Newspaper Page Text
OROVILLE DAILY BUTTE RECORD. VOM’MH I maua j. tK. vj/tw. *jrr. xat.rtxr.'^srxz T\n\\\ ©nttc Ixcrovli. ' ■ - •. ' /V- A/ r* r . r' j* *■ - Vuiimhuku i> \ m,v ('t; %!m v*> txi:Km.i<) kv | aro. H. CUOSETTS. •! v •♦••• \ltMit jMfPMfy jim I I.In!, i‘rmillr tV< r |V»- Mui| H* *•» \ fii*»?«t• »*. «f*» *• L' '»r. «• »9l< «4t | 1 *I * * ..... • ' ' lh*llvcfr<l hy inf'Vr»*. ... . ■ WF.KKLV iTTTi K UKroiU) - - v I*i»r flr*»'il ilhih l»Mh" «ni »»1 i rri« *iln»r i! <!U- thr » will .-on i «n Ihr Im?mI mu! ffrurni! ill l!ir W i-U. iti'i fw;>iT-. v. t}» f 111 ; rr** «• *I • fin* fH» ••iron* nnit‘«*r *, i il l «•*»•:! <m lvvmr\ i*'»|f|?ii»i« of n* »«hni< ntnO.T. ti«l will h»* imr *f (•H- | ;rvr :ni'l r ir’ifi-*mi Wim-Vlv N•**v*j»:ijm**- hi ihr I* i'il*,i'll* 1 »*wrv Sat'ifihiy !• n»i4 —-$.1 p r Aim nil ; -lx mnfttli*, .** .*; !hn f in*'Mlln if I Vhvkim iiiKMKiri. |i T m\'htrr o| ini Illir* or h*-< first insrrlhtfl, • (J ’ Kmcm ln**rrll;»n.- • • i ft*« l £ \ iit»< »! »!»• 1 irti»n will hi* mtnlr hi favor i»i *?!»•»-»• who n'lv**r*i-«» h\ ihr ynir Jt #• Hinim*** •*’ 1 1• I• in-fi-M il mi •*»*M-'>n:i!ilrlrrtf.B. Agents lor l!ir Untie llrrord. IM'.VUV KKftPKK, IW dwell 'TIMM V - * li'tVl’K ..07 Merchant *t Sun ! run.- A 1., S till, O street. Mary. Mile N l». I'MJM . . r.trlv .l..wii TVfIITK .V Vt T 1 HR Ofirmi *'i• >• .1 K..T.Wi«nN • Hm'l'iwnt ■ ;,HVT SMITH Th»ini|»«nit'« Mat. |»i{ imnTMKUTOV itruih'TiMiiV -ton*. .I\MKS 1 IMI’iJIIIMN Wvm.lMiif .1, ■UIIRr'VIN NeVmn rn-eh. JMni" ''<• .lI'DKIN’S &, i;\TK Am.tic:.n V.dle) M. IM’.NCI' Mi'rflla Valle. Tim ••liec'ifd'’ (‘•in li.‘ |in> I'nmi l»n'. "I Hie r.h ive miKvc l Aiteiils, * h.t me :il■*>» nm!>• tr.• I t>» re reive advertisement* nno r* I'n'-Inh Work M’VTLLE ADVKUTISEM EN TS. NEW CHIAU AND TOBACCO STORE West side l» , I rent, opposite the the Iliiun House M.l Hys r ll.t. F. , < ‘l 1.. Wm. CSUai’lvt'y ct? Co. KHpnrrrru.Y \nni»um i-; th tiik pcu- Ltl I,IC and I'll K TIIVHK, that liny h,nc run viMinly on hand, mid for at tin* low rat market l»ruv*, at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, A Inr'-Ti• Mini carefully selected «I« *<• k of fig-ars, «»f tier Urnnils, well »s thus.* itl 1 m ch'-iper onalily ; (iNn IA *■ T* \ DICIUM;|,i; lilt \ \ I) OK msiAl Vit, Mill! ill “I"" I, xvlrilevr may lie liniinl iniiny similaresluUli-hnieiK in California. A I.IINU i:\lM',IMKNcr, ill llm h'i‘iii.''«, wo fed assured will, win'll cun in vt •' I w1 1 li Si It \l' 11 i 1 ’■ l 1 1 i ■ \V \l«It IU . 11,ISC, minlil*| 11“ In tfiv.* I NTI II K S A I'■ ISKAC I'IU.S in those wlio may mVi if us with their pal TlMl'lL'l*. t vcocvniv T't Mil'll suprdiel la PIT cent. Il'."“ 111111 l Ml -I|lV ulll'T ll 111 till' Slain, Mayrysvilie .Inly 10. 1“ «>. jylO-tf WALKER. WILSON & Co. UEALKIIS IN £T Apx v AHU'ffATT TRY •-) Jj vLJwkJ ■*> d - til ih \jxij I\J *i* d-Jdi «< -*•' GOODS, ■ClotlnniT, Hoots, Ladies’ and * CHILDREN S SHOES, HOSILiIY, SiC., Wnt side I), st near 2nd st Marysville, ■» »rll.l, kKKP CIINSTANTI.Y ON II VN l», a full vv assortment uf Hoods in their line. Mini would respectfully Milicit n share of public piuromur,— Viiriiuulnr iiiieiuion paid loordim imm the country THOM AS B. W \ LKEII, JAMES L. WILSON, .JOHN U. MASON. feh 2-1 >-tt mmatm „ || , ITII IUDVVELL A I)V EK ITSEM ENTS BIDWELL BOOKSTORE. rffVIP. undersigned would respectfully inform Ibc I citizens of Uiiiwell and vicinity. Unit he hi> opened u BOOS AND STATIONERY STORE. and will keep cimetnntly on hand tin ussor meat of Hooks, Stationery Mint Fancy Ann ies, of the lii.est ml best qnnlltv, and w ill lie in the receipt or the LATEST PUBLICATIONS. 4tn 94XMI II!* Jiiljlt-s, School Boohs, Spiritual, Masonic and Religious ll T orks, Blank Books, (in setts or single) .Vivtls, Envelopes, Paper of all kinds i PORTK-MO.V.Uhls . GOLD PIC.VS, .l.