OROVILLE DAILY BUTTE RECORD. VOLUMEL (Drouillc Ddln Ikth jßcrortu •’CBUKHKti DAILY (nI’.VHAY!* ► \CKHI I.D) BY i CEO. H C ROSETTE. OrYli * —ln Riconl Ifnil'linc An Mynr* FtTcrV, I Kant aide,, bclw»*cni Montgomery and Hint, (Yroville. Ten**—-One Vvjt r.-Y Ma1i....., sl-1 **’* Vil! IllOtllltS. tlf* . * * W! t Tlinw mmirtw rto ....... ft Yinj Itellverad by Onrrinr. per IV ***k » • ... .yS 4'); waKKLV inn IT: u i:coud i j !>■ For clrenlation In this minim; and wjtieiilliiml dl**- friel" nl tlif. fonnly, will contain Iheh'ed and ril iiews nfthe w.ek. interspersed with Inlareslinst ml*-. relliineon* readmit matter. It will contain twrnly , oiirht columns nl mnilnvr maWer, and w ill lx-one »f , Hi.- laiye-n an.l cheapest VA es-idy New.paper- In lit'' j c-ha'e, I’iili)(ml>«*iJ hiYV fcalnrilny IT mis—per A tin; six months, si; i> rce months.Hl A nvkrTihk*l KST «. per vqitiiTtf nl leu lines or less. (nit iiiwrliiiiit ..... 6 1 K ic.n »nhsei|nciii, Insorllrm,- • *1 4"] j*y* A lib.*ral deduction will be made in favor of, ■thorn* who advertise by the year Business cards inserted mi reasonable I erma, il;ftilß lor llir lltillc Rrrortl. m i:\nv kkf.fktv iii.iwi-n TilliM \>j u- iVCK (I* Merchant it San Fram-isro A 1,, ft in !, !• ttnwli Marysville M |i. IM.IIM , Forbeslown NVIIITF, \ N ITT HR Oreiron City. .3 K, .1 MIKStiN - |h«{tiiwnl ;,KVI SMITH Thompson's Flat I tin Hit' Mil KRTitS Urol herb mV store., I .lAMI’.s TK UN I lit Mimilla Valley. ■ The -•Record’’ can he |.roonreil from any ollbe I above nano-.I Agents, who are nl-o m»tlioriz<*»l In re I *oei ve ad verlisenienls aibl orders fo* -lob Work ]\i’VIU,K ADVKIITISKMKNTS. NlO W I'liiAU AND TOBACCO STORE- West hid,* |l • o|»|lOni|t» thM tilt* IlflUII 11 • M.l It VS V I !. /. 1: , r I L. TsTSTsaa.. r’.toy c&? 00. E*» KSprcTFI 1.1. V WN'H’M.’U T't THK IM'll uc anil Til K TllAll’’. Hut Huy have cm xl,mily t>n baud, anil l*»r aide, at lb*' lowest inarKt, prices, lit WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, A larjj'j Mini cun*.fully Movk «•! Cigars, «»i’ I Jit* I'hoicfst 15 5 - :s V-> well a* Uni-' "I H ebeaper cmilil.V : also !1\ I il* \ i)KSIU Mll.r, II If VN I * !>(•• rmiAi'i >», and in x'liiri. wbaievr ii. iy be found in miy similar eatauie-liiueui in California. , . A I. >N<: KXPKIIIF.Xi’H In the lei-ni.—*, wr* fed assured will, when rimwiili MU \lis 111 f 1 db W \ i;|> |)l. V 1.1 Mi. ''liable n- I" -'lV'' I.M'IIIK I'; I A i Til IN lo those will! may aivii- ns w till lbeir pal roiem". j jrrorNTisY tk i>< r c i t. lifx limn in id iithrr lu.ii'" In the Slate, Mayrysville July lit. l'*tl,. jyltt-ll WALKER, WSLSON & Co. DKALKBS IS rp, A T7 l A T TYO' 'JJ. AHH FANCY GOODS, Ololliiii.lt, Knots, Ladies* and CHILD:j”bN"S SHOES, MOSIF-iiV, Sc(J , West side I>. til near 2nd *1 Marysville. TV f\ Tll,|, |< r.til’ I 'I'N ~I AN n.V ON II AMI. a lull V» liuiriini'iil "f «:ui"l» I" til. ir lint*. mi.l w.'iilil solicit u share of public paironast"— Viirui'iiliir idteninm |>iinl linir.l ra ir "in Urn country THOMAS 13. WALK Kit, 7AM KS t. WILSON, JOHN It. M ASON. fch ‘J-VMt WDWKI.I. ADV Kll l isr.'