Newspaper Page Text
AUCTION SALES. By |». 11l SSBLL C «». - CIIAKLKS ¥IU EDM A N Auctioneer. Auction —Great Attraction !! r*. Xluaocll tfc Oo. f 49, Front utrkrt, Ha<h*mkmo < itv M 3 AVE LOCATED Tlir.M-KI.KK> in Ihe town f ti of ( roville. opposite the Orleans Hotel. for Hi* l r|•<i f ifiiiiwiiiut n ueneral Minion and Com t n-ines*. tn a.I i's branches. H* tfhlitr ■-at** (lay*, every Saturday, mill Sunday iifii-riemii front I to 0 o'clock P. .M. I ml door -nli- in ail parts ollhe Ti.wn or < ounlv will in’ |.riini| ily atiendeil t.» at Ho* lowes rati i - . Al |irlVHli’ i*:il«*. lin y al.o keep constant* |\ on hand, a Inrue assortment of tin cerii «. I’rovi lims. C'lotldl!’.*, M biers’ Tool-. So , wlilili they ohli- Knti> Ihem-eDes to o il ill Sacramento prices, whole sale noil retail. Mr. Charles Kni’ilmiin. havinu !»•••• n in • !>«• Anrllnn Im-ilie*. sii ee li-p.rfw ill limurn perfect satisfaction In the coiitmiitiity at lartfe, r.’ti ABELL & MONTY, Bciil I'statc, Auction, & mmm 3ii:uti!\\TS. / Myers street, above l!inl. WM. 11. A HELL Auctioneer. Salts atti iit/til in am/ part of the Count if. (inn lilt*, Hep!. *J.S, IHotJ, l&rtt .MISCELLANEOUS. ;i'HANK’S m.STAt UANT, lolled Sliilis l.nililln;;, CORNER MONTGOMERY AND M\ I RS STREETS OROVILLE. itv FRANK CARRIED re- lutiv > t*» m.i m. ml> Hint ' ,V r * ol ttrovilic irrfn*r;ill\. that ha. opened a Kill,'l l I,AS.' III:.'- T\l KAN I in Ihe iiaiuCstl lluildiiujr, when* Im i* prrpun* ! In llm pultlu* witli all the etiiblep ami ch’lieueiew im* Iniiml m thin nr lie* Marysville Mur ket. The InlN.vv ini' are hi* UATES OF CIUIiCKS: Ilonrd per week wllhont W’iiiß, , . . $lO 00 tin «ln (In Wide, .... ii hO Hinkle meal* wit h(*ui Wine, .... 75 do (|r, ihi v% 11 1 1 Wine, .... 100 Unvlnir rented tin* upper *hT\ o! the* new lire pmnf Prick Imm 'liulo adjoiuitiy the I inh*i| Stales, ami 111 led up then line. |nr sleepim; apart .mill*. I am pre* pared to lurnisli I !»•• • INI 'T hid).*' in be tuutid in Ornv ille, al I lie In how ihtf rales : Hinvrlc rnnms per u $- 00 Millie beils ... »ln ... ale 1 IK) 110. • • .tin,,, ,(|o ..,, do si) TERMS. CASH Otovilel, .lull -*■ Ikon. JjSA-tf SELLING OFF AT COST! LADIES’ EMPORIUM O I}* i 1 A. S IL2Z ION! B MRS. M. L. NEWELL, NTENDING TO i 'll ANIiK HI .-1N ESS. offer, forsale, AT COST. her laryo and wi ll selected assortment of MILLINERY. I, AOl K>’ Al’l’A It Kb. GENTLE MINS’ I I KM.-II IMi IDkIDS. I \N ' \ DII V GOiillS, \r„ wimlil respectfully mill tin* ntlnniin.i nf Ini. cninmnnily In llm fad Unit alihonuh .In* may uni have .n mimit'st a soit'k nv llir l.ioiii* /. j. /i a a ynl Mil, U 11,1, N il lif, I MlK.U'Ol.l). Ainolii! Imr tillK’k may In* Inuad l.adli*.' I)ri*.B Onml., I,awn., I’neled Jacnin’ls, Fanny and I’lruu i.. Mil.lins. Kivucb Lawn, ninl liimiliam.. I liiia i., I)e -laini’., I‘oplniM. Silk., i.mhrni dor). I.ini'ii Kiluiiik*. and lii.ertiin;., ManlillH., A choU’i’lnl nl M illiin ry - Itililinii., I.nri*, Flnwern, lilolidi’K. Ili ad dn—.o. and Mnnriiiin; HiNiil. I.i illinrn llni. Inr liny., Itimii Hal. inr» Klaiint l. nf rvi -y vtirirly. Hint Tii’kiint, l.iimn Inin- U.K mill i rnh. Srii'cfi and Krcnrli Oiaj ir. I'.inlirni* drrt’d and lira-. • Intli Shirts, MarM’illcs. Huil,., A It till and ,MnBi|tliln Nil. Hi’iii.' Com!.