Newspaper Page Text
Miscellany* BPX.Kngltsh farmers frcqm ntly sow ns much as twents pounds of Hover s-’ccl per acre, but it is not nil of one kind. Rod Hover, on many of their light lands in »n uncertain emp, anil they seed tbiok and u*e different kinds in order to secure a ‘catch.’ In this country, twenty or twenty-five pounds of clover seed per acre is generally quite unnecessary, but it is better to seed thick than to have the plants thin on the ground. The ‘long refreshing s'eep’ in clover shou'd never be longer than three years, and in many cases two years is long enough to let land lie* • n “ down in clover. —(ienrsm I'armrr. Sowing Clovkr. —An old Vermont farmer remarked that he was greatly prejudiced against years ago against clover from thin sowing ; stalks were large mid tang ed, cou dn’t mow it, an 1 cattle wouldn’t eat it. lie now sows twenty or twenty-five pounds to tli• ■ sicro, his crop stand very thick but not more than two feet high, cures it in small cocks, and makes beautiful hay. Land no' ds rest, like all else, give it a good bed of clover that it. may have a long, refreshing sleep —AV. Cohns. I>r, Hull, in bis Journal of Health makes the following remarks on this suhj ct: never let anything harder than vour V ' 1 •* finger-nail touch the corn. Raring it as certainly makes it take deeyr pad, as rutting a weed «dl the surface. Tin* worst kind of cortu are controlable as follows; Soak the feet in quite warm water for ha'f an hour before goino to bed, then rah on the corn with your linger, for several minut'*s, some common sweet oil. Do lliis every night and eve ry morning; repeal the rubbing in, of the oil with the linger, bind on ibe tm* during the day, two or three thickness es of imekskin, whli a hole in th'* cen ter to receive the co n ; in less than a week, in ordinary eases, if the com does not fall out, you can pinch it out with vour linger nail ; and weeks, and some times mouths, wll pass away before von are reminded that \on had a coin, when you can repeat tin* process. Corns, like cm sumnlion, are never cured, hut may he imh Hint' ly postpon ed. The oil and soaking softens and lessens lha corns, while the buckskin protects it from pressure, which makes it easy to be pushed out by the umler growth of the pints. fisa/"‘A penny for your thoughts, mail tin,’ s ■ icl a gentium n to a beauty. ‘They are not worth a farthing, sir,' she replied ‘ I was thinking of you.’ MISCKU.AMKM S. DR U(jS AM) MI-DR INKS. „ persons who wish to im in ii \si; Drugs. Fancy Articles. or Perfuim ry. will <l. > \U well to cull ul llir ItITTE OKI '. STORK. on Montgomery, one door from lluwi r street, Deal ,he t Ire mu Hotel. I lie billowing list comprises n portion or Hie stock on loud ; Se.llit/. I’owduis, Quinine, ’ liny Hum, •M ol \ itroi, Cologne, Nitric Acid, Acre’s i: Derry Peel unit, Muriatic Acid, Orow.d’s Sarsaparilla uiidlllue Stone, yellow Duck, Nutmegs, Tow use nil’s Sarsaparilla, Oil of l.emon.'i Sami’s do Oil of Hum 1 , liny'oil’s do Oil of i loves. Mustang l.inumeiii, Oil of Cinauion.J Nerveni d Horn) Liiiument,Oil of • ingamim , Pain Killer, Oil of Peppermint, Essence ol Jainaca (linger il of Vmce, Castor Oil, Oil of Lavender, Moff itl’s Pills. Oil i f CllOehs,* Me Pilaster’s Ointment, Olive oil, lioliaway’s Pills, Neal’s Pool Oil, Wright's Indian VogelfthlcOx Marrow, Pills, Uose Wilier, Thompson's Fye Water, Hoke's Kilters, Thorn’s Kxlracl. Cod Liver < >ll, June's expectorant. Caps lies, Opodeldoe. Flea powder, A (file ami Fever Pills, Chol.igogue, Shoulder Unices, j Trusses, ISuspousury Itamlages, Adhesive Plaster, Castile Soup, \\ me Hitters, Stoughton’s Kilters, lliirishorn, Aecelie Acid. Peruvian Hark, Soda, Cream of Tartar. Home ipathic Medicines, Line, Sponges, fine. do coarse, Old Port Wine, lor mvdi cal purjioses, Old lirSiwu VViusor Soap,Old Clierry Wine, formed- Pomades, Hair Oils, Home Corks, Vial do Sal Si ala, Sulphur, Alum, Nitrate of Potash, Morphene, liauilaDinu, Parugonc, Lelsamiil, leal purposes. Old l.raiidy, for medical purposes, Armica Flowers, Liquorice Root, Sarsaparilla Loot, Italsuiii of Wild Cherry Alcohol, ha per cent Cainpheiie, pure. lodine ol Polusaiilin,’ Ileiiliane Seed, Cardamon Sudds. &. .. j. L EEC H US, Together with all die usual articles kept in DULL STORES, which will be sold at reasonable prices I those wlio may favor us with a call. Physicians’ prescriptions acuralely compounded t all times of day or night ALBERT O. DAY, Apothecary. Omville, August 'J. l*jfi. augJ my Wool, Hides and Tallow WANTED— For which the highest market pries will be paid. Apply to 1 JOSEPH F SMITH, w - wi mm m . 