve. I o all who are af flicted in this wav. Hr Young would p rlieul • r!y at omtnend a trial of Ijisskill. The sy tnp om. w ith winch vim arc tronldcd are mused by taints in Ihe blood, which sooner or later will destroy . our health and hap piness. Ni person who has ever had tin attack of am J,rival uuptalut should not fail locou*nit Hr Yo-mg and taken few bottle* of his invaluable purifying medicine, as they can rest assured ihal heir biood |s In « perfectly pure mid healthy condiiien. and that every trace of disease fs removed from the s\ stent Ite cnt ca»es cared in srorn two to flve days without change of diet or hindrance from lufim-ss. cr no b c Dll .1 C YOI'NC Office, corner Montgomery mi l opposite Weils, Kargo A Co.> office hours from !> A. M., to 8 I*. M. .... Marysuille, June loth >•> ■%{>, .1 o. YOUNG—l'cvk .-da:—Please send me S# aonie of the medicines yon prescribed m nn <vi>h'. I have a friend here who is troubled in evicily the saw way that I was. has nightly emissions, ringing acise in his 1 1■ id ft * ilk o..Ck, 1 s* *•» lien • or. - oid Is generally delhlllated ; l-e is disconrag-d and has not confidence enough to enable him local! and you. I told him how 1 was and that my friends all said I was in consumption. and the doctors on here gave me up and advised me to go home to die, hot instead ot going home 1 enthsi upon yon. and here I am. as well as any of them, and likely to live a long time yet, w till slrenlh enough to wort with the strong e-i of them. Doctor. 1 will send every one to yon tied looks to me as though he needed a physician It shad not be tay fault if any one dies for want of mistical treatment. I will do all I can to Veep the afflicted awav from those pests of society. y«4cpt processors ind high sounding lithsl men who. if the facts were known, are men who left their country for Ihejr coun try's good. Pntdis this letter, doctor, if yon w ish, ami I hope some of those that humbugged me, may see it and sleep bad for one night. Truly yours. GKO, DAVIDSON. EDWARD M. BURROWS. Intern ationai.HotelSaloon JACKSON STREET, Between Montgomery and Kearney. SAN FRANCISCO- Best The Brand* of Brnndiet, H\ne* and Seftt'%, MEDICAL. DR. HEINIMANNS PEI VA I'll Mi: Die A L OFFICE. CORNER MOXTtiOMEUY k JACASON STREETS* SAN FKANCISCO. HU. M 111-'.IINIM ANN, corner of Kearney and I* W I ‘in’ 1 1|<- sir»*els. Sun Franci»co, bn* for a number »f years, in thi’ military nti'l other hospitals of I ranee, devohsl bin stndv principally to tin* treatment of Se en I »l null ih'-relore a thorough ex* perumce in iln. partinmbir brunch Me is also per* f.M tly (■>.rit l li,ir wuli all tin* recently discovered arnl highly mi).., rl ,ni rt-ined h‘s ami means lor the cure of ■•tii li iJi.'iwi’i*. It i-«e irerly necessary lo add Inn* Unit 111 frail o win re secret disease* are of more ire <| >11*111 occurrence Him 'll) w here else, th.* physicians of that country are more exp* n in their ---ire, ami are eon.tu at 1 1 ni n I Mire. **f 11 1 ly endeavoring to li in I out new n ine.ilea, more efficient and lea* daiigejaus than those formerly used It lleininr i.n is therefore, enable.l to cure all these (1 .s.