—Drawn r. mid I'ndi r.liirl., Cravats, llninlkeri’lni’f. (.Invna, l.iin n Sinn. Millinery Work and Manlan Making executed with lieatne.. mi l |irom|ilit nde. I have jn.t received in ad til inn an the a hove Pluck, a beautiful u.»nrimelil nf Clnthinir, Hal.. Cap.., Shirl. he , .iiilahle fur liny*. Thankful Inr llm liberal patmuaße of my frieinl*. a coiiliimution nf Hie -ame linm them am) the public ICeiierally i« rn.peclfiilly solicited. M I, NKWF.f.L, Moutifotnery street, opposite llimioon'. K\eli.ini;e. Oroville M ylti, |V i'i ORLEANS HOTEL, Montgomery street, sontb side- Orovillc’ SItK.K.O kSTIt IK K It —Take pleasure in in formhiK the travelimt pnlilic and the citizens of Ornville and lliiitw count', that they have Ihe well known mid popular ‘’OiII.KAN’S HD yUL," and that they are now prepared to receive and entertain their friends in the best possible manner. We are determined to make the Orleans Hotel a per fect home to (he vi«ltor, and to etiteilaiil all w lio favor us with llieir piitnniaire with the aiiention and style known only to FIRST CLASS IIuTKI.S. 011 X* T ftblo shall he spread w ith Ihe very tie.t this and the Oily Markets call afford. IN TIIK HAR. no house or bar shall or can excel us. The choicest ipialiiies of Li quors and U’mes serveil up neatly ami quickly, and trtuiulum mtrm —• imif ced” when we inform the pub lie that the •• redoubtable Col. S.” presides. DANIKL RKKIt, KKKUKItICK STKIKKR. Oroville, July 14, jylHf FOR SALE! TDK 8UB8C«IBKll offers for sale his Store and Cowls, or his Goods alone or hi. I.«| ami Store, situated on MontKomery street near ihe"rleans Hotel. For terms and further Information, apply to MARTIN, 526-tf on the premises. BEST HAVANA CIGABS ANU TOHAtVO—WIIUI.KSAI F. AND RETAIL at llkich’s Cigar and Tobacco Emporium, over the Phoenix Saloon. PH. WATERMAN VIOLINS AND ACCORDEONS, r A 1.1 AN Vt )LIN k GUITAR PI RINGS. Pridice* and Bow*, al PH. \VA tfcll.M AN’S. . CARDS, TBITINC. V XTKRIALS. PORTMOMES and Knives, at Bloch's. »27 PH. WATERMAN'S. Just Received 1 LT THE CHEAPEST CLOTHING STORE IN Oroville, a la rue and splendid lot of CLOTHING kicta I offer for *«W VEKY CHEAP FOR CASH. BepL 12,1856. aW-lf MISCELLANEOUS. J. D. BROWN, M. D. Graduate ol New Vork I niversily. New Vork Medl r!il Institute Honorary Graduate «>f Syracuse Medical College. In* prolesslonnl services to the inimbi min* of I troville mill virinity. titlice. nl the Butte Drug .'iiin*. Montgomery street, one dour from the Corner ol Howner street. July 1«, IH.ML jyU-If MONTE CRISTO It O W 1.1 NG SA 1,00 N ! • >lic door above ltn‘ I'. S. I.ivory Stable, Myerastreet, OKOVILLE* JOHN SCOTT ft Joli DUNN, Proprietors. rgyilK AHO Vl’ Itmvi.lNG SAM >f IN HAS BEEN B pul in i <'M I’l ITK it I’l’A II! and we respect* folly Invite the Boys in and «!« nl tin<l i^rvri■■-** wbo wi-h to plnv n quiet game of Tf N PINs, or lake a nice. roil druk id spirit!*, lo give ns ii mil at the MONTE i ItlSTo. .ItHIS SCOTT * co. Oroville, August ‘.’li, IH.'ili. Illlg-'li-lf I’on SALE 1-• THOSE THREE lif.Slli \ItI, V SITUATED f * ... ami <•!»•; ; 1.1 !y liiitd-up I»TT AGK? 4 , i t*rn»*r <»l Jj 111I 11 Moiii-mii. r> it ll* 1 Oak HfVH*. Tlif* itu:tli« >ll is r#ir*-*I, ami a ii'iiiili«t of lari<«* >liai!»* ITli»*> will In* snl« 1 |tir firM i;msl v hk flu* *iih*cril»iT is obliged in I»m\ »• or>»vil)t* on account •*f ill lirallli i Ap|»l\ at (lie Sioain >aw Mill. Hn.villi*. >. j.l i IvMi G J, FT.UGI t SON. Will hi* Heady Next Sunday, AM) l ull SA I K AT Watsons News Depot. A SIM .I N hi h VIEW OF - OROViLLE 3 ON LETTER SHEET! BA VF.RYTMING IS in I,IN E ATE 1) FROM Till-; la J Sim Mill lo ITiiimlnwii. Ii Im- bn n engraved nl considerable expen-e mid in llii 1 best style, Iroin mi unibroly I ,e of our of Ho- lies. nrli-ls in tin* Slmr, and iln- jr.