\ f non eiis sc rr OSTK.VIWBM S FINEST CUTLERY. Which will he sold it the lowest r ite,. Latest At lantic Papers received tiv every steamer. lor side n KKKPP.iI. Next door to Nationiil Hotel, E S COOPER IW D &XJnG B O N , OPFll.'K — U the, Far. and ( trthnp*' lie liilir nviry. Mlssi.ui s'reel. In i ween -second mid Third near “llussiaa llaihs,” S\N FUANCISCit. All Surgical I •per.ilious I'UFKIo patients present luar themselves at the Oi isn s, on VVednes lavs and Saturdays, at ■-'>s o’clock. I* M. Medical men id the City and Pacific *'oiv>l generally, are r spectfnllv in vietd to alien 1 the iiilinnary on I'linical days, when ever it iimy he opportune for themselves, aitgld-tf SALK i>y t lie I'use or Package in quantities to suit. Lonp hill paper. Legal cop Letter Paper. Ink Broad bill paper. Foes cap. Note paper. Pen cils. Blank Books, Wafers. &c &c. Noisy Carriers Book .Si Stationary Co. 87 Battery &H 4 &66 Lotijr Wharf,San Fran cisco. C- P KIMBALL. Pres. to attend OROVILLE LODGE, No. S 9. 1. A. of O. P. Bieels every Monday eve ning in tlu> Masonic Had Brothers in good standing are respectfully la vital THOMAS COL. KM AN, N. O. I. 11. Ouu, Bocraury. ouovillk, butte county, California, Monday, octouhr ♦>, in>>. ilt SlNi:ss CAKI'S. r- it. iianin«. JuMKf* >l. rrArrnTS & Bunr. At’i'jrncyfl at X*nw, I Mi »V 11,1.!.u IS I lli* I «U‘N iv.r \ I * <i f nr.t - 'her- -■ r**r?. v *•■<! -? !»•, M» ii»lp»m*Ty .». V. . \\ »N r » . P . * . fi Ill!IMi A H K WINTER BTjrJT.IVC AIV3S< !ii ■ .' ■ >'/* jrj ’- J i *• 'i -I ii Mr*.! .:!»*■* H'liotinsf, I) *’ *■/ k«rr ■;. In ;wi * m >.c >1 1 n!i<t Tliinl, t»|>- J f ! H *'* ■ ll'«* 11 . ’»m 1 WABtSVILLE. \V#» ;i!m huVi* npriifr. ttn hi tln * I •" I*l* >rlc. <»r ttn !*• «’*» . v Ihti *»ne «l iim ni;*N ul all llnifs I»• • f • *11114! . sa ivies GBSZN IMiVSU'IAN AMI srur.liox. • yr~ Cur Ir- found at ‘Orleans Hole!," when no Piofi-sdil tail) ell :iged. j> lodtf- S T ELMOTT justice or the peace, Office. <m Ilird street, beta, .an Myer* and Huii'ikill, mintn.i.r., iu ttf. : colwtv Jol* u i - ... J Y. JONES. ivi t if CONST \ULE AND COLLECTOR OF II i;s AM» \Ct (If NTS. \ <ll Personal Proprrty on Commission Orrii'v. will .1 I F'.Hi.ry Ksip, H*fd etranl, otoville. July H, ll'.X, ; . ! 4 if amis v. ii.nos, tvw. ii. m>i ki.l, a.wi.nanth < >TiN WILSON & CO. ircj/Ni. V ' AMm (il’NSKl.l,< d!S AT 1. AAV A TV ’ ’ll \ 1.1 SA Mi 1 \ Ist floor 'J!. Mere limit St. in-sir Montgomery J G LAWTON. Jr ATT’V & COL NS KL LOU AT LAW , \r < om 'tis-io'* k Tf.u XAasxoinriLfi » i R. is-;,im>. Ofller corner of Mo r? mill Montgomery Htreels,, I nili-il Sillies rrpvtrirs ■». m KMirrn, rinitt.its *, ut urxrd. SMITH & IIU3DARD. Attorney* Counsellors at Law. CM ATI,MS (!. Ill' llllARD—Votiiry Tuhtie. r-(f 11flier, cnnirrol Montgomery tv Hon nor streets. r.IINAKD XI FARLEY ATTORNEY iN. CuLN'K.l.Liill AT Law, notary Pi, RKU e<T*i K ami < ns vkyanckh. i Srnvillts fhilin <*o inly. C I Will Thai i u k in ai l Tin: t‘oru r* of i him SVai k. a ra sabriski*?, ATT’Y & COUNSELLOR at law (IIinVII.IK 111 ITkCoI'STV r M.It'MRVU. LJARiiETi & 2WER. AtTOU-M-IVS (!of .\>t.|,l,OHS AT L\\V. orrn i CnrniT of Montironiory mnl liownrr Rtrei-t*. J. 13. WARDEN, M. D. A (.'rluJo of.TolTirson Mvtlical Cnlli w'o. I’Mlu ilolpliiu. Inis 1 H'aiecl for tlir |iniolico of ln> Profcoioii. ul llnii'li. 'v < Umrlio. r.utto Comi’y. An., i-i n ifiir.. rii-Cm* ( lIAKLKfi F. LIITT. T BKXTON LOTT &. SEKTON A T T O IL N !•: V S A T L A W, mmwf.u,, Cal. THOMAS WELLS ATTOUNKY \T LAW, OHOVILI.M, lit TIT, COUNTY. Spooinl nlloiiiion civon m tlie Frnrrliin? of Omniy ItoconN, iin’Oßlmillion of I itlos. \r . .in.l to Iho ilraw ii” of llonls mnl all I'oirnmont-' lor rocnr.l (iffli-o in the Court llonar • IS-4S J. W SCOTT, COUNTYSUIIVEVOU K *K IiUTTECOUNTY AND CIVIL ENGINEER. OROVIU.K. IM'TTM OOI'NTV. CAHFf»FNr \. I’l-rsoiri (lisilnnu his srrvicon will plo..