.l KN'l’S BIDWELL BOOKSTORE. fITI IF. undersigned won 11 respectfully inform Hn’ H citizens ol llidwell unit vicinity, lliut be li if 1»|)W Ill'll u BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. nml will keep constantly on band alt ussor mem ot Mitoki, Stull'iiii'iv ini'l Fancy Articles, "t iln - Muesl nJ beat (|imlliy, unit willin' in lb" receipt or ilie LATEST PUBLICATIONS. 4a soon us issued JJil/lrs, School Rooks, Spiritual. Masonic and Religions ll’orks, Blank Books , (in sells or single) A ovt ls, Envelopes, Paper of all kinds . rOBTEMO.WUES, GOLD PEA'S, .V.V T BOGEIIS .V IPOSTE.YfIOLM'S FINEST CUTLERY. Whirls will h<> aolil at Hi" lowest rates. Latest At lantic Paper* received liv every ateniner. for sale li KKKFKII. Next door lo National Hotel. E S COOPER M D SURGEON, OF KICK—.At the Kye, Far, anil Orthopu'die Inlir marv. Mission street, between Second ami Third near "Kuti'iiiu Halim,’’ SAN FKANCIsHXI. All Snntiiail Operations FUKK. to patients present ing themselves ut the Ctixn s <>n VA e.lues.lays and Haturdays. at o’clock, 1* M. Medical men of the OUy and Fad Ac Coast, generally, are respectfully in vietd lo attend the Infirmary on Clinical days, when ever it may be opporiune tor Ihemselvea. unisKClf bNOK SALK l>y the i’asc or Package in quantities to suit, ions bill paper. Legal cop Letter Paper, Ink Irond bill paper. Fools cap, N'otc paper. Pen i)», lllank Hooks. AVafors, &c &c. Noisy arriers Book & Stationary to. 7 Battery &04&tW Long Wharf, San Fran l#co . C- P- KIMBALL. Pres. OROVILLE LODGE, No. 5». I. O. of O. F. meets every Monday eve- TtinK in the Masonic Hall. Brothers in OCTOBER 1, 1856, BUSINESS CARDS. r- h. P sums. JIMS* ». DI RT. HARRIS & BURT. A-ttornoys at 3Jaw, nIftVIM.I.E, BI'ITK COUNTY. I'Al. OrriCK —Myi»n» w«n*l d*!#% above Montgomery. j xn . wml k r . D ' • I' l K MMiAMK WIN TEH & BERLINGAME' Ilfllir —111 .McGrath's Building, I) s'rr.’l, between Second ami Third, op *-U 1 V*t*V t*'«- Hnini Mon***. i - ITTX? ‘ MARYSVILLE' Wo also have openen an office in Die I’ S lsl*«<-k. iir'.viil.-. limit' i’ll . where one of no may m all times be f hum)* JAMaS GREEN Dll VSK'IAN AND SURGEON. r--ar* (_'hp in* found at ‘Orleans Hotel.” when no prn( •» locally engaged. j> l J T ELLIOTT' JUSTICE 01' '1 lIK DEACE, Office, on (tin) street, between Myers ami lln muon, j ORIfI'IU.K, Hi nt: COVSTV Jolf It I- iff. r. 1 Ilf J Y. JONES. CONSTARLE AND COLLECTOR OK N< » l MS ANI I ACCOI .NTS. Also—Will s. ll Personal Properly on Commission Orrit k. with ■I T K.lliol), Ksq., llinl striiet, Oroville. July U. 1H56, j.' >■* '< JOHN WILSON, « M. It. lirsucl.L, A. WINANT# JOHN WILSON & CO. A TT'UN KVS AS l> i'or NS!',I.I.oHS AT I. AW. . I'l Ijeorbl, M eriTmnl Si. near Montgomery. J G LAWTON Jr ATT’Y & COUNSELLOR AT LAW ami I 11M MISSION K K Hill MAro\ ille. Unite < onuiy, c I Wn.i, I'rm in i; is all run < onus or this Statk. A-El EABRISKIB, ATT * V &COCNSELLOU AT LAW 111 evil I I 111 IIK I'm MY (?A 1.1 KOR N'l A, UA33523 EWER \ TTOIWN KV -S CttU.NsMI.I.OKS AT L\W. din. l -Corner of Montgomery ami Downer streets J. B. WARDEN, IVi. D. A llrailn.Tle of Jeff.irson .Metlical I olleite, IMiilu ,l, Ipliia. lias l.iciile.l lor Hie praeliee of bis Professioli, ul 11 eii-baw*s Kailcbo. Ilillle Loun'y. August It. |Bi>6, au.'ll-.’iii* l lIAUI.KS K. 1.1 ITT. w - T - S K XTON LOTT &. SEXTON ATT () K N K V S A T J* V W, it 111 wk i, i,, Cam. THOMAS WELLS* AT T 0 U N 1) V AT LA W , OIIDVII.I.M, 111 m; CULTN I V. Speeial attention given n> the searching of I'mmly lleeonls, investigation of 1 ill.