Newspaper Page Text
(Drnuillr JDuilq Suite Jlcrori, oin: it cdiitTTit Ktli lor. ftrotille, Saturday, October 3, IHiti. ViTIO.UL DLHOCRUTIC SO!IIMITO.\S. FOR PRESIDENT, 1 JA3I K S MV Cll AXA X , OF I’KNNHVIA ASIA FOR VICE I’UESIDENT, •JOHN C. ItIUX KI.MUDCi:, OF KF.NTUCK V. DEMOCRATIC STATE TIIkET. roH riIKKUMCM I*l. K I Kl TOH M, AUOUSTIN OLIVER \, 1* DELLA TOUR A, CEO. FREANOR. A C. BRADFORD. roil (CONOR RUN. CHARLES L SCOTT, of Tuolumne. JOSEPH McKIBBEN of Siena. koh I'l.khk ok ii riim coiht, CHARLES S. FAIRFAX of Yuha. KOR S I'PICHI NTK NI>K NT OK PI’BI.IC INNTKIT TION. ANDREW J. MOU LDER,. .ofSan Francisco. Regular Democratic County Nominations* KOR MKMUIIU OK ASKKMBI.T, JA.MKS S LON(jr, 11. J. MOIIIIISON. t’OH JOHN H LIIiHAIM). row prime ahminmtii a tor, A. C. MOIISK. FOrv JHIDNKR DR J. D. BROWN. Theatre —A good house wits present at the Metropolitan, on Thursday night, to wit ness the play of ‘Pizarro.’ Mr. Brown, Mr. Mortimer, and Mrs. Moulton, played their parts well, but it strikes us that the compa ny is not large enough to attempt such pie ces. Some of the characters were horribly butchered —for instance, the Alonzo, which is a very fine feature of the play,and requires uu actor, to portray it. even well, was com pletely murdered and amounted to nothing. Last night, as usual, the house was well filled The performance commenced with the Drama of Don Ciesar De liazan, in which Messrs Drown an i Mortimer, and Mrs. Moulton, fully sustained their reputation, and are deserving of praise. The entertain ment concluded with the local play of "Wo man's Rights, or Oroville in IhoG,” which within itself possesses no merit, further than the stylo in which it is rendered. The performance however, as a whole, seemed to give general satisfaction. Sudden Change. —The sudden change in the weather last evening, rendered out dour lodging} rather uncomfortable. We observ ed while wending our weary way homeward at a late hour, a great scarcity in the usual number of street lodgers. It will be a bless ing if the cold weather wili compell some of the vagrants in this town, to seek employ ment, whereat they can earn sufficient at lerst, to pay for a bed within doors. Emigrants. —An Emigrant train arriv ed yesterday by way of the Beckwith pass We did not learn where they were from Their stock looked very well. We noticed two beautiful roscy checked, blue eyed, blooming country girls, peeping out of the lattice work of the elegant Ox carriage that they crossed the plains in.— They were looking sharply at us, and we al low to spruce up a little, and look into this matter further and more at length. Opposition — At ’em again. We notice oar friend Obed Sautel is on the track once tnorc with his opposition line of stages Obed has in one or two instances proved himself to be a troublesome opponent. We have rot heard his line of action this time, but wc presume that he will run to Spanish town. Bi.ack Repubs.— The friends and admi rers of curled hur were hcvering around their favorite speakers Judge Tracy and Mr Rankin, yesterday. They were coun selling together a- t o the best way‘to get an audience ; it being impossible to gather more than a corporal’s guard hereabouts. Dick Irwin. — We are informed on relia ble authority, that this sterling Democaat is stumping the cou t; of Plumas, and just wipes out his opponent on the issue in the present campaign. He is the parties candi date for the Legislature, and will no doubt be elected. Postponed.