|<o I. ave tboir irilrrs ul tlm ofllce of Mr-sr<. Harris V Hurt. 1411 RAIL ROAD HOUSE HOTEL AM RESTAURANT. EUROPEAN PI,AN. 10. 4 Commercial nml AT Clay sins-tn. San Fm:ioi«ro HALEY & THOMPSON, Prorrlrtors. nTTTTI — «BMM——t> T»«..s JI.W LEOAL NOTICES. PROD ATS NOTICE LI, prrwms liaiintf claims ilioinst iho r«!ntr of I Thomas H. Hi>wi*n. iI.CMM I. lair of l!>l< Intv. arr In rnhv no ifl. il o |»rr»i"iit iln-ni. with i|mt voilfhrr*. In the ill|.|rrsi«nnl wnliin tm nths from this iliitr. or ihov will hr Corn - or harm!. It AN II M.l, lIORaUT. Pnhlic Adiniifisirator of Itntlr Co Mwpll. Oct. ftl. I*W*. o t-Jw PROBATE NOTICE LL persons holiliiuf claims ncrniiisl lh<> cetnte of , Jame* P llatluis, (lecnucit, liM itf BtiUecoun. urr lir'rli' nol tlisl to pn-rni throi wiih prop-r ctiers to the ii'rlersiihieil -v n hin ten months ir mi iliitr. or tln-v will Ir- lorvver harml R. lIOHAHT. Pnhlic tttrttcl’O. id writ, Oct. ■-'I. IM# "4-;ta COUNTY THEAPfRER'S OFFICE, > liuni c L, July IS li. \ "OTTCE i« lirrehv civur, (hat all persons tmlilin” Unite Co Hitv \\ arm U« rmyithir tmm Hie itene ■lllhl rp,islet,.,l hrfween I’etiruary Kiti. I“’.r,. and lit, ts its that the •am.- Will hr rivl-erneil iteseiitation. at in) nfll.*>. And i« further n that IV. ftl and .tier tVis date, said warrants eeasr to liras ititr'r-:. WILLIAM I, VTTIMORR. Treasi’.rrT of Untie County DISSOLUTION IHE PO-PARTN KRSinP hereinforo rristins !»r lwt*rn lames U «Ta«s and John 11. Keating, is dIV ilisMt'vml hv mutual consent. All debts die late firm miL,l ho I*«M to James H Hra--. »ho e m authorised to u«e the name of the lirtn in dntion .Ad demands ug-insl the lair Arm of ’Ci-aiinx* Co , will h«t paid oy James H. Ilmac. 1 JAM EH 11. RB AS-*, JOHN U. KEATINO. «villa. AufaH 18, 1»8. • S 1 ®-^ LEGAL NOTICES. -Tatk »»K (VU.IKitIiMA, ) { ‘ollil'V n? Mill!#*. S N M ll JfDIM Al. I'TSTRD'T OirilT, .nv tt.t* il.iv il app" aring to try siiM*t.i«- ion. a* . .lodge „r the Ninth ,'udicml Pis ',' t ' <•■• •in nnil for Hu'h- Cointy. ihnl the I’.oaril of f 11" -1- • • in nil 1 in.- -aid County. dill, on Urn twentT-tourdi day of - • |i!fiii!i. r. A D mu- thousand eight Ini ml r»-<l id !: i -ix, dec lire (Iroville to In' Hit- County I ol Kill it* Count) from nnd after the mid Iwent. -lourlh .lav of Sepl.ntier A. I). I Sad, in jHir-niaii. eol a V I * •.>! Vl lo change mul ft i the < S. at ■ f Hu! t'.e I 'on li 11 approved March 1' It* I s a-id it ;ir tln-r appearing tny satisfaction that th<* jiti•-*«• nt Imllding* in * li cli tiii* “ ml «"ourt has la-i-n In Id. intd 111 v. Ilirli Ilia IlliVl- Iter-ll U.-|.l ill 111- town o! I■ i 1 \i• • 11. ar- unsafe at a pl'i.-t- ol .l-(Mitiiory t-r-.-id li-.-oril-. mid that the »ume it liable to destru. tmii In lit.- In reason otllicir being eonslnieled I-li'.ir ly of w.sid, ' \inl ll furdi.T np|*enrl:ig. that Ho re i- no Imlldm-g In tin-town ol Bidwell suitable mr holding the i,-Tint of this court, mid to -alely keep itt 11 «•<• inN trom tiro or otli-r calaniiiy. and it nppisiriiig that tin l,.« n o! i irov ill- it a lit |.l to hold lh- l-rni- .a Court, aial that u coinniodiuits and tat- hri.-k 1.ni1.1 In- in tanl town him been tendered the county n« coutnx building*. I. it Iher-for- ordered, ndjudgi-d and decree d. that the I'l.-r of Hi.- Ninth Judicial I»t>lriot fmirt in ami lor Itiitlo roiintv forihwith remove' hit oftiee an.l tin* Kit-or.l- Ih<-roof, to < troville. in I lie building «-lccl<-.l 'n the tanl Hoard of -bipervisor* at i .unity llnil linift, ail.l tout he do mid transact Ihe loi-.iii. tt of his said -e, at tin- town of Oroville, ns the County Seat of Itntto * inn And it i- further ordered, that the l-rms of said Court, from and after the said twenty fourth day of September. A. D. I - ' l '., h- held at the taid town .