-s. .Ve , Mint to Die draw iim of Denis and till lii-triinieiils tor record nftUe in the Court Ilonue. st is hereby givne, that ail |»tsoiis holding 1 Unite Connly Warrants payable from the gene d fund, registered bi'tweeii Isliruiiry Dah, Isa 6. and lav *lh. IKati, Dial the same will be rudeemisl a ntesentatlim. at my office. And notice is further iven. that frolll and after this date, said warrant* ill ceoM> to bear interest. WILLIAM I.ATTIMORF.. Treasurer of Unite County. dissolution rllF. 00-PAKTN K.KSIIIP heretofore existing In* tween James 11. Brass and John D. Keating, is lis day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due le late Urm miu-t be paid to James H Brass, aho one is authorised to use the name of the Arm in initiation. All demands against Die late Arm of D. Keating It Co , will be paid bv James H. Brass. JAMES 11 BRASS, JOHN D. KEATING. Oroville, August 16, 1856. auglS-lf legal notices. BTATK «>F CALIFORNIA, I l *'nintju“Wtal district rorur. ■wroAV this «lav it appearing to fny satisfaction, as Judge of til*- Ninth Judicial »i»tnett onn n. and for Him* County, that the Hoard of Supervisors m ..ml tor said County, did, on the twcnty-f.iurih day of »enlemb. r, A I» one thousand eight hundred and fifty-si* declare Oroville to be the County seal o( Hu tie County from and after th* said twenty-fourth dav of September A. 1). Idon, in purnuan.c id in Ad eniiiled All Act to Change and lit the County Sent id Hume County, approved March 10th 1816. and it fur ther appearing to my satisfaction that the present buildings in which the said Court has been held, and in which the Records have been kept in the town of Hidwell, are unsafe a* « place of depository f.-rsaid Records, mid that the same is hatde to destruction bv (lie. by reason of their being constructed entirely of wood. And it further appearing. 1 hat there is no building in the town of Hidwell suitable mr holding the terms of this court, and to safely keep its Records from tire or other calamity, and it appearing that the p.w n of Oroville is a fit place to hold the terms of t his Court, and that a commodious and sale brick build ing in said town has been tendered the county us eoulny buildings. li b therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed, that the Cler of the Ninth Judicial district Court in and b >• Unite count) forthwith remove his office and the Record* thereof, to < irovtlle, in the building selected <,y the said Hoard of Supervisors as County Ituillings, mid tout be do and transact the business of his said office, at the town of Oroville, as the County Seat of Unite Countv. And it is further ordered, that the terms of said Court, from and after the said twenty fourth day of September. A. I>, IS.'ifl, be held at the said town ot Oroville. until otherwise ordered. And it is further ordered, that the Clerk of the Dis trict Court in ; nil lor Unite County, issue an order, under the seal of said Court, in conformity with