— The Ball advertised to he given by John Davis, Esq., at Balcorab’s Xanch, has Wn postponed until further The True Inutile. Professional politicians, says the Rich mond Enquirer, may be determined in their course by prejudices of party and motives of personal ambition, but the mass of the peo ple arc animated in this momentous contest, by no other consideration than a patriotic concern for the honor ami interest of the country. The catch-words and issues of party engage comparatively little interest. The discipline of party organisations con tr Is but few votes. The success of party in itself and without reference to any ulte rior aim, is an object of very languid dc'-ire and a motive of very feeble exertion. The Presidential canvass of 18ot» is in no jus sense a contest of parties for political power and patronage. It involves intinitely graver and more essential issues, and in its result will accomplish a far more important revo lution than a mere change of administra tion or modification of party policy. Hence, the earnestness of thought, tlie depth of passion, and the pervading unity of interest which distinguish this canvass in different portions of the Union. In a mere party is logical an l 1 proper to appeal to the interests and pas sions of party. Uut, iu a contest, which Divides *he Constitution of the country and the Union of the States, in which political issues play a very insignificant part; ami which confounds ancient distinctions and amalgamates antagonistic associations by the irresistablo power of its supreme and unapproachable interest; in such a contest, the clap-t rap and sophistries of an ordinary canvass are altogether irrelevant and out of place. The people will spurn any appeal to senseless prejudice—will reject any jargu raent which is not addressed to their con science and their judgments. The politician who travels about with musty “documents,” and discusses the obsolete issues of a bye gone age, will via a credit for research and partisan zeal, at the expense of his charac ter for candor and honesty of purpose. The Stump speaker, who consumes his hour and exhausts his breath in the attempt to convict opposing candididates of trivial inconsis'ent cies and immaterial heresies, will simply be voted a bore for his trouble anil ingenuity The public mind is in too serious a temper for such contemptible trifling. The people care little for any past thing which does not hear immediately upon present issues. One stem tyrrnnic thought bends all their ener gies to its purposj. With the masses of the people the single inquiry is, how shall we act so as most certainly to secure the defeat of the coalition against the Constitution and the Union ? Fortunately events begin to indicate the course which the patriot should pursue, with so much clearness of revelation that there can be no excuse for a mistake of duty. While Mr, Fillmore was bona Jiile a candi date fur the Presidency, it was natural that his old associates shoul f incline to support kirn Hut since the result of the elections in Missouri, Arkansas, Alabama, Kentucky and North Carolina, has developed the irre sistahle tendency of popular opinion, and ftas foreshadowed the inevitable triumph of the Democratic party in every southern State, ii is too much to expect that men will throw away tlfeir votes upon a fictitious can didate. The support of Buchanan may be repugnant (<•> tie prejudices of the old line Whig, and may be disposed to repine at the success of his old antagonist, but such un amiable and ungenerous feelings will be overborne by higher impulses of patriotic duty. Whigs may claim that Fillmore is as reliable a friend of the Union as Buchanan, and nay yot decline to support him because of the miuilest impossibility of 11 is elecliuu. The Riuht Talk.