7 Corner of 4th and E streets. Hide Yard, eastern entrance on Fourth Itreet near the Buckeye Mill, Marysville, MEDICAL. DU. J C. YOUNG’S CARDS. IMPORTANT TO MINKBS, TItAVWLKK3, KTC. FIIIIKRK t* no malady ofdeeper ini|a>rtance either I in a medical or moral light of view, to which llii* hiinmn family in more liable than that uriMiig from impure connections. \s n medical mini it i« the duty of every physician to look at iit me an it effects hi'Hllh ami lit**, and Ids .ole object should In- to mitigate, nn lur m lies in h(n power. llm bodily suffering. Ilninuii ualnft- at Itesl is 101 l (r ail, all an* liable in misfortune. Of all ilo* ill. Hi..! atf-ct man none arc more terrible i inn Hnnc of a private nature. —Dreadful »n it in in tin- (ht'oii who nmiracts it, (rightful an nr<* its ravag on upon hinconstitution. ending l>ei|iiently in deal rue* ion and a lon h-ome itrnvr, il becomes of still greah-r importance when il in tran«tniil»*d to inncconl off spring. Much being Ihe rise how necessary il In comes that every one having Ihe least run-on to fear that they have contracted the di-ease, should ill tend toil at omo In consulting some physician, whose renpeclalldliU and ednealion enables him to warrant a wife, speedy, and permei'.eiit cure. In accordance with liiln necessity, MR Y 1 d NO feel-called ll fan in to stale Unit, by lonir study and expulsive practice, he has heloine perfect master of all those diseases width come under Ihe denomination of venereal, and hnv ini; paid more attention to that one branch than any oilier physician in lie- I oiled Stales he feels himself heller ipialitled In treat them. S \ pin (is in all its forms, such n- ulcers, swelling In Iheirroans. ulcer lii tin* llinml.secondary syptit* l ineons eni|ilioiis. ulcerations, lerinary syphilis, sy philis in eliildreii. mercnreal sy pldltlic affections, gon* orrhea. gleet, 'irlrlitres, false pas-ages. intlainalion of tlie bladder and pro)rule irlands. excoriations, ininors, postnh s. \!c,, are as familiar to him us the most com mon things of daily observation Tlih Doctor effects a c ire in recent cases in a few days, and finds no dillicnlty in coring those of long duration, « iihont mililTiitt intr tin- patient tostn li I real mi-til a- will draw upon him tin- aligltlesi suspicion nr oblige him to neglect ids tm-iness whether within oors or w I 111. nil. Tin-diet need not lie changed. ex cept in cases of severe intlainalion. There are in fall* fornin patients lainounling to over two thoiis.iinl in the past year) I lint could Imid-h proof of lids; hut the*-are matters tliol require lid nicest eecre-y wldcli lie always preserves All letters em losing * Id, will lie promptly nllended to. Dfflce hours front H A.M to -i’ M. Address J. • Viil’.Mi, M. Kxpress lltiildings, corner of Montgomery and ralifnriiiaii streets, over Wells ’ur go x Co.'s Kxpress Department. A c\R|»_l’l!nM Hit. VOTING'S PUIVATK . » MKDDAK I ifflce—To the lillltcU-d—ln this Kite of progress, wiion seieltce is develop ng itself in siicali a manner as Iniippear almost ndraciilons,every lino- i.i coiniiiiiti place is looked upon as not worth notice In view of lids fad I>r. \ onng. corner of Montgomery and (tiilifornia streets, lias concluded to leave tin- beaten track hitherto pursued by most sci* entitle plixsici uis, illmt •»I "ailing for Ihe public to fiiul yon oat alone,) and publish to tin- world, as iinn-ii as may lie. his knowledge of the healing an. io |e| (hose w ho be in need of assislanee kliow where liny ran Hind relief without fear of being i 111 J Upon. In continuation of fids subject. I)r. Young would .ay, that of the past ten years be has pursue 1 tin pracl lie- of n ed iciin- in m- e ol I tie la rife, i eil ies In tin- I idled Stale-, wdli tin- higlie-l sueci—s, and tliai Ids -landing a* a physician Is without reproach, having at one time been lecturer nl tin- 1 niversily of Penn sylvania -Il 'em Teal (li-easi-s. \<-. I' pun lilt of tin -e collide rations. Dr. Young has cun lldeiice in tnlmilucing himself to tin- piihrtc, knowing that lin y will sustain Wi II earned merit. Tin- Pillow inn are a lew of tin- many testimonials wldcli hav e appeared in the public journals the last few years: [j- riiin tin- Boston Medical .loiirnal ] Although xve nro otiposeil to 111* 1 system ofndverlis (i,e. tor -oo 1 ami sufficient reasons, still we deem il Inti ju-t ee to »a\ 111 it Hr Vumik' I- one ol tin* most in lii-'rioii- and indi-taligahle votaries ol the medical science in the I'idled Slate-, I rum i’rofe-sor Jackson! The subscriber is pi i-oiiallv aeipniinted xvilh l>r Votini!, and ha- seen mueh ol hi- practiee, nml can hear lesdmoney to In- ineriti as a practitioner. I’rotn tin- New York Herald. The etninence of lid- di-tue-oii-ln-d gentleman in Ids profession. Illid Hie very exh-nded optiorlilldlies po-sessed In him for I In" oliserv tl'ion of vein-rent ilis e i-i s, in; k- his s- i v ices in' alualde lo those afflicted with the above complaints. l-'i-om the Whin and \ Ivi-rliser. Ml afflicted with private eoinplainlsshnuld censnll Dr Young, " ho-t-education i- ma .urpii-sed 1 1 x any ph'-ician in tin- country. In ins -ki'l. honor ami in tegrity nil may rely "till safely. " Idle most of the practitioners in this city nre without h-ii-tx or re*. pectnhili x llieirprelentions being grounded in ignor mice and a-siiiiipdnn. (iffl.