this ore published in the Daily Unite IIKCoRh, it paper published in tlit* town of OruMlle, f,»r the >paee nf forty dnys Iroin I lie dale hereof. (iiveii under my hand', this 24th day of September, A. D. IHTiti. \VM I*. DAINOKRFIF.I.D. Ibslriel Judge, s'JO-lnt Ninth Judicial District, Cat. STATU OP CALIFORNIA, ( County of Unit*. i County Court. AOv'itW tliis day it appearing to my sulisf.ielion as I'N Judge of til* County Court, in and for (tube Conn'v, that the Hoard if Supervisors in amt for said County, did, on the -J4lh day ol September. A. il one thousand eight hundred and fifty six. deoptre inoville to be the Count; seat of Untie County bom and afier tin- said tw enty-foarlh day ol St pb-mber f . 11. ls.it>, in pur.-diinc* ol mi act en’i!i ,, d An Act. to ehange and tlx the Conntv Seal of Hull* County, approved A.inrh loth. 1S V ; and il lu-Mher appearing to tin * .tidaetiou llial the present buildings Pi w lii.ill the -a il Court h is lieell held, and in widen the Records have li en kept in the town of Hidwell, are na*.ile as a place ot d>-- i,,-nnry for said !!• cords. amt that th*same is liable >de Iriu’lioli hy lire, bv reason ->l their being eon 'riicb-d entire ~f wood. And it further appearing lull there is no building ill lie* town ol Hidwell. suit- Me for holding the terms of ibis Court, and to siif. ly eep its Records from fire or otlu-r calami) y, and i 1 ppeariiig I hat the town of tiro - ill* is a 111 place to end the terms nf ltd* Court, and that a sale and cem m.duiii* brick building in said town Ims been ten ered ihe county as county buildings. Ilia Ilierelore ordered, adjudge I ivtld decreed llial he Clerk el I lie County Court, in mid for Hutu '(din' v, forlhwilh remove Ids office and the Records lu re .’f. to < irovillc. in the huilding M-te. ted by tin a j<| Hoard of Supervisors as Conn.y Ituilditigs. and hat lie do and I ansacl the business of his said office, t the tow il of < irov lib*, a* the t ounl V “-eat ol tbit (Mintv. And it is further ordered, that the terms ol uid Court, from and atter the said I vvenly loiirlti day d September. A 1) 18;.6, he In Id at the said town ol ir.ivdie until otherwise ordered. And il is further ordered, that Ihe ( b-rk of the 'uni ty Court in tod for Butte Com.ly, i**tn- an order nab r the seal ol snd Court, ill conformity Willi the inter. An I that the sum* be published in the Daily Unlit I •cord. a paper published in lII* town o' orovilb , or i In* splice nf tort y days from the date hereof d v order ot Iht Court. Aih -t tin loregoing a into copy of the original or !er now on tin- in my office. Witness mv hand and Ihe seal ol said Court (~ •= • uffi vd this the 24th (lay ol September. A. D. s.'iO. at Hidwell. ’ MILLS CHAPIN, Clerk of County Court. Hy M H. DxRRA' n. Deputy. me-thousand eight hundred atnl lifty ■i*. (ledan-Oroville to he the County Seat of Unite ■ouniy Iroin ami after lb* sunt twenty fourth dav of September. A I) lK.il* in pursuance ofim Act entitled An U-l to change and tlx the C.iu-dy Seal of Untie komiv.npprov.il Mii'fh loth. I Kill, and il further ipp,..