— A New paper has been started iu San Andrus, independent in | politics, but asks the pertinent question— j “Who so fitted to make our laws for us as those who know our nquirements, and our wishes—those who are identified with us ! fi it is time that tluse who arc permanently interested interested in California to dis card the thousand and one politicians, who have thrust themselves upon the State. Ac cident having placed them in the position of legislators in other States, ami their unpop ularity having compelled them to leave, their wire-working and intriguing and log rolling propensities thrust themselves upon the people of California, where they use their positions to enrich themselves, and then leave the State, without returning to their cons'ituents ! Voters of Butte County repudiate ibis stamp of political bloodsuck ers, and scud men to make laws for you who are identified with your interests, and the interests of the county. Be not deceived by the blandishments of the professed political blackleg! Changed Hands.— The Orleans Hotel has been purchased by Capt. Murray, and will sh- rfly I c overhauled and opened under his supervision. Iteaetioii In favor of Fillmore. There is no doubt a strong reaction taking place in favor of Fillmore. Head an account of it which we take from the Cincinnati Dol lar Weekly. “The forlorn Shanghai Know Nothing pa pers keep daily telling ns that a vast “re action'’ in favor of Fillmore is taking place They point out signs and wonders, and skip about, making a great noise, yelping in va non* voices, like Indians deceiving enemies as to their number. Their discipline is complete, and they hurry from place to place, and hit upon all the expedients to make an imposing show, with (he adroitness and desparation of a slender garrison, beleagured and on the point of starvation and surrender, strug gling to keep up appearances, in order to make a respectable capitulation. The manner in which they rattle along ! the streets with drums and a display of ban- I ners, call in vain to those on the sidewalk, to ‘fall in,' and shout with cracked voices for Fillmore and Donelson, is excessively j funny. A richer farce than that perpetrn j ted at every Fillmore stage man- I ager should desire. Every sensible man— every man with half sense—knows that Fill more stands no noire chance of being the next President than Pap Taylor does, and yet his champions, oratorical and editorial, have radonbled the vigor of their lying as sertions and prophecies, and have waxed rampant as they become redicnlous Like the prophet of Baal, they have shrieked and i tore their hair, ami flayed themselves, and roared with passionate and profane prayers fbr tire from heaven, but it would not do j ceml. They have said that there would and sworn that tlorc should he a ‘reaction,’ and have raved that the tide had turned and the Fillmore flood was swelling. Vet the waters who-e buoyancy they have depended upon to be borne to fortune, refuse to rise, and not only refuse that, but they sink, leaving the filthy sediment of Hindooism along the shores, from which the Hindoo reptiles are crawling backward—crawfishing from the stream of pollution that dwindles away, raving only a nasty truck marking its Course to oblivion. The Fillmore farce is about played out Th e people are weary with the thing that is in its intention serious, but in itself far cical and foolish. A sense of disgust suc ceeds excess of mirth, and there is no perma nence of fun in a silly, unadorned, ami in credible lie The assertion that a‘reaction’ favorable to Fillmore is now going on. is a self evident lie During the last month, there have been daily demonstrations ilia* the Fillmore parly is crumbling, rotting, fa ding into utter insignificance, becoming so annihilated, that it cannot, towards the close ot this campaign, sustain the dignity of a nuisance—that it will make tmt a van ishing smell, and leave hut a grease spot beliiu I. Ik u’tiki i. Scene. — In the play of Piz zaro at the Theatre on Thursday night, where the beautiful little boy Mason was brought on the stage by the bewitching Miss Kale (i ray, the ' oust* was brought down in thunders of applause. The parting scene was very affecting. The little fellow, not exactly conscious of what was passing,caught the eye of his mama among the audience and manifested some demonstrations of walking off the stage into her arms. He did not un derstand the rattling and hanging confusion incident to heavy tragedy He played Im part decidedly well, or in other words was well up iu his parts. lowa v m Buchanan!