-prleUir irnsta Hint tin* libi nil cili/.i ns ol • inn dir » ill repay him lor the trouble and expen-e of -lum imr lo the world uur young and tbriv ing city. A - but a 1 1 mill d number of i-opies will In- issued, all »Im drMre ibis* Min' picture w ill do well lo leave their mimes and orders llliinedinlely nl »|s U AT'SnVS NEWS DEPOT. For Sale! fcK AS I AM DESIROUS OF LEAVING THE Mil plan*. I t»ll* r mv Imuiso, lot a» »l Inrniliirt* I«r-Me at a very iow pnee, lor i*:i>h. I In* Ihuim* i> n» II Incaled tor a plainl ms any in Town, and liafidsonndy I'lirinslm! lor tenn>. applv lo MARY l>'»\ WANT, Molili'omn y street. Hear the Llnjire Hotel. Hepleiubei 11, I*so. >ll*ll’ MONTGOMERY HATIIS A nil ILi i Imt Sliii|ii rnTHIS esiaiilislinirnt will In rentier lie conducted ML by Hie linn of HALL, JACKSON X LLACKSON, who will be pleased lo wait Upon all who may favor I belli w i ill their pal image, in n sly le of art -lie taste and skill nn-nrpn-seil in ibis (own. The Bathing apartment* are most comfortably lined up. and cold. Ho! and Slmwi r Haiti- fnriii-hed at i nionieid's no tice of pure water from the rily works. MISS PI L DEARBORN. ®'R r Ot l.l> It KslH'.tTH ' I l.\ inlorin the eili/ms ▼ v of Urovilleand vicinity, ibal -lie has tins day opened llm larife-l and best selected slock of I>KV AM) FANCY (JOODS, ever iironirbt to Ibis market. Havinir seleeled my -lock myself, I feel assured that I can sell Cheaper ’ban ever before offered in ltd- place. Jly stork con sist* in part ol evi-ry description of Dry mill Fancy (liwil.s, (jailers anil Shoes for Ladies, jailers anil Slims for Children Kinhroiderieu, Silks, kr., (if every style and description. Also, som* new sly le Cl! A V ATS, lor Gents, and Fine While Shirt*. Also, an assortment of Perfumery and Toilet Articles. My old friends and I be pnhl r item-rally, are inv’led lo irive me a call. M. I. HE Alt HORN, jv I I Mon leoinrry Street, next dn rlO I S lintel. TKY PARKER cN O'CONNOR'S CELEIIRA n;n RASP It i: ll ll V and olhrr S VII IP S, nr.\KK KN I KII lo contain nil decrees of gravity, and ol full Haver. Also, their VVOK.M VVOUH COItIHAI., now so lamh in retpn-sl, lo be had at their factory. Myers Mreel, Ornvitle. stjii-lm NEW FANCY GOODS! %| ISS M. I. DKAldiiißN, WMUI.ns.W TO lIKH Itß. friends and Hie pnhllc generally, that by ealiinir at llie I.AHIKS’ KXCII ANGIi, they can be shown a beantitnl assorlinen of the l alesl of l.adies’ french Hats, of most evipiisite (manly and finish. M-o. a lot of Choiee I’eifnnierv and Toilet Articles, all of which base just been received direct from the Importers augtlU-lf MILLER'S EXCHANGE, Montgomery street East ride. O' oville ■ ■ AVING BEEN RE-KITTKI), is n«aln open, and I I the proprietor takes this method ol inlorminx his old coslomers ami Hie public generally, that be in tends to keep as tine a slock nl Liquors ns any liar in the place, to addition to which. Ins fables are in ex cellent condition, and by courtesy to his patrons, b« liojies to merit u liberal share of pair-mil-«. Oruvii'e, Any. 11. [tinitll-ll] J. \V. MILLER. THE CIGAR .Si TOBACCO STAND Is kept by Little