„ring to mv satisfaction that Ihe present build ngs in which the said Court has been held, and in which the Records have been kept in Ihe (ownof Hidwell. are un-ale as a place of depository ter said Record*, and that the same Is liable Hi destruction by ire. by reason nt their being constructed entirely of ■v.0.1,' Audit further iip|ii-nring. that there is no ~Hiding in th.- tow nof I blw. 11, suilalde I.t holding ho terms of this court, him! to safely keep its Ibc .rns iroin tire i.rolh. r »-«imuiiiy. nmt il appearing that he 'own of (trov die is u fit place to hold the terms d ibis • i.urt and that acomm-diotis and sate bnrk diibli'g in said tow n lias been tendered tbe County is county nuildiiigs. li is Hierelore ordered, adjudged and decreed, lha' h* Clerk of the Court ol Sessions, in and tor Unite ’omit), tonwilh remove hi* office and the Recoids lioreol. |.-Oroville, in the building selected by Ihe add Hoard of Supervisors as County Building*, mid bid be . .. and transact the blisine*s ol his said office itlhe town of Oroville, as th* bounty Seat ol Butte °y"oilis further ordered, that Ihe terms of said Nil,n. from and nfi. r Ihe said twenty-fourth day ol ■eplemli. r. A H ts.Mi beheld at the said town ol Ir.iville. until otherwise ordered. And ii t* further ordered, that Ihe Clerk el Ho- said tol Session*, in and lor Unite Comity. an ir-ter under Ihe seal ot said Court, m conlurmity ‘'.And’lhat the sum* be pnhlish.al in the D»ity Butt* leei.rd. a paper p.ddisl.ed ia the town ot or the sp; c- ot forty days fioin Ihe date hereof. ik ordt-r of Court. . . . . , Attest the foregoing a true cpy of the original or ler now on tile ill said court. White** mv hand him! tin* seal *>f n,,rt L SI ol Sessions affixed, H-tv the lwej.lv fourth •*«*. Clerk of Court of Sessions. Hv M.H. Dv«s»cn. Deputy. ° >Mlt notice VR PHY fIIVKN. to all whom it may concern, d ihe undersigned will make application to the of supervisor* (>f the county ol Rune, at the r meet ing of said HoaM, to I*- held at tooville I county of Butte on the Hr*! AMalay m Novem .a- _ . lipfiivif to rfli'biish Md I a r^rry era.” somethin* over one mde above Me ‘m F ZZ ° f BU, b. Y. HAL*, jut t Bwar, Auy’s tor Applicant. siA-lf LEGAL NOTICES. STATE OF CALIEoRNI V, > County i>i Butte. s Probate Court. VOW this day. it appearing h. my satisfaction «- Judge ot the Probate Court. in nut fur Butte County, that the Bo.u-d of Supervisors. and for said County. (lid, on the twenty fourth day of r~«■ |*i>• m' >.• i V D one thousand eight hundred nnd tlltv six decla r e (froviile to be die County'Meat ol Butte t n. from and after die said tweiily-fouiih day of September. \ 0 ISort, in pursuance of an Art emitted An \ct lo change mid fix dm Count/ f•■at of Undo County, aj proved Marcti 10th, IHM. and It further appearing to my satisfaction. liial tint pruwiit building* in a hicb tlm said t ourl has hern held, ami m which tin- Ken ords have I in,-n kept in the town of Bidwell, arc un safe as a place of depository tor said Records, and that the same is liable lo destruction by tire, by rea son of tln ir heiiitf constracted entirely of w,*ml. And it further appearing that there is no building in the tow n of llidweli,amiable for holdinir Hie terms of this court, and lo solely keep its Records Iroin tin or oilier