-iist -s with perfect certainly, without u-i'ig mercury. in a ver y <ln.rt lime, and w I’hont «>it.j clink hi* n nt« to tin- risk o| eub-eqiu-ut in]ill ions conse quences, i hr..tnr (i. iiorrlna, R;erinatorrhea, fh"ir Albus, CiOlier:il llehlllty the resai | ot misconduct, pollm-ons, ,| illII ill the I.nek ami Mile,., I rapt ion«o| nil k niN, produced by interior cause*. I .os* of Hair, lllieiiniat» i-m in Hie joint.. Noimriml sweats. Seminal ami I'rin al weikn.'ss. Injuries received hy mercurial Ireaf ■in nl. \e fcc are cure I hy Hr. Ileihinianii w ith the aid of reineilie. known hut to hinisell, lo the perlecl aril I' bis clients. m I.Vceiit diseases of the above named kind will be promptly ami radically removed In-loio (hey cm ** l lie in the oody and hreom ■ chronic hy Hr. Ileini* iii.urn's own purify ink vegetable remedies. Hr * .rtiicr possesses a sum remedy fill.y tested, ami which call lie relied 'ifwin. lor the care of liitiniiiltc .it ;-'e\nr, t'hill and l ever, Fev.-i and A kite, also a tncatisln remove, in a few 'lavs for ever. a bad breath, with oil the least injury in the sloinnch. In Hie pdesent days iinm. rons remedies are offered even w here for ail 'miginablo diseasi s, (nit in most of'the cases the ttall re ■- ,re so s ully dis appointed that they took with justifiable iiiMnis! on all ad verbs linen's ol this kind. Dr lleinini aim's re* niedies need not be recommended by piiltliiik ch.irlit* lani-i.i for they recommend s by their ef feels, us (ms been seen and experienced by patients who. fortunately for Ihenis. lves, have u<ed them, for the inf. nn itioti and sali«lneiloii of Hie often deceived public, the statement w ill midi a. Hint Hr. I Iciliiiniinii bus in his possesrinn over Iwo hun dred testimonials from palieiils cared hy him. besides many other reliable persons which he is ready to ex hihit w hen reijnired. while common decency lorhids him to publish ihem in the in w-spap. rs. persons applying lo Hr, lli inimann shall not he obliged to pay in advance Ihe lull price ol Hie cure, ns he is willing to submit his shill and his remedies lirsi to be lesl- d. • •be tillin' Ihe Doctor Invariably requires fnnn all his patients, Unit is a faithful and strict cutiforinaiice w iih all directions and precriplioiis, otherwise he calma! and will not warrant a cure. U ritn-Ji consultations w ill he given without charge and C"iiimuiii*- dioiis answered wlu-Hii-r coiilmimi ' a f.-e or not promply, punctually and w ith sb-ici seer.* cv mi apjilv ink. po.-lage fluid, in Hie English, I rench or Herman Eaiikuages, to Hr. M. ni'.INT.M ANN, Corner of Kearney and I’aeiflc s'reels, San franclsco. To show fe the sail'd action of all Hint Hr If.‘ini maim is a tlmroiikly w-lncuted. jiracliral ai"l experi-- encud phvsician aii-l sin .h on the f illi.vvink from Isi n mi- r-."s i-st'inote ds, are siibiiiiUed to the (nihlic \a in -. are •iip|in*ss.-d. h it Hie authors nre at liny time i-.-adv to (irociaiin their trulli and amtn illicitv before the world. (far Kxvveun V.ui.rv, feb. 11. l u '.(i Dour Doctor:- -1 have known you si-n-o l**lo and yon liave given so m. nv proofs m your tiilenf* and i iym have eiilin I' wonconfltlenie Mihoiikh yon r. side al al a gr> a! Oi-lam «- Ohm me yon know that time s. n* y- a [.alien'- n bidi oll'i-r ilor'oj, lan i- ci vnn up a* iin-iiraMe. an-1 yon liiim-always Tia -ii' ,I b.i-rn and saved ii"l omy th'-ir limbs lint also He ir 1-mw I wiM only mi ii'ion here the case of Mr I , (nun Aub urn. who in ', b 1 .1 in y...| for Hie preservation o hi' rn'hl arm wti;.