-e cornor of Montgomery and t 1 ilifornin streets, up stairs, opposite tin* banking leaise ol \\ ell- I argo iii'ii open from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M , Sunday in cluded- |S ATI’. Medical Office—Hundreds of those who n have contracted di-ea-e are disadpoinie lot a cure by not calling on Dr. Young at llr«l lie will forteit iinv sum if he fails to cure ini' rase that may ci me under his care, no mailer how long standing or afflict Ink. such as ulcers, tumors, males, bunches, pimples mi the face and body, pains in the hone- and i..jus. " likefillne-S. trembling, copper colored Wires, wa-ling of the bones, emanation, loss ot appetite, strength ond flesh, sores in lie nose and ears, loss ot hair, weak eyes itching humors, X Many p- r-eti- Hfler being relieved ef all extern il appearances ot private disease, suppose them-i-lvi s ctned. h u alter a lew months find they nre troubled with 'annus symptoms "inch they never had before, and which ita-' find it mi|Mi—thie to relieve, lo alt who are at dieted in this way. Dr Young would p rlictil irl> >ec oiiimend a trial ol liisskitl. The symp otns w iih wliicti vim are troubled are cau-ed liy taints in ihe blood, which soorn-r or later will destroy our health and hap* pine-s. N i person who has evi rliid an attack -U any private complaint sh-ntd not fall locon-nil Dr. Yomg and lake a few hollies of Ids invaluable purifying medicine, ns they can iv-l assured Dial their hiood is In a perfectly pure an I healthy eondilien. and that i* vi tv trace of disease fs removed from I tie* system Recent cases cured in srom two to live days without change of diet or hindrance from business, or no fee. im .i <• YDiMi. Office, corner Montgomery and t'.ilifnrnia streets, cpposile Weils. Kargo & t’n.’s Offlpe lionrs from ff A. 8 P. M. Mnrysnitle. June loth IH.i.r H %11. J VOITJff! —Dkvk Sin :—Plett-e send me ■ W some of the niedlclm s yon pn-serhed m my case. I lijive a friend liere who is troubled in exactly the same way that I was. He has nightly emissions, ringing acise in his head, weak hack, I •«» of memory, ami Is generally debilitated : he is discotiragisi and has not confidence enough to enable him loculi and see \nn. I nd>) him how I was and (lint my friends all said I was in consumption, and thed.iclnraup here gavi* me up and advised me lo g- home to die, inn instead ol going home I called upon you, and here I am. as well as any of them, nml likely to live a long time ' i t. w ilfi strenth enough lo w ork w ilh the strong est of them. Doctor. 1 will send every one to yon that looks to me ns though lie needed a physician It shall not he my (null if any one dies for want of medical treatment. I will do all I can to keep the afflicted away from those pi-sts of society, yelept professors ami high sounding titled men who, if the facts were known, are men who left their country for their coun try’s good. Public this letter, doctor, if you wish, and I hope some of those that humbugged me, may see it ami sleep had for one nielli. Truly yours. GKO. DAVIDSON. rmrrmiTi- ■ j- i—sin ■■■ i i EDWARD M. BURROWS, Intern ationalHotelSaloon JACKSON STREET, Detween Montgomery and Kearney SAN FRANCISCO* Best The Brandt of Brandiet, Wines and Began; MEDICAL. DR. HEINIMANN S PKIVA TK MEDICAL OFFICE. CORNER MONT.IOMERY A JACABON STREET* SAN FRANCISCO. DU. M. lIEIIVIM \NN. corner of Kearney and Pacific street*. San Francisco. low for a number ol year-, in the tnllltaiy and oilier luw|iiUl* of I'nui'T devoted till* study |irinri|<nlly lo the ire.iunrnl ol Se tfrl and lln-relore pos*es*es a thorough ex perience In tin. He is nl«o (e-r* fedly Imiti)i >r wah all tin* recently discover'd .#nl highly nn|i'iriiiiu remedies and means for the cure ol Mich (IN iW.. Il |« se ireely necessary lo add here Heal In France where *ecret di*en*e* are of more Ire cjuent occurrelire Ilitin nil where el*e, Iha physicians of that country are inure expert in ihelrcure. and are constantly and successfully endeavoring to l!nd out new remedies. more efficient and lew* dangerous than those formet ly used Hr. Ilelniinann is tln-refore. enabled to cure all tin—e diseases w ith |ierleci cerlnintv. wlihoiil using meienry. In a y -Incrl lime, and williroil siihj.-ciing hi. pal lent, to tin- risk ol nub*eipient injutlous const*- ipiences, i lironic (ionorrlieo, Rvermaiorrhe*, Flour Alhn*. (dmeral Dehiiby ttie retail of nii*eonduct, pollutions, ,(alii in tin- bac k and side*. K.ruptloii«ol idl k:n l>. produced by interior cau*e*. I.os- ol Hair. Uheunml* j-m in lie- Joint*. Nncurnal sweats. Seminal and I fin al weakness. Injuries received by mercurial treat inenl. \e in- are eured by Hr. Ileiliiinunn wi;h tin* aid of remedies known Inti to himself, to the |ierlecl sulisfuclien ol In* clieiila. Hecent diseases id the above named kind will be promptly and radically removed In-fore liny cm not lie in tin- body and become chronic, by Dr. Ilenii in aim'.