calamity, and it appearing that llie low nid Oroville is a til place to hold the terms of this Court, and that a commodious and sale brick building in said p until has net'll tendered to the county as county buildings. It is, lliernforeordered, adjudged and decreed that Hie Clerk ot die Probate Court, ir mid for Haile County, fort with remove his ollico and the Records thereof, loOroville, in die building selected by the said Hoard ot Supervisors as county buildings. and Ibal lie do and transact die business of Ins said office itl llie town of Oroville, us dm County Seal ot Unite County Ami it is further ordered that the terms of said court, from and after the said twenty-fourth day of September. A D ls.Ml.be held at dm said town of Oroville, until otherwise ordered. And it is further ordered that the Clerk of I he I’ro bate Court, in anti for Htitle County, issue m order, under seal of said Court, in conformity with this or der. And that the same he published in the Daly Uni e Record, a paper published in the town ot Oroville, for the space of forty days from the dale hereof. Hy order of Court. A Pest the foregoing a true copy of the original or der now on tils m my court. Witness my hand and Hie seal of said Pro. [I, SJ bate Court affixed, this the .Dili day of Sep tember. AII Is. Ml. 11l llidweli. M I I.KS cIIAIMN, Probate Clerk. l!y Parhai ii, Deputy. ________ sheriff s sale P7»V VIK IT 1. (If AN KXE'T floN kid out of the \ritli In Ibdal Di-trtcl Court, in and tor diet (tv of Unite. Stale of Cmiforma, bearing ,l;ip. ibe'JihTi d iv of August. \ I>. IS.'ii;, and to nm directed and delivered, couiinaiidiinf me to make die slim ot three h indred and tidy dollars princ.paj. and for tnnn'e-t from the J'fil dav ol .Inne \ D, mi the ttiree hundred dollars principal, at die rate ot i pre, |„ r ,per moldh until paid, and for costs ol SM, 'av i in the sum Ilf t Ml (Sdiit dollars, amt ac e n.ng costs, out of the properly In reinaltcr dr scribed, to satisfy the alor'-aid judgment. wherein |,h f Smith is Plninlilf and .laeob S Morris is 11 , d int, to vit : Tim Mi Iroiiolllan I heatn ted in t iroxalle, in the eoiinty and State atoresaid. lo cated on the corner ot' lluntoon ai d Bird street-. Ironling thirty nine (hui feet on llimtoon street, and eighty i'tn I••t on bird street. A I.SO— all that certain piece mid parct I ol land situated in C no iIU, (ipbir Township. Unite county, and Suite of calitor m. and ilescrined on the maji ol the Town ol Oro die. its follows' I.nls nnmner one, 1 1 > two, r.’i iree, (ID (our, (1> five, (a) and six, 'ld in Rloek Ihir ,~i <:a. ; lails number elm, 1 1 I two, t'Ji live |\ 11 sc veil. 7. and eiulit. H, ill I'doe ke;ghl.M 1 a a utuber one. 1, tw o. three. H. Imp', I, live. a. six. n. ■ ven- 7. and eight, a. in Block number ten. Di; I. l iiinla rnim. I.two, a, thr e. H, four. 4, five, *i\ >i. even, 7. and eight. S, in Block iiuiiiborelevcn.il; ails one, l.lwn, 2. three, a four, 4, live, .a 'lX.'a even. 7 and eight. S in film k nmnher twelve. 