-b oilier do -lors wauled to .mipntate. and Hnl of \[ .i; ofl'oloma. who nlilnnnrh ',-i'..-'i up a tio[iolo is hy two do.’its was c in-d hy yon in iwo we, 1- s bine ,\s to what yon have done for my f unis |\. siirtl; ■ it lo • in . 1 w ill le-i i-r be nblo to repay ymq y i-’-ept il-nr Hoi-tor. lh> '*■ few line* as a pi-o.>: ol the e-hein I have of your talents «s i m.-dical man. and believe me le he tuur cn-1,-ml In -ml. f 11. Proprietor of the Miner's Motel To Dr. II •Inimunn. > in frimci-co ( febriniry Hh, Mavins stvdied medicine myself at the fniversib of Tavia. n Italv, I suppose 1 know enoiikh lo hi- be. ! wh a I declare h< r hy Ifn t \..'| are the bee plvshl in I ever incl with in •'iili'"*nia. Thi'.bcla ralien is f nnded on what 1 have seen vo-i do and he r I ft-, en every hod v when I re-id al at Mormon fs bind. | of manv persons to whom yon I i». -I,eit life and limbs after they 'e d been -nnpleiely aiveil np by atbers. and who • ill at any lim--cerne bn ward and testily to the truth of this, and lo sei mec. tVisliinc yon h r Hie future, the sain s .a-s which hits attended yon thus tar. I remain truly yours, f ■ o, ’lo Hr. Metnimann, Pan frsnetsfo. f’oloimi. .iHlirrrr Iffth. lA.KI, Mv Dear and Mach fi«' a liv'd Honor:—Tt i« with m-tcb rntrel lh-' I 1 mid all year oHn r fri..m's s .w von quit Mormon Island. We lime l"*t In ymt a r b»-i . ian of trreat talent and experlen- e w ho we could not iipnreciate t.Mi much. D w e proven etiaioh hy the natneroas who cunn to cation you from id 1 [taris ol the mines, and you are in the best r membr >m -ot ad. Atysf-lt. niv.-n up by whom I considered oar fa rt phy sicians. prepared myself to die; by chance I ninr an del- your r.-atmenl mid yon ha >■ cured me of n ifoive sickness in u short time. Von have proved yourself a physician and you do lion r io t e nann •*. Proprisder I'n-dch Uestaurant. To Dr. Ilcinimann, s*«n krnm-isco. AiiHurn, Jan.isry IvTh Dear Doctor: —I always rr member yon with pleas are, mid a fer-line of vTiytltnde prom|ils me h> iiddr.-ss von these Yon k now in wh-d s d<’|i|.mVdc s- i.- I was utter cnminif out ef the hands ot Hr 1... who wauled to smpnla'e my riarlit srm. m shed h> a fall ink I rock, in order to >:iy.- my life. H • t’I»l V' for me, I heard of yon and of the reputation w Inch v.ei had m Mormon Island: so I asked for vonr advi.-** h.-tof partilik with my arm. At Ihe n-coninn ml ill >n "I seine friends o r yours In Gtreenwitod. I w*nt to “lav with yon and in it ft w we- k>my arm. instead of heiaif mnpntnted was sHv*-<l, lokdher wiHi my iife wiiich I consider I owe io yon Hear Iba,l -r. if I ever can be of any ndvanlake l« yon dis|iose ol me, for it i“ en tirely to y.-nr skill that I owe my present exist Ueceive tber .fore, my siecero res[iecl, and Hie assn rupee Hull I believe yon lo he one of our m.-st talent ed and experienced physicians in this country. Yours tmly, I A* To Dr. Ileinimnnii, han FrancHco. Sncraniento, kVhrmry Ist. IHS«. The uhdersiuned has known Hr Heinimann fir many years, and enn vouch for htsjusll. havimt earnwl'a reputation ns a coti'cieniions. prudent, ex perienee.l and skilful I’hy-lci.-n and Sorkeon. nn I woiiht therefore roccinmend to all [saiji'e to r-dv wi'h most implicit cort'.dtuce in Dr. Utiniiinuili's skit' and science. W Third si reef, between J and K SHOP. JOHN DOI.BKKGII WOCf.D Respectfully inform the ciiiiens or fM well and vicinity, that he is prep'ued toilo all kinds «f work in his line of business in a workman like manner, with despatch and »*n reasonable t.