* own purify Iml' vegetable reined in*. Hr Ilelniinann t other |Kisses«e* a rare remedy fill,y tested, and which ci.n Ice relied upon for the cure of I nlennillellt fever, (hill end I ever, lever and Ague. also a means to remove, in a few days for ever. a bad lire lib. with mt the least inj'iry lo Ihe slonineb. 11l Iho pdesenl days nnne-roa* reiniHlb s are offered everywhere for al; imaginable di*« s, Iml in most of the cases the su I) r- ■ * are so sadly dis appointed that they look with ja.iillable mistrust on all ndyerlis.mtenls ol ttii- kind. Dr lleminiann's re* un-dies nei-d not In* recommended by puffiiiig cburlu lunisbi for tin y recommend Ihetnselves by their ef fects. as has been seen and experienced by namemi* patients who. fortunately for ihemsc 've-, have u-ed them. For tin- inf mi llion and sati«liieiion of the often deceived public. Hie statement will snffieo lieu Hr, I has in his possesrjon ovi r two hun dred lesiinioiiia * from patients eured Icy him. be*ide» many oilier rebalCe persons which In* is r**;idy to ex Illicit w hen required. while common decency lurbids him to publish them in the newspap is. Persons 11111>Is 111cr lo Hr Meminiami shall not be obliged lo pay ill .nlv .cure lice* lull price ol lice euro, as he i* willing In submit his shill and his remedies lirs'c Ice be lesp d. • •lo- thing ihe Doctor invariably reipilre* from all his patients, that is a lai'lifnl and strict conformance w ith all his directions ami preemptions, otherwise lie canned »ud*w ill nnl warrant a cure. Wrilh'ii consultations will he given williont charge aid e nmiunicalcons i.n-wei'cd whether containing a lee or not. pre cnply, punctm.'ly and with s’rict serf cy. on apply i.ig, |mslatre paid, in lice English, I- r< m b or tic nil all l.anguages, lo Hr. M. II FIN I MANN, Corner of Kearney and Fa die - reels, San Francisco. To show le the satisfaction of ad that Hr Itc-im mann is a ihorouirly c.-clu ■ ibal, practical and expi re enc'i cl aid sniip'iin Ihe billowing from bis numerous i,-:iiiihiiml«, are sulnnillial lo lie- p'dilie Nances are snn(u*e-sei(, bit Ihe aulln'fs are at any lime i m n Ihcir trillii and aulheidicily hefnre Ihe w nrld. I •Ki: xtvnnn Val.l.kv, Feb.ft, Is.Mi Dear Dnclort--1 liave known you since l*lu and vail li 'Ve given so ifiany prmils id your bdcnls and experience. Ihnl ymi have entirely wonconlidenee. A I' Inci ; h yon r* side at at a great iti-l.ime f,l'm inf Mil knaiv tin I leue several tune sept you pa'ieiils w hich o: liit ih a'i i .is have given Upas iiicnralile, find yon have id way * p-eei ved I hem and saved not oidv their limb, hni al-o iheir lives. | will only mention In in lie- case of Mr C , from Auburn, who i* mdi Ideal In yen for tin* presi rvalion ie his riudil arm. which oilu-r diiciors w lined lii ampillate. mid that ol V] , (, ofCiilnma. vvlio allhough given up as Impelefs by two doc'nrs was cured by you in two wa -ks linn- ,\s pi whal yon have done for my hums ly, suffice il to s 'V. I will never he ah'.o to repay yon, \i-i epl d ar Doctor. Ille-e few line* n* a proof ot the high e-beni I h.iv eof your latent* as a man. anil believe me le he your constant Irn-nd. F 11. Proprietor oflhe Miner's Hold To Dr. Ildniinunm S in Francisco Greenwood. Fehruary 1 Uh, I'.Mi. Ilaviie.' siydied me belli" myself at the I’niversiiy of Tax in, n Italy, I siippo-.- 1 know enough to b< be. li. veil when t declare her by Him' you an lie- best physician 1 ever met with in ''iii|(n*niu. Tin-decl e r.i'ion i* fi-mideil on what 1 have seen you do and hear t from everybody when i ie*id d at Mormon Is land. I know of many p r<on* in whom you hay saved life mi l hull's niter they bad boon •omplebly given up by oihei's. aid who will at any time mine fm ward ami les ily lolln* truth o' this, and lo your sci Wishing \ou lor Itie future, the s on.- -me ec-s which has allendfd you thus tar. I remain truly yours, U. b. To Hr. Ilelniinann, San FraiicHro. Cnloma. .tanrrry 10th. It.iC. M\ pear and 'lnch l.s’cemed Hoi-’or :—H I* With try no' > regret |)i-< I I and all your other fri.m-l* saw yon 11 ni I Mormon I stand. Me have Inst in yim a |diy*i eiim "i great lah-id and experience who we could not appreciate 100 much. 11 was proven enough by the numerous who came lo call on you from all pari* of live mines, and y ou are in the best ri-meuibr *nee ol all. Mv«eli. gi \. o ii;. In wleun I i-idered our be«l phy sicians p-epared mv sell todlejhy clmoce Icimenn d. r your ir almenl imd you lor cured me ol a ifrave sickm s. In a short lime. Vou have proved yourself a physician and