-it Or-n ill-, until otln-rw i*e ordered And n further ordered, that the Clerk of the Hit- Inet Court in ml tor Hutto County. is-uc an ..r.h r, n-u'.-r tin- teal of Kind < ,'ourt. in roiiformit) with lint order. And that the tatnn tie published lu the Daily Hutu llic kh. il paper publish.*! in the town ol (troville, for lh- -pa.a- ol foriy .1 tyt trom the date In n«d (liven under my hand, lint-4ih day ol September, A. D. mV.. \\ M r. DAlNcr.ltmn.n. Di«trict Judge, fi'l I'd Ninth Judicial Ditiri.-t, Cal. SPA IT. < «r CAI.IKt IUNI A, t County of Untie. ( County Court. 'V dV UK-.i.y ll appearing to my satisfaction at Judge of tlm County Court, in mid for Itul.e . oun»v, tl.nt the Hoard >f’ Superx itort in nail for sai l ('imniv. did. on the ilth day ol September. A. D. on.- I eight hundred ami tit ty six, deo| ire imu die to he lln- Count; test of Unite I'nun'y from and after the -aid twenty-loarlti day of Septemlier A . D. It.Mi, in pur-uaiice ol an act eutitie.l An Act lo chan go an-1 liv lln- Contilv Seal of Unite County, approve.l A.arch tdtlt. ISA- -. mid il further appearing tomy tatitfaclion that the pre-ent buildings pi w hi.ih the tanl Court hat lie.ui held, mid in xvhien the Hecordt have been k. pi in the imv nol Hi. Ixv.-11. are nil-d'e at a place old-- I>i»<• 111 »r\ it<r !*«ii I K.-eord-. and that Ihesnm- i- halile to de truction by (Ire. by reason of their being con -irm-1.-d entire ..I wood. And it furti-er appearing I hot there w no liniMiug in the low n ol Hidw. il. - di al.l.- for holding tin-terms of i hit Court, and lo -a', ly keep it- Uecords from lire or olVi-r e damtt y. and it appearing flint the town oftbo-ille it* n fit lo to. .1 the terms ol lid- Court, an. 1 that a Mile nod c-in mndion- brick building in said -own urn been ten . en .i ih- rounly as county building*. li i, lli.-rrlon- ordered, ll.ljl .lge.l Mid decreed tli.ll : li- CierK et the County Court, in and lor Hum i . nn .. i... liwitti mini veto- ..flic- and the Records u.i-re f. lo (In.vilk .in the building -ele. led by the -. 1.1 Hoard of Sup. rvlvors iis Conn.y Uni! in-.-. •nd lint h ■ do and l-antael the hu-lliess of 1..--in! ofll -, i Hi ■ low n ■ l i >r.x Hie. at the < ‘ounty ~-al ol nu.'o Comity. And ii is further ordered, that the ten aid * ourt, from and afn-r tin- tnd . wenty f -irlh .lay ..I Sept.-ill! er. \ 111- ti. lie 11. Id at til -aid low nol ir v id.- urni! oiherw i-- *u-d-re.l in-1 ii it further orderol. I lint tin- CI-rk of tin* i 'on ly Court in ai d lor I ill te Co in. I\, i-*ue an ord--r nnd r fln-seal o', tahl Court, hi c.uitorunly w llhth.t on!- r. in I that 111- tame lie (iiihlithed in the Daily Hum • H-’i-oriJ. n paper published in the town o' Drovill-, lor I he of tori) d lit H..UI I tie dale hereof Hi or. 'or oi lln i’ourt An —I ill- lon-going a true copy of the original or der now on tile in my ..ftiee Wi'n.-ts my hand and the seal ol - lid Court 1.. S 1 aflU-d this ihe *J-lth day id September. A. D. I Sad, at Indwell. Ml ITS CHAPIN. Clerk of Comity Court. Hv M D. lUnitA. it. Deputy. still, i if . A LIP' MINI A. I County of Untie. j Court of Set,ions. ilni day il appearing to my s:ili«factiiiii, ns pr siding Judge of the i ourt of Session* . n ti nd lor Hull.- Conn y Hint the (to ml of Supervisors in. .nd lor said County, did on Ih-iwen'y Innrih day of s-pli-mln-r. A D o.ielhousiuid eight hnn !r-(l ~nd Hfiy -ix. declare (troville to he Ihe Conmy Seal of Hnlle County (nun and alter the said twenty fourth dux of ■September. A I) llCitl in pur-u ni-e of an Act entitled \i, Act lo .