-rm* ■ wring alwavs on hand » large assor*ment «t drv in .her he is ready to make to order. Doors, window Sash, Tables. Ri*ckers. fc-C. All kinds oi fain net work, and in fact anything sppertaming uj his hu*i nesa. Billiard Tables srt and repaimt Shop no Charlas i reel, below U«M It Larcomb’s Brick Store MEDICAL. DR L. J. CZAPKAY S PVM. J.CZM’KAV, I.ATK IN THK IM'NRA ■ #n.«n Kevolulionury Wnp. Chlt*f I’liyvirixn to the i«Mh mcmiiMU of Mnnveds. Chief Surireou to the Ml l llh ry ll'*s|Ulhl of penth« Ilun".»r>. Hllcl IhU* l.rctll* n r on Disease* of I rniiiry organs nml ibseusea of n tflieit ami children. To i Arri.ii tkii,—hr 1,. .1 CxnpkiiT hi* npenod hi< institute fur the curt* of all forms of prix :•(«• «|in such n-» syphilis, gonorrhea. nocturnal ♦oniw •ton?* nml all thi* riuisecjurnce* of s«lf-ahusf, in tli • fir-I Atiitfr* of vronorrheal disease* ho -n a run* in a few da Yu, without inmnvf nleuce to Hu* jnti fit, or ImVlnime to Id* miMm*** \\ hon a pu'ifiih h\ muli-cl, or i ii|»rojM*r treiilinent, ha* develop*-*) the secondiry **\mptouis of svhilis. nidi a* huhoes, or j» li'ihil *• w*liln, , « on tin groin*, or ulcers In tlu- throat ant ihhio, whe-h. il not checked, d**-or»*\ ths snft part* and muse tho hones to in »rli!y, separ.-itt nml roino away. having lho snff* r,-r an object hide i»s to Li-hoM; or when splotch*-* mu! |> tuples btvuk out upon tin* skin. or wh»-ii lu* Im* pda I'd • wellm::* upon liiilitif:y headache pain** in tin* hark and limh*. wiih general weakness, 10-s o| apm-liu*, I• ♦" > of I’Mim ry injnr> to tin* sight, rfSfle«M»,-*s. •onfusam of iha*, «ii• 1 1 k«* ?»r so*-i»*iy. nnd tooling of w* riiu of lift-; with tho n« r.on-* syMt-in *o exeiteahle that dL'hi muses dioek or »tart!«• tho patient making his exist ence mberahle. f’or tho ai»ovo mai llie** ilu- Doctor w ill guarantee a cure or ;i-k no mmpens i ion. lie ran l»o ronsuDed Too of charge, and invito** all to call, at il will rout thorn nothing. and may ho much to llioir ndvaiil ige. Dr. L. .1 *V. ipk t\ i- daily receiving «n,*lieation« from ovorv part ol Ifim Stale and Irom tin-gun nml NV l'••rnior n ,s 1- r troatineni of every form ofdisease. nd Dion- !■» not on** who will roino for ward and express doaatodari-on; on tho ronlrary. tin* Dr i-* in d r »il> receipt . I letter*. expressive of grati tude and that k ful lies*, some of which are published hcloW l») |HMimvln|l. Mar> <vim.k, .1 mu* 11, 1555, Dr L. .1. O.apkay, San Kranei«*ro ; Sir. I liavo used tin* hist ol your rnodiomo and *I *» not think I shall m*od any no r**. a** I !’• *• *1 otn wi II ♦■xcept Ilia* I have mu entirely got my strength yoi hut soon will with tho appoifio 1 havo. It i** just three weeks. >on may roooll.a t. since I called at our iiisfiinie. with my communion a* I thought, ontin-U hr-k m, and hov< r yon would In* iihlo I » «*• irt* mo portort ly. hut though: you iniulit In* iihlo to *lo Homolliint? to oa*»o tho piim in my hack and hond and ?*ironirthon mo llndn. whSoh *••» woak dial Ihoy would iri\o way nmh r mo wlion I walk *d and t • **ir.