12. I.ot il in her one. I. two, J. liree, ■>. lour. 4 llx e. a, six, I a eve'll. 7. ami eight. S, in I’dork nuinlii r I wcnlx. i'll; ads nnmtiiT one. 1. fxvo, *j. three. -I. lour. 4 tire, a, i\. ti. seven, and eight. S in Block number twenty ne. 2l : lads number one. 1 two three, I' ar. 4. xe. fi, six, sexen, 7. and eight, b, in Block number wcldx two. 22; lads number one, 1, two. three. It dir. 4, five. 5. six, 6. seven. 7, mat eight, k. ill Block umber twenty-three.'43: all ol which I will expo-* i public sale, to the highest bidder lor cash, at lie |r!(■ ■ 111— Hotel, in the Town ol i truedie, on ;-aturdax. In- 'Jnth day ol September, A. D. lean, belxxeeii ll'e unis prescribed by law. lb '• REE, SherifT Unite County, Ux M. \ MiT.AI'CH 1,1 N, I'eptilv. Dated, this gfth day of August, x. lb IH.Mi niig'.’T.ld jXi iru' I- The above sale is hereby postponed nil in '-dav. lid' •' th instant, at the same hour and place hove nieiiliiied. I‘. IT! laf.li Hierill Unde (o. |ty M A Mi I. AI dill.lN Deputy. Dated this Sflth’day of September. 1 "Mi. s.’n id I die above is herebv | 0.-lpoiieil till MUnnlay, the till day ol tie idler. A. 1) Is.Mh at the same hour and lace above specified. P- I BKI lx. Sheriff Unite < ounly. llv M, \. Mi Lu Old tv, Deputy, luted, this the doth day of September. A. D. IHMi. (Ci. di bet Ween the ho irs prescribed ay law, at id the ove named Defendants right, title nod inter.-i in d lo the building si'iiat d on Umrr Street in die „ io| Ridwoll. Uniro t oiin'y falilornia. 1 'l'tween alia Hi rg. r de’s Hot. I and die Chinese store, mid nnerly known u» James Toner’s House—said huihl g being abo'.i twenty by forty leei, and one story gli ; also, a -mull building ot shed in the rear, to- IheV with the hiiildnlgs are hicala J. Sale lo like Hie town -I 111 iw.'ll. • oiintx and Stale afore, id. in front of Henry heeler's Bankiut and Ex imge office SbenlT's Office. (Vlobwr 'i. 1 c .O, l I! 1. MS. Shciiff Bntlp t'onnlv. DECLARATORY NOTiCxJ TV"UTIi fi i- bereby given dial I. Klli'ii Carpenter. wile of Danger’ll' Id Carp, tper, of the County ol Untie and Stale of California, do herebv declare that 1 intend from and alter tins dale, in carry on business in ny i wii uatne and mi my >wn lu-coiint, in said county ol Butte, and I li«l said business is fanning, raising, buying and se ling ol Slock of all kind*, and dial I w ill be individually responsible in my own name lor all debts contract'd by me on account of mv said business, and I further declare that the amount of capital invested by me in said business ilos-s not exceed die sum of (t»othousand doll its In testimony win rent I have lien unto set my hand and -eal, tint, the 2d day ot October. A. 11. |KM» KEEN CARP ENTER fSeall Sworn to and subscribed before me this, the 2d day of Oclol er. A. D. Ifiab. •*• T KEU* *TT, Justice of die Peace. PROBATE NOTICE LI. persons h .Mii« claim* t ea*list the estate of i Victor LmnliereTleceased. late of Butte county, herebv notified to prsssent them with proper icbersto the underaigued, within ten rountha from HOBART. Public Administrator Butte County. NUMBER 72. LEGAL NOTICES. SHSKirr SALE v ill Hr of all e xeeulion itsu* d out of Ihr |l -*rh t I 9 i uiiru Ninth >1 netirKil District. in m-«l l.r i; • county tli.tr>) ill. '.thh ■>• iim- hundredths tV'ihi.rUi doHar* tit lit, inul tin* * ■it twin * innr sixty llvr one hundredths *'.A 1 «i li>l