you d" hon r to P e nano . i>. Proprietor f'redch Itestanranl. To Dr. Ileinitnann, San Francisco. Auburn, Janiisry 10th Heir Docmr: —I ntway* rr memher yon with (ilea* lire, and a leelitik’ of cralilnde (irnmpts me to address von' these lines Von know in wh d a deploan'df s'ate I was alter cotniiuf out • I 'he hands <»f Hr l„, who wanted lo amputate nn riv'hl arm. m shed by a fall ing Irock in order lo save mv tile. Happily forme. I heard of you and of tin? reputation which you had at Mormon ’M ind ; >" I asked for vour advha-before pariinif with my arm. M the recommendation ot Seine irn-nds «• yours in Greenwood. I went to Slay n iih you and in a lew we. k* my arm. instead "I beimf ampii'.red was saved, locelher wilh my life which I consider I owe to yon. Hear Doctor, if I ever can be of any iidvanliure to you dispose "f me. fur it is en tirely" to yeur skill Thai I ow e mv pres-nt existence. Deceive, therefore, mv sled-re respect, and the assu rance Hint t believe y-'m lo 1«- one of our most talent ed and experienced physicians in litis country. iruly, I C. To Hr. Heinimann, San Francisco. Sacramento, Fehruary Ist. 1H. r >6. The uhdersigned has known Hr Heinimann fir many years, and ran vouch for his justly having earned’ a repniation as a rnii-rientloiis. prudent, ex perienced and skilful Physician and Suwon, and would therefore rocemmend lo all ja-ople lo n lv with most intpUci, confidence in I)r. H< inimaan’s skill and science. .... Third slreet. Ix-tw**<*r .1 and K ’ SHOP. JOHN DOLBEItOII. WOUld) Rescpecifnlly inform Ihe cill»*ns nr Rid well and vicinity, that he is prepared to do all kinds of work In his line of business in a workman like manner, wilh deapalch and on reasonable terms laviiiK always on hands large assorment ol dry It vber he it ready lo make to onler. Doors, wimlow Bash. Tables, Rockers, fcc. All kinds oi Uabinel work, and in fart anything apperuinin* M) his buti nets. Hilliard Tables sei and repaired ?hop n*» Owln treet, below Utat k Larcomb’a Brick Btort MEDICAL. DR- L. J. CZAPKAY S »n. t, j.r/M’KAV, i.atf. in Tin: m’Nr.A. nm Revolutionary War Chief Physician to the thuh regiment i>t ll.dived*, Chief Suro-oii t.• the Military 110-piial of Pi sin. Hungary. and late l.ectu n r mi Hi-eiises nl ITlnnry organs. mid diseases of Witten and children. Tn rut »rn.ii run. —Hr. I. J t'xapkuy has opened his institute for tin- cure of r.lI lorm* nf private dis cases, »m-|i a* syphilis. iMltorrliea. nocturnal emis sions. and nil Hie • | iir-m-f- of self-uhus. In the (l r .l fiatf' • iif i»iill'irrheal di*!i<n In vuarautei » a '•lire In a lew (| ( \ii, without inconvenience to I In- |»'ii n-ni, .erln ml ranee to hi- business. \\ hen a patient. hy Inirled. or improper trealineiil, ha- developed the secondsrv symptoms of syhllis -a h a- Imhoc-. or p .; nt ill .vvelilllvrs on the tfroiii-. or nicer. in I lie- throat and nor. which, if not checked, <h‘-iroy the soft part-and can-' - tin- hones to inorlilv, separate and come away, leaving the sufferer mi in ject hi.lcons In hehohl; or when splotches and p rnpli- hn-nk out ii| kiii tln> skin. or when lie ha- |> not a I .w.-l :■ >.’• upon the twine-, or w hen In- ciinsitiuh.ui i- injur- d -o a- to pr.-di.poee to consumption or oilier coiisiiiiiti.uia di«ea«e. tin- Hwloj guarantees a cure or a-!<- no. o n. eeii-ation In Utieiiniali-in, chronic or acute: in I h -eim ri. or Iha trine a, he hi- -dean I elf cl nn I re. lin'd lea. lor the treatment of tire Co i- .jiienee- of w'lr-alni-e. «nc!i a- noeluriial . mi—ion-, n. rv.iu-m -«i timidity liendilelii' pain-ill the (ci.-k m l hinh-. w! h general weakne--, to— ol appetite, In— o! nieinoty injury to I Ilf sight, re-lle-'iie— ■unli-ii.n of idea-, dislike for —iciety. and feeliuK of -.vearine-- of lite; wiili tiie Hen mi- -tein -o i wi■ i’• 1 1 • i• dial -li -'lit Imi-e--hoi'k nr -turtle tile Jiatienl. making hi- exi.t- Mice mil-eralile. lor the id'iive mala lie. the llocior will ifil.iralllee a cure nr irk iiiMTiiiipiTm ion He callin' con-iilled rce of charge, and invite. all to cull, a-it will cii-l them noiliing. and may tic much to their advantage. Hr. 1.. .1 iV. ipkav i< daily reeeivfnsr an,, licatioii. from every part of tin-Slate and Irien I trefoil and Wa-liimrlon Territories, f r irnittmetit of every form of disease Mid there I- not who will eome lor ward and expre-s d o..iti-laci on; on the eontr.iry. the Hr, i-ind liy receipt i f letter-. .Ann —in ol grail tiidi- and Ih inklnlne—, some of which are published helow by permi-.-joii. 'I xnv -vii i.k, .lime ;i. IWi. Hr 1,. .1. t’zspkay, San IViinei-roSir. 