-t inge and (ix Die County Seal of Hu'le ComiD. approved M’l'th loth. Is.Mi, ami il further up(ie«rliig to m\ satlafuefum that the present build jug-in which ll.esai.l Court has been held, and in which the havetieen kept in the town of Hid well, are nmide ns n place of depository a - sa I Uecords, and that the same t- liable m deslrn. lion >y tire, by reas-ui ol their being constructed . nln. y of wood. And it further appearing, that liter- is no building in tin- town of Hidw 11. suitable for holding iho terms ot this i ourt, nnd to safely keep its lin-- trom Ih eor other ealnmity, and il appearing that the lowii of' troville is a lh place lo hold ih.-ieim of this Court, and that n comm .lions and sale brick Huddleg o. - d • '<>wii lias been tendered the ('.uinly as con my nnildingi. It i- ... r. ii o - rd-reil. ndj idged and .1.-creed, that the leik of lh • Court ot Sessions, in and for Hutto - -iiinlv, fort w ith remove Ins olTice and the Iteconls lli.-reo’l! toDroville. in Ih- huiltling selected by th -a.i Hoard of Supervisors ;.s Comity Huildiugs. n m| Hint h« -lo and transact Hie business of bis said • .ftiee it the town of «tr.tville, as the ' ounty Seal of Butte Covinv. Aid ills further ordered, that the terms of said C,.ii»-.. trom Hint after the said Iweidv-four'h day of -ep enili- r. A D IkV. he held ill the said town of (Irovilk*. until otherwise ordered. And il i- furlhef .-rd.-i -d It. .t 'ho Clerk .I la- .-aid Court ol Session*, ill and lor Butte County. i«-ue an or u-r under the suai <>l said Court, in conformity with thisord.-r. And that thesvnn he published in tin* Daily Hntle Ke.-onl, a JiapiT putdishetl in the town ol Oroviile. for the sp-'ce ot I rty days from the date hereof. Hv or.h r of t ourt. Ac.-st jho tor-going a true copy ot the origin il or der now on tile 111 said court. Witne- my ban-i nnd the seal of said Court L S ■ o -*>■ *.n« ■ lllx. d. this the twenty fourth div ot Sept* A D 8 " m H dwell C IMS 11 A PIN, C|t rk id C i- it I of Session*. HyM .II lunn ini, Deputy. olint NOTICE Ss UK!! KP V DIATN. to nil whom i‘ may enneeru, that h- undersigned will apple aliou to Ihe Hoard of -up. rxrs < f ihe c-ounly o- Unite, at the rvenl- r n.eeti gof -aid Hoard, to (el l at • ion-die in said county <" rmu* outlie ttrsi v. njity in Nuvcin tier n.-xl, t-r i lo e*l|tb'i*h and keep a ’ < rry ~r r lea li-r r ver. at u js.ini known ns •* Ud p Raie-h* r-..” si ux. r one mile above Mc- Colm. if* Kt-rrv in Said county of Hulle. Orux life Sep' it.. Ic.KA 8, V, HALF. IUKKU t Hc»t, Alt)'! fur Applicant. itta-lf LKdAL NOTICKS. elum-m nil*l ‘ x ilm* • ‘ "i !*•»<»•• <'• nniv. v • i Mi P \ It. . mil I flirt r append 111 Ml\ s,Ci-t. n* inti, dial till* (i • *** | (.11 . 1 - 4 I VV 'i ■ I it.n >ml i . tin been lii'iit :•»••! in mm 1 ■ ''" ■ ur Nlmvi' I k -fit in tin* town nf Hidwi I. are in safe » ji j 1 m-.• iiC <1 **i>|t**ry (nr *. l li• I, mil di ii (hi* *:imv i- ti ilili- in '!i*<lriii - linii In lire, liy rea son id ih.'ir liciin; enn«!i*ncled • n1 1 r« I \ nf wood. A<■ 1 1 il (nrlliiTappearin'. (!ml (Ihti* i- no liuilitins ill (In* 111 W ll nf IlidWeli.suitable I'nr In 'll! I lie till* terms iif llni court mi l In s* tlt 1) ki*i*|i H** rd* Imm lir* nr nl'licr calamity, mill il :i[*|*i*.'irl»■ tr that Iln* b*w ji i (Irnville i« a 111 place In Iml I (hi- lerin- nf Hu* I’n'irl. ~llil ill'll Tl cnllillinnl. il* all*) sail* brick blllMm; 111 - ml l iwn has own tendered In the comity a** cnniity linildimfs. It l», therefor ordered, adjndlfml mid decreed 111 It 111** Clerk nl (lie Probate inmt. I r and I*>r Hit'h* fiiiliil \, Inrt wi'h remove 111** nthce and the flecnril** thereof. In * irnville. in 'lie Imillintt selce'ed hy the said Hoard nl Snperv as enmity I iiililiiur- unit llml Ik* (hi llllit I ale nt the husnn a-* ■! 11l- Said office a* 'he ImV a nf (irnville, ax llie County Seat nf Unite Cnimty And il is further ordered Unit llie ti rm** nf mini court, from and alter the ***ii*l twu iit\-I*• ur It ilny nf September. \ It |r..