— The “Fremont Victory’* was achieved by a fusion of the Know-Nothings with the Black Hepublicans, the candidates being equally divided be tween the two parties. Both now claim the victory, and have got up a very respectable quarrel. They cannot command the same vote for Fremont Electors that they did for their mongrel State Ticket, and the result ot their division will be to give lowa to Bu chanan ami the Union! Arrest ok John McDougal.—Ex-Gov ernor McDougal, was arrested soon after his arrival on the Stephens, by officer Hand. He is chared with election frauds in San i Mateo last May. Ho gave bond with ' Edward F. Beale and James S. Graham as sureties. Justice Jones’s Court. —Ben. Moulton was fiued s7fiand costa for committing an assault upon his Harriot Moultou. He left for Sacramento on the stage yester day. It is understood that they have finally separated. New Goods. —Mr. Simon has one of the ; most extensive assortment of fashionable Clothing, Hats, Boots, and Dry Goods, that has ever been opened in Oroville. A tile from the above House may be seen on owe oj j our htads. Correction. —Our old friend Geo. Green is not the one spoken of in connection with the race-track. So he says. Theatre is now under the exclu sive management of Jacob Morris, the proprietor, and will no doubt do a prosper ous business. He seems determined to fur nish entertainments of the very first order. Postponed —The ball that was advertised to come off at the Valley Exchange, Messllla Valley, is postponed iniefinitely. Mountain House, Butte Co., Sept. 2’J. Friend George:—l have thought that a tew items of mining news from this quarter would not be uninteresting. The miner* are making fair wages—at least all tin sc who have water to work their claims— and there area good many waiting patiently until the rainy season sets in; then they expect to make large wage*. There has been some good prospects struck, recently, on the Bar on the Forth Fork of the Middle Feather River, ami a good many claims have hern located mi that stream for flaming next sea son. There arc also hill diggings being found along Brush Creek, which bid fair to pay well. lam of the opinion that there will be as good hill diggings struck in this vicinity, as there arc in any mining section in the State. The hills have not, as yet. been prospected. All we want is enterprising hill miners to come and prospect, we have plenty of room, ami a good show for them to make a ten-strike, if they only persevere If you have any such men about Oroville, sen ! them along. Wo have two or three Fremont men in this vicinity, and the balance will fie divided be tween Buchanan and Fillmore: but 1 think Buck will come out ahead. Ex Gyverm i Foote, the champion of the American party, in company with two or three of the “big chiefs'’ of the same tribe, parsed along here a few days since, but none of them favored ns with a speech —ire hit sti^htni. 1 sup pose they thought we were all right—we will try and be in November. Yours Truly, NED. Another New Score—We would call the attention ot the trade to the magnificent stock of groceries anJ provisions of J F. Kessing \ Co., Washington Block. Almost everything that can he called for in the above line is kept and sold at a low figure.