-n_* h»*n my norvoN *<* that I would not L r «-t • xrifml and tr**in hlo at ovi r\** lfinite Now that you know wind I rxporfod, you in iv judiro of mv >ali-larlmn at my comploto r* rov*-r\ from tho*<o **y mptotn-* ami tho ro niova! of t}i'• <p|.itrl'oy and -oro** from rny *km and llm* nh’or** fr an my throat: sin! flu* ontiro Moppam* of tin **o whu h you said won* principally tho caiiHo of m\ m***. I can hardly 101 l yon wLirh i« tho irroiitost. in > joy or my snrt-ri****, lor o\c« j.| not havin'.: fully u**t my strength. I tool a* 1 wi-!| a-* any man can h ♦•!. I noml you iw. my dollars over \onr charjro. and think rny-01l ch**.'pl> ni r »*d h yon ihitik any I* *dy will ho hononlhd. yon rn i\ put this lutlor in tin* now-papora Tims IKyio:n. PniiTi.ANO. < >ro£»on. May I uill not so *•;!.'ily >*l ;is I i!.-• dt* • ho. w hon any 1 iltlo thim: Nvonhl w **t mo I liavo u*ni at work • his wr. k. which D Ilo* f.r-t 1 Invo *h*no tor.-iv Month-*, and tin- tho of it <1 .h'mlDo. nratfo nn* I:ko it u-» dto Indo*- I. i Ihk anolhor man, and rt \n nil ow m: to your »n« ** i« due and ad\ ico \ou may puhli-k to- if you waul t ; Vouibiic, Joukhii Rath. Sai RAMKNTO, Miiy l.». I'-Vi. Tie r —Hucl) in it’ - »I•:«i> 5. ’11!.!»--■* I(c 1 f>>r Ihr i. r \ - T <>'' m> t.t ,!ih <•! lii'ih In id v (.ml im'iml. •i i, ■) I hr II- vc nf ir. > Ii• i • lii.t I hn|if 1 ttlil lr ' hr t.i >n - -i.I«-r.*<l iii'ni'iv in hT.'h 'iti'-''n> thni|i.r il i kirn* I • itMnrM- f**r r. -'i’ r r ' rn» h> iir ilth. mi in kiinr tiix hi,. :l h,,,,ti «nrth (.rt'-t-rx,tiv » hrn il hml ♦..•< . in.- >■ iHirllirM too VT ill for tn»* |o I" nr. \ .i-liio i- 1 w.i-* to »jri‘ that, il nl HO 11 nnit ■ 1 m\ run --1 it ill n ill :in ■ 1 iliorl ti (r 'll ot' i.'Tioir* -iin | ton-. »urh 10-rvon. .(..•rli'v. It-:i In hr. il|,'r,--m-' mni'l ' i.-•■ll<ti«'rfi-i. li//ilt,-... lovr ,<! -ivil nlr. In--, ot no HO i v ■li t a ini ~f p. .otnlion. ;l to.- o' Ml>*|l 'll in 1 p ivhli-h ni'iflh n \ x*.jh > " iin• m»*rl' ■* xx p. |, li.-,| lux lippi tpr-hire BH'I WH- til? tinni'.r ; no- 111 lII,' rr;H" hll*. think ‘ til XO'l' '•lilll. 1 II HI Pr-ll IP'll to (ifiillh ~. ,p' nl , 1 ■ --X 111 *| il Ilf " ’ ' "Itn •- whrpi tin J in u Hu.l prl!••!', \"i| ho*r in> |«Tmi"ioii to rn ikr Hi - j, . I :, 1 ,, 1,. OX Mill WaITL To Op. I, J, < •*'»pk;iy, Hiin J’rtnri-rn. • i pin i'op.h. 'i. i" - lor il WMikn."*«. nrpvom i!n -ii 11. v, )"** -1-i pi• I'l.-iin .<•. v», ikri'--ii of-h" lir.ih. mil hi" k. I rut 1.|,0. it ion II Hi tor IJ| linll'v lop In hop ;i ml •to Iv. it llifli".- of lip)'- tiro.' .11. I o.rniopx. jnrp , .o,<i iv. tovr of ho i’ olr Tl»ni•'t?>, m Hoi' - trnvi ilt/.M».HM. h*''i'l«rhi. Involnni ,r> ,lii-h:irtf"» p iins ill (hr , ii|r, Jiff.rti "11. of Ihr • X *"* I'ioif'i— on tin* I Hid, ... v , ,| mid othrp ii.flpnii".' ■* in rnnn. iirr ron il xvlih fn| h v -hr 111-.-1. (-.'l, lipiiiMil I'ln-no ii .in I H'lPL'niin I, .1 i * i|i(i,iy. Mm inwhi"! ol curiiif <li'rn-i hi>in n. nnkiiown to o'hrp. nml liriin' lin- U'< u hhcc.—«. All roii'.iill ilion*. hr I 'ttpr iipotn.'pwiv In',' Aililrpv* 1,. J i ii; k iy, M !>., .“‘nn Krui« i- »>, i'nlifopni» T(t T'»K I.AUTKS <»K ('/» 1.1 KORN I\. Tr. I. .1 i rojikio. hifn inlh>- llunituri.iii Rnvohi fliitinpy Wnr (’hi. l I’h**ici in to Hip -■•!h l:•••_'.ni.m , l Motive.!*, chi, r Snrifron to tt»e Mihfnpy Mo*pilalnt l’i>->lh. Ilnnix-'if.'. «*H‘I lute Imrtor.T on ili-ni'r* ~| nn onrv iirifxii* nn,t ,11-. "“»■< O women nml rhilftren. in. \ (t*' j ttie nltenlion ol Itie eirk Mtnl eltlirh'i! h-inule*. I Mm.i'iT Hint, r ntiy nf ihr r irmnn h>pm of «l■ n*.'