1 have ii-ei| tin. | i-t ot vonr iiii-lli'ine. an I dn not think I -hall need anr more, a- I feel Very well ,\repl that I liav" not entirely ini' my stnuigili y• • t Ini -"on will with the appetii.'l tone. It I- jn-t three week-, yon ni iv recoil, ii. wince 1 called at oir iii-tcnle. w ith no emi-iitntion a- I thought, entin v 1.r,.k-m, and never I bought yon would he aide 1 i enre me piTlect li. hut thought yon might lie aide to do ...meihiinf to ea-e the pain in my hark an 1 head and strengthen me llltlh-. vv hit'll Were -O w eak dun they would almo-t give wav n nder me when 1 walk'* d. and I ' -1 rl■ 11 c lien my nerve-no that I would li"! «• I evited mid Irene I'll' at every hide dunk' Now dial v. u know what I e\[iecte-t, von in iv judge ot tnv - i!i-facliii:i a! my complete r. i nverv Irem tho-e symptom- and the re. in.iv .ll ni th... -ptoti'he- and -me- l"im my -kin and do* nleer- tr in inv d.roal; -ml the i Him* -l"i*;- ere ol Ih -e t-mi—hm- which foil -aid »• re tir..' ■■ 'iv the I' ni-i> ol" ill v -IH.III'--. Ic oi hardly (ell y"lvvli * * 1 1 I the greahlev joy er my -min- -, lor except mil haver: fully g. t inv O'.oh. I feel II- Well -re v min call led. l'.iu'lo-ei| I send von twenty dollar over your charge. and think my-ell cheaply i"l r ed It you hink mo t - . v vv ili 1 e hein'i'iiied. yon may put tin’.- lellor in the tew-pat a rs. Tims llvvhkx. PnKi i van i iretron. May In, l-t'i". Hr l' /a | 1 av Hear Sir; Vonr iileihcine ha- lieen taken mv.Tiling to direction- I led a hole weak Vel| in every o her way I am alino. - ealiri Iv rei'"ii .'- i'd, and think in a •Inirt time ! -lull In a- v.. II a- ev - ,ir. ('.very indy that know- nc i- vv niclerir,.' what made -Ill'll a chan.'e. lor tree !- din c: 0 I hid enii-iimpdoii. and other-Ihd I vv,.- con.j 'Ti.y \V, !l, I don" I, now ho> I hey -v it. ho hr. M. - 1 f-dl a; Mi.dd. [| li'ilh way.-, and Ihonultl it I O.ln't ■!;#- ...on I would like to’ I am let te.i.n•! • ! any mo-. With emi —ll.ll-, mill 111 p.on 111 my read Mid ha. k. mid the vveaki.e-. in my limhs have le|i me, and «o hn« the di/.'iin—, dm icy. and the wd*h alw .y-lohe n|.me: I am no! ah ".d m l'o in e.irnpa y now. m.d am not -o eo-i'v .aciei! a- I need to he. wh. * ..* y 1. .* 11 111 ilt would -.-I me trenihiinn. I have men at work t hi- week w Inch i - I lie lirM I !. v. done lor -I nn,nth-, and Hie lho'iiflil "I" it don't di-cotiraife me like it n-.-d to Indeed. Ihel hk ain.lher man. and h I. ad mvimr in v our medicine and adv ice don may puhii-li d.i- if vii i waul fo. Vonr- tie,' •In-ki'H i! It. S.VI RJVMr:\Tii. May 15. l- . i. T>,.„ r Sit* Snell is die thankfulne-'- I feel ter the pr>..< rvatlon ot my health ot la Ih liii'.y at'd tri nd, mu] I 1 elii ve .0 my lite. I hope I will nut I." eon -i'l.-n d intm-jvi in tetide'lntr my thanl- fill acktaiwl edifrneiil- for re-tnrnm me to health, and making my life a In .on vvoiili pre-ervimr, when it had hecerne a hnrtiieii 100 crettl lot me to hear. \ ictiin tut 1 was to vu e that had undermined my ami devel oped a train of iutvoh- -ymptom- -itch a-nervon d 'liility* iieadiii-He. di-lns-ilik Innidiiy, 11 -< 1 i-trn-t, dl//il,e—. love o! -o'llnde, hi— of niiTie ry aid want of resolution, he-tde- a io-- ot -treii. ti. and enerev, which made mv waki"g nioinenl.- vv r. tcl ed and my -l-. p iinrefre-lniuf and vva- fa-' I rintrenr me t.. 11 firav", hm. thank, to von- -kill, I am r.-lor. d to hr alih vtf «r. iiti.l energy 1 lopinuto find nth. r-w I; a. they mav tind relief, yon lane my p. rmi-.niii to make 1h..- pllhlie. ' I.K.ivvKII \V*ITK. To lir. 1,. .1. I'zapkay, Sun Fran. i-eo. j -permaiorrh. a. or it weakne—. n. rv on - de- Inhly, low •(lime. In—mule, weakne— ol ihelirnh mi'l hack, iii h-po-ilioti and ine ipal.ihly lor laiiorand .lmlv. (hillll. -o! iippr. lieli-ioll, lo— ot me . aver -ion'lo -on. IV. love of Solitude Hm: Vv, - 11-di-tril-l. .11//I.IC—, headache Involuntary .li-chartf. - p hr.- in Hi., j,i'|e. affect a 'li- •.r the.),- pimple-on the (ice. -exn d and oilier inflrme ie- in man. are cured w ith on' lid hy ttie jn-tlv celehrated phv-ician an.l -nrwaii I, .1 ' /..ipkay. 111-method nt enrin . .li-e.i-es I- new. tniiknow 11 to, 1 mid hence the trreat -nice—. All C,in-till Ition-, lo' letter oroln.rwi-e tree Address 1,. .1. i zapkay. >i I)., san rraticisco, I'liliforin i Tn T IK I.AHIES Ml- (VvldH»l!M Hr. I. .1 ivapkay late inlhe llimearian Revolu- Ijoiiary War. t hief physician t" Hie :Hi ot Motived-. Chief Snrifeou to the Military 11 • |.i: nl fit Pc-ltn Hnmtarv, and late l.eclnrer on di-ni.c- of nn nary orifun- and dl-ni-c- o. women and children. 111- vii.'* tiie attention of the tick and nflUcfed fcmaii*-, I under niiv of the canon-form- of di- a-e- 01 the lirain. him:-, heart, s'omach. liver wnrtnh blood, kidney-, and all di-ea-e- pecnllnr to H eir -ex. Ihe OiH'lor !• effecting more cure- tlmli anv .ah. r Phy -|. ci,in inthe State of California l,et no f il-e deln icy iircvcnt yon, hut npplv linmedmn lv. and me v„nr -*'tvv- from painful - iffermi’- anil p- rn,tore death Ail marrietl ladle- lelirn'e he thh er olht r clr cmn-tMUC"- do not allow to h .ve an inerca-c in 'heir families, .