Curly, who will keep on hand the very choicest Havana Cigars, Tobacco. Fancy Pipes, and" every variety ol articles found in such places. Merchants Hotel, FI Ii S T S THE K T, Near tlir Steamboat Lauding, MARYSVILLE. L-J THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING LEaPKU ..N the Merchant* l.oiel for a term of years, will wfll 111 Kive his personal attention to keeping a First Class Hum. and solicits ii share «( public patron age. Bar, llillinnls and lluthiug Kooms in the House. sU O. M. EVANS. For Sale. OUT. OF THE MOST PLEASANT AND DEM ruble House Lots m Oroville, situated on Liu- Coin street, between Bint and Robiiisou streets, direct ly opposite the Court house, being 06 let t on Lincoln street, and running back 132 feet For terms anil further particulars, apply to j g. lawton, Jr, . tll-lf Nc. 5, Lulled States Block. MISCELLANEOUS. OROVILLE PROGRESSING WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! IN THE brick stork, next doou wkstto to ill** I idled Slates Huiiw, Montgomery stm t. The Snl<acriber is now opening niul «lor suit-, the greatest variety and the bent i|iialltyuf * BOOTS AND SHOES to he found north ol Sacramento, sin table for all oc cupation, age and mi x. Having been six years engaged in this business in California. and connected vmili an im|iorling House, the subscriber Hallers him sell that he can and will, sell goods ol good quality us cheap a< any other house in the country. A prune lot of the celebrated »• ing 1 tools, the heal Hoot in Hie Slate lof Millers and lainorers. Genii.' Fine Hoot*, ltailors. Ties, and i*h|i|e rs. Ladle-', 'lisa san 1 ( htldren’s Gaiters. Buskins, Ties and Slippers in great variety. Hoots by tlio Ca»e as low as they can bo bought below, with the addition ol freight- The best Wormneii eoiisiaii'ly eut ployed format! ufacliirmg and repairing to order; September I'.lili, Is-ilj. T FOlllr CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! TO SUIT EVERYBODY! rnmr. I'NDKKSIGXF.D begs lenveto inform his U friends, patrons and citizens of Oroville am viriniiy, I hid helms a large and Well selected slock ot Hoods on hand, consisting of l\ 1 .S’ HI USA I!L /•; CLOT111X(l, Roots. Shoes. Slot's, kc.y Which hr i«* (leh-rmirifd t<> mi-11 mi TEN I'DU CENT cm. M’LUTII \.N \\V nTHLK US I A IH.I> II MLN I l\ THIS TOWN t'all iimi ns, and examine mir Block before |inrcdiH*iinr ehewln re. A. !•. LLls I*. S.—ItKM E*l KKK, Mniitiromerv s reel. next tloor to the (’nileil Stale* Hotel, sir'll nf “Tin; <’IIF.AI'KST n.n'nilMi AND FUR NISHING STOKE IN OROVILLE.” Oroville. July "4. I had. jyiMlf „,v\Ve 'Vlmlesa/e , O* —A N D //J o LIQUOR VAULT, Myers street, above Montgomery. THE UNDERSIGNED lI4S IN STOKE and lor side, the tultow ma stock of Liquors, which he w ill sell, hnv mg no relit or city taxes to pay, al rules lower than Pan lie bought at either Sacramento or Mary -v die ; and « on id call the alientton ol retail, rs to examine his slock be. lore purchasing elsewhere. V/v/f.W,', C .i.sf/. t!5 barrels Motioilgahelu t\ lucky, t!.» barrels liomesiie Itrandy. barrels O. H. 3. In,, do 4 barrels Itonetle llran iv, 4 pipes Ihdh.nd Gin, .i l.arrels Port Wine, I barrel, hull Gordon sh. rry. Together with 50 cases rlarel Curacao, Laiidu Me I >nnl/.ick, lid cases Leslie's II Hers, I '.’ cases Haul .Siuleriie. li cases Extra it Absinthe. I'.’ eas*-s Meinln rger I annul, Scotch It Inssey liupeiial Ale in cases, 11 cases (linger Wine, Raspberry, Strawberry, Lemon Syrup, In crises i liainpagne Cn'er, Itrandy I’eaclies. Scotch. English and American Ales, ol «| ll. ferent brands, Ac., Ac. TTIwMAs BIsSET. Oroville, July 15, IS.'C. jyt.Vtf Blank Books. A FRESH si | I’l. V, and first rale assortment ol j. » tnil sad HnlJ JiuMnif / I ml, Itnol Just receive ex •• t oiing America,” I’ASS BOOKS, .SHEER AND TUCK MEMO 11A NDI MS, MONTHLY AND W KEK LV TIME BOOKS, REUEII'T BOOKS. SllllTlNO AND SrOBEIIoL SE. AND CASH GOUUNG I'll ESS BOOKS, Sr/ioul II tiling Jioo/iS, .Miniature Ji/tni/tn NOTES DRAFTS DiLLS LADING 6tc \c Noisy Carrier’s Itook and Sliitionery Co., Nos. hi and oil Long \\ barf. n‘J7m3 and Sl7 liallery slreet. S . 3VI A HTI3NT, Opposite the Oplnr Drug Store, Montgomery street, OROVILLE EF.PS C( pNST ANTLV ON HAM), u Well se lected stock of (i to cur its, 1* <ois. rovisions. Clothing, Shoes, Liquors, Mining Tools, 4tc., &,u., Which he offers at lh« lowest rales Fog CASH. I jf" Goods delivered fit ML OF GllAliGE. Oroville. July 14. 1C oti. JyH-lf MINERS’ STORE!" BETWEEN Mi.NTt.oMF.HY .V lIIUD STREETS, Opposite the Hullo Record Printing Ollice. J. M. CL ARK & IJUO., rgTakes this method of tendering their thankr to the .1. citizens and miners of oroville, lor their past liberal patronage, and respectfully Solicits a conunu ance of the same. The patronage extended to us wo shall endeavor lo merit by keeping on hand a w. II selected Slock of Goods at the- lowest market rates, such as PROVISIONS, GROCERIES. HARDWARE. BOOTS, SHOES. CLOTHING.} ami other articles too numerous to meuiioii. N It.—We hare on hand the best quality ol Railed liny, which w ill be sold in Sols lo suit, Oroville, July », 1 soli. Saloon Department! f|A HE BAR-ROt CM of the C S. Hotel will be kept m o|s‘ii day and night, w here may he found the choicest stock of W Hies Liquors, niul cigars in Oro ville. Lunch will be served at all hours with every delicacy that can be provided. • pill J.BROULETTK & CO LIME! LIME! r MTiIK UN UK .-SIGNED OF K Lit FOR SALK. AT m tl.oir LIMB Kit.NS. on the West Branch of Feather river, aidme I id SC ■, i« of IIMK. All orders led with J V. HOAG, Hiinloon’s Exchange, Or». \ tile, w ill be promptly attended lo MOORE, Mr DAN ELS & CO, August £5), liC>6 aitg3o-lf FOR SALE! - A THAT NEAT FRAME BUILDING and Lot, r..vsitiiah d «ui Montgomery street next to Ritchie [ui y Harlow’s new bri< a t.m Leg. Said ltd lias a iitnge of feet, and runs back Kt'J feel u. Miners’ ey. The budding is row rented for#7h per mouth. ■ terms and further inf. tiua’ on, iuqu 'e of J. O. LAWTON, Jr„ No. 5. United Stales Block. MISCELLANEOUS. M«m oVo\N«iR, ] RHWAKU PtKlkß, Sun ttrmr %t.. Sam FrtinrifiCv. | ihrotHU, PARKER & O’CONNOR, Importers. Dealers. AND RETAILERS, In Ijicjiiors, Wines, ENGLISH ALE k POlh’ER. n»K<; i.k \vr. to st mk. tiiattiikv iiavk opened a Stuff 111 Myers street, Uruville. tor llw sale nl the above, in ilinr l'l UK AMi 1 N Mll KTKIf AIKU Sl' \ I K.. I heir sloe g will lifur ihi-I'KOSK.ST SCRI TINY. Ttm Tit \ I»K uie therelore ull> rei|iiesie<t to nih mill examine it In lure purchasing elsewhere Uruville, S*epl, 8, Is.iti. -i( \\ atclniiiilire anil .h‘\v< l( > r. I WUI It Ksl'K' TIT' I.KY INKUUM llu- citizens nl Oroville iiml viciui v. Unit I have purchased ul \|r 11• i-i- 111 till. Inn Wiilelmiiv* Utny; mill .levveliy Kslnlil-hiiienl, mi