. ol the tipiiin. Innif* hrnri. ,’(imnrh. liver wmnti, 1iI.»hI kl'limyo. Atnl nil (li«rd.e« |ieniiiHP lo ll.eir «,'X. I to- Ih'( t"P i* i tfiTtirnt more enrrs thun any oihrp l’hy>i roil in the pMot* ()•' .’ntifoPiiln no falnn (lelicnrj p-rri nl yon, hut i’ji|tly immedin’ely. ami -ave your* -lr.* fpom pnmf'il a off. nnif« nml *• matiir** ihnth ill milPfied la< lie* x»( ..-e itelieme heal I h op other rip. riioi.i'iiifei do not Mll"W to hfxc im inrPeM*e in h. ip I .tnilien,nhonld cull at IT -I ' H kny'< Medici,l In .. .ii,,. Armory Hall, corner and 'lont ir i'nrrv •trerl*', and they » 111 receive every (■"■••ihl,. relr I and to-lp The Itoclor* ofllrei* ape mi girrnnued Mi it he ran he con«tilled withonl lh" fe if "I (iml, *'a ion. If de-ired. Hr. will xi-di the ladim nt their re-nlen-r« All con»H',l>dion< l,y Irtlnr or otherwiw ip,.,.. Ad,lren* lo Hr 1,. J «7.»iikoy. Medical liodlno Armory Hall, corner Sarrainenio and >!oniuoip„ry riVI’MILIS AND GONOUmUEA —Dr. 1. .1 Cxnpk iv would ink erp, rial attiMitio to -y p*.t 111 ic ind HOMopp'hin ' (liwicr* In the tir«t -'HS.'r* oi e|ih, r ,f ihe*e com)dn rd- he inti—n « |*erlert and • ff.-c ij.j r ,rj in n h-v, davn w ihont fdn Iranre to liotinea* ~ the aluhlrst IHCOnvtCH "lice. The I n,r(.,.« nirthml nf {pfli’ini; M n ”>>lll6lll--all th».|nl,'*t lin (<r>- v. rii.-nt - hv the medical faculty with dircoveri. * mad' hy hon - If tnor.' efforfive than aiiytSdnT xet ixiiown, which >• enrev the p diciil from the jMW«ii>ili'y of rcc >.id«ry «y in) tom* and r, mowultn di-e »-i . lliralairtcat (p* *il»!etime Sceondarv aypliilt- whn h |ij. r*ioriMi - ,)iicnre of the ajhaor lion oi ih (».(w.alnlu tht *va t' ni, and prodoc* - , I’/Utae'-, I i> , p .I'ou- n. lie il P' ,i nd loan', wit ch d»w»roy the oft part*, end r . on- ih, hon<*« to mortify, acpnra',' a. I come away ,tiatt*{iiriinr the patient hoirrit'ly S .»h;» or p.iinfa! iwellinjj* on the lofcbee upon the ek' n . en-r.- in whict ’.I, iKe-ior*p*-e daily in hwoflW ai d which nr,- the re*nlt of iropro(»T ireatmenL Mni. 'tkier*. -or>-» mid ; in- Clec, ami injur e- - , Ifi" c-in«’ii'lUoH. wlticb ai'.er a ■ :Uf peraal (rfewllennft dertroy life It will nho fa* re loamtMrad ibal lh«M disorders art hereditary , ptueing MEDICAL. from parent l«» child, and c ninth nr Upon 'h»» i»(T«pHmr a ruined constitution l't>r the cure of till the-** f*»riu • of Ihr D*H*tor« cuaranire* h cure or :»«W« no compmi-Mimn The iKw'ior r:«t» !••• pomnllwl by lei* Iff or otherwise free of clmnre, find n»vn. « nil who fw h (flirted !»» call upon him, where will ifive ihem * ich sj»ti- f»ctioa ss ihcv call obtain no when* else —• lli« fooinw are N«>. 1 mid v* \rui*»ry Hall, corn* rof Sac* ')ionM'l '!»H»i(Tonn rv •’rmh **an Fnuictsco TUT. fiRKATEST MSi’OVEUY OFTIIR ahi-.’—< 7rcat llles«iiurio Mankind ? I mmrent but I*o lent I— Dr. I, •!. (’/ >pk ty *s l*roph\ incth*um. « w » ff Dis mferliiur Aifen f ,) a *ur»* preveiihitDe :»•/• rt-t if*un r rh«**al and m pbiliDc di-»‘ »-*•- an I in tin- ir»*a<*ed rein* e*lv f.*r :11 the venennl. scrofulous c iii/renonw runt cancerous ulcers fa id discharge* from th*- \ i.Mn.i, !,, enis and lireihra. and ;ill cut •ine*ei* eruptions and disea-es. fer-alent Dr 1.. I i /.a| k *y*- ofpee, \r niory Hall. comer of SMcrannupo m | Vore/om. ry * fr *‘* H, Kian* \h innoc il.moii iw i(r.\« n- DDive airmnst *mall p*.