(intild call at Hr. I„ J Czapk v - Medical In ripute Armory Hall, coriier -’acr oeento an I Mont e,,tilery street-. Utld they w 111 receive liven (10—itile reliel and help The Ihictor-offices are -1 arramred thm he can !»• con.ulted wittioin He le r . l inoh .la lion. If desired. Hr. will v i-it the I idles at their ri-tden-es All coii-nllalii n- hy letter or oth'TW ls<. (>*•'. Address to Hr 1..-I Czajikuy. Med'cal In-iituie, Armory Hull, corner Sacramento amt .MolilHoit'-ry 9lr 'svi*lilLlS AND OONOIUUKEA-Dr.L .f C/..i|ikay would ask especial atlenlio to -ypfiilitic and tmiiorrhieal diseases In the flr-l stages ol either of Hiese complaints he itinninU—u (e riect and 1 (Tec Inal cur. in n few days without hindrance to hu-ities. or the slichtcsl Inconvenience. Tin- Ifoclors pielfnsl of lr. at tut: t hern cointnnesall the latest iinpr.ivemenls tiv the meilicni faculty, with discoveries made hy lotn -elf. more effective than nnylliina yet known, which secures the patient from the pos-ihihty ol secondary *y m|itnrn- and n moves the disease in the shortest po sihletime Secondary syphilis winch uj.pears in con sapience of the ahsoroliou ot the (mmsoii Into the sys tem. and pr.-luces Mul»oe“, L’lcerathm* in the throat and nose, wh rli destroy the son parts, and cause the Nines to mortify, separate and come away disflitiirlne the patient horribly Nodes or painful swellintrs on the hones. SJ hitches upon the skin, of which the Doctors see daily In hisolhee stel which are the result of iraprop-r irealmenL Al*o. ulcers, s,,res and jiini ples, and injuries to the constitution, winch, after a hintf perhal of sufleriiiK destroy life. It will also be re ■•■bcred that lh«M disardan ars bersdiiary, pasatuif MEDICAL. from purrni to rhil«l, An*! enmtHnv ujxoit {hr off-pring n ct”i*!ttuMun for Hip cu r * % of nil lhr-r f*»rm • of ihr ISh'luti ffiiKriiMiHH n cure or im rotn Thr fv*ran h*» c*o»i-u!t»**l l»x l»*i« or ojlotwfri'C* of ch:ir7»*. nnd ilix it» -- .ill xx Do *r** artli«*iod l«» mil iif>nn lum, #h**n* ho will gix>* ih**m •‘•ch 9;«tMf*('ti**ft ** »h»»x ran oht.’iiM f)i« \\ I* ft ♦ ih* room* n»v No \ nti l • \fm*»rx Hn'l. nirn* rnf P:tfn«*ntoHfi«l M*»fitgi»m*Tv ii'n’fM **hii f fjirni«*o Till. (tKEATKST msroVr.UV OFTIIK I *—l • lII* *• mg to Mm kin*lMiimivni hm Pim imt I —|»r. |. ,1. iipKiis*• l*poji|i\i»»r' lotim, ('•hII Ih-* infilling a pn*vi n •. . •-* * rbo*al mh-I -x ptiiii* c *M-** *-♦•- an Ito mi-«ifp;»!«io*xl r»*m« •hJv I• »r all ill** \ oiit rml. •rrn / nli• ;« y impvtto ip mol r.ino r»m* ulr**r«. f:«*! It I ili-rlmr./* - I'nmi tin* x iiflint, , itt*ru- and urvihra. n'nl all cm htcii?* ••rupimii* and for mnli* at Mr 1...1 i'/ tpkux\ ofMc*. \r* •non Mall, corner ol > icr.immii** m l Momi'omrry Is San f'rmiriwoo. A* iimonilnimn i- •» pn o-n* intivo mfaihM nniall po\, 10 It j»r I. .1 • y tpkax - I'rop‘iLnMirmn a provrnlativi* mrm philii.ra! an I iSi*oiv- 11 trinlftt n itpojl, it ; ui-wi*****- ,h# * pO-.M - . I il.i TJU-'iV.x »X ! Ill£ I N»‘ typlihUH‘%l. r 'i-, nti*l fh-T* V»\ *• v»m? ilm'l-udN «•( xo'im: *l.'hunch ♦ • from !•« iiilt inl.-cli il hx tin* huh I-.;»• h-mim «>| all ■li***:i-**- Lot no ymmtf tnati xx In* iii>prt*«Tit<»« ho d h \\ iilkiU( Mr. (> ipk ivV IVophifnrMr im. It Nln \** ry i*o h\ • 111 • • 11 1 pnrkau* • atid xxEl h»- | ••iii<| r*m)\Tin* oim'oi tit,-. u-f* Ir« a soap. Tint -In ■ ,-»• ran i.r f• r»• v f I II to lln n-i* **J proper m/mit-, i- h- xx<|l an o-fnhlhLcil (art n* llmt tli«*y rim r ir<*tl all* r tla ir Tin* principle xx Inch It now nniv. r* ** ill\ r- roi'io/oil. r »i- rn'i'ivl »*vi*n L»*l .»v tb<* <|:i%* of .I*ma r. fho .h- ovrr» rof !!»*• va- curilinn in ITDIi, and lit* nniltiplnal hem •lll** t \ • » ban* n*ri ivial. MU lII* v » \**«l. li'o ali» niion of tin* mumlmml farnl’v, ll wio in pursuit *»l hrncrl* *»! tin* m»*il ral m'|. ♦ !»'•*• that Mr. 1.. .1. 4V »pka> lorfimalolx undo tin* *1 * rovrry nf hi- I'ropliihiciiniin u hi* 11. for tl'»* pn x#• 11 • In *n of **v phililh*. u'onorrhrnl. rain'or* mw and nil an***, r stand- nnrivall*Ml h\ an> uirnii in tin- Mh.-o* m'irop*H'ii. Th** i tfort of this ?iu«*nt aP*n **• I'* >n n 11 nin*■* 1 1 aI ** and r« m*»v# * tin* po—ihility « i a rntiintr* 1 1 on **l «li-ni?»** If. h*oxovor. tln* *lis*“p*»* h-h* on ron trarl**d, ii i* n«*‘fnl in nrinr ili/lnu tin l • oi- m n- t» rro in n- Hhirli, tiy al'sorp'i -n. pn*dnrr fl * liorrhl r* n-n -♦ I»i* •!»*«•- k iowii a- rorniarx -vphlli- It hi»« I>**»*»| fi*Mninis|«*r«d l*\ tin* !n»r|«»r in nninx thoii«;4ii*l nnd In* lot- x to Mini fl o Mr-’ mvx hi I. ii lias Inh d I•» -ii h r\ i • tin* pnrpo-i 1 for xihirh it xx at ndnmiot* r* **d . Prhv, S '*. I illl *lir» *oions nr»* - Marln dto » arh parkri*r»*. In «*ati t xvlmti* l*r«»:*f»iln«*li«*»ihi i* n o*l n riirallxi*, Mr. I. .1 (V i| k»x will luriiMi irruti-* si pr«t« -« ripdoti tor hi- Mlianl Murifi* r All roiniiinnh'tilion* from th»* ronntrx. n*l*lri*««»‘d lx In |tr I .1 « Vapkax .Soi I ranroro x» ill hr Mrhdly and r«inn*!