Mont gomery si feet. Hinl Imvf located myself |it-rtiimifiit|y in Ilf ulmvf tin -1 in--*- in tins place. iiml h.i|,f in -triit 111 I int ion to Ini-l ins-. In iitf it a reasonable shaft* ol ptilfi tin iff in lb« iibovi- line. / will gunrii nt rr to ilu U iir/t' ns well ns it ran Or i/unr anywhere in tin Shite. AI.I, KINKS or JKWI.I.MV M \I)K TO OKHF.It. N II —Particular ultenlimi pnhl In the Repairing of Watches. liKtt. K. SMI I II Uruville, August 11, 18a6 uugll If LAFAYETTE lIESTATE A NT, Montgomery street, opposite the Urienns Hotel OROVILLE THK Sl’llSflilltl.RS RKSHKCT !’• 111 > >n i■ ii 1.1 n ii* In their friends mnl the itiy.i in- ol Urovilh* neiiernllv. Ilia’ they lime njii iie I it SIM.KNHIH l!K>l \l - KA VI i n the aI n i\i* mi nn I plaee, alien* I hey ire pre piireil to Itirni-li tin* puliln- whh nil the luxuries und delicacies in In* found in tin* market. Mui/ liatrs of Uou id : itnliril per w eek w illnnil I.oiling, ss of) Hoard per week with l.odging !• on WM.GKKK \ A Mil HIM: \l', aSif Proprietors. dvi m min i:\nii-ss! L'rom Orovilk* toSpnnishtown AND FRENCHTOWN fSTMK undersigned will run it Daily Kxpress hi -3 l ween •>ii iv i lie, Spaiu-hiowo mnl Kreni lit own letters mnl packages entrusted to his cure w ill be iviTed with proiiipiiie-s mi l • e-paieli. Agents, IV'I.C PA VM: Uruville, Tilt W A I,lilt l »N. Spamshlown. sep 19-1 in* tin: sov!:m:n.\ OF ALL PARTIES A UK lIKU It It V t'AITTuNT.H NOT To FURCKT Jm. in tin* lu*a! nf ponlir*. that I lie I MCI ’(• STUB Eul RANDALL tk WcDERMOTT I las hn n rviimvrd to i lit* n* vA hiv l*r*m»f l»t irk Build* iiilt. <»ii Moiiigom»T> m!r«, lir-l I oihc nlmvo linn. lonnN wln-rv s> ill la* (onml Uio larg***!, choainNf, ami host sin k of l)iiit;s 7 .Medicincs, CaminKßio, Oils, \t„ swc., In Nut them California. I! KM KM liKlt THK I*I,ACK mnl be sure to call before purchasing elsew here. O r *)ville, August -7 IS,Mi aug‘.’7-tf EAGLE BAKERY, MVKKS Jc ItlK!) STS , ultUVl 1,1. K. I IVOf 1,1) S \V TU MV ntIKNHS ami the public, thul having become side proprietor of the above establishment. 1 am ready to serve them with the best and freshest MIKAD, PIES, CAKES. &C., At sbnrt notice and on tin* most reasonable terms. SODA. SUGAR & BUTT Ell CRACKERS i'onsiiiktly on hand. My Waggon will deliver every thing in my line at the ol mv eiisiinners. CM AISLES CHERRY. Oroville, July l’J, IHotr jy’Jii-tf U. S. Livery Stable. Myers Street-Near Montgomery r|AO KKKPPAt’E WITH THK TIMES. mid rapid .B. growth of our town, we have, ol late, and will from lime lo lime, make extensive additions to out slock and otherwise improve our establishment, >.« meet w iili entire satisfaction the increasing demands of I In* age. Slock taken on I.ivery on tin* must reasonable Terms. If desired, we will buy, sett ur exchange stock—in short. transact all business up; ertuiiiing to a lirst class I.ivery Stable, llu* tllnrsl buggies, hacks and Saddle Holses, tnrnislied at a tuortieul's notice. Thankful for past favors, vve hope to merit a con tiuusuce ol lliesame BIiOVVN 4, HOKKM.A? Haled Oroville,July 10, Ikjri. jyludll. ft*. Hr. J. 1,, f*z vvk vv.