\,i« •>r 1, .1 » / 11. L i\ s V'mpHhuMtruni a prevent alive aj it «v*.hilif na? an I vf*niorrheal «1 1 -»• Harm I *'*- <n i'sidf, it i , !-%,»*.-» h Hie fiOWer of eln*lii»ea|lv destroying ’he syphilitic v|- r i*. aii'l rher» V*\ *av iur thousands of \ouuv’ debauch e* * IVorn he in if inteeteil hy the ni*Ht lo <’h~o|||e nf all 'l*"*l el no v>Ml?i*-f man \\ ♦ • a > r.•* tale* fieal'U he wi'hut Dr. • ripkav> f*rophda*uicum. It 1* in very eon v *n lent park rn*es anti will fie | nm 1 e>»n vun •*lilV» line, I »»-jn*r u-ed :sa so ip. Th t disease ran hr prevented by th- n*e of proper agent*, )s a* Well Ml established 'fact that they ran he cured afh r their establishment, Tin* principle whirh i- now min. r* f* ill' n cognized, *'iiw received even In 'he dm* of •L inn r. the *I is over* r ol tin* va* cm lion in mi.l if* i»»t|!li|iliei! huiefhs ever sin •• have received, n* Ihey deserved. the attention *»i the medieat larully. It wa-i in pnr*'ii? • »t*tlii«« hr-it (L ol 1 1»• * m*»«l rnl *« i. ••nee that Dr. 1,. .l.t'/apk'U fortunate!) m n!e the *liw eo\er\ of hi«* f’rophi’.K jiniiii v*hirh. for tin* preven tion of *•> phi lit ie. £foin»rrhenl, rane*r- «n*» and enlioeiaiw di*or.*|er. statoN unrivalled hy an\ a- *nt in the Dha.- rnaror»oen. I ln* e|f.*pt of tin** nt nftet r"iti*m tw iinttiediaie ami remove** trie o> a rotifmo tion of di*eawe If. how er. the dm* a*. |«a< been ron Iraeled. it i«* u«»*fiil in iieiiinli/lnix the ooi- non* *• ere- I ion* uliieh, hy ah*nrption. produce l) e h-riid ron«»e «jiien«*es known as s<condarv syphilis | has hetn) administered hy the Doctor ie mam ifioiis*md rn*es, fin*! tie Ins \ef to find the tie* l in whieli it tins tailed to Mth-erve the purpose for w hieli it w as administer ed. Price, S>. Full direetionn are attaehed toeaeh pnekaif**. In eus< s where Prophilaeilrtnn i* n*ed «* a euratiNe. I>r I. .1 (Vapkav will furnish gratis a pre scription for his (flood Purifier. All romiminieation* from the country, addressed to Dr, I .1. t'/apkny.San Fraiiei*eo will he Htri«*tlv and ronfld'MitiHltv aMetided to. find ttn* r nn dn w with tin* oretiiesl cure and seereev. immediateK *hs patch* d, hy Kxpress or oilier convey mice in their des tination . • CY**'Dk. .1. 1.. r/.NfKAV —The Sfeiittenian whose name forms Hie caption of this notice is one of ilia few modern physieimis wtios** fi|*|»lica!i* n to ins pro fession and devotion to tin* ttflli«*t l . render him alike an ornament to l* e one and a benefit to the otlier A Miirnrariaii hy hirtli. he ««mvsl»f w ith K« -siftli to place IdHcountrv ainoiur the nnlioiis ol the earlh beyond Hie rule, ihat her s* ns mltfbf rejoice in tin* practice of those precept* which are alike o<if L'h T\ and our pride. In hi- • (Torts so to d*, tie has reaped the rew art of iin f r * cm d red-lanee to oppres sion. wtid ‘-a home and n conn’i v know him no nior. /' \p irf how *\*r, lr an hi- claim* upon onr consider ation as a oatriot, the lestim-ni ds of ch trailer and c ipacity w hicii in* brings emitte I »nt to pnhhr eonh ileiic.e, to the exelnsion o! tie se w tin po--e-s nei’l ef I lit- one • r Hie other \s a L r etti < man lischarae’r t- nnlarni-he I ; as fi f»!i\< i n. h - d;ill n***i|rpa-sed t ■lid !•» tho-e wh«t*e i!|»fem S«■ i• <•• has left upon lh**tll the taints ot dm •*••. we can con -cn n!n -In cotnim tut tom with the ii-s'iratice dnd in him 'heN will find a frii ii I whom to know i - i*r- at c-on 'fhe Dr.