— Give them a call. Newspaper Fakirs. — \\ « are under oh linntions to Watson, Garnham; and Wells. Fargo N Co 1! \UUIKI>. 11l S'lrrnm'-nto, l »rt( tiy l!rv I. A Meiitnn, Mr \ S. lUkt In Mini, ilmiithlcr nl Ki'V. • 1 ' •l| ~r run*, ci>ll mv. , ( i#ii, ,v. it.v1.1., iHr I'.- In-, j .r< >l. —!■ -nil .iT viccs 111 ill In com in unity, having hint iiiiirh uinl long i xpericnce in llu- treidim lit ol the various di-cic-cs ilicujciit In tlii» climute* ho hopes *«i give suli-l.n tloll ."In -I'm In ll out I--n given In \ F.N KRAI, I Hr- KAs ITS, ■ ill hi ’ M ATISM. Nc,, vv hu ll ho can ( lire w illoml the into hi mercury or h-ss of time. Hull k. In uI nioiii, No. IT, United Slates Hotel, tip Htuirx. oclif - "ViT NOTH’lt—Diuci 11 .'■hcliliui having taken the Bar m the Oilcans Hold, invites his friends nod the pul-lie to give him a call. Sept ‘JO A Secret win 111 Knowing. We notice that lie. Brown at the Butte Drug Store, is constantly r<(reiving ami '( ll mg, large quantities of choice Drugs & Med icines. and tlio secret ot his success is, that he buys low for rush, thcrelore he is able t«. -ell cheap, and we will guarantee to the public that every article bought there is pure and genuine. See advertisement, si’ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE KEVSTO.\E MUSKET, 0 N M V EUS ST K E ET. in’ll.l.nn.N TIIK ITKST ok Til-. C »MIN<; ▼ T week The llu (ersigllcil having made ar rangements with Samuel Neal lor the In slot Bed ami oilier .Meals, hopes that the) will he furnished at all limes at sin h lair market prices, I hat lie will receive a lair share of patronage. IB I AO i, I'M I’. S. Mr. S. Neal lias hail! a large Hnughler House adjacent Oi i iroville, for ihe purjm-e of supply ini; all who may wish molds hy (he i ‘areass or Quarter; all *i| which shall be of lim first quality. uc4-tf DR W WOODWARD, MKL'IIAMi AI. AM) Surgeon 33 ontlst. office opjMisiie llie Umpire Hoiel on Mont gomery street, Ornville. o>l f 3NT 33 W C I G A. 33 TOBACCO STORE FIREPROOF BiII.DINO, MONTOO.MKUY «f ONE IM n lit FROM M V Kitts .-T. fOIIN S. BOWMAN would respectfully inform the citizens nf Orei ille Mul Unite ('minly generally, that ne is now opening the finest and must extensive Slock oM'igars and Tobacco to be tonnd this si-Jo of Sacramento, which will he sold at .Marysville and Sacramento prices. A I. so—Playing Cards, Pipes, Matches, Clgnritos. Snuff, Ike., five., ai V\ Ivolesale anil Ketfiil, Cua*e dir •'ash. 031 l O R O VILL ESTO R E Wholesale and Retail! r BAiIE undersigned having returned from Sun ■- Francisco and remov- t •<» the Kire Proof Brick Block. Montgomery, two i.oow Iroru Myt.i rsvt, I Washington Bhiek ) would respectfully call the at tention of the inhMilitants of Oroville and vicinity, to the fact of his having Ih largest Stock nsd the best assortment of Hoods to he found this side of Sacramento. My Hoods were all purchased lor cash at the very lowest figure that money could buy them for, and as I sell for • ash, and Hash only. thus doing away with the list of deadheads w inch every one must have that does a credit business. I am pre pared to offer inducements to customers such as no j He -so in Urovdle will offer. My tßoca consists of tiKOC'EKIES in all its varieties; Provisions of the best quality; l iquors and Syrups of the choicest brands. Ci.oCKEBY of the latest styles, and HARtitVARK in all i‘s branches. In addition to this, customers can have their good* delivered by my Express Wagon at their own door, tree of charge. J F. KESdING. o3tf . ..SJ ■t; BANKERS. JIKNKV Kl'.r.lT'.K’S Bi\W\(i & lA( ISA\(il OFFICE, Corner ot Miner street and tie I’luza BID WELL, Cal hold D r s t nor cut A< the IStKtti’ s l Halt's, ( llii kfi Dmwit on JliirK I?i nmn;;l m iV* t o* y m.i it i' '■ v in. e. -*<*■ Kills of Exchange < n nil tlio Kaetern Cities, s w York '• *• 1 m.