—The gentleman whose name forms the caption of tins notice is urn* of the lew modi ru physicians whose application lo his pro Cession and devotion lo Hie alllicted, render him miku an ornament to the one and a henelll lo the other A Hungarian hy birth,lie sought with Kossuih to place his country among the mil mas of earth, ln-yond the oppressor’s rule, that her sons might rejoice m Hi« practice ol lim-e precepts w Inch are alike our glory aud our pride lu bis • Sorts so to do, be Inis reaped the n*» ard of in> Ri el mil resi-lance lo i i|pre*-«nn,.in.l •‘a home aud a couuiry know him llu wore ” Apart, however, Irom his claims upon our cousiderution as a patriot, the testimonials of character aud capacity winch he bring* entitle him lo public eonlid to the exclusion of those who pos-ess neither Ihe one or the other. As a gentleman Ins character is untar nished : as a physician, his -kill unsurpassed ; sad to those whose imprudence has let) U|hui I hem the taints of disease, we can Conscientiously cullimtnd him with iln* assurance thal in him they wdl find a friend whom to know i- great gain. The I>r V oillcv is No. 3 and 4 Armory Hall cornerof Murau enloand Monlgoinery s|reeisBan Krum isre. aM-llm Cheap John’s Nominations! —no— BUG H AXAN. FILLMOUE AND FREMONT, THK ONLY THRKK CANDIHATK* in THK field. So is ‘ CHEAP JOHN ” 1 *" Myers slns-i ki only one muroviile, who sells Clothing mat Kuruisliing t.uods TW ENTV PER CENT. CHEAPER Than any other store in this Town. NO HL'MUUG, Give him a call. Ueuieiubar the sign. Cheap John’s Ciothing Depot, Myers street, below the Daily Butte Kecjrd office. Beptemher 29, 18W. *29-tf C'ANDLKd AND MATCUEf, at Bloch’s. t fU. WATERMAN. (Drouillc Juilij Jjnttc iiurorft. rH" A Western editor was recently ivited to a Fremont "dinner.” lie went, and in his next issue, published the bill of f.irc ou the occasion. It was us follows : Ist—Mule soup. 2 One big Mule, with mule sauce. 3 A small mule stutfed 4 Several mules, not stuffed. 6th—Some fric 1 mules. Oth—Mule omlet' mixed. 7th—Scrambled mule, great variety, very good. Bth—Poached mules. ‘.•ili A large Lumber of very small mules a la hanrame 10th—A few mules. 11th—Some more mules. There was quite a number of dishes, be sides, but they all contained mules, done up in every style tho heart could wish. The dinner was‘'interspersed” with a few crack ers and bad jokes. Mi;l vNcitoi.v Cask ok Suiciok. — A man by the name of Austin’.McCoy committed suicide at North San Juan, on the 2‘Jtli S f pt. He had a brother billed recently by the caving of a bank, an 1 it is thought that griol drove him to the act. It is stated that he has a brother mining in the vicinity of Urovillc, Monk Amt-km k.vis, — It will be seen by an advertisement in our columns, and the bills ol the day, that a company composed principally of juveniles, will give an enter tainment here in a lew days. They arc very highly sjh ken of. •'W e understand that a race comes off over the new course on Virginia flat to-day, single dash of a mile, between two fast nags, lor l-olK) a side. We anticipate much fun. HOWARD MEDICAi. INSTITUTE. IS .-'ai-riinieiiio street, next to tlx I‘iiialle M il H <j. C 0. (1 I mice ou r tv lues \ I lix press ( iline. SAN FKANt'lsro BCOM s NI .M I!i:US 1, o. \i, ;v> rnVIMS IN-1111 1 1< > N i- I, ai in lei I lor t tie cure of ■ Hyphyluic iiml Scridulimim compLnuis, ami all affections of ilu* I iciiltiil I irgans ol whatever iialure. Instituted lor l. e express purpose ol |r> mine private maladies al llie instance' I many medical genlleinen wliu have seen with pain I In- impositions pnciiced In Ten lop- upon those Who have heeii (he v