*i, he held lit the Mild InWII of < Irnville, niilil tit her wise ord'red. A nil il e liirile r iirtlereil llni I In* Clerk ni lhe Pro hate Court, in anil tor Untie Count V. issue ill tinier, nmler realm said Court, in cniifuriiiity will* Ibis or der And dint the same he published in the Daly Ttu* e lleeord, a paper published m die Imvn nl linvdlp. lor Ihe space offortv days I mill llie dale hereof. Hy nr ter of i 'nnrl ' Ilesi the fnreitniiiK n true copy of the oriental or der now on tils in my finirt. Witness my hand ami the seal nf said Pro. [L f-J hate l’nnrl a ill veil Hus the Jlt II day nf Pep letnlier. A !• 1' li. at Hid vv ■ 11. M I I.KS CM A HI N, Probate Clerk. I’y Dakha* n, Hepniy. SHERIFFS SALE VlltTl i; UK AN i:\K.CITHIN If'CIH it out nl the Xiiiilt Indicia) Ili-Iriet Cmirl. in nnd (nr the en inly nf Unite, Stale of California, hearln,; tUiie Iln* o(i;h day nf Vneusi, A It. IH.'iK, and to me directed and delivered, cninnhindiiu.' me In make die sum of three hundred and Huy dollars prim*.pal. and for Interest from the Jdd dm nl .tune A It, l** ii. en lie* three hundred dollars prineipal nl Ihe rale nl Hire, p, c ail. 1 1< i*niotilh until paid, and for ensis nl sun *ii\e*l in die sum of lat t?IHl do l.irs. and tic i*/itini{ en-ts nut nf die properly hi remailer ties sr-llied. hi satisiy die aforesaid judc'inem. wherein Joseph H Still'll is Plaintiff mid .laenh S Morris is Defendant. in vii : The Melrnpiillinn I'ltealre. siinu led in i 'nil ille. in lie* eieinl v in id Slide aim e-ai |. )< i c tied on die corner id llnnloon and Hinl streets, trniitinu’ di ir* \ nine C v i I # I on 11 nn * omi s; ret a. ato I mini'll r twenly-Ih* ee. *. d; all nt vvhieh I will * xn*• *• in public sale, to lhe hitfllesl hidtler I'nr cash, nl tin Tie; ns lintel, iu the Town nf ‘ irovi h*. on Sntnrdnv. do o|||h day nl v * piemher, 11. ISoh, between the hours prescribed hy law. p. • 1; f.K. Sheriff I idle Cnnnly. Hy M. \ Mel. UK.II I.IN. Depute. Hated, this *.’7lh day nl AntfiH. A. H. 1-aii nur Ji til .NilTH'l The above sale is hen In p -ip.m d nil Tuesday , ll.e ih jnshn * flh • same linnr si d p ace above inelitineil. H I IIK.K ! 'ln rill Hnlh < o Hy M A, <lt I.Al’iillMN l»e mty. Dated tins •Jodi day of oeplemher, I - * di. alio id The ahnve is lieiehy post pulled lid Saturday, the Hill (lav of (it*Tiber, i.i) Ih.jli, at the same hour ami place above specitied. I*, t 111.1*.K, Slieriff Unite County. Hv M \. Mi I.AiTim tN. Hepniy. Dated, l hia llie hOlb din ol Sepieniber. A. D. I Safi. fCtltd SHERIFF SALE VIRTI’K elan eveeulion issued out of a Jus Q'4 dees Conn. W, S MdTnrd.Ju-iie.e of 111" Heaee, in mill lor Hidw* It Tow nship, Cnnnly of Hn'lr and Slate of Calilondi, hi me direcicd and delivered, comtnandinc me to make die sum ol one Imndri tl and twenty nine dollars hi d fid) it ids tit lit. and six dollars tos'siil sui'. lot'* tiler with »d dn* eo'ts aecnis ins; i n snitl writ, wherein loseph 1 litc tauf is Ht.imiitr mill Joey Howard s d o Defend, lit, I hive levied ii(ion and w ill expose nl Public sal, m to* linjlowt bidder f. rcis li on die t!Mh tiny of October. A. 1). ISali Im* ween the lio irs prescn'ietl by law . af of die above nanv d I rl'endanl’s ri.'hl, tide and in!ere-l in anil to the hiiihlim; sititet d on U hot Street indie I bid. Mil Unite Comi'v California. •■etween bi uis Her; rde’s lint, 1 and tin* Chinese '(ore, and (hr know n as .la me> T*merV llnuse-—said build- Ini; beim; about Iwetily by forty feet, and one story bi;ti ; als *. a -mall hiiildimr nr shed in ihe rear, to i; do r with the lot on which die bnildintrs are loca le I Sale In i to pi re in the low nnf Hi Iwvll. i onn(y aid Stain aforesaid, in front of Henry Keefer's I! nUiii mid lixidmoiii* olllce. sheriff’s