**nti:idx ndt inl** 1 to, and tin* r itndn* vxiih tin* irnnitniii riin # find MMTory, intnn’duifrl \ *lis* pntrln *l, t y Lx pro* or otlnT nnivr viimr t<» thrtr *!*•*• tination [■gT’MR. .1. L. t*/.ai*kav rin tr**nftfiii'iti xx|m-«* n*ti •*• forms th** mfilh.n of thisnoti**** I-our *»l tti.i l«*nv m 'if'Tii pliN-n i in- xx 1 1 • •»i■ apphi’a’n n hi- pro*- (f--io'i and doxolion t»» th** nfili* ’*••!, rrud* r him >nik»t mi orna non* to t 1 * * on** and nl•*nfl • to tin* oihrr \ IMiiiuM?*' *ll Lx Li** h. In* -oiiudil \x*fh K* -••ith to plain* L f * r«»ii!i f »*x ninoirj Ih** natmn- of 11»• * * 11« l»* •>*•»i*l tin* *ipj>n --**r*- rtilo. Ihaf |*»*r * n- mi dit •» f*»ii*«» in tin* prii(Mi<*«* *1 iI- m* pn < **p!- xx I ifli ar»* iiliko **ar trl«*r\ and *mr p»a '■. In I i . r •*- - » ?■» *1 », lu- hi r**?ijM* 1 Ih** tv xx ar I *if rn-l • la I '•*• |*i *.ppn si*»n. nnd -a homo nnd n **<mntrx ’ n ox lion no iinov,* 1 Apart hoxvav* r. from In'* ** : niioii a- a piCrint. tin* t«*-lit:i r iparii v xx hu h f •• n flour**, to if,** **\rl'i-i*in *» t, • xxi.o po* » •-* m ain i lh«* on** *•** Ih** **tln*f ?♦ LT« i»l!i |nan l.i- rharartoi i- tint arid-It*** I: a- a f-hy Li-* ■•kill nn*iirpn**«*(l i:nd to Iho-o xx 1. 0-i miprn h !»« •• I: - h*«* upon tin; Inin*- **f «1 1 -' •- * . xx.* rin c.i?orit nil* lorn xxnti th** dial In him » f i'*ni| xx’horo lo k noxv i<• rr. ; i . i I*. I •»-. • j- N <». !t *o *l A m"i y i tail r atrl A 1 •** *» r o»n*-r\ -!’**i v an l*» i »d*oti otir i'*>fi-iih r r . d** *»t *•! rii**l**r mkl lim 1" loihln* inflt lh*'Hl *t» < • ll’ im !i»1 x xx 11 find a I n Mr.*- r of Sia’i al» *nh! VK THAT -IT FKK f! L \I >, It LAI > / !■ .1 , ** J 3 f, -I * • f - ?r.v T ■* //• ] •' / ' - ,» / / • ' * ✓> v i / ,*:.*• . - ■ ' • •. . . . : *. . •* • DR. PAREiRA’S HAT ITALIAN KLMHDV the o' l t.iin ami >[’■" <l> fitre (•( di.s sos of a ; rivato naMiro, ti<» matter •w lon 2 • k *faiiili r, 2> wiilo ut any in* rious efTket to the system or ary liiopc ot diet. H ha> n ver laih d> cannot fail to cure. HIMS Invaliinblc Pr«t iierixlnred into I'Oii Kuiee (illy )<*nr» wi■ .mm Im'i'Hihc h<« wi'll kn<>vrii i“ :t ruin eur.- ' llml in cvitv leu n innl cily i .i* omv mi ilio ( oiiiiiiont. Init m i.roni Itriliiili, ihn iloiniiml for it wm* i*o (troll 1. iih iiionli-so iinlimiiilniK, rimt In loh- limit one your irom ii* inlrmliu-tlon il hail •*ii|i|ilallletl nil other r>-inedien. 'I hi' Vedtcnl KlU'lllty of tin- |innci|ial cilie. ol lin/ope were i'oin|>elled 1C aeknots leiß’e its ssomlerlnl ni'islery over dimnoe. Pro prieloc ol oilier medicine, jealous of ll* isWity. saililf limlei.sored lo Hlay il* oust,ml premre-* l.ike tfru*« before lie- mower. Iheir elfin* fell jo the uroiirnl and like lire on I tic prairie*, sweeping all before il, ii* on ssard tnnreh hecilllie Iriumidiaiil It rlooil I'orlll upon il* own merit* : a dischrninir pnplic saw. tried arid wa re eonsmeed of il* mauleiil s irtne*. The lnn**l»« lorinne ae«|iiired In I»r i’nreira (mill the sale of i| dnrini; the *ix year* lie pr« pared it.alone bore wiliie*» to it* miraenloii* merit*. At the deceno- of the Duct the in eipe was l>e(piealhed lo hi* •mi, ss ho has lately introduced the leinedy into Ilie l liiled Slate*. Thn numherofc re* it Im* a rettdy made tire astonishing I houeand* and ten* of thousand* cull la-ur testimony to il* elllency. All who use it It will pure ssit'i a safety,speed ami certainty no other rn» on me ha* ever po*M s*ed. Ih sort to no ijm'ek No.inmi*, l *e a remedy that has been tried lor the past, fitly year* and was never know'll to fail. This (.real Itemeds i« warranted purely vegetable. Heware <>f Counterfeit*. ’I he exten-ive sale of lids wonih r! ii I medicine hie* already cn'i*‘*l vome person i r person*, tn palm off u|mii> the nii“'i*[*'cti ng. a spu rious enmpound, chr-els n ■ enddiuu the oriirllinl. Iln particular to tms none without the w mien siiriintnra of A I'areira. M. it on the ont*tde w rapper of each bottle. All other* are counterfeit, and their com pounder* will be punished with the tumoral nger of the law l*ri Three dollar* per bottle For *nle hy Ih Rub cock. sole Agent lor California, Oregon an J the Sand s» n Ii l*land*. to w hom all orders must tie addressed. A liberal disc -uni made lo wholesale ilea' *r*. I). It A COCK. Wholesale Druggist. 77 Ih vi* street, Han Francisco. hist of Agents through, ut the Slate. Rice Oftlin k. Co. Druggist Marysville: \L K- Starkweather, City Drugstore Stockton: W. II Bruner, Sonora; ItAij Shurtleff, Shasta; Child v Wor-hen. I’lncerville Justin I. a tea, Jr. Hacrmento City ; D. R. W. Carr, Downier die : Dr. John Dark Nevada ; Dr. VV. IL. tiatlU-f. Yreka, Dr J It XVinston, l.oa Angelea; Whaley. San Diego; Geo L. Story, I’urlla. a B RANKS —F.vejy deaerpitlon of/SoaiiM’a B 1 i fui tala »U>U|Olßcr.