lios costs of ciit mill ricnoog cost* of s:i .1 »u’, wherein W. II I jiil> y mill J. T. Mlfi'. are |>l n' am! Bii .i. n Mead an.l Win. A. Hildreth. ilefim 1 i: ;ti. rrlnrr m pursuant' ,i( -ml w rit, I havr si I/, il ai 'i lev nil ii|i‘Ui all nl Ihr re. lit. lit lr mill Inti rvsl if s * l defendants 111 uml 111 ah Unit ci rtam piece m p r. t nl laiiil anil appurtenances thereunto belonging or mi anywise appertaining, situated anti described as lol lows, to w it: all that certain piece or parcel of land situated in I.ynehburgb, tiphir township. Butte Count), and Hair of iililornirt. located on the west nidr oi ;h« Plaza, in the mid town of Lynchburg, containing 24 lent front and rear. running oast !2t fret more or less, logelhi r with the b ullding and tip pnrteimnrrs thereto lielonging, or in anywise tippers laining, which I w ill expose lor sale at the above de serihed pren>isea t<* the highest Indili r for cash oil f rnlry the 14i!> day of October, A. I). 1 r*. r )0. at A o'clock 11.I 1 . M, of said day P FREER, «3lf Sheriff Unite t'ounty. Dated this 3rd day of October, A. D Irtiti. VHirr of Application for Pardon* STATK UK l’Al.l ft IKMA, ( .... Cornty ok IU'T t n. y ‘ TV* thr Ihtnarnhlf J C. .V l.nri*. VrffUtinp Jin!; t vj thr Court vf ss vfa unit for lint!r Comity r unit J J, Kit ini', I huh ot. ithirtu y vj Hint County ' mrOTICK IS HEREBY CIVKN. THAT AN' Al* Xw pllv-iil ii hi will he made lo His Excellency, .f. Neely Johnsot., (iovernorof the Stale of California, foj the pardon of Henry l.iptn.m now a prisoner in ‘.he Stale’s I’n-on, who was convicted in tin - Court of Sessions, of the crime ot assault with Intent to com mit rape. In said county of Untie, and on the loth day ol August, eighteen hundred and Wily six. (l-atil sentenced lo two years imprisonment in the Stale's Prison. i’ll WATCHMAN. We do hereby nek now ledge service of the foreittv. ing notice, ul itidwell, this thud day of Septembers A. 1). is THi IMAS Wills. Acting District Attorney In said cause. .1 is f.. V LEWIS, County Judge, and Presiding Judge of the Court of Sessions. Aii vat I lie foregoing is a true copy of the origi nal .Notice, now on tile ill my o lice. W itne-s my band and Seal, this j September 4th, A D. Is.VI, skat.. MILES Cl IA TIN, | Clerk. Itidwell, September Th. TSPtf. Msb'it OFF IFF* OF I 111* HOARD OF SL RHR VISORS, IN ANI > FOR J,l 11 !•; ('< ir.NTV ~ AI’RUST TFIi.M, A. 1) I Soli. IiIDVS K |>l*. AlimiHt V.Ull, IHoft, In the Mliter ij (hr /h vision i f (>i kI r Tmrus/iip in/" Schuni Districts, OT S OitDKUI DIV Till'. 15 <» V 1 { I * I hi! UpMr Tiwnship he aid hereby is divided inlo Scho. 1 Districts ns full vvh in ivit: DISTRICT NO 1. Con mencing at • Hirer '1 array V house, on the hank nl' feather rivi r. Ih me up a Itavil’e or SI. ugh, t > Dry Creek. I lienee up Dry creek, taking tin right h md fork ef said Crei k until the lino sin si s the lint" of itidwell 'lown-hip DISTRICT NO. 2. Coni mencing at diver M urray 's hon-e, on the hank of p, alher ri\nr thence running in a straight hue hy, and ini biding the I'raine lli.mse, until il s’.riki - Itov VVvniiiloiie Township line, thence down the line of District No. 1 I" the place ol beginning. DISTRICT N