llfflee, ' Iclober *_>. IS.IC. ni it t'R. stie*iff Rude County. LtiO,uiUCArOߥ NOTICE V*iiTl' 1, i- In-reby civen dial I KHen Ciir|it*iiter, w ile of liamferll.d I Carjien'er. of the i nmdy nl Unite alid state nl Ciihfnrniil. d * lien by declare that I j i Pend Iran and after ibis dab*. In carry mi business in xiy i, w ii name and mi my iwn necminl. in sai l I'liiintv el lliille. and tbul sai l Ini-mi ss j- l. rmiiiL*. raisin;, hnyintfiind sedim; **l Stuck nl .dl kinds; and that 1 will be indiviib'allv respon-Hit** in my own ii one tor all debts cn*ilraetrd by me on account ol inv said bu-ineHs, and I I tin her declare ih. i dc iiiioiint nl rat iml invented hv me in s ;id b'is.m*s lie si nt execed die sum of five llinnsand doll rs. In t'-siinioiiv vv In reol I Inive I * rei'liln set inv llaml atid etil. tlm, the 2d day of O ** l,i r. A. lb 1,1. HS CAUPI Ml It 'S* ai : Sworn to and subscribed before me hid the ‘.*d day .f October. A. D I Null. j. I KI.I.H'TT. Justice of tin. Peace. PROU/.rß NOTICE I, perems h I lnur claims i*«h nsl Hi,* e*Ut- <1 Victor i.avnliere. Beceased, imenf Hulb c*UIDI). erehy oodfieil In | resent ihem with |>n.fe * , r»to ihe under»ened, * ,bm urn mnnlhs (mn dc. orb* forever barred. r RQBART f übUc Administrator bun* County. NTMISKK 7 i Ki iA [i NOTU'K shsi nrr «ai:j nj> v \ lit . ••••». ■ ii 1 ' 1 - rS j$ i, ■. \. i, i'. •■ 'i iit- in h i • .n r i! 1 1 ‘ • • \ ' . * I*. !'■ ! • • .I •. I,' ;'. ill 11 e'i tl, I• II lint .'!o .' 111!' 11l I. : • lII' - :• I ... r." ' .-' • I ••' i I I• ' ‘ .1. ; • in* • r. det i. tut 1 *’•»•» »i * , \■ \ I. .i ■ ■ ’ i 11 * !i - *.'' , •• c - *iil v . ’ : i I 'll ' costs (•! 'll nII IV I! *i•i i \ I il. I Mi /.(■ iim' I 1 ... -i, " i H'.it Win \ liil frelh in : i i nu - . I writ, I haves* IE i •. • .in. !i.l. imd iiiimiu • . , 111 • - II ml .... r. r! .nil (I I *1 : '' ,f I ■ "I ..i d. ; | >'. i :,■ i "i 11 t*• I'r!' !• i , i ’ ■! ill I w |se n[ J irMu ; *iM . ."Ill* ■*l I'l 11 i .•*' 11 'il ' - i - I* ii* |n wll : till Unit in ft iin jiii'i i' or I . re- lin mill -llll.ill ll 111 I vin Mllll'gll, lljillir township. Itllllo I'iiiuii \. iiii'l >l.:li* nl i . 1 1 111 in 11 .1. loculi'll I'liihi we*t ,ide i'i :li' I’li/.i, in I hi* i* 111 1 town of l.y nchlmrg I'Diilniiiii -4 tii-* front it ml rear running east 124 i. i i limn'ur less. inu’i llu r v» i;li Die tiulkiinir mill n|w (iiirli nuiii'i- (hereto li. I* aging* or in nii\ is**- n| i• f .dning. w In.'li I w ill i v|>i.m- inr sale hi I tit* uhnv. if »*- <*■-ri(it'll | ri'H’i*>i «in Iln Ii . he*l liulili r Inr ill'll i n I'n in tin' 241 h ilay ill Pcioher, A. I». IPStr, at ,$ n'cloi k I'. M. ol said ili.v IV HIKER. i.;,lf Sherdf llulU' l mini) . liu'.i'il this .".ril diij of October, A. I' If 0. \otire »f %:»plirati»n for Pardon* STATIC OK <’A 1.l f Ol! N 1 A, I << I 'or STY OK 111 T I IC, f ‘ To thr lli iui'nhh J / . .V, l.rwi.i, I’yr *I'Uvp J U /*’ c , ■ ( f Court .'I S*,* * ~ i'i and lif Ra tti i t . and .1 J. liltin'’, Ihsh of Jlttnrney «/ sni'l ('"in l y b IIKKi l:V CIVI N, THAT AN \i> Ini I'lii'iilioti will In' iiiu'li' to lii* Kxi'«■ 11 • ■ 11 1' v, .1. Ni l In Johns, n, ilovernur ol Iln* M ile of I'tililoriiiil, foj Hie (ririlon of lli'iiry l.i(iiii ii now n prisoner in ;hi' flute's I'rl-oii. w li*> wio cm viclcil in iln iHurt of Sessions, of the crime ol assail It with intent to com mil ni|ir. .ii ■■iii*l i i inly ol linin', ninl on Itic 101 l ■ In) o( \ ngnsl. eighteen hnintri'il uml lillv-six, (Iv'iii) m till mi'll lo two years imprisonment in llio Siale's I'ri-iin. 'll \V ATI.I! MAN. We do hereby lick now ledge serviee of llic forego ing nolli i'. at Bidweli. this lliinl iluy of feplemln r, A. I). IKufl. TII' >M \f \V I 1.1 f, Art In if I•i “• r !