-iunali. Ohio. Philidrlplna • ill*'. Ibdlimorv * *' Mu 'll. i;x<• 11an<11: hn i-oNHox. Ill;APIS l’A\ ADI.K IN Montreal r U «*'t. >m r • v. I|.iniil.uii', VV I’r.ihl’i-ril, C. II I C \V 1 ' W. St. i .iltml in s. I U ' IMti nti »' W. t.ciicral anti F.prdul I>r{tosl'> llfffitfi!, Btdw'rll. Sepleinls-r V', IS.'tll, sVS-t| \ic\\ lI.MAMS £. TYM ESOX, BANK B H B , xr.w brick in h.iun<;—»« »i;\i i: mumui.m- I UV AMi M Y Mi.' .' I I!I I'l S o ii o iijiiE. GOLD DUST BOUGHT At the Highest Rates. Cli o o Is. w n t I‘* nx* ! (IN MAUVsVII.I.i; SAI VA M 1 VF ■ til V AND SAN I K NNiTst ii SIGHT DRAFTS For Siili\ cti all 11 ii - Principal Atlantic Ctles. C Till' ISITS received. Sj eiml ttlnl otto iwsp, July U. is id. II MAI V, C I. I.nAA , I' K. I.iHV. MACV, LOW ,V CO., B A N K BBS, CRN Fit ni' I I, V/. \. aN|. llMilt -I RIFT, MARYSVILLE GOLD DUST I’D IK' II ASKD AT THE HIGHEST RATES, m; itij;w \iiHKHn»thi mini - mir coinage, c. ii oc'it s ft t nr* « x*, on «;ahi:i> >n mi u;i. v.\. tin I/. \ Ralston. SAN FRAWCISCO \W arc pr« | .n»il U» ilrnw ME ID I \i lIANGEmii m i h \i:u> v,« »):■; \.n \ n»„ \ i u \ oi;K A!-**». on thr oilu r principal Dnslcrn ( ilii*. M ,r\>\ ill**, \uunnl 4, IWi, uul-tt MARYSVILLE ASSAY (imi’E!! 11 All 11 IS, MAID’HAND tV CO., IT slinMiiiir lit, <ui m i l l su iiuil ulmt, m.i u vsnu i: A I.HO—I(i7 J SHir.l T, S \ iTi A M F.NTO. Will continue In curry mi Hit' hit-im s« of .Melting, H<‘(iiiiiiu A AstiMin? hold .i.v/j onus OF I.VF.It V DFSt'l! 11*1 IhN. We tpmrmdee the corrector.* «>t" our says, nod 'dud mirscnes in |ii»y imy ditleienees that may arise with imy ni'ilo I' S. MINTS. Returns inailc in front six to iW'Tvc lionrs, IN BARS OR COIN Pi'ki hum nr Qi art/. Assavkiiami V*m ten. TKK.MS FUR ASSAYING: the sumo ns in Sun Fruneisto. M. HARRIS, Jl. M AIM II \ND. C. L, FARRINGTON. Jy-P-my _______ SI S«S 3 SI SMS I Plain, Cold and Ornamented, Executed inn superior style, nt low rates, W. H. Haydon. \I.SO —House Paint ini;, linenim.', Oililinir, Pv. per lluiurhiir, he. done w, l| mill cheap. Fhop mi Myers street, opposite United Slates Livery Sin* Ide. Sep-24 BWOl’l.n RKSPKI TTI 1.1. V inform the public . of uroville ami vicinity, that I will • pen, in afew lays, with the largest and liesl selected slock of DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING, ever lieaia’il into this market which I will sell just as low as our hou.-e in San I r iiieisco, II SIMON, New Fire-proof Hrick lilock, Moiilijoinery aln ef, Oroville. Sept. 115, ISaH. sliti lf STILL LATER NEWSf A Ii e a doff It t* 'l' clturn p lit J EST HKKEIVKI) AND IT »R SA I.L at Friedman I'tx’s Auction and Uouimissiwn Store opposite tile I irli ans Hotel: Jo. inals. Csnplmr.e, by the cal lon or tin; -JO (ins Hunch Butler—ln IPs in a liu: an do do *jn l.hs iii a tin; Hi firkins new Stales Butler; 15 bids new Mackerel; ft drums Cat Fish; 25 bxs pale Philadelphia tv p; 111 Ills Castile Soap; 2uu baas Tatde Salt, 200 dox Woolen Sis ks; And « lot of other poods tun numerous to mention, which will be sold at private sal*- and at Auction by Saturday 4th ami Sunday sth of OctoFir. Bale pos itively without reserve—commence at 2 o'clock P. M. od at C'HAS. FKILHMAN, Auctioneer VALLEY EXCHANGE ! Formerly known as Jor Bakom's Baath, ME SILL A VALLEY Nets, JOUX DAVIS kF.C. Mf ‘tBITFIKW. heir Efiilj leave to inform their friends and the puldfc L-'=r general It. that they have tensed the Baleoia am ri siiun'ed on Dry Creek, about eleven miles from Oitiville, on the road to Krenchtown and Butts Creek. Connected with the bouse is a KINK BAR, whieh will always be found well filled. The proprietors would also state, that they have one of li e best Race Tracks in the Northern country. September 22, Ititi. *22-ft