*s office i- No. M at d I Nrinnrv Hall n»- r «•! Sucranieiito and M*»np/». tnery -free 1 -. San Dianei- » y*: in \t < I'M* v v \ u I f t kj J f -- - -i i H. J > . ■/ -J -<■;/( I r '< 'J 0 / f \*w ;dr. pareira’S . (ill AT IT Ald AN KEMEDY Kor the crt An fti.d oh cure ot »]is (‘.?cs of a private na me, n> matter li w lena r standi <s, widi* ut any in jnrimis eftket lo tlie system or any c!m u* diet, h 1 1 :»~> never tail* d, it cannot fail to cure Inviiluiillo HjifiiMc llr-t into |>|.« >.,<i• Hi , m ;•(• -mill lii'i'imii' I*o h»• 11 1> n. iwn i- ii ‘rirtiin r ir. ’ thnl iiuviTV I own unit I’ily rmtitiny on iln 1 i’iiiiil ihiil. i n! in i.n iit nriliiiii, tlit* ill p.Jllnl lilT i! WHS Ml ITi Ml. ill. 111* nt- R'l llHlmillllilK, n hi in Or ii mi. 1 Muir im in il- inlru.lii. limi il hiul • 1 |.|i!iiii!<*il nil elli< i niiii .li. il, 'I Ik 1 ' .■l'ict.l I'ncnlty n ilu- | riMci|inl ciij.-M nl li'in.|n. w.-r.' .mup.-11.-.l ic •ii knn« li-flai' 1 1 1 wmiilerliil nr -!• r\ <u. r iliMfiiMn I'ru |irn - i>ir«nl nlt.i-r in.'iliciii.n Ji xlnii'ut iln mviiv. vi.inly in ilm.v.irrtl In Kluy il* nil's nl i rn'. re - I ike irrn-M limlihv I In* mnwnr, llirir rlf if I - fill in 1 *•»• ernnrnl nnd like (in- nn llic | rnirie-. MWi e|.lnif nil In tnre il. it- on sviircl mnn li Ihtiiiih* triinniilmut It -tnml lorlli ii(mn it-own iiierii* : a ili-ceriiiiiif |iiiiilii; -ass. tried mid un re ronviim <1 of i'- mnt'ii'ai sirlne- Tl.e mnuMv.i tiirtnne iicnnired •>> I'r I’lireint Ireni the wile of il lie in-' H e - x v eiir- he pn jiiir*-l ii, nlone Imre w itn.-s lo it-iniri'eiilmi- merit-. \l ihe deceiiM* of the Ilorl H e pi i'ij.e wn - liei|lienlliei| Hi hi- -on. who Ini- liilely mr.lilliceil tile leiiM'dy ii 111 Hie I’nited Slnle,. llio niiiiilKT <•( <■ n * ii hn« already m de are a-tnni-liimf I Inni- imt. and lens of llinna,.iuls i tin bear t.-linionjr lo ii- efficacy. All will cure with n rifely.apeed and rerlailiiS Ini n fe I* n»i niciee till- ever [ OMM'awd. Hi-nrl to lie li'i'e k Ne-ini'ii«. I'm a remedy Ibat lur- been Hied I T Hie jiu-l Ill's year- and wiei never knew n in f nl 1 bi-Hreni in i- warranted imrely vctretafde. Hew ire el I'mmli rf.'ile I lie e*len-ise -ale of Ibis wniiderlnl medicine bn- alreudy . ee.-l Homo per- in i r lx r-uii-. to palm off ll|-ir tin* m - i-perlinn, a *pil rii ei- i * ini |h nt ad, r lonely n-i emblmir He* original. 110 par 1 n n ar lo bus none wiilioul lie wrinen Hiwii ituro of A Pareira, V. Il on ibe ouuide wrapper ol each tail lie. Ml nlher- are cmiul.rfell, and iheir mm (ajiiiinern wdl la- pum-bed sv iib tin uimorst riger of- Ihe tas» pri • . Three dollar- |>er laillle for ftile tiy D. Hah c<- k. -ele Vgei.i |nr Halit.ifnia. Hr* iron an 1 the Sand wieb 1-land*. In » horn all order- niusl be addresreiL A liberal sle«-’niil made V w* olewi'e dea' tm. 1) It \ COCK. Wbolewile DrugiuiM. 7? 11l s-i-Mre.-f, San KmncincO. I.i-l n A?en>- Hir»iisrh,'ol Ibe v.ite. Mice t tffiin It. I'm I n •.!»' i-i Mi rv-v die ■ h H'mr weather, Cily i»Tue ri,-.|i(„n ; A'. H hmt-i-r, Smnira • Henj •'h r' i it. sba-iN ; Child k Wor ben. Wtcrrvill* Jn-i nt. i. Jr Sacre elito ( ilv; I). B. \\ . it. s. i.ievi'de : Ilf. Joi n l.ark Nevada; Ur. W. 11. <.ntiiel Vreka, Ur J I*. \Vionioii, lonAnKele,; T 1 uina- >V bale). San lliego; (<«i Ie SU*ry. I’orlla. , 0 T. BLANKS —Kvejy denerpilloo of 'SuaUe#’* foj tale ,thts office.