<■» Allorney in n:i ■■ I i':it|i*i*. Jof K. S. LEW If, (onii'y Judge, nn<l Pfr'iitni'f •!ndi/o of Itic I'oiirl of fi ■non*. At imi Ihr »iiri'if* iintr in u true enjiy of tin origi nal Notice, now on fit*' in my o 'ice. . \\ iini'fK my liunil uml Seal, tins feptemlier 4ili, A It Irt.Hl. sk a 1.. MILKS CM Al’IN, Clerk. Ki*lwell, September 4lh, TSIiO. sh-.'lOt ol i ici; or 'i hk boabi) of stk I’KI! VI sons. IN AM) FOR BI’TTK << UNTV Al’G IST TKKM, A. !» 1 Soli. liinwi t.i., August inih, If.’iO. [u (hr .1 l I //,(’ Dirishm nf Oyhir Ti irn<h>i> into Si’/ini'/ I ruts. ST S OHIOCR! H l!V TIIK liit'lll) -Ttiat Onblr Townsliiji lie l.ereliy isiliNi nil into School Districts as toll * *loin" DlSllllCT NO 1. Con meiii'ing ;I 1 liter Murray ’■ b"U“P. on tin*' aI k • I fe itlier rivi r. lli me up ii Hi menr f. mrli, to i try Creek, tlienee up Dry Creel,. Inking lli* right ! I lIK I fork el salt) ire. 1, Mlllll the line sin U ■ s Iln. line .1 linlwi'll Tow i -lip lJlfTi:i(T NO ‘J. Com menr ire' - I •»11 s• ■ r (Inn a'* limii', nn Iln* hillik n |.' ( iiln r ri\• r. ihmin' running in it Klr.oghl line l.y, iml ini 11l ' In. r iln* I'r me 11" 11 ■• , 'I 11 ft riki ■ I lie NVi '.n.|oi e Io» ii'li'p line. Ihenee i|oi> ii the line of I *i>i rid No. I. I" iln- pi me nf beginning. ItlsTrUT NO. o. SI,-,11 embrace 'I Iln'rein ■in ler of Oj.birTown -lni. no! i ii*-1 u< 1 * I io eii In r ol Die (lr*l two ili«iricts. AUest: a line copy M 11 .Ilf ell A I I\, i l"rk o' - tin ini of fa pen isors. Ily '1 11, Dakr sell, Ilepnly . IHTK'i; OF BOARD OK SI'I’KR VISOBS IN \ND FOR BI TTE COI N I V, AUGCST TEUM, A. ]>. 1856. Hi invert,, August 13, IKTi. il thr ninthr of thr / ivision of llutle Comity into Supervisor hist rids. ST ISO DKKKD bv lh<* Iloant Dial from nml nfler I nil o bereot Die b ninb.ries uml nnnile'rs if in- fop. rvisor Districts for liulio County shall be us allows, to w i’i DISTIIHT NO. 1 hall lie composei! ol amt t nD race Die Townships of iro, Wyainlolle. Iltilwe I anil Mnunlaln fpnng. DISTItIOT NO 2 :)i-i|l be comitoseil o ami embrace the lownsliljis of lamil ti *ll, Lureka and itpbir. DISTIMCT NO. a hull he com posed of mol embrace Die Townships of ire on and Km In w and t hi o. Alien); a true copy• MII.Kf CHAPIN, Clerk of board nf f npervisors. lip M 11. DnßKAcii. Deynly FERRY NOTICE ariiTtcK is her*-hi given that the undersigned w ill apply in Die Hoard nt f in and .r ! !ulle tln ir m x! rognli r inee'ing. fora ,ic n„. to run ii Kerry i ml Bridge nernss the Middle ork of feather I!ix• r. a lew rods above Die function f tlie North fork ol said river. sVIA I.fTKII I’. gAVAfIK. Bidweil, Aug ft. !“.■>«. augivtf NOTICE OP DISSOLUTION 'BTII • CO- 1’ * HTN KRf tl I’ lib* elofore existing Ire* B tween Die uml* rsigiM-d. was dissolved b, mu* ilol consent on Die fill ot September. IsMi The (.arlnersldp business will be retilial hv li. B. Ilivtm S: Co ,at Charley's B. tl ID I A IN, I>. f K< KiKRf. Charley's Bench, fepl. 12. IB.'fi. slg-lm NOTICE NOTD'K i* herd y given, that the undersigned w ill apply U> Die Board of f tip* rvisors, in and 1,, r Untie < td it* November Ti mi. A. I). IH’.a, ras Siam lb* r>: Iter as Application can Ik-heard, or a Bridge and I ■ rry l.ieeiise across South feather I: iver. at nr to : r itsjnni fon wnhD.e North fork ol feather Rivr r. in Bidwell township inlaid ccunly. r* nteniber do ISjli ROBKHT T. V AN N< *RDEN. JOff.FH E.N. LEW If. 035 w NOTICE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing N-- H I ween Brown j; lloffoan. is Dos day dissolved . y innlurn c*m-i nl All p"s having '-'aims agaicn he firm are reip.* slid Io pr< ser.l Ifem lor psyrnent, it d ihowe mdcble*!, a politely reijnr xltsi io call itn n.diitioly and s ;;!•■ their ac< < unlA, <tr they will U .laced in thw bauds of an olficrr tor collect'on D. A BROWN. W P. HOFKMAB. OravMK Auguat 30, 18M. t