iclinis ot l\lni; adverllscments Ihose connected with it are Ur pnr-ne In a ceriiiin exn nl this means ol introducing | il lo public notice I n ise applying lor advice w ill tind constantly In atleiehmce inedictll ability ol nmllspnled skip m tins . class oi com pin inis, ami nl be dealt whh In the mn-i ineioiahle and straighl forward manner, (•or the purpose ol securin',' privacy lo Hie most delicate. - vend aparlmnils are so arranged lliat pa lai nls will he brought in contact Willi none, Inil the (llliee I’li)sician. I In se applyinc to tins Institute will the charged re i.-onahlc, and the lieallinnl sup -rior I .miles and gentleiiien who ih sire lo heroin.* patients wnhout calling al the rooms o| tin Institute, can he intended a; their residences Coinniinncalion from all purls of tlmcnnnlry will ho ahemlrd lo wnh prom puns-, and medicines senl, • I t'e-irod. by enclosing a h e of ten dollars No ellorls w dl t.e spared to make the llowa'd Medk cal liMitute w hat n purports lo he, a philanlhrophio liisiiiiue. Consultation in Fnglisli, Freucb, Spanish ami Oi rmaii. • itticH from It A. M.. till ftp. M. Address Howard Mulicnl Instilule, ll* fucramciilo slreec San I ranc scai ’ "tlice Physician, OK. R MifAFFKKY A3XTD Yankee Notions Depot. MVI.ItS S'fKKKT, TIIIIKK DOUR* FROM MUM t.oMfKV, M.W BRICK BLOCK, o no VILLE • 11 Id! K CA \ UK I HIT MM Kl) all sorts ofiisefu ▼ T and ormimei lid articles, mil lo lie found it any other store h the county, consisling of the large* and lies: si levied stoek of Hardware, Carpenters’ Tools, Garden Seeds, Books, Stationery, Build ers’ Material*, Wp"ilcim are, Patent Medicine* aud Pocket Cutlery, F.I’KH OFFF.HF.I) FI)It .S. I /.A, L\ THIS TOWS ALSO-- Frime Chewing Tobacco, and Hennine Havana Cigars. Aam v A ides. Perfumery, booking Classes, Wall -Paper Children's Toys, Revolvers Funis, (ills, T rpeiitine, Vnlty, Cam phene I .amp Oil. Caudles, truck ed ver.V Musical Instruments. AI.HU l.ainp Chimneys, Hand Paper, Writing INijs r, Kmves a id Ports, Com km and brushes. F.rass ttu'U and chisels, Faucets and piles. Murker'-, and Canges, I.mill s’ Riding Clove*, Shoe Knives. Candesll ! Flaying ( ards, ; Herew Drivers, '••auger’s Rides, Tap Rur-rs and Ciinlcti hocks. Hooks Staples, i’unches. F«(<er Cullen ” « • • • •• i» uiitur Hammers and Compit'*-, Ruisand Flanes, Audi Ror'e Itriedi. s. Pomps Hpoke-Hhavei Hailor s F ilms, Ik >gCollnr« and i hint; Cuff, e Mills, Meal Hooks, Wash Hoards, Bench Serevv-, Ha-h Tool*. (Clothes Fins. Fancy 1 bisk Hook- Red Cords, keU Heft w Wrenches t• nn• 'ups. OboepiitgTrays VVhi|>»and i’auea. (. no tiles and Wax cue la-nlheus Cents Driving Cloves. ’ ALSO A complete as ortineiit of Tolk t Articles, Cam!k every dt-cnplion. Dried Fruit. Pr.„ rved aw Crven NuU of all kinds The Atlanlic and P.nropean Papers and Mugs allies on the arrival of the * teamen. These goods have been selected with thegrei care, purchased cheap, and will ha furnished to customers either at wholesale or retail as lowa any oilier store in the Mines, nr lVr*on* .innirvut of obtaining any article f >ftn F rnnci*ou t can <l«> *o hi a*tnnll r»#*r opdL h4vi upon the Ur si coal hy leaving their orders at this si \\ |» P\V N j , outstanding debts due the firm of J Smith A. On must be imid to the undersigned oi agent. J J. Lockwood. H. he -duot is am ejrizes nar ttie name of the firm in liquidation. WM. c. PAVNK.